I C o o p Moiwih W eather T ^H ata showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o tiines.HlA- . Iow31. Page M agic V alle Exttc^yPirpfighters hone their sldlig-flt lemovingvlctlms from accidents: ,, ■ . Pago M oney Qoblg up: Magic Valley’s total building values suj 24 percent in 2004. Page Foob & H om m 0K,wtiatnow7:YouVei eight dozen sU^tly use< Easter eggs anq a few d< to use,'them up. ^ ■ Page ' : S ro R T S Movtn^on: CSImenani wpmen won their game tbe NJCAA tournament Page O p, in io n , GARVffi concerns:'' fits wdl with funire fuel appropriations, today’s ------- editorial says:^—------- Page Coming UF ' Ring of fire Where to find lemnan of Idahols volcanic pa^ near Moilntain Home Thursday In The Time&News '’iw E iE X ■■ Classified .........E6-1 Comics ........... '.•••E I Communtty ..................E I Crossword .... l '.Vv. ;.E1 iDeerAblv .A I Ftood,_&Hotnd . ........C i Horo&ope,.!-^r/.. . . . . . A jMaglc valley , ] Money !..v 5’;Vo.... ;,1...E 'iMiw1e3:.;..;i'vtC-;V..B3,C Natlori';.'.w,\'cT!....A3. Omtuarios 'Oplnldn..V-..............A Raridom facts .............. .A ........ Sports V vv;; .... ‘.D ;West\ ...... B Bil Tw in Falls, Idah Th aho/lOOth year, No. 8 Fan lin mixing Legislation counseling ai agoA2 PY BOISE-A room; _ tors representing ma]or medical orj "0* enou^ t( lawmakers on "nii Idaho should expan J pIonninKscxvices. ' ‘ i iifl 'Hte bm they wen £rs' im BgeBl e/s suige ^ age E l jM IME f l ■J Vegot ised . vdays ' igeCl and Ed‘Papa Eddio'Km mesat Huitio] ByEticLarMn nme>flew8 wrttor SAUNA. Kan. - plan and not much else, ueltax IfVVyomingcxltZ y’s state flO’ ever neei 1___ ^ ____ name,thaLwrauldh AO hour e i^ t oftheilc Ige Att encroaching oh Kaa-boundtourbi TT-v SomelSCdll^ei Jr Idaho basketball fit ____ driver undone spoi k^n their mln^ > 9 |H baclcsldcs-iramgo "Did you ever I Senator Heinz?* Ed a group of passcng ^ H jl b<^sincevrolcftl 9 a m this -Sunda' “Papa EddicT is just ,seli. And It’s hllorioi “He was the rich S Autho inMit The AMocIatftd Ptom E6-16 . RED LAKE. Minn. . .E4 des were oylng to cc Tuesday what causct cr to gun down his gi .E ll put on the roan's p ; j ^5 belt and bullctprooi PI drive his fjjr ; marked squad \IM . .A5 car to a nigh U fl Bl school where he began j^H * shootioa ^ HE 13,C7' classihrtcs at K f tQT ' wHL JBi ■J;'' Jeff Welse, ■ •B2|4 vrfio authori-npi Ues said was Rtfl M 16 o r 17, Wiled .'.Dl seven Monday bcfo 03 . gunfire with a policoi '\ai oppoTMtly fihoolinj ‘ ■W HIS'motivo 8tiU wi m lUcsday; but tliq FB I becAplonn^Ciaclvi Pg ' Pieasa j w S i W leTi .82 nflypl would havemade bi available to morewo m fiiU of doC' lg the state’s organizations 1 to convince ■niesday that land its fiunily wiiich tiad alrt 3. Senate, albeit' rere backing- resistance - v H ighw )r,naps,n6i M - Sagcbrusht It 201 off Inter* lecded a new dhafitiin&It'fl- >ild&andausk. oh-tiie Sallna, geofSoutiicm I iiuis, one bus portswrlterare r they .con to is f- and tiicir I goi]^ entirety ir hear about Ed Howa psks P)Buenier* on t sngers. As he’s ' rain tliat swtrl a ft TVvin Fills at iday morning, the Senate am list being him - sea." Howa cor rtous. he wanted whi ichest man in to have his ashi orities seai iinesota sc MS 777 Teen gur iscdateenag- Columbine n l sgrandihtiw, old student froi } police-issue grandlathoronc oof vest, and savon people« Evarit^in Rsdl SSS'ES! ling, hlm ielt • * wasnl clear Sovwol': ‘ j FBI:said tho 'Pelicans' red toi have taken wound ;i dvancc. ,, ' 2£5fim. ' ,v .-1 imNQ,P^A2 SOUROalMiii^ . i ' ' <\ .iff-- ■■■ , ; inK Wednesday, Ma ilaim i] birth control vomen Commil already passed the Sharon eit with signiilcant voted ag - vrould nave al- tiilnk pi VAYTC i^ 'S ^ ^ o R ^ Cdllefo bf Sotr ostalgia hi| p®^r~ ~ on tin Mp look for tholtM Moiili Id around a rest area east of pen and.he loved the sea. Bui continues. "And all , opened t when he'died was ashes spread out to Please' archforn schoolsh( unman’s rampage in'a worst school shooting sinco In 1999. Joff Welse, a 17-yoar- from Red U ko, Mina, killed his and his conipar^ at their honto, )le st hla school e d himself. >UKX<NOtAN lES&j^ATlON 6d Lake High School shootln, © Hoododto .school b«(oro v£y eocu dp.m,'(nflrand> - guordsat n tfiber*sipoDcQvohldo school, rii wWitowoopons ' twloo.knir © Pbllcaafrivodtwo / mlnutsa aftor cslsfirtd ^ ^ ;tfadod#hotsw«hWol8eln n .thoh^ay ■, d ngbi more women over the [Z (19 to get counseling on !J I care and birth control !cn their seventh and months of pregnancy lb B y, they woiud have (o be B MUmld or iiave children B [ualify for state health in- | cc. : bill went down in the ^ 3 Health and Welfare—B nlitee in an 8-4 vole. niltee Chairwoman Rep. n Block, R-TWin Falls, Id: against It, saying, "I don't public dollars should be JH u T' out^rh' Idaho (<i ghlight tw< ' -W Jl T7< ' Ir rtiy^fretn tha wind and , y. ifliwer.. .yi iui when they finally ^ dthcum,thea^eswcre u b. je'see ROAD TRIP. Page A2 |___ motiye - ootings ^ RodUtolmUan 0 S i“ r"/-' ' ■0. MlnnflTk'tB L_______, eta A^UksMgh School ^ ^ R o d L j t o j , ^ 3 c fty l im N. \.o i r t 'mi vA V- I : ^ -------- 1 tht Ing . , . w ottwo /TSWBod t™ icurtty ^Mvoml . at otudontaoncto ,flr^ ' toacftor; flrod at fflingono randomvlcUnra ^ © Wolsorotioatodto ^ar classroom whore moat of hla victims tey doad and ehol hlmaoK .ImaW ■ . ■ «■ Ml' ^ 8 - ^ larch 23, 2005 Sien n u 9 spent on sometiilng sc controver- siaL- She alsc said thai many of hei District 2<1 consiUuent! og^osed the RtlLSIiion Block Currcnilj . 40 pcrccnt o; Idaho’s babies arc bom or Please see GILL, Page A^ ;oi 'r< r& llM ,'K M '. 'I i^o-dayjteip Jayhawk Journalists 77mes-«ews sports writers Kovln Colbert and Eric Larsen ond chief photogropher Cory Myers will bo on the sciene ^ B B i/ In Hutchinson ond Saline, Ksn..lhl8 wcoFCto bring men’s and WDrron's.no- , tional junior college basketball toumoments.. -1 0 0 YEARS TYact’s last draws 500 a By Virginia s. Hutchins Hmeajtews wrtter _____ TWIN M 1I5 - Five hundred men, with money itv their pock- ets and hope in their breasts, gathered around a w ^ n a ccn- tuiy ago today in Twin Falls, waiting for Fortime to smile. “Some of them elbowed their way out of the crowd eariy, til* umphaptiy l>caring ted tjdarts \m ch entitled them to their choice of the 10(^000 ures oi niBgnlQccnt’fanh lands under tiuliigh iino canal of the lAvln Palls’land & Witer company,” the Dvin Bills News reported .ihefisDovvlng.dBy. ‘t>thers’waited untU tbe siin \Vas low! over the western hoii- zon and tcsrotfiilly strode in the direction bf the nearest restau* not^avirig*^Srn^S drawn out eai)y:and dedded to take anotiier look before making KS ^VWWMAGICVALLg^ ^ Shopkeepi ^ fight back against Iri militants that her .The Associated Prota 24 -----------------------------^ •nts BAGHDAD. Iraq - Sho; the ers and residents on i Bagdad's main streets itiy outtheirowhgunsTbcsd t of killed three fnsurgents on hooded men began shoe passers-by, ^ g a rare to civilians Incrcaslnd' trated Ijy the violence t l Iraq. Tne clash in tlie ci southem Doura nclghb( empled when mflltants i cars sprayed bullets at pe/s, Interior Ministry c _ said. Tiucc people - a i H ' woman and a child - H woimded. H The motive was uncle H there have been prcvic H tacks in the ethnically neighborhood. Earlier day gunmen in the sami H (er killed a policeman H drove to work, police I H HafidhAl-Ghrayrisaid. H A foreefiii citizen resp< H rare, but not unheard ( . country wherc conflict h comc commonplace ai H law allows each home to H weapon. Early tills mom H iiccsaidtownsmcninWil H miles south of Baghd; H lacked a group of militaj H lievedplanningioraidth ^ andkiUedsevea Tuesday’s gunbattle a _ seven-member U.S. co W sional delegation paid i day visit (o Baglmad, ai _ man expected to serve next prime minister, politician Ibrahim al-Jaal porte^y told the group i no huny for U.S. troops t' Iraq. Sen. Barbara Boxer, a D rat Irom California w^o 5 iy opposed die \vor. said fari didn't seem as “upl our people, who seem _ vcrycxdtedabouttiicqu thelraqipollceforcc.’ “My sense was he w; (ainly in no rush to han ? security to his new force." she said. Sen. Lamar Alexand Ttrm.. agreed, saying tli ^ too early lo declare su H But Sen. Richard Durbin H expressed "quiet opt! I about Iraq's futura n Iraq's current prime m 17 lyad Allmvi. urged tlie nf |/ tional Assembly (o speed ' tiatlons on forming a cc covemment "so as to r Q tite operation of rebuUdli ® in aii fields." Seeking to seal a pi deal, the Shiite clergy’s s| leader in Iraq. Gnmd Ay i|Ul al'SIstanl. was cxpe< m eet V^^ednesday with la abani. the Kurdish leade Ifa to become the coimtry president. y[ Elections on Jan. 30 g: m bluest bloc of seals to c alllancc backed by al>£ but it doesn't haveenoud to select a Cabinet on ii and Is negotladng for th E ort of the F&irds, the s( irgest group in the N: Assembly. ISAGOTODAl t land openi applicants Ired month )ck- March ists, the nw «n- ner ni]c, oudet timnei gates Qnail ercd, capturing Snake licir water for M a^N^ey'sv til. farmland.- The reservol kcts formed behind the damp ticir the flrst Uiddes into new < ) of amuch-ccIdsratedcvenL ,dcr ~.... ’AS crews inspected tlie Win imd newspaper writers p: ny,” ed water deliveries withlr ted iheTWin Falls trea saw il land ope^g on Man siin’' 19(B;ThorievvdtywUhre ori- population of 1,200, acco the, dated more than 500 V au* that dire ' •' ted. CD. Thomas, spedai o{ dtn tho state land dcpaitmei twn pcrvlsed the drawing fi ake wagon. At 1 pm., spe< Ing PIea« seo TRACT, F vv j^COM I c e n ts )ers k . *aqi lopkeep- I one of ts pulled --------- sday and Its when ootingat rc victory gly frus- bleeding capital's sin three at shop- ' o/Bcials 1 man, a - were :lear. but nous at- r in the me quar- in as he : U. Col. iponse is 1 of in a ■ t has be- and tiie to have a )nth, po- Vihda.2S dad. at-' tants be- the town came as congres- j a one- and the rc as the r. Shiite iafari,re- p he is in sto leave iDcmoc- ostrong- id al-Iaa- pbeat as m to be I quality of was cer- and over kT police . { nder. n- tliat “It’s success." In. D-UL, Mimism" minister, new Na- ed nego- coalition I resume ding Iraq political ; spiritual - ^y^tollah lected to lalalTW-- der likdy ty’s next gave tlie ) a Shiite 1-Sistani, Igh voles 1its own the sup- second- National l Y- I ing loca- ^er that ih of h 1905, lew Mil- Dom's ally low- ce River 3waiting oir that 1pushed ■vcanals, nt le canals predict- ion days, rltsG ^ irch 23, _____ : resident comiiio- visltors agent of , lent, su- ' from a ' lectators | ’,Pag9A2

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o


C o o p Moiwih

W e a t h e r

T ^ H a t a showers mix vrith ow ai

•cr.o tiines.HlA- . Iow31.


M a g i c V a l l e

E xttc^yP irpfightershone their sldlig-flt lemovingvlctlms from accidents: ,, ■.


M o n e y

Qoblg up: Magic Valley’s total building values suj 24 percent in 2004.


F o o b & H om


0K,wtiatnow7:YouVei eight dozen sU^tly use< Easter eggs anq a few d< to use,'them up.

^ ■ Page

' : S r o R T SMovtn^on: CSImenani wpmen won their game tbe NJCAA tournament


O p,i n i o n ,GARVffi concerns:''

fits wdl with funire fuel appropriations, today’s

------- editorial says:^—-------Page

Coming UF

' Ring of fireWhere to find lemnan of Idahols volcanic pa near Moilntain Home

Thursday In The Time&News

'’i w E i E X ■■

Classified .........E6-1Comics . . . . . . . . ...'.•••E

I Communtty ..................EI Crossword . . . . l'.Vv. ;.E1 iDeerAblv .AI Ftood,_&Hotnd . ........Ci Horo&ope,.!-^r/.. . . . . .A jMaglc valley

, ] Money !..v5’;Vo. ...;,1...E ■ 'iMiw1e3:.;..;i'vtC-;V..B3,C

Natlori';.'.w,\'cT!....A3. Omtuarios'Oplnldn..V-..............ARaridom facts .............. .A

........ Sports V v v ; ; . . . . ‘.D

; W e s t \ . . . . . . B


T w i n F a l l s , I d a h

Thaho/lOOth year, No. 8

F a nlinmixing Legislation

counseling aiagoA2

P Y B O IS E -A room; _ to rs representing

m a]or m edical orj "0* e n o u ^ t(

law m akers on "nii Idaho should expan

J pIonninKscxvices.' ‘ i i i f l 'H te bm they wen




e / ssu ig e ^

age El j M

IME f l

■ JVegot ised . vdays '


and Ed‘Papa Eddio'Km mesat ‘

Huitio]ByEticLarMn nme>flew8 wrttor

SAUNA. Kan. - p lan a n d n o t m uch else, u e ltax IfVVyomingcxltZ y ’s s ta te flO’ ever neei1___ ____ name,thaLwrauldh

AO h o u r e i ^ t oftheilc Ige Att encroaching oh

K aa -bound tou rb i TT-v S o m elS C d ll^e i

J r Idaho basketball fit ____ driver u ndone spoi

k ^ n their m ln^ > 9 | H baclcsldcs-iramgo

"Did you ever I Senator Heinz?* Ed a group o f passcng

^ H j l b<^sincevrolcftl 9 a m this -Sunda' “Papa EddicT is just

,seli. A nd It’s hllorioi “He w as the rich

S Autho■ inMit

The AMocIatftd Ptom

E6-16 . RED LAKE. Minn.. .E4 des were oylng to

cc Tuesday w hat causct c r to gun down his gi

. E l l p u t o n the roan's p; j ^5 belt a n d bullctprooi

PI drive h is f j j r■ ; m arked squad \ I M . .A5 car to a nigh U f l

B l schoo l wherehe began j^ H

* shootioa ^ H E13,C7' classihrtcs at K f tQ T ' wHL J B i■J;'' Jeff Welse, ■ •B2|4 vrfio a u th o r i - n p i

Ues said was R tf l M 16 or 17, Wiled

.'.Dlseven M onday bcfo

03 . gunfire w ith a policoi ' \ a i oppoTMtly fihoolinj ‘ ■W H IS 'm otivo 8tiU wi m lUcsday; b u t tliq FB

I becAplonn^Ciaclvi P g ' Pieasa j w S i W

leTi.8 2

n f l y p lwould have made bi available to more wo

m fiiU o f doC' lg th e s ta te ’s organizations 1 to convince ■niesday th a tland its fiunily wiiich tiad alrt 3. Senate, a lb e i t 'rere b a c k in g - resistance - v

H ig h w


- Sagcbrusht

It 201 off Inter* lecded a new d h a fitiin & It'f l- >ild&andausk. oh-tiie Sallna,

geofSoutiicm I iiuis, one bus portswrlterare r they .con to is f- a n d tiicir I go i]^ entirety

ir h ea r abou tEd Howa psks P)Buenier* on t sngers. As he’s ' rain tliat swtrl a ft TVvin Fills atiday m orning, th e Senate amlist being h im - sea." Howa corrtous. he w anted whiichest m an in to have h is ashi

orities seai iinesota scMS

7 7 7 Teen gur

iscda teenag - Columbine n lsg rand ih tiw , old student froi} police-issue grandlathoroncoof vest, a n d savon people«

Evarit^in R sd l

SSS'ES!ling, h lm ie l t • *w asn l c lear Sovwol': ‘ j FBI:said tho 'P e l i c a n s ' red toi have taken wound ;i dvancc. , , ' 2£5fim . ' ,v .-1

im N Q ,P^A 2 SO U RO alM iii^

. i ' ' <\ .iff-- ■■■ ■ ■ , ;

inKW ednesday, M a

i la im i]birth control vomen

Commilalready passed the Sharon eit w ith signiilcant voted ag - vrould nave al- tiilnk pi


i ^ ' S ^ ^ o R ^ Cdllefo bf Sotr

ostalgia hi|p®^r~ ~

on t in Mp look for tholtM Moiili Id around a rest area east o f pen

a n d .h e loved the sea. Bui continues. "And all , opened t w hen h e 'd ied wasashes spread out to Please'

archfornschoolsh(unman’s rampagein'a worst school shooting sinco In 1999. Joff Welse, a 17-yoar- from Red U ko, Mina, killed his and his c o n ip a r^ at their honto,

)le s t hla school e d himself.


6d Lake H igh School shootln,

© H oododto.school b«(oro v£y eocu

dp.m,'(nflrand> - guordsat n tfiber*sipoDcQvohldo school, rii

wWitowoopons ' twloo.knir

©Pbllcaafrivodtwo / mlnutsa aftor cslsfirtd ^ ;tfadod#hotsw«hWol8eln n . t h o h ^ a y ■, d

n g b imore w om en over the [Z

(19 to get counseling on ! JI care and b irth control ■!cn the ir seventh and ■m onths o f pregnancy lb By, they woiud have (o be BMUmld o r iiave children B[ualify for s ta te health in- | cc.: bill w ent down in the ^ 3 H ealth a n d Welfare—B nlitee in a n 8-4 vole. niltee Chairwoman Rep.n Block, R-TWin Falls, Id: against It, saying, "I don't public dollars should be

J H u T'

out^rh ' Idaho (<i

ghlight tw<' - W


' Ir

rtiy^fretn tha wind and , y. ifliw er.. .yi

iui w hen they finally ^ d th c u m ,th e a ^ e s w c re u

b.je'see ROAD TRIP. Page A2 |___

motiye - ootings ^

R odU tolm U an

0 S

i“ r " / - ' '■0. MlnnflTk'tBL_______, eta

A^UksMgh School ^

^ R o d L j t o j , ^ 3 c fty l

■ imN. \ . o i r t 'mi ‘ vA

V- I : -------- 1 thtIng . , . wottwo /TSWBod t™icurtty ^ M v o m l . at otudontaoncto

,flr^ ' toacftor; flrod at W® fflingono randomvlcUnra ^

©Wolsorotioatodto ^ar classroom whore moat of hla victims tey doad and ehol hlmaoK

. Im a W ■ . ■ «■ Ml'

^ 8 - ^

l a r c h 2 3 , 2 0 0 5

Sienn u

9 spent on sometiilng sc c o n t r o v e r - siaL-

She alsc said thai m any of hei District 2<1 consiU uent! og^osed the

RtlLSIiion Block C u r rc n i l j . 40 pcrccnt o;

Idaho’s babies arc bom or

Please see GILL, Page A

; o i

' r < r & l l M , 'K M ' . 'I


J a y h a w k J o u r n a l i s t s77mes-«ews sports writers Kovln Colbert and Eric Larsen ond chief photogropher Cory Myers will bo on the sciene ^ B B i /In Hutchinson ond Saline,Ksn..lhl8 wcoFCto bring

men’s and WDrron's.no- , tional junior college basketball toum om ents..

-100 YEARS TYact’s last draws 500 aBy Virginia s. Hutchins H m e a jte w s w rtter _____

TWIN M 1 I5 - Five hundred men, with m oney itv their pock­ets and hope in their breasts, gathered around a w ^ n a ccn- tuiy ago today in Twin Falls, waiting for Fortime to smile.

“Some o f them elbowed their way o u t o f th e crowd eariy, til* um phaptiy l>caring ted tjdarts \m c h en titled them to their choice of th e 10(^000 u re s oi niBgnlQccnt’fanh lands under tiu liig h iino canal o f the lAvln Palls’ la n d & W iter company,” the Dvin Bills News reported .ihefisDovvlng.dBy.

‘t>thers’ waited untU tbe siin \Vas low! over the western hoii- zon and tcsrotfiilly strode in the direction b f th e nearest restau*

n o t^ a v i r ig * ^ S r n ^ S drawn out eai)y:and dedded to take anotiier look before making

K S^ V W W M A G I C V A L L g ^

Shopkeepi fight back

against Iri militants

thather .The Associated Prota24 -----------------------------^

•nts BAGHDAD. Iraq - Sho; the ers a n d residents on i

B agdad 's main streets i t iy outtheirowhgunsTbcsd t of killed three fnsurgents on hooded men began shoe

passers-by, ^ g a rare to civilians Incrcaslnd' trated Ijy the violence t l Iraq.

Tne clash in tlie ci southem Doura nclghb( em pled when mflltants i cars sprayed bullets at pe/s, Interior Ministry c

_ said. Tiucc people - a i H ' w om an and a child - H woimded.H The motive was uncle H there have been prcvic H tacks in the ethnically■ neighborhood. Earlier■ day gunm en in the sami H (er killed a policeman H drove to work, police I H HafidhAl-Ghrayrisaid. H A foreefiii citizen resp< H rare, b u t not unheard (■ . country wherc conflict h■ com c commonplace ai H law allows each home to H weapon. Early tills mom H iiccsaidtownsmcninW il H miles south of Baghd; H lacked a group of militaj H lievedplanningioraidth ^ andkiU edsevea

Tuesday’s gunbattle a _ seven-m em ber U.S. co W sional delegation paid i

day visit (o Baglmad, ai _ m an expected to serve

next prim e minister, politician Ibrahim al-Jaal po rte^y told the group i no h u n y for U.S. troops t' Iraq.

Sen. Barbara Boxer, a D rat Irom California w ^o 5 iy opposed die \vor. said fari didn't seem as “upl ou r people, who seem

_ vcrycxdtedabouttiicqu thelraqipollceforcc.’

“My sense was he w; (ainly in no rush to han

? security to his new

force." she said.

Sen. Lamar Alexand Ttrm.. agreed, saying tli

^ too early lo declare su H But Sen. Richard Durbin H expressed "quiet opt! I about Iraq's futura n Iraq's current prime m 17 lyad Allmvi. urged tlie nf |/ tional Assembly (o speed ' tiatlons on forming a cc

covemment "so as to r Q tite operation of rebuUdli ® in aii fields."

Seeking to seal a pi deal, the Shiite clergy’s s| leader in Iraq. Gnmd Ay i|Ul al'SIstanl. was cxpe< m eet V^^ednesday with la abani. the Kurdish leade

I f a to becom e the coimtry president.

y [ Elections on Jan. 30 g: m b lu e s t bloc o f seals to c■ alllancc backed by al>£

but it doesn't haveenoud to select a Cabinet on ii an d Is negotladng for th

Eort o f the F&irds, the s( irgest group in the N: • Assembly.


t land openi applicants

Ired m onth)ck- Marchists, the nw«n- nerni]c, oudet timnei gates Qnail

ercd, capturing Snake licir w ater for M a ^ N ^ e y 's v til. farmland.- The reservol

kcts form ed behind the dam p ticir the flrst Uiddes into new < ) of amuch-ccIdsratedcvenL,dcr ~....’AS crews inspected tlieWin imd newspaper writers p: ny,” ed w ater deliveries withlr te d iheTWin Falls t re a saw il

land o p e ^ g on M an s iin ’ ' 19(B;ThorievvdtywUhre ori- population of 1,200, acco the, dated m ore than 500 V au* that dire ' • ' ted. CD. Thomas, spedai o{ d tn tho state land dcpaitmei twn pcrvlsed the drawing fi ake wagon. At 1 pm ., spe< Ing PIea« seo TRACT, F



I cen ts

)ersk . ■ *aqi

lopkeep- I one ofts pu lled ---------sday and Its when ootingat rc victory gly frus- bleeding


s in three at shop- ' o/Bcials 1 man, a

- were

:lear. but nous at-

r in the me quar- in as he : U. Col.

iponse is 1 of in a ■ t has be- and tiie to have a )nth, po- Vihda.2S dad. a t- ' tants be- the town

cam e as congres- j a one- and the

rc as the r. Shiite iafari,re- p h e is in s to leave

iDcmoc- ostrong- id al-Iaa- pbeat as m to be I quality of

was cer- and over kT police . {

nder. n- tliat “It’s success."In. D-UL, Mimism"

minister, new Na- ed nego- coalition I resume ding Iraq

political ; spiritual - ^y^tollah lected to lalalTW--

der likdy ty’s next

gave tlie ) a Shiite 1-Sistani,Igh voles 1 its own the sup- second-


lY - I ing


^ e r that ih of h 1905, lew Mil-

Dom's ally low- ce River 3 waiting o ir tha t 1 pushed ■vcanals, n tle canals predict­

ion days, r l t s G ^irch 2 3 ,_____ :residen t


agent o f , lent, su- '

from a ' lectators | ’,Pag9A2

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

, Todty: Numorooo folti dhov HlotiOfWOfSO,Tonight Rain likoly. mixing Tomorrow: Coolor wiih nun fthowoco. Higno middlo to i

Tod<y:Bro«zy wiih rain sho\ T o n l^ : Mooily doudy with noa/30. ■Tbmorrovr: Potlodta roin on oppor <0s.

■ ^B PSa SUN VALU■ M R H Mountain uww m B x S m Mvaloo today. f f j B - 'f l - po«MXo. Wel«K j | u y out 1 0

-TBMUtVi■ a i g y BOISE

ne TO^Wu??iiuriw2rJ^^5tS nrwt

Every T hursday In


TheTiines^NeHP u b l i s h e rBrad Him! ..........735-33

N e w sEditorChrisSteinbach ....735-32 Community desk . . .735*32City desk .................735-32Lcltcrslollie cd iio r..,..............735-32

A d v e r t i s i n gRetail m anagerJanet GofTin..............735-32OassIBedfit online manage Dcby Johnson ..........735-33

C i r c u l a t i o n

c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e

Circulation phone lines i open bct\vccn 7 a.m. and p.m. for general questio about your delivery, includi new subscriptions, vacati stops, and otiier questions.

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Periodicals paid a t IVvin Fa by The TTmes-Ncws. 0£Cd city and county nmvspap p u n u an t to Section 60-108 the Idaho C oda Thursday hereby designated as the d o f the week on which legal n dees will be published

Postmaster, please scr change of address form to: E Bax 548, IWin Falls, Idol83303. --------------------------

c m V to v o a

O; w w w .nu ig levaIIc iyxor

M nM *M m .1W biM «.kW


}howo<B. miiing wim snow ol limes.

(ing wtm enow iaio. Lows noor 30., numofou* fflln ond. cf s« w ito upper 40s.

&howo»B dovolopino, HIgha fteor 50. with poflodg d roln and tnow.' Ldwb

1 and enow ehowofo. Hlgha m l d ^ tc

LLEY, SURROUNDING MTS.imw and vaWy ram And mow thowar* wia joy. Mouwobie tnowfoil oceumutoUont at Vet woattur condRlOfta aro «xp«Ct«d lo flntIk,W W ;»M nTI— IWl— ITWrfl’l5E osmp waiinef confl.ilsn* «HI Kick

•round ihiougn ofloki and. Cloud* Kill Oa mo't common tntn luniMna wilhpoilMirt iilnandinor

m t t e n tm m r m r m m u iU M mW -------------NORTHERN UTAH

A nica toting atorm will bring rain and snow

)S B [ |K monart to tna ataa SW hM k today. Wat ooainor will

P»'«i>t ihrougl* Saiucda]

n nw U M L M i Le>; »<tSt>nl*y

pcor«T r>nn •In rm a •»«» . •»«nr<|i>rwidartlcni\v«n3

In T he T lnm -N ew s Ca

MiidadgBillCofrtlnuedfromAl Medicaid, sa id co Re^. M argaret' H er

The average won >-3255 would access the pro{ i-3288 years old, has o ne ch i-3204 low -w agejobandnol

surance, said Kathy I: 1-3266 represented seven

heallh districts.An average M cdic

nancy casts th e stat . sheadded.nicer The program woulc | ^ 2B creased tlie num ber o

getting hcaltlj care b 9,000 and would havt slateS212,OOOtheGr5l 10 pcrcent m a td i. Bi

_ _ ncnts estim ated few es being b o ^ a n d eari

° detection ;would ha' stions stjjjg miUiona beg

Ihc ihlrd year..ation jjjgand Welfare Committ

• man Dick Compton,nuin- d’Alene, who h ad argi

jre *0 fully for the bill in hts tee and on th e Qoor

-0931 Road triCoirtlmwd from A l

•3252 sluctSoUioywcnlUk' Howa m b s the ii-3302 um in his hands, tulocQ end, and starts pattini

-l.d53 tom with the palm of hand. Just like a ketchi

“And oul h e went/ and says. “Thie story."Sanir- *‘’8 um pteen 50 per story” Howa's told o r1 must sure toid are m i^ t be the third timi ‘livery iis have heard the jolrates: "^eht elicit only a gn

ISun- some intcrcsica listeiyonly it's something.V and sometliing - ai week. ^ “ welcome distractV and of * 'daily spattering ol y_jnv windows.0 A s lftherew asn ta li In all 'eresUng things to

Jinroc along the Interstate 80 L im ^ tlic regionwide rain SI

southern W arn ing s< by a dense fog that lii blUft'to 100 y a r ^

Tne younger ridt > 631* headphones an d c a td It 132 leases o n portable OVI Ils, by or ploy cell phone vidt sub- for as long as ..tbcic

I. hold o u t O ther riders1 Falls thick books o r th e £Cdal paper.

I'i l U e n m e s - N e

c d u y , . . . Y 'alno- y <•send L o t te r y a h d ' i r.P.0. I h fo n n a t iG

____ j u s t a p h o n e c

• ; ■ ' L o ^ r ' . I n f o r m a t


Idaho MMM$df)^Maicti2a,300a

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A -''pjunanMsran Rain^ • "«»w«r».mlxJng am

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------------------------ W i l i M U dCallloclaj ci„ " "33-093177^2 I as—sH-

'I don’t w ant a r co-sponsor over here and w

fenbest, D- the cost o f Medli ton said. "This coi

rom an who one o fthe best bL rogram is 24 TTioscwhoopi child, has a consistently aigu

lo h e a lth ln - of the m oney t jr Holly, who health care pro\ rcn Idaho wind up a t Plai

hood.llcaid preg- The organizat ta te $8,900, sites In Idaho, om

one i n TWin Fj iildhavi?in- Planned Parenth :r o f w om en provide abortior : ^ almost those in oppositli ave cost the ■ oiganization prov irs ty ea ra sa referrals-aserv ic But p h ^ o * e d ^ Idaho’s heal

jW c rW ie s H en b titsa ld sh a riy canccr to am end the bill have saved ' abortion counscli >c^nningin be included in

Block said, howev :nate Health islators don't like littee Chair- enthood.for the s m , R-Coeur that the group he rgued force- Idaho three tim e his commit- five years o n abor 3or, seem ed haswontwrfce.

Earlier In th e d;

r ipMosdy though,

like th is ..." Seatbnck up. se : im aginary Across two seats, > tu rns it on die alslr. It doesn'

in g tlic bot- wc just nap. oLhis right 'The ioltlal excit

chupbotde. trip di'.-d off lonf ent, Howa when: in Cassia C

. , the Vermontc n th "true quest for an NCA o n ihc day enedas ead i passi to come. It solitary coping d

Ime some of long road ahead, joko and U For a brief groan from Snowville, Utah, steners, but . eyes Ut up as pas:

our bus driver lay • anything - for a map a t a Fly action from tion. It’s nard to g< n interstate interstate diough. . o f rain on began to dissol

snowflakes tlia t a lack o f in- wani die concrete (0 p onder on impact.80 corridor. If there's one p i storm iias used as prevalcnu ; socked In it’s shooting tiie t lim its vIsi- nobody on th is :

adept at it than id e rs don Anything and cvei itch new re- game for tite ,82- JV D pbyeh Hall o f Fame m em id co gam es *O h .tiiey^ge tt is batteries and she can rcall lers take' to just shoots..." Hot he Sunday tomiming a jum p

drops in. She's the

J & w s l d H b # I n f o r m a t i (

35-^3350ia 'W e a t h e r ^ t i o n a r e

e r y - " • ■■ I ; • W M t h tt a t i o n . . I i u p r m o t



Tonight. . Thureday

RoWmtxlDOwnn ' Coodrwtlhmon onowpoaaiUo .rainan(l.or»no<

otiow«c»Low 31 46 /2 8

^ Pre<:lpltatlon H um lt


) Joon n«»IOtr. • W W H H H

mm Friday Tedty

stius SalZSS S t i - t i r r r . i i . i i . r ^’ r! S r « « 2 1 n j

W 37 f

7 m e 4 i a « CJI1K M pe

Hnwj< 7J M m

(anyonecom ing House ov<r whining about proved acdlcaid." Comp- abortion bl1 could have been Planned P;t bills this year." the 9di Ciopposed the bill peals, whcr igued that some ' ’ Rep. Janly to reim burse Idaho Falljrovidcrs would against th(Planned Parent- has a large

doesn't beiz a tlo n has two trol.o n e in Boise and "They ha

Falls. Though lime w herin thood doesn't about usirtio n s in Idaho, som ethingsition noted die nersonai beirovides abortion M o u n t^rvice also provid- Pete Nielse:lealth districts. programs dJ she w as willing toms of a ;bill to m ake sure Tlie father cscling would not story aboutin th e services. law advisedivever. m any leg- child to usIke P lanned Par- call “sulfa."'1C simple reason ‘'sulfa contr) has challenged -------------m es in die past Timcs-Ntbortion bills and Pcncccanbi

(203) 343‘S.B day. In fact, Uie jpaice<^mai

gh. w c nap. year, toa", seatback down. From TWI Its, o r legs across Bratvold’s j i csn't m atter how, on to Gold

tional Junic xcitem ent o f die Association ong a g a Some- m enthistor ia County, talk of to a lot o f tJ t C atam ounts' how m any t JCAA dtie dead- “O h.l 'vel assengerfounda says. "Tlie g devTcc for tiie new, but the id. around foi:f m om en t In should hav< h , a num ber of last year, bu lasscngers spied Tmk dwii lay m oney down proaches. Ft Flying J gas sta- busissUent

o get lost on tiic back-highw Igh. and \vorries along the \ ssolvc like the border. Sir a t tum bled to- h i ^ countr rctc. only to meh In the dist

b r c a ^ g d i i c pastim e dial's Fort Coil •ntly a s nopplng stopping po h e breeze. And As we shi ds b u s is more waldng bed an Papa Eddie final commi jverythlngisfair "I'm dred 82-war-oId CSI . old people,' lembcr. rishlymakcjetting a new T h ey move cally shoot, ^ c , Day 1 Howa says, pan- m arathon, m p s h o t “And it • th e player of tiic

w a tc h e d ^a b d x jin d j

"bU A loU G rtiio b o tth itGeoigoBlle

^ ---------- -fln tbo.w go:.namesofph

t h e r ' t i id r cords

P re s s ;iitnni»Sy.

3 -tiieaflcmoo

gave way to * .W w M lntoi


tore Slowly (tacraaaino Par now doudaandaHowar mu

ctiancaa (I . . 48/23

M oonrise a n d M oonsat___________

J Taaorro* Today T

t M 41 W 6«a»r«r«> . ai ** rrc t

v n r r ^ K O » r 4

V»lhllD#pjii.tod^p; 44 37 v< VMtMtyt Hstkm*! CzM■ ■ H B H Hlgn:giauuuvi.TnMLKWt««EntimM.um

Sljverwhclmlngly ap- Contira parental-conscnt Itbill to replace a law schO'Parenthood took to Colui

Circuit Court of Ap- 1999crc it was thrown out. deatlmicc McGeachIn, R- teachills, sa id she voted m en.h e bill becausc she Thigc constituency tiiat M inrlelievc In birth con- bcgai

graruhave a really dilficult w hoen w c start talking 2 2 -a>ing tax dollars for M ichlg contrary lo their s p e dbeliefs." she said. M inntin Home Republican Lusslsen said govemment SiganI don’t treat tiie symp- ^a society gone awry.- ol por o f eight recounted a Welsiu t how his fatiier-In- man'jcd h im after his third whenuse a new medicine y ^." wltich was short for “ ooritrol." u tes i--------------------------- randtNews writer Julie Hei bercachedinBolseal* a n d '

‘SS53 or by e-mail at solve;lagicvallcy.com. room

bring!winFallsforwardAmy a 10-fJum per. Howa moves "Onlyifden Eagles and Na- At lealio r College Athletics Kempon national toum a- loyal (oiy. After oil. he’s been to TWif tiiese tilings. Exacdy Befiy tiiough? Idaho,e been to a lot." Howa make:c ^ I s ' one is pretty seemhcDoys’onehasbecn store-'orever. Both teams seas tiivc a shot. They did at32<ju t tiicy didn't cet It." Stillvindlcs as nf^it ap- to g o tFor th e most pan the you've

n ta sw cw in d tiiro u ^ m ontiiway bandit country Maytx5 VN^mlng-CoIorado "YoiU n f^ a r lights from Jeny 1itryhouseholdsDlcker Jcm lgIstancc, periodically somC'h e veil of night lyeveiQllins. tilola, is our thempoint fo r die n i^ L Theyihuflle off tiie bus to you.h Is . Papa Eddie has a on .afin e n t fo r the day. e rw itlod o f traveling with Thec," he says as wc slug- SundaIxourw ayofftiiebus. ilatlanvc too slow.’ Evcj

w as a 12-hour miliarI, b u t that num ber .wator

ct_____from W ,.;, ' A s l

om l9 be placcd i n .. carcOii I' mhfpri, -TWelve-year» vibete j to h dnnv cords fiom s t ^ t a m i^ asU tln th e to p . handli [{cdi^cfB oisostO M tnling goi^ fteitittiBCOKl tiio__tim t,^ phidylondseckeiBad .im d.V [s cm oged'& om t ^ - tiio se

lyc^w ^ilder Nd 4. A a v llic i& oon wore on; tiio b<jy’ tho oJi to Ivan Gnbert, “wtm ,vrore j

g to a ft id;ti?j?M aisrcpbitcd ' • - -S o ’d o

,Satunljy„, , .SuiKtey

Partly doudy Wtth WamarwflfiaUdo M t»o way d cMneo of maM)

predpKatlon rah owing hSO/30 S6/34

TtxjrMvy MnrMi tdlAM •unnC*:!

W B “ # 2 2 l J S 2 iS i2 lS 3 M




TK Bl 43 r»6 C««o 73 4a «u H 4

m a? M » ai 43 |C to 3« S3 38 w KuitCT/ a> aa t w a■ 48 41 in; U«oC», 7 «2 pe 7B4

I -10 0 10 go 30 <0 so 60 'i ■ B E S B ^ W M M — C I.

Ihooting__itinued from Al It w as the nation's, worst ho o l shooting sincc the ilum binc massacre In April 99 th a t ended witii the a th s o f 12 students, a ich e r and the two teen gun* 2n . •r h e killinra on tills northcm inncso ta Indian reservation g a n a t tiie home ofWelsc's xndfathcr, Daiyl Lussler, 58,10 w as shot to deatii w ltii a •-caliber gun, according to Ichael T^omon, tiie FBI's ec ia l agent in chargc for nncapolis. Also killed was ssier’s companion, Michellc ;ana.Lussler had worked a sa trib- po licc officer for decades. •Ise th en drove the o ld e r m 's squad car to the school, icre h e gunned down sccuri- gu a rd Derrick Brun a t the o r a n d spent about 10 m in ­is inside, targeting people at id o m ..b earing tiic shots, students d adults barricaded them - ves into ofilces and class- 3m s a n d crouched under

ngs good news. Sallna Is only ^0 -h o u r Monday drive away 'ily" m ay be a relative term. 1least it Is for Jeny and Gall i Tip. The couple have beenolCSlboostersslnccmovlng <[Win Falls seven years a g a itefore landing In Soutiiem <h o. diey took a journey tiiat ik e s ou r jaunt to Kansas ]m like a run to tile grocery i re-a32,000-m ilo trip on tiies th a t saw tiicm make p o n i12 countries. <till. l,200m ilcslsdlongw ay I ;o to watcli agroup of peopleI've known for at most 16 In tiis play basketball, right? <y b enoL . « You get to know tiie kids,"y Kemp says. ’We get Dec ttigan, Sidney OmdorfT, and \tie o f d i c ^ l s over practical- I very Sunday You la u ^ witii m a n d you a y witii tiiem. ' 1>y becom e like family to iL* As Monday’s drive rolls Iafamilyreunlongrowsclos- t vith c a u mile.h e familiar rain and sicct o f i [day's drive has spread to tho lands o f Kansas.Very 15 minutes tiierc's a fa- ilar grain elevator, a fnmitinf (;or tower, and a farnlliar i

3 th d r names wero drawn. 1 lOioIdciswalkcdtoabundlog arfrlttnd-fiUn{pjyrercinadc.A >o b ank exainlna and othera tid led tiia la iu lp iin iia^ -to - 1[lg m ore tium ,0 0 0 acres t^^ i^ v rtd laT W iaM s L and. ..tl.Wtoer.oJBdais.'maikedoIf t selections and' announced 1

Q itQ thow altingaov^ ' - .tt t ^ U l c t o ^ . o i U i i D u g h > draw ing would h s t lar Into t o l^ i^ 'b u t as tile afiefnoon -e o n and.ifltfetgftt.Mi^iij^^ g r ^ was more rapU,” the \ usccpdrtcd!^tiicE>tfokB'or / d o c k d ic last cu tl was oOccn j

V '


8t»«y 37 ai OflT

i"- # gasm«;Mpy Junlpara O B a n n H B B B H H S Ir t^ W I ftnull^ C ^ ______


7B«tpe btgy 47 43 » a»»7l»3

» 70 BO 90 100


O e d i^

desks, authorities said, t tcacher and live students wi E sho t to death, and two : J year-olds remained In criti E condition a t a Fargo, N.D., hi 1 pital w ith gunshot w ounds • the facc.

"Right now wc are in ut 1 disbelief and shock.’ si 1 Floyd Jourdaln Jr.. chairm ar s the Reid Lake Band o f Chlpi I. wa.1 Autiiorities were investig J ing w hether Wclsc. w s d resscd inblackandw rotcs r ries about zombies, m ay hi s posted messpges o a a m2 Nazi Web site cjmrcsslng i

m iration for Adolf Hiticr.Using tiie handle "Tbdcs<

> gel" - G erm an for “Angel r Deatii" - tiic writer Identic . him sclfasJcffW eiscoftheF- Lake Reservation. In Af3 2004. he referenced being i- cused o f "a threat on t t school I attend,’ tiiough it s:

he was later cleared. i Tbbm an sold Tbesday■ couldn 't confirm w hetl■ Weisc was th e person w r m ade th e postings.

church steeple to greet the cy The scenery s e e m in g repc; itself - only die nam es of t towns change.

Our bus approaches Salin outskirts by 5 p jn . Naps arc 1 t e r r ^ ted and blankets arc foi c d The snacks tiiat had l)c passed around the bus so fro just hours before are boxed i and stored out of s i^ L

As we pull into Salina. tiiei a growing confidencc, yet a II genng insecurity abou t tiic n< live days.

There’s no telling how lo tiiese passengers wUI bo able cheer o n tiic Golden Eagles Salina and Hutchinson.

There's no telling whi tiicy'U make tiic trip back what tiie mood of tiiat rido v b e

.The only titing tiiat is certs is I^pa Eadic Is standing a t t front o f the bus, the brim o fl black CSI cap nearly press ogalnst tiic door.

He^ going to beat tiiosc c people off the bus this tim a

irmcy-Arnus sportswrtter E Im sai can be rcachcd a t (8C 658-3883, exi. 220', ■ elarscni^Tna^cvaJley.com.,

fram the bcx*T hat card, it was found, h;

wredged in a crockin the top tiie box Viiicre the drawer^ sm hands couldn't hove reachcd 1

But, the News assured I . -readers, tiie eariy choices of laj

timt day were no better tiian tl latc ones. And many spreads I

•m alned ' after tiiat <fra»rfj w4ilcb'were e c ^ to the besi t ho u ^fa itfie rfro mTWln'RiIIi

- nita-N ew s 'Business ' V lr ^ ia S . 'Hutchins can ,

rcached at 735^4 2 or tn ^nia.hukfiin^loeinit ■.




a '






i. A w ere ) 15- itical ,hos> ds td

u tte r sa id

an o f Ippc- ■

tigat- w ho

csto - have neo - 5 ad-.

K cn- ;el o f tified ;R c d April g a c -

th e :says

Y h e jih e r w ho

eyes, seats f th e

lin a 'st5in-fold-beenr c e lyd u p


long lie lo cs in

/h enk o riw lll

rtain t t h e ifh ls . s scd

:o ldJ. •

EricWO)" or

hnHip o f maQ dlL 1 Its land i th o Isie- wlhg e s t -

iitor- I b e ,vU^

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o


Schiavo’Tho Waahlngton Pott______

•mMPA. Fla. — Tbril Schiff parents tearfully m ade M p( to Congress, thc Rcrlda ture a n d th e legal 6yst< Ibcsday to block the court dera that have stopped doct from resum ing the tube-feed of their scvcm y braln-dama{ daughtcL

SdUavo's mother, M Schindler. coUopscd weep Into husband Robert Schin^ arm s outside their daughti hosplcc os a n appeals coun Atlanta began consider wliether to ovetiule the fed( judge here w ho' dedded TU day tha t a law passed Pa

Police retu from subu]

ATLANTA CAP) — TWo k napped children were fou sale T\icsday after thd r mo cr’s ex-bbj^ricnd shot a wounded (heir grandlather a (ookolfwith ihcyoungstcn, s thorities said.

IK e alleged kidnapper, T ranee McDowel), ; surrendered hours later to ( lice in Greensboro, N .C. I

Agent Steph

Ia q ^ W W (

M c D o w e

— ' . J HI cU’s slstefTenancoMcOoweB G rcen sb o i

said Clayt' County Policc C apL llm RobI son. The chiidrcn liad not be harmed, policc said.

McOowell Is accuscd of fo: ing his way into h is ZO-ycar-( ex-girlfriend’s hom e in sub> ban Atlanta about 3 am ., rapi her and shoodng lier 64-yei old father in th c head and ciic He dien fled with the children

NASA inst control, flij

CAPE CANAVERAL. Ha. W — NASA said Tliesday It will i

. stitute strict crowd control 1 space sh u ttle launches ai landings, an d rely more on a s< dom -used touchdow n site

, New Mcxico, to better protc the public once flights icsuii in a lew months.

Columbia’s breakup durij ic-entxy forccd a rc-<n^uatii o f the spacc agency’s publ safety policy. More than 85,0 pounds o f debris rained dov on Ttecas a n d Louisiana as C lumbla headed toward Its'Ca] Canaveral landing strip in Fc ruary 2003. No o ne was injun by thc falling pieces.

“PhUosopnically, what wc trying to do is to ensure di whatever it is we’re doing, do not add significantly to the ovt all risk that th e public alrcai accepts." said B r ^ O’Connt chief o f safety and mission ts surance an d a former shun com m ondet

No one o n the ground h ever been h u rt by a U.S. spac

*'*^’Connor said thatw hen Di covcry lifts off o n the fir

G ro u p seeks to change P a tr io t ActNwwday_______________ '

WASHINGTON— Conserw dve Ubcrtoilans launched campaign Tuesday to persund President Bush arid Congress t Ox the sections o f the and-tei rorism Patriot Act that they sa intrude on privacy and h an chil liberties.

Long w ary of th e actls er hanoM police powers,, th

. conservatives ormoimced the h ad form ed th e organizatlb Patriots fo r Chedcs and Bal ances w ith th e liberal America Civil Libcrdes Union in dm e fc hearings in th c Republican

■ controDc^ Congress n o m onth o n w hether it shoul< renew 16 Patriot Act provbibn that oq)ije a t year's end.

At a news conference TUes d{^, ACUJ W ish ln m n directo Laura M urphy undOTcored th importance o f raising tho prc QIo In th e debate.

TsraTNGCfiSH'* S W L Q u i c l i C a s l i

\ 7 3 3 S . s e 2 6

>’s parent_____ Sunday by Congress {

quire h im to orderhiavo's reiruerted. She pleappcals Florida ktwrrukcrs inegisla* see to intervene,system 'P lease senators, fcLut o r ' o f God. I te beggliw loctOTB . le t m y d au A ter dieceding M a ry S c h ln ^ so k Lmagcd Congressional leadc

have begun to cxpcricM ary poUdcaT M o u t trom

^eping Iaw ,d iou^ the long-tn u e r s is u n c e r t ^ — saidghter's disappointed with tl] iu t in court ruling and are Ldering other w ara to save Scifederal Senate Nujority Leadc. ’IU»> R'Ttom.. callea Tliesd

Palm day fbr aD Americans'

um two chfl urban Atlan0 kid- H found ^ 9 m odi-: and e r and is ,au -

r, Tbr- H |

to po- . ,V >:. FBI - i ' i / ''cphsn ■said. : •

chil- '/n ,

■ o ld\ tig h t.year-Faith

Arell.toujid „ | ,

pjrtirairtiinTlrailayil b o ro , h e r car, Robinson said ay ton McDowell is the fat! tobln- 4-year-old g}ri, but no tb ccn hesaid .

T hc children’s mo fforc- treated a t a hospital ar-old leased; her father was :ubur- condidon. ap ing “My kids are OK." th -year- said a t a news confen chest, a iu d o u s to ^ m y b a b : Irenln O n S u n ^ , the w<

itituting cro light chang(- (AP) post-Columbia fli^ t.o/ill in- mid-May, it will be the I01 for tie mission in whici

a nd safety is factored Intolasel- where to bring the sitc in home.rotect I^mnedy Spacc Centsum e m ain thc primary lani

b u t onfy u the ^u ttliuring problem s that ml{^t iladon pcopleondieground.lubllc problem widi thc f ll^15,000 ^ t e m o r damage to idown tnermolskirL 3 Co- In d iat case, thc shut'Cape b e directed to W ^tiI Feb- N M , a lemote, dusfijured ronro tha t has seen :

landing only once, bad we’re “Tliis is a risk bade,e diat n o r said. T o u ’d have tidoes thatailod icrth lngsbelover- th a t you have goodrcady therc, tha t there’s n<imor, o ther m atter like, for <in as- crew safety or youteluttlc ru n o u t o f consum a

causc you’ve already1 has orbit for a raupio of dtpace- Ing to com e dowit i

things will be factored IiD is- the Qrst dm e now, pub

first w illbeoneofthoscfiici


F I N A N C I A L n eed life Insunuii and other flnandal th d r flnandal goab

^ Modem Woodmen i-ter* We offer/fetmwlysoy Our products give ] « inn member bcnefltj to

^ andamummlty.Ca

theita y r

[ican r 8lefor j, ■ - .r ffn- ■/> •' *T"f*gOnextoulddons H B

lUes* H Ix to ri th epro-

tsurgela^s sd k in o tre - ihesanctityoflifc ler the tube Frist sem a le: ileaded w ith Gov. Jeb Bush. i 1 in Thllahas- push for a last-ml

tion by the Flori , for thc love which last week ng you, don't passablDlntendc lie o f d ilrst" avoallve.± T ederal action aders— w ho h e r only remal erience som e Frist said. *TTie om die new nature of this cas ig-term effea every avenue b e t id they werc T!me is wotkij I the federal Schindlers.. The rclooklngfor feeding m be hos ISchiavo’s life Friday and JhdriderBiUFrist. Gibbs, sakl she is esday “a sad ly." Her feedir nsw novaluc stopped twice be

dldren abdw nta home to

released by th« Clayton County, Qa y shows Jaqaan Wright, left, and Fa aid. ported McDowelfadicr o f th e into her hom e one not thc boy. al times in the fr

said.Tiother w as She tried to h Ital and re- warrant issued N Q slncridcal hearing was set fo

“I never knew h 'th ew o m an thlspolnt."shesal ference. " I ta eveiybody to kn ■ablea' going th ro u g diiw oman re- tion. it’s OK to get

owd Grand, rgjj indicts!It, as early as taxcas( S ” p?bUc P m S B l^ H C110 di&dliig ployeM of n cc g SDacecraft processed federa

^ vrerc indictedenterwlilte- charges they hUlandine site, stroycd about 8(ittle 1 ^ n o *1 million Intit endanger m ik e it appear eii d . s u d iS a m etadead fnc .[Ight-control ernployeesto die ship’s o f conspiracy anc

P activities at Menoiluttle would spring of 200hite Sands, peaktax-renm iprusty missile od.n a shuttle o> diousaiiacklnl982. w n is and payird ftt O’Con- from taxpayersB to be sure Nonheastwerelosbeing eq u a l aflcr being sem toad w eather vrtiich was one of

not som e contracted to coHbr example, for d ie goverrunerito about to MeDon’s contrac mables b e - tem al Revenue Soiy been o n It to complete d:fdays.wait- April29.2001.u All those As d ie deadlinex Iln ,bu tfor employee directedlubllc safety destroy die matcrifactors." tod icbd lc tm cn t.

Imcp. oJ


1 F U T U R E . B u t m a n y p ance fo rth e unexpected. _ _111 products to h d p rcach m m 3ols. That's where your b H cn representative can hdp.val financial services. 'Vij ra you access to fraternals to enrich your family B KCall today to leam mote. TWiOa*

TirtiWi' M o d e r n S

W d o d m e n S aAMHMCA

iwmakersflifc." asix-dayi letter to Florida doaors sah. urging h im t o . twoweekst-m inutctoervcn- The SdFlorida le^slatim ^ th d r hopex k was luiablc to that has b<nded to keep Sdii- o f the m'

ccsesihreidon should n o t be thb battle (m in in g option ,” refiwce, Eihe extraordinary Bush v. Gcase requires that tkincase.bepursueci’' A randtitUiig a ra in st thc judge paiTheir ^ u g h te r 's Schiavo calasb een o u t since widicourticlr lawyer. David vent lobbjle is “foding quick- tiie fudgesKline has occn untiJthwi! belotc, indudlng lie

acted Blal0 mom id^


LOSANi view afie murderlni Robert B, klUer coui defrauded p o m o ^ p

'S he le. where she m ies an

^ ^ I b r ! like d u t l know,' Bli bara Walti

, Qa., Police D»- broadcast' d Faith McDowell. Blake aL


D have an anest d Monday, b u t a rtfo ra la te rd a te . body stop w h ew o u ld g e tto B s a ld . " I lu s t ^ t

know, a n y ^ y .1 die sam e Sima-get help." on Bonny.

I w ps s i x m C a l l U j


se:H(AP)— Sixeni- K ® ® . com pany th a t B j J M W leral tax rc tiuns d Tuesday on Ud and later de- B S M t 80,000 returns1 In p i ^ e n t s to B S K m ir employees b ad

ees fn*«v chargesand theft for Uie ■ H H T ^cDon Financial in2001, during tiien processing peri-

usands o f tax rc- ayments m ailed ers across th e l i i n H2 lost o r destroyed t t o t h e c o m ^ y , B m w ™ c o f several firms B i i y coHect paym ents B i n n e n tItract witii tiie In- } Service required [ ,9 ^ s die project by I

line neared, one lanH aedflvcotiierB tofprfniQ according M rtjint. • If i l H

----- I)N'T IY O U R P

y p e o p l e M

IOMI £VR5223 !•iF « id e3 0 3 ratS-2244 . i



[ t

s to act Fonly stretch in 2003, and yosay she could Uve up to miks or die w ithin days. m Schindlers a re pladngpes In a n cmpeals court I II been involved In some B 5 most celebrated legal R j recentU.S.hIstoi%from S S [eovertheybimgCuban EUan Gonzalez, to die | | Gore prcskientlal elcc- u

Ifidomly selected direc- _la n d will d e d d e the Ccase, though. In keeping 9:.ir tru le sd ^g n ed to p n :-- Si)bylng, th e l ^ t h l e s of -pj^ v ,^ n o t be rcvcdcd ' %,drdedslonlsm odepub- . ^

ikeo£Fei as about p e’s killer °elet TlwM___________ Bl

heiNGELES— Inanfritcr- I— Acr h is acauittol of Ing h is wire, actor Bfoke theorized her

)uld be som eone she ed fri h e r m ail-onler aphybusfriess.led d ia t kfrid o f life, ^ he m ade a lot o f ene- 5 $ and som ebody ... dy whose fa ther v m ir a ride o r something tI I don't know. I dont Blake told ABC’s Bar- liters In on interview st Tuesday nig}iLalso explained he was ng his vifife w hen he iporter w ho asked him tiio u ^ t killed h is wife up" Immediately after

ittoLold like to have every- ;op killing Bonny —1C told W alters > ^en xjut his suriy admonl-

^ b ^ is m aking a buck

KDHCIPUIITH[CKBOOKSJ s a a t 7 3 7 - 0 0 8 7 ■NG jSmJP^SU FTO CT ■



F 1 E I = IS L J


M arch 3




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Worship:10:45 am ,C hurch School:9;30a.m . 'Small Group Bible Stud^ Thursday, l:3()p.m.M en’s Bible Study:' Tuesday, 7:30 o.m. a t Connor’ Presbyterian Womens: Samrday, 10;p0 a.m.

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o f B u r l e y

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N o t S p ia j r e d O v

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t o I t s P r e - t p s s ^-Ron Re«e, Ovfner .


H DIsoiterSMkef,Col

. rREt-COMSTllllClK>W


3 M E A N D £



A PRESENTATION BY: lliam C. Fitzhugh, M.D.

30, 2005 • 6■ FEATURING:


N O W l t l S P O S S I B l

t H A V E O O O D V I S I T H O U T O l A S S e S M i A T A R A C T S U R O B i

Vision■ f N o m c f

; B t - a s t t i i o e i i r c B N

Ifled ad, call 733-09:

time to worship, buc they ighout thc year, whenever cn welcoming spiritual com- ere and now.


nor’s Cifc


c t F u l l} r a t io n .’L

» P - . pJ v e r -

t o r e d

B V a lu e .” '. ; .■. T . - - ■ r



o w

3 O R R E A D E R S ?

l o n g e r ^



:t i v eS R V ^)Y:.D„ RA.

6:30 p .m .



< B B Y

n ClinicENTER

3,2005 TtoN»M«wi,TMnF^,Idaha


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Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

M o r n in g bi

J u ry h e a rs com edian in Jack so n tria• SAND\ MARIA.

c o m c d h n w ho g av e s^u.OOO ih e famllj’ o f u ie n o w i c u s in g . / l i t j v ja c k so n

. mol^.-’utiOii ccsufled 1\ ie sd 'h a t sh>7 rccclved a t e a r p h o n e call from ih e boy’s m o i c r tha t led her to be lieve t f a m ^ u-as being h e ld agaii

C om edian L ou ise Polonli sa id she tried to g e l in to u w ilh Ihe m o ih e ra f ie r s e e in g t

, 'IV (iocum cniaiy “L ivlne Wi M ichael/ackson in w h ic h Jac so n nnd his a ccuser h e ld h a n a n d Inckson a cknow ledged li

------- linR childrcn sleep tn liis b e dI’lilankcr ca lled b y t

prosL’cm ion to s u p p o r t t d iiir^ e d ial Jackson c o n sp lr to ho ld the family c a p d v c afi t h f docum entary a ire d o n Ft (i. 2()0;i. in o rder to g c i th e m m a k e a rebtitial v id e o praisii liickson.

O n the w itn e ss s ta n I’alankcr said liia t so o n aft sh e left a nics-sage u id i Uie b q ^ n iiu (p aa ‘n(.‘:. (h e m ocJi calli 'd her and s o u n d e d & igt filed.

"Slio w:ls cxuem ely a g iian a n il slie ivas a iinust w h ispc rin ... 'Miis was fea r-based ag il (ion." hilankursaid .

I h e m odier lo ld h e r n o i call lier iiack at d ie s a m e n u r i)cr. the wiiness sa id . P a lank (]U()icd the m o th e r a s say in " ilo n 't call m e b a c k h e i Tiiey re lisieniiis to everything say. 'Iliese people a re evil.”

"1 saiil. '/\n: th e c h ild rcn school?' She said. *No.’ T h a w lic ii she s ia r ie d c ry ing i’a lankersaid .

I’alanker did n o t say w h c th e m odier was a t th e lim e th e call. Hie c o m cd ia n sa id sl called her a ito m c y afterw ai because "I felt ih a l 1I1C7 w e be in n lidd against tJieir w ill.”

Suspect pleads not guilty in Letterman pio

- c iu r r t M i , M om . (AP) - m a n pleaded not gu ilty "Riesd; lu pliKtin)* to k idnap D avid Lc le rm ans l()-m onih-old so n ar luu inyaiu i hold d ie m fo rS S m lion ntiisom.

Kelly Irank. -B, faccs felor tiu irg t's of solicitadon a n d Ihe a n d a iiiLsdemeanor c h o ic e 1 obsm iciion . ‘n ie ju d g e orucrc h im to remain jailed o n $650.0( bidi pending his n e x t c o u rt ai p e an in c eo n /\p ri l5 .

I-nmk. a painter w h o h a d bee l iia 'd do (0 work o n L eitcrm ar r an c h in nonh -cen ira l M o n u in w as a n t“sted last w ee k a fle r a a cquain tance tolil investiga te h e had planned to k id n a p tl ta lk show host's so n . H an lo seph . and tlie cliild 's ruum y.

............."nii* atxiuaintanc«-(>aid-Ftaita lked about hold ing th e tw o fi •II! hours in ihe b e lie f t l i a t 1 co u ld exton 55 m illion f ro m Le te rn ia n . A ccording to c o u a 'co rd s, Trank sa id h e h a d a kl to lijitennan 's h o u se a n d cvt kn e w where die c lu ld s lep t.

Frank's a itom ey , Jim H u r .said his clienl "has a g re ed tlic w ere d isaisslons a b o u t it. b' w ilh no purpose o f carry ing ou t." 1 !c callra it a ''lig h ih ca rti conversation."

M illiorF a c c

SPECIAL Wbmaittwldwi love to have facc-lifls!

For ihose’ w ho do n wish surgery, a pharmacis wrinkle crcam discovery working wonders to he women o f qII ages look moj years younger.- Pharmacist Robert Heldfoi

(shown at right) discoveri his EBS Facial C ream os safe cosmetic for the symptor o f nrinklcs, facia l line crow's feel, "feather" Up and dn,'. sensitive skin. Use are reporting they lot younger and th e i r fricni think they have had a face-li:

DefightW to use, EBS woti like five creams in one ja r. Wrinkle Cream, Throat G ear

W hen you b u y E B S you will rcceivc a t no FR EE S P E C IA L G IF ! Pharm acist H c ld fo n d ’: £BS 4 oz. Toning Fonnu rtuny, while supply lasts.

M TIfflMMm. TWtn FU t. Idaho


From \[ ] 1 Jock London w u

American au thor to e■ n l Uon dollan from his V,I c t l pretty m uch b u rned t

as& stashscou ldean writers.

QOO to Ih ls d ay In hlstoi;iw ac- K eniydeaared ''G h/ein o f ty ,orgh/em edeath l” iesdoy 23.1775. On th e sanearful 1933, ihe N ad-dom lnno th - m an parliam en t - cre the dongenofln tem atlorgainst ists> passed th e 'T n a t

suspending b a s ic (anker human rights for fourtouch Go to Vegrevine, /ig ih c you w ant to s ee thiWith largest Easter egg - 2 6

ijack- 18 feet wide, 31 feetlands ^veI^ling about 5,00G■d let- Its nickname Is “th e Ited- - . after the U krainian teiy the Easter egg.t tlie The fastest know niphed the Australian dragon:! after (depending o n whlc1 Feb. you believe) can rea2m 10 speed of 35 to 60 m p hilsing ^Vho w as M ount F

named after? N ot thetand , discovered it n o r theafter carved It but a tourl:boy's Charles Rushm ore

ocJier 1885, asked his guide Iright- o fa nearby m ountain.

SS Easter Bulljgiia-

0 . . 0 gets the ra| forharassi]

S COUNCIL BLUFF ^ (AP) - The b u n n y tn

.J, [jj 'troub le for a m all Easti [•hal’s Bot upset a t a cc

policc said.Michael J.Desantia(

ifhcrc o f Council BlufEs, was q[- Saturday a t th e Mal

Bluffs w here h e ha dressed as the Easter B

were ‘0 * officers he becati I j- when som eone th re

and odier items a t hlr said.

[IS Desantlago le ft li changed clo thes tm

■ back 10 tell a fellow e he was leaving. T h e e

I - told policc that Desantlo t ^

y ^ at her."- A Desandago th reatc

>sday od ierperson ifhed idn 1 Let- ofhisway.poUcesaid. t and He was charged v im il ' counts of harassm ent.

ilonyID A H O P O R

L ied P R O P U C E R D.000 b a n q u e t a i

’ a n n u a l M E E l

2r an R oom # 2763 tors1 the R eg is tra tio nlarry 8 :30 -9 :00am?y- . S p e a k e r J o h n C;Sfor-------------lo w a 'S ta te 'V .It he B an q u e t L unch I iL et- ' S p eak e r J o d i St court P ro jec t P ig 1:00

A nyone is in v ite d 1:0 0 m e e tin t

•lunt, especially 4-H'( tliere For m ore ' in form i . but co n tac t J o a n Ber


n s W ar e - l i f tdwide

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Users Base all in one. A nd it ilook a t JC PedD ey w h e re

iends the .^1 selllog creane-lifl aging skin i n ' th e ir iAorics lutioawide! To Icam 1ja r... call loll free 1-800-929ream, or visit online at www.eb5

iS F a c ia l C ream , jftajljf no extra charge, a [F T o f an o th e r o f H H i d ’s d isco v e rie s ... | B | m u la (a SIO value).s, TS!

lato WwktMdiKM«dt33,2005

White Fanms the L tt oearoamil- iswiltlng.Hex i t h i Q ^ l t -iam lL lu )ae ]

toiyi Patrick ihrem elibei-ll’ on March __________juna date In

Get- ®- d t i n g the t e ^ " b u t from donal Wiior.nablingAct,’ Strange!: c l v f and ■lu ryeart W hy d o Easter !, yUberta. Ifthe world's bloom u n til In s t26feetIona Bccause E aster HI!« h lA and “ laUy forced to[)00 TOunds. P lw t one 1le Pysonka." and I t^ blcwm InI term for an - ‘'M uggjer"-l8 -

your guidance cown insect Is obly n ever mentlipnfly, which it has no th ing t o 'hlch expen Potter. It m e a n s :reach a top takes care o f pigs,ph. Assassin Jolmt Rushmore was surprised thiihe guy who didn’t rise u p andhe guy \vho killing Abrarmm Iurlst rmmed here in deroalt":e who. In his d iary shortlyie the name im ed fn a tobaadn. "It never why? Fbr dohig

u m y

aps m e n t

IFFS, Iowa trail led to

aster Bunny I co-worker,'

tiago Sr., 36, vas arrested kfoU o f the had a job :r Bunny. He came upsu ircw water him. policc

the area, and came V employeee employee ■ontiago'got I1 started to I

a tcned an- Idn'tgctout

1 w ith two I. ■ I I


12 ,2 0 0 5 mlilding m76

b h ; amn Carrr v e t------- ------------------------------h N oonS terie

:00pmid t o th eingH'ers'm a tio nB ennett1 2 .*


B u t th a t

I p riso n e r

I t g iv es ;

lo w , co t

m enac in ]

W ash in g24>hour *fake-up it is sold t e i t iswm for . ' _ r stores n morc,>29-8325eb5.com.

3HIjlllnslde:- ■ ■ •

■ 'nnMafOftmTUW^i


ngtogreei■ t v . v ^ ^ T n washono J KANDOM WiniamTt

I • W N D S O 'I EACINESS uponaaaI J a c k M in g o crlmlnall^

I E i tn B a r r e t t Q u ^ i______ I ascendedjefore," th e guide rom now o n w ell an th ing 'Rush- igely. th e nam e

Iter lilies bloom In other mies dorft

tl sum m er o r fWI? rrUIiesareurm at-

to bloom with ne In your garden M Q iln tid d -su m m et 1 t m i - ts -a n o th e r- 'Jo b — - - i cotmselor prob- . mtloned, an d no,[to d o w ith Harry ns som eone w ho ilgs. Tfhn Wilkes Booth 1 that the country m d th an k h lm fo r .m UncolrL ‘ I am Ah." he \vhlned to ^rtly before being Wbacco bam . '\ n y Ing w haf Brutus





ha t d o e sn ’t m e a n y o u ncci

ier by th e u n ru ly beast. Eni

cs y o u th e p o w e r to cons

c o n v e n ie n t m o n t h l y "pa

cing a f te r a ll. F o r m o rc inf

in g to n M u tu a l F in a n c ia l C

•* x ■

mbacksnoted for - w hat m ade TH IaheraA ndyetLfor down a greater tyrant

sy ever knew, am looked I a common cu tthroat I 3 great a soul to die like a

nE U zabeth lahdnboth :|id the throne a t age 25. ;|[unla produces 87 per- i;the united States' to tal 11oducdoa Which state is ' lewYoric.

a n reach Erin Barrett :k M/ngo at factm on- In g o -b ^ ttc o m . . | _ J

aster Fi * A V E u ,

T h m M arch 2 6 • “

B l aM onday th

P e tite U iru SX aU e* • ww»



FEES* Let’s face it, d e b t h

:cd to feel lik e y o u ’re be ii

n ier o u r Personal E q u ity Mi

n so lid a re all th a t d e b t in:

s a y m e n t . M a y b e d e b t 1

n fo rm a tib n , o r to ap p ly , v

: C e n te r o r call 1 -8 0 0 -9 3 2

I W a sh in gtoH O B E H IIM A IIH

r. TW M t «M (m <• etauti aKli kM lo

• u m ta <t« « « IO. li'wrUotici i>« I

Rabb. Whara lo hunt dov

kids EostenWetkEnd ln-1

--------E n g h f i r f i

!;l ■ ^

I 6 3 9 E i s t i a n i l l n J . H ours; M oivFri. S a n v T p t

^ h i p n !

. 3 0 s .a c k R o c km 5 4 3 -2 5 0 0n street —P.O. BoxC2. BUHL ’ thru SalurtJ^ lOam to. CpmfWw.blMkroekclo«hler«,cotn



'happen!. 'lllllllQQc in g he ld , :


■J ' VarubLi n to onci

: i s n ’t so V 1 %

V IFLcrJ, v isil any

• ’•i ■

133-3590 . i

ioniyiutualI I H T E R E S r .

• • oiA IW U •MloiW iK.1. ^ ) . Ohn UaUur

)bit runlown lomB • 9g<eIlBnt sr weeltmd fun.


i n e t s & F u r n i t n ^

J . t o . 4 2 0 -3 5 8 0 » Sat - by appolntm en

ff I p i M W

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Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

StudentsDEAR ABBY: You -prinfw

'le t te r from a student vrfio ccivcd detention 'respedfuUy disagrccing" w h e r teacher during a discuss o f worid events, u j your re] you suggested tha i th e w rit com m ent may have b een ruptlve," justiiying detendon.'and advised th a w ould have been m ore "dif m ade” to have voiced disagreement in private. I ' t excep tjon to your answer.

■ I am seml-redred n o w bui a manager 1 had trem endi 'dllllculty convincing suboi nates diat It was not only safi disagree wiih me. b u t tha needed their frank opinion, tm cc this to a situa tion < scribcd by John Holt in h is 15 book, 'Hcjw Children FaU, wWch hepolnts ou t that th e i ucation system kills creadv teaching smdcnts to an tld p u4iat the teacher wants to n and to feed It back to h lm /hc

I am currenily c o -d lrw o i the Master’s In Health Phys Program at thc Illinois Instit o f Tbchnology, engaged In i training of radiation safety p

Eat your sIF MARCH 24 IS YOI

enaHDAY: Early in 2006 y m ay Qnd your soul m ate if y are currently unattached - t In the meantime you m ust i ail your ducks in a nnv a nd 1 ou t strategics to w in a p p ra a n d make your m ark in t business \vorid. In August a O ctober h Is im portan t dem onstrate your organic donal skills ana be at y our b< w hen a critical eye will b e ' your every mood. Cut oq jcn i

' and leam to manage your I well and by this tim e next yt you will a sterling example success,

ARIES (Monii 21-Aprll I Eat your spinach. Even thou biisiness am bitions rcqu: woridngextrahours to finisn 1 a brimming plateful o f dutii there are loving arm s \vaidng the\vings. Save some energy I love.

XWRUS (April 20-May 20) b it o f Rcndy Oirtatious horSl a round can spice u p a dull d a n d warm up chilly a tm c phcres. lUke tim e o u t Cro m ental labors to tiave a conge iol meal witli liim ds o ra love

GEMINI(Mny21-Juhe20): a depressing feeling takes he m idday and the piggy baj seem s to be temporarily em p console yourself by to u cm base with chcerful frient Recharge encr^es by spendii tim e witli posiUve people.

CANCER dune 21-JuIy Z All woric and no play con m a Jack (or JIU) a dull boy (or ^ Thke carc of necessities, b m ake time for relaxation wi pleasant companions. G et o In public where even a m in trium ph mai(cs you a star.

LEO (July 23-Aug.22):Fig----- off-a-brlcf-do;vns\vlng-in-tl

m ood by sharing your philos phy witn admirers o r coho r Som e exciting verbal sparrii over interesting subjects a recharge your endiuslasms.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 22 Tlike a short time o ut from tl relendess pressure o f goal*oi

OfBcer takes drunken cyclisi for a ride to jai

OGDEN. Aric. (APJ - A n c Icgedly drunken blcycli w ound up gelling a ride to ji after a state trooper saw hL take a clumsy spill at a sta highway intersccUoa

Don Evans, 46, was ridir w here U.S. 71 and G rand Stio Intersect early Samrtlay whc h e fell from his m ountain bil on to thc highway pavem ent.

Ttooper Jamie Gravler w about feet away.

“He was pedaling throuE th c intersection o f Highway '• a t thc Grand Street crossovi a n d fell oif thc bike. The peda kep t hitting thc kick stand on h e couldn't keep it up. H o vn in th c i^ d d lc of th c so u ti bound lanes of tialllc,” Gravii said.

"I saw it happen and th o u ^ ‘Lord, don't Ict som eone com around the curve.' I tu rn ed o

. thc emeigcncy lights and p os tioned the car i to wrar motorists. Fohunateiy nobod was coming or he w ould hov been run over," Gravler said.

_____ Gravler took the m an to thhospital, where he w as trcate andreleased. '

He was then taken to th e Ja an d charged with public Intooc cation.

t a K ) d i t « k . :

ts shouldI te d -a \ m ho re- -

for U K W I I U " w idi f c Aussion P t ^A mm ^n j ^ ^ j j l l

fessionals. It Is esscnd th e sofe^professtonalbeI'talre ch ^en g c h is /h e r

ment when It p ropob u t as somethlngthat'scontin dous or reguladon. o r prejbordl* .safe operation. T he ty]safe to cation described(hat I produces IndhriduaLions. I m anageD dc- matter what Is proposs 1964 ^ despicable tha t lil.-i. In — Would conduct a “disch e e d - which she entertains (advity, fons that agree w ith(jp a tc and punishes those t0 h ear resuJt for the stui /her. ourcountrylstragJ&Y n o r o f have supported tfie sf hyslcs ” LAU stltu te FRIEDMj In the d e a r d r . FRj y pro- You're right; I should I

diousands o f readers

spinach, Alr a u R -----------------------------

H orosco:-^bm Jeraldlne Saunn d l i y I---------------- ----------------p r o ^ cnied activity. Som e s n th e Ing \vitfi coworicers c it and can be the breath of n t to you need to invigorate miza* tines.J b e s t l i b r a (Sept. 23-1 b o o n Wotk hard and p lay h enses ers could be cxact i r life expca precise results, t y ear Uzlng new love in ten plc of draw you closcr. b u t

have (0 fit rom ancc in1 19): stolen m om en t lougli .SCORPIO (Oct. 23- :qulre laboring d o ^ c d ly s h up strict work ethic lea luties, time for play. If y o t in g in sourccful.dm ecanbc: Kyfor pleasant socializing. I

ward to loving m om er 20):A . romandcparmer. ) r t^ g SAGITIARIUS (Nov U d ay 2 I):F ea ro fc rid d sm n m os- you In a virtual straltjc from cunail enthusiasm . 1

ngen* yournlentlfulcreativej over, in full flower, m akin 20):If fountalnofgrandidea; ; ho ld CAPRICORN (D ec b an k i 9); ib u g h schedules mpty. careful planning so thJ

mantle alliances ends, ne^ected. Be prepanx tiding to amorous im pulses t]

within die coniines o f ' ' 22): home.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20- You are thc Energizer 1

. b u t more ways than o n e i t t ^ J J ^ ^ ^ S ^ in d b e a l i

n ino r calls. Set the ground’ upcoming financial d c

PISCES (Fdx 19-Mi 1 th e — pasrindiscrctions"cou iloso; youafew unplcasantn iort& outyoucanw lnoutag ; in ing opposiUonbyadherinl > can of h l ^ standards. It 5*22) w isetobecautlousw id

n thc J-ori-

istailn ol-/clisto jo l lhim


[<iing Heath GlS B u h l O f

bike — ^nt. V


3U gh .l y 71 ;o v c rs d a k ^1 a n diw a sluth-avier

u ^ t r .» m e d on

■ (■HM h e --------

Al Pierc jo l l B lu o L a k e s <tcDd- , Twm Fai

3 '

1 be able tI ten m e s a flTie

Dear f s lS S X S Abby deababbkhJosm e bchm jjg unpn

have been teacl than 20 years or opinions of my

, , . them Is that smdc n t ia l th a ta to th ink for them:be prepared dent should hanier manam. „ ,,iu , napect Lposes 10 do Ished. in traw tolawirejum dal to ELCE itypoofedu-> , V Holl d EAHABBY:lals w ho go v * o uses the clasigcm ent no d flea teo n h iso rlxjsed . teM o u s views tla t a teacher d i a ^ t Is m ore siscusalo ifin . teacher. Send this c ^ o p l n - classroom a n d ith h e r own detentionie th a t d o n t -EN(X)URAG •m dents and aYoushouk]! student. DEARABBY:PiAURENCEF. in m an v sh ao css

I applaud tha tE Sers wrote to


e schmooz- s o r Mends o f fn»h air ate dull rou*

3-O ct. 22):/ hard . Oth- -ac ting and Its. A tanta- terest could u t you maylin d u r in g a ^

a-N o v . 21): Signy tm d er a leaves little rou are re* be found for

Look for- le n tsw ith a

lov. 22-Dec.1 m ay place Itjacket and L Hovrever, vejulcesare king you a ;

whileec . 22-Jan. des require.th a tk e y re - P 7 P:>s aren't .ired to yield 's t h a t strike ofyourow n ,

20-Feb. 18): erb u rm y ln le today, so at y our own -tant phone ndw ork for deals.M arch 20): lould ctuw t moments, against any ring to a set It m ay be

vlth money.

l |>SartnerDfBce

_____ Wondi

s Office I ^alls '

to voice c'he e-molls, when Ingastudc /dghed more than c n t poUtl< toidon; m ore like I

V S J l A sIT:'niatteacherwas d en tso re t iprefcsslonally. I education caching for more being tauj i and hove strong only throu m y o w a One of ions of om itudcnts bo t a u ^ t em sdvcs.lhestu- lave been listened ct Instead o f pun- DEAR A

the studen -lEACHERIN m atic"ap i

iCERRmXCALIF. aftcrcloss > reverberati

iY: Any educator I moved o dassroom to pon- . story,'Firs o r her political o r Lost o n 1

vs and allows no ■ Knight F re a tyrant than a 100,000 st 1 that kid to m y— thatthem : d ^ the teacher Hide o r no

m donal rl lAGESTHOUGHT Your resp<

IN INDIANA makes you - U P

IftPrcjudlce comes csand fom is,and DEARR h a t student for left somet igainst It. Punish- and for th:


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•UnrtMllattsdionh bM*d on ftdl n ta . Offw

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dissentdent for having a differ- to Itical opinion sounds e North Korea than the ^ is It stands, dicse sm- Ami; e being cheated In their o n a 3n because they are * l u ^ t about the worid bom o u ^ the narrow opln- with me misguided teachec ' ^


stamABBY: Your advicc to “ id­

en t to foUow the "dipto- N{ pproach and wait undl is to com m ent was stm adnginm ym lndvrfien His 1 o n to a USA Weekend — Irst Amendment Rights . Itecns,’' describing a Foundation poll of sm dents which found majority o f them assign 10 u e to dicir consd- right to free speech.

:ponse to that student oupanofd ieproblem . a t FPSET IN SANIA CRUZ Dr.

READERS: My answer o f j lething to be desired, h a t I apologize. L—

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rah SchorzmanJerome Office

M(iioldier r e t im JO see the b i r tRICHLAND, Wash. (AP) -

im y Pfa D o u ^ Lambc got n a plane In nonhem Iraq o n le day his son was due to be om. As It tum ed out he arrived

In two days of Q l^ts through uwalt. Germany and three S . dtles, ‘I was calling con- antty on the phone.' u u n b c lid. I was going nuts."N ot to wony. He arrived at

rl-Cltles Airport In nearby isco about 7 p jn . last Monday, is wife, NikU, already h ad

.. y

Tuesday. March 2a t th e Hilltop Seventh-day Ac Dr. (off Addison Ave. W., tho fl as you are to this no-obllgatlo of n ine sessions), o r call 420-5i

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ms just in tin rth of his son- anangedwiUi h er doctor t

ot ducc labor thc next mO!in but woimd up going Into» tracdons before m at c>d happen.

He w aited around for i(h guess,'* D o u ^ Lambc soil;c Fighdng let lag the nevfl- ther b r o u ^ t his guitar tcX hospital and p l a ) ^ song

The Who during labonat He and his v ^ c nam edyy son Aldan Devin, m ealy. 'fiery poet." to reflect his Cid heritage.

fi 7 9.O ftom aBm toboccoD todticll

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e first left past th e hospital). C Itlon Introductory session (the 5-5876 for m ore Info. es.com /breathefreenow '

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Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

W o r l d


BISHKEK. Kyrgyzstan r position supponcrs and | [ormcd ]olnt patrols In a s em dty, a n d President fJtayw sold lUesdiiy he no t Impose a state of emci^

. despite protests billing fi r c s i ^ t i o n ovtn: oUegatlo fraud in parliamentary

.. tions.A day after stone-ilirt

demonstrators stormed gc m ent buildings In sou Kyrgyzstan to underline dem and tha t he resign, sides In the Central Asiai tion's tense standoff app Intent on re-establishing c

_____^U tlcs_ in_ Kyrgyzstar^ ^ ^ _ _ ^ ^ ^ n e a v i l y

World_ t o ^ „ = „ h = ,

suppon i. north. If the fracturcd oj

tion coolesccd enough to protests across the mou range bisecting the countr t o \ i , ^ thc capital of Bis tension could Increase si cantiy in a stratcg important country whero tiic United States and H have military bases.

Protests against Akayev I after the first round of p mentary elections Feb. 2'i grew after th e March 13 r\j that thc opposition and th cjmization for. Security C ooperation in Europe were seriously flawed.’

Akayev, 60, has ruled Kyi tan tor 15 years an prohibited from seeking a c r term. T h e oppositlor accused h im o f manlnul thc vote to gain a compUar islature tiiat would amen constitution to allow a term. Akayev has denied tJ

Ja p a n e se a rc h ite c t Kenzo Tange d ie s a t !

TOKYO — Kenzo Tan prize-winning architect orated for th e beauty o structures, including stad for tlie 1964 Tokyo Olyn died Ibesday. He was91.

■Huige, who worked un was 8fl, died o f heart failui liad been resting a l his 1 home, safd Kazuo As spokesman for liis design t Tange Associates.

Tange saw in the ash World War II a chance to c not just ne;v buildings, bui cities. His Peace Center L roshlma. built four years th e U.S. atom ic bomblr 1945, was designed to bo tiie “spiritual core" of tiie c

P alestin ia n s celebrati ow nership o f tow n

TULKAREM, West Dai Dozens of Palestinian fu( reunited w ith their fai lUesday, ending years o:



H o w T C ar

S i m p l y a

------------------ 2 0 8 7-1 .8 0 0 .6

Clalw c f l

M T ta t» fln n ,1 M )M b .ld

zstanpn estate of

Kyrgyzstan■nt Askar The Central Asian ( lie would l9?l.Regionalclaj ncrgency weigh heavily on th

►Popol.0».:5,081 ► Ethnic groupt:Ky

throwing Ua»k 13.8%. Rusdgovcm- D uigonl.l^tJknsoutiiem U « i r 1%.«hof&: ine theirgn, botii Russian Orthodox:^ ian na- > industrial exports:appeared , urnnhjn, ruaural goigcalm. I----------------- -------stan arely -c lan i- KAZAKHSTAN - -I. and / , .rv. a ' i'-"h e rn e r , -

I opposi- ■- ^i to carry . •• ,'.-vnountain (’•intryand Bishkek,

e ^mifi^ Du^antw twiki:

l e r o b S SOURCE3;E3RI.CIAW

d Russia r u a after Israeli tree thisW estBanktown

■ cy o e^ ion control and p)f pallia- stop chasing the me1. 27 and was tin3 i™ o p five M eslin lan lcd Ihe Or- handed cpvcr 10 f t jertty and irol, a sign Ih:)pe saia peacem aking Is Ij

ward.I K y i^ -“i ! g y p t l a n l e a d e r

tion has fo rg e ry c h a rg e sIpulating CAIRO, Egypt -

J m a n who has daredtiend 1 Hosni Mubarak foi’ a third dency was chargcd that. forging signan

approvalforh ispart calation In tiie gca t 9 1 confrontation with

p rom inent figureTange, a fledgling reform m o2ct cele- Ayman Nour saidy of his a cou rt 'fight hestadiums \vould give him a t)lymplcs, his campaign and I1. of M ubaraw regimeuntil he “I’m personally tl

iilurc.He person In I ^ t l y t llis Tokyo becausc eveiy sessAso, a trial will be a chance

gn office, people and support' T he Associated F

ashes of regime will stand ito create c o u rt" but new

c r in i i i - O ffic ia l s a y s C a i

ibhig 'S c h o o s e n o t t o l>become LONDON — Cai

le d ty Bowles does not wai queen after Prince

r a te • com es k ing his , T\iesday.I Charles and hisBank — sensitive to suong ] fu^tlves ion against her families queen, had said she

s on tiic the title o f Princess <

To M a k e Yo i r D is a p p e ay advertise in th e Classi

an d g e t resu lts qui


733 .0931-tsn i.2 - '.6 5 8 .3 8 8 3 ad. 2

issifiedjc g f n r g f t o j r . c o m

W «toM ^M w eh23,200S

*esident f emergein In p e r s p e c t i v ein countiy of Kyrgyzstan achlovod I dons and the tensions that exist b< 1 tho country’s politics.3(;uaro mllos > Age itnicture 081,429(2004O3t) 0-14yoafB :KyTB/z64.0%. 15-64yoara%jsslan12.5V esyoarserdc

kw20%.othofS% • rt>:gold.nwnuy,IgaaondeioctJtafy - ^ 553------- j

-■ ’------*Ksh1tQk“ ' •; TALAS ' '. BISHKEK

KYRGYZST/f - r " - - Jolal-Abod

' osh


tA Wortd Foci Book

roops retum ed bccom es king, iwn to Palestin- m ainied in a 1 promised to A prils, men.(lie second o t R u m S fe ld Ca towns to be u - u j

Westinlancon- H a iti e le c tiothat Midcast BRASILIA Bii inching for- Secretary Dom

raised doubtsT prospects for c

e r f a c e s mHaiU, dtlngl Istratlon’s ex;

S3 ensuring tiie sj— Tlie only Afglianistanam

edtochallenge It takes a Icfor tlie presi* p lanning iiom .

jged Tbesday point," Humsfollatures to win "You simply Iparty— an e s- o f lto r itc a n c egovernment’s -compUcdfi

rith the m ost re In Egypt’s tiovement. aid he relished e m aintained a platform forid his criticism ____

y tiie happiest ly tills decision. cssion of tills ice tom ectou r orters," he told

Press. “Thc d trial in tills <

ia m llla I be queenCamilla Parker __w antthetideof I l f lce Charies be- ■■WIs office said

lis bride-to-be, lg public opln- ir ever being she would take ss Consort If he

‘ AdvcfWcd phoM

o u r | |H n iar... ™s s i f ie d s g ^lu ic k ly l f m

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/od Indopondence in opens ti stbotwoenthem .lncreas<

tim eln i Then

ers morifB 32.3% agreemilara 61.e% - tiia n a aandowf 8.1% ship p

Sodalls•tUc product gave mi

JIB *1.7 tim e — about I pctitive:

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0 lOOrnl m0 tOOkm


ing. Thw are being 1 a civil ceremony

c a s ts douM on ivi, itlon for th is fallI. Brazil — Defense I v,Jonald H. Rumsfeld I itsTtiesdayabout tiieor elections this fall | Adiing tile Bmh adm in- |

experience w ith | CU;le safety of voters In |land Iraq. . Phca lot of cITons and ,om a security stand- !isfold said. !ply have to be ahead [ncetbadfasL" •cdfcom wire reports •


— I

)hono & aceoisory pncos oro valid only ot Ei

^N O I Activation -F e e s---------

__________ PuttoY_|_______________■itMlMyd.N. 21M0v«fl(ndAvt.Ml (JM)IT7-a91liMi* AcrsutomPmtnrcSporti

I innTvai nm acftiaSan cn (fxittad rais ( te . I / b cigUd runbn mWi tpocfc googro^ I I rt BJgo Patw Bjwrago ntoa and b lut c . a Rsgtiaby PiD9«n Fee d SO^m'iTiartfi wbtft t e l fcrcantiMB daah. Alcw HO *w

'ench workiu s (AP) — I^ance took a U ■£p t o v ^ Ubemlizlna ItslaoorlowsTViesdwoslW - g(n voted to effectively dintie the 35-hour work- nicherished by w orkers but N

sed by m any em ployers vl otentim Investors,vmokers In thc conscrva- jolominated N ational ti<ibly. Prance’s lower house, dioverw helm ing to adopt ai

’cm m cnt-baoed bin that . } tiie door for com panies tojse employees' w orking Inexdiongeforbctterpoy. ijncwlawwillgivecmplcjy- fiore latitude to strike labor H ments that call fb r more 135-hour workweek, a Dag- poUcy of tiie form er

list-led governm ent that imany people m orc Idsurc - f— but alM b e lc d anxiety ^: France^ dedin lng com- veness and soaring iployment. cu rren tly at

Do yon hiI RELAY I FOR L IFE <="V . n n H i B

^ W a n i "C a U u

Join Its fo r the 20t iay 20-21,2005 • 6:30pii




hone Number______________

Mall to:21 S o u th 350 West Je rom e, ID 83338

ay lt.lt Still mi

M l

t Edge VMcss Solos & Customer Service

__ J«WM ' '______ IWnr**2riS8.'UKClnSL OuaSno

' (26()t4MU1 MBUnUIn ■ tM owtM rt__________

n. m l 24 mDttfi MrvtD contact A bnrtub 11c a rm GSM oxiTttbb devto retMKL C i^ed b an adcRcral eforgs. 0»w Idrrm ■) ■01 b roemcr cotis anodotad « « iiderd a >weteaiyi^wt)a»fM«>aa»inEdBai

l(ers may seilOpcTcenL

ftw ldent Jaa ju es Chlracl govemment has tried to flcD thi diange to voters os an opportu nity to "Work More to ^

vincedAlmost a m illion pcopli

joined strikes and demonstra tions earlier th is m ontii t< defend the 35-hour workweel and protest o tiier percehw

f f i J j l e t i

K I W ClI q

we yo ur[AY F O R L IF E is bringir fight against canccr. Every ( th e s , govem m ent agencics i ward thc Relay. T h is event ;ic Valley and lh a t’s w hy w c a . Here is an opportun ity to do npact in your com m unity.

I us (oday for more infornu

1 0 0 5 M a g i c V a l l e y R l

p m tonooD • F ile r EIem<

I w ould li□ to partidf

-------------------------- □ informatioi

□ a Corporal

’□ to purdiii

----------------------- InHona

□ to volume

130 □ to m ake!-------- ' (ctieckspi

leans the sam


H f i S B B• Cl• u

■ M l ^ ^ • Dm i m i i i m i i i i i g • Ll




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snap AlWWilti <UlnBWMWV«lM«(2 LocMera} PMuviki 8C«IU> _______ M«BlcC«<

natal lee c<J25 per mcn9nBT«rtng(tttb« 1 GSU Mti os MMS. iilctninBtaok V (MHcSon rooirlno Slj bng dstoncD d ni M fiitg iKnttn. Oiis rnaM) retola per »WWMiWpr»>«Ttaft«faonfJebdBlA.

eemorehoithreats to tiieir wotking

roc's tlonsBTidpay Itiie The ontipatiw could atu - Into a May referendum Bam ncw E aco n stitu tio aw * coQ* government supports.

'Ihe new law endorses ° P f crease In th e extraf° ? : employecscanwoikto22

yOT ftom d ie previous I


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iLiMNiTwom W i r e l e s

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urslg condi-

spillover n on tbe Aiikhthe

;e3anln- a hours 220every ' s l im h o f


lity in '■ lanies, ‘‘ aming " ut the io n lo J make


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Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

D ro n eTh»WMhlnttonPo«t ■

WASHINGTDN - T he new e version ofthe Air Forced Piedi to r unpUoted aircraft wi perform primarily rh u n te klllei” missions, according t

• newly available Pentagon d o a ments.

