Page 1:… · P U .H . Edition v^Hl-----------yoCTrrrornn— . ~ ^ ' N : E A W H G E

P U . H . E dition

v ^ H l----------- y o C T r r r o r n n — . ~

^ ' N :E AW H

G Eb - s


' '■ SAN PnANOISCO. Aug. 17 <,T) - • Municipal JudjM Ocorso J. BWljer

And sylvaln J. Uznrus npoloBlMd- ......Wday-W «pproxlraat«ly 100 Joblea

men antsted u vtgnnU by elty and nitroad pollco lor dceplns In box

V CM* on tll# Mierlroni.' k Judt« U u m a u ld : r “K no one 1m1< *ony (or you Hits

■court eertilnly do« and 1 ofJicUlly tpoIosUe lor rour arrest. 1 don'l know iPhal you-men nns solnj to do, but I can't pul you In Jail.lot trying to llnd a place to sleep In IhtM hard time*. Oo j'our way wlllt my best vlshei."

Judge Bteljer'a rtmarlia were slm* Har. , ________________


p r o h i b i t i o n a s ISSUE

ALEXANDRIA. Mlnii, Aug. 17 Wl Btnator Arthur Capper. Republican. Kansas. In a slatenient today aald he believed piibllc demand would lorce prehlbltlon Into the nexl preslden- tla] campaltn as an luue. 1111 did. ha Mid, "the Republican party can Ix eipoclKt la take the 'dry' aide and the Democrtla . lean toward the ■wcU’ -

Hfl’sald he expected renomlnailoa ot Prealdent Hoover by the Bepub- llcana, and namlni ol Oovernor P. D. Itoosevelt. New Vork. u Demo- cratlo candidate.

Senator, capper Is. vacationing hert.



BUOKTOOT Ao*.' 17 W l A n automobile In Which • woman Idea-t u w -tnm phot««rapha i l Mn.

V Lyda Southard Heaped Idaho pint* tentlary eonvlei wta aeea a t Rob*, erta eatnrday. ippeattd a t Bhelley Saturday ennlog lor rtpaln . It ba*

ham county resldent^aad • M one on .k car followed.^ olt *

’r cert o( eaiurn Idaho earlier tbit "• fumraer'carrylnj a woman paaaen.

. i----- n r-b a lla v ed ^ ta -J ttta - been-Mn-.Southard.

; fiherlU J. D. Jensen ot Bingham; 1 . county h u twice Intercepted earsi I bearlns the aame llcensa pUto but , they eieaped. '!


. ASHLAND Oren Aug. 17 Wl —' ■ wmdowi rattled, dlthea danctd asd

porthea crtaked tn Talent and Phoeolx. north or here, laat nlttht to the accompaniment of. a dliUnt tumble and roar.

Today, aa resident* compared potea, ne dellnlte explanation tor Uw phtoomoneti could b« tound.

Some thought It n a an earth* quake, olhera a d a n t exploalon and tUU othert a by*product of an elec* trie (torm In progress la the moun* tains a t the time. No blait w u re­ported in th# victoity.



OOODINO, Aug. 17 (Bpeclal to The Newt)>-Chauncy Andrus, hla

> family and neighbors fought «n . m hour'a losing battle a t soon today

T against names In (he home rented from U rt. Cora Miller Wood, BolM.

' nU ch U located two to n a Iiom Ocodlng, and wben (he Ooodlng lire department arrtred. an hour aner an alarm w u glren, the blaze bad adraneed beyond control The home, along with belongings stored In e u room, w u completely destroy^ «d. a t A lott estimated a t t4000. .^Mr; Aodrua confined th e ' fire. H ^ h t to hare tUrled la a defec* Ure chimney. In a tmall area (or nore than M mlnutea. but tbe (lames got awty beiween walla a sd tpread to the roof. .

Tha Ooodlng flrtmen, delajyd by the n ^ t y to gain permltsloa Jo leaw the elty llmllt, were Joroed lo go aereral yatdt from the bouse to

ta be partially tniuitd.



' Wayne Hancock, drlrer of a 'ea t ' belonging to Alrah Hancock, bought a new sireet hydrant for tbe clij of Twin Falls yeiterday oo tbe tug* gctUon ol Police Judgt B . D. Read, to whom he w u dlrecled to report Sunday erenlng whea he backed the

' car against tbe hydrant a t tbe la- tmectlon of Main .and" Addlion artnuM west, and tore ll loose I n n lui moorings. Water released th ro^h the b.-oken hydrant flooded tba h l^ * way. Hancock u ld he had l« back

/ the car lo n t away Iron the curb,, 4 tnolher car Mlng pariedlmmedUU*

ly In (font. The hydranl coat Han­cock (i.


_jnaociA T£ua'u ias--------------

' omnnr IS 1 mis OFSJIiWtlllSE

O fficials A ntic ipate E a r li

S tab iliza tion of. Petro ieum

Industry Follow ing Ban

,|g On Production in T exas

(Dy The Auoclated PrtttIer T r lL G O R E , Texas, A ug. 17 cd K — H igher p r l c c B fo r JJ • ^ ^ m id-contincnt crude nml „ iH).ssibic M tabiliration. o f tlic

A mericim petroleum Industry w ere prcdictcil by oil execu*

ll, tivcH to n ig h t us t h c jjre a t ly E o s t - I e x a s .5iroducihff..nren, i‘t placed under m artia l law by ^ G overnor R o b k S. S terling .


Nearly a thousaiHi Texu nallonal Ruardsnen were on duty In (our Easl

1* Texu counllcs to enforce Oovernor Bterllng't order (or a complele ahul- doa-n o( the 1600 producing oll.and g u wells In tlie ana.

No ttsUUiiee had been meL Tlie IP larger oil companies clojed-Uieir

welUbelorclheaoldlersarrlvcdtodayto carry oul Uic marllal law procla-

T1 maUon laued a t S K. M. n. Leadera o( ihe Induttry. wltli (ew ie excepllonr, lulled BierUng's action,ce They expressed the view that wllh 1* (luth Held* ot Oklahoma a{rtadyd. shutdown by Oovemor W. H. Mur* m ray's martial law edict and curtail*Id ment measures Impending In Kania*, le mld-conllnent crude/Prices would

climb and tiitre v u real hope oi in siablllsitlon. /J. E. B. Reeter, 'pttsidenl ol Hie P, American PeUoleum Instltulo and J . head o( the Bamsdall corporation,

tald a l Tulu;T b a aetloa of Govcmon Marray

andSterllogwlllprennlphyBlcalder atructloa o( property and will enable tbe aathorllles ol tha aUlea lo pot Inlo ellect proper and orderly pro* nllon. The tUbUisaUon of the pe-

;S iroUamiBduItT will feliew the com- pltle and orderiy proratien e( tba

Jl B u t T e n t tleU."J. Oorernor Sterling, hlmiell. an oil . man;, predicted higher crude prieet u u id e iU m a tM lth e T e m u d ’OkU* y. hooa abutdowns would U kr about

l ,n 0M0 barrel! a day off tlwmartal. 2 He aald martial law la * % T e » i•' w lU n o (b e llt le d u n U lib « « tt^ *

' »nm- »**"n7i**|p"-’"*^ « « » orte'ti under the new ttalFeoD* ^ M m tlra law and U In rpoHUoa' to* enlotce tuch curtaliment ordera. The

** commission w(U be unable lo a d un- L' Ul after a hearing starting a week

idJBl tmiiurtuw. .. Oorernor Murray, who originated

n the Idea of dealing with over-produc* » tlon by declarlng-mullal-UWrUnl ■t a mesuge of congratulaUon to the ‘ Texu executive, and commented

(Continued On Page t . Col. 6)'

i SPlSJPiiCi P ro d iic o , D ealer o f D undee

I- T ells E gg Producers o f

I M elhods .U sed A broad,

FILER. Aug. 17 (SpecUl to The Newa)-PraUlng Ihe methods used In handling egga by the Idaho Egg

n Producera'associaUon m Twin m ia . b D. C. Peebles. Dundee. Scotland. .. dealer In produce la .that country. « who U now the guett of Mr. and It Mra. B. C. Orr. Filer, told SOO per* n tons, who altended the annual plc- y nlo dinner a t the fairground! here d Sunday that the packen In Den-e. mark ha«-e worked out the tytUm s more etabontely, than it Is operat* g ed here. He tald eggs were packed ir In coQUlnera o( 130 doiens each In- « itead ot 30 douns u In Ihlt coun- ,e trr . He tald that people abroad pre- d ferrcd large egga and were less in* V leruted In eolor lhan tbey are In

America, whero whllo egga are pn*B trrred.

Referring to general condlUons In r Scotland and the BriUsh Itles gen- X eraUy, Mr. Peebles aald Uutl whUe i Inadequate and not wholly uUs-

(aclory in lit operaUon, In his opin- _ Ion Uie workmens' unemployment ' Insurance glvu a degree of tecur*® Ity to workera nol felt In eounWes■ where It U absent. Mr.,Peebles ar*® rived recently Irom the Orient on a , Irlp’around the world.

Pren Moore. Boise. .Idaho poullff

'*■ S S tr y f ’wUard O a t^ ^ S a lw iie City. repretenUng tho Utah Poultry

^ Producets' association, spoke on Uie> handling and csrr ot eggs. Earl H.( Brockman. Caldwell. sUte manager ' or Uje Idaho atsoclaUon and (or*

mer manager of the Twin Falls f branch, discussed'the report, pre-* rlously published, eorerlng Uie pres- t ent year up lo July 1. ahowlng large* growUi In ail Uie branchea and es- . pedally In Uw Twin Falls branch. for which ■ new home b u rtcenlly

‘ been purchased. '‘ outer tpeaken lau d ed J. B. t Oowan, lecrelary-IjwuitT, abd~W7 « 8. Aliltttn, rice prealdent. Caldwell:« WUUam E. Woods. Twin Falls, man*‘ tg tr: V. a Donahue. Pocatello, t manager: and J. O. Wilson. Nampa;> Arthur U n o a, Welser; a D. Pteb-■ ler. Buhl, and U W. OreaUvouse.■ Boise, number of tha board of di-

r tc to ti

■ , THE ONLY -Ai

---------------------- JXI

1 Conflicts Bet |[:

|(jj: H m nyG rouJO BLESS SEEK WORK IN '


eum PALiaADE, Aug. 17 MV- Attracled by an abundant peach

B a n crop here, w many.perKffiilayt w - rived awaiting to itart Uib picking

SXaS W d m lirnee Uial a serious sllus- lion liu developed.

Ilundteds were In actual wanl to­day. Cliurche*.and toawpeople eo-operailnK.arransedasoupllne.Huii-

' } ' deed* camped along Ihe Colorado fo r river were lldng on (Uh.

nnd -Seores have been arriving dally..

iliiliilis i i l i mnsnood ____

g E qu allia llo n Com mission

S " V otes 2 0 P e r C en t S lash

T o B e n e tlf A gricu ltu reThe •

Uieir . . --------«!»>• BOISE Aug. 17 W’H ldaho *tate

board of equallailon began «aih- I lew Ing lax awessment values today In Illon. R manner not duplicated pcrhai« w th In (he history o( the board.

The board voted a 20,perccnUe-nail* ducllon under l u l year In three n«*, major clsMincatlons ol (arm land.

Including that known u agrlcultut* al. Irrigated, and dry land.

: Uie Agricultural land elaaslllcatlon In- eludes most ot tho. wheat land oC

'tlon. NortitIdalio;.Uie.lrrigaled.any.Ui8lIs iarmtd w d w waWt. at\d lUe

im y land, lhal without waler and In less ‘Ide- f.vorable locations for non-Wgal* «b ie ed (arming than U found In the • VtA mrriculiural land tecHont ot North P « - Idaho. . / .

The movement met wIUj BpprMlot an memben o l the board to^ud- ing Oortnwr 0. Ben Rou Secretary

B oil o( su te rred t Wikena Aitomey I S a atritrti Fred Babcock A u ^ 1 0.

oallet and Tteaturer George Bar- >boul re“ -rttU C ulailt Rerenoea^ The reduction In attested Valua*

Uon. will curtail all local govern- S S nenUl rerraue* bul'lii an amount ~ w ^ eftlmated to the board; Tha ’2 ^ total tax (or tU te and'ali ^vem - : S ! ment lubdlrtslont w u computed for

the. l u t lectiUture/_ t _ a |» ^ g l . ;

laied c la^leaU ont make up a large por* -uc* tl'on o( (hi! tax. llte ad valorem « n t t*X_o(_|S^,OOg, levied _upon the , liu MunUet annually lor stale expendl* nt«d turet wiil not be affected by the re-___ ductlon. • .

• The board made the teducUon u - a measure of relief to the loduitiy.

which it waa (elt had been.aorely hit by low prieet and a patUculariy

' hard year In many aeeUona bteatiso of drouUi.

P No fUtement w u made wheUier Illl tlsnUURduetlonaiRMUdberuxted to oUier clattet o( agricullural land tuch u puture grating and waste, nor WheUier th e . reduction would

riee extend ta oUter Industrte* whleh have pleaded for relle( Including

n f lumber, theep. railroad power, and ” telephone.


■nte FRiEDBIcnsHAFEM, Oermany.(Tne*dayMomlngl.Aug.l8WV-The.

EfK or«( Zeppelin, In command of Dr. w m Eckentr, ItlV le t Ufttlon a l 7:0S A. M. loday, to make lls (Int

Ilry. iinding on-Engltoh-toU.-TherB-were- J3 pawengen aboard, Including two


S W ATERY BURYING PLACEked ■ ____In* OHICAOO, Aug. 17 W l-Patrick un- noche, ehlet inveailgalor for tho )re- aiate’a a tlm ey , aald tonlghl he bad in* recelred informaUon wltt Uie bodlu I tn o f s « t t» l . mjatetfouily mUatag

ganplen were a t the bottom of a . water-tilled rock quarry, JOO feet

*in deep, near Chicago.,*1): Rocheuldhewuconjlderlngtcnd-

ing a deep-tea diver Into tho Quar- ^ ry. InformaUon about Uie tupposed ’i? : teerel burying pUce w u obtained.I"UlGllIiKilSiriH iiiiH im ittiitUieu . MAUD, Idaho. Aug. 17 WV-Al-

ger bert Madsen, IS, w u killed, one of 'or* h it broUien w u rendered uncon* slls sdous aad three cUier broUten wero ire- knocked down by lightning •which ts - struck Utem near here while Uiey rge were reluming lo their home in a es- buggy from' work la the fleldt to- ich. pjght. ■ . ■

Albert w u drlrtflg the' te'am of „ horae* when an electrical storm

^ br«ka.OM-«T-th» honu-waa-kllM ^ and Ult bolt followed Mte Itau to

the body ot Albert RajTMadaen lort If* conadousneu but w u not aerloutly

h u r t Dee, OWford and-Reed wero J r Uitwm fttim Ute.buggy but esaptd

wlUicut Injury, dl- All a n the tons ol Ur. a sd Mn.

Frank Uadtea, Ualad. , ,

I ,


F A L IT jV lN F A L L S . IDA H O . TU ESD A ’

'etween Cuba’s I And Loyalists JW More CertainIN P re s id e n t M achado A bandons

P la n s f o r R i:tum to S ea t

o f N a t io n , ' ' H otbed ol

'jK ; R evo lu tionary A olivitlesillus- _ _

llio - • rnyThoAsftxlalcd'Preis)e e» . H A N T A . C L A R A , Cubn.

S Au(r. 17— P re s id e n t Ger- Dndo k J j ta c h a d o o f Cuba lly,.,. la te . ton lK h t.abandoned . planH

fo r rctvrninK to-llnyam wjieiiI iiuiicntionH in til ls province,

] tlic iiotbed o f th e revolution, liointeil ton ik 'lit to th e jmssi- , . i n l>ility o f a n Im m inent conflict

M L betw een In su rg e n tf l-an d 'lo y - l | |U aliKtii.

The presidential train malnUlned . (ull head o( ftejm on the siding

, hue. but the arrival o( Senate Sion Presldenl Clemcnlo Vniques BeUo.

. like the presldenl a native of SanU lash Clara province, lent strength lo Ute

Blifiarenlly nutlienlle InlormaUon tu re ttlll the president'! retum.would be

Several brushes betwen Infantry nnd Insurgents occurred over Ute provlne. W .! .

lash* All roads aro cire(ully walched. ly In Neither newt nor nimor eould bo hBiis liAd Of Colonel Roberto Mendct

Penate and Colonel . Aurello HevU,' («o leaden in the uprising who are

II te- tsld to be opentlng In this tecUon. three Callen thronged the provlnelal ,,-ri paUee here and congratulated Uie ,* ■ president. / •

The (ate’of fonner President Ma­rio O. Menocal Colonel Carlos Men- diela and nine memben o( their

V " , tUlf, Imprisoned in Cabana (ortress, h u not yel been, decided. It w u

if f ! home province o( President Ua*. ,*,h- chado. waa described by him aa

The president declined to u y how roval many troopt wer# operailng In elud- Santa Clara but remarked Utey clary -irould be disposed through Ute wney province u w u necestaty."-E.O. --------Bar- REBELS CONCENTRATE .

HAVANA Cuba Aug. 17 porta reaching Havana tonight froa Ulterior polnU u ld 3000 rebeU in-'

alua* eluding 1800 well-armed troopa, rem- were eoneentratlng la SanU Oar* uuni prorince ahd 'th a t a decltlre en-

Ths'itagtment w u expected ahortly In rem- uie >1clnlty o( Trinidad, d for Severn minor akUnlshea In tha Kli* tector wtre reported loday but !ur«

por* (Continued On Pago 8, C0l. 8) .

i i t i m - s vmoLmcRiTic


W itn es s T e ra is , P ro p o sa l to

« In c rea se ' R a te s ■ “ Rani<

J S 5 S o r t o l D isc rim inatio n”■hlch .

'‘Hss WASHINGTON. Aug. 17 (ffl - Railroad proposal to lacrtase (night nt«a w u ealled "rank dltertmhia-

. Uon" tn favor of Uie United SUtea ilL S Steel conwraUon by F. A. Ogdm.

PltUburgh. In tcfUmony today be- fon the Inlenute commerce com-

■Tha' Dr. Ogden. rtpresenUng Ute ^onet and n I t lAughlln Steel eorponUon. w u the lin t t in t of a group ot wlUiesiea oppos- n re - Ing-nU Increasu on nw.materlali . t»ti UKd hi making tteeL

The existing rale on Iron ore. he u ld , glvet a "tremendously high re- lum" to the railroad!.

' ^ "It looks b) the la}-man." he add- ed. "like an absoluU oul and oul Ux and U In no aense a matUr et

ivi.w nasonable pay for tenrlce."Spokeimen for the Youngstown.

Ohio., and Buffalo. New York. Jf“ Chamber of Commeroe. Uie Nation-

al Paving Brick Manufacturing u - tocUtlon. and Ute Onlted" suies

“ Fisheries assodatlon. also appeared today In opposition to Ute Increase. ]

Three hearhtgs on Uie tUllrosds' Uld- plea for a IS per cent genenl ad* uar* ranee In freight cbaiieB wen In oMd progrtu In various aecUona ol the

country. CommUsloner Joseph B. 'orld Eastman opened hearlnp for the

south a t AtlanU and Commlislonen E. I. Lewis and WlUUm E. Lee at .

' ' San Franclsea Commissioner Mejtr. , presiding a l Ute hearing here, «-u , astltled b>- Commissioner Claude R. .

f Porter, w ho recenUyvconcluded , ■ hearlnga 'a l 'P o rtIaadn»t5oH r»n ' £ week. g

Witnesses here today ttllenied u .Al. sUtemenU made by olher thippen ,i . ‘t lart week U ut Uu raUreadt would . i n i lose business by hiereathig rates. ,

S T RA FFIC O FFIC E R S W A R - S U’I ON AUTOMOBILE n o i s e s ;to- : n

. Somethlnghugotto'bedoneaboul li , ttxetslrely noisy ■ automobile!, sc- aJ l cording lo word Uiat h u come down^ to 'tta te traffic afflcen In Idaho, a ;“2 W lti’ S lk e n ifiil-wmTunde-flhe h

baaarBitrldenl,ahrlektaghomsand nwhltUetandcul-otiU equipped wllh u

^ faulty muiners or no mutnen a l all. o: ^ ITiue th ln p most b* corrected, or, N P” aeeordlng to Harry D. Kingsbury. «

atate iraffle o((lcer In UiU dlslrict. clin . o((endlnzmoU>ritUwillhaTeto"leU SI

l i to th n u d ie - '


SDAY M litN lN G . A U G U ST 18. 10

S Cody’s Kin Meet Again

t n B '^^'At-o, N. v„ Aug. 17 i<n-t f t i From all polnls o( the com­

ps I some 40 people gathered h<- P today lo pay Ulbulo lo the niflcor>- of a man whose Uirlll*

dons dteds wrre once the by-word I ol ■ thf land— "Bullalo BlU" S e a t lighter.

"iluIUlo BIU" died In IB17 but Af <‘Ac!i year members ol hU (amlly

cnllwr <0 lay tribute 10 his mem- “ty and lo recall storlra of the

l l l « dsy wiifii Ih« lamous pUlnunan rode Uie Wcsienj range.' There are ot.'ier purt>d«es (or the re-

I union. A hlslory of Uie Cody lubn, lamlly Is bring crmplled and the G er. clillfrrnt memben bring new- 'iihn "IluKalo Bill’s" explolU, lo Ihe cniliPrins each year. imnH ... f f „ tijo brings Uie elec- k-Jieil tlM liJ iifw ollleen lo Jjead Ihe InPC. lawlly oMociatlon. The ollleen llm> lire elccU'cl by mailed balloU and “ llie luccewtul cnndldaiea nre In*

nailed diirlna the reunion. Wll* lllc t Ilam c<Kly Bradford. Casper. Wy* loy.- oming.-a-at eleeted president thU

year, lie succeeds Charles P. lined «rchll«cl o( Ble. Penn*WIM •yl'ai‘1‘1. Other oKlcen elected‘m u »'«■ Toron‘0- »«*S Wehard A. Cody. Boston.2*“ ' vice prrtldenl: Miss LydU Cody, “ f i t Cleveland, elmlrman of Ute lam-

lly lilstorj-board.Id be —

r M i i " I iiS ffllC H lmon.

' Near l y 3 0 0 P e rso n s E njoy

i l S : ' ■ D inner a n d P ro g ram in

K Tw in F a lls C ity P a rkWU _

n a n Fnak DeKIoti, Iller, w u reelected Ua*' ^ealdeni of the Iowa associaUon at

„ u ' on annual picnic meeting attended a to by nearly 30Q persona a t Ute Twin

vZ Palis City park Sunday Hlemoon. -Mrs.'GeorEeEih^l. Filer, wucIeeU

r t e ed' vice prealdenl, and.M it. IL W. th n Levelie. secretary, the Addresses were delivered (ollowlng

the dinner by Rev. 0 . E. Heimtn. p u - Uir ol Ute ru s t MeUiodlsl Episcopal churth. Flier, who tln s ted tbe tplrlt*

.R .': ual aspectlof community gaUterlnp, 3 ^ and remaritea Uial many of mlnl^ 1 ' ten tUa will attend Ihe Idaho con- ^ (ircKe of h it chureh received their S S ; edue*U oalalow .|byCapU laJ,W . ^ PwCr. Twin Falla ■iawTcr,- who de- , In dared Uial.undtje epncentnUon of . treallh haa 'auaed Uie.preaenl de*tha' presslon in agtlculture; by Mrt.S.E.

fur. Vanhouien, Buhl, who apoka ori not* _ A ntllvft titiM.and daughIen_fiL 8) Iowa, and ta, Juneau 11. Shlnn, who

. called on>iHr people ol Iowa a s ^ * bled Utere Itfttlpport Uie gorerhitenl

-•— ln-tlme-ol-atTeas,-espeelally-auUtU Ume when the president ol the Unll­ed SUlet la a naUre ot Uielr tUU,

p n There-w^a communltyslnilng led I ‘ by Mis. W. II. Dwlght, Twin Kails;I I vool toios by Misa Ftancea ilelman.' andMUsMaryUarlz,Bulil,andlwo

whUUlng aoloaW Mn. Erhardt. II w u voted to hold Ihe next meeUng

I to a im # county fal.troundi In PUer. A commltUe conalsUng of tin . Van

onlr HouUn. Mn. P. W. McRoberU, Ju* neau H. ShUin. M. Mlller andpU i

| .„ i i Sampaon w u. appointed to prepare ion a progn m (or uw aKalr next year.


!Jil* suh l highway district, by lU board f sT: ofdlnctoneomposedofO.F.'nipm* c Z . u , Oeorge Wade and EmealMoUa-

der. yetUrday brought acUon ta Uio dlstrlctcourtbyBoUiwellandChap- man. Twin Palla lawTen, lor con*

‘JS* demnaUon ol a strip of Und on Uie 'JS*,’ property ot Mr. and Mn. Luka' V.

BohBer:Buh1,allcg«<Jtobent«s«ry ^ for tho necessary and proper Im-

'• he prorement ot the hlghaiy beiween Buhl aad Cutleford.

?jMiilIsis HIM ins ilaies ■

S ' : M rs. S , J . K elley, K imberly,

C h e a ts D ea th In Accident

' 2 a t R a ilro ad Crossinothe

Mrt. 8. J. KeUey Kimberly, about e 50 yean old. escaped wlUi bruises

and ahock when the aulomoblle tha* “ w u driving tUUedonacrosslngeatl

o( Kimberly Uto yesterday after-

ished by an eatUwund Oregon . . Short Line freight tn ln . View of

»‘M the crotslng w u obaeured by weeds, P*” ll waa reported, tn d Mrs. Kelley be* ould frightened and lort contrel

wben UiB oncomtng ualn sounded IU whlrtle u she drove onto the raUs.-Paulag-rootorisla..hmuehlhet.

. r c >0 the county gtneral hotplUl here >tO where an x-ray examination showed

no bonea broken, tn d there w u no bout Indlctllon of inU m tl injuries, the sc- nllendlng phytleUn tUted.

own Mra. Kelley, wbc. w u al one time sho. a realdeat o( Boise, b u made her Ihe h6ffirrarw W fy«H l>«riiinrfarm and near Kimberly. Bbe w u (or a m e with treasurer of the'Twin Falla Church ialL o( Uto Naxmne. tn d when Ui«, or, Naxarene church a t Kimberly wa| wy, organlxed aoma monUia ago ahe be- rlcl. came a charter member and b u 'leU served alto u prealdent of Uie MU-

iinwufy (oeiety. I


r s i i T iio ; t i . ■

l im S fi 1 8TD11[11 GBi111*ird -------

Fa rm B oard P e ru se s inqu iry

» From NanRIng a s to T erm s

Sj ' On W hea t W hile Plan to

f " Aid C otton M en Cfiiriibles

inyTliflAHOcimPdPrfMii'u tT t r A S l im O T O N , Aill!. 17 W ChineHCKOvcrnmcntof*

-- - ficioln todfty-JicRan-nc. K otiatloiis l(Hikln(r W n'ard tlic

nd purclmKc of fnVni boa rd w heat n* fo r th e relief o f flood su ffor-

ern in the Ynniibto r iv e r val-> ley. ■ _p. A n inform al Im ju iry w as n* addreaiicd t6 th e s ta te depiirU ed ment lo learn the amount ol wheat !c* available, on credit termi. No del- )n. inlie iiropoallbn w u Included, liow- ly. ever, ellher u lo Wrma or quantliy.

■ Tlie communlcallon. for«:arded liens by Ute American consuUto at

~ Nanking, w u senl to Ihe Iarm board. r = i Tlm board controls more than 300,-

000,000 busliels of wheat...........Meanw-hlleriwo more-relKlloni-ot

lU collon desinicUon plan wero re­ceived iby'the board. They cameIrom the Rovemon of Arkansu and

I Oklalioma who tubmlUed counter I ■ proposals Io tlie sUHRcallon ol plow-IL Ing under every third tow ol lUnd­

lng cotton u a means of redifcing supplies and Increulng prlcei.

inu . At lease Kven of the M govcmon have now rejected the plan. Bix have

Jn ollered oUier propoaaU to accom- pllih Uie same purpoee.

-in view o( Chalrman-SUna'a In- arl dlcallon that, 10 of the largest cot­

ton stales must agree, abandonment , . of the plan now appean eerUln.

.While Uie board hu .ha tt no op- ® “ porlunlly to consider UiJ lnIom«il S r inquiry ol Ute Chinese government. ^ Stone recalled today.lhat he Iiad held ” ?•. InfomiBl discussions wllh MlnbUr

Wu belore Uie latUr'a reslgilaUon in whleh he ouUlned tlie term* ae*

, c(puble 14 Ute board (or wheat pur*, chaaet. Tbese look plaje aereral «onU u ago.' Slone Urmed China Ute jrtaleat potential market in the world (ot all coramodlUet. He ttld . however, there niuit be-conUnued Improve* ment ta IU tnniporttUpn tytUm' and t mon tUbla gowmhient

• s u te ■ department < odlclala.. de* lefibM (he ChloM auggtetlon u

> ^ luvlng been on t "butlnea baail."conlemplaUng buying tho und^Ur*

^ ^ mined quantity of wheat on eredlt ^ The gnln

J J ” IHi Orltnl t o i p t l n i . ' ,

FiD0Sit?F«CE8- § ' i l l f RIFT

I t _____

Pciltflial C irc les D etec t

D ifference B e tw ee n Ctilef

w . ‘E xecutive a n d T am m an y

' NEW YORK. AU*. 17 ( ^ W h l l t ON Tammany Hall'a peUtlon to Oor*

emor Rooaevell for t n InuaUgaUon ^ hito alleged eomiptlon la ul>-auta ^ RepubUcan clllea w u betas drtfled jQ . today, Ute prospect w u teen la lha aome political circlet here of t wld- ,o , enlng. r ill between Tammany tnd nn. Uie man promlneoUy mentioned U t tha pottible Dcmocratle presldenUtl . V candidate.

The demand Uial Uie KolstadUr 1 eommitlee broaden'lu Inquiry Into p-n Uu Democratic government ot New

i . York. Clly lo taelude auch Repub- \ ' I lan ttrongholdi u Buffalo tn d

S' Blnghamplon w u being drawn up by Senator John J. Dunnlgan, tpoket- man for Ute Democratic minority of Uie eommhUe.

The leglslsture will meet in ape­cUl teailon Tuesday of next week, et- p e ^ I y lo consider empowering the committee to grant genenl immun­ity to wllnestet It callt In' IU New York Clly Inquiry. Senator Dunni-

.|u gan U expected lo demand a l that time Uiat Ute governor aeek pau*

,_ i age of a bUl aUndIng U a hiqulry 'III inlo Republican •Urrllory. In tome

quarten here, ll w u predlcUd that ng If Governor Rootevelt ahouki teeede

to Uto demand he would to aroute , U ie.lreotnepubllcansutoham per

legUUllon of tny kind.^ Tho governor h u n o t discussed h it “iJ aUlludo toward a Tammay tpoaaot*

th lp 'of hU'poaslble candidacy and nelUier former Oorenwr Alfred E.

S c nitlnwiil rVmnf^H>»’“ J leader arid a power In the New Vork ” otganlalloancrtheo((lceno(T%m*

many yet have had anythhig lo u y regarding Uie mailer.


;S- E N T E R W R lH )tO U flT -

M ATLANTIC.CITV, N. J , Aug. 17 he WV-Execullve council of Uie Ameri­

can ftdenUon of U bor In tettlon ne here today approved t propoul Uiat ier Ute United SUtea accept member* rm ihlp-ln-the-wcrld- court ta-tceord- se anee wlUi Uie Root formula, th The councU >lto eipreased tp - h« prort) of Uie allk worken' tUlke ta

pauenon. New Jersey, tn d declared >e- Ute employen wen in tloUUon of IU the wage tcalt matatenance pledge It- lo President Hoorer in-lDU by eon* I

Unued rediicUoBt tn Ult *>«« m U. ' I

Y NEUEunm AiretT Qunut;. o r CmCULATlONU

[ Terrified Nt I Residents 1 y|] Fire Levels


u iry , L IN D B E R G H S'H O P 01

rmS NC.MURO, H o k k a id o , J tp 1 ■ (Tuesday Momlngl Aug. 18 (/T)

' The Ochllshl radio tUUon co b le s morning, the undi

sUndlng that Uio Llndberglit wc delayed their (lart'Irom Petropa lov»k becauM ot unfavorable weal erlo tlieeoutlh— -

’ ‘ No Indication was Pelt ' of* pnvlovsk ot wliat lime the (aat bla -nc- monopUnemight depart.,-.

iDIEGlilLS ^ CMI F i lheat _____del-

Bai<er S h e rllf T ak e s Persi

r i ta B elieved to Havo S tag i

J J B iitlle a t San Jac in

]W ia iiC b re '7 iii! 'nH V .A ln mf wh9pollceuyls6Uven6mlUi.war

cd in Lot Angelet. w u captured .A ", therilfaolllocn and tU U police t( , en mllet from Pnlrie City Sund

nlghl. Heubelngheldforcallforr“ J ; . . iM i i iu . . ,

Smllh allegedly engaged In a r battle wllh thetiffj odioera t l i UUh Construeiloa compaay'a ouj a t flin Jaelnlo, Nenda, l u l Frid and escaped In an autom^Ue oim by the eompany. He It tald to ha

‘ ''J ' foKcd Spencer Pingret, employe “ h Ihe (Irm, to drire him 10 Unlly, Ot

gon, where Stnllh got oul o( Uu t and ordered plngree 10 ket^drlrh

m«il . . . * ___nent. Archie Bowman(SanJactalo,ma held ager of tiu Utth CosslrucUon COI bU r Psn)*nnches,wutaTwtaFalUyi ^Uon Urday lo meet hit chauffeur. Spe , ae. cer tlijgree, 'who w u Umpotir Dur* "borrowed" Ftliiay along wUh fc » r t l Bowman'acar.bySmUh.tUu’‘J.

