


Win Kyi

Thesis suhmit·t~:l to the Fa::ulty of t..he

Virqinia Polytechnic Institute and State University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of



Forest Products


----;;,-E .. -N .. -'!Jengelt, ______ _

July., 1983 Blacksburg, Viryinia



This thesis has benefited first and foremost from the

technical. guidance and encourage.ment of my major aa.viser Dr.

Christen Skaar. Second from Dr. Eugene Wengert who provided

technical. advice particularly in the area of l.lllllbe:c-d:cying.

Also, from Dr. Fred Lamb, a mem.ber of m:z committee and all

other facu.lty of the Department of .Forest Products who wi.1-

_ingly sh their time, especially Dr. Geza If ju.

Special thanks to Dr. W. T. Simpson an.d Dr. J. .i..

Tschernitz from the Improvement in Drying Technology Sec-

tion., u.s.Department of Agriculture, Forest Prcduc-t.s r.abora.-

tory, Madison, Wisconsin, who generously made ava.ilaole t.he

use-of their facilities. Likewise, to Ted liianowsxi and all

other staff who hel.ped me during my ten-week. study at t.neir


TO Dr. G. Armstrong, former chief technical adviser a!!.a

Dr. A. chief technical. adviser of Forest hesea.rch In-

stitute, Yezin, Burma; To Dr. c. de zeeuw and Dr. ft .. w .. :Ja.-

vidson visiting consultants from State University of N~w

York, Co11ege of Environmental. Science and Forestry who made

the necessary arrangements for my studies at Poly-

technic Institute and state University.


To .F .. A.O •. for providing tite fu.nds .for my stud.ies... To

Dr .• J ... Hoffman, development training specialist.,

u.~.Oepartment of Agricultnre# Office of the International

Cooperation and Development, wasld~gtot\, D"'C .. and sta.ff of

F.~1.0... i:n Bu-.crea, Rome and the United s.tates who ef-

ficiently took care of administrat.ive .arrangements. ..

To U Sein Na ung Mint, Director Gene.ra.1 of • the .;forest

Department, form-er director o.f t.he l:'orest Institute

and a.11 my colleagues f.rom the .t"ore:s·t Research Institute who

attended to the work I left behind •.

To ·the .Bur:.mese gove:rnme.nt fo.r kindly permit·titHJ me to

undei:tak.e studies a:broad,.

Last but. not the least, to .my pa.r<c1nts .for raising .me up

to appreciate the value of educati.on and my teachers f qr

providing me with U1e ha.sic skills to pursue higher educa-

tion .•



ACKNOwLEDGEI-nrnTs . -• • ii





v .•



Background R<~vielii' o·_f Solar .Lumber Kilns Energy Studies on .Solar .I.umber Kilns ••

... ... .. ,. 5 6

OBJECTIV.ES AND .APPROACH .• .,. -• ·• '.. . 8

obj ect.i·v<~!., ... .• .• • ,. °' .• ... .. _,. i• .. ,. •• _ • _ .. . • ., .• • 8 Approach .• ,. • .. • • ,. ,. • .• ,. .. • • _. .• • • • .. 8

Energy Balance Conce_pt .... - ..... _. • .. _... .. 9 Total Energy Input to the System ••••• 9 Tota.l Energy output ............ _. .• • .• • 13 Energy Balances ........... •• 22

Efficiency • • .. .• _ ,. .. • ,. .. .• .. • .• .• .,, . • • 2:2 Empi1:ica1 Eguation for Es-ti.mating D:aily

Moisture Content Loss ...... ,. ••• 24

MATERIALS AND NETHODS •• ... ,. ... External Collector So.laL" Kiln

Descriptio:11 o.f the Kiln • Solar Collector .. • •

. .. ·• ·• 26

.. 26

.. 2£ 28

Drying Chamber • • • .• .• • .• • .• . .• • • ,. -• .28 .First Run ,. .. .. "' "' _ ,. .. . ... .. .. ,. • • , • _,. .. .. '"' 29

Materials ••••••••••••••• 29 Experimental Procedure ,. .. .. • .. .. • • .. • .30. Analytical Procedure.,. ••••••••• 35

Second Run .. _. ... .. .. .. ,. • .• • • " _ • .. . .• .. .. .. 45 Semi-Greenhouse Kiln .. - •• <a .... _ •• .. • • • -• .. • 45

Description of the Kiln ............. ~5 Materials ••••••• - ........... 48 Ex_p-erime:utal Procerlure • _.. ,. .. .., • , .. ,. • ,. • 4 8 Analytical .l?rocea. ure .. • • • • • • ,. .. • ,. • 50,


External Colllector Kiln~ • First Run ••••••••

Gen-er-al observations ,.


. .. .... ·•

. .. ·•

, -• ~- . .. . .. ... .. ·53 ..... ,. .... 53 .. • _ • • . ... • 53



Energy Input~-- •••.•• - ••• _ •••• 57 Energy Output •••••••••• , ....... 64 Ene.rgy Balance ..... _ .......... ,. ,. ,. ,. .... ·69 Efficiency~ ••••••••• -........ 70 r1odel .for • . .. . • . .. . .. • 70_

Second Bun .................. _ •••• 74 General Observations.,., ..... ••.•• 74 Com_parison o.f Actual and Pr~dicted D:cying

'1.'i-nt;es .. .• • .. .. • • .• _ .• .. . ,. _.- .... i •. • •• ,. 75 Improvement of Kiln Efficiency • • • .. • . .. .. .. 77

.Increasing Solar E:ne.rgy Input ........ ,. .• • 77 Reducing Heat Losses ..... ,. .......... 78

Semi-Greenhouse Kiln ••• • _. 0 • •••• • ••• 82 General Obse.rvations • • .·.. . .• • .·,. • .• • .. . .• .. 83 Efficiency •.••• _ ........ ff ., ••••••• 85 Empirical .Model :for the Eff.icie4cy of U1e

Kiln ..... , .,. ... _ . ., -• • _., • .,, _ • .-.·• !•, ..... ,,... ,. _. 86



• 89





B •.






United States of Am,e.cica .. .. • .•. , ..... , .. . • . • • • Dodgeville, '11isco~sin • .. . - ... ·,. .. • . .• .• • .. r:iadison_, Wis cousin • ,. • • . .. .. .. . •. · ......... , ,.. Sauk City, -Wisconsin • • . .. • • • • . • . • • .• Fort Col.lins., Colorado .. , ................. ; • Blacksburg, Vir9inia, Semi'"".,g,.:ceenhouse Type Badison, Wisconsin • •:• .• .• ••••.• "~· Madison, Wisconsin, Bxternal-collector Type Baton Rouge, Louisiana~ ......... -.~. Carbondale, Illinois •••• _.,.. ,. , ,., ..... Some Commercial Kilns~ ••.•. •~.• •.• •.•.

Somerset, • ,. .• .• .. • , •.•.•• , .... . Afton flou:ntain Region, Virginia. • __ ,. .... .

India Dehra Dun .•.• . , ,. ' .





113 113 114 114 115 115 117 117 118 119 120 120 120 121 121

Ut ta Pradesh commercial Kilns .. Puerto Rico

Japan .•.•••• Taiwan ... ·• Uganda • • • • '"' ·ranzania •.•

.. Rep ub lie of the Philippines Ghana • '" .. .. Madagascar ••• Australia ....... Brazil .. • • United Kingdom .. Indonesia .. ,. • Fiji .. -~ . .. ,. Federal Repub l.ic Canada ....... ,.

of GH.cmany

Ivory Coast P..f:?pub lie o.f

..... ·.. ·• .. China • Sri Lanka Pakistan ,. Bangladesh .• Burma • • ,.

South Africa ·• ·Q ......


.. ,. .. . . . • . .. .. ..

,_ ft . IN



VTTA 149


122 123 123 124 125 126 127 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 133 134 135 136 137 137 138 139 139 140





2 ..


Var.:-i.ables and Coefficients tor the External Collector Ki.ln • • • • . •· •·

I-tun of • • • •

(continued} . •· . . . •. .. . - . . . . . . . . . •• 58

Dai.i.y Total Energy In.put • • . . • • . . .. . . .. . • 60

components of Total Energy Input . . . . . . • • •• 61

4. DaiJ_y Tota.l Energy Potentiall.y Availabl.e to S:ystem • 62

5. Components of Total Energy PotentiallJ A vaila.ol.e • • o.3



8 ..



1 1 ..


Daily Total Heat Losses from the Collector • • •

Daily Conduction. Losses f:com the Drying Chawber

. . .. .



Dctlly Total Energy output - . . . . • • • • . .. •• o7

components of Total Energy output . . . . . •••• 68

Daily Energy Bala.nee . . . . . ., . • • • • . . .. Dail:,r .B£ficienc1 of External. Collect.or Kiln • • • • 12

EfficieucJ ot Semi-Greenhouse Kiln •• • • • . . . • &7

13. Predicting DrJing Ti.i11es for some Commercial Burlilese Woods using External Collector Kiln ••••••• 90

14. Predicting Drying Times for Some commercial Burmese woods using semi-greenhouse Kiln • • • • • • .. • 91



Ex -cer :ual Col l\1ctor Kiln,. Maui.son. • • • • • 27

2. S€,mi-Gref:L.b.OUS'? Kiln, '>/PI & so, Blacksburg. . . / . . • 46

3. Drying curves of sugar maple. First Run, Exte:cnc'..l Collector Kiln •••••••••••••••••• 55

4.. Actual Preaicting Dryiug Cur-ves o:t Sugar maple, Second Run, External. collector Kiln •••••••• 7b

Solar ~nd Air-drying curves of yellow pcpla,r, Greenhouse KiLn ••••••••••••••

!::iemi-• b4


The forest area of Burma constitutes more than half the

country's total area, and supplies about 25 percent of its

foreign exchange earnings.

How.ever, in terms 0£ thr:? level of timber pt:oduction re-

la ti va to the forest a.rea, Burma is below trre levels of pro-

duction in Malaysia and Philippines (Appendix-A). D11e \vay

to increase national income is to search for ways to improve

timber production.

Data in Appendix-B indicate somewhat higher figures for

teak log export corn pa red to teak con versi::>n into man ufac-

tured pcodu::::ts~ '.l'hey also show that e,x:p9rts of hardwoods

other than teak are extremely low compared with ti.?.alL, Df I

particular c~ncern is the fact that export of hardwood con-

version products was such a. small :fraction (less than two

percent) of that of hardi:rnod logs other tha.n teak. The table

also indicates that production of plywood, veneer, mosaic,

parquet and other finished products are very low~.

export of hardwoods other than teak and the domestic pro-

cessing- of logs (both t.ea k hard ,wads other than teak)

into lumber, veneer or finished products can be increased,

the nation ~ill gain in several ways.



Economic losses ace heavy in the timber industry of

Burma dne to the inadequate hand.ling, processing and utili-

zation of wood. J. laC"ge part o~f these losses can be pre-

vented hy using appropriate. methods of drying ·to r: educe dry-

ing defects associated with shrinkage, and to eliminate or

to celuce tile risk o.f occurrence 0£ mold, stain, decay and

insect attack,.

Higher yield and better quality lumber, veneer and oth-

er finished prod uct.s depend on application <>f the best tech-

nology in processing, especially in drying and application

of preservative tcea tments to lumber, ve11eer, poles, rail-

roai sleepe~s and other products for cqostruction. In the

United states of America 60, to 70 percent of the energy used

in lumber pcoce:ssing was COllSUHed in lumber drying

(Skaar,1977). Wengert (1974) had calculated that the energy

raguired foe kiln drying

about 75 trillion Btu {22

ma tely equivalent to O. 1

lumber in the United States was

bill~on KWhr) in 1972, approxi-

perGen·t of ·the total energy con-

sumed annually in the United States •.

At present, the bulk of hardwood timber in Burma is

still · used without adequate seasoning, and losses thro11gl1

drying def ect.s that develop in subseg:ue.n·t service are ex-

tremely high •.


In Burma, there are only twenty coµventional Kilns with

a total of about 130 NB.Pl (10,800 cubic feet) lo-

cated at the Furniture Industry Depactment, State Timber

Corporation, Rangoon. These kilns are used for drying lum-

bsr of valuable pcimary species only for furniture-making

and mosaic ard pan1uet flooring •. This small capacity,

{about 5 percent of total lumber production in 197-0J, ~s due

maialy to the high initial investment and high operating

cost for a kiln, as well as to lack of knouledge of drying

technology ... On the other hand, air-drying requires a long

period of time resQlting in high inventory costs and in unc-

ertain del~very peciods due to dependence on weather condi-

tions. Compared to kiln drying, air drying results in more

dryirtrJ d efocts, slower rates of drying and higher final

moisture contents.

The mission, therefore, is to investigate a low-cost

and low-enecgy procedure which will dry lumber faster and to

a lover final moisture content than does air-drying, and

with a minimum of drying defects. The hypothesis is that so-

lar drying is the best drying system to accomplish this mis-


1 1000 board feet= 2.9 cubic meter


Tt had been known that tr:-opic:al a.reas between la·titude

35° North and south and receiving 2000 hours of bright

sunshine in the year are ideal for collecting a.nd utilizing

solar heat •. Conditions in a.lmost a.ll parts of B·urma, which

is located bet~een latitude 10"' and 28°. North, appear to be

quite favorable far this purpose during e~ght to ten months

of the year.

A prototype solar kiln of 1000 board feet capacity was

recently built at Yezin, Burma, at the Forest Besearch In-

stitute where the author is employed. The author is to have

direct supervision 0£ this kiln when he returns to his co1111-

try after complc~ting his studies in the United states o.f 1\m-

e;cica,. Tl1e ki.ln is o.f the sane design ana. size as the Nadi-

son (Forest Product~ Laboratory) prototype except that the

collector is 140 pe.rcrrn.t la..i:.-ger than that of the !'ladison

kiln,. . It is identical to a kiln which Nas built in Sri

Lanka in February., 1981., by w ... T • .Simpson and J. I.,. Tscher-

nitz of the u.s. Forest Products Laboratory, Madison~ Wis-


Cli.a. pte:r: II


This chapter is di viderl into two sections. The first

section vill give a brief background review 0£ the solar

drying of lumber and the second section will describe energy

studies on the solar lumber kilns.


several s-tudies of solar drying of lumber began at

about the same time, Jo.hns:011 (1961) .in ·the United States and

Rehman and Chawla (1961) in India. Thece are now a,t least

250 solar lufilber kilns -throughout. the -world •. Gt these.,

about 40 are experimental kilns built at univ0rsities or go-

vernment resea.rch laboratories, whereas the others are com.-

mercial kilns .• , A list o.f countries in which so.lar of

.lumber have ber~n conducted, given .i.n chronological ol.:·der

are, United States of America, India, Puerto Rico, Japan,

Taiwan, Uganda, Tanzania 11 Philippines, Ghana., Madagascar.,

Australia~ Rcazil, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Fiji, Best

Germany, Canada, Ivo.ry coast, South_ Africa,, Cliina, Sri

Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma~

these studies i:n ,~ach of these countries,

A brie£ .rev.iew of

·together with a

list of some :>:f the solar kilns which are knmrn to the au-

thor, are given in Appendices C and D.



There were several studies on energy ga~n and loss and

efficiency on -the solar lumber ! :' ·1 ,c1...,_ns .. O.f these studies,

only two which arz"' believed to be important to this study

will be described.

Host of the solar lumber kilns used in the 1960 1s were

of the greenh3use type, constructed with a wood frame and

cover~d with a tra.nspar:ent or a tranlucent lll.aterial such as

glass, plastic or fiberglass.

Io 1967, Hengert (1967) studied the euergy losses from

a greenhouse solar lumber kiln at C3lorado State University.

{The description of this :!ciln is given in Appendix C..)

In order to calculate the energy gain and losses from

the kiln, Wengert had collected the data during the morning

hours 0£ clear days during the summer of 1967. He indicated

tbat,"there were five energy losses account for about 84

percent of the incoming solar energy: losses by convection

(sensible heat loss), 29 percent; outgoi119 solar energy, 17

percent; ventilation, 14 per.cent; net longwave radiation, 13

percent; conduction throug.h thf:! floor, 11 percent. The

remaining 16 percent of solar energy was utilized for drying

the wood and for minor losses."

Based ~n his results., he gave several suggesstions to

reduce the energy losses from the solar kiln (Wengert.,


1971) .. Laber on., he modified the design of the grf.,enhouse

solar lumber kilns by using well insulated walls (Wengert,

1.980). This design is known as the .semi-9rEienhouse kiln •. ·

Rosen and Chen {1980) studied the efficiency of an ex-

ternal collector solar lumber kiln at the North Central For-

est Experiment Station, USDA .Foreist Service, Carbondale, I 1-

linois. {Description of this kiln was given in Appendix C)

Yi ve chacges of oni~-inch thick gree11 yellow poplar lum-

ber were dried tkrou,:;l1 the sum.mer of 1978 to the sprir19 of


cant ..

in each case to a final moisture cm1tent of 15 per- these tests, they collected the data. reguir:ed

to ca1cula te the efficiency 0£ the collector and 0£ the dry-

ing chamber for each run. According to their report, the

collector efficiency, ba SF.~d o.n da ytir1e ca1c ula tio.ns only,

ranged between ~1 and 66 percent, whereas the drying chamber

.:.=:fficiency, ranged b,2tw,~en 29 and 90 percent. They conclud-

ed that solar kiln di:ying was most eff~ctive in the surumer

and early fall, when drying chamber efficiencies were 90 and

67 percent, respectively.


Chapter III


The principal objective of this study is:

To develop an empirical model for estimating the drying

times for diffe;cent lumber species in Burma and at other 1o-

ca.tions for each of the two types of :so.lar kiln.

And the secondary objectives are:

1. To describe the principles and practices of lumber

drying using solar energy.

2. ·ro become familiar with the t1adison prototype exter-

nal collector solar kiln and the VPI i.r SU semi-green-

house type of solar kiln.

J. 2 1Ht.£E.Q.!£l!

In order to satisfy th,2 pr i.n.cipal objective described

above it is necessary to formulate an experiment from which

a suitable .rilodr:l and. associated para meters for predicting

drying time foe di£fecent species at different locations

could. be derived. This was accomplished by first applying

the energy balance concept to the drying process followed by

calculation of the kiln efficiency and finally der~ving an


empirical eguati~n for estimating daily moisture content


3,. 2. 1 .E.nerg_y Balance Co11 ce:p:t

In order to obtain the energy balances during the dry-

ing process, the magnitude of the various energy input and

various E'HH? output of the solar kiln for each day have to

b2. determined.. The following ge.r.u?.ral equation describes the

energy balance for each day t.hronghout. the drying period;

Total Energy Input -, J

to the System

Total Energy output - {

from the System

.Each of the total Eni.ergy input to the system and the

total energy output from the system uill consider:- seperate-


3. 2. 1. 1 Total Energy Input to the System

'I'he impor:ta.nt sources of energy input to the solar kiln

considered here will include: solar energy# electrical ener-

gy, sensible beat obtained from thermal conduction and sen-

sible heat released. from cooling of moist lumber,.

Solar Energy Input to Collector: For a flatplate horizontal

collector total solar energy {SETR) transmitted through the

cover for any day can be calculated by;


Transmitted Solar Ewergy -= (Tran:smissio1t E£ficiency

of the Cover) * { Daily Solar

Insolation) ;'< (Area o.f the Cove:::J

or in symbolic form,

SETR = RCV*SI*ACV (].., 1)


RCV = transmission efficiency of the. cover

SI = daily solar insolation in Btu/ft2

on a horizontal surface

llCV = area of the covf:r in £t2 Electrical Ene.r-gy Input :

Electrical energy input to the system is supplied by the

fans and blower in the external collector kiln and by the

fan in the semi-greenhouse Kno~iog the power and to-

tal running time of each fan or motor blower, the t.otal

electrical energy input for each day for each of the kiln

can be calculated.

Energy Gain by conduction from Drying Cham.ber ; The ex-

terior walls and the roof of the drying chamber will usually

be hot during .,_ Al

Llffie, ,especially on

Therefore temperatures of the exterior walls and the roof

will be higher tha:n that of the interior walls and the c0il""'."

ing during that time, and some energy ujll be gained by con-

duction. This amount 0£ energy galn can be calculated by,

Total Conduction Gain= ~um of Condaction Gain from each

Wall)+ (Conduct.ion Gain from the Hoof}


or in symbols,


CDG = total conduction gain in Btu

aw = effective overall neat transfer coefficient

of the walls in Btu/lu::-ft:.2- 0 p

AWi = area of each wall in ft 2

(3. 2}

DTEi - average temperature difference between the e.xte.cior

and intecior for each wall in °F

twi = total time during which the temperature of the

extrerior wall is higher than that of

the interior wall

URP = effective overall heat transfer coefficient of

the roof in Btu/hr-ftz- 0 p

ARP = area of the coof in ft 2

DTRF -= temperature difference between the outside

and the inside 0£ the roof in °F

trf = total time during which the temperature of the

outside roof is higher than that of

the inside roof


Energy Gain from the Load .: Daily iI1sola.tion iiiill .not

be uniform throughout the drying process~ Since it ,1ill

vary from day to day# the initial .f.inal tempera·ture in-

side the ch.amber 1'i11 also vary over -the 24·""'.hour -time per-

. -~ J.OCl. For example if it is cloudy or rainy o~ a particular

day and if the pre.:1rio-us day haa. been snnn y # the initial

temperature inside the chamber: wi.Ll be 1:dgh,e.c than the final

temparature inside the chamber over the 24~hour period.

:I'hus, for- tl:ta-t day the syst,em will gain some stored en,e:cgy

from the wood sub-ta.nee a:nd. ·the residual water in the wood as

they coo.h:.d.

late.:! l1y,

'rite amount of this energy gain can be calcu-

Energy Gain from the Load= (Energy Loss from the Hater)

+ {Energy Loss from the Wood)

+ (Energy Loss f_rom the Other

~la te:c.ials}

or in symbols,

(3. 3)

BGL = energy gain from the load in Btu

wt - total ove.n-dr:ied weight of l,/OOd in lb

including stickers and plywood

Ho = oven-dried weight o_f sugar map.le or lumbeI:' in 1.b

WX - total ·we.ight of other materials in lb

CPWo = specific heat o··F oven-dried wood in Btu/lh-°F

CPH = specific heat of water in Btu/lb-°F

CPX = specific heat of other rnaterials in Btu/lb- 0 :F'

AVNC = a·v-erage miosture conten·t ou that day in percent

D'I'L = differencH in ini·tial and temperatures

inside the c:hamber for:: a 2-4-hour pe.r::.iod

3 .. 2.1,.2 Total Energy Output

For the external collector kiln,there are two primacy

sources of energy loss from -the system, those .from, the. col·-

.lector and those frm1 the drying .Energy losses

fro.m the collector include top loss, bottom loss and edge

loss. Those fco.m the drying chamber, evaporation loss,

hy9roscopic .loss, ventilation loss# conduction loss and en-

ergy required to heat the wood subtance and the residual wa-

ter ..

Heat Losses from the Collector: The three main losses from

the collector are top loss, bottom Loss, and edge loss,.

Kach of thest~ losses will be considered separately .•

IQE ~OS§.: :T:o calculate ·the heat losses from the ·top of the

collector, the procedu:r.·f)S o'.E Duffie a.nd Beckman { 1974}

be . followed .. For a :single cover ·th.aJ: is partially t.1:·anspa-


rent to infrared radiation, the top loss coeffic~ent (UT) is

given hy,

+ [ {1/(hpc+hrpc)} +{1/{luHhrcs}} ]-1


T = transmittance of the cover for radiation

from plate to sky

EP = emittance of plate

SB - Stefan-Boltzmann constant

TAV= average temperature between plate and cover in °K

= {TP+TC)/2

TP = plate temperature in

TS= sky temperature in °K

TA= ambient temperature in °K

hpc= convection coefficient or heat transfer coe£:ficient

between plate and cover in W/:ra2 - 0 c

hrpc= radiation coefficient from plate to cover

11w =convection heat transf,~r coefficient for wind

blowing over the cover or wind coefficient


hrcs=cadiation coefficient from cover to SKY

Four of these coefficients are calculated fr:om the fol-

l:>wing for;nulae,

.• 281 hpc = 1.613*( DT }*11-0.0018{TAV-10)]

.157 '" 1

' hrpc = [ (TP2+TC2)*(TP+TC} ]/[ {1/EP)+(1/EC)-1J

hw = 5.7 + 3.8 V

hrcs = EC*SB*(TC2+TS2)*{TC+TS)


DT = temperature difference between plate

and covec in °K

1 = space between plate and cover in cm.

