


Was B«in« Returned ToClinton Prison



Joint Installation of Society AndAuxiliary Held at Si.. Jean

Baptist? Hall

J^unpsnian Car In Albany Monday


A joint installation of officers ofthe St. Jean Baptiste society andthe Auxiliary of Plattsburgh washeld In their hall, 28 City Hall!Place on Tuesday evening. Thehall was filled to capacity to enjoy;

i a sumptuous banquet and witnessj the exercises in connection with!

i~H t Pull I f ! i e l n s t a l l a t i o n -Window of - E d w f t r d E B e r n a n i ( p a 8 t p r e s j .

ALBANY, Jan. 29.—Fighting withthe ferocity of a tiger, James Fran-cis Monaghan. Boston Billy, notor-ious convict, staged a futile attempt.

dent of the society, acted as in-stalling officer. He was assisted byMrs. Nellie Prairie and Fred Gar-rant as Mistress and Master ofceremonies, respectively, also bythe Young Ladies' Guard of theAuxiliary Who took part in a num-

to. escape from the custody of four ^ ^ t h e

'mta.nifl nil heavilv armed, in the _ _._. _,(capable direction of Miss MildredLight, captain of the Guard.

The following officers were i n -

= all heavily armed,union station here last night.

He matte the flght in the car inwhich he, was being returned fromNassau coifnty, where he had beent^fcen to testify in a court case, wasawaitingto be attached to a Dela-ware & Hudson train.

Mpnaghan's desperate attempt toevade his captors and battle hisway to freedom before the Danne-mora prison gates at Clinton clos-ed behind him was halte'd only af-ter one of'the guards fired twoiiotsi

Warden Harry Kaiser confirmedthe report that the prisoner suff-ered a scalp wound during themelee.

Monaghan was being guarded byfour undersheriffs of Nassau coun-ty. He "had been brought from New jYork city in a private car, the au-'thorites fearing an attempt to de-liver him from his guards. regarded as king ofthe world's, gem thieves and is said (

to have accumulated more tl an a$1,000,000 loot from some 1W rob-beries in New York, New Jerseyand Connecticut.

The car was detached from theNew York Central train after itreached .Albany shortly before mid- sey.night. It. was shunted from tl*e | 2nd Com. Ord.-Mrs. Frank Tyn-upper to the lower level, where it(dall.was spotted-to await the~ Delaware Auditors-Mrs. Albert Prairie,& Hudson train to pick it for tl>e Mrs. Henry Brault ami Mrs. Louislast leg of the journey to Dannp-|Llvernois.

It is estimated that there were


IN CITY HALLTeachers and Scholars Are

Grateful to City Offi-cials and Citizens


Hon. President—Henry Brault.President—Leon O. Mitchell.1st Vice Pres.—J. A. Hogue.2nd Vice Pres—Austin Lapoint.Secretary—A. D. Dumas.Assistant Sec—Victor Lefebvre.Treasurer—Walter H. Brault.Col, Treas.—Andrew Golden.1st Com. Ord.—Victor Frechette.2nd Com. Ord.—Mose King.Auditors—Lawrence Desso, Leo

Barnard and Herbert Dukette.Auxiliary

Hon. Pres.—Mrs. John Light.President—Mrs. Edward Bernard.1st Vice Pres—Mrs. Fred Rabi-

deau.2nd Vice Trek. — Mrs. Charles

Pion.Secretary—Mrs. Ruic Yates.Assist. Sec—Mrs. Wm. Cham-

Treas.—Mrs. Charles Rolier.Assistant Treas.—Mrs. David Ma-

yette.Col. Treas.—Mrs. Albert Davis.1st Com. Ord,—Mrs. Orvis Bois-

(By School Correspondent)With a slightly different environ-

ment and rather interesting sur-roundings, the- •State Nonmal stu-dents had their first experience &t\tending'school in a'city hall Wednesday. Many .times throughout theday, teachers and scholars express-ed their feelings as regards the re-markable copcration shown by thecity officials in granting the use ofthis building for the continuanceof the school year, and until suchtime as a new building is erected.Nearly every member of the facul-ty devoted some time to a discus-sion on this topi*?, all speaking Inthe highest terms of praise towardthe city administrators who soquickly came to their aid.