Howard." eteaped CaUlornU co ite tt vlct tlU r t'specttcuUr bttUa wl , for oidcen, tnd. lubsequettfc parley, ever, whleh Howard, htrtag tll Ute wea we* otit, d lcuud Wfown termt. .T lUm' eiuuKeur tnd ctr.wen in good co

<UUon, (aUotlag Uuir rtlcate U Af. potat'aboot to .^ le a touthweit

, u Baker^ ottgoil.Jiiher* Howard ^ u itr M r . 'P b s ^ t d l iu t t l F .U .6 a U eter* day, Just 34 houn alUr he eoi U l t macdeertd Uu e tr tn d driver lUdn Nevada.;i4 a ~ur.-Bowmtnrtecomptai«d-by-l

chauifeur went F r l ^ wlUt Slier Joe Hanlt. Elko.' couoty and one bit depuUet lo Ute Canyon nnch

------the Utah'CotutnieUon'comptnjr ITrout creek, i i mUet trom S tn J clnlo, Balurday, where Sheriff Hi

R ' r b lold 'Hoi^ard". he w u wanted Calilornla-.- -HowMd," wh»-w •dtliliH't^BewBr wheeled ott Uu te

. tnd itrtd f t ihe'ahemr. who dn hU gun Vnd'ta fUpptaf bacit t

, ■ inlotdlufi;Ktdleaiiilsweapon.X teOt dtpuiytpenSrnn.wUhaatuUiaui

• ' pistol whltlt jiftae<( alter U>« (U h lef th o t "Uoward- tired meo H II

deputy and mlteed him tn d Un

a n ycounty car aod drire' twty, t( l

- which heiBvlwdMr.Bowman tog 'hll* tatohlsow nearU hetaujU dlot:

ride wllh lilm and ' Ih l Bowmi ^ chau((eur; "iloward" Uien mtde U * •4 Bowman ehau((eur driv# hhJfkwt fled (topping al tlie ranch thacic to tdd I to rUle to hU arienai. Olfleen fro "*l* here drove lo Rogerson oh receipt' “ Q word of the CKape, but "Howan u t indhUdriver had prevlouttydrin

Uireugh lhal and other Sahnonpr

^l*r Tlitro V u a gentral feeling Un tnto ‘■Howard’ would Uke IUt driver iNew tome secluded spot aad murder hi. jub- — ■ I ^tn d (Conaaired On Psge 5, CoL 7)


•pe- -------' SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 17 W> “ e Bjinj • twin tomeUmet b u IU t<

Waller Snyder w u ha lrf tal court hen lu t April oa a charge < auauli pre(erred by Bay Quayl

“ *• but esubllshed an allbL •““7 Thereupon anoUter compUlnt ws

(lied agURit his twin brother Wl 'M t iiin . Today Uils wudltraltaed,U: *de prceecutlng (illomey announein ’tise Quayie w u nol able to ldenU(y Wll iper Uam positively;either.

iB O ii i lL iel-OKIMEfiSOm“ J' TOLEDO, (Tuesday Moiitiag) Alll

.18 wv-Llves o( six persona were ei . d a n { tr td a ll:tfA .M . today whe 1 . t bomb, described by poUee ta <

Frye, secreUry o( Ute BeUer Bustaej • 17 Bureau.eri- The bomb thaiured Ute wladov ■loa otUtehousebuldldnooUierdaffiagi h a t Moonewulhjured. w * ftjr t 't IWO daughter, Marr, H . an T d- jnltt-ge»f,-ia . wtre - taieep-la-

downslaln bedroom tn d were ofal ap* abcutJlrafeetfrom when the bon I ta exploded. and hU wife wn red sleeping ta anoihrr room..o f Mn.BeUeK6fUUdtaodUn.Mtl dge Ue Klein, other oeeupanU of U: on* two*lamUy house, wtre s i e e ^ tn tU .'room orer Uw poreh.

T O D A Y :, Cloudy.

E W ^~ _ p / C A G E 3 - 5 C E N ; r S

Northern Idaho Flee Fierce Is Heavy Timber^i H undreds o f M e n B a ttle DCS-

p e ra te ly A gainst. D evasta -

ting D em on Again S ta jk -

j " - Ing A lqno L engthy F ron t?

Tjpavi (By ■rho AstocUled Prett) reaUi- n PO K A N E, A ug. 1 7 -E lc c -

^ W eal s to rm s se t s c o re s ' black "O"' fo re s t'fire a today

w hllo-fiam ea .th rca tcncd .hu*-_ maa Uto And <!cgtroycJ farm homes in N o rth C entral Idaho

1 ' nnd w estern M ontana.■' ReAldentfl o f T roy in N orth ‘ u r C en tra l Idaiio fougH l despor*

Uf* a te ly to chcck n conflagrationI L two miles, from their doorsupe whllo

oUten alobd by to carry packed be* longing! lo u fety thrald Ute wtad chtnge. A btnd of 1000 theep w u

ifSOn tnpped to d Ibe faU ol an unldenU*, (led herder w u unknown. At leu t

ag ed seven (armt were deitreyed.ResldenU of Fbm t, t Uay htm -

ClnlO let on Crtig nounUta. souUtwett of Troy, Uenched U«hr lown u tn - oUier (Ire tpprotcbed Ute ouUkirta.

. A m a n t rtaldence w u Wnied;-but- I S f t- the wind died dowa urly (onlght

Scorea o( tmaii tpol llret, le t b y , buming bnnda from Ute . Midget ■

7,^ l« cttek area, added to tbe deniutlon fnmik north ot Troy. Great armlet of

flghten were moving agalnsf Uie |. major bUtet. but Major E. W. Kei*.

ftSU" ley, regUnalforetUr.MUiouU, Mon­ti Uie (ana, u ld 'on ly heavy ralnt-would* f«)e»> check the tpot flrta. WlUtfaronble

wlndt any one of Uiete might dc- jOTCd „iop a connagnuon, ho aald.

haneaC tnrnghU tw .. .. Airplanes carried ' (IghU n 'and

u car equipment to Midget creek whero rtrlns. fl“ MS eorertd rllWsmUe f ro n to i - • tho northeul tnd a n mUtt on Ul#

louUiwest ’ Thtiuppllea wera drop- .

• Dcttna ot amall'firea. beUered to hare beea set by tacendlari«.'men». aeed Uie DUmond Uke'tumhiet col-. ony. M mUe* nprth of hen. V t««

i f ’ UoaUU,midMUoLNewport,Waah-., 2 ? : ington, neirEy, -tnd .gornnaent'. ' ^ b t t U e d to ttre doxent o f a m -,

n e r coUagta ta d reaorta. 'A aUgbt. ; '” *5; ablft la Uu wind pewlbly wlU m m - ,


and 60,TO#nported,from C ea_^l., “ “ Idabo and 18 from MonUnt -The

MonUnt' tlret .were'ta Ute 'fctud,. t>r-hU cretkrtDd-PoweH.dlstrteU- o f .Uia - hertlf Lolo forett, while Uute in Idaho dot*. me of Ud Uu Selwty, CletrwtUr tnd Mti, ich of pereeforeiU. • . /,uyon - Aa llghtnlng'flrta-eom frrW nat- n J t - tmoulder tmoktleta for d ^ forett lUr* OlflclaU tald m any:n6n probtblT

ted ta would be reported t o e n . • - w u F^reaU n n Under'dry. Uu hu* .

i S S (OonUnaed 0 a .p t |e 8, OoL 7) — :

“ * 4 ' ' 'w Fam ous' F ig u re Volces’ Sus-

l w . p ic lo n s 'o f O rganization!!

’ A im s a n d 'O 'N e il A nsw ersIptol»ard" — .

P O R T t A N D I 7 W - M ^ '.

uie American Legion, today branded u 'enoneoui tnd u n f tir t iU U * - -

.n,,“ ment tlWbuUd to Dr. Ileniy Smllh'' Prtlchett. pretldent emeritus,of tho 7) . CamegU Fbundallon (or (he Ad-

' nneement .of Teaching. criUcUIng j c Uie American LegUn for lU "ta-

(coded n ld on Ute treasury of Use ftNT UnlUd SUUa.- . .

"Itu American legion nerer h u \ ( n _ ta Ihe part or. ta my opinion, aerer 1 11^ wUl in Uu fuiure u k anyUilng U ut

U unfair or th a t WlU place'an''Un* ' info J u t ftatocUl burden oa' Uu coun-

goof UyAO-NeUBid. iWle. Ke n ld Uie real obJecUre of Uu

Uglon hat been to Tet dlnUlity ■ *'*■ compentaUon but U ul It never h u

atked t pentloa for .tble-bodled

wi’/ RefetrtaE to Ui» adiuted com* pentaUon bUl patsed by tbo. Uit

. congreu. O'Neil tald' Ihe bUl 'wu . p n endorsed by Ute Legion only after U ' Ll had been patsed by oongrett. - L u 'The only Utlng UiU bUi doea." ha

tald. “is to aUow veterans to borrow |1 |L Ih^lf furn money »t a raly of in* l i i u terest pronubla to the g o ren m u n t--

O'Neil tald he had no ’great re- .5 ,, tpect for Uu CamegU FoundaUoa"

aad tald' he disliked to aaiwer Dr. PriUhett't report uaUl he bad Uma to rtudy I t .

: Uta O'NeU said be did net kaow erD . -what Dr. MUheU meant by lha taeii qooltd tUlcmeol:

TUIfl B»Uee.wu gireo to Uta dowa peopU of tbe United SiaUa lhai. ■ sage, tbe leaden af Uu Jlmerleaa 1#*

(ion Intended to tald Uke UcaaBry , and ef Ute VaiUd SUtM by Ibe aame .l a - t -proceaa-tiavtgli whleh tbe Oraad-----ohly Army af Ute BepaUie w u In&a- ■ . m b fom lrffn B tp tU M iea o d eiy le . were ■ pedUetl' aabstdMetklag eq » * '

Dbattea.”Mti* O'NeU wUl le an han-probably r Ute tomorrowtottteadUuW tthtaftoo.-

“ ■ " " ■ - l i

Page 2:… · P U .H . Edition v^Hl-----------yoCTrrrornn— . ~ ^ ' N : E A W H G E

‘■ H "

L a t te r D ay S a in ts o f Caroy

And S a lt L ako , C ity Jo in

' In N ortil SidB C a tlitrlnB

m o i o , Aag. 17 to TM iUk* o f ^ eburcb

■ ot lh« U tltf D»y 8itnU JkM k eon- ferenco Saturday, lud Sunday >t Jerome w nJ eJiureJi. »l»ui iOO p«r- loni ttund ln r Uit momlai irortlilp hour tnd conlfrtnw »e«lon eundiy UtcfDooa.

. jiM lln p ol the Voun» PeoplM* IU* llet MXlelr Uld Mutual luproi’ement

' aiwelillon vere h«Sd SttuMoy wmoon *nd eundiy mornlaB, wBen Mr*. Ida P. Be»L lUke leader ot the RtlKf loclety t t Soil Uke Clly. tnd Q (u r A. Klrktiun. teprctenlttlva ol IM 'Youns ilen'a Mutual tuoeltUaii tnd ot Uu bay Kouia. kiu ol Bill

• L tkt City. Kidrated th« ««mWW.. At Ui« nomlog vorUiipMrrlce on

~auod»y, muilfi WM »uppiied by Uie Jcfotnfl Ktnt eboif uaier.tia Iei6ts-

; tbiQ ol lUarr Oi:a, jnd by « wtX . quartet trom Carey, Idaho..' Th« general conference tnecUtii

^ b n ta Sunday tiu n o o n t t 3 o'clock, wtth a <uart« ctmpoMd ol Ktmieilt

• a ikm an. Urnry GUu, Arnold Jor- genion. Uld Ctrl OtUer coniMbuilns

• muile 10 th# jw n u h . BUhop Jonn i Weill, W t U W City, v i l Un prin- i dp«l Ipeaker et Uie dty, choeting u

hi* Ui«m»:-ni# Oewrtl odpel Doe*) trine.* OtearKlrUiam'tlu tddreu-

cd the eoAlertnct on the ln]urlu ot ' (be tebteco htU t to retuif peoplt.. Out-ot-lovn TUlton * ir t Pietl- . d tn ludU r< .W .t-A dia ioa ,D ti« ;:

.Councilor JotcpBCooper,.Ctr»yj ttr. r - u u f U n . Jo2ia.wtllf,0alt.l^< Cjt/f ^ Mr. tnd Urt. Jtm ei Cooper, Otrty

u r . tnd U n . R. K. AdaoioD, Ctrey] U(«. Id i p. Betl. 8 tlt U ka Ctty]

■ - n d Otetr A. KifUam. M t U ks

•CiflEN E N IE flli'

••'BOHU 'Auff. JT (Bpefllil. lo Tlie

i ,'tntmotlat hetllh ctap.tnierUtiMd t ' UKttudleDcaotpirtiiUtndtrMndi

t t a n rled tnd Interdllnc p n in n i !} ssnd ty aitenioon a trU fli.lhe lu t I ! TlilUni dty betore.thfl etmp eldiM

li - lB tbeB ftab inp rttm ua ; ■ • ■ ; c '. - T U p n tn m epUMd .with thi

‘ ; of v u ilvcb by- Otthertni I h - HlUreth u d a de« dtoc* by BiUi l r > WlnmetB{oltoY«d. ApoupoCgTm* | t < ' DatUei.'tbi “intkeskin. eartvhteli. I t eIepbant^ciKt(.Uiroutti the broom, I t s ; c an tl ■ vane, > to lM ir. cttdi, vhe«l* H b ; buTpv andji’QOHPMt>C*tr« ilven I • ' b ^ ^ g « t» ^ y ; '; t l » ' t n t l f r .* ^ ef

fl K o v S 'W tl i^ ’f t n a n td ln s ,H « ilh iT T tjy .ac rleket dtnot. a BOV-

n t l t to M W number r t T l t n n “ by , . zuioe Alim and a.ibort btaltti Pity : 1 v u f t m b r a qu^ .o f.- th t^ S ad*: , diet. T b t pretrtm cloted w ltt U» i. ■ train toni by Uu entlra eborUL:T: ' An imtruUiq-'tMtura o( the «o-

, krUlnmeBt T t t i b t miuuaO dli<

l o m e o i i M E s : :

i : ; i i p i o i i i E

f .0 J U a £ Y ,A u f . 'iT '( s '^ b T 1 ie 0f. m vi).-O tU ey ttin l b itb lebeol >

<* VlU tedn tho tttto n 'i vork Augtal , . . . 91 vllh tbe toUovlnc ttcolly mem- .

:.bertlnctiaTS*S'.' ,,El' J tr td .A. U em r.' prinelpal and f n tU uu ttJe t Utchtr: U n .. U. ^V. ;

r SehUerl,'Ctt8llili u d u u n ; Mrt. r

J. ' Altes r . . Clark,.’ }>«&» m n e a la ;; o ran t Olbton, Bmlth Hufhea. t r l -

; .mltural tacheR-Ovfft P.Burjener.

. : muilci J . Vcm Thompton. tUiktlct u d blitwy; }{(7a) & Hubbard, KJ- f

■■U m t . — ... .. a

f ; •V the OtkJiy.'independent-,dUUUl

numbcrl. Olbert«tc2ienu«lXxi|> i>) lu K . Simon. Dora 6ted,EItlivniU - U ' .tltandnoreneeKaltht..T&liichool

. VlU begin BepUmbvl.' - . - . ^. . . . - . V

I tm n t tciU in Chlogothow d l so per cent of tu ie t namlned m re I

:'r! deleeUre ta'tome atfety devlet or •.V oUw.^ • ____rf

S fHlSWEEK’S I j P g I L

V ■ 4 m l. ,w m I o f Jerom e S lo n s house D eeppre ll . •

V . -E le c tr id ty •; ; . Good outbuUdlnffs

W e e 1125.00 p e t acre., S tilU b le T erm f

-Irrigated -]IV lK .IV to W ■

- H t r R e ilE s la ttO e p tr Thot M. Rob,

, Paga •Two.

1 ~

* T h e W e a t h e rfonroA ST r o l l todav asd

iP TOMORlIOW-a#a(!/ and foolff

'L lAmorrow, trn rn lly lair. '

Mttxlmum and minimum Wmi/r- , aturei In lho.T*ln r»lit vicinity

sy «tre M ind S3.8 d<8ro(3 m the J l- Iteur- period prectdlnt i P. M. }»■

In Krday. according lo the rrport ol D.'B. Clwj'nt. Kmrmment.»fMl)cr

in obKr>er liete. The buromclcr res- ** litcred M JJ incliei at » P.

bumtdlly ranged bfivetn M and H per cent In itie M-hour. pefiwl. The Prtvalllng wind w u wuKietiWJr.

BuiKUyi high and lo*' umpert* "! lure matki %tn 91 tnd M degrees.

llj* day «oi partly cloudj' »tid llic ;■ btftjotcf^r rpglit<Tfd J«.«» >jicJiri al ‘5 5 P. M. A louihwjterly Mud pre- ^ vailed and tiumldlly ranged bcUetn ^ « and M per. ccnt.

f j E B i E l i n o i i i

i III SllCi SESSIONSin _ _

JEROUZ, Aug. n lepcclol lo Tlie N twii-eoclal evcn(< In Jerome lia^i ptovid livelier during theI tlt lev dtyi.

On ytUty Ifiiiltit J llu iJarJaric “ I,‘H«ritMn,cntfrl«l««J i t t cUirm-

Ingly «p(»aiDl«d dinner comiiUinetit- 5 ory to Ctrl MorlUt vho leatca Jer* *• ome loon .. A dellcloui Jlvc-courie

eiimer w u i?r>'«l a l rJsJjl e'ciecl: t t '! a t » ttble loitcluUy Uld lor'tighi ■ penoni ln • color uheme ot pink. " Ivory, ahd eiyilil. T tiw i ot Ivory in '■ p y ilt j lioldtri lighted the dinner* tiblc. u te r in the evening the i^atty '* adjourned to the dtnce at tlio Vic-

lorybtllroonii. ThegueitWiUiclud- ftt buldei the houcu tnd honore«, Mary Ortnntn. lU u l WlKalaoll, Va

* U U tL 'Herluon,ClUi8htvTer,fel- 'j Bchmershtli tnd Htrold

»'« U club were en- tertained Friday a ltcm w ira rih e hocM ofUn.TDmKcluer.Tvotftblei

> ot bridce were In play during Uie at-> Uroooo. f .n lor high «wr«

v»nl le Mn. Hugh Dully, tod low le Mil. Ralph.fihaa-ver. Mn.. U. E. S h tw e r vai t wecitl guui ot the Club, ligh t refrfi/jniMU wire « rr* edllU ieclo itellliegam ai. ■ -

, A group ot neighborhood trlendi I Itopped la tnd turprlitd Mn. Earl x^aneey l u t n id iy tlltnoon on Um oectilon ot her blrtiidiy. Tin lU- Urnoea vm ipeol leelally. tnd re-

1 frubfflentivereunrcd.

i i E l i l j o i N '

f f f S f lG M i i f iSKOaERLY, Aug. IT'lBpeclt) lo

llM Kevi)->6iT(rat Khnberty m t* dCBU' hiTt enjoyed locUl KtHeni durins lh t U tl vtek. .

l l n . . n t l l nam ty.and aon. Arch Saniey, vere p lnftn lly itminied vlwn a Btoup e t relallTei and friendi arrlred a t their home' rrld ty eve* nlQB a t 1:U o'clock v lth lunch bas- UU aod Iced Uk tor aupper honor- ins t te heau on their birthday an* nlvertary. Preient t l Uie pwty vere Mr. u d U n . litrold BetU . and daughter, Ptuy Jean, s t n rnncii* CO, Ctlltomli, Mr. and Mn. Billy Ktyvood tnd diughter, U t 'Ang* elM,-MlifHelM-DrerMr4ndiaa»po*. l lT u r . and Mn. 0 . B. T tiier and chlldrtn, Eden. Mr. and M n. O. A. PaUirton. Ur. and M n.' Oeorge Jonu tnd rtmlly. Mr. u d U n. Mtrk Culler tnd children, u r . nod Mrt. OhariM Orovei, Mr. tnd Ur*. WIU m n oy , Kimberly, Ur. tnd Mtt. neyd Patlertea, Mr.' m d Mn. 0 . OUh. Tvla r^Ui.■ Ur. tnd ur*. m n k 0uri:luKer.

Ur. tnd u n . Ctrl Boyd, Tvln Talli. Mr. and U n . BertSebrltis. Mr. tnd Mn. Dontld eebrtnc aod too, Or’u * lie ?!i«i.'Mlnnfi(«a. ver# »aur- lamed at dinner Wednetdty t l Uie A. J..'Wllien tioms.'.

The Ctlebdtr Tea.elub.vlU me«t WMUuiday, Augwt 19, t l U» home ol U n . Plorence R. Wright. Mn. w.A. L Steve, u n . John W, Hardlo, U n. Etna um are aisUUDt hoi. teuea. A pregrtm It bdns amnged tor the tttemoon.



JEROME, Aug.'n (Specltl to The j Nevil—Thc r liiu o l trlendi and rel* i aU m ol Jtromt leUci havt prorlded ' ucUl Ule here over Uw p u t vtek* end. . . .

Erma May c»jlrer rtturned te her home In Jerome Sundty alt«r an t f tended vlilt in Loi Angelei

Mill rem . Hogendoubler arrived home Thunday lor a tev dty i' vUll vith M ptrenu. Mlu {locendeublcr la ■ It udeni a t U nk'i builneu college. Dolse.

Mr. tnd Mr*. C. B. stunieon tnd rftijgftlfr. Eleanare. IcH saturdiy


A re so- num croua t h a t th e

m ost carcfuI d r I v e r un-

know in^li' v iolates aoma o t them .

T h e wlae d r ir e r In su res

h U poaa iW aH ah llttr .' ,

L a n d s C o ^J e h n B .R o b e r t io n

M fr* In fio rancc D e p t. {

h e r t m i S e e .

- i H s s i m s

tiliP lllC Ili_ ' •

R epo rts ol 12 AssoclslloDs

r i'o i Show .South Idaho Unlliilter

Milfc a n d C ream W old Hiflfi 1(12t • — '

BURLEY, Aug, 17 (SMclal to The N e « ) - o i .12 cow teitins luocla- liQni operitlng in Idaho in IMO, Uil

1 llie Mln'-C*"!* Herd Improvement ti- ‘ toclailon led all others In cream tnd

i.i(Ik iiroductloti. TJw annuiJ ium*• Ln “’“O', reeenUy i,ut oul by D. L. i'ouri.

riteniion dilrynian. iboved tbe Mlnl'Caula afsoclallon cova pro- Cucti tn tvettgi ol JTJ peuodi but- icrfit tnd BTtl poundi milk. There kai an aterage ol 177J cevi In the

tw c TJie W elifr.Pi/eltf tuccUilon IlltJ c roued th t loctl tuoolatlon a clou

mond, having the wme avenge amount ol buiterlit, but t milk avir*

, ‘ L tge ot IMO pound!.!'?.,! Tht UUil-Coula aMoelatlon quit

letllng in Oeetoibcr, I9}0. Many j „ , , dairymen, howeter, tre anxloua tor

. rciumpUon oi iMiing. and It U be- lleved that the toul organiztUon vlll resUme opcralloiii u lOon u higher

u„B iirlceitordtlryproduct4trou*emo« Ij , t interetl In Ihe dilry Induitry. .

i f u i i l l m i '

K F O fillE flf f liT Siree,jV a D u iu iif . Aug. 17 (Speelal to Tlie Kl* KIVD-Ouriey future Ftitnera met

Kridty evening to organlie tot: vork • tor Uw coming ichool term, under

‘>1“ teacher here.‘ t* It v u deckled te enler a com.

munlty tgrlculiurtl exhlbtt'at Ihe* u p tu la county Itlr. etch memtierof > E. ihe'orginization being eonildertd an « '• indlvlduil committee member to !rr- gtUHff ind aaemWe Held produeU.

- The boys hare U llveitock tnd tgrl* ndl cultural projceti. Many decltred the* £trl Intended 10 abo enltreiW blU in the on open tluie» a l Uw /tir. tl* It v u tgretd Ih tt the chtpltf re* metnben take a Judging trip, Auguit

M. atcompanle^J by Mr. WUeraih.. They vUUudgedalorcaUle, hogt tm)'

t ' iheep. Tliere U te be t plcnlo lunOi j at noon, and t svim a(.RoUry be^h ' a t « o'clock. Thete tre tboul 80 boyi [>n in tlie Burley high ichOol clitpter.'

JMlure f trm en , tnd ll U expected th il M more oncoming Itethmen VlU be Uken in u ’‘green'htDdi" etrly

le In Uit tchool term. .:«• -------------------


[ ^ / a u t o m o b il e s c o l l i d e

n . .JEROME. A uTiT(Speeltl to The a i . Ne«t)-A. bad Irlght tn d t badly Of. dtmaged c tr vere retulU ol tn tulo in- tccldent a lew m llu th u tide of c n WendeU Sunday morning in vhleh ,nd the Cecil Boll ttnlly , H t«(lten,'ud eli. Roy WlUUmi; lirmer netr Wendell, Illy vere the vlcUmi.- « . . Mr. and Mn. Boll tnd chlldrtn ^ Iwd Intended going to rtlrlleld lor Uld a lilmle.' R o/ Wlllltma v u driving A. a car u fev yardi ahetd of (he Cott

rge ctr. vhen'WU]lufuLlurDedJnlo.llit:> in , rood leading to hU - f t r t n . , Bett i ,Qd Itnick the ctr.- but no oat v u tn*; t [n. tKltOKgh ihe laialJetl eblJd > ind knocked iiiiconicloui through. • tn . Ihe ludden J ir of Uit t«'o c tn h iu , <

. lUlg, ' ' Jler. f lte im Hopper, Haullon, » lU, happened by tnd loved UieBott c tr i nd into Jerome vbere It vaS Uken to ?

n'gange tnd the family v u taken : Pf. by trie;idi btck lo their J»oSa~Tir‘ in JUiellon. _ .J

mornliig .tor tbelr honie in Chicago [ w. *n«r a brief builneu ttlp tnd vlut * In t t Uie Ouy stutgtpn home here. ' \l, 0, . Adrlin Unduy of Htcelten. who j ltd hu ipentU upM livoT tanlnB outh 1

Amerfti, It ntlHng Jwf SuckJey far S t lev dtyi. . ^

Mrt.Wayne DiUlngertnlvedflun* } day trom Rlvert, Callforolt, for to c

JC JMeftftJle vlj«. .Ur. tnd Mr*. Dellln- n ger letl Jerame a th e n turn age, n

, plunmlg to loei)to in Rivera. b«ti ] * Mri. DeUtnger't poor healUi foreed|0

hw te retun) ie jd th a j


It Pays To Sec Your

'I For Honesnd ISsOKcrdRoadiler.'V guiraniecd_____ __________- IMO Ford Spert Coupe.

L UM Pord Tudor BtitZ ~ ~ ~

IMO f o ^ fittndtnl Coupe,guannwed---------------------------

I'ord nctdUtt,

lUO Deluxe coupe,'. ^ . tu tn n iee d__ _________ - ..... .m g Fiercl Coupt,guannteed’___— _____IMJ Pord Standard Cou[>e,

Ift* DuranlCoupe------ ______ ■ .

; 1W7 ChevpjJeiCoupe ------------------------------------IMO 157-W. B. Truck. SUke Bedy, D

I » S '’« i . t 5 ! ^ T n i c t ^eamplete —■ - ....... - • ■ -< C m tnd Ttueki.*U m akei__________ • - — ’

' Liberal Term a— L<

Union M(Y o ut t O B ,


. . . 1.





IflM JEROME, Aug. 17 iSpecUt to The I l l l l Ne>a)~On Baturdiy evening a ctr l u l l btlAiiliu! to Chatlca McOo«'elI.

Ooodln; county ilock buyer and linn(r..uM Viken trom Ihe Main i tr« t or Jerome.'

[lOflS wr. and Mr«, McDoveii h td eome ,, to Jcfoine to iliop and had parked

u n ll the cur al the Corner ol the P in t Becurliy bmili. Abmit 10:10 llie thelt.

H/gfl r .« dfjrsiwftl m d rcperled le Je-

' No iMce'of the etr hu 'becn dli-. m , ____________ ■


= IIIESJEIIiEPIliKSpro- _____

: hut- . . .rhere JEROME. Aug, 17 (Special to The a Uie K en>-6e(enl accldenU vhlch

might have proved nerioufoecurred lilon m r Die vrfk-end in the vielnlty of clou Jerome.erage Stlurdty allemoon, 'Clarence ' aver* Wllion, tirmer In- the Btrrymore

dlitrlct. « i i knocked unoonieloui quit tnd nillered t brulwd left tn n vhen i

Htny the hty denIck he v u driving ctme ' a for n coiilaet v ith t pover Une. Hov- I be--eVfr.mfd/«/trMtm»ntiooobrooghl iI vlll him to ronicfouinMi and although i Ighcr hU 1(11 trm « u btdly burned, h it I mote eondlllon li not believed to be ttr* <

le u i . • ' I— . The time S ty V ,M « k ien e o u o * JII tered almoit an Identletl tccldint, i N He»«ver, hit tour hortu dravlng 11 Ihe derrick vert killed vhlle none . . . ol the nen were injured, Ueeki U a TC Urmer m PtlU City vicinity.10 Friday evening Uie elght..ycer>oid

daughter ol Mr. tnd Mrt. Clarence • iUddle w u Uie vlcUm-«t an ted*

Th» deal. The glrl htd tlUmpUd U> climb a tree, tnd htd fallen f te o Uie tree, itrlklng her head on » nearby

i>der ctrpenier’i uv*horie and fractur* Ing’the ikull. She underwent u

luru optration~Stturdty-nomlni a t-B t . V ilentlnil iMiplUl, Windell, aad U

:o*P* recovering lUeagUi. tlUMUgb to far the she U unable to itlL

>rof ,d tn KI.MDF.ltLY WOMAN ILL ' to KIMDEilLY. Aug. 17 (Bpiclal to

The N tni-S ta. EIlJalrTite U ter- ‘f 'l* louily 111 t t her home In Kimbcrly,- they lutfering tram heart dlietie.I the • -------------------------

The oddMt ju n lin f of nam u In , pter bueball thli y i tr 'va t the deal In gtut vhlch Detroit leni Doljtck to Retd- n to ; InglerQueUlch.

in e ji-------- ---------- ^' ■



X PEKFECr FUVORB u lk M e th o d s O an ’t E g o i l ;

n , , F iftvor T h a t P a t e n t e d j ully ess Develops in H ills B r68 . j luio CofTea • • i I

Of -------------3 i .TI)ej>erffelfltvor of eoffee

“ d dced adcU ehttoU ietaile. But*6tt ! don't Ket the iierfeet-flavor, unleu yaur coflfee h i t been ro u ted evenly,

r tn K llli Bret. CetTee a lvay t it. JVa < lor routed by the p tu n u d , Controlled Ing BeuUnir proeeu. i \tott A*(l»a«(tracra^U l«hou^;;^all

tn* iQolformlltvor of nUU Brot. Coffee .' U p o lic e d bjr tbU piU nlyd proc* I

Igh, e u U ilt reuUevenly.conUnuouity 1iiu . . .• .a W lU e ta l lm * . I

reeelvea an even to a i t 'None u IIto v ith coffee re tA ed l y o rd ln trv ] bulkmtlhodi. F o rb lB btW ietc tn t

-n^ba^zadJy-CentrolIea. The coffee < mty b t roiileii a bit loo much, o r j

=-Controlled RotiKng; never f t l l i to I

H iU iBroi.CofreetittrfetIyfm)i, • . -beetuu U’t puked in Ttcuumctni.

Air, vhleh dutm ya the fttvor ot

. etna von 't keep coffee freih. But C

CIn* n i iw .M ^ I ^ /o r th e A r e f

Srt!” HU!iBn)fc*Coffee.lDe.,Portltnd, a

3 u r F o r ^ ; D c a l e f F i r s t

e s t V a l u e s °

$ 3 2 5 . 0 0 I

■ - S 3 7 5 . ( t n .u

_______ __________ $ 3 7 5 . 0 0 J

■■■ .i.::______ $ 3 9 5 . 0 0 I,_ _ _ $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 .«

■....... $ 4 2 5 . 0 0 *

S 2 2 5 : o o t

. $ 2 5 0 . 0 0 i .

~ - r i z m s w ^■ $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 *

S 7 5 . 0 0 *

$ 5 7 5 . 0 0

V ; I $ 2 9 0 . f l 0 ,

_ _ $ 2 5 . 0 0 ^ $ 7 5 . 0 0 , *

- L o w F i n a n c e C o a t .

M E o to r C o .)RP Dealer y'a l l s , I d a h o . ' “


p i H i B r- PLJNSSyiHEEEEIIwell. ■ • —

J»3W?ME, Aug. 17 (SpeeUl to -me Nc»'*i-Tliomii E. Speedy. Jerome county titrlciiUural tgeni, hoA tn-

^ 5 nouiieed t t)Iin to.iurvry thc live*A n tthelt. P'*'’ follo'i:0 Jo- “AJtiJOiJjlJ the leed Wtuillon In

Jerome county U tioi tcule. many dll- leel Ulll It U I t tueh a pUce u t o .

need tome Iptormitlon regarding the luppIy tnd demtnd lor Itie feed we'

. . Itave. Wllh thli In mind t commit- ■ L lee from the board of dlrecton ofthe U Jctome Crtaintty li co-oiwiUng'

Wllll tlie comity agent to ttcure this r Q ijilormation. [

"11 Is hoped Uitt the laroiert hav-.: Ing lurplui leed vtll report Uit mti* ter 10 the county tgent i olflee itiow*;

The ing inch Inlormition u tlUi: hlch “Humber ot toni of fin l and *ec- im i end cutting a llilla luy for u ic , and,' tv of If P««l>>‘«- the price being .uked,

Likevru* the number of acre* of betn ence 'triw ; the number of builicbi of bar* | n m ley and oau. ll li tUo deelrtbit to;loui haveU nloetllB nofihelirm ioU itlrhen K wW b« po«JWe lo direct Iwj'en lo ;ame Uils feed.{o«. “There h u been conildenble in -' uahl qulry from Uie tirmers in Uie HerUi • m ti snoitioM proitei In »'.l Modi of ; , h it fccdi, but to date tliey hikve nol been I ter* tb:e tuMcure iny rcA t imount due I

to the Uct Ihu Uie mtjorliy o: ' JUO* iirm rraire nolrtady toiell. They .' lint, tre wiintlng bean i tn v , btr|ey andting ............ 'aone ----------------------------------------- — ru a

-oldencetcot* 't to . Uie wby tur*

an.-at —________ ___ _

" S H E E F1 to (B lack , b i t aer*:rly,- * “ • ....................

... presenltd-


L l ^te- H .

[ ■^They'r 1 1 s i f t h e ya il)ua


fee '

ou ’ l i t to

j l E very .tU C K Y l‘u t o f the finest totiaccp leav ^ o ffe r~ th c f in u t from T t

<TomKctttucfcyiTenn«5ec, id, an d th c C aroU nas—the

crops th rouahbu tthe wofli =• leaves, regardlM S o f p ri

n a tu r e p r o d u c e r th e m , i r r i ta n ts . LU C K Y S T R I “ TO A STIN G ” P ro c e s s - m ^ o w si th a t purifies^ that o f the m odera U ltra Vic certain harsh ihritants ^ every tobacco leaf* W e tc .M ta n ts to m anufacturers« pounds, w ho use th em aa i

Bheep«dip*,Bs .well as « p< so lu tio n fo r tre e s , flowei eoough to pecsUt dail] 50,000 sheep o r th e daily i thbnsands o f treea* T hus, yi i r r i ta n ts , n 8|u ra l ly p resc i ikttves, areSaot In yoor L **Tiiey’r e o u iZ tQ caw o n d e r L U C K f i S a n

t o y o u r t h r o a t

•U . s . V epi of AfrieuIture,E IiM liigoy, O rd e r N

“ I f s t oIncluding the use 0

Yo(/r Throat P ro t^ lo n - 0|


f oau. and can uu lome ccni. They* h u e already purchued quite nn amount ol hay, bul in all probabuity r n vmneedmOff.

rll “Thil l» noi a promoting lohenie- Ihe Idea li to get informtllon retard- liig the kM ‘Uld cnounl ol lecd avaiubleforuleintii£countytopul

,4 ,, buyera lo connection with the tarm- er* having leed lor *tlc. At Uie in- fonnallon l3 rfcrived ll will be com- plied and ,wlll be avtlUble for all.


£ f lie sb rin gg erm s of g

2;! d isease I j

■tn Be sa fe !i

i F U TiU j U r i i lB d la b m a m t ik i

" T O A S T

P - b l P B ^, bltiag, ho rth irritan t cbcmicab)

n t i n e v e r

' r e

iy can't Wmr i n / " B

[y STRIKE is made eaves the \vorld can T urkey—the fiiM t.

gee, Virginia, Geozis;^ he C ream o f many O fid . B ut all tobacco j ^ H price and~1cind, as tm , c o n ta in h a r s h . WM 'R IKE'S axclusivo.. H ss—a p ro c c ss th a t i ia t includcs'the use H E Violet R ay—expels ffi naturally present in K ! sell these e x ^ lle d t a o f chemical com« | aa a base In making y j f f i k powerful spraying w ert an d sh ru b a— loily dipping o f over ly s p r a n g o f many s, you are sure the«e isent in aU tobacco p LUCKY S IR linL^ I M I M n 't b V iH T” ~ W o ^ ~ ] B f f i |

ar6 always kind

re, B ureau o /A flitB o (T N o . 2 1 0

o a ^ t e d ^leofUlJro VjpIetRoys llow i-H eol Puriflei

-Oflfltnst >rritetfon- .afla?nsf c

rhey'Tkuj’cn u uiey come in Inaulrlng i e nn Iced."DUlty, - ___ ____________

Thirty-live etrloadi ot lion l ' r 7 Ihlpped from UilonU, Ke

tiicky, n» the «aion end«d, to Di , 1 ^ Park. Kentucky, vliere a new tkciJ « iM n opens August li.------------> in- I - ' .

