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News in Brief

February 2012






BLCC Trophy NightWith this being our fi rst trophy night in a while we would like ask the following people to attend if possible.Andrew BayleyAsh FindlayAsh Wilson

Ben DavisBen McKeeBrayden HammondBronwyn SalterChantelle HammondChris HallCraig HunterDaniel Hall

David JowettGreg PittIan BrainIan WalshJim HammondJohn AustinJohn WelfordLeon Pegg

Michael GoossensPeter JowettRhys LaneRhys ProsserRobert DekkerRobert ProsserRobert SchenkSharon Pitt

Th e Offi cial Publication of the Ballarat Light Car Club inc

Rod Hall’s President report


Calendar of Events


Trophy NightGuest SpeakerProfile.


Continued page 9

Ballarat Light Car Club


Trophy Night Friday 24th

For the Trophy Night our normal entry fee will increase to $5.00 for improved catering.

Michael Holloway will be guest speaker for the evening,

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2 TheBulletin February 2012

TheBulletinA monthly newsletter of the

Ballarat Light Car Club

Editor: Steve EzzyE-Mail: [email protected]: 0400 160 158Contribute: Contributions can be e-mailed or posted to 1014 Ring Road BallaratDeadline: 7 pm Th ursday, 8 days prior to monthly club meeting.

Committee 2011 - 12

Secretary - Wayne Sanders Mob: 0412 713023 AH: 5334 2330 [email protected]

Treasurer - Clare BennettAH: 5330 2295 Mob: 0439 652 325 [email protected]

Website Info

Webmaster: Wayne SleepAH: 5339 4890Mobile: 0419 031 712E-Mail: [email protected]

President - Rod Hall Phone: 5331 3546 Mob: 0438 313 546 [email protected] Secretary [email protected]

Vice - President - Noel PeersAH: 5341 8124 Mob: 0408 033 895(Minutes taker - Property / Equipment Offi cer)

Membership Secretary Stacey NoonanMob: 0417 163 193 [email protected]

House Chairman - Steve EzzyMob: 0400 160 158 AH: 5339 4821 [email protected]

Media Liason - Les NoonanMob: 0410 524 139 AH: 5331 6148 [email protected]

Sports Sub Chair - Barney HaddonMob: 0437 167 790 AH: 5335 5112 [email protected](Hill Climb Panel - Motorsport Complex)

Motorsport Complex -Shane Williams Mob: AH:

Non Committee PositionsState Council - Ian Brain - 0418 518 088Offi cials Licences - Damien Faulkner 0458 566 619CH Plates - AX Series - Chris Hall - 5342 4397MK Series - Ben McKee - Keys Keeper - Rod Robson - VCRS - John WellfordCAMS - Permits Administrator - David Milne - 9593 7732

Ben Davis - Committee Mob: 0411 366 153

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Presidents Report February 2012



Rod Hall

Gidday Folks. Well February is almost gone,

school is well and truly back and Uni starts again in a weeks time. March is just around the corner and next thing we know it’ll be Easter. Just as well we don’t have to run a sprint at the Airport this Easter!

Since my last report we have had some Motorsport happen. Sunday just gone 10 competitors fronted up for Round 1 of our Cec Jackman Motorkhana Series. We also had a come and try on the same day which sadly only had 1 participant. Thanks to the following people Ben McKee, Daniel Hall especially for stepping in at the last minute when our Clerk of Course became unavailable, Mark Hunter, Chris Hall, Dave Marmo, Garry Harrowfi eld, Wayne Webb , Mick Goossens, Barney Haddon and Simon Hall who all pitched in where needed. The weather wasn’t that pleasant until the tests were fi nished then the sun decided it was time to shine again. Ahh such is life I guess we do live in Ballarat after all!!. Mick Goossens was the quickest from Greg Pitt, Dave Marmo and Sharon Pitt. Rob Dekker decided WD’s were the order of the day and had 7 of them which must be some sort of record.

Next Friday night sees our Annual Trophy Night roll around again once again. There is a list elsewhere in the Bulletin (I hope) of those who should turn up to pick up the silverware and get their picture taken. $5 Entry for a “fl asher” supper and Guest Speaker Michael Holloway. Please roll up for a 7:30 start.