EC= emittance of cover

TC= cover temperature in °K

V = wind speed in m/sec

( 3. 5)

(J. 6)

(3. 7)

(3 .. S)

Knowing the value of top loss coefficient (Uf}, the top

loss from the collector for each day can be calculated by,

Top Loss= {Top Loss Coefficient) * (Area of the Cover} *

{Average Temperature diffec.ence between Plate

and Ambient) * {Total TiDe during which the

Collector Tempecat•Jre is higher than

of Ambient Air)


ot· i.n symbols,

(3 .. 9)


TOPL - total top loss in Btu

UT - top loss coeffient in Btu/f t2-°F-hr

ACV = area of the cover in ft 2

D'J~C - average of hourly tempe r:a ture tli.f ference bet.H?en

the collector and ambient .air in °7

ttc = total time during which the collector teraper:ature

was higher than that of ambient air in hr

Botto.m Loss :: The temperature of the plate will be usually

higher than that of th1cJ groutH1 1 resul.ti:ng in some co11ductio.t1

:heat 1os·t to the ground.. Knowing the eff~ctive conduction

coeftici.ent {UB) for ttH= plate, this heat .loss (B'TL) for

each day can be calculated by,

Bottoru Loss = (Conducti:>n Coefficient of the Plate} * (Area of the Plate) * {Av~rage Terape.rature

difference between Plate and Ground) * {Total Time during ~hich the Tempe.cature of

the Plate is higlrn.c than that of the Gr:ound)

or in sym.bols,

BTL (]. 10)



BTL = total bottom loss in Btu

UR = conduction coeffici,~nt in Btu/ft2 - 0 .F-hr

APL = acea of the _plate in ft2

DTB - ,average temperature difference · bet:s1een

plate and gcound in op

t.b = total time during ~,hich the temp.e.cature of the

plate is higher than that of the ground in hr

Edge Loss : The edge loss could he calculated the

procedure as for the bottom loss.

Energy Loss from the ll~!i!!.9:. : There are five rnain

losses from the drying chamber, namely; eva_po:cation loss,

hygroscopic loss,. conduction loss, energy given to the load

and ventilation loss.

Evaporation Loss : This is the ene1:gy requ.Lred to evaporate

the wa·ter from the wood.. The evaporation loss .fo.r each day

can be calculated by,

Evaporation Loss - {1Weig±d: of Water Evap.orated} * {Energy

required to Evapor.ate One Unit tfass

of .water)

or in symbols,

EVP = iv*[ {CPW*(212-Ti}



-t CP V* ('.r .i-212}} + L V: ]

Ww = weight of water removed or evapqrated in lb.

CPW= specific heat of water in .Btu/lb-°F

CPV= specific heat of vapor in Btu/lh-°F

Ti = average initial temperature inside the chamber

LV = latent heat of vaporization of water

- 972 Btu/1b-°F

{3 .. 1 1)

The weight of ,water evapo.,rated can be estimated from

the average moisture content loss per day of the samples and

total overn-dried weight of the lumber which is equal to

62. IJ*V*SG, where V is the green volume o.1E the lumber in cu.-

bic feet an:i SG is the g.cee.n specific gravity of the lumber ..

Since specific .hea·ts of wa·ter {C'l?W} and vapor (CPY} are 1. 0

and o. 47 Btu/lh-°F respt-3<::tively I equation p .. 11) can he s:im-

pli.fied to,

EVP = (62.4*V*SG)*(HCL/100)*[0.53{212-Ti)+972] (.3. 12)

where 1

MCL = da.ily mois, content in percen·t

Hygroscopic Loss: In re.moving water from !wood belqw the

.fiber saturation point, some additional ene.rgy is required

to oveccome hygroscopic forces. 'J:'his energy .becomes higher

as ·the moisture content approaches ·to zero .. The ene1:gy re-


g:uired to overcome hygroscopic .f orc-es £or each day can be

Galculated by,



HYG = energ-y regui:r:~d to overcome hygroscopic forces in


Wo - oven-dried weight of lnmher

Mi - aveca9e initial moisture co.ntelit of the lumber:

in percent

Nf - average fi:nal moisture contf:HJ.t o.f the .lumber

in pe:rce.nt

The above equation is the heat of wetting over

_the temperature range of 60°F and 120°p for different mois-

ture content below the fiber saturation point which was here

assumed as 30 percent moisture con.:tent. This eguatio:n was

derived from the equation for the dif·ferential heat of sorp-

tion given by Skaar (1972).

C::>ntluctio:n Loss : Since the tempera-ture inside the chamber

will be higher than ambient. most of th~ ti11le, some energy

!fAill be lost by conduction through the i?alls, the roof a.nd

the floor,. 'l'he expression for total enez:-gy loss is

identical to that for to-tal entH:gy gained by conduction with

the addition. of a teem for the .floor losses ..


Total Conduction Loss = (Conduction, Losses from the .walls)

+ {Conduction Loss from the Roof)

+ · (Con.d uc rion Loss to the Floor)

or in symbols,

4 CDL = l: UW*AWi *DTWi *twi + URF*A.RF*D'l'RF*trf i=l



DPL = effective overall heat transfer-coeffient

of the floor in Btujlu:-ft 2-°F

AFL = area of tne floor in ft2

(3. 14)

DTFL= di·f~erence in average temperatures of the .flooc

and the ground in op

tfl = total time d urin<J which the f looc telilperat ure wai:i

higher than that of the ground in hour

Energy Given to the Load : The same equation used to calcu~

late the heat gained when the lumber is cooled over a

24-hour period inside the drying chamber. can be used to cal-

culate the energy re':luired to heat the lumbe.r {EOL} when its

temperature increases over 24-hours. This will occurr when

a particular day is sunny following a cloudy or rainy day.

The expression to be used to caiculate this energy is there-


EOL = Wt*CPW-* TL + Wo* {AVIiC/100) *CPWT* TL + W.X*CPwX* T.L

- - {3 .. 15)


Ventilation Loss ! 'l'he total ventilation loss can be calcu-

la ts::>11 h y,

Ventilat.ion I.oss=Mass of outlet Air*[ Heat Added-Work Done]


Ventilation Loss = tlass of o ut.J.,at Ai e * [ (Specific Heat

of Air* Tem,per:ature Diff,.:,rence) - (Gas

Constant ~): Temp,2ra ture Difference} J

or in symbolic form,

or it can be written as,

VTL = {rvt>l<rho*tvt) ;or- {CPA-B.) ;'<DI'J\.


VTL = ventilation loss in Btu

rvt = volume ra.:te of flow of outlet air in ft 3 /

rho= density of air in lb/ft 3

tvt - time in minute

CPA = specific heat of air at constant pressure

in Btu/lb- op

B = Universal gas constant in Btu/lb-°F

DTA = average difference between outlet

and inlet air temperatures in °F



3. 2 .. 1. 3 Balances

Using the data obtained for the various energy .input

and the various energy outpu:t for each day, the energy ba-

lance relationships for the kiln can be calculated £or each

day using the follo•ing expressions,



(3. J7)

{ 3,. 1 8)

where, TEI is the total energy input and TEO the total ener-

gy output for a given day, the other ter.l!is are the safile from

equations (3.1) through (3.16).

The energy balance for each day was calculated by,

TET =TEO+ E {3, .. 19)


TEI - total energy input to the syste1n .i;n Btu

TEO = total energy out.put .f-r.-0111 th:e system in B-tu.

E = error

3.2.i Efficiency

The efficiencies o-f the collector (EFFCL) and the ilry-

ing chamber {r;FFDC) can he calc u1ated for each day as fol-

.Efficiency o.f the Collector = (Solar Energy Input to the

Drying Ch,a.mber_} / (Solar Energy

Incident :> n the Collector)


Efficiency of the Drying Chamber ·= (E vaporatio.Q. Loss

+ Hygroscopic Loss)/ (':r.otal

oc i:n symbolic forms,






Iqput to



(.3. 20}

(3 .. 21)

· SEIC - total solar energy incident on the collector-cover

on each d-a.y

SEIDC - total solar energy input to t.he drying cha-m.ber

on each day


and the other terms are as defined in equations (3 .. J)

through {-3 .. 19),. _.

The overall e:fficiency (EFF) o:f the kiln ·for each day

can be calculated from the equation#

Ovecall Efficiency - (Evaporation Loss + Hyg-roscqpic Loss)/

rrotal Energy .Available tC> the Sy.stem)

or in symbols,

EFF· = (F.VP+HYG} / {TE.A)





TEA= SEIC+ELI+CDG+EGL { 3 .. 23)

= total energy available to the system

3"' :2. 3 Empirical Egua tio n fQ£ Estimating D.aily Noisture Content Loss

An empirical equation for the overall efficiency of the

kiln can be found a11d t.oget her with etJUa tions for e 1rapora-

tion loss (egu.3.12) and overall efficiency of the kiln

{egu.3.22), daily moisture content loss in percent {HCL) can

be estimated by the follo•ing equation.

In the above equation, the energy required to overcome

hygroscopic forces which are only effective below the fiber

saturation point and are also very small compared to the

evaporation loss, are neglected for simplicity.

Knowing the total solar energy incident on the collec-

tor-cover1 the total energy available to the system (TEA)

can be estimated by,

TEA.= SEIC/R (3 .• 25)


SEIC = total solar energy incident on the co11ector~cover

in Btu


Chapter IV


Two types of so.lar kilns were studied .• The main par--

tion of this study was conducted on a prototype external-

co.llector .kiln a.t the u • .s. Forest Products Laboratory, f'ladi-

son, Wisconsin .• For pucpose of coll1pacison, a solar kiln of

.semi-greenhouse type loca tell at Virginia Po.lytechnic Insti-

tute and State University.., Blacks.burg, V.icg.inia was also

studied ..

4. J E.XTERlO\L COLLE£.:!:_OH SOLAR !£.I.1.[

Two loais of green sugar maple lumber were dried during

the summec of 1982~ Thes-e two r:un.s will be discussed sepa-

ratelr, following a .b.:cief description of the kiln itself.

Description of the Kiln

The prototype external-collector solar lumber kiln used

in this study .is located at the u • .s • .p .• A. :Forest P:cod ucts La-

bora-tory, adjacent to the cam,pu.s o.f. the University o.f Wis-

It mainly consists of two

parts, the solar collector and the drying chamber, as shown

·• '!7- .• 1 1.n "' 19 :ure · ...



A - Drying Chamber 8 - Collector C - Blower D - Air Duct E - Circulating Fans Fl,F2 - Humidistats H - Damper Motor J - Fresh Air Duct K - Exhaust Fan L - Thermostat

..... MIS2091 Figure 1:


K 11 Al

~H t.JO

External Collector Kiln, Madison. (Courtesy USDA Forest Products Lahoratory)

N -..J


Solar Collector

''.!'.'he collector is external to the dr.ying cham.ber ... It is

horizon ta 1 and bui l.t into the ground. It is 8 feet wide and.

25 feet long, 1dth a cov~r-abso.rbe.:c spacing of 6 inches.

A layer of granulated charcoal about l/2 inch thick was

usHrl as a heat-ahsorbi:ng surface and hea :t transfer medium.

The collector cover material is a laye.r of fiber-

glass-reinforced o. J cm thick.

'I'h.e path of air circulation hetwecen the· collector and

the dryer is indicated by arrows in Pig.1 •. Air is draao

from one side of the dryer, t.ravel.s down the ~est s.ide o.f

the collector, then across the ,e11d and down the east side of

the collector and back .into the dryer. A .blower of about

1/2 HP just inside the drying chambE;!r induces air flow

through the collector. Drying Chamber

The drying chamb~r is approximately 9 feet square by 10

feet high with a capacity of about 1000 btiard feet of one

inch lumber. The walls £ramed with 2x4 co.nstruction

lumber.. The inside and outside are cove.cad with 1/2 and 5/8

inch exterior~grade plywood, respectively. The 3.5 inch

space between inside and outside p.1ywoqd sheathing, is insu-

lated witr1 2. 5 inch thick fiberglass .insula tiou .batts

and one one-inch thick polystyrene sheet.


a polyethylene vapor barrier .is ·placed be.hind the

interior plywood sheet. 'l'he roof is of similar except that

the r:-aftecs ,:u:e 7 inches wide instead of 3 .. 5 inches,. 'fhe

rafter space is filled with loose fiberglass insulation, and

roof lng paper is used on the outside.. The floor .is :filled

with gravel up to 4 inches, with a s.heet of pqlyethy.lene

placed below t.he gra ve.l.

Two 2-speed overhead fans, each of about 1/2 HP, are

nsed to circulate the air th.cough ·the lumber pile. itn ex-

haust fan of about 1/3 HP, located at the bottom of the east

wall, is used for venting.

The first drying test was

third week of June, 1982 and

carried out beginning at the

ending at the third •eek of

,July, 1982. The purpose of this run was to co.i.lect the data

which were used to calculate the energy balances and then to

pr(~dict an empirical model foe the ef-f.iciency of the kil:n

with respect to the several variables ..

4. 1. 2 .• 1 Materials

Five-quarter inc.h green sugar maple ( !£g~ §.a££hat:!!.i.!!

tiarsh •. ·) lumber was solar-d.ritad in this study.

was cut i.n the Forest Products Laboratory saw mill f.rom 12

8-foot logs whose diameters ranged from 12 to 20 inches.


4. l.2 .• 2 Experimental Procedure

Each board was marked according to the log number im-

mediately after cutting. There were a total of 181 boards.

The width of each board was measured, and ranged from ~20

The length and average thickness of the

boart1s were 8 feet. and 1 .. 25 inches1 .respectiv,ely.

Since it was sawn 4 days before drying, the lumbec was

hulk-piled and the whole pile wrapped with polethylene and

stored in a cold room at 35°F until needed.

1'he lumber was stacked in tiu~ en.amber on June

15, 1982 .. The total load of the pile was 1040 board feet in-

eluding sample hoards. Just b~fore stac.kin9, 9 boards iihich

were from diffecent logs and of different widths were se-

lected to provide kiln saThples. Two matched kiin sa~ples,

each 26 inches long were cut from each hoard, after discard-

ing a filinimu.m of 12 inch;es trim from both ends ot the

boar:'ls. Care l.-ias also taken to eIJ.SUD'! that the sample

boar as contained a minimum a ru.ount. of natural d.e.fects such as

knots# bark, and decay.

one-inch moisture content sections were cut from both

ends of each sample board. Then each sample and each mois-

tnre content section was weighed. The sample boards were

end coated with a commercial end sealer and weighed again to

estimate the we~ght of end-coating material. T.he moisture


conte.nt sections were then ovendried at 219°F (104°C) for .36 1 and weighed again in (lrder to calculate the average

green moisture content. which was used; in tu:r.:-n to estimate

the oven-dried Yeight 0£ each sample board,,. Befor·e ove11-

drying1 the green volume of each moisture content section

was :also measu:i:ed by water displacement in order to de:t;:Jr-

min,? the average green volume specific gra vi·ty.

Tk.e width of the pile was 4 feet and :were 29 lay-

ers making the pile about 5 feet high. The st~ckers were

D.75 inch thick by 1.25 inch wide by 4 feet long, and were

of mixed white and red oaks 1 spaced 2 feet apart •. A sheet

of plywood vas laid on top of the pile and top loa.ded with

10 concrete blocks for .a total load o:f a.bout 1:90 pounds.

sample boards were placed at 16 dif . .ferent positions, 9

on one side and 9 on the othe:c side of the pile ... To get a

comparison 0£ moisture co:ntent loss for each day between th.e

air ent(~ring side and lea sides or the pile., one board

of each of the nine matched sample pairs was placed at cor-

responding positions on o_pposite side of the p:ile.

The data required £or calculatin~ the energy balance

for each day were obtained using the following procedures~

The temperatures at diff~cent positions in the system

were obtained by means of 24 thennoco.uples of iihich seve.n

were :located in.side and three outside the co.llector, as well


as six inside and eight outsid,e the ch.amber.. The ex--

act location of each thermocouple is given in ,llppeudix E.

The temperatures of these thermocouples were recorded at

half-hour intervals on a Honeywell strip-chart recqrder .•

The tlaily solar inso.l:i1t.i0Il. :was obta.iued by mean.s of an

Eppley b.lack and 'finite pyra.nome·ter set up 911 the :coof 9f the


Two hygrothermographs one located inside and the othe:.i:

outside the chamber, cecorded the relative humidities inside

the chamber and of the ambient a· .•.

A timer was set up to control the .fans, b.lower and ex-

haust •. · Two huroidistats, a thermostat and a differe:ntia.l

temperature control were al:so set up in or-d,i2r to co.ntrol

each of these independently.

The humidistat switch RH1 (F1 in Fig.1) coµ th.e

venting. It was used to est.ah lisn tbe mini11lU'fil re la ti ve hum·-

idity in the chamber below which the exhaust fan vould not

operate .•

A second humid:i.stat switch RH2 {F2 in Fig .. 1) was a.lso

used to es·tahlish. the maximum relati va h.umidi ty abovH w;hicli

the dryer would not operate, specially for long periods o.f

loiJ sola:c input and higl1 humidities:, ie. •.. rainy periods ..

The ·fa11. was used to establish a mininrnm

temperature above which the :Eans woula ope.rate even after

the timer was off, especially for the typical sanny days.


The differential temperature contro.1 was used in. order

to turn the blower on whenever the temperature in the col-

lector was higher than that in the dryi~g chamber.

Three counters moni the running times .for eac1, of

the blower, the exhaust fan and circulating fans. I

Solar drying was started on June 16 1 198 2. •. The timer

was set to be active between 8:10 am and 10 pm, and the

thermostat was set up at 90°w.

All sample boards were VBighed every morning before

8 am, unless it had rained. The moisture conu:mt of each

sample board was ca le ula ted. immediately ~1fter weighing and

then the two humidistats were changed if necessary, accocd-

ing to the aYerage moisture corrtent of these samples.

Daily solar insolation and total running times for the

circulating fans, blower and exhaust fan were recorded every

morning before B am. A tru;~rmocouple recorder arrd two hy-

grotherrnographs were also checked at the same time. The

cover of the collector was cleaned in the early morning at

least two to three times every week to r:emove the accularoa t-

ed dust, and thus maintain the transmission e£ficiency o.f

the cover ..

The fans were run at high speed at the beginning of the

test and it was chan9ed to th,e low speE~d whePo the average

moisture content of the samples decreased to 28.5 percent on

day 1 O .•


l e .... 1.I:.::,. mh cf=" ~ct {+'r.:r1} aurl -the second humidistat {RH2} were

set initially at 70 and 100 p12rcent h.u.miitity, a:espective1y.

They were re.set to 50 and :90 pe.r:cen t 0I1 day 10. They were

again reset to 40 and 70 percent on day 20 when the average

moisture content was 13.8 percent. Finally on day 22 they

were reset UP at . .30 and 6,0, perce.1d: when -the a'verage moisture

content of the samp.les was ·12 • .3 pet:ce.nt ..

'Tlte solar dr_ying was termina·ted 011 July 15, 1982 after

29 days of drying,. _ The pile was unstacked and each .boar:-d

was l-Jeighed to det.e.a:mine the final weight of the lum:-

her ..

To estimate the actual po¥er c<:n1sum,1_:,-tion of the ciccu-

lating £a:n.s, blower and exhaus,t fan, e,ach vas run separately

for 24 hours,. The power consumption o.f each fan or blower:

was measured by means of a po11er-meter •. ·-

The bread -t:h and the leng·th o,f the cq,1:lector and the

leng-th of each ra.fter used in constr.uct:ion of t.he collector

cover were measured in order to ca:lcula te the actual area o.f

the cover:.

The average -t:r-ansmissio:n efficiency of t.he collector

cover was estimated based on au experiment using a sheet of

one-square feet fiberglass- reinforced polyes·te.c :was

of the same material and the same expo,sure history as the

cover,. Solar insola tion with and 'Without this sheet iias


measured hourly by a pyranometer rf.:>corcler on day 23 and day

27.. The total solar i11solation on these ilay.s were 2507 ari.d

2295 Btu per square feet" respectively ..

4. 1. 2 .. 3 Analytical Procedure

As described in the precedin9 chapter, to get the ener-

gy balances during the JryI. ng process, the various energy

input and the various ener9y output from. the system .for

nay were calculated sepa.ra te1y as follows.

Solar Energy Input to Collector The total solar energy

transrt,itted through the cover (SETR) for Eiach day was calcu-

lated from eguation (3.1) 1


In this study daily solar insolation (SI) was obtained

from recording the pyranometer, transmission ef.f.iciency of

the cover {RCV'} was estimated to be 0,. HO .from a separate ex-

periment, and area of the cover (ACV) was measured to be 167

square feet.;

Electrical Energy Input : The eli:~ctrical energy input to the

system (EI.I} for each day was calculated from the total pow-

er consumption of two fans ,:111a. moto,r blowe.c. The power con-

sumption of each fan or motor blower for .,2ach day was oh-

t ained by the product of th.e power .a.nd the

time of each fan or blower.

total runnin9


In this kiln, the power of each fan vas 0.715 HP (30.28

Btu/min) at high speed, 0.211 HP (8~97 Btu/min) at the low

speed. That of the blower was 0.746 H.P { 3l.63 Btu/min).

Total running time of each fan or blower for each day was

obtained from the two counters.

Energy Gain by Conduction from Drying Chamber: This energy

gain for each day was calculated from e~uation (3.2),

4 CDG =~ Ui*Aw1 *twrDTW1 + lJ"RF*A.R.F*DTRf'*trf

i=l In this study, The effective overall heat transfec

coefficients of the walls (OW) and of the roof {URF) ~ere

estimated (Tscherni tz and Simpson_, 1979) as o. 0611 Btu/h.r-

ft'2-0F and o. 0.365 Btu/hr-ftz- 0 p respectively.

The outside temperatures of the east, south, west and

north walls and of the roof were determined by the thermo-

couple nura.bers (7),(8} 6 {9) 1 (10} and (6), respectively. The

inside temperatures of the west and the walls were mea-

sured by the thermocouple numbers U} and (4). Those of the

south and the north. walls were estimated fro 111 the average of

thermocouple numbers (J) and {4}.

was given by thermocouple number {~.

The ceiling temperature

gnergy Gain from the Load: It was calculated from equation

(3. 3} ,

EGL = Wt*CPiO*DTL + [ ( Wo*AVMC) /100 ]*CPW.*DTL+aX *C?X*D.TL


In this case, oven-dried weight of the lumber (Wo} was

estimated. fro.m the tota 1 g r-ee n volume and the green volume

specific gra_vity of the lumber 0J;tai1H2d by the watHr dis-

placement method. The total oven-dried weight of the stick-

ers and the plywood was estimated as 215 pounds. based on

their dimensions and specific gravity.. 'fh.e total weight of

other materials (iX) was taken from the total weight of con-

crete blocks which was about 190 pounds and the specific

heat of concrete was taken as 0.2 Btu/lb oy {Luikov,1966).

Specific heat CPio of dry wood was calculated by Dun-

lap1s equation as given by Skaar {1972),

CPWo = o,.266 + o,.00116 *'I'


T = wood temperature in °c


CPNo = 0.266 + 0.00064 {Tav-32)

CP~Jo= specific heat of dry wood in Btu/lb- 0 .F

':rav = average wood terupe1:ature, t.aken to be that

of the chamber

{ 4. 1)

{ 4 .. 2)

In this the average tempe:ra·tu.:ce {'I'av) was estimat-

ed. from the a ver3.9e hour J.y temperature throughout the day

from thermocouple numbers {3) , {4) a:nd {5}.