The cunent Predator's p r m aiy mission haa b e e n i supply reol’tlm e Intelllgenc surveillance a n d reconnali san te for other forces. T he n e Predator B will perform th a t as secondary role, according to th docum ents sen t to Congre: last month and now ptibllshe o n aPentagon Web s i te

The cuncnt Predator, whic O A operators oririnally a n n e

- -withJusttw-oHellflre missiles 1late I . has since proven itse in Afghanistan and Iraq. Th Predator B win be a im ed w ith I m any as 3,000 pounds o f p tK slon-guided bom bs o r missile

New SAT a marathon for exam-takersTha Vteihlngton Post

Kaplan Ttst Prop a nd Admis slons. owned by Thi W^ishlngton Post C a. surveyet 1,938 smdcncs at 39 sites nation wide after th e firs administration o f the newly rc designed SAT on M ard i 12. ant a n overwhelming n u m b er o students camc to one condu slon: It was long

Ei^ty-seven percent o f stu dents said the th ree-houi 4S-minuteexamwasthelonges test ofthelr lives.The survey nac a m a r ^ of error o f p lus o: minus 4 percentage points.

According to Kaplan, the nc(^ test is longer than the graduate admissions exams for busines school (GMAT. 3 1/2 houis). lov school (15/ff. 3 hours, 25 m in

- utes) and graduate schooUGIlE 2 1/2 hours). In fact am ong al admissions tests, only the m ed ical school adm issions exan: (MOM, cunently 5 3/4 hours) i; longer.

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ceda* The Predator drone's t reeonnaissance craft ir

[gY o pounds o f guided mun


p ri. n tom c e , F m i« K 3 dn a is - ---- ---------- ------ -4jrr"i^o th e ■ . ♦

s T >Mch "** Tnede s ln - .................................itself andcaiiyscnsorsthatv.The it to automatically Qn<

th a s and hit moving targets, r ^ . groundisiles Thenewaircraltwou]


5. A Filer w o m a n I w ritten a sp o o f

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The Saturday Ion - i n R e l i g i o i

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QmtCtBici~Da[Mua (ia0OtdI«s!!onand«2SM[ upgracftio 2S S ^ cuAcnw OMBtmodtmsmoynolbai

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;et m or(r ‘ B '

's new “B" variant turns what wo i into a hunler'killer that can carr lunltions. . ■ '

I EndumnwlO + b n n -4 M aipe«d:U oal280

-■-i I— W tafw rc 66 T

itwUlallow tended to fulfill bi Qnd. crack outlined in the N :ets on the fense Strategy sign

by Defense Secretai ould be In* Rumsfeld The strai

Twayno a B u h lo rn o ra ls .ly ymxiio n Mtf BOHUK ACIWCY-31


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ba (inxrtsd. S h ^ and hinttio fM Df $9. tiT perforroicatonfloinian SOcral corcvtin. QwtM PromiM r t Vttw-* t» communScaiod bt oUisr way*. Bottor voltK tt/URIOhtsBaaanad.

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suacegypro{ ^ . . oping the e

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According f budget mate *■ being desif

Tuifmmnj, • prosecute iumpn>p (im e-sensiti

______________ radar-basedTMaumcTotmr - on-board hi

I broader tasks The I ^ d a to : N ational De- feet, twice tl signed March 1 by its prcd etaryD onaldH . carry seven itrategy calls for lions lo.id.

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rest DSL* osKnwi fv resldantid end non- I quaSfylno homa (ftra packBoo crsao MR< n A(im 9.20CS. Roqukta DSL modem avalla If $9.99 wfflba dwTiad to jwf aoajn l Moi omot conoosflon tnd clhof ta a n . Unlntnnji to*-: Invtles a eujtomw to contaa Owast voluo Is not a Quanntao of prico reduction

pons T<a n c tu a ry to enem ies” r ro r is t g roups in un -

te r r ito r ie s w ith in ^sove re ign countries --------

In th e w orld. ■g oa l." th e Rum sfeld u •ogram says, "is devel- W " •c a p a b ility to surge IvV**! fo rces rap id ly from ,lls tan c es to deny ad- a n ctu a ry ." To do this. . ’ ' zy p a p e r calls for "a rca p ab U lilcs . includ-

s tre S !

n g to unc lass incd ite ria l."T liea irc raft Is ,5 lgned p rim arily to

c rit ic a l em erg ing itiv e ta rg e ts as a.•d a tta c k asset w ith ,---------ha rd -k ill capability." to r B will fly a t 50.000 th e iiltiiuue canable

L 'decessor, ancl will .•n tim e s liie m uni- H | |

k G E N C rjl I1 I n s u r a n c e p l a n n i n g t s . . . s i n c e 1 9 6 5 .Too Low?) Uncertain? . nim i,i b o u t A d v a n t a g e s

3 3 - 5 9 2 3 e g

tmE H I


peed ^•


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■ .2nonth

if r c o rm iw t io l use . f^ x r a Hns InstaSation c to r first t M months o l t o v lc g wfllKul a

miabk) tram OAVd for $59.99 purchB ss o r $1 M odem rontaJ c h sry sc o n tln u a until m odor m jp tod o r o f f t r f m aenica n o t g uaran tsed . o s t to otitBin e n sc to u n t rev iew a t a n y Hit lo n . U m jle d b m e offer.

relescope s rom distalI Aiioclated P reu _________

NASA telescope peering iar « n d our solar system has for Ont time d ireoly measured

It fixim two Juplter-slzed gas nets dosely orbiting distant rs. adding crucial features to ronom /s portrait of faraway rids.itudies of the I n n a ^ U ^ t laming from the two giant nets suggest they are made io». swirling gases duit rcach roiIingl.340degrce3Fahrcn-. to r higher.It's an a;vesome cxperlcnce

Mr. LeiboviK hciiring

hearing aids A h e a r i n g aid

assisted doc

uiuu^FfcM. H i s n u m b e r ' p a t i e n t s t o s

■ ■ -

VI d ia rD « a n eidra . Sarvica m ay n o t b a M u l 0 q i o S ^ hom a [ M n s p a d o o tf tv a ta tii V $ 8 a m crth r e n ta l Rented m od o m i w fl b a )dom Is r t U n e d M u a l D S la p e ad varies d( M l C n v u ta r reqidrem ents: V V M o ra -9 8 0 f Ume pnd Q w tV « D I h f o m lh a o m o rn e r

W*(bM«la);M«ch23,300!3005 TlmMlkw>,TWInMt. Idaho

N a t io

spots ligh mt planet!

to realize we are sed n g th e o f distant wodds,” said

r tronomer David Q iartrarmt r o f the Harvard-Smlthsonl 1 CenterforAstrophyslcslnCa I bridge. Mass.. m o s e (ei t captured IM t from a planet I t h e c o n s t e l l a d o n l ^ ^ e c r th b g diey can't h ide Is th

h e a rt Since die mid-1990s, sd i I tlsts have dlscoveted m ore th ( ISOofdieseso-calledextraso t planets. But the stars they oi • . are so distant and sh ine

b r is t ly diat they tend to ov whelm the planets from view

E S T C A R E B A I L A B L Elovich began his career helpir ing impaired in 1989. Inadditic ng with patients and dispensir lids, he pioneered ttie first digit: aid in Argentina in 1998. H doctors in Latin America in ovi ilear Implant procedures.

focus has always been to hel ichieve better communicatioi ber one goal is to em power h to successfully "Listen to Life."

BB K^iMC WD <grna

m in Juliah / a real Owest customer

a avaflabto h a l «Bas. A dM kn onar ttaUa to naw QMSt OSL cutomen and fl ba nftittahed modems. NcivaupfM es dependtio ort aanfca knBon. d sns 98 or latan fiitier UM eqitiment may >mer If a beitir muB tl tvtBatXa tram


0 A-7


itIsineau inlan 3am- (eam let In eone their


isolar orbit le 60 over- ew.

ngo n



lelpion .h is



Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

E d i t o r i a ]

GARVE t r e n d o f

Feeling a little a b o u t borrc $1.6 bHUonto roads w ith th< tid p a tio n U n d e S am win p ay yo u t y bu aren 't alone. TVvt legislatois from th e M a^ • axe gritting th d r teeth

s l ^ t i c u m .-------------H ouse jc a k e r Bruce 1

com b, R-Buriey, and Leon Sm ith, R-1Vvin Falls, valid do u b ts abou t Gov. K em p th o m e 's C o n n e c t i n g '■ Idaho p lan , n i i r t l T lie governo r ■ h a s p ro p o sed fundini u sing $1.6 M - . lio n o f b e 6 no GARVEE, o r e o v K

: G ran t A n d d -■ p a t i o n pro ject

Revenue \fehi- i i f h a f d e b o n d s , to W l l d i finance 12 \f\jQ yygro a d p ro jec ts ,______t h r o u g h o u t n O m O th e s t a t e - 1 ^ a n d o t)d u d ln g a t h i r d ________Snake Rhrtsr canyon bridge w o rth a n

; m a ted $184 m illio a But overall, th e ability t<

■ prove ro ad s o n a f■ tim eline bo d es well fo r Ic : T he L e^slatu re should: th e governo r’s prop : w hich s im ply allows th e

to u se GARVEE bonds. A app roval o f p ro jec ts w co m e la te t. By issu in g GAiRVEEs, s ta te borrow s years ahe: w h at th e federal govemi pays to Idaho in federal 1 w ^ tax doQais. I h o s e co m e from federal fuel' you p ay each tim e you f

: th e ta n k .T h e bill's last barrie r i

I d ^ o H ouse. N ew com b I p e c ^ to sen d it to th e H T ran sp o rta tio n Com m w here Sm ith, a fo rm er I( Thm sportation B oard cl m a n a n d licensed en d n eer, h a s so m e h i£^ r vaflons.

S m ith fiivors using GAf b o n d s o n a lim ited scalt w an ts to place a 20-pei c ap o n th e a m o u n t on e i i u ^ th a t c an b e p u t t c d d ) t service a t a n y o ne < H e d o u b ts th e llstedcosi so m e p ro jects, a n d p r th a t all p ro jects b e appr by th e Legislattire's Q p o r t a ^ n com m ittees in< o f th e b u d g e t com m ittee.

S keptics o f th e p lan Idaho already receives i from federal taxes than d o n a te s ,, a n d th a t c change if Co ngress bee m o re stingy.

Butsm aU states should tin u e to benefit from ft roaid appropriations. ‘Hu te rs ta te W ^ w a y sys w h ich c o n n e c ts th e e: U nited States, h a s always ogn lzed lesser-popul sta tes reccive m ore th an 1 they donate.


Tb6n)ftmb«raoltb8B<IH Brad Hnri Chris Stslnl



ru n f ro m ru ile n o n it^Dfpu(>aolntamt.Docaui

ipoM consmntt. pleoia Emit tsn to 400 wonls. ineluda your il^tfture. mairifltf addnts and phone numbat Wrttart il|r

_ . L P o o n f l t b i i r y _____

nXA>a tMTTJH JV tfT A V M U JSPKvoonsf viarxx/ , H ^ X X / (MMPOeN I ,

____I |

P a g e A - 8


EE plan folli )f federal ta:to b iilld has h a d a very th e an* f l o w o f h i r f ^ d

th a t longtIm e.iheTe'sn m badc? bdleyc tha_t will d

jjgy timesooiL” M c v r f B a c t o tha t cla 3 i w i l h B a s s o ,a S n n a d q

tary for th ce New*- ^id Hep. n o w ad iieao rw ith ^ h a v e

S t e w

r v iew ; Federaljing for Idaho should “inough to support u a i

'.KempthomeSraad w a ;

^ p la n . shoi

la t do you think? re tu

welcome viewpoinisnourneadeisonthis idah

otherissues. ^said

a n e s d - an d w hen theyvra i theycontro lagood

ty to im - ■ Senate seats, so thi 1 faste r d ea ltw ith inaposii irIdaho . . T h e l a t e s t h l ^ lid p a ss ■ bills show steady In r o p S ItWio- ■nio Senal J ie s ta te bum ped Idaho’s si s. A ctual proptiadon& om S J w o u ld to $1.58 b i ll io n -a

Jum pth e As for efiorts to (

ih e a d o f spending o n debt. I im m e n t s^acIes already exi ta lh ich - excesshfebonding, se tajffis . T h e jis tls th e p r r t d t a x e s ' ' ' '^ o s e o n Vl all S IU fill u p iiguarantee Idaho’s l

ji tainly won't approw JT is th e go beyond i n b lse x - ' v , , e H ouse TTie o ther is the n jn ltte e proval process, w u-Idaho hearings from t h e i 1 chair- ^he . s ta te traiu j c2vil board, a n d envlr diresCr- Inipact studies. "Hi ^ ' wDl prioritize whic 3ATWEE' go before others. S c a la H e ects wffl b e delaye .percent dropped. And that^ f federal Ing cap in itselt I tow ard ^ r i ^ ^ ^n e t im a issueabou tthed isf costs o n on som e o f these p p re fe rs well as the need to |

pn ioved ^ com m ittee I tran s- authoriQr o n proje ; in stead ista te Is going ti tee. against th e future lan say construction, l e ^ 2S m o re to beparto fa tho ro i iv i4 ia tit w ei^ilng all sides ol

c o u ld L ^lsla to rs such b ecom e d e s d w credit for

voices In th e Wilde u ldcon- vvords o f w arning 1 future j; plan seem s to bea; T he In- ’Worries, system , ■, By borrowing witi : en tire ‘ bonds, Idaho stanc -ays rec- ■ with faster a nd chc p u la ted construction tha t w a n w ^ t state econom y and

ous future.

mies-lNCTr CMi 8t»hbKli..edhorisl boird u d mfura of edhorii tslntweli, Stm Cnnp. Eluaore Bitrk soa Jones sad Divid Coopac

Write to u s(DMiet- V )ett»«»ttfihl*enamaivn ^ e c u ' I' mingntvtiafredfrainpubcauMof 'f U ttsnm ivbsbrD u^ toImltW- } ftlliwBurkvofflMimaJiyour > . Bn648.Tiii4flAIU.D83 sndtelfr- ■.-•'tD(208)7346S38;«Mi

‘ ‘ tea«»9ins()£t«agju»ii.

\\B uruxK em piH Aff 1 BOM.I»taiHAVon: a m a o S A ftrm m /o H - ^

_ G !._________________ w

flowsT f l w c r e i n ’n

axes . Schlavo docs mp o k esm an fo r m canstom akeg. says Idaho taown-W c d o i rv co n s is te n t she would have [ ^ d o ^ s f o r as n o rea so n tol<*‘> ngeany- w haldoyou

have nothing tcd a lm is Jack lolntuitherw ild ep u ty secre- oncsossurrogath e U.S. _

D ep a rtm en t.d th th e A m e r- J V an o f S ta tehm sp o rta tio n I s federal esti- la te s sh o w i d pay m en tsh o u ld in - '

r e a s e In this ease, tnnually . a n d disagree. Tlie hiia h o ’s p o liti- Tfeni lo die: iheal d o u r i n The Florida coi

»e to r e a p ^v incfo fyou r'Ttums fo r th e your spouse anitate. en ts ,andyouh“S ta te s like of your rccent y

iaho en joy a spouse and notood p o s i- The problemo n ," B asso yourspouselik<lid. “A s a b lo c b«t.ihcn jlsnG vork together,^ n u n t t o o ft h ^ m u s t b e fricnd.andhas3sitive way. her. He dearly viw a y u in d ln g again.AndaiiviiT increases fo r in the way.n a te v e rs io n Now, all of thi5 six-year a p - vant In his minei 'S 1 2 6 b illio n a c tu ^ b e a c t i j - a 2 5 p e ,c e n t

“ - P l d a h t f s3t. c e rta in ot)- based on his te«exist to h m it shewouldprcfclg. T h a tisw V tl

riivatesector. case.Thcgener S tree t w h o spousal suprem i’s b o n d s cer- here jo a iliorou TJve am o u n ts conclusion. ■ i th e s ta te ’s B tp iflvc bcc

wliere tljcrelsn h e a c m a la p - “” ” "E thel"»« w ith p u b lic

e L e ^ ^ t u r e . ---------------------an sp o rta d o n

A d o p tio n e x ,

h id i p ro jec ts tumed bleak L S o m e pro j- Rceardlne“Pr lyed o r ev en ents face delays a t ’s a s p e n d - (March 22):

We wanted 10 to D ie s s th e W ; completed d

c g o t o a s S jcidcdlobconB givelegisla- Uy-only, mcanlitees m o re placcd wiih us nojects. If th e adoption. i:)uct(

to b o rro w ‘V am ed 'tha twure o n ro a d adiildlnourcsud s ta to isn e e d lm»gl"sours'

a t a u " l S b ls o f a p ro je c t child tliat need&ch a s S m ith u-en5duiUcd.Aror be ing th e being placed incIdem ess w ith were told that wiIng. B ut th e transport the chiSftXS^ m C A R V i pi ^ t o . g a i i i , vices-Rutaitalvl ± e a p e r to a d scheduled for on tw ill f u d th e biological pareni [id a p rosper-

____________ simplefimiilyvasionofbcingan and living happll

m M T f i d r c n b c ^ to ta i T T U seewhatwetnih

k adorlDedbabysh ....E ditor bSlt-ln taxi servi iiriBlttrs had the child na:

. . home.BeforcgUter care license,; approached and

: = : = — vide respite care.'■ ------- 1 wasallwe>s'cie(

after b u d ^ tht

ittoourIMn behlndmynami^ujMdtoea sodalw oiV m b)83303:fa*8d at what price therMnslledto those initials, po;m. removal and loss

B yG a

AM TW K K m C e P S *

t e

PIN]W e d n e s d a y , M arch 2

K ia v o inlfcniSchlavo 's n. I would n o t want ; tu b a B ut Tberi ^ n o t have the take her intentions do not know w*at lave w anted. We ig to g o o n .N o iiv - advance directives, power o f attorney./ou do w h en you Igto go on? You try -will, u sing loved rogates.___________

n Q iarles ' jf l KR,\imtA.MMER

je. the loved ones le husband wants ihe paren ts do n o t . ' court gave the sur- :r husband, undery useful ru le that '-----------: b the m o st reliable natural h)ur wishes: You pick suggest {: and n o t your par- P ^ coilu liavc sp e n t most ^ v c andnt years w ith your burden Inot your parents. Let’s b!em Is th a t a l th o u ^ dillon. Sl! likdy know s you were brasno guarantee he talking a!fusehlsw lshesw ith organs.S} spouse presents ing humns. He h a s a girl- people hiias two kids w ith etable.Afly w an ts to m an y belngdiiI livingTferri stands know?H

the com]f th i s m a y b e i r r e l e - c o n sd o in in d .H e m a y a n y a n y tic ting e n tir e ly son?s u n d e rs ta n d in g o f T h e as h e s .A n d a s s h e le f t w hetherlind, th e c o u r ts w an t lo iDreed to c o n d u d e alive is w5 te s tim o n y th a t b io e th ldrefer to b e d e a d . one homly tills is a te rr ib le sec h e ron e r a l r u l e o f l^ T h e h trem acy le a d s y o u there Is r)roughJy rep u ls iv e tiien agai

home, mbccausc in a case somewhiIs no consensus T heh toved ones, one's lo'ved a 1

e x p e r ie n c e s e n ^ o n

la k fo r c o u p le:“P ro sp e c iw e p a r- h a d d ie pays to a d o p t" wiih the (

peop leiudto adopt a child. s e h ^ to ijd tlie necessary Theystriicrwork. finger- whcna2om estudy.w c Iniocarec a n "adoptive £om- years tryianing th a t chlldrcn thcm\«tliis must b e up for cnisonlyiC to this, wo were child turritw em ayneverge t androbbrcare. lam mursu rp risew hcna formatioila terw egotacall . Uma-Ne sible"adoptive . oftheB pededahom e.W e cessfiiliyi.A m onthafte r .arcsome1 in our care, we Ingstorle itw en eed ed to storyseer ! child to a parental failure rat a drag a n a rehab tlonwlde is). It was a t diis “allenatin2 became a puppet prospecti id Childrens Scr- Ingveryc olvisitadonswere SHAWI r oncc a week. The TVvinR rent then started le tec ran d h ad u s DestfUC ily trying to take a /v aca tloaO urillu - w .a , ani ;anadopdvefam lty Inm yl ppOywidiourchil* thechara o taac.W ebcganto theirvislc truly were to PC S- honoroni liy sitter w ith a m ustque leivicc. We sadly thepeopl I removed from our' office o rf > giving u p o u r fos* How.Ii se ,\« w e re that Bush and asked to pro* lowedtoj arc. 1 guess this Ithasbce a e qualified to do \s-ere dete 5 the proverbial PCS even befo

their lieste tho fancy initials sion?am eiiketneFC S Andno[B. but I d o wonder i . ^ o f oitheyreccivcd dcod.thoi, p o ^ I y a h c a r t edotidurlossofcom m on Iraqlsdca

G arry T ru d e a u I M a l l a i

tilJl’.M V S \[ / lM T [ 0I J H I I

m s f t s .

ION2 3 ,2 0 0 5 '___________

c a se a

ll hum an sympadiies ini>t giving custody to the uiirom m ittedtoherstaying rolnd pledging to carry die Bun diemselves. anii be d e a r about her con- coi,S lie isn o td ead .lfsh e cciirain-dead, w e would be "m5 about harvesting her Thi.S he isaliv ingb rcad i- furm an being Some rct; have called her a veg- cai• Apart fiom d ie term Andisgusdng.how dodiey duHow can w e be sure of coi

mplete absence of any dieousness, any awareness, grclything "inside" this per- wo

ceio u d a l issue in deciding lover or not o ne would hei0 intervene to keep her cai1 whether there Is, as one eni Idst put It to me. “any- I ime. Her parents, who allj r often, believe diat diere cui husband m alnu ins du< sn o one hom e. (But ovc gain he has another thL m akinghisjudgm ent I /hat suspect) dei husband has no t al- ovc alotofm edicalfesdng ver

— Leiteonemayneverknovtf sare w a sso m e ll^ tln d ils ' sueIse bleak adventure. I life:privIIegeofw orU ^ inge Casa volunteers. Tnese toiim sdfishly^vcofdiem - bcco th e foster children. '/irive to moke ccrtain diat voit2-ycar-oIdchildcomes doire that PCS doesn’t spend theryinglnvaintonhmlte oilidth their biolo^calnar- theilytohavediatprecSous ouiim 15 without parents not3bcd ofhis childhood. whnot surprised by die In* weiionlnthearddeinTTte bu]

la m posldve diat. Hui percent d iat have sue* her[y adopted a child, dierc moiebeautiful.heartwarm* Unries. Unfortunately, my o fl!cm stofitd ie94percait docrate. This m ay be ana- dutic problem, bu t die disi dng experience foracdve parcnt" is happen- [“ /d o se to home. tVNAFUOEREafis W

u c tio n g o e s o n w H h c

ind s t a t e l e a d e r s >y h s t letter. I quesdoncd ,iracterofourleaderB, ^ sion. their coiuage, d id rm d integrity. Now I ^uesdontnecharacterof ™ip lew h o d ec td iem to '•=r follow diem blind^. J"IwondcT.Isltposslnle ^

sh and Compaiiy areal- Wo remain in oifice after (2icen shown tha t they «:temilncd to invade Iraq S:fore diey cam e up widi w s to ju stuy tha tinva-

' &tiowaftcrm oredian fourownGoldiersareiousandam o:^w ound- uu n to ld n u m b m o f ^

and wounded, these

a r d R l l m o r e

m m

le g a l t



in die last few years. I have uied to Qnd o u t w hat her neu- rolodcal condldon actually is. But the evidence is sketchy, old and conflicting. I h e Florida coun found th a t m ost o f her cerebral cortex Is gone. But “m ost' docs n o t m ean all ’ITiere mif^it b e som e cortex funcdoning T h e very severely retarded or b ndn •damaged can have som e consdousness. And we do n o t go arouiid eu- dianizing d ie minimally consdous in th e back wards of the mental hospitals o n die grouncls diat the ir lives arc not wonh living. Given o u r lack of certainty, ^ n that there arc loved ones prepared to keep her alive and care Jor her, how can you allow th e husband to end her life o n h is say-so?

Bccausc foDowing th e gener­ally sensible n d es o f Florda custody laws, conducted with due diligence a n d great care over many years in th is case, this Is where th e law led.

Por Congress and th e presi­dent to then s te p In an d try to override d iat by shifting die venue to a federal court was a

ERS—----same bunch o f lootiics all ofthe sudden have determ ined d u t life b sacred a n d are interven­ing In a very personal dedslon tolct aH orioa w om an. Viiio has been In a com a foryears, die.

Add lo die h y p o a iw . the voie to open u p the Alaska Na­donal Wildlife Refuge, one of die jewels of p risdne beauy. to oll drilling It is esdm ated Uiat the oll is m inim al compared to our wasteful consum ption. A national treasure destroyed, w h ilea tthesam etim etne ’ wealdiy arc given tax breaks to buy gas guTgJlng SUVs and Hummers. Even die new acdon hero of politics and once of movies dr^es a Hummer. What idnd of message is d ia t In U ^ t of die forecast o f impending doom diat com es from oil pro­duction peaking in tho not too distant future, n o t to mention

G e ttin gWinttorriatoyourfoflllngs known to your representativas In Congrass? Hera's how:

S e n . M ik e C ta p oInlWinF^lls.callofMTtts:Keathsr Tlel, regional director 202 M s Ave.. Suite 2 1Vln Falls, 10 83301 , 734-2515: fiw 733P414 InV^sWngtfln:. •239 [Msen-Senote Office Buildinc WasWngtDn.D.C. 20610 (202)2246142wnall m assages can be sent via Sen. Crapa^ hotne page s t wyw.senate4pv/-cfap6

S e n . U r r y C r a igln.TWnpsil9,C8irorwrfta:: •Mika Mathews, regional director.660FilerAvo.8ulteATWn M s.-10 83301 ■ ..

t r a v e s t

n i rm>CnHAlLSlKrtS/ RrtA/WttMTOSlSlUT iDmoH EXISTS

legal travesty, a flagrant vi !U- tion of federalism and the is. separadonofpowers.Thc old e ru judge \ ^ o refused to

reverse the Florida cou rt' r certainly tm e to die law.

But the law, while scru] Ious. has been merdlcss.

c its conduslon very troubi :ly m orally .W eendeaupha\

to choose between a legal !ss. csty on d ie one hand and i- hum an tragedy on the od

“Ihere is no good outco: 9 of this ca se Except perhaps

Florida an d the odier stat not were to am end dielr laws of resohrc confiicts among ic re onesdiflerendy-bygrani ) authority n o t necessarily 3W spousebuttow hateverfi] to degree relative (even If in

minority) chooses life anc ler- committed to support I t (

Tferri’s law. It will nd p pnr th us having to choose In the ! turo between travesty and I. tragedy.

ti- Cbartes^lO'authammer's to C'mail address is

Icners^chaHeskmut I a hammer.com

the die climate change issues' It At the state levd. the go 1- no randthcL cdslature >n continue to be rumdmaldi has industry, condnuallyplayi ; the wishes of special inter

One can only pray that di< la- will som ehow wake up an r s tan voting to protcct die . to He healdi; safety and wclfa at O n a positive note sincc to last letter, d ie Gooding Co

V Commission voied to enai m oratorium on new and c pondingconcentrated onl

to feeding operations until d can get a handle on cow n

ion bers and die impacts. Perl our state and federal pollti

hat could leam a lesson diere. ht Agovem m entof.forani

the people. Is only as good ro- the people diemselves.30 enlC H lSH O L M n Buhl

g In to u c h7346780. Fox 734-3905

Iln .In Washington:520 Kart Sensts Ofnca Buildl Washington. D.C. 20510 (202) 224-2752 »<na!l;httpr//cra]g.sem)ta.gov/ema

R e p . M ik e S im p so nInTWIff ails,coll Of wrtte:

_ Chflrtlo Bames, ogrScultura tie director

1201 Fells Ave. E.. suite 25 , IWln Ralls. ID 83301

7347219: ftx 7347244 '.. In Washington:

'1339.Lor«worth Building ■ Washington. D.C. 20515

Phone: (202) 225€531 V ' Rdc (202) 22&8216

it. Access Simpson's e ^ l l thro .• hIsVftbpaga: • •


By B ruce Tin:

T h e T i m c s - N


>J e w s


:vioIa-h eh e fed-tortw as t. ’•■upu-s .an diblinglavInggaltrav-ndodier.comc topsif ■;atesvs and5lovedin tingly to d ie•first-In th en d istC aU ItreventLhefu-nd

t 's


idensoflying tocrests.theyanale p u b -■Ifaraicemyi i iu n tyla c tadex -jilmalI dieyfn u m -:rhapslldcosrc.m dbyodas








E s s a a

in s ley

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

A Nobel f(A s w c approadi the sea­

son o tthe Nobel Pcacc Prizc,lwDuldlikcto

' nomlniiie (he spiritual kadcr 0 Iniq^ ShUtes, GrandAyntoHah AU ol'Sistnnl. for this year's m edal I t e serious.

' Ifthcreisadeccntoutcom c In Iraq, President Bush win de serva and recdve. real crcdit fo cieatiiia the conditions for de- mocrataatlon there, by daring to topple Saddam Hussdn. Bui w e tend to talk about Iraq os if! b aD about us and w hat WD d a If some Und of democracy ' takes root then;. It wfll also bo d u e In larm measure to Ac In­stincts and directives of thc dom inant Iraqi Shiite commu­nal leader. al*&tanL

It was al-SlsCani v\4io Insisted th a t them had to be a dlrcct na tional clcctlon In Imq,~rc]cdihg th e original goofy U ^. proposa for r e g n a l caucuses. It was ol- Slstani who insisted that the dections not be postponed in th c lace of thc Baathlst-fasdst insurgency. And It was al-Stetor w ho ordered Shiites not to reta! late for thc Sunni Baathist and

in to a dvil war 1^ a t ^ l ^ Shi itc mosques and massacring Shiite dvlUans.'

In many ways, al-Sistanl has played thc role for Bush tliat N c ^ n Mandela and Mikhail Gorbachev played for the dder George Bush. It\vas Mandela’s instincts and leadership - in keeping thc transidon to black rule In South AlHca nonviolent - that helped thc Bush 1 admin istmtlon and Its allies bring dial proccss in for a soft landing And It was Gorbachev's in ^ - tence that thc dlsmanding of th c Soviet Empire, and particu* laily East Germany;'be nonvlolcm that b r o u ^ t thc So Viet Union In for a soft landing.

In international relations, as in r t s , it Is often better to be lu d ^ than good. And having th c luck to nave history deal you a Mandela, a Gortuchev oi an al-Slstani os jtiu r partner a t : key historical juncture - op- p o ^ to aYosscr Aiafiat or a Robert M u g a^ - conmokc all thc-difTcrencc between U.S. pol icy l o o ^ brilliant and U.S. policy lo o ^ g fiid lc

Al-SUtani has also con­tributed three critical elements to thc democracy movement ir th e wider Arab world. First, he built ills Ic^Umacy around not just his reiiglouS'S^olar^ cre­dentials bu t around a politics focused o n devebping Iraq for Im q ls lb put it anotlier way, says die ^ddle East expert Stephen R Cohen, "Slstani did no t build his politics on negat­ing someone else." Saddam built ills politics around nemt- iDgAmcrica. Iran and Israd. ArolatbuUt his whole life around negating Zionism -

B re e d e r s c a n h e lp In c h o o s in g rig h t d o g

Rcccntiy, People for Pets of­fered su g ^ tlo n s on ways to decrease thc number of un­wanted animals. Many of tiie suggestions were cxcdlent and Include spay or neuter your doj odoptlrom ashcltcr and don't buy pe.ts from stores, however, o ne of the statements wan ted

■ potentialowners,*T)onotbuy bom abrccdcrl'

Members of die Snake River I Caiqron Kennel O u b of Idaho-

Inc. dlsanec and would Uke to offer tho following advice to po-

: tcnUalbuycrs.

1 emotional and financial com- ; mitment; ask yourself if you are • ready for that commluncnt and ; vrfiattypcofdogisrightforTOU ' -piucbrcdorom ixedbrccti?If ' it doesn't matter, please consid­

er adopting ahom dess anlmaL Shdters aro fuD ofbotii pure­bred and mixed-breed dogs,' aiul rescue dogs can make won dciful compar^ons. However, if you d c ^ . a purebred, you need to do some homework.

■ Here is where buying from a .' reputable breeder canTidp you. i H eo rshccan td lyouabou t •I sizc,'dianu:teristic3. energy I level, health, jcmixaamcnL etc.' : Wlthainbcedbnmltcanbo anyonc^guess.Whcnyoubuy

: fromancxpericnccdbrecdei; yoii wffl be Buying from aper* \ sdnwho imdcrstandsanals committed to h ^ r o ^ tiu:

'breed of dog thw cFicTi^ A' biccdct kno^m o attributes arid drowbodcs of thdr breed and will behonestaboutihcm.’

b i ^ ^ ^ u U r w v B K t j v T ^ (UeXhoinostwondetfuIfCute, .

hDm bdo& ’’ThbyvW“ d '.r:..' hoiusilyfiifonnypu tha t whik.

.‘hfiadstrongordnolsyaiidwfll ^

these oro nom ial ' brecdcbaractcrisdcs. . , i ^ , ^ ^ brecder,can]m^py---

for al-Sistaea-ICC j p i v m i i

K'' 'M i i w H T iio

' F rie c

de^ . I ^ K Z Vjt fordc. rarely, if ever, speakings {ng Palestinian econom ic dl But m cnt or education, s if i t ' Thc politics ofncgatic do. d e c p t^ r ic h h is to ry in

Miadle East, bccausc so be leadersihcraarelllcgltit■ In- and need to negate som

justify tiieir rule. W hat a nu- tarti. dtc late Lebaneses

leader RaOk Hariri and t ;tcd Palestinian President M ina- m oudA bbasallhavcin ting ' ’common is tiiat they ro:

power focusing on a ja j . ogendafordicirow npe e not negating ano thc t Ifn Thc second tiling thai

tani did was put th e pec stani tiicir asplmtions a t thee [ital- Iraqi politics, no t som e i ju l cUtcbrscIf-appointcdc: cm (sec: Iran), which Is wha Shi- Iraqi dection vrasaDab* lg doing so he has helped I

Inthe “people powei^ in [us rc^on where it WM unh ,t In L cb an o ii.^ y p tan d i ij] tin e-w h creH am asrea Idcr said It >vould take p a n ir la’s m en tarydcc tions-d ie 1 boxandpopularsuppoj ick just the gun. are showini cnt ofbccom ingrealsourec nin- titimocy. Botii Hczoollal that H am asw illhavctoprov

turnout, no t t e r r o r ! ^ - s. thcyarecntitied toalar] jf ofpowec leu- Third, and m aybe mo

portant. al-Sisuuil bring: ,So. A r a b m li to a M tl im ti [ng. made interpretation of I ,05 one tiiat s a ^ Islam shoi Ibe form politics and th c

fconstlmtion, b u t dcrics not rule, v o r Theproccssofdem oc r a ta dieArab world is going t ]p. long and bumpy. But iFi< I chances for succcss are I all surnbly Improved when pol- have parmers from witii region who are le^tim at have progressive instinc Is al-Slstanl. Ladiy Luck h

;nts shined on us by keeping nt in dlls 75-year-old ayatoUa: he rcsidcsinasm allhousc not narrow alley in Najafant ire- most never goes o u t the cs How someone witii his i for stincts and wisdom coul /, emerged from tiic train 1

diat wa&Saddam's Iraq, 1 lid never knmv. All I have to p t- M a y h e liv e to b c l2 0 -a

tiiat m an a N obd Prize.

T Vw im s Friedman is Qcolumnistfor Vte New H limes.

— Lettebmistake, talk you o u t oft refer you to resources on btced before you b u y aii

if- screen you very carefully ) entrustingyouw idiono

puppies. A good breeder e comc a lifelong friend an ind ahvays be willing to uikc dog, p u p ^ back. They will in n't spay or neuter youi pcL! cr, utaole breeders arc usua xl afOliatcdwitiialocalorr uy breed dub and adhere tc

dub ’s code o f ethics, re r - NotcveryoncdesircsD la ’ bred doft b u tlf dicy do, ( to buyliigtrom'a reputable po- c ris a very good tiling,

TTiank you for a D o v ^ rm siiareapolntofvlcw . a- VALERIEIONES are Buriey and (EdiU)i'snote:^jlerieJc rau tliepnsidentofthcSnah fflf CivwnKmnelOublnc. iid-

W a te r u s e r s c o n t in■ t o f l g h t fo r I d a h onjn- ■ It’s tim e oncc agahitcr .if federal bureaucrats andiced tivist environmentalists

noticc: Idaho hasn 't for;la . about yoiL'WcVc Just be^iL c rcd ib ly b u sy so h ^g so

prettypresslng ldoho Wl ■ , ' problem s.Youhavcn't

etc.' dropped off ou r radar S(0 W evcjustbccriw atchin Ity ferent screen for a while t H cre '^justafcw poln l I . . still rcm em bcrvivldfy-

thofederalgovcm m ent bound and determ ined

■ *'TJrato' Dwd'Sshak Ri1 . volrcveryycar,sending i w ater down tiio O earw i im.’- • and Into W ashington an ^c . r a n f o r s ^ o n regardle icy -.- the doroagcU 'docs to lo i “■ . ''rc a c a j lo tv lJ ^ c r to and

^i^^oconomlcs of Oioflno'tu ,i ^iX 'jCJeaiwnt^Coim .ty;;

v > i ^ p r o the.p lM s o f r bie ;,f^h t3 inV iaig rC pun iyw fll , - t r y ^ ^ o woifc put' a wati

\ s H i ^ g a g te e m ^ t that ' ilct w t c r £ram Coscadc 1

b c ti^cenau t la ttf In tho1 - ....sohttndwhldiwbuldre

’ ■ 'w a iitsc n td o w iirfv e rc j

X -0h o m a s I V / f " lEDMAN " X T X a b o u t t i i e

But a startling ni shows tha t sdencc m c u p here.

------------- R e^ a rch publisligabout w cek ln th c jo u m a cdcvdop- veals tha t w om en J

genedcaltym oreo ation has a sden tists ever ima >rintiic • m en rem ain the sL 2 so many tures they appear, ililmatc -A to ,-sa id one I omcoiiMo u io reoflhesm dy, itd-Sls- . universltygcnom c s e S i ^ HuntingtonVTilIan

We arc, I h a te to sa dictable.Youcan't; about w om en. Me:

I people, w om en are farther thnf al ci« we ever knew, h ’s r J S S r f Venus. It’s Mars orS S r a o t Pluto. lup lw r nnd ,no nan ™ w hat o ther planeu ddercv W omen are nonv h a t t^ different from mer abouLin Icncw. W omen arc 1 edtoleeit. ent from cach oti« " in a kn ew -crea tu res 0inhcanlot variety,-as ShakK] id Pales- "W cpoorm erio rcccntiy chrom osom es to d rtinparlia- witii bccausc our 4 hebaDot patiicdcY tha thas port, not genes w hich opera vingsipis waist a n d above dl icesotlc- WlUaird observed. * )Uahand w cnow know tiia t rovc-wltii have th e full 46 dll n - ti ia t that they 're getting largcrslicc a n d th c4 6 U iisa sc

is working a t levels tnostim- dian w e knew." Ings to W illard a n d his cintc, prag- Lam a Carrel, a moi o f W m o ^ ta t th e P e n n s y houldin- University CoUecc

d ne . th ink tha t the tcsshould may he lp explain V

^ havlor and traits ol n o c r a ^ g w om en aro so diffc

may b e hard-wired brain, in addition t horm onal o r culmi

SolsLaw renccS

5 ? ^ . T herescard ic rsl

K oS n n second X dirom osi wom en, thought tc

, t , . j ‘ sive a n d inert, lollli an evolutionary Vic

ould have fainting coud i, are

- 7 ^ " ^ A ^ S e w V o * - JJ, ^ ence reporter N idi______ w h o isw ritin g ab oug hum an evolution a

ics, explained it toi “W om en are mosai

SRS---------ofawhim, in tiic year from Bn lon tiic Reservoir. TheValle • arid will — folks w an t a n agree uUybcfore cause they are tiyin noofd idr level b est to presen derwlllbe- recreation, th e ccot landwiU w ater quality in thc ikcthe •D u m p w ate ro ti llnslstyou Pend Oreille and ot CL Rep- a n d s trcam sin n o ri sudty they can send It dm ornational in th e n am e o f tiu: 1 c to tiiat gercd Spedes Act. d

fact th a t doing so di csapuro- pacts th e economy I f t i ^ Sandpolnt a n d Sim- ble breed- com m unities and d V harm to recreation Irtngusto Uiearca.

And w ho could fc s trident radicals Ini ronm entai ntovemc

'ejonesis have kep t u p their i ■okeRliKT 1 ( ^ a ttack o n d ies

o tid ah o w a te ran d i ucdex lstcnceo fall

tInUQ dam s a n d rescrvoln . N orthw est' We haven 't form rI to put these a re extremists uidac* you to believe they J Ists on w hat’s b est fo r Idahi brgotten W ItiionevoIcc,thq tbccnin- thcyhavoIdaho’ab< 56om e a t h eart vrfiilc. out ti J water fiideofthcirm outii. i't in court in PortlandJ screen, control should b est h ^ a d l f - away. U ie y w an t yoi Itile. ' they tea r o u t th )Intswc River d o i ^ a n d not y - lh a t thc econom ic fabric m tls ton a n d Its port; tha edto: tiiousandsofhatch it R ( ^ : ....... Chinook' salrtion retIng Idaho! Idaho qyeiy y ^ .a h i rwatcr considered In cvahu andO ^^. w hether o r iio t Idah

d le s s o f ' t'aroVecovBHng. -, • ) loca l'',o \ ..v lfsliC fw tlrM .torc m dtiie- • • effpft& toprotectldt »an d - - V those w ho sedc to ii

tywhoaro’' wDl^ncixedCi. ■vater- ; NORMSEMANBC[latwouldicLako .,(EdlaT^note:Northosea- ■ manko is theexecutiI rep laco - oftheldahoW dterl

c e llin glahvsysteOing ittogcncntiize ' them. 'g new study H l M j i l m ccisbacU ng '

blishedlastimal Nature re- H B H lenare n r ■ ■■ ■rfire complex lhan imagined, whUc e simple crea- W o i t ie i l

nc o fthe au- ITlOrS d ;^ ,d icD u k e *u3mc expert Dr. 111611 ti l


o ” y T p T . “^ differe, othertf

Jier apart tiian _ r n[t’s not Mars or‘ " 'V e n itt ‘i n f i n i tnd who knows“ t i" Shakeslot only more men tiian wcarc more differ- could even istiie rthanw c thc sense tiies o f‘‘infinite up of two dikespeare wrote. celLWhereain only have 45 anduncom ito d o o u rv m tk m adeofjusiu r4 6 lh ls th e cell Ihroughhaso n ly a few Thlsm cailerale below the ballons aboc die knees,' correct, too.sL “frl contrast, scru lab le .dhat women Idlosyncratiii chromosomes sp e d e s . ,dngw orkfrom "Women’sa sccond X tha t have m ore cvcls greater m en view af

said David Flls co-author, ' b io lo ^ ta n imolecular blol- evolution atJisylvania State stitutc for BleccofM cdi- Rcsearcliintheir discovery Known as

in why tiic be- himself "tiicts o f m en and rotting Ychriifferent:tiicy referring to;ired in tiie tiia ttiicY d ion to being beenshcddiilmraL niUyformlllre Summers i "Only tim e will

ers learned tha t Subpercen t-200^enesontiie • / 3 2 nosom cln ■ ' ' ' ■It tobcsubm ls- ollingabouton 1^— (-Victorian „ .are active, giv- -ygniflcant e expression

ork Times sd - .lidiolasW adc, VI book about ' r)n and genet- j .: to mc: ■ ■ T f r osalcs,6nc

t Brownlee 'alley County {reement be- “ rying Uieirserve local jK onom yand ..v .iG likfk thearea; \ >ro u to fL ak c 3d otiier rivers ------- Jnorth Idaho so downstream

he Endan-ct. despite tiic t a | | | | | | | | | | ^ lo d i r c ^ lm -my of n S S B Hsimoimding id docs serious ■ ionqualidesin

d fo rg e tth cI'intiieenvi-..sm entT hcy ^ 4 ' : ’; .‘'d d r unceasing - -'-Vhesovereigntyn d thc c o n t i n - -----fall tiie federal ■nsirslntiie

m tte n that lists ^4lOvrant icyaloneknow f ' ian o w ate t tiiey tell you’s best interest V '^ iV C S U lu ttiieo tiie riith. they argueand tha t st{&tc s t r i p i ^ty o u to b d lev e ^tthcSnaken o t destroybrie of Lewis-that tens oftchery-bom .ire tu m in g to : 'rahouldno^be'ohudingd a ^ ’ssalm on •; |

o ren in v p u r, ’ ^ Mdaho.fimn' • • N!o impose'par?-----------------ilCBDyflowed; ; • t h ^ A n d w o . • P r o s

NormSe' ,1 uitivedlitctor s 2 s s 5 erU sersAs^

' > ' ' ' r .

[O v e r]M B j b n o vp H its paj

m M a u r e e n " ' J ' ' 9 D o w d

p n soonc'____________ could

m agaa n a o

:n are not only wiihtdifferent ftom pi?m[han we knew. hLfa'nen are more f Sent from each himst than we knew :reaturesoflite variety’ as jjj°jspeare wrote. "'p^ p erse

thcR(n say chimeras, in tiiat they are made different kinds of cas m en are pure mplicatcd, bdng list a single kind of ghouL’:ans men’s general- bout women arc io.W om cnarcin- changeable, crafty,

]tic, a d ifferent.

n’s chromosomes e complexity, which ^ C 5 as unpredictability,"1 Page, a molecular m d expert on sex iat d ie Whitehead h i- i Biomedical *in Cambridge, Mass. tas Mr. y. Dr. P calls 1he defender of tiic Jiromosome." He's t -ii0 studies showing chromosome has p.idlng genes willy- lilUonsofycarsand t

bscribe. » 13-0931 -


‘ l o w e s t P r i c e s ■ H i g h e s t Q u a l i t y

N E V E R a 'D o c F e e : * E n d s 3 - 3 1 ' « 5 I t S e a i o n W d t e r C r a f t , O i j l y ; ' $ 2 W 5 ; ^ . ; J

m e n ’slow a fraction of tiic size of parmer, tiic X chrom osom e, tie Y married up," he notes, tie X married down."- >izc matters, 80 som e cx- ' rts have suggested tha t in 10 Ilion years or even m uch jner -100,000 years - m e n .Lild disappear, taking Maxim igazine. March Macmcss dcold pl22a In tiie m om ing Lhthem.’age drolly conjures u p a :ture o f tiicY cbrom osom c 'a slovenly beast." sitting b i‘; favorite armchair, sur- m ded by tiic llitcr o f old t-food takeout boxes.TheY wants to m aintain nself but doesn’t know w," h e said. “He's falling art. like tiie guy w ho can't mage to get a doctor's ap- Intm ent or can't d e a n u p ; house orapartm ent urilcss ; wife docs it.’I prefer to tiiink o f the Y as rscvering and noble, n o t as ; Rodney Dangerlleld o f the

> phyilcl




Due to Bonneville Powers ma transformer o n Rose Com ei

Riverside and pah ia l U n ited o u t o f po

F r i d a y . M ifrom 1 0 :0 0 a.m.

l-i ■■ '! HKyi I '.'(i

T B 'u o as ia^ s iA Jn u»0n.T1YEM

V i'


W idM «li);M «di23.2002005 Ttm«*lim,1WfaiM«,l<WKi

O p i n i o

s g e n e !hum an genom a"

Page says tiic Y r a refuge tiiroughout evolution for an gene timt is p o d for males and /o r bad lor fem ales -h fl

) become 'a tnlrror, a rhetapl; a blank slate o(i whfch you i write anythingyou w an t to

I tiiink about males." It has Ir spired cartoon p n c m aps tJ snow thc belching gene, Uic Inability-to-rcmemDcr-blrti days-and-annivcrsarics gen tiic fascination-witii-splder and-rcptiles gene, thc sclectlve-hcanng-loss-"Huli gene, die inability-to-cxprci affcction-on-thc-phonc gen

Tlie discovery about women's superior gene expi sion may answer d ie agc-oli question about why m en h: trouble expressing tiicm sd\ becausc dieir genes do.

I ----------------------------------Maurvcn Dotvd is a cohm

nlstforTheNewYorkTlmes.• Her e-mail is libcrtiestP


naaiB isIdaho'* F lrtt and O nly ..

1US S p e c i a l i s^Iclan who onV trca ti tInuK patl«n

20B-732-0700 191 Addiion • 1-877-MD-SINUS (637-4687}

^TIO N :T U A L E L E C T R I C ,; E L E C T R I C &R I C C U S T O M E R S . .

m aintcn.ince o n th e substatio: mer, nil Enst End M utual, all tod Elcctrlc customers w ill be ' power on-

l a r c h 2 5 t l i1. until 4:00 p.m.

S e i^ c ^geeaae

"“ 8ala‘Part5:‘8eni» ^



!Sgcany»hasphor,u can10iln-}thatherth-.ene,e r s - .




tols t«nts.








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Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

r;:Morecfiaig^: .' K & i a n a ^ R c d ' i n . ' :

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T h p T im es-N cw s

T l^ VALLEY M a l i s e n t e n c e d o

f l i M r m s v i p l a t l o nBOiSE— AntonseTvinsafc

I'cral prison, sen tence will s a .^another flve m o n th s for "fireamis violation.

Daniel Ben N egara. 26, TVvin Falls, w as scntcnccd tl week in U.S. D istrict Court 01 chaigoofuntovful possession aflcraxm byafelon.

N o ^ will serve five mom In pnson . Ove m on ths in hallway house a n d (hree ye o f supervised probation, a Jean McNeiL a spokeswon for tha U 5. a ttorney’s ofBce Boise.

He cunently is serving a nil ^ r n h sen tence for a fede

^ In Sq)tcm ber 2003, a fede grand im y in d ia e d N o ^ m u l t l ^ dn ig -rd a tcd charg indudbig conspiracy to scH a offer dm g paraphernalia for & and conspiracy to tianspi

' dnigpam pbem aliain in tcrst commerce.

Ibnos of his p robadon in t] case Indudcd n o t possess! flreanns. Tlie sen tences will r consecutively'

F r e e w o r k s h o p w ill

o f f e r p r u n i n g l e s s o n iTWIN, R U IS — A &eo fi:

tree pnining workshop wiQ held from 8 a . ^ to noon Apr in the SnakB R iv tt Canyon.

In cooperation w ith the 1\ Pniic County R irfs nnd-Rcc ation D epartm ent and Cany Springs. Golf Course. D( K ic s^ h o n id iltu re profcssot the Cdlege o f S outhern Ida a ^ his studen ts wHI hold i w o rk sh o ^ n th e I l t h and i: hoJe»<Ifthe go lf c o u r s e ,^

adjacent to Centcainlal Pt JOesig said som e o f the old P tin e , orchard trees at tl locatidn are in dire need pruning. H ands-on instruct] w iU b e p ^ d e d .

Those who com e to the wo- shop i r e a s k e d . ttS 'park -O n T p f rni v\fttteTfront Park, i i 'a tth e^ lfco u rse .

• A d ^ c e notice to attend woikshbp is n o t necessary I partictoants are advised to h r hand o r p o w er saws, p

•. pnmcrs an a loppers.. For more iiiformation, o


L e w ^ a n d C l a r k '

g r o u p o f f e r s g r a n t sLEWISTON — ' The Id£

Governor'sCoinniiticcJb®^i,-4?$y^ffl!S*^wm h^^^K itd iU e avaQaBlp, the fifth yeaif O f its Bicentcni Community Assistance Gra pnigram. Thc m inim um gr awiud wiU be $ 1,000, and maximum will b e $50,000.

In tho first fou r years of program, the governor's cc

' m ittee' p rovided funding more than 110 pro jeos fo total of m ore th a n $2 million

T h e G overnor^ Comrnii Grants Program is o u r most fectivb way o f getting n eo fimds; to g rassroots organ! tions to h d p ensu re thc su a o f tho.biccntermlal commer ration ' in Idaho." said Marshall o f Boise, commij r hnlrm nn

Tb be eligible, a project m dearly be related to the ble tennlid efforts. Fuiids may be used for lan d acquisltior buildihg construction or dcr lltlon.V Any 'I d a h o ' ‘nonpr

..Dtffinizadon is eligible, as b r a n d y o f local and state j emment and tribal entitles.

Application guidelines ir be completed \jv May 25.■ Those interested in o b t ^ application guidelines sho contaa Keith Petersen, bic tennal coordinatoii. at tho Lc and Infoiination' Cer 415 M o ta 'S t .-U w lj to n , 83501| (208) 792-2249. •

i coripB«d from tta fl tep

' : • p*- Wmori' f - . ■ . » » i


-------UW * ------ ^.61% ihinrrt Fortt/IWoo. m • t



l Y '

l o n

o n;afed- serve

for a '

26, of d this r to n a slonof

lonths . in a ! years 1, saidfoman • •’ ’Bee in - 0 Q

in ino-' ederal ^

fedcrai ira on larges,^ a n dbrsaleasporterstate

in that essing /iOnm

o n s0 fiult i k /AdQbeApril2

elVvIn' Flnflghtere pnctlee ex equipment, for wHl

H Firefigd_12th ByCWp.Thompson


BURLEY— Fansof ‘ show s such as

Garage” or-ExtremeN w ould have e n j o ^ v tra in ing exercise

rilv nl m om ing.at tiie Burle;partm ent.

^ ^ In a little more thaj utes, a team bf four £ tiim ed a late-model s

’ P of rebuilding tiie car , was to reach a Simula

th e second weeke

brow, gave th e crew a practice using mt $20,000 w orth of e equipm ent recentiy I Idaho ‘ v

g M p r e . w i

='iegislati(nu tiie AsurfacesI n H o T h .T lm « i:« . i « -------

B O IS E -U y o u te imlttM w aterforlndustrlaloi lost cf. • u s » . o r If you Uve L needed Vallw d ty o n tiie noi janlza-


,I d a h o

ifpw't i^ la tu ie (CoTs2 0 0 5 f „ r

L _ ------- J m o k c !s must throui

tiuj H ouse and tiie Se Itoininff The legislation is p should m akers’^golM-home

H ouse Spea& r Bn 0 Lewis co m h R-Burley. said Center framework that part 3n, ID ongoing w ater u i

w hen m ey reach settl If you reside in i

' report* N orth Snake or Ma groundw ater dlstrictj

j e t s r iu s t ib a n d ’ s t t k k w

. p*9k- -lion p lan s for-those 47% sehloc w a tc r.iig h a

, M% .Tpurposb ;o f groundv .'62%: .tricts.U to Ulow.cnt

‘ .w% w ithin their'bourida] -p le tncn t plans to m;

■ .J” *;: w ater losses to surfac ■ S j ; Vthosi w ho get th d r V

, 't h p a i a k e % ; o rt] i th a tllo w ln to it/. ,,- . f ; ln 'M ii^ ,V a n e y , f t

f iB D u . Because of sid i p u ^ r , tiioso. wl

. r v y ^ i ^ t ^ 'haye .

| | H ' P l e a s e s e e W ^

A( ;iiW e<

s M i

I extrtcsting an aceldeittvtcttm on with a grant, will triple emergency

ghters pra(th e departm ent

i Burley City------- -------- * R uben Saldana,; of television em ergency medli “Monster in th c 1970s, dmile Makeover” a n d called tiie nd watching a u te s 20 secon" Saturday co m p ared withjie y n re D e - p ast w ho used m

“For u s to d o !h an 10 min- iWs would liaveirfireOghtera SaManasaltLd sedan Into T h e total timt± se ss in e the s1 no intention c o n a t io n of tiie 'can tiie goal load ing andulated victim equipm ent. Crew

disa&Ied tiie CiDnducted for b locks under tiikend In a puncm ring tiie tira d ia n c e to c a r frorn movlimore than force o f tiie exiritf extrication After coverin;ly bought c r w m em bers I

vater Soldie• The TtmM^jews

TOBZAWA. Ira sm iles on some

kC faces thanks to «116th Brigade Cc

Iraqi a M coal----------------- centiy delivered!. ___ _ „ don a ted by Ame]1 v a n t a ^ chlldrclo r ln to llo n

S S 'f o ln '^ !^ S S S .r in S a ^ u n d w a t= t

n ity southwest d

» « c r b l 5 .

, “cs m i ’ '■ b z a w a V p n s c rv a tlo n ."“S T i ! ;I m m i 11 e e w , JS |nJJfat'neo u ^ botii d d iv e r tiie t^fs.S t e . w e rcv e ty c* d t«sparto flaw - n c w to y s a n d t^ me bills" tiiat {° ^

S J S &

enlcmcnls. n a U d , throug

lcB .n Ilw atii, z a U o n sd o m o seption p f do- ‘; watcT. usehl' b u U ^ 'b^ ta llitg i ayforinltlga-,« e w h o h a « Just,builta The m ain school auopUesndwater. dls-; M cLau^ulnsald!!natlc3.1iviag- • Soldlerean^aldaiiesto 'im * le c t artifacts, fm akfrup -to - -KltkiikRegjanal.

iace users, o r I6cal'13riaik muir water from ^ d . CoaM on 'fi r t i u j s p r i ^ - 5ciun: w otker» i

•• •" .ttansfen tngand(hos0 -usln«- -.aitifactafbuhdo

; S 3 ' -,.;.Sdldle»wDikif s i x y ^ . o f '- M oham m ed Altw iti i , senior sc u m ieprRscniib 'd c z ^ d e d ' -artlfixcts a n d u: ' im dldocum ent!'AIEH.PBge S3 e r transfer at

. 'if-

: c V/ed n e sd a y , M a rc h 23,


i W f i B

on Saturday with $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 In equl ney reiponse capabin tles In the Bi

ictice witin t dowsand<ity Councilman forecuttiniina. himself a n At tiiis poiledkal technician utes after atimed tiie cxcrdse crew memle result, 10, min- victim forconds, excellent The frameith crews In th e places andd manual to o k firewall vndo something like feetsoflrefave taken hours," the driven

Senior Ilime induded as- Tblman. tJi

situation a n d QrcQ^ters[he victim and im - M ardi 13 aid setting u p m ore exei:rcwmembersfirst c a n provic ; car by putting The team r tiie frame a n d April I .b u le tires to keep tiie sponders ovlng under th e soonerifnarlcatlon tools. Mini-Ca iring tiie v ia im . cue will c irs broke tiie win- cxtricatior

iers deliver 1.ws

.Ira q — There are me Iraqi children's - a’'. ■ to soldiers witii th e r . : , eCombatTfeam.»alltion forces re- % .■?ed stuffed animals l - - ' ' merlcanstodlsad- i- idren In tiie small zawa, Iraq, accord- release fiiomCapL 2r i a public infor* T fo r,thell6 tit P!llvcrcd more tiian |

•*” '^CTTWdv^°*d the small commu- • •. s to f Kirkuk, wherc I urc based at War* CMondlt

B .extrpnicly 'p o o rIe f l[ ( te r t dt erj^JW e ; o - p l a y • -■ ■,

2nd' L t.';j|ow us ' l l/g i a Die support dai*II6tii who h d p ed ThellBt^oys. “The childreh Team, wtidted u irecdve th c dudes so1 tiiE^ eflbits con* from Msgstrengtiien th e vaiio) is

l)ctween tiie Iraqi helping tcon forces and lo cu build schi

InKlrkiki animals were do - Suloymar3Ugh Operation Iraq. Soldprogram 'tiirough need theduals and oiganl* inj schocite school supplies, supplies ier itpms for oistri- student^ D J^ .p a io w ic l to • ,OT>oht,l

packm o t i S S I t o tor gMng Qut.r,.'> nm sa lc tv r ' ''^Sasefs J

also hewing co l-’’. . fcJAias oi a . foiuid' on th enalAlrBaseioi th e____»m u ^ im . Hlbbert ftirrM t i r

m 'forces and mu* -

au dpnaerv lfigU ^;' i d o n i H e b j ^ ' “ I , ' ' ; ' ” - " oik^vviih S b a e d a H lb b e r t u A n ^ ti lo c a l mu*. ■‘'T h isb enthtive,' to c p Q d c t a transfei 1 keep Uitsn safe iocaldlrec entatlon ahd prop* tion fom

are completed, ago."Ainl]

'all5, 2005


quipment tMught recen tly by tha < Butley area.

h n ew eqd cut banery cables be- equlIng die root off tiie car. dep;toint, less than 6 m in- muliraniving on th e scene, menimbers could reach the on !br medical trea tm en t thatle was tiien c u t in four effecnd tiic dashljoard aind areawere lifted abou t two AlrcDAters could rcmovc p an:n 62 hr Firefighter S hannon medtiie team^ leader, said som

:rs practiced o n 10 cars of tr3 and d edded to d o two caticterdses Saturday witii Ttvided by lack’s Tbvrfng. flrefim is scheduled to start GanbutTblman said h is rc- Briars were ready to go Tlfneeded. dudCassia Seaich and Res- cuttI continue to perform ouson duties, b u t tiie new witi

toys to Ira(

l H

L t JM hua M d Jttg h lln , a fire lup CombatTearo, hand* a s tu fh d a d t u g i ^ during a recen t vlstt.

'aHtto help? ^Sth Brigade Combat fortwhich In- seatsoldiers' Inti

logic SuitM f l B i jud{

{tortj- cenchools spo:Jk and ecu

Idahoans ™ i»Miow In Iraq AdvlOOl • •!S .typically found In a ■ P»“ l H ^de5lc24^«icK , . « " j8.N o .2 pcncUs,'pens., ^ J marhers, mw> psnclls, , i iru!flra,round:fnd8cl8-

iofg!i«,wfWMuf«A.'. s a oofutft^on paper larKi j j j ngbooka;'4---------' - ’-.J?;

lialdi - ' A . §bfffirrtrtim e there w as . p id

fcr of. an tlq u w to t h e , toy [ectomteslniwibucoaU- ^ rces antved tw o years ten n ln sa id .* Ih e 3 e a rtt£ ^ . oiii

.V'- '


f e " ' -

i l . ^ H r ^ H

(he Butley Ftre De;»rtment. The

quipmentquipment will allow tiie Orc epartment to assist In case o f lultipIe wrecks. Tho deport- lent has twosetsofequipm ent n separate trucks, m eaning lat response capabilities arc ffectlvcly tripled In the Burley rea.All 16 QreDghters a t tiie de-

artment recentiy com pleted 2 hours of training to become ledlcal first responders and ome did an additional 20 hours f training to operate the extri- ation equpm ent. Tblman said. Tblman’s crew is m ade up of

ireflghters Ben Crawley, Gabe Jartfunlo, Jared Belsner and Irian Davidson.

Thc equipment, w hich In- ludes air pumps, pneum atic utters and spreaders a nd vari- )us hand tools, w as bought vitii grant money, Tblman d .

iqicpdi en

support otncer wtth tha l ^ t h ; ; d animsi to (ba Tobzswa vlU^«' tife^ot justTor tii^|t]Ei^',buiiQr

'T h e l i e t i i l ia ^ p ta y c r ln c f - brts to bolster liaq ’s newly icated piuisltional Rovemment n the provinces of K|rfaik and iulaymaniyah. More th an 40 udgcs fiom lOrkuk province re- ;entiy attended a sem inar iponsored the Office o f Pros- icutorial D evdopm ent and Raining, tiio U 5. uepartm ent )f Justice and tiie 116th^ Judge Idvocate General Section. Ac- Mrdlng to organizers, the lurpose of thc sem inar was to emphasize thc importance, o f illtU InUie Judldal process a b d , 'ospeafbrtiiohileoflaw . >. ‘A strotuindepend& m judld ' iry Is vltBUo a strongliaq,’ said 3ap t I%ul' Bolce, - 116th 3xmde Combat T o m staff 0&iftd>;Qcau o f f l c c t^ ^ e of h ^ p e p s t d ; ^ the at e Is to •nsiac t a q i J l3 d ^ r e c ^ tho laliUM and su ppp4^/^® y

sdiiltfijnal' iiuM ift'-^ilgKts, 2oalltlra ProvlsloDal.Aflsefiibly

rr A**ftg toTraq ! the n je m dcToise coim sei

adfnJnlstmdon and lendng cohsldem tlohs in 3imlnalcasc^

. In s id eOblluaties.................. B2.4I d a h o . ' . . . . ............ . .B 4

S c c tio r

Doctor: Hormoni

I balance i I importaiI By Sandy M ille r ' .

■ ""TW INFALLS— Tlie SCO I thcfo u n ta ln o fy o u tiiisn u■ sure all o f y o u r body’s I m ones p lay together I harmony, m uch like th c In I m ents in a perfect sympht■ Just enough violins, no H many cellos. Not too mu< I one an d too Uttic of anc■ Wltii tiie perfect comblm I thc signs o f a ^ g melt i I C^nc arc th e n o t flashes I weight aro u n d th c m/■ Back com cs tiie energy on I sex drive.H So says D t Cherylc Hi I g y n e c o lo ^ t a n d best-s( I autiior from Spokane. Was H . Hart, co-author o f ‘Th I sulin R esistant Diet.” I present a free sem inar to B o n th c “H orm ones I M enopause, W eight Co H and Romance."I j ‘T h e se c rc tis to n o th a v I much o r too littie. Han■ ,"You w ant to get them to a H timal level”■ As th c body ages, so doc■ body’s horm ones. Hart “• Hormones are abou t a lot he tiian Just ho t flashes.

They also affect a pei weight, energy level, abii

t handle stress, even tiic ck

ty of tiieir skin.

“Even tiiough Uie hom of m enopause are impo

rc \ve‘re talking about all tiic o f m ones that age witii us.” t - said.n t W hen Hart-talks horm ^g she's talking abou t natura ro mones extracted from p cy • not th e syn thetic h orn

typically prescribed by dt ®' and a controversial subji

laic.Synthetic a n d anJmal-l

^d horm ones “are very old I” ioned and obsolete, Han n* “I don't know why, b u t tiie

horm one still Is Premarin 0‘ Prem arin, a n esuogf

placem ent ho rm o n e : from thc u rin e o f prc] marcs, recentiy cam e und

n- after studies shwved a lir ^ t\vcen tiie d rug and Incr

risks o f heart attacks, t |*Jt and other hcaltii problem

“The problem witii syi ics ts tha t tiiey’rc too stror

r i most doctors don’t measu levels," Hart said.

_ Estrogen is Just one ii■ tant horm one affected I H a ^ n g process.m Others in d u d e tiiyroU « mones. which play a n f f i body tem perature, cnerg H weight; ad renal horm ■ I which affect stress an d c f i ] levels, Lbldo a n d wdghi m insulin, which is connec H that spare tire around t H son’s m idd le an d■ imponantiy. diabetes.H H an said all o f those i m can be treated using n H substances extracted■ plants.■ Please see HORMONES, P

lj: H o r m o n e s o f

M e n o p a u s e , W e l

: C o h t r o l & R o m a ip f ' Dr.'Ch«ty1e H art, a gym co.Iv g U ta n d b e e t-M lU n ta u th■nt from S p o k a iw .W titu , willnd spcok obout tiie benefits I4 0 plant-based h onnories a t irc - free sem inar a t 7 tOnlght il a r the Shilo Inn, 1 5 S e Blue IJS- Blvd. N. S ea ting is limitedn d reserva tions; call (S88) 4!ml 9466.Ige Some have queetiooed wh;\c- seminar Is for 'woiiien onh e Hart said womon are otoito hesitant to talk about sono f issueiwimiTiflnin'otte^

nd.,. dance. '•> . . ‘ t t ^ a d e U M ^ discussion

a y womenl id H ortsold. rt'.y "5 * H a r tM td s H i^ s p e c la^ , flflminorsfoj'rtflij'W 'yell, o f ' im.vrttrnenar^hTWonew/

S.ttiSS’oltreaw sw lthage.'.tBadJng

Lv' ' '’tlg u ep h d 'd U n g eiT n ^ ^ and tibldo. H art sa id . She ^ > men a tso can benefit fron

mone reptace^nent using ■ n a ^ hom w nes ©xtnwti

“ from plants. , •

- • t- ___________


)n B

leisntccret to-------making •’s her- er !n instru-

ihony. not too luch of motiicr. inatlon.:t away, ies, tiie n/ddlc. Emdtiic

Hon, a •selling /ash.Fhe In-

will tonight JS of Control ■

lavetoo rt said. )anop-

loestiie rt said, otmore


rmoncs portant, h e hor- s.” Hart

mones, iral hor-

plants, rmones doctors bject of

d-bosed id-faah* art said. ^ N o . 1 .

ignn-re- made

regnant nder lire link be- icrcascd . slroke ims. synthet- ongand isuretiie

; Impor*1 die

3ld hor- role in

;rgy and rmoncs,1 energy jht; and ectcd to 1 a per-


e tilings n a m ^

1 from



eighta n c ewolo-ithorvllltsofstism a te lakesBdFor455-.

rhytho -only.*ten'onslDve


dal'ell. After •I when Itlej A:,^_____


h e 'ta ldfom'.hof-Ig , . '. - . 'icted-

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

j ■

■'y M agic

Fof cWtitmy ra to t w id In day publication, t b e »fr Mnde* and c*n t e plac •aca In an bidMdual onl

TWIN FAU5 — Bo Da^ey, o f IVvin Falls, left this earthy life on 19,2005. to be united V Lord, her family aj friends In Heaven.

Bonnie B. York wa M ay3,-I930.inW age! the daughterjofYoUant York and Angle Lena Kblk Yoric

Her sister, Elizabeth■....... was also b om b f this t

year hter. At the ages c 1 yean old, Bonnie on became the daughi Lawrence M. Neusch Vi^cn their m other ten

Bonnie graduated iiigh school in Merin< Shortly after graduatio nie married Charles E on Nov. 14.1948.

Mostof their marriec gether was spen t in Cola Four d a u ^ te r s , : Vickie, Diana and Cl were bom to this unloi nie and Charlie divoi 19M.

In early 1965. Bonn fackie). Dayley a n d a h became the love o f h Bonnie and lackic wer ried D cc 17.1965, and three children from a pi marriage, Rodney, H r Stanley completed the drde.

In 1970, Bonnie and moved their family fro Morgan. Cola, to the panhandle town o f Os Neb. Oshkosh ren 'h o m e ' to the Dayley and place of business t ley’s Plumbing a n d H for 33 years.

Bonnie and Jackie mt TWin Falls. Idaho, upoi Ing two years ago.

Bonnie had m any in

PaulineWALLA WALU\. Wa

■ Pauline Elizabeth (Bctr lor Jameson, 96, o f

. Walla, Wash., formerly ( ley, Idaho, passed awa p.m. Sunday, March 20, at Regency In the Park n home facility.

Betty was b o rn Maj 1909, in Lower Brightor Canada. She was the dai ofPauline Pearl (Smith) and Charles St. Clair ' Her father was a conduc the Canadian Pacific Ra: At a young am . Betty ai family moved to Presqt Maine.

While a ttending school, she becam e a b ball player o f som e not married Ralph James 1933 and from this ur son was bom, Robert H cr Jameson. After a dl Betty went on to suppo: self and raise her son.

She was employed I Atlantic Commission C producc buying a rm of & P stores, w here sh« formed a variety of dudes. Including payroll ager, secretory a n d ra car dispatcher.

In 1952, Betty a nd he "Thatch", as well as her I er, Bob,'moved to Idah( to be near their brodie

BURLEY — Evard C Gibby, 85, our beloved band, Either and grand! died Monday, M o i^ 2 1, a t his home a fu r a long Ii

Evaid was bom Mai 1920, b l Ogden. Uta Henry Hyrum Gibby an( riet L Welch. Evard spe

. chiMhood on a farm ir Uuih.

Alter serving a missl the Northwestern State m et and m arried Des Fisher In d ie Salt U k e TV on OcL 22.1943.

They subsequendy n to the View area outsi Biuley, Idaho, w here I was a succcssful farm«

. morc than SO years. ! passed away in 1985. He tied Junia Moffett Pcaco June 26.198a

Evan) was on actlvc r ber of The C b u n h o f

------------ Christ of lattcTKlajrSalniserved in m any caUings i

' church.He served a sccond

tim e mission with his Junia, to the Son Diego, (

' Mission from D ccenibcr until June 1992. Evard Junia also enjoyed worid th e temple.

Evardrajoyed {arming y

t i TtawM M *,TM nM b,


--------------------------------------(d Infonnatlon, can 7 3 5 ^ 7 8 Mond »flun addTMa fbf obttuaitos ta obi

p(ac«lunta 4 p.m. every day. Tovi I onllna fuettlMok, p to wwwjnag

Bonnie B.Bonnie B.

ills, Idaho, on March

ed with her her

w as bom .Iges. Cola, '^ d (O d ie )>na Einnic

e th (Betty) 'J d 1lls union a " es o f 2 and• a n d Betty y J fe '* ’ ightcrs of ^ w a n g e r " remarried.ted from and talents, som e

often to bake arm n lo m c ta h e soon ilay cakes

If her life.ivcrcm ar- deliver her ta b u n d Jackie’s hom era previous Jams and lollies or T ina and * 88 noodles to I d ie family neighbors " /ust I

Bonnie was your ra d Jackie youknc>vyoii had from Fort life, the small. Survivors Inciu( ' Oshkosh, band, Jackie ofTW rem ained childrcn. Sand Icy family Thompson and \ ss to Day- son (Mark TXirnc 1 H eadng Idaha Diana Sha\

Neb., C hariene :m ovedto Oslikosh, Neb., Ri pon retir- Icy of Frem ont,

■ Stanley (Slrena) 1 / Interests Tma Cuckow of R

ne Elizabeth (BettWash. — She continued to vletty) Tay- Atlantic Commissio f Walla also bccamc partrlyofBur- dress shop in Idaliijway at 3 In the m id 120, 2005, moved to Buriey a

k nursing ucdtow orkforA & rcdrcmcnt.

M arch 1, Her hom e alongiton, N.B. River becam e adaughter place for family. ‘th)TbyIor had an op en d oJr Tbylor. nephews as well ;d u a o ro n and family.Railroad She cherished h

y a n d her good friends in Buisque Isle, was always proud

England heritage, g high . She kept her Nca basket- acccnt throughoutnote. She had a keen Intenneson in E n tand sports tea

union a In 1990, she m o\t Thatch- sburg, Wasli., to bI divorce, son and his family)port her- great love for famil;X. cially enjoycd by the grandchildren, Jeff

n Co. the While in Waitsbu:I o f the A tended th e Pish e per- Church and becano f office in tlie Over 50 O u tT o llm a n - friends easily an t1 railroad thought of in the o

Surviving are he;I h e r son. In-law, M ary Jamier broth- granddaughter, Jilaho Falls Wiltsburg, W ash .;;idler. Bill, son, Jelf, o f Ketchi

Evard C. ii ConoU ved hus- indfothcr,21,2005. B F '

lg Illness,March 9. V ,Utah, to K ^ . and Hor- 'sp en t his 0 | | | ^ n | ^ Mn in Roy,

ission to talcs, he Dcsta A. cTbmpIe

y moved iitslde ofre EvMd raising his lam ily lr

mtinlrei Dcsta ,

wife, his fam ily acock on g„y,t(v

« • teaching h is chilo f lesus BOJPClamihelpingl

jn ln th c He was precedet byhi3flrstwife,Desi

n d fiill'* his parents; his slstc lis wife, brodicrs.K j ,(i l l t , Evard Is survived I

1990 Junia of Burley; on ord an d V\todell Gibby o f Oi )rk tag in seven childrcn. Gel

eU) Cheney o f M i ling and Evard H. (Paula) C f ■ .

W Mtaaa%Mireii23.20l

OBrruARiEwtday through Satunlay. D««dIIm la oUtaOniatlcvalleiLcoffl. Death notlc 6 view or lubmlt obKuarlea onHne, 0 ixa(Iev«noy.cem and dick on *ObKui

L DayleyColo. O th e r si th ree sisters, E b u m o f Bruj (Lawrcnce) W ton , Kan., am Fort Collins. C Vera Yoric of an d A lla- Sch Neb.; 19 grar

^ > R S 9 P 9 B ^ c a t (nJndi a n d IG

ch ild rcn on • htm fierous

^ 9 ^ nephew s.B onnie w a

death by, her ' andLawnrencc

,1 her biological r.ieotwhlchln. Vork: her hr s craft Dtolecls. Nnischwange, irdenlng. yaS In-laws. lame:

S J u Eo a r . arid dell

Hog and birth- s^U ian d se v .

j ^ s h e m U d " ' p & l ' m abulous clnna- jlemadewlnw Wednesday. W1 or homemade 3, p,0 friends jmd 2158FburthAv " ' i ? ”'? '. : ” Artcepdoni urH endUien a tlla .rti.H iu r ladaH cndfor 2005, at the Sc

vcntlst Schoo:iudc her hus- Grandview Dri TW n Falls; her funeral o t 12:;ndy (Mike) Rock Creek1 Vickie John- Church/Scvent rner) of Filer, tis t C hurch c [jaw o f Gcring, Drive.nc* Lehl of Pastor Dale P

Rodney Day- fidate.It, Calif., and & rviccs arci) Dayley and rectlon o f Serf Fort Morgan, Chapel. TVvin F:

itty] Taylor Jamesi0 work for tlie ncphewre. Rich ission Co. and SL George, Utal irt o;vner of a lor, Decatur, 11 alio Falls. Taylor a n d Jor

1960s, she from P o rtlan d .'y and contln- Tbylor, TVvin Fali\& P u n tiliie r Dcttywasprci

by h e r p are rm g die Snake William (Bill) R

a gathering Robert (Bob) Tay-. She ahvays her son, Robertd o o r for her Betty w as a:ll as her s o n . bcaudful and fi

lady who took (1 her life and sponsibllldcs ir Burley b u t she tha t wc all admJ id o f her Nov We, a s a fam e. blessed by her p Ne^v England ' lives a nd h e r m lUt h er life and m ain in o u r hea :ercst in New A spccial thi leams. o u r fam ily to lovcdtoW ait* Robert EzcII ar ) be near her C ountry Acres lily. She had a H om clnC olleg n ilyandespe- forthew ondcrfi )ycd her Betty in th e la£ eff and Jenny, her life.burg, she at- A funeral will

Presbyterian a-m. Friday, Moj:amc Involved th e Payne Menlub.Shcm adc 221 W. M ain Sim d was well d ie Rev. H erb Cc community, da ting . Burialh e r daughter- the G em Memoam cson; and Burley.

Jennifer of Friends m ay■l; and grand- until 10:45 a.m.c h u ra Idaho; th e servicc a t th

. GibbyShonna (Dave) KUnberly, Dorci so n o f H ebcr D onctta (Paul] A m cricon Fori (Debra) G ib b y : drca) G ibby botl s tepchildren , Pcacock o f EUei M c d i d ( K ^ ) y ish Fork, Utoh, I Peacock o f Q c M arsha (Paul]

^ Burnsville. M (Allan) AUphln I M a.o n d L o rcn e

I L o f N ompo; 65 £a n d 3 6 ^ t - m

/ i n this com- T h e h m e r f y 11 o.m . Frida)

Is life on his 'X’S .a t m oW

ngttamleam stokerolBdadni------ Burial WlU b c l

tery. F riends m i le s ta A ta b y ; „ „ u l 8 p jn . H it stentmdfotn- m u M cn S m era l

E l6 d l St.. Burle; Kibyhbwifc, undl 10:45 a m o tic brother, churd i, r Orem. Utah; T he liunily su( 3eNeIl (Low- , rials b e tu rcc Mlhot. N.D., Hospice In ca tc I ) Gibby and F u n ^ H om e



ES--------» ia 4 p jR .fo rn ex t. E S S U n tlcea are a free « ,o rto p ta ce am e * >>Kuarte8.'' ' | B ^

:r survivors induders, Betty (Gene) MU- H w » !Irush, C^Ia, Joyce) Wallace of Hugo*and Ida Slnden o f I ^ H

IS. Colo.; tv.-o aunts, ^ H |o f Sumner, Wash., ■Schilling of Sidney, . [(randchildrcn and rcat'grandchUdren I H I I 10th grcat-grand-3)1 the way) and __

hieccs and

w as preceded in RUpher parents. Angle Nolte,n c c N e ^ w a n g e r ; „,vayHIcal fadier, Yolland Herma

brodicr, Richard ^ent o ngcn two broUier- • vrife, t!mes Otr and John vvho pitwo son-in-laws, Augustill and Dean John- Herr

nieces, Connie 1911, iiand Pamela Smldi; and En

Laurance a fiiingcr great-grand- p.m. FrSean Carten die TVilaw, Mardia Day- 909 Eig-in-law. Freeman may caseveral Iriends and day at

hour pim ay call from 2 chunAI 8 p.m. today, direcdo’, March-23, 2005, Rupert r Funeral Chapel,1 A vaE , TVvin Falls. _snandm calw illbe Q S hursday, Mardi24,? Sevendi Day Ad-lool cafeteria on „Drive, foUowcd b y ' . TWD12:30 p.m. at dib bcaudfi:ck Community o "/endi Day Adven- " h on Grandview

ileMcizgcrivillof- ^*Sujvi

arc under die di- 'S e r^ lty Funeral

:sonaunts, t

Uchard W. Thylor, cousins.Jtali.JamesETay- Dany:r, m., Michacl D. by hisJon Taylor, bodi Sousa,

id. Ore., and Greg ' “OuriFalls, Idaho. was oveipreceded in deadi B utoiirents; brothers, FootprinI) ILT^iylorandC A pri\)Taylonasw ellas be held i)crtTJameson. mentsw10 very gracious, o f Parked family-oriented Home olok carc of her re- _s in life In a way Tdmlred. J _ fomily, were truly c r presence In ourr memory will re- __ "V fihearts forever. thank you fromto V lr ^ la and A r l e n i

I and die staff at M r r /res Adult Family - s4-vi

Pf^ce-Wash., Call, iLIcrfulcaregivcnto died SatI last five years of inMcCa

will bc held at U a .m .M ( March 25,2005, at d ie Bu vicmorial Q iapd , Chapd, ri Sl, Burley widi Bishop] b C Whitaker ofll- ing.Buri ial will follow in c im etc i morialGardensIn placcon

ice. Amnay call from 10 die dinx .m .Fridaypriorto aryBurI< it the mortuary.

K a t i eJERO^

Jerome. (vc) Roper bodi of her hom jnatsdoelA nder- Armni b e r City, Utah. ^ . f a r m aul) Rushton of S .Iincol Fork, Utah, Von by and Reed (An* I T bodiofQudey;sbc l lI, Davin (Patti)aiensbm g Wash., ln)AUrcdofSpan- VO »h, MaA (Magna) *acarflcid, Utah, aul) Jeffries of M r

Minn., Diane iln of Springfldi T h fcnc(Roy}McnKC3 L a s s s s >5 grandchildicn;

ol will be held a t 7Iday, Mareh 26. n} View First and i C hapd of Tlic WOU sus Christ of Lat- ts, 550 S. 490 E , . Bishop U V d D. brVUl

■ orsfobclnV lcw C cm e-- m ay call from 6

Thursday at Has- anceral Home, 1350 irley,andfiDmlO m Friday at die

s s rT H 'su c of Rasmussen '^ , K


Herman i

\ugust niolteJPERT — Herman August c. 94, o f Rupert, passed /Monday, M arch21,2005, nan was o long-dme resi- o f Rupert along w idi his the late Lorraine R. Noltc preceded him In d eadi in tst o f2004.irman \vas bom Jan. 12,, in Hillside, S.D.. to Henry im m a Belize Nolta funeral will bc held a t 2 Friday, M aidi 25,2005, at IVinity Ludieran Church, i i ^ t h Sl. Rupert Friends call during die day Thurs*It the mt)rtuary and one prior to the service at the ^ Services are u nder th e don o f Hansen M ortuary Tt ChapeL

arryl Manuel Hanuvay

ON FALLS — Danyl, ou r dful child, was taken from n March 15, 2005, after ; with us for such a shon

was bom on March 14.

■viving are his parents, and Debbie Hanway; sis- yra (5-ycars-old) and his sister, Bryanna: grandfa-

Lcwls Hanway; Imothcrs, Barbara Han* and Maria Sousa; two , two undcs and severalIS.lyl was preceded in death p Is grandfadicr, M onucl {

u tim e was far too brief; It /er before its start., ou r litde angel left behind rints across our hearts." rivote family service will d a t a l^ter da ta Anangc- ; were under the diiccdon ke’s Magjc Valley Funeral f o f TVvin Bills.

DeathjoTiGEs- ■

n e B . G a r n e r --------—CALL—Aricne B. Gamer, •ycar-old resident o f Mc- daho, fomicrly of Buriey, kiturday, Manih 19, 2005, - Calluicral will be held at 11 «day, Morch 25, 2005, at. Juriey 7di Word LDS il, 2200 Oakley Ave.. w idi [> Mark Fillmore oQldat- irial will follo^v ot the I^u l iciy. A vlsitadon will take one hour before die serv* rrongem cnts are u n d e r rccdon of Ilansen Mortu- irley Chapd.

Q N o q IDME— Kade Nod, 69, o f e, died March 22,2005, at imc.mgcments will be m ade Tisworth Mormary, 1343 »In, Jerome, ID 83338.

Invest in our future

Read the /foney pages In he Times-News

The family of Dick Marlow mid like to thank everyone who ught food,, flowers topped by to visit.: ir thoughts, ^ards nd prayers were uch appreciated. .

T hank you 10, Rollie, Reggie, fason <S Karen,Kristie & Ron

n J l i

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• f l a d f r M c ep t M M lIcar*, M » I r o t * Is s o ro K * o s d P r f ro to P

locations Serving Idaho lU Tcxkiy For Mor. Infofmotloci

2 0 8 )7 3 4 -4 014 loatiiMwi D . - IWln PalU, IOw w .id a h o h o m c h e a lth .c o m

ng the Incredible. sonal Oxygen System

givos V .II day,






P r a x a i r .


s u T mV C Jll l ■ium I

IB O liL'TMInWH IH M 4 2 '(t.Buiw I iMteyf J

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business ational •rai, nlzed ; prices.

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Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

;M agicVali

eT™ FallsByR«teccsMe«iyJlTOM HtWlWlttMc - ...........

' ' t w in FAU5 - Prosecuti hove inocased to six th e mn b e r o f fdonlea filed a g a ^ ly ^ P iIb n u u ifo ih isa lk g ed l voh/ement In a <chase with police last m onth.

Mark Allen lambk 40, o f Trt FaHs, was airaigoed M o n ^ S th D lstikt Coun a t the IV. Falls County Counhouse o n )

' felonies: two dnm ts o f aggi v a ted battery on a u enforcement ofQcei; o ne cou elud ing a police ofDcer, tv counts o f b^tery on a I w e forcenient offlcer, o n e cou aggravated assault

Camp seelBy Rohm Want ForTheTlme>Hnw»________

For one ^orious weeket cach summer, a group o f volui tceis opens Idaho’s wUdeme to those who would othenvi b e excluded from thc p l c a ^ o f camping, horseback rldln w agon rides and sitting orour a campfire.

H elping Hands/Freedoi Ih iils hosts a three-day can p o u t for people w ith s p e d needs a n d limited abilities.

This year's camp will tai place Jufy 29-31 at Elk Meadov n ea r Lake Pcdt in the Stanl( Basin. Organizers are looUr for wagon owners, horses an VoIun(cers.Thc comp is open t anyone who m l^ t w l^ to vo un teer cooking, chaperonin;

Wife of coUejCALDWELL CAP) — Jeann

Hoover, the wife of Albcrtso Collegc o f Idaho Prcsident Bo Hoover, died H iesday Iror com plicadons from a sever stroke. She was 62.

Jeorme Hoover suffered th stroke March 16 and never n covered, the collegc armounce In a prepared statement.. Hoover often hosted event

for smdents, staff and facu l^ ( h e r hom e on thc Albertson to. lege campus, where she move in 2003, and before that a t he h om e on thc University o f

. cam pusw heieherhusb^dw a previously president.

Services will be Friday a t On

WaterContinuodfhxnBlth a t Junior water users mltigat<for their water losses.

In addidon, a bill Is to be con sidered that would incieasc thi \^^ te r Resources Boards bond Ingauthorityso members couli israe revenue bonds for sue! things osmitimtionplans.Abi] Is already wondng through (hi Legislature - that increase ^ u n d w a te r districts' bondin] B m e fa m 10 years to 30 years.. Also up lor a hearing In thi H ouse resources com m lttei today Is a bill that would oeati

' two more water districts In thi E astern Snake ^ v e r Plair Aquifer.

There now are two ground w ater districts on the t e n Snake River Plain Amilfcn One is known os £>lstrict 130, a n d I encompasses the r ^ o n o n th{ so u th side of thc Snake Rhrei from Minidoka to Thousanc Springs. The other, called Dis­tric t 120, covers the regior betw een American Falls one Idaho M is.

I h c two new districts would b e District 110, which wouU take In thc area &om Idaho Fallf to tho Viiyomlng border, and District 140, wiuch would in ­clude thc redon on the south side of the Snake River from

\ W v

2 5 0 0 Minub

‘s d g 6 WIRELESS-


Ism anaiTiOn Feb. 14, two offli

the IVvin M s Police . m entattemptedtoserv

nitors CotmtywairantaonLai m tm . a fight ensued Inside Inst a IbwneLodg^ police sa ;edln- Lamb resisted, U d td cat ■ punching oiQcers w h Ufa. iu)t let him leave th e r fTiVln conling to police. I w i n Lamb d k b e d o u t a IVvin. and got into his c a t

on sbc Falls policc ripgrat (hat Lamb Intentloiuill)

with on unmaiked p( count then drove In reverse i ; tw o back-ending tVi e n i s t ^ro u n t Then, police say, h e r

’ marked patrol car, ba

eks volunteor p ^o n n in g for th e a

_____ T h is Is 'an opportuyoungsters ana aduli

k e n d who codd otherwise i olun- tidpate in such activ m ess enjoy Idaho's outdoor iw ise H any Fitzgerald, a m e s u n s this year’s planning con ding, Dozens of volunteers otm d pate to make certi

experience Is safe, fi idom mcmoiy-fUlcd for cam - pam,Hizgcnildsald. ledal ■TVe have spedal gue

come to see Ihe p i ^ take he said ‘Smokey Bear,

dows the Qown, Native Ar m ley danccrs and m any oth iking be a t camp."I a n a Volunteers, as well as e n to wanting to cash o r )vol- donations,maycontact [ling, aldat673-62fi0.

ege president <anne Lady of thc Volley C rtson OiiiniilnCaldwcl], folk Bob a memorial service a t lev

from at Albertson College ol rvere The family asks that irr

flowers, contribudons b I th c to thc new Jeaime M. X re- - Scholarship Endowmen need bcrtsonCoIlcgeofldaha

TTic Hoovers in June i rents natcd 5100,000 for schol [tyat a t the school O 3I- Roben Hoover becam oved dcntofA lbertsoninJur t h e r He had tesimcd earlier tl jaho from the University ol Iwas oftcrquestionsarosearoi

school’s botched Un O ur Placepro|eainBolse.

Raft River lo Mimnitgh. g a te ■ 1^6 purpose o f Indui

regions on the Eastern con- River Plain Aquifer is ti 5 th e the director ot the D epa md* ofW aterRcsourcestoch Quid rigators, dtics a n d In< lUch and conunerdal w ater i ^bUl keep a groundwater m o i lh e dated, said Rep. Bert StCT ases Rupert



tnd- too»4<o»7ao»tao

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I iU IO N D O L U R B JIm id I

' w u r n c a i ju « B ta u '4 ^ I $8MtmULAVAllAMin- , NAnONAL <«>> ' T R E A S U R E^ n i L J T M otv iira )

[ Q

' ' ■ store for Det

'aignedinp)f!lcerswiih a n d n u n m e d lta s Ice Depart- ftU ce d iased L erve Jerome the streets o f TVvin Lam bw hen thdrpursultw iicn d e th e Old mph. according to isay. Offlcers arresteiic ld n g and , after a t Addison who w ould ' tmilcrpaifc. e ro o n ^ c c - The tw o coimi

were filed In cormc It a window ■ alleged kicking o f

cets, said Suzanni e m ain tain FslIsCountysenloi ally collided ecutoc police car, The aggravat

se d o w n a n charre w asiiled I : In to the with his a l l e ^ a

anofScerw itnh ls ic ra n Into a aggravated ba tte r backed up for the dam age do

eers Hormcecam pera. C«rtlntiod frtm B l irtunlty for Our studies ai lulls oTiVp, in f t ' Hart said. ' I ie n o t par- die horm ones to 1 divides, to ' at a younger age, oor3,“ said store m any o f thi m em ber o f a ^ g , "» m m ln e a Kent Alexandi erspartid* pounding p h am u rrtam the Pharnuicy.saldoll , fiin and yam p lants c an b< tch p artid - ed in th e labo r

identical to th c ! ^ c s t s who m oncs estrogen, j rtidpants," and testosterone.’ sir, Skippy cy buys the povnle Am erican capsules, cream s others will But they’re only

prescripdon.AIex: I as people works a s a liaison o rin -km d tlcnts and their '

ictFItzger- do ao rs making th slon on w hether the com pounds.