The next day the Ballarat Swap Meet is on at the Airport. We had an offer which a few kind souls have taken up being a volunteer to help with the running of the Swap Meet. People who volunteer to help with car parking etc will have $40 donated to the club they volunteer on behalf of and they can use the volunteer pass to gain entry to the Swap Meet to peruse the wares on sale. At our Committee meeting we also decided that we could reward the

volunteers further and hopefully swell the fi eld at Rd 1 of our Autocross series by offering them a $10 discount on their entry. Mark Bennett is the man to contact although by the time you get this Bulletin Mark may have all the spots fi lled. Marks mobile no is 0418104834.

Rd 1 of our Autocross series is on Saturday 3rd March. We are having a training session before the Autocross which will be a day night. Damian Faulkner is organising the training part and Noel Peers is Clerk of Course for the competition. Ring them up is you can help please.

The 10th of March sees the Begonia Rally return to being part of the Begonia Festival. Pete Stapleton is looking for numerous road closure offi cials and I need around 9 people to assist with running the Super Stage at the Autocross track please. Ring Stapo of me if you can help in either capacity. The organising committee for this event have been busily beavering away and it is all falling into place very nicely but we need to all chip in on the weekend to get it over the line.

Then just when we thought we could have a spell we have 2 rounds of the Victorian Hillclimb Championship down at Mt Leura on the 24th and 25th March. These 2 rounds are also both part of our CDC championship. The theory behind this is that you get 2 events out of 1 travel cost but does mean that your have to make sure the car don’t break. There is a small crew heading down on Friday to start setting up which can do with any more volunteers who feel so inclined. Saturday and Sunday will also need some corner marshals, again if you feel inclined please ring Barney or me and put your name down. This event and the Begonia both tip in signifi cant funds into our coffers.

And then some where amongst all that Noel expects the Phone books to arrive once again. If you can help please give Noel a call. They are supposed to be delivered by Easter. I’m still waiting for mine from 2011 to arrive which wasn’t part of our delivery area in 2011 as it had been previously so it would seem some

others aren’t quite as diligent as Noel and his trusty band of helpers have been.

Lastly but not least I need to put out a call for anyone who might be interested in coming onto committee to consider it as we are a bit thin on the ground. We particularly need to fi nd someone with a fi nancial bent to take on the Treasurer’s role as Clare made it quite clear that this was going to be her last of many years in this role. Ideally it would be good for someone to come along and make their interest known now so they can be coopted now so they can learn off Clare over the next few months. Please consider.

See you Friday night or at one of the many events we have over the next month.

Rod Hall

Time is running out, after many yeras of service to the club Clare Bennett is retiring from the postion of Treasurer. We will be in need of a new treasurer by August of this year but there will be an opportu-nity and a need for our new person to be trained. Please volunteer for this position or perhaps approach someone who you think might be suitable. This matter is becoming urgent so please act soon.

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4 TheBulletin February 2012

Guest Speaker Background

Michael Holloway At the Phillip Island Classic Historic

race meeting in February 2004, Michael was given the opportunity to drive Long Nose D type Jaguar, RSF 302, chassis XKD 504. Th is car was one of only six Long Nose D Type Jaguars ever built by the Jaguar factory for the Le Mans 24 hour race. It was a great thrill to be able to drive a car with such an interesting history.

Some past:

Michael was active in the VPMSC in 1970s to early 1980s, and served on the VPMSC Committee for some years including a year as Secretary.

At Bathurst Michael crewed for the Holden Dealer Team with Harry Firth for many years and was later was involved with other race teams at Bathurst as Team Manager, including the 1981 VPMSC team ZZ Gemini driven by Gary Rowe and David Seldon. Th e experience he gained through his involvement with the VPMSC was to prove valuable in his later motorsport career.

Michael competed in numerous rallies at Club, State and National level including the Alpine Rally from 1974 to 1979 then joined the organising committee for several years. He had

a number of navigators including VPMSC member “Captain” Keree Rose. Keree was a Captain in the army at the time. Among other events they competed in the BP Rally in 1979, fi nishing ahead of the famous trails and rally driver Joe Dunlop.


