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Comparison to industry standard

I have used a tagline for my poster as it is a conventional tool used to lead the audience to the title. My tagline incorporates a rhetorical where I directly question the audience as to ‘Do you know what hides inside you?’. However as I have already created social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to market my trailer, I will use the social platform to receive feedback about how I could improve my products.

I have placed the credits at the bottom of my poster about the main characters which are featured in my film which is a convention for all posters.

I have used half an image of my prop which was the evil doll. I got the idea of using half the image when researching and planning when I came across the poster of ‘The bride of chucky’. This gives the poster a mysterious feel to it as you can not see the other half of the face which is why I decided to use the same technique in my poster.I thought that the horror theme should be established through the title as titles are very important so I decided to use the stretched almost dripping like font in dark red, with a white splattered outline. The font style and effects on the font makes my poster stand out especially the title.

The date has also been placed at the bottom of the poster. My film will be realising on October the 31st, I decided this date as it was the day of Halloween. This date will add to the horror atmosphere and the celebration of Halloween, where the audience can go and watch the new release thus making it attractive to my target audience.

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The Tagline

The tagline ‘Chucky Gets Lucky’ confuses the audience on who firstly chucky is and why he gets lucky. It is a direct address to the audience members. It is placed at the top of the poster and is visible through the colour white against the black background which makes it stand out. The audience recognise that ‘Chucky’ may be the villain who is placed on the left hand side of the poster who gets lucky either in killing the protagonist.

The Image

The close up shot of the image of the two dolls almost human like images of a man and women giving a smirky grin whereas the image on the left is covered with cuts and stiches instantly tell us that they are the villains. Dolls are conventional horror pardigms which have been used in many movies such as ‘Puppet master’ and ‘Demonic Toys’. The other half of the faces of the dolls are not shown which gives the poster a mysterious vibe, as if something is kept hidden from the audience.

The dark background links in to the half of the faces not shown as again the black background gives a mysterious vibe and a black atmosphere creates blindness as its dark to see what's happening behind the image.

The Credits

There is information about the people and producers involved in making the film. The production logo makes loyal audience members want to go and watch the film and it makes the film look professional and the audience will be aware that it is a big budget and a high quality film.

The Title

The Date

The date is at the very bottom of the page and it is ironic that this slasher film is set to release a few weeks before Halloween.

The red font connotes blood, death and passion establishing the slasher subgenre and making it stand out from the dark background. However the white connotes purity linking in with the ‘Bride’ of chucky and making the title ‘Chucky’ which is the main character in the film stand out with a bigger font size. A chunky font with the sharp ‘K’ resembles the sharp cuts on a knife. Thus, the title immediately attracts the audience attention and conveys the horror theme.

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The Tagline

The Credits

There is information about the people and producers involved in making the film. The production logo makes loyal audience members want to go and watch the film and it makes the film look professional and the audience will be aware that it is a big budget and a high quality film.

The Date

The date has also been placed at the bottom of the poster. My film will be realising on October the 31st, I decided this date as it was the day of Halloween. This date will add to the horror atmosphere and the celebration of Halloween, where the audience can go and watch the new release thus making it attractive to my target audience. I edited the date so that the font stands out and the ‘O’ is in a brighter red to match the blood which gives the font of the date a horrific vibe and the poster constantly follows adding horror throughout the poster.

I chose to use the tagline ‘Do You Know What Hides Inside You? as it questions and is a direct address to the members and confuses them thus making them want to go watch the film to find out more. I decided to place it at the top of the poster as it is conventional as many posters have the tagline placed at the top. I added a bright white outline on the tagline so it stands out against the bright background. The audience recognise that the film will be based on possession and spirits inside of someone.