> ( 1 1 6 S H ansa id thcflrs ing a d oc to r v

r Catholic training in naturalbllowed by placem ent thcrap)IcwettHaU But n o t eveiyor

o f Idaha the m irad e cureinstead of based horm ones,

s be m ade 'A horm onelsa lSI Hoo\W gard lessofllssoujim ta tA l- R ^ A s d n ,a !o c a ln a • •le also do- - .hobiships To place aam e presi- lune 2003.T thatvear

o f Idaho 'iroundthc University

^ d i n g all WHWESDAY, MAfl 2m Snake RTJ Farm Auctio 9 to allow ' - TlBCtors&Baddioe*' p a r tm e n i Potsto, Grain, Hay, Be cha/geir- Adt;AfHWby3-12:na Industrial USAUCTa-users to www.us-aucttoi

______ __ TWln FaDi School BlM A 5 Software • Children' l/UTRE < ^ e s Jtnm-Nm

MASTERS AUCni t j U n www-mastefBaut o S w THURSDAY, H A R. B C C Gersld&Judyl^

Tradof8 *ThJd<«PJ ^ r a w . son Prep, B«9 m m - fk w 9 tiSSSL MASTERS AUCTIII E R w w w jaatarsauU (pa> FRIDAY, MAR. Zr Gerald A B ackyW i•W A Tlwtors • T heks • ^J a ? Tinao8.Com.BMt,|k a | | ^ JJtUSS^H9W$^BABY MASTERS AUCTI(I) www.master8auiuriuo SATURDAY, H A R .: ^AMtM C(wn*yL 'nac!or*F1da|)3,1>[E looder«4-WheelATVII______ M JJmes-NemA

MASTERS AUCnO www.mastefsaK

■ SATURDAY, M A R.: Publlo Auto Auctiot

Caf8*1WliJf8*B Etiuipmerrt • Pickul

Tkl^Conslgnimti Ptiona 734-2648 *F


Auctloa.1Wlii Fumtturs • AppUan<

CoD9ctlN08*Qan Ti)<toQ Consl(ifinwit3

I m PtKMW 734-2948 «Fy H U H T B R 08.A I

H O K O A Y .H A R .2WUtUIConiiminll

ib a n -H e m k i n MASTERSAUCTIO

' . wwwjTBStafsauc H O KO A Y .H A R .2

r S H fiK w rtlH andiandin■ M Fum»umrHouseh(ScH B Misc. • ConsigmienS H 734-1S35 * 731

n iA H O A U c n o i■■■■ , wwwjuctlonsida

[ M jS S ^ ^flndoutmoi

y m ' w c n a i s A i E s i t m

•-tM*--.--;- •- - u v . ; .................

police assaita m ln . tro l v e h id ed L a m b th ro u g h inside.Vvin FaDs, e n d in g B o th a nh e n s p e e d s h it 75 bock a t wigtO TO lIce. M cA tecsalts t e d L am b so o n £>amage 1o n A venue W est h id e s Is e s

S2,000and:i im ts o f b a tte ry s a id 'n n e c d o n w id ih is O n e o f th( o f d ie tw o ofB< b le ,h e a d d (m n e C ra l^ TVvin T h e Jerorn lo rd e p u ty p ro s - o n L am b

p eace oDSaiv a te d a ssau l t a concealc td In co rm ectlon JohnW llsord a t te m p t to h it L am bw a;h is car, w h ile d ie IndicT V vinctery c h a rw a a rc d ^ t b ond f ; d o n e to th e pa - _ to $20,000.

lones____a a n d o b s te t rs a re v e ry cxdt* f « t o n tissiL 'I f y o u rep la ce if it c a m e frt o n o rm a ] levels m a l o r a te sage. y o u c a n rc- A nd peo]■ d ie c h a n g e s o f m atlca llyas

is a lw a y s 's im d e r, a c o m - ."Acproxlrn n a d s t a t Dick’s d ic d ru f f ld ilo i l f r o n is o y a n d n ia d e fromn b e m a n lp u la t- A sdn s a id .",b o r a io r y lo b e p ro v ed d n1C h u m a n h o r- effects, y o utn. p ro g es te ro n e it c o m es frone. T h e p h a rm a - d ia i l t l s s a f iv d c rs a n d m a k e s s a fc a n d in eim s a n d d ro p s , te s te d fo r ;lly a v a ila b le ^ regu la ted f(le x a n d e r sa id h e a m o u n t onew n betvirecn pa - H ow ever.;i r d o c to r, w ith sa rily agaig d ie fina l d e d - p la n t-b ase die r to p resc ribe a s d i c / r e u ss . ‘S ym ptonf ir s ts tc p ls f in d - p a d e n t is aJ: w ith sp e c ia l th e y ge t sonira l h o rm o n e rc- ral fo rm s, thnp y . long a s th e jy o n e is so ld on a s lo n g a s i t :u r e s o f p la n t- es. Tlmes-Nes a h o r m o n c ,r e - Miller can Iio u rce ,” sa id Dr. 3264 o rc a l gynecologist smlller^ma,

I a classified ad, ca

TtuDUQh April 6 M R . 2 3 , 11:00m THURSDAY, I icdon, Heytiura Don Ic■ eaT m d o & D ^ Machinery* ^BeetFertfiffirEq. i};mm^HmSP3-2i n/nw-A UCTION MASTERS Alcttoneers.com_________vww.masiHAR.23,S:30fM FRIDAY, Ai :h-Mo Child Cars Devon Water ol Bus • Computor John Doere Trac Iren’s Fum. • Toys Hw, [irtpatiqfl, ■ •Mni9Ad:3>21 M ^ 3 - 2 S ;n CnON SERVICE U S/rBauctton.co(n_________www.us-bIU t.24 ,11 :00A B FRIDAY. AT tyOrttiel,FlIar EdKot• PWaip'Haylnfl Thictofs*! , Beet. Com Equip. Combine • lix m A d:3-22 TAd m -W CTION SERVICE MASTERS Alrsauctloacom_________www,mastL 20,11:00411 SATURDAY,# rW attsr.Jcroas Corwbi&lletleS s • Auto • Haying lyactora-TV eet. Bean Equip. Tools • Antli •* Ad: 3-23 Vnm-Ntm OH SERVICE JMAAU•sauctlon.com__________www.JmaUL26,10:0Qaii SATURDAY, A a x n rw n t^ .R i^ GaaMcOlnnls 8,1hick8.T>B08ra TlBdD(B»micki ATV9«Faim Equip. Ma:hkiery • Stor wAd:3*24 TUoM-fhmON SERVICE MASTERS Al »auctkin,com www.mast«IR .2 8 ,1 1 :0 0 « SATURDJ iion, TWln Fan.

S m S - e|.F K 7 3 J-B tra D/UICIlOB IH. 26,12:00.I W n n o . Rflm oM SJolUfflicoa • Toola PW'iiP - Funi*QanJm Ksma Shop, Fum tto

• FaxTSI-inn lUEIERSAU■ AUcnoHS w»»jraai L2a,11:00Aji SAItmDAY,* m i^ W g n W I ------- K i t lF m a ,' • F m R m t d ltKto(o-OuaIs m o w M o n -P ld o ®

TIONSSIVICE MUSSEHORK i8uctlon.com www.ntH^ 2 8 , 6 :0 0 m FRIDAY, a w HliM,TWtn F a s t A nnalSprtioA t isehoid• Toob ' Mgtit*Fumlti mUsHmimo CoOectlbles^Gli 731-4587 ' RazorCoOectio

n o n BARN 734-1835tsidahoxom tOAHOAW: more, d M A sB ita f on wwwjna0lc . and^O assffledaC ataoory iaiz

JiHofcn 73^3222 • E -no tldbI 1.1— .1 . I ^

~ “ Gls ^ = s = I!U

iultcase dion

Jes while oDlcers were

m es tln g offlccrs arc Anrii jro rk . Staff Sgt. Dan "*J5l

p to d ie tw o p o lk e w - sfn# esdm ated a t between id $ 2 ^ e a c h ,M c A tee ^

th e cars b sdil inopera- J P [ded. y'om e County warrants f J vrere battery on a ^ leer and possession o f “ led weapon. Staff Sgt. ^ on said. Pvosbdngheldlbcsdoy I* in Falls County Jail on P ids m n g ^ from $300 P


rtridan - 'Iflthasanef- ^ ssue. it doesn't matter f frnrn a plant, an ani- f r ^ est tube.” J»>ple shouldn't auio- * assum e that ‘namral’’"safe."dm atclyBOpcrceniof i d ie FDA r e g i e s are ^ im ruitural sources." ^ L "Just as any FDA-ap- Irug can have side lu can 't assume that if ro m ap lan to ran im al afeorcfTectivcorun- Ba nefTecdve.Thcyarcn'i da r safety. They arcn'i ' At for content tx)di in La

n d source.':r. Asdn isn't neces- f gainst th e use of £ ed substances as long . u sed w ithin rcason.om relief Is what die *-------after." Asdn sa id *If 1“ " "

om e relief from nam* lha t’s fine widi m e as ^ ley don 't overdo it — itsdo ingnoharm ."

V cu/i writer- Sandy 1 be reached a t 735- Fto ' i y e-m ail a t wglcvallcycom. SalB

all 733-0931 I 1993________________ J New

■ full Jber, I ■ 197 souni

^ 540+B T ber, Ig dlesc

wide #873'


' ,M iU I.3 < ,1 1 :0 0 u i o f l l tcko,Wonilig -IHC

(•trtlga llo ii.aop " " "

AUCnO H SEDVII^E »>tt< asteTsauction,com unlo;APRIL 1,11:00am oox2 er Farms Lie, Burley lie si< factors* Trucks & Beds fofd

5 AUCTIONi-Buctk)n8er8.com ,APRIL 1, 11:00aii tione Ijber, Jeronia •• Tfucks • Trallefs 466 fi^Dadar • Soli Prap Eq. . 15“ s•W0W»Ad:3-3O T HAUCTION SERVICEistersauctkKi.com

.APRIL 2, 10:30am hydnoSlM£ltBle,Stlottaoe cutou

ntkjues • Furmture . 5 toi MwsAd:3-31UICnONEERS 1994 JT»aaucllon8.com a ll th«

,A P H I L 2 ,1 t ;0 0 < . Z ,'-dsEttats,8tio«)K>ns guldci d o •T iBflets* HayingtofooeVan-HousehoW ' - U y•Mn*9Ad:3-31 19921AUCTION SERVICE WOO,starsauctlonA n) 30* rc

W Y .A P B IL 2County Annual AceiaumityAuctloa 35 •CeB 670-2070 »,654-!546 | S f ' 'S * ASSOCIATES 3 p th l APRIL3,1:00m .Jo Ann Kook, Buhl 5 0 0 , , mtture * Household u n k v Items *Coflecta)les Acme ■ N nnM :4-\WCnON SERVICE

IS loirA PR IL 4,11;00« • eight n , P i a a m t M o - - Il9 &Hubs-Thicks 4 ups • GroundWDddno am ourrAdt: 3-26,4-02 ---------OS. AUCTIONEERS ---------fkbauctlon.c0mlP filL 8 ,6 :0 0 n i . - i AntlqMAColectfeto Solilture«Antk|ue$&Glassware • Straight m»ConslgnNow »*731-48D7 LytolUCTION BARN Buhl

0»c«»Vio<n ■[_________ ■ ■■ Mob*n O m a Q lcv * )u sn Rhgslda

]k)odiiig police ]leT lm ofrW ew i______________

G O O D IN G — T he d ty po licc a p a r tm e n t Is h o sd n g a b ike-a- io n to r a is e m o n e y fo r St. ide's H o sp iia l Chlldrcn's Re- ta rc h fo rC a n c e c T h e e v e n t .w ill b e h e ld o n pril 30.O fficer TVent Lykins sa id d ie a p a r tm e n t h o p e s 10 m lse 10,000 fo r c an ccr trca tm e n l

s (USiaimoHp W e c m h a te , p i

a ■

* low est price* Call SupaiorAnmV T o d a y -5 3 t

Have fun witi^ O B a

B a n b u ry will b e open *d a lly s ta r t in g May 27 until « A ug. 21 th e n w eekends tillL a b o r D ay c losure. • .

Banbury HtBuhl, Idaho

A U C lFriday, Marc

L o c a te d : Je ro m e , I d a h o From Jerom e ciiv center, go 2 mile

South Koad) then 3 mllei

alBtlma: 11:00 m

T R A C I»93 Jo h n Deere *7800' MFWD dit tw G enera tion cab^vlth a ir a n d 1 11 }c( o f front weight!, 14.9x30 f If, catoM ty II 3pt hlich. 7011 h 1979 Jo h n Deere '4240“ diejcl ti u n d guard cab with air and heate 10+1000 pto, full K t o f front wet ■t, catagory t l 3pt hitch, 8545 hi esel tractor, 5 <pced iransm ljslon Ide fron t, 13.6x38 rubber, catasor 1737 . farm a il Super “C ' gas ira bber, tu n s great - Fatmall 'A" gas [hts, runs great • Farmail 'M ' gas ns good - Farmail “C“ gas tracto; 14.9x46 direc t axle duals - pair 13.6x38 snap on duals - pair of

HC single frorjt for “686“ - John I licel w eights

TRUCKS'85 m e “S-2S00* tandem axle 1 e ed Eaton Fuller trans, double f 1th 1996 5pudnlk 20ft self unloa iload ing motors bolh front and b; 8 0 0 “ tandem axle Ituck, propane )x20 rubber, w ith Double LL 5 o f t : : sides, e lcciilc motor unload, rol rd 'F -7 0 0 “ truck, lag axle, 361 V; r. w h h m etal 20fl board pull bull 7 8 L incoln C on iln en til4 d o o r sec I o f th e options, vinyl lop. 137,00^

HAYING MA:c -5000“ I4ft swather, diesel ci >ner, dual auger all crop header. Ing tie hay baler, hydraulic tenslo t, p lo drive, reconditioned In 20C 6 fn th e valley - John Deere “N o 9 “ 5 b a r chario t type side rake o n ir iL L A Q B a Q R O U N D W4ise im ernatlonal *145“ 4 bo ttom 2 ers. trash turners, 3pt hllch - 3 hy Irllllon 14ft roller lurrow, crowf draullc lif t • Case *F-21' 18ft tarn tou ts fron t, folding wings, hydra lovator, gauge wheels, 3pt h itch - rrow a n a draw bar - 6 section Acm to w coll spring shank corrugator

C O R N , O E E T a B E iJ4 J o h n Deere '7340- 6 row Maxi th e attachm ents, mark ou t fron t I ' rows, very nice unit, always shiV - S ' tin e oihlvaior, shields, 3p Idence system mounts on Allowa es) - 6 row colt spring shank bedd Ickett 6 row bean cutter w ith blad* IS ' 8 row bean windrower, centc >2 Parm a 6 row double drum bee )0 rp m p to - Alloway *2130' 6 rc• rows, gauge wheels, Spt h itch • llva tor fo r C - IHC guide bar for <

OTHER EQU• 18£l culilpacker with adjustable r ss sprayer w ith pto pump, han d g : h itc h - ex tra 2 7 ' regular spray b iber w ith burner hoses and w and Her w ith Gas Boy electric pum p • h itc h - C ha tiln double wing dlic

dc 8 f t X 6 ft hydraulic dum p rockM ISCBLLA I

) a n d 300 gal oveiheid fuel ta n k k w ith h a n d pum p • S assorted ne hydrau lic morken • pa ir of nei iltlvaior too ls and a small im o u n

IR R lQ A T lO lio ln u o f new 3 ' x 40ft hook a n d U j h t 4 ' to 3 ' valve openers • 4 ' op'

T E t G m ld h u discontinued faro Very w ell m aintained and takei

3unt of miscellaneous. Nice, n ice

O W M E H iQ B H A U a


S a l e m o B M e d b y M a s f e i'm o fitmness that

AUCTIONEERS t o M a s tm OaryOsbotTM Jt^ k l a h o Qood!ng.klaho Has 6)543-5227 (200)934-5350 pC C hrW lM aon - Rupert, Waho - K lobOe Phonos 731-1616 • 6 3 0 « iklePtiona20»<31-7355»FA)CS<»227i

WMM«tiK March 23,201

; p l a n f u n d - r a i sworidwide.

“It’8ah i^K > aJ,b u tli’sw X it,'Lykins sold.1- lykins sokl S t Jude’s tr t. peop le widi canccr of !- ages regardless o f diefr ah

to pay.n t h e registradon flee is $2i

For more inform at le call Lykins a t 934-E ;e ore-m oU him atdykinsig^ It ingidahaorg.

v t( m ^ o u !

t t

<c arounds w e H n g S e n k e f l l ■36-2000 A J

th your familyBanbury Hot Springs opei for weekends only March 26 and 27 from noon until 10:00 p.m. Enjoy:

• Clear}, clear water• Outdoor swimming pool• RV campground• Jacuzzi • Hot tubs

Hot Springst o » 5 4 3 ^ 0 9 8 ____________ _

LTER JL ‘TIO N■ r c h 2 5 , 2 0 0 5

iho • 218 South 300 East nile* south to WalMart corner (20 llei cast and 1/4 mile louih

LuochiOTadbyKatlCTORS' d iesel tractor, 19 speed power shi id heater, 3 remotes, 546'flOOO pi 10 from rubber, 14.9xR46 rear ru 1 h o u n , serial »RW7800-D0048: •1 trac tor, quad range iransmlsslo ;a ier, dual remotes w ith Fosse vaU w eights, wide front, 14.9xR46 ru5 hours, serial H13433 ■ IHC '6 0 Ion w h h TA, dual remotes, 540 pt igory 113pt hitch, 8219 hours, scrl

trac tor, single front, 11.2x36 n( gas trac tor. 2 4 ' rubber, belt pullc gas tractor, wide front, 38 “ rubb< ctor, single front, 3 4 ' rubber • Pa a ir o f 14.9x46 snap on duals - pa o f 750x16 single rib tires and tin

hn D eere HD Quick Tach h itch - J

: s . AUTOlie truck, 350 Cum mins diesel, ] le fram e, new 285,75R24.5 rubbe Iload ing bu lk bed, hydraulic side d back, rollover larp -1972 Loadst a n e V8 engine, 5 speed 4 speed, li Oft se lf unloading bulk bed, hvdrai , rollover tarp, 78,500 miles - 19: 1 V8, 5 speed 2 speed. 11:22.5 rul bu lk bed w ithout unloading moto r sedan,-460 Ve.-sun roofrauto tran ’,0 0 0 miles and it’s sUll originalMCHINERY1 engine, cab with air, hay cond ler, 3009 houts - John Deere '46( nslon, m ulil luber, hydraulic pIcku 2 004 , It is sharp, probably th e be to 9 ' 9ft mower, 3pt hitch - IHC 'N on dua l rubberWORKING MACHINERYm 2 w ay plow hydraulic reset, 2 cat I hydraulic ram plow packer hitchi ow foot rollers, dual Inside rubbe tan d em disc on dual Inside rubbe •draullc lift - Triple K 10ft 'S * tin ch - 2 section New House 7ft meti icm e 6fi m etal harrow a n d drawbj jtor, gauge wheels, 3pi h llchSEAN EQUIPMENTla x l Merge planter, fertilizer txuce: int tu r , hydraulic markers, m onlte shedded - 1996 Alloway -2040* 3 p t h itch • Sunco double coultc

oway cultivator (only used on 24 edder w ith gauge wheels, 3p t hltci lades and nose dividers - Lockwoo in te r delivery, pto arid Sp t h itch b eet defollaier, hydraulic scalper6 row *5“ tine cultivator, se tup fo :h • IHC 6 row hang on com plet O rCQUIPMENT}]e rea r w In n - Demco 200 sa l flbe id g u n and booms w ith 22^ drop: ly boom s • 250 gal bu tane u n k 01 and - 150 gal fuel tank o n 2 w het i p . 2 disc type feed d itch c leanen d itcher, 3p t hitch ■ 2 w heel hom e K k trailer LANQOUSin k s - 100 gal divided pickup fue ted hydraulic nU nders - 2 sets 0 new Acm e wide tire gauge wheel

o u n t o f miscellaneous, so d o n 't bi

ON ITfiHSid U tch handllne w ith cen ter riser ' openers • new wheel line hose

fanning . Excellent llrie of n u c h ln aken care of. Don’t be late, tm al lice sale.

a e i E C K Y W A L n m

lliOiedtDayilSdgt e r s A u c H o i i S e r v i c e

7Crf S e m c o B uilt'

' .CLERK JooBaorwtt Lamar Lovtianc

K ogermaa Idaho Kaoermtti, Idaho (206)837-6523 (208)637-4300

- 5 3 1 -4 1 2 2 o r4 3 M 1 2 3 9-6350 • 53W)111 « 431-7355 227 Of 8J4«77 • irwtmartwnueaoaccn

, 200s T lnm M m ,T M nM b,kW »


treats o f aU ability









, 13 iber.Ides,Istar,10 :rau-1974rub-Itorans.' -----




xes,Iter, ■ )* 6 liter 240 Itch ood :h . e n , for

lete •


e n ,n e -

uel I o f xls be

;e n ■

in-u i l




to M

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

. M a g ic V al

\ — --------------------------------

•BURLEY — Robcri Moncur, an sa-ycor-old den t o f Burley, died 1\i( March 22, 2005, a t the I o fh is d a u ^ lc r , Sharon i son In Burley.

He wos b o m Oct. 17. In Burley, the son of I

'«h'd Louise Jolley M o n a rctxived h is educadon c View School

Ho served in the • ed Stoles Army during \

W it a . H cm anieaN cm i crlUngcr on Jon. 26, 19 Buriey.

H ie l r m arriage was solenuiizcd in (Iw Idaho

- ■ Itm plconD ec;i5.l954.To this union w as Ix

son. R oben M. Moncur. I passed away b n Dec. 23,

On March 2-1, i960, R QlaTTicd Ruth Haycock : in ' Burley, and gained daughters and onc son.

They had a happy and derfui marriage together her passing on Jan. 8 ,20C

Robert farm ed a t W Creek for m ore than 22 ; and also was employed ai ley Irrigation District

HAGERMAN — Harvt Ihte. 81; of Hagerman, pa away Sunday, March 20, J a t the Caring Place in ’ liiUs, Id ah a

He was bom Aprils, 192 Ovid. Colo., to Samuel June Tate, and was raised educated in Scdgivick. C and I3uhl, Idaho.

In lanliary of 1942 Ha joined the U.S. Marines was discharged in Noven 19-15. His tour o f duty spent in tiie South Pacific

He married ClennaTlio April 7th. 19<15, and a'sided in Los Angles, C where he was employed ■ Firestone Tire & Rubber C pany.

Tlicy then moved to Ha man, Idalio. in 1946 wher spent 53 years raising c; and operating a small ci farm. In tlie last several y he had leased the farm gro but was veiy much involve the opemtions.

Jfe was a confirmed m

Angela Dleon Bradley, bratlon of life at 3 p.m. tod

, Sun Valley Commi Church, *156 E. Ray P Gilbert, Ariz.4Falconer Fi alHome).

Dolores L Hanseii Shoshone, memorial se a t 2 p.m. today at C Church Episcopal, la iW Shoshone (Demc Shoshone Qiapel).

Sandy K. M urphy of Bi funeral Mass at 11 a.m. t £ft St. Nicholas Cat Church, 152 Sevendi Av friends m ay call onq hou fore tlie funeral Mass on I a t the church (Rasmussei neral Home).

Guy M. Kimball of 1 graveside service a t 1

£ I«^ A■ So

CO : S ' (D s

i H B H ''• I off

. O usu|

■ A i # ’ edi far

^ J chi

m m m m ^the^ ha.

' .2 2 '^Sha

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________________ V

;M T b M » N m ,7 M n M t,ld t


—OBITUiRobert G. R

Glen old rcsl- Ibesday, tie liomem H arri- ;

17. 1916, K v/K ')f Heber - .ncur. He )n at the

Ihe Unit- IK World dUe Do- 1941, in

ras later oho Falls}54.---------( borp a . . (Ctlrcmcnt.ur. NcDle 'following retire23.1957. e n j o ^ . spending), Robert f a ^ a t r f f r t t o d s ock toy le ing inh lsp ldaip ;le d five HewasanacUVeiin. The Church of Jcsuindwon- Latter-day Saintsher until was a faithful h o n2000. served several ye:: Willow Family History Cer22 years the tim e o f death vd at Bur- Priest,c t until He is survived b

Harvey. E.irvey E , passed ’0,2005,in IWin '

1923,In - ' i ,ael an d K sed and c. Colo.,

Harveyies and < ivemberIty was ‘V ifioriioeon N P d they

Calif.. L ^ L O L j e acd w itli ber o f Christ Lulhen;rC om - inWendell.

He Is survived byI Hager- G lenna of Hagernhere h e daughters. ChcriJl (1g crops nehlll, Roseburg, (Jl dahy Mavis (Ed) IXillochal years Lake, Idaho; onc scground (Sandy), Tate, H,olvedln Idaho; granddauglit

(Selja) Asanuma, '1 m em- Calif.. Carrie .Tanne;

----Servicey, celc- today a t Flier Ccmctttodayat tion for family am im unlty from 10 a.m. to nooi/ Road. White Mortuary, 13 r Funer- Ave. E In l\vln Falls.

R lchard“Dick’’W. sen o f Flier, visitation froi , service p.m. today at Park I Christ Valley Funeral Hoi IW. B in Kimberly Road, TVvir jmaray's ricral at noon Tlmrsi

funeral home.

if Burley,' Wylene Slade ofm. today funeral at 11 a.m.*nCatholic tlie LDS Stake Cent'Avc. E : Idaho In Wendell,

hour be- from 10 a.m. until seon today Thursday at die chssen Fu- from 6 to 8 p.m. toe

maray’s Wendell Cli• E Main in Wendell.

of Buhl,1 p.m . V ir^ a R u b y Jo n i

We’re your c And we pronS o u th C en tra l D is tr ic t H e a lth is m ak in g su re ch ild is sa fe an d healtl O u r c a rin g n u rse s pro ' im m u n iz a tio n s fo r yoi little o n e to g e t h im oi o ff to a h ea lth y s ta rt ii O u r W IC p ro g ram prc su p p lem en ta l n u tritio r ed u catio n fo r y o u r grc fam ily . W e in sp e c t yoi ch ild ’s d ay c a re fac ilit A nd, w e h e lp y o u th ki the sm o k in g h a b it beS have a l ife lo n g ,fn e n d s

R S o u t h C enKeeping you

Twin FaOs 734-5900 • Jl Shoshone 32U S38 * Gooding 93

Para itner este documento Iradu Za ovaj dokmendt prevtden na Be

,kWx) WwbtMdar, March 23.2008

' ■ ' f



dren, Robert M. cur of Burley, Ar

S S J H Olson of Ruper I^WTTir. IjyjQj Greene

^ iQanne (Reuben!

Mullen ^ O a k li (Danna) Koyle

r i M W .y M Utah; 35 ^ n d [ great-grandchilci- great-great^gnuK

Robert virasalsi d eath by h is | brothers, three

M P v J H d a u ^ te r , a son- grandchildren ai

n s l - The funeral wl p.m. Saturday, M

lircment.1 he at the Unity Firs ig Umei Avlth Ward Chapel o f l Is and joy rid- lesus C hrist o

• Saints. 275 S. 2iIremembcrof with Bishop Loni » u s Christ o f flciating. Burial ts where he PleasantVlewCe om e teaclier. Friends m ay years at the until 8 p.m . Fr ::cntcr and at m ussen Funeral h \vas a Hi'gli E 16th St., Burfi

noon undl 12;4J I by his chil- day at th e churci:

i. Tate■ ■ ^ ■ 1 1 neapolls, Minn.,

NJUler, Richmo grandsons. Scar Seatde, Wash., ox

: ; ' ; loch, S a n ^ ra n ^

Dolly Daniels of brothers, Fred Jerome, Idaho, G( Tate, Idaho Falls, Allan (Carla) Ta mon, Idalio; ant

' He was precec by his m other anc and Samuel Tate!

. . . *r»~T^a jjfs, Hom er Tate cran Church (Hap) Tate Jr.; grs

A n^e Miller, Wen by his wife, Tlie funeral wil

erman: two p.m. on Thursda; 1 (Jack) Tan- 2005, at D em an ;, Ore.. and Qiapel. ich, Hayden Burial will foi son. Lonny Hagerman Ceme Hagerman, of flo\vcrs, tlie far

’liters, Thicy donations to MSII, Torrcncc. I\vin Falls. ID 8 nchlU, Min- Canccr Fund.

[CES—----letcry; vlsita- at 11 a.m. Thursda an d friends pert LDS Stake Ce oon today at I0ili St.; vicvving 1

13G Fourth p.m. today a l Har Is. ary Rupert Chape

St., and onti hoiu W. Haines of scrvicc a t tlie chur Tom 6 to Uirke's Ma(^c B eulah Irene rlome. 2551 Thom pson o f Bui; Win Falls; fu- l l a.m . Tliursd jrsdaya tthe Farmer Funeral (

Ninth Ave. N.;frlei from 5 to 7 p.m. (

of Wendell, chapel. .Tliursdayai;nter, GOS N. Harvey Tiite o f ell. Viewing funeral a t 1 p.m. ’ 1 service time Demaray's Wend church an*T IW E Main in Wei

today at Dc-Cliapd, 164 Dorothy M. GnII. Falls, scrvicc a t Ip .

Wliite Mortuary,ones, funeral Ave.E

child’s best fr mise to play i

■MMre your ilthy. ' rovide 'ou r

: in life. trovides o n and [rowing 'o u r

kickefore they sta rt. W e plai d sh ip w ith y o u r ch ild r

n tra l D is tr ic t H«our family <£ eommunlly healu

Jeitime324-883S • BeUenie788- 934M77 • BurUy 678-8221 • Rup,

jducido a espaAol sift cosio. ildmi al I Bosanskijezik nema naplaie, pozovl

--------------- ----------’ »


M. (Kathy) Mon- Arlene (Arlond)

pert, Mary (De- Sharon

Harrison and ■ M | l | | }cn) Bronson all P W

Elda (Wayne) . lakley, and Don f j n yle of Garland, " V Iandchlldren: 87 L .. 1 1 hildren; and 12 randchildren. , also preceded In

Is parents, two rec sisters, one ion-in-bw, three | ^ H | | [ a and five great*

1 will be held at l - ?,March26,2005, . ■First and Sccond ofThe Church of L—| _ i i

o f Latter-day ;. 250 E, Burley, x>nnle Downs o^ irial \vlll be In ^ H | | | /Cemetciy.lay call Irom 6 „ .

Friday a t Ras- iral Home, 1350 Jurfey, and from " ' "2:45 p.m. Satur- uch.

I h ^

in ., and KrisUc m ond. Wash.; H ican TliUoch of P f * ,, and Ryan TUI-. ' •ancisco, Callt; n, Cory Hlssner, Qur; step mother of Jerome; half p

cd (Jan) Tate,', George (Linda) *alls, Idaho, and Tate,, McCam- M t

and half sister, PHvis,ofMcxico.!ceded in death and father. June !teSr.;hisbroth- atc and Samuel granddaughter.

VcndcU. Idaha will be held a t l sday, March 24, laray’s Wendell

Elfollow at the —

imctery. In lieu family suggests

VISTI, Box 2231,3 83303. Local -

— ri■sday at the Ru* ^: Center, 324 E ng from 6 to BHansen Mortu- I l i l ^ l apel, 710 Sixth lOur before the hurch.

c n e (lackle)Bulil, funeral at .trsday at the Mal Qiapel, 130 Wfriends may call vm. today at tlic X

o f Hagerman, m. Thursday at m dell Chapel,WendcU.

Green of T\vin Ip.m .Fridayat

ry, 136 Fourth

friend. ^ r nice. ^


lian to 1 M.»


m -4335 'Rupert 436’7I85(a l 734-5900. I l j i i j j i r lovite 734-5900.

_________________ _ D

my 8 | t Sammy Motiaw of IVrtn F

»olo^Y o u A r o ^ Inv ited ... undty .M ar.2 0 * |

8:30 am . |P«lm Sunday . |

hundty. Han24* I7:30 p.m. I

ltundyThur»d«y^iM cy.llar.25*

7:30 p.m,GoodFrldiy

E a s t e rtunday. K tr. 27*

7:00 m.m.7:30 am . |BrMkfKt y0:30 am . g

M r V ^ l p I

R ttlM ffltr MLuthMmn Ctiur«h |400 In n * atrMt Q


i k l oa d iiitw

r i b - i ' i Q s £ i « S e % t « 3 & '’’-''lasSBtelianBidNaRli'


Doing ms Dim

In Fall* c h tc k i o u t a c a r on patn

The FamUy o f Nancy to express their gratii donations fn jn f n ^

t ^ mTTiie Pocket > C arl & Sli & R u th * H o ir '& N .^ Jon' • Snake R iver H ar Case • The S ou th Hills

• Comm ercial Tire-Ki• The D epot G rill • Sn M inute Photo • Woody

Service • Q ua lity Rre:• D eanna IV ipp •Lam b

• Fat R at "Rittoo • We: Equipm ent • S teven’s T

Chapm an • C indy Ka Tilson’s • T he Rendor

Whites • T he Anthony’s “Kids” Lori & V ance* :• A ll.k indhearted p a r ti

a n d sile:

Thank you and Mt

Carl Wormsl

i l i C » mm m i

' i S s , - ‘ - f r o m I

Y o u n m t e j ^


m e d K r i i l i p ^

• F l a a a u ^ u m ^<■ - >•

I . - ' v V

i M i

____ ____________ :------------------ -


la tn l In Klikiik, lrai|, on Monday.

a g y i nTOwwMjawnrM gMiwaaB

cy Wormsbaker would li ititude for all the genero i^d s , family, and varioi her battle with cancer.

You.S j jd ly • T h e P io n e e r • M a

V C u rtis & K im • N e v a • ia r le y • O D u n k en ’s • C u e il ls S a loon • D o n n e ly S p o n i-K im berly R o ad • G la n b ia S n a k e R iv e r T ire • T o m ’s 5 )dy’s • Id a h o J o e s • U S Foo ?Vesh Foods • S& G P ro d u c c nb W eston • W arm A r t I h t t West A d d iso n S p o r ts • G e e ’s T ax iderm y • S p a rk y • Bei K a in k • Jo y N o rm an • T h e don’s • Ptmiky & V e m • T he ny’s • D eb b ie M a x fie ld • T! 5 • M ag ic V alley D is tr ib u t i r ir tic ip a n ts in th e to u m a m e lilen t au c tio n .

May God Bless You AU.

nsbaker & Family

p'liii t First Federal

’ >^3059j> e £ td A Y e.^ « ^8 7 B « (B '

.■_________. ~ V





______ :



larv a 8c e& jrts ia 50

Dod ceittOO:mlettyleheT hetingle n t

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II9 0 9

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Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

Flyew togourmelK e e p d ie s e in g ic d ia i is

loimpicssyourfticndi■ P a g e C

T h e T im e s -N e w s

alittleEaster,piobsbtytfae mos

nlficant religious holldir Q u M an s, is oiouiu com er: itfs Ume. to planning for that & tradition, the E asta feast

This is (he third leg ofK caQ thf^ iQlpIe Crown o f b h o U d i^ (Christmas I------ * — I Tbankj

Bos ije I> . (he (

K I T C H E N tvyo).

B o c a t ) ,

Mfiuf' I fioct fi. H a w . m onthi

addHloii' S l uH tn 'ia i im l i a r b e cooWng column grlUs t/ietHfl{re^r- gilyeppearln where TheVmes^ews Foodand leadsth Home section. , Since Ifs wiitten by is the Bo Carl, a oum re master chefwith a library ' ““J W of about 10,000 Ofljlnal re d w i.v illll ^ < 1 0 moved from “Ogden, Irtah, \to Buffey *lost year.

I m e m o to last

test o f the year.So, what do you serve? Though most Ameri

serve ham for Easter, world tradition has shown that t people serve lamb than hai w ho am I (o oigue with t tlon? Lamb is symbolic ol newborn spring, fitsh with life and great expectati Quite, posh ly , Iamb was m eat served to Jesus durlni Last Supper.

Unfortunniely. In Ame few people are experlei w ith c o o ^ lamb, so the! perlences can be less < joyous. Many people cnc w ith a honlbly dried plcc sinew or a pungent ma£ greawmeaL

This doesn't have to be reality. Lamb, when roa p roper^ , can b e a com blend of crispy llavDTful exii andlulcy tender Interior. It vor Is robust ond powerful able to stand alone o n its merits, yet woiia wcQ with tain strong h o b s and splo tastes great \rtien accompa by maijoram, oregano, th' lem on zest and d lo n tra the n o t a t once. And anyone has had Iamb chops In a rc£ ran t knows (hat it is complete without mint jcDj

In order to save yourself i serving your last family n let's Iram a little about h o prepare this savory dish.

R o a s t Lam b 1 0 1W hen choosing a cu t o f b


Sur flret eflbrt T h o u ^ a I both taste and piesenmi It can be a t i ld y meal to I and on cxpemhre learning perience. Depending upon size o f your d inner p choose either a leg of Iamb rackof ribs, with the rib roaf tached.Choose a piece of n ie a t '

Utde fat or marbling as this tlon o f the roast no t only mi the m eat greaw, b u t adc strong dlsagiecable llavo r tt d lshuyourlego rrackhost strip of fot, Qlm It off be cooldng.

For cxtm presentiuloa away the meat between the o r oik your butcher to do i t ' te<;hnique is known as "frei in&” a proceduio knowi ru a ily e m y b u td ie r— eve your local supeitnaiket

If you are saving a lei lam b with the leg bone stiU i btjy abotn (hree>quarter po perpetson. If it is debo 'nm lire o n one-half p o u n d ’

ono rib per diUd and two

-If you need (0 buy more t o ne rack, hove your butche them together u a standing ro a ^ o r In honor of Eastc a tjw n ro as t

;‘Tls the season: Seasoning of IanUi> p i > tnvc^ depends tqxui taste, ! there are a £sw tried (ind I variations, V iii lc h ^ u m took b i ta First is utilizing a : O iop tqx your herbs a n d Q) arid them UberoQ/over




Iday. for im d the to .start It'fam ily-' s t • . f 3fw hatl

inkfigiv*. •. b ^

'O ther ). After Xt :Sun- , y o u c w '

I seven off.

le m en (he

b e c u e s

go to re ever

sun s them . ncc diis h e last ice a

indoor lly din-

you as

do your to Im-

s them

L i Y ou’v e ,ast die

o f eggslerlcans>ddwl(lc By Loretta Burkhart a t mom Tim«»«ow» >*itt»r h a m — ----------------------------

t i i l e r - l ikFtsSl a d o ^ d ^ t dozen hard-bt

III® them im der the a '* "8 th e doors, some of them ___ And the clock o n (

a s s aHis afternoon.

I t ’s certainly ahvE P { ^ J} Unhrereltyofldahol

be your Decorated eggs aj a roundasadecorau

Z S S Nc«mhdcs3,-lfs:All rood is

i-iMfin soonaspossIble.Bo: Hence,-iftheyVe

Its own hours," for die sak rfdicer-rices. It And remember th noahied jnHIcted during coo

la te r -a ro d ie ro y a l

is not 'hide-and-seek" Ispi ous.TbkingdieextL

W from safe handling will be y m ea l, fo ^ Lanting says. .. how to

for all kinds of m ic not to introduced t a

That's worth keep Easter egg him ts are;

oflamb, soon, iam bon Americans b o u ^ la t r e a t ,.duringthewed:bcfo nmtlon. week, U.S. egg prbdi to “ Ok .WhenBuhPchefL “" g “ • went widi her family pon die ditional Easter egg hi

party, TTieir destination' m b o ra dependence near Ali posta l- Uttlc Cove Handi.

and Lotde Erickson, early 19203.

Over die years. Er haven. ,

adds a "Grandma had chi jr to lh e W henEasteriollet

fo rh ld i^co lo ied eg Thew ay'G randm

^ e ahvays cookei -her backside moving

Here are some ej SUtes,LuAnn^modnown to

evea in

1 leg . o f . 1 dozen hard-boil( tin m lt, 1 tsp. Dijon mustai ‘pound Itsjx horseradish

Sokondpeppei' Dd’per 2 tb s p . f i^ s q u e c gureon 3tbsp.m lradovdi] wo per • Paprika

Boil eggs 10 m lnut irethen inhalflengdiwiseam chcrtio .odier remaining in{ jln g rib ^u lhU ew ltbpuitlkE aster, a-

r 3 g n ^ o n !b it3 ,d ii l21aigohard*bolle

p r « ^ ^ • Itta lko fcdery .fla ste,.but l /2 c u p M lj^ W I o d tx w ; 1 tsp. celery seed

m ight : Salt and p qq ic r g a n itx . ZtsixDljoninustai I s p l i ^ ^ , i® p ld d e ,f in c ly . »veriM \tt5 T ^ m d sc rv B |>a^C9, ;cndiyebread ;

JODw .

; g o t a housef 5 to use up fasir tr________________________ ■

Look, you’re going to be walking a round your own home all next vw iay. you'll have— what?— six. sev -boiled eggs on your hands, somi

couch, some of behind bedro em burled in die cat's Uuerbox. in (hose eggs is (iddng in^tently. re g o t maybe fl'^e days befon goes bad.Ige, you could be in Uouble as earl]

hvays a concem," said Rhea Linti 10TWin Falls Extension educator fc

3 a re pretty, and the temptation ti rathrc part of dte Easier cdebradoi It’s still the two-hour rule,” she sale shable, and should be refrigerate Boiled eggs are no cnepUon.Ve b een out for more t h ^ two sake o f safety, “(hrow diem >i± j S itha t cracks— both (hose

ooklng and dyeing and y a lroad fo rbac te iu to

reasons, the ven- tradition of m m SiM m

spotentiallydangcr- S S | H B xtra steps to ensure H ^ ^ H | bcw ellw onhthecf-

tent cprtnvth medium ^ H | H nicrobes youd raihcr

«p ing in mind, bccausc going away anytime

j ^ t 104 million dozen e g g s ^cforeE asterlastyeanlnanoim iil: >duceis sell about 73 nUUion doza f LuAnh Sdccs was e l^ t years bic lily to her gnmdpaien ts' hom e for g h tm t)n w as “a sprawling ranch" a t the A lm ach. locatcd near the Q(y o f R cic^ an. Swedish immigrants \\4io can

Erickson fiunily ptherings p rort

c h ic k e n s -o n d gathered her own Ued around, rocky saudi cm Casslt . eggs. The grownup did it before i Ima" d id her coom g is also a last!

iked things in a huny— h i ^ and h Ing."egg redpcs, used (radltlonally 1


DEVIUfOEQQSDiled eggs s ta rd

teczed lemon juice

u ite s tmtii cooked. Place in k c WI npi^ cooked egg yolks In lngrcdl(!nts. ^Kxm fining into' e t t o - ’[■:!: i ' •

EQQSALAOd u m p e d ' .5 ^ e g g s ^ ^ and mashed wit]

d , , ■

jtaid ’Jy chopped. ■v e o n a b e d of lettucc or bc tw een 's

)&W e d n e s d a y , M arch 2.


- E(seven, ■ ■

ome of H Idroom H I

I I;aiiyas

anting,)r forTVvin Falls Coun-

in to leave diem lyingidonlsrcaLsaid.

1 ' > » '

D zeav \^ H M B K W y B f tB f ! I bid,'9 ^I for thefr tra* ■ •

J iebaseo fM oun tIn -

c ^ w iish o m e to G u s come to Idaho In die

[O ^ e d o n Easter-cgg

w n e ^ 'L u A n n s o Id . I I isslaCountywasideal J

[asdng memory, Sdtes

id h o ta n d fa s t— widi

ly by Ardys Erickson

•Bi erees bakln

Bre spoor w hite 18m l

, Sea Wing

• . diymisvyatei:FocLCutc{^ • $ (

O' egg whites hahies.singlewater.

Brir h e a t i

w idiafbric - .................* Hcovcr utes. 1

- • . ' ' ' ' 'w ater

. ■ ■, ' move Set;

en'some whole c a t co ldv . . . .d u ce l

Hg2 3 , 2 0 0 5

GGTIG^ l o f y b u r w b r t d V

w.uW'comflweWfood,color-- .,••1 dii^wlth.na^foodprDducts:- t

r /? i -4 /4 t iip ;fb o d a ito r ' :•*

;»BlW .^«u|BO -*nJievtnegar . j inMtMiBlnitredienisifttDacup

.^^‘ :;^ ':'.V --'«a'ouiof.thedyo; :* M ( ' M parti rad arid yellow '.n ^.;^Ss.iyUt>h»'andy«fl6 w''

V t

low to mS e a tt le T im et____________

[ere's a brief ossary for perfecs:

Baked o r shined: Preheat oven » . Ughdy butter a small 5-incl Ingdlsh.n m Crvo eggs Into it and d o t \ o n bu tte r cut Into pieces. I (es are set and yolks are thicke ninutes.eason wldi salt and pepper, an lg o f m inced herb such as mc,dlllorbasIL Soft-oxiked: Pu t eggs in a bowl 1 w arm tap watec Bt aside 5 minutes. Drain. Plao do layer fri saucepan a n d c er.ring to a bofl, covcr and remove t Set aside 4 to 5 minutes. ' .Hard-cooked: Put eggs fri a zr w ld i warm tap w atet Set asi I. Drafri. Place ^ g s in a sfri^ cepon and covcr by at least oi CL Briiw qtdckly to a boil, co^ ,« p a n m m h c a t •t aside 15 minutes. Drain and I water. Put Icc cubes In p a n t eheatquiddy . . . . -


' H E


V F o r p o r a p e c t l v e

Yo n 0 ^ Of eating an egg ttia tamlnsted by salmonella boct that bacteria then making you sl 'Abeat one hundrwl t w n t y ^ th ':somfl Mnd of foo^ome Illness i ‘. Uiat were contaminated with sal ' By codtnst, Z.mlllion'Amerlcans .’the'stelrs.'

;A q i ^ r dtinkn were hurt by be '.Om ^ ^ or take — In ev( ’ tefhkIlS('o bacteria'that can cau .'nu rt'n iM m tha t the typical cons -';year«. 'V ; , v • ;TlMra.«rii^ however, a few things

■your odds: .' l ; M ib yoor haads before or efi 'X n n r .« ^ from other.3,' Stote 'cfpi Ih-tho cartons the)

cildMt o f tho rafrigeratof. / >.ihem'backin'the csnoha.

H a U i , itiake'tton and the e ^ ar^ both a t or.

Iff t a m p e r s dlireimay s t ^ u p the potentlalt]


nake perf___________ F ed under ct

•F ried : For fecdy cooked Use 1 teaspooi

com binadonol Heat p a n ove

/en (0 325 de- bcrins to sizzl* nch diameter add (o pan.

For 8unny-8l }t widi I tea* basdng top wit] 1. Bake until For ovcr-eas; c kcncd .I5 to thcn u so aw ld i

over during lasi andasp'rfri* Season w ith sal

as t a n ^ n . •Scram bled: briefly. Season 1

jw landcover chlvcs o r dlD, c R om ana

lacc eggs in a Add u p to I I covcr with milk for rlchnc

,tuio—peregg . OVO p a n from medlum-Iowhi

a bowl and * ^ ^ s lo w ly a n flildft 5 mfri- nr»t rubber sp n ^ e layer fri visible liquid cf t one inch of Immediately. » v cr and re- . (Note; Undcj

eaten by younj n drinsew ldi w id iap o o rim i n to help ro* Sotavex'The


Inshde1 Green Thumbprints . . .C:

^ Ja m es D u lle y ............. C:

S cctio i

R ISSIC[ that’s con-aacterla and ofIU sick are pretty slim.e thousand Ampilcsns hadIBS caused by eating eggsI salmonella la s t year.a n s were Injured by foiling down

ly baUiroom objects ond fixtures.I every 20 ,000 contains salmonella cause foodbome Illness.:onsumer would ca t a bad egg ever)

ngs you can do to significantly Impn

r after handling raw eggs, ther foods.they came In, ond put them in (ho or, After you dye the eggs, put

ske sure that th e dyo solu- it or, near room ^

llfference, tho

rfect eggs:r cold, nm ning water.=or two eggs, use an 8-Inch par loon butter o r vegetable oil, o r n o fb o d i, per egg. over medKun, (hen add fat until izzla Crack eggs Into bowl, the

y-slde up, cook 4 to 5 m inutewidi some of fa teasy, cook as for sunny-sIdc u]Adde spatula to carefully tum eg: last 15 (0 20 scconds of cookin]I salt and pepper.led: Break eggs In bowl and VNhlson with sale pepper, fresh thymeID, or a litde gm(ed Parmesan o

3 I uiblespoon liqiUd—cream c hness, o r w ater for a fluffier t o gg. C:ook in nonsdck skillet ove ^ e a tw id i I teaspoon butter pe

/ and constandy with heat-reslsi spr.tula undl just set and n<

d egg remains. Remove from pai y.idercooked eggs should not b lung children, ddeily o r anyon immtmo system.) 7 h a G o o d ^ g g " tv M a ffc a > m n o ns r ic a n ^ B o a m



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Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

F o o d & H

PillowsT hd W ashlngtoo Port

Throw pillows, liie llsslc bits o f m atter capable of g o f energy: explosions of cc d u e d f l ^

Even people who arc turquoise or tangerine tc b u ^ g a Sofia in that slu neutrals bccomc opprc& throw piOow can oCTcr a tr

like atoms, however, f died w ith carc. As accessories, they have w ithin them I :

' the power to indi- A i vidualizc a cooklc-cuKcr soli S and unite colors or

m<But just as wc pair scarf shoes, pillows snould be i

_______ visioji._.........Few people spend as

about the power of pillows er David H. Mitchcli, whc blossomed into a sideline f u lp i l l o w s .n e i , proffering nearly .^-,..1 700 pillows In a wide variety of colors and pat* tem s (but not shapes and sizra—m ote on that in a minute).

Mitchell, who routinelj America’s top decorators, oped views on the subie otEcc with a Ust of qucstlo

• How many pillows ar? m any — or a standard-size ^

n’t w c Ect beyond the •. ~cliche o f a L . _ p i l l o w , propped at cacnend? “

• W hat about mixing and shapes?

• Can he advise about tu n s an d patterns?

Wc asked him how he'

Don’t piT is the season to plant

Before you rush off to the cry. make sure you know \ t w is right for you. Here I: o f questions that might you dedde;

1.Why do you want tlic Do you heed shade? A point?

2. How big tvill it get? people don’t think about big thc tree will be at mai Plan ahead: Make sure tha will have tJie room to gracefully.

3. How fast docs it grc you w ant an immediate in you m i ^ t mistakenly chc tree tliat will outgroi,v Its j

, just a few years.Consider, too, that fast-i

Ing trees arc brittle.4. W hat’s your zoncTW

trccgrow hcre?aieckaU J partm ent of Agriculiurc n make sure you know, ther little homework on a few cdcs before you even go I nursery.

5. How does it grtnv?Tli year, th e tree acclimatcs. I used to its surroundings

A little effor can help fixer-uppers to be lucratilo« A ngelw Daily Newa

TUming a house orour resale can be as cosy os tou

• up tlie "big three" areas - kitchen. bathrtx>mond law

D e p c n d lig ^ n tiie ^

. be done in a few days witl people for between S90C S2,500, said Kevin MacDt the ofQcc manager for I Depot In \^m Nuys, riiHf. j toilet and a p e d e ^ sink c wonders for modernizing i bathrtwm.

Thc key is to present a 1 that looks fn sh and new. could m ean exposing hard floors and removing thc "<x checse" from the ce ilii^ Brian Paul, a Los Angcl^

. d en t w ho’s been renovating homes sincc h< in c o l lc ^

"The m ost impartant th . to m ake it clean, Uvable

lnvldng,"he8ald.The heating and*alr c

tioning win likely Ije Insp __loo, he said. ____

Attractive landscaping i . .to turing people in, salt

Bojd, w ith Bmil lUfflltors 1 Bcroardint^ 'You w

: yard that makes people stoj ■ take a look at iL Oncc yo

j’*^ It PX room. Think o f (hlnm thai you o n as consimicr, he ss

M T ta M » lim ,T M iU i.ld

H ome

s, no loi_______________________ th

scIsslonoble atoms, arc small ofgivlngofFlargc am ounts to ifco loragainstam oitsub- p{

u c crazy about m agenta, a] c tend to shy away fromshade. But >men tasteful a

>ressivc, a hi^ify charged HIa tremendous lii i . m:r, pillows should be han- of

motlfa of a given room,a rf with coat o r b d t w iih Inbe chosen with on overall In

■ wias m uch tlm c’ thlnking sil

owsasW ashingtondeslm- Ina4iosc m inl-obscssion h as w; Inc business, www.beairti*

betiely shows up on lists o f a iors, has some well-devel- Ai ibicct. So wc went to hisstlons: cnla rc e n o u ^ — an d n o tto o hi

ing sizes5C

}ut combining colors, tcx- • a Tl

he'd go about jazzing up ' fai

nirchase tiant uccs. thc nuis- nvwhichrc lsa lis t 'n i lghT hdp

tlie tree? WA focal 1 ^

0.7 n w . second year, It sta ^ Tlic thlnl year. It’s

and running. AU wil S i S i ing to p lan If th

planted corrcctly a »o gro^v ^ f o r .

6. How do I get it I S™"" “ cr protection and 1

c t a p a a crtScai, u y o u d o : cnoosc a means to transpoi Its site in vvithout w ear and

delivered ist-grow- 7. How do I tab

Pnm ing Is an on ? will thc Landscapes mature iU il.D e- trees grow, raise li c map to pnming. Understo: h en do a may n e w changing few vari- grows a n d Uic go to thc evolves.

•Tlie first DEAR CATHY: Is It gets thc compost pile u

ngs. U ic Or should It be I



ound for touching IS — thc lawn.

size of Q cling canwith two • Utiin Falls’F aoo and FuUSermxtcDonald, • Commercial )r Home • Residential I lit A new Installationsikcando nganold

t a home icw. That ardwood: ’cottaffi ■ m i l a l r m saidc l^ n»l- l l l l i i l lB l iB B Brfng and UquW3ic h e was „ , _— ;------

Doing Business1 is In Magic Vailoy &

u x » n /o v ™ < i ,ir condi- --------- ---— “nspccted • iM O tS a n n

^ f a l x y • ! » » « « « »& • B a U a m i .

stopond t m t a m m' y o u M - — 7 : -room by Burioy/Ruportlhat tum 6 T M 8 0 7e sa ld I '

W tdMidq;March23,2008


geramyjthree basic Cmtc an d Bortcl so£i seems to be crying o u t for a little 1

R ist off, says MltcheU, " ^ u she to symmetry You ccrtainly don*! pair ofm atoiing pillows, with on the sofa. Go a h e ^ a n d p u t one 1 apolron 'ihe othierslde.

As for how m a ^ p illo w s can o a staodard-sizc ,’s o ^ Mitchcli I; nn u ce Is all youj need, maj^imuji morc than that an d you're probat off to sit down, which is bad"

______ __ Thoui


i W ' iUeves lhat there's no

Improving on the classic square Indies. "Its iconic," he says, "thoi why ernctly* O ther designers wl d ie often choose die bigger one Inches square, but m ost custom wani the s l i^ tly sm aller version

Theyabo gravitate toward colc

beige.’ I don't think tha t’s true. Ac a d ty that likes color. Most of Am And we scU mostly color pillows.'

MltcheU encourages thc juxtaj dusting piUows on a sola to ac hiflji-definltion effecL

W hile , he Is r

Y l ' - ’ ■:-! ■ ;

case you’re Wl 50-50 blend of down a n d feather color and pattern, he’s anything The only mle Is that which gove fashion: Beware o f obvious dasln

trees on im------------------- dripline? We v

G reen

TlUMDPRIT'nS DEAR CON( post happens

C a th v materials cook. . L l m om etcr will ti

VralWOrth hot things arc Ir _________; _ J no, under or nt


ithomcTProp- g<iodphcc.cW d k m d l ln g ic hcal.Iw ouldac Jon'l have che ocntralcdiiulii( p o n your irec <tavn lo Ihe lo fd icii. have it Ihnn the tree W(

able with, uike care of It? Locate your ongoing task, out-of-the-way urebistages.As prettiest tiling e Umbs up by . shield IL story plantings People some ing as your tree litde fence or w :ie landscape could go "Mart

snag an old w ooden gate

: Is It OK to put looks charmli c undcr a tree? rounded by I c beyond the gard(;n.Uscyoi

By Ronda Addy Is your last r

you having trou'


f’F incrt kind of silly, docce Company Zen gardensial tation. thQlrptirjll Landscape norves, pro;)ns tion and aid robcSpm ying' cerlir8tion.Japied Control combinothoph| H E s n i l l 0 9 Shintolsn^.wtiicM W i f l B n Buddhism, whic

■ and Zan,which

laws of nature (

.Groon ■/— — — — dens, rack garti)5S Slnco 1078 ■ *y & Minl-Casslo. .........

Kl&oporatod. , m W

P ro g a m L o c a t a t C M i / ■

t U r n l t a md U V A n i^ •- -^Crubi . Inicc' ■■■ 'Spld*

MagicVallay _____4 2 M 1 9 3 7 3 5 '


i stery ^sofii3,cachofvM ch shatile something e x t ^ .I shouldn't be a slave lon't have to hove a P l < i lo n e o n e a c h c n d o f * ine on o n e side, a n d —

incom fortabtyfiton v:Q Is unamblguotis: Knight inum," h e says. 'A ny -----------ibablytokingpilloivs vvher

lo u ^ Mitchell^ siteffers a few box-edge plants ilUlows and so m e o id R iron& narrow o n es c r’s Cowhich he m l ^ l Gardensuggest fo rabeno i).thc designer b e - •

• hean-sluare, from 18 to 21 bronze t o s h ' d o r t k n o w “o f o T a8 who buy from his , gip,ones, from 21 to 24 , , . tomers gravitate to-

color. *•The neutral pU- F®

lows on our site a re p lnkllonot the biggest *Con

rj sellers," he says, o r purf"Even though pink or

i Washington h as in early

b « n refenirf to • Cra as th c 'land o f andw h:

5. Actually, we Uve In 'flowersAmerica Ukcs color, early fa!ws." pactottaposition o f con- recomnI aoilevc a layered, • Lilj

Is not opposed to ^ y w l jcording o r • pjar

J fringe, m o s t leavesI Plfows o n green c

r - . his . s ite forms.^ knife- .Spoi

se lf-w elted leaves n < “ " pleflow stuffed, in ^ , g

e wondering, w ith a „hers). On m atters o f ing but doctrinaire. pvems thc worid o f y— ■ aslies.

apulseIc werc wondering)0t& .

-CONCERNED DNCERNED: Com - [ins w hen organic iok.Acompost tlier- 111 tell ra u just how rc inside the pile. So r near a tree \vould )d place. 'that tree roots grow „1 tlie dripline — F i a couple o f city

mpost pile just ouc- pline wouldn't b e a • either. Besides th e

d cxpeaa lo to fcon - uulents to percolate t>s roots. Much m ore B would be comfort-

3ur compost In an waysppL It’s not th e IIng in the yard, so

}mctimcs put up airwalltoliIdelt.Youlartha Stewart" andJld headboard o r3tc that suddcidyrming w hen su r-ly flowers In th e V^yourlma^nadon. \ ___

' s A Zirfrfy ■ dons.Thast non/o shot? Are throo is 1trouble concontrating main olo]7Doo6itscQmliko tho rocklut ready to jump out ■ mountaii7 You know what you roprosorloed a visitto your is not acsrdan. What? Sounds granito.'doesn’t it? Bul.ifs n o t plants in

Ions aro usod in modi- focus ispurpose is td calm stonosaprovoke the imagina- thogardI relaxation end con- bridgos,Japanose gordons in its owa philosophies of and fonrflrfiichrevoros nature; be placowhich revoroslifBr . only peniich abides by tho cdgo amire and the funda-. rocks inft/inallthings. • ; tol5yo£ethrebtypesofZen toboconronsansui ordry'ger* Rockjardonsandstrollgar- Gravctis

: a isJpo^mgiSace - r -Vecd & Feed ' re-emergcnce :rub Control .

Control r > pIder'Barrlen -

B H3 5 -0 5 5 5 {your lav

y these ade-loving ants in ur gardent Ridder N ew t S e rv lca

icn you’re dream ing u p spring gardening plans, m. m ind these sh ad e

s recommended t y *The armer’s Almanac Q u d en - Zompanlon All-Seasons m Guide:*

Jpine barrenw ort green, -shaped leaves t tim

in falL Various Dower ) arc available ilecding hcart: a femlike that produces drooping,

•shaped Dowers In spring. Juglewced: w ith pu rp le oeen'leaves and b lue ot- Jowers In summer.Dral bells: du m p s o f green u:plc leaves topped w ith or white spires o f Dowers iysurruner.IranesbUl: femlike leaves brhite. pink, purple or blue rs from eaiiy sum m er to fall All but small, com -

spccies are imcndcd.ily*of*the-valIcy: a low*J i g p lan t w ith fragrant,'hltc bd ls In late spnng. iantain lUy (hosta): glossy 9 In various sh ad es o f I or b lue or variegated

lotted dcadnettic: a hardy id cover with variegated i and, In b te spring, pur- iwers.iwcct woodruff: g round with tiny white Dowrcrs

loom In laic spring.

G a t h e r y o u r f r i e t

f a m i l y a n d g t

p r e p a r e d t o

t r a v e l t o

T h e M a g i c V a l l t

P r e m i e r G a r d e n C

E v e r y S a t u r d a j f o r 1 3 w e e k s t h e r e b e a f iiU p a g e a d -n

m a p m a r k i n g t G a r d e n C e n t e r s 16< I t w i l l a l s o f e a t u r e

w e e k l y s p e c l a

Watch for the tour on

Saturday, Matdi 2

Zen TThe most prominent of tho aris tho karonsansui. Tho two Thilomentsofthis garden aro thicks, used to reprosont foitains, and tho sand, usod to de>ont water. The sand usod aractual sond but cnishod otle.Whilotherocanbosomo anin a dry garden, tho main tai is tho rocks. Evon thoughs aro used in othor areas of goirden,likapaths,wallsand. ilkIS, oach stone is an oiemont liniwn right A stone's shapo doina determines whero it will tuiced. A gardon master Is tho querson has the kiiowf- ceind oxpartise to placo the pain a Japanese garden. Up . visroars of trainliig is required pli omo a master.ck gardens also uso stones, milispouredoverthogarden bri

■ H

■ i

To place a classll

FraiD IS I I^ I^ D B----------u m c i i

. ■ S P

Peckltia• 1 x 6 x 6 ’ ( t e d a r

D o g e a r e d F e i f c l i

• 1 ? . "

• 4 x 4 x 8 ' P r e s s u r e

T r e a t e d P o s t s -

• P o s t - M l x C o i i c r e

• 2 x 6 B e v e l e d R e i

W o o d D e c k i n g

p a r p t .

• S u p e r D e c k P r o i l

BBiMllil J lH ll

26'" through J' e n d s & I

IIl l e y ' s 5

C e n t e r s .

SSIHIr e w i l l w i t h a

[ t h e lo c a t io n , r e t h e i r

B f i r s t ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


I 2 6 '* ________________________

'K in garoo and large stonos ere added. Tho gardener creates designs in the gravel by raking back ond forth along tho length of the gar­den. They then create swirls around tho stones and each other. Tho swirls ropresent wator end tho stonos represent moun­tains.

Originally fram India, stroll gardens attempt to create tho illusien of a long joumoy within a limited space. In this type of gar­den. the path is the Important fea' ture. These gardens ara often quite lorgo with a pond in tho center encircled with a path of paths. Their purposo is to allow visrtors to travel to faraway, places in past and present times.

MostZenganiens hava,com-' mon features, such as Islands, - bridges end omanients.. .

Premium^. Bluegr^ss Sod

Call 326-2220

s i f l e d a d , c a l l 7 3 3 4 1

m k linK ie o w w io u r r — —


d n g

re TU

: r e t e J | ^ ^ H | |

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” • mmmD d u c t s i m i a e a L

t s w b B e E B u m■ a r c m . y e u t / i B g B m

' J u n e W ‘’

GBmSprarti; in Locally ownod & oporati

ar- P e a t C o n t r o l

L a w n F e r t l l l z a t latorin- T r e e S p r a y i n g

Q r o u n d S t e r l l l z l

ino W e e d C o n t r o liar-fea-


w H B B y B B S H B B I

' H Q o o d l n g

h n c e

■ ■ C o m p a n yi p H R esU cn tla lm aiic Ii

B i Rail ^ cham l l i^ . vinyl"U & t ^ w i r B , ;

' R q u ic woik. "FREE estimates. •

0 9 3 1



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Page 17: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

i F o o d & H o. 1

--------------------------------- ---

C avaniThe Cavanaugh Is a sh lnd

s t^e , countiy-Ciafteman pL t designed (o m eet ih c needs o I m aturing' fomily. It boasts sc I oral large fam ily gathcrti ; spaces, three b a t h ^ m s ,

tm cc 'car goiagc, a n d four be r o o m ' • '

Tbpercd colum ns re s tin g » stone vcnccr posts a rc ston o u t details In th e m edley Craftaman^stylc to u ch cs th

; draw attention to th e welcor i Ing entry po rch . Oth j examples Include l e accer • a n d multlponcd vw dow s. f Inside, light w ashes in to t]

dram atic, tw o-sto ry foy ' throuf^die.sidcilghts a n d tra{som rimming th e front do< I plus wide windows o n th e sc ; ond level You can overlook t] ' foyerjisyoudim b th e first flig

o f steps to the up p e r floor.•. A larne living room is to tl left o f the foyer. W ide windo^ facc the £ront. and tw o smalli h i ^ windows flank th e gas Qi place. A pocket d oo r a t th e re o f the room links th is roo

! w ith the UtcheiL ' You can just os easily rcai ; the kltdien by h ead ing to ti ' right of the foyer, a n d passii i through the dining area, whii { could be cither formally, o r L ; formally fum lshedi Doub i doors here swing o p e n lo a { cess a partially covered patl I T he covcrcd s ^ o n couid I , screened.I The kitchen is o p e n to tl

d ining area. A bu n d an t cab : netry and cdim ters sp an tv

walls, while th e w o isIand/eatlng bar ad d s m ore both. An extra-large walk- pantry boosts storage cap ad still fttnher.

Recessed bookshelves m a the dining/Cuniiy ro o m bouni

: aiy. A door o n th e fa r sh

Buy a kiDEAR|1M:1 w ant a sim rooi

b u t 1 cannot aHbrd o n e so thought about installing a bo or bay window. Is it better buy.^prcm ado.unit o r assen bfe one from separa windows? W hat are im porta cflldency features? __________ -C O U N I

I S e n s i b l e

, DEAR COUN: Installing bay o r bow w indow can be relatively Inexpensive Improv

; m ent as com paicd to .addlne

' height and ,depth , i P d r maUcally • ' u i c r e a s o ' ' tl

, perceived size of a ro o m ar , can function sa sh e lf space f , plants or even as a brigh t brcal 'u s tb a r .

• I 're co m m en d installing complete bay.«r bow winoo un it os opposed to having or built from individual window

I Tho complete, im lts seal w« an d ore lc$9 expe'tisbc to insta

Yoli niay even b e ab le to b stall one yourself becausc tl instoUadon prtKcss is slmOor t any replacement vrindow. Ai other advantage o f installing

. complctc unit is energy efi dency. The tight seals n o t o h eliminate rainwater leaks, bi also block air leakage.

Most of the com plete uni ; have Insulation bim t in to t l

head and seotboards to redut ! heat loss.

Tills Is also a plus If you pla

I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

■ '

I i#'• : ■ • M ^ Y o i

-- 'S - r . r - - L a . - v?!

i n ; ■ n_ [ i s . H: |g-fEEaaI


laughfitp lan w _

Iso fa s sev- ctingns, a fmV rbed - i f f

i g o n tond- ey of I th a tloom- I Q n f f l B B BS thersen ts

:o the foyer I tran- door, esec- )k thc flight

o theidows -A ,'i:waller, ^ sflre- e re a r ,room ■-

accesses an o th e r roireach could be u sed as0 th e vanau^'s hom e ofQce,tssirig area,or8tudlaY oude(vhlch Four bedroom s arcDrin- alohg with two bathro<lu b le a la i^ utility room wii0 ac- counter, p a tia • For a review plan, iId be sealed floor plans, eli

scction and artist's cor0 the send$25 to Associated cab i- 1100 Jacobs Dr., Dept1 tw o ’ gene, OR 97402. Pleas< w ork the Cavanau{^ 30-49C 3IC o f dude a re turn add re ilk-in ordering. A catalog f )ad ty morc thim 400 hom e

available for S15. For im ari: fomutlon, call (800) 6lund- qr visit our website at

s ide sbdatcddeslgns.com.

it, build:so I

ibow to

«em - drate ' irtant



ab e a ro v e - '

m l u B«y widows can b« a rdm - to place po tted plant:th e seatboard becausc it k

1 a n d ‘ ■soUneorroomtempen:e fo r Bay windows a rc meleak- monly insta lled ih i

windows.; ••ng a A bay' w indow coridow ^ass on three p la n e s TI o ne usually constructed filovirs.' ^ e d casement o r doubwell windows on each sid<

istalL fixed picture w indow 10 in- them. The side w ind1 th e usually angled a t 30 o la rto grec3fromihevralLA4i . An- m odd provides a deei Ing a board.etfi- A bow w indow is ionly constmcted using four

, o u t windows all tilted a t i angles to create a curve

units lar appcarance.) th e Just two or all the \duce are operable a n d >

opened •p lan since m ore w indc

!M d ^ l C ¥ u i l€ t) r« i

i a y C B t o r f a & f ______J . y , o • t

m n FaiiH

2 0 / \ 2 \ ] ;______

709^NoftiiI IdcoIdAt j ( S f V W . i S p 5 3 3 g

. ' mS)'- M-4301

its a gro '

room that a th e Ca- Ice, exerdse • dedde. tre upstairs, iroom s andw ith a long r

i, in d u d in g ^d e v a tio n s ,

xinccptlon, ^ l i Tfs ^a s e specify I n - — - 190 and In- | f O l y Iress w4ien8 f r a n c s , ,n c plans is L e r . S r F«T^s rrfio re ln - * II) 634-0123, ------ V J t Aatwww.as-rL • -------------- — •

yourself I

a more affonlabla altematlve to tuints on the u s e d w ith a b o w c t keeps the 'stalled co st is ofte leraturc. w ith a boy windov m ore com - The com plete b th a n bow be as c ffid en t as

You will have a i :o n sb ts of type o f w indow s s. These are use in a com plete I from an- Casem ent wmdovi }uble-hung cholcc for several ilde w ith a They a re th e mi w between Qdcnt l)ecause th ndow s are com press th e wea ) o r 45 de* for a n excellent sc \45-degree D ouble-hungw eepersea t- sliding ty p e o f v

ping ^ c n is goo [s typically effecthre a s casei lu ro rm o re m en t vrindow s i n dliTcicm opened to a ny an( rved ,drcu- This a llow s ihi

even sligh t breez e windows natural vendlatloi 1 can be sum m er. C hoose]

cygjass. idow s arc D e s u re i th a s a l

I f Y o u W e r e A l

m• Q r rp T t ; . - . - U .- V

^ S u b s c

T tec 5.-' . Custo

)wingfa. a ! •

J -------- T_________ ' ! = ’ 0

5Tf> T _____r ~

n x n i — n r c ------------

««» n

• a bay wity coating reducc the

sd e c t a ss ton gas in f

■ panes.T he foi

offer bay ; A ndersen 888-7020 dowrs.com] (600-552-4 lincwindo^

.W bidow s www.marv W indows www.simo W eather (800-222-2 sh ldd .com James Dull

Dinntooras. 6905, , , . nnli, OH

iw design, the in- wwwdulie' aftcnhiglierlhan “1"“ , DEAR IIIic b ™ 1^13 win a n ew hou a s lh c b a y o n » pum p. Thi a c h d c c o f t h e . enough, to

™ you want to thcregistcr letcwlndowunit. do lo m a ll dow3nrcthcl3«3t m oirjcom l :ral reasons.5 m ost energy ef- d e a r Al 0 they cloK m d m uch ^veotneistripping pu m p s do t s < ^ a i r a s h o tagw in d o w su sea does.3f w eatherstrip- ' Position good, b ut no t as you ore nc osements. Case- th e ou tle t a w also can be tetA lthou<

bccausc It them to catch sk in tem p

cezes for better w a rm eno Ition during the ho u se adeq isehlgh-em den- , A h e a tp t

th ree times salow-emisshfl- a n d e c tr ic l

A T lm es-N ew s Hom e Del

f t YOU'

^ M o re

IM^^LastWbW i m C

scribe Totlay-j

eTiIlles•itomer Service 733

J =

cK d E Q ^ I y


indow ylg to save energy andtie fading of your car- ,

:km oreoutdoornolse.ISS with argon or ki>p* 6 fetl the gap between th e « nil

oUowing com panies R | |f and bow windows: I j i t r n Windows (888-) www.andersenwin* iyl’;m), Crestline R[, -4111 www.crest-lows.com), M arvin lljp5 (80()-346-5128 jvin.com), Slm onton s (800-746-6686 ionton.com), a n d ^

Shidd Windows1-2995 www.weathcr- B gm). Send Inquiries to * -tiUcy, Vie Tlmes-Nms, r ■■yalgreen Dr., C lndn - ■iH, 45244 or visit \ley.com. J

JIM: I just moved into I3USC v ^ c h has a h ea t | nh e house stays w arm | ^butd iealrb low lngout ■ ^:ers Is chilly. What c a n i !ike it fed w armer an d *nfortable? I

-ANDYW. IANDY: Ihcn! ically Is |:h you can do. Heat ■lo n ot make the outlet ■ 1; as a gas or oll fum aco | ^

in your furniture so In o t Bltdng directly In |t oir Qow com a r ^ - ■ ' ’) u ^ the air feels cool ^ it Is colder than yournperature. It is still ^ lough to keep your equatelywarm. pum p Is about tw o toes more efOdent th an B g cfumacc.

e liv e iy S ubscriber, j

C o u l d |

i S aved Ie T h a n I

E E K A l o n e . . I

Co u p o n s ! M

6 S a v e ! - H

'fem It3-0931 I ^

tWormoiA . F I I e r w o m a n

s p o o f o f m a n n c

S a t u r d a y I

(Buifding iExcefft

w n i^

C U L T U R E D M A R B L E »

Cuhurtd Marble ai • Bot/iTub fafiiishing-.* Bbei

Twin Fa u s ‘ 735-

r R e m o d eAll Re

^ 25-51 W Carpe ^ Laminafe

SPRING CLE/)from (h e « x p e r li

• Get UiB iparfcfe wlihout tlie sl cloudy day. Working In direct s the cleaning solution dries befc you spritz the cleaner, make si from top to bottom. Use a pair

m e r r y m a i d s .One Uu thmg u worry about.'


{■I^M Calluio'l bow>vu'UA'tn)o; ijlliuffl Our unices Inclaae:{R[ j ) ✓ H ^ n d Wbodj I f ✓ I.D ay C ablnot II ✓ CablrMt RAfacIij g ✓ K«w C ablnots^ rofnagtOuMt*( 2 ^ Call Today-’S 7 3 6 - 1 0 3 6 ,____H 7 3 1 - 6 1 5 0 ^

—wigdi«itfutwap.c«n E -

lU a b l .1

8 ' - 1 0 ' R E D L E ,





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..........D iam ondflilUxtaunnt Hodrt:

tu U r SWcclal - S tn

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mliumora n h a s w r i t t e n a

n e r s a n d m o r a l s .

( I N R e l i g i o n

{ f e n c e S i n c e 1 3 6 5

I h 2 a 8 - r S 4 - 4 4 i -

v m w .w U C s in c .c o t

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le l in g S a l eJemnants . 50% off 3 8 t , Vinyl e and More! j

: A N I N G T I P #iris a l M erry M a id iB s tre ak s . W asttw indow s on a c t sunlight c au se s streaks bccau before you can w ipe it off. Before 3 su re to dust th e w indow a n d si paintbrush to g e t into th e c rack s.

?■ 2 0 8 -7 3 6 - 7 2 2[i» «*wwtonn«iyTral(a.eoaVia/1l»

OrOttt Shelf UpThis Month!tnjoyihir»nvenlen«lnyourfitjmtr7 r ■de: ■sd n o o r RestorB tlon |! s t R eito ra tlen H ;■cing fiiwKtnoAvftith | |

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& U n der

kt Items

1 • Baked Chicken i • Vegetables hedlct . ' ': Friitts and Melons ake; Brownies. Muffins ; and more plus . fo rthe Kids!

dflelt!-Jack’s - - ...........-irt: nooam- 1:00pm J<roui6erry'& Blueberry pped wfth Whipped Cream ^fiofce ofdHnk $7.96 a BLVPJi.-«.T1MIM.PALi.a-^m

S * f c A ^ A Z S l r S '* s y J 3 H l

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— 1I1I


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Page 18: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

F o o d & H

AtTCox Newt Sflfvlca________

Use the foUmving comi tions. or make up your own use likc-slzc plcccs to ci even cooking, o r allow li plcccs to cook a bic b<

Use caution w hen trar rinR the skillet from the ovi Ict il rest before removinj frittata.

VEGETABLE FRITTAl4 scrviiia.I tbs. olive oil 172 a ip sliced mushroon 112 cup chopped zucchli 1/2 cup'finely chopped

o'nibni /2 a ip finely chopped

bell pepper1 cup chopped spinach lc 8 eggs2 02. grated A sa^o or <

hanl cheesel /2;sp. dried thyme Salt'and pepper {‘rehcai the oven to 35(

grees.in a 10* or 11-inch non:

ovx'nproof skillet over m ed higl) ncai. add the o il

Sau(e tlie mushrooms, chini. onion and red peppt 5 to i) minutes, o r untH softc Add the spinach and cook wilted.

Meanwhile, in a bowl, tlie eggs. Add the cheese thyme and season w ith sail pepper,

Roiuce heat to m edluni. tliceggmixurcon lop ofthe ctablcs. Cook, w ithout stii for 1 minute, or until thc egg jiimost set on the bottom . < (inue cooking, usinga spati lift tlic edges of the frltiati wind the center of the si while gently tilting thc pa the uncooked eggs run ur iicnlh tiic friuata. Cook fo r; •10 seconds and repeat proccss scvcral times un ti egg on top is still wet but runny.■ Place ill the oven. Bake foi

7 minutes, or until the top iJ set. Do not overcook. Usin oven mitl, remove from the ( and Ici sit for 1 m inute. Ri spattilii around thc skillet i

--------- tn 'lom en'ihc'frtttatarand ':or invert it onto a serving p Cut into wedges.

I’er scn'iti^ 310 calorics i Kill ofailoiit's fm m far, 66 l^inis iimieiii. 5 gnvtts carb

. (Initcs. I gram ftlxr. 23 gram (12 ^nmts saiuraicd), 413 ligniiiis cholesicrol, inillignmis sodiunu


■I sl'rt’ings libs, butter 2 tl)s. minced shallots HeggsI a ip seeded and chOF

ripe tomatoes 1/4 cup coarsely chop

fresh hxsiJ &ilt and pepper •J 0/. goat <;liccse, cnimbli

Chefs aiThe Dallas Morning News

DAI.US — Five hol-i chefs brain.siorming frc plzzii could be a recipe for I range fuiility. Or, worse kitclieii of flying daggers.

liui iliis quintet in tlie kite «)f Dallas' tony Abacus res rant 1? a Dream Team fi wliich miracles are cxpcc liaising n fallen soufDc sou ea.sy compared to their ass inem: make ice-aged disc dougli and toppings taste be Imparl gourmet sensibilitle Ihc minulane frozen p jg n .

Tliechcfs’ missionosthcF chelia Culinary Council: IV the Kiniato saucc taste fits the grilled diicken look b( and the enisi botli crisper ihiiiner on the sponso bnnui of frozen pizza.

In sum, moke frozen p moie like lhal served in resiauranis

Bacii chef takes a turn senilng tlie pizzas dreamcti

j<ew Gli l l

Are you ready to he home? Would you liki

------ gct-to know.your neighMcrcy Housing Idaho

Mercy Housing Idaho is for Ihe Magic Volley Se

Homes arc 3 or 4 bedroor Low monthly payments t

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last: ]smbina* nvn. Iust I ensure V larger


transfer* oven to W

king the K '


± in i pcd red


i l leaves

3r other

350 de- ThUAUika brunch fri lonlng snd chaue.

Z tl^ g ra t^ P a im t Preheat the oven

i £ i '

i«i hflit MeanwMe. In a bov i S c m Add the toma

m .P o u r*hpvwj the egg mbctuie on S l shallots. Cook, withe

fo rlm inu te ,o run^ i m C o n set on the bo

p qkillct center ofpSf^S '^ W lc p n ih jild n g i

die uncooked eggs I ro^O io neath the frittata. Co< a t t e ™ '

m iillhE PnKtss gme

° " .£ ? i r t e o v = a B7 minutes, or untU thi SCL Do not overcook

, n.m n ovenmltt.removefro:et S e ? s*' ^, (9 _ s p a n i la around the s

nhfn loosen thc frittata or invert it onto a ser

!,«fnrr Cut into wodges.Per serving 310 ca.

M i y - cent of calories fm m ,YiiSl. 200 pants samnued)

llgrams chokstcr miUlgrams sodium.


P R O C IU n4 servingsTWs is adapted fic

hopped day Italian" by I LaurentUs (Ctorkso

[lopped S30). who writes, nt% pean to use potatoes I tarts and £riltaias." Jus

nbled pieces, lo ensure l

attempt t9____forthemeedng.Every

and feedback mes. o i-shot ’ Tlic chels arc fiar frozen ' bmtal-ThisgroupIsfi

'or free- low for professiona jrse, a over kalamata olives.

Thccrustcouldbc kitchen the bouom," says Ken resiau- who is playing host t

n from cus restaurant pccted. "Needs more garilc, sounds Ihc Qavors ore mulO assign- Waller Potcnza of Aq> Uses of robisuoinProvldena > better. As slices afc passe litles 10 Ihc comments comc •JL hard to track who t icFres- "H ut’stop-heavy.'sa' 1: Make too acidic," says anotJ fresher, How can this poss : belter Especially w hen th jcr and Schwan Food C a seni isoring Freschetia Research z

opment Team, a I pizza corporate food wor in top sendng marketing ]

rescaioi and devdop m prc- d n eerina food ned up dlsuibution. Tbchno

r ro u p s p .I

help BUIU> yoiir OWl like to leam uew skills ar ighbors in the process? I f si ho may be for you!} Is now accepdng application ' Self'H elp Housing ’r o g r ^

x)oms. 2 baths and 2 ca^garage] Its ore adjusted to your hiconu.'

down paymtnl!

^kWio W «hM itaKltedi23,2008

Fast,K g

1 f rt ttsU com blnH tuna, Im II p«pp«I.Tnesan cheese evenly and g ^ c lsn to 350 de- Is Ukes to Dnls

under the broilinch nonstick, worics wcU. Just3VU m edliun- watch to prevQe b u tte r Saute Use prc*sWld<

5 minutes, save time,xnvl, bea t the 2 tb3.oUveoUmatoes, basU, I /2 onlon.chcGently add the 1 cup shredde

tatoesmedium. Pour I garilc clovejsn top of thc Salt and peppithout stirring, 6 eggsidltheeggsare l/4cupheavytKJttom. Con- =IIA cup grangaspatu lato cheeseh e M ttata to- 2 oz. thinly sUof the skillet coarsclychoppcilg thc pan so 2 tbs. c h o p i^^ n m under- Preheat the b rCookforSOto In a 10 -or I I1 repeat thc ovenproof skilletmes tm dl the h l ^ neat, add th1 w et b u t not & ute tho onlch e Parm esan utes, Add the po

and pepper andi.B akefor3 to 15 i ^ u te s , orthe top is just lender and m ide

wk. iw n g an • MeanwMe, Irfrom theoven th e e m A d d th elinuic. Run a prosdutto and bie skillet edge ■ Reduccheoltoa ta ,a n d s lia e theeggmixiureoserving plate, m o mixture. C

stilling.fori m incalories (per- eggs are a lm ost:m fat, 66). 21 tom. Condnue atunscarbohy- spatula to M thr 23 grams fat frittata toward thed). 413 mil- sm ei while gerterol, 290 Pan «> the underneath the u

30 to 40 sccondsu r r r u proccss scvcral I, m on top Is sti> AND runny.t t a Plaice the skU™ broiler and broil

set and golden,fiom "Every- Using an oven

• Giada de from the oven aIcson Potter, minuus. Run a sIt^veryEiiro- thesklilctedgetocs in omelets, tata. and slide orjustusesm all serving plate. Cute they cook Per serving: 29

to perk u]cryonctastes, terprcdng chefs’

like a boll-over 01rank b u t no t WhUe thc ch<Isfortoom el- bake and tastiinal Jealousy watch, taste andIS. casionally obscr\Ibecrisperon for red, green aGentRathbun, peppers arrantst a t h is Aba- - stripes on top ot

m ^iiie am achlillc.otherwise catedithasntyetLtfOcd.' notes Besides, cauticAquaviva Eu- n o Io ^ t Randy Hncc, R.I. it's too irou-finu.sscd around, Thccoiporatcin c so fast it^ however, is figuri0 says v iuiL exccutethcchds saysone."Iti R m cym aybei

lOther. b definllcly fri. o ^ b ly work? pancUst Tony

th e p a ren t world-famousends along Its Chicago: *Ihmdsh and Dcvel* rants.*^Customcra group of then want to Qim nks repre- wherc, incliL p a c k a ^ g , supermarket free lopment, en- Michael Gunn,1 science, forSchw an,isad no-gceks fri- m or^ cooks doni

W Nand£so.

OM,IL , For, more i^oniwtion pleat

8 c l ' j i c n A 2 0 8 -737-U J U S D A I-86 6 -3 3 M I



, fool

iB y J w n Cox Nem

AOAI cnced c asked b) tho seen askm th ofculfru

Sure,\ onom el pam per

u k e a £

f r i t ta ^ tom elet!

caitofca anm spn hydrcucs,. ^(B grar

,....^-^.1 1,...^-^.^-, llgrams pp«rt, onloni, I a ^ milligram

FRulckty.DeLauientl-inlsh h e r frittatas ASPAliroller, vtiilch alsoList b e sure to keep .jvent overcooUng.sdded potatoes to

oil 12 bz.chopped “ ■‘ '" • I"ddeSorcubedpo.

ST””*Salt and

avycream ^grated Pnmesai.

j^ecdproselutto, ^ a ^ ;

p e d fn ^ b a s U highheat,IbroUen tlrll-frichnonsdck , minutes imet over medium- and Just tcd tho OIL and sautejn lon for 4-5 min- .Meamvl • potato, garlic, salt j id sa u ie for about Add Brie,or undl potato is . Reducejiden. the egg mi•, fri a bo\vi, beat paragus jthe crcam , cheese, 'without stidbaslL until th ee It to m edium . Pour._ .the bottonro o n topofthepo- Contint!. Cook, widiout spatula toninutc, o r until thc filttata tov)st set on the bot- skillet w he cookfrig, usfrig a pan so thi[ th e edges of the undemcat1 th e center of the CookfojgenUy dldng the repeat thencxwked rxm until the ele frittata. Cookfor but no t rujid s a n d repeat the Place fri^ dm es undl thc 7mfriutes,} stiU w et but not se t Do nc

oven mitt,skillet under thc and let sit roil untU thc top is ' spatula orlen. 1-2 mfriutes. lo loosenren m itt, rcmovc or invert itn and let sit for I Cutfritowa spatula around Arr serv.

p to lo o scn thc frit- cent of caii o r frivert it onto a gnumproiC ut into wedges. draies,lgi: 296 calories (per- (12 grnms

ip frozenlefs’ work sounds The prodiTontheverge. this coU ^che& slice, dice, blc,''hesa'

astc, th c wonks &q)Iainimd listen. And oc- in du: samservo d ia t an idea whedier dtl and yellow bell food mama n s c d like flag to come i) o f a p i s a would hope die pchine so sophlsd- oil these dyet been frivcnted. a^orious,udons food uxh- kind pizzatyR lcsofR & D ,“lf can be mou.itwon'tselL" pricetluiK ate Ruys'main lob,n iring o u t how to f —i d s ' i ^ o a ^ ^ 3 b e out, b u t trendy fri. Explains chef ly M antuano of

Si.r tai.'! O.*nciBtrythfrigsand ^> ffrid dicm clsc-ncluding die A ^[rcezcrcasc. • /* .• € (mn, cxccudvc chef oiI adam an t that too tunnelo n o t spoil a p is a . canine

' I o r surgdie qui

T t a S lipliw.C

■ ' o ff " 0- -Along V

■ otir tre

(ncraasi t^ u la r

l o t t c c a a u i n t SPim-1470 ^W 0 S 7 t 5 t ?

B S iwwv

proogg pie’ startn w B eite r tuew a8«TYtc« stc

. COIANIA As-an expert- ini[ cook, 1 am freauently 81by novices to teaw them 8^CTettomoldnganomelet, 1th i^ v ie w ^ mo tm e test bo itaiyOncsse. i w hen la m dining solo,lelet makes m ofeelqulte flUcred, b u t w hen I a m ' ^lg for more than one, I bitaedded ly“raoreIsmore^ cota A , d iucklng the ciepe- nugg d ish for a flavorful wai.dxeItalianverslonofan nut Frittatas, a thick, open- Ea:

calories from fat, 66). 16 Ugr orvteia 10 grams carbo- ligr. s, 1 gram fiber. 22 poms ■ams saniratedj. 315 mil- : cholesterol. 567 vns sodium.



'X > o nbutter ,z. asparagus, trim m ed «f r ito l/2-lnchp!eces p sm ato, seeded and^ ove

heavy cream- ^

" E r S J e e s e . rind re.' cubeda t oven to 350 degrees.10- o r 11-frich nonsdck, 5- 1,lofsklllet over medium- p It, add tlic oil and butter.

the a s p a r ^ for 2-3} or undl b r i ^ t green fg , ■ : tender. Add the tomatotefo rlnU nu te. Cwhile, fri a b<?wi, beat gpg i>cream.saltandpcppc£- skll] ::ehcattom edium .Pourm ixm rcontopofUieos- (he1 and tomatoes. Cook, ond sdrring, for 1 minute, o ri eggs are almost set o n topom .___ ___ _______ PJriue cooklna using a y mto Uft die edges of d ie s e toward the center of the oveivhile gendy tildng thc anddie uncooked eggs run spatuidi die frittata. to l lfor 30 to 40 scconds and o r iile process scvcral dmes c u t! e ^ on top is still wet p,mnny. centfrid icovcaB akcfor3 to gnues,o rtm d ld ic top is ju st drainot overcook. Using a n q2tt,rem ovc& om d»oven Ugnsit for I m lnuia Run a mill around die skillet edge n d ie fiittaw, and slide t it onto a serving plate. ^vedge&rvinp 317 calorics (per- f/,viones from fat. 73). 18 crotein.3pamscarbQhy- \gramf£er,26pamsfat chojns saturated). 420 mil- i>

1 pizza Educts dial come out o f n aboration are “fricrcdl- soys.ins Rathbun, "We’re all imc busfricss.” Meanfrig r ■dieyfercstauraieuisor inufiicturers, diey all try » u p widi dishes diey > pubUc will buy It takes I disdplfries to translate is,handmadc,one-of-a- za frito somcdilng diat m ade cn nusse for a a n It consumers will pay. y | j

Yoa b a r e a UngUng senoaCilice pins and needles. Should

O t t ^ a p e n ls te o t tln g U n s icompression of a nerve clthci o r neck. Common d iagnosis cl syndrom e to a hern iated di n d u d e spedilcmcdlcaUotis, p: irgcr)^ S < ^ advice ffom on exp [uIckcrYOU con get back into I

SpIfM I n s t i tu te focusos sol . Our boord-certiflod and fttloi cbmptate care f ro m 'th s n«

] w ith tho traatm ant o f tmmKti trlve to In tagrate 'ths phllosoi trastm ant plans.,Our goAt I: u e d quality of life by helping a r actlyides as soon a s possfb

iieI iibiiiiiie "* IF ID' HO

^ ; 8 ( i l n 0 l d a h o ^ e b n i ;

)ffri1ts on stove,faced 'egg pie,” start on tho stove like a o omelet but ffrdsh cooUng fri thtf oven,.elfrnfriat- ing the flipping and foldfrig gymnasdcs and tho is-it done? guesswoik.

Uko an om det, a frittata can bo flavored with a vaiiew of fin­ings, bui fristead o f folding Ihe cooked egg over the filling, die fining Is in n e d th r o u ^ u c tho eggs, addfrig flavor to every b ite . Because. H ttauis are cooked undl se t dicy can be m ade ahead and served h o t w arm or a t room temperature, m aking them perfect for an Easter brunch.

Ugratm cholest^l. 322 mil­ligrams sodium.


SALMON FRITTATA4servings 1 tbs. butter 112 cup diced red onion 8 eggs4 oz. goat cheese, cmmbled 4 oz. smoked salmon,

ihopped 1 tbs. fresh din 1 tbs. chopped ddves Salt and pepper Preheat oven to 350 degrees, fri a 10- o r n-frich nonsdck.

jvenproof skUIet over medium- dgh neat, melt die bu tte t Saute h e onion for 5 mfriutes, or undl softened

M ean\\M e, In a bov\i beat h e e g n Add die goat cheese, imokcd salm oa d E chh-cs and lalrandpcpper.

Reduce heat to medium. Pour h e egg mixnire on top of d ie jnlons. Cook, widiout sdrrfrig, b r 1 minute, or undl die eggs are Jm ost set on die bottom.

C ondnue cookfrig, using a ipatula to Uft die c d ^ of d ie rlttam toward die center o f die kOlct while dldng die pan so die mcooked eggs nm undemeadi he friitata. Cook for 30 to 40 scc- m ds and repeat die proccss everal dmes imtil thc egg on op is stlil wet but not mnny. _Place Indie ovm. Bake for3 to . mfriuics, o r until die top is Just

c t D o not overcook Ukng an (ven milt, remove from die oven n d let sit for 1 mfriutc. Run a patida around die skillet edge D loosen the frittata, and sUdc >r invert it onto a serving plate. Xitfrilo wedges.Per serving 326 calories (per-

ent o f calories p o m fat. 64), 25 Tams protein, 3 grams carbol^ bates, trace fiber. 23 grams fat 12 grams jorunwcd;, 418 mll- Igrams cholesterol. 461 nllligmms sodium.


BRUNCH FRIHATAMakes 4 to 6 servings Cooking spray1 small bell pepper, cored and

hopped I /2 cup choppcd onion

S u b s c r i b e . 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1

H o m e I h p r o v e h e i

M rm M i

la d o n in your arm. Itfeeis lid you be concerned?

lg In tb e a m can involve a her a t die wrtsl, d ie elbow, sis c an range from carpal 1 disc. Treatment remedies '1, physical dierapy, bradng, sqjcrt.Tho q u l^ r y o u do, toU fd ■

solely on diterders o f the tlowshlp-tralned spedallsts neck to tb e lower back, v

•d la te or rfifortc problem*,— - sophy o f prevention In all I Is to o m patients an ' ' ' Ing them g e t bode to their 1 ' sible. t.'v

Sfim uel Jo rg e n so n . MD \ Jo seph Vtirska, MD ; Cheri W iggins, MD '

. D ouglas McVey, PA Lori G. Luna, PA ■

ittata, ends in oveh e Theonlydilngyounecdish foo lprooffritta ta lsalO -oat- frichnonsdckovenprtM fsn g and a fertile Imaginationsle? choosing your flllfru s.Iiiv

flavoring indude fresh ha n vegetable, ham, cheesesin- sm oked fish. Frittatas ch e g t e a t 'w a y to u s c u p ^ ^h e leftovers you have on hamh e Som etfm eswhenitcom;ry a n egg dish, die m easuire c tdinary expertise Is sLb e choosing what to serve. It;o t Kenny Rogers says In hisIC, “T he Gambler": 'Y ou |a n knq w w h en io h o ld 'em , t

w hen to fold'em.”

