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  • 7/28/2019 Pr Company




  • 7/28/2019 Pr Company


  • 7/28/2019 Pr Company



  • 7/28/2019 Pr Company



    Dr. Martin Viessmann is the third generation o

    his amily to lead the company.

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    As a amily business, Viessmann

    places great value on responsible

    actions that take the long view

    into consideration. That is why

    sustainability is firmly anchored in

    our company principles. In all our

    processes we aim to ensure that

    economy, ecology and social

    responsibility remain in balance.

    Viessmann sets the technological

    pace or the heating industry. For

    decades now we have supplied

    particularly clean and energy efcient

    heating systems or oil and gas,

    as well as solar thermal systems,

    wood combustion systems and

    heat pumps. Many o our

    developments are recognised as

    heating equipment milestones.

    Our comprehensive range oers

    individual solutions and efcient

    systems with output ratings rom

    1.5 to 116,000 kilowatts, or all

    application areas and energy


    Our ambitious goals are set on the

    solid oundation o our achievements

    so ar. In the uture, too, Viessmann

    will remain a pacesetter or our

    industry and will continue to break

    new ground, with innovative heating

    technology that conserves natural

    resources and protects the


    Dr. Martin Viessmann

  • 7/28/2019 Pr Company


    Company details:

    Established in: 1917

    Employees: 9600

    Group turnover: 1.86 billion

    Export share: 55 percent

    24 production companies

    in 11 countries

    Sales companies and

    representation in 74 countries

    120 sales ofces worldwide

    The Viessmann site

    in Allendor (Eder)

    A short profile o the

    Viessmann Group

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    The Viessmann comprehensive

    range of products and services

    for all energy sources and

    output ranges:

    Boilers or oil and gas

    Solar thermal systems


    Heat pumps

    Wood combustion technology

    Combined heat and power units

    Biogas production plants

    Biogas upgrading plants

    Air conditioning technology

    Heating system components

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    Brand values


    We work with lean structures and processes and

    strive or the highest possible material, labour

    and energy efciency. This ensures not only the

    efciency o our actions, but also conserves limited

    natural resources.

    We are committed to fulfilling our economical,

    ecological and social responsibilities. We ensure all

    our processes are environmentally compatible and

    encourage the use of renewable forms of energy

    because it is our aim to protect the climate and to

    preserve the natural basis of life. We participate in

    the scientific, artistic and cultural life of our society.

    We are technological trailblazers and a pacesetter

    in our sector. We continue to develop exceptional

    products and solutions, which go on to become

    milestones o heating technology. As in the past,

    we will continue to exert a decisive influence over

    technological progress in the uture.

    We oer top quality and strive or perection in all

    areas o our business. Our actions are guided by

    the motto: "Nothing is so good that it cannot be

    improved". Our products are easy to use, built to

    last and utureproo.

    Innovation Innovation Top quality


    As long ago as 1966, we expressed

    our values in the orm o our company

    principles. These principles careully

    updated remain central to our

    corporate identity. As a whole, these

    values provide an insight into the

    character o our brand.

    As individual concepts, they describe

    the spirit, atmosphere and conduct

    that characterise our culture, as well

    as the specific expectations o

    achievement that arise rom it.

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    We are an independent amily business and a

    reliable business partner. We cooperate with our

    customers and suppliers in true partnership and

    airness, pursuing the goal o mutual success.

    We value people in our company, and our

    communications are open and trusting. Capable

    employees with a will to achieve are oered real

    opportunities or proessional development.

    We oer individual system solutions, in line with

    the specific requirements o international markets,

    or every type o uel and every application involving

    heating and cooling technology, as well as an

    extensive range o services. Our products save

    energy and protect the environment.

    Company principles

    on display at the

    Viessmann Academy

    Comprehensive range


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    The comprehensive Viessmann product range

    The comprehensive Viessmann

    product range

    The comprehensive product range

    rom Viessmann oers individual

    solutions with efcient systems or all

    applications and all energy sources.