Conditions in (he class room*were exactly the reverse of - whatmight be expeoted. Absences werefew, nearly everyone having been

j present for the first day; each be-ing unusually eager to find hisplace and resume his studies In-stead of an excited, unsteady group


m o r a

of; students we found them a re-verse and extremely orderly ; groupof individuals. There was no evi-dence of lack of discipline or man-agement. It was truly notable howwell planned and carefully executedwere the provisions for ' the firstday of school..

Although space was to be valued,(there being not even an mch tospare) the students were not crowd-ed. There is every reason to be-lieve that the faculty Will find thecity hall measures up to their high-est expectations. •

No changes have been made, inthe classes. There /are still fourdivisions in each class. It wasthought at first that this policywould be impossible, but the in-structors report that it will be just

Two of the guards according to 350 in attendance at the banquet a« easy and convenient to mai;witnesses left Monaghan, hand-J which was served under the cap-cuffed and in the company of the;able direction of Austin LapoinL

I-' The speakers of the evening in-

tain the same groups as before.On the whole, whateyer inconr

veniQnce the student body or fac-other two,undersheriffs in the car The speakers of the evening in- * " ^ " £ • £ T £ " , " ^ " o f " J

their legs. ,P ' p , _ ._ it will b undoubtedly counteracted,A sudden crash of glass brought Mrs. Edward Bernard, Past Eres-Edward Bernard, Past Pres-

Henry Brault and President'to some degree at least, by the fact

ton Billy" had • jammed his feet Leon Mitchell,through, the heavy double plate The incoming pres iden t . . - .^ w i n d o w s of the Pullman.corlMitchen, ^ K ^ * ? ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ in m

their forcedf«

that the city hall is a modern, safeL c o n ' a n d sound building, well ventilated,

endeavoring to> he would like and what he expected [the

the ........ ,been determined. In any event • membership and influence.Njonaghan is said to have been [ thanked the retiring officers for therendered unconscious and quickly condition, in which they left the]recaptured, | association,; and; asked • the aid and•Warden Kaiser and executives of cooperation of the members inCommissioner Raymond Kieb's of- \ making the society stronger, big-lice this morning said that Mona- ger. and better.ghan's wound was not serious; —merely a .superficial scalp woundrequiring but slight treatment.. Monaghan had been testifying inthe frial of Edgar Kane, accused ofthe theft of jewelry from the JesseLivermore home at King's Point,Long Island, two years ago.

Monaghan was serving Jyear term given him when

'He••'Functions of the year.

. . . M A R I O N -HAS B I R T H K C Y PARTY

Miss' MarforT Searsay entertainedat her home, 39 Champlain street,


Dorritt S tevens Woodliouse Mar -rios William Wells Brock, Col-

umbia University Student

flft 1 on" Tuesdays afternoon from 'four un j D o r r i t s t f i V e n s

0,; h Hil seven: o'clock, in observaftce^of f P o l s d a m N (

h a > g 0 ^ ' t e n t l 1 Wrthday. Twelve Of * e r j ^

London,rn which^fleleral privatewere sla& ^several months ago.

.birthday. Twelveids atfcende

Marie Brown, Betty Doyle/s 'Gonyea;i McLeod, E

Jane McMar.tin/or is parks- Sa1

Monaghan.arrived in this city onthe sleen j? end was hurried to -OJin-ton Prison-at' DanneMora ini a car-which was waiting the arrival ol \

i Shirley Benway; Mai-garetTromp^ey^ p h ^ ^ ^

w a s l h e « h o n o r

the train. '

eSt. . Shej to entertain with music-ajid^singing;'as also did the Misses


IParks Savage and Lebna Mayette^Dainty refreshments were served.

tMiss Sear say received many pretty{ g i f t s . . - : • - . • - : . • • • • • • •• \

Farewell Party Given in Her Hon- j S e r i 0 U S damage to macadam hi^i-or at Prairie Residence hsxst j ways in the northern Arlironda<iks

Evening iWas feared in this section as. Tr6st{accompanying sub-aero weafchei

• i ' :


A Boston paper Monday carriedan account of the marriage of Mrs,

Woodhouse, for-rormal student and

plaintiff in a millibn dollar alien-•atiou of affections suit, Lo WilliamWells. Brock,. Columbia university[student at Portchester, N. Y. Brockis 25, his wife

Mrs. Brock is well known inPotsdam and her struggle, to ob-tain a cool million from the aris-tocratic parents of' her former hus-band in Burlington, Vt., in 1921were followed with, much intere:throughout this section of tire state.Mrs. Woodhaven obtained a verdiet of $465,000 in the Vermonicourt, a record for United Stateslove cases. This was later reducedto $125,000.