]//• 1 dove garlic, mfriced lcan (14 -3 /4oz .]o r2a :

1/2 oz. each) salmon, dj a nd chunked

1 / ^ n p nonlilt milk o r v2 tsp. Mexican, toco, oi

seasoning.1/3 cup shredded chedi

Ja c k d ie e e 1 11 /2 cups chunky salsa )n, Heat oven to 400 dc

Spray-coat a lO-lnch n o r paiL Sdr fri bell pepper, bi a n d goriic; saut^ two nd over medium h ea t Add sa:

s. Beat togedier eggs, m l cw water, and seasonli^ DOU

vegetables fri pan. Cook jte over medhun-low heat, or

style, undl sides are set, al: to 5 minutes. Sprlnkli

^ t cheesa Tinnsfcr pan to «p about 5 Inches from heat, < -H inghandlew ilhfoillfnece

Bake an additional 5 mil ,u- o r until frittata is pufly anc Ug are Drm fri the gcntcr. Cu

wedges; serve each slice ^ 1/4 cup salsa.

Nutrients per serving. „ calories, 17g toail fat. 5 ^

. “ rated fat. 45% o f calories P® fat, 3B6.6mg cholesterol, {‘f prolein, 13g carboliydrat

■ fil^.l441.9mgsodlum.an ‘tn omfga

SowveAIaskaSe Marketing (

S ifS g r o s s e s

I ^ . & R e I i g j l o

j ; M e d ^25 ^

K ■ m 1 4 k a r a t g o 9 f

g ; o rd ili 'tr I I

20% “Now until Easter

FiaefentlrjSlBtt 1991

B oyer leuietru-----------

U |lK8imiMhi.l 733-4!

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0% Interest up to $I,OC cash back on Trane Hij

3 Eftlciency Comfort Heat * & Codling System.

(Offer cnd» M»y 27.2005)

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V 70e 'N C o n e ^ B S un* A, Twin N I

: j 2 O T : 7 3 6 , 8 p f f l

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^ d a r or

sadegrees on-sdck onions,

irdnutes s on. nUk or Durover . ok eggs omelet- ab ou t4 k lc on ;o oven t, cover- cessaiy nfriutes, jideggs ru t frito ce with

r. 341.4 ^ sa tu -

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Page 19: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

Famed chef Jacques Pepbi hai Madlfon. Pepin frequently ent which made It neceuary to rr

A ld tc lTha Hartford Courant ■

MADISON, C o n n .- J a c q Pepin’s new kiichcn wo make even the most rcluct cook willing to try.

From th e artistically airani rows o f hanging stainless, c iron an d copper pans to m nplc-scatca bar stools that vite visltOR to “sit down £ stay awhile, “he superstar ch spadous new work room at M adison hom e feels like perfect blend of utility and h pitallty.

'I t should be a Uttle o f boi says th e personable m a: chcf, food columnist, cook teacher and author, best kno for h is award-winning cook shows. "It Is my workshop, z it is a placc to cnloy." he si scanning the 22' by.30-f room, w m ch blends contem]

Most striking about the sp is the, h in t it gives to Pep other passion ... a r t The w arc lined with his origiiial paintings, all signed sim “Jacqucs," with the 'J" serv as a d l e of a n umbrella.

---------- "Pepin-m eans-um brellaFrcnch, you know,” he ejq)lai

Copies o f his simple, aim &mdlul drawings ot foods i o ther culinary images w m ade in to dccomtivc tiles t

----- are inierspeiscd with the vrtceramic tiles on the solQt a b the sink a n d oncofscveralw areas. "Coming to America.” title o f o nc tile, marks his rclo

C o m p a n y £The Washington Port

Over the post 149 years, Oi has accessorized tne upsc p o rtin g life %vith shotguns c fhhing rods, lodge b L u ^ ts c bug-rq>ellent khakis.

Now th e Vermont-bai com pany is extending to lma loghom es.

Each o f the sbc home p lan nam ed for a trout-rich Ami con tiver, starting at 5552,000 a com pletely assembled B tenkill cabin and topping oui near $1.2 million for the expi slvc Bogue.The totolpackoro be shipped by tmck, indiu walls, lloors, roofing moter in terior a n d exterior beai gables o r dormers, doois, w

I] Bob McRlniilM : - S U a i t F l m• ' I ■ ■ ‘.<1 '■ - I lIV D S iiu a u tI I M m t

■ j


I has created a large, modem new entertains large groups and does :o move his kitchen out of his mal

;h en f it______ don to the United St

Boufg-cn-Brcsse, ntacques Francc. where he wasw ould family who ow nedarluctant Under what appears

blue-tinged ocean wa'ranged Icaturc of a cloveJ, cast* drawrt to resemble anto the Sparkling stainleh a t in- com m ercid 'grade Kn and appliances are ther chefs bolts o f the cooking:I a t his cated In an outbuildkc the from Pepln'jm alnhotid hos- burner, 36-inch gasco

center stage on a 9-fo<both,” land topped with TOS

n as te r quartz. Tnu stove is pooklng to m ake it easy foiknown crews to tape his woooking explains, wnile alsoip, and him to talk with gue says, niight plunk down oiO-foot gonomically conea,empo- retum " bar stools onjes. side o f the island.; space A ,commercial-sizPepin’s front refrigerator ani walls drawers, food-wannlnal oil ers a n d two dishwa iimply . strategically placedervlng cooking and cleanup ila. and convenient!lla-in-------= W hcn-you-p lanplains, kitchen, you should Qalmost chcflookatit,"hesayis and signature lightheanec

w ere • dow n-to-earth appiIS d ial good cooking “After: vrtiltc tells you how it shoulcabove then have your decon

U\vork in and finish i t ”a .” the A dual-zonc wine Ireloca* provide ]ust the right

a i m s t o seU_____ dows, hardware and b

It docs not include kii , Orvis pliances, bathroom pscale li{^dn&permlts.orsh IS and The models range Its and 1,539 square feet j

bunkroom , master based an d ba th—to a tvro-st hEouy— squarefcetw lth fourb

I h ^ area and a bunk Ians is All a te designed a \m eri- homes, t h o i ^ even t WO for cst cabin Is ‘vutdoorH i Bat- with patios, decks or out a t porches, sold Jon Selle

s p a n - . Mountain^proicctma o ^ t o The feature that ofBi oudes bo th com panies set ueriol, eager to brag about is leams, line 'sportsm an^ rooc I. win- a guy "can store his i

i s / t x f i c i a i i m a R i

r je ia l 2 n d J l m e A r n t AKHQU^

: c o u m m

tlo g o n

• C lic k o: •Subm M

" a i d o a l y o u w ll

' m a j


new kitchen (n i p e s t hottse behln oes some of his television shoots li main hotise to {Ivo his wife some f

t f o r a c1 States from tu re for the reds tnear Lyon, h e isylains), a ti

vas bo m to a ovens and a toa:a restauran t ro im d o u tth eo va rs to be a w hich Peplnjokew aveisacar- yearm arriagafc o f garlic. "Mywife,Glorianoctopus. theintrusionsofi

nless steel, fUmings In the h: KitchenAid m e I h ad to movle nu ts a n d he says. *We hne space, lo- house, wiicre vreoilding yards pingpong table. ([iou5C.Afhrc- build a new kite!}cooktopsits cvervoncishapp-foot-long is- S a K 'a ^ h lwrosc-coIored vides the backIs positioned intriguing dispkfor cam era po ts and pans ti;work, Pepin ow nbnm dbyB oIso allowing as others, indudguests w ho Culsinart

1 on the cr- “I wanted It toa , "memory Pepin s a ^on tiie oOier ^ r a l nocks

counter hold a sllsize, glass- collection of spand freezer and other cookin

rming draw- lla. Among the tiwashers are autographed wi;d to m ake th a t som ‘Borup organized Jacqucs and Is

a iiJd , 3 /1 /9 8 .” l o n - a - n e w - — After-aguest od O rsthavca II doesn't look liksaysvrithhis cooU ngin thenertc^ css and Is qitlck to cxpMi

Sproach to Ican ’t s t a ^ t ccr the chef Is dirty or messy

luldbcdonc, c o u n l ^ the tin:oratorcom c grease that goes

le cooler {to Its place when t jhl tem pera- done-'Istayaw aj

1 luxury log lid blueprints. vrader3,tiehlsfisl! kitchen ap- his dog and nu>m fixtures, dgar." said Sellersrshlpplng. Oivls win be ITnge £rom a intheuseofltslo];t Including ' other , paragons^ bedroom (Can tou soy *Ri3-stoxy, 3,944 Don't look for thi ir bedrooms,— or Inreriocklng OmkrooTTL oveiyotiieilogor1 os second Otndab are si!ii the smiall- where to pIoc» oior-orlented.” tremely subtlo”or screened telegraph the Cdlers, Rodty Pexfaaps die comimflTMger. the hardware otaffldals from pine doors, or aseem most of crossed flshlitisamoscu- beam, said Ryan ijom," where ' director of marialls guns and nlcatlons.

A r o i i i i i O o m n H o i

ESA HOMEmiHS , : : c o H s i m i c

on to www.niaolovttllBy.c c on Ai^c t h e Export nit your q u B ttlo h bnltno i tal ex p e rt w ill an sw er it f with e a s e a n d e p ta d i

Hsglcifaff*]r.<oiitlona a n n r a ra d .^ lant.fiqiitfg {niormatlpn you njgrf j

■il' ’ '


H S p iTha'Hartfi

I newest di

everythin andwalli linens.

The tre In attitud president ford, m a n u ^ dow treat goods.

In the 'ju s t flat 0

terested fabrics, ] "That's c same bu open to ti wtiit sec

ii_n_io_i_ii>iu bW print , h ln d M .h « n . l n <s In Madison Decorane privacy. ners, fc

“Japonica 1 A featiuing

C116l up on m newest b

«Is and th e whites, rottons,o a m iawvavE; rwo d ra ra tin toaster oven help 'In Air B oversize kitchen, ways bcei lokes saved h is 39- len lessu]

iloria. was tired o f For8 of interviews and ' le house a n d told Knight Rk novc the k itchen." e had th is ^ e s t In a 2. I vtrc also kep t the should eaIe. so I d e d d e d to day, with: dtchen here. Now ing fiom \appy." Many i1 ^ ^ w ood pro- claiming ilackdrop fo r an are 100-p splay of hang ing vyholeMiIS that in d u d e his o f tiie low^Bouigeat.asw eIl product teluding T-Ril and while Is

which Ist to look like an .” causcofit

Wholecks along a no ther aslm ilaifyedccdc spoons, whisks

l e ^ ^ y m ^ is an w ooden sp o o n

Bon A pp e tit to 1 Is signed “Julia We Wl

st conunentB-that------operalic l ik e h e d o e s a n y nfT W i snewspace, Pepin iloinwny. d to w o rx w h c re it cssy," he said, rc* ggpEjyi t i i ^ a n d eU>ow

p cs into ranking o tle ssan d b ack ln m tiie cooking is > 4 ^ iwayfiromduttei^”

h o m e sI fishing flies, w ash mayl>e sm o k e a

Hen.e more restrained s logo than certain >ns of m sdcana. | H I K | 'Ralph LaurenTT)

r tiie word “Orvis” g OS'burned into g or porch lalUng. B a J : e still pondering ' ’a one or two 'ex- fer Idendflere to ^ •B Orvis lifestyle: *om panynameon J oH he Siberian ir a bmss plaque ahlM rods c n a •

aricedng com m U ' "

M l

ucfrioM H I

I J l. I'

iring trendrtfordCoum t for--------------------------------- Freilo n eyeou tfo rb trd slh ls Aud—Inaoorsiu idou tT hey ingle decorating w orlds re-iidarlings, s h o M ^ up on Youlingfromdrapcryfabrics rooiJl an to dinncrwarc and The

sontrend signals a real shift. Kudc, soys Robin Hsher.w is c7itofRLFHom e,aHan-,y robl

C orm .-bascdi low:icturcr o f upscale win- '1siim cnts and other soft stra

T hfic past, IVc h ad buyers apptout say they weren't in- Ad in any b ird print hav, period, Fisher says. Cor; changcd. Now those grai3Uycrs arc m uch morc turt) tiic conccp t As a result, desiecing a huge variety of tunInts used in casual, D ^ - che^slanandcontcm ponuy QovJ.’ pan)rating chain Calico Cor- Horfor exam ple, chose A

lea," a n Orfenuil fabric forig brilliant birds, flowers tiorm boofo rthccovcro fits bas-catalog. Birds also show bircmany of the com pan /s tunbrismtly coIorcd pop

!, as well as m orc m uted and tingfiibrics.America, birds have al- tionBcn a classic motif." says in Isup, m arketing director tiie

'your health,;RlddefNews Service tiioi

tOU]2.000-calorle diet, you and eat 6 ounccs o f grains a she! ih S o unccso ftha tcom - when whole grains. moi / food com panies arc and g to offer products that W •percent M iole grain or vari wicat — in p a n Bccausc and3w-carbcra7e. O ne such bust t tiiat’s been around a andis whole w heat pasta, whcIs often overiooked be- redfits brownish coloi: eme !e w4ieat pasta is often von

vill never sell out our cu alecLWith.service-seconc vin Falls, Affordable Lat

Twin Falls Fi

I Dclip

log AprO 1** - Fun Scrvice Gai ill^ 'ftalnlng & Scminm, Pla

i S ^

■ Pioneer FederalC R B D IT UNION

Jerome186S S. Lincoln 324^553


“ W e can Help You"

i s c aC o n s u m e r C r e d i t

M a n a g e m e n t S e r v i n

Give Us a

l i i i mB o i i n t M d B a n k

C m t t a S C O T T l


h center aior Calico Com ers. “Think 'rench Cotm try rooste;^ or Uidubon prints. Now we're sec- ng a n updating and c-intcrprctation o f the d e s l ^ fouH see birds used in g a i ^00 ms, but also in living rooms, rhe market b ahvaysjooUngfor

1 ^ t o ^ current avian look s color — think parrot peen. obin's egg blue and canary yel* ow

'People arc cx d ted about itrong colors.” Jessup says. They look fiesh and new and ippealing."

And Its not Just fabrics tiiat lave taken flight. Bombay :om pany h l ^ g h t s a pair of ?accful crane garden sculp- ures in Its newest catalog. And lesigner Oscar de la Renta fea- urcs a beautiful chinolsere Aest w itii hand-palnttJd birds, lowers and butterflies in a vhid jaiiot green finish fr» his spring ^ome collection.

Anita Tlbuizi, design director or The Source F M & CoUec- ion for H om e an d Garden, }3sed in Sharon. Conn., says )Ird prints, figurines, sculp- utes, tableware and linens are jopular items for the catalog uid online company.

"There are so m any applica- ions,* says TlburzL Lovebirds n the bedroom, bluebirds in h e kitchcn o r dining room, ex-

, give whole grih o u ^ t o f as bland, chewy and o u ^ But m any o f the brands m a varieties now on store h eh w have great Davor. Whole vheat pasta can help you K t nore whole grains into rau r diet md also inacasc Gber intake.

Wc sampled a few brands and arietics o f Viitole wheat pastas md fouml the flavor morc ro- lUst and heartier tiian smooth m d ll^ t regular pastas. We used vhole w heat pasta In four cdpes. and o ne standout emerged for its tcxiurc and Ca- on Racconto BeUa Terra

customers. We remain 10 )nd to none,-and a commi .andscape Services is; Finest Full Service L

and M lg, Edgiog & Acndon3,Shnib«&Lm)i&Shnibsctall8tioQ& Muttctuocc Mign. IntalUrion & Miintenana1 A .

jarden CenterPlaatSilbob etc.' _________

l a n c

• TWln Falls 659 Blue Lakes N.' 735-0814, :

I I\ : 800 Falls Ave. Suite e e s

^ l s o o n ! ^ 0 ^ 2

t W M■AUTO s/sd t n n u d i q i ' b i ^ O i i


2 3 3 > ^ 8 8 0 - s > A i i i £

F o o d & H o w

iround bir<ink otic birds o n the patiaor Source Perrier Collectior

ec- sellers Indude a set o f tw(nd orful ceram ic cockatoosns. pale green crests andlen beaks: Chinese porcelain tns. bird plates; han d -en ofor pintg table accessories, le

m scrancs, palm trees andtok foliage; a n d "Ncstina" t.en. ware, a collection of Dlue'cl* whito Limoges dishes and

accessories, featuring a ch)ut ing array of blue buds, iys. b l i ^ ' e ^ and featiiersnd signed l^ ^ b u rz L

"There's something trulliat (Qging about these cicatilay sne says. "They bring a serof rcn em lan d aco m in g o fsf

Ip- and they also convey so rnd symbolism. Cranes indea- good luck and storks arc asere atcd w ith birth. There's a rells. people w atch for lhal flrst Ivid after a long winter. It's a syIng oflifegolngon."

If you'd like to Incorptor som e f l in ts o f fancy intoec- decor, experts suggest upden, yourlookwitiibim-insplrelys lows, table skirts, sUpcoveIp. w allanare "Think outside tiie declog ing box and incorporate i

unexpected item s hereca- tiicre," T lbiuzi advises. "Trds provide com pelling coniin and add whlrnsy and inten

ex- your surroundings."

•rain pastas a tnd OTT^c brand. Wc m ade | ids salad w ith Racconto gemcire two short pieces of spajole twisted together like a rofn t flrst. tasters didn't suspclict thing. T h e gemcUi is nt

brown a s som e otiiernd wheat pastas and the tcxtitas notaschewy.Thcsamcgo*ro- Racconto fetmcdne.)th Both pastas boast 6 grar«d dietary uber (a serving of)ur regularpastahas2grams)Llut ounce dry serving Anyla- witii 5 grains per serving isrra sidereda good source o f Dt

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9,2005 TkM»Mewf,1MftMi,ldahi


'dsIon best wo col- 3S witii d rosy n exotic igraved Teatur-

nd lush table- ,

uc and id tabic charm- . nests,:rs. de-

u lyen- amres." «nseo f ■spring } much ndlcatc assod- I reasonst rob in -------symbol

rporatc to your pdating l ^ p i l - ivcrs or

Iccorat- c a few rc and TheyTl intrasts crest to

trye pastanplll —laghetti ope. At ipea a not as whole

xtureis 5oesfor

rams of )f most i)ina2- y item iis con- fiber.


t i o na n y .

b l e

i p e

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Page 20: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

F o o d & F


On a dusty street In the nia VcrsoUcs district o f 1 Volloita. a visitor mov ni mcdlaicty notice th e cninmcc door (o H adend saica But behind Its stu wails is a prtvaic paradise cd by Sam Leonard American artist who’s li Mexico for 10 years.

Al the hacicndo. she signed oh artist retreat

. Iiuh natural beauty, a© friendships and food flc

• nourisrtlng both body ancTWce a day, Leonard ai

Mexican cook. A m ador tana, offer guests woni meals that are eagerly anti

----------- cd. 'The day m ay b e s irplatters of glistening frui bilterswect-chocolate par o r sweet breads w ith mango jam. Skewers o f | shrimp and peppers or lo tcs of fresh Dsh and vcge icvivcworkingartistsat m

But it's the salads rou out meals that arc irrcsl The freshest unstem m ed greens, rccendy harvestet a n e a r^ nmch. are pairct

• pungent arugtila leave? to s s^ with the l i^ te s t of ings, perhaps highlighted touch of lime juice or chili der. A sprinkling o f pepitas, the hulled green of pumpkins, arc the only touch.

It's a great lesson in simi A side salad should be ur plicated, a restrained a diat complements o ther d With fewer ingredients i sahd, those on the p late I chance to shine a n a o ca ti own magic.


Maka 4 Jo 6 servings

I S 0 r I n R e


H o m e

p i e s icSalad-4 cu p s to m aru g

th e Colo- 1 package (8 oof Puerw pared m ixed s]f n o t lm- greensle green DmslnffendaM o- 1 teaspoon chistuccoed ro sem aiyo rl/2 tej

Use creat- rosemary, crushedlard, a n 4 tbscxtta-viig^5 lived in 1 tsp. Dijon musi

2 tbs.whlte-wintshe’s de- 1/4 tsp. salta t w here 1/4 up. freshly (creativity, pepper

flourish. l/2 cu p ch o p p etandsouL l/4cupth in ly8hj a n d her san cheesedor San- l.Tbpreparctheronderful bine o r u ^ andin tid p a t- In a bovfl. cover >!gin w ith towel ond refrigeraf r i t and 2. ’Ib prepare tpancakes Combine rosemaryilh fresh in a sinali saurep;o f grilled medium-low heat Io r papil- 5 minutes,cgetables 3. Remove fromt midday, together mustard,rounding and pepper. Whiskresistible, and stir in walnuts,ned baby 4. Pour w arm c sted from . salad greens, lossL i r e d w i th o ansfe rw sa iad p tives and some of Parmesjtofdress- over cach salad an< l e d w i th aM i pow- SIMPLE MIXE

WITH LEMON Ifniyolher Makes 6 servings

2 medium cucur impUdty. I (10-ounce) ba( ; uncom - ro m in e lettuce d accen t 4 small radishes, erd ishes. 1/4 cup finely d ts in the basil or Italian pars Ite have a Dressing: cate their 1 tsp. grainy mUi

2tbs.freshIemo: 4 tbs. cx tra-v ir^

I WITH 1/4 csp. saltFreshly g round I

toiastef 1. Peel the cucu


O f i l Y

9 A.M. - 2 P

R c 9 t I u f . l ,n t I , I

I ,

d e s a hlengthwise ar

vgulaleaves seeds. Slice lh ) ounces) prc- large salad bo

sp ring salad Add the radishes ond (Don’t toss sd

choppcd fresh towel over ihi : teaspoon dried eratc u p to l l ed 2. In 0 smal[gin olive oil m ustard, Icmi lustard salt and pepjrine vinegar shake vigorou

a.po ttfover ly ground black well to coat ol

w ith thed res; ped walnuts diatcly.> shaved I^rm e-

G R E E N Sth e salad: Com- d c d d c D ' id salad greens ' r t » • C K :r w ilh 0 paper C H E E S E /

B th e dressing: VINiftlaryandoU veoll Makes4iolep an . place on 8 cups mbua t a n d let infuse 1/3 cup th

peppers Dm h e a t Whisk Dnssing:rd. vinegar, salt i tsp. Dijoniskininftiscdoil 3 /4 tsp. tunts. l / 2 tsp .granu n dressing over 1/4 tsp. pap OSS gently and 1/4 isp. salt ' plates. SprinkJe Fresh/ygroilesan shavings 2 ibs. e r r jan d serve. 'fitbs.scxtni

1/4 cup th iKED S A U D d ic ts c

^ D R E S S I N G7gs \viih a paper tn u nbe is . a te u p to bag salad-ready peppers and t

2. W hisk tl es, thinly sliccd sugar, paprifc / choppcd liesh g rin d so fb b d larsley v inegar unti

Slwvty whisk nustard dressing Is thn o n juice ate until readj

olive oil 3. ju st befgreens \vitli d

id black pepper fer to salaci peppers over I

icumbers, halve w ith shards ol


f i H


a d s s l! and scoop out the clhin lyandputfritoa IbowLle romalne, sliced m d basil o r parsley. s salad) Put a paper thcbovdandreCrig-

> hour.mall jar, combine the em on juice, olive oil, lepper. Close jor and rously to combine.)vcr the salad and toss j ■■■.. It all o fthe vegetables jessing. Serve frrmic-




M I G R E n E Hto 6 servings

nixed greens I th in strips piquillo

Jon mustard Xturbinado sugar o r 7 . j , .

inulated sugar \paprika • \salt \ground black pepper enyvinegar )c tra-vir^ olive oil thini shards Romano t o

1, tear and measure L'|bIt into a bowl, cover iWier towel and refriger- i l0 1 hour. Prepare I J id refrigerate. lA k togedier mustard, ('3 irika, salt and several ^ bckpeppcr. Whisk in ■ intil well blended.lisk in olive oil until1 thickened. Refriger- ■ ■ !ady to serve.before serving, toss h dressing and trans- liad plates. Spoon itirtliegreensandlop so fR o m an a


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sea grown 'opotilctHj -X I firm MM iIef,N ,p. daM lid - ildbe jmpncatod, itralned inttlurt iplemanti , ird liba i 1 fewer '/ . adlents

w on the a h n e <i> lanceto ' n snd Ite their 1 magic.«•

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Page 21: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

F o o d & H o j

I m p r eByCarotoKotMn K n tf r t R ld d a rN m p a iw n

If youVo like rae, you love die start* feeling lhat comes

w llh getting your U ichen in o rder a t the stan o fa new ycac

H m t means maUng a dean sweep o f Ihe pantiy, rfntniHng canned goods you t e u ^ t foi h u iilam e season and ducaid* ing holf'flnlshed packages oi stale crackers.

W hen you restock those ’ d e a n , neat shelves this year,

w hy not. lay in a gourmet arse­n a l Along wltH thc usual &anned beans, chicken stock a n d diced tomatoes, a few out- of.the*o;dinaiy staples wlU ghre you a head stan on a host o f ic-

■ Ldous dishes. • --------Here are five ofmy favorites.

1 .ChipotlesInadoba C3iipoUe (chee-PQAT-lay)

peppers are Jalapenos that have been smoked and dried, gjving them a n appealing depth o f fla­vor. They can be purchased dried o r powdered, b ut the best w ay Is canned in adob^ a t h l ^ tomato-based sauce. (Look for them among the Mexican prtxf- ucts In the supermarket) The alm ost chocolate-like sauce softens the chiles, making it easy to S8oop out what you need.

Sdr it into mayoimalse, vinai­grettes and sauces (one to three teaspoons per cup, U) taste).

Add it to soups, casseroles an d stewa {one to two table­spoons per four-serving l e c ^ ) .

M k a tablespoon w ith a pound o f ground beef for spicy burgers.

A little bit of goes a long way. so fieezc the unused portion in a p lasdc freezer bag (press the chilcs Qat], arui break off w hat you need when Inspiradon strikes.

C H IP O T U CHICKENMakes6 KTVina lyzcupddcrvm esar I tablespoon canola oil 3 or ’4 canned chlpotie pep­

pers in adobo1 tablespoon ground cum in2 garlic ckjves, minced

' Iteaspoonsalt6 chickcn quarters (breast-

—wingand/ortragh-dmmstick) 1A4 cup lomaio paste 2 tablespoons U ^ i molasses In blender, process vinegar,

oil, ji^noJlfa,cuniln« goiUc..and salcuntil smooth.

Place chickcn in a plastic fbod s to m g eb ^ A d d I l/4 c u p o fthe puree arufm b to coaL Seal bag a n d rclHgcnuc at least 3 houra o r a s longasovem i^ i.

Remove chickcn to a plate, . discarding maiinada Stir wm a-

to paste and molasses into remaining thlpotle marinade.

Heat a gas grill 10 medium o r build a niedlum Ore in a char­coal grilL ff the ^ rack is adjustable, plocc it u t 6 inch­es fhjm the heat source; ff your grill has a covcr, use iL .

Grill thc chicken for 20 to 35 m inutes, turning once a n d brusliing \\-lih the saucc aflcr 20 minutes, until cookcd t l u o u ^ C u t Into Ihe meat to test for doneness; there should be no trace of red

2. Roasted red peppersff you keep th t^ ja rre d beau­

ties onTOUr shel£ you may never go back to the messy, timc-con- sum lng proccss of roasting your o w a (Once open, a ja r will in thc refrigerator for two


STATE CORSeveral business th a t h a '

ownership serving local custi nity to. sell o u t iheir spray c i du ring this post Winler. I d a h o Law n S e n rlc e . K in S p ra y S erv ices, formerly proudly serving the M agic Ve ow ned by Ttu-Green. based invesidrs. How well does i understand IWin FaUs c u s i tlons?

W hat service levels can b grows only through increased

. We are, and always will b Falls operated.'Wo p ride ouraeives in uyini possiblo, because we im dors ofllv ingond doing business I loyalty, to local vendors a n d i seco'ndTo none in 'th e Indiii quality work'done, thAii y o u A ffo r^ le LahdoMpiB Sei U w n , l iw ti Shrub SprayU a n d f biid M aintenimce, M o\ P ond J- Infltallailons, Spr In s ^ a tlo 'n s . .

• L^pkfot our Full S«r Kimberly Road, Just e

. OpenlngAi A Public s ta tem en t b y B ill I

L andscap


a s s g u c


in' L r S i


tse- V /- ■iual

PMto, 8 cisulo Italian b l olhra oil, hsi iotv«d many J8fi on th* patta t l i le « t

fla. weeks.) Rinse and d ra in t] ged pcrs.andihen:,est Puree in a food p ro c e Ick, sauces or dips. A dd chii fo r vegewble brodi to th e

aloiw with salt and p e p i [Tie youhaveasoup.^ce Cut them up and u se t asv Kvpi, salads, sandwich^

zas and pastas, ja l. Marinate t h ^ in o i l . ' ijee and a Uttle gorilc a n d &

part of an Italian an tipas lies te tjle . Puree with an equal a >e) ofraayonnalseforacolo: 1 a boiled shrimp. A dd ilcy balsamic vinegar and o lh

the puree for a salad d ies


Ion Makes 6 servings1 cup loosely packet

leaves 3 tablespoons p ine n u t 1 1/2 i» im ds grcen <

beans 1/2 cup thinly sliced i

ep- ‘ ' i p E v e s . m inced 1/4 cup c x tra -v ir^ oli

n 1 tablespoon & s h juicc

Salt and freshly g roun »5t- per0 * Save a few basU leaves!

nish and cut thc rest in strips. Set aside. Toast tl

;ar. nuts in a dry skillet over Uld,um*loMUu>at, .shaking

constantly, tmtil lightly t >od a b o u t3 i^u U !s.S c ta sId th e Cook the beans in I 3ag salted water until ju s t so r aboul 5 minutes. O ra l

colander and rinse w it ue , running water, drain well oa- In a uuge bovid. com b nto pine nuts, sliced basil, rc i. per and c . Add th e c1 o r and lemon Juice. Add thi lar- beans and toss to m be S c ; is Uiste with salt and pcpp< ch- nish with the basil leav Dur serve.

35 3.Pestomd This classic Hallan bl '2 0 basil, Parmesan ch ees t ^ . nuts and olive oil h a s for many a >s-ceknight culin; n o ■ sis for m a Used iudic

almost as you w oula m us m a y o n n a ^ pesto c a n t enormous am ounl o f

m - wltlujut ovcrwiielrning i ver Look fbr it in Jars o n thi m - alsleatihcsuperm aiket. )u r A ddpestoiom ayonnai icp sandwidi spread or fo r pc wo pasta saladk Stir it in to n

BUSINESSES TTO OUT O F RPORATION’hav e prided them selves o f 1 Listomcrs have taken the o ppcI custom ers lo the h ig h est bii

C im b erly Nurseiry, G r e e m ly ail locally owned Ck)mpD : Volley, until this season. No< icd in Illinois, and answ erin •s a com pany based in liU ustom ers and IWln Fails co

R b e cxpcctcd of a co m p an y se d profits and stock values?II be,'.TWin Falls ow ned a n d '

/in g from local so iirces 'w hcr lerstand the true econom ic v ss In th is community. I fy o u v id custom ers, ff you w an t se t dustfy . a h d 'ify p u w ^ f t h o ' o u n eed to call us. : S e r v i c e s - P h : 7 3 2 -1 2 2 6 lybig Services,.Lawn. L andsc /Iov^n£ Pruning, L andscape Sprinkler M ain tenance

le h d c e G ^ e n C e n te r o n It e u t of B lu e L a k e s B lv d . [A p r i l I " , 2 0 0 8 . ;III Manlur. ^ e r of Afforda ap e 'S e ^ c e s .'

e s fe w ii

S i

blend of basil, Parmeian cheeie, n tny a weeknight culinary crisis. Lool a t the lupemiirkflt. 'n th e p e p - potatoes, plop a spc

grilled fish or chlckcr cesso rfo r risotto or svirirl it h icken or Thlrmcd \viih a littii h e puree m akesadclectablcp ?pperand

B A flU E rrE V SA U M I.B O C C O

„ , , PESTO MAYON1 s c r v ^ Makes 4 savingspasm pto- lIonfm islyFrend

^ 6tablcspoonsmaya amount moretouste))IorfuldIp 2uiblespoonspcstJ d T llS ? more to taste)sUveoUto ^resslnjz. p ^ p e a drained

^ 12sUccssplcysalaj3 CDC 4boccondnl(smol’ E R 5 laballs), sliced•a n s Slice bread in haffl

Mbe mayonnaise j

k c d b u ll cut sides of b read la sUccs, salami and ch

n o r wax 0 n b re a iC u lln [o 4 [

d roasted 4-AndmvteiLet m e guess: Yoi

- J chovles..olive oU I don't blame you.

fishiness Is a tum-ofl " hile Inio an entire anu n d pep- P izzaorlnasalad

ver r ru ^ - Lg almost y toasted,

st tender. ra in in a Adth cold

[Ib lnc thc M akes k e y s th i

■ n»)P 'P - -OffiaKtyse olive oUth cg recnSeason to •OrKeysDper.Gar- •MotBrcycJeKe;a v c s and •RVKeys


as solved 350 Main Soiiin a ry a i- Downtowm"d id o ^ y , 7 3 3 -4 0 2 1 lustardor„ add an 'W e make keys Tho- o f flavor


I ”if local

'K ;8<t.TliuralMS.12:U.};.

‘P““‘es ' toSKSf'iow all . T»i^?iMS'Vr5ar in g to ' llHnois- , cond i-

tiy thats? • Polar ExprasB m.d lW ln - I —IcoPrlncoMdJiOMi

u valueservice | . A f t ' f T 'lo 'b e s t ■ • r r I " ■

• ■

M Fear(

■ -m

i th e a sI In small a

when blendc< dients, anchc

' the flavor of a satisfying

for aullienilc

saucc imd tlv nuoc mum.

ures o f und; ■ many ways t

salads and si

m iliirirm tiirtit 12 anchovics e, nuts and virgin olive oi

X Sspoon mincc

spoonful atop icaspoon red i c n . stir It into hours Il Into soup. VVhen you'i

Unle cream, it a pound o f p: Ic pasta sauce, genil^heat Ui

P WITH chovles m e l 1 . . . . « drained pa.>;t;i

>CONCINI & loasied brc:rONNAISE sam eanchovfU N M A Ibt bedeUdoussi? cd slices o f 1snch bread ,oppcd \vlihnayonnalse(or cheese or seal

aesto saucc (or •

r) roasted red | |

d a m lmall mozzarel- 1 2 K 7

lafflengtiiwisc. e a n d pesto md spread on L layw pepper 1 checsc sliccs 3 4 pieces.

You haic an-

■ou. Their salty i-offwhen you ; anchovy on a


t h a t w ork


Ortmfipitniiinl<ri4iTKqrS „to5!5p.

Keys g iSouth

VnT.F. Wtudmgjt.0 2 0 S t " . ' ; '

WtWNt.liThot work inc.*iitnu()

WwWffWnWiCW iNSTineoBUR »it.TTiufi ir>

1 0 ( 1 * 1 PO M.TiBQ.MO m WDiofTAtaon

S a H M y B H iB Tho Rli|Q llUBJ|l|BUUfl IHITCUOBUAl

I IN8TJM0 8UPlai-Vti --------

f i o O p « a o i r ~ H | n ^ r a w 1 Srido &^Prp]tij

:|fIer<M|•*>»««« I " " 'A/Trand iii s g . ......L a - S g

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All A dults J IllWfyTllJ.*:!# „ ^

8ct»T huM Z :1

H appen to Those Wh

M f t i nI ■ ' • . Nowat

r C o m e s F u l l C i i

, r I

g q i ' Now at the Twin <

jy g o u ia m o u n ts , however, lo, mozs

le d \v iih o th e r ingre- To mho v ics c an eiiliancc lo p s tef a d ish in an chisl\-u [lasla, clg w ay. T h e dressing garlic cli:1c C aesar. s.-i]ad, for choppeiis m a d e w iih an- blespooJ is VVorccstershire- llie juicll ic A sian nsh .sauce le m o n s

Plea^I dLsco^’c r llie pleas- c h o v ies . you'll find p b ■ i to u se inem . from i j i sa n d w ic h e s to vej;- l | D ^

im a to s a u ce s and ■J t sm a ll sills In tiic *3 u ry a n anciiovy In j i' l ia v e a n afllnlty for ,

la m b , black olin's. •

□ S r e V o h a s m ex- j gcstiun in Ills new I f / f rII C ooking; Marinaie ■e s in 1/4 c u p cxua- * ^ o il. 1 tab lespoon red | igar. 2 teaspoons . 1 1 C J a n parsley. 1/2 tea- “ ■ " ic cd garlic and 1/4 id p e p p e r flakes for Z

u ’r c rcady lo cat, put { piLsta o n to boll and S B t l i c anchovy mixture S tir lin g u n til llie an- , e l l . T oss w ith ihe A | | i ta a n d garn ish vviili 1•c ad c n im b s . The ' f jv y m a rin ad e would i sp o o n e d overloaM- f I-rench bread and h fre sh m ozrarelln :a ltc re d ove r a (omn-


' IM



I il vo urscn , IrctrtI Cm >Ko.»r IfKSl W men* ct ts* IWIW? im tvrj« petlA; *U|M ■ p>r* ftbiLUntn KKtetl fitf U0« rU" WOO: <n4 NfiUI Pvlntrt' (C'FCjnj Uatt C>«uu tt cm M l> 5 Pf f p«eM. IS lo HOeui e»(«ctwj Miltl i (SomrtiK (lilt erJt eni, .iinuiplti.ll.ngotM lb;Hli>a«COr>t»>CiCKm wtOnUlt

xirwcKiliiotSaiS.'nMKitXMtfiCitKtCtinnKttift onn«l nn tfJ| -oil •.in d ir» tiRW Hni ■ rijtfu r« t tm «pf»* «lt« I!* M!» tt,, ui-Jm MnwHt It. Sttjlt«k »«Ourtl W hXit iMlM Cinlony.t or en ] stitf tfortl Ivn. lUiyitrul biwi liutuvt itippiev oiwlini> IX ill fub ti Oir n (Oitfl-n bj, t^iir cc«l ur»iti1ilPtftr>nilrx.KIIIILmCT(CM>!Ct.HiliO)nrD(find pjrir piMud w t»f»x» MJ'o «i irw (tcwlK d

3Q2Bbu&QE&BE9!^^URobots (PO) ■ M Blomou w> r » . IfiW

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ir Batjy i t i i o o F t : t a ___ ’

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'h o Dream Big

i c ^ s ' ' |a t tho Twin Cinema 1*^^^

1 & J e r o ^ B CInoma All S e e

i r m e tnT7.Trpll.T nnrf Knil Im ake anchovy butter to I

steaks or combine with I 1, chop 3 anchovies and 3 : cloves. Add 2 tablespoons ped flat'Ieaf parsley, 2 ta- loons chopped fresn basil, uicc and ^ t c d zest of 2 ns and 1 /2 cup soft, unsal t- lease see QOURMET, Page C9

■ » » » — ■ (cn p T h iiC c

7-11A M D a ily -S u r P r e s e n t T h i s C c

Y o u O r d e r a n t

b r e a k1 0 Ma^

K M l A r t l f ; " 1 a i t l t M B J i y ■ A i r V

Q u a li ty I S erv ices l l


............................- Th*N«tk>iIt's ttw tloM yo

N A T IO N A L F. Unlltnl



Now Covering B

MAGIC645 Blue Lakes Boul< Twin Falls • C en ten n

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!o8 p»f u

uiw HvMmnTl?OrtWi IkM RlMM M nrCK DUICT cowan MMM n>t> «ft WiM IUMl> d itiftf ;tw«<UTt MMd u ii hlimtmtf.

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m E m M s s s i m m


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e>«w M gWm

S S s S S f f iiwuli IMM cAn >1 anr IDtii oritn Btf M

Iso's Fomily To Savo Your Own?

STAGENow a t the Orpheum Theatre

ds Indudlng Best Pldure

I 1 . I - I O I M

( A B YLtheOdysseyeThoatre ^

nture o fa Lifetime ,

at the Twin & Jerome Clnenm

■omlbo Dlfoctorofit U k e Beckham 'omartUc. Funny and So Soxy

& P re ju d ic eIP<HM

he Odyssey 6 Theatro

^ C X M o? * W E SSeats jOnly $1.00 Every Day Now a t the TWln Cinema

VI H A N K S .

«y - Now at the TWn Clrwtna

M T1ine»Mm,TMiM*,kW io C





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Page 22: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o


Hillsh Spiral Sli(

--------- ^

Bone in Honey ( sugar a


: sAmbrosia or Tropical Wall

• Qasslc side dishes; for your Easter dinner.


i H n; • M M eyerG allo : I MilkorOrangeJu

I i 3fot*6. « Y«fHnt3«,W lihThbCou• • AtSdlilonalitEvcrydiyLowI• • • 196.2%, 3.25%, Fat Fr»

• ! * orSldmRov^e.

ii j i i i i l

; ■ r - i — i........................ .......... • l Y o u T I M '

i m \ D b t a m

i ' ■I» _________________ ____


yecii*ve)hire Fami iced Ham

[97JL Lb.:in. W h o l e o r h a l f , ^ y or brawn : cured. „

; t . < ‘ ■:

E '3 t u v ' '* 9 ‘' S F i ® v -Sd

)ra d o r f S a l a d s

, _______________________ c

y - i l ^ glUon ! : IM M e ] : Juice : : 18-Fack Lan

5 : : Buyl,G«

i i Me■ Couoon I ? ‘V o® ^^2Iaela<llxu aw Wee! I ! WllhThlrCaj

, . . • GndeAA

“su , I : w iM x cBMtdU. , * Umb2i.k«S.Ct>)iv)b

ll t : Ji!i • • • • • .................... ' f ' "

tidoutSumJa)!adoiilIi)e.“ Dcygxoin tod didt Sitrimp

BiiiEa~l[iB. '. .‘ ■

• Prices g oo^ .^edn i

‘U ,,. ,

t,m » m i l l I M a rt ia l, M M


ii3 9 9 FoodC

12oz.Coverw Lb. forawondctfu

psa®']: fi's4aiiilHleyer • J Tillaj irffiEggs I ! B ui G e ti : ; r t

EE ii 2fo^ F B E E U cm . ' J Y ourHnt2»W

• • A d J lilo n il« £ w )* y U w P to . .

. ; ; U n s a l t e dunhM.ViUd ' « « OneauxoMl ihtouASMunliy , , WrfheldiT,Uin*2 vtbtl/ZIWicidr. « « liUnh26,io03.’CB]

■ :.J !...:!_WhatSonyo[ Fre<

jnesday, M arch 23 throi0lJ+a»00ttCO .t

M ______________________ _______

the r5 Eas‘ " t i l

V 7 w B f i£ S jV .r . 'r .-

‘A j :;,

Meyer Angel Cake Bar O

er wUh fresh strawberries ctful dessert ■ ■ ■


Uamook ’ ! Krafl Butter I I Cn

$A 'for i i iI * WUh ThIi Coupon « • Y ov Fin itEwfydjylflvrPtlce • • AddWomoiCubed. • • 8 . ItedorSillai. J I

i i XSi ! i i l j [ j«)urlisttDday?l(

xiMew w w .f r B d m e y e r .d o m

rough Saturday, M a ^IMlLtainvOaitfcPllxjnmHaOAARKlHW


> f o r 5 \

jj p ^ / n n r • * j l p

ift Phiiaddphia • • i ieam Cheese I I i

7 Q C : iv ./ y \ i i ; ;•im 3* Wllh Thii Coupon * *ontlitEvwydiyLowPtJce • •S o iO r l^ n a lo r •- •

NeufchlteL \ \!o»paipan!Rhise.ViUii « «

( .^ C u b n ta t L ^ D f l c . « « Um

j l i i l l ii » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


ch 2 6 ,2 0 0 S .M p rts to rwrtiKAOueBmye**Nipfb •'


1/2 Hat StrawberriesYour H nt 1 • Additional at Eveiyt 5 [bs. 6 dty pints. Bursting with fli

on TWO ;Your Flnt 2* Wllh Thl» Coupon • Addlllotul It Gverydty Low Price •

KnudsenSparidiog I Apple a d e r |

750m l IOneatMp(fpuniutt.Villd »

WcdasdiT.kKaiUthsoiabSiturdiT « U in A U ,k » .C t i f a n fa t l^ d k «

V............ ^

ores open 7AM to H R

asaer,^estS - r ^ . '■ ■

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s m u B m m m • •

* *

* • N H G G S J f l M l i i W v

* *

• • H e ^ ^ s Bag• • or Cadbury Eggs

i i 1 8 8 I I X Ea.• • You Flnt 3 • Wllh This Coupo:• • Additional I t Everyday Lotr Pdc• • 12-13 OZ. Assorted varieties I ; While supplies last

! * W (d n a te ^ £ 2 ? ^ ^ S i tu td r « • UndiU,ioos.CBbnIunH!OU>ofl

I l i l l .


s s s



Page 23: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

Kitchen _CoRtbuedfromCl surface of th e m ea l. Wrai t i^ t ty In cellophane and st It o v c m l^ i in a fHdge. Rcra from the refrigerator 30 re utcs to on h ou r befo re coold to allow the m eat to comc room tem perature before co Ing. If you use th is methoc seasoning, don’t in d u d e sal theiub , as it dries o u t thc mi Salt your Iam b {ust before p> p i i^ it into th c oven.

"Ine other p o p u la i season method Is by m aking small ( in thc m ea t a n d insert chopped herbs o r even wfi cloves or garlic in th c pock

;,You can either p o p It stroi firito thc oven or. fo r.e i stronger Qavor. le t i t sit In &idm o v em l^ t. Again, hold o f.th e salt un til x igh t.bcf cooking.

Heating K upThe most Im portan t part

p reparing roast lam b Is i cooVing tem perature (os II with any meat). W hen roast meats, it’s im porum t to not the fat conicnt. If th e m eat 1 lots o f fat o r Is heavily maibl you wiD w ant to dock It dov a t a low oven tem p. I f the m. is leap, you wrill s ta r t cookini at a h l ^ tcm pcm ture to seal julccs. then lowei- th c tem p Unlsh cooking the interior.

WUh iamb, sta rt , by plad thc m eat on a roasting rack I drip pan.

This will keep th e mcatifri soaking In thc grease that set off o f the meat, p lus It allows lo pass under the m eat; Insi ing a more even distributlbn h ea t If your m eat is lean, st by roasting It In a 450 degn oven for 15-20 m inutes. Insei m eal therm om eter into t meat (not touching thc boi and place in to a 350-degi oven. Cook about 20*25, m: utes per pou n d , until t

, therm om elcrrcachesatem p 120-125,dc^ces. T his Ies

' tlic m eat m edium n u e in t ; center. Widi lamb, i t ’s not n

-1 bmmended to cook thc mi ! post m edium (135-MO c ‘ grecs).

If the m eat Is fa t o r hcav marbled, cook it a t 325 dcgn for 30 m inutes per p ound ur It reaches the desired inten

■ temperature.With both cooking styles.

. recom m ended lh a t youiem o• the .m ea t a t 5 . to 1 0 degrt I below doncness, covcr It wi ! aluminum foil an d Ic t it rest 1 I 15-20 minutes. T h is will allj I thc m eat to relax o n d bccor { morc tender. Also, i t allows t ' juice to seep b a c k to the.ceni I o fth em ea tj Ifyou w ant the m e a t cook• more without drying out, su I merge It in h o t a u ju s or be I bullion until done., Franklin D. Roosevelt on

said. “We have n o th ing to fc bul fear Itself." Ju s t becau you've never s e r ^ ^ a dish h fore. Is no reason n o t to try

HOlXTPl Lawn & Gard



| * 4 9 9 j

I • Three spee< t self-prop< j *E x d u sh re2 1 'X en o y ® r J m sto rco iro d e I • Honda's p rem ium reskJc

• Zohe*istart safety system •Exdushm TWn Blade Ho

blades and;foqr cutting i• 6 cimlngi

; <8311 bearings in all four \ I 'S -in -l (m u fch ,b ag & o p I •Ergoadive h and le for sal

7^r4i4: B / 1 1

e q u l p m e n; s a / e s ' s e r v i c e ■ p a i

. i.’--

Lamb is delightful, e \lrap It mankind since befon d store of Jesus and . m ost emovc' eaten by Christ himsc ) niin* tiadltion w ith your £i wking^r. has stood thc tcst o f t )me to - '2C00k* ROAST LEQ O F

l/2 c u p h o n e y l/4cupfatown8Ug!

.m e a t 1/4 cup prepared n ®P0P* 3 tbs. lem on juice

_ 3 lbs. gorilc pun%

S I ■. l l b s . b ^ p e p p c r

One 8*lb. b o n e ic traight lajnb.(n/cn In a saucepan, con ^ 9 ingredients (honej

b e f o r e s t i n i n g c o n t i n u c well b lended Liberal! o f lam b vvith marlnad

Covcr and refrigc 3art o f t i l^ t . Remove fiom is the least 30 m inutes bef s It Is hlg. (This is to ins lasting cooking. Place lam b notice ing nick and placc in ;at has preheated to 450 dcgi ubled. Bake for 20 m inul slovWy, nicat therm om eter ir ;m ea ( of m eat, lo iv er oven king It 350 degrees a n d plj seaTln back In oven. Cook u m p to reachcs Internal lem r. d c m e s . Remove me ilaclng wjui alum lntm i.foll t c k in a to rest.for 20 m inu t

serving^ tifrom Servings: 16. Calo. ; seeps , Carhs 13.Sg, TbutI Fat iwsairInsur* ROAST R A CK OF

2tbs.vcffetableoUi. s tan T\vo7*ribracksofIa

, 1/4 cup Dijon m ustis e n a 2 cups bread crum b0 “ )e 2 tbs. garUc powder bone) i i b i r o s c m ^ icCTee ,j parsley, chopj

lupL lhym c I tsp. black pepper

' ' l/2 isp .cc le rysa ll . l/2 tsp .sag e

““ he , Heat oii in a large sl m edium heat. Work

m eat one rack at a time, seal > all sides. This should

m inutes per rack.In a m edium Oat be

bine bread crum bs1 parsley, sage, rosem ar tem ai cclerysalt.andpenpei

, . Rub' outer surface “ ■“ s with m ustard. Roll imovc.. .b read -m ix tu re u n d

coated. Place bo th ra roasting rack and p k oven, preheated to 40 for 18-20 minutes, un of m eat reaches a ten

vstn c of 120*F (m edium rare Servings: 10. Caloi


M I N T J E U ^2 cups packed m int

once l/2 c u p su g a r ifcar. l/2cupbo ilingw aic cause - I tbs. lem on juice h be- 1 tsp. black pepper uy It. . 2 drops green food c

> K ~


H R B 2 I7 T 1

o p e l l ^ rea r baggef/m u lcher <S> mowing deck'.will NOT deni

skJen 'tial'65hpO H aO H V en< tem :H o n ^ Quadracut, System^ Twi ng suHaces for f in ^ dippings

urwiieelsoptional skfe disdurge'* '

■ safety, convenience & com fbr

R R Vm t &. r e n t a l


• -y;-

I, enjoyed by 1 tbs. com sianfore the dm e Placc. all ingnist certainly cornstarch In anselLShoica fully p u re e ur family that thorou^ity .A ddiiftlm e. pulse u n til thlckf

Servings: 24,IF LAMB Carbs:24.2g.1btc

ugar LEFTOJm u sta id L A M B WI ltbs.oU veoU

I cup b e ll pi J, strips

1/2 c u p yellm cut in strips

» m b ln c f c .n e y tlu jiig h

i S liSMI t b i lc m S S lu

j / p — ^ l i n an oven. 12 Dour tortilla

Heat oil in a n

r ln lo c c n tc i M d c r (a b o u t :

placc lambkum U m cat ga,ucam p o t 120 ^ k , s tirring to cm eat, c ^ r ^tes.U anti a low fromm tes before d lantro a n d chec . . — combined.

ijorles: 766, Heat 1 tortilla a T scasg crowave fo r 30 {

Divide m e a t m DF LAIrIB andw rap in tortil

salsa, guacam o: iflam b cream, is ta rd Servings: 12. (m bs ' Caibs:23.6g.1bta ler


: atasi:t NORTH! skillet over T H A U jrk in g w ithe a rm e a to n m a lm N iild take 7-8, Bpcrinshooeecs

bow i.com - SATiBtoe#'lWiwia lb s, garlic, andKobhmMiMl lary, thyme, iwwte ttm txku, p e r ftK ndhom & H sftlSe o t lamb ill meat in n tll _ evenlyracks on a ^ a

place in an 400*E Baketmtil cehier C o m C ; J O i ;empcrature Ib esd av v M


J.Yint sprigs

'deo lo t '



rwin' '

fort \ | / ^ jC P 1

r j ' T O if i ’ t a

............V V • -V •

___^ Go*iiorch cd butter. Ingredients except The b(I a blender. Care- packed in <

until blended available iidd cornstarch and some supeIckcned Tb redi24, Calories: 95, them in aJbtalFat:5.1g utes,chanj

Tbsle ihTOVER still tc

) WRAPS vSlhthS'loil Drain a1 pepper, cut In tislng,

Jlow bell pepper, 5 * ^

i bell 'pepper, cut

)n,cuthorizontal- f

n ;jowdcr , i . e d tomatoes 'dicedpcd dlantro uajtiiccp iuee•heeseiked Iamb, cut in

tiUasa m edium skiUcL i and peppers until T I t 5*6 minutes), loes, Jalapeno, ;; powder, dlantro, sm on juice and to coat for 5 min* '

om heat. Stir in heese until evenly '

ila a t a time in mi- )0 scconds each.

mixture evenly # 3 ^ millas. Serve wim ^ 1 3 m ole and sour

2, Calories; 435. ■ i.^ ,. * italFat:lB.3g

j i tF id / i . .

STE OFHEAST ‘■’o? “ HAND To°ofcaowtritEtt If youri

LvitaziiishMto p ro v id e P « ^ 9 r a r

. paintint

S w S f i JI 'S [ ( C n Z answ er

Conta.loin Va.../M ardiM , ■ i-Ital(l«t»3«.'QMtmuiiBBa'tpt


m y ^


iirmet___r. Mix until smoodi. Oibest anchovies are Iceran oUve oil in small jars, withsin specialty stores and top,] pemioricets.d u ce saltiness, soak 5.<cold water for 20 min* N(uiglng the water twrica swotIhe anchovies;- if they usedtoo salty, continue to milkm until )i3u an: pleased blenIr flavor. meai

and pat dry before Lo aisle

W e d .

T h e R

7 :

W i

M a g

I A tJ m is s i

^ A ll p r o c e e d s w

O p t i m i s t C l

3 | B ^ B ^ ^ F o r m o re i

'4T MAGIC is in its Magic Valley. Oui om es for qualifyii on a limited inconr business o r organizati and paint o ne of ou r de: Jb you Wilh all the inforr am. A team co n sis ts of ng a qualified hom e. Yc srship and Paint Profes: er any questions o r hop

a c t : P a i n t M a g i c

P . O . B o x 2 6 1

T w i n F a l l s , IC

2 0 8 - 7 3 6 - 2 1 2 ;

w w w .D a l n t m g

c a l l a n d d i s c u s s w i t

Darla Brownfield, 1 Della Milam,

Greg Taylor, Tl

3airtm 'sl2ti

W edm «iar,M areh23,2(


O ncc opened, anchovies will i ro in their jar, t i^ t ly covered ith a t least an i i ^ o f oil on Ip, for about 2 months.

5.CoconuimllIcNot to be confused with the

veetcned coconut "creme"»id in uoplcal drinks, coconutlilk Is a simmered an d strainediend of w ater and coconutteal.Look for It on thc Caribbean

sic or wilh the shelf-stable

> 7 # ^ * ■ *

Wme'Smi d n c s d a y , M a r c K ’2 3 r d a

R o c k C r c c k R c s t a u r a

7 : 0 0 p m - - 9 ;0 ( ) p m

V i n e c o m p l i m e n t s o f

i g i c V hJJey D w t r i b u t i n g

s s io n is S 2 0 .0 0 p e r p e r

w i l l g o t o b e n e f i t t h e '

C h i l d h o o d C a n c c r C a i

« infornucion call 308-7495

Is 20tii year o ls e r u r goal is to paint /ing sen io rs and t )me-----and we niation would'llke to provii leserving houses, ju s t le jrm atlon n eed ed to beet Df a t least 15 peop le wh Vou will receive guidanc sssionals. They will b e £ opefully solve any probl

B 1 6

I D 8 3 3 0 3 - 2 6 1 6 j

2 2

n a g i c . o r o

v ith o n e o f t h e s e P a i

I, T he Argo Com pany, 2 n. The Shilo Inn, 208-73 T he Times-News, 208-'

I ^ V v ; ; L x ' i - ^ ^ p T

H |J

iH fl

),2005 Tbne»Mm,1WnUto,l(lih

F o o d & H o n

rill milk products in th e supe: sd ket.m Coconut milk adds a ric

otic Qavor to fish a n d se dishes, soups, s lew s

■ desserts, iie Simply substitute it fo: e ' the broth or milk in y o u i ri u t r« r a batch of delectab: id conut rice, co m b in e 2 u t coconulm llkw lth2cup3(

en or vegetable broth, add in lo n g -g r^ rice a n d sin le co v cr^fo r2D m inu ies .

yAti/m1 a t ( /

i r a n t


n g

le r s o n

l e T w i n Falls

C a m p a ig n

95 o r 308-7496

erving resid en ts ii n t the exteriors of I th e disabled whc need your help.

)vide a "paint team " to t let us know. W e will 9c:ome part of the who a re committed to jn ce from the Pain t Mag e ab le to guide you a n d )b!em s you m ay h a v e .

'a in t M agic o fficers;. 208-733-7175 •733-7545 18-735-3205 .

p l

. - ■


Wm M



rich, ex­seafood s and

for half rredpG ible co- 2 cups schldc- Id lc u p Jmmer,

r w g .

'? '





Page 24: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

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Page 25: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

Coming Thi

: , ;1 ; ^ e 'N ! ? A ^ S w e e t i a '

: LINES p o k t s Q u o ie

U ■ ; /R i c h F o l k e f s i s

f c ■ . t l ^ w i n g u p

I . . i n t h e ' b u l l p e n .

- . . > 9

. - r lo n g tim e S«n Dlcg<____ _ Padf«5 ann o u n ce

T i « ^ 0 )l«m ttn , la m ti f o r h U y n iM i n ^ s s t e p i

a i d t h l t j ^ a r ' i w i n n e o f t h e F o r d ,C F r id

■■ A w « r 4 ; . ^ l c h l i o n o r broadcA ster

T r i v i a

Q u e s t i o n :N om e (he only coUege bas

ketboU team to win the NCA/ Tournam ent and NIT in th« sam e season.


T o d a y ’s S C H E D U L E


W ood River a t HiDcrest 3:30 p.m.

I n B R IE F

Albertson delays football decision

CALDWEU, Idaho— Albert: son College officials, have ded d ed to postpone a vote on w hether to make foolball the next in tercoU c^te spon.

The colleges tnistces a n a ­lyzed a report from the in -house Foolball 'Feasibility

• Tlisk Force, bu t could not d e ­cide w hether football, w iiich hasn't been played on cam pus sincc 1977, would bc practical

' on th e 800'plus student cam - I pus*

It d e d d ^ last week to stall ' the d edsion untiljun& f “n ie task force pegged Initial ; startup costs at S25 million.: If football Is brought bade. ; play could begin In three years.• Athletic Director Marty Holly . said, adding that the school I would play schools from th e I NCAA Division III Northwest

Conference and the NAL\ Fron­tier Coriference.

. “We’re in a perfect location for small coUegc football." Holly said.

A d u l t s o f t b a l l

o f f e r e d I n J e r o m eJEROME — TTie Jerom e

ReCTcadon IMstrict is olTcilng on upper and a lower division adult softball league ud th games being played onTUesday and Thursday evenings begin­ning th e first week of May.

, Sponsor fee wUl be S340 for lower division and $210 for upper division and needs to b c

.paid by April 1.Player fees are S30 for In-dis*

Uict an d $35 for out-of-distrlct and oie d ue April 29. There Is a 12 player minimum p e r team.

C p a c h M n e e t t ^ d f o r

J e ^ m e . ) ( o u U s o c c e rJEROME /— . - ilie iferoin'e

R ecreadon D istric t. 'n e e d s coache;? for .all levels o f the ir ■co -ed y b u th ’ iHngsociccr pito-,; gram vAikh' starts in ' I f interested, phone Tlie Jerome Recreation District a t 324- 3389.

J e r o m e h a s o p e n g y m

d u r i n g s p r i n g b r e a kJEROME — ., The Jerom e

Recreadon District’ will have opon gym during Spring Break from 1*3 pan.

K Y A s u m m e r l e a g u e

s i g n u p s I n l a t e M a r c hH M B E R iy — n i l ! K ta b c r ty

Youth A ssodadon will hold reg- istiadon fo r it T<ball, b o se b ^ and softball stm uner leagues for p lm ers oges 5-15 on TUes-- day, M ard i 29 and Thursday. M an h 31 from £-8:30 p m a t the o ld-gym (Jami» © m j 'ln Wmberfy.

Fbr m ore informadon.. call Jamie f a t 423-6173 In (he evening,

. CocnpM bon itifl reports

TlRIVIAAmW E^- Ih o a t y CoDege df NewVbik

y / u d u dua l cfao^^niiU SSO .

I i u r s d a y

Second-hal burst canie

5 Golden Eaje g o By Kevin Colbert ' ic e r Ttme»«ew» writer

HUTCHINSON, Kan «P»» O K tobcdght-It’sw h a t in«r^ -when die game is han ricfe'j th e balance that m atter i o n • College o f S<

Idaho, that time caihe start ofthe sccond h a i

------ sbcth-rankcd G oldenexploded offensively cruised to a 72-56 \vi Northeastern Junior <

bas- (Colo.) in a 2005 Natio ^AA nior College A th e Association Men's Bas

Championship first 'low gam eI___ M en's, H u tch£ w om en 's Sports . . to u rn am en t i"

sch ed u le s .------------ CSI

e s t. Seo page got it;'D 2 n ing -

----- shootiigames going a t d ie stan sccond h a lf after carryi

; a two-point lead after t] 20 minutes. The Eagles 22 of tlie first 28 points i ing die break in jum pin t

e rt: a . commanding and d ave 50-32 lead, o n C$I made four 3-poin

d ie d ie first 6:05 foUowinj time, one ead i by Dani

n a- Jamaal Brown, Shaun th e an d Zarryon Fereti. : lity sparked die run,* triggerl d c- • Eagles’ fast breaks oy di ic h the defense to leave sh pus wide open from lone rar leal “In the sccond half, Wl im- w anted to run out and

shots,” said Brown, wh tall ished wiih 14 points a

assists. "We did com e oi t i a l ' o f sluggish, bodi teams,

ally, so we really just v«u ick. ge^olng."ITS, The spun was dcm or 3lly -fo r Nordieastcm, which ool th e early ponlon o f th e s [he halfwould be critical, e s t “We knew we need )n - com e out with a run

Plainsm en guard ion Zumwalt said. ’They car ,Uy w idi die big nm'. and I

tha t was kind of d ie key.’ CSI shot just 38 perCi

the first halt, but scorchi nets to die tune of 58 pi after hjjfdme.

“It was two differont ou td ierc ,Id iough t,“ CSl coach Gib Arnold said,

o n fust half, wc weren't In rh liii "I didn’t recom izc m y oy o u t them -

The advantage swayeti ay- and fordi in d ie first hall fo*’ th e teams exchanging 'o r seven dmes while t ^ g c

occasions.Northeastern opened

" * 16-8 advantage o n the s( o f Zumwalt’8 d irec flrst-1 pointers.

Mohomed to n e score final four points o f d ie h tw o o n a putback in tran dndonodicr on a tough si

, - d ie lane to lift die E a ^ c :20;26 edge at halfdme.'

a'e B row nlcdC SIw idir4r d s whDe'-Kone added 13 f }1T' an d ISrcbounds. b -,; Zun^walt paced N ord I f e m (27*8) with 23 points,

nc CSI will now take on4- lan d College Texas in

quarterfinals a t 5:45 Thursday.

" M id la n d C o lle g e (TX 7 6 , A rizona W e s te r n

„ HUTCHINSON, K ail Ik M idland Collogo (T

5xabbcd a comfortable ■; ead widi 52.1 scconds re r

ing as the Ctmporrals oi

I CSI wo§1 By Erfc Lafwn ' '» Tlme»Newt writer '5-- :------- f - ' "y. SAUNA.- Kan. ~ Tiling at .go.lng.to have to gct.b«tt n whofc lot better.

T he College of Sout ill Idaho women^ basketball le advanced to die champloi

quaiteillnal round o f d ie WCAA Wbmeni Nadonal

_ ketboll Championship wi 61-40 win dver Northwest

. .sissippl k Community Coliego TUe ), night In die B ic c m C T ^ O

W c d

§Tmalf . ^ | g ies ' '' j | | | S agles

It'sla ty o u d o longing In

Southem the

a s the E a d e s

ely then ^nn overr College Sidonal Ju-

Athletic basketball rs t-round le th e tc h in s o n rts Arena H utch in-

Kan.sday.SI (31-2) its

; — oting tart d ie rying r th e first cs scored its follow-


ointcrs in Ingni H azut, j n Davis

Brown ;cring die I drawirig

w e really make

w ho fin- W sbC'' /

ou t kind ’.actu-'

vanted to



to th e

Neal :am c out d I diink sy.’ -srcent inch ed d ie College of Southern ft I p e rc e n t Michael Harrieon for i

' to the quarterfinals ol tit team s CSI h ead

“The 1 rhythm . n y team

back widi

lg leads g on five

ed u p a sccond-


dio c —-onsidon h sho t Ip ^ c s t o a

p o in ts .' p o in n . '■'

i r t h e a s t - ' ' \ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ |

}n Mid- in the


YY\ Qoldea Eaglet fOM»rt

N a l-n m k e d A riz o n a n . — CoUege .76-69. : (Tfexas) The last le ad -fo i e 73-66 W estern (31-2) cam* rem ain- widi 3:34 rem aining

ousted throw by Robert H int

omensturinSallnaifcm. .•••

But for thfi top-nin ; T in the nadon. tncie ings an^' - quesdons thiOii answi »«ttet A_ : 'Q o :^ v rin d tt^

Eagles shoot Se-pen lu th e m th e field and co i nPtenm tumovciB. ilonshlp - '1 ^ dissapolnted he 2005 mental gam ^^ Goldi ud Bos- head ouich Randy Ko w idi o ■%\bhadalotofmlstal

SSt Mis- sively. offeashrely, tran^on.W fe,had 801

[Uesday sfvehreakdownswitfa 1 C enter hcsdstum ed.”

e d n e s d a y , M arch 2 3 ,:

len a<

' ^ A .

rn fttaho £Uinl Jatnui Brown, rtfi. ■or a btickei dutlnc the fln t half 1• of the NJCAA men'i basketball

an t Bnmo Claudlno loses control ay against Northe^em Junior C« a n a Westem. •' Unranked I

however,‘Went fo r A rizona run on five pi

u n e a t 64-63 Tim Crtnveli t [ng o n a free advantoge w it lines. ing.

i^vefirsC S Ih e ld a S

ranked team holt dianks in:re ore moro more guard Csw c is after tt With backraUrtrdio.GqWen Omdorff h a ipercent from jo n u n ed fln mc o m m it 19 hand.Jemlgan1• G o Id en E j^S f ted . in our type o f flow.in ijlden EoaJes paced. CSI ,w t 'K ogetssakL . points ba4<oM stakesde& n- CSI Anally al y, a n d In ofdieirnom aal aoGOe defen- ond h ^ open! d d i o u r kids’ after Orodorff

' H han tp d c r tl

TS,2 0 0 5


■ T ! '


M r i


Ijpit, goes up Uld under thv defe f Tuesday. The Qoldsn Eagles pn III toumameiTt In Hutchinson, K«

J a y h i

T7(7ie$ Kevin I

. b« scene

' Hutchli

bring yi the tati them e notJonc bQSkell

ol of tha ban during JD Lc C o lL lM M ..).

M idland (26.8), ecorcd 1 ait o n a quick 5-0 o u t a gai po in ts scored by ■ D em a

I to take a 68-64 W estem tfidi 1:59 remain- ch ipped

10 reoou

st-round31-17 lead a t die layup.wi

in p a r t to sopho- in k t p a i d a J e n E . / f t p u g

)U ttm a te Sidney . p l j ^ ^ a a ib p e ic d ...by... a . . er o n h e r shoodng Sopnomi n becam e die only TU«or 6 splityertofindany M m isslp i n j n e g ^ e . She lead to i with . f lm -h d f .w i tb 3 5 l f-9 8 h o o d itt T hav«show ed gflmpses N a 14 (

a l fo rm In the sec- 'W e c a m 3do9 a 43-23 lead a 3-poin tfl fo tm d Joanna . sh e to o k ' th e basket fiv a Pie







V E. h


efensa ol Northmtem post pravallad 72-58 to a^anco 1

* t

f h a w k J o u r n a l i s t s ^

isWews sports writers 5in Colbert ond Eric Lnrscn I crilef I'ltogropher

men's and women's -vonal Junior coilegoketbali tournaments. dj.

Lewis paced die Chaps he16 poin ts while THstan mn added 15. Crowell Ajtl 14 points and handed cagam e-high a assists. a rn a r io Buder led Arizona rls :m w idi 16 points. Hinese d in w idi 15 points and ihiloim ds. 15

d scare I.with 17-mlni«es remain- jj;

l u ^ ^ s u i c ^ o n l y n l n e If*, t arid ptayeddnhr she, the OT found an 'inswer. •moro point guard Nikita ^ r Sparked a Nordiwest ' • sip p lru n d ia tcu td ieC S I0 seven p o i n t s 55-48 ^ 3 1 xeputaing;:^. '■ . no i v e tD ^ U o tb f c r e d h o Sa1 fn tybr),” Rogers sak t mielnknowlngdieywerB tiy j in t shoodng team,' b u t tOk sk th e m b a & a n d c u tltto eet Ploase seo SCARE, Page 02

In sid eNBA ............... ..............02Scores and s t a t s ___ 03NCAA hoops ...............04

S c c t i o n i

Golden Eagles shu

I out BugsBy Nathaniel Qarrabrandt Tlme»News writer________

TWIN FALLS - Widi I w eather looming T\jcst n i ^ t , the Golden Eagles got i D awson Buccaneers back the bus a litde cari'/, run-rul d icirnon-confcrcrccoppom 10-0 in eight Innijigs.

It took only one Inning, he ever, for it to become appan diat die Bucs weren't In C league in d ie figuraUve sense

w id i two outs in the bott« of d ie fint, die Eagles (16-

I pounced o n p a lro fen o rsan I series of sloppy plays by i ' Bucs fo jum pouf to a 3-0 ica<

By game's end. It would sa /T jy like batdng pracd

widi nine CSI bters

caL cw cg o t* of our positii

players up to bat," said CSI he coach BoomerWalker.

Though Dawson notch seven lUts of its own, only twi did die Bucs manage two m on base simultaneously, as t Ea^es w erecommandlngat t m ound from start to finisii.

Making Iiis first stan of t season, lefty niiclier Arin R m anck struck out a pair batters In five Innings for C w hile allowing four hits ai walking none.

“Arin Formanck did a gre, great job for us today." sa Walker. “He kept u sin it until \ could cot our bats rolling a bii

By the end of the fourth i ning, they were rolling well the E a^es upped dieir lead 6-0. Jared Arenart lead off wi a triple, w hich was followed I a double from. Brai Bariholmew and an RBI do b le from Eric Cattoi Bortholmew finished die gan having gone 3-for-4 a t d plate.

"I got m y diange-up over ar Please see EAGLES, Pagel

N e x t U p

CSI ot E. (rtah ■ W deyancf& tii^

Bonds says he might not play this seasonTha Associated Press

SCanSDALE. Ariz. — Con ihg 00" knee surgery ahd caugj up in b ^ b a l l 's steroids scandc Barry Bonds said he may r« play a t all this season — dcspii standing on die doorstep of th sport's m ost hal]o^vcd rccord

T he San Frohdsco Giani slugger also said he was phys calfy a nd mentally “done." an blam ed th e m cdu for a t lea.' part o f his troubles: '

'Xta drcd of m y Uds ay in i You Wanted m e to jump off bridge, I finally d id ,' Bonds tol rcportcra T\icMay, shortly afte re turn ing to training cam i "You finally brought m e and m family dow n.... So now go pick different person."

Bonds, whose 703 carec hom ers arc 11 short o f ^ Rudi's total and 52 behind H an Aaron's record, was b a ^ li cam p following last week' arthroscopic surgery on hi r i ^ t knee.

Sitting a t a picnic table outsidi die Giants' dubhousc widi hi 15-year-old s o a Nikolai a t hi side, Bonds siid , 'M y son and

• are just going to enjoy our Ihts You guys w anted to n u n m c ba< enou^i. you finaHy got mfi."

Bonds sold'he was tired one dlsappoin tedfiU ow l^aw inte In w hlcii he yros accused o steroid use, his grand jury tcsd mbny.>vas leaixd and he hoc two knee operadons.'• Leaning his head on a c m td and repeatedly sayii« he woi d r o d , . p o ^ spoke after a I S hcR irse^on iv id i Giants tndne StanC pate.

*TU^t n ow I t a tust going tt tiy to rohab mysetf to get b a d tOk I don 't know, hopefully nex eeaso a hopefully d ie m iddle o

\ Please 6ee BONDS, Page O;



I bad ‘Sday 3t the k on uUng )nent

how- arcnt CSI’s ise as

ittom ■ 6-14) in d a r the i;ad. icem cdce, Ibat- d in g


good ; bc- o tall ition head

:hed wice m en > d ie ■tthe

rd ie I^ r- ,r o f CSI and

rcat,saidilwebit."1 in- 11 as d to ividi . d b y rady lou- :oni. am cd ie '





' &not

L J mts ysi- . and :ast

ff a old fter np . m y ± a

e e r . ibe ink

in • 2k's his

idchish hid l.T5S.>ad

mditero f


tchms5 -le r

toickCXI! 0 f0 2 •

Page 26: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

S p o r ts

Wendell spTho Thna»Wew»_______

JEROME— Dusty Re a triple and double to I Jerome Tigers Junior baseball team draw a s( the Wendell vanity TUes

Em Powdl garnered t victory in G om el.. In Game 2, Jerome o ted eight eno rs. 1 VVcndcU put up 10 r w third Inning lo blow the open in a 14-7 victory.

"Theyhadthatonebij that Idlfed us." said Tiger Tbm BobrowskL "It w a

Cavaliers ICLEVEiAND (AP) —

................ James scored 29 a nd ecsorely needed he lp tn Cavaliers bench to give coach Brendan M alone i his first game. 91-76 o Detroit Pistons o n T night

Molone took over oft Silas was fired Monday.

Hd gave more playing A ndersonV ^jao and o serves and It paid oC. scored i 1 and played toi fense with a couple blo< Ignited Ocvelano.

The win ended a thrci losing sticak for the C and snapped the Pistor game winning streak.

Rasheed Wallace sco points and Thyshaun nad22forthr-Pis(ons.

Detroit w.s without I Hamilton, \\ho was ou t sprained left ankla

James, who scored 56 in Sunday's loss toToron: the Cavaliers in the gam but the reserves stepp contributing 27 points tro lt's ll.

J a z z 1 1 5 , L a k e rs 1 0SAIT LAKE CriY — W

Okur had 27 points and bounds and the Utal handed the Los Angeles their sixth s tra i^ t loss. 1 o n "Rjesday night dcsf points from Kobe Bryant

The Jazz stopped a » long nine*gamc losing a n d won the season against tiie Lakers for ti dm e sincc 1999, taking tl four games.

Bryant made 9 of 15 3- crs, but missed all four ol in the fourth quarter whil Ing just four points. Anc the long shots slopped for Diyani. the Laker c sputtered and Utah cami from a seven-point defici

Los Angeles, which f games behind Denver f ujial playoflspot In theV\ Conlcrence, continue' longest losing streak sinct 94 — the last dm c the missed the pbyofTs.

Mott Harprlng sco r points and had Qve assis Gordan Giricek. making I start sincc Feb. 1, scored

, s o n - h l^ 22 points forthi Utah hadn't won sinct

Georget< to NIT q

WASHINCTON {AP Freshman Jeff Green doi cd the palm witli 18 po ir sbc blocks, and Georg took advantage of a n in hom e court advantage t short-handed Cal State : ton 74-57 TUesday n l^ advance lo the quarteitu theN rr.

Green scored e l ^ Geoigetown's flrst 13 pow essentially had his way s th e Titans' undcrslzra court.m akings of 11 shot minutes before fouling oi 4 5 7 to play. Brandon Bo made 8 of lO.shots a n d ; 21 points for the H oyasd w ho shot 55 pcrccnt.

Preparations for a mode the Hoyas' usual th e MCI Center, unava Georgetown hosted the o n campus fn Ils small P no u jh Gymnasium and gtaiiding-room only cro 2.604.

Georgetown hasn't lost i Donough since falling 63 Connecticut in 1982.

Eagles__ConUnndfttniDl myslkiex;* sold Formonek

. 1 Id t like I hod good contn - myfiisd)aIL'Iwas^adto&

■ hitters come out swinging ; With the E o ^ h o ^ ; up 8-0 a t tiie bottom ( • e to th off o f a n error in :Odd. it was, llttingiy, a p ' big hits that dcUvcied the de gtBc& Sean Pitts record B c o w RBI of the evcnln{ on double lo center flelc

, kw ed two batters later by Howeitoa smacking a 2>1

M T h w « m , M i A * ,

plits with Jeroibunch of throwln

--------------- WendcU's CocReaves hit helped his own

lo h e lp the double In Game 2ior varsity Jerome next piQ split w ith Minlca Uesday.

e com m it- w help ing

i m s i n t h c a jrr-.cw,iIhe contcst Qamey. WwWil4,J.^ b ig lim ta g S i "831 igerscoach iwmmnimwtvtui was just a SJSiHjllIirtiaSSSojIi

bench conies i— LcBron ing 1 r a t som e Mai• from the Wlve Interim f 4 ■ n e a v rfn ln L 6 over the I f 1 P3( 1 TXiesday ^ V . B

^ m FCF after Paul ■ in 1

ay. V streiin g tlm e to ■ ' ; f i \ l Jersi d o ther rc- I L m m I get> )ff. Varejao wiimlngstreakof I tough de- The Nets wo blocl:s tiiat s tra i^ t game, get

from Vin ceCanei h rcc-gam e ing Indiana in ; C a v ^ e rs quaner. jtons’ OvB- Rookie center

scored seven of scored 25 during a 14-2 rur im P rince Netsincontrolmi s. the final period, aut Richard IVavlsBcstprovldi out w ith a fense ihe rest o f tl

New Jersey a s\ ! 56 pofnis back -tO 'back sei ronto, kept Pacers, jam e eariy The Nets gaine jpped up, Indiana, which be Its to Dc* in seventh placc Ir

moved within 0 Philadelphia for

1 0 7 14 games rc

hnh Stephen Jacksc

J s p i f c S s

“ L s o n - S u n s 1 0 5 , H anng streak ATLANTAan scries Stoudemire had 4r the first 13 rebounds to i lg tliree o f beat Atlanta and

ninth NBA team5 3-polnt* games following airof^hisSs son.krhilescor- With SioudemlrAnd once the lane and Steveed falling ing out 11 assist:r offense improved the leagiam c back record to 27-7 wiificlt. straight victorh fell 4.5 Phoenix. Tliey lia\; r for the offouroverall.eW estem Shawn Mariolued its points and II rc;ncel993- the Suns, who canh e Lakers chisc record Wedi

in Charlotte forcored 23 road wins, a marksslsts and 98 and m atchen g liisrirst season,red a sea- The Hawks, whcr the Jazz. Al ilorrington's 16ince beat- an NBA-worst S-2£

town advai quarterfinj{AP)- —dominat- NIT ToUflliloints a n d ________________

Bobby Brown* points, and Jamaa

r S r I'I points and 11. nH lead Col SuieFuUt

T ^ f dressed onls rfina lso f ersandllstedfivcp

, 'the season with In)‘fh t o f Holmes, the Big V

rem tsand s^orcr and rebourly against with a knee Injury,ed fron t- Georgetown wilh o ts in 23 Carolina fn the qu£ g o u t w ith

S o u th C a ro lin a18(19-12), UNLV 6 6

COLUMBLV, S.( a c ircus Powell scored 15 lal hom e. Brandon Wallace available, reer-best 13 to Jie gam e CiiroUna (17-13) to d lM cD o- finals o f die Nrr. nd b ad a RomelBeckledl crowd o f with 21 points. Od

son, w ho Is avc Ds( a t Mc> points, scored just I ' 63-52 to the first half ancl i


tothecentcrfleldv nek. "And <ui RBI double ntrol over the game, to see o u r .... lMtIim hWn io,D

a r* S 5 5-ing g onen 01 the A|«<ncRCSMlFcnint.D«ii- in r l ^ t FSttJul2855yi'°7 a nnfr ofK u p s j s a ' s s i s j !o rfc d h f illnzwith l-DMMCmtJicnnOn[icia.fbi-

U *,kW )o W«**S(to:r;M«eti23,20

7 1 ^ S u iCocly Howerton m cause with a KNOXVILl lis 2. PatSummittI pbys April I a t topofNCAA

The Tcnni . D ean Smitl

record TUe& No. 880 inth Vols' 75-54 V

•ci-FtaMmjnnL th e second r tournament,

mo 2 Summltt 1with an easy

» • ! : ' ! ! ! O m U lnaiiit9 UM.ecenmui<iin)&ig day night

form er Non coach with s

5 up bigA .u.,.o . seasonswfih

3 ic h 2 .“"ad iu i4 . sevendi naio o Sum m ltt, a

<etS 3 0 , fourth-secdc’a c e r s 9 1 Sunday in th

EASTRim iS!- ■ cn D ,N .i.- iiis i t. llm c Jor * c iretch run. New crscy h asn u lto - ;elhcr its longest lo fthescaso^won thcit ntth , / fgetting 33 points rter and outplay- in tlie fourth C hatta ilO

o t Nenad KtsUc o t his 15 points _ COOEGE ran that put the F tjn stra liad mltln-aytliioiigh rc b o u n to an f.andC anerandridedenoughof- v i^ o ^ b y f ^ ' ifthew aytogive W th Libc svvecp of their th e Rev. Jerry

set against the In a fron t-rm (26-6) weathi

Ined a game on sccondbegan the night only *cci

e in the East, and advance to tl I one game o f duplIcatlngT Dr e i^ th placc. 1994.> remaining, the Th® Flami hopes are very toum a^nentf

fourth-seeuci kson scored 23 Sunday, \viU jia, but was Um- LSU on Sai stretch because tanooga.

Khara Smitl fifth-seeded E

^ ' “ l a r e Outfli 40 points and3 help Phoenix FORTMYErnd become the Boston Red Soam to win 50 Adam Hyzdug a 50-loss sea- Padres for rlgj

Blaine Neal onnlre controlling Hyzdu. a Iceve Nosh hand- Boston's rcgusists, the Suns pbywl 1 7 ^ague’s best road Series champltwitli an eighth had tliree luis lory outside Have won three

rion had 21rebounds for contlnuod from

:an tie the fnm- -ednesday n l ^ t ^ y

there to baUt a rksc t In 1997- „uL sheeonn h ed the next ) u „ p | . r „ iu , ;

i j i „ thelead to57- vho were led by pt,y.Tl,ellanj 16 points, tcU to fro iio iorie ld 1-25 at home. m inutes, anc

throws Ity Hix mova sealed L

t l l C C d "We were size-wise," N

lals ■B'irl'i{ust didn't

' c n o u ^ clionirn a m e n t_____________ do vrith that"

iicSSsrii'° s ^ , " S d ^

S SInjuiies-lialphy

? u ! S ™ u ^ S r w T p o Z^ d c r , was out

vSu face South quarterllnal.

" a 7 7 ,have to give Y

S.C. - Catlos We'U tellTicrf 15 points and X added a c a - “ i s h t - ;o lend SouthI to the quarter- 19 points, pli

^ m inu te o f thiilUNLV(17-14) TUkelaGunni (Jdaney Blank- “ 8.? “' “ "8 ." i v e r o ^ g 17.7 W hile a win istfivcpolntslnd f irM e d w lth w inner o f We.

easte rn Fla.gamc is g has to bo com

S w ln over a at sho t only

dwam lngtrack,le to dose out B o n d

..... . CwrtlniicKlfhmltho8cason.‘ B<

,D«icmti(ii.biM kncnv. Right nt to I o lc tU n p i

M Mw.eeao»i "l'in40vcan

xon«>mKato*i. 2001, undcrwcatlon o n the S£ 3 I,b u th ad a8 c o u tslncam pcj


immittaVILLE. T b n a (AP) - nitt stands alone a t the :aa basketball. innessec coach broke nlth 's career victory liesday night, getting n the top-seeded lad y S4 win over Purdue fn id round o f the NCAA

lit tied Smith a t 879 cosy win over Western in the first round Sun- h t and passed the '^onh Carolina men's th another convincing V Summltt fs 680-171, ■ ■ lith ;vas 879-254 in 36 vith theTlirHccIs. ' sec (28-4), seeking its national title under , advanced to face :cded Tcscas Tcch on n the Philadelphia Rc- mlfinals1 Fluker ded her career 118 points and had 10 i for Termessee. Shyra j 16 points, and Shan- lan had 15. Sharika d 16 points and 10 re-

for n in th-seeded Tenn«i; 17-13). agslnil

in o o g a R e g io n a l

8 8 , D s P a u l 7 9 ^GEPARKMd.— Kade ^ liad 29 points and 13 and Liberty followed

st NCAA toum am ent 'shocking DePauL c i S Liberty's chancellor, crry Falwcll, watching -row scat, the Flames a thereda 16-0 ru n In nd half to bccom 'c i c i i ■: second 13th seed to 10 the round o f 16— KNG iigTexasA&M's feat In ka Johj

pointsames, 0-8 in NCAA 10 assi :nt play before beating zona, eded Penn State on John ivill face top-seeded ing nig Saturday in Chat- field. Ii

and 4-1mith had 27 points for did no «lDePaul(2G-5). sccond

fielder Hyzd[YERS, Fla. CAP) — "Hie spent pd Sox uaded outfielder seasons:du to the San Diego in 173 grigjit-honded reliever 57RflIs

lonTlicsday in l90ca long shot to make TheSegular-season roster, hind Regames with the Wfarid Ramlrcnplonslastscasonand Nixonaluis in 10 at-bats. He man K

re'ro m D l I ■

liougli. Jemlgan \vasall the Golden Eaglessnnectcdona 17-fbotith 227 left to widen157-48 witli 2:27 left to{angers would go coldicld In die game's final «[„[,and converted free ^ jiUxon and Lenka Zl-

e d th e w ia;re just m ismatched" Northwest Missis-h Don Edwards said.oneS’-fo o t- lO ^ lan de around 5-5. But wen't give ourselveslonces. (CSl) Is pretty "O- = •and they had a lo t to 1-a t" •> would lead CSI with10 go along with eight No. 8!

and four stems. vs. Nc arova strug^ed from U a t but connected for 14 No. 4 1 lile Zimova added 12. vs. Nc was held to three N.D.(:

1 1-of-lO shooting, nt p ia rd Nakcya Is- No. 11 leldto tliree points on vs. No !, thanks largely to (27-6) half fouls. L _ _ _Jcmigan) saved us tliefie!( Rogers said. "She “Sure

p there big-time and I brighte! ve her a lot o f aed lL wecani er how m uch wo ap- dlffcren h e way she played \ve'vepl

ly, mayled the Rangers w idi well, ai playing alTbut one going tc

: the game. Forward strongc: nn scored flve points thar, wc lg w ith 14 rebounds, ble." win and a 6 p.m . Rogci m otchup w ith th e watch i

Wednesday’s South- Southei lUlnols-Chipola, Chlpola

is good news, therc pare fc :onccm after a slop- aftcmoc cr a six-person team Thou, )nly 24 pcrcent from defense

ds____t»nM Htire," Bonds said. "I don't on MarIt now I ta Just going last'i;hulgs slow. Como s carsold.not20,30." . sccondhosettheslnglc-sca- backot'wldi 73 hom e runs In Conterwcnt a similar oper- o b lc to ;ic same knee o n W Aftera setback aftci work- this wiiip earlier thl94nonth. Bondsw


etsee head coach Pal Sum m fft c u t Purdue In Knoxville. Tetin., Tu

J <r i f 7



1 7 6 , A rizo n a 4 3 |'JOXVlLLE.'njnn. — Ttm e- 1ihnson scorcd all 14 o f her fts In die first h alf and had ( islsis lo help LSU rout Ari-1. 1inson had a perfect shoot- vi l^ t , going 4-of-4 from die s. Including two 3-polnters. i 4-of-4 at tne foul line. Shenot attempt a shot In the sndhalL C

iu traded tot pans o f die previous four ^ins with P ittsbur:^ playing fi 3 games. He has 19 homers,!Isanda233battingaveraEC dJcarcermajorleaguegames. re33-ycar-oldHyzduwasbe- . fiRed Sox oudicldcn Mormy aircz. Johrmy Damon, TVot hlan d Jay Pmion. Fust base- n

Kevin Millar and Dave I-

2 0 0 5 N J C A A W o m i

D i v i s i o n I C h a

S«ana,Kan. . (Tuesday's gam ei N

R r tt round I1 CSI 6 1 . No. 1 6 Northw est ! islsslppi 4 8 N3 Central Arlzono 7 0 , No. 1 4 i borty'Area, Mo. 566W estom N ebraska 7 7, No. Geofgia Perim eter 6 710 Cincinnati S ta ts 9 2 , N o. 7 Nwlfl. Texas 7 8 I2 South P lains, Texas 7 7 . No. I Gadsden S ta te . Ala. 6 8- ' N 5 Seward County, Kan 7 0 , : .la W e lte re S to te .T lin n B ? ■ (

W ednesday^ c a m e* . - NRrttrouod I

S So uth eas te m Illinois (31-1) . ' ( No 9 Chlpolo. R a (2 8 0 ) .a.m. C4 Arkansae Fort-Smlth (29-2) \ No. 13 Lake Region S tate , : l .(3 0 -2 ) , lp .m . . (

Consotatlon round Sn G e o r ^ P o r lm o te r ( 2 W ) INo. 1 4 Moborly Area, M o. C^6 ).3 p .m . , • <

c !d ,r i^ t? Itire," Rogers said. "The Gtest spot Is diat we know tt in play better. But these arecnt ^ e s of team s tiion Ir: played all year. Aihledcal- nlybewc don't m atch u p as tc and the team s are just

; to get tougher, bigger, and ncgcr. If wc'rc not ready for Jjwe're going to be In trou- m

agcrs and his team will »•1 the noon gome between Slleastcm Illinois a n d ^}Ia Wednesday, then pre- ufor d ie vrirmer In tho g

loon. ttsu ^p rep ah n g fo rsp ed fic 21iscs^m help, Rogers know “

returned to the Bay Area liiarch 16 and h ad surgery eilu r s d a y to tn a l r c a r t l l^ st> said last 'Ihursday m e IQid operation p u t Bonds o] It "square one.Ite said Bonds might be htoplayagida ie3 Bonds’ flrst operadon ju ivinter, C onte h a d s a i d . iw as expected to be side- o{

; coachin

tt directs her team durfng tfieir i , Tuesday.

Scim one A ugustus had points fo rthe Lady Tigers (31 die tournam ent's N a 1 ovc seed. D ee-D ee W heeler n in th-seeded Arizona (20- widi'13 points.

K a n s a s C ity R e g lo n a

C o n n e c t ic u t 7 0 ,F lo rid a S t . 5 2

STORBS, C onn. — A Strodier scored 19 points, i Jessica Moore h ad 11 points i 12 rebounds for diree-time,' fending national champ: Connecticut

UCorm (25-7), in d ie rount 16forthc I2 th stra i(^ tyear,l w on its last 20 NCAA gon since falUng^ to Notre Dame die 2001 nadonal semifinals.

The Huskies will play sccoi seeded S tan fo ^ In the Kan Q ty Regional semifinals Sund

o San DiegoMcCarty also can play die o f idd

"His skill set is somewhat dundant witfi Jay Paytoni at t point so it was going to be dlllic

. fo r liim to m a k e d ie d u b o rh i a real role on dils d u b imtil had an Injury," Boston gene manager Theo Epstein said Hyzdu.

m e n ' s B a s k e t b a l l

h a m p l o n s h i p

ChamploRship q u a r t e r ^ roun No. 3 Central Arizona (32-1) vs. No. 6 Western Nebraska (33-1), 5 p.m.

No. 2 South Plains..Toxas (30-2) V3. No. 10 Cincinnati State (29- 1). 7 p.m.

Thursday^ gBRiNConsolctlon round

No. 7 Panola. Texas (28-J) vs. No. 15 Gadsden State, Ala. (24 6), 9 a.m.

No. 16 Northwest Mississippi (Ifi 12) V3i Southeastern iUIncilV - Chlpola, Ra. loser, 11 ajn.

No.l2Vft)ltef8State(2M)V8; loser Fort Smith, Ark./Loke Re-

'0on State, N.O.,lp.m.Flflhfrface roumt

■ Central Arizona/Western Nebras­ka loser vs. Cincinnati State/South Plains loser, 7 p.m, Champtonshlp c^unrterflnal rtxin Sewonl County. Kan vs. f tr t Smith Lake Regton State winner, 3 pm

CSI v i Southeastern IDInds/' Chlpola, Ra. winner, 5 p.m.

It's die m ental gam e d iat ea Golden Eagles player will ha to work th r o u g herselt

"There's not a lot you can i In practice to sharpen th now," Rogers sa id "We just ha tod o ab e tte rjo b ."

CSt ei. NscttwMt IQmImM -4a KxmwEir ussssm M

MO t-] 3. Daliat Jmgv 7-ISM II. J M »ten M M a. NUfia ImM 1-3 M i D m 9m; l-l S M 1 i U m Xm »4 M 0. JMVI U m U »'

OM - Hrpml Um! S-a (CkmMJ?! 7 »

naniHI - WCTMM Utt M CSiyjOnthM n MM - MxtaHl I te S M>irv ft Ql >1 «>l n WMj-HxrnX Unll; CS11*. r<aM(

lined for sbc weeks. All the tral e r would soy after th e sccor surdeiy-wos th a t Bonds was u l l k ^ to be ready for tho seasc opener. ,

Tbammate M olscs Alou, has com c back from Qve surge ics, said Bonds probably w just having a b ad day.