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The TitleThe imageThe close up shot of the half faced doll is effective in creating a mysterious feel as the other half of the face is not shown and the close up effective brings out the eye and blood as the eye looks straight at the audience. The red blood is shown pouring out of the eye which makes it frightening for the audience as the red represents blood thus the dolls evil nature. Using the Photoshop software I decided to give the poster a retro feel using a black and white whilst increasing the contrast to give the face a glow and adding a blue to the eye to make the eye and lips stand out. Keeping the background dark added in to the conventional dark atmosphere. Dolls have been a conventional paradigm which have been used in films such as ‘Chucky’ and ‘Puppet master’ etc. I felt that showing the villain ‘the doll’ was more effective as this generates fear for the audiences who wants to find out more about its brutal nature. It also leads them to ask the question on why the doll has blood pouring out its eye and why is half of the other side of the face not shown. To find out the answer to these questions, audiences are forced to go and watch the film. The dark background at the back creates mystery as you can’t see what's happening at the back. I chose to lighten the image to make it stand out from the dark background.


My poster will be placed outside cinemas, inside cinemas, bus tops, on buses, train stations etc as this is an effective way to advertise my film to a wider audience and my target group who are students for are therefore likely to go cinemas and use buses and trains.

The dark red font connotes blood which has been used on the dolls face. This establishes the slasher subgenre however the film is physiological and supernatural where no knifes have been used but the poster gives out a slasher genre which confuses the audience thus making them want to go watch the film to get an idea behind the mystery of the poster. The smudged effect on the font makes it look as if the blood has been smeared downwards. We chose the title ‘The Tormented’ as it is another word for ‘Haunted’ and ‘Tortured’ as the doll haunts and torchers our main character which is a secret behind the film as the audience are confused in the beginning on who the villain actually is as our main character becomes the villain. To see who survives is a leading factor in inviting the audience to watch the film which is why we decided on the name ‘Tormented’ which means many things rather than ‘Haunted’. This conforms to Barthes ‘Pleasure of Text’ theory as audiences can guess what will happen in mainstream films and seeing this play out is the pleasure they get. Also, there is another pleasure to be had when the unexpected occurs which occurs many times in our film.

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Comparison to industry standardBoth images are

Positioned in the centre thus they stand out and invite direct eye contact with readers. The eye contact makes the villain look powerful And contributes to the horror theme.

I chose a similar masthead and added a red outline to the masthead to make it stand out and reinforce the horror theme of the magazine cover. I have added the date at the end of the masthead.

The cover lines are placed on each side of the page featuring exclusive previews of the content inside thus providing an incentive for the readers to purchase the magazine. The film roll with images at the bottom also features images of ‘The Tormented’ film which again provides an incentive for the readers to purchase the magazine to see more images inside.

The film title is placed is just under the image as it is positioned in a place where it will stand out.

The colour theme stays constant throughout the magazine with white, red and green font colour.

The banner is placed at the top of the page where the ‘Halloween II’ has a white outline to make the banner stand out whilst ‘from’ has a hint of green to match the eye colour.

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The BannerThe yellow font colour of the banner stands out against the black background. The banner provides incentive for readers who may wish to collect the covers. It is positioned at the top of the page making it visible for readers.

The Film Title It is clear as to what film this edition will feature as it is shown on the front cover. The title has some red inside it and some white keeping the colour scheme the same throughout the front cover.

The cover titles The cover line invites the reader to take a glimpse of the articles featured inside. The ‘Giant fold-out posters inside’ is likely to make his fans want to purchase the magazine. The white and red font stands out against the black background.

The Masthead

The date or publication are positioned at the end of the masthead which is a convention for Fangoria magazine. The small font means that it is not very noticeable for readers as a result, it is the last thing readers will look at. The ‘’Fangoria’’ has a red outer glow which correlates with the red colour scheme.

The Image

A medium shot of the corpse women almost dissolves into the darkness however the light of the candle brings out some light on the corpses face but the eyes are not seen which creates mystery and scare as we can not see the eyes as a audience however the corpse faces us.

The barcode The barcode is positioned on the bottom let hand side in a vertical position. A barcode is necessary for it to be scanned in the shops.