The average moisture content of the wood was taken to

be the mean of the initialand final illOisture contents of the

sample boards for a 24-hour period.

water was takeu as 1 Btu/lb-°F.

The specific heat of

Heat Losses fron1 the Collector : The three main losses

from the collector were calc ted .separately, as follows.

Top Loss : Top loss from the collector {"rO.PI.) for each day

was calculated by using equations (3. 5), (3.6),

(3. 8) , {J. 4) and {3. 9) •

• 281 hpc = 1.613* { D:-r ) *[ 1 - 0.001B(TAV-10)]


hrpc = [ ( TP 2+ TC2) * (TP+TC} ]/[ ( 1/E2) -J- { 1/EC) -1 ]

h w = 5. 7 + 3. a* V

hrcs = EC*SB*(TC2+TS2)*(TC+TS}

OT= 4T*EP*SB*{TAV) 3 *{TP-TS)/(TP-TA)

+ [ [1/ (hpc+hrpc)} + (1/(hw+hrcs} J J-1

TOPL = ·OT*ACV*TC>o'cttc



{3. 6)

(3 .. 7)

( 3. B)

(3. 4)

(.3 .. 9)

In this study, the transmittance of the cove~ £or radi-

ation ft"O!!I plate to sky (T} and emm.ittance of the cover- (EC)

for the fibecglass-reinfocced polJt::.Ster were assumed to be

0.2 and 0.8, Cf~specti vely. The plate e:ni ttance {EP) of

granulated charcoal, was estimated to he 0.95.


The plate temperature {'l~P) was obtained from thea:-mocou-

ple .number { 13) and tiH~ cover temperature (TC} from the av-

erage of therm:>couple .numbers {11), (12),(14),{15),a.nd (16).

Th,;:~ ambient temperature was obtainea. frorii thermocoupl,e num-

bar (20) ~nd the sky temperature {TS) calculated fcom the

a.mbient te.mpera t.ure (TA.) by use of the formula,

J;verage wind speed. for each day w-as obtained from the

local cl imatoloqical data ohtained from the National Wea the~

Service at DanB County .Regional Airport, about 5 miles far

from the solar kiln.

Bottom Loss : 'I'he concl.uction coefficient (UB) of granulated

cha.rcoal was assumed as o ... 432 9 from

ieast(1967) •. The surfa:e area (APL) of the plate (the char-

coal) was estimated to be 170 .s1;1uare :feet .. The averaqe

temperature difference between plate and ground :was

estimated from the readings of thermocouple numbers (13)

and (24), respectively.

.Edge Loss '1.'he edge loss was ca.le ula tea. using the same

procedure a.s for the bot tom loss ... How~ver, since the total

area. of plate in cont.act with the of the collector is

very small, about 2.5 square feet, the total edge loss was

presumed to be negligible.


Enerqy Loss from the Drying- Ch.amber The five main losses

from the drying chamber were calculated as follows.

Evaporation Loss: This was calculated from equation (3.12),

EVP = {62.4*V*SG}*(MCL/100)*[0.53{212-Ti)+972]

In this study the green volume of the lumber (V) was

estimated from the dimensions of the boards and the green

specific gravity (SG) was estimated from the moisture con-

tent sections of the 18 sample boards by water displacem~nt

method .. Daily moisture content loss in percent (BCL) was

estimated from the average moisture content of the sample

hoards .. The average ini tia1 te.mpe rature inside the dryer-

was taken from the average values of thermocouple numbers

(3), (4) and {5) recorded at a am.

Hygroscopic Loss· It was calculated from equation (3. 13),

The oven dried weight of the lumber {Wo) was estimated.

from thfo total green volume and green volume s1Jecific gravi-

ty of the lumber. Daily average ini t±a.l moisture cn.ntent

and average final moisture content (Mi and Nf) were estimat-

ed from the daily average tial moisture content and final

moisture content of tht, .sample boards. It was realized. that


the surface content is lower than the average mois-

ture con tent.. This causes some er:co.r in the calcula tioas of

hygroscopic los~ However, the surface moisture content ~as

unknown and this factor was neglected in the calculations

based on equation (3.13).

Condu~tion Loss: Co~duction loss from the drying chamber

was calculated from equation {3.14),

4 CDL =I UY *AWi *DTWi *twi + URF*ARF*DTRF*trf

i=l + UFL*AFL*DTFL*tfl

In this case calculation for the conductior;i. losses from the

walls and the roof were similar to that of the conductio.n

gain as mentioned before. In calculating the conduction

loss to the floor, the ovecall heat trans£er coeffient of

the floor which consists 0£ a 4-inch th,ick layer of gravel

was assumed as O.S208 Btu/hr-ft2-°F {Wood Handbook, 1974}.

The average temperature o~ the floor was taken from the av-

erage values o.f thermocouple numbers (3.) _and (4} and the av-

erage temperature of the ground was taken from thermocouple

number ( 17) respectively •.

Energy Given to the Load: Similar calculation as that of

the energy gain from the load as mention;ed before.

Ventilation Loss: It vas calculated from equation (3.16),


VTL - {rvt*ch.o*tvt) * (C.P.A - R) *D'T.A

.For this solar kiln, in calculating the total ventilation

loss :for each day, four cases were considered;

1. any the exhaust was on

2,. . The exhaust was off but · tl,e circulati,ng fans and

:blmi1er were on

3,. The exhaust and blower :\we:ce off but the fans were on

4. The exhaust, .fans and blower "Mer~ off

The volume~ rate .of .flow of outlet air (rvt) .for each

case was taken to be,

case {1) 600 ft3/min

case {2) 300 ft3/min

case (3) 250 £t 3 /min

case (4) mo ft 3 /min

The density (rho) an:1 specific of air (CPA) were

calculated at 85 .. 5op and 52 %RH which were the average temp-

erature and relative humidity inside the for tile

~hole d.rying process.. They were t,clke:n as 0,. 7113 ll'.1/cu£t and

Uni -versa.1 gas constant H

was taken as 0 .• 0685 Btu/lb°F .from publislted values.

The total running time (tvt}

from the counters ..

.for each case :was taken


The outlet and inlet ai.c tempera·ture.s were taken from

the~ruocouple numbers {4) and (20) respectively.

Calculation of Ene.cgy Balances : The energy balan,ce rela-

tionships for. the lciln were calculated fm: each day

equations (3.17) and (3.JB),



and then, the energy balance for each day was calculated b~,


Calculation of Efficie11cies : Th.e e.fficiepcies of the co.1-

lec·tor (EFFCL) and thi:-; d.r_yinq- chamber (EFFDC) were calculat-

ed for each day {24 hour period), using e;1uatious (3.20) and

(3. 21), ~1hereas overall efficie.ncy 0£ th.e kiln was calculat-

ed by eguation (3.22).

Empii:ical Modf.ds fo.r: Efficienci-e.s A statistical analysis

system (SAS) was used to indicate which fac·tors explain the

variation in efficienci-es during the drying period of the

collecto.c (El''FCI.) and drying chambe_r (EFFDC), as well as the

overall efficiency (EPF).

linear regression was,

The model used i.n the multiple



.IdC = daily average initial moisture content

of the samples in percent

SI = daily solar insolationin Bi.:u/ft2

TA = daily average ambient temperature in op

SVPR·= daily a vera91~ sa tun. ted vapor pressure in mm

VW = daily average wind speed in ~ph

N ul tiph:,, linear regression tests using a stepwise

procedure were executed for e.acb. of the three efficiencies,.

Js'or the collect.or effici:ency {Et'FCL} the daily solar

insolation was the significant factor. Therefore a polyno-

mia1 regression test with stepwise riroced ur:~ as well as sev-

Bral exponential .models of collector t::£f.icie.ncy against dai-

ly solar insola tion were tes·ted,.

.For th.e drying chamber efficiency {EFFDC) and the ove-

rall efficiency (EFF) the averag,2 ini t.ial moisture conte.nt

was the significant factor. a. polynomial

regression test with stepwise procedure as well as several

exponential models of arying chamber efficiency {.E.FFDC)

against average initial moisture content (INC) and overall

efficiency (Ki.'~P)

(IaC) were testeda

against average initial moisture content


Second £!:}!!1

·rollowing the same procedure as in the .first run,. a

second load of the same thickness and the length was

solar d.ried again beginning ,July 20_,. 1982~ This test termi-

nated o.n August 15, 1982 after 26 days of drying ..

The purpose of t.liis nm was to test the empirical egua-

tion dcrneloped in t11e first nm for predicting daily mois-

ture con tent loss a_;gains t actual data,.


For purpose of c o.mpa:cisma with -the pr,evious study of

the external collector solar kiln, a semi-greenhouse type

solar kiln was also studied during the Fall of 1982 •.

4.2.J Description of the Kiln

The semi-greenhouse solar lumber kiln used in this .stu-

cly is .located at Virginia Poly b?,!chnic Institute a:nd State

University, on the campus of the Thomas l'l"'Brooks Forest Pro-

duc·ts Center, Blacksburg-, Vir:g.inia {35°,9'N,8l0 W). :rhe kiln

is 4 feet square by 8 feet high at the north and 4 feet high

at the :sou·th, as shown in Figure 2 •.. ·

It has a capacity of 150 to 200 board feet, with a max-

imum board length of 4 feet. '£ he insidEi and outside Tiilal1.s

are sheathed with. 1 /i~ inch ply:wood and are insulated with

8 FT.

ACC 00


~------ 4 FT.-----l' ... 1



Figure 2: Semi-Greenhouse Kiln, VPI & SU, Blacksburg.


4-inch thick fiher glass insulation, including a vapor bar-

rier on the inside face~ The floor is of similar construe-

tion to the walls except that the upper surface is seathed

with 3/4 inch plywood.. The roof is tilt<.-'!d at a 45° angle to

the south.. I-t is covered lvi th two layers of t:canlucent.

'Weather resistant polyester fi:lm spaced two inches apart.

The kiln has one access door on the east ,~all ·to permit

periodic examination of the lumb;er and. measurement of mois--

ture content .. The roof and the south wall are also hinged

to the north wall and to the floor, for loading and unload-

ing ..

The overall heat trans£er coeff~ents £or the Malls1

floor and roof are about 0,. 071 ,and. 0. 51 Btu/

ft2-hr~°F 1 respectively (Oliveira et _g,_,b, 1978) ..

two adjustable vents of about 48 square inches near the top

and bottom of the north wall,.

A one-speed window fan of a.tout O.l HP is also provided

for the circulation of air.

Zill the interior walls as well as ·the fan support plat-

form are painted flat black to maximize the .absorption of

solar radiation ..


4.2.2 Ha

Green yellow poplar- { Liriodendron tu.J..i.Qif~£i! -1 ... ) ~lum-

ber of a thickn,ess 1 125 inc hes was solar dried in study,. A total of 34 boards were cut in the Forest

Products Center- sawmill from two 8-foot logs and two l0-£oot

logs whose diameters ranged froM 11 to 16 inches.

4.2.3 Exee:rimenta1 Procedure

Each board was marked according to the log number, im-

mediately after cutting. One 1-inch section was cut from

the center of each board in order to estimate its average

initial moisture content and speclfic gravity. 'I'b.e width

and the thickness of each moisture content section were also

measured in order to estimate the tot.a.l green volllille of each


A total of 34 4-foot length boards of different widths

'were stacked in Uu~ kiln, one · from Gach of the original .34

full length boards. 'I'.he width of the pile was only 2 feet

and there were total of 17 layers rna.kiri.g the pi.le a.bout 2 .• 5

feet. hig.h. A sht~et of black-painted plywood was laid on top

of pi.le as a.n absorber. Just before stacking, fou:r. boards,

each from a different l::,gs and of different widths were se-

lected and used as sarnp1e .boards.


To get :a comparison, the remaining 34 hoards which were

also 4 feet long and from the opposite ends of the 8-foot

length hoards were also stacked for air drying close to the

solar kiln. Four boards which =ere end matched with the

sample boards in the solar kiln were a.lso used as sample

boards in the air-dried pile.

Bacause of instrument limitations the data collected

for the energy balance calculations wer-€ not extensive as

those for the external collector kila.

Seven -ther: mistors were s12t U? to measure the tempera-

tures at different locations in the kiln. There were two on

the air entering and t;,vo on the air leaving side of the

pile, one just below the inner layer of tl,e pqly2ster, o:rnS!

at the center of the outside-south wall# and one just out-

side the kiln near the top of the north ~all. The tempera-

tures of these thermistors were recordEJd every hour by a Ho-

n,,~ywell strip-chart recorder.

A hygrothermograph was placed inside th,e kiln. to esti-

ma.te Ute relative humidity insicle !:hE~ kiln~ The circulation

fan Mas activated by an electrical timer for the six hours

between 10 am and 4 pm each day.

Both solar drying anc1 air dr:ying wen:~ started on Octo-

ber 6, 1982. A.11 sampL2 boarc1s from both piles wzre weighed

every morning before 9 am, unless it had rained.


ture content of each sample then calculated based on

the prev.iously estima·te oven-dried s-eight of each sam;ple

board, in ocder to estimate the average moisture content of

the lumber.

The solac drying was terminated on November 3, 1982

after 28 days of drying.. The pile was unstacked and each

board :was weighed to measure the tota.l .final weight of the

lumber ... · A 1-inch section was cut f.roru tlu?. center of each

sample board to calculate ·the actuc.l final Inoisture content.

The air drying was te.i::minated. on, Novemb,:er 10., 1982,

after 34 days of dry.in9.

4. 2. 4 £.!!~lytical Procedure

Total green volume of the solar-dnied lumber :ilas esti-

matea. from the average thickness,

the boards. Based on the total

l ume specfic gcavit.y obtained

width and the length of

green volu:me and green vo~

by the ~ater displacemeRt

method, the tota.l oven-dried weigb;t of the lumber vas esti-

mated ..

The oven-dried ~eight of each sample board from hot.b.

piles was recalculated based on their actual final moisture

cont.ent obtained from the moisture section cut at the end of

the run~. The average initial and .moisture co,nte.nts of

the sample boards from o:ile were recalculated based 011 L .

their recalculated oven-dried weights.


Daily solar insolation data measQced at a 45° tilt

angle were obtained from the Department of Mechanical Engi-

neering at Virqinia Polytechnic Institute and State Univer-

sity3 Blacksburg, Virginia.

The data obtained in this study were not sufficient to

calculate tte energy balances during the drying period.

Daily solar insolatio-n ~as o.:btaii1ed on,ly for 15 out of the

28 days and the temperatures obtained from some thermistors

were also not correct at some times. For this reason only

thfJ overall daily efficiency o:f the kiln {RFI·") could be cal-

culated ana this only for the 15 days that solar insola tion

data were available. The following equation,

EFF = (EVP+RYGJ/(SEIC+ELI) (3. 27)

§there, thB ,avapor-a tion loss (EVP} a.nd hygroscopic losses

(HYG) were calculated from equations {3.12) and (3.-13); to-

tal solar ener-qy incident on the cover (SKIC) was calculated

by the product of thr~ collector area (22 sguare feet) and

the daily solar insolation in Btu per square feet; total

electrical energy input to the system (ELI) by the circulat-

ing fan was calculated £rom th,?. power con:suIDed by the fan

100 watts (5.69 Btu/} and total running time 011 each day

(6 hours),.


In ca.le ulating the total energy input to the system,

energy gain :by conduction ana. energy tl1e load Were

neglected in the above equatio~.

Chapter V


The results o.bta.ined on each of the two types of kiln

will be discussed sepa.ra t.ely,.

5 .. J !!T.E!iJi!"!!. C0LI.LECT0R [ill

'the discussion of the external col.lector ki.ln cesults

is divided into th.rea sections. The first sect.ion wil.l dis-

cuss -t:he results of t..h.e ·.first run on sugar ll1aple .. The sec-

onJ section concerns the seco~1d run o~ suga:;c Eaple. 'l'hi3

third .section 1iil1 discuss possible methods to improve the

kilo ef.ficieny.

This section :will include general Qhservations, energy

input., energy output, energy ba1a.nce, ~fficiency, and empia:-

ica1 mode.l £or ef-ficiency for the first run from 16 ~June,

1982 through 14 July, 1982.

5. J .. 1 .. J General Observations

The total green voluBe of the lumber used in this study

was 1040 board feet of sugar maple of 0.58 green sp~c:ific

gravity. Based on the total green volume and t.he grRen Sfn~-



cific qravity, the total ovend ry weight of the lumber ~as

estimated to be 3137 pounds.

The average initial and final moisture contents of the

18 sample boards were 6Q.4 and 8.0 percent, respectively.

The total drying time was 29 days and the average daily

moisture content loss was therefore 1.94 percent~

ing curves based on the average for 18 sample boards togeth-

er llli th those for the 9 sample boards each on the air enter~

ing and leaving ot ·tht: pile are s:hown in Figure 3 ..

Daily average initial and final moisture contents of 181

boards in the load were estimated using the average of the

18 sample boards. There was some variation o.f the moisture

content among the sample boards especially at the beginning

of the run .•

Average £inal moisture content obtained from 9 boards

taken from different positions in the pile at the end of the

run vas 9.7 percent with inaividual values rang~ng from 8.9

to 10.3 percent. The average final moisture content was 8.Q

perce'fft which was based on the 18 sample boards ..

:rh0 i1istribution of moisture cont!:~nt in the load can

also be estimated from the two drying curves .based nn the

sample boards on the entering a .nd leaving sides of the

pile ( Fig.J ) •. • At tln::; .' of the run, the average

drying rate of the :samples on the ai.r-en ter ing sid{~ was







ss ti

C 30










Entering air side

11. I •• I. 'I I I I' I I •• ii I. I •'l""J'"""W'T~-r- ••• I • i ~. • I ii I. I .... J'T""'T'....,.__., I I" .. I" •• I ii I'." I I.' I I.. 'I. I.. i' I I I I" 'I .. I I I I I" I

0 2 S U 5 6 7 8 10 II 12 13 1q 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2ij 25 26 27 28 29 OATS

Figure 3 Dryirig Curves of Sugar maple, First Run .•

l11 IJ1


higher than that of the samples on air~ leaving side.. Howe v-

er, afte.r 7 days the average drying rate of the samples on

the air:~leaving side became faster than Uiat of the samples

on the air-en:tering side,. At the end of run, -t.h.e average

moisture content of the sample boards on hotil sides oft.he

pile was within o .. 4 percent moi.sture co.,ntent.

As m~ntioned earlier, the total ove.:wlry weight of the

lumbe.r 'i,l,as estimated initially from th.e total greeu volume

of the lumber aud the average green speci.fic gravity of the

sample boards.. This calculatio.n is subjected to err:o.r,

since the tot.a.l green volume was calculated from the dimen-

sions of each hoard. As a check~ the total ovendry weight

of the 1 umber cal.culated from the a v,arag~ ·.final moisture

content ( 9. 7 Yi } f r-o:m the 9-boa.rds and the total

final w1:.1ight o;f 181- !wards which Ji1as 3·45.3 pounds, :was .3148

pounds,.. This is within 0 .. .33 percent of ·the tota.l ovendry

weig~t 3137 pounds which had been estimated based on the

specific gravity and green volume measurements. The best

method to es·timate this weight would be to devise a system

to measure the total weight of the whole pile at any time,.

The average daily solar insqlati.on du.ring the dryi:i1g

period was 1906 Btu/ft 2 ., and ranged from 5·12 to 2736 Btu/ft2 •

There were total 0£ 11 :rainy days resulting ill. a total pre-

cipitation of 2. 42 ir1ches.. '.fh.e avera.g,e amhient tcrnrperature


during the arying period was 67.5°F and ranged from 46.0 to

Other climatological sta ti sties which are be.lieved

to be import.ant are given in Table 1 ..

'Jl:he average temperature and. relative humidity inside

the drying c.hamher during the drying period was 85,. 5°.F and

.52 percent, and ranged from 60.0 to 117.0°P and 26 to 90

percent, respectively.

The average temperature o~ the air inside the collector

was 78.6°F with lower and upper limits of 46.0 arid 119.5°P~

That of the plate was 82 .• 8°:F and ran9ed from 46 .• 5 to

138 .• 5°.?;e.

The average daily total po,wer consumption by the circu-

lating fan, blower and exhaust fan was 13.7 Kihr1 ranging

from 7.0 to 22.5 Killhr.

5.1.1 .. 2 Energy Input

The total energy input for each day, ted from

the total ener9y transmitted through th,e collector-cover is

given in Table 2. The total errnrgy input component.s for

the whoLe drying process are also shown in Table 3

Table 4 indicates the total da~ly energy potentially

available to the system iricJ.uding tln::.? total solar energy in-

cident on the collector cov(~r.. Tabh, 5 sho~rs the components

of the ener:gy potentially available £o_r the whole drying




Variables and CoBfficie.nts for the First H u.n of External Collector Kiln

r·------------.---------------1 Varia.b1es or J Coefficients J-I



I i1ean l . ' I

l riinim.umJ Naximumj j J l

}Daily Solar Insola- I Btu/ft.2 l l :1 j

,j 1906j

I 6,.. o I

I 5121

j 1,. 61

I 46. 01

7,. BI I l

26,. Ol j

D,. 31 I

I 27361

1 tion l n J J A mhient Tempera tun=: ! u n

I I Ambient JRelative Humidity j JAmbient Saturated )Vapor Pressure I n u ,.

I !Pr,ecipitation I H

'l jWind Speed I ;f H

f )Chamber Temperature

j l I j l I I ij I i l j l I l l i J l l

j n n j 1 l JBelative Humidity i I {inside the Chamber) j J i JCollector Temperaturej

·n n j

!Absorber Temperatuce l 11 u l !Solar Energy Input 1 " " " j

I I l j J i !

jElect:cical I n

.Bnergy I11pJ H ff j

# KBtu = 1000 Btu


J I j l j i I j l i j mm/day I

mph Km/hr

l I J J I 1 J I j I l i

' I 1 i

KBtu/day f, I KW-hr/day j

KBtu/day KW-hr/day

l I I

I 67,.51 19. 7J

.j I

62.0j I

O, 611 l

Hi. 96J I

0.221 5.59j

I 8.62j 3 .. t35j

j 85.Sj 29 .. 7j

.i 52,.0j

j l

7 8 .. t:> I 25 .. 91

j 82. 81 28 .. ?1

I 254.,.61

74. 61 I

40,.0j l1. 7 j

1 7.971

I o,.03l 0,.76)

J 4.201 l.88l

i 60 .. 01 15 ... 6 l

I 26. OJ

l j

46. Gj 7 .. 8 I

j 46,. 5 l

B .. 1 i l

68 .. 41 20,.01

l 15,. 6 j

4 .. 6 J

i B. 6J

,I 87,.0} 30. 6 i

a l

92,. OJ i

1.26j I

32 .. JO J j

o .. 42 i rn. 6 7 l

I 15. 10 I

6.,751 I

117.0j 47 .. 2l

j 90 .. D j

j i

119, .. :3] 48 .• 6 j

j 138,. 5 j 59. 21

j 365 .. 61 107.0j

j 6fJ. Ji .20. o l

Variables or Coefficients

} JTotal JPower I H

EL.?.ctrical Consumption


l I Total I u

Energy Input n ,n

,J )Total Ener:gy Output. I H H 0

J }Difference in Total JEnergy Input&Output I u " « ! ]Heat Transfer Coeff: I bet: Pla be> t; cover .) 0 H n u

l JRadiation Coeff:from !Plate to Cover j n u a o n u j jRadiation Coe:ff: from j Cover to Sky l n n n u

I JWi11d Coeff: j n n

l )Top Loss Coeff.: I u 11 u

i L


# KBtu = 1000 Btu

l j j I j j I I l I j

l 1 J j

l j I j l I J l J J l I J J I ! I I





KBt11/day :/j:


rrntu/cl.ay KN-hr/day

KBtu/day K~v-hr/day



Btu/ft-= o·"' ;{'

J.;Jjm2 oc

Btu/ft:2 op

W/m2 oc

Btu/ft2 o:~

W/m 2 0"' ....