"Maybe today he w as n o t vc o pdm lklc .'r th ink it w as d n o '


gfr second round KCAA Toumamer

lad 18 Ronccka Hodges(31-2), points fo r th e sbcl overall Scmlnolcs (24-8). cr led20-12) T e m p e R eg lo

N o rth C a r o l in a ’? !

in a l G e o rg e W a s h ln g ti. CHAPEL HILL, N.C

Latta sco rcd 17 po Nikita Bell addcci 1

Ann nine reb o u n d s and IS, and for to p -seed ed N on Its and na.n e dc- The Tar H eels (2£ mpion have w on 15 straigl

since a n overtim closs und of State in January, will | ar, has seeded A rizona S games Saturday In tho rej^on imc In nals o n th e Sun Dev als. court.jcond- Kenan Cole scorcd <ansas for d ie ninth-seeded unday. (23-9).

:oforRHP^e out- The 25-year-oId Neal

carccr-hl(^ 40 games I: nat re- withSanDiegoandwcr a td iis a 4.07 ERA b u t was In a [Illlcult tion with several odie irhave finalspotondicpitchin Itil we spent the previous dire ;cncral wldi F lo r id an d com; aid of record In 54 total apj

He has a carecr ERA of *

M e n ’s B a s k e

C h a m p l o n s i«««l HutcMmon.lteVS. AU times MST^1)- Tuesday^ fame

First round 0-2) MoberlyArea(Mo.)CCi (20- Mississippi CC 66

Iowa Western CC.69.W . Stat® (Tonn.) CC 68 Chlpola College (Ba.) 81

*• ton Stato (Alo.) CC63(24- Seminole Stoto (Okla.))

Globe Institute cfToch, K18- Midland (Texas) 76, Afl2' • Western 69 ' ..........

CSI 72, Northeastern (C Wednesdayis (Bzr

First nxnd Highland (III.) CC vs. N.I College of Science, 11

ros- Pratt (Kan.) CC vs. Paris 12:45 p.m.

Consotatiofl mtr «««> NW Mississippi vs. Walt ^ State ffonn.); 2:30 p.m.

Championship qusxtertlr ' Motxsrly Area CC vs. lo

em, 5:30 p.m.-------- Chlpola (Ra.) vs. Somlniteach State, 7:15 p.m.I have Thuitdayis same

Consolatfon roun Sholton State (Ala.) vs.'

that 10 thavc Aria>na Western'vs. Nor

em. 11:45 o.m. .4a Wednesday 11 a.m. lost

Wednesd^ 12:45 p.m. 9 1 ^ 1:30 p.m;

F?flhpl*c« reum “fcLST Wednesday 5:30 p.m. to

Midland (Texas) V8..CSI, ■5:45 p.m.Wednesday 11 e.m. wini

^ .Wednesday 12:45 p.m. 7:30 p.m. . ■ ,

train* those rehab days where !cond c a u ^ t hlrh o n o ne of isun- days," Alou said. "Iti lason when you com c to thei

dicn nave to go to the ,w4io room to got tap ed and ( irgcr- ment.'w a s . "Iti n o t as fun as wl

are youn^ and wild an tvery d i ln ^ especially Viiicn inoof ihcmarL’'


1 ^

lit game

» h ad 28 bcth-sceded


7 1 .! to n 4 7I .C -Iv o ry )oInts. a n d

16 po in ts , d sbc steals >rdi Caroll-

29-3 ), w ho ig h t gam es s s a tl lo r id a 11 play fifdi-

S tate on ona l semlfi- evils' ho m e •

d II po in ts d Colonials

Veal!!al pitched a s last seasonr'cn tl-Iw id ila co m p c d - hers for d ie ling sta ll He ircc seasons npU eda3-0 ppcaranccs. 3f^4.61.

l e t b a l l

ship( a aSTrnesiC69,NW


'80,Shel-13.)89 . ch. 87 ^ n a

I (Colo.) 56amesIN.D. State 11a.m. iris, Texas,

Wters •.m.

Iowa West-

ilnolo .

n e slunds. GIT, '


Dsefvs. ’ m. loser,'

uid '• '■ toser'vs. :•



'inner irs, m. wiriner,;

a e y o u ju s t o f dio bad ^ n o t fim loboDpaik, l e training d g e ttrco t-

w h e n y o u a n d doing c n y o u a r^

Page 27: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

W h a t ’s O N T . V .

; Preseason. CWcajoCu&s ; v s.A rta ra,E SPN 2,lp jB .

• Pistons 8 t Steers. ESPN,• e p A

* Nflquafteffitial.VandedDil!:: a t Memphis, ESPN2.8 pjo. <McWfldaatW&niore, ..4 ESPN. 8:30 p jn .

B a s e b a l l

t(rt« T n u «MCnCMlEUC

V w II > n«

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— Spo r tslu ry a w a rd s W illia m s

5 3 4 0 .0 0 0 In d a m a g e sOAKLAND, Callt — A July

ardcrcd Dill Honu^iowskl to pay former Oakland Haiders teammate M arcus W illiams5340.000 In dam ages for unoshlng the t i ^ t end 's tace with a punch dim ng a pnicticc irillln2003.

Williams had been secidng millions of dollars in dam ages for the Aug. 24, 2003, attack, aying it broke his left eye sock- :t. shonened his m emory, gave iiim double vision a n d depres­sion, and ended his carecr after ess than two seasons.

“W : are vciy pleased w iih the /erdkt bccause It establishes lhat there arc limits to th e vio- ence in football.* said Williams’ iitomey, James Brosnohan.

Williams rcceivcd 540,000 In nodical expenses and J300,000 for lost w?ages — ibout one season's salary.

Iiirois rcachcd thc ir vcrdlct iftcr deliberating for two days, tomanowski showed n o visible m otion as the m d Jc t was 3ut his wife gave him a hug.

Neither side said it p lan s to ippcaltheverd ia

E xposing u s e r s k e y In

le te r r ln g s te r o id u s eFORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. —

Jascball union h ead D onald =chr believes public exposure >fsleroid users will b e th e m ost mportant dcicnent. a n d cx* >ccts playeis will s o o n ratify a lew agreement o n perform* ince-enhandng d r u ^

Fehr mode his O n t public x>mmcnts since la s tT hu isda /s estimony before a congres* ional committee investigating teroid use in baseball

"The biggest deterren t is ex* losurc. Once lhat h ap p en s, hat costs all kinds o f th ings in he job," Fehr said a fte r m eet- ng with Baltimore O rioles )layers TUesday. “T here’s the eputation issue, there 's the [uestion everybod/s going to 00k as to whether o r n o t any tatistlcs that Individual p u t up lie legitimate or n o t — and hot can affect future contract tegotla tions."

After criticism by lawmakeis. iwyers for playcre a n d ownera i g r ^ to drop language v ing he commissioner th e p o w er to ineplaycis instead ofsuspcnd* tig them. Fchr said players’ pprovol of the newr wording ras “a done d e a l... I don 't think iierell be any problem w ith rat* 3cation of the new agreem ent"

Fehr doesn't th ink govem* nent Intervention be lecessary, an d said existing [;sting polides a lready have iroven effective. •

Baseball oQldals (old Con- jess there were M -96 positive tsls in 2003, w hen th ere w ere 10 penalties, and 12 last year, .>hcn the penalty fo r a Qrst losltivc test was counseling, tartlng this year, a first posi- ive test will result in a 10-day uspenslon witiiout pay.

I.S . 0 -2 1 -1 In M e x ic o

e a d in g In to q u a l i f ie rMEXICO CTTY — A ttip to

lexlco for tiie U.S. soccer ;om usually means a b ig Qesta >r (lie home club.Going into S u n d a /s World

Xq) qudiilcr at Azteca Stadium. 10 United States fa 0-21-1 wiien laying Mexico In M o d ca But three years ag o a t the

Asiid Cup, the U nited States psct Its regional rival 2*0 in outi) Korea. An American w in unday wouid confirm tha t leyVe overtaken M cjdco for a 1 in socceri N orth and cnlra! A m erican and aribbcan region.The 12tii*ranked U nited

tales heads into th e gam e ith a team-tecord 16-gam e nbeaten sucak that d a te s to a ■0 loss at the N etherlands on ib. 18 last year. T he Ameri- m s are tm dcfeated In 31 rnies against CONCACAF ti ­lls slncc a 2-0 defeat a t Costa icaonSept.5.2001.

h a n e y wlll r e tu r n

I T em ple’s c o a c hPHILADELPHIA — John tianeyls loud, raspy voicc wiU ) h c tra In arenas across the )untry next 8cason ._T hose_ OT-pCTea c lo ti:^ ' ^ d dt?- ^ e r lies wiQ ogoin b e left In lambleA after m ost gam es. Ih a lbm ple crmrh know n lor ving scores o f p l^-crs am ple jportunlty to succeed is iganotiier chanca o f h is o w a lanCTwilltctum to co ach the wls for another season, end- g speculation about t h e Han ramerb lltture after a tum ul- ous conclusion to th e eeasoiL The ho-hum onnounocmeiU ■ u In staik contrast w llh the sitly month-long controversy H ounding the 73-year-old ' lancj^ who was su^ifended ;



5 IN BRIEF-for five games for order rou(^pIaybyoncofhfaplay

^.y J e t s h ik e o ffe r fo r

CK r ig h ts t o b u ild s ta d lu na u NEWYOIIK— ThcNcwV for Jets offcied a dramatically ice creased $720 million bid for Icc tights to build a football sta

um on Manhattan's far \N ing Side that is key to tiie d t / s : jes forlhc20120[ymplcs. ck. Mctropolitan'Imnsportat: ± - AuthorityoffidalssaiaMom ive they received five offere for cs- property three blocks west ter Madison Square Garden 1

fore bidding ended, but t h e bidders were Immediately c ies qualified. The MTA hopes io- dedde by March 31. ns’ The Jets’ proposal for 1

75,000.seat S1.7 billion sui in um is backcd by the d ty s

nd state and k c ru d a l to N— York’s a ttem pt to host 1

Olympics.The team prcvioi[let offered $100 million for i ys. ri(^t to build tiie stadium, ble The team's proposal s sd. passcsaprcvious$600miJII

offer from Cablevision. wh: to owns the Garden, and has <

gaged in a public feud over 1 propcny with the Jets. Cable slon has pledged to build 5.E housing units, 0 5*acrc pi and a 7M-room hotel on (

— sitcffliw instiiebid.lid NcwYorklsvyingwltiiPaire London. Madrid and Mosou t for the 2012 Summer Gam9C* The International Otym]ra C^ommittee will sdec t tiie hin* July 6 in Singapore.

"c Ind iana AD s a y s D av is

w ill re m a in a s c o a c hl.g BLOOMINGTON, Ind.

Mike Davis will remain Ina* ana’s basketball coaiIS. rcsohring doubts that persistin th rou^ou t tiic Hoosiers’ d:t- appointing season,es A written statem ent frehe atiiletic director Ritie Greensponlndudedawam lto that lUs 29-29 record over tny past two seasons needs to Lap prove. The Hoosiers weid 15-14 this season, which endict with a 67-60 loss to Vandert

in the first round of tiie NTT.rs. Davis, who has three yeim lcftonhisconu:act.hasarec<ng of96-67inQvcscasonsslnceto lookovcrforBobKnlrfiLd* Davis led tiic Hoosiers to trs’ 2002 national champions);ng game during his sccond sttik son, but his teams have missIt- tiie NCAA tournam ent the llt" two years. Indiana's 14-n- record during the 2003-04 scbe sonivu the t o o l ’s fin t losilg season since 1969-70. ve

N om ian h a s b a c k

"c su rg e ry t o a v o id re tlr inre JU P n ^ , Fla. — F earing: ir, might have to retire from gc :st iwo-timc British Open ch ^ lg. plon Greg Norman had ba 3i- surgciy Tuesday and hopes ay resume playing witiiin tiir

months.Nornian has cu t back on 1

golf the last two years bccau o f recurring back pain. I playcd seven times on the K

to Tourlast year, b u t never bro e r parondm adeon lyonecu t ta He had to withdraw earii

this montii from the D ut id Desert Classic, n. "I had a simple choice," Nc ai man said. "Either retirtj fro

the game of golf o r seek ai 1C andaliavailablcm canstohc es relieve the pain that has kc in m e from paform lng a t a In In that suits my s u m d r ^ and at tiic same time Improves n sr qualltyofUfe." id Nonnan had the 90-minu id operation a t the University

P ittsbu rg Medical O n ti •d Joseph Maroon, the ncurosu le geonforihePittsbui^Stcele IC sincc 1977, sold Norman Is e a pcctcdtom akcafullrccovcr m Norman nrnied 50 in Febr 1* aryandw ascxpectedtoplay 11 tiie Senior PGA Championsh i- InlatcMayatLaund\taIlcy. - ta

R e d S o x w ill s t a y

In Fenw ay P a rkBOSTON — The Boston Rt

Sox'havc d ed d ed to stay n Femvoy Poik. ending years < B speculation about w hether ti s team would leave basebal e oldest and smallest stnrilmn, J- The Red Scx'dii Vfednesdi n plan to announce they win r

m ain at Fdtwoy, a n Indust ir source with knowledge o f ti e tcam ^pIanstoldTbeAssoda t- ed P i ^ o n TUesday. Tt L source nxjke o n cotulm on i e a n o n y n ^ '[• Since buying th e Red Sox I n 2002, tiie team ^ ow ners han |< refused to sm Vh4iethcr th( L b ad made a Cuml d ed s lo n o It staying long te rm a t Fenw: e despite several recent stad y u m upgrades a n d sei a addltiowL • d ; C<mirttctnwtr>wtiCT

23,2005 TtawNm,1W fciM»,tdifcc


jtn/York ly ih- ortiie stodi- West.

r’s bid

:ation indoy srtiic cst of i be*I two ydis* - cs to

r the suidl* i^ond New

t the ously r tiic . ■

sur- Jillon vhich sen* jttiie3levi-5.000p j ^

1 tiie



II. —Indi-}ach,isicd’ dfa-


mingirtiicJim : .wentndederbUlrr.yearsxordcche




In g« h e golf, lom* back es to hrec

nhis ause . He PGA roke tuilerubal

Nor- [lom any

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Page 28: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

/ y "CM ‘n m w M m .M iW t.ld i



SAIT LAKE COY - An. Bogut was just another lni( tional p law r v4icn the co basketball season staned, even m eriting an honoi mention in the prcscason Amcrica balloting

All that has dunged no\ tlie 7-foot sophomore from tralla. Tlie Utah cenicrwa; leading votc-gettcronThc/ dated Press’ All-America t announced 1X1 esday.

Bogut, who averaged. points and was sccond in country in rebounding at was Joinpd on the first tear senior fonvards Wayne Sir of Kansas and I lakiin Warrii Syracuse. Junior guard Ikdick or Duke and sophor guard Q iris PauTofVVaxe f t

Thevotingwasdoneona 1 basis by the same 72-mer national media panel tliai lects the Top 25 each week, ballodng was conducted be the N C M tournament bega

Bogut received 60 fiist-t votes and 330 points. 22 r tiian Redick. who had 53 I team votes

Simicn and ftiul each liad points witii Stmien giJttinf lirst-team votes, one more t Paul. Warrick also had f team votes and got 283 poin

Bogut was the only men of the Grst team not to have ceived any recomition afier season. In fact, lie was the ( onc of die five not lo iiave b at least an honorable men seiecdon in the p a ^ a w n Amcrica balloting Now Bogi considered a sure loitcry p and die pos.<<ibIc (op pIcK. i: decides to dedare for tlie T draft.

“Tlic dling dial impresses die most about Andrew is ability to get better as die j went along." first-year U coadi Ray Giacolcttl said. " never seen a guy hLs size v thevcrsadlityhenas and the.

• to win he has."

^ 400 Hala St.* P.O. lo in •n ilt2o«) m-noo

i B s a a u o c o h ^ t J U t _ l a o 6 ) 3 i « ^B IMSAcbSmAmLTVinFUk

)gut tops balli l-America teainterna- she! college A T . pa:ted. notmorabic . higson All- ’/ . j H

now for ro tomAus- ovcwas die hoi


cd • 20.4 son-low 10 points oi1 in die shots.T liaiieddieUat 12.4. round of 16 for tli<

team by since their 1998 runSimien donal championshir

arrick of “We w r c just tryirird I.J. succcssfulyearanddhomorc said Bogui. Utali's fine Forest, ica since/\ndre Millc)n a 5-3- just all came togethcnem ber coupleofwccks.”diat sc- Rcdick is onc oX'k. Tlie shooters in die ^ainii beforc range — 40.5 pcrclegan. pointers — and the•st-team line — 93.7 perccr!2 more Rcdick averaged 22.153 first- played 37.3 minute:

for the siiort-handc'chad 289 iis. who won die Ad;:ting 45 Conferencc toumarrire tiian sbcdi time in scvcnye■M firsl- in d ie round of 16 foiloints. straight year,ncmbcr Redick is die firstlave rc- America sincc Jasoifierlast wasselectedin2001 jhe only H ie other direc AlI'O been all were eliminatedlention NCAA toumament oiwn All- ing weekend.Jogut is P ic 6-0 Paul hadry pick, m ostimpressivestatl

if he . lege basketball. Hele NBA 153pornLs.4.5rchou

sists, 2.4 steals andises me ncrcent on 3s and K; is Ills Irom die free dirowli:lie year He was die Icadinir Uiali ler o n the AI>’sd. "I've All-Amcric;i team anccc widi !k)rcst’s first postscaihe.will don since‘nm Dunca

in 1997.

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i,ldiho Wtdtw«day,Mtrth23,200S

noting Pant^ 3 1 1 1 ByAmloStaplQl

Aasoclstsd Pr«sB o g u t :

showed off Ids MIUVAUKEEpassing skills w-cclcnd, Wiscoividi a season- ^vas best knowhif^i seven school wherensjjists in die primeministertUtes sccond- rur-HappyDround win ifs wlierc Rich]over OUa- i^tsic W tber ailioma last all hit die bo.Saturday, a weren’t hangingsam e in w hid i orive-ln.He has a sea- nq.i on just seven die lowest seed ie U tK into d ie NCAA toumamthe first time banner for allrun to d ie na- ;vlio dream o f Ihipgam e. bigbasketbailsctying to have a ma.and Bostond doourbest, ..wlddi fell to Bn,f}fst A il- ^ e r - ing Pandicrs. chiilerlnl999. It Horizon LcagU'dier diese last Qexx'land.

■ . . UWMisacono f the best 25.000 dial lias i

une from long Division U to NCercem on 3- a little morc diai;hc£reedirow vviien addedrent, l l i e 6-4 iiaidet was liir2.1 points and counted 65 Cmsites per g jw e keiball game an.Jed Blue Dev- mistakenly haiAdandcCoM t pom-ponshegaam ent for d ie ^vay into die arci»years and arc Ncnv, UWM isfor die cigJidi ,iie spodi^it off

^ 6 miles away, wlirst D i^e All- jr,nai i:our two•ion Wilhams ,i,e University c0 1 ^ d 2 0 0 2 . Madison, wher:A J - ^ c n c a s under former Iled from the bq Ryan, arc alsto n ih eo p en - o fie .

, , ’Ihcrc wasn't £id one of die campus Monda'atlinesincol- cause spring breiHe averaged “Weonlyliavtounds, R.6 as- hm | stmn d shot 47.4 gotten iou of e-rlM .4 p e rte m McCants said,vhne. About 50 pling voic-get- friends a n js prcscason i>andiersatMitdin u h e s W ^ e alAJrpoitupondicason selcc- return Sunday,icanrcpeatcd On Monday, p

. die Wotsdie Cet

W I N G I FnM lon Station: > B o q er

S T E R C O L O R I N G C OE n t r i e s w i l l b e p u

i s ____ _________________________

9 r e c e lv B t b y M atch 3 1 ,2 d all completed entry lo: Ei

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N _______ I K ] B i a t ^ i i m o n■m n t i n g Coffljjj/fef

— - ■ 5 SystBffls 4 . 0. 1 4 4 9 .1 FOR A U YOUR >.-Nor<h-------r l NEEDS, ALL YED H3301

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■ BOSSunrU • t t m ■ Tv ln FalU. I

i K S l n o i l l S S S l 'I H Wtb MiK Mtpi/Am


ithers puttplflton It — ■ * rm witter_______

KEE — Beforc lastIsconsin-MUwaukcclown for being die;re die late Israeli m m mter Golda Meir w en tiyDays’'afidonados.Jchie Cunningham.T and Ralph Malph books w hen diey

ging out a t Amglds

N a 12 Panthers arc x^d remaining in the lament, holding die 3 | H all die mid-majors of knocking off die11 schools lilccAlaba- _______ton College, bodi ofBrucc P e ^ 's press-..-■ _____

i. champions of die Member* ague, last week in Monday li

commuierschooloflas m ne from NAL\ weren't n> NCAA Division I in but bydian a decade. granhailedc director Bud basJcetbaliired in 1988. he verywcU

[ims at his first bas- - ‘It's qu: and many of diem otcept fchanded back the Adrianll;c gave diem on dieir reportersarena. campus,vl is taking som e o f Some !off Marquette. Just die camj

’, which went to d ie commonwo years ago, and among thty of Wisconsin in Milwaidcthere the Badgers, “It'srca:cr Pandicrs coach she said si also in d ie Round lo\v T-shi

happybun't a lot of buzz o n Other ! nday. however, be- dckctoffit brcakjuststarted. forthe U lavc one dormilory able to :1 die support. I've Pandicrs' : e-m aiii guard Ed top-rankc L__________________ indieC hi I people, mosdy Pcari ht farnliy, greeted die of rcporte litdicillntemadon- his pracd in dieir trium pliant. die David y._________________ He ivantt ly, players entering stars, McC Center to pracdce He prefer ____________________- .■r?.- -y.-.

ier s to p •^ o o k te Bufii

: O N T E S T I S O P £ N i l p u t I n t o a d r a w i n g

_____________ StafB __________

________ :Pliane (____200 5 • W I n m is vtm b a a E a s ie r Coloring Con C/O T h e Tlm es-N ew P.O. B ox S48 • fViifn

B B f i s a s t t

W/7rf ^ ^

H Pm R C O M PU rC R u m• VEAR fiOU N D . NO I I - - 1 1 M o n m

• D ioptn

« R . M alar . •nrltaBlvtt. . .. a a *U . ID 83*01 L Z ® 5 I ^■ titaoB i.n it ITT1 fflglili



tTof the Unlvenlty of WItconiln f In Milwaukee. WUcentlivMllwai 0.

: m et by a dirong of Ians notvrt) m en seeking auto- No

on four clcflatcdballs, item s d iat m l^ t tha^ end up on eBay. ingquieter lhan usual today ifor you guys," fonvard Dili

'ngensa ido fd ieS O orso natIS who converged on d ie aims. . ces;a students did gadicr at basmpus bookstore to buy Bsmoratlvc T-shirts, waithem Nicole Dzomba of tho

tkec. scaicalexdtin&itiverycool.’ Pi as she picked out a yel- wh<WrL “I think everyone's tdli3ut nervous, toa" dieir students raced to the oiTeEQcctoputtheirnamesin to :1250 tickets m ade avail- tun3 die school for die NGrs' next game, against wroked niinou on Thursday Louhicago RegionaL Thoped die biggest cro\\-d dierters io gadicr at one of ccivcdces would ask about ancidd vs. Goliadi story line. PeaiIted to rave about his ddc!cCants and loah TUcker. Tlerred to talk about how coai

V - "

=ICATEJ:R4f i e t • D a l ^ >

T O C H I L D R E N A G J f o r C / f t C e r t lU c a t t

----------) .. ~

announcB il Jlprll 6 Ui In 1m to s tw sh F a l ls , ID 8 3 3 0 3

I}W OPENI F Vutf-Sno«Mr 8 .8 L ^8 i i i tw i i - s 1 (a MSmdfncMlM IB

. •SUnifiiit: ' i l i j ^ '731 »IMiii'l>twlilcl»aa| | i l

Iwaiikee (

iiltvMllwaukee b u k e tb a il t ^ K

n o N a 12seedhascverbcateno N a l seed

"Wyre trying to do somcthinj that’s never been done-Wc'ro try­ing to make history," he salcL

^ even pitched a story about Illinois coach and M ih^ukec native Brucc W d x r pbying his alma nutcr, where ne unsuc- assfiiDy tried out for die UWM basketball team.

But «^iat just about c v E ^ n e ivanted u know was Pearl's Imest Lhoughts on the Dcon Thomas s c a n ^ at Illinois 16 years aga

Pearl was a n assistant at Iowa ivhen he secretly taped Thomas leiling him th a t Jlminy Cqllins, h en on assistant at nUnols, had jiTercd him $80,000 and an SUV :o sign w ith the Olinl. Pearl um ed d ie tape over to the 'ICAA. \vhich was Investigadng vrongdolng in former coach -ouMenserfs program.

Thomas a n d Collins denied he oUcgadons after Illinois rc- :cived a t\vo-year probadon. md ESPN's Dick Vitale criticized ’earl for com m i tdng "career sui- ddc.”

Tb this day. Collins, now the »ach at Dlinois-Chicaga rcili$cs

Jpc i

r t f t o S t

G E S 3 - 1 2 . l l

i t e i . ' ^

I n a Jlmas-Hem.

W I n F 8 l l t . l o B ^ H B

on the rm

tn huddle s t cantar court durini: p ola In the aecond round on TTuind

m a to shake Pearl's hand.But Pcari said he woi

ling VNhat he did agaiatry- ■'Regrettably. I would b-

o f prindpic and 1 ^ a biitout Id m is t, ' Pcari saicL 'But ikec people got hurt in diat sith is a n d it ’s unfom inare ...

n c - knew what was happenirVM dicfolksatdieUnh'crsityc

w anted me to document i3ne Pcari said his only i ^test it’s caking away from UWnas these playeis."a This wiu be die first dminva h as faced Illinois as anas coach, but he doesn’t diirins. will p u t an end to all dilad alx)uthisrolcindicscandUV “It’s never going to go i;arl hesaid.th e W cberisowarcofdicacing ny many lilinl fansich supporters sdll fed toward

”I ve heard some diingsJed even say in die press cre- ence." Illinois coachon. Wel)cr said Monday. “I t:ed stan d it and I’miui- downplaying i t But at die

time, wc nera to beat thidie achonce.Thal'sdicm ostlises tan t dling."


i|M|f f l 2S89 East SOO South^ Paul. Idaho^ 4 3 8 ^ 3 0P I wwM.hDilzonoroaQle.cora

From orgtBla tvm $ oflag N O ia tlile ila .H O btim eau




tn t ii S prac ti^ tday In • ;

•ould di>

because bit of an> It a lot ot situadoi^

yoflowalIt it"grct i s ’if i ^ a n d l

me Pearl; a heacf

link th a t die talk

ndaL «0 away,'

ao im o- IS a n S irdPcaif; g s lc a n t

cbnfclrJ;1 Bruce [ under- n not he same diem to t Impor-







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Wall S treet: Inflation fears prompt sclbff

P a g e E

T h c T i m c s - N c w s

B r i e f l y

I N M o n e y

Magic Valley Mall debuts strollers

TWIN FALLS — Magic WUe Moll tms a new stio%-rcnti program designed to ehterial chUorcn while cosing strain o parents.

Thc new strollers, known a ■Kiddle Knuzers,’ comc in si stj4fis,-resenibllng a pollcc ca fire engine, dinosaur, taxicol racc car a nd a school bus, soii Shclllcn Gilliland, thc mail marketing dircctgr.

Thc strollers arc attractive ti parents a n d also cncourag them to shop morc, GiUilani said, quoting a recent siud that found th a t the avcrag shopper w ith a stroller or shop ping cart buys an average of 7J itcmsr while th e customer with

•out buys about& 1 ilcms.To accom m odate the nev

^strollers, thc mall's departmcn stores— ShopKo, Sears, JCPen ney a n d Macy's — havi w idened th e space betweei m erchandise racks to mak< shopping m ore accessibic G iUitm dsai±

Tbe strollcis arc available foi rent a t th e m all’s customci service cen ie rbc tween The cen ter court and ShopKb. Cost i: S5. w ith a 52 rehm d when tht stroller is remmed.

V e t e r a n s c o n f e r e n c e

w l l l b e h e l d I n B o i s e. BOISE — Veterans organiza­

tions, th e U.S. Small Business Adm inistration and Idalio Small Business Developmeni .ccnteis statewide arc sponsor* ing a &CC confcrcncc Saturday in Boise callcd ‘Opening Doors for America’s Heroes."■ Veterans are Invited to the 'all-day event to leam how to ;start an d m anage small busi­nesses. TValnlng session topics .vvill include marketing choos­ing a Ihinchlse and becoming a co n traao r for thc federal gov* cnim cnt.

r 'ItM-confenmcc will Ibe from 6 a.m . to 5 p jn . Sacunl^ In the H atch Ballroom of BoI«! State University’s Student Union building, 1700 Unlversi-

, ty Drive. Admission Is free, but .prcregistnition is required. ■

7b rc^sic r, coll (203) 426- 3875 o r visitwww.Idahosbdc.org online. Rjr .Information, coll Sherry Rust in M n Rills a t 732-6450.

W M a r t w l l l b u i l d

r e g i o n a l H Q I n C h i n a------ SHANGHAI.-Chlna----- Wal*.

Man is building a ne\v Aslan regional headquarters In the southem C hinese city of Shen* zlien, s ta te m edia reported Tbesday.

, The n ew regional headquar* iters for th c world’s biggest retailer is under construction

' and will be ready by A u ^ t 2006, the ofDdal Xinhua News Agency reported, citing Wol* Mart’s local partner, the Shenzhen International Invest­ment Commercial Property C a

Bcntonville, Aric-bascd \Uil- Mart already has a huge procurement center in Shen­zhen, a m ajo r export processing zone that boracrs Hong'Kong. Tlie company has offices in bo th H ong n g and Shenzhen.

Phone fnils to Wal-Martls of- i Dees in Beijing and Shenzhen ^and to Shenzhen International A w cstm ent' w ent unanswered

^ Thc }dnhua report said Wal- w a i t w as moving its a e ad q u a rtc rs from Hong Kong, how ever, th c retailer has been

■‘huslness from S h c n z l^ for ^pcveral years.. Sincc entering China, Wol-

. Mart has opened morc than 40 outlets in m ajor Chinese dties. tacludlng Shenzhen, Beijing, Haibin a n d Nanjing. Tlu} rctaU-, er employs m ore lhan 20,000 c i ^ o y c ^ in (he country. .

I n c com pany also buys about $10 b illion worth of goods from Chlrui every year, making it th e s i n ^ largestjjur- chaser o f Chincsc>mado products in th ? worid.

- cofflpOod Imn ittff ■ ■ ■ m d«ttnfipw »


/ Check o u t th e listings for ‘ ' Buriey a n d Ketchum,: Thursday in Money

-------- ------------------------


) E 2

, B u il(^ By Virginia S. Hutchins a l l HfTW»Nqwt w itor

' TWINFALLS — Boos ^ c y ficw home-Improvemccntal and a cheese factory in

m onths of the year, Mjin on I c /s construction I

Qnished 200-1 vrfth he/n as pcrccnt annual growthn six strucdon values.; car, That’sm uchho ttc rthicab, ccntycais.said Selected parts of th

laii's finished the year with million In total building

VC to as new starts o f s ln ^irage hom es dimbcd to 995 fland tally of 936 such startitudy canlcr.rage That means th e cshop- value o f projects rc>f7-2 building perm its in vlih-

newncntPen-iavcfcen . _________lakeible,


st is the


sor*day» rs

the I to usi- pics >08-


26-Isitf^ r Traders watch tlie monitor t In thc Increase In a key Inter

Fed delia/al The Associated Proas,

■j" VmSmNGTON— Tlic aincservconlU esdaypu

‘" j key Interest rale u p by a qi point to 2.75 perccnt condnued its campaign u ually nudge rates high e to inake sure lhat a reboi economy does n o t triggi vranlcdinfiadon.

The Increase in tlie I funds rate, ihc interes bonks charge each m arixd the seventh tin

^ central bank lias pusheti hlghersincelistartedltsc

Ige credit dghtening campal( Junc.A tttiattlm c,thetuni

ort w asata46-yeorlow oflp t era The Fed tcpt lan g u a^

has used with evciy ra nd crease, saylng dm t lutur

hikes woiild occur ‘ai a of* that is likely to b e mcas cn language seen a s Indit ^ continued quortcr-polnt i

I General^ The TIme»ftew9 and ^ The/fesoclated Press

'or TWINFALLS— In theb earnings reports release iruijor companies Tuesday

40 quarteriy statements by a I produccrwlthogricullural

'& adpnslnM aglcValley.adr restauiant chain w ith Magi

00 ley locations and a dls( retail dio in with a Rupert s

^ Q in e ta lM l l l su ’ General Mills Inc., die Sf jg largest U.S.cetcal producc

largest maker of Drande< _ g u r t said third-quarter ear

5 ; dropped frtJm a year ago d ^ related to tho sole ■*1 s to Iu ln a E iiio p ^ sn a c k s

ness as ’■well as accoiu changes.

Net income fell to $230 Uon, or 58 cenis'pcr shar

' thc ihrco months ended R from $242 million, o r GO * p c rsb a i^ ay co ro g a Exdi chargcs, ccitolntaxEsanda fftMnting change,' th c com

MW ed

d i i ig s v

~— Jn®*Dostcdbyn / i V W ^ U . ment store § ■ ■ ' I ■ ind iefinal. / H I ^,h,oI3nSh c f lv l lS 2003-s local byS72.6

i S r a n c o m b in rfb d ld n g “ * veycd areas of M

according to data < Wells Riiiioi rcccn

i f a m C

» s i r r :)5 from the com c in tlie mark

a year structlon labor.Just l\vin Falls

cstlmaccd Minidoka Counti receiving

n January Please see BUIUI

R is

Itora on the trodlng floor at the Nsw lerest rate Tuesday.

livers sevei_________ at die central bank’s n

■ Some economistshcFeder- gcsied that the “rpushed a pledge inlglit be dropiquarter- meeting, ^vcn die rc^nt as It in oil prices to aSovn to grad- barrel1 enough TlieFcd'snctlonwasounding to quickly tianslaie Iiigger un* *bonuwing cosB for r

consumers and basine federal commercial banks marest Uiat quarter*polpt move b1 oUier, increase in their pritime die The prime rate hos bled rates pcrccnt since die Fedis current Increase on Feb. 2.lalgn last ThcFedfebriefstateundsrate the pledge to move[ percent “measured’ pace anc^ diat It assessment tnat thc rrate In* fonvard Vk-ere balance*

ture rate the ducat of InflatloiI a pace direat that Uic econoeasurcd," soften tmcxpectcdly.idicadng , However, thc Fed dlI t moves somewiial morc conc

1 MiDs’ Q3cbcvyof R Kascd byJay were ^fa PTTpntral oper- cam ed 74 ccnts per shidriv^.{n Litest quancr, up froir[jwrfcYiil. in lh c2 0 0 4 p ^o d .ig^oun t AnatystiwerelookliI t store. ■ company to post towc

Ing K i n g s of 70 cshore o n sales of $2.82 the latest quancL

5 sccond Sales grew 3 pcrccni accrand billion from $2.70 bi ded yo* year, an d woridwidc Kiniings um c increased 2 pera o d u e to forGcncralMiltfdomc lc o f ics opcradonswcreflatat: isb u sl* Lonfbrlheqvuutcr.as oimtlng unit volume growth an

budons from piidng 230 mil* were- offeet by h i^ e r lore, .for ■ tional o p c n sc tn tno pi I Feb. 27 Tho company saidYt » ccnts 1 ^ nxadc i tho s cduding. contribudon (6. dome: d a n a c - jjnitvolumogroyrth. ampany . In June 2(W..'Gene

. - ' - i - — ----------•-.I .

[o ne d n e sd a y , M a rc h 23,

u rg e s iJ^OING

^(^n g co u lenllfc coun

:mbcr topped 72.67 million tor Ingtypesinsur- SutiVallcy r Magic Valley. na compiled in lunlncorpon xen t statewide -lofonio

Shoshonelo r tso fb u U d in g Twin Foils nom y w a tch e rs Twin foils Co o f lo ca lv ig o r— (unlncofport on o f w h o t's to Cassia Coun larket fo r con* (entire coun

Rupertalls and rural Minidoka Coi jnty dropped (unincorporc


; iN G I l

Nsw York Stock Exchange before

snth quart!k’s meetings. inflation, saists had SUR' Ionger*tcrm iif “m casurca" tions remainIropped a t Uiis pressures onercccnt surge pickedupinrcJjove $57 per pricing jwwer,

iwascxpccted believe diat Ule into h igher prices liad “no or millions o f to corc consun iislncsscs \vidi Analysts saii m aichlngdie supported a viirt; by a similar eral Reserveprime rates. Greenspan am

as been a t 5.5 clals Uiat whiFed's last rate have increase

costs have noitatemcnt kept overall Inflatlot >vc rates a t a Rates on 30and kept thc have been risintie risks going ^vecks and stanneed between according to aItion and die Freddie Mac, bonomy m l^ it believe die 30-;Hy. to only arounid did indicate the end of tlieonccm about point higher ill

3 earningssold it laigcted ating e am inp i

15 cents of cIi^ dm e Items, but

V ^ ^ account nxcnt sldonsor.accou

rsh a rc in th c Analysts areiom 64 ccnts ycaroperadngt

, pcrsharc. oking for thc

L82bimonln NoithCaiolii DoUarStorcsIn(

ccntlo$2.77 l l s s ^ n d q u a i I billion last idcim ltv o l-« ra a it Sales “ J™ 1" Jmcstldretalltal$I.93bH - IhrouA O scala■ a s ln c ic c m alianidtiwnwana antf conni-. cents nytjar to tWk and nUx co^U nglsm cs.ihK Piomo- “ TO

S ^ “ « 11, a t r o n ^ t <iuana2005am mesticrctaU • • Family DoDa

icneral Mills ' Please 6eeB.J.

EYS, 2005

2 4 p e rM a g ic V alley’s

r t ru c t lo n v a lu e s f o r a l l t yAll of 2004 An

:ounty $13,377,167 S9,lunty) .

$35,529,752 $31.$58,353,320 $45.'

' ■ $50,793,947 $18,.unty $74,282,435 $65,1 orated portion)• - $10,784,150 $7,<

$1,910,269 $1..$67,403,078 $71.1

County $34,305,587 $25.! orated portion)unty $15,745,652 S12.'iunty)

$2,891,527 $1.1County $8,038,761 $8,i orated portion)

$373,415,645 S300.’


ire the announcement by ths Fed

ter-point isaying, “Tliougli : inOation cxpccta- In tA i in well contained, iH lv l an, Inflation have 7^0 Fe< I rccent m ondis and , ^ „ - i , cris m ore evident.- d said dw t It d id not percenl die rise in cncrcy

notably fed Uirtru^i umcrpriccs." laid this conimeni 2.5. view voiced by Fed- c Chairm an Alan Fmd other Fed ofii- - ® ° f: fhlle energy prices ised, those h i^ ie r 1,5 ' loi triggered liig lier, lonprcssurcs.30*ycar mortgages ’ O sing for d ie past five ji v; and at 5.95 pcrcent, 0 5 1 a weekly survey by h'-:;• but m any an ai^ is 0-year rate will rise 0md 6 3 perccnt hy ^

s drop Nexl fiscal 2005 oper- • 5sof$2.85toS2.95 f f | 1 1 iich cxdudes about -■ -•W J cliargcs and one- u t d c ^ ' t take intont business dlspo* mfvv'

8 e a m in g s o r$ 2 .9 2

G oo^cLI.......................................photos a iar_________________thousant >lina*based RmiUy____ Agenc Inc. said incom e in__ th c ‘Goc lancr fell from thc__ fhngcs 0 :...................................... reptoduc X. wtdch operates___ th c V\fcb in 44 states, also__ tho Pari itale Its fiscal 2000______ s a l a 12004 earnings per____ Thelss a rd b y 2 c e n ts to 3 ___havepro 0 correct Icasc-ac*___th e Inten es.'________________ b e a pul rccdons reduced___ nals, o r

net incom e by__ more frt^ ninion in sccond___seekers o m d SLO m illion In____ t t ic la 32004.____________ U k ^ h ln Du earned $80.1___can pers IBEP0RT8. Page E2__ G o o ^ I

....... ......... ___________________

Cor Cor

- Cla:

Busitus.'! E d ito r Virffiiia .V

r c e n t iiP e rm its to r ne

typesAn « 2003' “ 0 * 8 “ ""ty


!e 151369a a ' J j * c r " " ™ ' " " ” '

oe. Shoshone • $7,069,851 Twin Falls $1,414,360 pgiij county

(unincorporated PO, 25.579.365 cossla County 68

(entire county) 12.764,961 Rupert

Minidoka Couniy El.830.806 (unincorporated poi 58,943.679 Total



E fi

r I5cII

.11 {( •1





UMM ai■ederal Reserve bank about ci

I ”

increase !.• ; ' ir

----------------------------- ---------- JJ,

lerest rate hike ^Fed raised Iho targ^ (or tho jf ral funds rate by one^jiiarter eniago point on T u e ^ y . w

irant - ■ 2.75% joO Ic

j T olFederal funds JT ; sii rale target f e

J l ^so

1;2003 2 0 0 4 - 0 5

----------------------------------- Rc:£:ThoFodora]H«3orvo6oanl AP

ews agency' iruse in Intssoclated Press________ mi

_____ _____________ ___miWYORK— In a c a se d ia t Gc! se t lim its on Inlcm et volll engines, d ie French thi

agency AFP Is suing cnIc Inc. for pulling togedier AFs a n d story CTOjrpls from 1ands o f news Web sites. ' mln cc France*Pressc said Gok)ogle News" service in- n es on AFP’s copyrights by oflu d n g informadon from whcb sites o f subscribers of cdlaris-bascd news whole- mc

Issues raised by the case Wa irofound bnpllcadons for law icm et. whero anyone can u k publisher and Web jour- sea or blogs, arc becoming cat frequent dcsdnadons for ing so fn n v s . .................................COI

law suit’s ou tcom cw ill tio! tilngo on'wdicdicr Googlo ersuado th e courts that fnii B News cpnsUtutes per* '


In s id eComics ...................... E4Community.................. E5Classified..............E6-16

a X HiitMiL 7 .lU m i, Kxt. 1

.S c c tio n I

in 2004n e w s in g le -fa m ily h o m e s

All of 200 4 All of 200. 52 4

91 9'21 2'1 8 1

■ ■ . 83 7. I portion)

36 2.14 , ______ 11

447 411y 131 12! i portion)‘8 62

2' 32 ■ 3-I portion)

995 931!0 Construction Report' by lVe»s r,ir^< >er fcpOft i's tno most recent ,ivji/,it);(

Senate wil] take up ta incentive legislationBy Chuck Oxioy A ssociated P re ss Writor

BOISI- — Cov. ni KcinpthurnL'’s phiii (d provii millions of dolliirs in iiix ini'ci

. lives lo Aliicrlsoiis or :iny iitii 1-orlune^ 500 com panies lii bring at least 500 high-wagu cmpIoyee.s lo Idaho rockctcd

.through th e ,idiilio House on 'l\iesday.

length of the debate — more than a n Idaho

Legislatur,the vule iniKht O A n R iiave been clo.s-cr, but the (>1-9 '------------—vote showed ovcrvvlieiiiiii suppon. Tlic bill goes nmv 1 iheSenaie.

K em pihorncs plan, wliii' was shaped wilh regular iidvic from Aibensons Inc. cxeeiiiivu provides t:u crediis, job.s crudii and property tax breaks u> lart; companies d iat hire at Rmsi r>(l ne^v employees caniin|{ an a\ erage of SSO.OtX) aiinually, pin benellt.s.

Hie bill has been rowritle several liiiies since il was lir Introduced in lanuary. ailitwin even Democr:ils to win irnpoi

.• t.nnt concessions, siicli as requireitient diat no jiari-iuu jobs may be counted iiniori thc 500. and the iniiiiniiii wage to qualify for citlculaiio will be $15.50 perliour.

As die m ain ledslaiioii ha jockc^ed tlirtnigli die I louseTa Committee, it has sijarked ;i least two odier related bills, on of which Ls a .scaled-diiwn vet .sion for smaller companies.

Albertsons, the nations sec ond-Iargest ftiod relailui staned in IJoi.se in l ‘j;i9 whei loe A lbemon opened liis firs store near dtnvniowii. As tin business has grown, die Albert sons family has been ai important benefactor in HoLs< and around the state. 'Ihe diaii has Magic Valley stores in lUir ley. Hailey .iiid'IWin I-all.s.

During ’Iliesday’s debate Rep. Joe Q innon. R-Iilackfoot

Please see BILL, Pago E:

y’s suit tests itemetAgemlssible “fair use" o f copyri^ii

.materiiU.. Legal, .scholars.saj Google could argue that it add; value by significondy improving the new s-consum ing experi­ence widiout gready liarmint AFP’s ability to sell Ils scrvicc.

But in seeking at least S17.£ million In damages, AFI‘ says Google adds litde because iti news site looks m u d i like those of AFP subscribcis. albeit one where soft\vare and not human editors determ ine thc place­m ent of stories bn a page. <

Tlie U.S. D istrict Court In Washington, D.C., where thc lawsuit was filed Thtirsday, will uldm ately have (o balance scarch c n ^ c s ' desire to ^ve consumers convenience, ing ads In th c process, and c o ^ ^ i l owncis’ rights to con< tiolth&WQrics.

T h e story fof d ie Internet) fram day one h a s been ono ol

Pieaso see mTERNET. Page E3


1 1- '






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)or- s a hue iirin um :ion

has■liL\ i ai one ,’er-







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' S)senean .:e-

InhevlUiceive ■' lU* nd in*

et)o f ..............E3

Page 30: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

M oney

InflatioiNEW YORK (AP) - In«

pulled their cash out o stock m art'll 1\icsday. lc priccs sliarply lower afic Evdcml Reserve confinnet Street's fears lhat Inflation I a n increasing ihrcat tc

.cconomy......... .— As cxpcctcd.-tJie Fed's (

Market Commitice raiset nation's short-term bench intercst rate by u quarlcr centagc point to 2.75 pci But in its policy siatemcn

noted tlial "pressures c Dation have picked up in r months." which analysis was a sign ihal inflation « b e a growing' problem fo cconomy.

" 'nic Ted conceded............ thcre'sabiim dfeinflaiioni

near lerm than people wei pecting 10 hear aboui." sait Caffrey, equities s t r a l e ^ t ; Moi^an l»rivatc Bank. “A you pet short-term Infla tlicrcs tlie danger of it cxi ing into ihc long term, anti m eaas higlier intca-st rate; lo\ver inujtiplcs for equitie;

l l i e Ted, however, kcf “measured pacc ' la n p whicli IValJ Street lias taw m ean steady quarter pen age point rate hikes in future. A faster, morc aggre pace of m e hikes would m* difiicult for companies to row the money needed to ( an d could stifle (he ov cconomy.

Tlie Dow Jones industria enigc fell 9-1.08, or 0.9 pen to 10.470,51, it.s lowest c since lan. 20.

Broader stock indicators fell sharply Tlie Standar Poor's 500 index was di 12.07, or 1.02 perccnt. 1.171.71. also its worst c .sincc Jan. 20. Tlie Nasdaq c posite index lost 1B.17, or percent, to 1.90a.3-l.faUingt lowest closing level sincc Nc

Oil prices fell subsiantiall

, Hom ,Dh>'U»l Chg o i

uo iu ew -01 Dd M «scfl IBM - r DfltoniTr nt>nK *41 37M .74 OTI JM UM

j.<a -*» o«Ttcie, uzWDM -n i>aMM . t u . « Dwftt a n«AIU »T7 -U CMl iro vx*T(T K 19(0 -t) D<«ni I0«wue M3 .11 OWl a <Si

• kart/* :».-S . n 0«a^ujo isa -3> Dcis : o 7 iUOrtO U12 .S7 la i M»

HI .Oi MlignO IM .« CUCm a 4S».

SM DrKtV dKSikfxej O .n Omr :« m

11 u a -M W»G lj }1Mtn .ca DOTAMiUiunj!

368 .05 [WWr«J*.417:u m v re itu -X Dcr^ .n n nust (0 XH .V3 COOnlM'Ua.itfnil M44 . 40 w w 1« 517'M.gT» J4 aSD .« CUKwltO ^3! Ai«£(f,ic6 «J1 -15 [w e ,iH xyUsrtlcn n»7 >go Dwij^lto I7«; AlWio. 7 If .n DjOT- . a#-unff. B4S -OS Df-W 48

ty 5tr -S cccfiRiij 44K«14 2K 015 ..’7 a KKMtni l.'O HU .90 Ccu* X SX

DterttIM J4BUP 140 lit) Iu iPtxCe It 105:

« 51 ts -1II Cl»> 7a«.r«Oc M -170 £05 ."O .’eyM>W li» -It CnvO 1C4 U4C tnr> D.75J4 -57 ErtrfPtOTO 51*

‘ MKsOwj* »M .i : » eintitmei « 47» -21 [giOa no S 2

■ VNTr in> «i] -IS ctcco ig VCE• «(«M S eijl -O Vtrj» Jt« «71

IfOH ;40 XI} -M EraO) M U7(>OM 4» -07 CVitn ta I0><(WCi JU 0!B -15 .'SHWsnSnlTIUM -47 173AjdbX leis . 0] CaKTi leoAutAu a 44J7 .07 tmrWICB tOKAjB^m Mte -77 »«cArm KM *CS » JIUArtta W UM .» fimrfJIIWmHS

1Bt7 r*£jCt a MUA<nt M 4070 ,x ISWB*>Qoi46. n * -es f« ta w «i*saifta 32 ioas 17: rnua .’u joafHUfU ' 46 fmW 40 W17&mM9 IW 470 .CB . MTSDictMiiiM «]u -C4 rouiOix eiM[urr KU n4o -u rnjjci4« ac« Oxtittl UX .01 nco ICDt 4007

BMWgrt *77 H H E i miMSoiOioe S12 .15 CJ>n m : i«

44 SMI .14 CPSM 715Dm V vi: u •.'» Crasv _ tuoBicp isuuca -31 &V eg iiMUcdifl gg 43S) .IB &4><«r *«IkdMCBa tu .40 GvTOl. 574*Oovq rea 57a .sg Crtvi leaiceeoDoanSa 3 0 -30 Ortke » »UDd)M. t a -H C4ria>l» « «out 164.n!7-1M GrU* :co aj«l>U,Cg III 2471 .<) GUcb3U11]£3tiOoWA ee S4» ..D CU*33I13l4ia7DOjtCf U UX .11 CU40IM :i4JOliftci »• »K -14 Cm/Hia 4210(XMI<a4 111 .CO Onc/tin.'t rMOIOp M J740 .131 G«Gac . 303«cusDq i:ti - a OiPKi to umcurtx 40 4035 -07 CMa CJ 4«e0c w c o a . ise7 . t : owo»ii3.4js»CPI 64 IS11 -04 CtXtC/tX JfXCSX «uau .eo Gamtiti i44i ucca a 12W -a otMtwoieowwC an - . 301 -04 Co»i« . 13HCn>sp u 340 -IS CxM « 743SCkO« 11 7J»4 - la HCAh: <a 4**7

_____ 120*C«OT«ili . 3*4 .<3 'iO 4344c«M eo 5:u .to h a )0 30 i*«ocwpk 164 Mil -147 H«r«c 1» *440 CMM 3e »40 - a HarWfllie HCr7

. C .^ 4 0 . IIM -J4 M«r, 38 a a

. c«M> le 1*70 .oe hm0 ii» aoo

. M - a iitc ftia t aes owcng It :iao -ea leuMir

»17 ! « Mm* I.U 3&22• Okhi _ P14 .14 - UM

ChO) 173 nsi ‘t a HnMfiM 1131 cn>w »3< -ei itMiff » a n c«n> 17«M «.|J l Ht-n M a i* CeCcmvlCCalJj* .I t t n t f «■ J7C CttUctZM Ua.173 H nM n3*2<

. a a . « - XT*• Ckaowjo ass -jg u*

0>CI> 40 «*4 .202 )«m£< - 97M■Oam IU 1117 .73 KttiO l a 5J34*’ CectO 1 13 4140 - a O r 2 0 407S

Com . 9 6 -17 Mst l a 77M, c a ^ 1.18 iou -IW t o ^ .ie loca

CMMt 24 a a . a 01 .72 auo. CVTOtUS* a?0 -30 70 *72• Car^ a H3I -41 NOra ;U£1SS

Ccni0i too »4t -« »#w tco r a OKXfuewura-ie? n^?*k _ iit* CCTMCB .. IttS .10 XB «lt» CcrCt 2Ja 4139 -34 h*Ai O 2ZT1CU1MCK1MU64 -ts cwD .. ir.ig .42corM ita aoi -17 M q a ta s MCam .. to r . « j*e . 27.770Mtfnu8 a a ~J7 * M 114 u n

- Om 40 a c >u J m o i n lu r-Qjnrtata 723*-IN nrtmlSItIUD •

t2 T ta e» N m ,T « ln M i,ld i

[)n fears {investors I Mvcn22.2005

D o w J o n e s

'alter Ih c I n d u s t r i a l sn e d Wall . - T i u B V onposcs ■

to th e 10.470.51

d's Open -° °°^ I Moreh22.2005 tichmarkrter per- N aS O aqpercent. C O m pO Sltelent, the .'ii. .:;e so n in - .............in rcccnt i,t»89,34r-sts said PetefwiMjn could fremp.»S«: -0.91 I for tlic

what traders saided that taking ahead o f Uon in die inventory report frowere i2c- Energy Departmentsaidjack ligh taudcforM ayc^ t at I.n ded at S56.03. dcnvi“And if the New York Mer

nflation. change,extend- Bonds also sold

and that after die Fed's anncates and with thc yield on titics’ Th?asury note risingkept its ' ccnt. the highest yielnm agc . July.l a ^ n (0 Thc dollar was :[Kicent- gainingaminstmost

in d ie rcndes, wiiilc gold pKres,sivc one-month lows.I make it "1 think you hato bor* looking at thc mark

to grow, really loimving howoverall dieir portfolios shou

becom c a larger istrial av- Sandy Lincoln, chipercent, strategisi at Wayneit d o se Asset Managemcni

th e /n : thinking th e rors also transition is to conscd ard & cash, so dien dicy; down pause, look In all dirc:n t, a t see \'rfiich way to g aIt closc selling in bolh s t o ^iq com - today becausc o f thaior 0.91 Before die Fed de

n gto its Labor Department’sj Nov. 2. Pricclndex.akcyinfl,tially in sure, gave Wall Strec

1314 .U K4*igs 101 «7g - a RM)L S J I M I Ktfimtes » a - it iv cn 2440 -f7 n rta Ita wa -a nTicu2 ! s z , “ “ 5 "S a •” SS . : | ^ S SH ^

7 a . a u«Ca»i£nr 4410 -40 s*"®MM -31 eo »14 -12 CmLf4etl -C0 um o «ClL»440 .7] StfaV'49H .101 55 ueo .7] Snrs

di45i .00 u«)4uita 1043 -13 Sa»M777* -40 t w >a !1M -14 SMSal:ie« .15 LflM n a n -sj £ar>

u74M -11« UtfUI 148 4Sa - a S«Tin£i41TS .15 LMur a 29) -04a « -1J5 a a « -4s52a .30 uctnN ICO son -05 5^ , 5IT4 .M idmCc.d sea -si2 5 '2 « VM 'V.

Ib l l i n Z I ^ B shSh4CS lOiA sa J4» -o12H -77 UXin« 72 27» -S3KM 1* uwititiu (or .n S“«*"SM -04 Uan«gl04 <741 . a ScnjCt34M .(7 U«tfai1.l2 U O -131 SofiC

443SS -36 U4T*4J can SM -71 SnM1053 - S m n n . t u t - t i o SannS!7a . « Itara to 341J .17 StntfOr

a » -17 U>aCp21t4 77M -40s s . ; ? IS ^a a * 'a ! i ^ to 3*« l a ^ a o . a u»OQ .72 u a .07

lOM .15 Urtoi .12aSB--M s ’! ! '.'sn -12 Urtre 34 SIM -la31a -<7 uatrftc 72 aM .It4442 -i.ie UM 19 site .14K ' “ S S J i . »S ;S i S !

I u a Ssi -a ^MU -17 UBuTt)ce«4 113 -as nucirt ISM - a Ui*.Ut3S«3tM .54 I M n

SS:S Eg;:SSS.;S 5s. SS;S IS ,” SS;S ^3675 .1# WQtw . 3602 -136 T4*tellS M S ! S a . ; 2 S S IS r i2^ IS S

- s715 . f i lw^>.lt.t747 I ti WCo 1

1130 -Ml IMClO>l06«17tD -4e TVraMm21M '-04 HSim n 22a -34 leiOta4« -CT7 IfcO 103 04* -1»

IMM ‘n ilS *S tIcS"'»M I31 a sut Io lyoH4»42 -210 M>*So 44fiCU9 .42 Twnas4 -is ttn M . .2s u cC342 -M HjfiiflctM 274»-101 ujjC iian -ffl 4*To - a ,(U3q4110 I u HUM l a JS75 I 4S s s ? '27M -M tCwHJl*U S731 -MMM ..It 38 21M -SisMM -JB H m i auOQ .70 ^ '; s 3 s s , 5 . ’ ; . ; s S IS - 3 g £ S . . j g , ; : g130 . » ^ ^ H 2 3 9 i H743S ..It MUC^IS 34M -.72 l>urAw 4**7 >a PfO IM 7I« .02 1206 *04 Pn.Cop1M S24* .71 4346--.M- T 7 a -» : lM««ni*« - in a (7« .106440 .72 M)»e M *7;7 -in M mMCT7 -I.IS hnwr XO 4630 -ClSS> -43 tatOl 21« 41*4-1.12 ^ 13M - » hwCo « 5110 -4* J S JaM -x7 pmOk a 21M - a u s t . r Pireon - 072 .21 151 .17 Mtn* ,714 a.73 -105 !??**

! S ; S S r ' S g g : 3 ^

JIB .17 PtiMa IM 4IM ‘a MV"]*2< -OS PtMl a 42M -4}JC.T1 - « PMO .U 16M -64 IWUi 1.MJ7 -14 fWiO»ll3M07 -M Wty**,S7M 'K IUI TOr -U4 VMMS334 -01 Ptl>a JD 40il -07 WMll.•97S - a rinMt<;irp j47s - a m u ttr7M .U PMM . BM .11

Sm I” S ^ 4 “ .w Im I S f " '072 - a PM M iS U .AlSIS .J7 M m _ T7» .12 Z i rI7M -M n>M n .P M -lM 222.’•Ii7i ,a Pig*iari«»i« - •4 tt .7* P»MHi a T1T1 .34 ” 5 ” ,

.U 777 . 77 Wetn ic eu7 J i

Q M « . &2I-M 2!*^ -SH -n CmOb _ 177 -M XTOtol.7.77 O l m JO t*JO .13 XHCna i67f - a M a n K VM ~B tmmUl- -Jt AMCQ . » n ~m >UD ( in Av«M>dJD77JI -67 Sin*

>,lditn VM tw«liy;M «eh23,20(»

J-1---------------- :--------------------------

prompts!S ■

“ OEC JA?; FED Mon (Ucofdl

90 10,000.65 1 0.470:20 J4ui

5 -------- ---------- ^

9 r - ‘r ~ f N ~ \ v w v . u

“ oeC j}w FED Hot) Lew tteconll

91 2.017,06 I.Oea.M M«rc

Id was proflt' dose of entliusi 'W ednesday 's, prices climbccfrom the U.S. largely due tc

jnL A barrel o f prices. With volydcliverysct- energy prices rcnvn $1.43, on PPIroscjustO.llercantilc Ex- withcconomist:

But given die iId off sharply surprisingly hinoiuiccm ent. rates or the Fn thc lO-year pacc. thc repripng to 4.62 per- Dgure was tempyield sincc late any stance issu

v,-ould have mis'IS m ixed but fears,ostm ajorcur- Among indi'd priccs slid to Alcoa Inc., a Dc

. • said it wiU elimihave people over die next yeiarket and not its operations. :;ow to adjust record one-iim<lould iniladon chorgcs. The corr issue," said selllts‘16,5pcrcechief m arket wcgiail metalsme H um m er group Elkem Aent. “Maybe $870 million. Aleleris^ tw ay to toS30.96.nsolidate into Americanley can stop. Group Inc slurlircctions and $56.20 after diega So you scc itschicfOnandol:ks a n a bonds otiier cxecutivc,hat." were refusing to >decision, the government invcI t ’s Producer and federal regulnfladonm ca- Ing into thc insiircct an early practices.

•M .. 30 .1*Mn a< aiT .07^ i » M « - i M Most Active {no«t

K*m« VollOOl L*«t■ E Q H H CWgr; 439617 44.44.:cc» l» 304 .17 Lunm 4193J0 2,744C# .« 500 .36 GnUotr 313610 SWT

:5 >««»'S ' ' 5 S : - a u H E M B .. . .r S S :S !ii!5____HM n lOlt - a CMquUol 9.7B »1.0Io a 7 a i t»47 - a Doi^r^A ises *1.43n sa 57.74 Kreptto 85; <6(3

Balrna) 11J9 ♦« S . ® a S I S 7195 f4.M

Z'Z s s :S L ra tra (i!» ,i« . 2 “ • ?I5 *2 N*m* lm cno ^nOcn ■ 1.17 lo) OwlU*rtC 29.74 .3.48 ••» 721 37« .24 6n«rSy3n 1230 -1.06» « 4* 054 .07 McCttmv«J400 -2.65id.iC 0 4*es -M u s ie ^ 20J9-IJOIS i4. :,T, : s

?l“ : » ■ D iary

; ^ S 5 2 ' mS 5 S iS Unch4ft}«J

• MI I2 4SS1 .10 Toltliswet ;<ju .. 3C -07 N«wH01

«8 4]tS -<3 NffwLnrjS n ■ 42« l 2 2,117.iato) oe 4«lt -145TTfl 40 724 .04^ 2 4 S a s >uUrxgM 31it -05 U-WMko>g 3*«KX -.1 High low W^ 9,709.40 D

1* 24M .'l4 3'*88 *7 2,74346 0ICotia TJX - j a »3J2 259.08 0

t a .17 7,455.09 6it1J3 NM a M44 ..15 1.539.14 1,150.74 AiIT *515 *2 *•'*'“ « ta « ' 2 ’• » " '-“ 0-72 a£ i 2 2 x a l a ««.'l 51550 ft » 2M 42M - a ll'Ce»3 10J1M52 Vin) . l ai« SOD -a

i ° i e i ^ l “i«H»n .. lt05 - a Aboitvi ,76 16RU .. n u . a ASanSff 1,05 21w .. ace . « Afi*riT« .. |7■m -uM ffl.ia AmwCii 631 252 ^ H-2 *iS *“ Cop .60 12« * ’2 ArefttinSffl 1.731 12 ^ .1? ^ 2 ' 2 .........

S "“ a n ' 5 '®» ':S J!

f i i ; i S 5 X i -Inniaa40 -«1 A.Q.&9i>ir<S M IB

S H w «M .27 1,14 t7bDi _ a o .77 HmMP J2 17 « 10 M74 -tM HoomC . AOI 17 tem x n a -tt

■ S 3 2 Z B B H H H E E D

,«»wwif»N£SqNMI" M ^

4 N«r8todc*tri#*iK C* 5 2 5 '2 Conp*nyiwn#»tiud*

a s i s - s g j s i r i . * :r t t t i m m -s47 LM m«at3diwu« M.MtMDM. -37n ^uts.?} ,M PvaiHmiKNuMqlr« . l* u « 7 2 . ia 6M!NMUM(VtkM.Cl

:S g g M t.n i te t^ n a .1 « i _ {*37 51 * rtiitijii>ico-Ki

f ' l J S o S w S "n«jo MM I27 id W i.S d S S K iin

« Ml «40 -vM t*«*M«Bd.t-PlM»M 4M3 .30

I JI «4o .141:erijD suo -u

_ 14.71 tJT e eN ,.g ee * U m d » i « 4) M -40

selloff BuContlnu«fl

g v . " b c lo w lh K comblnt

r — ni codi i 'i________ ,0 000 Jn

groimd i----- 5T f ^ 0,500 A few

projects-------------- 2.400 I feyburr

omitted ■ 2,200 tals. Ands : i s . ^ 2 ooo isdclaye

Last----- — - 1.600 growth 0

' cent annonl high; 5.048 62 TV^rne

I history I. T values: 1

lusiasm. Wholesale 2002 ancbcd_0.-l pcrccnt, cen tfror

to high energy -n,c2£voladle food and perccnt

a removed, 'core" tJ ic 19910.1 pcrccnt. Inline cen tlists expectations. f h e b[he choicc between only dol

h M c r Inccrcst spcdncs s Feds m easurediricve from thc PPl * n £v<.mporary. as nearly J V v lissued by tJic Fed •raised die market's Contlnu«d

, , mUlion.«ndlvidual- slocts, s „ o n

year to streamline 'is. and cxpects to - , im c restructuringcompany also will billion, u;•rcentstaiccinNor- .,tals and energy '“ S yn ASA for about . ^ 2 0 0 5 (Alcoa fell 50 ccnts Sl-‘19<oS

International SonIC slimiped S1.70 to cgnic , h e company fired j,5 sc d a l officer and an- i ; l ° j“ . vc. saying die two ; to cooperate VN tli I ~ invesdgators. State ?gulators are look- Wo aro a insurer's business you'fo in

ty that's

io«»DMi.j«t 0)Q H»m« VOI (OCT L*i» Chfl 4.44-1J2 SPOn 645997 11690-120 2,74 -.07 S«miHTl 262164 32.04 -.44 9£4 -.15 SPFnd 200970 26.fB -.53 820-1,70 iShnj2000152534 123.10 -.85 S.42 -29 iSUapin I2C225 10,82 -.07

■ IMM) Gainers (12 CM «of«)Do %Chfl H*m> t j t l CTm %Chfl.01 *11.5 CoraliW 4.S4 »t28 0 9 J.43 .82 Oisgeoien 225 «.43 .23.6 .66 .80 EmerunR 3.39 .29 .9.4 eo *7.6 AJUHldg 228 ..16 .8.6.64 .7.1 TnVUey 10.C7 «.62 .8 J

■ MOM) ' Lo ser s (t2oA MOM) ,hg \C3n H«m» U tt ct>a %Cf.o.48 -104 UoieoEo B.92 -1.43 -126.06 -80 ttnwSpn 3.75 -.44 -10.5.65 -72 Gururwln 1820 -1,79 -9.0JO -6.9 A/eunim C40 -.GO -66;55 -6.9 l,U«1on« 3JS -27 -7,5

DtAHY046 AthanMd 3^3

2.379 Oedrwd 600122 Uncftanowj 81

3,447 Total IMU03 1,01481 NewHgfts 1380 NowLow* 29

7.180,520 VoluoM 328.454.D2S

Hmim'________________I DowJanMlndusSlatt 10.470.51 -1 Do* *r»o Transportation 3,754.23I Oo<«J3n«tUt»)*s 351.89I NYSEOvnpotiU 7.158.97 -I Amnlnda 1.467.50! H«sdaqCompoiil» ' 1,989,34 -! S4P500 t,17171 -I ftuaol2CClO 618i8: WilJ»e5000 11.577.07 -1i

YTOPE t ia Chg %Oifl H*m« C16 19J0 -20 -10J Idacon) I. 21 2651 .,55 -72 IrMrtsnd17 72J7 *.90 *11.0 Keycap IJ 25 55i4 - J l .205 LMEntt2 22.77 -J5 -4.6 longvF ‘ ,12 3354 -.47 -12.4 UcnnT... 526 -.05 -22.4 OrcaUtt12 43.66 -.64 -7,1 RockTon18 39 J4 -.61 -5.5 SconPw 1.5 18 26.48 -.42 -10.1 Soniiort21 43.43 *20 -10J SkyWNl22 - 5501 *JI -14) Taaifyn 29 30J4 -.46 -ll.t f<xpmIB 43j5 -J6 .1.7 USBan^ 1.33 57,18 -,14 -7.1 V&M2t 23C6 -,47 -14.6 WtlMail .(t7 3022 *.07 -7,1 WuhF«d .717 2001 -,14 -4.6 VWbFfBO 1.17 37£2 -.17 -115 ScnOqt 1,4

^ acflwebck* eri M NM* Wrk Stedt I I Ntfond U vM t tnd 100 mort 80lv« on ,t1SlM0Ml.aoclttlr.bcMtfi«no»dS[)oi

IbtMt i^taliMleaAyb^McoinpanWiua r ud* <41 cl Miali appMf «t tfw lMglnA« I tl (MdoKt rM paU cn Modi, bM d en IO otfvnilMlootncM. . rU tradkig t t «tMn «»hang» dM*d k r It)

it^rnAMttiMdtn^tvriy:'-A cr (Me* M otileh fund couM tw Mkl..rWklft»NAV.- ^ n w ^ n M, tl IM tz <ne«. d,

I$ )w 6 & n f f5 ! Iw e lw 2 iw F *

L ' s S i s r S E S H s s r ': — S8HB«yB«AMBrriiiiiPw«;8«

ft ■■ ' ■

lilding__i«dfro(nEl ho their year-ago values for

[ned construcdon types. 'SCdicr local areas Indudcd (h<; bank's report gained tnjd in 2004. gciw parts o f thc vallcy are qudu d cd fn the bank’s sur- 'so som etim es sbmblc - er

ts — such as lost year’s stcim cheese factory — arc <Klfiomthcvallcywidcio- UqndWellsFaigo's reporting ,yedbyseveram ond is. j - ,

year’s 24.2 pcrcent r . .1 outstrips 2003's 6.9 per- } „tinualgain. • ,perspective, herc’s rccent , i on valleywidc annual: The lo c ^ total in botli ^Jid 2001 was up 4.9 per- 'om die year earlier.----------adi2000 to ta l w as d o w n 5 5 *It fro m d ie y e a r bcforc. daiJ99 to ta l w as u p 7 per* arc

■ (bank's survey provides coi

loUar totals, not project froics. Vie Timcs-Ncws. of

!ports__od from El 11. o r 48 cents a share, in driDnd quarter, down from poimillion, o r 46 cen ts a Inc3 year ag a cercom pany said its rev- *roi

3r die quarter was $1.59 PC'up from $1.4 billion last ^rc

miliiy Dollar expccts its fls- ^ 85 earnings to range from ^3 $1.52 a share. cer


: Corp. said proGts dur- we sccond quarter grew 20 pro t. me

sI abl« to customlio our market'rep interested In a stock, muttial fund i

;'s not In our report, give us a call a

B3— ■i h s h -) H o s t Acttve (tto* MCM] a c ua totiM Vol(OO) L*M Chg>0 NAid100Trl033542 36.13 -.45 u FTvrU kUsoeon 1006405 23.99 -21 ««rci13 SunMoo 622676 4.03 -,1815 C«0 539M0 17,92 - 0217 InHI 485227 23.02 -.48 ^

G a in e rs (CoMtMM)

J BloUJd 3.75 *103 * 954fl UFPTch 5.95 *1J8 *302,4 StFnd 36.42 *6,41 .214fl EdfluOnl*! 200 .J5 .20.9J FctwsnJ IMI *1,78 *165

L o se rs (e<M MCM) > ,aeaI S S '.6 (kV'jm 9.05 -1.89 -17J *Scfl5 AmU*J 5S5 -123 -17,1 0 ElectWg 5515-11^0 -16.96 ArtU/ 2.14 -29 -15J.5 OnnMo 3.44 -.56 -14.0 An2gt


13 Atf anood 1,202 J S ? ”0 0«cta«(] 1.888 ((tMiII Undungod 140 <<iMd4 Tolalbwos 3,230 « « :3 NowHisjhg 634 NowUiws 755 Volumo 1.843.677,687 mim AicMSai


M rro 52Hrt £ 2 *Chg »Cha %cr>fl %Chg

-WJ8 - i» -2.00 *4.04 AMMt *4,76 .,13 -1.15 .3507 *««» -7.02 -1.96 .5.06 .2741 *5“

-7023 -.97 -120 *11.54 £ 5 , -3.49 -24 ..201 .1851 1 1 * ^

-16.17 , -.91 -655 M.CO -1207 -1.02 -3J2 *7,1t Dfcgrt* -2tl9 -.48 -5.06 *1028 »™'

-105.95 -.91 -329 *027


Ply PE UU Cha %Oifl OJa 120 1 5 2750 -54 -6.1 cniu.

......... 226 -.06 -30.9 c«CmIJOt 14 31.69 -55 -65 CrCtfi , ,72 32 44.05 -.10 -4.4 OttaSd ‘ .00 36 1920 -.18 .58 Cm&I

... 22 10.10 -.12 -162 C4*j«i .CO 19 33,49 -23 .0,7 C.ni«i JO 65 13.67 -22 -00 CnV»>

1,54« ... 31,17 .05 ....60 13 2132 *,14 -11.1 ,12 13 1833 *22 -6.6

18 1441 ,-.17 -15.6 2 S . . 08 14 20,15 -.15 -20 .

120 13 26.40 -^1 -9J ^ • ,4n 6 20,14 *,16 *252 S v .6« 21 50.90 -27 , -30 S S , . .70. IS zijo -at J J s s ; 1J2 14 5828 -51 -6.1 1,441 15 6825 -.73 *J

■ CbiMncmuw

iiE«hMoirO>T400mt»rt*>-- onAnMrtcanetoc*ExcMn0«. “ JJ

0»i*iedNuna (nctltatbbrovfMkin). iQolMBnMm'U.'- gr>» iKMquaiMVoitMnUmMi

ntfk.' - • : ,D

, ' ' '•' . Mnrnn

n p M isa .fe t.< i-a » M 4 ^ v -IM iW M o n e ^ o # - g y i .gi S s s s e i S s .

s ^ s i i s f i s a a

niin!iii1~*i“ S lM in '* ' 2 S S S '«HMn*d MchcmpMM' S S l i j l(M)«iMlt.n.N»MIUR£|)- OMUg . n ign<)ife(M M tM M «ir e ^ t iai«*nau^-W i^b<fii^ '


however, gathered h ig h li^ t: from building departments Ir several local markets. It founc that am ong Magic Valley': major commercial projects tc get pctm lts during thc fourtl: quarter were:

• Home-lmprovement retail cr Lowe's $5 million TWin Falli store.

• Gossner Cheese’s $332 m il­lion factory project in Heybum

■AS1.16 million cxteriorand Interior remodeling pro ect a t a Jerom e County. lacility in Jerome.

• A new $904,800 commer­cial building for Les Schwab Tlrc Centers in Jeroma

• HUiex Poly Co.’s ^61,45G addition In jerom e._____ .

• 4 Bros. D ofrys $463,500 dairy born in thc Shoshone area.

(Earlier, we rcported commercial project highlights from th c first n ine m onths of 2004. when rcponing quar-

Tlic Oklahom a City-based drivc-in restaurant chain re­ported second-quarter net incomc of $ 12.6 mfllion, o r 20 cents per sharc. up 20 pcrcent from $9.8 nuUlon. or 16 ccnts per share, last year. Revenue in­creased 19 percent to $132.6 miUion'from $ 111.6 mfllion du r­ing thc sam e period a year ag a

Same-storc sales grew 7 per- :ent.

“As wc pass thc midpoint o f ihe year and en ter the stronger spring and stm uner months, .ve arc enthusiasdc about ou r prospects for continued mo- n en tu m in o u r operadons."

S o m e t h i n g m i s s i n g ?reports. If to Indudo IL ndorcommodl- PiUM can Rome ill and well try with your sugge:

n« oty Uri Chg On» . aM .12Cftz - 21.B .05

1 160 . " o u t* . M04 -3*1«fi . 1656 -21 CMim _ 1T4 -Mt«tmi _ d7j . CMM J4 n a . ora . . 7M .« D «CI - 2M *,16>tr« . 3471 -42 . 3DM .101S« . 34t .01 0 ^ . »M -01«n . 2240 -30 OctnCta. Ul -O« 20 2177 .12 D»ltw _ 27J7 . aM9r 05 0036 -M nactt , 7.7i -.a■1 a 17.73 .31 taag - sa .as4a . t !0 . a lOtri - SM -aM _ 4l.7t .10 4(ta« _ 12,11 .04a - 700 -ca Iim* . ib -.ionrr .. 1235 . a EcrcCalCOt 2U4 -MXU ... 1131 -a . KUI *j*m . 105* . a OM - tM *,1*iCp . 11117 -.11 M»c . IM -04nm _ US . a OkUA .. Mil.ttam , 311S -a OkO) . MM -l>4SUccnse sim -u tn _ ira - o»*OlW 2737 -i» . 107J -a0 40 2401 - a LwCcn, . 217t -2iT-d. ^ loa Iti« .. Mit .11 CitmH 36> 331 -il6OT . 4 05 -M E«M a 53n -M I« . asj -» CifBatl . Htl .)«jj: . flji .wlOp ..2235-4* E1«M0> . aM .72cOig _ UTS .17 .. &5M .12EO .. 74a -41 fiico . a a -S2•Cl . 42*3 -n r«M ea S7,ie .mUd . 15*1 •» miT)Hl«IO(2a -36>01 .. l a -B n w r 127 -o■H 60 MK .46 FWr .. MOI 0501 - 1.14 -01 non .. 1210 -.11 rcw .. Ita .11 .. 142 -a

.. 3S -M Fouttr . 1021 -.11»« - IIM M* Fi«l>h: M ItM '30« ... 124* . a r<MC«l . 1013 -It

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i :'3':S SK-iiSS !

^ t s (eriystadsdcs.) s In OveroUtheycarbrDuj^ und m lts for 208 ncvir apoi ey’s units around Magic Valle- s to in Gooding County, 60 i i l th ley. 71 In Ketehum, 18 i

V ^ey, two in Jerome one tall- IWin BUs — and som e :q11s new Wood River Vafley

m entflw crepriciyones.' M a ^ c \M c /s fltiny o f

;jm ty wasn’t quite .sufudt J bring it in fine w ilh thc

„ “ statewide growdi trend. Wells Fargo said slat

construcdon values ro& pcrcent in 2004 to $3.001

u topping the $3 billion nu™>> ih in isrum c.

Idaho’s new residentia “150 strucdon exceeded $2 1

for thc flrst-dme. -Wells 500 economist Kefly K. Mat sn c said.

le d ■ Timcs-News Business ^ t s Vir^nia S. Hutchins o iths reachcd at 735-3242 o lar- ginia.hutc}iins&lcc.neL

sed Chairman and C hief Excrc- CliiTord Hddson said in anet mcnL20 “Our brand Is stron t

c m growing,oursalcssira(c9n ts producing excellent rcin- and die hcallh o f ou r b u2.6 has never been better.’’ur- Sonic said it's cxpcctij a post diird-quancr cariUi« r- 36 cents per sliarc. up frc

ccnts a >tar earlier, o n t: o f crcase in ^ e s of 18 perc^er 20 pcrcent

Dur Timcs-News business - 10- Megan Hinds contributIS," r/i£5n:port

7omona Jones ot 7330931. ExL 262 Jgestioris.

.12 ivMm . a?S -41 r0«0 - 14._ Kinwi .44 ua Im MW r 10-3* , ia -a flTt *-n KJA* - (34 -a R idM l. 77..o LIX _ 444 -It n«caTi(.. a*10 u»vii - Jl . a B«» . 11,101 KTAcn - 27J8 .11 fiotksMO. 4S. -01 uaa . SM .M itaiSn Si V. •O ImO . 211 -U,a i n 4H . IM 04 H I E E l-a Ugnio . ta -a s m m 4t.as uart , 4isa -21 triM - 2T.• a a a -3< _ S'-04 LoiSrnrl ., M -01 S7 36j-.10 5dO«W 215 ^ :O* WI5e'>IM at7 -a _ i7iKl* UCIPnrt , 240) .ICB Bmo, _ M-04 Ueml. . 34M -24. S S i - P.:* a<«on , a;l*S HigiM _ IM .12 OTiaU 401

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dal con- J bflllon Is liirgo—- [atthews

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ng and ^ e s a r e results,

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Novell helps staSALT LAKE CTIY (AP) ~ N ov­

ell In c . a n n o u n ce d l \ j ( ^ y tha t it w o u ld o p e n an o p cn .sou rce te d in o lo g y ccn tcr at Its P ro ro c a m p u s to offer expertise, sp a cc a n d e v en so m e Investm ent cap . Ital to s ta r tu p s th a t h e lp o dvoncc Its business Interests.

N ovell sa id ii will d e d ica te p a rt o f Its cam pus for research m d dev elo p m e n t by ven tu res Lhat b u ild o n Linux th e fret* x m p u t e r opera ting system .

N ovell, w hich got its s ta r t b u ild ing co rporate scrverr; ru n ­n ing o n th e Netware ope ra ting q ^ tc m . is hitching Its w agon to L inux scrv iccs to coun ter M i-

B m _ _______ ___

:ontlnuod from E l lis c u s s c d how lie has w atclied M b c rtso n s c tow from th e ic lg h b o rh o o d grocery lie knew IS a c h ild to a n m tcm ational re. a i l p o w erh o u se .

" w e c a n he lp A lbe rtsons :o m p e tc in a world s ituation , r h e c h o ic e w e have to m a k e is, lo wc w a n t Albertsons — tlic I r e a m th a t s ta rted in 1939— d o ve virant th e m to fulfill th e ir I r e a m in th is state, o r d o w e v a n t th e m to live ekew here? In n y m in d , th is is no t a ha rd deci- iion ," C a n n o n said;“VVe net^d to a k e th e d rea m s that took ro o t n Id a h o a n d Ict them b e h a r- 'c s te d in Idaho."

B u t Rep. D ennis Lake. Black- b o t 's o th e r R epub lican e p re scn ta tlv e , said he d id n o t ixc to s e e legisb tion designed v ith th e in ten tion of he lp in g in ly o n e com pany.

L ak e acknow ledged th a t d ie iill Is technically designed to p p ly to a n y 0 tlicr large c o m p a- ly th a t c h o s c to move to Idalio. lu t h e d o u b te d lhat w ould h a p - len.

" I f y o u 'r e thinking ih ro u g li fils v e iy clearly, you’U u n d e r ­la n d th a t those Fonune 500 o m p a n ic s th a t arc lo c a te d Iscw h e re probably arc E olng to ta y e lsew iiere. I don’i th ink m a t l l s Is a n y package Uiat wiil in- u c e a n y o th e rs com panies lo u ll u p s ta k es and maxe a m a d j s h to Idaho," Lake said. "T his i d e s ig n e d for a p a rticu la r

[ntemetontinued from E l raves o f liberalization follow ed y a t te m p ts a t control," sa id j n a lh a n Z ittra in , a H arv ard iw pro fesso r. 'I t 's rightly u p to l e c o u r ts a n d ihe governm ent ) DRure o u t w here th e lines l o iu d b e draw n."It's p ossib le , though, fo r d ie

o m ts to sk irt key issues given O g le 's p ro m ise this w eek to im o v e th e AFP item s in q u c s- o n . th o u g h technick ly tha t's o t so m e th in g tha t can b e d o n e « :m i (* t .A F P law yer Joshua K aufm an lid th e law suit would never- le le s s pro ifeed b c c a u se im a g e a lread y has been d o n e . T h e G o o g le News serv ice , h ic h d e b u te d In 2002, sc an s )m e '1,500 new s outlets a n d g h lig h ts d ie to p stories u n d e r > m m o n catego ries su c h a s o r ld a n d sports.M a jiy s to r ie s can y a sm a ll

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tart-up companov . _croso flC orp .'sdom inan cth a t se rve r a n d d e sk to p m a rk iJ t e Novell xvill w ork w itljT«) stag e" s ta r tu p s o ia cc c a se -b y .c a se basis ,,an- (arrangem en t) will b e a n te lp . tion," Novell sp o k e sm a n5. L ow iysaid1 \iesday .a te . “O p en sou rce is driv ingrcii' v a tio n o n th e so fiw are in dr e s N ovell c h ie f c x cc u tiv crcc M essm an sa id in a sta ti

■Riesday. "T ltc N ovella rt Sourcc T e c lu io lo w C en tc iin - te n d e d to prov ide a la u ring p a d for n e w idea-s. p ro d u cI to solution.'! in a sta le know n^ i- c o n trib u tio a s to teclinuloj

co m pany , a n d lliat's n o ticd Tax policy.-h e ’I 'v o o th e r H epublicanc w m akers, Reps, D eb l)ic I-iire . B oise a n d K athy .Skippi

E m m ett, a sked fellow Itm s to r s to c o n s id e r3H. c o n se iiu en c es o f n o t pris, d ie bill. A lbertsons execi

J ic h av e m a d e c lear th a t wid o s o m e in c en tiv e to stay,c ir m a y look to a n o d ie r s ta le -w e n o is a n d A rizona h av eIn m e n tio n e d — a s po.ssibk

c l- h ead q u arte rs .I to W aich ing th o u s a n d s i)o t b c r ts o n s h e a d q u iIT- . e m p lo y ee s leave th e

w o u ld b e devasta ting to It:k- econom y, bu t a rea listic ia n b ility M th o u i th e legisl;lo't th t7 said.e d " W e re n o l in K an sa sn g m ore . W e're n o t ev en in I

anym ore ," I'ield s;iid, refth e to llie bo tto m -lin e a tiitu dto v ing business d e c is io n s to<la- A fter th c vote, Ail>eilsoi10. s u e d a s ta te m e n t th a tp - H o u se m e m lie rs fo r th e ir

port.gli "T liis vo te d e m o n s tn ile;r- H ouse's forcsiglit to h e lp00 te c t a n d rec ru it g o o d ,sd pay ing jo b s to th e si.ite,'to c o m p a n y sa id in th c ;lat s ta te m e n t . “We h o n e d ie sn - ic a n t e co n o m ic dev clop ito th a t c o m cs w itli p ack ag esid a s th is will a g a in W rccogilis a s th e legislative p ro c e ssa r dnues."

im a g e , o r th u m b n a il, cx i %vith d ie he ad lin e a n d dieid se n te n c e o r tw urd V isito rs c an c lick o nto h e ad lin e to read th e full stcn i th c so u rce W eb site,c s Yahoo Inc. h as a slm tla)

v ice, t h o u d i it u s e s hu;ie e d ito rs a n d p a y s s o m e :; n sou rces, In d u d in g A F P an c(0 A sso c ia ted Press, fo r ris - (G oogle w ou ld n ’t c o m m e rI's a n y sim ila r f inancia l a n ale m ents.)

In a s ta te m e n t . Gcm sp o k e sm a n Steve L an g d o nr- W eb sites c an req u e s t re nie tliou{^i m o s t "w a n t to bte. e lu d e d in G oogle N ew s beee . Uiey believe h Is a b e n e lIS th e m a n d th e ir readers."id In fact. AFP's ow n W eb sit,‘r e lu d e s a “robo is .tx t" fileis s n u m s se arch e n g in es. e.<i

tia lly te llin g th e m to aill index ing its new s pages.

wtilBCO -1 TunUtgnNm: ltM>ani:4i F s i ! : ! ! B S J l i ; x'ss': 1SVS":,. sa: if

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" lla ch n e g o tia . m Bruce

ng iniio- idustry," ' vc lack a te n ie n t 1 O p e n te r is in- ' unch in g u c ts a n d vn for iLs losy.-

o l good

un law-I-ield o f ___) p c n of leg isla-

th e p a ss in g L>cutives w id io u t ly. they c - I U i - 'e b e e n ble new

i o f Al- lu a rtc rs -• s ta te I Id ah o ’s : possi- s la tio n .

is any -1 Idalio eferring Id e dri- today. sons is- lank lng n r su p .

lie s the Ip p m -

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H T h u H I m . M ' B M i l l

C o m ics

Cbtuk Peanuts









HI and Lois

l l l l l l l i r I GUESS i r S T t o p o r A w A y i

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By Charles M.Schiili RuBetl-----------------------------1 I wno Clw a n t to ^HIS THE nex t EAVE A TOOTH JR PILLOW,. I

ByScottAdams Blondle


• By Johnny Hart PIcklw

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By Chris Browne ZIts

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By Mott Walkor laiann

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Art Sansom & Chip fK n m M

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A M w T T T H M e l U I cooM n 3 A J M O t ^ . H M e S J l!CO ( WHO C A\ORK OOK Uoow re? S r —TpM i lI the Menace By Ha


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'John Deerlng Non Swpittur

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Page 33: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

Rebekat]WENDELL - Rebekah

• sem biy Prealdent -Mar H adan m ad e her ofOdol vl WendeU Lodge N a 96 on

Prior to th e meeiing, i th an 40 m em bers en j^ i d inner served by the womi the W endell Methodist Cht Qowns, w hich Is Hailan's blem , deco rated the ta

^ Several past Nob?e Granc ten d ed th e m eeting ot LodgeHolL

Harlan talked about the to ry o f O dd Fellowship em phasized tha t fr\vas ai p n iz a tio n tha t was forme help others.

I ^ r m ore information al O dd Fellows and the Rebel contact Peg Robcison at 143, Jerome, 83336. or call 3604.

Brothers need som supportiv parentsD a n i e l , a g e 1 4

"I like swim m ing and being outdoors. I don't like l< stuck Inside th e house, unlc am playing a video game. I li family w ho vidll go (o a poj they're bored, and not around an d be lazy. 1 would to go cam ping and maybe i p lay m im d . /u te r school I'd to play a video game, then outside. My favorite sublcc school is science.. ] play sports; football and bascb: play m ost"

I s a i a h ( I k e ) , a g e 6‘I like to go fishing and sw

ming. I like video gomes, u like playing g a m e s ^ t . I an k in a e r ^ c n . to a 1 go to d care, th en Kindergancn, tht go back to daycare. I like (o : at daycaro after schooL My II (cr] m om has games, too. I : sports, to o .

Daniel and Ike are brotli w ho are strongly bond Daniel will fill in Ike's sentcn as needed, and Ike will chimi to Daniel's exdtem cnt for vi(

CMc Rotary Clubs

Qlue Lake* • 7 a ja IbeuliiYi u Uon Hotel In TVrtn Felli; call 736-M70,

Duriey • noon 'nindayt at the Dtj Inn: call l.ancea(870-Q3Sl

Buhl • IZOS p.m. Thumlayi at Gnm!itanaKS43-C02i9.

Gooding - 12:15 tun. Ftldsni at Wood nivcf Inn; 03^4585.

iUUey • Noon Thundsy si the [Ui County Senior Center 700-21M.

kiw ne - Noon TUetday at Chtoa lage. 123 S. Alden 324-7000.

Ketdium/SunVUlcy • NoonTVtidi Rlco'i r iz u and FBiia totaurani: call SloneatTZMlOO.

Rupeit • Noon Wnlnetdayi at the pcfllilkslixlgc.

IWln (Uli • Noon VAxlnetdayi ai TUrfaub:call734-«5«.UonsCtubs

Duriey . Noon Fridayi at Ptte'l C 2444 Ovetiand Aw.: caU a78-7235.

tlufky Saga • 7;30 lun. thlnl Hiexla Farm Bureau confeicnce room. 444 C. N. AI&csco Road. eaU lanei HUenbcr 67WX136.

Gooding - Q pjn. tecond and foi M ondy ac Coyote loe^ eaU D«ty Wan

llalky ■ Noon One and third NWdr da^noiMUla Fargo Bonk.. tewno-7pjn.Qt«BndihWMond at Jerome QvicUbrarK 324-7910.

Kimberty. 7 a-m. bnt and third Tl day* at Crouroada United Metho. aurch.423-S50S.

Rupert - noon lecond and rou Wednesday at \Vbyilde Cafg in lleytn. Con Brad Cottom at 67&-a96l.

Rupert Syiin«a - 7J0 pm. leeond t fourth Monday! at l/nlted Methoc Oiureh. 605 IL St, 436-9062.

TWtaPaHa • Noon Wedntsdayi at fade Re«tauranl: caU roe al 736-UC3.

TWla FalU Haoarcfa • Meeti Om I ihlrdThundaytacliionelUnsReuaunKhranteCfaibs

Buhl' Noon VMnodayi at Ths Crv itand SpoRf Crlli; call 543-2330 543-aS7S.

Butter . Noon Wedneadayi at PH. Cafc. 2*44 Overland 43fr072a

PDer • Noon TXieadBya at the Fl Methodlal Oiutth; S26^»0 Of320-403

Rupert • Noon 1Ue»d«yi at the Bup Qb; 430-0124..

Qub: 730-4276 or 754-4244.Optimist Ctubs

TWtn M b • Nooo7hur«liT( ai Mj dailn ltoua« oa Bhie Lake* Doulm Nonh;733-Z27&

(ensa* • (L30 pjn. Wsdaeadajn; Oo Maitet. ISO a Mala St. can luUa ai 3: 54S9.

W m W l-7:15 pjn.TUe»d«ri at tho C IlaD In Vtejdefl; 555477.SofODtifnlst IntCTTOttwwi

TWln M b • noon flm thlnl and foui

Bopst < twon oo flnt cad thbd Thuday *t PMT eoofcwiee foom. o a Judjr

lh chapterkah As- vforjorle ilv lsltto . on Feb.

z more ijoyed a omen of Chuith.



lip and s on or*


n about U '- o ' ^ - ^ r :bekahs,

a l l 3 2 ? FhxnIeftarB Laura Me frand; M«}oi1o Hartan,

S Wednesc jjg Childr

[ye - H E

Ild just Ykelobe <_IsEiiah' (I r.f Age (uldlike _ .Dame

Age 1iiay all j________________

gam es and Ashing. E 0 make sure Ike ii

taken care of, but he his own space. Danii

I swim- iah need a family s, too I support contact with I am in ior reladonshlps in : to day- Daniel and Ike hav then I disappointm ents in f 10 stay Only committed, pa

ly Ifos- active families shouli }. I like adoptinz them.

D an id and Dee o n rothers for adoption th ro ii^ 3nded. o f Washington. For itcnces tlon, please call the I lime in Adopdon Exchange rvidco 927-9411.

070-0004.Beta Sigma Phi SorcN

„ , • XlAlphaTliu - 7;30pjn..Thursday In TWln Wl*. Call:

, 47B3or)udyal734-13C7.leDurlcy DduEp*IIon-.TWlnhlb

_ TUe»day,eaUWmdyat300-12la iT lie X12eta-7pm.ihW ihui

, MlJ,caUJodyat734-G001.■» at tlic XI0ni^ChBplcr-7pjT

hJna VU- T hundayj^^orae. Coll R

Tliundays In No\‘cini)et ani I the Ru- Call Ulla at 734-5233 or Sl

0545.fi at the Prweptor Pt Oi^iler - I

'. p.m. *econd and fouhh Wedterobcf ihrouRlt May. call

i ' l Cafe 070-0901 orC76-34D8.Elks

SnakoRhrrElk»Iix!«e-8 44 and fourth ThurKlavi at lodi

nanchonlll(thwayi3,call32 . , . Ladle»cftheEIki.7pm.

at Elk* Lodge. 93 Golf Ranch S3, caUMaryAnn at 733-3241

kWdne*. Moose

pjn. *eccnd and fourth TUi riTUe»- Fall* A\'c. In TWn Fall*, call D tthodl*« nl 733-G637 (dayi) or 733-6M

Women ot the Moiim • 0 ' fourth and founh TUeidsy at 035^ SSSeT

Magic VklleyTbaunuften *«ondandfaunhTUe*dar»B

p- ^ CofiaJRettauranionmueLak. Iw u x l North InTWIn Fan*, can 733-: launuu. 8109.

