4 A.M. Edition ' TH I VOL. 14 NO. 103 ' IFTBIiKS ■ BliEISESSi’ Speakers at Assembly Foi- ' lowing Successful Ram ' Sale, See Encouraging ' Trends for Sheep Hen , T h g spirit of optimism j hovered over-the annual - b'a'nTuc'rortho Wnho | Wool Growers’ nnsocintion at ^ lhoJ?arkJiotcl-last-cvcnIn}r, ^ attonded by 100persons, foi- t T lowing the tenth annual ram i BBloatTwinFails countyfair- { grounds at Filer. Highest ; priccaat thesalecxcccdedthe t „ top pricu ot l u i ywr, whUe oUicr i ' pilBU ptrhtps vers n «had« lorer, il v u lU l^, maklns the avtr*BO j> ipproxIfflftUIy the same: dtliouth > L completg onalpls »nd conpvlMn In | « jhort fc time dechted Impo*- • db]«. Another (eaUire that spcaken it the buiquet *n<t ^ool trocen sen- erilly’found eneouraslnj n-u tn uj>- ward tendency In the «-oot mukeU vhlch It « u deeltred h u preceded • general IniprorenKnt sder periods o{ c, depression In tho .pul. .Efforts ot raltrotds to soeura an tncresM ot IS per oent n s regarded by sptakera K the greiteit ItnmedUlo menace to ihe prosperity of Ihs Industry, ll vu stated by speakers. On the other hand rullncs obulned durlns the year on riles were of mslerlal beenflt, tt m s sUted. fa: Ko Diulaca SMftlon ^ Thera v u no business session Isst ra erenlni. This lakes piseo st the teg- st< ulsr January meellns of ths assocla* nu tlon. Ofdnff to unavoidable ahsenoe , bf three otlU memben tha execuUve „ eommlltee vas unable to liold the expected tesslon Usl night. I t U sn> tldpaled that tha commUlee meel* iBg will be held aometlme during lh« {? present niDnlh. It was said.- ^ Beginning ihe regular program, D. . . tbe association, vho acted u toast* ^ master. Introduced p. R. MushaU, ^ t flail Lake City, secretary ot the Nn- ^ i tlonal Woolgro»t»' auoeUUon. Mr. J" % itarshallcompUmenledtbtldahots- t aoelatlonforli««uectlreiimklaco. ^ years Ihs Interstate commeree'com* rr mlolon had granted Imporbmt eon- eesilons. n te most vital one, he laid, v u placing the minimum vclght on a lamb ear at 30,000 pounds Innead of a « 0 pounds. Vniile somo had. liesald,objectedlothlsthroughmls* “ undentsndlnff. It v u In fact a great ^ conccsslon. WlUle carloads leaving Idsho oflen weigh moro lhan S0;000 pounds, Ihey pracllcally never itach f * market velghlng ihat much. Thla change, he said, vould mean l » » ” car or more dllfercnce from Idaho to ^ '■ Chicago and would, mean an annual taring In freights of mon than half • mlUlon dollars to slMepmen of 10 Westem slates.. Other ConccBleas ^ ■Turalng to ether concuilona re« eelved. Mr. Marshall said Ihat duft ^ largely to the cooperallon o( the ^ Idaho tsiodsUon, charves at the ^ Omaha lennlnal had been somevbat m,. Improved, but have not jv t gone Into . ttfect. In tbe effort to get belter ^ iont]deligaUon.p«rilcular]ysenator !)f, Thomas had cooperaltd. Commlislon charges at Eloux City had bten cut tr o n ^ to iie . fltock yards chtrgu ^ atfltJcwphhadbeencutfromelgbt Mnts to se^tn cenls; at Denver from , eight cenls to six and a hair cents. * • Action had not been laken at Kan* 5“ SUC1I7, but vould be toon. Thue re. ducUona, he said, vere bued in find* Ing made before tbe financial de- preaslon. They vere not emergency *'*• . reductlona and vere wholly Inade- P” y quale, be declared. ,J; % HIU Carrtef*' Plea tW ' , rlWerlng lo tha request of the rail* ' Wida for a IS per c*nl Increase^ln W ght rales, Mr. MJUshan said Uisl Ctl asbtKvltlberevasnoreasonvhy ^ tbe cenpanles vhose reports for the — r^Int<ourmonthsof]UtsbowedthU__ tbey vere making Ivo and a quarter percentptofltahDaldaskoUitfllnu ^ CfttHlmed on Page 3, CoL 2) |iw M ce Fall Mali Com, Hog Fee cmOAGO, Aug. 13 «V -aa«Ing nob of mari»t prices Jor commodities to- larg day brought figures Irom statlstlcl* tboi SAS to shov tbat fam en In msny the easts could u r e money by burning pluc com for (uel asd feeding peaches to brai hoga. ao{ Con took a dive or nearly s cenU ^ a bahel to 48 cents before recovering oo tbe board o( irade. -nnt-crop f™ paadies in southern Illinois went on P S IbentfTfcetforaStoBOcenUabivheL Allowing for transportaUon, grain “ f, experts flgnred that fannen could get'only about 23 eenU a bmhel for DulK. so that a ton Of the coane gnUn lo com regions vould be from _ ~ 13 to M a ton cheaper than coal. ■While tbe -fattening poven of stalt peaches had nOt been dcmonitrated. aad: • mattff of llgiff^ibal seven bashela yeE / «f cheapest pescbea voukl con only and i n.4Su>{ainnnMrly*Wf°rMTen mali rNbtisheliotmsrtiledcom.suppo«edlo tobe I«d0C*lM pounds of pork.. buy, t The fttth aop ta soutbem HU- vert E TW ^ LKutD nniiB UEUDCR u r ____ ----- AMOCtATlP PBISB - Differences Over I Auto Parking Lead To Fatal Shooting WAmnuOTOH. Aug, 13 (/fV-An argument over a parking space Ird to ths fatal alioollng of W. Prank Norman, veatthy atlorney. -b3r3qjteph-ir.-Dlgmi-yetr«old- - Kegro bell-boy. today In front jOf . Wardman Park holeU / Noman. who came here 11 }’ean ^ ego from ChatUnooga, Tenntssefl, to become ^ ipetisl asaislanl at- torney general, v u vailing for his chauffeur lo tske him lo his doa-n- • tonT) office. Four Ihou hll hUn. He died an hour uier al Emergency hospital; Diggs surrendered and police ta ld . he confessed. He v u charged with murder. - Diggs ssld he shot - In self*. . htmonceandvusboutlohllhlm I sgivin vhen he began shoollng. . -Wltne«ttrhoveKr.-sald there vere- h no ilgns of sn ergument Juit be- fore the shooting. Hotel emploj-es " lold police thst Noman and > ' Diggs qMarrcied Iwo days ago over t a parking space and that Use a l- > tomey then atruek the Negro a FmiES: WDESIlIi'! Southern Planters'Hear'PIea S To Plow Up One-Third of b. Cotton to Increase Price . ------- el WASHINOTON, Aug. IJ WV-'Hie 14 farm beard loday called upon pi Southern planters lo destroy ons- m third of their ctop now under n lli- sc vaUon, promlsinc In retum to hold ti stAbUlsallon surplus stocks from the market for one year.' . ni Telegrams vero dispatched lo Ihq governors o f H eeitm producing sutes. urging them to enUit the co- operation of ei'ery available agency, inchidlng farmen and bankera. In ? this tlep to Increase the low price of cotton. Tbey were signed- by Chslnnan Stone, vho conferred loday with dl* £ recton ot the Cotton- SUblUzatloa t? Corjjorallon and tbo Amerton Cot* ° Ion Coopcatlvt auoelatlon. Stoat „ uld U m v e n promised-to pibk " undere^Tbifdrowolcotloa^ q, WMX» :-balea 11 owns Irma t««o Sl tfisaBeli. . .. £ VlhU program." lie ’asseited.