Page 1: Pre production techniques pro-forma(1)

Pre-Production TechniquesLO1


Page 2: Pre production techniques pro-forma(1)

FinanceGive a definition for each of the terms listed Self FinancedSelf finances means that the producer funds the project themselves

Employer/Client FinancedEmployer or client financed means that the client funds the producer to create their

product for them

KickstarterKickstarter allows the producer to request for funding from the public to make their


Page 3: Pre production techniques pro-forma(1)

FinanceWhich source of funding will be most likely for your production and why?

For this project the costs for equipment and materials needed to create the product will be covered by our client.

Advantages- The client funding this project means that we will be able to obtain the equipment we need and make money rather than lose money.

Disadvantages- In order to make the product affordable for the client we may need to cut corners to spend only what they can afford.

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FinanceExplain the aspects of your production that could require finance.

One aspect that could require finance could be for ingredients to cook and take pictures of. If we feel it necessary we may also have to pay for outside people to come in to help us with certain areas of the project such as photography. We may also need to pay for some recycled paper to print out cards on, as it has been specifically asked of us to use recycled paper by the vegetarian society. If we need to travel to a different location perhaps to take pictures we will need to cover travel costs. Some locations that we want to use we may need to pay for also.

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TimeWhat methods could you employ to ensure you stick to your deadlines and why would this be beneficial to your project? Using examples from your own experiences can help you add detail here.

To ensure that we stick to the deadline we could make a plan of everything we will do week by week to ensure we are using up our time well. Planning ahead also means that we can clearly see what sort of time we will complete the project and how much time we will have to catch up or make any improvements to our work. If we find that we have run out of class time to do the work we can also do it at home.

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TimeWhat is contingency time and how might this be beneficial to your project?Considering some general risks to your project could help you give a more detailedresponse.

Contingency time is extra time allowed to catch up on any unfinished work, or improve work. Allowing ourselves extra time will be beneficial to our project as it will ensure we get the most done that we possibly can, and to the highest standard we can achieve. It means that we will not have to rush our work and end up with something of low quality.

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PersonnelWhat size team will you use for your production (large or small)? How many people will you have in your team? Consider the reasons for this. Think about theadvantages and disadvantages of your team size.

For this project there will only be two of us. The advantage of having so few people working on this project is that there are less people to split the profit between, so we end up making more money each. Another benefit is that it will be easier to compromise on which recipes or the look of the cards with only two people where as if there were more people in the team there is more chance of conflicting ideas. The disadvantage of only working in a team of two is that we may have limited skills. If we recruited some more people to the team to do jobs that we do not have the skills to do then the outcome of this project may be better.

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PersonnelWhat job roles would you have in your production and what skills and experience would be required? Think back to your early work on jobs roles and departmentsand also the skills you know you need to use to produce work. Drawing on your ownexperience as well as your industry knowledge will help you here.

For our production, we will perhaps need a chef to advise us about the recipes to use for our cards, and to cook the food ready for photographing. We may need a photographer to take the photographs of the food to put on the cards. We will need a graphic designer to design the layout and we will need an editor to write up the recipe.

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PersonnelHow could you find people to be in your production team? Think back to your owncareer development plans to help you with this.

One step we could take to finding people to be in our production team is looking online for suitable people such as a photographer, graphic designer or chef. We could advertise on a jobs website so that people looking to work in the fields we require can find us, or we could find someone already employed by another company.

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FacilitiesList the equipment, resources and facilities you need for your production and its source

Equipment/Facility/Resources needed for production

College Self Client

Printer; to print out recipe cards This could be used at college

Camera; to take pictures of food for the recipe cards This could borrowed from


You could use the camera you

already own if it is suitable.

Food; to take pictures of the recipes You could get the catering students to

make the food.

You could make the food yourself

You could request the client hires

a professional

chef to prepare the

meals. Recipes; you need to find suitable recipes that are tasty and are vegetarian You could take

a recipe book out of the


You could look on the internet or

look in books you already own

Computers and software; to design and put the recipe card layout together on You could borrow a

computer and the software from college.