The new Mrs. Brock about twoyears ago obtained a divorce irParis from Charles Douglas Wood-

A farewell party was tendered three nights have been workingMiss Ethel Blair at thf> Prairie ro- jaeep lftto the sub-base.of tii© roatis..sidenee at 104 Bridge street Tues- Many stretches- 6i ihk roads, yttreday evening. Miss |$lair is leavingcity for :$4bany where she will en-ter the SWtnorlal liospitai to studyfor the nufsiflf' profession.

Ten telephone operators of the'TelephoneNorthern New

Corporation, of/oik


bare of snow.-

r ior n o u s G- ROn o f Lorenzo Woodhouse,Vermont banker.

Brock said. he.was divorced fronMartha Maynard of Burl ing top, Vt,March, 1924.

Miss Blah-

ABOARD U. S. S. COA6TGUARD CUTTER TAMPA, Jan. £9,<7P)_A radio nvesage from, the coast jguard cutter Mojave intercepted byfthe Tampa today sai^that the cut-j


GOING TO CAMP DIXtor had put awas uliip an employee, attended

the enjoyable affair and althoughi.British. SteamerkM-'n regret is-felt at her departure, j .12:30 P.. M. .and, planned to.iow-thithe best of happiness and success j vessel', to Bermuda,- .in her ne.w careeinressed.

; sincerely

line on. board the | Word was received tit PiattsburgMa'plo at j barracks yesterday that the com-

mand post, . and communicationsexorcises of divisional units of tinFirst Division will be held at Cam}:

Maurice Landen of .Belfast was Dix, N. J., from June 16 to 30. IiDuring the cveniiiR pleasant en-[sent to jail for contf-'ohpt' pf coi^rtl this there will be about ten offi

tertainment was provided and a because he..laughed - too • loudly cers and fifty enlisted men of thdelicious luncheon was served. [while a jufor; |<JCth Infantry engaged.

The Hoovers at Florida Vacation Hoifte FORMER CHAHIPLAIN i R E P M R f l f A NMAN KILLED BY C A R 1 I u i r " I > L R , r H 1

Arthur palmer of Yonkers Struckby Largii Bus When He

Slipped on Ice

Arthur Palmer of Yonkers, N. Y.,j formerly of Champlain, was fatally[ Injured Tuesday morning when

struck by a large bus.' He was justleaving home when he slipped onthe ice and fell to the ground. Be-'fore he could rise, he was hit byjthe bus and he died in the hospi-1tal Tuesday morning.

MEIJTFEB. 11To Attend Legislative Con-

ference To Be Held in

Mr. Palmer was manager of theadvertising department of .the NewYork Central, in the Grand Cen-

I tral terminal.He is survived by his wife who

ALBANY N Y, Jan. 30 ,<£>j—Re-,,(•publican women leaders, in NewYork state have been invited to at-tend a legislative conference hereon February 11

Announcement of the plaas was

was a daughter of Dr. Wickers of m a d e t o d a y b y t h e VlCe chairman,Saranac Lake, one son, his. father £ ^ p u b l i c a n State CommitteeSamuel Palmer of'Champlain ^ ' M u s Sarah Schuyler BuUer.a sister, Mr . Blake of NewtonvilleJ W o m e n m e r a b m o f t n e R e P u b U "O o n n . • - , - , . | c a n State commattee and vice cha^r

j " f th t imen of the rounty committees havq,,I -been bidden to the meeting. / / ' "

President-elect and Mrs. Herbert Hoover are shown at the Miami, F1&, home of Mr," and'Mrs. J. C. Penny (THEORY ADVANfFIV 4 S T h e conference Wfll open at twowhere thp> aie .spending a shoit vacation before taking up their new duties-in Washington. On trie right j - ;f*^^*wMi"'.****• ^o'clock at the Ten Eyck hotel and

TO CAUSE OF FIRE- the speakers will be Senator Caleb, *. ' - > • Baumes of Orange county on VThe

Dr Thompson, in conferring W o r k o f t h e C r i m e ^omijiisslon";"

gis Mayor E G Sewell of Miami, holding, the key to the city which was presented to the Hoovers

with a press correspondent yester- Assemblyman Irving Rice of CoTt-day, afternoon, stated that he be- l a n d counfcv- chairman of the as-

'lieved that he could forward a seaMy committee on public eduda-theory as to the cause of the fire t i o n o n ' < W h a t t h e Republican, Parr

