
Rockbrook United Methodist Church

9855 W. Center Rd

Omaha, NE 68124

Phone: 402-393-1015

Fax: 402-955-1434

[email protected]

Find us on Facebook: RUMA Omaha

“To make disciples for Jesus Christ by

proclaiming God’s Good News and by

providing a community for spiritual


Greetings friends,

Well, I’m starting to get settled in. I have done some exploring around

the church, gotten lost a couple of times, been to a couple of

committee meetings, ridden the elevator, and figured out how to work

the phones (I think).

As I have met and talked with many of you, one question I have heard

over and over is “Do you want me (or us) to continue to

____________.” My answer so far has been a resounding YES!! I’m

not usually one to come in and start changing things for the sake of

change. As they say, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

More importantly though, I believe very strongly in what Martin Luther

called the ministry of all Christians. In our baptisms, we are all called

to ministry. That ministry takes a different form for each of us

according to our time and talents. The ministry of the laity is

extremely important, and I believe that part of my role as pastor is

facilitating that ministry. This makes Rockbrook United Methodist a

church with more than 400 ministers! Four hundred ministers can get

a lot more done than one.

Rockbrook is a wonderful community of faith. Working together, with God’s help, we can thrive as we continue to fulfill our mission "To make disciples for Jesus Christ by proclaiming God's Good News and by providing a community for spiritual growth." Our Annual Church Conference will be October 30th at 7:30 p.m. at Omaha First UMC. We will gather with Hanscom Park, Omaha First, Ralston Trinity, and Saint Luke United Methodist Churches.

We will be receiving a new Bishop…..Ruben Saenz, Jr. (pronounced ‘signs.’) He will be joining us officially September 1st. There is a celebration for Bishop Saenz at St. Mark’s UMC in Lincoln on October 15th. More information will follow. Our current Bishop, Scott Jones, will assume the episcopal leadership in the Texas Conference and will be living in Houston.

What a wonderful job the Youth did on July 17th, both in leading worship and reflecting on their mission trip! It was truly heartwarming and inspiring. It is always good to see that the future of the church is bright, as it will be placed in capable hands. Grace and peace,

Pastor Jim


We continue to work diligently to improve our beautiful campus, although this summer the projects may not be as glamorous as the renovated kitchen or restroom. We have hired a company to caulk the large stained glass windows in the front of the sanctuary, with hopes that this will solve our fly and flying guest problems.

Several slabs of concrete around the church will be replaced, along with the retaining wall directly outside the Sunday School wing’s lower east door. As the concrete work is being completed, please walk carefully to avoid injuries from uneven sidewalks.

A new computer has been purchased to run the system that controls our heating and cooling programs, and a new sump pump has been installed in the boiler room. Larry McChesney, Gregg Drabek, Rick Samson and Lowell McCracken have relaid the slate patio on the west side of the sanctuary and the surrounding landscaping should be completed in the fall. The lawn sprinkler system has also been repaired.

We are aware that there are lights out in the sanctuary light fixtures, and we are coordinating an event for light bulb replacement. We apologize for the dimness of the sanctuary until this task has been completed.

Many thanks to the individuals and groups who have volunteered to maintain the gardens around the church; we appreciate the generous donation of your time and energy.

Kathryn Hauswald and Janice Samson

Adam Hamilton, lead pastor at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, KS, was

among Delegates from the Great Plains Conference attending the General Conference.

In describing the 2016 General Conference experience to attendees of the recent Great Plains Annual

Conference, he noted, “it’s hard to practice Christian discourse with 864 individuals.” Individuals with

different cultures, issues and priorities.

Bishop Scott Jones, in his book/study series, The Wesleyan Way, notes that “Christians of good

character and equal commitment to Christ will have disagreements.” We won’t prioritize problems the

same way and we may offer radically different solutions to the same problem.

Yet, as John Wesley stated, we cannot be Christians in solitude. It was for this purpose that bands…

class meeting…societies (as they were known) were formed. These gatherings provided the regular

opportunity to pray, sing and hear the Word. Members held one another accountable in their faith and

their acts.

We are reminded in John Wesley’s sermon “Catholic Spirit” that those with whom we may disagree are

our spiritual – connectional – brothers and sisters with whom we share a love of God and desire to

serve others.

“Though we cannot think alike, can we not love alike?”

We are reminded that each voice is important, be it at the church council or General Conference. We

are called to love and respect each other even though we may disagree. We need to continue in

Christian dialogue with one another.

Mark Heinz

Hello, we would like to thank those that have continued to pray for Rockbrook’s Finances. June was a

hard month, our General Pledge was down $3,232 and unpledged was down $570. We were only able

to pay $340 (designated receipts) in Mission Shares for June, so we are now down $4,066 in the year,

so just over one month. Insurance was paid in June, which is a higher budgeted item when it comes

in and mowing and lawn was a little higher due to invoice coming in later. We also continue to be able

to provide many programs including Sunday School, VBS, Youth Mission Trip, and repair and mainte-

nance of the church, just to name a few area's that are supported by our congregations giving. Please

continue to keep the Church Finances in your prayers and thank you for your generosity

The youth and parents will have a planning meeting for the 2017 Mission Trip on Sunday, August 21st, immediately following the Traditional Service.