■ all.

i f LINK'S I o f B ly nni5B - Idaho Fnlls


j ! Tuesday, Septet ! j : a n d lI CdikI Of/Ice I’la1 for nil v h oi COMPLEHETlVSiN

. Wo o u r fltiirfenI dc fn iy exTicnncs■ Send f o f

- — /U k nbout o iir «ci

]0?r (tiscountutlotvcd (*n o r bef(

T I N G ' e :

A S E n a btU)

r y t o b a c c



"• I " S T O R K '"V IS IT S JEROMEJEilOME. Aug. 17 (SpeeUl t« The

N e« )-A daughter vaa born today lioriM gt 1 p, h t Kt St. Valentlni'i |«ipiial, Ken- to Mr. nnd Mn. Kenneth Laveni. Dide —

Ikciiig Ur. rw ter la ttta tle r cwo lett fer ------ glM tiplrtflSU aD U I'ttlQ E.A dv.

3 SC H O O L USINESSi lls - P o o iltllo ■ T w ln W h

eif Fali Term Opening Datep

ember I1 Tuesday, September 8I’o slllons a t Oood S a la rirs ho KraduAle from our 5JNESS TRA IN IN G COURSE

^enta Jw.accorinsr w ork to help nes whilo a ttcnd in ir school oi^'full Inform ntionHC11- c«t/M<Ll‘S T E N O T y ?Y ’' , ________

'cd on nil Schoh rah ii) pnym cnts le forc S ep te m b rr P

e x p e l s

l u r a l / v

C O l e a f

PPJ• K ia f ln o r t to - ' , b acco q u a llty '

p lu s t h r o a t : ^ p r o t e c t i o n , :

mH f f c

Page 3:… · P U .H . Edition v^Hl-----------yoCTrrrornn— . ~ ^ ' N : E A W H G E

^nDisisjoi. • H B p p

D elegates lo A nnual IdalK

■ C onlerence B egin A rrlvini

In W est E nd tp r Meeting!

BUHL. Auj. 17 (Special lo Thi New»)-Dtl*8« la » uw W*ho *n nu»l conferene« #t tbe Mtlhodb Ep>eep»l church txgia irrlvlng li Uuhl Monday »nd tl Is expected thi Ureer number »ho plsn lo #tl«od «ll b« prfMtit TiK»day evenlnR. Dele sates to tlie'ls;nien's coti(er«nn be glnnlRj, Ftldsy. August 21, will arrlr Uler In the tceeL

. ExjunlBallOM lor under frtduaKi n im i mlnlslen Uklng jx r t In tbel t in t ccnrerence, will be held durlni the attemoon ol the opening day s the confertnee. Teniatlvo plans ari for n«v. II. 8 . HamlUon, pastor o the Ooodini^ ilethodUt church. t< serve as examining pastor. The eX' amUiatlons totio* a count'of studj taken by each pastor,

in theeyentng delegates «U1 bc cn_____ _tertalned ac an Jnformal receplion «i

the churtli. where nev.TTH.-Lines L pu tor ol the Buhl church, will glre h the addreu of welcome. Fred fll-

■ hsft. clly treasurer, acting for Mayoi B. M. Tomllrjion, wUI rtprtsent tht

- city. Rev. Oeorge P. Barton, pastoi o( the Buhl Baptut church, will rtp*

. resent the Ouh) MlnlsUrlal assocla- Uoo. 0 ; O. A. DIvelblu will speak loi tha buslnea men ol the (tty,

Uuilcal number# during the pro­gram will be dlrecled by Mra. JL 0. MBfulre.

At the sessions ot the la>-mens' eonferenc« to be held In the Kttor- VtM church Friday, QuesUona of tIUI Intereit will be brought up to be recommended to ihe gcoeral laymenl coDference to be held a t Atlantic City. New Jersey, nexi May. The lay dele-

' gate trom thla conlerence will also be elected a t thb meeting.

The general conlerence, held only OBce every lour year*, deola with changes In I n 't and regulations ot the Methodist Episcopal churches m all parU of Ihe world. W. M. Olds. DuhL reprtKOta the oragnlsatlon lu this elty. ■.

...LBiSH ffi-. i O B S W i p

' ra0S H 0N E ,'> r.? i7 ''j8peaia .to .The Tftws)~AcconUn»:t4 lUM.'An- sle Durfee, school superintendent ot

iSS^eouhry 'have '6e«n filled, and prepantlons' are complete tor re>

• opening of schools. Dietrich schools will J lrs t open lu doom on August

> S1. Skshone achools will su r t Sep­tember?. Mosl of tbe other schools

-------irtJJ'epen-fleple»ber-fl.----------------According to }|. F. WlUmorth. 'su-

perintendenl, the following Uaelien bm ibM B cmploy^ f t teach the oomJfit tenn In tbe Bboahone'Khoots:

SuiMntcndent. 0 . F, WlUmortb: prlnclDM,'Kenneth McQulre; high

' tchool, Zrabert T. Dtilphln. eoaeb. Miss Kadlne Tucker, Mlsa M trttre l Blncltlr. Mlsa Helen 'Neablt, Gus< U re G. PJetchner: seventh and eighth grtdes. Mo. Helen Wetherell tnd Mlsa Oltdya Anderson; sixth grade. Miss I n a Miller: filth grade, UUs Loll Taylor; fourth grade, Mn. Iv t P. MlUhell, grade school prln-

. cIptl;thlrdgrade,M !stRutbGrotse: f lr tl'tnd second grade*,-North-fiIds,- Mlsa Luelle fiomton. •


OAIOEV, Aug. n (Specltl to Tbe }{en)-AnlTals and departures o( Oskley guests ttid rtsldenU during the lost week Included the toUow* log:

Miss Helen Haight U spending t few days In Oakley, before going to Idabo Falls to letch school. '

Mrs. W, B. Matthews, Mrt. OUre need, tnd Mrs. .Rachel Cltrk left Saiurday for a rtsll to Duchesne. Utth.

A group ot 18 boy seouU trom


l ' Here are iome ot the batsalns we J have lelt. Everything a l halt

price or lesa

m o o suits, sites m i n n r 35.38 and « _____ d l D t V O

s ' 2 r : ! _ _ $ 4 . o o• M3M sbeep-Unei ( fC O K

eoau, targe t t a a ____f t O .^ D

s r f f i ^ $ 5 . o oS S 5 ; t a „ $ 1 . 7 5


S ‘ “_ . - . ! 6 4 . f i n

Cheney ip-i a aBilk Ilea ---------------S l . O O

- S’r ^ f ^ l _ _ : 2 5 c

- tSM Corduroy lUdlM » a p a Breecht*, miali S ^ . 5 0HSS Ball Band n rtiKs a and ll - .- V- a - l ' i H n1 9 c 8 tIk tn d -W o o lV .r- -o r- ';Dre» Sox — . O O C

All Colltn Half Price

Eldridge Clothing:I I .Co. .


iRt SHOSIIOSX, Aue. 11 iBpeclal t ly The Ncm -M iss Mngdolent Clem

III enU, district home dcmonatrutlo: ssenl. Sil* In Lincoln co'Uity, FU day And Sslutdny to meet her rea ulnr cIuKi and lo a»Ut the .4>I

no club* wllh Ihrlr sewing and cookln work In preparation tor the 4-H elui

ng lalr.On Friday afternoon she mel will

ins llie Mothers' CiVcIe In Bhoahone; li ° llte evening wim the 4-H club girl

' lit the eourthotue: on Ssturds; Ph. momlng with llie club girls at Rich

lleld and, allemoon willthe Women’s ^ , Dietrich.

i i s m i s ; m o I l fing _____' of .

C rash Ends L ife o M l - Y e a r

j ; Old m oil H ighivai

* N ear C o ttere i EleVatoi

les; “ D0IUEr,"Aug.-17 i8pecl#l to Th< ive N ea^)-- Altn M aw Ooodrtn, 11- '*1’ year-old daughler of CharlesFrtnk- ror lln Ooodwto, retired farmer of Scan- he dla, Kantas. was fatally Injured Ir tor »naulomoblleaccldeni«ar.lheCot- IP- lerel elevator eisl of Declo. Bundit} la- momlng, dying Jutl as she waj for brought lo a private hospital here

Her neck wat broken, ro- Mr. Ooodii-ln, her father, and hb 0. wife, the other occupants of lli<

automobile, were painfully brulseC ns' and cut about the tace and tnns. ir- . The parly w u returning lo Kan- (al u Lbe The aecldent Is thought U> hav< n'a been cauted by the bloving out of o ty, lire on a roujh jAirt of the road, re- le- suiting In overlumlng the car.

sO PFfflLSM im

i i i u e y i E i i L i

BOISE. Aug. IT (Special to Th< Newi)-Idaho's tU le deportmenl ol agriculture h u Issued t womloR ic produce grower* calling alunllon ic

Gt number of penons buying produce without llcenw, contrtry to Idaho sttlulcs. The wtrnlog follows:

- I t h u eome to our tUenUon tbat ta t number of produce buyers t r e buy

ler.tnd tlumpUng lo buy. potatoes, A, onions tnd trutt wllhoiii d the r t n, sUle Uoense; federal Ucense, bond or 5d buyer’s card. • '. . "Chapter a s of tbe tesslon laws o

the sUte of Idaho tpeclflcally sltiei , , that all peraons, firms, or corpora . . tlons acting u prflduce dealers, pro- fl, duce broken or produce eommlssloo _ merchanU dolns builneu In tbe Slate ,. ot Idaho muifflle w[th'lhe~slal«-de: „ partment ot agriculture, Bolte, Idaho M tiureiybondtndsecurotU ceoakor

buyer'acard'betoredolngbuslnesaln thla i;»ie. ib e federal llecnst may

h be secured from United 'Statea de- g, agrlcullure, Wtshlog*

|! 'Growers tre wtmed lo request of , i such buyen, whether they have te ­ll euredai^Uceaaaorlt-theytrebuy- h Ing tor tome one else, they must htve . t buyer’s csid In 4helr |>otKSSlon. I Tbls law hat beei\ enacted tor tbe !• grower* protection. Any turther In* )> tonnatlon msy be secured trom our

4ntpeelloaj)tfJeejit_410_fib»hono street west,,Twin Falla.-

^ Oakley went to Arlealtn ealurday to take testa In llte-savlng. They wera

< met there by E. Rusieu Bcoll, Twin Falls, scout exeeullve.

8 Charles Elliott, manager of the• Oakley Power eompany, and wife . and sons. Oeorge and Kellh, re* J turned home Friday alter t two- ® week vtcallon trip to Yellowstone eI —

■I T :Ih e U. S.

G o v e rn m e n t

Tea Examiners

sta te th a t tea

is b e s t v^hen

it is sealed in. .



SchillinsT E A

A l w . a y i F r e s h

s e a l e d in v a c u u m i

( l l t e y o u r c o F F e e .

m s

sl^liDSlFllE■ rrl-f rca* ■ ,

«i,‘ ;“ T w in Falls and M urtaugii

Groups T ake P a r t In L at-: withu ; i n te r Day S a in ts SessionI girls • .urday —*^1’* BUHL. Aug. 17 (BpecUl to The . NeBvij-All olllcer* ot the Buhl ward

of Die U iier Dsy SalnU church were rcuincdai ihe conference of the local Bard Sunday evening under aupicea 01 me ttake olfleen. J. W. lUchlnt, r* in rilts. preildenl 'Ot .Uie l'«'in Fallt tUke. prctlded al

f ihe meeling with 450 penon*, many from Tft’ln Fallt and Mutraugh, in attendance. Other tpeaken at the swion iDcludcd Bishop J . 11. Hunt. Bulll; C hulu Stoke*. Twin Fallt; Mrt. Lortnda phUllp«,Twln Falls, and

v g - : R. ClUford Tolman, MutUugh. Mu* iicsl numben were, given by Mr. Tol­man and Charlet stalling.

IWay f{«-orcaniuUon of the Mutual lm- prorcnent auoclallon w u eftecied

'a to r during ihe aetslon. Ofllcen of the Women'* Mutual improvcmeni asio* ciaUnn include Mrs. Msud HuUhtn-.

,.j[,e son..iite4ldenl; Mrs. Anna Cox. Itnl . ]!■ counM;lor;Mn.UveUeUtled.~(econd u ) . . coutiMlor;ElenoreHunt,*eaeury. i

Ofllcen ot the Young Mcd's Mu- ll, lual Improvement aswclauon • are

Cot- lluKl> Lsw, president; Charlc* 0. ^diiy siuling, ftn t counaelor, Elmer Mal-

KM lory, tecond counwlor; Arley Mui- jjjre. era,tecreutfj-. .

BUhop J . }(. Hunt will head Uie d hi* blthopric. wtth FoiUr J. 8orc|uon,

llie llrti couiitelor; L Walter Siark, tec* ylied ond counselor, .and LlndteyHuKlil- tna.' son, ward cfcrt orflcm of ihe RcUef Kan* socieiy are Mrs, Rebecca Hunt, preti*

., deni; Mn. Elnore Robertson, flrtt hftve counielor; Mn. Elfle Olsen, second . of a counselor; and Mlu Opheiu Cox, l ,r e - secretary. •

' Faye Hunt wUI *cne aa tuperln* - lenoeni of itie tiunday teliool, wllh

Nlle V.Cox, tin t assUtanl; Riy Cari* ton, second aulttanl; aad Mlu Flor* cnce.lardine,seaetary. .

.Mary Nea-comer will serve a* di- a iii reclor o! the i ^ a r y astocUUon, RW with Hannah Hemp, Itrtl counselor;

. m r Pearl itobsu,tecondcoumelor: and Verlt Johansen, teereitry. Nocah

■ _ MMIory wlil aerve u supenlsor'ot The iheJQnlorsemlnary.AndrewP.NeU-

nl of ioa. u chairman of the geneology aft 10 commlliee, will be aasltted by Una- m 10 uy HuuhlQson. u clerk.>duce

BURLEY, Aug. 17 (SpecUl lo The win- Nets) — Preliminary arrangemenU MO. toward organUed hllet work In car* ^ 0 0 tor needy families during the alate tomlng wlnur have been made by ^de1 0/tle>ilS'0r-(he.Burley.<Mt:e ol (2te lU o churth.n ./>r : TharpnJacohi, Declo, h u been pul

In In ccneral charge ot ihe galherlng of food suppUu, which. wUl be tiatied

d7- earlier than lu t leuon. Such tood jo f . stuffs l i wheat, potatoes,'egga, tad ,

ve isub lu WlU ba placed In atorage’ , t of unul needed. Oeorge IL Uvla, Bur* i , M- Icy. Uu been appointed chtlnnan ol | l)U.. the. penonal weltare coaunlliee.! uve Heads ot olber departmenU of thU' ^on. work will be appointed later, ’ j the • l a tddlUonw the tood aupply pro*

• iQ. R tm , thera wtll be pU u developed' oiir to tba end that men out of work a n

tone be fumlshed with some tort of em*■ ployhJftl,16 thal tbey can earn thflr-

own auttenanea wllhout depending — on t syitem of dole.y to ■ ‘ -------------^


PifllC O -.tlie wo tld’t lugetc tad ibe‘wo(ld't fisetc ndlol TU t t u p nore intlooi,w{ib greater aey other ndlo rtctlver.

Jutt thJok whic (Ut meaoi coyon. P. »dlieaat itatlou u euy lo t « and u ,>to boooifl*4uif pnn Ew y fit/ll mih4dUI»/ihU ntnJtt}

And l( h u (be Boit lapcrbly beant

l l execwtd la walao(|iv{(|iMitd>«d Oriental Wood and Katcfa

, fu]haad-flibUa{fiAlil>e(tb«s<|^ ;• V TUnk t f s ^ t radio

n tfT tlou IM aba PfiB^fial aoixed (henilio worid dtkt demaa TU ifimtaaliililpnuatlMtraccin Voo mn« le v to get y o u order oppORsalty to own ”7 ^ r M A n

r a iL C O T S A N f I T O n i . . . OH t


T W m T A LL SD A It.^

■ 1

OAKLEV, Aug. 17 (8i« l i l to Ttie Nek'S)—Oratn tlircshlnc 1> ntmm;

P completed tor tlit* seeiou al Um.ii. d l l Due lo the drougtil. dry-farm krilii■ U U ^ja b o u t all thal wus raised this wa-

• ton. Tlie liay’crops «rc almcet lo.. tal fallutt*...............................

augh ■ — -----------------

L a t - c o m I I 1 1 1 '

. U N i l E M l i i SI Tbe , -------

BHOSllOhO:. Aug. 17. JBwclal M The Newsl-Coming u a lurprtie to the Shoihone folks w u Ihe an- nouncemenU of two weddings o' popular’Shothone resldenU.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hanlt are an-* nouncing the manlage ot ItiPir

daughler, Rcka to Harry A. Siotirr. They were manled ol LaOranilr. Oregon, on Monday noon. August lo. and tbe ceremony w u performed by

1 and ‘• “ ';• Mr. and Mr*. Stoner are amon; •Toi- the beai known residents ct Ihe aiio-

shono community. Both have lived :ii« - here most of their lives. Mr. Stoner

la manager tnd one ot Ihe proprle- ton of the Keefer and Wilte store.

He U t World war veteran and u | aclive In cemmunllr tf f tln . IIH

■ bride for_ihe past leven yeara \w •« ''« bten an employe ot the F ln i Seciir- ; W llty bank. Blie U popular In itic ;

town’s aoclal ttfalr*, and U now ‘ president of tbo Shoihohe Builneu* and ProfeulonnI Women’a club. - « * '• . Mr. and Mn, Sioner ara Uklng a

Ulp -to the Coast, already,having . reached Portland and probably will 1 ‘I'* continue onlo Loi Angelea. They ex* '

pect to reiura hero some lime be- ,• tore September 1. Atter that dale

Ihey will reilde In the new. homeicUet Ihty h»ve recently purchased and ‘ >r«i* fumUhed. if 'r t Tho nexl wedding of Inlerot wai

announced a t a pariyal the hbme ol Co*< Mr. and Mra. Sam Clifton Friday In ‘

, bonor of tbelr daughter, MUs Edylh, c who was mtrrled to Mr,.L«n»rt,U }

»tm Toyer.RuperU Theyoungcou|ileai- " Cari* tended the Unlvenlty ot Tdaho al I »>«• Moieow lu t year, and w«e married c

on April 5 a t Dayton, Wuhlngton. s dl- imvlng kept ll t secret untU lu l Mm. evening. . . . Jie.or; The foUowlng gu4iU were prei- isnd ent: The.MUsea Nsncy Had(Vxk, '« sh Mary Haddock, LouUe - Carpenier,}r of Mulllner, Ethel Roeasler, Ruth Neu- aroise. Bemleco Dunn and' ihe >logy xfeidames Howard Utlmer, a ro i .ihO' MlUs, CItyton Peugh, tCennelb Mc­

Guire and Measn. UVem Burdetli . Ted-Bacr, Ed Baer, PVed Borden,

n Jack Barbee, Joe Pimentel, Ralph C DUlard. Floyd SUvt, Wilbur Hogue.,tJ Howard Lttlmeit, CUyton Peugh,

Otrrt.Mllls;-jnUli-CmtODi-JC«iuielh i r n . uiOulM'tn'^ :itio;'h6noreil guesu.L ir V “fiugr wt* enjoyed durinj th e m -

nlns tnd Mr*. ICennetb McOulre ' won high prise tor the ladles,.and

'T},e Mary Haddock won low. For the ,,„ u men Carol MllU won high and U* ‘car* Vem Burdcll won low. i

Ul- ' Alter tne party the young people e t,y moiored lo Jerome lo attend' the- ' danc_e. _____


‘/ow A c u t e a n d 'C h r o n i c

D i s e a s e s .

! flucccwrully t r e a t y by

' £ ; D l i . M A X W E L L 'S

w j l d r u g l e s s m e t h o d s ,

=■« O tfiec n » n « locato l In T h t S ; . F ln il .S tc u r lly B ank Bldit,i S ; I (h h «

wnnar i i i i i l55 ISIm W M « I

t t radio flsaauf»cturer.-hu producedI n upu ila s lwcmn«« *iU brlag la irlty,finer lone aad bettet Tolome, tbu

ron. Prognmi you Bern beard btfort,ind u deir to heir u lo c il brotdaiii It pure, detr, uodiitofled Phllco lose.

btttitifol cabinet you ever fawl. De- ^fotelaon crtaior of fine fonl itue, It ptrtd inttroBcae ptod, rtaaed lo V*Uatdud Bob W doatpUuten. Citf e»i^*cibIn»»wo»k., ,

! ■ -^ f it lu c e d Si^perisetetodyiM hu m «m a ^ U &r ahead of fictory rnpply,

order lol By ill aeaas doo'i o lii thli WtnmatlUJUr • j

, e » eew n i l * N r w r se tw eW af

) W N M U S I C C O .[ U S , IDA H O . ' m


i n BASIN THRESHES GRAINr l i p F O f I S E ssi-iie ist to-

Scy cnty-N lncrs o f South

I ' , C entral Idatio Schedule

-A nnual Soclitf- G attiering

HURLEY, Aug. 17 (Special to The’ *1 M h>w«pKxecullve committee- mem-

tJcri.oI Uie Seventy-Nlners. an or- , MnlMilonotptoneenOtSouthCen*

(ral Idaho, niel In Albion Friday lo e an- I'oiiMder arrangrmenti tor iticlr an- >l‘’'lr itual mretlng lo be held on the

srounds of ihe Albion sUle normal “ sctiool,fieptembera. HynimS.Lewl*. , “ UkIo, p.-Mldenl ol the organtsailon. ' ^ Pffjidrd. I

lU Mdcclded to reduce the annual tnnn. lfon> »l to M cenu, and to 8)m ^li^’CeSU centa for admltUnce to the ' Htfil evening (jnncc. The annual due* WlU

tneluie cott of tbt luneb:on and diimrr, which are provided ihrough ‘

itfllV c6«l>"»“ on of Albion residents, and ‘7 f : are held in the normal Khool dining

,,, hHlJ. A eonunlliee w u lomied to ' , have charge of dining amngemenu, ,

, u-fu:iow*:-Mra..8 lepben.Mahoney. i ■7 ,';, .Mm. Iieri Ne)-man, Mrs..Ben Chai* ‘

burn. Mrs. Samuel Perrins and Miss Miller, 'flln. Marlin, of the normal ' school, km prerido tn the kilchen.

ns 1 1^1 J<«,' more than eoo penoni J n - were Kr^•cd a l dinner, and ll U ex-

lecled that fully as many will attend , X thu Jtar.

bP. Mrt. Lula Sean. Albloa secreury d .. . of Ihe Seventy Nlnen, announces

that card* ol-lnvUatlon will be sent and fo a« eriMtffd to be present .whose

iiddrcue* are available. Slio states, however, llial her list ot membcra U

, ,o I incomiilete, and lhal all Ploneen ot In the louttiem Shake river valley, or

itth 0'<I Oayhco and Cassia counUes and U u. tbelr boundaries, and the descend* eat- anU'of ihcso-fronOcn-peojtle.-Bfe - 0 at Invited lo be on hand at the annual rried gathering.Hon. " ■ lu l Dr. Toiler li treating two feet for

i l .00 eiplrta I9K a t tU Main E. Adv. )rei- _____________________________

a . ........luthIhe 1---------------- :----------------------------



' RUPS.1T. Aug. n iSp'ctat to Tlif . . . Ncv.'iii—Wcldoii lluwklns, ll-yeiir-

n old JOU or .Mr. aii.l Mrs. J, T. Ituw- ;I U ktm, Ruiierl, wlioiutf.-rril llir nm- ■'I* lititnllon ot his left Ifi below itif

Ihlsh A few «eeki ai;o til Hujicrl - i;<'iirral liotiillAl, U making cicclionl

l|t)i recovery nml wn.i nlle lo b; rrmnv ed lo hll home In itip mirili piri of l!ie city Mondiiy mcriiliii:.

I'l'- The trouble that led In nmpiilntlon ]I »aa intcclloii from a minor Inlury . ing to the lad'i foot. He had gone Into ,

ths c.iiial dimming belore Ihe In* ■■ iiiej Jieaifd. .. ;

rhe’ -----------•

i-lLEflffES ! .r- DnOPGIK;the _____nali-l. BURLn*. Aug. 17 tSpe;lal lo The I

N rasi-Jock Bradlord. clkrced with reckleu driving of nn aiitombbile.wu

ml round not gulliy by t jury of IJ men 10 In Jutllce WlllUm lli Tucker's court

S.tlurday. Ivlll II w u alleged llml Bradlord ran ,aa hu aulomoblle Inlo a car o:cuplfd by nh Sherttr P. D, Pac,e andTralllc Ofltocr m|] C. I). Brlnap, caatJng much damage

to llie car ptloted.b/ the ofllcen of

i t f 'TheaaWenlwcwTCdllienlghlof ev June :i . ai the opening cxerclM* of . I t . Btor>-'a dancing pavilion near Burley, lu When a large number of can were |,il moving about Uie new dance hall. '

Several wtlncues wer called ,and - ini -------------- ’ ___ _

C h e a p e s t Insect SpL a b o r a to rY - T o f l lo d .IFLIS

Tokea L ott To K i l l - W - ' F U * ( .M o t« iu l to « i,n o o e h aa ,* ^

'0 ' M O ST PO P .U IA R THROUlv, . \ J . ■


$ 1' Ju n t pIuK them in lo tho.H

co rrcc t tim o nil t h i t(m 6 wit]

ing o r aettiriK, T hese clocks :

binnlionR will give y o u r kitcl

T he iit itc D atch w ind mill tlm

them nn In terestin g decorativ

• every housewife needs in h e r

m enli Inte w h < a i_ iim _ b a i£ j

T hey a rc Runrantced fo r one

abused will Inst f o r y e ars . Th(


J .C .P e n i iD j t F A k T M E N



I .

IDO the caie occupied a ixiriion ot i» d iyi tor trial. The iiaie .wu repr< lenlrd by AiloiiU NieL'on. prciecu'

~W Ing attorney. Defcm* lia jr r j wei e'‘r- A. a . Snthri- and JudRC U. 1’. Hon


Itlf • }J 4()‘ •m l JO IDAHO FALlis AM) HETURN fcnl , . j , .

TO HLACIUOOT AM) K^^^rn^ ‘ O' Atir.t.sT :*„ Frtm Twin Fall* via Oregon Slioi

Line. Tlckeu good only in coichfK [“'S' chair car*, limited for reiurn to hom '|'<o dutlnallon before mldnlghl Auguj *'*• '31. Alk local agent for further de

lalla. Adv.

.........Bryant Oranl, ]r. will not defenhU tlUe aa Georgia lU ie'irnnl champion IhU year. The touma

r n menl will be held al Macon Augiu l l j J l to September (I.


H uy .F e v e r -i '* ; . '®,.n Sueerufolly [*5 Treated _

COLONIC ' / v ^ R M k . IRItlOATION /For Cbranie '

or Aflmenfa K B F

Hi D R ; H ; W . - H I L L —-Phone 1213 Over riito n 'fl

ind —

S p rq y Y ou Can Usei l e d - S u p e r - S j r e ’n g lh

pTOXm . -Sijuotl, Q uickeit Daalh lo ■ Bod Su9*. Anla. Molht, F loat R O U O H O U T T Ifl W O R ID

C T R l CC H E N :


.98^he.Hocket aitil you have tho

w ithou t th e bo ther of wind*

icks in ivory nnd screen com*

iiltciicn th n t finlHhed touch,

I th n t runs continuoualy gives

irntive appenrance. J u s t w hat

I h e r k llchcn. No use to have

one year nnd if they a re nok-

. The q unn tlty Is limited.


i i e y C o . , ^N T. . S T O > E


# ' I . ,


IRN / > ^ I

llOTO j w

rfend - .I t a part of your machine

breaki. II u 'not neceatary lo 'J '‘“ waite dayi walling tor t repUce-

ment. ’Time U 'money and new----- parts are costly Let us weld It

for you. U' can be made a t good— u ni:w at only t traction ot the

coat of new parU.Poriable weldln? outtlU tvtU-’

able a t atl houn.'I Your iob will be promptly ttk- L en ctra ot loo. f Look over your belUns require*

menu tor lhU taU tnd get t k (luoUtlon from u t on the wbole r lou Our stock U Urge tnd oom*' ' plele tnd priiet are lower th in

erer befon. V. B. DelUnc Is tba- most complele tnd saUatactory.

— line on the marke^ today.------—

I'fl r ......... 1— ' IM n, FUi n ie , good «BaU^ j

Dont (y i (a vUli our tOe eoanier Ihe n » t Hbn yoa are

In Iba atore


r ronp t Service oo Betn-Bltd* ■ ra t -.Shtrpenliig


r i w Thr,^

Page 4:… · P U .H . Edition v^Hl-----------yoCTrrrornn— . ~ ^ ' N : E A W H G E

w ». _ ■ I, iM«4 m r r memiBi «W » c

UUM M UM IM ler ^UletUOD M »U C

t»Ml>Mb«t»ia*l«OfWTld. . _____. r<

iS :w S r« S ^ C ! S .^ g t : ! p ^ £ a » « “

i s s s s s a s s ‘ '2a\{sjr.■tSnalM H CH V uiidtrM eM iw i ii

. f S U D B S ^ S < r S K '/ w S a . yifo

. . ONTUUl {;TUI fWer«Uoo Of Ubor in WU- gj

««wtn, u I ruu lt of tbc preuot bud- MM <K{8«M)0B, h u Ion fUm- In (« (4U lln u d prapom to 'locUllM ”(BdiuUT^taMlTilhftODMnptoynKDl u pMbkB. ; . ... | i. W eU .ltal|ht««ooiplW itb»lpw* «

pai> Itf » wUl*. Miywijr. *»«!• body U n p lo r td in Busili. Ho« de Qtf]r u<ciD {iloM vht(U ie]rft(f« ^ It, bow tlier t n Uvlor, bow loo( It T lttU tt n>d w b tttt wUl Utd to w« I

I n f l S F v f i l ^ W m iM d d n 'j iM r » jiu d M w ra a e b tT i tlio u fh ta u e ii

' *W8 rtfluIrJar t v jvo- jleuad^’t t o i h l , tt to lt tt b t wortb whiu (6 « b d A lew delepUont ol ^

. iRMautD v o i r tm toRiiiiU to floo a t i ln tb u d J t t i t b o v t h t in tM t l i 1

^w«rttDcUi(n,aodwt>at»itpp<mt ^grenwU u t\ u U>qf went wllh lin. J J ;p m u i miod^ »^ .w ftn n tb ltd to ' • e tht&p w tbir m U r u t . tbejr , I

.im re U w tfltllim iM tb irc iu n et. noi 7,: Nb dooA .raptU U ni u c« triU." boi i i J i i i l s b t t te wueh *ic»ptl»ltoilo ' 'd r i lU U m 'w v flnff i'thU.VBut'M 1 dlieiralQf tdlior n> u n - lu rU u to iM lb i i ia c t le a n c ip l t t l ' ln» pikla i M t iu tK M ifU M a iK li t‘M U t« A a 4 f f e u p ^ 'w b o a < U e d c ^ U i i tq v tA ' u u a o v q p to tb o e re * Cn L i ^ ^ ^ i d . ^ t^>^l^.cmUoa bet» ^

.'w edi I n p n m i a l . ' . . i . <„ ! Xu UTtaf UUaH^ta.orda to lur- ^ 1

^ ^ tT • ,h » n V U ■ o ^ M U x lu * lly . te m w i i< # eewUUoei. Too m n y cm

ntarsed. tfodt b u lo m ]t i w t i t o tribo t tU -you awer ^

V |m b S / ”h l|b t i ^-;.t9 to « 1|i) ilaeh ta ,' tndi ; - T t m pMpl* Had Uuir b ttiu . 4 1 ^ t e ^ tbiatlOQn(«d.v)Uch T a ty U k i ttiim lock In u p ifu k but n a

■■■;. . - S3

i ' . ' /■ -■ B A O B O *# ■_

"* '1 0 * tie T lo u ik ^ lie w ln |fu lle d Bot t to v la f bow to hu d U Um - run

-MlTM u d ihclr uUtIUm n r r %tU ,,! i n b u t&Utt. r iaO lH ts d beltb* ->iMrhoodiiu4readun th m with whtt -V|^Uu)ci-tlM)r..Ms, .koowlot th tt = *.iliHtdiMd(uliDd,laeoDiidertUln- n . 'f u la tlm oa «]in)« eaert* into a tF - i t u ta d U adlr 'ataU ou* tn e t t J j

■ ■ '.S u tm llrb td b o jitred U fertn i. J ■ Wueetooi Inditnt, b u odi o( thew. j I • M t tam r fflut to de wlih 1^h lat. At thirteen b e U teo n ftn n td ^ - ^ t b l . r , - 8 .W a o U * j « p M U h t i

county o ip b iw bome beauM olhU n ;b td lofluenot.'U l w n i te t i{' t i i u tb lebool ta d n n tw ir . .Ue wu r MBt to th* lU te bojrf lebool a t J

' PUlnflild, M out ta d DOW U beck J *, the rt for tecond depeebursUrr. The Q

' >,Jitdaeu}stbibo;i«m«attU jr((tble ( ' • : :«a(tcui't do onir « e n o d (r td t wotk A

: iB ichool U tlb lnk ibaou^ b l to be M 'InnataiUtuUonformenitUireucxl- H « t c u « but the.'orerKrgwdcd mis' f l

' o( th< one I t I W Wi}ne H L^u^ktc .. un ie: AaeUurbC7 if to b l K at b o o i t m f l

Ihoitttabc^icbbblibonbeotuM be ■ ' J i too ted (or th i t pUei. ■. . W hen W b e p 't tk itiu tso T Whll

e tnb tdoD cw ith th tm t itU o se o l H ;. o w p e f M conwat problem ,

v u x A G iro K ^ T H L x m

:'\ i l i iD a tO lf B p le a im ttU f tobe ' b tidlaloiAaitlailB 'B ]]w t«cnbiin- i

r ( t t i id 'th t i t^ w ; '« id ’th*r«ii*iprii.i a f coBmunltjr b u rwnntly W ' ~

:;aea&ccit .ii« for t e a i n t tlte> .U m i th o s iu d iH itlnt tlhlete*. xt J

■,Uioliiite.bBUd>ba)SaJowTltU(e. Jt n u iw M 4rin t m e>i]^ D

> : 'W o t« ^ la B ta B t« (n m 0 1 jv p lc [j; i ; M ‘ Ei^ .baB plow .vU H :

jtt tn id lA la i [ |> , 'fM lU m :^ ‘'i ib 'e ir» 'o i'4 lU X

f o u r

rW IN FALLS DAILY n e w s );'~ ~ ~ iu 5 i S 5 5 ) « r i im r ‘‘

nitlonal poupa, w that tieh m i; 1 htr* IU ciutaaarr di*l-

A loa l (oucIi of ehtnn lu l Inttreei «1U be the lllCl« b«Uli]a lUndi.MwSe of.C»lUornl*r»dwood,e*eb.wiaiK»r i t pUqui itatlng that the redwood li J (wc thoutand 7ean old and‘ Die onl] llTlnt tbinc that v u txUnt when tbe Olrmple c i^e iila fted lo tnctcni Oreece.’! [

Alter (tie t*m u, Uie bungalow vil- | Use tl lo be Itkea down, houie br t h'ouM, tnd offered for Ble Jor beach r n>|U |ei. The Idea U to htve Uie «11- fa*«-p«y /or lUelt Indue eouru i t Ume. \

I tm u itb e a i^ e d th a lh o U liu id nrwU unnte 'la elir i « i|«f»W e (0 Ulll plan. Perlupi the; expect lo " be vnpl; bua; housing, ind feeding the uowdi who come uipcctalon. 6

B R € m i€ S ^U m e r re n »oUe-Ur. and U n. f

WiUoo O. Swlffl t n home tiler • " ahort Tint In Bolte. *

G ett en VUIt-Donild Pelen lell ^ yaUnUr Ior WiuKui, VVltcouln, for Ul Indefinite vlall. y

Iloue Fnm Denrer—John Noh re> lurned jrfileTdiy from Denrer where “ he went wllh iheep for (he Noh Sheep company. “

rareaU of Dtoihlet— -A glrl.wu bom Auguai IS, to Mn, Paul £Xmo< gtili, Klffiberlty. t l t p rln ie unl> " urium In Twin Palli. &lr. Domo> » gtlU w u klUed in t nllroad accl* ” dent In WeltJ «ve ril monlh* #fo. ^

Men n o m K anu i—Arthur AQ' denoa, MuihatUn, K in iu , anlved ia t tn u r (o rUlt Mr. tna iin . , Oeorte R. Johnjon, PUer. ^

D etsru After 0«U n|-D r. Olivet » | w «»t«d-T«am ed-78«^ij’ W lw - Inf two WMki Qutlng i t peltlt like tii In Uie aiwtoolhmounttln region.