Btn/ft 2 Op W/m~ oc

Btu/ft2 oy W/m 2 oc

l I l I I i I I I j j l I

' 1 l I 1 I f I i I l j 1 i ! I i 1

Hean 1 rlinim um l l"la ximum] l I I I i f i I J

46 .. 91 23.8J 76 .• 9j 1 I J

13.7) 7.0J 22.51 I J l

300.01 120.0J 433.6J 87.91 35.2] 127.0j

I I l 299 .. SJ 172.QJ 429.0J 88.lJ 49.61 126.11

i j j 580j 30001 89,000,j

l I l 0.221 0.021 2.61j

l J J 0.221 0.19j 0.27j

J j j L27J 1 .. Q.81 1.54j

I J J 0.831 0.741 0.91J

I I J q.114 4.191 5.14j

I l I 0.761 O.ij81 Ob84j

i J I 4.33) J.84J 4.751

I I J o.681 o .. 33J 1 .. JJJJ 3~85j 1,.88) 6.75j

1 I I B.521 7.61,) 9 .• 90! l.'.;>Oj 1..341 1 .. 751



Daily Tota.l Ene:cgy Input

r--T :l D l Daily i 'fotal I Total I E.n.ergy I Energy I Total J I I Sola.r 1 Solar 1 :i~lec- fGain bYI Gain from ,j ,I ) .A Un.sola-1 Energy I trical I Con.due-) t:11e Load j Ene;cgy i I · I tion JTrans- j .Ene:rgy .j tiop. ;I j 4 I 'l I lmitted I Input j ) :I Input J l J Btu/ft2 i {KBtu) J (KBtu) j {K.Btu) j (KBtu) ;f1: I (KB tu) j :r--· j J I J i I i ) 1 J 2736 I 366 I 64 I 3 j j 4.33 .

. I t '"I

.;f. j 1224 J 163 I 64 I 1 I t 228 J l 3 I 1095 I 146 I 50. i 0 J 24 j 221 J I 4 I 2415 I 323 l 68 l 3 j J 393 l I 5 j 2182 J 292 I 67 J 1 l 1 .]60 I j 6 J 2223 I 297 j 67 j 1 J J 365 I I 7 .I 2534 I 339 I 68 j 3 J j 409 j I 8 J 2232 j 298 l 68 l 2 i j 368 I l 9 J 2316 I 309 j 66 I 1 l i 377 I J10 l 512 l 68 l 18 I 0 ff 36 I 122 l J 1 1 J 2-009 I 268 l 32 I 2 J I 30,2 j 112 I 1391 j 186 I 29 l 3 J j 217 j. ]13 J 1894 l 253 J 33 l 3 I j 289 j I 14 I 817 I 109 I 18 I 0 . 23 l 150 j J 115 t 2538 t 339 i 32 j 2 1 j 37:) I !16 I 2443 I 326 J 36 J 1 I I 364 I J17 I 1354 I 182 J 26 ,t 0 l 3 ) 211 .i 118 1 1304 I 174 I 28 J 1 l I 203 i I 19 1 2597 I 347 J 43 I 2 i ! 393 j J20 l 233.2 J 312 I 38 j 1 i 7 t 357 I j21 t 761 J 102 j 19 I 0 J 16 1 137 l 122 ! 2607 I 348 I 30 I 1 l I 379 l 123 l 2507 l 335 l 33 t 2 I J 370 j 124 .J 1765 I 236 J 26 j 0 1 4 cl .266 I J25 I 983 J 131 .. J 16 I 0 I 7 j 154 j j26 1 2116 j 28.3 I 25 j 0 j .I 308 1 127 j 2285 I 305 I 32 J 1 l j 339 i J28 I 1980 i 265 J 31 j 1 I J 291 I )29 I 21'15 J 283. j 33 I 1 I 2 l 319 I I J J I j I l j L- J

# KBtu = 1000 Btu;


ComponHrd:.s of Total .Energy Input

r------------------------------..------'.} I ) j f-l


] Solar Energy Transmitted through J I the Cover J J Electrical Energy Input by the Fans 1

j a I ,j

j j l

J Electrical Energy Input by the Blower) I I Energy Gain from the Load+ J I Energy Gain :by Conduction f-1 I Total Energy Input a # KBtu = 1000 Btu

a I

l I J

Energy I Input jPercent j (KBtu) # .I 1







-f l i I 8 1L,9 I J l I i i l 1 8. 9 l j J l 4. 4 i I l I 1. 4 I I l j 0,. 4 j

1 J l i 100.0 l I .t

+ solar and electrical energy stored in the load


'TAB.LE 4 Total Energy Potentially A vai.lable to system

T 1 J DJ Daily I Total j Total I Energy A Energy I Total j

I I Solar I Solar i ,Electr i- JGain by·t Gain from l Energy 1 j AJ Insola-1 Ene:rgy jcal Energy l Co nduc-,jthe load j Avail- j J J tion I Incide.ntj Inpu-t I tion j I a.ble j j YI Btu/:ft2 I (KBtu) I {KB:tu) J (KBtu} j {KBtu) i j {KBtu) J f--I j 1 I J j J J I 1 I 2736 j .f.1.57 I 64 j 3 i j 524 I J 2J 1224 j 204 ,J 64 J 1 J. I 269 j J 3) 1095 .I 183 I 50 j 0 j .24 t 257 I j 4J 2415 J 403 ) -68 t 3 l· I 474 J I 5j 2182 I 364 J 67 .I 1 J ,I 43.2 .I l 6J 2223 I 371 I 67 I 1 l J 439 l 1 71 2534 J 423 j 68 I 3 j j 493 J J 8] 2232 j 373 J 68 I 2 l J 44.2 j I 9J 2316 I 387 I 66 j 1 I l 454 J I 1 OJ 51.2 I 85 I 18 J 0 I 36 J 139 j .J 11 J 2009 j 33.5 I 32 J 2 I j 369 I j 12 j 1391 J 232 j 29 .I 3 I l 264 J j13] 1894 J 316 I 3.3 ,j 3 I I 352 I J 14 J 817 I 136 I 18 I (l .I 23 J 1TJ -1 1151 2538 J 421-1, J 32 I 2 J l 4.58 j

'.1 16 I 2443 ) 408 j 36 I 1 -i J IJ46 j J 17I 1364 J 228 I 26 I 0 1 3 l 257 j J 18 I 1304 I 218 J 28 i 1 l 1 246 J J 191 2597 I 434 I 43 ' 2 I J 479 J 1201 .2332 j 389 j 38 j 1 j, 7 ,I 435 J J 21 t 761 I 127 j 19 I 0 J 16 I 162 j j22J 2607 j 4.35 J 30 j 1 I l 467 I J2Jf 2507 I 419 J 3.3 J 2 I i 453 1 I 241 1765 J 295 l 26 I 0 d 4, J 325 .i J25j 983 J 164 l 16 t 0 l 7 j 187 I 1261 2116 j 353 l 25 l 0 l a 378 I )271 .2285 J 382 I 32 J 1 j 1 415 j 1281 1980 j 331 I 31 J 1 l 1 363 I ]291 2115 j 353 j 33 I 1 I 2 I 390 j g I j j J j I I :L y

# KBtu = 1000 Btu;


Components of 'Iotal E.nergy Potentially Available

J I I t J

Source j

I j

j Solar Energy Incident on the Cover I I I 1 I i j j


Electrical Energy Input by the

Electrical Energy Input by the

Energy Gain from the Load•

Energy Gain by Conduction


B.lower i j j l I

J Total Energy Potentially Available j L

# KBtu = 1000 Btu

Energy Input {KBtu) #







+ solar and electrical energy stored in load

jPe.rcent I

l I 87 .• 5 l I T.3 j J 3.7 j I l. 2 l I o .• J


l J j

·1 j i J j I I I I i I l .I i I


It can be seen that the t.o·tal incident solar energy -was

87 .• 5, percent of the tota.l energy supplied, whe·reas the total

electrical energy consumed :was only 7 •. :3 per:cent of the to-


5 .. J. J .. 3 Energy Ou-tput

Total daily l1eat losses :from the collec·tqr and ce>nduc-

tion losses from the drying cha.l!lber are given in Tables 6

and 7 • The values of heat transfer coe:f.ficient between

plate and cover, radiation coefficient from _plate to cover, -

radiation coe£ficient 'from cover to sky and w.ind coefficient

are also given in Table 1. Tah:le 8 indicates the total en-

ergy output .from the system for each day w.hereas Tahle 9

shows the total energy output components for the whole

ing process. __

Prom Tab.le 8, it can he seen that the veQ.tila-tioJ1 loss

was highest on rainy days, a:nd also Oil days the end

of the run,. It was the largest of component of loss, av·er-

agin.iJ 36 percent of the total energy output {Tab.le 9) ..

According :to Table 9, the total energ_y used .in the sys-

tem for the ,entire drying proct0:ss was about 8 .. 7 millio.n Btu.

The tot.a.1 amount o-f: water evapo.rab?.d during t.he drying per-

iod was about 1770 pounds.

the system were requ.irecl

from the wood.

Thus, about 4900 Btu input to

to evaporate one pgund of water


TllBL.E 6

Daily :rota.1 Heat LOSSBS f r:om the Collector

r l D J Conduct.ion Loss J Top Total Heat LOSSBS j l A t to ·the Ground I Lo.s:;5_ 1 f.rom the Collector I J y I {KBt. u) j {K.Bt U) ! (KBtu) it j f-J I l j l I 1 t 26 i 1 1B I 147 I I 2 l 9 l 66 I 76 i l 3 l 2 j 60 j 61 j J 4 i 26 l 105 I 131 j j 5 l 24 j 96 I 120 J l 6 l 23 i 94 I 1 17 j I 7 .I 30 l 108 l 138 l j s I 24 j 71 t 95 i J 9 l 30 I 81 ' 112 l a 10 1 5 I 59 l 64 j I 11 l 19 I SJ l 10.2 j I 12 l 22 I 54 j 76 l l 13 I 33 I 68 1 101 l 14 l -6 I 48 I 54 1 j 15 I 29 I 100 ! 129 I I 16 I 29 j 96 l 124 I I 17 l 20 ! 72 l 9.2 J I Hl J 20 I 65 l 85 j I 19 l 41 j 98 I 139 I l 20 l 32 I 85 I 118 I 1 2 :1 i ·12 I 58 I 70 I ) 22 J 30 l 104 .J 134 j J 23 j 32 I 109 I 141 J j 21.i I 26 I 74 'JOO j I 25 J 15 1 60. I 74 l I 26 t 25 l 85 i 110 J I 27 j 33 l 90 l 123 ! J 28 2 29 l 70 j 99 J I 29 j 28 1 84 112 i 1-1 l I j I l ~cot- I 679 ' 2,360 i -3,039 j

a al J I l i

# KRtu,=1000 Btu



Daily Conduction Losses from the Drying Chamber

.--,---------...-----.-·-----------...----,.-----. I D J East I A J Wa.ll I J Y J(KBtu)j J---· i 1 I J 2 l 1 3 J I 41 I 5 J I 6 J J 71 l BI .J 9 l I 10J I 11 I J 12 ,i ·1 13 l f 1 4 i l 15 I I 16] i 171 l 18 J J 19 J I 20 i J 21 J J 22j J 231 i 24J J 25) l 261 1 27 I ,t 28 I J 291 i-i j I TOT I I AI.j j 1

1 .. {) J o. 6J 1. 3 j o. 8j l. Jj 1. 5 J l. 6 i 1. 31 l. 21 1. 5 I 1. OJ o. 81 o,.s1 1"' 6 J 2 .. 1.f J 2 .. 9j 2 .. Ji 2 .. Oj 2 .. :5 j 1. 5J 1,. 71 2. :2 l 2.HJ 2. 2j 2 .. 01 2. 71 2. 71 2. 1 i 2 .. ;ij

Southl iest j North i Roof !Floor j Total Wall j Wall i Wall i I I

{I{Btu) I (KBtu) i (KBtu} J (KBtu) #i {KBtu) j

o .. 9 J o .• $ l 1.21 1. o I 1.01 1. 2 I 1 • .iq l,. lH 1 .• 3 I 1,. 4 l t. 2 I 1. o I Oco 9 I 1.,51 2.21 2. iq 2"' o I 1. 71 2. 1 J L. 9) 1,. <3 I 2 .• 0 J .2 • .31 l. 6) L9j 2. 1 j .2. O I 1. HI 2 • .2 J

I 46. JI


0~ BJ L.,01 l. 3 j 1 .• 01 l .. :2J 1.-6 J l .. 8J 1,.,5 I 1 .. 8 J L,61 1.01 0.9j o. I 1 ... 71 2. 3t 2 .. 8 I .2 • ...3J 1 .. 91 2 .. Jj 2.21 2.0j 2 .. 1 I 2 .• 5 i 2 .. 3 I 2 .. o l 2.21 2 .• 71 2 .• 1 j 2., 61

I 52. 3 i


1. l J o. 7 i 1.3 j 1,. 01 1. 3 l 1. 8j l .. 91 1 .. SJ 1,. /¾.J l. 6J 1 .. 0 J 0.9 j o .. ~) 1 .. 6j .2. 7J 2. $.i 2. lJ 2 .. UI 2 .. Hj 2. 51 1 .. 7 J 2 .. q. l 3. 1 J 2.11 1.9j 2. 8j 2. 8J 2.21 2,. 6 i

J 54 .. 6j


O.oj -.0, .• 5 j 0.6J {),. 5 J O .. BJ o. 9 j 1 .. 0 i o. 9 J o .. 71 o,. 81 o. 6 j o .. 51 0.6j o,. 9 l 1 .• 3 I 1 .. 5J 1,. H 1. Oj 1,. 2J 1 .. 11 0'9 9 I 1. 1 J 1 .• 2J 1. OJ 1 .. 0 J 1. 3 I 1 .. J j 1,. 1 j 1 .. 2 I

7 .. 9 I 4 .. 51 O .. -5 I 4 .. 71 4 .. 0.1 4,. 1 J 5 .. 8 I 7.BJ

10,. 8J 1. 2 J s .. 91 B,. .t3 J

11. 31 3. 31

·12 .. J+j 15,. 7 j to .. 21 10,.. 6 J 18.81 H:i,.21 4. ?J

11. 4 f 14 .. 9 j 13. 4J 6 .• 71

10. H 12.6,j 12,. ·-4 j 13,. 91

I J 27. 5 l 263 .. ~l


(KBtu) j -i

12 .• 1 .J 8 .• 2 .J 6 .. 2 I 9. 0 j 9 .. 4 j

11 .. 0 i 13.4 I 11.J .. 2 I 17.2 1

8 .. 0 I 10. J 13.0 l 15.5 J lO. 7 J 23.3 I 28. 1 j 19. 8 j 19. 2 j 29 .. 7 J 25.4 i 12 .. 6 1 21. 2 j 26 .. 9 l 22 .. 6 I 15 .. 4 i 2 L, 2 i 24 .• 1 I 21,.5 i 25 .. 1 l

l 494 .. 7 l


# KBtu=1000 Btu


'1:llBLE 8

Daily Total Ewergy Output

r--., ---ID I Evapo- !Hyg·rosco- j Venti-}Cond uc- JGi ven JCoLl.ector l '.I'otal l JA Ira tion j pie jlationl tion j to J Losses I Energy j aY I Losses I Losses j Losses j Losses I load I J cutputJ I j (KBt u) l {KBtu) l (KB tu) I {KBtu} l (KB tu} { KBtu) # j (KBbl) I 1 j j l I I j I I i I j 11 185 j j 73 I 12 l 16 j 144 I 429 I l 2j 128 3 I 45 j 8 j 3 I 75 j 260 I I .3 J 92 i I 83 j 6 j - i 61 J 242 J J 4j 1.25 1 I 56 I 9 j 16 1 131 I 337 I j 5 .I 135 t J 79 I 9 j 4 I 120 j 347 j 1 6j 125 I j 73 I 11 j 7 j 117 j 333 j

l 71 131 I j 86 J 13 I 4 I 138 j 372 l I BJ 112 I l 48 J 14 I 9 J 95 J 278 I J 9 I 112 I l 5.2 l 17 l 11 j 112 j 304. l I 10 ! 23 I I 101 ) 8 I - j 64 J 197 j l 111 89 ] 1 i 65 I 1 1 I 19 I 102 j 287 l I 12J 56 1 1 I 71 I 13 ,, ll I 76 l 227 j 1 j 13 .I 56 j 1 l 46 I 16 l 5 l 101 j 224 l I 14 ! 33 1 1 l 107 I 11 J - 1 54 I 204 i I 151 72 I 1 J 102 i 23 1 25 I 129 I 352 j 1 16 ! 68 I 2 I 129 l 2fl I 2 ! 124 j 354 I j 17 I 29 I 1 I 72 I 20 i - I 92 I 214 j j 18] 29 i 1 I 77 j 19 I 4 I 85 l 215 j I 19) 62 l 3 i 167 l 30 l 12 I 139 I 412 j 1201 39 I 2 I 149 J 25 I ,_ j 118 j 334 l J 2 1.i 10 I 1 I 119 l 13 1 ·- I 70 I 212 i I 221 29 1 2 J 151 I 21 1 11 i 134 I 348 1 ., 23 J 33 I 3 I 203 I 27 I 4 J 141 I 410 j i 24 j 16 l 2 j 151 j 23 l - j 100 .i 291 J 1251 7 I 1 l 76 l 15 l - I 74 j 172 j l 26J 13 J 1 .i 149 j 21 l 7 I 1 10 I 303 j i27J 20 J 2 l 184 i 24 i 2 I 123 j 355 j J28f 13 j 2 l 191 j 22 l 2 l 99 a 328 I J29t 10 I 1 I 196 l 25 t - l 112 j 344 j ;j I I I i i J I j

# KBtu = 1000 Btu;



Compone11ts of Total .Energy out.put

l I .Energy J Delivered I Total J Sou.rce I Re~1 uiremen t 1 to, the Ki.ln I system j J i {KBtu} if j (Percent) I (Percent) t l I j J 1 .l .I Evaporation Loss I 1,851 I 32.. 8 l 2 1 • .3 j a J a I J .I Hygroscopic Loss i 28 I o.s j o .• 3 j I j j J j I Energy Given to J l7tl J 3. 1 j .2,. 0 l l the Load I l J I J J l J ' I Ventilation Loss j 3,099 j 54 .• 8 j 35 .. 7 j J i j J I 1 Conduction Loss J ;4:95 ij 8.~l l 5 .. 7 I j {Chamber-} j j j j I j J I I l Conduction Loss j 679 j J 7,.B I I (Coll,ector) J I l I I f I 1 J I Top Loss I 2,360 .l I 27,.2 ,I I (Collector) I j .J I f---I J j I .I j Total Energy output j 8168-6 j 100. 0 I 100,. 0 I I l J j l L

·J KBtu - 1000 .Btu


Based on the total energy consumed ~n the drying ··-

ch amber (not including collector losses) about 3190 Btu {Ta-

hle 9) were .reguiH3d to evapo,,rab:j one. pound of 'il!ater from

the wood. Accocding to Taylor (1982) the energy reguired in

a 12{l0-bd.f t capacity e.xper.i mental steam-heated kiln rangt":!d

from 2259 to 2590 Btu to evapqrate one pound of water from

the southern pine dimension lumber. He indicated that the

energy required decreased slightly with kiln tempt3i·ature

ovec the range from 175 to 240°F. Co.mpar2d to that co.nven-

tional kiln 1 the drying chamber used in this study was about

81.50 percent as e£ficient as the conventional kiln.

Energy Balance

The energy balance for each· clay, based ori the data oh-

tained for total energy input and total energy output for

each <lay (Tables 2 & 8), is given in Table 10. The differ-

enca in total energy input and total energy output per day

for the whole drying period ranged from -7.5,00D to +89.,000

Btu. A negative sign indicates tha.t tlH? calculated

total energy input was lower than the output £or a g~ven

day,. These daily differencfaS ar·e caus<?d by errors i:n calcu,-

latin9 ventilation losses (ee.111. 3 .• 16) ar1d rounding errors in

measuring teraperat uces and d.aily solar insolation as well as

daily moisture content losses.


It can also be seen from Tables 3 and difference

between the total energy :input and out.put for tue system :was

only 16#000 Btu~ Thus. the average difference £or O¥e day

was only about 580 Btu, only about 0 .. 2 percent of the daily

energy ~nput or output, indicating that the daily errors es-

sentially cancel out.

s .. 1.1.s J~f:fi ciency

The efficiency of the collector and of the drying cham-

ber, and the overall efficiency of the kiln, together with

daily solar insola tion, average initial moisture content,

daily average ambient temper at ur:-e, daily a verag£~ .saturated

vapor pressure and the average wind .speed are given i11 Table

11 •

Th,~ average efficiency of the collector was 4LJ.., 8 per-

cent ranging from 4.6 to 54.4 percent~ That of the drying

chamber was 3.2. 0 p,.?rcent and ranged from 5.3 to .83. 7 per-

cent. The average overall efficiencs of the kiln :was 17.4

percent with a range of 2.0 to 47.7 percent.

Empirical Model for Efficiency

i:1ul ti ple linear re9ression tests indicate that the ef-

ficiency of the collector (KFFCL) was related



Daily Enecgy Balance

DjDa:ily I Ini- lFinal I l"IC J To·ta1 J 'rotal JDif.ference i.r;q )Solar Jtial.l I I Energy !Energy J Total Energy I

Atinso- ! MC I MC iLosst Input I :outputjinput £. '.l'otal I tlation t l J J I l Energy outputJ

Yj {Btu/f t 2 } I {)'t) 2 (%) J ( %) j (K.Btu} I (KBtu} 1 ('.KBtuJ # i ·1--· I j l j J 1 I I j I 1 J 2736 j64 .. 4!58 .• 8 j5.6 I 433 j 429 j 4 I

:1 21 1224 . l 5 8 • G I 5·4. J] .• 9 I 228 I 26,0 ! -32 .... I . .,. I 3} 1095 I 54,. 9J 52 .. 1 j.2,.8 j 221 j 242 j -.22 i ,J 41 2415 J 52,. 1148 .. 1 14,. 0 I .393 . l 331 ,1 56 l I 5j 2182 J 48 ... 1 I 44,. 2 f3.9 f 360 I 347 l 13 l I 6j .2223 1144,. 2 i 40,. !¾ j 3 .. $ a 365 j 3.33 J 33 J l 71 2534 140.4J36.4 I 4,. 0 l 41).9 I 372 j 36 I j 8 I 2232 I 36.4 J.33 .. o J 3 .. 4 I 368 I .278 J 89 a I 91 2316 I 3.3. 0 J 2 9 .. 6 I 3,.4 I 377 I 304 I 7.3 I 11 O I 512 I 29,. 9 J.28. 10.7 j 122 l 197 I -75 .J f 11 l 2009 j28.9J.26.2 J 2, • .3 I 302 I 287 i 16 j 1121 · 1391 126.2)24.5 J 1,. 7 a 217 I .227 J -.9 j

• 13,1 1894 I 2lt,. 5 J 2.2,. ? J ·1. 7 ) 289 i 224 a 65 1 I 141 817 122.0121. ,I 1.. {) j 150 I 204 J -55 I PSJ 2538 121.8119.6 ]2.2 I .373 J 352 I 21 J I 161 2443 j19,.6,J17..5 i 2 ... J j 364 I 354 I 1 Q. j I 17J 1.364 117 .• 5116. 6 I 0.9 i 211 j 214 J 3 J I 181 1304 J 16 .. 6 115 .. 7 Jo .. I 203 J 215 j --12 J ,I 19j 2597 l 15. 7 i l],. 8 11,.9 I 393 l 412 I -20 I ,J 20 1 2332 i 13 .. 112 .• J 1. 2 J 357 I 3.34 I 24 1 J 211 761 I 12 .. 6 J 12,. 3 I 0 .• 3 cf 1.37 ,i 212 .I -75 j j.221 2607 112.3111.9- JO,. 9 J 379 j 34-8 J 31 j j23i 2507 I 11 .. 4110.iJ, I 1 .. 0 I 37:0 1 410 j -4-0 J )241 1765 J 10,.lH 9. '9 I 0.-'5 I 266 I 291 l ·-26 j 1.2s 1 983 I 9 .. 9 J :9 .• 7 .) o. 2 J 154 j 172 t -18 1 J 26 I 2116 I 9. 7 I 9.3 ) o. 14 j 30!3 I 303 a 5 I 1211 2285 I 9.31 8.7 J 0 ... 6 I 339 j 355 j -17 I I 28J 1980 l a .. 7 .I 8,. 3 Jo. 4 I 297 I 328 j -31 1 )291 2115 J 8.-;jJ 8. 0 I 0 ... 3 i 319 J 344 I -:25 J j 1 I I 1 ,1 j J J t.