Michael continued with his involvement with Motor Sport, especially with the Morris 850 Club - now the Victorian Mini Club. He is the only person to be made Life Member of both these clubs.

He is still actively involved in Rallies, Motorkhanas and Circuit Racing, both as a competitor and organizer. He competed in his Holden Monaro in the 1995 Round Australia Rally fi nishing 41st Outright and 8th in Class. Th e old Monaro was again pressed into service for the 1998 Round Australia Rally fi nishing 26th Outright and 2nd in Class. Th e Alpine Rally in 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007 saw Holloway and his Monaro venture out into the bush for more fun in the dirt.

He has been an executive member of the State Race Series Inc, which runs the Victorian State Circuit Racing Championships for many years and

was also active in the organization of Alpine Rally and the Super Mini Series. He has acted extensively as a Clerk of Course: for the Victorian State Race Series (more than 20 years), and for the V8 SuperCar events at Calder.

In addition he has been Clerk of Course for the Phillip Island Classic for more than 16 years. Th is event attracts over 550 competitors from Australia and overseas, and has gained considerably in prestige with Michael at the helm.

Michael Holloway has represented CAMS as a steward for many years, including several years as chief steward for a national series. He also represents CAMS at the V8 SuperCar National Court of Appeal. He also served as Race Director for a national Historic Touring Car series for three years.

Worked for V8 Supercars for 4 years as Investigations and Prosecutions offi cer.

Michael was Police Liaison offi cer for Victoria Police at the Australian Grand Prix for 2001-2004.

In 2004 he was awarded a CAMS Service Award, recognising decades of participation as a competitor, organizer and steward.

2011 Retirement enabled an around the world trip visiting Motorsport event Monterey Historics, Belgium F1 GP, Nurburgring, Brands Hatch, Goodwood Revival, Spa Historics and Six Hour sports Car Race.

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February 2012 | TheBulletin 5

Motorkhana One February 12

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6 TheBulletin February 2012

2012 YOUNG OFFICIALS PROGRAM Get Trackside at the 2012 FORMULA 1 Australian Grand Prix The Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (CAMS) is offering young motor sport enthusiasts the opportunity to be a part of the 2012 FORMULA 1 Australian Grand Prix Officials Team.

The 2012 Young Officials Program aims to introduce motor sport enthusiasts between the ages of 16 and 25 to the world of motor sport officiating. The successful applicants will be trained in a safe and supportive environment supervised by some of the world’s best motor sport officials. This is a great opportunity to get involved in one of the biggest events on the Australian motor sport calendar.

This new & exciting program offers successful applicants:

The opportunity to officiate trackside during Formula 1 Practice, Qualifying and Racing.

Learn from the best in the business during other exciting categories; including the V8 Supercars, Carrera Cup and Group A and C Touring Cars.

CAMS apparel and race day pack (including food each day). Invitation to the exclusive CAMS Officials BBQ at the conclusion of the race. Two guest passes for all four days of action, for friends and family.

To be eligible you must meet the following criteria: Aged between 16 and 25 Be available to officiate at the Albert Park F1 Circuit from the 16th – 18th March 2012.

Between the hours of 8am and 7pm Be an enthusiastic team player, willing to take direction and listen to instructions Have written consent from a parent or guardian (for applicants under 18)

There are 20 places available. To be considered for a position at the first race of the 2012 Formula 1 season, follow the link below and complete the online entry form by no later than 23rd January 2012.

Good luck and we hope to see you at the 2012 FORMULA 1 Australian Grand Prix!

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February 2012 | TheBulletin 7

Areminder to all email recipients of this publication, please keep your email address current with the membership secretary.

Stacey NoonanEmail: [email protected]

Phone:Mob: 0417 163 193

Formula 1™ Australian Grand Prix Offi cials UpdateApplications for the 2012 Formula 1™ Australian Grand Prix will be opening soon. Keep an eye on the CAMS

website and also your email inbox for notice of when this hap-pens along with newsletters and updates. Applications will be open for over a month so there will be plenty of time to get your application in.

After the success of the new Muster Tent electronic sign-on process this year, we are doing some work to further improve this

system for 2012. We will also have a greater involvement in the issuing of uniforms and credentials at the Creden-tials Offi ce, to make this process much easier for our CAMS offi cials.