Belw ai lo BerirJw-M Ui tjiJU - ■ Kllcedlck, Berkeley, fcfi for her g- noraeytilenltyiflerilontviiiiwlUi tier niece, Mra, c . 0 . Dudley here.

Uen cn VWtWohn W in . LewU- }« ion. Idibo. it to n e ;, arrived lu t t»l nek to ipend H ren l diyi rlilUnt 3liptrenU .Ur.iD dM n.M .0.W in.

iBpnveiA flerO pm tlon—Fiuiil <>• liCRoy, 10, wn of Mr. tnd U n . U D. 'cJ U Rey/u rtcovcrlDs ilU r u operi'Ion In tbi Twin piiUi countr lenerel loipltal. _ T l

iltm i fnm U onelal»-Ulu Mar* ■ arct MeAtoe, daughter ol Dr. ind in . T. f . UoAtee. ntumed Sunday PU' rom Honolulu, when the fpent the ummer. _ ^

Ooeit el Uemi relki — OhirlcaGraven Scott, P ib Alio, ton ol Dr. ,Ad Mn. 0 . R. Bcott, lu tniclor In _ >lttarord-Vnlvenlty.-U-lien-r{*lt< ^n i bll p inn ti.-; . “ O

' Letvi After VWI-Mr; tn d M n 7. i, RetttU tad dtughler, Uelen WU* ^ ey, K iB iu, li l t yuterdiy fot Uia iout after a ihcrt lU t with Mr. 104 thi to - t tW .r u T t r . . J

Retltm lo Bhc«lieit»-Mn:'R. J. m icMihon u d Mrt. .Cirrle Sowler, be< Ihuhone, relum id Sundty lo tbelr frl< lOfflM ttler * rWI ef t week with Me lr».V ertO . OXetry. . . Jo^

n ilt ra l« CM adU U n." WUllun fi« tnd M lu Cbirlotlc Lemon, wll

Jotmetl,-ldihor-^lumed-to their log lO aiyeiUrdartflertVUItwlttiM r. ■ nd Mn. W. O. W ltti.. t

■■- DeR clBm tlolloBeoM n.luy Slyter, n r

the underwent t nUaJor openUon phl

* * * ^ u l t ^*SjeSr|C d —nd h u n t i ^ d to her hon t.

On Trip t« Tuk-U i. ta d Mn. U : Whltiel, Mr. u d Uta. nobert mitiel u d Mr. ind U n . m n k aynu left Sunday tor M tenl dayi mt to Yfltowitoae aiUonil ptrk.

tlelw ni fnm Dentet'-Aiher t t Wnn, Twin Palti ittonuy. u d '


\ T ilE A T H E . i

____TQDAY _ ! _and '



Lew Cady . Chrtn tioort Id

Y IU phueAeti P S *MsnB<. I n ' L gI

n e B o tS e w s d lo T m K H I le4 t« AoytliM m R

hi; Demoenllc nttloiMl commllteemitt; 1 h u rtlunied from Denter. where I he Bpent eeveril we«lci on huiliieu. 1

^ Horn* FreaB K t-K enneA Beach. < eir preildcot of.the Jdiho Depiruaenl ‘ I ll aiore. h u nlum ed tile r t buying I (rip on whleh he vUlled New Yotk

andjothu prln^lptl eu le iu centen. >

ml 'viilUrromlWae-SamuelMeCon- ‘nell. BoUe, who h u been liere rlil(> :Ing c. E. McConnell tnd Mr. tnd ,

'* Mn. 0 . s . OUhim. wenl (o Milner 'U it evening lo tuu w . M. MeCon* J

ch nell. J

dl Plan Ttlp lo Park-M r. and Mr*. Carl J. Dcmrou eipecl lo leave r Wediieadiy on t trip (o yellowitoni %

nd national ptrk ind to vUll a t t h t ^ j]e home of Uietr dtughler ne tr Jack>Ju

ion. Wyomhig tft

nelBr&a to liefne-M n. M. Stnde. n Sidney. MonUna. vho liaa been here n vlilllng reUllvei. left Iu t evening for z ber home on receipt of t telegnm a

^ Ih lt her brother had been iccldenlly ^ drowned I t aidney,

RelBrm to nenrer - ^ r i . d . J.- Stndera, Denver, lelt yeaierdty for . herlicmailMrivultwUhhercouiln.

Mn. R. atmmeler. She w u leectn* puled by her llUle grandion. Sindy Ripbeld on the trip.

Dtek Fnm U^hloa - Ur. tad M n. Jolm Oalich arrived home yea*le rd a y 'tfte rl week'i vicitlon. dur- -

. . Ing whleh Ihey tUended Ui« Amerl* .fh etn UtUia anrentlon In'LewMm J*

and vUl(ed tn Wuhlngton ind Ore* ^

„ — IS“ aot* l« C)>ktp>-ti. A JJrenniJJ.I. manager of Swlfiind company hen. *

U In Chlctgo, where he went to Join >” I. M n.Brcnnu.w h6hubeenTU ltlng ”

Ujcre, Tlity wJJ) VUll In Ytnklon, South Dakou, while on their wty

; »»«•■ _ _ _ , ■ “ t Itetum Aller Vblt—Mr. tnd Mn. T’ ■ JohulLOUyrciurnetlyeKerdiylrora

Poca(elle when (hey ipenl week-end *®' • wUh Uielr ion. In ln Olay, former >'* . Twlam Ureildtnt..wboUBg«ntlor ” a Uu lUllwty Eapteu company H ”,

Pocitello, “ J

. . Altesdi KolulMt’ Me«Uni-Hii*t ry Bcpoli, presWenl of Twin yilU ,tl Roury club. left l u t evening for Og* ‘

den to a iund t two»dty meeting ol |* RoUry club preildenU u d ieoetir*

. leiorUiaOUh*IdthodUlrtct,open* ^t ing Ihen lodiy . , , ~

[ Home »tsm C toadt-M r. tn d Mri.StuleyLtrkIn.iccompinied by their

I dtughler, Jojve, u d ion, Kenneth.I. returned Sundiy Irom C u id i . , , when they ipent raort'of lwo weeU I riablog. They cUo vUKed SfitUC. T ie o m tu d PorUind. - ^

. Relara Pnm Mllli - MUa Jculc [ ertter, Ubnrltit ol Ittc Twin M U , pubUc llbriry, iccompinled by MUs f*? I J u e MtxweU ind nephew, Dick

Mixwell, u d by MUi B irb tr t Lud- wig, flUi I4k« Olty. liJcoe or MU*

I Pruer, retunad Sunday from Eialey. J j '

I H em rn m Behoel-Mlu 6elenf., SJierJock tn lv r t hom# Jeilerdty

from CallfomU. whcri’ih 'ehu ijK ht gielUVI).f.-eekaitudylnf,tU<.teki ^ atBerkeleyindilxw cekaatttetcb* ^

. m ' roUefi In Baa Fnmei/eo. MUa P " ) S^rlpckwlUteich I t Aibton, Idiho, ^

' U tf td a V W M dirJ .P .M iliery Pll. u d chlldnn, Loi Angelei. who hive •, been ipendlng the I u l week wllb r t friendi In PUer u d i t Uie W. B. kci 1 MtUonr home In Twin FftUi. relumed rue

lo the home of n U tlr u in Kimberly *te Uonday. They cipect to leave In t u

I few d in lor Portlind, when Uiey and . w illvU lltrhorttim ebelonntura* i,ji •. log lo Uitlr home. -- — |)on. • « will

Leave Fer D en v e r^ U i Eteinor ine< DcCou, Hiddon ItelghU, Penniyl- tew vinla, tnd MU« Dorolby KlUdi. 0 Philadelphia, lell yuterdiy lor tbelr diy

a t

Standard Sta and

hdWkite&BlbS t u d y t h e ty p e s

theie. pic tarc i—JXTB wW find <11‘‘S lind in l’',;ienrjce {i more ibu

cofflnrelo eiro o f your c tr utlng prpJucti.

i l 'i a e re it ecoaonjr m d t'^gti on itifl m iny i pccltl icnScei i t : and Hed W hite u d iilno U cilcn



Itn homei alter t vUlt wllh Uie.Mr. u d n ten M n.John E. lUyn,Twin n U i,tn d I ' eu. Mr. tnd Mn. Oeorg* o. CtaduU. I j

Rock croet Tbe; wUl^aop a t oenvir ,4h lo allend the nalloeial leulon of Un <nt Alpha Bigmi Ttu.

m* Ilen Fnm Loanlew - W. M. • Pealri, Lomvlew. Waihlngton. ac- cwnpanW by JullM Boone; emirfojrt

„ of Ull Lonji'/e*' Ne»j, bolh termti ?Jr Twin FalU reildenU. arrived yeiter*" 'I d i ; to vUii here, Mr, Boone U vUlt- • t'i? Ing al Uie home of hU parenu, Mr.L " a/jj MM. II, 0 ,B oohp. Blllle Mtcletr, p ,

Bol«. gnndion of Mr. and Mn. " Boone, ll also t guMl i t their home.

In. VUIU llere-M ri. CaUierlneBoley, ciiretnonl. CillfotnU, while on'her

mi wty 10 Pamham, Nebruka. dron to tht<fr>o FalU. Irom Salt Laki Oty. 8 tt- :k*JujUay (o rUtl lier tunt, M n. W, >L

tJniert. Mia. Uoley ilopped In Silt U ke Clt; lo htip make am nge*/ ,

de. menu (or the runertl of Lleutenint ere Robert Whlmker. broUier of Mn. u (or Dnrcn. Wlio puaedawtyUj Uiat clly r* IjA UgU ltlJ^______________ « ,

5« S o c i e t y s

AND a i m s rr<' ' . Mn. ■. 1 . WUBuu -

I s;A. ' Jn eompllment to Mri. WlilUm f®f M Lemon, Council. I j ^ . guut of her ” diughler.M n.W .® .W itU .M n.W . ^ ' R. Chue entertiloed wlUi a dtllgbtr

fui Uwn parly al her country home Silutdiy iium ooa. Conveiutlon

^ ind a clever conten I s wblch the ,in’ prUe w u iwirded Mrs. Jim ei l l i r - „

rey. Pliuburgh, TWnjyMmli;-were ^ J f IM dlveraloni for the ifUmoon. ® i

Luncheon a-u Jcrved at inuOl ttW «’ a l lour o’clock. M on waa p n -

tented with in iilrtcUve fivor. c r, Thoee preient In iddltlon to Uie „ honoreeafidhoitewrepeMlMCJur- 2 lotto Lemon. Council, idU oj Mn. «»« " Jamei Harrey.PKlAunh..Penniyl- ™ t " n n l i : Mn. Lionel Dean. Mn. W. 0 . U»o

Wittf.-Mrt.-77irellteMfMrj. U in U " • Holm. BrtH tlU eBeatlre.M n. O.A. P Emei. M rt Henry Mthnken. Mn. O. *|>o E.aerrUh andMn. Corda Bowen.

J* Member* ol (hi Waj«ldi Olub en- 1tertilnwl wllh Uielr annual plcnie " «

1* for tlielr huibudi, children u d t “ Jn; number W Wendi t t Uia hoiae of oo j“ Mn. L. S. Jonei en Klmbefly Road .T

sundiy. A bouaUful plcnlo dinner, w u terred I t one o'clock and follow ^, • ed by a m i l l lime. About leventy- “ pi J lIvc.penoM i tuodil ■

*' M ri Mary Hendenon w u ho itiu P«i ? to the 'L w il H««hhon-Cub w u r * « / “ tfUmoon.purlng Uie ihort buitatti {•*

Mttlon plini were eoraplittd for Um J- u n u tl plcnlo'to b« held Auguit» f w S b Ull Twin FilU pirk. M n. Qeorgfl *<> ^ I McOregor, Mrs. Pearl BerTy u d U n . u LIIllu Drown wen named on Uii Oi i7 commiuee to ;nika necciatry tr* te«c [. ringemenU for food. U n . -J. M. lu t , Plerct w u prognm leidet for (he itle

altemoon udbiuodtieed Dr. O eorti U bi , a Uiller. director ol th i TwUi FtlU quit ^ County HealUi, Unit who give an bl* ber <> teruUog Ulfc on.prtventioa of.<Ui*. tnd ! eiM, which w u enUiuiUaUctUy rt* lowe ' celved. At Uie elOH of the tflA r who

noon Uie hoiteH lenred ntrcih* tegu menu (0 eighteen m tnb< n.8ftiw t« . t(

’ aiiUted by U n , Bhet Ktftdirieh-' j

r 'FILER^RESiDENTs” VISITJ • _____ “‘ FILER, Aug.J7 (SpecUl (,0 The =• Newi)-ArrivaU and departurea ol h«,„ 1 FUer g o u U u d reildenu during th i X I r week-eod' Included Uit (oUowlng; Mr. tn d U n . IL R. HtmmertiuUl s =

' and cbUdTtn tnd Mn, 8 . A. Beem* lil t Suaday br tuto for Rtlnler nt*: M oM lptrtiW henUr.HtamerquUl , .

will atuad » Sew Yorlt

■ tend (0 bl iteeX from FUera w ee t'> Dr. M, ). Ooodt rtturned Salur-1 id iy from Ptlo AJt».,wbert h« h u |

"tations,lnc» | |

S/ide dealers 11 ^ 1yPES OF 8KRVICB ihown in ¥ . ■

d <11 o f t h e s tue/o] to J’OU. 4 £ j H a l b u “i u u d o i r - ~ i t u k e i .''d f l utlng S tu d i r d OU teUtblo . f l

a ^ n o it coitTeBleac* to p j f l: i i tS u n d « n lS u U o n i,I n c .. j l j Hi l e n e T c r jrw h m .- , . H'A N T O F C A L irO R N IA M ■ I


M S 1 1 E 8 1 ii M i u i m m iIt- In

« ; Poss/ljIBIy of O enera l R e- i ’

qu irem in t lo r P a s le u r i ia - J ,

S',., lion A ppears to D isci/s- Sf “ s i ( in | '‘B oolleooer” F l5 u res Si

III —— \ efti‘*f DUIIculllti lnvoIvtd\ In making M' ■nt Twin Fallinfw dairy rtjuUtloiis lul- f> f*- ly edectlve clitaifd (he attention Of »« Itf Twin FiIU elly council *l a regular « '

meeting Uii cver\lng. J*'Iftarlni in (he cue ol one dairy- «

M mtn Uinalencd witb lutpen^on of Pu hU errUIIctie on account of alleged Pn failure to legregiic cowi Infected with Bugt'dUeue.wM conUnued to , a « i * « k on account olabience la it [ evening of J.E . White, commtanooer J [ oe public ufety, but membera of tho council, .Ud Or. Frank ,T. HinU, meal ind dilry laipector. u d four or rivi tfatyymen win; tlkoled UM CTenlQg'a mteUng engiged'.ln in la*

ia rorcial dUcuulon of plorUloni of the „ Ulely adopted imendmenl to tho J ff. diiyWipceUoncrdloioee tod prac- Nei L. tkU dlldcuKlM In. making, a fully bui , , MlnUvi. - I tol

SugfoU ruteiHlU;t4D ^ ^ During Uie dUcuuloa Miyor R. E. Spc „ Boblcr IndUated hU opinion U at ll ed.) n. mlghtproveneceisarytorequlrepii. B u teurUtUoROItUmllkofleredforule cit< . . InTwlnFtUi. Uiar DUcuulon lait night, In CommU- to ) ,e Iloner L A. Chapln'aoirtnloa, hinged *alC s. on the Quetllon ol requiring legre- B I. gaUonolhilecud,anlmaU,ud«er- itw |. mlUlng dairymen lo Judge whll milk 4-U ), Ibould be puwurlKd and what told pui ll nw . willt polnilrigoulUiallnonecuraherd du t }. Ihowed 17 rcocion W diyi after Ui#

fln i (ciU'thnwed ll lo be c l tu , CommluloMr T. J. Douglu remark- EQ ed It w u evident Uiat tlie city hid

,e not gone Ur enough re t In reguU- • t tloni tequlrlng herd* to be tuted 4 only once a year. Pid ' I m new reguUUen* make no pro- of e t vUlau loc put<urUaUoa, .bul. pro- Um . hlUt u U ol mUk Itom any cowt ea- eoui . ctpi (hou Ihown by (eiU (o bo free com

Iram Bingi'd lK ue. • , oftiTlie inipector’i eluUon lo th i e u s on I

I ptndlng belore Uii council caUi lor mon f K gnftilon ol.eowi ihpw njo be In- n i t ; recced ondcr penalty or lu ipeo iloa^ towi i UiUdilrynin’te trU llcaloorllm lu- w u• U on tou laanddellK rrof puUur* SUi , Ised milk only, . . lum

, C M im a K m , * «I One ellect ol the new regulaUohi. "w- according lo one ol tha dilrymea at. l u t nlfht'i RieeUng, U to eneounge> u le and u u of'booiler''milk, whleh ^I U broughl Into Twln-PaUi In. iraaUI quaniKlei Irom eaeh of a greal num-• ber of lourets Ulll etcape inipccUon. ^ •. tad.gencraily.U.offeredjl.a.prtce jum.■ lower (h u Uial charged by dairymen■ whoareiUempUngloconfOrmtotha .n, ' reguUilon. ' " . ' i ’V ' g tm r . i t i j the Impector'i'dutf .to ea*

lo n t Uit clly't preblHUai t ia ln tt = *booUer,r8Uk,-CommUilooirOhap* ^

• Ifl loid Uie dilrymea ■■Tlilt would Uko t tlwuiifid la* .

b u n a pillcnt at Uia v e ttn rs ' hoi- ^ pltal for ferenlweekf. - . ■

" W .H .J 3 w ig h t~ i ^ • D ENTIST

. E ldridde Bldg.O in c tm a e u I

H«ew rhani 4M |

= s s = 5 B a g i i r / ' I

M IM IU M j ^V N O IN C H R A S IIN P IU C ^ ,

9 9 Bn

i d r d P l



fpeciori,’' Dr. llirrU rejoined. ' Vi Deflaltlea HwlUbn PoiIUob ■'

Councllmen uUed on 'lb i clly at- Urnty tor t defmlUoo of ;thi Mrm tic a le ," u ippUed to ifvUeaUon m id i lome wttki ago by A. O. Be- _ noil ;pr widening of Uii tUey In the ^ block ironUng on ShMhone itreet

J belween FilUi tnd SUth ivenuei well. The propoilUon w u t in t Uia f‘‘ clly Ihould tacile a itflp Kvcn ttxi jf ' ona-ball feet wide off Fifth tteaue In return for grant ol a corrupond- In g a tU y -^ to m ik e U i ia n iy s a - '''<

. .feet wide. Councllmen demurred when advUed thal Uie term vtctle in thU coiuecllon w u cqulvtle«l to a

■ grant by deed. TTiey itld Uiey had **' notm canltoilteU iaiptcabulonly

• to tend I t lo fta appuctnu for lucb ■ Uoe u leemid dnlrtble. No dell-

i nlle declilon w u reached. *«Council paid bill* I u t evening la-

cludtng II300 pay-roU for Ubor and J I M97.W nel premium lor lUle indu*.. (rill accident Iniuruee for (ha lu l ( lU oasU u ef Uie currenl year. Oa •*’ r till h*»lt of payroll for tlw « n t M r*

year, Uia city had a credit ol HD.U, ” )! . which tbe lU lt Iniuruce fund ap- t piled to reduce tha 'tMTM p o u I premium Uue U payable U tdnace .I ................

|JE fliE ,P lS l i ' f l l

I S B S M K T l T. .......... M

JEROME, Aug. n (Special ioiTw Nevt^-Tbe thM tnnutl banker- iho: buUneionan lour .of Jeromi couoly, her In co-openllon wim Uia Idaho SUle non Banken' auocUUon, will b t held 1»( Tbwadiy, Auguit JO, Thomu-E. Fi Speedy, igrlculiura) agent, uaounc- Eda ed.htre loday. , We<

Bankera, butlneumen and Inter- m.1 eited farmen m Invited lo meel at will Uia NorUi Side Inn, Jerome, prepared o’cic to leave a l 8:30 A. M., Mr. Speedy M said. brot

Briefly. Uie prognm wUl Include a F^Il Itudr0fiugarbeeu.fertllueri,dilry. neu 4-U clubi. firm lorcitry. weodi u d Mln pulurei. Mr. Speedy reported. Lunch pin will be Km»l by llM PaUi city Civic 3. ll club. . V

— luar



PredleUon Uut U» iltio . board or equalUatlon wilt protably accept Um amended Ux roll of Twin Pini eounty u.<irdered by Um eounty i„ri( coramUilonen'lhvolvlngareducUoa orraluatlanamounUngtoMperoent n n i on Irrigated farm lu d i on’Uie Sll* nioD mon project u d 10 per cent In Uie m i

K S T a s s f f i i i s s , ' 'w u m td t 8. Claude terdJ SUwart. county aaieud , who n . « p t lumed Siturdiy night from BoUe, u i when he itleoded ihe o»iUflg of rere the boird lu t week. 5 ^ ^

Mr. Stewart Uld Uiat In bU opln- menl Ion, th t dllferenoe* between Oover- Bene DOT Rou U d the rett ot Um board .<«, we»nocas*etlou*tirepreMnledln lomoquarttn. With Ihe eacepUoa t « ofUiedUpula orer Ui« Ulephone u - reier teument be u ld Uien teemed to be non lltue-duigreemenl-of-lmporuacc.. 5 i* l

. noltlDr.'Foeter U trttUag two feet for dent;

fIM explm i m I t e u Htln E. Adr. Mn.

: = = = = s s 3 s = a = s s ^ = : = s s = %

Diamond RiQ U E J

GraniJ Prize! A Begis

Djam ondRingDonati ' R o b e r t s Jewel


:n order th tt etch one of Uii larea gl her ih ir t of Uit P R IZ n nm e wUl b t e

T bt glrl lelected u quBIK wtu b t e DIAMOND AIKa. I h t bilUM or Uia I The q o scH tnd the gtri tUndbig hlg win ihen dnw a atimbw tmtll ateh of tl h t n I mimben apUet. Each gtri wlU th tor whleh ih t holdi Un numben. AU pr go to th i glrl lelecUd u QOEBN. Hi nfght. Nimei or all cudldaiet puUUho


•Hie toUowtng named merehuU u d I a rt eo-oper^lng to mtke the *QIIEEN (


‘ The Twin FalU County Ftlr Board ^ file r Fair Oroundi on S^ember'(-9-IO

' FILER: Modera isnitptore.DrtwiUer waU Co, 0. A. Lon. Muigran Brot.. Mun Byrlgt Orocery and FUer Mett Co., aU ol

B tna.: Idao Orocery, Buhl PharsUey den RuU ston . J. O. PenneyCo,. Merrtc Co., Boring Cmtg Co.. WlUon Jewelry Co Ladlei ehop, Romona Teatre, 0 . W. b t Sampson Mutlo <39; and Americu Meat

ILUCHEN: Uanien suUon, Haj

KIMBERLY: WlUoa Brta. Oenenl Swearingen Furnttnn Co.. Ktoiberly A Klmberlr Bakery. Fayoox Orocery, Bellwi

UVRTAtTOR: Uurteugb MercteUIe Co. w . R. Slcktfui u d I bUier nimea b

ttO LU SnR -Law reaoi Drug Co, Ulb

TWIN FA U 8: L D. Store. F^-TU igi Roberfi Jewaljy Oft, Idtho Theiter, Ma> er. McElwalal Shot Ston, TVoUogtr Phi Vojue). Flower Foto Shop. Montgomer Brown Muiie Co, Burkholder Furoltun i

-ULCUanen. JDUHLSir Uundry, Onwf MercuUli Co., Twin FiUt Flonl Oe.. < Wagon Oo. New Tork s ton , Tlzton u d lean Eleetrie Oo. Twin PatU O U a tnd rud Photcgnpher, SlncUin. Wagner’i n tng Co, u d tb t a. 0.,Peaaey Co.

NevTcandlditM ju tt teeelved:'£tt« But rord. Twin FUU,’ RvUi 81e«, BuhL

1 «eU glnn for eaeh I»t spent wtUi txamplet Ite psrebaie. t n te ; Me pwrehi


AUGUST 18.1031

" ~v . ■ ; . '


Three young men. captured byJb Twtn PalU police olllceri altera fur”

out chase Sunday evening, wen len. S tenced by JuiUca of th t Peace H. Mi

H oU eriourvetennilnJallioriU al- ^ iogguoUne,ai]itoneotUieulo,A.E.

Balding, Bden, w u lenunced aUo to ! pay tiO flna and ts.McoiU for iteal.

}. Ing an automobile tire. Beldlng u d .M J . Nelph. Eden, were tenleneed to

eerrtrirediysetchrorikallflggua. line, m d II. Kimball, Wyoming, w u

J tenleneed, to tetre 10 d a n for bU j: part in Uif gaioUne Uieft J They pleided guJlty Uf» pel tlt Ur-

cenychar|cofi(eaUnrguotlo«/rom' a car belonging to Iran Itooki. Pay-1. e lle ., • - .........—L in the eoune ol Uw ch u e Suaday ” evening, police olllcen reported, tba

trio Uuew oi’erboard a fln-gaDoa " c tn and a lO-gatlon kegoi gaaoUne ,. and toued a length of rubber boM , laio.abean field. - '• lh a lire Uiat Balding tdmllUd

tteallni. belonged to Marguerite ' Craig. Jl w u recovered.

F i i l i i i i s .I TO MISS W i n

MUi Barbara Anna Dehn. Twin t FalU mident tor n yean p u l, dUd . ibortly beton,mldnlght Sunday a t ; her reildence,' JJO Fourth avenue • norUi, lollowlng a long perloflof fall.1 Ing heilUi. / ' .. FunenI leitlcei wilt be held a l S t . Edward’i Cithollo church 119 A.M. | . Wedneiday. u d InUrment wUl be . uT w in FalU cemetery. Tha Roury ■ ( will be aald i t Ihe rnldmce i t 8 [ o’elock (hU evbtni. :r MUJ Dehn U lurvlved by Uirea

broUier*. VaTentlna Dehn.. Twin I P^IU;. Andrew Dehn. Rogen. Mbi- , ncuia, and Oeotge Dehn, Anoka,. MlnneKU. She w u bom In Henne­

pin county. MUinfioU, Nevember 3. lisa.

O e bodyt rciU a t the White mon luary.


SECOND POCATELLO BIDTwin FalU delcgalion at.the Idt­

ho Americu Uglon department convention at Lewliton lu l, week moved for iccepUnce of PocaleUo'i InvlUUon for the n » t connntlon to open July 4. nett year, but Twin FUlU delcgatci did net vote on Uie propoiUlon to whleh oppoeltlon aroee on account of the dr^U lUed for tbe gathering. memb(n of tho delega­tion tu te d on thdr r e t ^ hen yet* terday. The conrenUon rated to ac­cept PocaUllol Invllatlon.

Memben of Twin FalU delegaUon were Terry Pntcr, poet commaRdcr; Duncan Johniton. retiring depart­ment fln t vleo commander; Htrry Benoit, former Idiho American Le* j te i nallonil e«nn}IUeem*a; Hirvy B ill u d John Bauch.. Twin FalU AuxllUty unit waa np- Kiented a t the Idaho Americu Le­gion Womens AuzUU;? .conrenUon at.U wlium-Uil.w Be? nolt,. nUrlng FlfUi dUtricl pntl- dent: K n . BaUch; Mn.-PraUr and M n. Johnitoa.

Mng Free!J E N ...i g i s t e r e d B l u e b i r d

n a t e d b y t t e R . L . ~

i w e l r y C o . '

■ B IZ B S R E V I S E D

ren gtrU In Uie flnaU will receln U b t dUtrlbuted a i t oUowi;

I b t tnUUed to lha BLtm BtRO Uia U prUei will be numbered.'

C hlgb from each of Uie town* lerthe iizg lrU andU itq tJS C N ' rlU Uieabt entitled lo Uia prUet i AU p r itu left orer automatically N. Homlnatloni clou Ihunday , UUhed Friday. ^ J


and fUmi ot Twin FalU county SEN OP THE FAIR CONTEST

u d ^ r Uie PAIR to be held at t.9-10-11.

nller MercuUU Oo, Falk-Tlng*. Munyon'i MarkeC and Orocery, aUolFU it.

inA r. Buhl Hardwan Co, OoW ferrick Eardwan and Fumltura ry Co, New York store. Holmet'

b M. Oo, Adela Beauty Shop. U eatlla rket.

a, Han*en.UercanUla Co.

leral Bton. Stowfi Drug'Co, rly Kirdwart and Grocery C a . .Dell wood Dru< Co, Shfidowland.

eUIe Oo, Uurtangh Kardwarp mea Uter.. M«hn UerttaUli Co.'

.TUigwaU. SU rtsi-V u Engelen,; MajetUo Fbinnaey. The Lead- r Fbannacy. Dora NeUon (The fometr Ward and 'C o . CUude Itun Co. TWy Uundry. Imper- Wawtordl Beanto Salon. BooUi Oe,. ConioUdiUd Machine aod.I aod Oo, Mott arocny. Amer*I ta d Paint Oo,'Margo'i. J u t*IT’B nome Bakery, etrau* CloUi-

a BuUer, HonUUti Marie Bick-

, wIUi tba a b m menhanU (■nJuue. I n U ti )LN pwrtbaic.

S l i l i E c i i i

GOESTOFIlllEPiSE'en. — _M- JEROME. Aug,’IT'fSpecUI to The

111* N ew i)-Funtnl servleea for Harold ,■ E- Donald Harding, two-year-old ton of• to Carl Harding, who died Thuraday.'!*• Augurt U. ol blood Infectlop, wert Uld bald I t UMOirminLutberu ehurchto at 3;J0 P.M .sundty tnernoon.Rer.

w- J. H. Jihr, Biker, Oregon., w u 1a r u ehaige,bU Ptll bearen were KtUileen Kulm,

Ortoe Kulm. Erther IJockter u d rnlyn,TJmra-«>d f l m r ffrii..EW».

Om siuhlMr*. Mirtha DockUr, AlUaa ‘J- Dodtler u d Erma Kulm.

Thi child w u bora BepUmber ),' • / im . K iU tcirrlred 'b rhU B M hir 'ha tnd falher,- one lUUr u d two ;0a brother!.>ae InUrment w u tn Jeroma cemitcrr.3M

M CHECK W RITER IN JAIL»o N,D.WltcoMn.whopUtdadgollly’

to WTIIIDI a bad check lor tUO tfU r being Mtmllted Jo mtka good u *

t oUier bad chMk lomi d tyt tarller,I waa iint<ne«d by JuiUoe of Um , J - Petct K. M. HoUtr ytaUrday to 1

u m 10 daya tn Jatl and p*y H.M

----------- -----------

AmU/ CBUEfiTSIn The Oem SUU Study dab will !d meet with Mn. I n n Uncota Wed* - I t ;ietday afternoon a t ] o'eloek.II . .1 -I . CommuDlly church Ladlei Aid lo-

clety wlU meet tn the chureh ptrton :t wedneidaralteraooB wltti Mn, Cart 1. NeUon, bcaUu.

; - ' • - - -8 • ■ ■___________________

fla :W« G ive Q ueen V otes!

"Now Playingcan a Good

J m J m GUI Uve a* f l l S P I HanUd

Iv ^* P u l i a l l n c ° Inm a lay ing " ■ b a n Uia Uirob- ! . blng heart ot a : 1 2 7 \ glrl who wanl-■ I r ) ■• • •

■ I ' Haa C U it ' .» A . - 7 ' Jam uC U tk .

Marie F nrw t RebertSUU

Romaaet ef A O lrfi H urt IltBgtr fer Menett U n asd

■ B u l HapghnMl

. . - Added J ) d lg h U , - ~'OHC* OVW U G B l* 'Benu A ABea OwMidy "CnASING TROUBLT*

A FaUu Comedy •‘ FaUii Bewad Newa '

UtL le-U<( I n . U t-th


Free goir Uoona ud'edilbiUon 00 fUgi a t (he Ovpbiua bigio.' . nbig W ednudar-I and 9 o'clock -b y Hale OUrki th i "pro' holder or Ull coune record of Twin FalU’ Oountry Chib; It'a Just an* olher added treat 'fer PubUx v Theatn patronil . , .1

W ED. & TH U R S.


H m m i n* rn*Mrf Mm

C h a r l l s R u e g U f

" m i O I R iH jA B I T "■M

fomtrB G tvo ' Sua Cawrav

lOe-Ue - HctSe-Me . .‘T T il HAprV U f r U


^ C f lm e d y . ■

LAST IIMK8 5 ^ ^rooA T • & \ n

MarU DnuWr ^ i V u d Fatly K enii

_ _ ^ |F 0 U T 1 C B «

' A T n a trM X eiH ,''

td mJUl from Younfi Dairy , cooled Uu "Dodera war la Kelvlnaton trora th t Idaho- N endt EUctrto Oo,. aam d \m e ,to Uit OTPhium paUtmi . 1 agaln-today. • " ■'f‘

Page 5:… · P U .H . Edition v^Hl-----------yoCTrrrornn— . ~ ^ ' N : E A W H G E

Cards iFive-Run RaDy in Final Game Gives NewYorkDecision

M issouri A ggregalion W ins

O p en ln j C on lest on P a rk

Ih G otliam , a n d Bows

In C losing F ra y , 7 lo 5

ssS teNational league

__________T ry 'S * K i

> s l iB s S - . i = r S S i i

!GAMESTfiM£:Chlnco fti B«t«n f

: 81.U uUalNewY«rk ' ; \ CInelnskU kl BrMklra I PHUbn^h Kt PhllidelphU ,

(Bj Thd Aw»cU(ed Pm*» '

Ne w YOIUC. ABI. n-Aflre-Tun < n I tr In Ufs.eLghUi Innlns ot Un tinil j*me or » double- i

• hi«der gtre tha Ne» Ybrt: Otonti J M (Ten brt«k apilntt (he SU Louli | O trdlntUtodiy.The Cards won the t

V opener. 9 U> 8, while the aiaiiu took | the nK hlap. 7 to >. {

t l>aulDerrin(erludUwaitnU««ll ( tn hand In the letond |iD«.unlU he blew up In the elihth.Teny aUrt­lng the rail]' wllh a home n n tnd i tlnlihlngabrgrouDdlniout^Afour- i run ntljr in the aame lonlng decided { the l in t same althoujh the OUnU i m d e A bid by counUng Uire* Uinei > In U\B ninth. Botlomley and Haley } hll home rviu In the Carda' big In- i nlng. <

«Sr. LOUIS . An B IO I Jt t ; A = S ; s I ■■4| I'

> D?'mSiw“ p'; < 0 0 0I “hu i* 4ft J 13 J4 13 1



i 5BitBUBirri Tuo-UM h iu —T e r r r . ^

w ^ ai»7i‘»mW[n piuhw-Miteani/ ft

cnic*ao»-j.DoiTO H i-» ^ BOSTON. Ai& 11 (fV-Tlii Cuba nor-

. *d laia Mceaa pUe* in .U i Nauonal vJ

>> Isa la^ ll

enlr Ihm •ln|lM.«tUI«liU tnnuntM wR« (wijr twlee u maay runi.

n n t am * • „ . nc w ’'* ^ ^ ! l_ _ - « o ie o o o o ^ w ^ to n ^ . y nMaMBan-a | t |n

■attMM: tales* Md UuUitt. ,J.