1 . Support GrouMomalaTbucfalnianaatk

Magic VUlcy Down Syitdr le FUer Cecaectloa -callTlnaBt734- M031. CMOblen Anoaymoua - I Rupert Wedruaday* at FeOmhlp 1

(Ul>. call 7^-8310.□ Som- Maj^VUkrlloowEducal

{onnatlon. caU734-1233 or 42tiMTUrf Grandparents as Paret

TWbaMIa-7pjn.MCoad Eblwnpal Chutta. 371 Eaitlan

aMaa-ulflvard Sandy OennLfiA RSVP to 07

, 0 ^ w a g h tai324- TOPI

aaap tcr4 a-1 0 u n .lh u r iheCiry feitrae Public Ubnry. eaO :

324-3164.C b i m ID 9 • noon Mondi

w K 3rK toH aIl2a )S e«n t Ifomh TWla Mia. Can 734-6007.

Otqit»2Sa.S.-15(xin.T1 CO. the lleybum Betnentaiy Sc Ifourth rt)om.I43117lhSL,can(i7i2 H-MW ' 3010................... .C&««(tmS74-S|XlJkW»7bur»- 4 I0B .T h lrd lnR upeaan ( k ^ a : G7M5I8.

r hosts assi

McAnutty, vie# grand; Jan Raymond, Rebekah AsMtnbly presktent; Vli

s d a y ’ s f

U M em ben o f th e ]and Burley honor

I Qolden Corral I s ; ^ D an ie l likes anSf and provldei J is safe a n d November, the TV h e j ^ ^ t s chapter# to raise

U y'^w ^o w ill -ith th e fam il-[n th e ir lives. I» Stradley Chapt lave su ffe red No. 1 0 Adjutant Iin p h c e m e n L _______________p a tien t , a n d

>uIX consider

o re av ailab le i i ^ th e s ta tePor in fo rm a - c*. J a le Northwest Student & ge at 1-800-

------ -C lS - u u m S i sM Maffid al 423- wganuat

Th»,dayan(Jyws*(< Wb - 7 pjn. third Ptoee of mectirg; andS S S i y ,„ ™ „

run. lecond and I--------------------------•Xiny. In Burley. Ovefeaiej»Anonyn

, , , . Krtchum-tioonM:ond ^ founh ,|,e Sun Uub on Sedi Rathd at 324- MdhaolC22-37Ol0tI

TWln FaOi - 1 n.m.r-7 p m .icw n d Thunday, IOa.m.Satufit*; and third Qiutch.910Sho»lior«M d O ec o n ^ . fliS«.57Mor|.CBl7


a X a sal 734-77SI. Ilou or Dnmlaal324-057S.

S-flpjn-Kcond 7 p-m. \\Wncidayi lodge ai 93 Golf Oiurdi of the Nazoren 11324-0200. StN4CaI1733-Gr,I0.

Budcy.ianatip. "51 on mgnway i^y United Methoillil i

E.27diSt.CaUljTinai(Grief support

Me.Ii)dgfl012.0 Ctief*harv.7pni Tuesday at 035 M * Refomwd Chur

iUt>enniiorRon 733-6120 ot73G-0095. 63C1 (e>Tnin««. . 4 p j„ . Sunday* ai •OpjiLtecond Oiurch. Stnh andl I >u 135 HaU* Ave. in (130-OJO pm.Thiif

list Church. 2202 ilUa Caii 070-7013. No chUd

e«.caU934-5l25 WIdowid Infortnat: t j ,„ Service*, 10 ,

Ita* • 12:10 DJTL VWfdne*day»atO(Dceo T . « t ^ ^ l n g t ^ r t o ^ 7 3 t : LakcsBoulevsid BTOaSt-feeding SU r33.540eor543- Magic VWleyB«a«J

can An:y for meetliij Ij

OUpS National Alliance

of mental Ulneta, thdr I odreioe ItenOy frienda. , 734-137!). IlaDey - 7 run. TUe2* - 7M pjn. Middle School lacuiiy

Hall In T ^ 3504.IWta M b - 7 pjn. I

Monday at « n r r com I-800-572-994aAlcoholics Anonyi


00794945. OipevtnenMedng- ----------------- dsyiatlldBroadwayS

huradsjiUth* Am . W, can Margaret at >0 324-7420 or Rupert - Mdayi at aw « 4 /4« or K j,^ ; ;5,ejt„nieetlnj indavtatStCd-,^ A « E l n ' , teome-PriotyCtt.

7;30 pjn. Mondavi alMi tT W a y a In « n .e i,I0 0 S .5 4 ltI er School lunch 324.2377.^«noklnj


sembly pr

ond, Rebekah A m m b ty vfcs presld 1; VIcM Klele, A ttem bly lecrotary; <

Helping vehei

Ihe Disabled American Veterans c snored th e Qolden Corral Rettaun I Is a notional sponso r of the Disa rides an annual fre e veterans dInn e Twin Falls restau ran t also provli alse funds tow ard purchasing nsH Bolie V eterans H ospital, PresentI I manager In appreciation for all t hapter No. 5 Commondar Evan Elli snt Darryl M cCall.

H e l p i n q o t h et earns h onor m r comn

.ScluHil ]>1I>S ill M il-I'iiiK's-:'

LUB CALEPnbtfcgfwyatfciubof SmdtaAccr JSC send in a notice wth:. TheTim«Ne jnuatioiofclub; ro.Bcx548K*|s)rtthcmectine; Tviin foils. ID f ';mi Or{ulo734cfofflgmjpcontaapcr- Or»mllopi

R xnrnM n

ommou* leroroe UbtajnMondayand I'jidaynt iion-unollns n Seconil Avenue, cail NaTCOtlCS 4orIulie7ilO-6l31. IW W UWp-m. Monday, 6J 0 p.m.• SatunUyat first Dapllit ‘““if” - hone.S<.li.callt>oroi!iy , B i ^ - a :.BI 713.07(37. A\'^Silwl!i

Goodins ( TliInlandKij Montana Si.

fsatlhin Fall* Ileformcd .. lulvlov Dr. N.: call NTckle * or Ho a. 733-7313 «

«iay> ortlic lV,ln I-Ius ^ne.l231Wo*hln8ton

JOpm-MnndayialBur- ^ .lli.Q u ,thU bW -»50^.<G70.2C33.ev^8... ^

BatlclblDo.’ pm.T\ie*day«atTWln al220EBiIi;auirth. call Connlo at lUiperl-N095. TVrtn Rdbrt ai Rupert -MethodUt P-m.mindii]llI»tre«j.caU436-3304, alThurvby* at Flm Bop- Tuesday* nt 1 : lUbnd Ave. In Buriey.chUdcarc. Ing. room 112rtnatfan and Conaulta- Ait.. Deien I10 a.m. 10 2 p.m. Samnlay.BOl:DceonAglnB.390Waah- 12-SteD. 81 730-2122,ea.307.JBupport ahiM niiBleacfndingCoalliloa- BigDookSi liia infamuiion at 324- Flr*t Daptlii G

nvtlMUcal]ncefo rtho nepe-i2.

hdrtmllieseuul 1921.

cuity lounge caU 700- stahAwN.c

un. tccnnd and fourth .9 ' ' ' * ? ^

" w n o u s S 5 S 5.daDvexceplSundayiu LDS Subtti M liB ro a d ^ S ..c a a vtca . 7 p

aag-flJOpjn.W>dnc*-nyS. eallPairtdaailoraBoup,apjn.TUe»- day* In the Ii■copal O iuT ^ 125 7lh Dt^W tetStitet at 034-0045. ■canErrleandlI at coma of Slah and l Aleolul Qtetlngfc can Katie at 430- 730pm.'niur

comer of llaal’ Group open meettag. aJ734-3i54oraJMonatteryoflhoAa- Al-Anon/Altte tttw canS dbyB i h dp tan^o^

»ptBntTliwdBymecta DetitanAiK m UpatlSSFImAye.' ' CocibMAn , through ftldayttldw MondayandTV

JNIresident -



^mrek i


orarrcccc twirc;



iW ent; P eg R oberson, noble . , fi and B etty M ink, chaplain.

_ p





DuI C hapters In Twin Falls Lo < u rant In Twin Falls . The a n Isabled A m erican Veter- •‘.ol !nner In N ovem ber. L ast , ivlded sp a c e for th e twoew v ans to t r a n s p o r t v e t - fro iTtIng a p la qu e to th e A nII th e re s ta u ra n t h a s done Elliott an d B urley C hapter

I- 73:BHHH K(i

l e r sm iunily service. ui>

:ndar— -nctaion:CIubColcnto i "‘ f t

nenc[fi Com ID 83303345538 Mil0 patn>gma(^llcy.ceinAtmatJoa call 735328a Vet(- - - ■ I Clbtary, 100 l'ii*t A\x. l i AU cpea 1 "

'onnatlon. call I-0GC-730-G224 land.D<

• B pm. Salimlay*. 132 Oaldcy l\»i: <l!ullillng.nay. UuUijIg 0 p.m. Monday*, conicr uf Gl jdalio;7pm.T1mr*layi.M20A I’uit.

m 7 p.m. Monday*: 6J0 pm. Ct yy 6J0 p.m. Saturda)-*. 571 li. (xm.

- 7 pm. Tlmr*day* at 310

11 tin . and 7 pm. Sunday*: G ndays; 8 p.m, Satutdayi; Hjjgroup. 7 pjn. Monday*: Medlu- jy>,,',Opm.Kfandny*;llV«»Tfc».ltow j - , , Dook Study. 0 pjn. T\j<sda>'»: jhCroup, 0 p.m. Wcdne*day*: pojuDookSnidy.7pjn.Friday»-ail memi 111*: TW- NoonTliurtday*. 121W. lOOS. ?, lib • 7:30 pjn. Sunday* and 0 <l4jx228ShDupAi,r.W.;7p.ia. - ^ at 001 2nd AVT. N.; 6J0 pm. f"'*

>t DOI Second Aw N4 7 pm.ix 315 hiU* Ato DcJcn BuUd- 112:7 pm. Friday* al 315 liill* AmC n RuUdlng. room 112: 9 p ja OISccondAvr.N. at 15(, substance dta-s:iw o rtg ro u p s ^kSnidy.OJOp.tn.Ttiunda)9 ai' ailMelChurth.9lOShoihoneSl.lLln Palcani>orothyai543-S730. pm. {12UepttoBDewday.700p.m. day.pTMn FalU IWbnned Church. ,eaUG<

lvlewDr.lnTWtnFaUs.caU734- C<> pm.ll

a m y Support Croup • 630la)'* Bt Heritage Alliance. 401 „{.call Valerie at 733-3G34. Scvcni iKT* Outreach • (nondenoml- ‘ KinQirUt-centered) 6:30 p.m. T'leadj f* at Flnt Baptbt Oiureh alll Ave. in Burley; Call Mitch or ' J ? 367abttaace Abujo Recovcfy Ser- Hm* i,

pjn. Wednetdsyt at LDS . 7^ni Center behind Maurice TUeedJchurch buOdlngtaTWtn M l. caUfer1 at 539.1985: and 7 pjn. Pri- TWI > IIM Coundl ROOO) at the *«con( I State Center 2420 Parts Ave., 734-49 vl at 602-3393. Wa nwrnlcil Tttetroeot Scrte* • WkIim tmndayaaiBetheitTfcrapleon Qousc laaUn* and Ninth, can Cvoeit D lsn lorMartal734-2250./Abteen tunOr soup* - Tb ; Stn«andM end*of<£ohoi^at Mondi3matlan.cani-OOe-592-3l9a Cana

734-37 Mbi

^naa]nDaua.Caa732-07C7.......ihlnlTAnocqnou* - 0 pjn . Sunday in RunlT\ie«l«yand7pjn.Thunday 575.24

TY_______________ Community E d

-COMMUNQ o o d in g s c h o o l ho ld s

k in d e r g a r te n re g ls t ra t lo tGOODING - Gooding Elc

m entary School will holi re^slra tion fo r the 2005-01 kindcrgoncn from B am . to : p.m. March 30 and I to 7 p.tn March31.

Children w ho are 5 years olt on or before SepL 1 are digibli and m ust b e present durini re ^ ira tio n . T he child's stati ccrtlfled b irth certificate anc cuncnt Im munization record will be required a t the time o registration.

For m ore information, col the school ofBce at 93m941 between 8 a.m . and 3 p.m.

A rizona m a n c e le b r a te s

h is 9 0 th b ir th d a yQUAKISIDE. Arlz. - Bnlpl

“Scolty” MacFee Sr. will cde

W c n d d r ID ■Scm/HacFso 83355.

Local s to r e o ffe rs Cuban,

R e n c h c o o k in g c la s s e sTVVIN FALLS - Bully's,' 1-17

MainAve.W, i.<>offcringcookinR courses in April. The cost Is S35 per class.

"Cuban Cuisine" wrill be held from 7 to 9 p.m . April 5. Clief Don Wise o f th e Sun Valley Lodge ivill share black beans and rice, picadillo la creole, sofrilo and caram elized key lime bread pudding.

"Frcnch C ountryside - A Night In Alsace" will be held from 7 to 9 p.m . April 12. Chef Andrae Bopp o f Andrae's wil! sho\v how to m ake onion lan, salted cod fish puree and sauteed chlckcn in w ne.

For m orc information, call 733-5477.

K im b e r ly L i b r a r y a d d s

n e w b o o k s t o K s s h e l v e sKlMBnRLY - Tlie Kimberly

Ubrary, 120 M adison W.. has added several new books lo its shelves:

It IY)tt of Hope cottage. Call 734-707(1.Refornier* tManlmoua. addiction abtU-

lence program. 7 pm. Friday* al uunenionc Uaptl*t Churdi 315 Sioup

Win TVrtn rulK caU Krilhal 350-043!).

H lltta ryVeterans o f Foreign Wars

Cuhl - Pojt 3604. Tliur*lon Pence Poll, pm. (ccotul Tlicwlay at Lincoln Coun*.

30-5023.Burley-Post 3043 and auxiliary. 0;ua

econd-niur*day nt VFW llali. 554 lllgli- md Are. Call Alice at 679-9601.

Dedo . Post 2072. N. Andrew MoUer Dji; 0 pm. tlUrd Tuesday al Declo Uccttlc

“ctem* Ferry - I’osl 3G46. GIeru\i 1 ^ Ull. 7 pin. tlilrd Tliur*day al Vclrran* letnoilalllail. 366-2710.

Gooding . Pml 3070. TbponI* Poa 0 m. pm. Uilrd Thur*doy at Gooding War {emotlalllaU.

Hailey. Poit 4120. Hlg Wood Rlw I'oit. ellev je. 509 Fourtll SI.. 0 p.m.. ihlnl hur*day

Rirpot - Post 3670. Ilailow lloope* Mt 7 JO pm. *eeond and fourth Tlies- a>i at Rupert Oiild Devdopmeni Cenirr.

Shothone - Pd*I 3001, Li lile \\bod rU\Tt ttsK 7pjn.*econdTUesdayalSlioihone icmben homes. 006-2755. IWInftlb-Poit 2136. Henry I^Ie I’oit.

pjn. *«ond TUeiday at TWIii l«Ui DAV aU. 459 Shoup 734-4007.Wcnddl - Poit 2^4,1houund Sptlngi

D*t 7 pm. (lr*t V*dnesday al American T?lon llallln WendetL call quanft majter 324-4016.metfcan L ^ to nBurley - l-ojl 17.7 pjn. founh TUeiday ISOrOaUcy A\T.. call LtHe Motion at

'(1-5347.Eden - l ^ t 02.7 pjn. tecond TUeaday

olilary meeu al 7 p.m. *econd TUeiday Uden Leglnn 1 laU. call Ilm at 025-5215. PaltOdd - l\Ml 19, Bmer MlUer rotl. 0

m. Ur*t Wednesday, and thinl WWnes- ly, potlud wllh AioQlary at Ifgion IUL U Gena Behunin at 334-S796.Coodlng . Post 30, Perry Byam. 7J0

m. ihlnl lUe*d»y at Whr Memorial HaO.U Paul Koonee at 934-0607. • lerome. Pott 40,0 pjn. tecond Tbesday Le0on HaO. Notth Uncoln Street andvcnlhA;'cnue£A*LKlinbi^/] lanaea. rost 70.0 ajn. dm leidmailhr^da^ Oaili.M Ed Hiidwi.,P«d. IVW 77.7J0fun. flr*tT\ie*d«aX «t horas Wilber C itaU. can Otto at 430- 72. Auxiliary meet* at 7;30 pim. Ont

oday at Post Home. 447 ^eutrom Sl. IfenyW ta at 730-0070. TWtaFan*Aiafll«ryOalt7 .OJOpro. sndTUetdoy at Poat! lome. Ckn\teta al

Wenddl - Po*t 41. 0 am . tecond xlrtetday atWkndeU Past llome; canilffl Quson at 536-6042. Pochick at 7 pjiLIsabled A m erican V a r a n sStradby Cliaptar 5 . 6:30 pjn. Ont nday at 459 Shoup Ave. In TWln NIL n Ck^iter Commanda C»n dloo u I-3759.Mbil-f^ala O u p ttf 10 - OJO jua. nlTbe«layaioldAnnotycnl2thSoect - R u ^ can Adjutant Dluyl] Mc£U at

Wednetdiy, March 23,

Editor. P a t M artantonio - 13i

NTTYEVEN1[ W e w a n t y o u r n

tlon p (M M « « d r» n w in l(h ConoBrtyEJtor Ym KWC*

hold PrtMaiemento ccotxt 5-06 ThorrwNew TrtnaTetsn to 3 KL Bo 548 n» r*ne»«<

^(nFeilj.bJano 230 E. MW p.m. 63303 Burley.ld>hi>

7330931 E«L 288 677-W2.Esold I---------------------------------^blc Juvenile fiction: "B tring Valentine, Amelia Bede! itate Herman Parish, ‘Alien's and W carBraces"and'Cupld ords n't Flip Hamburgers" by le of Dadey. "Poohs Valei

'Valentine's Day Doma] call by Gall H erm an.‘Flufiy's

1941, tine's Day" by Kate McN ‘Make a Wish, Honey Be Marcus Pflster, ‘Switch c

JS Night” by Ray Bradbury Little Raccoon’ by Hb Ring, "Rip’s- Secret Spi

olph KrisdT. Butler, 'W hat Da' :de- ^ Patti THmble. T h e (. 90th Tne Com ’ by Gc«rude

on dier W arner, “Nine D in Queen: T he Short Llfi

d c , ReignofLadyJancGrey"!Rinaldi, “House of The S

may on" by Nancy Farmer. “ PO. AcrossTheWater’ bvJanc 117, a n d ’Dragon Rider" byCt AZ Caroline Funke.

450 Juvenile nonfiction:. E, and □ ark ’s Bittersweet i

ID Ing" and “Shoshoni Por Carol Lynn MacGregor, ‘S Science Experiments

n , Everyday Materiak’ by I Mandell. "Math in n ic C

' William Amato, “Super S 147 by Wendy Madgivick* ‘

dng mark" by Clayton Ihipp." S35 Ijy Michele Wagner. “Pak

by Jameei I laqiie. "South 1 leld ty Johanna Masse. 'Sri L ilief by Krishnan Guruswam; liey -Ukraine" by Pavel Zemii: :ans For m orc informatior ole, 423-4556. key

G o o d in g D u p l i c a t e Bi

I d a C l u b a n n o u n c e s r e s u3icf GOODING - Tlie Go will Duplicate Bridge Q ub hi !on, nounced its March 18 win and First, D on and Loma

second. M ax Thompson c call Poynten third, Bill Simi

and Sid Bokovoy: and fi Beverly Reed and leanni Combs.

The club plays at 1 p.m. 68 Friday at Gooding City Ha erly Fifth Avc. W. has For m ore information I its partner, call Kathy Hoon


O t h e r" Jobs D aughters

n.j Beihd 10 - 7 pm. tecond and . Monday»atl5190vrrlandA»T.inl

Delhd 14 • 7 pjn. Kcond and Monda)s at 225 Flr*t Ave. li In itre

Bethd 4 3 .7 pjn. (Inl and ihiri days at 003 Dlue Lake* Bi\d. N.

toit. Bethd 50 • 7 pjn. tecond and jn*. WMncsdays at 603 Blue Lake* liKii

Masonic actMUeslrf,. BuhlMasonlelodgeSS.Dptn. ^ Thursday at Ouhl Masonic Lodge ,Ucr wr of lltli Avenue North and nrlc Slnxl.cail543-5042.

Buhl R o ^ Arch Maaonj Chapie rrry pJn.lhinlTUesdayaiflu!>lMa«)nic an* call 326-5959.

RleT/lloQlster Masonic tx>dge & I 0 pm. second Tliesday al Flier M IVar LodM. 215 Main St.caU326-5959.

GoodingEaatemStBrLo^. 7;: tecond TliesdayatMawnicltmpli

7 ‘: A\tnue and California Street ^ leromeChwierMORltTorth.

em Star - 7J0 p.m. third TMe*< pe* letome-Masonlc Temple. 225 tin ies- liar, call 324-4520. lit, E-dahbochapter770Rl<iofih

em Star . Qr*t mid lliinl Wednes MaionlcTVmpIe. 113 E Idaho In Pai 6120.

Rupert 39 Order of (he Eastern lAV 7J0njn-*e«ondandfoutthWWnes

Ihe flurley Masonic TVmpIe. 1519 nn land Ave. BuilkcaU 436-6202.

Star o( tha V M 35 Onler of E Star.0pjn.(lniThund3yaiWcnd<

■ter tonic Lodge on North IdanoSuvet,. TWta f i b Chapter 29. Onler .

at the MatonicT):mp!e. Blue Lake* i “ y \Tinl North. 733-0010. lat TWlo FanaLodee45.7a0pjn.il

Wnlnnday al 003 Blue Lakes Bh 1~ 423-6937.1~ BurleyRupert Shrfne Qub, 63l 5. dinner fourth VWxlnesday at Rupen ,n R m l Arch Masons 22-0 pm.* ^ Tuesday. Burley Masonic U>dRe. cai ^ Slo0eral532-4310.*"• PnilLodge7 7 - 0 pjn .nm Tht

acnasfromPBulPD»tOfflC643fl.51l JO Soak«RKer Osaptcr of the Or an. DeMoIay - .7 p.m. second and I

Thuriday* al the ktome Maionlc I ^ 2aFlrstAvieEPBrrnt*.Ma*onsand ™ of Eastem Star member* alio wtt _ CallLByn«iUnat324-4041.^ TWtalUbShrlmCbb.CJOpjt

■—ond-MondBy ta C m y Cafe, 2131; 'at )IIghwiySO,FOet;CaU Bobai734-s:^ Rebek^LoOges

Idaho Lodge 96 . B pja. Qrst anti nd Moiulayaall20W.AMS.A.WendclL ^ Ruth Ijxlge 107 - meets ihe k _ tnd founh ThuTKlayt atthe comer 0 ,u Soeet and OaUey Avenue, tn Burle


lag.I SfrtoalxidgBllO.epjikaecan „ bunbMmd«y*ait32EAn.A.Ien ^ tMoolixlg»«S.2tuii.Br*tand ^ TbeKlaym L o d p a lM ln lttgpman

Other or&aiKStioRs0<UM km.8|ua.TUeadinat6

« - WkMilULlJtbindOrtlcj;--------^ fiatifyDRm.meetaOrtttndihltd

dar* It Builey EO* lodge.

123,2005 TIme»Mewi,Tw(nMlt,ldi


TS-n e w s



)lK> 83318 ?.E«.600

“Be My della- by ' n's Don t )ldDoes- ynebble Jcntine,"

“/ v KcMulian, Bearl’ by 1 on Tlic iry. "Tlie aizabcth ipot’ by )aylslt?“! Clue in le Gian- Days a

Jfe and ^byAnn ; Scorpi.. “Prince inoYolen Cornelia

: “Lewis :t Cross- 'ony" by ‘Simple s with / Muriel Cai’ by

•Sound“ t “Den- ).’fLiiti“ ■akistan’ h Korea’ i Lanka’ my and iliansky. on, call

B r id g e

suitsjooding has an- rinncrs: la Bard: nandAl monscn I fourUi, me Mc-

m.every :iall,308

m or a oney at

md (ourth . inUurtey. uid founli erome. hUd Mon-

md founli ihdN.

taifcond Re atror- id I.ocuit



theEast-lesday at First An.riheEast- rtesday at P a u L ^

tm Star.

>19 Om-

f Eastem nddlhU-

« of Ihe


i. the Ont Bhd. N,

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niur*day•5150.Order of d founh icLodo. ndOroCT . nrlcome.

pjn. tec313 OS.-- - ...........wasa


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Page 34: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

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Conformo a las loyos <Jol oaio losoluciiin on onloco do la olo( odminlslradoros doi distrilo co oscuola. condados Minidoka, Lincoln do Idaho, ado p tad o 2005, so da ol aviso por osto rr cIciOn ospoclal doi onloco do ot llovQia acabo on ol distrilo ol m 2005. comonzado a los 7:00 A. la hora do 8:00 P.M, on cso lomor un volo sobro la slgulonl PREGUNTA: Ooboria cl tabi do 'os do) dislrlto comtin No. Minidoka. Cassia, Joromo y Ui autorizado para hocor cocaudai al doi disliilo dicho on la car hnsla S1.500,000 para llognr £ stalaclonos lalos coma puodo do adminislrodoros. la instalad bida no mas quo quince (IS ) > locha do 108 onlacos con ol fir do (omodolar. modilicax. roparc os doillcalos y para compror ot para talos siMs. aai como o s p olucldn por la Mosa OIrocliva pt Rocaudamlontos on 22 Fobron

EloccIOn Dicha so llovara ocab lugaroffdo voto:

Condado Mlnld Acequla Elomental 20504 4lti Stroot. Acoquio, Ida Big Valley Elemental 202 181(1 Strool, Ruport. Idoho; Heybum Elemental 1431 17lh Stroot. Hoybum, Id 8 Memoflal Elemental 310 lOtb Stroot, Ruport. Idaho < Paul Elemental201 Nono isl Ouoslo. P a u l . Idi Mlnlco High School 292 Ouoslo 100 Sur. Rupon. Id MCOC Facllltfade*123 Sur C. Stroot. Ruport. Idahi E ast Mlnlco Middle

. 1605 H. Stroot. Ruport. Idaho a West Mlnlco Middle 600 OuostoISS Sur, Paul. Idah

Jorom e C ount JohnO ttm an Resldencia 1450 Esto 360 Sur. Paul, Idaho

Caaela C o u n t

120 NortoSOO Esto. Ruport. Ida Lincoln C ount

Clint Harper Resldoncia 451 OostoHwy24. Paul, Idaho

DIRECTION OE AUSOisirito do Minidoka I

633 Fromont A\ Rupoii. Idaho B3;

Adomds so aviso quo sotamoi calllicados doi distrilo, mayoro (18) anos do odad. quion h a n lo ol dislrlio por loa ttolnta (30) dia olocci6n, quo so han rotjistrado on ol lugar do votar on ol d io di tormo la loy. tionon dorocho a vi

Cualquior elector rogiatrado hacor una aplicacidn con ol soc do acuordo con laa loyos po ra i cla. provoldo quo ol Voto on Aus por cl Socrotario a la dlrocddn < tos on Ausoncio no mos lardo o do ol olocekin para quo so puod

Si por osta olocdOn ospocJal . gonoral un dos-torcoros (2/3) d(

Istrados mayoroa do dioz y 0< odad votondo on osta oloccldn

douda hocha con ol propAsil propaflo do los onlstonto arrofllo hadOndoIo poslblo ol distrlto od 0 tacilidados oscolaros on ol 0 nogociablos so lomaran por os on una manera provolda por ol i DIchas onlacos noooclabloa. o

• c o n oBta. 80 m o d u ro d u r a comonzando anloo do tormino

. dosufochasytom iln4ndosoon (15) onos do su (ocha y ganari goblos por Impuootos do ocuo slonos do § 33-1107 condigo dc La inlormaclOn aiouionto so cor diQO do Idalio § 34-440

La douda lotal oxistonlo. In< rondido dosdo ol 29 Marzo 20( 59.420.234.44. La taaa do lntor< los propueslos onlacos nogocia modomento dos por den to (2.< do oatas ta sa s os do u n o y t

. . . (1.50%) hastaol doa y m o d io p En total lo quo so ropagora du dicho oniaco nogociablo. basad< intor4s.oaS1.920.000.

Darrel Blade, ol aocrotarto doi 1 ijtrodoros doi Distrito Com un t Minidoka. Cassia. Jorom o, y I Biondo Prlmoramonto jurado doi dicho quo ei oo oi Sooolorto d

. ministrodofo® on ol Distrtto Cor ■ dadoi Minidoka. Cosaia. Jorc : Idhao, quo ol ha Wido la Inforrr . como oaMoulg on at CondioQ tfo ’ crooquek>contonkk)03vordad . /a/Dami Block, Socrotario

: ’ PUBUSH: March 0 .1 6 and 23.'i

i A * ® ? . ! . * * ! ® . . '

^ E-g T lm ti^ iw rt. TWln FaU».


GENERAIosiadodoldahoydoia COMUN^oloccidn doi labioro do> comun No. 331 do iaka. Cassia, Joromo. yido oi d ia 22 Fobroro p r e g u n 'to modio quo una oioc- doros doi0 obiigaciOn gonoral so Minidoka01 martos. 29 do marzo outorlzado0 A.M. ycoKdndosoon at dot dist oso dia, con oi tin do hosta $1.£ (onto proQunla: staladono' tabioro do admiristra- do adminis <Jo. 331. condados do bida no m / Lincoln do Idaho, sor (ocha do i< udacidnoscotaroonor- doromodo cantidod principal do- ososcolari

lar a sor dobldo on in- do onorglt odo arrogior ol tabioro pora comp ilad6n final siondo do- os. asi cor 15) onos a partir do ta Mosa Oire li fin, para oi propdsito . mionlos or parar yroponor los sill- .roloquipajonocosoriooa p.'ovoldo on la Ros*a para la Elocci6n paia e n FAVOIiroro do 2005? CON TOT-

U S RA2C.cabo on los siguionios ARRIBA


Idaho 83350 OE HAST/!LAS RAZC

Iho 83350 ARRIBA

Id 83336 INSTRUCCtar do lapr<

iho 83350 onolcuodrVOR DE T

.Idoho 83347 HASTAS1,C tO N A O ;

1. Idaho 83350 TOMAR E

...O S 3 3 5 0 ,

conlaran. daho 83347 Morca. ropiunty: loaiuocospu Lalnformac

aho 83347 ^ idnho. £U douda lc

Idaho 83350 S9.420.234lunty los propuos

madamontcIho 83347 d o o s l o s l

(VUSENCIA loiolToquoikaNo. 331 oniaco nogitAv^o lo r is .o sS I1 83350imonto osos oioctoras - /o ros do df02 y ocho Datrol B n lonldo rosWonda on minlslrador dlaaprocidionloaala dosMlnidol

Ido 0 quo so rogisHan aiondo Prin a do la oioccidn. con- dicho quo < a volar. • ministrador

Ido doi distrilo puodo d ados Min socfolario dot dlstilto Idaho, quo

iro un Volo on Auson- como ostipi Ausondasoarodbldo c rooquolo liln do onlba para Vo- /a/Darrol Bl :Io quo a las 8:00 p.m. iuodaconlar. PUBLISH: Iidal paro rocaudadin 3) do los votanlos rog- _ y ocho (18) onos do D o;Wn pormllon ot toma; ‘ _______ablooyotdoincunirla ■ ■ ■ Asilo do linanciar ol ogkis do ronta/compra ,) adquirir cionos siliosot Olstrtio. lal onlacosr osos cosas voladasr 01 Condigo do Idaho. F l ^ ls . 0 cualquior arroglou r a n to un poriodolino do dos (2) anoos Q Hjonnom aadoquinconaran interns y so pa-cuordo con los provi-o d o Idaho.como oslipula oi con-

, induaivo doi IniorAa a fuion f.2005. dot Disliito, oa “ w

itorfis 00 ontlcipa para fo"***'*-' odablosolsoraproxl- (2.00%) U variaddn

ly m o d io p o rc io n to :lo por donlo (2,50%). - ftrtmcuuI duronlo oi cvrso doi t ik Uisadoon la lazafijado .!»«. Pu

locilbnUWn ll-'Btoa l-'rkJi Tabioro do Admin- f b m Soiin No. 33. Condados Two \, y Lincoln do Idaho, cauiocc I dobajo juromonto adto dot Tabioro do Ad- -n,Comun No. 331 Con- cUp^Joromo y Lincoln on u.outormacidn precodonlo p.o.. ^ ldaho< 3 4 ^ 0 .y v^N a;

. ...■. ml23.2005______________ I — —

FOR RENT. •• soldhlarv; .. . . hla month

lUt, Idaho WodnMday. March 23.:

i # l €





JNTA: Doborla ol tabioro do admini doi dislrito comun N. 331, condado <0. Cassia. Joromo y Uncoln do Idahc ado para hacor rocaudacI6n oscolar gi distinlo dicho on Io cantidad princlpi >1,500,000 para ilogar a sor dobldo o mos talos como puodo arroglar oi ta) linislradoros, la instalacidn final slond< ) m as quo quinco (IS) anoa a parllr (10 los oniacoa, con oi (in, para ol prop odotar. modilicax. roparar y roponor lo; )Iaros oxjatonto para podor roalizar ahi rgla y cumplir con los cddigos doiflca! imprar ol oquipojo nocosario para (alo: como 03 provoldo on la Rosolud6n p 3iroctiva para ia Eloccldn para Roca 3 on 22 Fobroro do 2005.





JCCIONES PARA EL VOTANTE: Pari 1 pregunta procodonio, marquo con unt adro n la dorocha do laa paiabraa 'EN E TOMAR EL ENU\CE CON TOTAL SI ,500,000 POR LAS RAZONES AM ,O AS ARRIBA." O 'E N CONTRA ) EL ENLACE DE HASTA S1.SOOO. .AS RAZONES AMENCIONADAS EN )IBA’ asi como ustoddosoo volar. To hochas do oiro modo no so pormiti

narcas dialinguldas no so pormllon > SI ustod. do ocuordo o por accido

ropo. 0 doslruyo oi boloto. dosvuAlva 3s para quo io don oiro bololo. naci^n sigulonlo como oslipula oi com y 634-440:a lotal oxlslonlo. incluslvo doi Inlor^a i >sdo oi 29 Marzo 2005, doi Distrito, >34.44. LatasadoiniorA saoantldpap uosios onlacos nogociablos ol sor apr into dos por cionlo (2.00%) La varlai 3 la saa os do uno y modio por do lasta oi dos y modlo por donlo (2.5%). luo so ropagara duranlo ol curso doi dl logociabio, basado on la taza lija do j S1.920.000.

VerKlcacldn11 Block, ot socrolorlo doi Tabioro do doros dot Dislrito Comiin No. 33, Cor Idoko. Cassia. Joromo. y Lincoln do Idi ’rimoramonlo jurado dobajo juramonK JO ol os ol Socrotario doi Tabioro do doros cn ol Distrilo Comun No. 331, C t,1inidoka. Cassia. Jorom o y Lincoln |uo ol ha loldo lo Informadon procod< stipula on oi Condigo do Idoho §34-44 ) lo conlonido os vordad.I Black, Socrotario

H: March 23,2005

l p - l t £ y p u r ; e l f M w s

Futon F ram e)<i fnuM »nd miiiieu mi 1< ■ (undj- ium W inMiul the hoUK. FoUlnl up. ll mikct i com- Ie. cuuil cowh. folded itown. lf» « flrni IwO Jl (h« irrtn|» lump* of a convenlloiia!

1 franw ihouUiilu ilo-li-youn«ircn so loB|ct n »TiCTi><>OB lo hiiU. Il requlrci only four dif- cuuoriimilxraikjudy 1B piccci In >11.': (rune cu be nude la nols. full or quota

Puion nuitreuc* c*a be iHirchiied u cniny wddlnj tnd Impon iioret.rniS«p!aainorav577!7$5!53I Sof»b<^ Pkdut« (No. C86) Woproj«Uii>cl.ll09...|ld.« oc (pktUfT» humlrtdj or pcojeiii). . . UOO a »<IJ »3J0 lAh (wctw culot-only ordenl •Jer.clnloliemU). incue be ture lo ttM dtt/check to: Include your uoe. .OUdFe«h<m tddre>iu>aiheBtmuf •O .D oxtU i ihiLoaoSUCt' Allow Naj«.CA9IM« 1-2 w(«ki for dtUrtiT.

O rc r f ( 8 ( W ) 8 ^ U - B lL P

i____M oney.B »ck.G n»nuitee__^^

9 hot tub and loworodl I 4nthlyenorgybin.

0 ,2 0 0 5


Imam iI

■ K I

NOTICE OF SPECIAL ( )ACION BONDENIDOKA Pursuanttotholaw sol JEROME Bond ElocUon Rosolutioi

of Joint School District N Joromo and Lincoln Coi February 22, 2005, noti

mlnislra- Special Qonoral Obllgal lados do hold In tho District on T Jaho, sor beginning al tho hour oi argonor- thohouroi8.-OOP.M.on iclpal do ol taking a voto upon Iho10 on in- OUESTIQN: Shall tho E11 tabioro SchoolDistrict No.331.1 ondodo- and Lincoln Counllos, /tlr de ia issuo tho gonoral obliga: :rop6sHo Dislricl In Iho prindpal i ir los alti- bocomo duo In such inst rahorros by tho Board of Trusloo iflcalos y loll duo not moro than fl lalos slti- dato of tho bonds, for tht f tnporla costa oi fomodoilng, rr iocauda- replacing oxlsllng scht

rooilzo onorgy savings building codo and purcl mont (or such fadiltios,a Eioction Resolution of

SI odoptod on February 22, LACE Said olodion shall bo ho ^ places:

Mlnldoki Ac«qula Eiementary 8c 20504 4th Stroot. A i^ u l

JO Big Vallay Elementary C ■ACE 202 laih Sl/oot, Rupon. I 3 Heybum Elementary Sc

143117th SUoot. Heybur Memorial Elementary &

Para VO- 310 10th Stroot. Ruport. I lu n a 'X ' Paul Elementary Schoo ■EN FA- 201 North la t Wost. Paul TALDE MCOCFacIiltiea AMEN- 123 Soulh C Stroot, Rup< RA DE East Mlnlco Middle Sch }00.000 1805 H Sirool. Ri,ipet1.10 i EN LA Weal Mlnlco Middio Sc^ . Todas 600 Wost 155 South. Pai ’mitlrdn. Mlnlco High School o n y no 292 Wost 100Soulh,Ruf cidonte. Jerom e iAivalo a John Ottman Raaldenc«

1450 Wost 360 South, Pfi ^ g f i Caaala <

Lola Nelson Realdenca rtSa ron- 120 North 500 Eaat. Rup< Irito, 03 U ncoln Iipa para Clint Harper Realdenca ' aproxi- 451 Wost Highway 24, Pi arlaci()n- cionto ABSENTEE>%). En Jo in t School DIatrict No 'oi dicho 633 Fromont Avonuo. Ru, a do in- Notice is further gtvon tr

ot Iho District, eightoon (1 who havo resided in tho C procoding the Bond EiocU

do Ad- who rogislor at Iho polls Conda- Election. 09 provided by It0 Idaho, said olodion.ionl6 od Any roglstorod oioctor ■1 de Ad- writton appllcailon to thc II, Con- occordonco wilh low lor coin on vidod lhai an absonloo bt codonto tho Clork ot tho obovo Ab 4-440, y than 8fl0 P.M, on tho da

to bo couniod.If a t aald Special Go

Election two-thirds (2A3)c oloclor8 0lghloon(18)yet at ouch election assoni negotiable bonds and th< odnoas thereby crealod li ing the costs oi romodol and replacing existing sc realize energy savings i building codo ond purch

I mont lor such fadlllloa,

shall bo Issued for suci manfier provided by ihe 1 tioblo bonds, or any Isst ovor a period commondni two (2) yeara fromthoird than illioon (15) yoars fr boar inlorost ond bo po taxes In accordance wtih 1107, Idaho Codo.

■ Tho followino informaUoi Idaho Codo:Tho total existing bondod interest accruod. aa ol I District, Is $8,420,234.44. pa tod on Ihe propoaoc approximatoly two porcer antldpalod rales Is from c (1.50%) to two arid ono-h total amount to bo repaid posed negotlabio bonds, I Intorosl rate. I9 S1.020.00i

VartflcDarrot Black, tho C1ari( <

of Joint School District Nc Joromo ond Uncoln Cou duly awom upon oath dop the Clork of tho Board o r District No. 331. Minldok Uncoln Counties, Idaho

C ode , and bollDvea Ih conlalrwdorotme./s/Darrel Black. Cieri(

— PUBLISH: March 8, i e « i

e e u t ^

733 .0931 .ex

l a s s i f i

L GENERAL 0BUGAT10N > ELECTION Sol Iho State of Idaho and the lion of tho Board of Trustooa t No. 331. Minidoka. Caasla, “ 'f' ^untios, Idaho, adoptjxj on ottoj is horoby given that a jallon Bond Election wfll be ^I Tuesdoy, March 29, 2005. Schc of 7:00 A.M. ond dosing atin aaW date, for iho purposo g s f ho foltowing question, to wil: p 'stj J Board oi Trusloos of Joint 1.MinIdoka.CassIa,Joromo s. Idaho, bo authorized to ' gallon school bonds of saidII amount oi $1,500,000 to nstollmonts as may bo fixed f“clli oos. tho flnal installment to ^ ^ i 1 flitoon (15) yeara (rem thetho purposo olfinandng tho , modKylng. repairing and ;hool facilTlios In o rder lo IS and comply wllh current

" S & ’n .T f e ' n f ,of Iho Board of T rustooa >2,2005? OFShold at tho (oilowing polling

THE)ka Couniy:School jula. ID 83350 y School1. ID 83350.' ' IN TJSchool FO5jum, ID 83336 'NT)School

1. ID 83350 in stool pfO«\ul. ID 83347

jporl. ID 83350 THEchool 1 9 ^10 8 ^ 5 0 AMO

ichool STAI'aul, ID 63347

morklupert. ID 83350

Paul. ID 83347 the E.couniy :

jport, ID 83350 . ‘H’'

Paul. ID 83347proxl

EE ADDRESS " iWNo.331 (1-50Ruport. ID 833501 that only qualiliod oloctora POS® i(18)yooracfogoorokJer. '" 'o ” B District lor thirty (30) days _ hcUon. vrfw aro roglstorod or Doj ils on tho day of the Bond o' y law, are ontfllod lo voto at J®™'' ' duly Iar ol tho District may mako H?.®? the Clork of tho District In P,>»‘fl ar an tOjsonleo ballot, pro- Um-' I ballot must bo recoivod by Absontoo Addroso not lator C ° “ t day of tho election in order

Gonorol Obligation Bond I) of tho qualifi^ roglstorod PUBIyears oi ogo or oklor voting ___ 1ant lo Iho issuing of aald _____tho incunlng of tho indobt- d for tho purposo ef flnanc-Jollng. modifying, repairing -------school fadiltlos in ordor lo _9 ond comply wilh current _ •chasing nocossory equip- Sofoi 19, such nogotloblo bonds uch voted purposo In Iho !jSI0 Idaho Codo. Sakinogo- T ho l isuo thoroof, shall mature:ing beforo the oxplratton of “ Pyl” r dale ond ending not more1 from thoir dote and shall poyoblo irom od valoremrtth tho provljiono of § 33- 0“ [°l


^ Indobtodnoss. induding Cornr )l Morch 29, 2005, of tho44. The interest rate antJd- cu™lod noooliobio bonda la ^» n t (2.00%). Tho range ol TWin. nono ond ono-hali percent hhoJi percor«'{2.60%), The ikJ ovor tho Wo oi Iho pro-a, baaed on tho antidpated Anyo000 • aorviflcatlon mfMl'rk of the Boarcl of Trustooa * l®*J{No. 331, MlnkJoka. Caaala. 8ountlos, Idaho, boinfl first • ' ’leposeaandaaw tha tho ia ^ of Trustees of Jtjinl Schoolioko, Caasla, Jeromo and *ho . that ho haa read th a ™ Ifod by § 34-440 ot Idaho Ihe a ta tem en ta thoro ln

ie, 1124. 2

«>d23,2006---------------------« « I3--------------------- — , -p u i

M Aetio

x t - 2 ■a ndfi

i e d s l i

nm ■




COUNTIES, IDAHO March 29,2005

QUESTION: Shan tho Board of Tnj! k:hool District No. 331, Minidoka. Ca ind Lincoln Counties. Idoho, bo a isuo tho general obligation school b Hstrlct in Iho prindp^ amount oi $ «come duo in such Installments a s 1 y tho Board oi Tnisloes, the final li 111 duo ru l moro than fliteon (IS) yc :alo ol Iho bonds, for tho purpose oi lodtfylng. repairing ond ropladng ex icllitlos in order to to a llz e energy ompty with cuijent building code an ocessary equipment for such fadlitie Mod In the Bond Election Resolution f Trustees odoptod on February 22.





JSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: To 'ocoding quostion, placo an *X* In ll 10 right oi tho words 'IN FAVOR C ONDS- IN THE AMOUNT OF SI ,51 HE PURPOSE STATED IN THE AB' ION,* or 'AGAINST ISSUING BON MOUNT OF S1.B00.000 FOR THE TATED IN THE ABOVE OUESTlOf I tho way you desire to voto on tho ( arks olhorwiao mado arc forbidder jlshing mari(s oro forbkMon and ma >kj. If you. by mistake or accident, 3faco. or otherwise mutilate this Balk lO ElocUon Judges and obtain anolit The ioltowing informallon ia roquir

to. Idaho Codo;Tho total exlsling bonded indoblodi g intoroat accruda, a s of March 29, istrict. l3 $9,420,234.44. Tho Interot itod on the proposed negotlabio t ’oximaloty two porcont (2.00%). T itlclpatod ratos Is from ono and one .50%) to two ond one-half percent (J tal amount to bo repaid ovor Iho Ilfi )sed negotiable bonds, based on lh< terostralo. Is $1,920,000.

Verification Darrel Black, tho Ckiri( of tho Board ' Joint School District No. 331. Minid jromo and Uncoln Counties, Idaho jly awom upon oath deposes ond so 0 Clork of tho Board of TniatooB of. istrict No. 331, Minidoka. C ass ia ., ncoln Conntles. Idaho, tha t ho hi ithin infomiaUon required by § 34 4 odo , a n d bo liovos th o slatom oi )nlalned aro true./Darroi Black, Clori<

UBLISH: Mardi 23.2005

o v o ry c ll ijk and study t

— W o a d v i„ c i t i z e n s

The Twin Falla Traffic further lnf<Bfoty CommlBslon la oxerclao 11thoprocosoeiootoct- a c c e s s put0 four now membera, and public r 10 Traffic Safoty Com- IM pQ Iission aorvea a a an pi Ivlaory board to thowin FoIla City Coundl ? ? 3 2 l a ?»

jn maxit>g process ro* pA o, irding iroilic is su e s -rwin c ithln J io City of Twin illa. Member^ torni of (k» la two yoan. Tho jmmltteo meota onco Doa(ji[no lo tch month to discuss 3 ^ y g irront Issues. i ; . . .All adult fosidonta of d a v l T s u vin Fans City aro oligl- “ “y jh u fL

ly o n e ln le ro B to d ln fo rfhursda i rv in f lo n th ls C o m . S ^T uoS d?

iettorof Interost lo: daadlinea r

call Ruby, ta 7 3 5 ^ 4 .*

POSOX3027 ■ PUBUC N TN*fn Fail*. Waho

0 3 3 0 5 ^ : ■ w n g P R !

JB U 8H : M arch 17. THEHATK) t, 19, 20. 21, 22. 23, ^ BO/ i, 28, 26. 27, 28, 28 TJw eloo d 30 .2005— .- ______ P.f.oducerj

'U B U C NOTICE N affiffp ! itlona p la n n ed a n d are (Pork Ai lean by your govern* ■ B o a y will 1 snt ora contained In 11 :0 0 a.m. baonotkfla.T hw ar« Apri]2.2Q0£ fto(yourri{^toknow - I w o f S o m id (0 be Informed of 31B Falla A lai your govemment ' Bldg., Roon d o i n g . A a a a l f ' Paira, Idahc vanvnont chargea aD coriiucllon v Uana to ba Informad. • nuaJ.MeeUr a 'naw aoaoer u to e a Pork Produt

I s .

JT All Idaho Pork fATIONBOND ersarelnvitodto

All producers T N 0.331 bring copkjs oi rAND UNCOIM ing rocolpts provi 10 you sold h0Q9. (

Poric Chock off V Trustooo of Joint ductod during tl . Cassia. Joromo 12 m o n th s . Al 10 outhoilzod lo producer is roqu » i bonds of sow Uve in Waho. oi $1,500,000 to For more infor , a s may be flxod contact Idaho Po 10] installment to d u c o rs A ssocI >) yoars from Iho Joan Bennett 10 ol remodeling. 3650 North 1S00 g existing school Buhl. Idoho 8331 rgy savings and 203-543-4412 > and purchasinglillilies, all a s pro- PUBLISH: Mar rtion of tho Board 2 3 .25 and 30.21



B o'^’ Yos The Board of Tr “ o f C a s s l a J t . S

D i s l r i c l N o . C a s s ia , O neid Twin Falls Cou and tho Board ol 0 0 9 Of M lnldo

I School District Ni^B ondsN o M in id o k a , Co

J o ro m e a n d Ll C b u n tio s . Ida!

T« ..«i« .u accept soolod bl< 2:00 p.m. local f

i R O ? ! § S r ? Ing timo. Wodnt March 30, 2005

• Cossia Jt. Scho.a o N M IN tric t O flice, 23:ESIM E0 d o c u m o n ts m K S " obtained ot Iho I

SL « • ■ County School £ Kjulred by § 34- oifico Monday tl

u»i ^ Fridoy between . a n d 5 :0 0 p .m .. prevailing timo. colling Cossia C a t 2O 8-878 -60 Minidoka District t 436-4727, Bid 01

n f n ^ h « « “ l ‘>0 2:00? .!S S tS a ^ ^

2 0 0 5 a t tiio Cl D lsiric t O lllc o .

r e c o i v o d a l t e

14 440 of Wnhn “ CCOpi Ot rOJO 1 select anyportton

m ento Ihoroln of, any or d l bids waivo any technic /3/PameiaA.Wat Business Mgr/Tre School District Nc

---------- ----------- /a/Mlchoilo Doluni

S ir 'SI v i s o t h o a o P U B L IS H iM arn s w h o o o o k and23,2005Information to ■ ■■ ■■ ■- ■= —

10 Ihoir right to k public records

>lic mootings

i S 5 I " ! } T , FdUfjD Bassol Ian legal cross, molo. mul

S i w o n e i u o c o lla r , ton , bli " l " ' » N o rth

a ^ S TIn F a ll^ lD F O U N D B Iac k>303-0548 adult, female,

•mali no collar, looka Imaglcvaneyxom h a a a g r e a t 0e for logo] ads: som ow horo . Fprior to publlca- botwoen Wondoon on W ednos- Jorome. 208-324Sunday, noon FoU NDdogbEdi

rsday fo rM on- wilh brown on on ori F r ^ for,, malo, neutorod,y and W ednos- lo n g h a ir . Fo iion on M onday mlloa NEofShosr ^ y o n d i w n Call 203-866-77-

3r se o n v ^ X i a w h ite a n d io< ly.taadcletk a t Sporiai5 . ™ • Hwy 30.837-411 ic N o n c g HV FOUND U b, choc lo F u S S iO ^ n e a r 081 and P R O D U ^CtATfONANOK S - ™ " "sloctton of Poric FOUND rabbit, 1:e r s d e le g a te . very , aw o e t. 8'ta8fortho2006 o n e a ^ C a l i t oJ Porfc Produc- ilfy. 2 0 8 4 0 ^

M k ^ S S Y ; r F S s r v e o

BfflfflwnMaho, A D

i«ho 63303, In C L A S S I R E on « t t O n An- D E P A R T O IE


k Produc- to attend, irs shouM If mariuit- ovlng that 1, and the ffwaade- ) tho lost Also tho tquirod to

ifomiation Pork Pro- >clallon.

00 East 1316

arch 18. ,2005 3RBIDS :fl FOR CHOOL

' Trustees . School 0 . 1 6 1 . lid a a n d ountlos,1 of Tmat- lo k a J l .No.331.

: a s s i a . L incoln^ oho will bkis until ll provali- jnosday.S5 at the hool Dis- >37 East Burloy,. for the ipypopor 5 - 2 0 0 6

sandbkJ m ay bo0 Cassia ll District r through

n.. local 10. or by1 District 060 0 or ct at 208- opening

)O p,m .. ng timo, larch 30. C a s s ia o o l the VOS Bids t o r t h o itimo will rod.Trusloos right to le c t , or onlhoro- dsandto nicality,/ado rroasuror No 161


a rch 18

11ll Hound nuitlblue b lack & t h e a a t •1091.*;k L ab.>, fixed,3 liko ho I o w n er . Found tdoUond 240631 • ick/whlto in (aco, d ,short, - - - oun d 8 loshone. 7740/(omalo

1th somo o a lh e r iam ana H14.* wcolate, id Falls g collar 5aa203- lya and eves.

t. male,8 om o=__toklan-


lE O .

=wsie d :IENT-;538'

Page 35: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

K IIUW ^RESCHEDULED NOTICE OFTRI Tmstoo'o SoJo No. 02-EO-38S641 givon that. Hofllonal Trustoo Sofvk Ap t y nppolnlod SuccoaaorTms 28,2005. at Iho hoor of 10;00 AM tho nmin entranco lo Aiiionco 71110

.Second Slroot North fka 311 C Twrfn Foils, ID. soil o t pub»

.Wghoat bkJcJor, for casfi. In lowti Ui«od Slotos, on paynblo a t tho t following doscrlbod rool ond poi (horoaftor roforrod to collocllvoly V ) . sttualod In tho County ot TwIi Idaho, Lot 17. In Block 2 of lalos W ost Twin FaDs County. Idc Book 15 of Plats. Pago 27. Tho knowlodgo of a moro parllculaf' d( abovo-roforoncod Proporly bui. l compllanco with Soction 60-113 tho Trustoo hos boon Informed tho e«2 (y io aiy Way, Twin Falls, ID I Umos assodalod wHh sold rool pro win bo mqdo wllhout covenant or v Ing tltlo. possession Of oncumbr tho otmgatlon socurod by and pursi c r of salo conforrod In tho Dood of by Q«org« D. Paul and A udra J. and wife, as Grantor, to Rrst An: Tmstoo, for tho bonofit and socurlt' Inc, a s Bonoflciory, dolod 10/31/i 11/6/2000, undar Instrument No. Mortg^ago records ol Twin Falls Co benofidal Intorost In which is pres(

. Morgan Chaso Bank f/WaChasoWas Trustoo (or Equity Ono ABS,Inc Through Cortlflod S o rlo s 2001 Grantors aro namod to comply w 1S06{4)(A), Idaho Codo. No rof

. mado that thoy aro. or aro not. pri slblo for this obligation. Tho dofa 8ofc) ia mado is tho falluro to pay v the Dood of Trust Nolo dolod 1i monthly payment which becam e d and oil subso<joont monthly payn charnos ond olhor costs and foos addition, tho Bonefidary will require to rolnslaioment thai you provido ovMonco that all senior lions, prop hazard insuranco premiums aro t Pfovidod in Iho Dood of Trust. Am March 15.2005 Delinquent Paymoi 06.2002 32payttwnts at S831.75 0. (08-06-02 Ihrouoh 0 3 -15 -05 ) L S i .610.08 B oneliclary A dvanci S uspense Crodlt: SO.OO Total: ‘ dollnquondes oro now duo. togetl- and accniing taxes, ossossmonts. attorney's foes, costs and advance toct Iho security a ssodalod wilh tl Tho principal balanco Is $98,768.5: in te rest thoroon a l 9 .3 7 5 % poi 7/6J2002. until paid. Tho Bonoliciai or cause tho ln;st proporty to bo soli obligation. Anyono having any objo< on any grounds w halsoevor will I opponunity to bo hoard o s lo tho: they brfng o lawsuil to restrain tho 3/15/2005 Regional Trustoo Sor' lion. Trusteo By Nanci Lnmberl f Regkinal Tmsloo Services Corpoi Avonuo. Suite 500, Soattlo. WA (206) 340-2550 Salo Informotion: htlpy/www.rtaisleo.com ASAP6389

, PUBLISH: March 23 .30 and April e

Loan No. 2004283459 T.S. No. 107 Parcol No. flPB721065008A

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S ; On May 31,2005, at tho hour ol 10 day, a t tho m ain on tran c o lo All Escrow, 311 2nd St. N orth. Twin Fidelity National Tltlo Ins Company, soil at public auction, to tho high* cash, cashier^ chock drown on a St Bank, a chock drawn by a State or Union, o r a chock drawn by a Sti Savings ond Loan Assodation. S a lion, or Savings Bonk, oil payablo salo, Iho (oIk)w(ng described real p od In Iho County of Twin Falls. staK described as follows, to wit: Lot 9 t easterly 10 foot ol lot 6 and tho N foot ol Lot 10. block 65, Buhl Towm

• County. Idaho, according to Iho ollic recorded In book 1 of plats, page < Twin Foils County. Idaho. Commc 415 eth Avonuo North B uhl Id 83 wlll bo mado w llhout co v o n o n l express or implied, regarding tillo, encumbrances to satisfy tho obiioati and pursuant lo the powor of sale o Dood olTmst executed by G regory W ohdaJ. Fraser. H usband And W to Title Fact Inc.. a s Trustoo, for ll security ol Republic Mortgage Corp. ry, rocordod August 28, 1996, a s ii 1996-015764. Morlgago rocords County. Idaho. THE ABOVE GRA NAMED TO COM PLY W ITH Sl 15O0(4)(a), IDAHO CODE. NO RE TION IS MADE THAT THEY AHE. ( PR E SE N T L Y R E S P O N S IB L I OBLIGATION. The default for whicti bo rrukdo Is: Failure to pay tho moi duo Octobor 1 .2004 of principal, in pounds and subsequent instalimont tor; plus lalo charges! togothor with 1 sum s advanced by beneficiary pu

.tenns and conditions o( sa id doed oatlmatod balanco owing n s ol (hi ob liga tion so c u ro d by s a id doc $71,653.04, Indudlng Intorost. cost: o s actually Incurred In enforcing I thereunder or in this salo, and Irustot reasonable attorney's foos a s autl promissory noto secured by Iho af Deed of Trust. Fidollty National Title P .O . Box 22010 El C o lo n C a 1 (866H4M 162 Datod; January 27, National Tlllo Insurance Company Genl Sheppard. R-117280

PUBLISH: March 23,30, April 6 and

F o r g i

TRUSTEES SALE Loan No: 19164 NoUce Is horoby ^orvicosCorporotkJn. O n 7/20/200Trusteo. will on April timo) In tholeAM, ol sakl day, ot Avonuo NorU

Tlllo SE saow , 311 o l Twin Falls,11 Gooding Street Insuranco Colublk; auction lo Iho Ita duty authciwful .money ol Iho Evorgroon, ajho llnw of sale, tho auction to thpersonal property monoy of tho

oly a s th e ‘Proper- of salo, tU fcTwin Falto. Slalo of atod in Iho C2 of Groon Troo Es- onddoscribO(. Idaho, recorded in wood Subdlvl■ho Trustee has no rocordod In btr doscrlptlon of the h a s no knowlul. for purposes ol of tho obovo113 ol Idaho Codo. pu rpososofcI that tho addross ol Codo. tho Tn, ID 83301. Is somo- dross of; TWtI property. SokJ salo Io som ollm ror wonanty regard- property. Sakmbrancos lo satisfy or warranty, rKjrsuant lo tho pow- brancos to wd of Trust oxocutod pu rsuan t to II J . Paul, husband Dood of TnjsAmerican Title, a s m s r r lo d wo

xjrlty of Equity Ono. p roperty . As0 1 /2000. rocordod insurance Co:No. 2000-017260. duly outhorlziI County. Idaho, tho tho benofli a;^osontly held by JP Corporation.;» Manhattan Bank, c o rd e d 10/3,lnc Mongago Pass 0 25895 . rec<301-1. Tho abovo Ploaso Nolo:ry v ith Sedion 45- comply wilh 1representation is No roproseni

I. presently rospon- not. prosenlh Jolauit for which is forth horoln, T ay when due undor m ade Is tho fa d 10/31/2000. Iho TnistandN ol 10 duo on 0W2OO2 m on ts for Pr laymonta. plus lalo a p p lic a b le ) 00s os sol Iont). In 10/1/2004 Ihn 5uiro as a condition paym onis unti 'ido reilab'o writlon Tho prindpal l }roperty taxes, and o b lig a tio n si iro paid cuffonl a s S19.535.10, p Amouni due as of 12% p o r anr

'monts (rom August am ounts a/o 1 ^5each$26,616.00 chargos. and 5) Lalo Charges: a ssessm ents, incos: 52,329.90 a n y am ounts al: S30.755.99 Ail a s s o c ia te d v gether wilh unpaid bonofidaryok nts. tnjsloe's foos. to bo sold to t incos made to pro- 0 8 , 2 0 0 5 By lh this (orodosuro. C om pany By >8.53. logolhor with A ulhorlzeo A por onnum from Alllanco Di fa

'iciary oiocts to soil Tltlo Compony isoiaiosalisfysaid po rtB oach .C ibjoctionlo Iho salovill bo aKordod on PUBLISH: Ma thoso ebjodions ifI tho same. Dated: -------------------Services Corpora- notiIrt Aulh Agent c/o j S No. 05^X)1Tporotion. 616 1st iie O rder No. iVA 98104 Phono: i40A T hofd lc

- 6 . 2 0 0 5 , i S ' S o r t h_______________ 10:00 am . (roc

of foredosing1073040^)9 10/17/2002 as

a n d o x o c u tii 'S SALE Granlor(s), ini( 10;00am. of said trallon Syslom) Alllanco Tillo & C om pany, N.,'win Falls. Idaho, covorlnglhofcmy, os Irusloo, will Falls County,lighosl biddor, for Monto Vista £a State or Nallonal O fficial Plat 1) or Federal Credit Page(s) 13 .0:1 Slato or Federal Idaho. Tho TrSavings Assoda- particular dost

ible at tho lime cf proporty. but l(al proporty, sltuat- C odo . Seclloitato of Idaho, and Infonnod thot19 and tho South- B oulevard NclO Nonhwestorly 6 tlmoa assodatiwnsllo, Twin Falls n iu sl bo propodidal plai thereof am ount of tho 1go 33, Records ol a cash ior's chcnmonly known a s surod sovings

83318. Sakl sale without covenjonl or w arranly, regard ing tilloIlo, possession or saUsfy tho obllIgallon socurod by the pow er ol sile conforrod in Iho Trust. Tho dodoryO .Frasorand Is: F a ilu ro lod Wife as Grantor. 10A)1 /2004 of |or the benolit and subsoquonl In:k)rp. As Bonoflcia- chargos, with lios Instnjment No. por annum : lcrds ot Twin Falls advanced by b3RANT0flS ARE conditions of si SECTION 4 5 - mental modltlo) REPRESENTA- o w in g a o of IIE, OR ARE NOT. $112,998.46, |3LE FOR T H IS actually incunohlch this salo Is lo undor and in tmonthly paymont a n d /o r accru>

II. interest and im- a s so s sm e n ts ,. lonts duo thereat- costs, and ony (ilh all subsequent said security, a f pursuant lo Iho se cu red by lh leed of tmsl. Tho Theroforo. tho I this dalo on tho so ld Iruat pro d ood ol iru si Is obllgallon. Noti :osts and oxpens- attem pting to c ng Iho obligation . ob tained will bc isteo's foes and/or deb t m ay bo c authorl2od in Iho nam ed to comp 0 aforomontionod Codo. No reprt ntlo Ins Company oro not, preset a 92022-9004 D a to d : - Roi 27, 2005 Fidelity Countryw ide ' any SIgnaturo/Qy P h o n o : (800)


and 13.2005 PUBLISH: Man

( e t t h s

191014610T.S. No.: 0S-ie9O-ID N otlc«O fT rustM '»SiI«

2005, at 11:00 AM (rocognlzod loc « lobby to First /Vmortcan Thki 260 Thii lorlh Twin Falls, ID 83303. In Iho Coun alls, Slalo ol klaho. First American TO I Company by Alllanco TlUo Company, i jthorizod agent, a s tmsloo on behalf < 1, an kloho Corporatk>n wiU soD at publ I tho highest biddor, for cash. In lawf tho United Stales. oU payablo a t iho tln- 0 foOowIng described real proporty, slti0 County of .Twin Falls, Stato of Idah ibodiu follows: Lot 1. In block 1 of Bird division No. 3. Twin Falls County, kJah In book 12 of plats, page 2. Tho TmsU owledgo of a moro paitk:ular doscrlptic IVO referenced roal property, but for If01 compliance with socUon 60-113 Wai: Tnjsteo has boon Infonnod that tho ai

r02 Locust StTMt Klmberty. ID 8334 Im es a s s o d a to d w ith th e sa id roi Sokf salo will bo mado without covenai ty, rogarding title, possession or oncun 3 satisfy Iho obligalk)n socurod by ar to Ihe power of sale conferred In th fnjst executed by: Krista Kulhanek. w om an a i h e r so la a n d te p a r a l As grantof(s), To: Rrst American Tltl Company byAUlance Tltlo Company, I: }rtzod ogont, as successor Tmstoo, f( I ond security ol Evorgroeen, an Idah >n. as Bonendary, dated 9/29«)03. ri 0 /3/2003. a s In strum en t No. 200 :: records of Twin Falls Counly. Idaht 3to: Tho obovo Grantors aro namod I Ith secUon 45-1506(4)(A). Idaho Cod< «ntallon is made that thoy are, or or inily responsible for this obligalion ai n. The Default for whk:h this safo Is lo b 0 failuro to pay when duo, under Deed t Nolo datod 9/29/2003. The monthly pai

Principal, intorost and Impounds ( io) o l $201.61 duo p o r m onlh froi ^Ihfoogh 7/SO/ZOOS, and ell sutKoquor unUIl tho dates ol salo or roinstalomon jal balanco owing as of this dato on lh n socurod by sa id D oed o l T rust 10, plus accrued inlorost ot Iho rate c annum (rom 9/1/2004 All delinquor 1/0 now due. together with accming lat md inlorost. unpak) and accming taxo: nls, tnjstoo's foes, attorney’s (00s, an< mts advanced lo prptoct tho securit d wllh this foreclosure and Ihat th< r oiocts to sell or cause iho tmst proport to satisfy sakJ obllgatkjn. Datod: Marci By: First American Tltlo Insuranci By Alliance Tlllo Company. Its Dul

0 Agent Los Poppitt, Vico Prosldor '1 fault Services, a division ol Allianc lony 1201 Dove Stroot. Suito 400 New1, CA 92660 P227771,

March 23.30. April 6 and 13,2005

OTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE 00104 Doc ID I000209583972005N Tl Jo. 5034146 Parcol No. HPT34010060 toiiowing described proporty will bo sol. udk)n to tho hlghost biddor. payablo li :ey of tho Unltod Slatos, At tho fnaii 3 Aiiionco Tillo & Escrow. 311 GoodIn( rth. Twin Falls. ID. on 06/27/2005 a (recognized local lime) for tho purpose Ing that certain Doed ol Tmst rocordoc> as Inslmment Number 2002-021492 :u tod by J o a e f in o M. V a r a l a . aiin favor ol Mortgage Electronic Rogis

loms. Inc.. as Bonoliciary. to Recontms N.A., tho Curront Trustoo of record

0 following real property localod in Twii ity, state of Idaho: Lot 14 in Block 6 0 ia Subdivision No. 2, according to thi at thereof. Hied In Book 7 of Plot a I. Oilicial Records of Twin Falls County1 Tmsteo has no knowlodgo of o mon loscriplion of Iho above referenced reo ut (or purposo of compllanco with Idahc :llon 60-113, tho Trustoo h as boor u t tho stroot oddross ol. 730 Sunrise I North. Twin Falls, ID 83301 is somo dalod with said rool proporty. Bidden ropared lo tonder the tmsloo tho ful :ho bid at the saJo in the forni of cash, 01 chock drawn on a stato or (odorally in- ig s insUlulion. Said solo will bo made 'onant or wananty. express or Implied lillo. possession or oncumbroncos tc obligation secured by and pursuant tc :l sale confoned in that cortaln Dood 0: Solauit for whidi this sale Is lo bo made> to poy tho m onthly paym en t due

I inslalimenis duo Ihoroaltor; plus lato th Intorost cvnenlly accnjing at e.500»,i 1: logolhor with all subsequent sums ly bonefldary pursuant to the terms and 3f said Deed ol Trusl. ond any supple- IKicalions thereto. Tho prindpal balanco of th is do le on so ld o b lig a tio n la :6 , plus Inloresl, costs and expenses uned in enforcing the obilgallons there­in this sale, together with any unpakl :rulng roal p roporty ta x e s , and/or ts, attorneys’ fees, Tmstoes’ foes and ony other amount odvancod to prated y, as authorizod In Iho promissory noto ' Iho aforomontionod Doed of Tmsl. tho Benofidory oiocts to sell, or cause property to bo cold, to satisfy said Notico Is horoby given that ihls firm Is to collect 0 debt ond any infomiationII bo usod for that purposo, and Ihot Iho 10 disputed. Tho abovo grantors aro jmply with SoOlon 45-1506(4)(a) Waho ]prosonlaiion 1s mado that thoy are, or jsontly rosponslblo (or this obllgotton. R oconT rust C om pany , N .A ., 177 fo Way Lancaster, CA 60028-1621 10) 261-8219 S u ccesso r T rusteo - »

.farch2.9 .16a n d 2 3 ,2005

l a t A u iVisit

I C lic k

' '

1*1 ForM m M Jill


MKaiUll l lADVEmiSEllEM

local Soalod proposals vriil bo rThird of Public W orks, S tolo of

«unty offico. 615 W. 6 th Stroot,iTOto 2.-00 PM provoUIno k)cal tinny .as DPW Project N o 02262 ,\alf ol Continuing Education Bulkpublic Moscow. Idaho,i a ^ l .SelocUvo demolition woa timo and elevator addition, ol 11

situ- Education BuiUing fadllty.daho, Includo minor romodollngBIrdt- ment. ground, first througlIdaho fkMrs.provkfing a new addiustoe a now 5-stop holod hydraull'fption new wood framod dormer (or Iho to this worit. modiflcotions/oIdaho riKKhanical^umbing. elect10 ad- systems oro roquiro.3341. Proposals will bo oponod II roal obovo h o u r.and d a lo . PIenant proposal forms, and otherKum- (orexomlnatkw a t tho foliovy and Division of Public Woriw,n tho Boise, Idaho« k . a AGO, 110 North 27th St. B<i r a l a Interm ounlain C ontractcI Title Chindcn Boulevard. Boise,ny. its Spokana R egional P lan C0, for Spokane, WA 99220 Idaho Aasoclatad G eneral Conti 3 . ro- SUoet, Spokano. WA 9922 !003- L ew lston-C lark iton Plar Jaho. Avenue. Lowiston. ID 8350 led to A ta o c la ta d G a n a ra l Cc Dodo. GovommentWoy, Haydoni ir oro A sioc la tad B u ilders & ( m se t Thor Court, Spokano, WAS lo bo C aite llaw Korn A rchltec

>edof Lowision, ID 8350. PH: (201 (I pay- TherowillboaPro-BkJCo ds (If 2005, beginning a t 10.-00 / from Education Building. Univer: quonl Moscow. kUiho. Intoroslod mont. to attend.in Iho Ono sot of documonis rist Is c ensed g e n e ra l con troctIto ol mochonlcal & electrical su|uont ArchitocI for a rofundablojia to O th o r s m a y o b t a i n doaxos. non-re(undable., and A bkl bond in tho orrtounlrurity amount, indudlng any add 1I Iho A Public Works Contrador’;

a of Idaho is roqulrod lo bW 01

Estimated Cost: $390,000.0onco Jan P. Frow. Design & Con:Duly Divlston of Public Works Idontanco PUBLISH: March 22 ,2 3 anc Now-

LO&T Cot. malo. groyNTl- & w hito, d e c la w o d .)060- Losi beh ind B u rg e risokl S top In Twin F a lls .3lo in Rowant. 731-7279.*fnaln ^OST Chinoso Pug. in" " 0 B l g L l l t l o R o n c h ,

Jorome. 14wook3old.^ * 5 m a le . P l o a s o c a l lI*?™ 206<}24-6429,‘I a s LOST dog. 5 lbs, shortdgis. hair, long toll, woorihgitmst 0 groylsh bluo s h in-ord that roads Scratch andTwirl Snilf, rod wllh whlto6 of paw print co llar, an-

} thn sw o rs to th o n o m oQ tat Dlxio. Plooso call 358-untv, 1220or324-4340.*fnorc) LOST dog. Small block ”I rool Schnauzor in Hagor-iloho m an a ro a . R ew ard300n oflfered/Con 208-539- .trise 7113or20e-837-4244.' •;

l o s t Husky/Sholtlo X., { 11 malo.whitowiihbrcwn .<1, sp o ts , ru ra l R u p e r t g

area. Very oentlo and[iado sweet dog. Plooso coll ,

208-438-0107.* Iistc) L O ST L ab X r o d l s h jpnt lo b row n, o n s w o r s toJdof Mariy. Last soon 3-13nado InvkrfnityofThirdAvo.duo No. & A irfield . Collland 208-732-5981.*

LOST Shih-Tzu. black and whito femalo. on t 3/19 on EasI 16th St.In Rupert, onsw or lo Jasmine. 4 llttlo boys

^ vory lonely. RowordlC k ill2 0 8 ^ 5 1 0 9 .* L

loro- LOST Springer S pon- ppakl lo l , b r o w n /w h l to . kd /or fem ale , pink c o lla r . ■and Murtough oroo. C all ■Jtect Bryon 208-308-2905.* —

I E * ‘

[1] I Reed Qoold am no ^^ longer responsible for mBTA any othor debt olhor ■

r niy own. ■or r ---------

Uon. ^ 1()6 A l i u U S 177 ^ w r T i n l ^821 —0 " A L C O H O L I C S

A N O N Y M O U S 206-733-8300 &

_________721-0565* _

C tio nt WWW. magk o n “A u c t io

• D a te s• L o ca tio n !• A u c tio n e i

Viore In fo r m l lH o llo n : 201

l e l l a Ki v w w ^ m c i s i c i

c ZChaptei


0 rocolvod by the Divlston — s t ; of Idaho, ot DPW Fieldot, Moscow. Idaho, unlll u/'.innm. timo on April 7,2005, for '2, University of Idaho. uildlng Elevator Addition. ^

G<xwork, interior ronovalton,1 Iho existing Continuing Ca»2i y. Specific areas ol work b a i ng of tho existing baso- A jgh third, ar>d atUc lovel pai Jditton (or tho proviston of Accki wliceknrator system, and crin tr at tho attic. Inadditkjn Brad I s/odditlons 10 tho existing jctricalandflroprotodton .

id and publicly road at Iho Plans, specilicotions. t

or Intomuition are on file ' '* lowing locations: TI\eraik>. ^ 2 North 4th Street. Enjoy

maaBoise, Idaho 83702 ‘ 1 ; to r Plan Center, 5254 Call 20 , ID 83714 - W 111- 1 Center. E. 102 Boone,

ntractort. 4935 E. Trent call 2i

lan Service. 2117 I2 th k501 ‘ ^ 0 1 0 9C o n tra c lo r i, 8884 N. A m Lake, 10 636451. Contractors, N. 1404 IN T E F ^ 99220 W atin tecta . 850 Main Strool. Is soa 208)746-0163. piowa 3on(erencoonMarch29. Ihoir I D /V.M. at the Continuing coll tc 'orsity o( Idaho Campus. 724-8i Id Contradofs aro urgod eompc

indudeI may bo obtained by li- . ictors and by (iconsodsubconlradcrs from tho ^ ” *'43I0 deposit of $ 100.00. H k u i d o c u m o n t s a t c o s l ,

unt of 5% of tho total bkl jkl altomalos. Is roqulrod. 2 jr’sLJconso (or the State lo n m l ,* * . S ” ]'-,

oroncemd 24,2005 206-42

________ t iAll advtrtising U

lubjcctlolhe CHILDC n<ii-jDopfr’« Gravoya tiandards of Swing-st acceplancc. Ni

Tht TimcsSewx Atarcy :retenxi the ri^ht lo -----------

edit, abbrtviale. deelint or properly

elauih any ad.Receipt of copy uia ,n .h q m

nrr\ote entry (fax. e-mail, etc.) doet not constitute

Thtodvtrliier.nol LITTlIhe newipaptr Cl-attutneafull No\rrspontibilily ICCP &

for Ihe truthful Call Jeneonlent of Iheir uV L lT l

advenitermeitajie.*] injofoj


Havo you (orgotlen topickup your birthday Hp h o to s ? Wo h a v o ■ r^ ,

‘Som ephotos wo a re Hsuro you would wont. ■ ^Thoso can bo picked ■ c m pUD ot Iho Tho Times- "NewsClossinodDept.' o ASKTni

■ CkindudP la c e y o o r a il * ^ ^ 0 ^

K<»« 1/0,1 ™

u , - — Cosuolwm agIcvaU c7 .c o m

aiut place ijour elassUled line adi

c f f iI For moi

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PREGNANCY CRISIS CEHTEHfflEETESTS. -“ • " " f l ! Always ConfWenllal.

S f o lr ---------indlvidu S':

A BANKRUPTCY ?Fipo infonnatlon BUTCHEChaptors74 13 FullUm.COUPAREOUR Call 201

SERVICE cAREOrPaula Brawn Sinclair M ust bo

t D a t cgicvalley.co O h s” to a cce !

IS2e r L in k s

la tio n , Contc )8-735-3222

eS'N ewwall^.com

BANKRUPTCY I CLERICALmpoUllvo rates on Qonnfalc ptor7bankmptdos.

208-734-8452 OulckbooBANKRUPTCY computer kr

Inexpensive. noco?sims Law, 73^0699* Outdoor i BANKRUPTCY

$95 down ZOS-68^Goorgo Essma ' •—\tton\oyMLaw CONSTRUC Jl 208-736-6232.*BANKRUPTCY CQI8T U B J

Alfordablo ' ♦ (5) Carpaymoni plon. ♦ (4) FmrxkJents, divorco & Immodioto oicriminal matters. APPLY 0^}d Rico 734^3367 GEM ST

Quwajitoodlo«osnrlc<i+ niing[003, 735-51

I1-96&666-2399* SaHabtaEorapeutlc Touch. Never a F}oy a rolaxkig body * ' *nassago or chair CONSTRUCT

massoge. Aslott Eioctri:ill 209-733-6627.’ accopting ap ill d o ~ M f care.poriencod in coro „

„ « » . •Boro Ma

'"J iH "S?AppIicaUon:

E R N A T IO N A L picked!itlneaa C om pany 212 HIghlarsearching (or peo- Twin Fafia Z

llo ll- lio o 1. 888 . . - a s 4 9 .F , . o M ,S “ '« " i d i L i S S S

-Experfei— W g m m m m c o n c re te foi

C oncrete F(KING FOR a wom- Ploaso Conlto assist wondoriut Badgor 775-'DrIy couplo living at or 775-753m o . 1 5 4 h r s . a DAIRY---------)k. coukJ work into a j Techniciantime. Must bo non- vVo oro expanskor. non-drinker, rapid paco cS ond honest. Rol- your skills!nces rocjuirod. Coll a BS Global, v1-423-4077.* producer anc

IKARErwinFa/Js IhoW oslomtoyafdS280/month, a r o ono rgo 5-5hift.S320rti»nth.

Non ICCP. ing iri Ihe ^cy 2 0 5 -4 « -« je * ‘fll? Is ‘f’O

--------------------- n i l y f o r y o. ^ ro sponsib iii

ontoil doily ii t i o n & s a le

DMEC»LOC/U,EB sonab ie ro te s , records mamlls 4 snacks indu- o th e r duties. Lois of love and ossinned osCafl206-73&O6B0- {|i ad5i?ion WrTLETIGOERS with an eliteCHILDCARE individuals yc

Wow opon/ngf part of a team’ & state certllied. vldos first-rotJon208-316-2260* o s to th o ir . JTTLE WYCARE

7 r r)p. State licensed.

Interostod in)1 Contact Jeff AI a t 208-420-I a en d resumi

m p l o y m e n t I

luct pubik: opinion „ | ovor the totophono.ABSOLUTELY — -J; !NOSALESIII V?rictly research. / , ' / lo$9.00perhour

Jyvakenvtavnont t . ';lblo evening, day, v '- : />;:J weekend hours. ^3 hours por woek. v l '- " ' 1 ' ' ^ irool pan-lime} or second lob. j M V S is t o CSI cam pus m m m M u

II 2^ 73^ 53" ^ j / l g

)M0T1VE iJiffy Lut>a I

ro ch n td a n i/ igem ent Traineei llo n t b e n e f i ts , f i ' . /Id p ro m o tio n s . S \j It opportunities (orrlduols wllh good VAlo m o r s e rv i c e r -j. wo train. -:s___ J ,.y

;h e r J W f f Ume In Wendell.208-306-6043.* m M Mso iv iR ------------- J F m mbo ab le to work . aDhi(t. Cali Stovo I

omr a


Wedn««dav, March 23,2005. T

AL I CONSTRUCTIONiral office Framora w/ oxporkii ^rwentoiy noodod. 316-0196* nco hoipfld. CONSTRUCTION * o o j f ^ Noed pipeiayors lo orknowieogo sew er 4 w otor pii

F a x r o s u m o 9orPowtr 2 0 8 .7 2 6 -1 5 2 6 A



nsi«mcCarpenters p n y O O E. B onof FnimotB Sond rosumo to

STATC P 0 B 0 K 5 4 8 -VFHNQ Twin Falla, ID 8330luo Lakos __________________N .StO .4 , CUSTOMER SERVIl ■ c o f l o , F u ll a n d P a r t Ilr

E ap ro a a o B a r hi•ta^puiol neodod. M ust hor a Fool* good c uslom or si ' ' vice, monbv hondiij

JCnON ’ professional attituKtricisnow and domoanor os V Q apoJicalions a s bo ing bon d abib o n ir t. C o ll 7 3 3 - 9 2 7 7 1erlenced more intormailon*

2 2 irh ? t Calf foodor noododl . 'S . C b o 543.2 .5in Twin Falls DAIRY

iloyareas. H e r d a m a n . E xp. Ikinsconbo hospilo i, m alorni ledupat reproducOon S milkii hland Ave., Roforoncos roquiri a 73W 976.' Call 208-432-5472.' JCTON DEUVERY iJ C m in u c . Amo.ipr)do Sorvico :lko, Nevada, accepting appticotii nings (or Ihe ig, Shuttle Drivei

Must havo 2 year- enencM experlenco C lass ,e foundation qql , jmd oxporiem

with a 5 3 'trailor Mi [ T ^ n bo oblo lo (ifl 501b; te i-intsners. road, write ond spo

English. High scho j t ™ - d ip locnocdE D ro , ■753-2639, r^d. Good driving

record. Must bo ab clana to wori^ 40+ hourstpanding al a Accopting applicotii CO and need 4 rosumos at sl AmeriPrlde Serviolal. workJwkJo 403 Main Ave. W, and market- Twin Falla, 83301*

DEUVERY-------------lltv r e S o D allvery S poc la lla X iV i« r..^2 w a n lo d i D om ino n S s » J m ol Twin Falls

on h o u r full o r pciKmtieswlNii« incnminn oldor With u minimio l S h S 01 2 y o o r s d r iv i ,1 history. Cleon driviiQloMis nnd focord w ith no sun S o m S po«<ons. Drug Fr

s you will bo DENTALearn that pro- Dental A aalstan t E« t-roto sowic- roq. FT w /bonelil o ir c lien ts . Send rosumo: luslry knowl- 414 Shoup Ave. W. d provon in- Suite Alo ^ o x p o r^ Twin Falla, ID 8330

sroforred. If DENTALthe drivoond Pon'ol hygonist nood<3 n w e a r 0 part-timo for1 in you. progrosslvo, busy>ffAckamian otfico. Applicant mul20-4117or booxperioncod,ume via (ax Call Dra. R oberts j324-M2S* Hall 01208-733-534

X rM I- 5 -mus

Jl 3 R

m K S

1 1 1

4 . TIme»-N«w«, TWln Falls, (daho E

I •'kinco«*Ilo lay plpo. 0 1 0 Attn



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VICEtim ehelphavose r-

diing.itudoswollable.7 fo r

td for 158-*

p . in •mty. Iking, jlrod.

:o Is ation VBf ars :sA onco Must Ibs.

peak hool oqui- "fl ablo ;rs.Qtion ' tricesN.Jt*

Haten o 's tils is - lost, lard-

:?;sp a rt S o r mum / in g iving su s- Froo ]ly in 'osh- orth.



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Page 36: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o


I1 E M P L O Y M E N T Qood^

DAIRY. H w d im a n . Exporlonco _____

In h o s p ita l , fooding DRIVE ond milking. 731-4060 Full-ll o r 735-0056* TwIi

DEHfAL--------------------Oontal Hygonlst rood-

o d part-tfm o In nicro ? ® I o« lc o .C a ll5 3 e -5 4 4 r * 0 /

D R IU ER S Twin.M Q ) o r D r l l l l n g h a 8

Im m odiato oponlngs (Of oxporloncod help- 7 " ®r». R otary a n d Cor» Driller*. Muat havo ot le as t 2 y o a rs oxpori- , o n c o n a o s u r l Q c odflllor.MSHAcortKiod, ___ ^havo dftllod moro thon DRIVE 1,500 fool, bo willing N ood t o w ork s a fo ly In a class drug (rofl onvironmofll. onco h a v o c lo a n driv ing irucl rocord ond bo willing ondo t o t r a v e l . W o havo to 72 p ro |o c i8 In A rizona, or Mi Idaho, Montano. Colo- rodo. Wyoming, Nova- DRIV d a a n d Now Moxtco justlo r^om oafow . * T Wlll train Holpors. 4C tll 775-736-1808 or 8 0 1 . 2 0 9 - 6 4 0 3 601-209-2971 • '


< P -F r a n k l i n

— SolFranklin Building Supply In Bollovuo - r r ^ is curronlty sooklngO rlvora wiih C lass "V® A C D L . q u a llf lo d a p p l i c a n t s m u sth a v o c l e a n MVR ' ' ’Qvond bo ablo to pass 2 0 0 ' DOT drug lost ondbackground chock, 'T h is is a full-tlmo “f ' ond yoor round po-siiion, groat pay ond ^bosi benefits pack- “ P«‘ ago In Iho Industry,

Apply in porson P ° s j‘ISO G londnloR d clu^c Bollovuo, Idaho

788-0094.* <=“ ‘*0I J spoci

DRIVER pnmaExp. fuol dnvor wiih Efomei

Class A hazmai a An opttankor ondorsomoms. rcquo

Apply a t: ing inJ& C C u s to m a i2 0

1987 H ighland Avo. E. ApptIDrug Freo W orkplace.’ ■ acccp

• DRIVERNocd oitor/lubo lok driv- ELECT

or to fuol. groaso. & do Joumo;gonoral m alnionanco m in ion equipm ont. Must expohnavoH aiM at& lankcr Call2icndorsom onls & class cppnTB CDL. Fax rosumo lo p J ; , -

" " "_____________ catooDRIVER viduaW a n te d f o r w e e k ly pioym

dedicotod rotrigoratod I r l o rruns to California, Wo businoffor: must

• Hoaliti/lifo Insurance cal sk •Com pany paid atliluirotiromont conce

• Paid vacation bolng• U to modol oquipmcni' ihoir c •H om eonavo rago nossc

2-3 days weekly, are ncA pply o t lar ba;

D onnla C lark Inc. main 1T ruck Rt. & Birch SL ability

Buhl. ID 83316* and It~ ~ - I ideas

DRIVERS Comja n d t


TRANSLOAOERS ,_____o r Wells, N evada Is

in th o p r o c o s s of building a 20,000 sq fl diosol sh o p and c o m m erc ia l w ash g S bay. Wo a ro pros- B C onlly looking for (2)D iesel M e chan ics _ tha t w ant 10 bo on « 7 tho ground lloor of M L this now onlorptlso and ore capable ol helping u s through

.tho aw kw ard slart up phaso. Must livo J H L I n W o I l s . C a l l 7 7 5 -7 5 2 -2 0 5 2 for M iS f

_ a g g o in im o n t^ ^ _ _____

DRIVERS .CDL. C lass A &B.

Apply atJ& C C u a to m ,

1967K lghIandA ve.E 8am -5pm . Drug froo

work onvlronmonf,*DRIVERS* * * * * * * * * * * * *

W o a re moving!!!C h o ck ou r

now tu lilion foos P ro fesa lona t Truck

Driving School Call 208-734-0586 .1-800:900-0586*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * B C T *DRIVERS | | | | | lBurloy b a s o d tan k o r ^ ■ j S

company Is looking for L o n g H au l D rivers,H o m e o v o r y 7 -1 0 d a y s . C la s s A CDL. tankor ondorQomonf.2 yro O TR oxp. roq.Food Orado products.E a rn up to .3 3 cpm basod on oxporionco

^ a n d d riv ing rocord . 1-800-967-2911 Mon- Frl 8 AM to 5 PM M O r

OHIVEHS H HConcreta m ixer drtvors

noodod- Now accopi- Irtg oppUcstiono. Com- potllive w ogo. Insur-

------ -BncoryartJ •&-mlloago “b o n u s & rotirom ont. C D L /D O T m o d lc a l

, c o r d c lo o n d r iv in g | rocord pnHKnpJoymonl 1^ ^^ ® d ru g lo a l r e q u ire d .For moro {nforntallon can208-78S-7089ask H I l o r ’D o u g . A p p ly In po fso n a t

W alt« « R aa d y M U I H 10620HV/Y73 . .

BaUevuo, Idaho*

e - e TI m— T\(rin Foil#, Id

UVERS FARMFuimmo 7 w ostom E q u Ip m 0Blatos and Conado - 0 p 0 r a t

3 yrs. vorifiablo 324-0444OTR oxporionco ---------------

Class A CDL FARM x>d Poyl Good Milosl F u ll-tlm o.

Call 666-865-7600 n>usl havAsk (or Dick* all aapo<

iiw B « ------------------ '0'*'tlVcRS Diunt Avnlll-llmo for Burloy & (nrnD nt4 •win F a l ls , p o ta lolaulors. Class A CDL FOOD SEFI yrs. exp. proforrod. Taking appl i o n o d t s - C a l l F ood!

E x p r e s s In c a t . Supe;0 8 > 6 7 6 > 4 6 2 5 o r HagomV in Falls 733-6657* SchooliiivERS------------------ CalieOlltner Trucking. _______ ^Local m ilk hau l I c n D v i t c

CDL required. FORKUF401K. modlcal rn iC T iT

isuranco. Attn Clydo. ClUaiAIICall 324-3515.* W o oro

RIVERS oppllCiso d iru c k O riv o rs Hant)lass A CDL. Expori- Cold itnco w/wator tnjck &. ♦ (5 ) E x pruck & pup . tan k o r ForW lttiindorsed. Fax rosumo , «0 726-1526 Attn Chad.rMark* P '“ CO

------- • GreaiiRlVERS • Groalr* _ 'A l l SI* T O P _ G U N D rugT os

TDuaTCRtVlMIACAOdn APPLY >’ul Your Tax Rolum Gem S tai

10 Good Uso This B'/OBIuiYoarf B M .

5iart Your New High • 735-Paying Career In S o Habit

ho Trucking Industry! Novor Call Now7 35-6656 [ rT MPnT

SoH ablaEspanoi

)UCAT10N ♦ C D L A0 Volloy School Dis- Endorser 1ct »262 ln Hazolion, ♦ Bean Mi laho h as Iho follow- , ♦ T r u c k , ig vocancy (o r the Drtvors. 0 0 4 -2 0 0 5 s c h o o l ♦G onoral ear. Posilion avail- ♦ R o c o p bio until fillod, quick- ClorlMl s i r o s p o n s o i s ♦Exp.Stw

dvisod. ♦ Oulsfdo t r I y C h l l d h o o d / ♦ Constru p e d a l E d u c a tio n ♦Mantonar eachor Full-time Tho (ow" l°- o slllo n s w ould in- ♦ P lp o me ludo 1/2 ttmo early ♦ Dairy M mldhood special edu- Spociall; Qtlon ond 1/2 tim e ♦ForkliftC social oducallon for ♦ Hordsmc rimary grades, * rmentary Principal S o c U i application m ay bo l l lF i lo r

iquosted by contact- T w ^ g tne Distnct Office 20S-73- t 2 0 8 - 8 2 9 -5 3 3 3 , 7 3 5 0 v p p lic a t io n will bo:ccpted until position 2 0 e ^<llllod.' wm t^nat.ECTRICIAN ' P E R S Cimoymon oloctrlcian p i^l n l m u m 2 y o a r s NoappHicpcrionco. Poy DOE, go Hobla 1Qll 208-539-1883’ L— .1 —EDLOT------ ----- — GENERALisitions opon imme- Dovoiopatolyfordopendablo. Specialist foiifoor oriontod. Indl- ond surrouiduals seek ing om- Holppooproymont with socuro achieve tfl o n d ly g r o w in g Suporvisodjslnosa. Applicants lollhorapust possess analyti- providod toII skills, cooporativo on case lot lltudo and slncoro quality &! incorn for tho woll Dogroo li Jing of tho animals in Education oir care. In our busl- fioldondl )ssomployoo'5Ideas pass D SC o noodo d o n a re g u - Ability lc r basis to holp us re- floxiClo sch ain compolitlvo. Tho time or full- }ility lo communlcato you to bo Id implomont thoso challenged loas aro e ssen t ia l. adllforenc om potltivo s a la ry Jody or nd b e n o lils . S e n d Com r isume to Partne

1440 E .7 0 0 S . 1201 F a lls /iden. ID 83325 o r Twin Falle4111206-316-2380* 206-735-213

i »g d i e c t o i i r i i M t n l t l i

f r f i M O F E S S I O N U I n i . P R I W I H C S C H I

1 cof/308-734-1 I o r B O a ^ O O ^




VJ* A s ai i t i M

m J m ■ Cant>Sal

'G qi

w th


Forn visit (


« O m nS 2»» i«2aiS ^ f

>, Idaho Wedn— d iy . March 2 3 .2(

GENERALm o n t t r a c to ra t o r s . C a l l cOI8TAiE5TAfn


n o . A pp lican t 6 7 0 BIUO UkQS la v o oxp. Wllh Blvd. N. Sto. t

Z Z i S .