If you have any questions on offi ciating at the Australian Grand Prix, you can always contact agpoffi [email protected]

You can also follow @AGPOffi cials on Twitter! go to cials


Th e following is the current process for getting your vehicle onto the Club Permit system.

First of all the vehicle must be a mini-mum of 25 years old (to the month) and

in roadworthy condition. Current registra-tion is not necessary. Th e owner MUST present a current Club membership card and MUST remain a member in order to continue to use the vehicle.

When ready contact the Clubs desig-nated offi cer to arrange processing.(Details below.)

Th e vehicle is to be checked for suit-ability for use on Club Plates either with a roadworthy certifi cate or by myself as the designated offi cer. A nominal fee is charged for the check.

Once the paperwork is completed you go to Vic Roads for processing.

You have a choice of either 45 or 90 day permits, and it’s a log book system which you are responsible for.

After you receive your plates and paperwork from Vic Roads (usually up to 3 weeks,) it is YOUR responsibility to notify me with the expiry date and plate details. Th e Club is responsible for keep-ing accurate records. At present that’s me. Th erefore, if you sell the vehicle, smash it, remove it from the road, don’t renew you membership, or change Clubs, you MUST

notify me and in some cases hand back the plates to Vic Roads.

RENEWING YOUR CLUB PERMIT.When your permit is nearing its ex-

piry date you will automatically receive a renewal from Vic Roads which you then must get signed by me. At present the Club is asking a fee of $5 for all renewals to help cover the cost of being a member of A.O.M.C. Payable on me signing off your permit.


Chris Hall.

B.L.C.C. Club Permit offi cer.53424397 or0438094684. Leave

details if need be. (Limited phone coverage at home.)

Club Permit Information

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8 TheBulletin February 2012

Call in and see Nathan and David, for there huge range of stock, 7 days a week, for friendly advise and great prices, supporting the

Ballarat light car club for 15 years! Auto Parts Professionals, 9 Doveton St Nth, Ballarat, 53329333

RPM Club Gloves $89 Mechanics Gloves from $29.95

Lightforce Lights from $359 Narva 225’s from $350

NEW 2011 Range of Bell Helmets from $499

NEW for 2011 Indy 3 Boots $199!

Hydraulic Handbrake $249

Don’t forget Auto Parts Professionals gives discount to BLCC’s Members!

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February 2012 | TheBulletin 9

Liability Disclaimer – All material in this magazine represents the opinions of the authors and does not carry any endorsement by the Editor or the Committee, Ballarat Light Car Club has no offi cial connection with any public or commercial organisation and it does not provide product recommendations. Names of commercial products mentioned in this magazine are registered names and trademarks of their owners. Copyright Notice – Material in this magazine may be copied by any other club without fee or written permission provided that the copyright rests with the Ballarat Light Car Club. Th e copies are not to be used for commercial advantage and the origins of the material and this permission to copy are acknowledged in the reprinted item. Th e Nissan Car Club-Australia is acknowledged as the source for the wording of this Disclaimer.

Chris Hall Grade 2 5342 4397 0438 094 684

Noel Peers Grade 3 5341 8124

Darren Wythe Grade 3 0448 417 506

Ben McKee Grade 3 5336 1172 0418 313 695

Club Scrutineers

Size Annual Fee ($) 1 Month Fee ($)

Full Page 220 22

Half Page 143 14.30

Third Page 119 11.90

Quarter page 99 9.90

Sixth Page 89 8.90

Eighth page 79 7.90

Member Small adverts of the Buy, swap & Sell type will continue to be Free

Notice to Bulletin Advertisers

If you wish to place an advertisement, please consult the Treasurer, Clair Bennett (5330 2295 or 0439 652 325) who will arrange an invoice and pass the request to the Editor, Steve Ezzy, for inclusion in the

appropriate issues.

Please see the table below for the Annual Fee for Advertising

News in Brief continued

Stefan DekkerTrent AnsellWayne Sanders

From the Committee Please be aware that the email address for the committee have changed bringing them in line with our new web media.

