Page 1: Please refer to the AimPlex assay user manual for details of the assay procedure

Video Demo of Some Key Steps of AimPlex Assays

Please refer to the AimPlex assay user manual for details of the assay procedure

Page 2: Please refer to the AimPlex assay user manual for details of the assay procedure

Quick spin the antigen vial before adding standard diluent.

Vortex gently for 15 sec. Incubate on ice for 5-10 min

Reconstitution of Lyophilized Standard(s)

Page 3: Please refer to the AimPlex assay user manual for details of the assay procedure

Transfer the indicated volume from the previous concentration

Mix each addition by pipetting up and down 6–8 times.

Change pipette tips after each addition to avoid contamination from one concentration to another.

Serial Dilution Preparation

Page 4: Please refer to the AimPlex assay user manual for details of the assay procedure

Mark the wells. Seal unused wells with a plate sealer

◦ Those wells can be used in future experiment(s).

Seal Empty Wells with a Plate Sealer

Page 5: Please refer to the AimPlex assay user manual for details of the assay procedure

Adjust vacuum pressure so that it takes 3-5 seconds to clear 100 μL 1x Wash Buffer from the wells

Gently tap the plate bottom onto several layers of paper towels to remove residual buffer on the plate bottom after the wash.

Plate Wash using the AimPlex Filter Plate Washer

Page 6: Please refer to the AimPlex assay user manual for details of the assay procedure

Cover the plate with a plate seal The filter plate should be placed on top of the filter plate lid Wrap the plate (on top of the plate lid) with aluminum foil

to protect from light Incubate on the shaker (set at 700 rpm) at room