It seems, according to Mr. Thomp-'. ty H a s D A n e f o r S c h o o l s a n d r ', , son's- story,, that battery Chargers c a t i o n - i n N e w . Y o r k ^ t a t e ' " ' "

jof tlie few east of the Mississippi | were used In. the school building b l y m a n M i"ard Davis of,'river and will, draw from nearly allkfOr charging dry cells, which in c o u n t y "What the Republican Pftrty

Flans Under Way To Make This City "Port of Entry"—Construction Work To .Start Immediattly-"Plattsburgh Enters New Era of Prosperity Un-der Auspicious Auspices—Branch of One ofNation's Most Important Industries Chooses thisCity

Announcement was made yester- chalance that automobile trips areday through the offices of Hon. made at the present time. A partyWallace E. Pierce of a trnasaction ! living in Montreal may fly'to Sara-which bids fair to be almost epochal'toga during the racing season and jin the history of Plattsburgh. Mr.: after witnessing the 'races catchiPierce, who is attorney for the ! the Royal Palm Airways,"Limited," |Rev. John D. Roach of New York i leaving for Montreal at six. in the islty, well known here as the for-1 evening and arriving home in time •tier president of the Catholic Sum- j for dinner. jmer School of America, states that ( n i s established that 12,000 planes'all of Father Roach's property in"w i l I b e manufactured during 1929this vicinity consisting of 170 acres ! a n d m o r e t h a n 15>000 piio t s will be>i land, had been purchased by the, n e e d e d w i t h i n t h e n € X t twenty-fourRoyal Palm Airways, Inc., withj m o n t h s _ • T h e strategic location ofgeneral offices' in the Harriman Na- j Pittsburgh, the company's north-*

(system tised in the school. The apseems bright and with the experi- (paratus so used may have becomesneed and agressive business menalready identified with the projectthere i<> no reason why Plattsburgh

CLINTON P A R K - WINC A N D °f "^^ ^for parm ^ *the^LrlliiyiY I niM\? IflllU nilt/ the adjacent states. The future fsystem used in the school The a p - ' S t a ^ of N e w York;" Assemblyittftn

CHISHOLM FARMS INCLUDEDWillis H ? a r ^ n t ?f

short circuited due to defective wir- % Aon ' T h e ,ReJ?ubhcan:, ? t a n d on

ing of cold weather, causing theaccumulation of gas, which may

will not soon become one of the h a v e resulted in the explosion that :Lleading airports m the United Uumatdy destroyed the school. ^ Jhe womenS t a t t s a n d t h e p l a c e f r o m w h i c h . ' '•• •' : 'V- - , '• -. ••

Water Power." There will be a gen-eral discussion following the meet-

expert air pilots' are sent just aswe used td send, wt(ll' .trained-ftrmypfflcers from the Piattsburg Train-ing Camps to lead,.thousands of oui1

boys to victory in'Prance. •;

u . D D V r D * m*HAKKY (l. BAKtK

The funeral of the late Harry G.



luncheon by the Albany county Re-publican organization. Mrs Miriam

jSchindler has charge of the localarrangements. '

Miss Butler announced that thepurpose of the gathering is to en- 'able the women to gather arnniuhl-tion preparatory ta the assembly•Baker, who died at the Western

[hospital in Montreal on Tuesday campaign of 1930.Uook place yesterday afternoon atj M r s - Rboda Fox Graves of St.I 2:30 o'clock at his late residence at Lawrences county, the only wo- '70 Brinfcerhoff/ street, this c i ty . !m a n member of the assembly, "will

be present to advise the women re-Rev. Mr. Armstrong, pastor of theFirst Presbyterian church of thiscity conducted the services.

.The bearers were Messrs. J. M.Studholme, John Myers, C. S. John-

r son, Silas Barber, Dr. R. S. Mac-

F^[ht tO OuSt Stewart donaId and ^ Alphonse Senecal

garding legislative problems.


From Oil Company

tional Bank building in New York ; e m

city and Southern headquarters iiprlando, Polrida. The land pur

.The.'remaiaft vvault at •

chased includes thirty cottagesbordering on Lake Champlain, Thetransaction was made through thesfforts of Frank H. LaVoice of thiscity.

w n e r e several thousandyoung men attend the Govern-ment's military training school, tho.