Swap MeetYou may have been aware that the great southern swap meet was at risk of closure well the good news is that it will be on again in the usual place as a group of Ballarat Rotary Clubs have banded together to run it. We wish them all well in their endeavour.

Direct Payments A SuccessSeveral members and hopefully many more have taken advantage of the method of paying directly into the BLCC account . So give it a go, and pay for membership or event payments and make everything simpler for you and for the treasurer.

Pay your membership from anywhere!!Ballarat Light Car Club banking detailsBSB No: 633-000 Account No: 141857458

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10 TheBulletin February 2012

Members listed below have nominated themselves as being willing to assist fellow members

Peter Ellis (Driving Ambition) Driver Training Specialist to Individuals and Business - Mobile 0419 002 007 Tel. (03) 5334 3144

E-mail Notifi cations.

Anew e-mail notifi cation system has been implemented on our site to simplify the process of

keeping members and other interested parties informed of goings on in the club.

Sign up to receive event updates and announcements from Ballarat Light Car Club about upcom-ing events and activities. E-mail announcements will be sent out occasionally about website-related activities and new website features.

Note: this feature is not in place of the electronic send out of the club newsletter. And all recipients of the bulletin should feel free to sign up for notifi cations.

C.A.M.S Observed Licence Test DatesFebruary 12th - Sunday, Super Sprint Championship Round 1 - Phillip IslandApril 20th – Friday, State Circuit Racing Series Round 1 – Phillip Island June 15th – Friday, State Circuit Racing Series Round 2 – SandownJuly 22nd – Friday, State Circuit Racing Series Round 3 – SandownOctober 13 – Saturday, State Circuit Racing Series Round 4 – Phillip IslandNovember 9th – Sandown Historic – Sandown

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February 2012 | TheBulletin 11


Saturday 10 March 2012

Rd1 Victorian Rally Championship Rd1 Victorian Club Rally Series

Support Your Club Officials Needed

Day Time Event Plenty of Action

Cars Visit Controls Twice

Please Contact: Peter Stapleton0488 392 700 or 53392780

[email protected]

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Be a BLCC Volunteer If you will give 4 hours of you time at the Swap Meet you will get $10 bucks of your entry into the Day /

Night Autocross on the 3rd of March and get free entry into the Swap Meet and the best part is that BLCC will

get a per head fee as well !





12 TheBulletin February 2012

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February 2012 | TheBulletin 13

EditorialSteve Ezzy

Hello and welcome to the Febru-ary edition of the Bulletin. It is with a little despair that I have begun to realise that our club seems to be in somewhat of a transitional period. Th e feeling that I get is one of im-pending doom. Th e likely hood of losing our track and what seems like a lack of interest. Th e modern cul-ture of no time, no money and the need to save both is something that we are all very aware of. I personally feel the pressure of modern living at every turn and feel the need to re-evaluate my circumstances, do I need the extra pressures of being involved with the BLCC or being on the committee for that mat-ter. I pondered this question for quite some time over Christmas and it was by a small margin that I decided that I would maintain my involvement.

Th e main issue with all of us is money, competing is not cheap and I have heard some even lamenting the cost of a weekends Motorkhana, which including fl ammable gold and the entry fee can be around $50.00. To many, it is diffi cult to justify some extra expenses, espe-

cially those experienced by families. Is there an easy answer, probably

not? Money is always an issue and living within your means is a very personal thing as is the way you use your leisure time. Th at most modern of commonly used terms today is “work life balance”, well not as bad as “going forward” right. Th e conclusions that I drew over that break were taken from three simple questions – can I aff ord to be in the club given consideration of time and money, - do I need the club and what benefi t is there in my being a member?

Everyone should set aside time for themselves, without this life becomes routine, even boring. Th e expenditure of a rational amount of money on one’s self in the pursuit of a fulfi lling or at least fun activity has got to be worth it. Blowing of a little tension or steam is actually good for you. A wonderful friend and acquaintance and total BLCC tragic used to live his life through the club, it fulfi lled some very basic need for him and allowed social contact that may not have existed otherwise. I get the same pleasure from knowing a large group of friendly people and revel in the social contacts that result. My kids

and the kids of other members grow-up with-in this group and learn many of their life skills and other skills because of it, and all of this for a small membership cost and a couple of small entry fees a year.