* negative sign indicates that ene,cgy inpu:t is lower than energy ou-tpu·t; if KBtu - 1000 Btu

TABLE 11 Daily Efficiency of External Collector Kiln

D Daily Initial Average Average Average Collector Chamber Overall Solar Moisture· Ambient Sat, Wind. Effi- Effi- Effi-

A Ineo-· Con tent Temp: Vap, Speed. ciency ciency ciency lation2 Pr,

y Btu/ft (%) ("F) (mm-Ilg) (mph) (%) (%) (%)

1. 2736 64,4 59,6 12,9 8,3 48,S 63,8 35,2 2. 1224 58.8 64,1 15,1 9,4 43,J 83,7 47.7 3 1095 54,9 52,S 10.1 10,4 46,4 57,8 35,8 4 2415 52,1 60°, 7 13.4 7,9 47,6 47.7 26,5 5+ 2182 48,1 60,9 13,5 12.9 47,2 56, 2 31,2 6 2223 44.2 60,2 13.2 9.4 48,6 50,3 28,4 7 2534 40.4 60,1 13.2 5,0 47.3 48,5 26,6 ...... 8 2232 36. ,, 66,4 16.J 5,3 54.4 40,9 25,2 N 9 2316 33.0 71.0 19.1 12,2 51.2 42.0 24,S

10* 512 29.6 58,3 12.4 10.2 4.6 40,0 16,5 11+ 2009 28,9 62,6 14.3 8.1 49,5 44,8 24,3 12 1391 26.2 69,4 18,1 6,3 47.1 39,9 21.3 n. 1894 24.5 75.3 22,0 4,2 48,0 30,0 16,0 14 817 22,8 60,5 lJ,4 8,8 40.6 34,5 18,7 15· 2538 21.8 63,1 14.6 7,5 49,6 30,1 16,1 16. 2443 19,6 65,2 15.7 4,2 49,5 29.3 15,8 11. 13S4 17,5 69,5 18,2 9,1 39,6 25,5 11, 8 18 1304 16,6 71.J 19,J 6,8 41,2 25,8 12,4 19 2597 15,7 78,6 24,5 4.9 48,0 25,6 1),6

. 20. 2332 13,8 79,8 25.5 15,1 49,8 17 .2 9.5 21 761 12,6 70.8 18.9 14.8 24,9 15,7 6,4 22 2607 12,3 70,9 19,0 13,5 49,J 12,9 6.8 2) 2507 11.4 69.9 18.4 6.9 46.4 15.5 7,0 24* 1765 10,4 74.6 21.5 8.5 46,1 10,8 5,5 25+ 983 9.9 71,0 19,6 9.4 34,9 9,0 ),9 26 2116 9,7 67,9 17 .2 12.5 48,8 7,4 J,8 27 2285 9,J 72, 1 19,8 5,6 47.7 10.2 5,3 28 1960 8,7 75,0 21.8 4,9 50,l 7,4 4,1 29 2115 8,J 74,9 21.7 7,6 48,4 5,J 2,8

* rained during day time; + rained during niRht time


only by the daily solar insolation (SI) (at alpha;;:: .• 0001 lev-

el) uith an R-square value of o. 54 • However, the e.f:ficien-

cy of the drying cha:mber {EFFDC) and the overall ef.ficiency

0£ the kiln {KFP) were significantly related by the average

initial moisture con tent {I~lC) {at alpha=. DO 1 level} 1 wit.h values of 0.90 and 0,.91 11 respectively ...

Using p olynornia.1 regression tests and several exponeri.-

tial moa.els (by SAS), the best IDO;d<.=ds .for thE! ef.ficiencie.s

of the collector {KFFCL) and drying chamber {.EFi'DC) and ·the

overall efficiency of the kiln {EFP} ~~re,

EFFCL=1 .• J7 - 4.{)9*log SI + 1 .• 70*{1og SI)2

- 0.0500*{log SI) 4

R-square= .. ?9 .; alpha-level= .. Qt)O 1

EFFDC= - .Q621 + .0189*{IHC) - .QD0118*{IBC)2

R-sguare 0=,. 93; alpha-lev,el= .. 001

EF.F - -. 9413 + .• () 102* {IMC) - .. 0000562* (.IHC) 2

.R-sguare=. 93; alp.ha-level=.001

{5 .. 2)

(5. 3)

During the 29 days drying period, there vere 8 days

during w.hich it had rained during the daytime {Ta.ble 10).

For the purpose of a.pplicatio~ to Burma co.ndit.ions for the

summer t,ime, an empirical equation tor the e£ficien-

cy of tlie kiln (EF.FS) .only for the 21..,.sunuy days was also


developed, following the same proced u.i:e used above. The

best empirical equation was found to be,

EFFS - -.0794 + .0206*(IBC) - .000159*(IMC) 2

R-sguare= .. 96; alpha·-level= .• 000,1

Second .n}l!!.

(5. 4} section will include general obs~~.rvations and com-

parison of actual and predicted drying times for the second

run conducted from 20 July, 1982 thr:-ouyh 15 August, 1982 ...

General Observations

The average initial moisture co.n-tent a.nd green specific

gravity of t.he sample .boards wece 54 .• 6 percent and o •. 63 re-

spectively. The ma ·teria1 of this ruq was be:tter guality,

highEir specific gravity aI1.d lo:wer- initial moisture co.nte:nt

than tile material used. in the ru:n. Th.e ·total green

volume of the :lumbe.r was 940 bo.ard .feet (78 .• 4 cu.ft .. ). Tile

average daily sola.r insolatio:Q. ducing that pe:riod was 183.J

Btu/ft.2 and average initial telliperature i;r1side the drying

chamber was 87 .. 3°F.. After 26 days of drying, ·the a~1erage

final moisture content attained was 8.2 percent •.


Comparison of Actual and Predicted Drying Times

The predicted dryiug -ti:me for this run was obtained :by

substituting appropriate data .into the prediction equation

{equ. 5 .. J) obtained from the .first run. ·rh,is :was accom-

plished by substituting the,es of average initial mois-

ture content {I1'1C) , total green volume. of the lumber {V) ,

average green s:pecific gravity of ·the sample hoards (S) _., av-

er.age daily solar insolation (SI), togethe1: with the ratio

of total solar energy incide.nt on the cover iQ. the en-

ergy a va.ilable {a taken as O. 87) , in ,equations (5 .• 3)

(3.26} the predicted dcying time thus obtained was 26 days

to reach final moisture content of 8.0 percent.

Co.w.parison of the daily actual and predicted drying

curves are shown in Figure 4 • The pi:edictad curve is

smoother than the actual curv,e because a constant da:il.Y so-

lar i.nsolation {taken to be the average for t.he en-tir.e dry-

ing period) as well as a constant B value of O.ij7 were used

throughout. . 'l'he lower slope of the predicted dryiug curv,e

during the first few days of dcying ls caused by the fact

that the H value (<~. g.. . the average R valu('1 for the first 9

days, t1ilhen t.:he fan speeds were. high, was about o. 83) du:cip.g

this period was lower than the avrc}rage R va:lue {0.87.) used

in the prediction egua tion ..






30 H

: 2J ~. j Predicted


Actual ..

...... , .... , ............. ,. , ........................ ,, ........ , , .... ,., , .... , 0 I 2 J S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 IJ 1q IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2ij 25 26

OATS Pigure 4!' Actual and Predicting Drying Curves of Sugar maple,

Second Run.

"'-.I Q\


.Although the actual drying was more than that

pr·edicted during most of tlie drying pe.a:iod they coiricided

toward the end, and the final predicted time was ver:y

close to the ac-tua 1 tota.l drying time ...

5 .. 1. 3

'.I'here are two approaches to im.prove the efficiency of

the kiln, one or both of

ace to increase tiH:! solar

the he:at losses •..

which may be im_plemented. :rhese

energy input and/or to decrease

5. l • .;3 .. 1 Increasing Solar Energy Input

The transmission efficie.ncy o:f the collector-cover ma-

terial used in this study :was only about 0.80 .• .means

that about 20 pe.r-cen t of the total sola.r energy incident on

the cove.r did not reach the a.bsorlH~.r.. If thi.s cover ma te:ci-

al is replaced ~ith a effective transmission material

such as glass, which a transfilission efficie.ncy of up to

O. 95, only 5 pe:rcent of the tota.l incide.:nt solar energy will

be lost., That will increase the present solar energy input

by about 19 percent.. Furthe.r:more th~ tran.smis.sion of 1o{tg

wave ene.rgy from the a.bsorber through. the co11-e·c :will he re-

duced because of the low t.ransmi ttance value for loug_--wave

raaiation through glass.


Reducing Heat Losses

Only about 21 pe.r:cent of the total energy input to the

system had been used to remove , the water f·rom the :wood ('.ra-

ble 9). The :cemaining 79 percent of the total energy output

consisted of collector losses {JS pe.rce1~t) , venti.latiou loss

(36 percent), conduction loss (6 perce1rt), and load heating

loss (.2 percent). It is that losses front the col-

lector aad through venti.lation are the ma_jqr ones that

should be reduced to improve the eff1ciency or the kiln .•

I'ieans of reducing losses from these two sources a:re consid-

ered separately~

Heat Losses from the Collector : o·f the .35 percent heat loss

from the collectm:-, abot1t .27 _perceQ.t was due to top loss and

the remaining 8 percent to bottom loss or conduct.ion lo,ss to

the grou.nd {'l'a:ble 9}.

According to theory and egua tion (3. 9) , top loss was

mainly affected .by the tem.peratur-e difference between the

collector and t11e ambient air. '£his loss increased as th.e

tempera.tu.rE~ 0£ the collector became hig:.her. This tempe.ra-

t.ure differences can be reduce,d by lo.wering the collecto.r

temperature which can be effected most easily by improvip.g

the air circulation system through the col.l,ector, and/·or by

increasing the blower .l:'nnning time, especially on sunny

days,..· The t:e1upe.catu.i:e o.f the col1ecte>r can be d-ecreased by


reducing the length of the air circuliition path or the total

.length o-f the collect.or .since the temperature in.side the

collector was increased with the length of the air-path.

The running time of the blower would be increased if the

temperature inside the drying chamber was lower. There will

he an optimum condition which depends on the daily sola.L' in-

solation, ambient temperature, the avecage initial moisture

content and volume of the lumher. The volume of the lumber

can be increased if the initial moisture content is low.

The maximum plate temp1~rature attained during the first

drying test was 138.5°F. Since this temperature is consid-

erably lo1<rer than the n1a.ximu.lll temJ.x~ratm:.:e o,f the roof

{157 .. 5°F) 1 the air-circulating system through the collector

was e:E.ficient.

According to the multiple linear regression test for

the ef:ficiency of thH collector taking sunny days only, it

was found that efficiency of the collector was not signifi-

cantly related to the daily solar i.nsolation,. It shows that

if there was no cain collector efficiency was :neither cle-

creased nor increased when the .solar insolatiou was changed.

It can also be seen from table 11 that for the sunny days#

the collector ef£ic.iency ranged only .bHtween 46.,. 4 and 54 .. 4 .•

:rhis also indicates that thE~ air-circulating syste.m throug.h

the collector was efficient ..


However, .further .research is nece.ssar_y to find a be·tte1:

system foe differeut weathe.r conditions a11d at di.fferent lo-

cations •

.In this study, the overall heat t-rans:t:er coe£fic.ient of

the plate which consisted of a 1/2 inch thick layer of gra1,1·-

ula ted charcoal# was taken as O ... ll32,9 .Btu/hr-:ft2- 0 ? and total

conduction loss to the grqund was a.bout 679"000 Btu {Table

9) .• . If the thickuess of the charcoal layer is increased to

3 inches the overall b.ea t transfer coefficient will be only

about O .. JOB Btu/iu:-...,..ft2 ·-°F.. :J?he11 the total conduction loss

to the ground will become about 169,00Q Btu, sav~ng about 75

percent of the initial loss. This coqduction loss will .be-

come only about 2 percent of the total energy output instead

of the present 8 pe.cce.nt ..

According to Ta.ble 1 O, the e:fficiency of th-e collector

was ve.ry lo"N on those days which it had rained du:cing

the day time.. It 1was a minimum on di1J 10 (4 .. 6%_) during

which 0 .. 35 inch of rain ·fell bet·ween 12 am and 8 pm,. Thus,

solar drying would not be ve.r.y effective d ucing rai.ny .season

at locations *hich have heavy rains during the rai.ny seasoµ,

because of low so.lar insolation a:nd high losses fr:om the


The tempera. ture inside the co11ec to.r was a maxim um d1,11.·-

ing the day time and a minimum during the night. The di£~


fe.rence between the maximum and minimun1 temperatures was up

·to 70° F.. If the· collecto.r tempera tu:c~ can mairrtaiu a·t hig.h

temperature after the sunset, blower can run more thus in-

creasing the solar energy input~ The simplest method to

maintain col.lector temperature would .be to cov~r the

collector-cover with an opaque ma't-Q:i:ia.l such as a plywood or

a tarpaulin •. This will also reduce the transmission of

lo.ngwa·ve radiation through. the cove.r .• Thi.s is qui·te

ble in the developing countries where labor cos·ts are low.

Heat Losses from the Drying Chamber : From Table 8, it can

he seen that ventilation .losses were very high on rainy

days. This happened because of long periods of lov solar

input and high humidities of ·the amh:ien.t op. these days,

causin9 a high humidity inside the cham.he1: .... T,hus, the hum-

idi.ty inside the chamber -was higher t.ha11 the set-point va-

lue of (RH1) which controlled the exhaust fan, resu.lti:ng the

operation o:f the exhaust fan almost th.e -whole day. T.he .best

wa_y to minimize this loss is to shut down the :kiln on :rainy


The vent should be also closed Yith a lid to prevent

the out.let o:f hot air from the chamber :When the .blo~er is

o.ff. It should also be c:losed either automa t.ically or manu-

ally after the timer is turned of£. If, ·there is no leakage

of hot air during the night the to.tal vent.i1atioI,.l loss may


be reduced by 16.3 percent. :This is e,;1ui vale:11t to 5 ... 8 per-

cent. of the total energy output. (Some ventilation may be

req_uir-ed if relativ1::, humidity inside the kiln .~.xceeds 92

percent in order to prevent mold, stain, etc.)

Comparing the conduction losses from the walls, roof

and floor, the condi.1ction loss to t.he floor was the greatest

(Table 7) ; about 53 percent oF th,2 total conduction loss

from the chamber or about J percent of the total energy out-

put. .If the presfrnt gravel-flooi: (overall heat transfer

coefficient of a..bont 0.52 Btu/hr-ft2-°F) is replaced by a 4

inch-thick layer of sawdust (overall heat transLer coeffi-

cient of about 0 .. 1 Btu/hr-ft 2 -°F, according to the Heating,

Ve11tilati119 and Air Conditioning Guide, 1958) , conduction

losses from the chamber would be reduced to about 18.6 per-

cent of the total conduction loss from the chamber. This is

about O. 6 percent of the total energy output ..

5. 2 ,2:!;;tH-GI.tEEN HOUSE Klb_!

The following discussiJn of the semi-greenhouse kiln is

diveded into three sections.

observations of the results,

TIH::; ficst consists 0£ general

the second discusses the

ci1:mcy o:f th~ kiln, ar1d the third is concerned with develop-

ing an empirical model for the efficiency of the kiln.


5. 2. 1 Genera.l Observations

The total green volume of Yellow poplar { _L;ir-iodendron

tul:iQifera L,.) used in this st.udy was 96 board feet.

average gr:een volume speci.fic gravity was 0,. 43 and the total

ove:ndry :weight o.f the luruber calculated from the total gree:n

volullle and average green s_;pecif.ic g.ra vi-ty was 214 pounds .•

This is close to the value o.f 211 pounds calculated from t.he

tota.1 :final weight (230 pounds) 0£ the dried lumber and t~e

average :final moisture content of the four sample .boards

The average i11itial moist,ure conteµt o.f the £our sample

boards ~as 50. 4 percent. The average final mo.istu;ce content

attained after 28 days of drying was 8.8 perce~t •. Thus, the

average daily moisture co.ntent loss was about 1. 5 percent ..

The average initial and final moistuce contents of ·the

air-dried were 15,.9 and :5 l .. 8 percent .respectively .•

The total drying time was 34 days and the average daily

mois·ture conten·t loss was therefore 1 .. U percent., about 2/3

that for solar drying.

The drying cu.rve based on the a ve:cage moisture contents

of the four-solar-dried samiple boards .is shown in Figu.ce 5 •

Also shown is a similar curve fo,r the air-,.dried lumber,

based on the average of four sam:p.le, boards ..








/Air Drying

Solar Drying

.......... , ......... ,... .,... '' .. , ......... . '""*"' , .... , ''""' O I 2 3 q 5 6 7 8 9 ID 11 12 13 1q 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2q 25 28 27 28


Figure 5: Solar and Air-drying Curves of yellow poplar, Semi-Greenhouse Kiln.

lio .i::-

Ba.sed on these results, it ca.n be seen that lumber can

be solar dried during the fall in Blacksburg (35°9'N,81°~

to a final moistm:e content beloN 10 p,ercent while w-it.h

ai:c-,dr: yin9 it was impossible to attain a fina.l con-

tent much belov 15 percent.

i'he average daily solar i:nsola tion (9nl_y for 15 days

for which data was available) measured at a 45° tilt angle

to the south :was 1B16 Btu/ft 2 and :r-a.n,gt.~d from 512 ·to 2736

Btu/ft2. _

'1'.he maximum temperature attained in the kiln was a.bout

112.5°P, while the minimum relative hum~dity was about 22

percent. The minimum and maximum tem_:perature of the ambie:n-t

during the who:le drying period was 19°F and 82°£ respective-

ly ..

The average dai:ly power consumption by the c.irculation

fan was 0.6 KWhr, cor:-cesponding to 2048 Btu per day.

s.2.~ Efficiency

Table 12 indicates the overall efficiency of the

kiln .for 15 out of the 28 days of, together cwit.h 0th-

er statistics. The average ove:call efficieucy 0£ the kiln

was ca.lacula ted to be 8 •. 3 percent.. However., this value is

not a good indicator- since the calculations :f,or the e.f·fi-

cienc_y was only started f :com. day 9 when ·the averag~ moisture


content of the lumber was 32.5 percent {Table 12),. If t.he

calculations include th:e whole drying per-iod,

efficiency would undoubtedly b~ higher.

the average

5. 2 .. 3 ~m 2iri@!. l'1 ode l fQ!: the E f.:fici en:£!. Q.f th~ K~l!l

"J?ollowing the same procedu.ce as was u:sed for external

collector :k.iln, an empirical model for the overall efficien-

cy { EF-P) o.f the semi-greenhouse kiln -was obtained~ It is,

BPF = -~-0381 + ,00982*IMC - .0000207*SI .• 99; alpha-level= .. 000,1


IMC= average daily initial moisture conteut in perce.nt

SI -= daily solar inso1a tion in Btu/£ tz·

However, ·for purpose of simplification, the empirical

model with only one .independent variable, the initial mois-

ture content {IMC) was testea. again and it was found to be,

EFF = -.Q167 + .00988*IMC

R-sguare-= .. ~8; alpha le ve.1=. 00 1

This is not as good a .rnode.1 a..s given by e!"1ua t:iou (5 .. 5), but

it is more pcactical and easier to


1' AB.L.f: 12

Efficiency of Se rui-G:ree Ilh o use Kiln

i j

jObser-tDayjAveragej Daily JAverageJAverage i Oveca.l.l ! jvationJ jinitialj Solar j Ambien-t jSa t. Vap. J E.ffi ciency.J l I I ~l C IInsolationj Temp: J Pressm:eJ ] l i I (f:') ..-t l Btu/:ft2 1 {o E} I mm-Hg l ( %) j

j 1 I 91 32.5 l 1273 I 54::. :;i "

10 ... 8 l 27 .. 1 i I 2 ,1 1 O I 28.~ l 2145 I 54,.:2 I 10.7 j 19.4 j

I ] l 11 J 24.7 I 1912 i 46.2 .j <l.O I 15 .. 6 j :I 4 I 121 21 .• 7 I 2251 j 47. Lt l 8, .. 4 i 12. 5 I I 5 I 131 18 .• 9 I 1298 j LU) .. 9 ] 6,.6 j 11. 4 } a 6 I 141 17.4 l 2115 J 55':.)f J ·11,..2 j 9 .• 1 l J 7 I 'J 7] 14.0 I 1381 j 41.9 i 6 .. t 6.2 I t 8 l 21 i 13 .. 0 i 1776 j 42. 4 I 7 .. Q 1 5,.3 A J 9 I 22) 12.1 j 20.98 1 41 .• 6 t 6.$ I 4. l j j 10 I 231 11. J j 2082 A /.J.2. 0 I 6,.9 I 4 .. 1 l J 11 I 241 10 .. 5 I 2032 J 45 .. 5 j 7 .• H I 2 .• 1 j I 12 .i 251 10,. 1 i 1681 1 J.J.8.5 J 8.7 l 3 ... 2 l I 13 I 26.1 9. 6 I 1951 j 61.0 j 13.6 I 2 .. 2 l .I ·14 j 271 9 .• 2 I 1528 I 53.'f ,I 10 .. 6 j 1 .. ·4 t l 15 I 281 9aa0 I 1722 l 53 .• 8 l 10,.6 I 1.3 I



E!J:Uation (5. 5) indicates that efficiency of the kiln is

high when the initial moistuce content (IMC) is hig.h a.nd it

is low when the solar insola tion {SI) Ls high .• :I'his indi-

cates that when the solar insolation becomes higher the kiln

becomes less efficient. 'l'his is believed to be related to

the increase in top-loss from the cov,ff£ due to the 11igh,er

absorber temperature.

As metioned in the precet1ditHJ chapter, the data ob-

taiued in this study was not sufficient to calculate the

sources of energy input or output,. Therefore ~t &as not

possiblE.\ to ana1y:ze the energy .balance relations in the

semi-greenhouse kiln in the same manner as was done in tne

external collector kiln.

Chapter VI

APPLICilTION. IN BURMA ·the empirical .models (e;3:u.atio11s 5-.3 and 5-4)

obtained .for the external collector ,Jdln together with equa-

tion (3.-26}, the so.lar dryiug ti.mes of so:me commercially im-

portant Burmese species of dif,ferent .speciof:ic gravity were

predicted. These predicted drying times for both the normal

and summe.r climatE~ conditions are given in Table 13 • The

thickness and volume of the luaber (V) to be solar dried

were one inch and 83 cubic feet {1000 bd£t) .respectiv,2ly.

The averagt.~ daily solar insolation (SI) a~d average initial

temper:at m:e inside the drying chamber {T) were taken as 2500

Btuj.ft2 and 100°F respectively,.