SERVICE GENERALippllcalions for B o v o r n g o a n d f i3d Service m a n ag e r. Dullotupervlsor. ’ c lu d o b o r to n d iorman Joint c o o k in g helpin 'ool District. plan an book ove111 837-4777 Able to manogoEOE * sonnol. Serious 0

c a n ts Coll 324-SLIFT Mon-Fri’ _______

tA iE iT u m c S 7 „ " , ' i p , . p ,

, S S . n C»«A r'b .,2B Q .i: d S t o n g e g e n e r a l

in op o ra to ra p 0 y D o E . crm anonl 733-6728 ask foriicom ont oeNERAL-----------e a t pay P a r is room manaio a t benolils Must bo dopondiI Shifts a n d a s o lf -s la r'o s t required. have oxporionco.Y ONLY A T computors. lift 75 >tato Stafflna

K.W .SH.4 S K h r f Si& SM Q ” rospc

a — Wa g e DOE. Appl]?AL C harm ac Traileriokoeping& 452 S outh Park Vorlal Twin Falls, Id 83:L A w l l h a l l No phone calltsomonts GENERAL1 Mill Operator w o havo tho follov:k 4 T ra c to r p o s itio n s avallal■S-,. ^ C a ll 7 3 3 -9 2 7 73ral Uborors mofo tnfomiationlo p t i o n l s H . H ousoeleaning

• U gh t MalntenanoStucco -W a re h o u se /Ido Sales Dellvoiy Driverstruction ( re su m i required]sna rx^eidflg . G eneral U b o r‘ tools) . sonltationrnovors . Forkllll*

{ “ ™"V H EAfiiiBA C---i«oporaton

sMDlrm** ' needed In Sun VdI' vacatlorilor Avonuo , bonol.ts. Start^in Pan- immodiatoly. Coll-733-7300 Ryan206-47t-053<Ovoftand INTERPRETERBurtoy Twin Falls County■67B-404Q occopting oppllcail■»onrw//rtc.eom for a PT SponlilS O N N B L^ L U S Clerk. Job Infomialjpllaini too. and application)laEspaAol* I ovallablo onllno ti

www.twlnfallscounikL orgorilopmontol Human Rosourcost for Twin Falls 4th Floor Twin Fallrounding area. County Courlhousopib loam and EEQ/orugFf»w<xi.pu0 thoir goals. LABORERS10 devotopmon- Woni to soo the courrapyson/lcos & ge t pa id doingJtoconsumors Local ontortoinmiiloadonsurtng com pony looking' & saloty. BA d e p en d a b le , qual10 In Special p o rsonnoL Musilion or rolatod 16 y e a r s o r oldind bo ablo to Contact HotRldos 19 Conillcallon. (or moro Informatlity lo handio 208-678-7433’schodulo. Part- i-AM n c r 'flPP

i s r L Iconsod and oxp< fsA ve E #34 o n c o d fortlllzor j a lls 10 83301’ °PP'‘21M lions wllh Idaho dZ134. AA/EOE HconSO. Excoll, ' ' I pay & bonolits.

Call 208-726-416: Hiring Bonus*

. ' J J P LAW ENFORCEME1 Now accepting op

M o n f e e s . ^ rro "c llo ra lO o p iI f D l i n f Tostlngdntowilibo i l H i y April 2 ''i?10:00arH O O L appllcatluns accop _ un til M urch 24||»I 'O S f l f f 5;00 pm. f l a i i n i e Je rom e County

Corroctlons 300 N. Uncoln,

H i e ^ s W Jerom e, ID 208-324-7583’



^ a Of/Gst SalosAssoclalo. you will bo t iiosk kxaion in itio Mogic VaHoy (Wall, 1 aced, Dxciiing positions provide quality sol

landldatos must havo Iho following: Sales cr aistomcr service (upcricnce h a within Uto last Iwo ycais.Ability to loam all oMut our pioducts - D Passionate obout setting and motivaied I; Goneral kno;vicdge of wireless products 1

b th this fantastjc opportunity, you will h; 36,000/ycar (baso + commbsion) as 43.000/^ar (baso + commission) lor a S< 1 oddtian, jou wiJ enjoy'a cc^lprehcns 1 aid Dmo oir. 401K na ch , and medical c a

Of additional Inbrmaiton on each posltlo sit our web slto at qwosLcom/caroora.

loaso nfcronco tho fonowfng posuoit otail SaJosAssodoto: Job » T2020500i

f. rniw B c™n(M 1(0" ™ rni«



AniHS " ^ S S S a i i ^ S *IK LAW ENFORCEMENT PAYS Tho City of Twin Falls Is

A pplication packets. 199 Including lob doscrip- ipanof tio n . qua llllco tlons . ool’ tooling da tes and pro- i j - i . J coduros oro ovaiioblo

a t www.tf1d.ora or by Id food contacting tho Porson- jllos In- not O fdco located at I n d i n 0 . City Hall. 3212nd Avo. iping lo East. Twin Falls. ID. or , ovonlB. p h o n in g (208 ) 735- igo por- 7266. Closing date Is J9 oppli- 4 - 6 -0 5 . T h e Cily ol J4.5B57 Twin Falls Is on Equal

Opportunity Empioyor.---------- Drug Froo Woritplaco.*e p a n d LEGAL SECRETARY r t • 11 m 0 pfofoflsional Law Offlco ssontlal. in T w I n F a l l s w l l l iO-1365* provldo:

•CompoUtivo Salary ocK or • Health Insuronco . loodod. • 4 0 1 (k ) a n d § 1 2 5 . C o l l P l a n s ( o r t h o righ t forTJ* q u a l i l i o d L e g a l---------- S ec ro tary who lo.

• Proflc lon t In Word anagor. JOOO

•P eo p le Oriontod »o Toam Piayor

o^trtgo pioQgo a fogumoa n d s o la ry roqulro- monla to: SecroUry

os^nsl- p ,o . Box 369 yclaims. Twin Falla, Idaho nwMk“ 63303-0369*

I MANAGEMENTril S ' A m on ag o m o n t op-

portun lty with Tho City of Twin Falls for t h e p o s l t l o n o f PLAN NING S ZON-

Dllowing IN G O IR E C TO R . allablo. Annual salary range ’ 77 for isS54.756-S77.016. ion plus benefit packag-ig 0 . F lesponsiblo (orlance an Innovative, pro-

g ro s s iv o . yot bal- ir a ncod approach toIred) planned growth and >r dovolopmont of tho

Community and Iho C ity ’s A roa of Im-

---------- pact ihrough implo-/man/ m onio tion of com- itallgrs p fohoneivo plans,I Valloy zon ing ordlnoncos ation O f r o g u l o t o r y liari ’ on fo rc em o n t. Tho Call i d e a l c a n d id a t e 0S3fi * niust havo a bacho- ------ ^ lor dogroo In Plan­

ning or rolatod Hold jnty is and Ihreo years ol licatJon oxporionco fn 0 to- inlih gg | govornm oni or iierand s im i la r p la n n in g 'C ourt position . Froquoni

public contact ond a I''®" com m itm ent to ox-

c e l lo n t c u s io m o r ■OU"'!/'- sorvlco oro roquirod.

Apply immodiatoly. Opon until lilled. Ap- plication and oddl- ilo n a l Inlorm allon are avollablo on-line a t wwrw.tfld.org. by

(206)735-7 mg 117 266 or email; porso- inmonl nnolO lfld .org. Tho

City of Twin Falls is i H hn an Equal Opponunl-

ty Empioyor a Dmg In iin r Froo Woritplaco.’

mation. MANAGER ^L andscape Pro]oct

--------- M anager.«m oin Wobb Landscapo Inc., W7ga on E S O P com pany, tment Io c a to d In th o Sun ond Valloy/Kotchum area,

in h a s o p o n i n g s lo roxpori- P ro loc t M anagers In o rond lo n d o c a p ln g3D0llca- divisions. Job respon- 10W s ib i l i t t o s in c lu d e : xcollont E stim ating, lob cost­

in g , o n - s lg h t take- 4167 <><(>• e s t a b l i s h in g us* b u d g e ts o n d sched---------- u lin g c o n B tru c tlo nEMEfff a c t i v i t i e s . S o m o 3 appll* d e s ig n draw ing and

p la n d o v o lo p m o n t Ippuly. ; i , o . S o ln ry DOE,111 bo: groat bonolits. Includ- 00am mg health , life. 401K x o p to d QDd m o r o . P l e a s o

e-mall resu m e to: brtan®webbland.com

in'V orlajcto206-7264757.*

3ln, Goi m mo haB ii.H ^ino D ' classiliods ovoryday 83* CalI733'0931.



I bo vrtxking ovory d ay in ouf new 11. IWln FaBs, klaho. T hcso (ast

ly solutions to our rotnil custom ers .

!TI h a CDmpewlve wwk cnvironmenl

3 - D S L w e le s s , D ircct TV, otc. ted by sales objcctr/os. jc ts pfoferred.

vill havo Uio ability to com up to- ' os 0 Rotnll Salos /^ssoclota ’ a SaikirRotaD Solos Associata

benefits packzao. Indudina ifCttcroQO.

isition a n d 'to i p p V cnlino ploaso ora.

lUOfH:............. - ..................................60003


I* S o a s o n a l f a i r w o y pet— M ow or/S p rayo r. In mu' G ooding. Part-tim e, rrrr18 Goll bonoflts Included.19 934-6466 osk (or Kelly Ap« R- or 934-9977 Iv msg. *

f MACHINIST ' J S ^ Experienced CNC ond r . . ^ G o n o ra l M ach in is t J® n o odod . . Sou thern ^^ Idaho mochino shop. ___^ S o n d r o s u m o w ith MAh

covor lottor to . Aptt 1 2 4 B r l d o n W a y

Jerom a ID 63338* Ll


I M W H i a t W I oqt M M W M M I i l M

^ Has Immediate lo < • oponings for Chf

•0 pan-Umo woric. s = II. (15-30 hra/por wook).

Doy Shift (7-3 M-F) . Night Shllt

, If you aro Intorostod 1°' 5 In tho (oilowlng: i | O A Lold-Back Worii •I Environmonl

O A b s o lu lo l y No d S a le s C alls Only

Market Research He n O Competitive Wogos on

O Inconlivos 9*O Walking Distance

from CSI Campus P-0 '0 O S ta rtin g T im e 10 >• C o l n c l d o w i i h u w

S c h o o l H o u r s ,Fioxibto Scheduling

availableLooking for English/ ~

appticants. For each completed Spanish ‘'V * s u r v e y w o o f lo r “n* S 1 .0 0 o n to p o ( • Ma regular poy. moPioase pick up an wlu

ooplkiallon at D laeoveiy sof

RoBM rch G rfup cor 762 Falls Avo, 'i 's!

(The Turf Plaza) ‘'PO OrcaJ (206)7356601

En Espanol wHI n v e s t lg a c l6 n d e Q' l

M ercadeo. . 0 giTenomos aborturas Call Inmodiotasparotfa- bo)o tomporol (IS* P-D 30 ho ras a la som ono) Turno do dfo (7 -3 Lun. - VIor.) T um odenocho, P -SI ostos intoresado cn Io sigulonte O En un amblonto ironqullo

O Absolutamonto no Ikomods de vondor, solom onlo Invosll- gadon do morcodoo t_ ,

O Salario compotottvo f„, O incentlvosO Do distonclo a la m Unlvorsldad do CSI _Ai

O Hororio flexible quocolncidircon horario oscolor p w

O Becas disponiblo «P< Portovordorocogor ’flUi

uno apIlcocltSn en iftni D Ioeovcry 666-

R essarc /i Groi/p grft 782 Falls Avo. ^

(Tho Tur( Ploza) Orcal(206)73&6C01’ u.


Sun Valley Res w orkers from April 1 1, tions listed w ith their Ji

D i n i n g R o o m W o rk cClean a n d arra

rep lace tab le linens; se serve m eals; and receh shifts; 6 :3 0 a .m . to 2:3 antd 3 ;0 0 p .m . to 10;3C essary.

H o t e l C l e r k , 3 0 P o s iAssist hotel gui

ou t, an sw erin g questio ing, a n d generally serv six shifts: 5 :00 a.m . to p.m ., 10 ;00 a.m , to 6;i 6 :0 0 a .m . Entry level v

K i t c h e n H e l p e r , 2 8 PH elp prepare, «

h a n d truck; d e a n u p vi as line cook w h en nee 6 :0 0 a .m . to 2 :00 p.m., 2 :0 0 p .m . to 10:00 p.n saiy.-

' Dorm housing Is avail■ Triple room v\■ D ouble room • D ouble room■ Single room v

P re^m p lo y m en t drug S ubcon trac ted authorlzi

. . d ru g testing .. Random all em ployees.

Shuttle busses available 0 :0 0 a .m . until 5 :00 p.r a b le fo r all em ployees c

IntcT& ted parties are area using thc listed ’.

ANDSCAPINQ MECHAM'awn sprinklor sorvlce Nlommocfperson experience a P a y 0 0must Call 324-2196* Bryan ot 1•A N AQ Efl..------------ S E D ic S rip srtm en l M anager, Financialw a n te d p o r s o n o r priorexncoupio for part-tim o taining s«position ron t c ro d ll . oihor acprovidod In oxchango modlcal,tor manogoment and rolatod Io th o r d u l io o . F o x bo(amllUresume206-734-0466* ca l assli lANAGER ; • flfiims orApartment manager. montjplar

FrooRonll n ts . ReqLive on promises. computer

209-S43-579O^ . knowlediF rn « w ir ---------------

p ;” ' ™equipment, trucks 4 woldlng. Fax rosumo10 208-726-1526 Atin

MECHANIC nImmodlBlofuil-Umo • oponlng (or a 208-32^

mechanic . to work In o lull sor- I S g S Tr T t

Vico tru c k s h o p . “ “ 'CAI C o m p o n s a l io n , houriywlthovortlmo.Hourfy rato depends

oxportonco. Contact part-time Jackson Trucking

P.O .B ox56Jerom e, . f ”T - ‘ ID 206-324-3004* I Info 734-

lECHANlC ____Vlochanlc. Must hovo im e d ic a Lown tools, bo ablo lo |ri,f,o uopw old, run s c a n n e r . uoao ,324-6721/404-65ta.* "lECHANlC applicalagic Vaf/oy friKk toc/l- port-{/rrIty has an oponlng for our Ru(an Expertenced Shop Ploos<M a n a g e r . W o o ro persosooklng an Individual Onoidwllh tho exporlonco. --------ability lo manage a lull MEDICALsorvlco truck sh o p . MountainCompensation, bone- P s y c h ilits & Incentlvos basod Currentlyupon quallllcotlons & full-tlmo Ioxportonco. All roplios preferablywill romain confidonll- a t r l c o ral. This position offots expoflona groot opportunity. NA's,allsCall or sond rosum o Apptylnp10: Jackson Trucking ^,500 PoP.O. Box 56 KlmberfyJerome, ID 63338 or call 20)

208-324-3004 E<

Satellite Installers Di*500 S ig n in g hon u

(■ileuilipvrnuponi/iiernew) • Are }ca dred or (he UBC old ir 10. Ht hii'e j p t wlui jqu u e looldns Sa SjctUiic, a im k e ptoridcr t o dih networi br eiihututtk ilepouUble Indhiluli »b for on adtinx esncr opponunlty iiutaDiii nvnns in 1wln fblii isia ninounduig a a aperiencc noxaury, vtlUng 10 inln e t ^ pul (ninlnj period, -lOlk, occL pa}-. BOifl IDUST HfltlC:□esoomurmntDtpradatile tradi er c«auiiml«l wa.'Rlu locklog h r Sob-coetrKtonlllnlcfntedpleaucsBlact166-317-9399ar(MrKame2M-46t-21M C onreutarvntutelUte^m ^

^ __j^ u le J <1 Ski H cm rl In The

?esort has m ultiple jo b opei I. 2005 Ih ro u g h O ctober 25 r Jo b O rder N um ber:

'k e r , 3 5 P o s i t i o n s , J o b O itrrange tab les a n d chairs; a set tables; stock a n d maint£

:eive paym ent. T he positior 2:30 p .m ., 7 :0 0 a .m . to 3 :00 :30 p.m . Entry level w ag e $

D s l t l o n s , J o b O r d e r N u m lguests by tak ing reservation tions, h and ling m essages, a: ervicing the ir n eed s . The pc to 1:00 p.m ., 6 :0 0 a.m . to < 6:00 p.m ., 2 :0 0 p .m , to 10

Jl w a g e S8 .10/hr. N o e x p e r

I P o s i t i o n s , J o b O r d e r N is. sto re a n d ro ta te fresh foo > w ork areas, k itchen equipr leeded . The position is ger m.. 7:00 a .m . to 4 :0 0 p.m .. p.m . Entry level w a g e S6.8

r a lla b le i D o r m h o u s i n g rai1 w ithou t b a th ro o m : $84/m i 3m w ith b a th ro o m : S H S A r 3m v ^ th o u t b a th ro o m ; S90/i11 w ith o u t b a th ro o m : $140/

jg testing is requ ired for irlzed m edical professionals f im d ru g tes tin g is conducte<

ble b e tw een m o u n ta in fadli p .m . dally. F ree local munlc :s o n a sch ed u led basis.

2re to contact th e S ta te J d,fob_Order.Number . _

AMC MECHANICuctianionoedod. Mochank) neodo O O E .C o n ta c t 324-0444 axL 1<

:lal Counselor - .« . j g

r accounis In a T t i ’ 1 Ical. financial o r H 8W -PRN ,po(9d Industry and immodiato opemlUor wKh modi- Will provldo I-s s is ta n c e pro- Hoallh Sonrlcs and othor p a y ;. CUont homos.

S ^ u k o s T o 's ^ , 8 L B « S c t f lutor and ton-koy 700N .U nc(fledge. English Jerom e,iO KJponlsh blllnQoal Fax 206-324-3 irrod. Full-timoosllkin. Compot- MEDICALD w a g o s a n d RN’a&CNAIts. Apply at All shifts avallo)nodk:ls Family - DNS position avill Contor, 709 N. Plooso conticoln Avonuo. • Jorw Holmeomo ID 83336. ot 423-5591 124-1122 x 3315. ' Mtn. VIow Cara It

EOE’ ■— - - MOVER

' — M o v ln g c o m rCAL d r l v o r / / m oHomoHoarth4 noodod (or hessptcolsnow h o ld o n d ofaccepting moves within V

)plicatk)ns(or Rfvor Valloy. 1limoCMAaor polltlvo pay. 1Is lor 24-hour missions, benIts. Ploaso call E x p o r lo n c okonrl for moro (orrod. but will ^34-4061. EOE* . Musi bo 8tron£

II — bHIous & toamn e r oriented. Ck

Home Health &

" t t r S k L f f i o t 'S S n “:? o ,a S q V l k i y T ,.,

oaso opply In Drsonat416

AL-----------------Sin View Goro- . . . . . .NOWmTio MSW, LSW , r iV A « iably with psychi-; o r g o r i a l r l c Days 6ain-2.<IC ■lonco. CNA’a,ail shifts. Ploaso MgMs 10pn«:0

i' p S T sT e . b r i d g e v derty, ID 63341 n i X C D C1206-423-6591 u r r c n o

♦ Tuo Wtck PiU

H I( jrg ? GwdAttiaidino

") • ♦WlKRctiicmcn»Aiyroqtlae7 Ran

. w b o a i t l ^ Optical hsuranaaDinjMttlite ♦ College Tuition [ueM.No /\isbiancc

S T p t S ‘SciioUnli PJ^ ^ To6«offlfportoJ

ttemepplvbipm Bifdsevtcn Efta

182S Bridgevlew Tttio FaHi, 0) 6;

C T A D ?tcaI1208.73« a W S r Contact Pers<W J O O i T a r c s o McM^

/1 - iu .t jT n

T h e T s ^ ^

pen ings for seasona l a n d pt •2 5 ,2 0 0 5 . Please find th e pt

O r d e r N u m b e r 1139431i : c an y soiled d ishes to icitchi intain w ork sta tion ; take ord< tion is generally sub jec t to fc 0 0 p.m ., fl:00 a .m . to 4 :00 p. e$ 6 .0 0 /h r . N o experience n

i m b o r 1139433: ions, g reeting, checking In a

assisting w ith fuggage , escc : position is generally subject to 2:00 p.m .. 8 :0 0 a .m . to 4; I0 ;0 0 p .m . a n d 10:00 p.m .

perience necessary.

N u m b e r 1139439: foods; d istribu te supplies usi Jipment a n d utensils; a n d w< generally su b jec t to fou r shil n .. 8 :00 a .m . to 5 :0 0 p .m . a 6 .06 /hr. N o experience nec

rates are as follows:*/m on thJArionth>0/imonth , ’ .4 0 /m on th

for s a f e ^ sensitive positioi Ils perform th e pre-employme n e d th ro u g h o u t th e season 1

jcilities a n d d o rm fadlities fit inidpal bus service ( K A ^ aw

e J o b S e rv ic e O ffice iti th»

dod. Con ■ 106*

losltlonjponlng.} Homo ^Ices in s.


W ailloblo.avaHablo.mtactTiesS91.) is EOE*

m pany n o v a r houso- o f l ic e nWood

Com- i. com- enoflts.:o pro- rlll min. wgom- imkiad- ClassA liconso

Pick upItranslsr 1 HatleyWsy In



i m[ S : .

lid .

diy Pay ays lor ince lent


teleur mea at stale* ewBM 83301


l^ h o n ;



an d icort- « to 4:00 n. to



ions.n en tr» o n ..............



Page 37: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

T H E F A M IU fC im

I■ i 4 —

, 3 - 2 3 S vSi** S i ' f i S

“ W h y w o u l d a n ) o u t o f c r

OPERA Nood 0

r \ f'onc«

a sAttn Cl

E M PL O Y M E N T rrodu. ' F/T .3PMOTEL bio. 1A u lt ta n t M anager putort& (2) S e w o n a l Maldt. ottontliS a la r y & H o u s in g occur

"provided . Coll 20B- start. I774-7000, fv mossago* s ^ o i


SUBSTITUTES -n,!, ritvWould you liko to cam g L g ‘i

extra cash dollvoring ,orLBTTm 7ZoM»W«tn, INQ T

but not commltmont to Ranin _ 7 ,M y .« w o .n ,

to porfon

- i , : ;, poopio in tho oroa to ,u ,“vo.. dolivor routoo 03 , i o n l

' '" “•O'*Contractors rololo<on on fls-Qggrforfbasla y^ork i; Call today for moro □„h|)c,• InformaUon about this i in n o:cpp«tun«y. 735-3302.' progr,

____ * roquln________ ______ _______ trolnin

I W n C o sF O O D S c iv il I

practlciM o w H l t l n g l l

• ^ - ihoP oF r e ig h t C r e w locato

321 2nC l e r k s f o r o a r Twin F

• O ro c e iT (20S)• P r o d u c e o^l'no'

N o o x p o r i o n c onocoasary. *'

High school diploma RANCH.or compjolod OED .Ranc^•Isrotiufiw tforthesa • Cook'positions. One

Must bo avollat}lo lo Rtwork all shifts/days. HousmSomo positions oro small fg r a v o y a r d o n ly bonopositions. AcpVR

E n try I o v o l w a g o lnc..FS7.17 with progros- 20&-75slonsand fiftyconta a r e r a 'i n ight diffo ron llo l.W fnCo o f fe rs thopotonilal for caroor “a dvancom on t and _ “PP on excollont hoolth

'v r ,» “

Pro-omploymontdrug s c ro o n ro q u lro d .EOE _______

A pply a t RESTAlCustom er Service Cooki

betw een 9 AM-6PM Dlshwoj1 S 6 9 B tu e L a k 0 8 ‘ App

■- * tXJtWOOMondi

OFFICE D<In v en to ry C o n tro l S4SS>

S p e c i a l i s t f o r n p ~ f . . , r o p ld ly g ro w in g com pony In Edon.Looking for a take- c h a r g e , d e t o l l - L '^ ™ ' oriontod person w/

' strong background In A ccoss. 0(COl & r i j n Quickbooko. Must bo highly accurato & accoun tob lo lo r

' roaulta. Fax rosumo. ^

■‘ “" n 'S v 'lS S l f " ' '

nSffiSSSmSi■ i - y i S r a - ^ - © T

PRIKIINQBUp prlntom hoa on Im- ffjopd

m ediate open ing for w o rkentry level p ress room' durino position. Must bo obloto lif t 7 5 l b s . , a n d nlahli

. s t a n d f o r l o n g t t i y untilm• periods. Blip Printor# vvoi

Is a Drug /Smoko froowork environm ent hfoun

2 „ B lu 'r E ! iS .B W i “ J i. I ^ n FaUs, o n iln o I t iv y tn ^

b u iaw ippefxom * le i iN .


~ We are looking for energe : to build a new future

Vic oltsr greet growth pottntui wlin Flnaoc* «nd Stie* Managoi

; 'We hsve exealiant banallit and co

Apply In person at..... R ob GreoriMIsac

1 0 7 0 B l u e U k e s


&0hi n y b o d y m a k e a p u z c r o s s w o r d s ? ”

ERATORS BPcrrAiiBiId O perators oxpo-inco with oxcnvo- « o n iC U■8, dozers & grader. n w tjIX resume 726-1526in Chad 4 Mark*

3DUCnON A?plylnp!, 3 positions avollo- Twin I!>. 1 requlros com- 431 Blue Lator skills. Must hovo or 2392 Aiontlcn lor dolall ond or in j<x u ro c y . S 7 .0 0 lo 9?nn'5 1in. DOE. Sond ro- | ~ f l „me ond cover letter SALES; P .O . B ox 2 3 4 7 , ^rin Falls, ID 83303* ^ JFESSIONALCity of Twifj Falls ts AdvertlsincopUng oppllcallons ReoreseLEADENOINEER- Afl W ookQ T E CH N ICIA N . j^m osh^siglnning m on th ly diatoopoflii l o r y l s S 2 g 3 9 . seletRcpreirfomis load tochni- j h o idoal <Iw d rk ln v o lv in g w l l l h a v 'ginooring design . oxporlcncirvoylng, construc- a g r 1 c ujn I n s p e c t i o n . bockoroumitorlal testing a n d C o n d ld a lQled engineering c o l l e n eirk for Iho C i ty 's 1 n b u s ibllc works construc- a n rl-b u s li n p r o l o c t s o n d advoniainDgroms. P os itio n proforrod.quires subston tlo l if you woe:lnlng and oxporl- work for thico a n d o b r o a d agrlcultur,Witlodgo of gonoral popor In tl/ l l e n g in e e r i n g mountalnVictlcos. For employ- p io o so soml oppllcollon and resum e lo;I doscrtpUon contoct • AgW »I Personnel Offico Attn:TerlElatod in Cily H all, POBox1 2nd Avenue East. Twin FalljIn Falls. ID. phono 83303-DS) 735 -7 2 6 6 , o r toresa.bon<loyln o a lwww.tfld.org. :aing dato Is 4-6-05. |e A ii:< ;0 City ol Twin Falto h o ^ About,

In M o d rS s________ O noolAn'

ICH Top 200inch loam ono to Compankforsm allcrow . TTieWoocOno to G eneral Jounul,

Ranch work. Loo Entorplusmg suitable for seeking a;iallfomlly.Wago& dynomic>eno(lts pravldod. EmployeejlyRJtWle Ranches oxpandlnjc.. Riddle, Idaho nowspopor»-76»0249oves.* HalK

S l n ‘S


s i s?DOE“ i S ' S " 3 5 Vssume to Robert cnrtwtD iiit

TAURANT componlosooks, Caters, & o a lo o g ro \swashers noodod. » l 6 t h l mApply In person valuo, Qoween 10am-2pm growthforUonday ihru Friday Check Loo

Depot Qrlll www.LetS Shoshone S.* To apply, stcTAURANT sn .,l e r a l M a n a g e r u S uidfld for locol Tost “ L„ a roatouront. Mustre oxcellont Inter- o . h. .sonol ond commu- K l n v P ^ : a t l o n s k i l l s .4 .0 0 0 - S 3 0 .0 0 0 *•rllng ealory p lu s ' . • lo flteD O E . Foxume w/roleroncos '

736-7265 n: Ma. Singleton*

M . I

I1ARGET V pgot Is looking to

andondly people loo rk l u l l - l l m o ^ring our remodel. iris position Is over- ■')hl end will la s t til mW summer.WoolsolnvttopUconts Intorostod flWurooppofiunittes • 'i 'v v 'w S ® } Teom Loodera.^ l y a t o u f .

n Ffllla location. \ l a t E s s ^1 N. Blue Lakea*mm

j = =

rgeUcpeople “ p s ewithuslHim promotion* In >.J I f I lltC I

rZ m L n . i*£SE25

I S S f , . p « a n t . d lodvortlslng and odir com pany. Resum lolonnyaiportOmay rlnc.com"

V SCRAPBOOK EVEf/ \ , AT MAQIC VALLEr \ MALL1 \ . Coming Soturday,I , \ M ay7,2005I \ If your business wou: f \ llkotoparticlpoloos

I vendor ploaso call 11 I mall offico 01733-301

■ I to request oraglstmUI pockol.'

I SECRETARY / L eg a l S e c re ta ry lu

/ t lm o , oxp erlo n c i/ noodod. Includos bo

/ olils ond salary DOEy Send resume 10 tw

90245 c/o Times Nows PO Box S4<

^ , Twin Falls, ID 8330

y j iL .. SECURITY “ V j r i ' S e c u r i ty O fficer lu

position. Ihot not law onlorcomoi

Find comploto dutlc------------------ qualillcations. appilc

tion process, and loi JRANT o n th o C S I W o b: Drlv&-ln w w w .csl.o d u /jo b w taking EEO/AA*

m Ho m SURVEYORII PoslUons' S u r v e y o rs wllh GF nM fM nin oxporlonco . Fox I

8umoto203-726-l5; jHakosfllvd. Attn Chad or Mark* 2M disonE . TECHNICIAN nJoromo T o lo c o m m u n ic allt S^LJact?/f)' Techn/c/on, fulMIrr

opening starts ond s o m o s te r a t loloa

M v Find comploto dullo W i qualifications, applic

tlon procoss, ond f< IsingSales ^ o b 1 esentatlve w w w .c s l.o d u /|o b ok ly /F arm EEO/AA._________

™ " j T s ( m p i . . C c

w a - S '? ; 'S“ " ’ " J ” ! lorcuolifMr ,, i I t , Forklltt Truck3und Operators,d a te s w ith Po® "'® ?ir d n o V n o 0”0 i n n t n yord shllts. Wo ollor j . iS o M o ;* 0 will bo

in lioH rjo tl

WELDERw «W y E x p e r ie n c e d AlumIri Bentley n u m W elde r. Mu:30x 548 bo depondoblo, hai^ s ,Id a h o w o r k i n g & 0 toa i'0 3 - 0 ^ ptoyor. Fuil-llmo Moi«ieyOloe.nor p rl. B onollts ovala s s a b l e , g ood wogo

working onvlronmor>ut A Caroor A pplyat1 Salos With Charm acTrallors Amorlca's 452 South Park W. !00 Small Twin Falls, ripanlos? No phono calls*

M/.parto^;0rprl30s. is Exporloncod stalnlosig osaortlvo s'oo* woldors, plpomic salos ' fitters and mlllwrichtjvoos for Its S hockey Sheet MeUJingwookly Paul. ID 208^38-MSporbosod In Pro-cmploymontfailoy. . tosi'tlllvo wages, ^ I and oppor- ' WELDERS1 mis grow- Barclay Mechanicalm llong lng inPauM D is

hiring oxporloncod; WoTdors. plpodttors

part of Loo ond mill v/righta,Soa. a mulll- Apply in person,low apopor 4SOW.100S.nyrocontly Hwy 25J a g o l n t o PmuI.ID list ol Amor-t ft n B m i» 11 pn-iHttpioymtfilliSSSeti"irowth and p uB U C SERVICE In m a rk e t MESSAGE

boforoyougolthotol For froo informatio “ b o u t avoiding om p lo y m o n i s e rv lc

ii?r«o. s c o m a .w r l lo to th Main S t . Fodoral Trado Com

• mission, WashinQtor D .C .. 20580 , o rca

rosumo to ^,0 Notional Fraud Ir ^ ™ o n ® f o rm a tio n OonlOT


'11 discover A e iia^ sb ^ o r own business - without r time to the demands of

res t^ . parties m ust be sel Icated, and fiave dependa sportatian. Deliveries are Hluled for early morning Is s a s n a r a s E :terested pleiase contact tl

lod for madmin


PUBUC SERVICE_____ MESSAGE .iVEKT F edera l om ploym ont .LLEY Infu^m otlon is froo.

R e m e m b er , no ono day, c an p r o m is e you o.5 fodoral ]ob. For froo would . informollon about fod- looso oral jobs, coll Caroor jail the America Connection. 3-3000 478-757-3000* stmtlon . ■ --------

y lull- jncod IS bon-


,r lull- CURREffTthat is MOTOR ROUTES5mont, AVAILABLE lialoiy.duties, BELLEVUE/HAILEYpplica- KETCHUMid lorm Both Carrier'o b a t &Substllutos/jobs. noodod

-------- If you live In thosearoos and would like

»C3PS to b o a co n io r P lease contact

5-1520 Kathy. D istrict Mgr.___ 735-3348*

ration ' 'IMImo

S KC U R R E N T R O in E S

S b a l A V A ILA BLE

TW IN FA L L S ------- RT.716

Butte Dr. Crost Avo.I) Co., Rimvlow Drivo Sution 34CustemcrsAppmi. Mklng Earnings S60.

RT.734 :k 1300& 1600-1900 • Goiona Drivejllablo Stonocrost ]rovo- Stonoybrook Circle, ollor a Brookfield Court hoalih 43CustomoisApptox. OI K. Earnings $105.00 HVla RT. 741 Avail. 4-3-05 I days 2400-2500'o Ironwood t Polnibnjsh and it Wiidbnjsh Circlo.ho 43 Cuslomors Approx.

Earning, S110.00 I O’ RT.743 . !------- 1700's Borah Ave. E. ;

Moplowood Drive.- I Sophomore B^d. :

hnri 36 Customor. Appfox.Earns $85.00. ;

'0 “ "’ RT.779 nufn ' Monto Vista and

Cindy Drivo 136 Cusiomor Approx. ■

'"’O'” - Earns $90.00. !R T .t94t 3 0 0 - 1 7 0 0 b l o c k .

Blttorroot ., . 1 3 0 0 - l7 0 0 b lo c kz ___ *Torghoo

51 CustomorsApprox | niojQ Earnings $120.00

tehu. Approximate 4 week . ^etal eomlngo oro bosed

on curront customor ?nf count. .

Combino 2 routos to------- /ncroaso/ouprofl/s. j“ n Ploaso con tac t 1 ilcal C hris. Olairlct M anager <,d: 7 3 ^ 6 * I ttors ■ - - ; iIts. NEWSPAPER '<1. Earn extra SS InS. your spa re time. f

ll you oro a highly F moUvotod sotf-starior 1

f " looking to earnsome extra monoy ’

—^ In your eporo llmo,ICC thon thla could bo 0

great opportunity » v,Q.L for youl /

lolob ThoTlmos-Nowsls n,‘ion kioklng for IndMduals , intorostod In soilingV l-o nowspapor0 subscriptions 03

Contractorm. II you ,V .|i oroinloroolodlnllilo Lid In. opportunity. •

p lo o so c iil lJo n lu ;0 8 .T 3 5 ^ Z -

:tion of running t sut sacrificinB J _ of a full-time iob. J r 3 K 3 S Z S S B E 3 ;

self-motivated, S , idable fare every day ------1 - ~l g h o u r s . K L

ttheC rcu la tian ^


^ real

uouoThoTlmes-NovrsIs curroniiy looking for

1^3SHOSHONE . 8^RT. 617 ATM3 1 /2 lo 4 h o u rsS1,000-S1,100evory com

4 wooks. uJEROME KvouVRT.520 ' i C o100-600 1st Ave, E. vondo3W «00 2ndA ve.E . mallolRT. 523 rpm20(«OOW .Avo. D ^100-500 W. Ave. C ___RT.S27 . VENl200«00 E. Avo. I MUST300-600 E. Ave. J 60 VomRT. 529 localOO-SOOW.Ave.G invlOO-IOOW.Ave. 1 -invcfaGOODING - . RT.503100-700 Montana ^ 3 0 5 100-700 Wyoming

500-800 eth Avo. E. i^ 8 0 0 9th Ave. E.

1060-1200 Montano 700-1100 Moln St.

Do<II you live in thoso

areas ond aro Ro il t intorostod in boing a Catll

nowspaporcarrier... t20i

Please co n lac t ^ ^ 5 Kathy, DIsUlct Mgr.

73S-3348* • I ■


Combino muitiplo d a < routos to incroaso

your profit BUHL It pay;RT.811S aratoga & Windo-

moro A partments H orilago & W ood- Call

slono R o lirom ont 7Contor

52 Cuslomors Earns S ii5 -$ i2 0 . Burif

RT.B52700-850 M oadow s ^ ^ 1

Drivo ______600-900 W ashington Strool North ■23 Custom ers ■ RT-546200-700 Main Strool m RE) 100-200 Brooko Dr. I Pi 32 Customers Earns *—

S70-S75 '■

TW INFALLS... ■ -RT.854 m I3 0 0 -5 0 0 M e a d o w ■ 1

U no I 400-500 Altair Drive ■ ■28 C ustom ors oarn EQUA

approxlmototy $60.

RT.882 tlsIng1 0 0 -1 3 0 0 B la k o popoStroot North iho Fi

100-1300 S u n b u rst whlcl-Stroct gol to

40Cvslom oroam profoiapproxlmaloly$90. o rd I

bosocRT.887 o r . r i100-1200 Twin Parits hand

Drive slotu500-600 Pork originMoadows Circle slon,3 7 C u s to m o r e a rn such

appmximatotySaS. limltal inotl<

RUER atatunRT-553 dron 1100-200 block of 18

Romsoy Drive ents 1100-200 block Davis dlan:i

24 Customers oam on or approxlmatoly $65 curin

RT. 589 childri 700-1000 Midway S tCountry Vu M obile This m

Homof’ark n o tk* /^proximate 4 wook copt 1:

oarnlngs basod on forroic u rron t c u s to m e r is Invcount la w . '

P lease co n tac t ' oro heAmy District Mgr. lhalal

208-73S-3347* v o r ti-------- now i


Big profits usually moan bosls. big riako. Before you of dit do b u s in e s s w ith a Coll h company, chock It oul ot 1-6 with Iho B etter Busi- Tho 1 noss Buroou. For froo phom In fo rm a tio n o b o u t theho ovoldlng invostm enl l s 1-8( acams, vffito to the

Fodoral Trade Commission,

Washington, D.C.,20580, o r coll Iho ' J M Notional Fraud

Contor, 1-800876-7060.* rj


& NAIL TECHS■ Station for ront ^

Baautlful full sorvlco salon. Groat buslnesa ■

opportunity. ■Call Anna Salon <■ ■ (208)734-8380.* ■


Cooper Norm an _, Buslnesa Brokers -

ft A dvisors f iKeys to Success


Retire Soonor by leveraging c&Sh.

Just return cans. Calnow1-e8&«^e777.* J [ [ FOR SALE Sm all ftlu- . ' a '.m lnumballcanmonu-. T-lao turing b u e ln o o a .— — ' ^C*il20a-a37-4422.r

w o « o i w E n c E P u a .y c s iOwn Your Ovrti MESS.Juslnoss and build Soiling propoirealduol Income Don't poy onjsing the Intomot I ts Mid. ForII1-MS-S44-4243.' motion ribou_________________ tlmosharo ajUOR UCENSE lor tatescams.'^lo. Good in City ol Fodoral'j r lo y a n d N o r th Commlsirioy. Bosi olf'jr. Call Woshingtoi1 0 - 4 3 6 .4 r .6 5 o r 205£8-312-4610' orca lllhof


m a ll C:oming Saturday, ^ 5 0 2 'X B

May 7,2005 our business wouldotoparjlclpatoosa f f e ,ndor ploaso call tho IQ I]III office al 733-3000 1roquost a rogistratiori I

packot.* BUHL 4 bdm.■ s t u n n i n o

ENDING ROITTE . • v ie w s 5 *IST SELL IMMED. guoal housobonding Units. Primo & kitchon, Gocalions. 510,900 . property, yiinvostmontind • wotor. 5249

eftt<yB006950490* 2O0-543-92:

D R A C O BUHL BoatfJV EST M E N T acres w/1nji

C O R P . Ig.pondoviCASH for Iho canyon.

Doods of Trust. 4 baths, 40Mortgogos a n d . w/RV dooal Eatoto Contracts lo'al sq. It.a tliodayforafroe. walk out bsr0-obligotion quoto. upgrades. S {208)733-3821* Coll 208-54


suportD4b<S J V o , corner loti:

painted insEDUCATION now vinyl V

^ It's privacy I r T ▼ T T ▼ T f’i s sprinW

Corxinno. S

l a s s i f i e d s BARJCall20S‘$<

lay s to r e a d th e fin e p r in t p A

:allTwIn Falls r \ L733-0931

u rley 6^-4 0 4 2 EM / r . T . T . , Y o u r A

t h e



“ 1 T w in F 2 0 8 -7 3 4

twinad■ mogicvailo

lUAL HOUSING ' ' " ’^^USTUS=PORTUNlTY- 3 bdrm. 2 bairool ostato advor- o lllcion t heilng fn this nows- acros. Dayii|Ipor Is'subjoct to dock&potlo.0 Fair Housing Act lu ros, wotoiWeh mokos It Ille- orchard, coicII to advortlso *ony sc o p o , yoai oforonco llmitolion stream. S18tI " '” ' ' : ' " ” ' ' ; ] ' R O B E R T .isod on race, col- n r rA i• .re lig io n , s o x . R E A Lindlcop, familial 7 3 3 -0 ^ otus. or notionalIgln. c r an inton- QOODING C< on. to mako a n y ronovatod 1,:ich p re fe re n c e . 2 twrms. onIllation or discrim- I n c l u d o iotion.* Fam ilial w indow s, Icitus Includos chll- furnace , woon undor tho OQO 5 8 9 ,5 0 0 . C18 living wiih pJr- 961-0304 orSIts or logoi custo- -------------------

r r i n W o S l o s " r e m e m

' A i z r r S ! S H

B nowspapor witl>t knowingly ac - s<kvw>Oepii«i. pt ony advertisingr roal ostato which gmtmimmmmm In violation of Ihow. O ur r e a d e r s BU ILD II

ila”ldwoil?ngsad^i r t l s o d In t h i s to ts , rei ) w s p o p o r o r e'o l l a b l o o n a n $ 5 9 ,0 0 1

' r ? S S “p f f i a n d buildd isc rim in a tio n m- M n i '

III HUD Toll-lroe l . M l j '1-800-669-9777. / t - | | H i

10Toll-froo tolo- ' r i U l l i ' lone number for REAL ^ A 1 jhooring impaired 1-800-927-827S.*

mugkvulT hcT oncsN cH B

Visit us online a Magic Valley a

Click on Rea

Pau lD eM eule Ju d y H oll___t o t i ^ Z I ___________aicrViHey Properties Rcal^

I b n y i f f l

M agic Valiev Re/

W ednesday. M arch 23,2005,7

C SERVICE G O OD IN G Boaui iSSAQE now homo on aoooporiy? Closo to schools.' any loos unlii Call 203-934‘573< Forfrooinfor- OOODING now cai

P o S n o w b a th r o a i ln o w p lu m b l includos appllani

ra T ado 2 bdrm, w/lorcodn r fireplace,foncody

J0’0,'55‘’ .C., S89.000,837-649'

' m S oh I in v e s t m e n tJ S S S S l . HEAL ESTATE

S 337Monroe

3 bodroom . 1 bn 559,900,

2322 E. 3250 N. 1994 Manufactur

In rural area. 3 bl ‘T '- r o o m , 2 b o i

I 568,600.txim).. 3 bath. 2364 E. 3600 N. i n o c a n v o n '>975 Monulaclur 5 * a c r e s , o " ’ ocro . 3 be

)u3o wiih baili r 0 0 m , 2 b a t n. Groat horse 568,900. f. yoor round ^S2 ClovorLano 1249 000 Coll 1998 Monulaclur I-9239.* o n 3 * a c ro s wi

wator. 4 bodroom I b o th , 5 8 8 ,0 0 0

i r r - ■ I make olfor ‘as >s. S K B W T 5 Golden Spur - ' . . . Largo manulactur

! . « i „ i 2 .6 |; bam, 573,900,

° S u ilo RIchordaoy°"-5M m s, A ssoclale Broke1, 40x45 barn conyonslde Reoldoor, 4 ,600 C a ll208-420-376

auzlcCaiulc2 s S i 4 W 'IchardsoaconS-M3-9399-I *vww"«z/ci H j l --------- rteharxSaon.eem

4 bdrm on a ’lotlslroshly fruit iroos. boaui

S a ' d i s]cyloncod& KIMBERLY 1.296 rinWofs, Colt ft., 3 bodroom, 1 b 10.S121.500 la rg o lo n c o d yo n t ^ C D w o o d s lo v o . di: n / V C r i washor. range. Cl JLTOHS IO schools. SB6,3\$.S434371 Coll 208-423-4247 = ^ = i MURTAUGH 5 bdm A y b o t h , n ic o f a m

r \ / \ . homo. Must soil I S105.000. Call Hi a t 206-432-564C 208-308-1547,-

/I A II RICHFIELD For si1 / \ I L _ by owner, 7 bdrm

• 3 1/2 balhs, appr(A d T o 3.B00 sq. tt, on 2,

acros. Largo kite o n u p s t a i r o w l

n c kitchon downstaiS-NEWS Fireplace. New ro 'O X .X r ? C'-'fPO' 4 "10. A J O l r I n D S129.000 lirm, Se RTWFWT 0*^2 inquinos on


n i:«.lle> RUPEHT n r a i l s 3 1/2 milos from n 34-5538 on, 2,050 sq. It. .I tInadO room . 2 both, su i/ailoy.com b a s o m o n t . s h (

corrals, oul buildir All on 4,2 acros.

rUSTED c l o s e n o if ih b o : balh. onoroy 3106 ,000 . Call 2 t homo on 5 436-9817/312-33; layliolit bsm’t. jW IN FALLS otlo. Two pas- G reat starter 'Otor shores. o rro n b i colortui land- 2 3 5 C a m a rillo Vi

voar-oround 3 bod room , 2 bo >180,900 W ashor/D ryor ho r r JONES ups. gorago, S77.0 ;a i - rv ploaso do not disi

tenants. Coa 733-ec '• " ‘'M t S i n f S l C s --------3 Complototy $ 1 6 8 ,9 0 0 . Now cid 1,200 sq. ft. strucllonl 4 bodro. on acroago. hom o with 3 car >d 0 s V i n y I rage, lllod master bs , lorcod air with separate shoi. woodslovo, ond soaking tub. F3. Coll 208* F re em a n 420-G4■ Of934-4134,' 7 3 7 -3 9 1 5 o rK a i___________ Parlrldgo 420-00C M D C D . 737-3920 MLS« 11C M l i tH 90PCK0201 if«dywpi.ie«)



DIHQ L O T S a t CandleridgE Subdivision. A lm ost 1/2-acrt

ready by sp rin g 2005 30 0 C h o o se y ou r lot novv Jild later. •

« r M M M M M mWSI90 ■ rVXS3

i l h y M m

1 and check out f area homes.leal Estate.

IHloUflnd Lynn R asm iisseo :ftllcy__ G «n Stale Really

^ ...... .....................

lEALTORs O n u n e

1 - ^ - — ^

)5, Tlmes-News, Twin Falls, Idaho

luliful:roasjo.s.73B.‘carpot/ iroom. b ing . ancos. od air, d yard, 491,:



turodibcd-I l h ,

iurod ‘ bod-i t h .

'0turod with

om, 2 50 or ts.‘ urturod locar- im. 2




bdrm.,irndcs,3ulilulrport.334-36 sq.I balh, yard, d ish - Closo 3,300, :47.’ arm, 2 im ilyII fast. Hopo

i46 or



Rjp- .1 t)cd- sunlit h o p . dmrjs. is. No jo r s . - I 20Q- >330.-


I Waybatn.hook-?.000.lislwb■e67ff

Jroom irg a - irbatn howor I. Ron G419, Cathy 0064, 1117-




j O*■a




Page 38: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

HOME INSPECTIONS 2000-fSlnca 1993.


TW N FA U S BiMtwoodEttMtn.

BoauUfut 2.300 aq. tt. heme on 1 ocro. HugomastofBulto and bath w/JacuzzI tub. gas tiroplaco. bonus room. 3 cor

Oaroflo.■ L olsofoxtm \

By nowand pick your own colors. 5205,000.


O n f a l l s■ S119.900.Culo 3 bed­

room . 2 b a lh homo, ovoryihing has boon updalod. Sollois aro mottvatod. Calt Louisa Harris O 280^)822 to 800. MLS»98188475 PCH8701



TWtN FALLS 2411 C ypretB Court. 3 b<Jrm,. 2 batn. 1545 sq. tt. formal sitting room, groat room, kitchon nook, dmlng room, nlco tg. dock. RV park ing , au to sprinklers, gaa^oat (iroplaco. $138,900. Ca»20a-734-1113.‘

■ S o r e S

i-iiMl jc in nith pnot and near ihr tnterjuic on pa Dolse. .^skinc price { Infurmitlnn pWue cont. Anilcrjon at K : tonc Realt JCJW3I-II16.

liyKEYSX R e a l ty G

r llOOOvrrUnJ H78-1I16 »»■>■

I c T s s i a c o u n -

&PA!B(.,000 ion: 5,000 icrcsiu

and hou.- . Bert shii mill- of Imcroairl’K'l.Fur more InfiicnuUon p l« Alan Anderson ai Kc Monc IlKinriOM.M-lllb.

' KEYS'y R e a l ly G

r I’OOO^obnd M 878-1116 »u-u-

lgView Full D<

CHfmHOBVUQAiQ Comfy tn) Coiy In mla cr

UP0>ad»d 1 Oodioom Homo. ■ Skiing. »ffln. faew S ft»(,

SoonkkKi. Oat H«at and Jefil *84,000 ml:


B tiuti(ulJAeca£ BoaulifulSAcroeuildingL Golfino and fishing noarty.

Undorofound jorv


m ili420-003'

t / im .M t ta imORANDNEWFLOORPIAN. Family Hoorn. 3 Oodtoom*. 2

Subd. Hitman Walk-In Oowt* 2X0 Conilr. Quality ThiouOho

R S^ ( 9 CtnVktortMRty:m

Fva sen v tceR esOVER <.000 so FT RE3TAURA Twin Fait MOI tMtno br evar

and cooMr. fi#y aqupp«l kWAar iarTycontr«a»thqui

Q . »05,000 MU^ CtBfMHvjMtr.

E»1Q -nm m <tw t.TW tr

i f P g lIS i M H i

T W I N F A L L 8 4 * i2 1 bodroom 2 balh. 2 TO ~ l living roomo. 203

S o v o n S p r in g s* S134.90O2BO»139i.»

nTWIN FA LU Approx. I

ie O O « q . II.. sp li t I ur bodroom dostgn, 4

bdnn., 2 both, 3 cor garago, g s t tnssrt. -i

•* privals potlo. AC,— RV parking, aprtn* 3

klors, fire pit, wator softener, oas heat.

"®- $169,900. S12 Buck. Ingham 734-98B6

Z o

i7'i I - — ,

I TWIN FALLS Boauti- I fut heme wiifi all tho > gc. o x t r a s i V a u l te d

coilings. 2.600 sq. fl = opon floor plan wtth

3 bdrms.. 3 ba ths,I huge family room &

gomo room (gomo1 room could also bo 20 11 onothorbdm). Polla L i2 wood windows, dbl.

15 o v o n s , hardw ood,n floors, walk-ln clos- c u 'n, o t s In all bdrm s & 2IQ boautlful cab/no(ry. i-'k 3 c a r g a ro g o , RV , 0 park ing . Priced toat soll.ShownbyoppL m,0, 862 Buckingham Or, ^


■ CO

__________________ L";UBISIIE S2and linear fntpUon, tooted

n paved road 10 mtlci (rom :e J3.200.000. for morerontact David Price or Alan -----Reall)' Croup 208-878-1116 or TW


f S T O N E ''si} G r o u p 19jnJ Ave. •Burley, 108)318 ^• >kMw.lcvH.ilftejltY.« I H hn

■ NC___________________ OV.U R Y SLTE

IS under phUs. Crain siorage, .0 “ 'sharo av'allable, localcd 1/2 Antt

, A.-;kinK price b M,980,000, ____pleise contaa David Price or WE(.tone Koaity Group 203-878- bat


^ S T O N E “ =' G r o u p.nd Ave..Bgciey,1D8)3lfl

S i S S i K l J i p u cmDetails on all the;

I,laChamiinoTaiWu»y 1 « » panvno.Oflersnmwanaiw tho votloyj(,«rtndo«*aMof».Aj« Room lorJ<rtlodTub,AMUSTS£E. tmtn IMLS«8102M8

tllty: C«tt9731-2tM H ' j Cai

■ ia M lia i t to la l D E mng Lot on Snoko Rivof, -Ioopocmiw Ifty. Goottvonrat water, ’aa • ocn pore lorvicos to lot

m v $120,000.S«112288 I H ’" ' ”4}030.Jlll420.m 8


mtnoKOUtU W .1634S qnL ^.t.2 0om*.Ct*9«i«od MtrtalnUaalatiMroom. jOhouLRMRorO-fMd. ^

iMLsmieotMR ty ;C 4 M 4 n ^5 9 0 j f l Ci

RMTAURANTURAT<Tonma^ttrM(h S«lorhB»lM r 100.WMk-*<frMar rjulckMlo.

Ooiwvrillawt cr— fMtUTM 2 b(igutfncaom. parttaDj■ 042


Twin F^lls

----------------------------X ' . • ■

rw tnFalto , Idaho W x tn -d a y . i to

TWIN FALLS 6400 eq. WENDELLf t under constnjctlon. ba th . 240custom . Rock Creek acre.krtstv iew , lo ts of e x tra s let stove, c$620,000,734-9059.* $138,500.

* * * * * * * * * *TWIN FALLS AREA ^ k1 9 M

I will buy or lease m ir your homo.

. B u s 3 « < xony corvdrooo. h n m « » i C ^ 7 3 M 0 » 7 3 M 5 « »............................ .... p K “-----------------------------1 W ould m

holfor opoi

bdrm., 2^TWIN FALLS brick hom

FMmllyHom* b sm t. on3 bodnwms, 2 both, TFCC wat

largo kftchon, ly row cnjfllvlngroomand ' 39 acros

'lomiryroom with Colt 208-5’ B itm o w t

Ovor 2.000 sq, ft withbosomontond shares TFSDBC0for4th lu ly o a r i

b o d r^ /p ia y n » m ,Dock off master ponds, sr

bodroom,Potlo with hot tub granary, s and 15H,x4fi poolMomlngsldo and CASSIA tO'Loaiy Schools. '0^

Prte» ndue»d to an$fW ,90a Crop I

2171 Ellab9ttt Blvd. Approx. 4,Call to soo; 2.0

208-736-5939 ownor, . under siRooter 206-734.700r ‘n<8‘

' - Homos an.TWIN FALLS Inos aro li

JUST USTEO “ concC ustom built 3 bdrm. Dairy pi

2.5 bath family homo process. Iin lovoly country sot- markotsait in g o n t .2 a c r e s inglnthiso u th o o s t o l Twin. IdahoUnique floor plan, fire- For moro irp loco , largo m aste r contact Oisuite with ganJon tub, - Keyttoncovered patio (or on- Ontortoining.prlvatobock 206-97S-y a r d w ilh a v ie w . 2 0 3 ^ S219.000.

ROBERT JONES p M tiTwREALTY for 10,000

7 3 3 ^ 0 4rW IN F A L L S N W 3 guaraib o d ro o m . 1.5 b a th HoddonRttyto w n h o u s o . P a tio . ---------

1934H .m pl.nW ,nr.- “ " ' . “SV E N D E L L • 2 n 0 w ' oast of Halth o m o s In A m brose •lOOOHoscSubdivision. Move In ranch. DocNOW. 3 bdrm. 2 balh, 4 forest. Foovor 1400 sq.tt KHch- good imprio n I n d u d o s is la n d a PRIDE tcountonop & ovorslzo ERSHIP R/goroge. • lOOO Acreinthooynow 73t.9800 for250-300

T rip le7 Realty a ro u n d , 2 tTENDELL 4 bdrm., 3bo th . 2,400 sq. ft., 1 • ocro, lots ol troos. poi-lot stovo. Groat houso! ranch, gooc $138,500.420-4899.

S S S S Toip you lind lhat tpodal H t A Ilaw. 733-0331 733-0'

INIese properties onli

Country eultom hom»Kircol with one of tho nicoit homos In Jtoy. Cuttom tiuM v»tth tot* of extras, lor your family to gnaw) 3 bedroom 2 otn plu* office. 2100 sq. Ft. in a grool xatkw dose lo school* ond thopplng.

$184,900 MLS«tt2050 Caff JiKfy Hotrmvi: CW/t 3 0 0 ^ 0

vFLOPueNr '^ ^ 0 for sA ie BiMevnOMCo'JiramtxitarM paK«<Ahama 'CrfHnvstncaaaEreMr Ono> ■tK«hr<txt»ytSc<CKn»)pocatntnuuvs» MH9«ow» ssratHi*«"'.»o«joe sfwiatwviiatMaccowowMrjKt

S inB ulhn53M S9

D A D ^ to ^ S S H w ln H a o em a n ( 2SS aqjr, am 3 tMAooma. 2 t>aM. grsal Jlctiefl. dMno tTM. Popular toe floor pian.U 00 X137. tXMWa car eno*. a n M tr,•uto tprtnkJar*. PrtowfaJ only 11 e9.»0


C*aJehnlr>rtti:C4Mnt-9aiO |l l l ^ l

a s hoin^$7e,B00 for IItie. kxstod s i 1832 FsBsAve, Eand m 2 bedrooms up and 2 down with tingq— tIaDy fenced ymrd. Cdl Donna or Shey 9420-<Sa<or420-23eS.v«»ntand r ,

re«}yforyoulMLSI0ei8S270C t»petm 4»4a94 l l

i lM ^ 2 3 .2 0 0 8 __________________

ELL 4 bdrm., 3 r -----------2 4 0 0 s q . ft.. 1 k e<- ots of trees, pel* ■ : ve. groot house!500.420-4899.* - ■


n m n 'u S S f

S S j s :d m a k o g r e a t

W M „ s ± 5 ”;»206-g9»0703* Qalodplpo.4>S p a c io u s 4+ sharo3$45.C

, 2 both rancher All th n c p tnfiome. Finlshod $130,000..o n 3 9 ,o c r o s . Cal)20g-543^' water. Present-crop. /Additional GOODINQ approres a v a ila b io . a c r e s . S h o o tJ8-543-6370.* Area, 120 aeroHTT--------------- turo. 120 sho/oa

|SSo'.'a‘la r ro u n d liv e 934-521 s ;o r 5391. productive fish _________I. smoll hom o, KIMBERLYult trees, b o m s,, Country Uvliy. 543-4736.* A tlfa B e s t

= Lots availabio in3IAC0UNTY G a to S u b d lv lIDAHO sou th of Kimb

0 and Row_______ near Rock Cro( rop Farm._________ Ptoasant Vatio X. 4,000 acros - Courso. Pricos t 12.000 acros______ $ 3 2 ,0 0 0 . Call icrsprinkior_______ R a sm u sse n al irrigation._________ Stato Rooity, Inc 3 and out build-____ 3900 or Rick Be iro in oxcollent____ R e /M a x Amo Mindiiion._________Droom Rootty, ry permit in_______ 500S.MLSK981. tss. New milk ____

^3 E Haho oroa.ire infomiatlon STATE REALTVct David Price, 208-734-040ttooa Realty ___(Sroup r i H

B7S-1116or k ‘jig U3U1116.

'“ "“ ■,3 5 . Endofo“ Splayground

INCHES Groot aroa!Acre* - Moun- Call 208-280-85ngolond. sum* _______________coss, springs. TWIN FALLSHailey. $89,000 1875 sqlead - Cow/calf c o m m e rc ia l siDoodod. BLM w ith p r o v e n r.t. Foodlof, vory history. Buy for iiuprovom ents. m o n t a n d ron3E O F OW N- proporty o r move’ RANCHI own business IrAcrea • Ranch save on ront. T'300 hoad year available lo quod , 3 h o m o s , buyer. Call Doroi

737-3903 or Ni.crea - Historic . 539-7355. 737-) hoad aummor for furthor Inform,jood improvo- f^LS«109383

RT JO N E S G E R EALTY s f m S S l ” 3-0404 20B.734-040(

mnline at wwwJrwi

1•17Aerosw«h vwlorsho;

'South Hilts Vkw •Only $160,000

I. | M *MLS»113122

CtHEfikAndcn«n:4iHGroat TrWovel floor plon-llvini

^ family-rc»m. Groat family ho siding, full sprtnklor system . &

Bond hydro-sood In $141,000 MLS«11 Sob73M 900or6«t)y

C E N T R A L m S w T ^ W S i low trofnc strool, all ono lovi

bodroom design, 3 bodrooms. cathedral coliinss. Choc

B $138,900 r^LS01i:


'ABi8££EEQRUmirni I f you're looking For a home on a tanMduded, prtvsto Mttlng. on o cul d«

I— IS tttl4 bedroom*,'2 tuims'Wim ta/t room, plus imftniihod 4th

$128,900 MLSirOaiBO l l ^ Ca0Ojyli*AAdw*or>;CoJlf

Toil Free 1 5 8 - 3 8 ^

H TWIN FALLS (4) 1 acre

commercial lols with dty sevrtr ond vrater. Sell, lease, or buiW to

_ suits. Con 308-6160.*

ROCK CREEK CAN-2 « r ^ YOH160 acros. dosewoioo, sorrico, sur-« rounded by BLM, yr,e acros, round spring, unlimit-. ' Ofi rocroation, poton-

tlal wind form. $1,495r a

------------ ■/ so M m y m o b f learox. 532 home (/lonks fo mylO Strlng a d fn T h e T lm e s -:ros pas- News ClaastftedsrrosNSW, . . ’ OlUeA.g o tlo n , Je rom e ' 34-4269,>3^142* C [a iiined .J tw orka l------------ Call u s today

733-0931 e x t 2■v'l9 600-658-3883 e x t 2>stt -------------- :__________in Ranch BUHLEY 1977 Broad-I v is io n more 14x66 ft, 3 bdrm,nbo rly • 2 bath, to be moved,rook and $2.500208-CTOOSCC.*tioyG oil | - - — iIS start at HAGERMAN for saloall Lynn or renL Blue Sprucea l G em Mobile E s ta te s , 2Inc, 737- bodroom. carport.Board at foncod yard, sto r-lo r lc a n ogo s h o d , v e r yty, 733 - c le a n . C a ll 3 2 4 -8183774 7944 or 308^)121.*

Mi ACKPOT '0 3 O ok-

wood doublo wide. 3 be d ro o m s . 2 b a th ,

TY INC don. u p g ra d e s th ru J400 out. $57,000. For info.


a MALTA '95 Champion,

4 bodroom . 2 b a th , stove & dishw oshor.

_______ Nacdt to bo motmdlI Coll208-»31-6542.*

cam PAUL '63 Andomon, 8 with It. X 45 f t t o t s o /rM tr nt aftrfn $1,500 or bosticious olfor. Call 208-676- nd. . 8795or208<30<W)422.* lal — - 8567.* ^ . . .

HMELTON Kit manu- r n n tn i tocturod homo 28x66 in„«c. nowty romodelod

kitchon. 3 b d rm ., 2wn uoufI in nnH *'’3 ‘Onnul living

vinyl windows, C o lo m o n e l e c t r i c

ramv m *“ "1050 with oir. and • now motol roof. To bo

^ moved by now ownor.m S Pflcod$31.995/olfor.

Coii 208-731.4181 or 2C8-829-5341.'

f t f l ’l i^ g lo lind a flood usod I l f l automobile? Cnock out I W I Iho elajnnods (o» tho "Y. INC. larjost wlociloo ovallablo 100 inyotfareatodiy.TSSOZSt

vinReaHvrom ^

U ' Open. Roomy. GreBodroom. 2 Both.

, Largo Doublo GoroStock Watoror.G

m420-C125 M UUSTCtai

(ing room 4 homo-vinyl ■ SodinfrontInback. a«-r«ftmor..Pl.

112902 R [Dy73f-«740 CaHSfttrlC

mmlHaa'subdlviston. uakaanappolfttmonttivol, spill wtti a fresh raeaBlt. N<IS. 2 baths. and froth paint wnjuilockltoulll »®112252 | | M sro.w

420-41Q5 I I I C«a Thtcy WmMyn CmmtaltU.osUi

Und roady for your d <1« “ C ■ Oil fl

anjofomOy biSdtfv^^rt no rwl v IthleveL gnaiac.

190920IM 30M 224 j g j g C*aH0M*l

J 0 8 - S 4 3

BUwith m ^ ^I ^ ro^ g,

f f l , 1TH ETIM E&N EW 8I %P C t a u if le d «

^ C la s sS ff iso lv lc o 3Ei]ur. R eprosen ta tfves boyr. a re available from Jfl

mit- a :00am • 5 :30 pm^n^ M onday -F rlday J a

- -C a ll our offlcas ^

Iln Twin Foils ”,

733-0931 ex t. 2 o r ^ Buriey 677 -4042 .'

m y k

r w B k j m m m S m 3 nW hy slay ln aH o te lfo r “

dn ex tended pe riodo l tim e? Complototy n’lfumlBhed tow nhouso " Ion tho goll course. 2 TWbdrm., 2 both, 2 'car ro

2 g a ra g e . C o rp o ra te foirofltal rates available. D\

26»0166of4Z M 383* St

32.* TW= bd

» I s 202 I BUHL Close to Buhi ^

rt I High. 2 bdrm. g a s ' ir. 1 hoat. no oppls. $375• y |T hoU 8m tm 4>739.*

BUKL E. comfortobio 4 “ bdrm 2 bath countryIk- hom o. No sm o k in g I. 3 S600 monlh 1s t and Rth , lost Coll 208-543«n0* J !/}' B U H L ~ V ^ c /e a n . 2I'?- bdrm,, 1 bath. $400 + TW

d o p o s ll . No sm o k - sion, i n g / p e t s . C a / f 3th . 20»^0S-i47r fo

FILER Privato romod- 1r ' oiedSbdrm, Ib a th o n ®__ 160acralam i.Energy. 8 o l l l c le n t w ith newew hordwoodAiie lioors. ^ost bom. insulation, forced | —’8- oir & wood stovo hca- TWI2.* ting. Corral, pastu re, 1 t— garogo possiblo. No full

in d o o r p e t s , w o b ly photos ovoii, 1st, lost hoi ond security . $600 . Ca

— Avail now. 326-4729,' f ^ ] 6g HAQERMAN3bdrm.,2 rot -rt bath, some oppis. No vino Indoo r p o ts , r e f s . , do|

’i . $500 m onlh $200 ty.doposit. Coll 208-324- .Twii8995or206-731-7967.* bal

Ic HAZELTON R o n t-a - 'fig nd ronch. 3 bodroom , 2bo bath. Country living. TwiiQr. ' Largo yard, co rra ls , batar. $650/m onth ♦ $ 650 pai<or d o p . Cail 2 0 8 -0 2 9 - >K57i


^ •XBB?5w5B5?TEnT55cre" yofconlusien. Mako sure PO'roadort vrtil understand ’ ” P'

10 your od completely. SpeU 73< 31 II out. aoM«cdo, 7330X31 fw i! , 2 b



GroalRoomLMngAroas.3 l-ru/ioth. Wood Stovo, Ootachod |m|;nrooo. Corml. LooRng Shod, t#,r, GREATBUYII$132.500 M

MLSff08193301 " ha

M tfu y u u u :c * a tu 9 ^ i arr ________________________ R«

I cafl

«ax«ae£M bd IlM«>bMUU,WDl(M>MOOtt]<l(« ■

x s s j j a s s s . ' s S ^ ,'' unaT " r * llslnujMULsraiguea po;


■ IKfvtoUovIn sio anttow«lhl»3tMdiDomho(ne 1. Now doors. uporododUtchen 1 Jusi a few or the Hemt. Como

teeforyounolf StO 0.900 MLSnSteSS49


■ CUI chll


i$stoatiaJamS>tit(fVf.w isli urdovolopmonlorlnvoumMt11 fettby 650 feelKBhsoma______ “™wlytfM.Zorwd<wnme(dal, tottaccass,(nitlpiousM . v eBOdto*1,718.0IXlMLS#110478

u D th kC a O m i-H Ubat

Buhl3 - 8 5 1 0 2------- ------------- ..................... the

. I8 1

BUHL Rent to own. 2 TWIN FAIbdrm., 11 /2 bath. Can s b e d rc423«4377 ofter 7pm.‘ applian.

HEYBURN 3 bedrooiiv law h2 bo th , 10 yoo r o ld /stjoklnt home. 1.6 miles Wost +dopod o l W al-M a rt. V ory fw ifT FA dean iqu leL N opo ts.$526 monlh + depositCall 20M77-2744.* | j ^ ; g

JEROME 2 bdrm, fuTT b ie gartbasement. In tho coun- nocew//try, $500 + dep o sit, plus socCall208-324'21&4.* Golo20(

JEROME 2 f 2 4 m > tv » TW N FA£ 2 bodroom. 1 both, b d rm ..:$495 month doMslt cleon, 1N o s m o k in g . C a ll N o smc208-324-3427.* $ i;i0 0 n

3 E R 5 H E 3 H 7 S 5 T 2bath mobile hom es. t w IN FNo p o ts , long term , h ouso ,:$ 500 - s 5 s 0 + do p . bath i&i324-8903 or 5 4 a « 3 4 ^ Call 208-

JEROME oxtra n i c ^ - rw iM F ibdrm., 2 bath doublo ' ^ ' J : wide. Good aroa $475mo. + dop. No po ts , y„ ,,“ Drefs. Cali &S-5887.* * 2

TWIN FALLS 3 bod- 208-543-room, 2 bo th , brick, :foncod yard, range & ' VDW, g a s l l r o p la c o , np« -elcS a w to o th D Is trlc l. • o n c o . $895 + dop. 308-5343*

T « T n F A L L S ("272 s s e s + di bdmi., 1 bath. $500 4$525 •» $300 dop. Coil WHOca 208-212-1678.*

t w i h FA LLs 1 bdrm'w/appls. + W/D, lawn- r i g ocare Ind.. spacious. ^$475 -F $300 dop. NO CDOGS. 208-4200110* 733-01


sq. ft. Custom built 2 b a th ,3 bdrm.. 2 both, AC, smoking, formal dining mom, $650 moi broakfost bor, auto Call20& sp r in k le rs , d eck ,

k ? » i$895. Coil 732-0040 or420-^92.* I ________

WIN FALLS 2 bdrnu

ly la n d sco p o d , g a shoat, $600 mo. + dop. 2 4 3CtllLyh731-65B9.‘

TWIN FALLS 2 bed -room. 1 b a th , g ro a l AC oxvintooo homo. $650 + Call fo r Idop. No smoklng/pots. 208-7 Lyle 208-731-6589.'

TWIN F /U IS 3 bdmi, 1 CARRWbalh, gas . No sm ok- APAF ing/pots. $600 ♦ dop , 2510W172Adams.731-4739* Pin

ra fN F A U S 3 M m ..2 ™ ' " ' ?bath, oppls., city util. f S V apaid. $700,539^>805. @ 'C.

r ^ F A L L S 3 bdrm; ' i m w ith b sm t. F o n c o d yard, garago. somopo ta OK. A v ailab le u Z ! ? April 18I„ $725 mo.734-9064, IV. msg.* _ twintaJtsr

rWIN FALLS 3 bdrm., I2 both, 2 car gorogo, .« lo n c e d y o rd . NEWHOMEI Near MVRMC. BURUYAvaii,4.1.$e60 + dop. C lea n 1Can 208-410-2737,* $ 2 7 5 .2

rWIN FA LLS 3 bod - S 3 ° 2 .: ,room, 2 bo th , 2 c a r/ EHOJOi carport, storago shodAil oppiiancos incl. 1 HAZELTOIyr. kuiso. Roforoncos. 12t Main:$725 + $725 d e p o s it. + dop. 20Coll208«W-6804.- j e r o ME

f W N m E s T b d f f f C _ _ ’ bedroi1 possiblo offteo, 1 3/4 3 bodroiboth, Idon/offlco. W/D Call 208-hookups. OW, stovo, ~s p a , g o r o g o . P o t s JEROMEokay. $950,420-8847.* C o s a D

rwIN FALLS Mautilui A p ts .l r 4 bodroom, 2 both on P a ln tb r u a h D rlvo $925 monlh dopositCoil510-881-t440.» at 208-3.

TWIN FALLS beautl-1 ^fuiromodolodinOld ETowne. Updated. 3 l _ _ _bdrm.,2bathw/dot- e r o m e

month + doposit JEROME Ctll203-721-C784.‘ 2 boc


tw i ! f ( ^JEROME

T r 3 bedroomtI ■ ■ ■ I Aliapp■ ■ M h I $$6$ montEQUAL HOUSING NosmolOPPORTUNITY l-yloTS

Ail rool ostato odvor- je r o m e LUsing In this news- bdrm. Ailpaper Is sub oct to vv/D hoctho Fair Housing Act r t o r o iwhich mokoa It illo- accoptinggal toodvertlso *any Affordableproforonceiimttalion coble andor d isc rim ina tion mtemotlhbased on raco, coi- call Cindvor, r e lig io n , a ex , — . ^handicap, familial KIMBERLsta tus, or notional " • « ' origin, or an Inten- ‘ Ronwdekxsion, to m ake ony k i m b e r isu c h p ro lo ro n co , c le a n 1 tlimitation or discrim- $335/moInalion.* Fam ilial AvS i n w status indudos chil-dron undor tho ogo l o c A ioMSIMngwlthpar- THECIonts or legal custo- OFITdjon; prognont wom- * * * * <on ond peopio so- FAWN!

chiKlron undor 16. * * o * <

rhis new spaper Will« ■ a o s o to i

copt any advertising dininDlor roal ostato w h l^ ond mi*Is In vtolation of tho * « *lew . O ur r e a d e r s iiD a n f« <

v e r t l a o d In t h i s 734-1 n e w B p o p o r o r o 647F«wnb a v a i l a b l e o n a n Hondlcopiequal opportunity Equal Hbasis. To complain OpPoi of d isc rim in a tio n RU bPar y i Cail HUD Toll-freea t 1-600-669-9777. u f f o S S S

SoV."!r«; I S !EE

'ALLS Beautiful, . Iroom , 2 ba th , ances, ga rage, core."NO p e ls Ing. $899 month 0Slt7$34289* ^ALLS Discover tractive home at A td tr Dr. One 1,600 sq.fL,dou- arago, g a s fur- w/AC.. $890 mo. ocurltydep. Call 208-404-3650.* FALLS Largo 3 ., 2 b a lh , very , 1 c ar garage, m o k ln g /p e ts , 3mo.-fdop.tiy>- » m t 721-0794.' F A L L S n e w

I, 3 bedroom, 2 S850, nico aroa. 08-539-9928.*

FALLS N lco 3 . 2 bath', doublo srago In Magic Ranchos. $775 $500 dep. Cdll

43-2439.*FALLS stud io :lo s o to tow n, o d y o r d a n d ro uso. All utlii- cablo induded,


can holp YOU 'yourmntaf?

i s s l f l e d sC a n !^ 1 e x L 2

"T Iji ij /iM ii?

-ALLS 3 bdniTiII, g a ro g o . No ng/pcts. Clean, nonth -f doposit Oa-404.B106.>


5US Affordable

1 3 BDRM/Fun BATH Sorogos □ Hookups and morol

ir Information J-735-2111


>lne Drive Falls, Idaho*

■ h ^

I bedroom,

s r a s slsroniais.com

m - ■•Y1 bed ro o m ,

. 2 badroom ,) . N o p o t s . J0M78-743a*

■ ^ 1 bodroom.In SL,S310/mo. 20a.788.1310- EIroom. $295.Iroom. $495. >8-539-7611.‘

IED o lP r o d o

.Im m o d ia to -in for 1 bed- all appliancos. xoptod.Cindy ^-324^W7Z*

e " i o r 2 bed- ip a rtm en t for $ 3 2 5 . C a l l )n 532-4555,*:wdroom.<ra Property IL 734-4334srontals.com

m s ;l 1/2 bath, ppiiancos.>nth -f deposit.wklng/pota.731-6589.*: Unks Apts, 2 Ml oppiiancos, o o k u p s AC, a g 0 . N 0 w

b^o^fonts, plus nd high speed IHAoccoptod. dy3a» -057 r ILY 3 bdrm ., «o w e» .$485 ■lod73M322.* R L Y L o rg o , .1 b d rm . a p t.10. $250 dep. iW. 42»6792*

lATEOINCENTERn - A u tk * * « * *NBROOKRTMENT8» o * * * ol,2 ,3 b d m i iwmes p shopping.Ing. work.1 uch more * « * *8 Starting$39911-----------4-1600nbrookAvei.foccosslb le

i t s ?gortunity^

ztM droom ,' u tm ent New- idolod. $370 $2S0doposIL (-431-0760 or >/« EeoMnol,

V ,

Page 39: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o


irH ea rth e Twi quietl

barU u re r P a rk J |“

. 7 e ' 'e ' s " , S i , J ? !Twin Fall* 734-4ig5* TWI»

TWN FALLS 2 bdrm., ^ ^2 bo th , vory c lo n n , S " ' W/D. eppls. No amok-Infl/pou. $550 month ° 'J

-• +(Iep,CalI734-1143. W‘ TW NFALW T-----------' CIOOJI. good location,

' 2 tximi..1 bath op t' $525 mo. + dop. TWI

CaaLyk20e-731-6S8a.‘ 31■TWN FALLS fP

TTw Falls Apta. W;1-2 bdfiTis. $375-5475 ' I '

P h u ta n tV lo w P 'Townhom«s

2-3tx)mi8.$475-$515 AC/no pota. 734-660Q.*- L S S



N«v lower p r i c « =—, Uundiy, fltoraflo, ‘ WII

Studio. l & 2 bdmi. bdri npaitmonts

r from 5360.833 Shoshono N. '"Cl.

( 20&-734-4339.* TWItj ................................ I t,a,

• TWN FALLS 1 bdmi..! 5350+ $200 dop. CaJI• 20S-21M678.‘ '•T W N F A L L S lbdm is.. 208

$ 3 2 5 & $ 3 0 0 . u t i l . = =/* indd. 434 4th A vbW . F w i^ 212-K640f73&O322.* no '^TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm..• bawmonl apt. $420 + ^P

$ 350 dop . 6 0 5 2 n d Avo.N.14.404-4793.’____________________ plo

TWN FALLS 2 bdrm.. Koioppls,, garago. $525. ingN ot Id ah o H o u s in g c io iApprovod. 329^991 .’ bdi

^ T W N FALLS 2 Ddmi.. W $525 mo. + dop. W/O.

• garaoo. 1939 Altn Dr. Spui• CiII20S-736-104S^' ‘>“5• plls• TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm., ter : 1 both, appls.. 5395 ♦ tm I ; ■ dep. Call 732-S40a.* I—• TWN FALLS 2-3 bdtm. TWIN I Cloan, Ig., romodolod. Sp< . all appls. 539-9435* Go ; TWN FALLS 3 bd rta ,• 1 bnlh, no pots, S525 cnii : +$300dop.212-1678.* _ l2 ! l ; TWN FALLS 3 Ddmi.. TWIH . .2 bath, loncod yard.■ g o ra g o . n o a r C S I.

. . l01O -f 5450 doposit. TWIN731-9269or731-9268* nlct

TWN FALLS A nowor J'Of3bodroom.noworcar- 'x P

■ pol, 2 balh, all oppll- oncoB, AC, o a ra g o . TWIN S6S0,208-737-9635.’ plo*.

■ I mo, Io

•• TWNFALLS W^NI, Abundant amonlOos •I in Q Profooflional ‘'P- 5! atmosphoro a l r -----I Saratoga

Luxury1,2& 3bdrm .' hom os. E ffic ie n t 5iujf7

control air ond hoot. n . | _Full steo W/D Inclu- fdod. R oB ldontflt- r^o»n o sa & b u s in o s s ' ^contor. Individual _____pa tio s w /8to ro g o . TWINSwimming pool w/ MotaB8Q oroa. ralos

W»wlllmMko and ;you tm lM Coli:

TWIN" O ’ mote

5 Callorvfolttodoy,651 Saratoga Or. ,—

CallorV Ialltodayl C ; 208-735-1600 *


‘rTWIN FALLS opt. avail, ^cho' g o o d lo c a t i o n , n o $200

sm oklng/pots. Lawncaro provldod, 1 yr. nq d< lo o se , do p . $ 5 0 0 &$600mo,733-0146.- —

TWN FALLS charming& spacious 1 bdrm ., < c \oil utits.pald.LoQ so. rof.'!5595 + dop. Call 208- call’j 539-2662or42(W493.*

..TWIN FALLS cloon 2 k bedroom, 2 ba th , all appllancoa Includod.Groat location. $525 = =monlh $300 deposit. JERCCall 208-735-S482.* • Fa

-TW IN FALLS C loon .' ' 2 bodroom . 2 D oth. *

$550 f dep., $200 off '1 s t m o. Includes oil _

. . oppls. ond W/D. Call AlM t > 734-4121 Of 73»B674*

"^ITWIN FALLS C l o ^- to d o w n to w n . 21

bdmt. upstairs unlLl L £ j ^'' ' A p p lia n c e s , g a s i tv S h I

heat. $375 month. I . O ulet2 bodroom du -l

plex, appls. eloctrlcl ^ hoal Off stroot parV-1

•" tng, $450. month I ^ - - Spacious 2 bdrm. 1 1 ,r 5 /4 b a th ,o p p lp . . l 737^ ;

olocL hoat. covorodlI poi1(lng.$550 mo. 1 m.», Q uW .2 bdmi., bsm t.I ------ g!J apL , a p p la . h o o t / l n . water Incid., $475. I i . TTwMgmt 7»O T 3a.* |

! TWN FALLS Condo72 ! bedroom , tirop loco .

1 smoking. $550 mo. ♦ o«h c I d e p . Call 2 0 8 -7 3 6 -

, . . t l .70& .of20M 04-3878.;. _ T ^' TWIN FALLS c u te 4 OTI. clean 1 bdmi., apart- 82t5 m ont. W/D h o ^ u p . , 8«vi ! N o p e t s / s m c k ln g .• $370 mo. + c leaning l« •• <>ep.Can734<483.*

bdnn., 2 bath, garage., space

. S ”.. a r o J K to o o e tC f lD ... r e n t.;

•' 51(>peM 6® t/ • ; .C *l|2i■» ■■■ ~ ■'

WIN FALLS Uke now TWIN FA2bdrm..2bom,appla.. a p a c o ,lAC, W/D, carport, no B lvd . Nsmoklno. 737.9635.* 30M 366

r W I N F A L L S n o w TWNFALtownhouso 1 levol. 3 Omobdm .. 2 bolh. oppls. 171-5storage, dbl. g a rsgo . LocaUotN o p o ts / s m o k I n g Hallowi$880fdop. 490-1029.' MgmL W N FALLS now unit3 bdmi, 2 both, 2 car E------ ^garago, 1,400 sq .f t . . K m Anew oppls. North sido ^ M of tow n . No sm o k -Ing/jMts. $720 + $600 JEROMEd e p . 7 3 1 - 9 2 6 9 o r Offlce/C

Room. ulllKIi

* * * * « * « • ♦ « HallowiTWIN FALLS Nowor M g ^

3 bodroom, 2 ba lh . twInfaHsrapartmont Includes ■W/D hookup. A C. TWNFAL rofrlg, S665/monlhp lus deposit. 3 4 4 wwy.T\MnFiiM odronoSt. *1 & l-nw ucV i304 Madrono St. «2. TWN FAl Cuil20B-73ft-gflBg.*|

W N FALLS Newly ro- 2-Now Unmodeled 1 bdmi., with for leasestovo & rolrlgorator. « Z 4 0 0 SNopot8.//i<7u/f»ar; (avoliab5IU3raAv9EM tf * 3 ,6 0 0 $ w m FALLS N lco 1 bdrm.. W/D hookup,DW, llroploco. pntlo, - T , $475+ $300 dep Util,Incl. Call 731-1746.* moro InWIN FALLS N ico 3 Afler6PM bdrm . 2 bo th , opp l,W /D h o o k u p . A c ! TWNFAL)garago. wator. sowor ShopWaroindudod, 1 yoarloaso. 2000-41$650+ $500dop. Coll 'H o Iowa208-733-7818.* MsmL

twlnfallsrirWIN FALLS O ldor I t WIN FAnoighborhood , 2 houso/oflibdrm. upstairs unit. primo locA ppiiancos, g a s cq, tt. Hoihoat.$375monlh. h o a d do

Cory 2 bodroom du- room , lirplox, oppls, oloctric 733-1076 <heat Off stroot park- ■ing. S450, month f > |

Close to O 'Leary 2 k 6 1 4 j S bdrm. 1 3/4 b a th , appls.. oloctric hoot.S550, month + dop. G O OD IN

Spacious ,2 bdrm .. L ook ingbasomoni apt., op- lo a so 3 tpllancos. hooU wa- homo. Exitor indudod.. $475. posslb lo

rTwMgmt733-0739.« Call2Q6-S

iVIN FALLS t T T i ? Spadous 2 bdrms.Gotod underground parking. 357 Bluo

LokaaBIvdN. TWINFALCall 208-544-2432 * !!!?*“WIN FALLS S tud io ipt, $275 ♦ dop. Coll73M169or212-S571.* ■ ^WIN FALLS S u p e r I •} if c e /s tu d io o p a rt-Tiont. so m o u t i l s . ^ G R l C Itopis. $365 ♦ deposit. ~ — —Ml209-260-ie09.‘ NOTICE TWIN FALLS upsiolrs 4 Classified -)lo*. 2 bodroom S475 . no. No pots, 208-324- ^S93.or208-316-204f-.

ENDELL 2 bdrm ..1 Vmos-iuth, oppls, W/D hook- only bor. ip. $475.639-0805.

VIN FALLS HBO. BurfoVsiirerowavo,rofrigomlor. 77, ' ,

Coil lor pricos.\opoi3.Capi1Motol. . - a

208-733-6452*WIN FALLS Holiday ,<otol spodal wooklyalos sinning at S120 I------md S32/nlght. slnolo. v.'UiNf;olI733-4330x11.* Wl' IVIN FA LLS Oulotnotol. Ront by wook W r;i05or$375am onlh, N ECall20S-73$-19SS‘ YO

A d v e ^ ' th e Sc

)EN 2 bdrm; on prl- n i r f t ,a ts lol. nil appls. At- i j i . ®ichodgnrogo.$350+ 7 3 3 - (200 dop, wllh 1 yoar o X tjnso. Refs, roqulrod, _______ __lo dogs. For appllcn- b TTl l T p

■YBUHN 3 bdrm., 2 Rod Anguath. now central hoot, , Call 208-3:iC, garago. No pots, nULLS Pui3fs. $550 + 5250 dop. voariSoA:mi 208-677-2362.*^ F---------3 6 6 -7 7 7 '. e m M S S B a M K astat208

b u l l s s iblock year


In d u M tr is lS n g 208-934-4t0’ X168' wtih olflco, BUUtS Yea

storagoond Hor'ofordIrostrooms. 208-308-8<

S r . 7 S S S 5 . “

S o f e i S ' o

ONFALLS '^aS b GoU1 ologant offlco suito call 208-3;updated wllh nteo 208-326-46

KopUon oroa. Qroot ----------------localion with high G O A T S Eivisibility. 834 Folia Qoo'8- WetAve. Sutto 1050. '

7-3916 or 737-3969. Call 208-63D iD Propoity p iq s

^ ^ ^ m e n ^ ^ For salo. B»

fo r lo a s o ? ^ SQUEEZE Cpprox. 1.400 sq.ft. Vailoy, $80

(4) offices and - dl«*,$350'w kngroom . d ie , chllds,

01 Ooodlna S t N. 209-637-64{Justamsro Inn) ------ TSTOH-

*II2Q8-73>-710e.* LIVES'....... COMUUIN FALLS M U t Offlc* and retail

Tack Start* IMamtnack Sale foil

i S i ,

lace ovalL. separate Slrtolnstsallite or shore rocep- you can oatm ores. Reasonable ! esORailro nt. 210 3rd Ave E . ' TWtnFalliM20a-73*-ie97.‘ .• 83301.208-'- • ip

FALLS O fflco T R A I L E R '0 3 T 0 , B lue Lokoa gooseneck, 7 ft. .N . C a ll 2 0 8 - rn g a . 2 0 f l . len 365.* Used very IttJlo.E

------------- font condltkin, $7

’1-500 sq.ft. r S K t U

;mL 734-4334ill8rentals.com ANGUS Bulls lor S

Excollent blood IIJBil K r."!;:■ i i l i i i f l go lo workl Coil

308-5283 or 208-____ 5283 leave mesoi

e/Confarance --------------sm. 700 sq.ft., C J R P i i

s r ^ r „m t 734-4334iHsrontals.com .'Thanks lo lh e T t j 775------------- News Clasa\fle,

: S i i s p - c r S u K SWalsShcpwom- •

f a l l s I ^U einie: , ClBsslfIed...ttW0i

S S J S I lo b l o S i S S f f ii08q .F L a Q 0 - 6 5 6 ^ . rliable now) 4 F 0 0 T S H 0 E lfHJ Sq. FL Accopling new d llloblo 5-01-05) Will trim mlnlatun] tno Twin Falls looch horsos to'iMunidpal up loot. Scheduleoil Courso (or tho season.733-7176 for Travis 539-25120 Inrormatlon. Val a t 539-1027 IPM734^i951.* F jo R - b P o n y X T n e ------------- goldlng. $800. A(

’03 Blood Bay fil socX®- SSOO. A b ro o d m a ro . du

m L7345334II3renlals.com <»r.SfOOO. 637-6. CAI I c iu ,n r« H O R S E 11 y o a r

b la c k /w h l t o pi

S o n ' e T o o

d o o r s . b a t h _________________. Im m aculate . H O R SE TRAILE 176or 404-6972* P ln co S950 . Yt

So d d io S 1 7 5 .P s a d d le S0O. Plo call 208-934-5040


i'h''g“ o ? o “n r i ’: ™ k « ° n ™ ”S '. , ! 4 h T n .° S 5 .0 » .C 0 ll2 » 5 ! Excollonl rols'.: H O R S E T R A IL

blo p u rch aso , Charmac '0 3 .3 he )6-538-6658,* onclosod trailer r

soil. H o ra e 4 yr.

K ' t e C '■ i i U i S l pretty. 301-697-61 •ALLS Room - PAirfTSyr.oldgolc wonlod. S2S0/ husbond usodlor 3 .pd. 7330973* p a ra d o s , good i

beginners, hos hoi days wilh professi trainor. Ho balhs

( ^ lo a d s , vory mollIck r. $1.600,2C8<310«e

IICULTURE PA IN T /A RA BIA y o a r o l d f o r s c

ETO E x p o r lo n c o d rledAdvonlsors noodod. Asking S

/offor. Call 326-T2' chockyourad p o N Y 14 y o a rs 1 curacy Iho flrsl nice disposlllon. S: 'linjns.Ttie Q uarter h o rse m os-Nows will 17 yoara old. Qoo 30 rosponsiblo m o u n ta in s . $1,C y «wofs roport- coll 208-676-5746tho first dayol -------j— i----- 7=—ii;b«caHon’oasoeall B utch Shieldsm 733-0931 Fllor208-731-97( cuf, 2 o r Q U ARTER HORSjy677-4042 (2) Awesomo ma \ank You’ g ro a t conform ati

s m a r t. Q uo ran ti

B sound, $4,000 oac

b o^ t o lfo r. W est show chops, {2)w o n s . b la ck & tnu

;I i k , c A t ----- 1 s lz o 6-7 . $50 00JlNINtUI C hapa (1) chlldr(W ITH slzo 7. black, $40.'T O M E R S 208-678-5748,* W H O RO PIN G CHUTEMEED salo. $500. Ploasor a u R^ n v / i r p SA D D LE C ra te s1 Light o il sllvor s t 6 rtl8 0 In saddle w /hoadsta ^ n r u i r n b ro a s t co llo r. $5 o o r v i c e Coll 208-733-3889r e c t o y s t a l l s 3*0931 ForRenll>yf o Indoor & outdoor**^* ^ arena usago includi— --------— - Mulllpio horso pen3 P u r o b r o d Trnlnlna andlosso ntal and SIM/-

SundsncaAram9-326-5058. Call 200-200-0571P urebred fall TRAILER L ogan '

bumpor pull, 3 ho11 Ranch 208- o lant, 6x16, In gt

condllon, S4,000. <208-590-3048.* 208-639-0038.*

S Im m o n lo l TRAILER .00(21 lio■earllng^ Por- aiont wllh tnck ro(:e a n d EPOs. O n ly b o o n p u llo b F o e sc o c o opprox. 1,000 mil

Uko nowl 53,600. (^aailino polled 206-731-0103.*rd bulls. Coll WANTED: G reat k)-8430, horse. Call 407-3:E 1 2 5 + cow . ^7B .* wcoMng.toko r ----------S 5/1. $1,250 k - n v t ^ S H g g f gIr. Black bull. ^9 or 308-2243.*: Yoorling and ' / so id eUI m y p a rr3elbvleh bulls. ‘'« T / quIcW y fn 18-326-4454 or ‘ ^ “M682 * Classifledsr--- ----------— ‘ RandyK.■ E a s t e r k id TuilnFttUs' Afether, tame,

c lo M in « u tw o n (I-837-6523.* Call u s t o ^------------------- 7 3 > 0831exL 2,BuW iorelzoi . -i so ld o a mil pupp0420-7803.* v fw quickiu than ECHUTEBIg» 00. ( a ) 8s t f ^150 each. Satf- f

K ? - ' '

J g g g C la»am ed.-ftw ork CSTOCK Ciill m today

7 3 X » 3 1 e x L 2 M »> W »3eM ert.

h 2 & 2 U 8 A llB reM lsP etrts a t 6:00pm., „followtno exp. wHh TLC. Call rtfv otlsr. Paw s Salon

t t t 2 ^ ^ 7 7 . »

tsokPlUsAII ' H E R D p u p p l a OBlHrtBuffqL AKC/ASCA rag . C nro«dAve>. :2 0 6 -8 ei-6 5 9 4 . ww -allatitaho 'g e n i s t a t a a u a a i e S8-7»-7474.’ " hOTesteaAoom .* ip

13 Titan7 ft. cen- ACROS;l i ^ S 1 S loganI, $7,200. 6 M s. Bofr•1662-* 10 P e rsian• L U y a 14 Pocatelli■ ' . ^ 0 . lor solo. YoungBd lines. 16 M oved q

208-543- se m e s te'flMgo.* ' 2 0 S a n _

■ 2 2 U ndaunt

2 3 A dam 's grandsoi

ur Times 2 5 Long o f '<W^ds. I B roken \joMWrt Cl,,!,.