So see the club for what it is, a small community of friends, friend-ships and mates. A social outlet, counselling service, a helping hand and training provider, somewhere to talk out your domestic issues and perhaps moan a little but most of all having a little fun, raising the dust whilst getting sideways and trying to hid that rye smile from the guy you just beat by 1 second.

Luv yas all ED

Minutes of Meeting - 8/2/2012Present: Barney Haddon (BH),

Damian Faulkner (DF), Ben Davis (BD), Steve Richards (SR), Wayne Sleep (WS),

Apologies: David Marmo (DM), Dar-ren Wythe (DW), Ben McKee (BM),

Minutes from previous Meeting moved by: DF, seconded BD

Business Arising from Minutes: SR – follow up on Slaty Creek “Clay

Pits” for new BLCC site – showed footage on phone.

SR – suggested Selkirk’s clay mine at Enfi eld. – DF to follow up

Past Events: 11/12/11 - Christmas Autocross – 53

entries – ran well – rides worked well – still need to fi ne tune schedule.

28/01/12 - Alco Batteries VHC Rnd1 – Bryant Park Gippsland – 2 members competed – Keith Scott 58th outright & Graham Scott 67th outright

Coming Events: 12/02/12 – MK1 & come + try03/03/12 – Autocross Training Day &

AX Rnd1 – Day/Night 10/03/12 – Begonia Rally VRC, VCRS,

CTC224/03/12 – Camperdown Hillclimb –

short track - VHC, CDC125/03/12 – Camperdown Hillclimb –

long track – VHC, CDC2General Business: BH – progress on Fire Truck – mech

OK, brakes OK, getting cleanerBH – trees along fence line cleaned up,

but rubbish pile left too close to AX track!BH – reported on damage to complex.

Gates run down Sunday 5th pm. Also at-tempted break in at tower. Padlocks cut.

DF – format of Training Day – will check with director of Autocross

BH – Trophy Night – to be promoted on web-site, Bulletin. Must get those get-ting trophies to attend.

Next Meeting: 7/3/12

Sports Sub Committee Notes

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14 TheBulletin February 2012

Leaving the complex after Scrutineering

If a competition vehicle needs to leave the motor sport complex, you must remove your numbers so the Police or Vic Roads don’t nab you. Also the vehicle needs to be re-presented for scrutiny upon its return before continuing competition.

Sport Sub CommitteeRod Hall (Chair) Barney Haddon,

Ben McKee, Darren Wythe (Rally Liason), Damian Faulkner, Steven Richards, Wayne Sleep, David Marmo, Peter Marmo, Ben Davis.

Meetings: Wednesday night immediately prior to monthly committee meeting.

Club Driving Instructors

John Bourke Wayne Drew Rod Prosser

Richard Gay Gary Harrowfi eld Barney Haddon

Mick Goossens Engles Leoncini Peter Ellis

Les Listen Simon Ellis Darren Wythe

Darren Everett Ben McKee Steve Richards

Damian Faulkner Russell McKenzie Mark Fawcett

Ben Fawcett Steve Wilson Chris Hall

Keith McElroy Ben Davis Mark Hunter

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February 2012 | TheBulletin 15

Event Calendar � Febuary

Wednesday 22nd

C.A.M.S Offi cials TrainingEvent command course - CAMS Offi ces.

Friday 24th

BLCC Trophy Night. No general meeting, $5 entry. Guest speaker

Sat/Sun 25/26

Victorian Hillclimb Championship Round 2, Broadford PIARC.

� March

Saturday 3rd

Autocross Training DayAutocross 1 Day / Night.

Saturday 10th

Begonia Rally VRC/VCRS/CTC2.

Sat/Sun 17/18

Formula 1 Australian Grand PrixSaturday 24th

Gil Davis Memorial Trial CTC3Sat/Sun 24/25

Victorian Hillclimb Championship Round 3, Mt Leura BLCCCDC1 Saturday CDC2 Sunday

Friday 30th

BLCC Club Meeting.

� April

Tuesday 3rd

C.A.M.S Offi cials TrainingEvent administration course - CAMS Offi ces.