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The BannerThe red. White and green font blends in with the constant red, white and green theme. The banner provides an incentive for readers who will want to purchase the magazine to see why the ‘Halloween II’ is thrilling, bringing screams to the set. It is positioned at the top o the page making it visible for readers. I chose to add the film ‘Halloween II’ as Fangoria readers are interested in new releases.

The film title It is clear to what film this edition will feature as it is shown on the front cover. I added the colour red and green to the title to give the cover a colour scheme which was constant throughout. ‘Behind the scenes’ provides a incentive for readers to purchase the magazine to read on about what happens behind the scenes.

The cover lineThe cover line invites the reader to take a glimpse of the article featured inside. Fangoria fans are keen to know more about horror movies which is likely to make fans purchase the magazine. The white font stands out against the black background adding red white blends in to the red colour scheme.

The Masthead

The date of publication are positioned at the end of the masthead which is a convention for Fangoria magazine. The small font means that it is not very noticeable for readers as a result, it is the last thing readers will look at. The ‘’Fangoria’’ has a red outer glow which correlates with the red colour scheme.

The Image

The close up shot of the main character stands out from the other magazine covers on the shelf. The readers are attracted to the front cover through direct eye contact. The bright green eyes and red dripping blood with the nerves stands out and highlights the sadistic nature of the character. The face blends into the black background with only light on the face which correlates to the horror theme, creating mystery.

The barcode The barcode is positioned on the bottom let hand side in a vertical position. A barcode is necessary for it to be scanned in the shops. The barcode also has a price which is a convention for Fangoria magazine.

The puff‘’Essential 2011 preview’’ parallels with the white and green colour scheme making it stand out from the cover lines.

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BrandingThe Colour

I used a red and white palette for the film poster as I wanted depict the horror element using a colour notorious for blood and gore. The sharp white font brightens up the poster blending in with the bright image in the background. I opted for the white, red and green colour palette for the magazine cover as I wanted to challenge the stereotypical red colour, and wanted to differentiate my magazine cover from the poster. Although the green may not appear as a horror colour, I feel that green represents aliens and gore which is still apart of sci-fi horror. The colour challenges the conventional colour theme like ‘The Insidious’ Fangoria cover. The green theme correlates to the bright green eye colour.

The FontI decided to use different fonts on the poster and magazine to differentiate my magazine cover from the poster. Moreover, from my research into existing magazine covers like ‘Fangoria’, I could see that the film title was simple and bold. The masthead also featured fang like sharp ends which I included in my magazine front cover to correlate to the horror theme.

The credit font on the poster is different to the title font as after researching existing posters, I found that the purpose of the credits is to inform rather than contribute to the style of the poster.

The ImageI used images of our prop who is the evil doll on the poster and our main character is used on the magazine cover as it is a convention to add the villain on a horror magazine. I the image in the centre of the magazine and used the image to cover all the poster, creating different forms as in my trailer where the villain and doll is shown committing different sadistic acts. Direct eye contact of the images attracted my attention which is why my images give direct contact.

The AudienceMy film poster, trailer and magazine cover are aimed at teenagers which is why they are consistent with the level of horror depicted. As my trailer is rated a 15 because of the violence I believe that my poster and magazine cover is suitable to my target audience. The doll and the main character is used continuously throughout all the products which is why I believe that the audience will instantly recognise the brand.

The Effect

The link with my main product

The effect of marketing out trailer on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Youtube enables use to create a stable foundation for ensuring that our main product reaches our target audience. Our target audience use these social networking sites on a daily basis which is why I am very certain that the product will reach our intended audience who are teenagers.

The poster links to many scenes in the trailer which have been used showing the evil doll therefore the audience can quiet clearly establish the connection. The same goes for the magazine as the main character has been used therefore the audience can again establish the connection. The close up shots of the doll ties universally to my trailer as there are many shots of the doll during the latter part of the trailer.