OBIOAOO ****" ” “ 'n HO ; ----------- - i t l i ' e

' !D. TMilor. rt -----------0 0 0 0 0 -1vntMo. II » 0 1 2 0 og

r^ SSiih? p --------------- i n t o 0 w1 Teuu _________ o j i s w u J *' •aiii«lW flinoalaBU>UJ. „ . ini

S!SS“3 ' : l = J ! ! iUoon. 1)1 . * ® ? 1 CT

^ 0 | ^ J a ^' UrtWK.ijf . . n o 3 e

tJ ir iS S y h iS to !* * “ * ” «

? 5 s r - . o * ' & w x , & « t oh o U M . t o t a m ^ » £ 3 ? u . Ul M ^ T U i . to w«m: ta u « p S S i - j «

r tm n v x o n tm

' ' n m Oi m ' ottiJ^iaSS^ .1. ATIr e ii» « ^ ij . _ — eco MO WUJ J J “ < n n o l i ^ 'S S * ' ****.'• • •

prrrBBtnwir*"', ®5S*tt ti o a t J l

S r t i l l H y___ anw ^g^------• ■ » » ioii

/ Touo« . I ......n 0 IM II 1 bflJ • lltittd far tlMnaint id eUUi. DtiA ITOLAOCLnilA An R R 0 A EV y ^ n . j r _ ------- « ; ? • ? ? ; e

-------« .» » * ,• - * - A

iVnd GiiI WHERE ■ y rT H O U O H T ^ l

, WAS A l T M « O H ‘ft£ SO10MOMS ) filOE OF H(S ‘TEM Pl£? I FOfWHtAO*

i . ^ ^ TX6 6AM6

R-lf. -V.I-

» „ ' ( = ! s ' i ! ! !MtCiudr. e - « 0 I 1 0 eWwintT. Jb ________ « 9 ‘ * S Ja g ' V --------------! ! i i i !

Ph‘t . ^ p “l»------------- IKl HM fll«-J; aummarri Rutu taiiM m » Tiltt.I Hunt 2; IM-Mu M »-t. «4 ttr. n t l

L P. n w t: itMtti m m

to uikt. THmBo*‘’t8 OnniBi^ «»1- laa u Ditttil 10 Hunk

ClKCINNiTI i^ A O U N I I—J > SnOOKtrrf.Aut. i t Mv-CU)CtnaiU'»

SjbI*.BiH«r Irem tBt BrooUfB'nJ>*

nWMMV- R.H.X.o a tu ^ tu — IW o» -« I I

S tiS ««T 33lR S^!S if8 ijw a l tQuiDD. Uoort and LenMnSU .SacMB Uani

„ci»cimiA-n AO n u oa s t . s ± = j iS A f r . ------------- ! ia - , — ! - - -!■ - it e a - . -------------! i ICim4l, p . , . ...1 '

j s k l s h — v s w jPrMtfleit, cf « I 0 < BoutBm. t f _______ e 0 0 IODWl. If ----------2 2 1 ,IlmniB. rt 3 3 0nuMDcit*. IB ______ 4 10 e '

-------------- . . . ,aiibm. 3B * 0 e »

gg£^ = ^ . i i ! a i

S S S & I j S H !r&ti^a. . (

FIGHTS ^._______ i

-••SHADE T B ronrH s ^ oinoA oo. Aug. n

m n ^ . eully d«(etU4 "W i WUU^ Ofter^ BooUa. In k ' t n f . ilded, 10-ramd bout to the WhIU City arena tonight. t,

Bobbing and m v ing , Shade vai n loo eluslre t Urget for the lieaTlly c muscled boy from Ooilon. Shade Y. »on nlna itjundi, «lU».OiUr.Uklng u the sixth «hen Shade eased up. «; - osUr *ai-wlld-ind.wimng,-but « could not eonnact v tth ' the ihldy v San Francisco reteran. vho Uugbed R and Joked «Uh h li Krlous*olndtd M toe all the vey. Shade velghed lM ? to INK tor Oeter. o

Itenry Plrpo, bald-beaded middle- vtlgbt ot New Castle, Pennsjrlnhli, g woa • lurprtse decUloo f r r a young Johnny Bums, Oakland, OaUtomU,In the eight-round leml-wlndup.

nsROOMAs v m s rNEWYORIC,Aui.l7WV-Olacorao |J

Bergamu, big lUlUn hearyvelghU x knocked out Jack Shaw, New V ort g In 6< aeeonds of Uie ttn i round ot g Uielr 10-roundboutalSUrlighl'puk v tonlghU A lettandarlghtientShaw K down lor Uirf full counU Bergomu „ weighed »1 pounds; Shaw IM. •>

w o lg a st"w in 8 N o n ro u c . Vb, Aug. 17 .« > - ’

‘Mldger.Wolcait, PhUadelphIa, ree-. ^ ognlied in iCTeral atatec u fly- ci weight champion ot Uio world, won a lO-round deeUlon o n r Dick f ' Welih, Norfolk, fomerly ot PhUa- m detphla. here lonlghU WoIgut, acal- Ing IIBU pound!, hsd Uttli trouble *> piling up polnUin erery round wtth < t llghlnlng lett. Welsh weighed lia. m

In the eight-round •eml'tlnal, Charley Oomer, BalUmore. in . w u _ too-eleftt-Jct__rStumpy" Jaccto. B Ilopewell, VlrglnU, welgwij lli . Qemer won the decision.


Ing Uitlessly moit ot Uie ftay, Juito ~ Suarez. Argentine llghlweighl. w u V held to a draw by EmU Roul. a conparaUvely unknown Kew York . JlAllan, In a lO-round bout at Oe*- icr park. Brooklyn, tonight. Suarei irelg'hed m W ; Rosst MOS. S

The result w u almort u sensa; , Uonal an upMt u when Suarei w u . mocked out by BUly Pctrolle In Wadlson Square Oarden June a lust when the ArgehUne youngsUr JJ. leemed headed.tor the lightweight

A a bou t'w u so closely tought f “ M t Uw Judges dUagreed, one gir-n« Uie m dlc t to Suares and Uit ^)Uie'r to'RotsL Referee Johnny Me- - 1,1Toy Uien cajt Uie deciding' ballot ^mi) called it a draw.. ,1

SAGCEBO WINS MIAUT, PU , Aug. 17 on -R elan-

»«oBaguero,It9K,TBmpa,wonby “ “ k knockout w er Tod Smllh, 1«. = Jsytoo, Ohio, In Ui« teeood round „ >t1ilO-round tight hero VMlght „ J Bagucro floored Smith tor UW'fuU

wmt wiUi a flurry qf letU and »*• ighU ahortly atler the Koocid tound ^


C®rOHAD0aPRW<W.Aaf.I7t« «W ' A l ^ u ^ , . Mew Mexico, ipdjby;


iants Spl" Victorious Team ■


Of Hurler Wells;fi

_ _ c

VIc.SorfoIl Holds Yankees. To Seven Hits, Three i Producing Run In F ou rth “

And Two N o tling A nother J

— I

12 American Uague s

i i b l l ls G U U S I Me»! New Yerk at D etnit w nailen a t Chltagt*

.Vo elher*.

I ’j (Dr Th* A lll^ te d r m i) T [* rv C T R O lT .A u g .n w -T a k in g

1 1 adranuge ot nwst ot Uiilr 10 hlls ott Ed Wells. Uie Detroit

} 5 llgers look Oie New York Yankees ; 0 lo an »-to-3 trimming In tha Uilrd I I game ol Uielr series today.1-0 —Vic Sorrtl held tha.Vanki to uvea 1 I 9 hiu, Ihrte ol which produced a ran I ! Inlhe lourth and tvo more ot whkh n I 0 netlodanoUiernm In tha tilth. Dale— Alesandfr's bat, which h u been t ' rather Idle ol UK, pounded out two 0 I doublea and a single In Uireo UmrsI I t Uie plale, while Roy Johmon con- I ntcted vlth ona et WelU' otferln|s p, I for a bome run. nl

1 .S ', ’™ — -‘f s n j i SI Ruth, ir • 0 1 3 a 0 *e

IS__________2 I 3 T 9 A Tl

t cl _________S 0 1 3 0 0

tlin iif i ' -------------K 3 V i i ^ID' ocm orr ah n ii o a i • ur- ft. Johnun. r( . ■■■ -2 2 1 0 0 !:,

a S i r r z z - i U i ' ! ! 'Hsrwtii, c .............i 0 0 2 0 0 Dewnll p _________ 2 0 0 0 2 0 m

Ttttti « t l i t r r a si » .» Vf-> .......... .. -•■ ana ila atn-a Q“ - r r S'

lloai.Aliuiultrithm'huahlU^Wilk. j |

SS £ S 7 ^ S i “ “• ■ iw itoK », cwicioo I •

’U lUtTlof Mtebirt' btltit leday. But ra t Ailit C tnvart Mrir laa((KllHn«< n t fa- Pi7. lal to IM WblU Bat. sBd Baton loan w° ! thi naal o( U>* atrlM, 2 to i. It v u ”Dg Uulr.tBlrd.iletarT-lB.Uia (our n a n Bi

ae- netu ist, 3b -^ , ,——3 1 3 . e I

! ! wla, iwaji w 3 n i» I ]

.S'";*." "? ; ” S 5 K & f f z = ! ! f ! S

■ J s: t CU..II. ------------------ 4 I I « *c1

-1W*li __________2J 3 13712 I Slu— . r s s s s f S M r g

CblcMB — OOl GOO 001—3 Oa

J f f f l S S S a i i t i - l i1; «»n . ____ IU

E » ”S i . r ' " " ' r r £•;I • ----------------------- / \ s «

i B e r g e r - C o n q l i i ^ s — q

H o U i s t e r , 9 t o 0 S

: HOLLISmt. Aub. 11 (SpKlil to ^ , TTia Newsi-Btrger baseball nine de-M , ttated HoUUter, 9 to 0, on Uia NaU S 800-Pah dUmond Sunday altemoon. ^

A U rn crowd witnessed Uie Ull, tea- q , turedbyftK lw n'i/inRlngotliH oI- ' UitermenandPovell'afannlngelghl f

Berger pUytn. o[ B e rrr wlD pUy Cutleford ne il n„, * Sunday a t the Nat-Soo-Pah dU- ; mond. The HollUler lineup com- (jgn

pttsed! auto, lett field: Lowe, short- u jj stop; Strickland, t in t base; Pollock, - j ,

‘ ttilrdbast!A.Pehlman.secoodbase: uq, , BuUer,ilghtlleld;Balrd.eentertleld| n n J . Pohtoan, calmer; and Powell, 4

; plteher, B«rg«r’s lineup Included; ‘

‘ shorutop; Sutman, a loher; BUck, right IJeld; Bolmaa left Held; Shaw, tin t base; Panona, Uilrd bue.

Powell, SneUn, MuUlna, Eulman and BUck made lwo*bu« hlU.

Nellgh, Nebraska. 'wlU meet bera t ^ morrow tor Uii Rooky mounUIn n» _ . glo&al champlBBshlp of the. Ameri- csia liegton baseball toumamenU Tha winner o( tooorrow'a gam* will oom- • pHo for Uie a!l-Westem champlpa- ship Thunday.

NeUgh d e f ^ Obeyenne. Wyom­ing. today by » St-0 Kore. Albu- «uu«o* w s o ^ r Coloradcv

lbyW «iJaM laa toP -- :i


I -

>IH TwinTwin Falls and [1

Hailey Net Aces J W ieO acquets

HAILEY. Allg. 17 (Special lo Tlie

k N'eva)'<A Urge crowd of icnnU Ians Mtched Iniertillng malchfs be- t« e n llalley ind Twin FalU pUyeri Sunday atlemoon' on the Kenl rouris, vhlch ver* In exoallent eon- dlilon •folloving Saturdw night's ,

I Hfciry Molony, lUlley, deleaUd •fiC ■R'm McCoy, Twin falli, 7 -5 .0-1I,

10-g, In Um hsrdeet battle ot the ,

“ milrley Cunningham and Uibel

l e r r M f A ' s r ” -;;Henry Molony and Bill Brooks. , .

llalley, subdued Tom McCoy ano ‘“i lltnry Oraham, 8*1,4-d »nd a-<.

K. Oraham laUr deleated Brooks 9-1, ‘h 8.1. Harry McOoy deleaud Waller ^\ oalliher, by seor« of 4-9, 7-B, 9-1.

Tom McCoy delealed Brooks, 4-fl, ^ «.t. 8>« and Molony bowed to Ora- , ‘

HI. hsm by a M , 9-1 Ully,.JJJ P. L Kent «U d U referee. ,JM ' _____________ lilt

i Paul and ulll Win s In Inland Circuit

Twin Fa lls L osos to Mini-Ing“ doka County N ino, 7 -0 ,

And Oakley B ow s, B to 2

W ^INLWD-LEAOUE BTANmNOB. 2 " un Clubs- Won Lost KU oui*1' Buhl - - . a 1 JJ3 no:lie p»u i____ «• 3 JM Mtj■en Tain f a l l s ----------- ^ woiwo Oskley - _________ .1 * •*» voi)(s •- the<n- Aided by tlie superior plUhIng of ^ i|s P. c iirk the fUltlng Paul baseball

nine blinked Uia Twin FalU team, 7 ou; B to 0, on tbe local diamond Sunday {ji, J allemoon. CUrk allowed only six 50110 tcalUred hlU while WelU g a n uie pgj « Psul twm II ftlnglef. ftn,1 Moicr, Paul Ihlrd baseman, icor-8 Ijig thre* hill ind two rtini, w « ^ j^ j0 ouUUndlng bat wUldir. K« aUo |q ,> Ihowtd hU ikll] u a muttman.Just

belora Ul* game began, when; mueh1 to Ihe delight ot the fani, he kUted» a JackrabUlt wlUi a earefuUy aimed U.S peg, u a dog chued the long-eired ot 1e creiture neir'tha dUmond. mei0 PAUL AB R U PO A E ot I

• 5 Sinlord, c l --------- i J 3 a .1 0 wltt0 Benedict, e -------- i I I fl 0 0 reet0 Drew, IC________ 5 1 I 0 0 0 by« Moier, 3b .......J__ i a 3 I I 0 torr

~ flWWlH, 'J b _____ 6 1 2 8 0 0 , II-3 Brower, 3b _____ 8 0 1 3 3 ' 0 Mbi- ? a m U h ,« ------------8 ,0 .0 1 .1 .0 iW1 : Halton. r l ______< 0 0 3 8 0 lo CIB F. CUrk, p _____ 4 1 1 2 ,< Oplct

0 ,C U r k ,r l--------1 0 1>2 P . 9 J j j

'Totals'___— - « 4 'r r i ? 3714.0 atte

•" ■ TWIWFALLS A B R K P O A Et t Adkins, IS _____.4 0 3 I 3 0 . J•- PauUon, l b --------8 0 0 13 0 0

s S ' . ’z r z : ! ! ! ! ! S , 'or SoUtli, 3b. cl 0. (L.3 1 0- Lyons,.Jb____:— 4 _ 0 _ 0 _ 1 .3 lJ Ho*eO, r t — ^ 0 0 1 (J I ‘I j1 Uraon, It .,......-8 0 1 0 0 0I PolU, J b ----------- 3 0 0 3 3 10 Wake, r t .>0 0 0 0 0 0 g(.0 —■ — ^ .• TOUU_______ 81 0 .0 37 18 3 ?haS Paul ___________ »J3 100 001-7 c u t

— Twin FalU „ ~ , ,, OCO 000 000—0> Summary: Two-baM hltt-^U ser, tn rl ? Stewart; double pUyi-BTOwir to noor a SmlUi lo Stewirt; Sanford to Sttw-1 art; hit by pitched b#U-8ouUj by Oi : CUrk; struck out-By OUrk 8. by «or) 0 WeIU7|umplre-Buek!ieortr-Rus- piett• sell •: ulsr 0 »n:i e D U HLt,O A K LRI reall0 OAKLEY, Aug. 17 (Spedal lo The s Kewil-Buhl detealed OaUey here ” Sunday, » lo I. u Uu. Wait ’ End1 sluggers colleeUd 14 h lU ' olt 3

Boru while BtereniktOakUy. down Wllh only four. ' . r .i»

4 BUHL .A B R H O A E .M ,4 carte ,.C f-----------5 1 ,1 8 0 0 J,*":5 Undholm, 8b — 18 1- 1 I J 0 *1*® . KcCllnlock, It — 8 .1 3 0 0 0'• Homllng, s s _____ 8 1 8 1 8 0 “ ““ T, Hejlmanek, 3b J 1 3 3 3 0

Randall, l b _____ 8 0 3 13 0 1 MAI• Pember, r t --------- 4 0 1 8 0 0

UcNealy, 0 -------- 4 .0 1 8 1 1 ^^ SWreni, p --------- 4 0 « 0 1 0 At

- M a U _______ 43 8 14 3713.3 reall]" “ OAKIZV----------AB-R-H-O-A-B Ottlcl) tlenur, c t --------- 4 1 I I 0 0 Odd’ Thomptoo, 2b — 4 0 1 8 1 .0 ot cle

B. Martindale, u 0 1 4 4 I Ing s. U, EtUolt, lb ....— 4 0 0 4 0 1 todai« Simmons, c --------4 0 0 9 0 0 An.• C. zniolt, 3 b -------4 0 0 ,3 1 0 sh* 1r StringlUld, I t ------4 0 1 1 0 0 liugt'• BorU, p ________8 I 0 3 1 0 mot:‘ 0 . MarUndale, rf - i 0 0 I 0 0 senU• " --------- ---------------teem‘ r jtaU - - - M 3 4 TI 8 J sonal

Summary: Thr**-baie hlt«-Uom- emmi Ung, Ttiompson: two-bate hlu, MJs

• Uomllng J. HeiUnanek, Stringfkld: a imi ’ double plsyt-B. Martindale to C. kill II

EUlott; hit by pltcber-B. Martin- ulrei dale: stoUn bas!»-Huntcr, B. Msr- ganU

I Undala 8, Hejlmanek 3. Rahdsll; mayo stmck out-by Btereu 8, by BorU lltlcal

i __ , eteen

1 Sunday’s Games £!!: ------- lx?*<' ffATrOKAttEAQt* •., New YBTk 7.1,81, U td . 1-8 ' ‘W^ ‘ Cbkago 7-8. Boitoa 1-1

Bnaklyn 8-g. ClnetnaaU :-7Only gsnet Kliedaled q |c

' — ■ “WhaAtfEBlOAN LEAGUE

: - Boaton J.8, O U ag e J .1 ,-----=rhIUdelpbU9,CUTeUad4 m m

' NtwToe»»,D*trolt9• WashlBgt«8-I.BLUBl»8.| ''• J

FACinO COAST LKAQUE rartUnd 8-8, SeaU 8-8 ' B,

B«alU«8-t,Baerunenlol-U ' O aUaodg-AM telM sM MgJ

.;V oU yw n4H U «A B gdal-8 ‘ H g


n Bill AnDenipey Starts

I® Suit for Divorcelie wems ne

SIx-Ycar R om anco B e tw een tl!

in- Film StaR a n d P ug ilis t “"iit's , Jti

Conies to T rag ic Close t »

II, — - hr■*'® ItENO, Nev., Aug. 17 WV-HU lU- ^

ytsr romance witli EslelU Taylor " bliiifd,jitkDemp»er,lonnerheivy. weiglii chsmi.lon ol Uie world, llled Sllll litre today tor a dlvone from .1

“ • his scircss wui. .The comjilslnl, tiled afler a com-

.1 I’leie breakdown ol negolUtloni , .l wiifteby Mlu Taylor sought to hav* , .{_ DempieybuybacktromherfortlOO,- ^ 000 the tiou!« he gava her u a vtd*

dim gilu cliarged “manial cruelly" u,, In iJit aoriU ot Ihe sialule and did , nui so inio deun.. Urniiwy did flol aeeowpajiy hu iitorucy to the counly clerk's office lliis morning, bui remained a t bome. ..

Thtte he lokl Tha Associated Preu r r

I tfisi II he iisd thought thera w u one -clisnce in Uie world for Estelle and me to continue logetlier 1 wbuld nev- >, er h m brought suit (or dWoree.' '

I f “1 sm fond ol e iu lle tn d 1 alwa>-s ■ l l will like her," Dempsey said. ‘■But

11 Jmt couldn'i be. She bad her Ufa _ 10 ksd and I hsd mine. We were u,.

, loo diilrrem. 1 hsd my work to do.|i« She hsd hers. Tliere seemed to be

no ute to uy any longer.0 . UcmpKy, obrlously broken up at

' llte lurn ol iltalri. u ld he wanted to ll 9 get the cau over wlUi lh a hu rry - will

to get oul of iKre and go Io vork. nig: lubtri £. Bunu, hU counsef, w u con

, noi ccrtsln, however, Uiat Uie case lnc( >- would'b* Milled qulckly.-He pelnUd lri-l ■« oui Ihsl- Uemjisey's complaint w u moi ” no; aeeompsnied by an answer In ihe ” MLm Taylor's behalf and Uiat UiU forr ” would ineiin lhal trial of Uie suit Ooli ” would be dcUyed unUl such Uma ss opp . she does file one. V,

^ Although Burns would not u y m, r*p< nevipspermw here believe Uiat Uii san

I ous probably wUl be contcsUd by a d V Mlu Tsylor. Two posilbUIUu wera m 1

coiitidtrcd-Uiit she mlgh(, u re- kui « ported irom Lo* Angelea Ust nlghl, eurt

bring jBlt tor dfrorce there, or fll* «w in mtwcr and crosi compUlnt In fron Reno snd atiempt lo win Uti d tc n t

■9 In Uie local coutta..................

eUni'RISBSATTORNBY 4 LOS ANOtLES, Aug. 17 ^ N a w s w u id Of the filing by Jack Dempsty, for- otili

mer hesTywelglii boxing champion, port E ot s suit lor divorce Irom hU actrau new 0 wile, Estelle Taylor, In Reno, wsl of s 0 rectlvrd with extreme surprUe loday 0 by Joiepb Bcolu MU# Taylor'e al- 0 torney. OP0 . He announced a conlerence vlUi 0 Mlssnylorhsdbeencilledlmmedl*0 ively liter UieVteno suit ww filed . . . . 0 b dUcua the t jx t step'tha motloD ’ .0 picture ictress expecu 10 lollov.0 seol\ said he understood an amlo- < - d , d l .« a r a p n j c J u j j M ^0 after conterencea wlw Robert *■ -m ^ Buma.Dempuyi.aUortny. • -I?? E -1 do nol understand why Uie suit ° w u tiled so soon." Scott said.0 ,M

! T H E M R E S g1 “ T H E G O O D 'B A B 'a iR L " - “ S

! PLAYS AT IDAHO NOW f S0 Sba w u not happy being bid but ing 1 : Uia racket wouldnt let her b* good, by ti 3 That'iUiauntortuoitailtuallonMae Oru aarke, Uw harblne of 'The Oood ven

« Old Olrl," Uia ColumbU drama cea- ipor r- in r to tbe ldabo Uwatre tUs alter- dew » noon {or • two^Uy run, fladi ber- Vi ’ self In. m f How she orerpowere tha torcw vou!1 voriUng agalnit har cnnprUu • w • picture that approaches the pop- Ten

ulsr gingsur theme from Um worn- Uiai an^s angli. i t Is ssJil-io be a to a

, of a woman who wanted .to cult a uid,! racksl and grab a lltUe payr I bippbieu for henlef, Thui a hu- uoni

man interesi story of • womin'a m t cmotletiat itniggle U InUrworen andwlUi a powerful itory of th* m uh- u iInaUoni ot tha underworld, How- clanever. It U -said that Ui» gsngsUr tvanelement U kept In Um background; fieldIhe streu being laid en the woman /( tnIn Uia itOT^____________ prln


'ON DRPHEUM’S SCREEN K 'AC U st-a new sUr. sUe Not Uukt Marla Drwler wasn't vaeal

really a lU r before - hut now she's porte |b "itAiitry^" Malm- toiro

Ooldwyn-Mayerl hilarious drama aaTi oteUctloniaoddtypolltleitlltebe- cnw Ing ihowD a l tbe Orpheum Uiealre and 1 tcday (or tba lu t Umes. tn d t

And what a atari Kot only does Ml shl figure In tome ot the biggest numl Uughianaudlenceereren}oyed,but, "Say, In other parU ot the picture, pre- One.' unU character delineations ringing Vina teem llu ptUuUe to a (JomMant per- oaiJ< sonallty touUnran enUre clly goT- Deck, emment 'HlH

MUl Drsttkr plays a housewife In a im&ll town wbo, when raekeUen EQ kill Ibe daughter of a neighbor, re- lolvei to dean up Uw town. 8he or- _ ., ginUes Uie women's toU, nuu .for mayor wlUi Polly Moran u her po- j llUeal manager, ex posts graft and rajni braves Uw underworld, rouU nek- Frau e tee rw ad even calU Uie women of Uw tovn out on (trike igalnst their hulBsadi to vin tbe eampslgn. And ‘x?*»J»doal___________


APPEARS AT ROXY _Oloria Bwaniont wardrobe In . 1>

'W ial • Wldowr ber dur ulklng



W M ifaArfcW . r v a e Hf-W


ltd tigeiCrowd Thrills to ' IM

Speed Boat Races> Ssriks or DlftM U kt lu Bntlie Z• river csnyon ntar Shoslione tslU mi<

were lined all Tound Sundsy a lw . (hs noon wllh Intereftrd observen ot a ner serlrs ot exciting motor bo«l riees one

1 and Ihcllllng exhlblllon ot surt- ran

(board riding, uosu and drlters vere entered T)'

from American Falls. Burley and I ' It Twin rslls.

Ttie utility B erent. run In three hrsU, WSI von by Osle Cogswell, Twin fslU. driving Hsppy Boy. Hol-

. sien.otHeybum,drtYlngOYeah.wM ' ' ncond,indcUudeJones.Twlnr«Us. ” , ! pUoUoy Uc9tf Martin, w u third. * . ’ Verne Ph(l|M. Buriey, driving UUs ' Americsn FalU, nosed oul Raymond

SchwarU driving MUS Twin PalU, to “ * . win Uie B race, which v u one ot Uie *"• mott excllbgot Ihe dsy's^aces. '• Al.Seeds, Burley, driving Wings, '• von the Craw, wtlh MUS Tvln falls

second and Mlts American FalU , .. Uilrd, M’ Miss Twin FslU won tile free-for- . aU erent, wllh lUp;iy Boy sccond [ and Wings (hlrd.


REVOLTSEEMCERTAINI ■ ------ o,, IConlinued From Psge One) «*'

' Uicr''deuiU of the actions ve rt {in- Twi avslUble her*. Psi:

! -------- IraiJ STUDENTS ACT) HAVANA, Aug. 17 m -Colncldenl Wlr ■ with reporU Irom Ihs InUrior to- Dot

nlghl thal 3000 rebel troops wari scr concentrating fn Santa Ctara prov­ince.. StudenU. clrculaled buUeUni OR lii-Ilavsna uylng the tevolullonaty movemenl would conUnue despite Ihe uptura and Imprisonment of (ormer President Mario O. Menocal, , Colonel Carlos MendlaU, and other . ' opposlllonlit leaders.. u t

Word reaching Itie uplte l tonight m | nported minor engagemenu tn bs SanU a a ra province loday and said w u a decUlvB batlla w u expected toon tbn, m Ul* Ticlnlty ot Trinidad on ibe bell louUi cout ol Cuba. Among:Uie In- eici lurgenu asiembted In the proTlnee a were IHO wl}>snned tnwpi reporte nm from' usually nIUbla sources ssiid. pin

—■■I uk]-NEWS CENBOESUUP--------- Twi

HAVANA, Aug. 17 W )-8triet een- sonhip ot newi riporii from Oub* w u Uld down thU alUmoon. Anny ^ ofllcen were InspecUng newt re- porU and Uitre w u an order Uitt news must be submitted to Uie ehUt " “J

_____ _____ f f i


• ■ ; ■ ■ SOUTHWEST .CLOSE J.“,____ * tsst

(ConUnued From Page Oim) boui humorotuly:‘Ha'sgetaboutaimany driv Mldlan u iough t In me whole UesU- droi UD war.". mlh

Blnmy Holds O ni: ' "Ho . Murray, whe U hokUng out (or a

price ot l l a barrtl In Uie face o f * top, nov, ot 83 « n u a barrel, aald he bad basid nothing (rom oU men eoo- ^eerrilngaalncMas*...-.....................- J™

■me 'SlneUlr 0« and O u com- pany loday posUd a price of 38 cenu Wlf a bam l for K ut Texu crude, meet- »» Ing UwidTsnce announced l u t week by Uil MagoolUPetrolium company. <« t OWd* prieei In PennsylvanU .*Uo were Insressed loday. partly In re* •“« ^ m ie te the mld-cosUnent thuU |||j«

^Vwloui eftlcUU sstlmsled tha t ^ lO /M w orken lnU iaE ufF iiu trea would be attecud. » r t

W. L. Todd, ohalrman ot Uw U n « « i T « u oU im e r w ^ commlttoe, tald . tiiaaUUMrailotfompanleaptanned to « n (or ttMlremptoycKturtarUi* emergency. In most IntUneo, be w t 1 u ld , UM workin would be k e p to a « r . payroUa to keep compaor orjanU t- PoUl Uont Intact and In almost every eaie seat arraogiminU h id bHn made to teed any

Mayor Mileoltn orim, Kilgore, de- T £ | dared martial U v w u a naceulty, even Uiough ll would place Uie eU field worken In a pive poilUon. He (eared UUt Uiousiods might (Me . prlnUoo. - J . ____ - _________ mldl------------------------------------------ -- e j t , ,and sfngtng comedy (er Pnlted A rt.UU, w h ^ comea to Ihe Roxy Um - OIi aUe today, coet u much u a year's yauo vacaltdn abroid or a couple of lm - una ported automobllei. There are tea t o ^ dinner

eBHmbU»->ln all more Uian a doten and »bal(co*tume*sulUbU(ordjiy „BlJ and erenlng occasions of e m y eort.

MUs Svanton sings Uiree new }"8t< numben, *X0Te U Uke a Bbng,"-Say, Out, CherU.- and,/YouYo Uie ^ One." They wera wrilten tor ber by a w i Vincent Youmans, oompoeer ot Uie ^ U naiJa/ar''NAWftNantUe.-“BJtti>*Deck."andoU ierhlllongituch as th e r ■Hallelujah- and T b* Ono QtrL- J>*'


lod 188 Injured'wu the newspaper' 2 .round-up o( accldanU Uirougbout * 0Prance over Um assumpUoa (eait anek-end. • '

---------------------- ' ■ I f a i l" ■ WlU

. ' . ' S ' B A T H I N G

B E A U T Y D A N C E ~ i .

. T h i u ' a d a y , A u g . 2 0 F i l e r M o o n l i t e — I j

' G a r d e n W

B r i o s p u r b a th ln r s u i tv M h prizes ( w

JGUST IB, 1031

rs Claim' Mickey Walker 8 Whips Gagnonfe BVFFMO. W. lV A o/. 17 - Is Mickey Walker, fBmtc mlddtcwelflil '• (hsmHon*. knofkPd ont Jatk Qsg- a nan. Boston liMrywilsbt. In n iee- s onds ef the fint-nond el Uielr 10-

> rannd bout hrra lDiil|hl

t Poison Destroys ; Trout in Ponfis'■ APDroxlniately MfiOO troul, viIhM T s t 110.000. In John Dlerke's resting '• pondsatOterke'iUkainSnskarlrcr

csnyon near fihottione FSIis, were r desUoyed by |>ol*oii believed to hava " been dUtrlbuted maliclouily. lu t " Thundsy night, ll w u lesmed hue

yesUrday. Aboul two yesn ago be- , Iween 813,000 and IlSJOO worth of

Uoul v u poUoncd al Dlerke's Lske.

“ Marksmen Get “ . Contest Orders

------- ■ '- try.-Including-tlveTwin FslU na-[:

Uonal lua rd englneen, will leave IbU week (or Camp I^rry.-Ohlo, lo 1

( compete In naUonal ^ tle contesU, 1 sccordlng to orden from OenenI U. 1 O, McConnel, Idaho adJuUnl gen- 1 ersl, received yesterdsy by Captain 1

. R. B. Leighton, commander of Uia ,

. Tvln FalU naUonal guard unit. Tvln PslU enUanU were ordered lo en- 1 Iraln here next Thursday, The Tvtfi . FalU deUgaUon U composed ol Ser- 1 feanl Donald Crabtree, Sergeant

I Winston Potler, Sergesnt Clell Me- ,■ Dorall, Sergeant James S. Rude andI Sergeant WlllUm I. Rude. !