Sunday 15th

Motorkhana Rnd2 CDC3Wednesday 18th

C.A.M.S Offi cials TrainingSilver Module - CAMS Offi ces.

Friday 20th

C.A.M.S Observed Licence Test (OLT)Circuit racing observed licence testState circuit racing series round 1 – Phillip Island.

Saturday 21st

Blue Rock Stages VCRS, CTC4Friday 27th

BLCC Club Night

� May

Sunday 6th

Victorian Hillclimb Championship Round 5.

Thursday 10th

C.A.M.S Offi cials TrainingStewards Module - CAMS Offi ces.

Saturday 19th

Cooper Memorial Sprint Rally CTC5.C.A.M.S Offi cials TrainingRegional training weekend: course(s) TBA – Mildura.

Friday 25th

BLCC Club NightSunday 27th

Autocross Rnd 2 CDC4

� June

Sat/Sun 2/3

Victorian Hillclimb Championship Round 7.

Tuesday 5th

C.A.M.S Offi cials TrainingClub chief course - CAMS Offi ces.

Sunday 10th

Motorkhana Rnd 3Friday 15th

C.A.M.S Observed Licence Test (OLT)Circuit racing observed licence testState Circuit Racing Series Round 2Sandown.

Saturday 23rd

Nissan Nightmoves VCRS5Friday 29th

BLCC Club Night.

� July

Sunday 8th

Autocross Round 3Sunday 22nd

Barney’s Double Banger Autocross or Autocross Reserve date.C.A.M.S Observed Licence Test (OLT)Circuit racing observed licence testState Circuit Racing Series Round 3 Sandown.

Thursday 26th

C.A.M.S Offi cials TrainingCircuit offi cial module - CAMS Offi ces.

Friday 27th

BLCC Club Night.

� August

Sunday 12th

Motorkhana Round 4 CDC5.Wednesday 22nd

C.A.M.S Offi cials TrainingRally offi cial module - CAMS Offi ces.

Fri/Sat/Sun 24/25/26

Winter Classic Trial and TourFriday 31st

BLCC Club Night.

� September

Sunday 9th

Autocross Round 4 CDC?Saturday 15th

Marysville Stages CTC7.C.A.M.S Offi cials TrainingEvent assessor course - CAMS Offi ces.

Friday 28th

BLCC Club Night.

� October

Sunday 7th

Supercheap Bathurst 1000Saturday 13th

C.A.M.S Observed Licence Test (OLT)Circuit racing observed licence testState Circuit Racing Series Round 4 Phillip Island.

Wednesday 24th

C.A.M.S Offi cials TrainingTiming and Scoring Course - CAMS Offi ces.

� October cont’

Friday 26th

BLCC Club Night.Saturday 27th

Bagshot Rallysprint.

� November

Sat/Sun 10/11

Coghlan’s Carnival, Motorkhana, Khanacross and Autocross.

Wednesday 7th

C.A.M.S Offi cials TrainingFire and Rescue Course - CAMS Offi ces.

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JANUARY SCRUTINY COURSE – Geelong, Sat/Sun 21st/22nd




EVENT COMMAND COURSE - CAMS Offices, Wednesday 22nd

MARCH No course(s) scheduled


SILVER MODULE - CAMS Offices, Wednesday 18th

MAY STEWARDS MODULE- CAMS Offices, Thursday 10th REGIONAL TRAINING WEEKEND: COURSE(S) TBA – Mildura, Sat/Sun 19th/20th

JUNE CLUB CHIEF COURSE - CAMS Offices, Tuesday 5th







DECEMBER No course(s) scheduled Dates are subject to change. Please contact Lewis White at CAMS to enrol in a course on 1300 959 883 or [email protected]

Friday 9th

C.A.M.S Observed Licence Test (OLT)Circuit racing observed licence testSandown Historic – Sandown.

Sunday 25th

KhanacrossFriday 30th

BLCC Club Night.