    For decades, the company has been

    supplying highly efcient and clean

    heating systems or oil and gas, as

    well as solar thermal systems along

    with heat generators or sustainable

    uels and heat pumps.

    The comprehensive product range

    rom Viessmann oers top technology

    and sets new benchmarks. With its

    high energy efciency, this rangehelps to save heating costs and is

    always the right choice where

    ecology is concerned.

    Individual and economical

    Viessmann oers the right heating

    system or any demand wall mounted

    or floorstanding, in individual

    combinations all are utureproo

    and economical. And whether or

    detached houses or two-amily

    homes, large residential buildings,

    commercial/industrial use or or local

    heating networks; or modernising

    existing properties or new build

    they are always the right choice.

    Key performers

    The Viessmann Group sets the

    technological pace or the heating

    industry. This is what the Viessmannname represents, and also what the

    names o the subsidiaries in the Group

    represent, as they are ounded on the

    same pioneering spirit and power o


    Individual solutions with efcient systems

    Detached houses

    Apartment buildings

    Commerce / Industry

    Local heating networks

    Solar thermal

    systems and


    Boilers or oil

    up to 116 MW heating

    or 120 t/h steam output

    Boilers or gas

    up to 116 MW heating

    or 120 t/h steam output

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    The product range for all fuel

    types and output ranges:

    Boilers or oil or gas up to

    116 MW heating or 120 t/h

    steam output

    Solar thermal systems


    Heat pumps up to 2 MW

    Wood combustion systems

    up to 50 MW

    Combined heat and power

    modules up to 30 MWel

    Systems or the production

    o biogas rom 18 kWel


    20 MWgas

    Biogas upgrading plantsup to 3000 m3/h

    Air conditioning technology

    Heating system accessories

    The comprehensive product range rom Viessmann:

    Individual solutions with efcient systems or all

    energy sources and applications

    Air conditioning


    Heating system


    Heat pumps or

    brine, water and air

    up to 2 MW

    Wood combustion

    technology, CHP and

    biogas production

    up to 50 MW

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    Top quality

    Quality is guaranteed by efcient

    production processes.

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    At Viessmann, development and

    production mean teamwork. Each

    individual is responsible or the

    total result o their work; they help

    to shape the relevant production

    process and constantly strive

    towards improvement. This

    motivates employees and assures

    high quality.

    Inox-Radial heat exchangers in production The MatriX burner sets the benchmark or efcient

    and clean combustion o gas.

    For our customers, this results in

    innovative products o impressive

    quality, energy efciency and long

    service lie. Many o our products

    have become milestones o heating


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    Heat exchanger innovation rom the

    bierral composite heating surace to the

    Inox-Radial heat exchanger

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    The oundation or top quality is laid at the

    development stage.

    Our R&D is ocused on developing

    highly energy efcient heating

    systems or all uel types. Our ability

    to innovate has already produced

    many technical milestones. We

    always look to the challenges o the

    uture and the requirements o our

    customers, while setting

    benchmarks or leading technology.

    Viessmann eels a traditional

    obligation to the basic requirement

    o using highly efcient technology

    while aiming to protect the

    environment to the best o its ability.

    As the generation o heating energy

    accounts or almost 40 percent o

    German energy consumption,

    efcient Viessmann heating systems

    make a significant contribution to

    the protection o resources and

    the environment.

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    Deutschlands nachhaltigste

    Produktion 2009

    Deutschlands nachhaltigste

    Marke 2011

    Energy Centre at the

    companys head ofce

    in Allendor (Eder)



    German Sustainability

    Award or Most

    Sustainable Production


    German Sustainability

    Award or Most

    Sustainable Brand


    Energy Efciency


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    Strategic sustainability


    For Viessmann, taking responsibility

    means a commitment to acting


    This means bringing ecology,

    economy and social responsibility

    into balance, whilst ensuring that

    current needs are met without

    compromising the quality o lie

    o uture generations.