If you already have the

computer and soft ware you could use your


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Contributor Type of Contributor

Team member Expert/Talent/Public

Client Expert

Tutor Expert

Photographer of Sourced Images Expert

Model Talent

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LocationsWhat method could you employ to identify locations needed for your production (production/ post production facilities) and how could this be useful?

To find out if a location is worth using you can conduct a recce to weigh up the pros and cons of going to a chosen location and to find out if it is suitable or not. The kind of questions that need to be asked are, how long does the location take to travel to, is it really appropriate and fit in with the theme of the recipe card e.g. photographing the food in an abattoir kitchen wouldn’t be appropriate. Is the location safe to use, so if it was on a building site is there any danger of anyone getting injured and also is it illegal to go on to the property without permission, could it involve trespassing and if it does then this means this location wouldn’t be accessible so you couldn’t photograph there. The length of time it takes to get to the location is also important, if it takes a long time then extra planning will be needed because you wouldn’t be able to go round the corner if you had forgotten to take a piece of equipment to the shoot. Cost of transport to get models and food and equipment to a location, if this is too expensive then a location that is nearer may have to be an option. Size of the location could also be an issue, if there is not enough space in the place you want for equipment like cameras and lighting and models, so you need to make sure there is enough space to fit everything you need in. Style and colour pallet are also important to set a mood and carry out a theme, if you are going for an old style, rustic kind of food then you want a rustic location, with a colour pallet of oranges, browns, greens, earthy tones and visa versa with a modern feel to the menu, you want a modern location with a colour pallet of greys, whites, blacks and some vibrant unnatural colours. You want this to keep up a running theme and have everything matching so you have to make sure the location is matching to the rest of the style of the recipe cards.

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LocationsAre there any limitations or risks you would need to consider for your locations?

Location Limitation/RiskKitchen Space; there may not be a lot of space to move around and

place equipment and for storage. Tripping hazards; if there is a lot of equipment and electrics for

lighting, cameras and laptops then there will also be a lot of wires so these could go unseen and people may trip and fall

over, injuring themselves. Heat from lamps; if the area is enclosed that the team would be

working in then the lamp and body heat may climb to a hazardous temperature to human health and may induce fainting or headaches.

Food allergies; model may be allergic to some of the food that they are going to be photographed in the recipe card.

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Codes of Practice - ClearancesWhat is a model/location release form and why is it important to your production?

A model release form is a form that ensures that a photographer can take pictures of their model without worry of any legal issues coming back on them, so this form includes that a model agrees to all the terms and conditions that the photographer has stated and that there is also evidence of this, the evidence being the form that the model and photographer will have both signed. A location release form is where the person who owns the property gives permission to the photographer to let them use the location in which ever way that is agreed on the location release form which both parties have signed, this is so both owner of the property can make the photographer pay if any damages have been made, and it also stops the owner of the property suing the photographer and gives both sides confidence in the lines that must not be crossed.

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Codes of Practice - LegalWhat legal requirements will you have to consider in your project and what aspects do they relate to?

Aspect of Production Legal ConsiderationCopyright material You will have to avoid using products that show any logos from other

companies that have a copyright law. These will either have to be hidden or avoided.

Health and safety Necessary health and safety checks need to be carried out, things like risk assessments should be conducted regularly, and at each location

that is used. Food labelling On the recipes there needs to be allergy advice and labels to tell people

the food is suitable for vegetarians or vegans, if it is not suitable for lactose intolerant people.

Advertising standards The advertising on the recipe cards need to meet the legal regulations and need to make sure they are true, that the adverts match the food.

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Codes of Practice – Regulatory Bodies

Which regulatory body’s guidelines would you need to follow when creating your production? Where could you source that information from. Be specific.

When creating this product of a recipe card the regulatory body guidelines I would need to follow would be the ASA (advertising standards authority). This authority makes sure products are not harmful to viewers, or also that they don’t lie on the packaging, so the product doesn’t match what is said on the outside, an example of this for my product would be the recipes being advertised as vegetarian but the recipes actually contain meat. Also where this is advertised and who it is advertised at. If the food inside the recipe book promotes unhealthy food like fried food and food that is full of fat, then it is not allowed to be aimed at children and must be placed in shops higher up, so out of view of children.