� December

Sat/Sun 1/2

C.A.M.S CARnivalSunday 9th

Geordie Fawcett Memorial Autocross and Christmas breakup with Santa visit

Event Calendar cont’

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18 TheBulletin February 2012

The Confederation of Australian Motor Sport will be running a special CAMS Ignition media event on Wednesday 14th March with a F1 driver and team. This special CAMS Ignition program will run for 2 hours with a small group of 13 to 16 year olds taken through practical and theory on the following key topics: • The correct attitude to and development of safe driving and road use behaviours • Understanding of contributing crash factors (speed, fatigue, distractions,

experimentation, drink and drug use) • Development of hazard and risk perception skills • Strategies for identifying and managing risky situations The 2 hour session will involve both a theory and practical component of equal duration. The interactive theory session will address a number of the key topics mentioned above and will be complemented by the practical activities. These will include correct seating positions, safe following and braking distances, followed by a vision exercise (via a low speed slalom). All children will have an opportunity to drive a car at slow speed and meet the F1 driver. CAMS is currently in discussions with Jenson Button and the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes F1 Team in relation to attending this event. We will have a strong media presence with TV, radio and print media in attendance and the children/participants will be filmed and photographed, and possibly involved in an interview on how they found the program. Due to the nature of this session, CAMS is calling for Expressions of Interest for 8 children aged 13 to 16 years who do not have any driving experience* to be a part of this event. A venue in the Docklands/South Melbourne area is currently being sourced and the timing of the event is still to be finalised (based on the availability of Jenson Button) – the potential timing could be anytime from 6.30am to 3pm on Wednesday 14th March. Currently the session looks likely to run from 6.30am to 8.30am, with Jenson with us for 30 minutes. *This includes any motorsport experience

Media Event Australian Grand Prix

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CAMS acknowledges the serious road safety issues confronting young drivers. CAMS knows that young people perceive that a licence to drive increases their freedom, independence and sensation seeking. Unfortunately, youthful exuberance often manifests itself in vehicle use and combined with inexperience, a lack of knowledge and skills as well as peer pressure, it frequently ends in tragedy on the roads. Road trauma involving young people often includes those who are not yet licensed or ready to drive as well as learners and newly licensed drivers. Poor decisions and a sense of invincibility lead to risk taking in vehicles both as passengers and drivers. CAMS recognises the opportunity to contribute to community road safety especially targeting youth through its resources and extensive club networks throughout Australia. It is with this purpose and intention that CAMS has developed CAMS Ignition. CAMS Ignition is a community safety awareness program for Pre-Learner and Learner drivers focused on raising awareness about safe driving behaviours and habits. CAMS Ignition covers the theory and practical applications on safe driving behaviours and increases understanding about the different aspects that impact on safe driving such as distractions, peer pressure, alcohol, and road conditions. CAMS has received funding from the FIA as part of the FIA Action for Road Safety to develop and implement CAMS Ignition.

What is CAMS Ignition?

Register Here Please return form by Monday 20th February 2012 to [email protected]

Full Name



Phone Car Club (if applicable)

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Category Nomination Annual

Ordinary $25.00 $90.00

Family $25.00 $120.00 (2 Adults, any number of own Children up to 17y.o)

Associate Family nil $83.00 (2 non-competing Adults, 1 competing child )

Associate Parent nil $58.00 (Parent/Guardian, 1 Child competing)

Associate Couple nil $50.00 (2 non competing adults)

Renewal of Membership Ballarat Light Car Club

Incorporated (Certificate of Incorporation Number A20023019V) P.O.Box 400 Ballarat, Vic, 3353

This form is important for any personal information changes please return to club Membership Number «Me

«Surname» «Ho «Given»

«Street Address» «Town»

«Phone Work» «Phone Mobile» «Phone Home»

«EmailAddress» «Birthday»


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(Given Names in Full) (Surname)

(Postal Address) (Town / Suburb ) (Post Code)

Category Nomination Annual

Ordinary $25.00 $90.00

Family $25.00 $120.00 (2 Adults, any number of own children up to 17y.o) *Associate Family nil $83.00 (2 non-competing Adults, 1 competing child )

Associate Parent nil $58.00 (Parent/Guardian, 1 Child competing)

Associate Couple nil $50.00 (2 non competing adults)

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Trophy Night Friday 24thIf undeliverable return to Ballarat Light Car Club

PO Box 400 Ballarat Vic 3353

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