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Throughout my media classes, I have learnt how to use many different technologies. These helped me produce work at a better quality or were of use to me as a general service. In this PowerPoint presentation I will be talking about all the technologies I used, in detail.

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The very first technology I was introduced to was Blogger. Blogger is a very helpful website to showcase your work on, which also helps you track your progress. My skills on Blogger have developed a lot. When I first used Blogger I just about knew how to change the font of my blog post, whereas now I’ve learnt how to add images into my blogs or how to embed other technologies onto blog posts to have them be on my on Blog.

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Another technology which my skills have developed immensely on is, Photoshop. When I first used Photoshop I was oblivious to how anything worked. However, as practiced more I learnt how to edit images by brightening up the images, altering and removing blemishes and removing unwanted shadows. I also learned how to enforce text onto my images along with resizing and adding HEX codes into the swatch pallets to create a customised colour for my fronts. Another thing I learnt to do on Photoshop was to place things I created on other software’s onto Photoshop to make my work look as good as possible. I mainly used Photoshop on my front cover for my magazine and I worked a lot on it. I brightened up the image to make it look more appealing as I wasn’t too happy with how it look originally then I removed my models blemishes and smoothened his skin out. The outcome of this was a very professional looking image regardless, to the fact I cropped and resized my image.

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INDESIGN InDesign was another technology I used. My contents page and DPS were

made on InDesign. When I first used InDesign it, I only knew basic things such as how to place an image into InDesign or how to add text. However, as my skills developed I understood the process of layers images along with making my own colours on the swatch palette. To make my DPS look more professional I used the grid feature so I could line all my text perfectly together. Another feature I learnt to use on InDesign was to see what layer was where through pressing an eye icon on InDesign, as it is very easy to place layers and then forgetting about them as you progress on your work however this feature helps you delete unwanted layers, which made things more organised and easy for me. One feature that I found really helpful on InDesign was when you place an image, you can press this circle in the middle which helps you move the image around in the suited box you draw, this helps you place the image in the box as you want it without ruining the quality of it.

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I used Illustrator in my work to design texts on it which I later exported to either Photoshop or InDesign. When I first used InDesign, I was extremely confused as it had many tools with different purposes however once I overcame the confusion, I learnt how to make very cool shapes which I added text into. I later put these creations on my front cover which looked very nice. I used Illustrator for my mast-head and the main cover line. Also, illustrator has extra fonts which other software’s don’t, this was one of the reasons illustrator was incredibly useful.

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PHYSICAL TECHNOLOGY Along with skills on technologies, I learnt physical skills too. These

were mainly to do with the studio. I had never used a professional camera before, therefore I had no idea how to handle one. In one of our media lessons we had a workshop in the studio where were given the chance to learn about the cameras and different equipment which enhance the quality of your images. The camera which I used was a Nikon D700, this was a camera which delivers your images at an amazing quality, however to enhance them I used professional lights, where I controlled the exposure to have the suited saturation, which I required for the theme of my shoot. Alongside this I used a snoot light with gave the images a 3D effect.