1 CAPTURE FUGITIVE i------- |l

: (ConUnued From Page One) |i u Uure vu 'lltU e contldenee placed

' in his pr6mbe to Mr. Bowman UiUI I he would retum iha lulo when ha'I w u Uirough wlui It. TTiat ha at an | I tim u did Uia unexptcUd U, ottlcen I I believe, Uie reason he h u so lar ,

escaped recaplun, u long u he d l l ' I ' Alter leaving ths Csnyon cretk |

rancIi 14 mtln from 6*a JtclnU, Ur. ' t Plngree u ld thal pariy drove uolll | Uiey rtachsd Uie main ^ bw ay D*ar j

■ Twin Springi, wh*n Uwy lumed to-,. wardTwlnFalU. Thiydldnotdrlre t Uirough UiUclty,hovsvtr,butstnick i Uw Oregon Trail a mil* wtst ot Cur-; ry. Th*y Uien tuned and drove lo i Buhl, going straight ahead a t Uie i Buhl comer but reluming to Uia‘( highway beyond Uiat clly. 'Hiey n-1 iumed 10 Uie msln highway beyond. t Buhl, but again diverged trom It In ■ the snake river canyon, and, while < Uiey irarelled on reguUr pubUo i rosds, did not return agala lo iha.j

. main highway, Thty iloppsd-at.t_ | • wayalde restaunnfand had break* i

Isst, and ai a country etore and i bought 84 wortb of grocsries, out o( < 819 vhleh Uia convUt took (rom hU .|

I d rtm . Saturday atUmooa Uwyi■ drore U ia point on a slda-road M i

mlkf beyond Bnlly a(Ur whIeb' "Hotard- lold hU ehtvtUia tc lum «

, aniulid and drire baek toward Vnliy,<, After Uuy bad nuaced Uw road (o r./

; ^ Id mllu, -Howard* told Uie | . chaufteur lo stop. Ha wrapped Ute t

groceries In a fweaUr ha borrowed t /rom Mr. PJngrre, lock Ihe Ihree p l |. ■ lols,hUcwnandlhilwobehtdeoQ. k tUcaied trom Nevada otfleers and j, Uie rifle he had Uken from the houu , 00 the anyon ranch and got out et » Uia car. then h t saldi In hU usual luare and courteous manner, 'laka .f UiU csr baek to Bowmso, a s^ s te U ut you return n in good eondWon,-, , a tu r which be bad! Uu chauftittr t goodbye and.dliapptarM in Uii u n - ', dirbrush. nw uU itnaboutto 'doek g

h a s t U r ^ ’ tovnltyand ulephonedUiasherlfr«,. o»lM a t Baker. That offlctt drove'd out at onee and w u aecoippanlid_^ ■ p Ur. Plngree to Ui* point whirl Uw, ^ poUte escsped convict dUsppcat«j.‘„ Search s l Ihst tlma tailed to rtreal o any Uace ot Uia msn. . t<


IDAHO FOLKS DEPART S • — . ' ' ■ *'

(ConUnutd Prom Psge Ona) U

mldlty wss low snd (ORcasU Indt- eiUd rains should not be expecUd (or a t >«st three days. u:

Old blsiis on Uia PlaUiead reser- ai vaUon and Csblnii (oresU ot Mon- ol Una, onco thought to b4'fubdued. h broke out again u winds tanned at Uiem. The toreit service at .MU- teuIi^4etw l«d-U M 3i-w ere_«lilll^ minor trouble. c<

Six hundred ttdersi and sUte U f IghUn and rtsldenu of lone. Wash- . Ington. arts wtre In command of Si Uie sliusUon there. Their homee iti wecB endsngtred lu t nlghl u tire yc ate throush Uia Umber on « « s l t o u o t Uie to rn A lumber ysrd.wlUiIol iOMOflOO feat ot dry bosrds w u In B the path ot one tire,

jjttween 4000 and HOO acttt w m |c s

H ealth and work bis N e w St r e n o i

iBalld m on red eelUuIn Uie & oo<: 5?U eo5e Sfunlv //«)I*II1 CounUi

' lands know Uils to t a a fac t Ju st U

. . . your n e rru will ba calmer. , . j

' A .e o n M r a the dUference »U B fl weeks henee.

d a S S S . m i u m / » f IBkt

m R i t i f i e s a n d E i i

V YanksStars in World

M OflennisShifle»•f . ■

"■ Moodys, Nutiialls and Ja- oobs Find Littlo Oif-

g llculty at Fqrtsl Hills

w POREffr H1LL8, N. Y- Au,. IT ' ng (,Vh-Ttie Moodys, the NuUislU aod 'er the Jscoba ot tlia women's UnnU « m rtd had llUte. if any, dtfflcaKy • *» ulling Uirough the opening nund >si of Uie tortyfourth annual womtp‘i . . . n nallonal championships a t Forest «• HllU todsy. ' .Of FllteendomesUcandlonlgnietd-

ed lUra and u many lesser llghu ‘polished otf Uielr prtUmlnaryoppo- • ' llllon during Uie stteraoon, cuUtng . ■U ia fld d 'to U pUyen for the s*«-------

I ond round tomorrow. Then w u D only a smaUerinjr of tbrje-set

, matches, all except ona of tba »e«d-i,Jsd.anlriM.bUsUn«-UialrrivtU.ulde------1i . l l n Um reguUUon two seta,faf The lona seeded pUyer to (all tylo the vayslde w u tbe Barooeu 0U«-----i , como Levi. Bane and Naw York, who d. lost to Vlnlnla Hllltary, PblUdtl- 1- phla, In Uie day^ dosing; maldh o( in ihe cenUr eourt, 8 -3 ,8 ^ AUbouih . It she WM unitedtd for Uw preeent In tournament,:MUS IllUeary U at 1- present ranged Number 4 In ABur- Ifi lea and her victory sareely eould . . r - b e dassltlad u an upset '

Mra. Helen Wllli Moody, *!i»Ume' champion and pronounced (arorlte to llfl the crovn nov worn by Betty Nuthall, bigUnd, Jed Uw parade . through Ihe t in t round with a 8-0, ‘

, 9m triumph orer BdlUi Sigourney,

E Boston. WlUiout onee loelnc h tr . 'perfect poUe or axUndlng h im lf ,I unduly. Queen lUUn Um fln t dis-. posed ot her lu s fsmid rival In Uie

> I remarkably' ituUk Ume ot t i 'mln- ' . I .u lc * .. . . . . . . • , .^ CbampledXaperimwU >«' Only atlghUy lett Impnalve v u Jl Uw 8-3, <-l ^ lo i t 'a tc ie d by UUa ' ' r< NuUiall over Ur*, k F. Sleai, g v If.den Olty. .Tbe champion appeared ■ . d- to be experimenUng with h tr gatna .* !k and many or her drivu v e st vUd, . r .’but when itw bueUetf ttowa-to.'do. ' n U h tr best the pllid op potnU . wllb .

• i^ U m * j i5 » S ! '? 0 a l& ^t bldtortheUUejCbopM dherwiyto• aneaiyrtctaryoT trU aeO iR T ont,^ .i- ' ‘•IWlahlU, Kansai, In Uw cpn lo f. .:o match op Uii eenUr CQurt' T lu. H.SCOTM, 9I3, 8i3, did M t refleet «»■ •> K .couttU t'esuperiori^^ ->1 Four pUyen, induding tvo»em - <l,ben o( the invadlng.BritUh.eonUnr' t> gent advanced wlUi the lo a o( only 'r le onagama.' Urs.LA ,H an)tr.O »k-' lo ,bnd. Oallfomla, Numbtr l . l u ' U ie,,-; le.prcfeot Amerteui'mkiDg. lonwd;>..back.Olga.KaUcr;i(onralkvOaiuwelv' c leut, fl-I, 8-0. U n.’UiiriM.'ZlBdtr>: ' *

18,-io fU rt t a a o r r o w , ' - .

I :^ ' abUM on Eagle and Sheep eneki l a - ■ .’Oenlral Idaho wlUi oidy a h u d tu l :.. .'• of figh ten jm Uia ( r ^ . VaHubU ' •.'.timber and Unda .wen b^,

'• Counties* other'alJW ": bureln« Uiroughout,UM b a t WUb- « IngtcnTWorUi Idabo and WestMflo-• tana regloai, many of tbem to «1* ■

tuble timber, maktngUiU ene oltbfl " ' w ont flre leatont l n .U w 'b l^ «t '

• foreat protecUon, foretun aald. '• F in n an fled (ro«n Uialr bomei

.naar Sandpe(nt.'ln'cxUtiDe .Kortb -r.idaho , when Uw Murpto bay t o - : .• w u tanned to tury by.wlndi, .w ui ■^ only a (aw (armen betUlng U..Uw .. ^■blaxo spnad orer 300 a cm ia an

hour, traTallng tovard Uorton. '. * ,.S e ra« lun lU o(U u .S pokanen re ; •'deperlm ent Ubtrty lito . a r resort 19 mUee eu t, when a bnuh • P .dre menaced » 'score or more-.of- , '•'fummeriwmes. VacaUonenmored their belongings Inlo rowboaU, r t i ^ ■ to tUe to Uia oUier tide o( Uw Uke If Uw bUte Jumptd a narrow road, .

. A bruah and grass flre tpread over. .

. 1000 acrea near Jullelta, oo. North : Oenlral Idaho, destroying' t e w l . . (arm bulldlngi, but w u itopped at • • ths ed«e of a v u t wbtat IM d.. . -

BOUB BWBLTEBS . , ' ,1 BOIBE. Aug. 17 WV-BoUe aUtftd :

under lOO-degree Umpenture today , ... and lUtened to nporis of nneval

ot (orest nres In timber where flrts , have already burned orer tO/m i acres In Uia p u l Un days.' I t w u Uh faurth sueccsslve dsy 1 : , that m e mercury bas approadied Ult . •

century mark. Mintngn todsy w u I Um ( tn t Ume It actually nicked It.

.Fires were nporUd on Uu LltUe .' Salmon river In tbe Idaho forest but I lU aUe h u not betn deUrmlned be­

yond Uia fact thal It wss described I' u "Urge-by Um forest lookout. The iloUier (Ire w u a smaller one oo Uia 1 BoUa (orest near.Lowman.'

Other flrtis wen reported praeU- ■ [cally tinder control ‘

b l e n d w h e n t h e r e

■TH i n t h e B l o o d

iTTofoUunw d U U re ll

dUbu■ take S.S.&^1 enjoy y n r eep founder .y o n raU n

tss and herbs. •

A t 4 t f d o e k m •w m - te - ie p * w — r r

L U to e i c u f c ^ ,.„ (H b e tU r . ., , < O urom tlf ■.

S o r l c h e s t l i e B b o d

____________________— ^

f t g l FIti

Page 6:… · P U .H . Edition v^Hl-----------yoCTrrrornn— . ~ ^ ' N : E A W H G E

F«ge SI*____________________


Adverse Psythological In­fluences Upsel Plans 01 Bullish Operators

Market! al a GlanceHrwT0 iut.jni*. n'wv-atorkj: WMk: I'opultr iM»ii fill

flsJfd/;Cuib: I ln n : Ullliun undtr pr«>'

iMTU^CottonM ^n; tMW “ « » : W*li

Wh«t°U*T: fotXMM •hw m; batruh io n ttporu. '

- - - .

Dr JoiiH t . coot-rr i «AMOcl»ud Prfu rDtnclU Wrttirl

tiaieruw iir**N kto(U r.' ' - • ffMtuen ot W» Bull lu t

tud not eouniMl on ini' lueh td n n t ..parcholotluJ Innutnc* m ihi luiptn-

C A 'S iM . K S lS 'A !tuRifd Hull Ihimritr, «nd rranrM tn Ull Hrir iftfrneon. A tmh •«( oe-

-ss2 sa ,i” Si.?JiB“r . =

‘ ■ s c i r s i r s r - s s . s . ”' i r s 5 iy s , * s ? . « ; M ! ;

• mora. Mttnl of wtuth nU ilrn l nt*

■ S s ' r ‘K ' ' S 4 » ' S . 'S :■ K B l S r d S t t a Y S U ' S

S 5 S S S m= ■ *d u ntBir eminoufc It wu obtWuj

j:: r ^ S S S a' u BMtund br U>« »>t-

■ S £ ^ r iS ~ 'H rclrciM Uut Ull IntiBirr to U n o n

' u tliu t til* m m i dawBWMd un«.' s i i « , “ ^ K M s . r

m a ttr W It. tw t ^

' I . ■

S I S J i s S s d i a l; -

Hnr'TbBK, A u (.* ? U -m i bOBi;:

\ . ■ to lUi tour Boatht ll i to f1>i tod I (U noailM )U to a ptr ttat.I Pftm* wmmtttlil ptpw IJ U» J. ^

u S f ' t S f fi .

uaoi k u ji But 81. Liuli ipot tsd I. tuiur* *]jo b U A

■ ■

I T w in F a lls M a rk e k

t» S j 2 2

mm<t biiw.m. I S w i »Ottrvciibt tniichtn. UO-md

PtelS i i n t . UO f f up '__ ^ o wJ 25« pitt. n 10 m iBL-------- J?.mO m , . . , , , MGBia « ■

' ii 'iiS* ~ }y«) M w tm to r r ^ i

!■ K U .!* ■

■ • '<W~W kMtttU ~ **“ »S t t ~ _______________ ' “ m

n n dttlcn quoua Ha. I knd Ho. I O m t Nmthrnu «t UJB uii] |}«o; md est Quoud CM ui4 tX3i.H«a. ^ ^nr«B mB.iKiV. «Btoa food. loo-iB. lot! EfltOtt fOtW. JOJ.IB. iett


; - ' i g H— ~'~iS5'i w 5 ^ - *

' r r i w ^ . anm tir— --------------B«

n ^ ^

I S lo o k M arkc l A verages |_ HBW toruc, A«l l» U'l-OMi »t«. T u n . (roprHlM. IHI, BUnflnfd flltlU.

tlMComp.n,K^ „ „ „I............. ... ina-u.iuiiiti uiti't ■w“ i

T o d tf___ lOtJO MM tJ.ID .«r n f .d t r — HiM M » "*®

twja lin o M gHUB. IM1...U0J0 IM» WWLov. in i ... «}.TI MM Itl.10 MW

*S m»ll. IM70111*1), im 'lW H tn M 'u iiQ suh)Uw. IW»- HIM IIT.H JMM 1 « »

IVI* iiLvritKwr TORK. AU|. IJ ir,-H4f »iinf

ilMdT tnd uorhmiNS ti }tl>r.

BUO Alt^ B W YOlUt.irportrd pilf« wert. tinnimill» un.

trlM wtn tu ltr iindrr n'luidiiton tnq IINIB* ••Mini br lioium with KurcpAn antiKlloM. R«Im mnt In.tiudlni ron*Wfi»W«‘mB»r clo.’»” "|'l,4J. I>«finl>»f tna Jinuitr 11.40, M»rh II r , JulT IUI.

WIlBdiawt] dfnund {nr tillnrd wtt filr Bul ntw builnm « ti Illht. rrlun wnt uneBiniM t t n .« lar itnt itin . ulttfd wlU) rt-ttlt puiiiltM tTUl-

J tbit at Irom' u lo polnu Int.

/.Ot JS n u M rnoDl'i'K lo e AXOBUM. Ala .17 «> -rjodufe

. (ic liin ff-rK » lp ti:*nun tft» .S < » poundti 13.000 ieitnd>; n t* aoa

nuiuf tn BuU »e.J a » - w r . M S - ; a . ’s* rrc; nndltd tiMh elnn mrdliinu Uc;

* liu fu r :' LihoiS*‘"»i«’*und»r‘ ll',? Ddund* i:«: J t. to < poundi Ite; om , i aound* 1«;«W«f«lft»M<poufl^»M : up 24o: Brallm 1 ta Hi poundt »e:; S ‘ S 5 “r r . S K I S S E* K S ’i d . m . V . M M S i, toun* lomt 1] poundi tnd up »e:

J old tom. ak: ditttrt w , \ j •r SAM nUNCIICO rOTDliCB '’ BAH nuffofsco. AUI. IT io-rw trti*; lU lt mirktt ntwt itriKt n«t wheit*

J mHlum llllc;’ Fltd Hf.: 8AH nUNCHCO MIODtlCB I BAN mANnCIBCO. AU|. 17 (<n —Out*I 0nlau:‘6tektd. cwt.. tV<l Wdhmtltld

IIJO to tt.U! nilow* |l.4a 10 11.79.routont Otintta l\-,t 10 IVie pousd:

Ho. 2 lowiri Btoemen DutBtnlu II to


. piunST'flUe^topUtrt » r? iT »n »c^

! 2 ; S \ a “n . 'S .S f iS i

; u.“ s iJ T . r » r r i . 'h i^ 'KI flnlt im»; eunta t rwtlpu Ite to ll»o.

||. P0TM1T5 II routoni BMtlpti IU rulttdii tn

, Itw Uibtti Kibniku tnd WlMonila i . t l ^ to IlMs Colondo nBBd.wbliti

i F l S i i r > * —I OODBHLimTOCK

kiitmotiljr lie to UO tilibM; , on 110 to tIO poundti bulk IW lo mT .a .s is j;s - ’A « M f S, down to itiOi PMklni towi M to ll7}.' CtlUti- nte«lpu ya, tll tor mttkitj

‘H S S f e■ B l T O -

FORTLAND LIVXITOCX» S ! " S 5 S - ‘ “ i S . “ J i l l ' S

lowft t t IT.7J t« ITJl: Blddlnf ^.71 or *SlUt“ lU M lp u 'l^ ’etlTM 100; ffw rtrir itiM itHti tnd th t tloek look lullT tlttdr to ttrODB with tpott ptr-K B ? . f e i ; ’ r i r ! . ' S stod r : ont I t u .n tad oat t t II: ti-K f S M 2 is i,n i,.'jaKS>l«0 pound m n N il: m MU et niTM to tpttk Dt told tttlr.


C»iu»: Rwtlpti ITOO; tetlw: tll elMra to Ue hliBtr; tour louu Arl. ,

n n t and Kotda >ttrilB| itMti loppnl , at IIU; Bulk inMllum tlt tr t itrir M i to tB.TS. indudlni fKl U iileu i ta MU; Bulk Mrtletnt | ? n to tti«.‘ M n>fr> rra IT.7S; oibtn tlJO to 17; two loadt t«l CallfomU r e n M4S: oUitr iood | ( c n I4J> to U; comnoa ta mMlum i UU IOH.U: etilttr r a d o IIJO IA U: , rw Bulll MJO dowD. CtlTtt: ItMalpu |

Ltntereu cilTm tt. *Iioo: newinta M: t] leetU. itttdr;

K u S f a W -

s E y a j i s g i a i S i

m pounoi asuout Uibt wtliht ptck. ( iDf Wtlibt M n; Uittt wtu Stiurdtfa t t t t ru t ; actltmd talM wtUhtt up lo iS !K r .s s :s ; ’irss?.“. a ! ;

H ttt- m i m n ia p tittdy to tlnoi:T ta M tb 4 tteU tS S f ; gm ttn

wttk: buite atout .tMdfj t t t i tn w ta la Me lowtr: tteektr tad (ttdit t tn n itttd r to IH towtr; ftd ttt tn tad T ttf t

W O M W n u n 4Ii •» o « > ■“

1 " "

W BOT CHIEF, t POLLll.t0 f t NOUMO " W A T X E T ^ R ' « « I b u m c h o f Bunj j * I WQ H^OM’T 8GEM CX ij?g ^ IW O MlNUTe* BCFOW

V OP rHEfA wAiy APim


; a N K W

i i s w t t,,, IDj Tin Aaiocltlfd rrrml . i

null Low CIM*s J i r S = , ! " ! L ' ! j ; ; 'iS i 'f f i

»'»: Am rom pgw— jii i ucu. An iMomotIrt-----11^ Itlk Uli•n : Am fUdtator____ ill', 11 13

Am Bmei A nrf — 33>i aiii aiiiAm T.1 * TH------ IM>, r a n rn iiAm TtiBbaeeo____ III IK ll« -

Ssaas'wi-z!!!; S!; !!;i. M nurrouiha Add ___ a«li »lk UVi i• " Calif Pick - ............31 Uli 24 i1 . Canadian P«ltl« __ M'i n i i »a i

Catl Thrrahlni___ n li «!« O ii iCtm d* Pufo It It 11 ilS“f f .% T r - s = ”.l! ■;:! chi^it? c o V - .-~ . ” u S»’ |l

.-'a'?:; |r ! i S S f f i S . : - - ' ! i '! ' ! " !' “ Oon OII D ti_____ iou tli »'i I;,-S?a.Tf,SK==:".l: “i 1 I

s!i s i! if f i S K * - ' L i ' s i ffi! 'i i i i i ;

=!! I

' u o m t North R>pt — n Ul }i ' ■ u Ofttt WMt Buitr__ g ft t '

. y ‘ =!' :K l S K r ^ S ; HIS ■!l

S i i "!!KruFitr Ai 7011 - . UU 17’i 71 Ia . w A r i ' . s ; ! S'- s -1

, a a s r H i i! £ o 'S ‘a , 7 - i ! “ i S ' !!'■ I

; j s a s i y a f f n g ; i ;; ; i s a i

i ID- I7J0, IMl. 8AHp; ntetlpu noM: ta to ts mr tS! svz 'si s s t }!isr.JS’,& ,

I7J0; enalct ftd ellpptd Itmta ITJI; ft • tlauihur twM down fS a UJO; w«i t

and fhtitt r a w frtdini itoBt u to »

L .»riSIsr.‘uiditret: elotM'wttk te alude lown on

i :i K S S S S E S : I i

tind r tnd ttltlr teurt; 110 ptid In i

» K f f i 'S W a K 'S K V . '! s: H a « S ^ a H s i „ SSSsSS;

dlum 00910 im wundi M.Tt to llJ t; t™ htiffrtioodtndtfiolftJOOtaBMpnund; I*72} lo ir.rj; cctmman tnd mitfium «

;;; i M ; & s i S S S ;JJ* ntWfd. iood and eholMbMfliioIJJJ; >“ * cuutf ta mtdium I2,7» lo MU; tmI. |

tn. milk Ird. iood and cholct u le r7 " 110; iloektr tnd fttdtr ntUt: ilrfra lis n s s s - T s n a r K !

81.^ :RKt1pta 10,OOO: elaitiii matltt (i «• at aUndimi; ptcktti BldSIni on tll k

lambt with four-war terta u folloo: t on t»u»r radn; mtdium lamt*.*. j

. I*ritlrtooutiiatt»2kto»olow irthu i ^ lui twrtk'a ctot»: lap natlie rwt tnd *7 wrihtr lamta tt.U lo cllt«il(hrti: odd I

"f- KANIA8 c m r UmTOCK X^ KAN8A8Crrr.Au|,ni;«MU8 0 A l- t^ llOfi: nwflpta «00: untttn. tarlr aal« t

IW to J» peuBU. Itndr to lOc (ilibtr>a. Ihm m sti'a t> tn |t: latrr trad* illow - »t* 10 moaur w ta to too lowrr; .poia off

f S S w S K H I” ■ pundt U Jl te tt-tj; to n . UJO to a «n k lJ : iieek pin lOe to lie Ibwrt II7J t

s ■H.“S i r S l 2 1' U waattRi tu rn eptnlai iittdr le kUltia!'»• en Qutillr »»nd* rrBfliaj tower; tnm ra fat iBt Itock optaini tittdr: nuiT1.1 s f w w . r s r i J S u ' ;

to » 'w ^ i ^ m i ^ 'm n m 'o “cp w mjo! t » t o « ‘t“w « 5 i

n a taalen tad it dowa oa kUlIni a im . y» ttn ikA N nico u te s to c x I

U: 8AH niANCIBCO. Aut. IT liTI 10 8 D C

a K “S . ? i 3 r i :


1^OLLOWeOTHROOQM- -l-W O O LD U X -1. - .T; BUILWMC5. HWG p o t H

4 OUT Crone CMC / VKPtRE. J ■ ^ ’2 CASB

J IF I OlOMT ? ^ 5 ^ ' ' IHINK WOU ' i -

^ / ■ COULO CATCH " '■V •''J / r r J

y —

V V O R K _________________ j

U K -I N»h Motnn -------- U li 3tli »■>

nm. t W*l Ca.B n»l A----- J7»l »»i 3tnllJ 't Nat niT.T -------. 34li 34<|«.» Wat A-14« . — Jdu a ’ 23%' ,n ’’ k '^ n M * m i d • S7'* lv \33 NmIB Am Co ....— M'i cl tt>.n il Harthrin racllle----U li 241i }4>i13 IVkard MnUir------ 7 t ' j <%aiii iMram rubiu _____}4ii aa>( 241721i rrnn fyco -----------«0'i M>i 40lil i t - r>nn n tl ...... .......4in 31 4Pt401i miclt Ptpt Unt >_ Kli Itli KliJ4t| l-ulttnaii tn e _____ 31 30 20I3l>i Piiir oil ________ Mi l>i B'i4 t ' i ' tudio Com ot Am..... ao>i III', io>,40‘illtCTtiOldl -MB n __ M'i MV, SO‘i ,,2JVi Kaf<>war Hintn '__ «<h Mti U 'i ■24 111 [. Ban rran n r — Kli Hli I t l i *13 Hfai> ItOfDUCk :___U Mli U<. £«31i Sre m i p f _______4t__ 41 4t J3S'ilBlmmfm?'"co‘'T I IZ K 'i UH l ^ ^ ?

a S « " L S ,= E ;ii i !i'‘ liiis'*Tiinit!»hnn rK-lfla — Tt ' 74 74!iSO'i Hlani Riandt .- IK ’, lit l«ITI. mand na. A CM . . . t o fill <UUt nund oil c a l____ . a t ' ' ati at’, ti»li ntand oil H J -------40> 311 3»li 'li

<3 Rlland Oil H Y ____I li I It >1a Kltwarl Watnrr _ II' II 11 * ac

2 f mudcbaker Corp „ tT> W i lliiW'4 TrjM COTP . _ . a* an i u*i« * Tlmkrn tv.ll ntar . 33' J2lt Jlli35 i 1Taru-Am«1fan .— Tl 7 7<i V

S ' i g S ; ' i W - = , l !t ' United Atreratt aoli Jlli ati', >l

s K s s s s r - s i ! T :(II U n nubbrr_____ I4li l3>i t l ' l H'i ' S I ! . ,!u 5:!KS"."S,-;'i;,i 'Bii »9 VfoolwoHh CO ------ 7» i 7»|5 Wli _ O'

IS cunn MAnxnNtw roriK. AU|. 17 UV' CuiB quo- p'

r l A iliw tnfltwr Power_____ :_ 1 1 H "33 Crntral Buim Elccuie - - ----- 7lk ,,73'', Cllirt B ertlct----------------------Mi “K’I nm iie nnnd tnd B b tn ______ 3T>i ,,

10', Nallonal Intttlora ....... ............. S'i ‘‘It Natlenal Powrr tnd U tht t t pf_IOOii

Nl««ft tfiKften ...........................JPli ''aili aundird Oil ot Indiana - ----- U l, J

^eklni ^ wet kta U«'low.r, tiJO j Sle “ c tiut! ntetlpu &Wi Itn tlr tonmon 1nod tnd mRUimaitttiitlibt c tn Ihl nock: 0

13.71 tlow. tbout.itetdr: etr. mtdium m < mta pound tm ra U H : t<ra e tn rafflmoa \S i K I S , w r i ! l K . “ £ 'I to tadt ftrdrn on atlt: th t tiock tlrtdr:

MJa to t4J0;’htll w iBtdlum' 1040 ', _ r a . S i . K . ' s . s ' s s T A ' S i a »

niu lour dKkt t t pound woolM <tU: lort- notrd M per eint U: tli dtcka U to 70 0 ” IM'inda woolMl U.71; two dtcki tnt<llum I >4 « poundi.UM: Ihrtt decka T» poundt

Sr; *r! JOBEfii LUTttocit2?; » for untrinlr tOe to 2k blihtr ihan Btt- j

POO M.U te U ^ : hitvlrr to n it: btttIIM ‘'si^i«n':‘RmMU 7 ^ b l^ a n ? t 'f tw **tnr* talet2Mto»efDw*roniltV|httrlamba: uiM: no ib(«p er tetdtn told: mrdium tenda cholet rtn it Itmbi I t te I7J0: bwt htldi‘i‘5 S S r i o S ^ ^ i o W " "1 to CttUt: neetlpu atOQ, ealtM TOO; nt- tv I'I. tlrt ftd .lerr. and r« tun i. aboul te;ffi i s ’ i . ; s ' a j ' s ; . i ' ; ' ' 4 r t ' " a ; 2

le run iantlr WMtem rtaa tn . undrtWnt trrtra lower: tMilbrtf (enabouliiradT,lartt. '1.71 lr to BUtUflert; oUitrt witk to ije low. hi

to tr: built wttk. r ttlm ittadr, itoek.en tnd fttdert ilttd i lo nroni; ttw - s

ktt hMt Mtt con up te U31: mn.v r t n rtll kiBdi tround UOI to 1433: cutter in d tt T n : U down: bulti up to II.U; top m ien

» • it: eholet whllt need ilotk calrm 410 *poundt t r t n i t I7J0: m o,ioihtrra- w

un ------ ---------------------.1ind ' ... o c m m Bttzrp , ; " Mdl DBKVBt, AUI. IT U-i (i; R D A) —'Plr Bhtn>: Ilectlpt* ll.MO: run Includtt ttIJO two lotda Uirouili; ulable lunplr moaU jf

i r r u itltm b t. uound U to U ptr etai >'frtdtn: nothlnt dont eul;; ttw Udt S_ U« ta » e low»r en UiuiBtir lambt. er oI - timiad 17 for bttler irtdei; four lotdt ^bS ------ IMlow • DOtlOH WOOLott D06T0N. AU|. IT UV-6enllfflmt la900 thi wool mt>kttbtal>lre«ntiijtnt,tres pi>40 lMU|b butlntM U ilon r lhan la Juir. «aw wool mto tr t Incllotd to wtleomt U t w, to .Itck la tr^Jlni b«»u.. u will | l n

>71 uitei oppartualtr te | t t eauilit up oD »41; r td u ir tsd dtllrrrlat e/ molt, told U:.41, durlni Iht rtetnt meremcni. liretlpla .t t t tDdlni Auiuat I t amouaim lo s.iu.100 ii In peuDiU. t t com pt rrd wim t.i:t.Tm M u t peuadt flunai tbt p r ttle u tj^ i. i “

iiESiNISOFFI[| r I fflE M S llK -^ m z a i . Aus. tT <6p«cli] to -Rib jo: N m >-M B nr dinner p trtlu wcrt ini In etld«ne« io FUer o n r ihc week**2•4e —M r rta l Mrt. Jaha-AnBout.iaUr^ . tn timed k ta p la le dinner SuM tr on- ^ (heir U tn on ihc iKcuioa ot ths TM aer«ot7.thlrd.btrth<}tr *nnlMruxr ' Olt ofMr.Armwir. In illedttetU iter*:

Mr. in d Mr*. lU n r Hos* and ton, PU. tlue lton; Mr. and Mn. Marten

ID c i2 r. Buhl; &tr. aad M a K. 6. Me* ffi tCrar asd ehUdren, Tvtn Faib; Mr. i n ux t M n. & S. B a irk liu ,'un UiIU* -

G A S O L / i V E A L L E y ~ N O

y O C H 'T '(OU 'WAWT T O ^ ^ P - -T A U ^ _T P _H lfA !-H E 'S ,O U T ,;^

HCRe VNITH TTIAT / — C0U5IM' LORA OF / '< 65 .


- /

S f H E i-iLiP-ICii-24'i34-; — ■’s i A dverse R epo rts I n l lu e n o o !

S i j S tock M arke t and P l l ’

£ In W indy City S u i t e r s !

Kli rHr ioiiM P. nouoilAN ^

,f ,‘ /AiMciiM JTMt Utrlel Ultor} )jJ,? CHICAQO, Aui. IT - Adtenilr t l . J

treir l l>r Tolrdo-btnk-fallurt tnd br!!J* a ir itSn»*'turn»d*'0a5^*ward' todv! ( « n jn V '^ n ^ ^ 'S '.^ c r.w ^ I

S r . R S . ’S W - S i S M !hiuhfU aoin Its,030.000 t r ttr ko.

,i,* itniiitnl llfiuldttlni lalM etnled Bep*I;!! “ .“ a r ™ ;U 't Whtit eiDtfd nerroui. lie to It lower .1 » • than SatuftlaT't finlih: eom ^o to i!!'■ l i . '. rw . '; Ijl*.ad»tncr.U>J Unlll iraln drilen’ tlltntlon to . l t n u ciutd on Tolrdt bank ftllura, iba i c 7 i I'Btiil itndtncr boUi ot whttt tnd ! e

4]>4 corn c u hlihtr, Wtt wrathtr In Bur-

ijs S S H S S s r S ! ' 'Ui; (iBit iiKnntiautnet ot tood nuantnc'l. y i ; in nuwlt. Implrlni llktllbood e( n i . , S m’* larttd tipn t dtmand tor wbttt non I vti«j Norih Amtrlct. . ...............tti i Lowrat prIcu ot tbt dar In'.abut * 3T1i tnd corn camt tfltr word wu elm -B u K ? r M S ! r v “s « !TOli ijutll poulbli dUorterf.

• Com asd oaU dlpptd wllh wbttt dttpin lht fiel that eom ptlBitry r t.cripu wrtt onir 140,000 btubili cam. ,

l“o- p.(td with 1J03,«00 ll lear aio, and “noiwllhiundlni renewal ef drouiht Eranpltinu from rtrloua iteUoaa of _ j]

j?l{ pretUiona wert lotemrd m iin l;'b r! J; V i lht count et hoi ttluti .. ... • j t

ffir,'.::3i f ‘ EIFiS - 5 r - - i ! ! i a s s s j ;

iJS? -«S% “ Ji «■*" ^ 4’f .i S ’’ .„ „ ^Ma^---------44li 44li OU U ll p’m "A'itmbtr ..a } 23li 3tli 31>i CBM KrrrmbtT- . J4 - Hli -U l i- J3 'i »S j; Uar ---------at i i » »i atii 2iii „


SSS tlUc; No. 3 Ttilow htrd ill ie ta toe: No. « ^ 1 norihtni /ptini Ulie w UIKl Ho. 1 It "m "corn“ |iS.'l mlitd «ei No.. I rtllow

I a v v s r ’ " " s^ Tlmolhj . f<1 U to UJO. . » uS a o ttr ired 110 lo lltJO.ndt — fl

TOLEDO OlUm ■ tl*"• TOLBDO. AUI. 17 «V-Ctah tnUn. en D

irtrk. nominal Mlio raw peln^: «nn tii: No. 1 rtd 4*0 lo itli«: Ho. i ^

*'oiwn:Nn*j'«lJtfw'«!$tf toWlie.'fte-2 rellow « 'ie to 45lie. _ cli-N “o i ^ 3 V h K 'M ? i * £ i i r « '5 "

hit e«u lie hliher, ’ , .S.! ■1. . * » . . |B« | t a ; DecemUtr UJO,

r»BTJ-I.VI> 0*AW POrnUHD. AUI. IT MJr*?,*** Ju-

T 2 f. S . s ’s-.'uW i.rfa ™:ont ter, northtm ipnni. wettem rtd 41c. tt« ' Ctr rtetlpli; iSliitt lit. flour 13:3 ; “ 1 1 ___________________

dt* Tanner. Mr. and Mn. Kenrr filmiw »nd children. Mr. and Mrt. W, W.

ra- McDonough and dtughler. Rulh. — Mr»rM«ud-HouteraU-ct-«lar; anil -

Mrt. Oofl Beonr. W chlU. Kanut.'j .* Mr. and Mtt. T. B. Moore enler?

O f lalnedalaplcnleBupptrBiiKlajreTe- ^ n liw lo r itw ra m m u o tt.H .6 rown.55; D. U DcBmer, E. fl. UHue. 0 . ChUdt. Pller; E,J.Flacli. Twin Falli:

““ and M e«n Qarlt BoberUon and I MonU Carbon, Pller.I Jamet Ruct w u pleatanUjr lur-

,10 prltr t a l h it home Frtdar m ning Hr. when 13 ot hU triendt gtlhered w •fif help him eelebrato hit blrlbdar an* ’’on nli'crtarr. Oamet were fonowd br old Uj® jCTTlflc enefrfiJuBentt.S ? ‘ Nadine H lniAler'«**;Pl«“ M'Ur too lurprtted Thundar cKnlnj. on her , ™ blrthdar annUerurr. when a num.

ber ot triendt callcd te KXhd thc erenlait. Qam u utrc cnjortd and

I tctrethmeaU were tcrtd.

W a s h i n g - C l e a n i n g :

» • G r a d i n g .cr* ■t t - , B u je ra tr-i. O o v e r • .S eeds» A lf ilfa

S B u h l S e e d & G r a i n

« C o .on. P h o n e s ? B nW ,Idaho ten Ja m e s Gftiinon£ J « m o iH .S H e ld « ,I r .