Mr. Hughes Will Act as GeneralCounsel for the



Placed .in the A meeting of the bondholdersand stockholders of the Clinton

J County Agricultural Society waaheld m the grand jury room of thecourt house yesterday afternoon., ,n 1*1

A nominating committee consist-*<"*J*

direct outcome of the Plattsburgh |idea, this aside from the thousands!young men and women who are'seriously contemplating learning1

ing of Mentt Spear, H. M. Coojto,»«. r! Frank. Duby of Jay was arrested | H - A- T h o m a s . s - J- Frasier, Rstfih. .,[at AiiSable Forks yesterday by Ser- L e w i s - M o o e r s ; R - M- Clark, Peru;geant L. L. LeVasseur and Trooper P ^ Swinburne, Rouses Point; S". . ,

broo, a leader of the Indiana « a chai,e

aviation both as a business and for Jbv the oroxv j u n i o r °P e r a t o r > s Permit. o . .

. .committee conaucting John D e d •**<*» J u s t i e e * o f the Peace n o m i n a t w n o f o f f l c e r s

The far reaching efTect of such pleasure, assures the success of the j Rockefeller Jr's fight to have C o l ' i F r a n k F°untain at AuSable Forks \ x t t s t h e p l a n o f t h e

an announcement can hardly be s c h o o i f r o m j t s inception. ! Robert W Stewart removed a s h e P l e a d e d guilty tothe charge and!•ealized at once. The Royal Palm! E y e r y b r a n c h o f t h e indus t ry! c h a i r m a n o f t h e standard Oil com- w a s f m e d five dollars.Airways, Inc., is already well es-1fcablished in Orlando, Florida, andhas given definite proof that it is

be one of the outstanding or-nizations of the kind. It is suffi-

(and there are hundreds) need men|p a n y of Indiana," but it • was said!experienced men—at this very; t r i at' no unexpected turn in at-11 ftf AI fiRflllP VISIT

bad developed to, prompt ob- | ^ V v r i l i W I V W ••»»«•*.moment. This great industry hasgrown so fast in the past few years taining such eminent counsel.

, f o r t u n a t e


CHAMPLAIN MASONSTho Masons of Plattsburgh spent

a very enjoyable evening on Wed-necessary and so.we made the a r - , n a s d a y w h e n t h e y w e r e e n t e r t a l n .

i n n a v i n g

h a v e ; r a n g e m e n t s w e h a v e . . .nd^i r Mr. Hughes will act as general

ganizations-of the Kina. ac is suxu- | t h a t ifc h a s n o t b e e n a b I e t 0 t r a l n j - ,. I t .g a l w a y s ( l o n e i " Rockefelleicient to state .for.the present that, e n o u g h m ? n t o f i l l t h e thousands 'of s p o k e s m e n said. "In a,.contest ofPlattsburgh is on the, verge of be- ( g 0 Q d . p o s i U d n s that have been; this sort the best legal advice is Icoming a nationally-known : airport j C]

and to have an aviation school with]far more in the way of facilities,ground and equipment than even-he .strict requirements laid down]by the United States Department j e x " a ? m ^if Commerce. j ^ b u t t f t e b e g t . , f l y l n g m i n d s " j • The committee made the.. an-It is announced that, immediate i instructors 'for the students ' nouncement the occasion for quali-

contracts will be made for addi- ^ R o y a l ' P a I m A i m a v s i s ' n o w lying a published statement attrib-

operating a student training schoolfin Florida during the winter

thoroughly experienced] counsel for the committee and Mr.pilots, ' assuring the com-! Hornbrook as its expert on Indiana

uted to Thomas Dpbevoise, a Rocke-feller associate, that enough proxies

'months and will move their.equip-during the

had been' promised the Rockefellergroup to a'sure its victory at the In-

led at Champlain and engaged inbridge against the Masons olRouses Pcint and Champlain.

before the game a dinner wasserved by the. ladies of Champlainand it proved a very satisfying ban-quet.

High score for the Champlain-Rouses Point bridge players wwemade by Cooper and Hoag, while

possible to holdmer.

a fair next sum?