--ir S ruily carrled oul by Boutbera fann* en u veil u by ourselves, vlU mean reducUon of total supply by a t :eul‘ <J)00»Q bales and vllhboSd* Ing from ibU year’s market o( 9,> »0,«00 bales more." " Tho actkm followed by a few days _ I gm'emmenl crop forecast la which the m i cotton harvctlvuesUmat* ;d at 1S.SM.000 bales, more.lhan I,* PJ »0,000 above Usl year. Cotton prices ^ 5n..every,.exchanke ImmedUtely »ppM. . “> ' Lene Named Chief = A/ew'bours before the Ulegrams i" wre sent, 11 v u announeed Atot* indcr Legge, fomer cbalrmao ot tbe fann bea;^ had been eleeted a di* ~~ rector-Bt*Urge of the stabilluUen »iporttlon. Wheal and cotton sta* sUliallon operations vilh the board'a tMOMOAn revolving fund were in- lUled,under his chairmanship and le h u been In clote louch vlth all leltlU. The propoiais lo ploa( under evei7 lilrd-rov of cotton v u ad\-anced Titerday by Omemor Bilbo.-Mis* imppL. . . ' J- E. p. Creekmore, protdeni and »net*l manager of the Colton BU* lUIulion Corpontlon. announced to* lay that legge and Caion J. CalU- , lay, lA Omsge, Oeorgla. hsd been j lecled dlrecton-at-Urge of the cor* ■oration. Legge Is nov president ot the In* emallonal Harvester company, a po* Itkin vhlch he assumed agsin after ellrlng /rom the boanl tu t March. ialUvay U president of the Amerl* ao Manufacturing assocUllon. com* osed of Soulheutem mills.- * lad accepted, “to give added confl* ence to the sUbilizaUon ooiporaUon wk.” kes Fuel of ed of Peaches oU v u reported three times‘U irge u previous averaga crops, al- jough In many areu growen had » bending Umbs of peach treu lucked of green pesehea to keep tbe ranches from breaking, n ie ' Uter rop, tbe trull exchange a t CentralU lUmaled, wouM bring higher prices, holce trull U now selling for SS mU. bul.lhe dovny product v u In leess everywhere. Recenl repcrU ltd tbat peaches sold in Sootb Caro* sa u cheap u lo cenU a buihel, blie In recent yean many cropt of lit fmll bave been allowed to rot I CallfomU orchards. Axouple ot.ye»a ago, vjien there UT» bumper crop of com. many nnen bomed ll la. the Western ales rather than sell it to* ptlcu Id boy coal. Uien came tbe drought a^hororeSSbe^rSlnhoppw “ id dry weather have ruined tbe tlst crop In some areas, Ibtre SHms be mora com than anyoBt cam to 7, except at prieea lowtr lhan they « when coca v u b u r M d belor*. # TffE ONLY 'ASS VlWl TWINI Mmm \ mciiB FIGlIiiCl; --------------------------------- t Government, Serene Under f Armed Attack, Reports ’ 14 Debels and One Rural < Guard Killed In Clash \ Hj 1. P. MeKNtfllir (Aiaoelalfd Press a u ff WrIUr) J H avana, Aug-^a-Fowr- -{ fccn rebels and one nir- i al guardsman were b |{|llcd'Intrtodft>’rth o ’ Cuban p government roporleil tonlghli / In a cla.Hh between federal; , troops and rebtis at Ccjas del g Negro. b The Bovernment statement [] also snid 26 prisoners were , Uken by the federal troops, logelh' , ' er wllh riflH and a quanUty of am- I I munition. ) ' The Itdersl forces were led by ^ LleuUnsnl Captain Aral and Lieu> II tenant Rtane, it said, and the reb* U eU VO ttranf. wck commanded by I Lula Del POM, Prior to thla, no newt ot armed conHlct betveen rebeU snd soldier* . reached.Havsna.today,.but-reporU n\ a received here itW lhal WwrtbellSoui W , spitll v u growing }n Ibe two near* )i by provinces of Plnar del Rlo and Ualansu. lUUwonTncpt OenenI Alberto Iterfrera, army chief ot lUff, reported that he lud 10 J4J00 soldiers and sailort at hll dll* ] 0 poul, in whose loyalty lha govern- ex: I* m int ruU d completa confidence, lie air I* set rebel cuualilu during tha pait en d two dayi' fighting al 30 killed. 