> : ■ PiRB GVEM VJMEM»• \ w c n & GEerg im tv‘ \ BUILDINGS TWO MIM=* V BBFORe t r STAt?r«O F -------________

tlr 1- l\\w^

’ K liilW S -H -l

KIMBERLY, Aug. 17 (Bpeelal to Th# Newi'-Arrivtls and dcptrturci a

... of Klmberlr gueiU and rcildcnu i BO have been numerous during the tail |i

week. . . . 0ll Mr. and Mn, Qeorge Freeman ant]

ton, Donald, letl Mondar for Ihelr ’> r s home In Slocklon, CalltomU, alUr o

a ihrcc-weck vltli with' Mrt, Free. 0 man'B mother. Km. Lllsh Wood, and t her brolhen. WUIsrd and Karrey Wood, and Mn. WJJIJtm BfajJfj’. t

J* Jerome. c.ef Mr. Bnd Mn, E. E. Pretlon 'and tl V. clilldren. AUce and Frank. San ‘ ^ Dlego. Calltomla, arrived Fridar lo 1 . vUlt two weekt wllh Mr. and Mn. H

00 D, E. Polter, tormer K tn tu trlendi, t ? ; Mr. and Mn. W. M. Arnold and m ton. Jtck. nnd Mr. and Mrt. L. C. *

Doty and daughier, Dorothr, tpenl *r .10 dajn camping and tUhlng a t Al- ^ to lu ru and Red FUh laket. Ther re- .

turned Frldsr atiemoon.Mr.' and Mn. Paul Ktuter and *

0.1 M ri Ethel Laeey are ipendlng tct- o" I cral dayt at the MeVey ranch near

sunley lake.Id str.,and Mn, W iltea OIII’ and . J - ! daughier. Mildred, and Mn. Bert ^ 'U rn b ln g letl Suodar momlog tor 0. , Salem and CorrallU, Oregon, lo n vUlt 10 dart with relatlrea. .and

relaUvet.u- MUt llatel o . Wood relumed ^ Mondar Irom Spokane, Wathlnglon,

whero ahe ipent the l u t tU weekt I t vIiltlRg Irltndt. .; • Mr. tnd Mn. Olenn N. Whitney

aceompanied Mr. Whltncy't tather, ht E. N. Whllner. Twin FalU. lo Phoe. o f . nU. Arliona, thit week, where their : Jaiher wUl remain ihU winter In

; the hope ot benetlUng bU hctlUi.Mr. and Mn. Cliarlca tJploh mor. «

I* ed Ihe latter part ot the week to Ihe ci '• i properlr on Eatl Cenlcr tireet re- ei •iicen tlr vaealed by Fenlon Douglu ai U and tamllr.,.L Mr. and Mn. B. E. Potler and tt .1* ehlldren. MUt Eltlna Rar. MUt re .. Irene Radford, Mr. anrt Mn. E. E. ol ’• Preston and children,- Ban Dlego,>L Callfomla, lefl Sunday moming tor '<> a-WMk't ouUng In-tbe Sawtooth

mountain country. uMra. Frelda Swearingen and 4.

daughlen. Kather}-n and Wllmt.?- moved to Buht tbe eirly part ot l u l gi t“ reek. Mra. Swearingen U employed1 In BuhL

Mr. and Mr*. J. L. Shepard arrlT« „ r ed home Fridar from Rochester, w

MUnctoU. where Mr. Sbeptrd un. F derwent an opcnUon tor goitre 'a l B Ihc Mayo ellnlc. hi

Mr. and Mn. 1.. B. Bymc returned Saturday after a two-week vacallon trip. In which they vUlicd Mn. hi

» Byrne-t parenu a t LewUton, Idaho,, and tpenl a ahort Ume In Ibe Saw.

toolht.|0. Mr. and M n. JS. iS. Fteleher and . children have moved Into the Tur- p 55 ner property on Eatl Center ttreel. .

ianiV. ■ .

I by. Uni

> c rDd i w |V

k '

_ SHIP AND1: ' ■

AUGUST 18, 1931 |

XJ G T l L L ^ ^ p f ^ ^ DON'T ' 3 THAT y KNOW HMEN VOO ^ WU CO HARC M TWOCB J vjou IP V

M I M U T E S ^ S DON'T Tf

\ R S IR ,. I

n i s s nIS: PKiMcin: to TOLEDO. Aug, 17 UVInduilrla irci and tinancUl leaden moved rapldi; :nu lonlsht lo aid depoillon afler fou Ull Urge Toledo bankt and onc tmal

one had cloted In the laat 34 houn intl The latt bank lo thul lu door leir was llie Polnt-Tlaee Bute vWd [Ur opened December 1. ino , wllh IU. -e«. 000 capllal. tJOOO lurplut and abou »nd W,?OO.ln-depailU.Tey To mlnlmlte hardihlp among ai Je)', eatlffliud J30.000 deposllon al/ect

ed by tlie closing of the tlve Inilltu ,nd tloni memben ot Uie MerehanU San tnd MAnufaclurere' attocUUon 0 ■ lo Toledo decided lhal they would alt In . Ihelr unemployed worken w lt l i^ , tmall loans whenerer neeeuary. ma The asioclatlon decided th tl 1

n WU Impractical to try to raUe tund /rem Ihe membenhlp to aid con

Al. eemt tlfeclcd. 11 w u etUmtUd th i r c . __ I ,

- THE HOJwd --------------------------------------------«rt Edltor-1" r Chief PUnkelo — .1

.yol. 2 . Tucsdny, Ai

HOWDY FOUCa - lorUtB nil,v : When a man' Roei over dost

broke. It l i aonetlmet Wouldn’thard lo face the mmlc plan to e»becaute hU nolct ate to Include tcerthlett.

lel , _In . In a rci

A woman In Kaiuaa ot a woirDT. w u kicked b ; a mule, wat decldiIhe cautlng her. te bile lha wouldn’t Ire. end of her (ongue off s«r of toilat and now ahe cannot IhU cour

lalk. II U reported mcA hadnd that the firmer hat them,lit rcfu'.ed several good 'E. often for the mule,

go. _for •

Andat-lhUUma.we .^ are giving free a good J

4-fl. itep ladder with £''*• etch 110X0 .purchate ** “ I ot Pabco Palnl.•cd

lr . A newtpaper h ^ . xjnder“ ui«r. ilna ta rt . ‘‘ContncUnc . (hettn>n. F i rm Expandt”. Ed The vll■»l Ehlen wanta to know pievei

how 11 can be done. He’* pickicd - fubbuion A hidge back e u t The pic:n. h u decided that me- leavea,fto. _____________________________

I d H O M E L U M B E R A lPhone 34 ' '

-jyahoJdLojIhlon P rfc

T h m «m ore to th e

'_■ th e 3,356 Us ' ow n th e boi

W F idfic em piK to tb e lo i t i

Id ah o 'i p ro |

UnioD Pad!; ^ ly to p ro p o r

^ A \ . . R iflroad . [f ] ^ . . v . . < - , : p o t t u i o a ar

j l W A J O ^ A r lU ilto a d 't n oei t i .a f f e a

' c o a in u n ity i


________________ _______

T NOOIT ' v J i t i L - - ^ ^ ^ t 3 ; ^ C ^ -

>R0 WITH ^ I A M S s P : NOU 00M ;T %TELL MB SO O ' /


vould require a t leu t U,000JM0. A lUJpeniion of Indiutry ben wu

” nDt-»ntielpa«d.------------ — — ~ t

ITV Seveni large truckloailB of tnon^ i I were nuhed hera from the federal * reserve bank at Cleveland to alfl-the '

• banki remaining open.S f i The Point Place bank director*

reported Itle thU afterooon that. “".T Hier irere cJoiln*/«• U2* protrttton

ot their depotllon and that ,11 could collect on lU loans, practlcallr all ot Which were made atler the period

g h of InfltUon.boii’t PUnt tor caring tor teedr t«m-

porarllr Imponrlihed br tha cloalng I an ot bankt, will be dUcuued a t a rect- meeUng tomorrow fit the clUzent ^Itu- committee recenti.v lUmed br Maror m u ' WlllUm T. Jackson to iludr Uie 1 of clly't unemnloyment and poor re>Rid net problem. . - •

1 th I t w u pointed out lhat the do t­ing of Ihe bankt, wllh IU rctuiunt

I It slowing up of tax paymentt, will , indt Interfere terloutly with Uie ellr't ;on- panf ta itiue boadj (o /Inince poor thU relief.

(ME'NEWSr - L E, Pinnernker~W D Htylet_______________ '

AtiRUBt 18,1031 N o. 99

niuit not run “Whr It it doctar,* ogt In the read, u id Harold Blnelalr

« “ • “ • ide pedeiirUnt? other dar. “After I

have ttood behind Ihe V — counter for a few -#

recent meeUng nelns?"Koman-t club ll 'cldcd lhat Uiere - m th o te a re c o u n - i’t be anr dan- ter panei," aniwered rarest flret In Uie leamed Doe.

ountrr If thelad to b u i ld —

Docton are recog- _ T - nlted u learned men

and- «Ue. p e r h a p t A I|M UiaVt whr the above ■

mentioned doctor U a A l - l i — -ntuU r-titsr ol our

j K m t f building atid remodel*Ing Berrtee. Whenever be wanU anything he

— eomu to ua.1 br DiU Ding: ^

Uie tpmdlng•ttnut tree Lel u i d o u br hav.vllltge smlUir Ins Lotu ting tha toU

eves, lowing number, "Pmlicking up the Sure Mr BweeUe b a )bUh T horoughb red . Be-plenle p a r t r ttu u He Laught Uke

vet. a Hone."

AND COAL COMPANY.Cor.^rd A T e '.M t l2 i i i 8 t .8 o a l \ .

er 2 ,000 ^2mesJ3mdi_ : Employees


I i* n o fiino r th a t eon ttJbn tes c h ep e rm u ie o c c o ta c o m m u o ig r ) ae owQer«hip. T w c tb i r d s o f / U »OD Piduc hauliet io Ttfabo

homea they occupy, knd U nion Qployecj cbiu add trem efitlouslv J ild foundatioD n p o a w U m roRTcss is built.

o i i c tanplovecs p ro sp e r d ir e a - jo r tio n to the p to ip a iq f , o f th e

[f uoregula tea fb tn u trao»>..« « aUowed to Q fl^ennioe t b * '

» revenue*, tbe m lr o a d p b w b r ecied, and tb e p r o g ie n o f d ie ty u retarded ._______________________


Page 7:… · P U .H . Edition v^Hl-----------yoCTrrrornn— . ~ ^ ' N : E A W H G E

■ ' ''’(Oontlnucd fn

SYNOrSISi IB |8TS «ilh BenM- IU FIotm. cdmI niolh«r. NellT OtUI», Kl>k SUn- ■m d»M nol know Ilu t *hB hM leU Iiv J«b Md n*tne-JiuntU D uam .— a l UItIIU ftmbtlnfhow. a<(Hu rsBcJi*. KwUiir *«•nirer. Join* U)« pwly ■! BUoxl.

' brta*ia* U l ra#tli*r, wIioa.NtUx. tUHlt* with o«w» t in t Ibl Knot* It* U tnniM l U * ■min. Tho maraoM conflnni (h(i ’ wpwl Jor JUd»iii« Fmcbf. who. tneldMilall/. *P»ki of Nellr'i carelwMk* w iu Je«eli In ber Nmt Orl«M« hMn*. Thli U th» Wad ot lofonniUon Dlrllt lud hind th* marvuru lo |t< *>>» cbip- iro an h it d ia rrtU | l f l who li BM wm ot hU thH t pURi. KM w*IU n Jn lr tor /n»n(U (o mM( him Ja tho n r fe a . blU» apon to tin t her 'UofhlDc «nd iluflni wllh AdrUn. .

Ohopter 23 'Would JuinlU meethlm'tor brwlc

t u t In tho momlogr Sho h&d prom*- bfdiKlfkcoaUmlrdtpeadonUut.

— tw-lio-wouW-not-rwnlnd hir.-«l«- i h id u t lit«. ilDilnf to Adrkn. Per* P h ips the wiiukl bo ileepy In tlie

.1 mornlnj.' He Ktihtrcd wme ot th« bulbul

rtoven he went In, Uklnc th t biok sulr. He would il\-e the {lowers 10 nhodt (o put In JuanlU't room. T he/ wouJtf perhipt u r •omeUilns tbout umorrow. And ptrham Uio mocUns bird would be a t h b poUi

■ _ Juam u 't doof w u ajir. tthodi I w u no doubi miUuS thi room read;I tor the Dtsh^ Kirk tapped. Tbe doot

opened farther t l h it touch. Rhoda t u not there.

Tfiat (uctc «ao i h td betn U- m llltr (0 Kirk tU hit Ufe-lbe old bed with lU r<M-hun| etnop;, the

! crjrtUl crnimtnU ot the dretter. the window openlns upon iiie tet. Hi lud tlayul lu Uilt room onee when ha w u 111. to th it (he nune

' ml»hl occupy Ihe eonnecUnf room that w u now the marqueu'#. Fei- , J m from collese had come homewith him and bunked there............Now he u w It wllli tirtnse e;ct. i Jutnlla h id to (llled tt wlUi her i prtMnce (hat no (ormer uiocla- | Uon reoialned. ,

Tlilnts had become omlnoiuiy tUtnt dowmulri. Kirk itepped In* i Ilde,' poured iome waler Into one ol the vatet, Ml (he (lowcra on <ii« i lAble bctlde Ihe M . Already Uielr iiertume w u btilonlnc to pemeaU . iherocen.

Kirk went quickly .out th i opin ■ deor 10 hU own room. But Jt w u ,

a Ions tlmf bifon th i voleu down* i tlalra ce^ed, before there came ,

X od the 'tu ir 'an d food nlghlt , Aton; ihe hajl. ^

> . . ju a n lu Uy wtlchlo* 'Uie-world \ grow pile ulUi dawn. The lea wind ' wubloii'lng Into her room, moist and t Bcntte. brintlng a tmeU ol rain. Yel , the Iky held i i v t : lh« day would ,

.^be ctatfAperhaps it v u Uirflswenr J

Juuilu JooJied a t the f lm m * i crlmion blur In Uie lu lt* d a r t } Kirk had leil Uiem there, the knew. [ Klfk l\ad tfnl.her Ihe mcuate Uiat [ they v tre fn bloom, and the had ,, tnown that he >as In Uie gtrden ,

" waiting. 10 finlth with her U ut In* h '* Uimipied'momtnt on CtprlM.'She

had tlty ed 'lh Uie house, tinging, . laJkin; to AMut.'eaKelr Ouelwu Ih a t'll w u he, 'no a ln ld witi'the

'o t Klrfc, 6( hit volet. }iU touch,'hll r ; k fridnetiio f' the ' thlngt he ■ mU. U

Alone wlUi him tn Uie gtrden, whtl li might the not I u t i uM, In turn? There, on Ctprlce-She had (ell hit un^oken prolanlly, when ihi mar*

:qusM had. come running with her .cry o( -Look}-------Stie herallwould never-torgei lo thank Um marqueto (or Ihat reuue. T

. Now the w u not a trild .li w uno t t< lovi ahi tell (or K l i t What 11 w u d: the did nol kno«’. Ilow could a J>

'heart thal had been drained ottalih (uralth * toU (or love? It w u not n b m -a o d It wat not nlghtl So ihe|b<

, oMd ao t /ear. Sbs ttoM mtei Kirk i *> la Uie guden. u ehe had promlied. t>< He mutt not tuipeet that the w u

'• i t r* ld .r ; - . ' . - • Bi' " fear, i t the might only know a

' dty, » nlghl Uiat had no moment “ when tenor, black and cold, did not , crawl acaUul her heart. L u t night It had ttayed long, nol only lerror ^ of WlUt Ur behind, but ta inde- (Inable dread ot tomethlng ahead. ,, She had rlten trom Uie bed. u t by

V Uie window looking a l Uii tea. The I'p y Thlpc bad ttood beside her, watch*

ing too. Sh l had tUiUd Inlo Uu fflArquetk't room, but Uu matqueta tbored ao peacetully tbat JuanlU ^ had crept Into bed tgaln, going at JU ttO ilw p.

The night w u almosi gone; fihe ™ would noi be aRald ot Uu p u t or -

--------i5nhlo*_to-.«ome^ua»lt^jaipp»d “

S Z S - ^'A tUtli-Ute, Benor,"’the eald, Pf

^ o i . t h o marqufcia'k door M'-tln ^

Uu rooma. p*p | i mocking bird (Jew away. leaT* J

■ 1 ^ “ tweJeta d iu i ot pink ^isabout her head. There'w u no time

to wakt and o n u 'l a Juanlu we*

Kirk W a wilUax, aaier lie -aak

« s!"ThU 1* good o( you.-, K t t ttU.

-AU ytmr beiuly ale«i>-- 'Beauiy aleep!' amBed JuanlU.

/D o you know. w hat: w t u * la SpanUh} '}i it a t la to t l t ^ h e a .

' Ihe inoon u ihlnlcg.-rm beglwslni : to bell ere It’t r i l n to ^ I

Dowa.«.',lllUi'paUt nhpd4,M i

. “Rhoda mty pour your.cboeotaie, to*— bul.yattYt.w pour^*t,“-Kifk- ttkltoJBiinlU .

-6polIed'ar«a‘tyou7”’WeU-detlrout ot being, a l any i t

/ rale. You didn’t come Ju t night.r '

V A S S T. - ;^JM X < tt« U c< R ll9 (U |IJ« U il ^

v ^ m o o n

/i£tBjdlHowibm ..

trom lu l luuel* " -

• itrawberrlu. She could be very tl-• lenl. reflecUd K lr t la tno'.her wo* . man the (nlc wouJd-IuviI ed him. It exuiperated him withI her wmeUmei. lUioda went buk' along Uie tuUe path and ICUk added.. -To Uilnk I am leaving you here all. diy »'iUi hlm-w llh Adrian."r. "I* h* dingerouir '. ' ‘Jlov ahould I knowt" Kirk ipoke • ; tuiily. He had nol tlip l well, andI ’ Ju im u looted to'ducurbtcgly pretty, and remote. He tud been overjoyedI Jmt now to tee her coming trom tlier houK, Now other Uilnga worried1 him. “It dependa en your tuiecptl*I bUliy WheUier he’t dangeroui or now. At any rate," Kirk Ilnltlud, “I'mI leaving you here wllh him."t . “Why don't you take h lm fl 'Kowf He-t plotted Ihtt (or dtyt.I H i't iven plaaoed a moon (or to* [ nl|lit-on tiu Tide home.*

“He h u plotted nothing wlUi me,’’ taid. Juanlu.' “He didn’t Uilnk Jt necetujy. Here you are, and here ba It. And

> h W t Uie garden; Did >-ou ever In I* your coujitry henr ot Uw dog In ihe ^ nuiigfrr Weft Jiere he U. I ctn't0 tae-Ui8 fa r ttn niyKltror»ecJ«u ***;• d#y-M i donvw anl any one elt*e to;., -You aro hard , on .yourtdt.*II Juaniu n ld geotly. ■J _ lUidda w u coming down U« * tlk < with covered dlihet on a iray-a• puit ot omelet, t t r lu ot bacon, hot y bltouiu. (etther*Ilghi, and a pot o(1 wild plum lam. Kirk held out hit e cup (o Ju tm u . Tliete New OrJeaa-

laatl They took their cotteeterlouUy » and contmuouily. Kirk walched the r m t ot her rounded trm u the Ulled f the.urn. Rhoda went back down the• ^Ui.

“Oh we!].- Mid Kirk, -you've ; poured my coftee anyway. 111 n*' member t lu l all day." Ttiea to(Uy.° “1 Jove you, Juan iu . wlUi your hair '• llte Uut. I love you In Uul lltUe pink■ dreu. I love you any way a i all," Jm I added crouly, lOllut JutjilU laiigh-• ed.' -Promlto me one thing, JuinllA

■ Atler a momenl her eyet met his.• “Don’l be atrald." lu added. “1• Kon’l aik you not to (aU In love.‘ NoUilcg uol U) do. Only-U any ooa■ lelli you he lovea you lodky-iaugh

at him too. Will you promlte th a i r' 'Oh, ceri4lnlyr u ld 'iJuanlta.' Utighlng already.= “And U he aiks you to marry Iiim,' Un'hlm you couldu’t'thlnk ot Jt."

fiht had toberel % llUla a l Uut.' -Ju it (or today." tiid K lrt.

‘T hat would ba eaty.- ' “AU right, Uien. la h a n ta a iy o u ‘ any mort. I’d Jutt Jlke -lln going ' In toi.-n to wwk. and X'd mtrely Uke ' to do IL . . . Look a t that canary,' will you? He't walUng (or me 'lo

throw eome crumlx.*' Kirk broke a biscuit Into blu. Ittrcw ll oul oo Uie grtu.

A myriad tluUerot wlngt'from the■ brtnehet about Uiem. Juanlt* Uirew ' a bit ot bacon which tu rted a tmaU

JutnlUtcarcelyuw the blrdt. The bUck Thing u ia t had Kood betide her In Uie ntghl w u mytterlouily Utere tgtln, luming ihi uietugi ot Ull dawn Into a hideout Uilng, teem*' Ing'to say: “Whatever h u lain dark and secret thal] be unveUed In the light."

(Copyright, Dodd. Mead tt Co.)■ (Canttmietf .in 'o u t issue;—


SHOSHONE. Aug. 17 (Special to ■nu N e«)-M anhal1 B. Chapman, tormer resident ot Shoihone. and district court reporter ot (ho Fourth Judlelal district tor I t yean, h u lust announced hit resignation u reporter tor Judge D.H.Sulphen, to j

I bccome ettective November J. I t U {I f*p«ted that be will enter U)s prac* ‘ (lee ot law. u he » u tomedme t |0 * admitted to the btr. Oordon Oray, , Bolte, h u tieen chm n by Judge ' Sutphen u Mr. Chapman't tueeei*

In hll letter or rttlgnaUon to Uib *Judge, Mr. Chapman, who'.lt a bro- 'Uier o tw . Orr Chapman, Twla FaUt .attorney, tald in part: ■' • ' ' *

-Since your elevtUon lo the beactiII hat been a p leuun lo work wllh •- J-ou and to obserro Uu etlabUtluaeat ■ ot your repuUUon u a n able.'tear* ^ leu and Ulr-mlndediumt, not oniy C In i-our own dlslrict but throughout ^ Southern Idaho, where you hare had J occulon (0 preside.- . ' [

Judge Sutphen made the (ollowlng i- commenU on the illuaUon; *|

“Ur.-Chapman b u beea ot grctl el attUlanee to me tn my'work u h T u a g T o n H t^ U irc tn i 'u ra e e p i tf Uonally able tn d ettlclint court n* porter, and my clote penonal atto* o elaUoni wlUt hlm during the p u t - Uiree yean htve a t aU time* been ol pieatant."

Oordon Gray It a aaUveotnslley ol wbere he w u graduated (m a .the high ichool ot U ut city. U te r he at* . (ended the Unlvenlly ol Idaho, *- louUMm bnncb, (or h it pre*Ieg«l ■ work and Uler ttudled U v a t ' Uie . Unlvenlty ot Oregon. Ila h u nloe monUu’ work le tt to complele work neoesslry to obtain a degree In Uw., Oordon Oray b (he toa et Uie U(e Bcn O ny, Idtho pioneer and high In Uio countel ot lU te aad na* . Uonal DemocraUc party attain.

. Real Estate Transfers

rv«hba« 19 tM l a u r w t a i t u . m t O ta n a ly O O T W -

AU008T 11 ■Quit 'CUtm D .-Balph T. WIUi

o L. L. Brtckenrldge. II. Lot » .Uk imm'Park~BiU):— :-------------------Quit ctalm D .-L . L. Breckenrtdge

0 Mutual BIdr dt Loan, gIS. Lot i. Blk 3, B m Park Boh.

a u g u st »Warranty D -O rre n w : Dough-

ny. (0 Etta Napptr, {MOO. Lou 8 tA U iX o U JO e k ,.

lofDaiGHI= i --- --------

Tu“ 'VJK{h Wg l i F t . *1- OFF-'rue wicow kwo* HXB CXULEO —^

fftJ- Yaw OH '1H£ wllh p h o n e 'To tRY

to PATCH i;p‘t»EiR l l t u t 2 - “- I

Q U A W l . - - r ^IT'& A.Ul.% 0 . ' j

poke POOUiM ^tnd k h i'iw M - (

BUT TO W - W” ' VJHBN s u e • - —

C A asb^M — A t yHer IWEtTEST . W

ANfr HUN^ l l h m H Uf* t h e • ll It s M

layt. REC£lveff>-’ Ma S B ■ to* ^ v m f S m

m.e," I U h o t I

a •

^ TIMETABLES-cu l SehHoIfiotPiMengefTriiiniiBd


*“ •' 'ORECON BHOtlT LINE lUilboand

Tttln H leivet________3:I0P.M.V -, T n ln 1S9 le ivet____ _ 1:I0A.M.

« '«(b«md‘hu Train M leavet_____ l_ I1 :« A .M .“ * T r a in l5 J ie iv c t_ _ _ _ 2:M r.U .

,?5: WELLS BRANCHZ I sioihboundI, ^ m in 3)9 le tv u ______ 1:30P.M.

NorUibeaad “ * Ttalnjtoarlves________SiJOP.M:

UNION r A c in c sta g esEulbeond

,5 ; A rrlv i----------------------10;OOA.M.Leaveat_____________ 10:10A.M.

1^'; A rritM .---------- I v n p M"?* Leaveat_____________ 1:00P.M. ,, , r A n lve ii---------------------II:SJPA1. ‘

Leiveat_____________ 13:30A.M. ,WetlboflDd '

Arrive I t -------------;_10 :1S A .M . jL ftv etl______________JO;30A.M.Anlve t l _____________8:«P .M . j

^ Leive t l ■ fl;lOP.M.X Anlve t l --------------------H:tSP.M.

Leive if._____________ll:JDP.M.,A ' The eulbound stage arriving ni 10

A. M. Uld the wulbound stage leav- i lug a t OJO P. M. tnvel by wiy.ot

Jerome. Wendell and Ooodlng.OTHER STAOB UlfBS

ML TWIN KALL8-8II08H0NE :^ L eaw __________ 8:00A.M. '

Return — ____________ 10:JOA.M. .

Retum ... ....................... . S:30p !m . !^ TWIN FALLS-WELLS

■ s r . — ===i;!SI:£tho ^

Legal Advertisementsrew ' ' ■laU 8UJIM0NS -Ch- ta Uie Jiiillee't Court tor ivrln'FalU ,

N6.'3 Precinct, ot Twla FalU Coun* rhe ty, Idaho.Ilde Beton B. 0. Morgan, JusUce ot Uu : uly . Pttce,'ot Tliomu Ctvender. Plaliitltt, <

m*' Vl, • ' Iirk Jette Miller, Detendint. )Ihe The SUle e t Idaho Sends Gre«Uo(a 1

le Ihl Abevi Named Deteadantt I )' You are hereby summoned to ap* i — ' pear In the above.enUUed Court (o '

. be-held In tald Couniy and precinct In Uu'aboi'e enUtled caute wlUiln (Ive dayt (rc«n Uie date ot tenrlca 6( . (hit tummont upon you, It tcrred 3 wlUiln thU County, or, It te rrtd elte*

> r where, Uien wllhln twenty daya (rom <11 th i dale ot tfrvlce ot Uilt tummont ( n uponyouindpleedtoplalnUrt'teom. :

pUlni on tile In u ld Court, or plain- 'I- Utt will Uke JiKlgmem agilnst you (;

u praj-ed In sold compUtnU snd ThU acUon It brought agalntt Uu dII, detcndadt and by Uw pUlnUtt tor i„ (he recovery ot Ml.15 due on an d u aulgned account from tho J.U.Um* « (n btugh Jewelry Co. aulgned tnn t* i I. (enedandteiovertotheaboTemen* o e. Uoried pUlnUtt, (or a valuable coa- <

Wllnett my hind thit n th d ty o( “ / ; Augutt, m i . I,l . B. C. MOROAN.

J uiUci ot Uie Peace, j


Iq.CUm A Independent School Dti- i ^ -ttirt No. I, Twin FaUt County, Ida. .

ai, t(0ni2E IB HEREBY GIVEN, U r. That, the annual tchool meeUng ot ly OUu'A'Iadepcndent school DUtrlct cl ut No. I, County ot Twin FalU, 6U («ot cl ut Idaho, wUl'bt held oa Tuetday. the *i

' l i t day or September, toil, a t Uie cl12 Lincoln and Blcket Schoolhouset la u

said DUlrlet. and Uu pollt ac u id aill elccUoa shall be open between Uie u houn.ot 1:00 o'clock P. M. lo 8:30 w}i oUodrPrUroimid-day;-------------- is). That a tu ld meeUng Uie (oUowlag (i y. buitaest win he tr tn tu led : ust -4. OatiTus(M (o»erve(or»(emj n o( Uute (I) ye tn wUl be elecled.

1 ' Oae trustee to u n e tor a te ra c J ef tiiree (3i yean wm be elected.« L I t u t a t tald meeUng'general > - ' • *0, — r- ,

• J U S T K I D Sr. r ~ • -----

• l ira .M A R C x :/ V m x j c a i 'TiRAININ’ OUT ''O O T OUT A -TALL N Q w y j ^ g S ^ UM — S T OP S A,lvK


! • *• / % .



t I h

V JiL L - TH A.rS ■ j h ' A PR S'TTY /A f c lS - Ig .

— 'T H v r 'i CARftViNe,— ^ U 'H

A LlTTtG JOKE* I m ' m V TOO P A R - ijl

[ W a n t irwln ~ ............. .............. • • '


’•M. .A uw astA d ttU T iiadaeilnaad ' -U lty being (hi bsyer. ' ' •

>.M. FboD itt '

For Sale-Aulomoblles . ',.M. TOR SALE-BRAND NEW bKBV- , .M. releiCoupeatablgdUcount.Llnd Vi.M. Automobile Co.________________

BEFORE MTH DODOB TRUCK, J ton. Lown Pump W H. P. B rlc t „

'* OpU Douglat. Klmberiy. r

M . FOR SALE OIIEAP-ONE TON -W- truck, or Ijut, rllfi model T Ferf. -

Phone 1»7:J. 3W Eighth avenue e ttt. 1

!u '. FOR SALSoJMT 0LD6M0SILE o '.M. iw-o-doortedtn: new Uret: will - n o lake good model T Ford lo trade tnd F rav- clvp termi. SIT Third avenue e u i.,_ot — ......--------------= 1!

For Sale—Seeds ' IW BLUB TAO ORIMM ’ At^ALFA . u teed, s u te lealcd and cerUtled. “

. 'u Twin'ralU Feed and le*0o i‘Twin ^iw i y*U». PHoPe »!• S

Miscellaneous ||= S y oU COUlS nN D A WAVTO ^

kUl dtndiUont Uioroughly, quickly q tnd ctieiply-aUo to cure thote yel-

^ low treet-W hat would you Sty? We „ luve iound a wty—come In and atk ,

„ ut. Dtrrdw'Bros. Seed.and SupplytlU Co..Twillf J U • N

rnoTBss'cDRPORA'noN ^ ' Uu DepLrC':U.Troyat2ritS(.CIileag«

Plette te'nd Famous ArUtt ouUll ~ ot ChfUcmu OreeUng Ctrdt, (ree M goods'otter tnd conlldcnUal telUng = plant. I rtein b-otlncw.. . ^

1 s i. no.7 ...... — :..........- nap. City.........................BUte-------------i le ■■ I . I ' -

hin For Rent—Farms ^ved 313'ACRES iM PR(5rar M S t" OF N 111. Twin, BUte Where you a n located om tnd ablllly to itrm etc. write Box X ont 4M, C tn Newt. ' . •m* :____■ • •_______ '- ■■ ____ _J n - ------------ ------------------------------- 01rou questions pertaining to tchool and '

tchool Intcrnu wlU be Uken up and - Uie dbposed ol. . ^(or The nime'or namet ot aU candb »n diteaioreIecUonoftrusteei,toicUier “ n>* with Uu term lor which nonuaaud ^ nt- than be pUeed on till wllh Uu Clerk en* ot the Board of Tnuteu at le u t tl* n »■ (8> dtyt prior to Uie day o( election, „

neludlns the dty ot election. Pt Of T h ti Uie election » l u ld meetlns I

WlU be by secret and teparale ballot, th <, QUALinCA-nONS OF VOT- 3 i

'■ ERS: —- (I) Elector* ot tbe SUte ot I f OI- Idtho. , '

(3) Reildenu ot Uie DUtrlct wi tt- l l Ih l time ot eleetlon. *nl»* • In tddiUon thereto'told voten rei

must posKU one ot Uu two (oI< bii lowing qutllilcitlont; . Br

of '(a» pwenu or guardlint ot a ^ let chUd or ChUdrtn when tuch child Of — of children are undei'twenty-one (311

yearn ot tge and when tuch child ot ~ h i children tnd parenu or guudUns w, in Uicreot t n resldenU ot Uw DUtricl ( Id a t th i time ot elecUon; or —

^ (b) A penon who p ij i u*e» wy 30 wlUUn (he DUtrlct tnd Uu husband ]

ta rln ii otTUUTlalftaSftTln c n r tn r Ju ' n* Uipayer U monied, A payer ot poll

tax U not a Uxptyer. —m Da(cdUiUI3UidayofAngust,lNl.

CORA M. SMITH. * - n Clerk ot CUu A Independent school BL

DutrlctNo. 1 ol TwUi'FaUt County, 1 '*1 Idtho, Ho



i HEAR ANV ■ : V H r r THI 3RE.ABOUT r r


T H E G U M P S — ON

6 U P P 0 M 1 11 Ijf I'M TO SIT AROL ' !!lj THE HOUte ANO ^

llV '•'■UN*riu 'touR.- !,!iVf'l|i,r;i*1 'L(SR O SH IP t>tT8

I ; ':lj' 'fOOR U TTkS PE -.JUST CRY MY'

' — lll^ ^ p u T OVER 'io

W I f f

Ads-Barj= ^ = ! = = s = s s = s = : ^

J Situatio 'fis W an ted

u o H iE ' s i n z r a , " U A T » i n n— nursing. Phoot t f lR t________ *" WANTED-SEWINO. PRICE BEA* ■

sonihJe. 399 tUi Are. NorUi. i

WANTED- FAUILT UUKDRT .I or work by hour. fhoailW J. j

. A ■ RELIABLE WOMAN . WANIS . ^^outekeeplng on a ranch. Phone ,

ind WANTED - TRACTOR REPAIR ' •ork, experienced ' MoCormlek *

— Deering and olher maket. Ptlcet ttj)it,A.L,lltlnet.Phone238.John* " ion O tnce nexl to Fire SUUon. ^

5k FoTSali or Trade ,i r i . _______________________ *(Jt. TRACTOR BEAN CUTTER WOL .■X- ilt tny Fordson or 10*30 or lt*30 • I U orwU lU adeioritoctPhonelttlJll, will ,tnd PfcRDSON T R A ^ R AND PLOW ; .1. In eood condlUou. WUI tradi tor= llresiock. D. w . Rodenbaugh, 3>i .

north E u i Jltnsea. ]

ONE EXTRA OOOD SIX YCAft OLD . J l Holstein Cow will frethen within i ^ ten dtyt. Abortion and T. a T«ud< Jto U*tl Plpet. Phoiu WOW. • ' J

_ SEVEN HOLfflZIN OOWB, PURE-“ • bnd buU. DeUval MUklnt -ma- ;

chine. wUl tell or ^ td e (or theep^ ' Iia £. Fetter, 3 mUu toutb ot Haa*

TO ■ ________ f4ly QOOD INCOME PROPERTY LEAB* f r*!' cd (or two yeart a t I 12SA) perWe iDonUi to Ulde tor good weUlmproT. 3•“ edtOonSouUiBlde.Olvedetcrlptloa ;'Pl? and location., Addreu po« IO„Cai)» *

For S a ls M isc c llan e w s r

rtO MILK I te A OALLON. P H O ^ U I J8. B

FOR BALE - UAY. CLOSE IN. IP _ Phone l O t i j a . __________^

— HAY FOR SALE-gllXO DELIVER* >— ed. Phoni I3t1J.__________^ F

FOB 6AL^fX}C/R 'STANDS OF »beet. Phone 4MR3. '

OP NBWr LUMBER H HOB WEST OPS HotplUl. U .a Ayotte.__________ ei

ORIENTAI, POPPY ROOTS. A. V. 5 WllUunt, Phone 13UJ.'