K . 2 6 D on (om«• , d u d s

w o rift 3 0 Ic 3 4 N o-sw es

l i t 2 Victoryjax L 2 3 5 P ick o ne3EINQ 37 P u b pure

,,op ickdulo now 41 K ept for

' 4 3 Bon _ (wlttlclsn

-~ Y t 4 4 0 n c lo u c) AQHA 4 7 A c tre ss !ly filly. 4 48 Siberian“• Aphc 50 C raftspe

52 P oeticI7-6523,* contract}.o a r old 53 H eadline0 pain t 54 Attribute )? •« "» 58 SquabbK S - 63 T y p e o f . T l e r 2 ■ 65 R flspons . Youth th rust5. Pony 6 6 Continen

^ 6 7 S leu th Wio"ioJf 68 V oice a IOW tires! 69 L aura or»5568.- 7 0 E x pandsA iL E H 71 A pothecjJho rso . P leasu re

. DOWN[SO. vory 1 U ris n0V(

IB- 2 T hor 's fa'

od S 3 A stronau3 hod 30 drink essionalilhB ond ■Tiollow. -0«71 ,* BEAQLE 2 y r s . o ld ,SIAN q spoyed. LAB 2 yrs.f s a 7 o n o u to ro d . C all

.208-734.1056.*ig s e o o BEAGLE PUPPY puro-i-7245,* brod, m o le , o lm o s iirs o ld fiousebrokon. $250.n.'s7M: Call 208-733-8891.*e m are , CHINESE PUQ pupplosQood In purobrod. 2 malos, 151,000, lemalo. fown w/block>746.* • rnajk. 5350. 2 yr. oldcaffiM. molo $300. Fom alo.0 l3 , $350. Cnii 324-9445,*•9768* DACHSHUND Minla-DRSES •'J™ puppies. 7 wooksmores, o'd. ton & chocoiato

mation. ' dapple, black & tan. 5a n tood 'omaies, 1 malo, 5300.oach or Call 208-776-5340.*[es te rn ENGLISH MASTIFFS2)wom- A K C p u p s .H u g o ltnupo , E x c o l lo n t fo m ily ,

D ooch , frlonds and protectors.$1,175. Con dolivor.

^O.Call 0811776^81-0376.*-=7?-:— i'RE E B o rd e r CoTllo

p u ro b ro d , m a lo , 4lasocall m o n lh s , 1 s t & 2 nd:______ shots. Voiy enorgolic.108 13* Coil 208-543-8014.*DLfil?'? f'REE friend ly fu zz yd s ta n s kinenslJustintim efor

^ c C s a K c itails, 1 orange tabhy,

7 1 g re y ta b b y . C l 'Idoor 208-733-1111.*

QoWen Rotriover Irish S e tte r X m alo,

ssons booutllu l, f rien d ly , tana •o tc h o s, o b o d lo n t.

Noods lo ts of room : Call 208-436-0107.*

i ^ E E k i t t e n s , 3 - 6 n nnnS WeOkS Old. TWO OrOSo? cS j1 ‘>°t’tallod. 644-9139.*

FREE U b/Border Col- I le x pu p p ie s , m ale and fem alo lo good

; X " ’d Jlgnies. call 678-2271 milos. FRENCH BULLDOG

00. Call ' AKC Brindle malo, 5 • months old, all shots.


r ^ L O E N R a trleva r ______ pu p s, AKC. Your

Hn o w b e s t f r lo n d ls iue t a p h o n e c a ll aw ay t Q o rg o o u s go ldens w lth p e r- sarroei sona iitlee to m e lt In The your heart. Roody e u) 9 to loin your family today. First sho ts .

K. womiod, dowdaws,»• $ 2 7 6 . 200-498-


S5**** ^ R E A T D A N E 2 2 ; L 2 m onth o ld M a n tle , » x t2 fofnaJo.mtensehiroed,

spayed. Indoor. Euro- • poanbtoodUnos. 10-13

"S fi” yoar Ufa span. Sertoua Innulrers onlyl $500. CaJI208-735-e876.*

t M A L L A M U T E m IX ; puppies. 6 weeks okL COI120&404-4471.*

rorfcsl PIT BULLS 6 moiea, 2 ■y f e m a le s . V a r io u e L 2 oo lora. $ 2 0 0 . B lu e n t s female, 6 m o. $400.

----- CaM20e-43a-692a*1 (WTTERRIER papered Call a d u lt m a lo . $ 3 0 0 . lion Qood with c h ild ren 77.*. . and other dogs. Call SHEP: E rlnat31»0971.*3 l « » . B H A H .P E IC h in e se g. Call AKC rag.. 1 1/2 yra.. WWW- fed fawn, brush coat.

• T

IS S Fl |2 h U1 _____________ __jm b e c kn ruler r r * -------jllo’s

n d o r ”

(quickly ■ ■ ■ ■ choice w 27 20 21

iter e ssay ^^ T exas 33-------------------intedS 43 ” ■5on ____________ I)f -The « H earts _ _ ^

trmal | P ~

loosely Se a t ________________


n e ------------------------jrchasem arauder *— '------ '— • -cohort

jr later4 A d d re s s for

sm ) F rfen dud nine 5 L o ts a n d lot s Oiin 6 T o lk ien tree m plains 7 C o ra l coioni )erson 8 B o g g y a rea

9 A n n u a l irtion Inform ationner s o u r c ete to 10 " H o g a n ’s ble H e r o e s ' se tif music 11 H a v e faith n se to a 12 B e llico se de

13 T o w el'w o rd ental 19 R eproductic

21 B u rd e n Wolfe 2 4 M a s s e n e t a thought w o rk s 3r Bruce '2 6 P e rc u s s io n Jed in stru m en tstcary 2 7 A u to m ato n re s 2 8 H a m it up

2 9 H e a lth resoi I 3 0 V an q u ishivel. • _ 31 B a th e s

3 2 'lUIaria fa ther 3 3 F am ily c a r aut's 3 6 T e n n is dOH)

3 9 C o n ic a l abo

, RED HEELER Puppies.males & fomolos, SSO T

I ooch. Call 2 0 8 -9 3 4 - |jJ 8368 after 5 pm.* (jp,

r WANTED M l n l t u r e fn ' t Schnauzer, purobrod. ^

We lost our a n d o ro looking for a new ono,

- Call206-733-3634.*

1AIR C O M P R E SS O R . I—

Leroi 165 cfm. dlos«l,’ oxc. cond ., 5 4 .5 0 0 .; Call206-663-1019.* t—i BALER JD 346. M akos '

light 80-60 Ibs. ba lo s . ~ Very llttio u so s ln c o

; complete ove ra ll b y 4 ;;;JD . F l o ld r o a d y . r~~

' $1,500 or bost o tfo r. j• Picabo 208-788-2356.* —

CASE 8920 tractor, lowhours. 16 fl. dom rios '—

- olf aot d isk . 12 ro w Milton booi p la n to r . A t Call 208 678-2801 o r

‘ 208-312-2353.*CASEIH’877110 14.9

; R46 w /d u a ls . o x c .. cond. Colt 312-4465.*• CASE IH 5 100 g r a in, drtll, 24 holo, like now . OM

1 5 'B rI lllo n r o l l e r j.0.i harrow . 1 5 ‘ M iB kIn . Cal

land ploln. 539-4505.* j o 7; CASE INTERNATION- cori

AL 415 roller ha rrow Morg o o d c o n d . $ 3 5 0 0 / boxoiler. Call 4 3 5 -7 4 4 - reai2624or435-27M651.* Call

FO RO'6S.LN 8000,7.e JO Cliter Ford dlosel, 6 5 3 TurlAllison, wllh M orlang comXD20 sp rea d er b o x , $8,0w/siloage sides, e x c . rT ^r; condlllon. $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 /offsr. STIGER W ildcat £'0^II, whh 12 tt h ^ m u llc f» »blade. 3208 C ot. 1 0 ^ep d . t r o n a . d u a le . - ^$10,000. 308-4430.* PARI

, FUEUTANK1 yr. 1 /2 ■«»'»old, 500 gol. Comploto «on-w/BlantT. N ew $ 9 4 8 2ndsoil $700. Coll 2 0 8 - W'P54M664or212^X)28.* }[IP«

GEARHEADS(2)A m o- ^raurillo, gear ratio 1 to 1 «e nwllh drivelines. E ac h n.,'n2 0 0 h o r s o . 1 f o r *17$ 1,800 ond tho o th o r h o afor $1,300. Q earhond 5 , 5 Johnson 100 h o rso ,geormUol t o 1,w/dr> ,Iv e lln e . L ike n o w . pgA$1,600. Call 435-337- o r5466or435«M 37S.* zo ii

J.D. 4040 O uad-duala. g O r I .H . 140 3 - b o t to mpk)w .JJ).950 15foo1 Z l '. roller hamTw. M.F. 62016 foot hydr«ullc fo ld 2O8-'disc. Other equipm ent --------:a v a i l a b l e . C a l l BOLD206«6-«217.* a im

SCTDkiseJ motor. tlcyl.T 2 2 6 h o r a e , moci^ol 6081. Murphy shtrtoff.twin disc dutch. 3 300- CAS hrs. $7,000. JD D lesal m o to r .4 c y l . . t o ohorae wAurtw ft radia- S?]J lor. TWln dlso d u tc h .Muiphy ahutoff. 6 0 0 0 ^ 2 rihffc *3.500. JO OI«Ml ^ m o to r, 4 c y l . , 1 0 0horeaw/turbo&rBdl«- T O Rtor. Twin dlso c lu tch . VersMurphy ahutoff. U k « th a rbrand new. 1200 h re . vafwC o s tS IO .O O O w Ill haul•acttflca S7,500. C all 10014 3 S*367-S < 166 p r b« tt

<43W69-2378.* 2863t

2 ^


i i i :30

T uosday 'i[c Ir I i It I i I c l

lots rree F r r r LhJ ^ Foniesea


settingh | i l H . ^ i i L i T l deity S | K | E l E | T l l £

)rd | c | 0 | n | F | 0 | R | n=<‘ons I a I r I t I e I rT T T e

t I e A R s M e F

3n Al ncfut rsMrvod.Ms)n 4 2 T he G re a te s t > 4 5 Impartingsort 4 6 Not very I colorful a t aii

4 9 Individual 51 C am era h o lder

>r 53 E xtend a look > over 5 4 S erv ed . ibodes perfectly

UnscmmWo tfioso lour Jombloo. one letior 10 oach squoro, lo lom> four ordinary words.I T Y T IK



T z3zmS H E N O C□,1T i rnRANCLELLI Tix:i

X X X X TTyostBfday-# I Jumblos: COUGH

I Answer: When shi g o t-* S T

WTE CLEARANCE TRACTOR I lO nndlZ ftgates. 1210 dlei Call 208-734^7440. CnII208-5 3 7100 12 row, 22*, •m a i ig R i i :orn/boan p la n to r ,'Monitor, InBoctlcido A„kjo x es. no till, flold Sm, 2 m-« eady. $g000/olfor.:all 206-308-5392.*0 COMBINE 7 7 0 0 rufbo, 2,200 hours, ?®- :omss w/2 h eaders, ' “"T

a w ;MOER quick attatch. 1966 Oodctigh lift. 7 foot bud(ot. farm truck-its a C ase M axum door handroctor. $4,600. Call oldor hydr108-731-1762.* b o d g ro v J ^ A 16-row llftsr-Jader, usod last sea- 1:on, good condition, e,

» j i SIple dmm defol.lotor, MHlfhon i

t o l l c d lK S p lo r a ; Coll 208-3: 15,000. Picket stylo W A N T E D i-row bean p lanter. Ford or In >1,760. Heath 6-row or Dodge

onglnopro1,500. Jo h n D eere 4 o r S e p i ' . " ^ 1 1 “! ] ' ' a t t a c h e d ■1^,000.1 2 'L e l y o ldorg ra^

*yp® M rrC L v iv « i ' -® ® " b o d o r o l

truck. 208-:

WANTED olig fromo arid vory» l g , , H « > O . C . t r a

ILO MY FARM Must bolor. W anell tractofi & equip- hnyfjalor.:lenl. CASE Ih \ 2 , ■ ■-120. 4.410 h o ura. E 3IFD 14946 w/dual8. ^ 7 0 6 ^ ^!ASE IH '08, 6940. ^.7 3 8 h d u ra . MFD4946 w/duals. Exc. RAILROADood. 9 shank CASE ft.-# i,2 , 3

'/martars and guageheel8.2064»&65.* K-------^iX C T cm n reE Horsltlle 27611. le as ^ k . ^ H ia n 0 .0 0 0 h o u r a .Ihn and piston ove^ ' O ytto’e Pt|au l with la a a th a n Hand lines,90 hours. $25,000 or ondw h i« t otfer. 208-806- -(oven In tM3or206<»&«262.*- 208-431

W ednesday. March 23.2009,

10 r

I l l H i l|3 I 32 33

|M 53 CO 61 62.


ay‘a P u z z fo Solved

it 55 Board g a m e56 Vocalist Vikki57 C ake fm isher

i 59 Mafia bigwig60 A ctor/singer

le r Kristofferson ik 61 S e a eag le

62 C ereal g r a s s e s 64 S ad

n THAT SCRAMBLED WORD Q ^ by K*nrt Arnold and Mlko An

7sn" 1''0 OOf

1 - - ' i s " T " ’"

] ■ ^ J m1 WHAT HE P I 5 C C V -

E R E P W H e N H E J T R I E P T O O P E N


n . Now nrranoo Iho circled lott< J to form tho aurprlso onswor. 3 nuijgoatod by Iho obovo con

(Answoro tomoi 3H YACHT KIDNAP NEW I sho got tho bill lor iho diamond pin •STUCK" WITH IT

□RDn^^dBrown ° A T E ? P lfE 1 0diesel w/blado. c n lM • alum inum , c m )8-543-5633. 326<j30i Iv rnoj:R 16 loo tstK k . g a t e d PIPE 2zor hllch, good lengths of 6* aAoking S2.500, ga to d p ipo . S:08-543-4908 or longth. Coll 4319-1965, , 5644or435-559;01955 , 56. 57. H A N O U N E S ~ Chovy or GMC

ijck. V8 onglno C a l l ^ 6 3 Wvdroulicdum p or20S-431-66.V nn tod 1962- Ha Nd Li NES $97)odgo pickup or without oponuck wllh puMout Cnll312-113andlo. W anted h V 6 t6 ----------lydrnuilc dump Forsn lo .U so ra v e l o r fnrm ydrau licdum p wllh tru c k ok,d Intomationol 3 x 4 0 s o l id t. Ford, Dodgo 5 “ '' ]lne proforoblyarSspoodtm ns or324-9M 1od in truck ok. SPRINKLER PIPI0-324-5858.* for ro n t, solid- — ------------- Unos usod ono 01ED C h o v y o r S2,000 on. Cnir IntomollonDl 324.2018or306-Ige running V8 u, a~t p h t a tr a t

p— r r .

;?nvol^oMS?m S ° I^ 2 0 S ^ 1 2 -^ lydraullc dump WHEEL U NE ^ r o ld o r du m p Wado, 4*round :08-324-5858.* 5* s q . . I n c lu -------------------- whooi».CaB731-

^ d o r w Z i t . » rn a" w h e e ls 2 0 a -^ t- 5 9 5 5 /

•o r 2 2 4 T h n y VamedMF124 «r. 324-5858.*

ALPALPASEEJ E Q M H quality farmer to

o r, d a lW e ro d whom, many gn

A D T1E 8S & 9, 3 Lg. quantl.-all G ary 208- i-eOP-giO-«»i 81,312-6581* ALFALi^A SEEIT

— Treoted: Flange Vem oLSI.IO 2O8-S07*S4(K

(Fatrftold)7B4-2 ALFALFA seed ; I

I Pipe Repair g rasses, postun nes, main lines es. oata. G ra n d ' wheel lines. com fe e d . CalIn th* n e m --------H am ilton S e e d

-431-7148.^ 734-3587 or 420-

MS. Tlmes-News, Twin Fella, Idah

■ III 112 113


^ -s

~ z

/ -



c ■lorrow) iWEST Bln. ho

10* plas- :. ond 8*:nll 208- lossogo.*200 30' nnd 10*$30 oa.

435-387- S&-2375.-

« k e tM 1576662.*.975 • onor,135.*

isod,wa.*R P IP E d so t or a ll 208- 36-8400

IPERoln d aot. 2 loooson,;o1I 208- »€996.*a l T OIry-larm-

: S ° 'Socllons nd.. 4* & lu d in g J1-3246.*

p s i

:ED top to form-

id a n y - g r a m s , Wermott soor-. . . not.- 5 --------iger&10/tb. •180/1-2336*1. forage ure mix- id Valley :a ll Boba d 208 -____a>4ee9* >

e h o E -11

Page 40: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

ALFA LFA SE E D top | quality formor to foxm- I o r , d o l lv o r o d a n y - I whofo. many ofasaoa. p dovors. Roy Odormott

208-46M 280 orI-«00-91(M101.*

ALFALFA. 2nd cutlino.lonbolo3(6)S70oQcn. . S tra w to n bo lo s (6)S2S ooch. Calf cro«p u foedar. holds 200> Itn

' o loV ain. $ 100 . Call 208'543-4700.‘

CORN SILAQE. 2500 ' t o n s . C a l l 2 0 6 - c 731-2017.*

HAY 3rd, bright groon, loofy, bam atofod, 135 Ib. 3 s i r in g b a lo s . ' S9;baIo. You pick up. COII208-324.7148.*

HAY 'Allatfa plus gross mix, 2 sirirtg. 3rd, tost 2 0 .R p r o lo in . '2 0 3 . quality, will soil small a m o u n ts . Call 324* 5082 or 308-0073,*

HAY sm all ba lo s hay isl, 2nd. 3 fd a o p . will dolivor. 20a-C70-5165.‘

STRAW sm all ba lo s. a n y q u a n t i ty . C all 208-734-50S3.‘

T.S.C. Kay Rotrtovlns Call Con al:

208-2s0-0e39- • WANTED spollod or n

u n w an ted hay . Will como to pickup. Call j

. 20B-731-0103/ ,

CUSTOM FEEDING m Shaw Land & Uvoslock " ___206-73U2017.‘ ^

L , . . J l i W I M 1

P la c e y o u r a d mO n l in e . . . ■

Now you «i»i — Uxi oil lo

WWW. 'm o g lc v o lie y .c o m |T

nnd plticv ijour H/(;if a d l _

Cilric 0(1 Ifif AfCUtssljUil Mrfioii.* p

tlR E S 'G o o d troad. LT2 6 5 /7 5R 16onn lco0 qholo 16 Inch aluminum cr i m s . S 7 0 0 . C a l l c,20a-104.1307,* 0 ,

HAGlRMAfTPaaiufo?20 plus acros, cows or inhorsos, 866-702-7007 c,or3O7-7eO-80B0,- c.

PAUL b eFaim tor ront. Spud or bi

boci roady. 12 miios T\North of Paul. ID. m

4 pivols + handlinos. . m CaU208-532-t509

or20&-300-0704.’ “ j :R U P E R T 2 6 0 a c r o s be

North ol Ruport, wheol orlines. Call 431-5903.' nii

RUPERT AREA Polalo _£<ground for ronl. Fall BEiwork com plolo. Call In208-312-4407.- 5l

TWIN FALLS 19 acres in pasiuro. 11 in crop.Call 208-734-7523.' S‘


nlWANTED P a s iu ro to

ronl lor 10 pair. 324- S( 1302/420-3191 Wos, ^

b I<v>be


Manual rock picking atwHti removal to your 1

dump alio. Ci208-731-7229 o r oiF

208-934-5140.* I S '

AOvortlso your Di b usiness In Tho &

. B usinoss S Ci Sorvlco Directory

a n d ..Grow your Adi Buslnoaal Sir

6To find out moro call

Claasillods O io f 200-733-0931 oxt 2 « ore00-6S8-38S3- ^0

____________________ Ffldo



Havo you forgoHon to 42<pickup your birttiday Q gjp h o t o s ? W o h a v o j1somo photos wo oro ^o suro you would want,Thoso can bo pickod {j«,|up ot tho Tho Tlmos- ==7 NowaCtaaslflodDopf

A w n o i f E s ^ w • TWo FrWay 6-0 pm, -734

Saturday 4 Sunday 5 7 7II-am-Spm,

■ Fairgrounds.- ^ LECTERN OAK. 100 $2.

y e a r s old . D otollod Col w otk ol a rtl SACRI- g n r FJCE lor $ 2 0 0 . Coll r - , 208-326-6557,♦

Choat. $75, w indow t, ac( S l O o a o h . C o l l con 208-404-6768,' ' 436

e - i a TIiiw Wotw . Twin Fl

TABLE nico orlg. po- T A B daatol round oak w/4 lng/< chaira $525.543.6676* aholv

REFRIGERATOR SkJo- 733-°i by-sJdo, 1 yr, okf. has twim~ warranty. $525. stovo. 'S i m oioctric. $125. W ath- « r/d ryor aot $200 or will so il sop a ra to ly . K Call208-421.0341.* ^ 8 1 2

W A S h E R /D R Y E R W L jstackablo, F i i g id a i r o --------oxcoilont condition.

. $60 0 o r b o a t o lfor.Call 206-543-5775,* ^

THETIM ES-NEW S]C lasa if lo d

D ep a rtm en tC lassiriod Sorvlco

R epreson ta tlvos aro availoblo from 0 ;O O am -5;3O pm M onday • Friday

Call o u r officosin Twin Falls c

733-0931 oxt. 2 o r rhn Burfoy 677-4042.‘ '

son, runs good, noods J h o a lo r. S700/offor, 20( Call 208-539-0844.*

VVEMING GOWN Sizo LADY^4 . s tr a p lo a a , E don r in gbridal, $300. Flow er bIuo 1girl d rosses , (2) sizod sol in2T & 3 T . $50 o a or h ara ibost oflor. 420-9769,* S500.


COMPUTERS------------Now and usod,

Coll 208-732-0512.* p q

^Corru work, Anywl Valley,

A N TIQ U ES: U prloht ,piano. S450. Oak buf- BLUESllo t, $ 4 5 0 , 'A rm ioss ° ,®°rockor, $ 1 5 0 . C law “ ‘‘"“i ’arm/loot chair, S250, Call 20Solid w o o d d in o tio FR EE Fsol/5oais8,$250,0ld- years cer M aytag W/D. run ji, b25-: won. $150 , All good condllion. Call a ltor 7pm, 208-536-2983.* 8 spool

AREA R U G S g ro o n S550/Oiiorai 8x10 w/4 match- 423-431Ing ru n n o rs . S 3 5 0 , - - - - -F u to n f ro m o . S 7 5 , ROTOTl Call208-324-483t.*

BED Quality pIno log , ,y i. 'J bod w ith m a ttro s s .Twin sizo. S85.00. Cali rnii oniMark 208-420-5516; , ■ .1Mya 2O0-42O-6954.* TORO s

BEDROOM SET i=ull ™ “Sizo headboard & loot- ‘ boord..chost of draw-ors, vanity & bonch, TREESnight sland. S2SO/o(for We b Coll 733-1203 ovos.*

BEDROOM SET: 7 PC.In d u d o s bo d . n igh t or20isto n d . d ro sa o r w ith r m irro r, c h o s t . S till ^ o i c a boxod. Worth $4,000,Saciilico $1,499, Can H U ldeliver, 208-420-6350.' r o w f T

§EDROOM"SEfTBod? $1600rails, d rossor. mirror, $ 300 .n l g h t s t a n d . N ow , H ealthn e v er o p e n e d . L ist Coll 201S099, sacrifice S399, r i c E m d n a o l l v o r . C n l l 208-420-6350.* body c

BEDS (2) good mopio SSO bolIwin bods, m attross. rjKSFiT?box spilngs, moltross « uhu iccovors. bod spreads a m otio i shoela, $500 or $250oa. Cai 208-733-2104.* Call 201

DESK largo , m odern, W E IQ Iw o o d o n . In g r o a t Woldorahapo wlih 5 drawers, now. $1 draw er locks, SSO, • b ik e $Coll 208-734-4740.* $ 1 5 . C

DININQ m blow o/aiate.S4S, B od . full-slzo.w /m a t t r o s a . $ 3 5 , WEIGH'DroMor. $26. Coffeo GYM L& ond t a b l e s . $ 2 5 . o x o r cCa!i20a-735-9379,* ossomb

-------WVENTORY------- CalI20tUQUIDA7J0N I

Addillonol Mark Downs ^ a i s i Simpler Times Village

940 Addison Avo.208.733-8737.* n'p s tf w'y

KING P IL L O W T O P Word P$239, m a ttro s s a n d good c<box sol. Novor usod. oaCaH.Foctory warraniy. Con ^ , , ■ - - 7 doriver208-420-6350.*

MATTBEiSSET.------- " c « SFull Orthopedic, $99. . ^ ‘

Brand now. Car, dolivor t-P R E C208-420-6350.* “ 'Odloi

Ra s a m e m o r y T o ^m a ttro o s a e t . C o n - ________fonns to body. Now In SCRAPE p la s tic . L iot $ 1 4 9 9 ATMA Sacrifice $499. Call 420-6350 Con dolivor.* Comin

OUEEN PILLOWTOP $129 . m a ttro s s a n d ' f f i ' „ box so l b ra n d now . • Factory warronty. Con dolivor 208-420^}350*

Lo-Z-Touch. 10 motormossogo w/hoat, built SEWINCIn phono, vory good B ornlacor>d,.$550.C ouch4 . ^ M rlovessatmurtkokKod. 'O l 'o . alain re s is tan t , vorygoodcond.,$600,Coil SNACKE

-734-6946of 731-6946* - (3) motoS L E I G H b E O s o i ld cushion,wood, brand now, still trim. $10In box. U st $699, Sou 4 sh e lf$ 2 4 9 . C a n d o liv o r . $15. 16CoJI 208-420-6350.* taddor.S

iO F A H o ro l.S S O O :R eclfner, burgundy. WAfi'HEt$225. t>4 Chevy kxig- $120. Stbox bod, w ith e x tra n e w . $<a c c e s s o r ie s . O o o d RCA. $4<condiIk)n, $350. 208- r»0 w/5436 -45^ a fti r 6pm.* $30. Cail

n Falls. Idaho Wodnocday. March

'o “ o m p S i ; ,w ” hwtves. Nice kjoklng,« » . Call 733-0207.* 208-733-3685, B L E O o k a n d 4 r lalra. groat condtlton, ^ a 17>20/o?lor. Coll 208- ^13-1205 W. msg.*IN BED $75. G oya V t T T T andolln $200. Call )8-733-6213.*

c i a s s i f

tt pays to re fineprii

^ b Ill' S ; ^ Call Tw in I CcTION SERVICE 2 0 8 -7 3 3 ^ (200)467-1712 Q,

iw.downsouction.coffl _ , ______Committed la Burfey 208-6: Exeelloneor

— w w y r r '

70 TImes-Nawa

alondar, ovoryday Tkd Onlino 24/7 al /wjnagicvaAjy.ccm


" .K C p ™208-735-3222 SERVI Icn 55 nvKjicvaloy.axn'

' 24 Houis • 7

r a Wook'

Locally Omhc Oipo'Stoi

_________________ Superior Ansv)Y-S D ESIG NER Sen/lce 536-:'JG sizo 7 Brasilian _____________10 Topaz, leor drop n r r c r v i r : in unique bold 14 a U t t lT i t , rot g o ld . R o to ils SERVIC XI. Sacriflco $200.JlVSi SO O ; C a l l TWINFAL

Bluoprini cop— 734-PLAN (7

FIO T O TIL L IN G ^rru g a tln g . b lado r —rk, lawn mowing, BUSINEyw hero in Magfc c p p u r rloy, 208-326-4631* O X ^ « V lCESPRUCETREESo o t p i u s . O u g . H a g o r m aod & loadod. $50. V allev B usli1208-731-1023.* S e r v ic eE P e a c h troo , 3 Accoss. Dalabrs old. you remove Oovolopmo25-5233.* Custom ExiNG LAWNMOW- r» ip 9 0 M w o iCiallsman 16 hp.. Call 208-637-91wod. oroat shapo. ----------------------0/ol(or. Coll 208- H p A P P P i v i4319or404-2772.* ^'AKPENlOTILLER. $275, M A r i r - r n ivor, soil propelled, “ A G C T O l0. M ow er, push "3. SlOO, All items nR T n n c xcolloni condllion,

0 self propelled ------

^ ik o .T i'o o , Coli r C A R P E i V T •543-6586,*?s--------------------- T o r re s C a rp c'0 buy all sizes

Windows, doors 203^70-3449.' c -----®3560186/736^

M M S m r c L E A M'FLEX U ltlmolo.■ 00 . T r e o d m ll l , Cloan ups. w(0 , C a rd io G lide cutting, flowor ilth R ider. $100, andothorodd 208-324-4831,* Onll Phll STYLER oxoccise l _ J ° ° - ^ ^ 7 9 3Soar DT100, Full —

LSKk-Sss"' “ EAM tDIG RIDER Dual H oppv

H o u so k ee p i

G H T 8 E N C H rosldontiador 300 lt>s,. llko Bondod & Insi'. $175. Exorclao 733-7300Tw) $10. T readm ill 678-4040 Burl1. C o rd lo G lide , ------------------

3H T SE T /H 0M E Resldonllal/ausI W Like now . 60+ Rosonabio rol

Yordwork.Spoi Roso bushes,

208-732-5309. Falls oroa, Rob (cell) 948-02!

\~CLEAim1 w/hulch. Brother

3 S iS ; - .“

Eloctric manual Roforoncoictlons 18 '. $200 Bondod. 731 -12 12O0-934-5O4O*EC O R D S la rgo r T v H r o r r r i:llon of 60 'a. 70^a, C O M P l / T J)'a . M ako oflo r. R E P A T J 208-324-0106-*iPBOOK EVENT In-homo ropolrMAQIC VALLEY tutorial. Guoror

m a l l to fix your prot■nlng Saturday. m i^ co cj^av 7 2005 ‘s •foo-rbSslMOSwoukJ <“ l‘) <20-279o participate os 0 ■■

juest a rogistratlonpacket.* _ _ _ f

ING M ACHINE O U I L O E Fila A ctlvo 125, Remodels. Addltliht now. used voiy Cuslom Homi0 . $ 5 0 0 . C a l l 'BuliaingYou536-6739.* DroamslnloRo,K BAR STOOLS „ C e l l :^ W Mlotolfrarrw.fobric HorTvo;TO2-80flton ond back, ook -SlOOoach. Small CONSTRUCTi011 b o o k c o ie ,' V L Concroto lo Coblr

C d l 208- Roonng&Painli1407 oftor 4pm. NewConstnictkIER 5 y rs . old, Romodols./UditI. Stove. OE, like Docks & Fondi, $ 8 5 . TV . 25* Ncat.doon&roUr$40, Homo Ste- 30 + yrs. oxperloi

r/5 CO changer. , Jem tyoiw mJail 735-9379.* 200-733-94»4

x h 23,2003

T w«w»irr-rT. p e a r l DRUM SEIS S K S i !""“ >■ S ™ ' I»“ I'“ i lM i lc g u lu r, S2:

Electric guitar smpl er, $200, 737-52SE

W t T O p ia n o Black Bald« n S M S I B boby grond. must &

• Call 200-733-3905, ' T T T Y PIANO L es ter, ole

Betsy R oss Spin< Good condition, S2i

l i f I l * < ^ S Call 208-324-4185,'

3 read the b i s j i j j p r i n t .

OFFICE UNrr Cust(,i« e « ii* built Oak with bo/Inralia aholl 4 8 filo dmwo13^931 V e r y g o o d c o n c, , $750/olfer. Call 2C

1 6 7 7 4 0 4 2 , ^ ^ ! ; ^

will savo you limo.and monoy, 7M0931

M p a i 1

E R E V ^ [ c o ^ S T r a O T C V

'VICE B e r g m a nC o n s t r u c t io n

• 7 Days Now conslrucllon ond romodols.

FrooEsf/mafos/ Answering 208^20-6854.*

i \C O N S T R U C i^

V E S S I Magic Valloy V IC E Design 4 Genera

C on tractors rA I I C -Now-Romodollng-

CommcrciamcsidpnM rtUUIVl Kilchcns, twnusltd forall room s! balhs.udion. Concicle woikcoplos. Call 734-1531*

4 (7S2S)* ^ =■ DISH

VESS I NETWORKT C E S Locals are now

availablol .— a n For Iroo sol-up or

u s l n c s s .I c e s . 2O8-867-4059.*alabaso, ' . .


* ELECTRIC■ — ■ I Now conslnjclion ,iV T J ? y Repairs and Upgrades

20 yoais oxporionco rO U C H quolity woik.SPhoS o jinonls, f<-10 SMALl E M P L O Y M E N TMM061 SERVICES

Tompofo/y-Pcmanont N T R Y Looking for ctnptoyoos

Or looking lor work, t w All omployoos.

scioonod, drug I K lostod A bondod, Mr’io ic ''AlaoAvallablo''

Payioll Son/ice porionco PERSONNEL

^ 9 2 r |

. 733-7300/678-1040‘\ u p =

F E N C EI. woodw orbods R osldentlal/R anchodd jobs. Rail fence, codar,’WI chain link, vinyl &■7935* I baibwire. Ropalr-------------- woric Froo octimatos-

I Call20M34-0915*

r W R E y S M O K Epy ALARMSM jpers r tw ix tiB c*/•monthly Am your Smoke ‘001“ Alerma up lo dalo?* tlal yoy,3Insurod, sen/iced nowl

J^TwIn Dont tako chances. B»JHey I Call20l731-0e92.'

v i n g I [ F U R m T U R ER E F i m S m N Q


Specialty N o rth e r n L ig h ts los. Twin W o o d c r a f t Robekah Ropaira & Rostoraiions -0254.- On silo touch ups

. I Woodwoiklng . 208-934-9081

OTKG www.northemllghts woodgafl.com-

irdWork. GRAVELlie andnces Drivoways, Parking1-1207.* lots. Roadways.

I * Grodlng 4 Dairies. — , Froo tallmalos.

J T E R Call Rick OlanderA IR I

uilrand [h ANDYMANarahteodproblem Will do a royal job» coll ot a budgot pricol0. Gonerol repairs..2796* drywall. palming

' • * & much more.,^ ^ . ^ . , 1 Senior discount,r c n O S Regal 208423-«004*

H A N D Y M A N E M & C L E A N V Pddltions.lomos. Salazar* So lu tionsYour Wo fix problems) RoallV Free Estimatoa.6042 odd Jobs, romodollng. •8096.* ' - removal ol debris.

* Wo do It oil + moro

5 s nb a n d y m a n

udlon, D av o 'e H om o .ddittora. Im p ro v o m o n ts ondng. All t y ^ s homo ropalr roiiablo. and romodollng, orienco, Caloilngtothet w * n .............. home owner. - •W I J643-6010/49(K>Q74*

>anez I$250, I

152L WELOER^QENERATOR ^Idwin Millor B obcat Modol tsoe . 2 2 5 0 , 1 14 .7 hours.>5.* aak ino $ 2 ,3 0 0 . Coll ^ 2 0 8 - 5 3 6 ^ .*



— ■ G rass fed bool. Nohofmonea.pesacidos

or animal by-products.^ Ouartor, half or whole.

S ba r D Ranch Call 206-731-9930.*

;5g j - Goi Ii> mo hiSxT R^ab'iKe rf . classiltods ovoiyday.

Coll 733-0031.


^ |H A N Z 7 Y I l£ A J \ r |

K&K Handyman>n Homo repairs,n palming, drywall 4

lonco repair,I Window washing.;___ Quality vrt)ri(l Quality= ; pricol T33-3470.’CUV — . t

\ HANDYMANPlumbing, electrical,

drain lino ciooning.’9“ gonoral repairs.

24 yrs oxporionco.•No job too smair

Williams 736.2841*- - (

HANDYMANrw Plumbing, oloclricai, ~

drain lino cloanlng, ' i gonoral repairs.

24 yrs oxporionco,'N o job too small”

\ Williams 736-2841*

iH A N O Y T l M i V l ^ W O R KLL

General homo repoiis.Intorior/oxlerlor.

’ plumtifng. palming, ,» & drywall. 16 + yrs, \

carponiiy oxporionco L

Jo h n 2 0 a --n s-s i7 9 * | [ j

= ! I H O M E I - c o N s r n u c n o N '

• HENDRY & SO N SConslrucllon

>"t Sm allJobs Inlorlor &Extorior, Covering I—

<• Magic Voiioy, Mini = Cossla area. T

I 208-732-5816* |

I H O M E Ik e p a ik s

'S’. T o r / a H ^ R ^ r s

Faucols.drywall. L_painting, trash —

removal r:h Wo do whot you com ^

Tony-734-3322* ^J 1. K

1 \HORSBSHOEmO\■/ at TRim aNQ

Schooled ot WWCC.^ Roiiablo, Profoaskxiaf. L i

Reasonably pricod. — Sen/lng tho [T

' Moglc Valley.I? Shone Blakely

I 404-6870- I



13 A/C soMce end repair. *- Commcrclol

ond Rosidontial V'» 208-733-8548 or

24 hra. 306-0444*


H & S INC.Kitchon and Bath

2 romodoi spedolista |Covering Moglc

I. Valloy, Mini Cossla-ofoa. 732-6616* | ,

_ L A lV D S C A P m O '

A rt i s t ic P a v e r s FSaloa & Inaloilalion

Sprinklers, londscapo design & Installation

Froe Estimates (200) 733-5120.*


n Horizon Inc. i = , Sprinkler InstallaUon L

4 repair. Retainer walls 4paverpotk3a,

9 Freo Eslimalos,Brian 208-312-4446* Sj

|Z .A N D S C A R D V a | ,

?. U ls j L a n d s c a p i n g = = T Y o u r W a y L i

Sprinklers, Sod, Hydro-Seed, Tree

4 Shnib Removal, •1 Trimming. Pavora, * Ir Retaining Walls 4

Gravol Drtvowoys.■ VualtiyNolQtjanttv*

............ForF ngE tH tm m O• Caajehnsso-aoei- 73:

I r , * p ': W A M tT O b U V o ld f re o l’I Army rifles 4 pistols,

Forelon or US. Also,; ony b roken guns or f?"'® ' ' gu^i porta. CSII 208. ^. 4366633 (v.messooo.*I W»*teo- ----------

O ld s s s pum ps or g ss WANTista tion Items. trav e

' Top monoy (Mid. " ^ o l Tony206-666-0274,*


A D cosh, I


D E P A R T M E N T k»ka i 208-734-5538 |

1 ^ • J ■

L A W D S C A r a V ^

VIVANCOSpring eloan-up} „ , ,

Lawncaro. sod, bark. pruning, sprinklers. power raking, elc.Painting sorvicos, i !^ ,

825-«166/420-2611*lI ' - n orion

L A W N w.

M O W I N G H lg tServi

Lerohl & Sona Lawn care.

Senior Discounts. MA 7 yoors oxporienco.

Coll lor froo ostimalos. Morii208-735-5170 or Block.

208-»23-6459.* Custoi• ‘ Chirr

i A W J V C A R E l F i S_ Call 26

Spring cioan-up, Garr'powor roking. Inter

trimming 4 mowing. 25 yoarDependable Husb

InsuredCoroy U erm an Jack

(fonnorty Lawnworits) Call 20 306-0021/423-5371.*

~ ---------- - P A JLAW N CARE

■ Affordu

Creative Touch ‘ IpoSYard Care i8yoo>

Mowing, trimming, Senloshoplng, Roln gutter CaCleon out & moro. (Coll)Jeff 308-8070.* I - *

Z a h w c a r e ]

Jo se Ortiz , ,Garden Servico LLPlanting, ground PAIN

cover, troo trimming, Pointing,yord doanup.Will Toxturiglvo jo o d prices. FreoFroo estimates. • C

1, I------------------------------- (208) 73

L A W i V C A R E l z ---------P O S I

King's Lawn care arnU w n mowing 4Spring do an up, , . .Garogo cloan up. Id ah OFreo oatimotos. Reside

Randy 420-4062 CommSandy 42CM559,* I ° ^ ^ o ,

L A T O V C A R E l

Lown mowing &trimming, spring R E C .

moinlonanco.cJoarwp Senior Discounts,

Roasonabio Prices, G ordon206-736-1284 Waste

420-7305* a’ Sorvlni

LAW N CARE SunVai^173^1601

Maintenance, powor fraking, pruning, J ^ 0 ( yarddoan-up.

Froo Eatlmotoa.Coil 208-733-5120.* IJcoriso

L—- .. . I Cortifiei■ I Insurod

L A W N C A R E CorP i t ; S R e ^^ r

R esiden tia l and 73'Com m ercial 731

M aintonanco L _ _ _Mowing, aproylng, ■—

i o d i s e s : I Biado4i Bnjshc

L A W N C A R E mow lnS E R V I C E “ “ f

M ow lno.bujhS “ f ” ', '*I rm lL m ln o . “ J ,'

Z a w w c a r e I f = ^

Spraying, Fertillzor, IPoatlddoa J

Sprinkler Ropalr MG eraldT heener................. ”

733-2732«08-3«M.*' Wo mak

L A w w C A R E I A*i,o“ 1

Thom paon'a Notojv-a ProfesalonalLawn Care paj,

Time to prepareyourlawn. gu;

J«TEO $Caah$ pakJ WANTED G r uaed/oxplrod Dtoh- 11 o, for itk gtwork oqulpm onl. Call 208-671

iNTED 2 a x o l c o r military badirrier. 6 ft. betw een n i j , fn s J sn d o rs . h a ll 3 000 - souvenlro.100 Iba, low dooran- 208-733-161I. Call 733-3632.* -----------------

,NTED BO'a modol '^*5n^dor'*i avol t r o i le r . bunk '3del, 19'-24- ft. CalL Sofil coj“ 7 9H3070 or 9344760.* 'NTEO 81/2 ft. pick- I cam por for a lole P‘ _ xlol GM. Must bo In p c o n d . W ill poy sh. M l 733-5789.- NTED F arm o ll M rough 5 6 0 M odol W AN TED C £tor or almUlar. Will mini b ik e s >k at others running pa rts , whei in nood of repair, ' Any condil

111208-312-3746,* . 206-733-50.


For your g,ing Lawn Tuno-up and smallTime, Comploto Sotisfoc;oason packages guoronti;mow. trim, odgo. Call209-73low) Professional ■ .:ustomor son/lco ROTOIjD rionted compony.

Wove now - Now lown prcgive us a try. Compost fc

Igh D esert U w n Gol your genilco 320-0226* foody fo r:

— * 734-063

lA SO N R Y I °lorionM oaonry>ck. Brick. S tone GRAljstom RroplocoaJhlmnoy Ropoir TADLC

tru ck

— ; Call404-(FAINTING B u tc h o r j

arr*a Painting STORJnIerior/Extorior^oars oxporionco. Maglc Vi lusband& w ifo Storai

team .lack and Lena. (Bohlnd Shi

20SI73 I ! ;


:orior ond Exterior jii_ 4 Qrout i ^oncoa or Docks Resldontiyoors oxporienco Businconlor Discounts Licensed ond

AdlonHome .oil) 316-2693. 208-»20-1

mvTiWOSil t r e I R Y W A L L S E R V I

L U P H E R A t J im 'sM N T IN G .IN C . S l ,

"”s a r ' “ S I

I) 727-1267 c r 2 0 M 7 8 - :■ — 20&-W1-:

1 S T F R A M E r ~ ~ IC^ILDCVGS

SERVIho Steelcraftisldentlal. Form. R ay's Tlmmerciol Shops, Servit»ge, Horso arenas Romovol,Triiilre-roof.concroto Tooolno Si<68-299-0068 J S ^ R r 1 ^ 0 ^ 1 9 6 Cell* It c r c L m a t s e i

SERVKdonPavlng^C o. TREES i STaste Motor Oil q F MAQIC V

Collodion ISA cortlflrvlng tho entire pfoo osllmiMoQlc Valloy. -nm Abbi

• i I t r e j:OOFDVO SERVI

nso# 15375-B-3 Intermour tified Bonded 4 Troo<

S s r , " . , ]

7 3 7 ^ ,0 0 0^31-6658* TRUCKDRl

— ' SCH(K

r o n m n r G l0 4 small toador. E ! V K | shcutUr>g4lawnw ing . D isk in g " "cMiollniJ.Roso c im sA

Ih tr im m no a .Enaorcomojr lm o s o ly o rd Allow Us lok « do an up. YOUOualllle rakK oehn BA TTniekC1-9690, Kendall s ^ ^-4207. B randon 209-737-tSiruh 308-3208* —

' p V E D D C V i


1 Prom/Grad Gc- W Renla/Solla 1

. . Shooa-Toblos-(' S H R ------ . Vollo-SJlpa^ao

Napklns-lnvltam akofllltypos 210SMaln733-ondalzos L_____________

[W O O D F L *v-Bank Deposit R E S T 0 R A 3 Solf-lnking0 sol-up fee Ouolttyvyorl■ostServteo • FrooeatlmolrESYBODVS A s woIImm CuBUSINESS WllowFum

pftO tU V U all Ref. upon roqim -6 3 3 2 * ' Ru m 209412-

• Q onera to r (iwtor home. 578-6235.*

) G e rm a n ,>, Italian. US odgos. mod- I g n l a a n d 0 . Coll Paul 1691.*

D M a n u r er, pull tight, i r g e , g o o d 1733-5789.* ,

O ld pottery, lights, quifta, • ilture, Jowel- n Item s and :oll 208-324- »-53W721.*

> O ld u s o d . >s. fram es, loe la 4 etc. d ition . Coll >020,*


Class!• gardona 111 yards,'actionnteed,733-116B'

T L i m Q

oreparation I (or solo, r garden Dr spring,634 or 0635.*

) A N D\ V E L

.OCK: k in gI gravol, nd rock.14-6269 r Julie.*

i A G E


5hiiolnn)H )0 5 3 ‘


Jt cleaning intial 4 inossnd Insurod ne Repairs >-1956.


'8 T ree vIcoshaping,shm bs 4Sprayingir, lownthatching.J-3476t-3253*


Treei/lcorrimmlng, ; ' Shrubs, (

Rrewood • •36-M71* I ,


STUMPS : VALLEY llflod. molos.)bottr34-7919*

S E I ' V IC E

untalne sSoli

voriotlos. 7<W 449 . B-9M9* j -

m v m aOOL

A 4 Tionta. to Got aJlflod. t Driving 0 /4649.'

v o ^lA I D S

SHOPGowns a Items, a-Choirs , 3ortof8- '- Itallona »-e838*


o rk 4 . * lalosi • Cutto/nTTtltun.oquesL2 - r t w

Page 41: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

A Hig

For Item

T h eT immagii]

W ednesday, M arch 2


"T he a r tis t alone i k now s u;hattTuehuT5 H is reach fo rever grasp."

— R h e ta

T h ere Is no point ii g ressively un less yoi t h e c a rd s a s d ec lan n o t ap p ro v e o f th e I bidd ing on today’s de you con m atch th e pla

A f te r th e fou r-cc (N O T re co m m en d

' p layed four spades. H from th e tem po th a t le f t h ad been consid f u r th e r ac tio n . Wca m o n d to E a s t ’s a c t sh ifted to a trum p. E th is to dummy’s jack ' o th e r tru m p fin esse th e la s t trum p. T he Id s id e w a s good new : tru m p s broke 3*1, Sc n o t on ly the h e a r t a> side, b u t also som ethl to happen in clubs. Tl th a t d ec la re r could r o f d um m y’s two losii han d , so had to And ai fo r th e la s t o ne — a p o ss ib ili^ was in club.

T h e s lo w n ess of 1 p a s s w as n ot lost on d d ec idcd th a t th e moa so n for it w as th a t h e to b id Gve d iam onds.. d e c la re r decided to p long diam onds and th to n club , p e rh ap s an ble ton including the ci

C rossing his finge p la y e d a c lu b to W< dum m y 's n ine and E a re tu rn e d the h e a r t qi ra n a round to dumm} c la r e r now cashed th

a c lu b to h is se v e n 'g am e .

W AN TED O u tb o a rdboat motor. Pfotorably roldor, 50.65 hp. Short k f l 2 4 i ohafLCall733-5020.‘

WANTED Pickup bod f o r ’4 9 - '6 4 C hovy. RUQERO o o d c o n d . , n o $ 3 5 0 .C8ficor.206*787-2&e2.* scope

W A N T E D p o r ta b l ebaekotball hoop. Call R U Q Ef208-67S-5746.* 8la!n!«

WANTED Roosonob!/ 3 5 7 r(. pricod horo# walkor. I"* !" ';Call20a-431-97fl8.* g * W I

' B (JO 3W A N T E D S m a ll is h 5325 |

purobred, houoo/out 22 outodoo r d o g , ouro w a t s to o lklllod on th o road. Coll 208^208-733<3634. ^ —

WANTED TO BUY S T Z T Honor broko moro, 3 to

8 yra. old. for brood* >Ins, 16 or moro hands ta ll: AQ HA . AP>1A, GOLF CTTioroughbnKL S200 • with orS 4 0 0 . C a l l B ra d y axcollfl200-219-0583* . 733^88

SaJmonRlvof Canal Co.

W A N T E D T O B U Y f "smoU slnclo axlo trav- ^ S 2 7 i el traJlor for door hunt- Ing only- Roasonablo prTcod. Call 20S-324. f = = 2400 loave massago*

WANTEDTOBUYUsod piano's. U ro

A Qtype&stzsa.

, WANTED W»ll broM oldor banol horso for boglnnar rtd o r Noiri g I m m o a n t . l y . C a ll

mobOeio n tire

B L e ^ T f t ie .W H S e C am joa . c h a ir • I m t o r , 600 Btoragc

lb*.,DrHifnBr.'«xcfll*.. . CaB; h n t oond2&n. ST.OOO 201W /o f ir . 2 0 8 ^ 7 M « ai.V . ' '


5 UNES10 Day

m under or adding IS2 iach addlOonaJ flnt Privc

i p e s ^ N i E w s Call!f / c v a l / e y . c o f f l

:h 23,2005

^ESONBRIDGle am ong m en humUity means, cr c i c e e d s h is

le ta C h tld e D o rr......................... WEST

A 6nt in b idding ag- ¥ A J 10 you can handle ♦ K 10 8 la re r . Y ou m ay ♦ J 8 le N orth -S o u th I deal, b u t s e e if p lay .• c a rd o v e rca l!:n d e d ) S o u th}. H e could inferl a t W est on his Vulnerables id e r in g tak in g D ealer EaV est le d a d ia-a c e .-n n d E a s t Thcbiddinip. D e c la re r ran „ic k 'an d to o k an -sse , th e n d rew 1 ^ 2e king b eing on*EWS, b u t w h e n O pening lea, S o u th need edt a c e to b e on- RtrT;3th ing favorable:. T he point w asId ru ff only oneo s in g h e a r t s In “ h o l id an o th e r hom e- a n d th e so lelubs.o f W e st’s final ^ n d ec la re r, who South V, no s t likely rea- h e h a d w anted •

is . Accordingly, ____0 p lay W est for ANSWER;1 th u s a double- ^^an makin a n honor-dou- you double

e e i ^ t one no-tnir ig e rs , d e c la re r 3 fit in spac W e s t’s e ig h t , way to fine E a s t’s 10. E a s t B ut h e re 3

t q ueen , w hich spade an d u n / s king. De- over one n I th e club king, two su its ai ick, a n d played icaUy*en to la n d th e



tOTEflRascal,now TWINFALLS toilos & tiros, good Upright idltion. C a n M lv- 13 cub ic ft. $1.600.88e-2628.' Wojtlnghous________— ’"0*®------rocllnor & qu

Simmons s< both dork gro< Mgh back offi

lE R P 9046.4d lps X rh o lS h ? ,5 0 . S o y a g o 2 7 0 ,n|n„ |„ „oo,>P« * 8 ^ 0 -5 2 5 0 . foaaonabro,;II208-670-2B17.’ am or oven

3 E R S P 1 0 1 .2 * .Inloss stool, 5 shot TWIN FALLS 7 r e v o lv e r w llh only. 9-4pm.

W ^ T S o m I ^ * ® I ■JO 3 6 7 rev o lv e r , computer po>5. B era tta . small monitors andautomatic stolnloss 702 Falrflald» o l ,S 2 2 0 . C a l l U sas talrson1*308-1698.* of build

Abovo T hun

b h b h i■ j j

.F CA RT E Z - ^ I 1 or without trallor, —lellent condlUon. ■ RECh EATI -6884o r2800419.* ' ' ' '■

3UY ANTLERS CHECK! or, Elk a. M ^ . 8ERV1I

d ir e c t .

----- (UK> find kn businesses t

= = = i AdveiUa oomesTATE tho Sen

Direct* Pleaso <

b o a t . 2 d ie s e l e X u dIcupe. BonnevlBo. I-------------------w ashor/d tyara . 1-------------------f u rn i tu re , on -u a s , B irds a y a niple s e t . Kayak, R e a C l 1 o r t in g g o o d s , l o k s . a n o w *

Classiflj garage, plus 2

n ’ E a s tfied Line Ads

! . * l ijuptoS1000(M axlnrivate Forty onfy. Pttiandmerchai

1 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 E x t . 2 0 1

GE® Bobby Wolfr

N O R T H 0323A A J 10 0 7 3 V K 7 4 3 ♦ 2♦ K 9 4

E A S T ♦ K 5 4

10 9 5 V Q 2 8 7 3 ♦ A J S 4

A Q 10 5 3

SO U TH♦ A Q 8 2 ¥ 8 6♦ Q 9 6♦ A 7 6 2

ble: East-W est E ast


W e s t N o rth E a s t 1 *

2 V 4 A All pass

lead: Diamond seven


)lds:♦ J 10 9 7 3 ¥ K 7 4 3♦ 24^ K 9 4

W e st N o rth E a s t1 * ! ♦

R: B id o n e sp ad e ra th e r king a negative double. If ble a n d p u l n c r responds rum p, you m «y lose th e 5- pades a n d have no cheap ind o u t if you have a fit. e y o u c a n re sp o n d o n e nd t h e n b id tw o h e a r ts ; n o -tru m p to show y o u r } a c c u ra te ly and econom ­

ic u m uct Bobby wo<a •.m*u him »t

iaot. UolM Futun Syndteale, Inc.

l l - U r j T y FTARL gy ' b7 s o tt taq u ^ s l z o c u s t o m , l o f 50

I so fa bod S 9 ,9 9 6 /o lfo r . C o 208-308*5748-

otilco chair, Ha ^ l e V d a VId s o irmfl. ad iuat- ’a7 FLHT C la a o kjh l. E v o ro - 59.000 or bost olfolo o d c o n d ,. Call 208-328-3744.’

Hif f i i e v b A V ib s a i-an ln g B l.ll ■oo f r x s , 103SSE

e n g in e . M any, noi .L S T h u rs . c u s to m p a r t s . 4 0 >m. M oving mllos since moot no< Ise . o f f i c o parta.'SAa/p/ Can b m t .d o a k s . soon on oboy, Itomi • oartB. ond 4635778300. Slarlln uidmisc. b l d S 9 . 0 0 0 . C a l la ldSLW . ■ 208-720-2528.* o n N E o n d HARLEY DAVIDSOI Jllding '01 Nlghtraln. 7.60Clursdays.* 88 cubic Inch. 146i

C C , fu e l I n je c te d . s e c u r l t y a y o t o m

f ( j ■ extras. $14.600/orfoim Call 208-735-0243.*^ HI^'NLeV O A V Ib sb i A-nnuAi e n g in e 8 0 * s h o v e ATIONAL comoloto S950. A lso '

— twin onglno ropolr HI only. Call 738-1575.*

. 'J u L c F?5HbA ‘99 (^oldwlni SE1500, poarl whiti

3 T 0 B Y w/foyal bluo pa n e ls ULY CD, Intarcom. AM/FKd casso lto & ro vorsoBsthotcan cru lso con tro l, oxc >you. ' cond., 38,000 mlloa0 Never down, alwayi

I t e e r nsrvlce HANbA'os6F^25oCtO rV runa pood. $ 1 ,2 5 0

X - i i auruU l '8 9 HM 250 e c a l l Must BOO to approci4 ) 9 3 1 Btot offor. 20S

fl7B.1648er312-4806.'• 2 iro 'N b A 'tio y A esc

■' new front tire, chain B prookete, r o n th a b a ra . $ 3 1 9 6 . c a l

1 T h a 208-879-6488.*‘ ' R g f f6-A»02 6 f t i 2 6 ,

Nk» bikol Fly bora 8

ifieds Kr„”S«*1SS5S:, 8eft-7418or30&^135.'

' D c l V l • Purchased new. «»k' - - |r« $3600.PiM 8« cai

5) ' 208-731-6723.*

t e r Spe

5 ^timum of 4 Items)Jiandbgcnly.

or 800-618-3883 (

H O NDA'0 4 C R F50. . $ 9 0 0 . C o I I 2 0 8 * 622-7476.*

KAWaSAKI '01 KX125 In g ro a t c o n d . a n d i 2002 KX126 in exc. cond. (Rls brand now]l Bolh bikes como with lots of oxtros. Taking bost otfors. Call 539- 1 5431 lor moro Inlo/ '

KAWASAKI-02 KX12S. flOOtf cond.. fow mifos. alol Of OKtras. $2,500 : /offer. 208-737-4685* '

KAWASAKI '0 3 125 KLX w/PSI plpo. low : h ours. S2 .000 . Coll ' 733^3653 or 306-1963.*

KAWASAKI '03 KX250 w/big t)oro kl( valuo SI.SOO. P ro c lrcu lt plpo. S4.B00. Suzuki '97 RM125 borod out & piped, S1.500. Too many extras lo lis t. ; 734*5958 Iv. msg,*

KTM '01 520MXC. big gunoxtiaustand many oxtros. $4.800/oflor.Coll 208-420-9233.*

MAICO parts, for salo. scat, carburolor. fond* w i ote. 208-2600929.* i

OUTLANDER '04 Max four wtioolor. 2 pas- songor, S5,300. Llko now. 208-490-1022.*

SUZUKI'97 RM125. S950/offor. Now bars graphics, plastic and

topond. htpi/AwiTw.ooo citio3.com/motomani BC2000/lorsalo.htm or

call 308-8982.* S O Z (JK |‘0 2 R M 8 5 . I

Com plotoly robullt. I S1.800 liim. For moro I Info call 208.67B.7486.’ -

SUZUKI'03 (^SXRSOO. black & silver, 1900 In llo a . b r a n d now condition. HolGodlos undortail. fromo slid- 7 ers, daik tlntod wind* ^ s c ro o n , la n k b a g . Seooo/olfor. Call Todd •in Hailoy at 208-720- 0359.*

SUZUki '04 RM 125 ^ oxc. shape w/oxtras'. Muot sacrilico S2400/ olfor. Kaw asaki ‘05 _ KFX 250 now, riddon K a c o u p io of lim e s . S4900/oflor. 404-9449.*

X R 1 0 0 '9 6 S 1 0 0 0 . XR200’OOS1900.Coil L 538«230or309-16n.*

----------- W lUA«A-'a7 Soea 2.600 cc.. good condi­tion, $1,800 or bost

_____ offor. 208*324*4809.*

PI "li »____ ____ novor wrecked, now8 ^ p a in t, new s o a ts . =i s l e , now roar tiro. $6000. |olfor. Coil 208-280-0438* |

^ W aHa ‘02W r « ii ISO N m o lo r c y c lo .C a l l A

n o w '

S a li____ olectstaitSspdA T ,SO N p e r f e c t f o r t h o6 0 0 . boglnning rider, Exo.1450 cond., $1200 tfrm.t o d . Call 208-738*9326.*

offor! YAMAHA '0 3 V -Siar 3 .’ i i o o c u s i o m .o n os g n ownor, like now. 8,400 sro v ^ miles, w indshield & .

saddle bags. Pricod a t ,S850a 2 0 8 - 7 3 5 ^ .- [

rs.* VAUAHA'03 V^450{^.- (Exc. condition. $4200 ;firm. Call 328^787.* t r

^Sls VAUAriA >04V 2l25. /fj/FM" n o w to p e n d .O K c . / irso . cond., $2,600 (motor <ox c . gear)..208*578^)557.* (Hoa- Va UXHa ‘04 V^450. 51''®yB exc. ohapo 8i hanSly 2red . u sed . S5.200/offor. eW .* Can208*738-«411.‘ |i

VAMa HA>(Y SOOcc, S250 . $600 or will trado lor T i250. o o o d u s o d s n o w ofopi- mobile. CaU 208-438- c

;n<n, C

3 « n R B fiff ra A k *75 19*1 I.____ w/robjjllt 360 Inboard 72 S , outboanl motor. Trail* w

r s & or Includod. $2,600 or fiw - bost offor. 326-4777.* a

135.* o w n e r s h i p L a k o Tn n r PowolL4bdrm..woak ow k - inmld June, S tt,960. Srcaa MorawoeksftvaiLCaa . 2

' eai 208-4200081.* ^ 5

e c ia l


JE T BOAT 21 fl. 302 HOUCinboard, many oxtros. 32' C$12.500/offor. Moving lo a dmust soiiiil 731-9424.* S37.C

KAWASAKI '04 800 |0I kSki. H as rido p la te , ^ owscoop, grato & covor. ^ ' Low h o u rs . $5,200.733^)853or308-19G3.* A R M

MERCURY motor boat 9<X>.6 hp Exc. cond, Pd. ’ 0 0Sl600nowS800/of(or. 208-:67&-7900 or 251*3975.* a RCT

MERCURY N ow 8 hp MO. Ib o a t m olor. $1200/ PiP®.offor. 208-324-4679.' roods

OUTBOARD MOTOR E arly 80 'S Chrysior130 Up. Compression ^toslod in 2004, Runs THUNg r o a t . H y d ra u lic s StocIincludod. C^nlrois not mlios,includod. $800/ollor. Excoi:C o l l A n d r o w a l Call 2208-308-3741.* TRAIL

STARCRAFT '91 1601 snowHorJtago. In-boord/out- shop(boord Mercury Cruis- u so dcr. (Ish findor, sioroo, after!opon bow. Roady lo ttiah or aki. Approx. k 150 h o u rs , $7,600. Cail208*731-17S2.*

T R I - H A U L '7 8 1 7 ' N ^fishing/skilng boat with whooEZ load trallor. Now condcuslom m ade covor. Call 2170 h o rso M ercury S p r R iC ru ise r, com es wilh n n s i oars, firo extinguisher,life iackols . skis and ,r o p e , t l s h ln o po lo ^ _ h o ld e r s . B a tte ry ischarged ond ready to f n , , «


B M g

R tB ^o a M n ic te .-Solection-Quoiity-

-.Low Pficos- ' ' “i;;";208-312-1525*

CAMPER SHELL floor- aoSini g l a s s , f i ts '9 9 a n d Calt2< n o w o r F o rd S u p o r sa L F ij Duty. Bargain pricod. „ i 678-3758 or312-3050.*

CAM PER SHELL full lim os sizo, ovorsliot. Rofrlg., s p a i stovo, 4 porson, S200. S12,0l Coll 543-9290.* Call 2(

KIT'94 Companion Sun TERRY C h a s o r , 2 2 '.s o M with ol con tainod . liko now. with o S6000. Call 734-2668.* oil op

LEER PICKUP SHELL fllS '03-'04, for 0 Ford Su- '"O™- per Duty short bod. In- s u la to d wllh till out elnglopanolsldoglaos ^ windows. Whito, exc. condition. $1,000. Call 208-728-5267.* “

N O R T H L A N D '9 7 ’Lq Grizzly camper. 0.5 ft.. in lop cond, $8500 firm. L ; l_ _ 423-5505 afior 6pm.’ ,

SIX PA C K CAMPER ^ 9 0 7 for s h o r t bod truck.$225. Call 421-0341.*

J:ALPENLITE '82 good

cond,.AC.mIcrowovo. ^ llcor $1900.5thwhoolpIoto Ca//. Incl. C a ll 200-886 - re 62 or 2 0 8 ^ 7 6 6 2 .* I____S2


rado. 29 fool Chovy 7468 1 454,52.000 mllos,

ExeoUontcondltSan ^O O L lftMld« and ouit

Sale price, S7.500.208-732-0714.* “ ‘ 0 0 ■


'04 5th whool. 32 fL, 4 7700 5 o l l d o a , n o sm o k - Vp a h In g /p o te , lo a d e d . ‘ ” ” 1!* O aro g o d , $ 4 9 ,6 0 0 . 7SM9190T89005S3.*

kTAS6A‘8 8 W C la s s A. awning, roar bod.AC. generator. Updat- «d In te r io r . S0,9OO.Call 208-420-7101*

St»RIN tdR ‘88 Chovy 351. 2 0 'very clean, awning, olr. now Uros, ■ C low m is., roducod to ■ > $9,400.20& «78^79,’ | J

TIOQA ‘01 sloops 6. I ' a p p lB . , o x c o l le n t qTRA N condition. Toko ovor ■ S S S paym onis'. Coll 208- N0T1C1 43^9fl18fordotails.* Oaastfh

W I R R S S 5 5 1 5 m •C lass A, low milage, « o a so oxco iion t condllion, foraa lo ts o f e x t ra s . Call ^ 736*3779 (v. msg.*

W IN N l^ U A U U 'f iS Advenhjro Sorlos 30*31,000 Mile# AC/gon- o ra to r . 4 6 0 Ford, 2 S'.T V s 4 V C H . e x e ; o o n d . , v o ry c lo a n $ 2 6 ,0 0 0 . C all Doug 20W 3fr682V 6r208- '

I 636-6269 oves.* ^

m M

UDAY *96 Rairbior r --------->'C lass A. 460 Ford. la d o d . L lko now . ^}7.000.733-6720.*


tools, tiros,CTIC CA T '0 4 IM ports. Call X). 159*. wilh covor, lor moro ini

fa°3o'"o.M°2S;‘' ° " E N 0iiiE (7 i)8-300-04iJ».CTIC C A T '04 IM avollabio. I « . High porlormanco 208-738-15 po. cam . head ond p ^ ^ , „ p -r^ ods. Lots of powor! i.BOO/onor. Call 208. 9-9455daysor208- 11-5967 nights.* S300.C all U N D E R C A T '0 0 7067or208 ock onglno , 2 ,000 -los.159x16x2track. HITCH RBW ;collontlS4,000/0fl0r.111 208-280-1410.*MLER 2.pTac-ofor low m obilos, groot h o l e s n o ’ ape, 5 )TO. old. Only instoiiatlon. le d 8 t lm o s . C all 208-72O-2S' :or5pm. 219-9025.- ^

TIRES (2) He

on chroi hcXocarrtm!

S H '0 2 3 0 M .5 .h S L r ;tool, 2 s lides, oxc. so a rw n .* - m dltlon, 523 ,500 .111 208-735-9516.* C 3 1 CREATION-04 By } s ig n 2 8 ' lu x u ry 3d e l. lo la n d b o d ,■nt kitchen, awning. CHEVY 7 2 E

microwave, oxc. 1 “ “ 'nd. S14,500/offor. ^ 7 5 0 .Call'ill 208-390-1058.- DODGE ‘74AD R A N G E R '94 ?«> onginoIto. 3 0 ' Sth whool, 'fpns, $2,00lOon w alk a ro u n d Calid, TV, VCR. radio, S273aftor6crow avo. eioctri#/ r ----------s rolhg., 4 battorios ^ d w i f f i lsolar chargor, oloc- ^: lacks, AC. gas fur-CO. b ig a lido-ou l, —ry d e a n & llko now, CONNIgh b ook S13 .320 . W IT

c u s t o ;

.E M '0 4 l 9 n . i . . a .With N o rth w e s t

ckogo. Only usod 4 Y OUIDS. M u st se lf no SER V Il a c A t O B t o r e . A H u A r tl2.000 or bool offor. AQVeniII208-678-5028.* the SetIRY EX sorlos, 29- Direch olldo out. Loadod 7 0 0 ^ 1h options. Includos • o o ^ .oppllancos. uton- 0 X t.ft nnd lin e n s. Coil I___irk. 208*420-5516.* ‘ oR D T SB u

S i ^ p S n t o I'^ .rd ^ o S v - 'S S m

C o r H o ™ ? "in W endell QMC '85 700i

•Lowest pricos iruck, 427 (in Iho Worid* hau led eno

— spd. trans.. (

. 208-733-172

W W S lL S . ' s S

x16 T /A -SI,599 miles V-8 A powdor coatod) like now coni c o f f ^ t h ramps. Coil 203.063

‘J I S S S ,trallarm.eom‘ » sp d .. ion

X) 38 tt. 3 car haul* KENWORTH$5,800. Light use. Cummins, ais a t s h a p o . n e w 7 spd., 4 spebor. Call 208-760- lo, now frontt6 . R nanco?” noarroarvirgJ L T r lro n c lo s o d fi °h i,12, w ith oholvos. E i h J 1•X11 otool (latbod, ?lo l h o o d b o o r d . j l^ g e sizo Iisenock ball h itch '' w n ^ n ii

S S 5 - o S - “ “ “->0 539-9002______ ,0 S4,000/oi lL E R 6 '0 * x 2 4 * 543-9290OT4)S0 nock, tandem gs ). SI 850/Off or. S39- OorS39-9002.*ILER opoiT, wlih both Will oirack. Porfoct lor Cail208-941.

s car, oxc. cond.. —0/offor. M ust sell. ^1208-404-3141.* ^ O O O ^ K

CK EV H OLE, <on. Iroc z 35

J S E S I C nil. 35 Inch I w S 3 ,o o o /o ff

ANSPORTA'nOf 208-431-7991 C H E V Y '5 1

restoration a islftodAdvertlserB lo n d e r c o r

^ .. 208-312-6891

$800.Can7» l/boi9SponaS)h CHEVY *79 1 anyOfTonropal- M echanics 1 on ttn first day ot 360 ong lno

pubOcotlon work. $80Q/o2 0 8 - 3 2 4 ^

W ed rw d a y , March 23.2003, T

CHEVY '90 1 ton Hat bod. now oni

ffgtfi-C-TiT;"*! oood cond . $5000 m m m tm tm caii 208-9m*96«i -OSING CHEVY'98 4x4 0x1Ing m ust go ll od cab, 159K. 6 unning autos, htt. Wold rims, 33 ros, outo body tiros, dual oxhau: Coll 320^)035 4 N ktl. 1 ownor. J0 information.* ooo. Call 775-J l i ) 350,-bui.t 2270or77»93*^? ond engine kit - _lo. $800. Coil

S M 99 n ; ” sv'

^aiiSo'iS-sVa: _____

g f f l f f lBW Sth whool. W H B ^M oso goosnock 732-8099 or 734-38

CHEVY '00 Silver h 2500, oxt, cab , -

LT package, 35K. Ion rn l '0 5th Wh1-2S2 .* 317,500.734*429:

) Hooslor drag 6/9-1S,mount- hromo Ford 5 rims With tubs.

groat in. S250, Callt-2528.* CHEVY '03 Silver

B 1500 4x4, auto.

Alloy whoois. 35, milos.. 1215. $14,1 Coll 324-3900 dir.'

T2 El Camino, CHEVY ‘04 Silver 'a lly d r iv o r . LS. oxt. cab, 4x4, :all539-5311.* a u to . PW /P L . ( ■7k~r h n » in 'r ' 23.742 mllos, $23.!

J.OOO or bost- 324-3900. dir.;ali 208-731 - CHEVY'04 SSR. \ or6pm .* $ 4 5 ,7 7 0 n o w o

$33,988. Save no! ■DAKOTA '9 8 4x<

= i ■ spood, block, 0x1.1 N N E C T PW. PL. bodiinor, VITH "Ice tnjck. $7900.r O M E R SV H O D O D Q E ‘8 7 1/2” * '1 4x4. AT. AC, tilt. I

g re a t, S 15 0 0 . C O U R 208-731-M80.*R V IC E ------------- ------------jrtlse inServiceectorv d o d g e ‘99 2500 <5

c a b . 4x4, SLT. p o w er, n ic e tru

K t. 2 $15,9 n #71960,

1 Buckol truck

Insulalod lift, 732-8099o r734-381actual mllos, DODGE'0 04 door, < loto. $6 ,900 . cab, 33,000 mllos, ■863-1019.* S 2 1 ,0 0 0 .C o ll2 ' 7000 Rat bod 732-5774 or 308-63 27 g o s ovor- -i, e n g in e . 5+2 m ^ S v S fK & im IS., airbrakes,IS, 20 tt. bod. [ K S M I I i i f l . C o l l M ark•1739* DODGE'00 Dakota

's fM sonA T .'

-------------- ----D O D G E ‘01 1 /2 Ii^cab. Dotroll, 4 x4 y g f long fra m e , a c , immocutato cc

$8,900.208^63-1 O' D ODOE'O lPatol..

ITH ’64 4 0 0 to n . V e .c iu b c j s, amall cam . s r t , 2 x 4 , s llv i spd., brown* cnjiso control. AC.

ront rear ond, Pw , AT, UU, spray virgin rubbor. bodllnor, CD ploy on b row n ie new t i r o s . 5 9 ,0 . d u m p b o d mllos, $11,500. 3iJ 1 0 0 ho ist, 0710doyorovonln$

f - r m l J . ’. Z a ' I llO/olfor. Callor 404-9690 * f"' sago20e-308-121£ i0 0 w ilh a 4 4 — ---------------------

ill oo p era io .941-5421.* B S B a S a e S i m S g S m DODQE‘02 quad c

4x4, Cummlna dioi ■ m i B low milos, ono ovirr

lo a d o d , $ 2 6 .9 8 LET *78 3 /4 *^218,<350. 6 inch M Mch boggera . ' “lA u j M

7 3 2 - S S 5 - 3 8 C' s T n o o d s bcOQ E >04 Ram 22in and aomo BOO Cummirc a r o . C o l l q u a d c a b , lo t a5g g g - , e x tra s , m ake off____I---------- Now baby, must sBQ 1 /2 to n . Call 208-352-1008

208-599-3020.*1 1 2 ® : ! ^ F O R b - 6 8 .p l c K i79 p ic k u p , w/campar. must siCB a p o c io ll $600/offer. Call 5:In e . n e o d a 6 2 5 5 o r l v . m aWoffpr, Call 208-837-6169.*

n n n F T B T r n> a /4 quarter Custom, tuns & kx p w ta $ 3 0 0 . g o o d , n e w t l r «2 1 ton van. SaSO/offsr. Call 3: 3.54M 290.* 61180r212^)403.*

<5, TltTMS^tows, Twin Falls, Idaho I

— <v

3n, 10' snglne, OO'offcf 689.* Dxlond- 6 inch

33 Inch oust, K r.SIO,- S-934- t^)197.*

;oo 0x1I. w a s S7988

1■3800.* 'o rado I, 4x4, iK. Sot whoot. 293.*

■orodo0, AC. 35,131 4,688. Ur.*orado 4 ,5 .3 ,, C D ,13.988. s o call

1. W as f o n ly nearly 1 324 -

EI4 7 5rt.cab, ir, CD.0. Call

2 to n1. runs . C o il

I quad r. full ru c k .I,

1J800.* )r, oxt.IS. ve. 2 0 8 -


la ox- 4. V8, 1944.

3800.*2 Ion , AT. cond. 1019.*b Ti ^c a b . Iv o r . 3 .P U ay-on layor. ,0 0 0 308-

ilngs.* ■1500 tirea, jllen t I se ll, m o s: 118.*

i1 cab Ilosol, vmer. 9 8 8 .

fflOa*2500 n lna , la o f if lo r.I solll 08 or

ik u p : se ll, 536-

l a g .

T T Olooksro B .326-


oE -13

Page 42: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o

^ ^ ■ 1 1 1 J ,FO R D '641/2ton.6cyI. ffl

in d o r , n e o d s b o d y |= swork, 7 2 .0 0 0 a c tu a l ,miles. $600.324^994.’ {

f tjR D -87 F-250. 4x4. Ie x t. c a b . 228K . 6 .9 Id l i i e l . pow or AC. 2 j ta n k a , g o o d c o n d .Sa.SSO. CC1I420-6464* ,

FORO '90 P>3$0 XLT.Lailat. dually, oxtond- (ed cab, oxc. running. i460 englno. K&N (lltor :

• chargor, rebuilt au to ^trons, now tires, tinted 7 w in d o w s, c o ld AC.runs and d rives oxc. V$3.700/ot(or. CaJI 208* ' '731^17o r32& 4817 .' ®,

FO R O '91 F -150 oxt. =cab, Stn wnoel. good kt l r o « , r u n s w o l l . ^

. S2400/otlor. Must solll ■Call206-423-6931.* 5 !S IFORO '92 F-350. 1 ^

ton . tow ing pock-ogo, 4 door dually, 2(AT. CO, good con- ' 5 dttlon. S7,000/o((or.Call 208-670-3722.‘

■ ' blFORO '9 3 F150, 0x1. 0 :

cab. running boards. 3 icam p o r sh o ll, 92K . Ciexcollont condition . VS6900/ol(or. Coll 219- f =9455 Of 431-5967.- k

“ iFORO '9 9 ox l. quo d

c a b .F - 2 5 0 P o w o r S iro k o d io so l XLT.

. 4x4, only 66K. 520,956 At •C1373A lo;

732-B099 or 734.3800.- 8^8


FORD '99 F-250 4x4.XLT, l o a d o d V IO , 515,980, S

CH' 4«

6788674 or 600-574-1240 oc eoiof pnoioi o - In,

wxw 0uaQClt)Uiloy.C0m‘

IFORD ‘00 F-250 oxt. ^

cob. 4x4. LWB. XLT. 4>bedlinor, 44,930 mllos. dliB246899A. S21.9BB. Cc Call 324-3900. (3lr.- . 5 ^]

FORD '00 F-350 XLT. LSc ro w c o b . p o w o r p is i r o k o , l o n g b o d Y«w/covor. AT, 4x4. low- ccIng package, compor 2 Croody, 94K. S20,500. 20Call 208-731-6089.' cH l

FORD ^01 F-250T 4x4. Cacrow cab. U riai. Fully. oT floadod, ouio & moroi ^ 1.BT1949. O nlyS19,939 go


732-8099 or 734-3800- FO R D '0 2 F-350 4X4

crow c a b . B8 K, a ll hwy. mis, total powor. r r oxc. shape. S26,000. —

' Call 208-250-5568. t= O R D '0 2 R a n g o f :

E d g o P l u s . 4 x 4 , oxcellont cond illon . c n extondod cob. AT, AC. loadod. S15,000. Call 20B-733-2605.-

* * * ♦ • * ♦ •FORD '04 F-150 Kcri-

t o g e , 4 .2 L V6 E FI s ta n d a rd ovo rh o o d ^com, 2WD. long bod. ___5 spd , m a n u a l, AC, QM trallo r h itc h , cruls<r 4> control. 9K. p e rfec t Pt condlllon. S 1 5 .900 / po oltor, 20S-734-7383.- w/

QMC 'B 9 c ro w c a b . d u o l ly . 4 x 4 , 4 5 4 , OE loadod . C loan B9K.Moke oKor. Call 20?-733-2t14, Ivmsg.-

JE E P '77 Pickup, loir _ s h a p e , r u n s w o ll. QM $1,500, CaJI 67>5365.' P \

N IS S A N '9 3 p ic k u p 4x4.'Iow mllos, musi so o lo o p p r e c lo lo , S3.995. Con 423-4668.- QM

4xP la c e y o a r o d A<

O n l in e . . .Now you can

Logon lo

WWW.□ x a g lc v aU ey .c o m QM

SLa n d pface your &

c l a s s e d line ad i $1 Click on r/«?

1 CIo3S(/l«l scction.'. t . j . ..

• P O N T IA C '0 3 B on- _ £ f ' novlllo SS C l, su p e r­

c h a r g e . l o a d o d . S19,495,

678-6874 0^000-674.12*8

p r o b l e m s GETTINQ FINANCINQ?

Can 733-1881 today. 2( Lathom's

1-800-Car-Loan.’ j e e' ilH O nT B H O p ic k u p top' boxroraP-250.WhRe. Ru; oxc. c o n d .. $ 1 ,6 0 0 . SS,' Coil 20&-726-6267.* Cal

E -U Tlmew^Jews, TVvin PalU

TOYOTA 'S3 (2) 4x4‘a OOOQE(or paits or (tx-up. (4) leather.A m e ric a n M a g s & S7.900.tiros. $600. Call 208- ----------- :

. 1 ® J E E P

C h o reT O V O T A ' 9 0 “’" " I

T a c o m a 2W D . 4 cyl.. auto. AC. CD.116K. utility shell. M( Q re a t work trucki 208-8 S449S /o ller. C all 208 208-212.S709,* •

bVOTA *02 Tacoma, H B 4 whool drive, AC. CD ployor, bodlinor. cloon. Inl»re§t9d p tr tU a B H H on(y ( 514.500. Call 208-4a7.2200.‘ | | ^ g

FR O N T R e"c EI V E R HITCH '98 or now or w S M F o r d F - 2 5 0 /3 5 0 .S85/orfor, 543-8566.* H B

LADDER RA CK lo r f O f ^ sm all pickup, $ 200 . | m . ' v Also smoll a ir com* p re s so r , S100. Coll 208-404-4478.- M i Q

LIFT Tough Country 4 ', M H B fro n t s p r in g s r ig h t M | S b locks QM stra ig h t o x lo S IS O .T I R E S ' wH M i 3 5 x 1 2 .5 0 / 15 W ild H B M Countiy RVT 3/4 troad S450. Eves. 324-8308.-

sjpilloodod. sunroof. looih- I W U U or.S29650. U j)g ;]P

H p678-8674ore00-574.t248 H W ^

coioronoios o WWW Pudaoltiu'lfly.com- ^ S 9 | | |

• • * * * * * » B ^ g lACURA '03 MDX lour- Q f l H

Ing. navlgailort, wood pkg., nose covor. cloarba r. loaded . 19.850 D H kmllos. Asking $35,000. B t t S !COII206-308-4291.* R & S I

CHEVY '88 Suburban M S k4x4, 6.2L (iiosol eng.. M jC Mgood llros. In fnir cond. U H w insldo ond oul, n o o d s ' H j p Htransm ission. S1000 | | n i n(irm. Call 208-423 - | S H | S3370f2Ce-731-3172.’

CHEVY '91 S-10 8102- H S ^ f lo r , A C . C l e a n o n - I ^ B M g in e /ln to r lo r . 93K.S3.000/orror,324-0459' S H B

CHEVY '94 SutJurb'oru N m B Q 4X4, 110K, good con- dillon: lully lo a d ed .'Call208w(38-5616‘ H l g M

CHEVY '95 Suburban M g S lLS.K2500 wllh towing | w P Rp a c k o g o . $ 7 ,5 0 0 . n U nY a m a h a '7 2 (2)125 M S B ic c . S200 ooch. Coll B S S B i2 0 8 - 7 3 3 - 0 9 9 8 o r H M M208.734.5333.- m n i i

CHEVY '99 Tahoo LT. B B B9 5 ,2 0 0 mllos, good I ^ ^ S J condition, lully loadod,CD, loolhor, dual pow- ^ H H Nor soots. Ole. S12.900. | ^ B S IColl 20B-720-5671 .* B ^ B l

C H E V Y '0 3 T o h o o H H bw hito . V8, 4x4 . 3rd R H ^ H s e a l , roar A C /heat. 'XM rodlo. 2 0 'whools, B M f a c to r y w a r r a n ty ,527,500.420-7101.- H B

F O R D '9 8 E x p lo re r Sport. 2 door. bluo.1 29K ,SS ,200 . Exc. B H HCondition, 544-277B.- | | | H

^ MF O R D '9 9 E x p lo re r

S p o rt, XLT. 5 sp d .. sharp . Woo $10,995 W M . now $8,995. n


208.678-g382 or B 208-878-5G11* '

Q M C '9 3 S u b u rb a n , B h i i 4x 4 , a u to . AC. PS .PW , PL w /re m o to , I B f f l y powor brako, 3 soots w/air & hoot to oach. roof rock, lowing pack* a iogo, 2.-500 m llos'on B W robulll ongino. nice lo o k in g & In g o o d sh a p o , S7500 . Coll t t l H 208-733-0458.- W T j ^ t

QMC '94 Suburban AC, P % 7 k PW, AT. PL. CD. lill t whool now Uros. 114K,350 ve, 4WD. $6500. m m U V 423-6087 or 306-7969.* Q f i g

Q M C '9 9 Jim my SLT 4x4,outo.V6.PW .PL, j g O T A C , l o o th o r . n e w worranly, 73M301.*

Q M C '9 9 ^ S u b u rb o n SLE, 4x4, (uiry loadod W S B t & supor cloon. Only M L u i t$11,977. H719C3B | 3 0 H

B o i732-8099 or 734-3600.* w B S w QMC '00 Yukon XU all B B B B

loalhor. loadod,-oxc. cond., $21,000/offor.Cau 208-645-2663.-

I8UZU '97 T rooper 5 ^ Q H I I sp e ed , loadod. W as B M B H SI 0.995 now $8,995. K C m Q


208-878-9362 or 20e-878-S611*

IK tP '77 WB. 'i hard I B i l B l tops, good condlllon. l H | | n R u n s ra o lly g o o d . M j H K SS .900 w/bolh tops. Caii208.219-1258.'' H H

»all«. Idaho W edneiday , K iroh 2:

I '■


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n d ro 4 x 4 . new b r a k u , ( V8, perfect twdy. $2,000/)17. offer. Can 73fr1675.?

f f r m j E m r r ^ rMontero Sport, black. 1 AC, PW . CD. c ru lie. H

CO. Exc. c o n d . 511.800. ■ Ca)l208-731.7747.* a

o iw i to c S r F o r p e ^ e ' ■ [ 12 everywtwra. 733-0931 ^

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l E V R O L E T '.Sttm,<aoof,1.eB«r. g S S “^spood tnuwmtosJon. “ V ,^ 8 „IW tifos and battery 20e.% l?95 th extra ft« Of snowros. 37 m llo s p o r CHEyY^oaillon, Dark bluo. vory o r . low ml)p o n d a b lo . 91K . lo a d o d .di795.2t3e-733^96* m u st sp i .— •____________ groat SUV.E V Y ’0 8 L u m ln a . -----------------K. Idaho Stato Tax

;coptlng bids until OOpm 3/25/05 Colt ^ C » - >a-736-3040o)ct13.’ K K t f l

C H E V C a v a llo r

g o ! S tic O f nooitySie

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fully loadQi

59.995.0 HMOT<■ ■ n ^ B 208-876-!


| B H C H R Y S L ED f ■^ E . c r u i s o . t l

. 39.351 mila 01O6O36A. 735-3900. c

| M | | | b J 9 CHRYSLEI loado'

AT. S20.99!

B B Q7B-8874or8( 9 S \ ■ ■ color phc2 ^ _ . _ H | w^boOooit

E A OL£-93\ . '■ H groon. V ^.'

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FORD -94 t

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l l a n t a s rS3.B00.20B-

^ ^ ^ 1 8 FORD ‘901 ■ ■ ■ ■ H . P

Now only S! GOO


Ib H H I ^ B I Vi/agon,. W a o S 7 . l

c ^ B ^ H OOOm o t (

M H n P B Q I 208-878-!208-876

F O R D ‘01 XLT. 4x4. toadod. SI 3

878-6974 or BC cokxpho


mFO R D ‘01 To

PW ,ftoat4 $7999. n o t

3 ^732^6099 Of-

1 ^

FO RD *04 lo w m lle i , PL. PS. <0 $17,095. Noi


30a-878M ■ 2 0 8 ^ 7 8

W odrw idiy, U arch 23 .2003 , H

‘08 Cavallor. FORD'88 TTiundern wfKwla. CO. g o o d ru n n in g ilass, 68K. vew U u»t S a lll S8255 .995 . Call bost offer. 736-94

1 '.^?^ :,_____ H O N D A ‘8 4 Acc'03 Trail Biaz- h a t c h b a c k . 5 £/m l lo s .fu l ly $1,995. Good rollJ. d ivorced • t r a n s p o r ta t io npll. 526,500. mpg. 208-733-031“ i 5 2 2 2 : HONDA'M A- ^

___ do o r. EX, ou to .roof, local trado.

^ * ■ * 2 $8.977. KC1349A

S i a l S M SE V Y ' 0 4Ilor. noa rly 732-8099or734<3J nil AC. auto. —>tlckornow S ie. 000.>nly$7968 .>4-3900, mr/r j — . H O N D A ‘01 CflV y c a i t r a d o . lo a d


^ ^ a ^ S 6^^687aorB«.574.

ulso/tlll cus- •__—_____ —hools. s'tickor [)artyS20.000. only 5 9 9 8 8 ! .M.nonn r tv 208-735-8364. mu m.m MAZDA‘96 M iajaj

5 spood . cruiso, CO. Now soft top g la s s . S 5 .4 0 0 .

,L E R '.s c o ', ; oadod.loaihor,

> 4 s i ^or 600-S74-124S MAZDA ‘04 6, loa

• TlP*ronic. AT.

I H R S a l B7B-a074of800-S74.cok)t pnoios o

£R-00300M , www.budoctx..>cy_a adod, lOQihor. u w i e . ^ ^ . 1 2 .9 9 9 now

OODEJTORS MERCEDES‘02 C70-9382 or sodon. loathor. Ii878-5611* .od . S21.B50

' l - M 070-6874 Of eOO-574- color pix)i03 o

w B ^ r - . www.budgotDutloy.ci M I T S U B I S H I

J ti l t a u to Vaiuo pricod 59,: mil«.S12 9M:ISA. Call 208- 735-3900. dir. _ X).dlr.*. N ISSA N '8 6 30G. _ ------ runs good . S150g BftfcW r b o o t o f f o r . C

208-731-6333.* NO Credn?

, BADCriKllt?ILEB '04 Pad- call 733-1881 tod Qdod. loathor, u th a m ’s1.995. 1.800-Car-Loai

I NOTICE TOor80a 574.,240 Classified Advorlls

Ploaso chockyow

Tlmos-Nows IV M 2M 3B0 * on/yborosponsl

for errors report on Iho first day

iJr- A J publication.M * T i Ploaso call:

Twin Falls 733-OS oxf. 2 or

jDuvnll Burloy 6T7-404'.usod vehicle 77ion*you*podolist□ ODE PLYMOUTH '88 F

8 7 8 . S i "U in i |„ |- n , PO N TIAC '8 4 Tf

“ n . T l l S ’

EtpoAol PONTIAC’86 Fiore 14 Taurus GL. AG. c ru iso . till, i mlllas, buona PL. sunroof. 2.8 dn. 4 puortas. HO V 8.4 spd. 30 r ] s n u o v a s . N o t a k i d ' s c 208-934-8196* 52000/otfor. 731-4

PONTIAC '92 4 d now t i r o s . 133,

H | | | | | ^ m l l o c . r u n s g o 51 JOO.Call 324-4!

” p^s‘'?J?,l«n’ PO N TIAC *04 Gr r Am. nooriy S0%ly 55995. a C. V6. roar opc□ODE s tic k o r now . na>T0R5 5 2 2 .0 0 0 , Now < 7 8 -M M o r 5 1 0 .9 8 8 . Coll 3 878-5611* 3900. d ir---------- ------- S U B A R U ‘89 Ju

groat car, bad mi havo source on nn Offor/or trado for

‘ 0 0 F o c u s ' th ing o l va iuo , i , lols ol room. 544-7071 or 544-^ ; 7 . 9 9 5 now SU B A R U ‘92 Loy >■ 4WD. AC. CleansOODE b l o & r u n s g r o > T O R R 51,800. CaD 734-1178-9382 or SUBARU '00 Outt 878-5611* tm p ro z o . a ll wl , _ — drivo. 4 door, hate

spood . tint wlndc n H f i S | ^ _ _ d a r t ( groon. 71K, i

------- greairSTZIDOO/Cf l l R ^ Call 203-324-117:•01 R a n g o r . . nx4. oxt. cab THET1MES-NEV 513.895. C la sa ff le d

D e p a r tm e n t, C lasa lfled Soiv l

orBoo-574.1248 R eprosontatlvi r photos 0 a re av ailab le fn»o«ti>urioy«>ni'- 8:00am - 5 :301


«- Call our ofllc iT«Mr«QrQ- In Twin Falla I Taurus SES. 7 'Vl.n<v»1 flvf 2


B - V W *7lB ug.now p

. g i s a & . ? g j

iS J a t ' pv! ’ w w o

.NOW514895.*30D E C i a s s l f l o d i r r o R S C a n l78 -0382er . 7 3 3 ^ 1 «xL2 87*8611* l 2 l 2 2 2 l 2 2 2 S l i

S, Tmot^Nawt, TVrfn Falls, Idaho E

lertlfd. g cor. B2Sor 9411.* ccord 5 sp d . rolloblo in ond 3314.‘;ord, 2 :o. PW 0. Only BA.


fRV, lo- . sd e d ,


cord 4 .rgooa0, Coll

IM K .:o, AC, op Wiih 3. Call






ycom'M '0 4 A u to .D. AC. !9,900.]i Coll

00 ZX 500 or .C a l l



Durod )ni/io 3. 77ioiWlllnsibloortodayoln.


04SI*rRoii-agon,400 or 4032.- Trans

•3141.'. ' jreGT,1, PW. - •.8 lllor10 mpg,

1-4460*I door.:3,000g o o d . ’-4994.*Grand1% olf,ipollor,nooriyH only1324-

Justy.molor.motor.3r any- >, 208-

oyalo.n^lla-r o a t l-1145.*utbackwhool . .atch.5idows,(, n in iWfior:--------173.*

E Win trvlco ilvos from

0 pm 1day

Ilcos Ills .2 or 042.*s . new , runs 51.70- -320a* • '* paint. 2.900/02Z*

d s .


Page 44: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN664/PDF/2005... · I Coop Moiwih W e a t h e r T ^ H a ta showers mix vrith ^owai •cr.o



‘05 DodgeCaran

acolor: Butane Bluo

•tock ■STC037

RETAILPRICE.............FactOfv R ebate*........ .....

. . Chrysler Rnandal InceniK Farm Bureau Incentive*... Latham Discount.............

‘05 JeepGrand


color: Khaki P f l ■locktSQCOOe

RETAILPRICE..............FactofV Rebate*Chrysler Financial Incentiw U th am Discount..............

’ 0 3 T O Y



Retail $ D " $ 12 ,588 Q f i


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‘04 DodgeRam25t Quad Cai uiesel4x

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IETA ILPRJCE..J________^ rm Bureau Incentive*..............atham Discount..-....—


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