Si11.lilarly, pr-edicted drying times 0£ the same .species

and of t"he same thickness obtained fo:c: the semi-g.reenhouse

are given i:n Tabli;:~ 14 .•. · The volurie of the lumbe.r (V) to :be

solar-dried lilas 8 cubic-feet {about HW bdft},. To get a

comparison. the values of the variables, average daily solar

insolation (SI) and average .ini.tial ·temperature inside the

kiln {T) were taken to be same as thos~ used in the external

col.lector kiln,.

However, since the em:p.irical model for the kiln eff i-

ciency obtained for this kiln was to data o.btained




Pr:e11ictiri.g Drying Times for Commercial Burmese \~oods using External Collector Kiln

Initial [1oisture Content 20-50 percent Final Moisture Content 8 percent

r I Sr. J Trade J B otanica.1 JNo.JName j Name J l i 1----· l I J J 1 jTeak }Tectona I j J gr an dis J 2 j2yinkadoJXylia I l j dola:i:hri for.mis I 3 ! Pauda uk j Pteroca rpus l J j macr-ocarpus j 4 I Thi tya j Shorea J l Aoblongifolia ! 5 J Ingyin fPa.ntacme I J tsiamens~s J 6 )In )Dipterocarpus J J JtuberculatQs J 7 ]Kanyin- JDipterocarpus ,) Jbyu Jalatus l 8 J Ka11yin- ,l Dipterocarpus 1 J ni l t.urbinatus J 9 jYernane ]Gmelina arborea J 10 J Sagawa i 3iche1ia cha-m,paca .111 i Hnaw 1 Adina cord if olia 112 i Binga J Hitrag-yna I j Jrotundifolia J 13 l'Thinga.n J .Hopea odorata 114 I Pyinma ! Largerstroe:mia j I J speciosa 115 ! Yon J Anogei.ssus ] J i accumina ta J16 jTaukkyanJTerminalia tomentosa 117 I Thinwin j Millettia _pend ula J18 JTaong- JSwintonia I ,tthayet .lfloribu.nda J 19 jTha.di jProtium seeratum J20 JThitkadoJCedrela toona

j G.:reen j I j j J j I I i I I I l l I j I j 1 I I I ] I J l i ! J I I I a 1 1 i



0,. 75

0 .. 86


o. 7 3


Q_,. L~2 0 .. 43 0.58 0,. 5.5

0,.64 0 .. 52


o .• 71 0,. 85

o .• 71 .o. 4-,

I Time I Time I I NormalJSummerj i (day} I (day) A j i I I l 5 j I i l I j J I .I 3 I l j j I ,I J I I J I I 1 I I i I I

1 I

10-181 :I

12-241 1

12-221 J

14-26 t I

12-24.1 J

11-22j I

10-18 i I

10-18 .I j

6-121 6-12j

10-181 8-16 j

a 11-20 J

8-161 j

12-221 I

1 l-22j 14-26 i 8-16}

I 11-22)


f j

5- 9j I

6-11 J I

6-1 OJ j

8--121 i

6-11,j l

5-10 J j

5- 9 J I

5- .9j j

J- 61 3- 61 5- 91 4- 8J

I 5- 9) 4·- 84

,i 6-101

I 5-101 8·-14j 4- 8 j

j 5-10J 4- 71


TllBLE 14

Predicting Drying Times £or Some Commercial Burmese Woods using Semi-greenhouse Kiln

Initial !oisture Content 20-30 perceQt Final Moisture Content 10 perceu-t

r , J Sr .• I Trade I Botanica.l I Gre:eu j Time I )No .. JName I Name t Sp.G.c.j Hormal J I i l I (day) I (day) J }---~-----+-----------,---+------+-----f i l I 1 I l :I 1 )Teak J T,ectona i 0.59 ;I 11-14 t I I I grand:is 1 ,I l l 2 tPyinkado I Xylia t 0,.7.8 :I 16-19 J I l I dolarbr:if or mis I I j I .3 JPaudauk I Pterocarpus .t O. 75 j 15-18 1 J l I macrocarpus I l J l 4 ,JThitya J Shorea l 0 .• 86 I 17-21 i 1 :J I oJ:JJ.ongifolia i I J I 5 Jingyin J Pantacrue I 0~78 1 16-19 J 1 I I sia.mensis I 1 l J 6 I In I Dipt.e.rocarpus I D .. 13 t 14-17 J ) J J tuberculatus J J l J 7 JKa.nyinbyu 1 Dipterocarpus j 0 .• 57 I '11-14 I t I ,I us I I J J 8 I Kanyi:n- I Dipterocarpus I O .• 60 1 11-1 ti i 1 Jni J turhinatus I i I l 9 I Ye1uane J G.melina ac borea ,} 0 .. 2 1 7- 'J J J 10 JSagawa j I'lichelia champaca I 0 .. 43 j 7- 9 j l 11 I Hnaw i Adina coardifolia 1 0,. 58 I 1 l-14 I J12 JBinga j Nitragyna I 0.55 j 11-13 I ,i J J rotund.ifoli.a l 1 j J 13 JThi.ngan I Hopea odora·ta j 0.64 j l.2-15 j 114 I Pyi nma I Largerstroemia. speciosa J D. 52 l 10-12 j )15 }Yon j Anoge.issus accum.iI1ata j 0,.74 I 15-18 I 116 jTaukkyan I Ter.minalia tom.entosa i 0,. 71 :1 33-16 I 117 IThinwin 1 r1illettia pendula 1 0.85 I 17-21 ,I 118 l'I'aung- I Swintonia flo-ri.buna.a I D.55 J 10-13 I J jthayet I 1 j J 119 jThadi l Prot..ium seeratum J 0.71 ) 13-16 j J20 J Cedrela toona t o.rn J 9-11 J L---.l.


between 32.5 percent, initial moisture content and B.8 per-

cent final mois·ture content, the drying times g.i ven -were

predicted only b,etween 30 percent ini tia.1 d.nd 9 percent f i-

nal moisture content.

'fhe prt:H'l.icted drying times obtaiJ1,ed for hot.h ·types of

kilns indica,te the lumber with about 50 per-cent m.ois-

ture content can be dried within 6 to 26 days (table 13) ,

whereas the lumber initially at about 20 percent moisture

content can be dried below 10 percent moisture content with-

in 3 to 18 days (table 13 & 14).

Other wor.K in Bucma has shown that green .lumber two-

inch thickness and a.bout O .• 6 O green speci fie gravity can he

air-dried (under an open-shed}

tent within 7 veeks (Kyi,1981).

to 21 percent moisture con-

Therefo:r:e, solar drying

preceeded by air drying is ,Jui te favorable to dry the lnmher

bEi.lo:w 10 percent moisture content within one ~eek to three

For some locations which have heavy rain during the

four-,-mo.nth-rainy season ( .-p ,g . ·--• .... Rangoon) 1 solar drying can he ' used for eight months. Thus, for these places, air

under a shed can be started during the rainy season, espe-

cially for the re.fractory species,.


Estim.atinq Solar Drying_ &Q§.t iJ.! 12..i!:£!\El

Ba.sea on the designs of these ·two types of solar kiln,

the author estimated that he could build a solar kiln o.f ca-

p:aci ty two· tons2 at a cost of 2-0,000 Kyats3 including stick-

ers1 etc. According to the _predicted drying times ohtai.ned

three charges of air-dried lumber could be dried per 111011th

for at .least eight months per _yea:c. Th.erefo.r:e there will be

total of 24 chacges or 46 :tons _per y.ear.

Assu:rning that the capital investment for the

kiln will he borrowed from ·the World :Bank or Asian Develop-

ment Bank wiU1 a payback over 1 O yea rs :in 10_ annual payments

at one percent interest~ It is a.ssu JRt~d that tfoe kiln wi.11

be totally depreciated and has no salvage value,.

The annual loan payment will be K 2111.60 ($281.50)

equivalent to K 2111 .. 60/48 = K 44.00 {$5 .. 86). ton.. As-

suJUing maintaina.nce cost for the kil.n as K 500 {$66 ... 67) per

year there will be added about K10 ($1.33) per ton for main-

taina.nce .•.

It is assumed that, an operator at a salary of K 500

per month could control four kilns. Thust with 12 charges

or 24 tons of lnmber per month operato,.r cost wi.11 be K 21

2 unit for measurement of lumber in Burma; 1 .ton = 50 cubic fee·t = 1. .. 4 cu.bic .meter

3 Burmese Currency; 1 $ = 7.5 Kyats


For loading and unloading the lum.ber, labor cost. is es-

timated to be K 10 ($1.33) per ton.

Electric power consumption :fo:c the .kiln will be at most

15 KWh r per day. The electric power rate in Burma is a.bout

K 0 .. 25 pee KW hr. Assuming an average dryi.i,1g time per charge

as 7 days, the po"Wer cost per- ton wil.l be 1/2 .x

{15x7) x0 .. 25=K13 {$1. 75). _

.Finally, the tota 1 cos·t to sqlar""'.".d.r_y one to.n o .f air--

dried lumber is:

1. Annual payment on loa.n K 44 ($5 .. 87)

2,. I•l aintainance cost K 10 ($ l. 33)

3. Wages for operator K 21 {$ 2. !;30)

4;. Labor cost K 10 ($1..33}

5,. Elec·tric powe.r cost K 13 {$l. 7J) ________ . __ , _______

Total Cost K 98 ($13,. 07}

This cost excludes air--dry ing cost an.d following the

same procedure, the cost for air cirying of green lumber can

be estimated as follows.

It is estimated that an air-drying she-d o:f capacity .1 O

t::>ns (6,000 bdft) wi.11 be required to supply the solar kilu ..

This will cost abou·t K 5,000 ($666,.67). including stickers,

etc. It is assumed that there will be five charges per year

and thus 50 tons of lumber can be dried per year. FolloYing


the same assumptions which were made fqr the solar kiln# an-

nual. loan payment per ton of green lumhe£· will be K 10. 56

($1,.41) .• Assuming Hie maintainamce cost for the shed as K

200 ($26.67) per year, this will cost about K 4 ($0.53) per

ton of green luml>er,.

It is assumed that the sam:e Of)_era.tor of the solar kilns

can also handle the air drying operatio~~

additional cost for the operator.

Tims the.[>e is .no

Labor costs for loading and unloadin9 ace 'the same as

for solar drying, K 10 ($1.33) per ton.

Inventory cost for air-drying one ton 0£ green lumber

.for two months, taking the cost of onE· to.r1 of lumber (Group

One) as K 1#600 ($.213.~3), and with an interest ra·te of 8

percent, will be 1600x.08x(2/12) = K 21~33 ($2.$4) • Thus

the total air~drying cost for one ton of green lamber is:

1. Annual payments on loan K 10.56 ($1 .. 41)

2. Maintainance cost K 4.00 ($0 .• 53J

3. Labor cost K 1 o. 0.0 ($1..,33)

4. Inventory cost K 2 ·1 .• 3.3 {$ 2 .. 84):

Total Cost K 45 .. f39 ($6 .• 12)

'N:ierefore, Lt will cost about 98+4'6=K 141+ ($19. 20) to

dry one ton of green lumber using solar drying preceded by

air a.rying. Compare to the p1:-ice of group one Burmese spe-


cies (about K1500 per ton) r total d..r:ying cost is abut 9 per-

cent o-f the lumber cost. In the United states solar drying

preceded by air drying 1 was e.stima t~cl to cost $21.. 27 per

thousand board fe-et of y,el.low pop.lac {Weik, 198..3).. '.rhi.s is

about 10.5 pe.r:cent of the total lumber cost, since the price

of 1000 board £eet of yellow is about $ 200 .•

It is not necHssary to ai.r dry teak { '.Fectona g_raW,iis }

which has been girdled, since the moisture content of the

log is about 25 to 30 percent.. Th us ·the cost for sola.c dry-

ing of one t<>n of girdled.-t,eak .lumber will be a.bout K 98 ...

The estimated costs given here ar~ mostly overestimated

and are also based on a small scale operation. Thus costs

will be reduced, in a large scale opera·tion.

Chapter VTI


ExpE1r imenta.l drying studies were made on two types of

solar lumber kilns, a.n external collector ·type and a semi-

greenhouse type of kilns •.

Tim cha:rges 0£ five gua.rter inch green suga.r maple lum-

ber were dried in an external collecto:c prototype solar kiln

at the u.s.. Forest Products Laboratory, i:1adison, Hisconsin,

during ·the sum.mer o:f 198.2.. The kiln, was instrumented to

collect the regu.ired data for calculating the energy bala.uc·-

es ...

In the run, the energy .balance for each day for

the whole drying _period was calculated .... from these results,,

the daily efficiencies of the collec·tor and ch.amber,

as well as the overall effici~ncy of kiln •e:ce calculated.

A sta-tistical analysis syste.m (S.l\S) ·was used to obtain

empirical .models for the efof:iciencies o_:f the collectqr and

drying cha mher" and for the overall e:fficiency of the kiln .•

Using the model obtained for the overall efficiency, an em·-

pirical equation for _predicting th,e average da:ily moistu.n::

loss was developed.

Following the same procedure as in the firs·t run, t.he

cequired data were co1lect?.d fro.m the second run to use in



the predicti v1:1 eg:uatio:n developed from the .f run. . Com-

parison \'las then o:!E the predicted and actual d:r:ying

curves obtained in the second run.

A single cha:r:ge of 9/8 inch g-reen yellow pqpla.r lumber-

was dried. in a semi-greenhouse kiln at Vi.rginia Polyt~chnic

Institute and Stab~ University, Blacksburg, Virg"inia, during

the fall of 19 82 •.. · f'or purpose cf compai:ison, a matched ,pi.1,e

of the same thic.kness and same species was also ai.r-d:cied at

the same time.

Based on data collected from the solar-drying experi-

ment, an empiprical model for the overall efficiency of the

k:iln :was obtained. Using this model an e,iuation f m: p·ced-

icting daily moisture loss was developed., similar to that o.f

the external collector :kiln.

The conclusions drawn from the external collector kiln

experiments are::

1 .. , Five-quarter green sugar maple lumber ( 54 - 64% t1C )

can be solar dried in an external collector sola:r ki,ln to a

moisture content below 9 percent less than one month dur-

ing the summec., at L'iadison (43°5 1 N.,.89°23 1 W), Wisconsin ..

2 •. ·· The available inchl;ent solar energy was about 88 pee-

cent and the total electrical energy consumed was about 11


percent of the tota.l energy pot.entially available ·to the


3. The total energy ontput for the entire drying process

fincluding collector losses) was about 8.7 million Btu# 0£

which 5 .. 6 million Btu ;.,1as input tiH,i drying chambea::-. The to-

tal amount of water evaporated was about 1770 pounds.

4. The major losses from the kiln were collector losses

(355S} 1 ventilation loses {365i) a:nd conduction losses from

drying chamber (6%). The remaining 23 percent of total en-

ergy input was utilized for removing water from the wood and

for minor losses.

5. The average efficiency of the collector was 44.8 par-

cent, ranging from 4.6 to 54.4 percent. The efficiency 0£

the collector (EFFCL) for the whole drying period (29 days)

was significantly related to the daily sola.r insola tion

(SI)... The empicical .morli~l for. the efficiency o_f the collec-

tor is given by,

EFFCL - 1.37 - 4.09*log SI+ 1.70*(log SI} 2

- .. 0500*{109 S.I)4

.a-square= .. 89; alpha-level=.0001;


Howevec, the efficiency o.f the c9llector only fo.c th.e

2·1 sunny days (excluding 8 rainy days} @as not sigui.fica.ntly

rela tea. to the solar insolat in ..

6 •. _ The average e.fficiency o:f th:e drying chamber :was 32 .. 0

percent and ranged from 5.3 to 83 .• 7 pei:cent. The efficiency

of the drying chamber (EFFDq for tile whqle drying period

was sign.ificantl_y :c,ela ted ·to

content of ·the lumber (IMC).

the a v-erage in.i·tial moisture

T.he empirical model for ·the

efficiency of the drying chamber was,

BPPDC = .Q627 + .01B9*(INC) - .000118*(IHC)2


7.. The average overa.J.l ef.ficiency of the kiln was 17 .. 4

percent, ranging from 2 .. 8 to 4 7. 7 percent., The overall ef·-

ficiency of the kiln (E.Fr') for the whq_le drying period {29

days) was significantly related to the average initial mois-

ture con.tent of the lunibei: {IMC). The empi.:cical model f<>.r

the overall efficiency 0£ the J;:iln {EFFJ, was,

EFF -- -.()413 + .()102*(IMC} - .. 00005;62*(.I11C) 2

R-sy uare= .. 93; alpha-level=.001;

The e mpirica.l model .for the overall e:fficiency of the

Iciln for the 21-sunny days only (EFFS) was,

EFPS = -~0794 + ~0206*µMC) -.Q00159*(IBC) 2

R-s~1uare= .. Q-6; alpha-Level=. {WO 1,;


Based on the results obtained for the semi-greenhouse

kil.n, it can be coricludad;.

9/8 green yellow poplar lumbe.r can be so.lar

dried by a semi-greenhouse kiln to a moisture content belo\t

9 percent in less thau one month during the fall at

Bl~ ·, b · · ( 3· 5 09 I" o 1 0 P) ~r • -· ·· a.cKs urg., . N., o ,.,, , vi rg.1n.1.a .• With air drying it ~as

impossible to attain a final moisture content much belo14 15


2. _ The aver:-agf., overall efficiency o.f the kiln for 15 out

of 28 days of dr_y:ing f o.r which were o.bta.ined {a:ve.r-a~ge ,.in.i-

t.ial r,c, 32. 5-9 %} was 8 .• 3 per-cerlt .• The overall e:fficiency

of the kiln {E:PF) ~as related to the averag:e

initial moisture content of the lumber and daily solar

lation. A practical empirical mod-Hl for the overall ·effi-

ciency was,

EFF = -.0767 + .Q0988*IBC 98; alpha-leve.l=.tl01;

Final conclusions reached from: thi.s study are,

1. Solar d:cying times of difterent .lumber :species at

different locations .for both solar 'k.ilns can be predic·ted by

the following empirical equation.



MCL= daily moisture content loss .in percent

EFP= tlie value obtained from the efficiency model

SI= daily solar insolation in Btu/ft2

ACY= .area of the collector-cm1er in f t 2

:R = ratio of total solar energy incident on the collec-

tor cover to the to·tal energy available to the syste.m

V = green volume of lumber in £t3

SG - green specific gravity

:i'i - average Lnitia.l temperat-u:cr~ insid.e the drying ch.amber

in °F

2. _. A comparison of the actual drying curve observed. i:n the

second run of the external collector kiln showed good agree·-

ment with the predicted drying curv,e obtained from the empi-


J.. Based on this study it is believed that. solar tlr_ying of

lumher preceded by air d.ryin.g will .be for condi-

tions in Burma, in order to attaln a £inal moisture content

be.low 10 peccent vithin one to thrf'..!e weeks ..


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Append..i:x A


Item Burma EiaLaysia

I ] J jForest Acea (acres) j96,000,000f 20,0.00,001) J I l J Reserve Forest (acres) j 24,000,000 j 14,000 ,00,0 i I J jLog Production 1 5,600,-000j.231.,IWO,OOO ! (cubic .ft) (1970) I j J I J )Lumber P:roduction ]21.,tHHl,OOOj 82,0,,00,000 I (cubic :ft) ( 1970) I .I I I i JPlywood Production l 380,0901 8.,000~00-0 l (cubic ft,) ( 1970) I I I I I

I Phili.ppi:nes I

l :1 31,00:0,000 l j 23,500,000 ,t j388,000,000 i j I IJ7., 700,000 j ,I I 20 ,.000,000 J ]

] J j I j I j j I i j I I

J No. of Saw.mills J 207 (1979) I J J l j No'"' of Plywood I1il1s I 3 ( 19.7:9} 1

650(1979) J 1

37(1979) I

1 325(1976) J

J 33{1976) l

j 100 {1.976) I

I 15 { 1976) J

j j

1 i l J No. of :pry Kilns i 20,{ 1979) I 1 J J I No. of P rese.rvation I 1 { 1979) I J Plants l J J l l

sl 82(1979) j

I I I I ___________ __.. _____ ;;,__. ______ -'-----~

Adopted from Davidson (1980).

]l 1

Appenclix B

Tnrn1rn EXPOH'r OF BU.Ht!IA .FO.R ~"'ISCAL YEA.R 1977-78,

i j HOPJ?US ton) Cubic Meter j Value I Source I /ton * 4 I (.Kyats i.p l j 1 j l T housaitds) j

J 1 j t t l j I jTeak log I 45,266 ) ·s 1,479 :I 233,722 I J j l JHardwood log j 9,630 .I 17, .J3lJ J 7,272 I l J j jTeak Conv,ersio.n j 38,653 1 5'.c4, 114 I 160,918 J J l i i:Hardwood Conversion 1 171 I 239 ,I 205 3 1 ! J JPlywood, Veneec., I j j j I i i J ?losaic, Par,{ue·t & etc I j 1 7.95 J I I J JTotal J 93,720, I 153~ l66 ;) 402,912

* Hoppus ton - unit for measurement of log in Burma = 63. 7 cubic feset : 1. 8 cubic meter

ton - unit for measurement of convta:rsion - 50 cubic feet = t. 4 cubic meter

+ Kya t - Burm,ese Currency; 1 :ji = 7 .. 5 Kyats

Adopted from the Repor·t {1980} o.:f forest Department to

the Mlnistcy of Agricultui:e and Forest, Burma.


., a I ,j J I I J I I j I j j I 1



C.-.. 1.1 Dofulg!il!g, Wisconsin

One of the earliest studies on the solar: drying o-f lum-

ber in the United States carried out by Johnson (1961}

at Dodgeville, Wisconsin {42°5B'N,90°7',W). A solar .lumber

dryer with a capacity o.f 400 board feet4 was built in Octo-

her- 1959,. The south wall, containing :four windoMs of si.n-

gle-streng-!::h glass, was sloped at an angLe of 67. 5° with the

horizontal. The total area of the glass W<i.s .37 sguar,e f-eet.

Air circula.tion was prqvided by a fan W;hicll ~as driven by a

wind mill, and vents were also prov:i.d?d fol:" dehmuidify ing.

Two tests were car-ried out the a:ud it was re-

ported that one inch cherry lumber dried from 15.5 to 8 per-

cent in 52 days and the same thickness of white oak: lumber

dried from 60 to 6 ... 5 percent in the same period .• 'l'he other

test was begun during the fall and it was noted that one

inch black cherry lmrtber of in.itial moisture content 50 per-

cent was dried to 8.5 percent after 220 day.s.

4 unit for measurement of lumber ln the United States 1 board foot= 1 inch x 1 foot x 1 foot 1000 board feet= 83 cubic feet= 2.~ cubic meter



Madison. Wisconsin

In 1961, Peck ( 196 2 a,) d;esigne<l and tested a solar

dryer at Hadison, Wisconsin {4.J/.>5-'N, 890.23 1 W). _ The r:oof and

all Ji.falls except thu north wall, which was sheathed :with

plywood, we;r:-e coverf:1d with. two layers of tra:nsparent plas-

tic._ The size of the dryer .was 7 .• 5x l2. 7x8 with a ca-

pacity of 425 hoard feet. :rlu:ee charges o.f green ope-inch

red oak lumber were dried to 20 percent moisture content ..

He reported that this required 33 days during Hay and June,

23 days during Augus-t. and September, and 105 days :fcoiil No-

vember through Harch. Peck also noted that the temperature

inside the d.ryer was a.l;;.ra ys higher, and the relative humidi-

ty inside the dryer was genera.lly lower than -ambient condi-/

tions. He concluded that the drying time to a mois-

ture content 20 percent can be ceduced to about one-hal.f

that req:uired ·to ai:r d.i:-y the same lumber.

c .• l.3 Sauk £itY., Wisconsin

'.l'wo other solar gr2enhouse type dry-fH,s, designed by

Peck ( 1962 b) , were cons·t.ructed at a small sawmill in Sauk

Wisconsin. 'IU1e capacity o.f each

dryec was about 2,500 .board feet and ain circulation in each

kiln was provided by two 18-inch £aas •. The dcyers were

identical except that th.e fan.s in one dryer were powered b_y


1/3 HP electric motors ~,herea.s in the other they were driven

by a wind mill.