60 Ct: le wounded ffld ISO prUoun, in round ihi numben.VAnoUwteeutiV shoved « dr .. dead, of whom at were alleged reb' po '2 ell, one toldkr, one policeman and ini • two olber penons. . , In Matanus province 500 am td ux y men were reported gathered around rii « Soea de CamarlKa and It w u be* be lleved tn attempt mlghl be nude ({{ _ to Und erpedlUonary forces there, -n, “ Olher tlnng tttKl lorort hava been reported aboul Cardenii. Unonar. «. ° CanUl, Amarlllu and Colon. kj 1 Havana province lUelf v u quiet, bii f to (ar u eould be learned; to, Z In Banla Clan, Camiguey- and ' J. OiteoU' provinces, 11 via said there al ^ (VM eonUnaed novemert ot,rsvol8* „i ; tloowy jfoop*.- Trouble v«i said to of ” 1)9 upeeted'at Clenfuegot,' Mutb n i coul post a«d traditional revolu* * tlonary hot*bed. In, r ' RebeU Claim SasU CUra , tui . Duplle soremmeni denUli. op* ro] I poslUonliU continued to eUlm the n« . military regiment In SanU Clar* lh< VM on tbelr tide. toi , It v u announced todiy that Col* Ne ? onel PVantUeo CatUlo. heading teh- Pei ] cl forces about Remedict, In that IU province, had Ulepbooed an offer 1 . lo surrender. Insunient headquar* l«i ten here denied that tbU ww Ion ' uoe........- ...... ......... ........................ m I , , . No Lacl 7 5EEM$ M ThOUliH V HWE HATiHtDl i Y \ I J^/l| (I lirn T _ - ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWi FALL ■IN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY-J Governor Advises p Industry to Tum To Smaller Town^ A ny J. R.1mACKETr (AMOcUUd Preu Uuilnm Writer) anvm day.-n. v . Aug. i3 on Oovernor Prsnklln D. Rootentl todsy advUed Amerlean Induatry lo conilder serjouily a great trek .. lo Ihe amaler communlliea. vhero « sr tsxea are cheaper and the em* nC U pioyea' living euler. He addressed the fint.Smaller , InduiUlet'conferenee.and pleaded ai vllh them u repreirntatlvea of , about 300W of the nation’s man* ;h ufacturlng p’/J)U, lo lend their elforu to social and eeonvnlo ex- petlments. The governor ssld the great eco- nomic cycle, having brought In- _ durtrlea so huge the people vert \ ■\maWe~to'lhlnK'ln"t«rarof-le*i- 'V f- lhan millions, v u now turning ' ’C back, to give smaller Industries a .p. ill' ■prfdomlnsnrpIice ln thBnevclv— - ; . /lllMtlon. -Your gitatUxpi." he tald, “are :ili “}} yourcommunliytaxesandlhiyvUl ncj cl grow tsrger u more subways are. m,/ bulll. water ayilemi enlarged, and if theiyiUmsof traniportationfu> ■o J HiBB'flSITl ^ G iS m tls Id ' mS a Citlze'ns” Enterta!n“ FlyItig nl! Id Couple .With Excursion tojing Historic.. Gold ' Fields S S -— ■ I- NOMS. Alaska, Aug. 12 U^Noma I* experienced one otiU greateit thrills le alnco tha IMO gold nuh today by , T It enUrUlnlwt Colonel and Mn. f«' A Charles A. Undbergh wllh a trip lo tha; d (he liU to ri^ d fleldl, whero huge !6 dredges a r ^ vork. and lo other ' >• poinU of intereit In the famous mln* " w>»™ . .....................- ...................ss ^ The fl>'lntr couple, on their vay to « Ihe Orient for a vtcallon trip, tr* i” 0 rived a t Bafety bay, 21 mllea from I* here, al 10:34 A.M. (1:25 P.M .Pa* cine SUndard Ttme) }-eiterday. They planned to Uko off'tomorrow u “ momlng acrou Bering lea (or Kor* ^ agin Wand, off-the cout of - the "fl . Kamchatka penlntuU. whero' tucl tupplles have been placed on,; lU 4 n>ehop,sUgbtiyover.a-thousaiKi ^ mile* long, will Uke tha Uadbergbl’ over IhToortheni and .fcitank Up' SLn * otst.UwwBco UUBd'toOape Ka: ^ “ mlnonlbeBllfelaneeaitaad;then '* eailvird dovn ths Kamchatka pen* InsuU to Ksngln Uland. AfUr.ie* fueling there t h e will leavo for Pet* I* ropavlovsk, aboul tSO mllea' away, ft near the end of the penlnsuU; and 4 t a then (or Tokyo, about UOO mUes < touth. They will probabbly 'tUip a t pre« .