An informal''dance was heldevening at the Masonic. Templewhich was largely attended. Cardsw«re ft!!so enjoyed and dancing be-gan dt 9 o'clock and lasted untilmidnight Bourdeau's orchestra fur

'nishpd music for the dancing. • *

Merrihew and Austin werescorers for the Plattsburgh group. I


tional cottages and dormitories for>.he accommodation of three hun-dred students. Facilities for sea-plane and hydroplane landing; willalso be constructed on the com- ; u u ; u ^ - . , - - - » " - * " ««."»* . " - | d i a n a company's annual meeting,pany's property on Lake Cham- s u m m e v months. l i W e f u U y e x p e c t t 0 h a v e e n o u g h

)lain. , Notwithstanding the wide scope: p r o x i e s - i t w a s said; .'"But. we doIn addition to the land already!and immense future possibilities of n o t claim them now. We have every

purchased the company has already [the Royal'Palm-Airways; Inc., it is: j ^ a s o n t 0 believe we will have prox- I .•.aken options on other well located'significant to the people of this • i e s f r o m t h e } a r g e s t stockholders The W. C. T. U. regional confei-iracts of land for use of ground | city that no financial aid is- being a n d a - m a j o r i t y ,of the shares, and e n c e h e l d a t Gouveneur on Mondaytaxi work bv junior aviation stu-j asked from the residents of Platts- w e a r e t r y i n g a i s o t 0 gel a m a j o r . January 28 was well attended bydents ' burgh, as has so often been the i t y o f t h e stockholders." I delegates from the four counties

It is also planned to erect a club case in the past and with results! ^ ^ m e n t i o n e d nunors t h a t } J ^ ™ " ; fankhn- S t L a w r e n c e

•wuse with .sleeping accommoda- which have been disastrous in so.• p e r R o e k e f e I l e r m i g h t throw the j " ^ n i " t h p WP«lhpl.MnHiMon indions for its passengers, guests andjmany instances. The Royal Palm V Q ^ h e h a j , b y v i r t u e o f h i s h o l d - L ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

ings in the Indiana company to'stockholders. "Airways asks nothing but the good

mil be in the hands of a national-'and the sponsors will in turn do allj J o l m D Rockefeller, Jr., and asked!y known board of directors. Black (in their power to make this a ) i f t h e COmmittee knew how Percyto Bi;j£low. Inc., the eminent, air [greater resort city than it has ever I Rockefeller was going to vote,.ransport engineers have been. re-tained by the company to super-vise the construction oi the airportmcl bids will shortly be let forhangars, rotary beacon, boundary,flood and ceiling lights, illuminatedvine! indicator and full equipmentaccessary tor fueling and repairingail makes of aircrafts and engines.

Passenger service with a fleet ofcabin ships will be maintained dailyuet.ween Pittsburgh and Montreal;iurint> the summer months and be-tween New York. Saratoga Springs,.Plaitslmrgh ;mti MiAugust.

When I in1 airport, ili.shcd il will not be utrips with the same

ntreal during.

nisual lor airair of non-

been before. it will becomePlattsburgh institution and as suchWill take its place among the real-ly worth while activities of thiscity.

Tn this connection it. may bedated that an advisory board com-posed of local citizens of ista-rdingwill co-operate with the RoyalPalm Airways officials in

this season, the delegates under theleadership of Miss Estelle, the StateCorresponding Secretary, showed aremarkable degree of zest and in-terest in the work. The slogan "Give,prohibition its chance" has a force jof workers behind it that know noretreat. The "Go forward" move-ment for law enforcement and civicrighteousness is fanning moment-

~" """"" , arily and all patriotic citizens willCircus Life to Civic Lift* j s o o n fan i n j i n e _

SARASOTA. Pla. f/P) — John Mt . s colvin Che much loved stateinfjlinR 4s known as big monkey prcsjdent wa« unable to be present

making'and elephant man, but few knowjo u account-of. illness.'The Gouve-

"Yes, we. know whom he will sup-port," was the reply. j

"Who is it?" j" "That we are not yet prepared 1

to state." !

PlaU.sburgh one of the most impor-ithat he is an outstanding civic |U(Mll. people are most amiable peo- Irecently was elect j !)]c t 0 n i e e t a n d th t ? s o c l a | p a r t o l

the chauibor of: \\w stay was very enjoyable. Iton I airports the country. AL: leader here. Hts

,enr • time there are btrt ! ed• president olA-l-A airports in the Uni<-j commerce.

ted States and five of these ave lo-: —st. of the Mississippi river', j Modem matrimony Is describede plans already under way, as follows: You go to adore; you

Royal Palm Airways are ring a belle, you give your name to


and spoken so badly that the Aca-demie Prancaise plans to issue an



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npleted;Plattsburgh,' will be one a nT.aid-4-and.; then,, you're taken in! Official grammar.