Fort Collins Colorado , --- __ , _____ I --------

In 1962, a greenhouse solar drye.r with a capacity of

1500 board £eet was co:nstrur;ted at the Colorado state Univ-

ersity, Fort Collins, (40°36'N .. 105°4 1 W) .. The dryer wa.s 18

:feet long froill east to west, and 10 fe;et Yide fr:om north. to

south .• , A.11 walls except the north wall were covered with

translucent (li!here:as the r:oof :and the no.cth wall

were covered with fiberglass~ The roof was tilted at an an-

gle of 17° to the horizontal, facing south. Troxell and

Mueller ( 1968} tested seven charges of one-inch Engelmann

.spruce and lodgepole pine lumber at diffen:'!nt seasons. .Each

charge consisted of an e gua.l mixture of both species

,. According to tht..~ir report 1 it rf,iguired only 5 to 13 days to

dry the lumber to 1.2 percent moisture conten-t du.cing summer

and fall 1 and 13 to 25 days during the winter~

c.1.s In 1977, Wengert designed a.nd constructed two semi-

greenhouse type solar kilns at Virgi,nia Polytechnic Insti-

tute and State University, Blackshurg(35°9'N• 81°0 1 W). The

first ki.ln had a capacity o.f 150 to 200 board feet with a


maximum board length of 4 feet •. The flo.or: and the wall.s ex-

cept the south :wa.11 were well insulated... The roof Yhich :was

tilted at 45° '.to the horizontal , and the south £acing wall,

'ffere covered with two layers of t:cauluc~ut weather re.sista:q.t

polyester film two inches apart.

Oliveira, Skaar and Ren.gert (1982) tested a mixture of

one .inch thick red oak and white oak lumber during the win-

ter o.f 1978 .. They found t.hat th,e lumber reached 20 a:nd 6

_percen-t: Rloisture co:nteut in 80 days a:nd 125 days respectiv·e-

ly.. The average They also air dried a pile o.f end-matched

samples during the same timB :p.eriod,. This lumber reached 20,.

percent mois·ture con tent in 105 days a~ii 14 ;percent in 162


A description of tile qt.her k:iln which was conducted in

this study is given later u.nd.e:r pro,ced ure.

The third solar .kiln d,e.signed and co11structed at

B.ladcsbm:g in 1979 had a capac.i ty of 1500 boa:c-d :feet,. The

roof consistail of a double lay~r

ped at a 45° angle facing sout4.

of cl,ear .Plastic and slop-

It ·w1as 17. 6 fee·t long £rom

east to west, 6,. 2 feet wide from south to n9rth .. The south

:wall was 3.1} f ee·t high a 11d the no:rth wall was 9. 5 feet high

The walls and floor ·wece insula:ted with 4-inch-thick fi-. '

berglass faced with 1/4 inch plywood inside and out.


One inch thict black walnut 1uIDber were dried during

the period from t'e.brua.ry, 19 80 th April,, 1981 •. · Afb~r

69 days of, it reached 8 perce11t moisture coutent ..

The. initial moistuce content was repq.r:t.ed to be 71 .. l;i per-


c. 1.(:i

A small sola".1: heated lumber drye;r 1dlich was .basically

th.a same design as the dryer of (1961) was described

by Bois (1979).. Johnso.n constructed and tested this dryer

with greater holding capacity of 750 board .feet and oth~.r

i.mprovements •. The south wall which was ti.lted at 50° to the

horizontal consisted of four storm glass windows .with a to-

tai g.lass area o:f a.bout 47 sguare f,e-et.·

c. J. 7 Magj._:~Q!!, Wisconsin , .E.xternaJ:-c:ol.lec-tor IX.Bti

Tschernitz and Simpson ( 1977) p:ropo,sed two.. types o.f .so-

lar .lumber dry .kilns, one a greenho,use type and the other- an

external-co.llectoc type They teste.d the feasibility of

using solar energy to j_mprove lumber drying by small-to-med-

ium-scale operators in developing countries ...

.Based on the .feasibilit..y study, tb;e.y designed and ·test-

ed a prototype solar dryer of l, 000, board feet caf?acity, at

the Forest. 21.·oducts Laboratory, in Madi.son i:n 1978. The


collector :was e.xterna 1 to the drying chamber and ·was hori-

zon taL. . It was designed to be locat~d at t.he Republic of

the Philippines, located at 14°N latj_tude. Thus horizontal

orientation was considered to be satisfactory in order to.

take advantage of the low expense of building t.he collector

in the ground,. ..

The description of this sola.r kiln., which was used in

the main portion of this stud.Y# is given in the pro,cedure.

Ba ton .Rouge , Louisiana

Lume:1.y and Choong (1978) designed a.nd tested an experi-

mental solar kiln of 360 board feet capac:i ty at the Louisia-

na State University, Baton Rouge (30°281 N# .9l 0 l0 1 W}., in 19T7

• The kiln was first designed and operarted with a horizoQ.-

tal·-plate collector but was later, modified by r~plac-

ing the flat-plate collector with a tb,ree d:imensional box-

·type collector,. The collector area was 26 .. 25 .feet

inclined at a 49° pitch to the south.. six hard-

wood species ·were tested, :starting frQm April, 1977 and it

was re.ported tltat elm, sweetgum, hackbe.r.ry and sycamore

which were dried during the sutllmer to a final mois·ture cou-

tent of 15 peccent in 10 to 17 days, wl~ereas ash, hackberrJ

and .. red oak which were dried a. uring t}i,e spriilg required 18

to 27 days to reach 15 p,ercent moisture. content .. They


· concluded that rates :were two to three times

faster than ai.r-drying,.

C .. l. 9 Carbondale, Illinois

.An experimental-scale exterr,tal collector type solar

kiln of capacity 500 boardf'-eet :was designed aud tested by

Rosen and C.hen { 198()) a-t; the North Central .Forest .Experimen-

tal Stat.ion, USDA Service, Carbondale {37°4.2 1 1'1,

89°12 1 W), Illinois.

Tile co.llector was ted at 37. 5° to the a!1orizonta.l and

the collector plate was built from the aluminium beer cans.

The d:rying chamber was about 8x8x6 .• 5 :f~:et in dime.nsions, and

the walls, ceiling and floor were well insulatedv

.Five char9es 0£ one-inch thiCk yellow po,plar luni,-

ber were solar dried th.roug.h thB su:mmer of 1978 to the

:spring of 1979 to a final moistu:ce content o:f 1.5 percent ..

Each run was mar1e on a load o.f about 500, board feet.. Simi-

lar loads air dried at the sam.e time.. Solar d.c.:ying

times ranged f1:.-om B to 5.3 days depending on the sea.son o_f

the year. The authors that solar _drying was 2 to

3-1/2 times ·than the air drying .. ,


C. 1. 10 §.Qg2 Commerci;al !iil.rill

c.1.10.1 Somerset, Ohio

Deco Materials Service of Somerset (Anonymous, 1980)

had developed a kiln and d.rying methoc1, using. solar :heated

air, .. The capacity of the kiln was about 190 MBF {NBF=1000

board feet). 'l'he 5.,000 square foot shea. was painted with

sor.1e specially absorbent coating. 1\ ti1,o-inch air cavity was

created on the outside of the building, by applying translu-

cent. plastic film over furring .strips to the .sides and :r:oof .•

ltnother- wir1e air cavity was created 011 the inside, using the

same materials. The earth floor was also covered with

crushed rock for heat storage.

This kiln is now drying 8/4 and 10/4 red oak for three

major companies from Ala~ka, Oregon and Idaho. It was also

metioned that this company was managing to build several si-

milar solar kilns in three states ..

c .. , .. 10~.2 ll..fton t1ountain Region, Virginia

A semi- gr>eE~n house solar kiln which 'Was the design

as that of Virginia Polytechnic Ir\stitute 1 was built and

operated by Heartwood Designs at .Afton Momitain l{egion {t:lha-

ley, 1982),. The kiln was capable of drying 25 to 30 £'.iBF

(t'lBF= 1000 board feet} of 1umhe,c per year. about 5 I1BF o.f

oaks ana. poplar are dried. for tiu~ir business and the rest

are sold to the private woodworkers.


It was noted the kiln ~as reduced controlled

expenses thr:oug.h its f unctio.nal, reliable design and its use

of a. free solar energy .•

a.,cy thei:c own .lumber.

C • 2 !!!Q.1!

It also permitted small firms to

Re.hman and Chawla ( 1961) designed and tested a lan-sca-

le solar dryer at Dehra Dun, Tndia (30°9 1 N , 78°7'E) • Tll-e_y

tested eight different kiln desig.ns. Some designs had ex-

te.::-:nal collector connected to the drying chamber: on top of a

simple metal box co.l.lector.. Most of the dc~signs used natuc-

al cii:cula tion by various arrangements o:t chimneys.

They dried nine tropical hard:Woods and one tropical

pine.. They reported that the final moisture co_ntent o.b-

tained wece 8.J to 15 percent with drying tim~s from 11 to

74 days depending o.n the season, species, thickness a.nd ini-

tial moisture content .. A 25 to 71 ,percent reduction iu

drying ·time compared to air-drying was noted,. ,

c. 2. 1 Debra Dun

Based on the tests o.f Rehman and and othe:r solar

dryers, Sharma, Nath and Bali {1971} designecl and tested a

so.lar lumber dryer at the Forest Resea.rch Institute, Debra

Dun in 1969 • The capacity o.f the kilp. was 1.500 board feet.


c. 4,. 3 Commercial Iii!.!!§.

Based on the Forest Research Ins·titute design, eight

commercial solar dryers had beeu constructed and are in use

in different parts of the country {S,.Kumar, ·1981) ... The ca-

pacity of ·the dryers 2,400 to 3 1 000 board feet.. 1.'hes.e

dryers are drying different hardwood sp:ecies for furnitur~,

doors, ~indows, doors and windows frame* joinery, carving

and tiou .boxes.. s i11ce the drying costs a,re a.oout

40 percent o.f those involved i11: s-team drying, it :was report-

ed ·that several mo:ce solar dryers. uer-e likely to hH in-

stalled in India.

Maldonedo and Peck (1962), designed and constructed a

pilot .solar dryer in late 1961 , at Rio P.iedras {18°H, 1 N,

66050, rr) - .. . ll. . .,. The dryer was of th,e greenhouse type wi tit a cap-

city of 2,000 board feet. The roof 0!tlas tilted toward the

south at an angle of 16° ,to the horizontal. Two test-runs

vere conducted one with 1,000 board fe~t of 5/~ mahogany and

the other with 2,000 board feet of 4/4 mahogany._ The 5/4

mahogany dried from 50 to 8 .. 5 percent moisture content in 29

days, and the 4/4 material dried from 32 to 12 percent in 13

days... The first drying test was car:ried out during oc.tobec

a.ud November Whereas the second. was cari:i~d out du.ring De·-

cember and January.


One year later the kiln was reconstructed and the ty enlarged about 3 1 000 boa.rd fi~et by extending the

length to 20 £eet. nfte.r two years of, the plastic

film of the roof was also removed and replaced by the single

layer of double strength window glass. Seven charges of

Hondurus mahogany of different thicknesses, and one mixed

charge of eleven hardwood species were tested by Cbudnoff,

Maldonado and Goytia (1966). They found that 1-inch mahoga-

ny can be dried to 12 percent moistu.n.~ content in 18 days

and 2-inch stock in 41 days, each from average initial mois-

ture content of 50 percent. They also reported that mixed

hardwoods of speci:fic gravity ranging from O. 48 to O. 82, re-

guired 43 days to dcy from an average ini moisture con-

tent of 60 percent to a final moisture content of 12 per-


Terazawa ( 197 5) designed and tested a greenhouse type

solar lumber kiln at Tokyo (35037 1 N., 139042 • E), in 1962 "'

The kiln was supplemented with an automatic steam heating

system which was used durin9 rainy o.r cloudy hours of the

day and during the nlght. The d~mensions of the kiln were

6. 5 feet long, 6.5 feet wide Tlw flat

roof and the walls were covered with transparent v iny.l

sheets and there was no insulation.


:r·t required 15 and 20 days respectively in and

No·vember to dry 1.;) inch red lauan { .I?ipterocr.u:v2:.£fil.!!g ) from

90 to .20 percent content .. The authoc also reported

that solar drying was .not econq_mica1ly feasible in Japan .be-

cause 0£ the. few sunsh.iue hours and fre'",lue.nt rainy days ..


Ia late 1963, a solar lumber kiln with a capacity of

.2 ,500 board feeot was designed and tested in Taichung (24° 1 O 1 N

120°42'.E) by T'ao a:nd Hsiao {1964) •. · The kiln of tl1e g-reen·-

house type with the roof tilted south at an ang.le of 24° to

the horizontal •. '1'11e roof and tne walls ,except the north

wall were sheathed '~ith doub.le layers of transparent plas-

tics. The dimensions of the dryer were 14.7 feet long from

east to ~est, 10 feet wide from south to nqrth and 9.75 feet

and 13.3 feet high at the south and north sides, r·espBct.ive-


Two test trials were conducted ~ith two speci,es, :2£h.i.~

superba and Chinese hemlock. They reported that 1840 board

feet. of 1-inch schima lumber dri.ed f·rom 44 .• 1 to 12 percent

moisture content iu 4 8 days during ·th,e w:inter.. The Sall}e

thickness of hemlock dried from 200. to 12 percent in 64 days

during the spring.


C • 6 QQ!!IJ2.!

A greenhouse type solar kiln of capacity 1400 board

·feet was designed and operated by :P lumptre { 1967; 1.973) in

Kampala (G 0 19 1 N, 32°25 'E).. All of the walls :were covered ;by

two layers ( 1 to 3/4 inch apart ) of a polyester film.. 'l'h.e

kiln -was 15 feet long, 6 feet wide and 4 feet high.. Alt--

hough two side alumi-nimn-ref lectors were provided, there 'was

no collector plate. Ninf>. s_pecies of b~th. one-inch and two-

inch lumber wei:e tested from early 196:4 to late 1965. It

was reported tha-t the solar kil.n could dry lumber to as low

as 6 to 7 percent i:wisture content.

Based on the experience of the first kii.n, the same de-

signer coust.ructed a second solar kiln in 1968, essentially

the same as the first. kiln... It ~as also built at the same

location as the .first kiln but its capacity was increased t.o

about 5,700 board feet.

A third kiln wi·th a capacity of over 10,000 board feet

was const:r ucted in early 1971 by the same designer, Plumptce

(1973}:, and at the same .locatio.n. U-nfortunate]"y, no data on

drying tests were published for th.e second and thi.rd kilns .•


C. 7 Tl\ NZ ANIA

A solar kiln with a capacity of 2,5.00 hoard feet was

is available on its performance.

(1973), the designer was P.J.Wood.

No or-ma ti on

According to Plumptre

'I'he kiln was of the

greenhouse type with a flat roof. A single layer 0£ glass

covered the roof whereas the fom:: walls were sheativ,~d. with

polyethylene ..


Casin~ Ordinario and Tamayo (1969) of Forest Products

Research Institute, designed and tested a portable, demou.n-

table-·type solar dryer of 480 board feet capacity. The

dryer was 7 feet with=! by 5.5 feet long by 7.5 feet high ..

The roof and two side walls were sheathed with transparent

plastic sheet whereas the front and back lialls were covered

with plywood .. The firs-t test was conducted at Que-

zon { 14 °4 0 'N, 121 °2 • E) with 2-inch thick red. lauan ( Jh.Q£§hl

neg:rose.nsis ) and tangile ( Sh.orea 120Tv2Qecma ) .in Hay 1965.

After 58 days of drying 1 the moisture contents obtained were

reported to be 19.3 and 18.1 percent respectively.

In April, 1966, a second test was carried out with

three hard wood sp ... 1cies namely, apitong { Diote rocil2Y& 9.£ftQ-

diflorus ) ., nar:ra ( Ptf~rocarpus indi,£~§. ) and tangile. They


reported that it took 48 and 52 days for 1-inch and 2-inc.h

apitong to reach 10.4 and 18.6 peccent moisture content ;37

and 5.2 days fo:r 1- inch and 2-incb. narra to reach 9 and 12,.. 9

percent moisture content ;and 38 and .52 days for 1-inch. and

2-inch tangile to reach 9 .• and 15~ 7 percent moistur-e con-

tent, respectively.

A third test was performed at L -(P••0_2'''N·, ""' ,,.

1968. This was also on 1-inch and

2-inch apitong and it was noted that the lumber were i.h:ied

to 7.$ and 14 percent moisture content wjthin 55 and 79 days

respectively._ It was concluded ·that "in areas 'riith pro-

longed dry season, solar drying lumb-er: to a moisture content

not attainable by ordinary air drying is pqssi.ble at a much period,. u

C .. 9 GI-I.ANA

Iiartink.a (1969), tested seven G.hanain species to co.m-I

pare predr_ying with solar dryi!\g and air drying .. The tests

were carried out at Kumasi {6°41'N• 0°.35 1 11). The solar dry-

ing was performed in an :improvised solar kiln ~hich ·was a

greenhousa of .size 8-by 10-by 7-:foot, capable of holding

about ·1, 700 board feet of lumbe:c... .A hl-ack painted aluminium

sheet was used as the collector anc1 a :fan was provided to

circulate the air. Drying tests we re. tiutd.e on seven species


from green to 20 percen·t moisture content.. Lt was r:epo:cted

·that air drying was 1. 5 to 3. 9 times long-er tha.n solar dry-

ing, however so;tar drying w-as 1.2 t.O 2 times .lqnger was

reguir-ed .for predrying.


f1 so.lar lumbe.r: drye.r of cal:)acity ilbou.t 1,500 board faeet

was constructed and tested by Bedal and Gueneau {1970) at

Tannanarive {10°55' S, 47°32'E}, .in 1970 .. The design was

the same as that of the dryer from the Colorado sta·te Univ·-

ersity, u,..s .• A.. The diuH~nsioTls of tl1e dryer were 16 .• 4 f•eet

long~ 10 feet wide, 8.2 feet h~gh at t4e north side and 10.S

·feet high at tl1e south side respectively. The roof was

tilted a-t 23° to the horizontal .facing nocth. Pine boards

of thickness 4. 75 inches were tested and i·t reqai.ced 67 to

129 days to reach 15 percent moisture content ,. They also

men-tioned that it was possible to dry wood to a

content as low as 7 to 8 per-cent in the solar kiln, which

was impossible in the natu.ra.l ai.r-d.cying pri?.cess ..


c. J 1

The first solar lumbe.r kiln in Australia was designed

and tested by Read, Choda and Copper in 1973,. at Gri£fith

(34°16'S, 146°10'E). •rhis kiln was also the first exte.·cnal

collector type solar kiln. A cock pile was also co.nstr:ucted

below the drying chamber .for t.herrna 1 storage. :rJ1e area o:t

the solar collector was 60.2 .. 5 square· feet a..nd it was faced

a.ue north , inclined at an angle of 38° to the hor.izonta.L.

The capacity of the chamber was 2,750 board feet.. It was

reported that one inch thick green alpine ash { ~:Y.£.a!Y..Et.!ll?.

d.elegatensis ) dried from 95 to 16 peccent mois:ture :eqntent

within 20 days.

The other solar Kiln, of the gr~~nhouse-type was de-

signed and tested by ay.ley in early 1979 .. '.I'ite kiln which ilad

a capacity 0£ 6,.350 board fee-t ·was built at .Rockland

(36°55 'S, 142°2(P E},. Two charges werE! t·ested J#'ith narrow-

leaf i.ronbark and hoop pine,. .I'l took 32 days for irqnbark

to dry from 33 to 12.5 percent moisture content and 24 days

for hoop pine to dry from 3.2 .. '.;) .. to 8 .. 5 percent moisture con-

tent • These teS'ts were car.ried out during Ma:rch through



c. 12

Vital (1976) d"~signed and tested a solar lumber dry,er

at Vicosa (23°46'S, 42°51'W) .. The capacity of the dryer was

about 850 feet and it was 9 .• 8 l01l(;J by 6. 6 feet

wide and 6 .. 6 feet high at the north and 7 feet hi91'1 at the

south side respectively. The roo£ was tilted at 23° £acing

north and iiia.s covered with 5 mm thick glass,. 'fhe east, the

.. est and the north were shBathed :with two lay1.~.c.s of

plastic whereas th.~ south wall was cov<-n~ed with fiberboard .• _

Two tests were conducted with .EucalY2.!-J!e. salig_na and Virola

species. The drying time £or: the f ocmer species, ~ilich had

55.6 percent initial moisture content, was 21 days to reach

16 percent moisture content. That of the latter species,

which had 42.3 percent initial moisture content, was 65 days

to reach 16 percent.

The other solar kiln which was desig·ned and t<.~sted at

the Center of wood I'ec hnology, S.antareru

{202s•s,s4°J7 1 W) wa.s also of the gree.qhouse type {:Ra:s1os g_t_

~! 1981). The dimensions of the kiln were 19.7x8.4x7.2

.feet, with a capacity of ah out 1,850 board feet ..

and the walls were all .sheathed by clear plastic.

The roof


Brazalian hardwoods were tested during December to May when

the relative humidity was very high, ranging :from .6 0 to .95

peccent. It was reported that, after 110 days of solar dry-


in.g the final moisture content of the tested lulilber ranged

.from fl. 5 to 25. 4 _pe.rcent, w-.hill';} that o·f the air-dcied lumbe:c

:Was considei:.-.ably higher, ranging from 15.6 to 31.3 percent,

even after 147 days of drying'- 'fhe, initial moisture cqnten-t

of the tes·teii species varied bet ween 3 9. 7 and 11 O. 4 percent ..


Several solar kilns w.hicl1 we:re easy to erect., disas-

sembl and move were operated ( .Plumptre,. 1976 ;Izler, 1981}

at Magdala College of the Un~versity of oxford (51°43 1 N,

Each kiln was co-nstruc·ted o.f t~o sections which

were bolted together. The smaller kilns :were 21 feet long,

16 feet wide and 11 feet hig.b. a.long- the ·ridge line where the

two halves were joined. The 'whole fram•e was covered 111:ith

po1yuretheme Myler plastic and blac.:k painted

corrugated tin was used as the collector,.

Another kiln which was much large.r ·than those described

above was operated at the Eynshan Park. Estate sawmill,. The

capacity of this kiln was 9,00U board f~et , and the dim.e:n-

sions vere 32.5 feet long, JO feet wide and 12 feet high.

The frame was made of galvanized tubing ~ith. l. 5 to

2. 25 inches in diameter ana. :was ~i th yellow ultra.-

violet-resistant horticultural plastic.. ICI polycac-

bonate was used as the collecte>.c ..


It was reported that

as dry


solar--d.rying kilns reJuir-ed three

lumber as did co~veijtional k~lns long to

they were inexpe.nsi ,,e, required low-le.vel opera t-

iug skills and obtained .high g:uality dried--lumber,.