“ ORSAM SEPARATOR FOR SALE^ ' j .nd CfUtOj 2nd Avenue Wetl. «

TWO WHEEL TRAILER, BEST OF ^ conttfucUon, almott new rubber

and extra (Ire. Phone <78. | “

BAILORCinTER. OOODASNZW . Wllh two te u ot bltdet. W. J. Mallby, j mllea touth ot KnuU. ^

“ ' POR SALE-BAILOR BEAN CUT* 18ng ter. Improved oves new. (our iharn -ot. thartt. »«,00. Robert Hughet, Buhl, “T- 3 mUet toulh «U mllet west ot Flier, ^

of IFYOUCODLDHAVEOOODSAFE ro drinking witer, UuU c h it you t l

let w int, U nt ll? Sterllu your cUtem ch and purify Uie wtler wlUi 0. K. IU ni

w reatontblelneosl. w yeffcc tlreind _ Jl. bidJy needed t t UiU tfuon. Dirrow “

Bros. Seed and Supply Co, Twin a FaUt.

in H e lT w T n ie d #*;ot ________ - _______ ________ Ins WANTED-BUCKSMITK. W. M. - let CanUoQ, Filer, Idtho. IK

„ WANTED T ’h oT TRUMPbT o r — Id Tenor 8 u . Muit ting. Awwer Ht nr4qulek.-B.-j.-8heptrd,-K tU Jium» _ i >11 K ta p Hotel. Kelcbum. Idaho. ~

11. •’ ; Found mIol BLACK MARE. WElOHT ADODT M( y. 1100. Bnnded on boUihlpt. Albert >

HolmquUt, HolUtter. . , 7Ui

1 -M OW V m au(5E i havcn 'iJ f w rv HOME eeB MAS i d e m ■ DC



>N T H E W A R P A T ,

~ ^ y AMt> CMM NIM I IN MY W IN t)0 '«-


P« E V 6 -m - EVE3 r f i

1 Y o i J - ^

i \ \ I^ l y T r

rgainis-CFor Rent—Fumlshed

n t wR00&IS-13I m i NORTH. PHOHB

- MI.A* ' ~ . i I ■ y,

BOARD AND ROOM AT IM ffHl- Ave.NorUi.IT -------------------------------------------- V


ROOM AfID aARAOB. 30t ElghUi ,- tvtnut c ttt. fiione 8H-W. 2

S FIVE ROOM' HOUSE. PARH.T. furnUhed, t3}.00. Phone i m

FORRENT-a.RO«JPURNI8UED f S ' house, m 7Ui .W.IUI East. H

FOURROOUFURNlfiHEDnOtlSE. " (nqutfa V t Jfd Arenue EuU f

MODERN FIVE ROOM PARTLY S 1 - tumUlied houi«,' Phone 6NR9.

W ONE AND TWO ROOM FURNIMl* r n 411 Main WetU *■

ro n " R n < T l ''i 'n o o M apar7« : > menu. 703 3rd Avenue WetU.

In FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT- a d< Clou in. 914 Second avenueeut,

_ FOR RENT-ROOU AND BOARD * S- U detlred. J th A «. North, p

^ FOR RENT-FOUR ROOU Fu r ­s' : nUlied house. Inquln JM 4Ui Ave «

. ^ ^ SJ, BOOM FOR, RENT TO OMB OR er two lidle&Z2S7Ut Ave. EuU Phone ^ 3a3M. , • ‘

!? FOR RENT-SEPTEMBER 18T, 3 = 'r roonu and baUi, parUy /umWud._ phone 1I91W,_____________ ' ■ '

FURSmtED HOOM FOR RENT. F Ute of b tlh and telephone, s ts 7Ui

5. E u l or Phone m i . jh)RBENT-l»ARTLYFnnMI8HED

8 room modem houte wlU> tleep- i I* Ing porch. OoU UB1J2. '

' FOR BENT-LlOirr’ HOUSEKECT^ 0 '• Ing roomt. Close In. Phone U8 or - ' call 480 3nd Avenue NorUi. ' "- TWO ROOU FURMlsnED H O u S V

With Ileeplng porch. Phone U»U - ^ or w ll »l 830 art Avenue E u t. *'

'f' ONB TWO-ROOU APARTMENT olI one-room apartment, cteclrle ~

" cooking, hol water, fnthly cleaned. ^6it3a<SArenuemi}i p|

’• FOR RENT,FURNIBHED UOIIT “ „ boutekeeplng tparlmenu. Cloto

lo. Low ritti 'by week fit moaUt. The. Oiford, «M Main North._________ g

T CALIFORNIA BO STO N APTS' «PumUhed Modem Apartmeau. ~

. one block No. Pott Ot(lc»- Phoae 1808. AttncUve tummer ralct. .

f LONO’S AD~4-R00U FURNISH- 1!ed house >3j; 8*room' fumUhed Pl:

: IJ7J0; S-room fumUhed lO A l; 8- = E room modem 8-room houte u 118.00; 10 tcret, good.lmprovemenlt,D dote In, all In litalta Iwo y tan lo **•1 ntn. A. N. Long. Phone 583. ■ 0(i ' J

“ F o r R ent— tJnrum is lied

8.ROOM MODERN HOUSE. IN- quh-e S03 3rd Eut.____________ _

■ HOUSES AND STORE FOR RENT.O ettenncafEstate.. bi,


MI 3rd Ave. NorUt. Phone 3tRS, .MurUugh._______________ '- -

: MODERN HOUSE 5-ROOU8 AND ^ i . tleeplng porch. tJto garage. 3S3 i

7Ui Avenue E. Phone 142SW. ber

WHO DO MJh LIKE j I'M AFTm o BCTTER-JACK / k n o w ^ DCMP3EV OR fANYTMlNS J f e SCHM EUNS? y ABoin- j i f f M

- y z y c r m c Rj | r ^ - ^ ( ONC O F /

\ V T H 0 7

f 4 / /

\ - ) = = = - = ; ^ p r r

iS y / l l 'V ’. . . ■ ' i - ' ' V

lUCUST 18.1831

Nl&HT PUT A LAMt* e F H T tA» TH? OUb 1

f Ut1!I> Tft DO WH5N ll'lli’.'ii^ A WN& VOYACit- |i',j'||,.|

WAY rO R H I/A • , h Mii;|

llYou COMg |i'j

VV VH(5WE «'N&W6* f ('iT H I R f i A . I |‘i|;l1

i l W S t l t a H T I N i :]!

O p ]^ Q rtWanteil--Mltcellane'oiir

u , WANTEE^POULTRT.H C.UUNT er. Phone M»W. ,

“ WANTED TO RIN T-A BAILOI lx»a cuttir. CtU I383J4.

— WANTED — TWO ROW BAlLOl IN. bean cutter. Phoae S14R3.

— WANTED TO BUY-USED 4-ROV hUi bean cuUer to fit P. O. CuKlvatoi

L. W. Petenon, S mOei Z u t 0( H is— leiu_________________________

WANTED^-TO TRADE YOU KE?__ (um ltun (or your old (umltunED Phooe 5. Moon’t Paint tnd Fuml

tu n Btor*., '

! ! ’ F o r Sa fe— F m tts , Vegetatiffli

C U C U M B E R S X li« 2 B ^ "X v _ WUUamt. Phone im J .

CU CU U BM rA U . SIZBa A. N Holmw. Phont 1837-W, .

FOR BALE - EARLY APPLES IM ^ ' mlJet e u t on XlmbrrJy Road.'

■“ B^VETT OORN, PICKLES, TOMA (OH, eantalODpCAimt bouu nottl

3 Bul>-tuUoa.- . ^ •

' PEAORBS-HOUS QROVK AT I T>. cinU per eraU a t Uia (mil lUw

weit lad o( Mala Bt. FUer. ■

_ 8mUSR APPtES NOW R2AD1 althi£.L.WonacoUorchardthK<

me mllet e u t ot olty oa Klmberiy roat T and one-hal( touUi.~ j = = : = = = = : = ^ ^ =

Jf . FO B ^i«-^EraEB M 087pH O N 5rui eu. 438 3rd Street North.

SIX WEEKS OLO PIOS SEE URS ED L P.N iU on. Hawl(omldtho.i

FOR BALB-35 FEEDER'PIOS IM _ . mUet a E.Sugtr Factory R otl.T p . 0 . Landen.

"■ ifAMRSHIRB-BAM-LAJtfBa-^ _ yearllngi H mile e u t M norU SB W tten Comer. A. B. Retau. :

IS YZARUNO JIAUP SUCKS, 7 ^ ’ _ Truck Beet Rack. UM. E UU. S 4T otBugir PKtory. IL p. UcKay.

Id PURE BRED HAUPSBaUtaUCKB. Imported tin . Oeo. A. BndJey,

— w w i ; lU Wortt F|Ti pQiau.

^ HAVE A U U nC D NUUBER OP ^ fiedlnc Iambi to put oul on good

. tpnad. September diUrery. Bee John_ Pence.Phone2l4B ubI.oraaw »r.9 . rtn. Phone 307. ButUy. . ■

M BUCKS, HAUPSimts n E o m s t -” ed^O buckJam btM dtw entyytif_ UBg»goodonea..T«mUeinorUiandi . I 'i wett ot FiTi Point Store, Tell-!d phone SIIJll. A .J.nequa. ^# . .........................— . ' =

" F o r S a le ^ P o u l t r y

COLORED FRIES m O T KOtCT _ ., etstHulehlntp U w m m ^ rlyBoad,

F o r Sale— p e g s

’ RTO m isH s n r a i p u r e io R »• ttU. l«3.7UiAve.EuU

— roTsTER PUPPIES FOR SALE ^Dear.port,'helpprcserveourgtme

birds, dont leive crlpplct lo dll. n y ile r rcgUlcred pupplet whelped _ AprlL 8Ui. Olvo away prioe. C. t .

’• ■ Business OpportunitiesD CAIT FOB SALE CHEAP V 13 Uken a t once. Sborty'iCafe, Kim­


Y E S , R A I N Y

w o I OON^tT r WOULDNT Ml ^ — ‘• s a w STAYIN' N TN

M W H E N r r CAirWE COULD <




CAM;:;il|ii it SIT ON A

^ i i i v


I f f i t

0 /

tunitiesi . ■

»BIBEfillfLOR : ■ •

J5w ProfeMlonalliiB' ^

_ a a BaO -O r« Olaa* Book s t t n . .

JO tm .W .aiA llA H -L avT ir.B ink ' UBl. U d n u t BuUdlng. PboM ,8U*W.. '

SffOOET A SWEELET -law otflOH = Moorman BuUdlng. • . • ' '

iiffls "Buslnesi r v .

----- DOUl PLUUBINO M RIATINO- N, co.-flnow Room u d ;B « p i , i n ■

n u m e u t, ' p ^ M . ,

U K M L U N T ntB P L O H B lM O *

, ' . , n A N s m . - -

m i v ih c a o is n A x a m a s r o iT ^ ^ M l ^ O uU ge b u iM d ^ . " '


i: r.A .BOffAN-PitBtlng,paperbtn|.I' ini'attd kiltaniBlntf. - 338 ftb n * . ' ' ' ^ H it. Pboae mW .0N* I'-ff .

M A L ^ T & r m C U ^ A o m ^ ^ .!i TlQJlnt««e>tf- “i u ■ snoE B S pSB D ta LT. TRINFALLSSaOEREPAIBOta-

' Ladles tUie work. tolM 'tutehedea. : ^ comfort and (texJbmty. U2 Sbetluw .IND IR tt— .-V^V-. " J' ■ V_____orui : ;

5 ' LoaniPARU L0AMB-8WIM <1 00 .

i s , UONEY FOR MORTOAOB DCIEN. tier, Hm. P. 0 .'B os 73S..l>rJB.FliUi, au. Idtho,' . ' . • . •OP money FOR 0TRA1OHT L0AK8 ood ' oa modem houtet la Twin’FtOi.' ohn ArUiur L. Bwlm A Oe.


(]|. u y BuU. I ye tn o a branded Spear on left niM from Slrlcktr RahcJi

= touth ot Hansea NoUfy U n . Lucy '• Stflcker. . ^

CT For Sale—Fumllure.^ U T O PIANO FOR SA M -raO N B


5 ^ ' E. Douglu, Kimberly.__________

ELECTRIC SAVAGE WASHER ; T new style ter »SOJM. Sween PuraJ-

^111. USED FURNITURE — KITCHEN «1 eahlwU.ttovee,ttblei.ehalrt.ruii *■ aaddavtdpotuprioedtoteU .U eo»

PttOrtad'Fumttuia store.' '

” Sd Tt UBE ATWATIR KENT BAT^ tery Bet Rtdlo complete tn d 3

— tpeed tUeUlo pUte, or wfll trade IP Radio,tor «naU Bectilo Wuhlng n - Uichlne. 8(8 4(b A n.'Eatt. Phoae

»81J. '

Y D A Y S A R B D i n X !

MIND SO MUCH J ( S 1 THE MOUSE / V ' A l N S - t ^ O M - / J l A O y O N E Y R N d S t W / ^

’m mW'^Cr-'

, • . .y,'.

•______________ P w rasav rt

Page 8:… · P U .H . Edition v^Hl-----------yoCTrrrornn— . ~ ^ ' N : E A W H G E

plM irilFDIlCESIflTlEGmiEISiTwin F a lls a n d Je rom e Coun-

i iy G row ers L aunch Move

T o P u t D fs tric l's P ro -

' due ls B ack on -O ld .B asis

A jTOup of T»ln Pttlli Kid Jerome toonir pol»U>»iu! onJon op:

uM tr Uie elurlfr jnw itil In 1922 lo the Twin County Po- talo Oroftn' uucUtlon. vlll tn* de»Tor to »ln b«k for Tirin Fslii dlftrlct'» potatoes the markd th»t they enjoyed prior to l u l yeir. C«1 Zk Deleng. Ts-ln P*JJj,.one of Uie dlTKton ot the unclitlon te d (or a w JMr» a potato Brower and dealer la this dliUlct, announced l ii t *TOln«. The pw ip represent* a pro- dceUon of MOO cari o( polttoes and 300 can 'on onions. I t will opcrsta tinker tSit D*me c( the Tiritt Faiii

UUttleTTOttto-Oroiter*'- a*socl»» t l ^ vlth 'cKlcu (or the present In

-U»-ldalH).,the»lrt.bulldUi». Twinrails. •' Prior to lu t yesr. Ur. DeLong Mid,

T rtn r»lls dUuict pouioe# com- U U M a pffinluni ot inm S to 10 ccoti over poutocs pown In olher Jdaho dlitrlcu. Io Ihelr endearor to »* ia tn thliidranlaie.B toitnlden* . tlfled wlUi ths auoclatlon »ni fln ( , aecore eompleto msrket Informa. ’ t t o and then underuke to supply 1 C2w dcfflsnd vfUi T»ln m is dlsirlcl (

’jntalot* under a dlsUncllva brand. , 'I Seek Betler IUt«s . .

Io' addition lh« organlullon vUI . eontlnut the (Ijht agalnsl Uie rail- * jn a d -i appllcaUonJor 19 pet csnt In- s

ereue In frtlshl rale^'and vlll push u • tou MW pending lo smuts (nlgbt _ xalo reduction* on Idaho poUtoes lo pelola south and southeast ol Chl- cago, and a lu will endearor to secun , i n tha Twin Palli'dlsWet Hie same i freight ratea on. potatoes that the .. Idaho FaUs dUlrlct' enjoyi. Under m m t aehedule*.'Twlfl falls dJi* «

1 ^ payi 3 tenU a hundred, or «19 1 ftcar,more than U ihoralU dlitrU t ' on.potatf IhlpmenU.' ., ' i,

l i l l i l l E S l

■ i i N K s i T i i :

. • WItto funeral senrlces In eharge ot B iha U tlc r Day Balntathurch a t ths h nansldslnPCereeneleryycttenUy h

, altenooo,a(lnalttU )uta.w tipaldto n jetinrlTan Sam hunt,‘ H-yetr>old n JMl aod OS* or eight chlldnn of Ur. i and Ur*. Jca^ih E. Birohunt, l»0 s Blua Lakes bouletatd aouth. whote b

' 4ltaUiUit8atutdiy«taatlill]utcdlo r , laraotils paralnl*. Wember* of.the .

te feated-futSy/under quarantlni. • • .o te rred Uiticnlccifreoi adUUnei.. ’.j.w ,Rlehlni.pRttdeotD tih«Tifn '■nUa»lake.del(Tmd tbs tuneral adt dTMi. Orover H. Arrington, Twin 7aUs.'0t(md tbe opening prayer, and

. & tf . Oout,- Twin Fallt, d e d l ^. tbA grate. A quartet coaipoied of . t BJorltag, MK. W M e

Slrkm tn. %. H . ouett and F. Dab-■ M , lang two numbers. *1 Keed me<- im r K b u i" and.-Ntarar Uy Qod lo

S en leu were'm 'charge'o t r . ^ BaWei. nxfflbsr of (he Tvla TalU>Uhoprte...iJobn iTaQ Bam hunt waa one ol ft (amllJ of lu llre bom Idahoans, the tttSwhaTlog been one o( Twin FaUs f ln t s i t tk n who bad Uved prior te tha opening ot tbs Twin Falli country ia the ridRlly ef Roek Cr»eL Be* ridta Us paruU . he Is lurtUed by

K . thrM brothers, WUIlam S/Bsmhunt, aobn &Bamhur*t aad Bennie Bam* h m t, and tour aliten. Ura. I t A. •AUm. Ophir, Dlah; Ura. NeUle m nkU s. Randsburg. Calltomla; Mra. UUls Way Ford and U iu Oneta a a n b u n t, Twin FalU.

HRlfSETTLEMMY , ' TRIBUTE AT FUNERALEarly aettlera and fonner nelghbon

. r ^ S ' r ' I = s

S ^ r l e n d l K ^ h o u q l i t eBv Evans » Johnson,

To put youiielf in the olher fellow's place while Judging hlra

..'la te U fair to him. Us other­wise cannot be lytBpsthetlcally

■ appralied.

Practical sympathy Is needed ttpea ths ooeasien. asd the r<cUt> tlei that make poulble a ttrrlee

:*wlthla the meant of alL'

UmbBlUM Srrriee

EVANSe-JpHNSONL ^ n e r a l i H o m e s , i h c ,

! W w N PAULS PM O N C nO ' . , ^ U H L P H 0 N C 9

■'% . ‘. . f f n ii'iu s to Ore— aa

Page Efght ____________

I WUlie Willis II By BODUT QinLLTN I ia B B iac eo B ism B ao a im B B il

■ t Hkt Vatle Hoftr hetiate h t un- denUndf about one Ite crramront

* nol bein' enenth le (111 % ba;.”

j p f f l i i iI l i l l i W S i

John;, DeAnt, 65-flccciyes - Sewrfl -Injuries - -When

Host's Car Goes Into Crash 1

Sevenly InJureU In nn automobile , collblon'flunday nlilit on llie hlgli- , wiy Ihree and a half miles west ol I Twin Falls, John DeAiil, 03, lately > fjuployed as a slieepherder In the Ticlnlly ot Jlogerson; has about an | even chance (or recovery. It w u J SUM lu t erenlDg a t thc county ' general hospital here where lie U I uriaer'lrtatm enirone-ofhls lungs I wu punrtufetf by one cr m n ol ' three ribs that were cracked nrar - tlie spine, ind lie w u su((erln(t aUo ' (rom dlurtlculitlon ol the collar bone ind sternum e:iamlnillont a t , tlie hoiplUl Indicated. f

DeAnt w u riding wllli nobert \ nobertson, Twtn FtlU ptltiUe, wha * lecordlng to reports by Investigating * oXleers, backed hu car, atler cross- . Ing the highway. In front o( another machine driven by L II. Van lUper, Buhl. Uiercby causing the collUloa Beth u n wtre bsdly damaged, btit only OeAnC wtt hurt,L T J ,, ,= = = = a s w m pall besren a l funeral services for Ihe late Tliomu Logan, pioneer o( Kimberly and uuruugh, whleh were held al BU Edward's Caihollc etntrch here ifondiy moralng, iier- FiW if K. L Hermann o((letat|ng. Inter- mint waa In Twin FaUs ceme terr.MT. Logan died last Auguit 7. A brother and other relatlm lUlng t t a dla* tance were unable to atlend the (uneral siprtc^

ISTEVEN^ANl— ' ^ g i g

Jm arin m c ihe conten

"F o o l Fash ion" healt style and In add itio n cally d e v e lo p e d com fully fo llo w th e cont<

Tty a p a ir o f " F o o l I pe rle n ce a n e w feelh

Priced unusuaiiy lo w

$ 55 U (« S ia i

A A A ^EEfi

'Y o u r f c t t d f t e«yy to (it

“VAN ENCT h e F a s t e s t G r o w i i

S t o r e i n S o u t l i

iwisisfiitr -I ingsoircn

Wpman Receives Severe Hurls When Two Cars En­veloped In Dusl Leave Road

i.Irs. Dorlmi Poubert; Ventura, CsUfornls, 33 yesM oW, aho wai se­verely Inlurtd in nn lutomoblle ac­cident In whleh two c irs plunged into a dllch and «(re-«Tccked near T»’ln Falls flun.lsy night, haa a good chance for recovery. It waa itiled last evening at the eounty general fwipltal tifre whtn she Is under trealmenl Bhe was suffering (root exceulve Iou of blood from

— two. severe scalp wounds, and trom Mrious concuulon.

8 Both Mrs. Foubert and her hus­band were rendered unconscious In (he cnsh, and bolh narrowly es- caped drowning belore they were

IM removed from under the wreckage I U or the two ctn piled up In Ih® dJtcJ),

Mr. roubert w u uncoaicloui for nbout two hours nder the accident. He received a deep eut on the hand,

me HOJ»n» dlKlwrRfd Itom llic (loipf- tal ycHerdayTiTtid-imiriiinravelinr companions. Mr. ind 'M rs. C. O.Hoppe and thclr Mven-yMX-oWKm,

„ . remained hero awnlllnn the outcome , iSn of Mrs. Foubert-i Injurlci.

Mr. and M«. Hoppr'iiid Uielr ! .. son. riding In the car thal crashed

ngalnil the Foubert car . atler it 'plunged Inlo ihi dltcli. were not i

ol hun except (or minor tcralcfics and <My bruises. . |he The two (amlllei. on ilie way (rom ,•n CalKomla lo Ulili. were traveling I

a t night to lake ndvanlago o( the i7* cooler weather, nnd, a* they neared '

Twin Fain, drlrln? on Taybr street i U Ihrougli the South Park addition,

Urt Uiey were (ollowlng another ma- ] , clilne with a Irallrr carn’lng a boaL

° Tlie three maclilnt* ttlrred up w I?! much dull. Inveitlgatlna orricera ," were told, that nellher the FoubcrU '" fwr lleppfj ebifneil Ihe Inler- i

sfctlon where Taylor ilreet Join*. ’,rt the highway, ind both plunged |

aliead Into the dlleh on lhe north ,side ot the highwiy. . I

«- ^ I■er I

i , F O R S A L E . I

J . -A u lo Door GlaBS . . . I ” w indshields nnd w indpn ’ I of c lass . No cfiarge fo r sc(* |

S I; ; M O O N ’S ; I

n - P a i n t a n d I

" ‘F u r n i t u r e S t o r eho I

s s s s s s s s s : ^ i


conceals I'eidnmiwWtm \ ■

y I

lealth shoe i are In s te p w ith ■ J

tion are made ove r sclentift- Jcomblnallon lasls lhal failh - fronlour of the f e e t ^

)o l Fashions'* and you 'll e x - ^eellng of stylish ease. 5

lo w 'a l ■ ' j

a ^ 5) fu with Foot Fashions" ^

fGEtEN’S !iwing .Department J uihem Idaho ^= s s s s s s = s = s : » i i i

a ' .


- A i t ^ Eronomr Butwenl

CHSU ll Htn r>ll r.llrrn .-L0«nl

% Prlre In yrari^ foth<r» are certalnl/ tak-

i/iiro ' I In* 'idvanuge of • thesov e re ,,1, ,u^ iu o,r . . msterlats are jutt melilng c n - ^ O lr ls will have

, J ^ brlglit new ichool dresseaload ^ this (sll It Ihe lowest cost

J forjesri i r« Compare— :----- J u U

mra, l j ■ -

Offljnty ^ ‘» J In N o v S ty le , N c

. . . . ^

1 M e n , ’ « \ F L O l

f ■»' w H I ' S I lot 5 I if ljB f o r F a l

S W A '.niip * Mi ‘Imlin r k --------/■VI-'J M t -Horahelm-ah'■on, W... ~ a reason. Uor imo ^ (ort and more

% v S ^ IH V ot *ele<

K > .$9 .00 ,md ^ Presenting Ihe Netr S

O , Fall’s Dcfll Popular Pr om ^ Men[«'« ^ F R E E M Ared ^ $ 5 a n d $

t Every man who halsUia- J quality nt a low pricc shmL % see tiiG ncw £ be.iU t

'■i-s . $5.00 ; s 5 -----------------------------“ a T h e M e n ’s s t o r e I_ 5 F a l l t h c L a r g e s tv V S t y l e - R i g h t M e r c

y T o w n a t t h e C i tya P r i c e s a n d t h e L o '» i n Y e a n

^ C O M P A E

3 N E W D R E S S : J A S ty l e a n d V a lu e

5 t o D e s c r ib e ,b Noi So Long Ajro They w Btfit Values a t

S Snap brims are still con beautifully silk lined of c % RCt any shade th a t you

W light p(>arl gray to n J dark brown ...............

2 Men's S tonS M E N ’S F A S T ( 5 P R I N T B D P A J A

. Two-Plwe with SllThis pallem is very a ttra

. culine. Tho cost has a co: ^ on front and pocket. Tho % ed g in g lsa s llk braid . ..„

^ Men'flSlore

^ A M o s t P h e n o m e m

SSS* P u r c h a s e o f M e n ’s

F a n c y H o s e , 2 5 c

Fare Tbread Sllk Onr JUfoi IniUt on seeing .this hoie. II k wonder value. The woven cloi work paltems on harmonlili

. grounds ire In the n r seuont best etylei-----

1 Men's SloreW T h e T o w n ’s O u t s ^ D r e s s S h i r t V alu < 3 ------------E a t t e n i B 3

W A Fulil28s68 Cotinl { Broadclolh .

S Thfa conslrucllon in fast color printed patterns is J only found In shirts thnt i

W usually cost much more. | The cut Is exlra full and i

^ ths finish is ccconiiiiff to

J ■L£l“ -,.....98cS Mcp’fl Slore

S F I N E S T m U E S : S H I G H W A I S 1i C O R D U R O ’

■ . $ 2 . 4 5 - $ 2 , 7 5 - !W . Featuring the New EiCFi J These cords aro the heavi 1 ‘ carefully made panl* wo eW have c itra \\>ie bottoms,o waist and'six metal snap% ------ f ro n t.Ih e sirea.nrc fromk yountr .men's sizes in 29iJ Compare.

V 82.45J2.75.S i M i a u u r M M J g J i J t

■ ‘ 7

^ ldalioD(: ^ ^leso - " - ■ “ ..................- ■

H T he Wall:ost

Fering !, N c ik V a l u e M crchundisc F o r


e n , Y o u r N e w Spc'L O R S H E I M M ,

S H O E S F a l l A r e H e r et N ew P r ln a of $9

a n d J ] 0m -Bhoes-*tf-bft«nlng------------ :------id-moro populir—Uiere'fl • •- - - •• • I. Mow style, more com­mote weif—for ihfy are

( selected leaihert only. .a In bUck and broxn. ^

, 0 0 . . « $ 1 0 . 0 0

' w S l j lo s In T » in J“ ' T i c . J S h o . r . r

M A N S 'r id 5 6 ' . , »m nrt In sisU on niy}e a»d cc shoulci no t fall to nans. They nrc t h e ’ th o se d

• o f. t h c

CPl? A And i P D . U U w s io n s

• — I ■ Among — - I- I I new hft

p r c O f f e r s f o r

t e s t S t o c l i s o f .

l e r c h a n d i s c i n

C i t y ’s L o w e s t ______ ___

L o w e s t P r i c e s e«e a r s ' C o m i

P A R E ■ A 3 3 -

) S S F E L T S

B l u e H a t H a r d n t™ ■«

ib e , 5 2 .8 5 S f i ' Jley W ere th e T ow n 's pmof clot » a t i? 5 .0 0 C om paq

S & i L i — S e l e c t P m ^ G o o d

A s s o

m m . (M X 'I > mi Curtain gc1 co rrec t. Tiiesc a ro dittereni.1 o f coursc . You can than any. you w an t from a ‘

; .....: ......$ 2 . 8 5 . ■ “ ^ 1 2

s to r e _ _ _ _ _ _

S T C O L O R n U A M A S . 9 8 C K eep^th SUk B raida ttr a c tiv e and mtis- .a c o o t m t i w tr im T h i s *

9 8 c-------------- X-/V

i thal Impar M much <1 ef lu texu

lo m t,C h .

Main I

A N en i _E x t r a

H (

___________ _______, Till* bf.ul

S '« " .) u t s t a n d i n g « pi ~

a l u e i n N e w

IS. 9 8 c ______

o re . 1nnd J(T to

l o d \ Vi i - s j a re m any ' - ’ to choose


E S I N B O Y S ’ G E l


B O Y S ,f 5 - $ 2 . 9 8 • la n 'n .l lk

E lf P ln n l Shade th e «clvidh ta v io , t M d m ra l l„ b r i j l i t w e can buy . T h ty

r p ? a , « ' ■ t h ef ro m 6 to 17 and

n 29 w a is t to 3K“ J u s t Ih e c spfotchy 'c

7 C C O O Q adv-ances t o -towTiyou



)e p a r tm eit istit S ight bring i t

iho D ei)aiim ( Is Now

SUPERF o r S c h o o l , F o r C o U c sc a n d Fi


S p e a k i n g o f t h e ,

Hew Hals

, Snll^ o f t:

ic RO up — Home'RO n . Y et they all im vc the roval o f P a ris . Do you ' y o u r rm a rte s t in a I? T h o r t nrc dozens o f f l , " r t b rim m ed hats here , , , y o u r choke. Are you ,type w ho can w b a r . . " J # e cunnlnR- n(lnptntionB__ _ .: h c E m press . Kii;renie ’ Y ou’ll adore llie c lever /j»ions WJ nro showinR. JS)Wff t h t hundreds o f

h a ts you’ll find just_ r lR h t ono for your Fall! ume.

■ 98c Up

EMnoinyilaMmrnt ■ ^i m p a r c T h i s O n e 3 3 - i n c h F e a t h e r

• o o f A r t T i c k i n g

f o r 2 9 cI Jire Jol, ot dlrrtmU put- in this fcntule value. Bright colors and a real feather-

....„ 2 9 cEconomy Daiemtnt — An

B c t Y o u r C u r t a i n

w d s N o w W h i l e "■■■•«s s o r t m e n t s A r e g p

C o m p l e t e ‘ t u nViC t o 2 5 c Y a r d ' ' ’’f

C o m p a r e “ SIn goods strikingly new and enl. Thev are u ld cheaper anywhere In town. The

lenfpoIlerinilsU’ on'lhai.-------------------Ilock to ulcct (rom.

1 2 » 4 c i . 2 5 e ______ ^

Main Floor D ry Uoods t p Y our Sllk H osiery D udgel Dowa

w llh r .D . Vaiuea Com pare

l i s .S i l k t o T o p C h i f f o n w i t h

t h e P i c o t T o p , 7 9 cmide ot a high twlit sllknparis tin t dull lustre nowich desired. The shecmets XIIis Sq ^ Itexture along wlUi IU fine IfSSS tS Mtg (;iislltlcf make thli a

i;" “ _ _ 7 9 c

In Floor D rj’ Goods ^

N e w 4 8 G a u g e

r a F i n e C h i f f o n S w t t

H o s e , i U O)«aulltul hose h u the 48 g M r k M ilee lice ejnbroldered In lU It hat a lace garter run. picot lop and a narrow

M ein I

S A D Q U A K T E R S F O K T H l T w i n F a l l s ’ L a r g e s t a n d !>


N E W S I L K A N D R A Y (I h h O u e l l ly '

leel clotli fo r tho g ir l Roinj; nw ay i lany p a t t m s and shades.» s o Irom. Compnro___ :____ ......,

M ain Floor D ry Goo5 E N U I N E D U P L A N S P A J

9 8 c Y d .Regular V alue on T oday 's M arket

cial purchase m ade in N cw I ’ork . 1 sllk is nn ion-wide. E very piece bear ilvidRe. T hey come in bijt f lo ra l p a ttRht contrastfnff colors _____________

M ain Floor D ry GooH E N E W W O O L E N S A H I

E V E R Y D A Y N O W , $h e cleverest p a tte rn s in m ony a seas ny effec ts will en joy a w ide appeal ce sates. I f you m ake a c o m p a ^ n you will apprecia te th is va lu e ’_____

1, AUGUST 18,1931

en t Storen t B a ^ '

n e n t S to re

R-VALid F o r C o r r c c t W e a r E v e ry w


T h e S m a r t ! T h e N e w !

DRESSE: ~ fer FallSatin crepe and velvet takes Iho of tho hUkc in thc Fall presen . . . HO, of course, they nrc here ii profusion. Vou will bo charmei the slunnintr uses of bliick satl with the bi-colon effects thnt sponaonf. Just drop in nnd say Saleswoman "S h o w mc somdre.sses"____nnd sec how manjougUly lovtly ones there are fo choicc. Tills Rroup

$14.75, $18.95; ■ $24.75

th e New Fall Styles in


—And they arc different from Fall’s coats 1 They arc moro cloi ivrapped, with less flure—tho coll jre knowInRly dcslRned to go p ilie pert JitUc hats of this Fall— ’urs have ncw Iricks of Ihelr o \nd as for prices—wo haven't s m la ot IhJs quality d.) )o«' in pric. cars!

---■$14.75Others priced al S5.90 up

I n t r o d u c i n g t l^ w a

r i t h P E A C O C K F (


■ . . $ 1

V osulshlTyjiim lli ^ ■; cominfT, comfortablin m l ery woman seeks—:

: est shoe materials shoo construction" beautiful shoes.

aln Floor Dry Goods

T H E N E W P I E C E G O O ] i d N e w e s t S h o i T i n g o f i

C o m p a r e .

l Y O N T R A V E L P R I N TIlly W u S1.49 Last Sprini; ay to college. Very smart nnd yc

"ooodsP A J A M A S I L K S ,

irkct a l'L cast tl.49 ' U rk. Thc reputation of Dup- i bears tho Duplan stamp on \

r!!!!.— 98ci a E ’ c O M I N G I N I V , $ 1 .9 8 Y D . Iseason. Thc pin-tweeds and ■

ipeal this fa>l Judfin? from ■ison ^ u n d -$1,98 .

A tx i t v riN E FAST | JCOLOIl tiUP CLOTII, «

Ue 5ITompsre This New Low L'

............ ................................ 5This 38-lncimip clolh.ln" 'colon bt red, blue, peach; k’

. pinlf and conl U in out- JSjUndlna value. Vour own ^

.UES Iyivheri!-C0/1//>./ifl£; ^ E L L 5

tho c cn tc r ^scntations oc in (Treat ^ntcd w ith ! ■ ■ ■ I ^

u i t 'F a t i s ’ H | H ^ay to o u r l | W B |m c ncw f l n H Iany llio r- ^



the New Styles for ^Fall in J


lO.OO ^

mtble, nnd a value that cv* ^ t—for only America’s fin-lls and tho very best of WliT RO In mokinR theae ^

o p s FOR FALL b ‘ Fine Goodi

ITS, 79c YD. ^

yet most practical. There ^

_____^ 79c I