8/1 Kyle Petsche 8/19 Max Hutton

8/2 Yvonne Besore 8/19 Madilyn Marshall

8/2 Amy Marshall 8/24 Jonathan Hinkle

8/3 Chris Hartley 8/26 Van Timberlake

8/3 Sherry McLaughlin 8/27 Cheryl Wildly

8/3 Rylan Ream 8/28 Cal Humphrey

8/9 Trey Quigley 8/28 Jennifer Soukup

8/14 Joann Collins 8/28 Cole Petsche

8/14 Janet Wright 8/29 Gwendolyn Rose Holly

8/16 Brenda Oathout 8/30 Barbara Hopkins

8/16 Thomas McLaughlin 8/30 Fred Ripley

8/16 Jared Sterner 8/30 Brain Roy

8/16 Lauren Sterner

8/18 Kathryn Hauswald

Library News

Are you looking for good books to read this summer? Please

feel free to check out anything from the church

library. Remove the card inside. Write your full name and

full date. Place the card in the basket by the return

shelf. When returning a book just lay it on the "Returns"

shelf. Enjoy!!

We would like to thank Kate Laing for her donation to the

church library. She illustrated a children's book called

"Rachel, the Raccoon's Camp Adventures". She gave us 2

copies for our church to enjoy. Thank you Kate!

Children's book checkout will resume during Sunday School

on September 25.

Feel free to check out books in the summer.



Join us in August for our “What’s in Your Backpack?” theme.

What's In Your Backpack teaches kids Bible lessons about having a good attitude going back to school using things they've already got in their back-

packs –

pencils, notebooks, folders, and rulers.

Children ages 3 through completed 5th grade are invited to join us in August for:

August 7th – Pencil - Pencils are used to make notes when the teacher speaks. Too bad we can't do that when our friends need

a listening ear. Being a good friend means listening, not speaking, and really hearing what someone else needs to say. Bible verse

is James 1:19-20. Be slow to speak, quick to listen.

August 14th – Notebook - We use notebooks to help us remember things. We need to remember to be unselfish and think of

others ahead of ourselves. Bible lesson is from Philippians 2:3-11.

August 21st– Folder - Having a folder helps us keep track of all that we've finished. We can remember to trust God when we

look back at all the things He has done for us. Bible story is Joshua’s farewell speech to the Israelites.

NEWS from THE QUARRY – August 2016

Rockbrook Children’s Sunday School

Julie Vidlak, Children’s Ministry Director




***There will be no official library time during the summer Sunday school time in August, but children are encouraged to continue

checking books and videos out on their own. It would also be appreciated if any old books are returned so they can be re-shelved

for others to use.

Thank you!

-------------------------------------------------------- “Train children in the way they should go; when they grow old, they won't depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

Fall Children’s Sunday School Kickoff will be September 11th!

Can you give some time to teach this school year? The children of Rockbrook UMC are a “thriving crop” who are eager to learn about God!

Adult teachers and helpers are needed to help our children reach their potential in Christ!

Are you willing to help our children grow in God? We need you!

Contact Julie Vidlak at [email protected] to help!




***There will be no official library time during the summer Sunday school time in August, but children are encouraged to continue

checking books and videos out on their own. It would also be appreciated if any old books are returned so they can be re-shelved

for others to use.

Thank you!

-------------------------------------------------------- “Train children in the way they should go; when they grow old, they won't depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

Fall Children’s Sunday School Kickoff will be September 11th!

Can you give some time to teach this school year? The children of Rockbrook UMC are a “thriving crop” who are eager to learn about God!

Adult teachers and helpers are needed to help our children reach their potential in Christ!

Are you willing to help our children grow in God? We need you!

Contact Julie Vidlak at [email protected] to help!

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 5:50p Aerobics (FH)

2 8:30a Yoga (FH)

7:30p Heartland

Singles Sq. Dance


3 5:50p Aerobics (FH)

4 7:00p Sq. Dance

Lessons (FH)

7:00p Men’s Ministry


7:30p Praise Band

Rehearsal (S)

5 6

7 8:00a Traditional Worship- Lite

8:45a Contemporary Worship

9:35a Faith Development

10:45a Traditional Worship


5:50p Aerobics (FH)

7:00p Trustee Meeting


7:00p Finance

Meeting (FO)

9 8:30a Yoga (FH)

7:30p Crossfire Sq.

Dance (FH)


5:50p Aerobics (FH)

11 6:30 Prayer Meeting (FR) 7:00p Sq. Dance

Lessons (FH)

7:30p Praise Band

Rehearsal (S)

12 1:00p Prayer Shawl




8:00a Traditional Worship- Lite

8:45a Contemporary Worship

9:35a Faith Development

10:45a Traditional Worship

12:30 Douglas County Jail Ministry


5:50p Aerobics (FH)


8:30a Yoga (FH)

7:30p Heartland

Singles Sq. Dance



5:50p Aerobics (FH)

18 7:00p Men’s Ministry


7:00p Sq. Dance

Lessons (FH)

7:30p Praise Band

Rehearsal (S)

19 20


8:00a Traditional Worship- Lite

8:45a Contemporary Worship

9:35a Faith Development

10:45a Traditional Worship

Following 10:45 service - 2017

Mission Trip Planning

2:00p Fall Kick Off Dance for

Omaha Sq. Dance (FH)


5:50p Aerobics (FH)


8:30a Yoga (FH)

7:30p Crossfire Sq.

Dance (FH)


5:50p Aerobics (FH)


6:30 Prayer Meeting (FR) 7:00p Sq. Dance

Lessons (FH)

7:30p Praise Band

Rehearsal (S)




8:00a Traditional Worship- Lite

8:45a Contemporary Worship

9:35a Faith Development

10:45a Traditional Worship


5:50p Aerobics (FH)


8:30a Yoga (FH)

7:30p Heartland

Singles Sq. Dance



5:50p Aerobics (FH)

6:30p Potluck for Choir

Team (P) 7:30p Choir

Rehearsal (S)