All these kilns were designed and tested by Plumptre

who started the solar lumber drying in Uganda.


f'lartaidjaya g_:t, al (1976) designed and tested a green-

house type solar .lumber dryer at Bogar {6°45 1 s, 106°45 1 l•

The roo£ and the -were covered iWLth. transparent plastic

sheet.. The dimensions of the dryer were .6.9 .feet long, 5.4

feet wide and 6,. 4 feet hi9h. _. Jeungj iri,g species ( AJ.hi.1:ia

@J&s!.1~ } of 1-inch thickness .and l,. 5 inch thick rubbe.c wood

{ Jig_yg2;_ hca.siliensis ) were dried .. It was concluded that

solar drying was always faster than th,e air dr1•ing foJ:: .both


c ... J5 f..LLI A solar dryer ·with a capacity of 2,100 board feet was

constructed and operated in P:iji (18'l50 1.,S, 175.0.E} by Gough

(1977}. Several .Fiji timhec species we.i:e tested and the re-

sults obtained we:re considered to be satisfactory,. r·t was

·noted that 1-inch kavuea { .Endos11ermu.m ~'a.£:£QEl!Ji.:llJ!.!!1 ) , which.


was taken directly from pressure t.reat-me1lt with water-borne

pr.-eser va ti ve salts, dried frmn 115 to 16 _percent moisture

content in 30 days. The te,st. was carried out d1.1.1:ing April

which is a very we,t month for the location,. Another ·test on

t.he same thickness and the same species was also co.nducte.d

during March requ.ired 31 days to dry the lu-mber .from. 85 to

14.7 percent moisture content.

was dried, during October and November, and the lumber were

dried -to 15 .. 5 content in 2:3 days from an average

initial moisture con'tent of 47 .. 5 perce:n_t. Drying1 during

hot dry in February, with 1-inc.h ai.c-dried .mahogany

( 2.Rietenia macr:oph.ylla } from an initial mois·ture co.utent

39 percent,


to 17. 3 ;percent moisture content took only 7

This kiln -was of the greenhouse ·type with a capacity of

2~100 board feet.

c .. 16

Schneider gJ;;. al ( 1979) designed and. te.s:ted a

.28 miles

from riuuich,. .· The dryer had a capacity of a:bout 3,500 board

.feet and it was 16. 4 feet. 1o ng from east to west, 8 .. 2 feet

wide from south to north, 8 .. 2 fee.thigh at the south side

and 12. J feet high at the north side re.s,pecti vely,. The roof


was tilted at. 25° to the horizontal, facin.g so:u:th a;ld :was

sheathed with 1 mm th:ick transpar,ent .PVC. All walls except

the north wa.11 which 1.;as constructed t:ith 1/2 inch particle-

board. were sheathed with two layers of transparent. PVC an,d

polyester, •. The outside layer was l Iil!!l thick transpare1.1t PVC

while the ~nside was 0.2 mm thick polyester. The air space

between these layers aas 2.4 iqches~

Four test runs were conducted durin,g the years 1978 and

1979 ,. , The tested lumber: was spruce, beam of size l. 6nby

J.5nhy 13 1 and ·they repo:r-ted that the first :can too.k 39 days

(5.11.18 to 6 .• 20.78) to reach 8.3 percent; the second run

took. 46 days (7 • .5 .• 78 to 8.41..78) to reach 8 .. 2 perce+it;th,e

third run took 46 days (8. 31. 78 to 10 .16. 78) to r,each Y. 5

percent, and the fourth run took aa days (11.15.78 to

1. 12.19) to reach 17 .. 9 pe.ccent • Ai:r drying tests we;ce also

cond.ucted at the same time aud it was found that the .final

moisture content obtained were only 15..9, 16~7, 19.4 and

25.2 ,:percent, respectively, for the co.rrespo, ma·tecials ..

c. 17

In 1977, K.C.Yang {1980) designed and tested a small

·solar kiln on the La.kehead University campus., Tl1underbay

(48028 1 .N, 89°12 1 ¥1),. The main objective of his work ~1as :to

exawine the po:.:;s:ibility o.f using solar energy for .lumber


drying at higher latitudes. The roof, which was tilted at

an angle of 30° to the horizoQtal, and the s~uth wall ~ere

covered with a double layer of glass. The east, the west

and the north walls were covered with _plywood and ~el:'e all

·well insulated .• A rock pile 1rns also built u.nder the lciln

fo.c the heat storage. 'f.h.e capacity of the kiln was re;pocted

to be 760 boa.rd £eet.

Green jack pine studs of siz·e 2'" by 41Jby 41 were testH.d

and it reguired 30 ar.a. 140 days ·to dry them 10 pe·rcent mois-

ture con tent, in the smnmer and in the w,inter, res-pecti vely,.

Based on the two years of test data,

that sola.r drying :was superior to air-drying in lumber dry--

ing r-ate., quality, and in 1.owe.c final moisture contents. HB

also noted that the lmiber dried by a sola.r kiln in the win-

te:c period had ffrne:r: dr:ying d~-fects ·th-an that d.c.ied in the

summe.r season ..

A solar kiln with a capacity of about 420 board feet

{ 1 cubic meter)

1979-80. No info.rmation is available on its performance ..

According to "J?. Y. .Du.cand5 (personal commmunication), the

5 P.. Y-. Avenue 94130.

Durand, Centre Tecllnigul'?. .:for·e-stier Trqpical, 45 bis de. Pa Belle Gabrielle, Noge.nt s/Marne,; France


roof consistad of a black painted metal sheet /jJh.ich acted .as

a collector. The lumber pi.le can be. isolatf}d from the col·-

lector if necessary •. • There were three fans to circulate the

air and vents also provided to control the humidity in-

side the kiln.


A microprocessor controlled solar kiln was designed and

tested by Stein1nann et !!.l (1980.)&{1981) at the UuLversity of

Stellenbosch {28°s, 24°SO•E). The kilq was 0£ the external

collector type with ai:c as the drying medium,. The collecto.c

was .faced due north and was tilted at an angle of 4.5 ° to t.he

horizontal. fi:!l!!§. radiata (about 186 board feet) was dried

daring winter. They reported that after 16 days of drying~

the solar-dried lumber reached 12 pei::cent, Ir.bile the air-

dried material· reached only 23 per:cent moisture content .both

from an average initial moisture content of 93 percent.


In 1980 1 a solar lumber kiln with a capacity of about

6,000 to 8,000 board feet (15-20 cubic meter) was built and

tested in Tai'he County, Itnhui (31°30 1 N1 H7°15'1 E)., China

(Guo~ 1981)~ The roof and upper parts of east1 ~est and

south walls were cove:i::ed lili th 2 and 3 layEtcs o,f glass, re-


spective1y ... The north wall and lower: pacts of the other

wa.1ls were constructed. wit:i1 bricks and sawdust filler and

the interior of brick walls were painted black. An under-

ground sawdust combustion chamber was also provided as ace-

serve heat source. It was .reported that a batch of lumbif!.C,

mainly consisted of thin l)oa.n1s and small :sguares, with an

initial moisi::ur·e ,content of 30 percent :was dr.ieci to 15-18

percent moisture content with~n 6-7 days.

c .. 21

A lumber solar dryer was d,esig-ned and constructed by

Tschernitz and Simpson at Borwood Ltd. in Horana (6°581ii,

79°52'~, near Colombo in February, 1981. It was a dupli-

cate of the r-Iadison prototype exce1,Jt that the collector area

was 40 percent larger. Before instal.ling this kiln, Bor:wood

had only an air-drying shed. to dry rubber wood for Low·-cost

furniture making. In the air-drying it required about three

months to r:each 15 percent moisture content .. The solar

kiln had been operated continuously for 18 months and it was

reported that 1-inch green rubber wood of moisture content

about 60 percent could be dried to 15 percent moisture con-

tent within two weeks.



A solar lumber dryer ¥as designed and tested at the

Pakistan Forest Institute1 Peshawar (34°01'N.71°34'E), in

1981-82. Unfortunately, :no information is available on its

performance. .However, according to w ... Killmann 5 {persona.1

communication), lt was of an cexternal coll,ector type with a

capacity of about 1200 board feet (3 cubic meter) and the

collector was built. on the roof of the ki1.n .•

c .. 23

A solar k:iln with a capacity of about 600 board feet

was designed and tested at tli.e Forest Research Institute,

According to R.

A •. Pl umtre 7 {personal comm u:nica tio11) , it of a greenhouse

type sheathed with polythene and air was circulated by a

24-inch diameter fan~ No other information is available on

its performance ..

6 H. Killmann, Timber Technologist, Forest Engineering and Forest Products, Pakistan Forest InstitutB.; Peshawar, Pak-istan .•

7 R. lt. Plumtre, Commonwealth For,estry Institutt?, South Par:k. Road; Oxford, United Kingdom OX1 3BD.


c,. 24 12.!!ftl'li\

The first solar dryer in Burma was d.~signed and con-

structed by Tschernitz and Sirnpso.l! at the Forest Research

Institute, Yezin (19°47 1 N, 96°15 1 E), in September, 3982

It was a replicate of the Porest Pcoducts Laboratory, Badi-

so.n prototype except th,tt the collector is, 40 teet long in-

stead of 25 £eet. Since it Mas r~cently bu~lt, no informa-

tion on its performance is available .. ·


Appendix D


JSr.JDesig.ner/ !Location !Da.te I .Luuiher jLumber !Type 1 I I 1 I I Capacity.:: l I No. ! Res ea re her I JRepor~JCapacityJCollectorl ,i i ) 1 ted 1 j Area ~- I -'!f"

l j l I I { bdft) J {hdft/ft2) l--, ;1 11 Johnson JEdmond, i 1961 I l lJ.3 .! GH if

I I I Wisconson, j I l j

l I JU .• 53.A. l ' a I ] l I (42°58'N, I ,i l I j J 90°7• W) f I I I j j i l I i 2 JP eek j I•!adison, I '1962 i 425 I 3 .. 1 ;i GH I j J Wisconsin .. t l l I ,1 j j (43°5•N, j I J 1 I I l 87°23 'W) I j I l j I j J j J I I 3jPeck j Sauk City I i 196 2 I 2500 A }GH I J !Wisconsin .. l i j t l I J (43°16 1 N, J I I j l j I 89°45 'W) I j 1 i I l I I ! I i I 4 JPeck I n If I 1962 I 2500 1 IGH I j J l i j 1 .I 5 ,l Troxell f; t:Port Collins l 1968 l 1 ,200 .I 5 ... 5 jGR ) l r1axwell jColor-ado t I l 1 I I I (4D 0 36 1 N j I I I I l I 1os0 4'W) t i I I 1 J I I i l j j 6jTschernitzJMadison1 j 1977 i 1,000 j 6.8 jEC+ 1 .~ & Simpsonj~isconsin. 1 i l J I I I l i I ,j

I i i i I I I l j j j i J l l l l i j I I j I I i l

l 7JJollnson J l"ladison 1 I 1977 1 750 I 16.0 )SGH++i I J !Wisconsin. I 1 i J I L _J

* Collector area is based on the equivalent area perpendicu-lar to the· sun at solar .noon on the ,2,1uinoxes (v,~rnal and auturnna.1). ,Jt- GH - 9reenhousf~; + EC external collector ++ SGH - St:Iil.i-gree:nhouse;



r I BlWen9ert j l3la.cks1rnrg, I 1977 I 200 I H;.Q ISGH j I I ! Virginia t j J j I I i I p5091 N, j l J ' I I J 1 8 1°30 '}i) I l I J I 1 I I I I l j t I 9JWengert j u n I 1977 j 200 I 9 .. 0 iSGH I I l j j "1 I I I I 10)1.umely & jBa ton ROU•Je j 197,8 I 360 l 14.5 ISGH j I JChoong I Louisiana ) I j j I I I j (30°28 •N, 1 j j I I 1 l t 91o10' W) i l I I i l l j j j l l I I 11JHengert )Blacksburg, I 1980 l 1 #500 I 10.0 15GB j J I )Virginia"- j I J .I I l I J j I j I I a 12jB.osen .& JCar.bondale, I 1980 i 500 J 4 .. 3 j EC I 1 IChen j .Illinois .• j I J j l J j l (3J<>lU 1 N, l I I l l I I I 89°12•w) 1 i .J I I I I l ,l I j J l I 13 j Decor I Sot\l.erset, I 19HG j 190,000 I 36.0 jCom- ! ) j!1aterial )Ohio I I i I iller- l l J Service l {40°30 1 N, I I l jcial 1 l I 1 83°15 1 W) I 1 J cl I I il l I l j l j I 14 J Heartwood JAfton I 1981 1 j jSGB 1 l jDesign I I1ounta in 1 J j I jCom- al I j 1 in ia I I jmer:- j j 1 I {37° N, I l j jcial j I I i 80°45 1 W) I 1 i l j I l j J t I I I l 15 f Weng·ert,. .) Various u • .s. j l l jSGH l j I tabout 200 l i l jCom- j I i i l j 1 1mer- J j I l 1 I I jcial I I I l j j j I I l 16JRehman J De.hra Dun j 196 1 I Lab- l !Box- .j l l D jTndia i I scale j )type I J IC.hawla. i (30°9' N, I l j l I ] I 78°7'E) I I l I t J


... ---. I 17 j Shanaa JDehra Dun j 1971 1 1~500 l .JGH I I Jet al !India j j I I J I l I J l I I j. J 18JSingh jRoorkee 11974 l Lab- l IEC I I j j Utta I j scale I j I i i t Pradesh,, a J 1 l I ] I IIndia I J J I I I I I (27°N, I l i l 1 I I j 80°E) I :i I j I j I I l J j l I I 19)1"1U; JBallarsh J19BO I 3 ,.ooo I 9 .• ? .iCom- I I JDehra I Haha.rasl1- I I I jmer:- j

J JDun I tra1 Ind,ia j j 1 tcial J 1 • ;J {19°6 1 N, .I I i I j l j J 79°E) I I 1 I I 1 ,) I I I j I J j 20J 11 u j 11a·jahmi.m- 11980 I 2140.0J P' .I a I I dry, And- ) I j j I I J Jhra Pra- I j I j j I I jdesh(17° I t i l j I l 13'N,82°E) l I I 1 I I ' 1 ! I J J i J 211 n H I Vansda, )1981 a 3,:000 j J Jl ' I 1 .I Gujarat I J I I I i l j (22°54 1 N, I j l j I l J I 79°E) I I 1 I I 1 I J j j I I I 1 22111 u 1 Nagpur, 11981 i 3:,000 1 I u j I I l Ma.hara- J J .1 I j I I Jshata I l l j j

I l l (19°6•N., I j I I I 1 I j 79°E) .I I I j i J I I J I j J 1 I 2Jjll n t Hoshiar- j 1981 I small-I I 1, j j I Jpur, Punjab l J! J I I I 1 j (31°N, 1 I 1 I j

J I j 75° 30' E) I J I I l I 24j 11 n I H H j 1981 J J,,ooo. 1 I n j ) 1 ) j I J I 1 1 251" " I Kashipur, I 1981 ,I 3,000 J I ti I J I Jutta j j 1 ,1 i I J )Pradesh. 1 J j l J ! I I (27°N, j t j J I j j j 8iJ 0 E) 1 l I I l 1 ! 1 I I I t J 1 26JU n I Luc.know., ,j 1981 l 3;000 J I n I ) J IUtta j 4 I I j I J I Pradesh J l ) I i L


r--r--j 27 P,l aldo:nado JPuer-to i1962 i 2,, 000. I lJ .. J .iGH I J jnado )Rico j j I J l l j i ( 18° 16 'N, :I 1 I l I 1 1 I 66'0 50'W) J j I j .I a I I J l J I I ,) 28.1 Cb.udnof f I u II i 1966 ,j 3 ,:000 j 14 .. 4 iGH J J Jet al i J .1 -~ 1 J J J I J I J I I J 29JTerazawa tTokyo, 11962 I I jG.H j j !Japan I ! I I l 1 1 l (35°37 1 N, I l 1 J j I J I 139°42 1 :E) ;I j J l ·}

1 1 J i j j I I l 30iTao & J Taichnng, 11964 l 2,,.soo I 11.4 IGH I I )Hsiao !Taiwan l j j a I I a I {24°10'N, t I 1 j i I j l 120°421 .E} l 1 I I I I 1 I J .I I l l al 31 I Plumptre J Kampala, 11967 l 1,400 1 15.6 JGH 1 J j 1 Uganda l I j I J a I I (0° 19 1 N, j ) I j I I l I 32°25 1:E) j I I j J l I J l 1 l I i l 3 2 J .P.lumptre I H u 11973 :I S,700 j JGH j I t I J j I J l J 33 i Plump tre ! H fl f 1973 1 10,000 j jGH 1 l I 1 i 1 J I l I 31.q wood tMoshi, 11 11973 J j jGH I 1 i .I Ta,nza.nia I J l I j J l J (3°21 1 S, I I I j J I I I 37° 20 'E) 1 I

J J I i .I ) I I 1 J J J I 35JCasin I Philippines 11969 ! 480 I 9.6 jGH l I ;et al I i ,I i ,jpqrt-l j a I j I J jahle 1 j j I I I I I I 1 36 J Martillka JKumasi, }1969 l l,700 ) JGH I I ) jGhana l i j J j J j 1 (6°4·1•w, j j I I i I i I 1°.35'W) 1 l J 1 I I I I J i J .1 I I 37)Bedal & I Tann.ana- J 1970 j 11500 J 7.0 I Gii l J JGueneau t r:i11e, j i I .I J i I IBadagscar l I j I I J i I (10°55'5, J j I j I j I I 47°32 1 E) J j j l I L----L . ·t


,r j 38j11ead ,I Griffith, ]1974 j • .2,750 I !+ .. 6 .IEC I 1 jet a.l 1 Austra.lia I l I I j I l l (34°16'S, I l l I I i I I 146°10'£) J l ,1 J l l l l & j I I I J 39 jRyley J, l 1979 1 6,350 ! 11 .. 6 jGH I J I l Australia I I i j l l I j (36°55 1 5., j I l i j I I I 142°20'E.) I J J I I I i ) I 1 I j I 40)Vita1 JVicosa, J1976 j 850 J 12 .. 1 IGH j J J I Brazil ' } l i i J ] J {23°46'S, 1 j I I 1 J 1 I 42°51'W} I I 1 I l I I I a i t I j l 41j 1 San:tar:em, 11981 j 1,850 :! 1 h 1 IGH l I 3 I Brazil J i j .i l I l l (2°2H' s, i j I J J 1 I i 54°37'W) J j I l i I j j J l I t I j 42 I Plumptr:e JOxford, 11976 J.,ooo I jGH I j J JU .. K. 1 j I lpor- 1 I j I (51° 4 3 '1 N, J l ) I table} I I I 1°16 1 W) I I a l (sev-J J ,I I J l j teral)l I I I J I I I i I 431 Plurupt:ce I n u j1976 i 9,, 000 j jU I t 1 I I j J j I I 44J Martawi- JBogor, j 1976 l,400 J JGH I l Jjaya 1 Lndon,esia 1 l I I I i

ii I e·t a1 l {6°45 1 3 1 .I ·l A I j I I I j 106°45 1 £) I l .I l j I I j I >! l I I l 45)Gough JPiji 11977 i 2,HW 1 jGH I I j I ( 10°so 1 s, I i .I I i ;l ii l I 175°E} I I l j ' I I I i I I I I J 46JSchneider J Weilhe:im, J 1919 j 3,500 I 25.6 JGH .i I Jet al J w .• Germany j l :l I j

I I J (47°50 1 N, I I J I j a j I 11°6'E} l J ' 1 I j J l j j I I J J 47.f Yang l Thunderbay,, )1980 i 760 I 8 .. 4 .JSGH l I J 1ca.nada I I j 1 I J 1 1 {48°28 IN. J il 1 I I I I I 89°1.2'{,f) J I J J J L


r---T , 1 48 J ,:l.nonymo us jAbidjan, I 1980 ) 420 J JSGH I I l )Ivory Coast I I l I I I I I (5°09 1 N, i l j I 1 I j l 4°02 1 W) I I j I ) I 49JStei.n.mann j Republic of ! 1980 I 185 j 4M4 J E;C I j J.:et al JSouth .Africa l l j 1 j

I l I {28° s, I ,l I I j l j j 24°5v 1 E) l I I i I I l i l i j I 1 50JGuo !Anhui, I 1980 I 6,000j lSGH j J I I China I J I j l J j l {.31°.3tP N4 j 1 I j I J ! I 1 17°15 1 E) j i j l I l l I i I j i j

I 51JTschernitzlBorana, l 1981 I 1,000 l 3 .. 6 I EC l l J& Sirrq_:>s~n 1.s1:i Lanka i } I j J I I {6°58 • N, l I l I J j j 79°52'E) I I j j I l l J l j i J 52jAnonymous 1 Peslta i,rnr , I 1981 I 1,200. I IEC l j i J Pakistan l .j i l l I 1 I {34°01 'N, l i I I l 1 1 I 71° 314 'E) J j I a j .l I l j I l l I t 53 ,1 Anonymous I Cl1ittagong,,. l l.98 ·1 I 60-0 l iGH I I l I Bangladesh I 1 i I l I l 1 (22°26 'N # i j I I 3 I i l 90°51 'E) I j 1 I I t j l I I I I I I 54JTschernitzfYezin, ! 1982 l 1,000 3 .3.6 j EC j J j& Simpson JBurma J i I l j I I l {19°47 1 N, i i t I I a I l 96°15 1 K) j I l I ' J j l l I j l I J :L

Append.ix E


1. Outlet o:f drying chambe :.c (base da.m,pered duct)

2. Inlet to drying cha.mber f:com co.llector before b.lower

3. rl iddle of the .1est end side of th,e load

4., Riddle of the east end side of the load

5. Middle of the ceiling (inside of the roof)

6... f{iddle of tile roof (outside)

7,. . Middle of the exterior of tile east wall

8. Midd.le of the exter.ior of the south wa.11

9,. Middle of the e.x·te.rior of the west wall

10. Middle of the exterior of the north wall

l l. 6. 2 feet from the outlet of the drying chamber (in-

side the collector)

12. 13 .. 5 feet from the outlet of the drying ch.amber (in-

side the collector)

1.3 • .20. 4 feet from the outlet o.f the d:cying chamber

(charcoal surf ac,e)

14. 27.6 .feet from the outlet (?.f t.he .drying c.hamber (i11-

side the collector)

15. 34. 3 feet from the outlet of the drying chamber (in-

side the collector)



16 •. 1-4, 1. 0 feet from the outlet of the drying chamber (in-

side the collector}

17. Center load, 4 inches into qcavel (at plastic)

18 •. Charcoal/sand interface (insidH t.he collect9r)

19. 3 inches into clay - 6 .inches outside the collector,

Sil corner

20. N octh side o.f the j_ nstrumen t s4ed {amhien-t tem:pera-


21. R H.2 sensor

22. Inlet air duct

23 •. Hygrothermograph box (on the south wall)

2-ll. 3 inches into clay at plastic opposite No. 16

The vita has been removed from the scanned document




Win Kyi


Experimental drying studies were made on two types of

solar lumber kilns, one an external collector type and the

other a semi-greenhouse type.

Two charges of green sugar maple lumber ( 5/4 inches·

thick) were tested in an external collector solar kiln· at

the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, Madison (43°S'N,

89°23 1 W), Wisconsin, during the summer of 1982.

In the first run detailed drying data were obtained and

the energy balance was calculated for each day during the

entire drying period. Based on these results, the following

empirical model for the overall efficiency of the kiln was


EFE' = - .0413 + .0102*(IMC-) - .0000562*(IMC) 2


EFF = overall efficiency of the kiln

IMC= average initial moisture content of the lumber

in percent

Using· this model, the average daily moisture content

loss in percent (MCL) can be calculated as follows:

MCL = (100*EFF*SI*ACV)/[R*(62.4*V*SG)*{0.53*(212-Ti)+972l]


EFF = the value obtained from the first equation

ACV = area of the collector in ft 2

SI = average daily solar insolation in Btu/ft 2

R = ratio of total solar energy incident on the collec-

tor cover to total energy available to the system

V = green volume of lumber in ft 3

SG = green specific gravity of lumber

Ti = average initial temperature inside the kiln in °F

A comparison of the actual drying time observed in the

second run showed good agreement with the predicted drying

time obtained from the above equations.

A single charge of 9/8 inches green yellow poplar was

dried in a semi-greenhouse kiln at Virginia Polytechnic In-

stitute and State University, Blacksburg (35°09'N, 81°30'W),

Virginia, during the fall of 1982. Following the same

procedure as for the external collector kiln, an empirical

model for the overall efficiency (EFF) of the kiln was ob-

tained as a function of initial moisture content (IMC),

EFF = - .0767 + .00988*IMC


Using this model, the average daily moisture content

loss can be calculated, in the same way as for external col-

lector kiln.

These prediction equations have been used to estimate

drying times for some commercially important woods of Burma

for both types of ki.lns.