    Sustainability project

    With our strategic sustainability

    project, launched in 2005, we

    demonstrate at our own site in

    Allendor that the political targets

    set or 2050 by the German Federal

    Government with regard to energy

    and climate can already be achieved

    today with commercially available

    technology. The result a 50 percent

    reduction o primary energy

    consumption compared to 2008,

    an increase in the proportion orenewables to 60 percent, and

    an 80 percent reduction in CO2

    emissions, relative to levels in 1990.

    By utilising renewables and increasing

    our efciency with energy, materials

    and operations, we not only improve

    our competitiveness, but also secure

    the uture o our production site.

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    The heat sources installed in the training rooms

    are used or hands-on training.

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    At the Ino Centre, Viessmann trains employees

    and trade partners rom all around the world.

    Personal partnerships are as

    important to Viessmann as the

    products themselves. The values

    and commitments we share with

    our trade partners provide the

    cornerstone o our successul

    working relationship in which

    reliability and air treatment play

    a strong part.

    The structural change in the heating

    market has raised the demand or

    urther training considerably.

    The Viessmann Academy responds

    actively to this growing demand.

    It oers design engineers, architects,

    property developers, flue gas

    inspectors, technical training centres

    and Viessmanns own employees a

    comprehensive training programme.

    In total, 92,000 specialists attend

    urther training events at the

    Viessmann Academy every year.

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    Employees and responsibilities

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    Treating each other with respect

    or mutual success

    The Viessmann brand represents

    quality, competence and innovation.

    Behind the brand are people whose

    dedication ensures that we live up

    to our reputation every single day.

    For every employee "reliability"

    means to adhere to promises

    without compromise and to promote

    and support strong partnerships.

    This requires them to act objectively

    and appropriately at all times.

    Our aim is our mutual success. The

    path that leads us there is paved

    with honesty and respect or each

    other. This may also mean arguing

    ones point, but not arguing with

    one another.

    Responsibility by and or the

    individual is encouraged and

    required. Making decisions rather

    than putting them o, is part and

    parcel o that philosophy. Everyone

    accepts responsibility or their

    actions and takes into account the

    likely consequences.

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    Product design

    Over 50 significant design awards

    or Viessmann products


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    The "Viessmann" logo with the

    characteristic double "S" ensures

    a high recognition actor.

    With its clear, minimalist and

    unction-oriented design, Viessmann

    emphasises not only the leading

    position o its products, but also

    its innovative strength and the

    companys capabilities as a whole.

    Oil Gas Solar Biomass

    Graphic design

    The image lends the brand an

    unmistakable, enduring identity

    and promotes its positive image.

    Air and



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    Sport sponsorship


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    Brochures Website

    Trade stands

    Our clear and actual presentational

    style runs through all o our

    communications. This applies to

    our brochures, website and

    presentations at trade airs. In all

    areas o activity, we value clear

    design, ease o comprehension and

    use o transparent inormation.

    For the last 15 years, sport

    sponsorship has played a central part

    in our marketing communications.

    This has enabled us to raise brand

    awareness significantly, whilst

    lending the brand a positive image.

    This also benefits our trade partners.

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    Art and culture

    The "Zero" artists Mack, Piene, Uecker, Geiger

    and Stankowski designed the "Edition Eurola".

    For Viessmann, heat and creativity

    are closely related. This correlation

    inspires engineers to create leading

    heating equipment. When painters,

    sculptors and conceptual artists

    interpret this correlation, technology

    is turned into art.

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    Works o art by eleven internationally acclaimed

    artists are shown in the "Art and Heating" exhibition.

    The "Art and Heating" and Edition

    Eurola exhibitions on display in

    Allendor are complemented by

    autonomous works o art that are

    presented inside and outside the

    companys premises.

    Alongside this commitment to art,

    a long established aspect o the

    company culture involves supporting

    cultural events.

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    9449 683 - 4 GB 10/2012

    The Viessmann Group

    D-35107 Allendor (Eder)

    Telephone +49 (0)6452 70-0

    Fax +49 (0)6452 70 -2780