* Nemuro, about half way between '• PelropavlovtkandlbeJapaoesocap- Tl ■I lU l. . . ....... the: r Tha vaeatlonen’ longeit over wa* sh, • Icr hop. between BL Lawrence' U* Repi 1 landandCspeNavarin,vlUbetbout tho( - SSOmlles.--------------- ----------------- aclii iBck of Settiiig-H ens, Eithei Copyright, in ;, tqrl I EWSPAPER IN TWm FALI AY.T^IOUNING. AUGUST 13,.m ny J llill ( ^ SPORimGIi i’ I wmm , .. . . . Renewed Discussion Centers y, r .On PosslblIlt> ot Enact- ' ment cl Equalization Fee ; And Export Debenture ' (11/ The Auocltled Preu) * 1 \T /’ASh INGT0N, Aug. 12 -p * of f n r m relief, todny ^ cnnfcrcdjipon-lhe.posslblllty yjij of efforts lo amend the agn- nm I :uiliiral marketing act in the nsl 1 next congress to.Include both qo( the equniiiution feo and cx- w, . IM>rt ilcbenturo plans. an Under such nn amendment, jIq Ilw farm board would be-empowered 10 u» lu iliicreilon in employing VV, either of these provUloni In meet- „ J ins an sgrlcuitural surplus emer* Stncy. Farm leaders throughout tho coun* and try have been debailng the ade* R.] , quicy ol presenl legliUllon wllh In* Uni lensmed Intereit In Ihe Utl several p. j monthiilncenewbumpercropaha^'e bur added to lhe.complexity.oC.lbe_sg* boI g rinilUiral'SltusUon. . (be The jifcNan-'lIaucen bill, eonlaln* .01 Ing the equallutlon fee, v u twlca .- vetoed by Uon yMierdsy announced it.vould again acUvely lupporl It, deeming exUtlng ^ Uv iniufflelenl to deal with the 5 fannen’ iroublea. ^ ly The export debenture v u lu l de- cue I. (eated in tbe house a IltUe more « than a j-ear ago when Uie Norrti y t amendment lo tlie Uriff blUwu loit X by 10 volea afUr it had been adept* o( t I. ed In the lenale. Prealdent Hoover gn, . hudeclsred.hlmielf opposed.to.tbfl qiic . debenture, but h u nol (poken on Uu feo pUn. Chairman Stone of tlie * farm board also U on record agalnit nai “ tbe debenujre. . I. , Complexion Changes anj * wlien the NorrU amendment v u *. , defealed.UHliousebadaRepublican J majortty of moro than 100. I t b u \ been cui dovn to a clote dIvUIon ot ^ two WlU) control atm In tbe baUnce. i Whal faU UiU pton, as weU u Ui» i equtllaUon fee, vlU oeet la vle« ^ : M clrcumiunoe, rtmaIiu"4o be ^ 1 ' ^ tWrtminfd'wtjen-andlCtaft^lWle “ ** J fartn relief conUoveny which 'h u ; nged InlermltUnUy since l»ao*is ! If Ihesj propouU ara re-lnlro* |i ^ . duced, U«y probtbly wlU origlnata v .„ i In the houie lo obviaU any doubtt I of conitlluUonallty in view of e*- t presilons Uiat they are mvnue net* 1 Uieii - The westem progrtailre group la h< Uie senate. Including Binalon Bor* exlit * sh, Norrli, Nye and Broi^harl, all coup - Republicans. U sympalhelie tovard Jng < t tho debenuu^andjnay preai for en- be h ' aclinbat ............... ' " ' Mi _ vera i dlKi ither" . h«w -- -------------- Tv CO Twin tht ( Wait 'n * lA nsul ?, / \ n \ COI m 1. t v n u Mnr iotkTflbuiM, Zoo. BlbcA ALLS COUNTT a T ly Congressme Need for M( To SaveR( .Visiting Lawmakers 2] in Statements at ] Boise Put Strea# on Idalto’s Favors (Dy nifl Auoclited Pros) *? p O lS E .A n it.lZ -A ricl.- S IS mnfloiniind of probably 000,000 m ust be dl* ab vldcd-by-tho-noxt-congrcfls. ^ among reclamation projects asicing in the aggregate $26,* coi 000.000. Addison T. Smith of ch Idnho declared today on his j arrival here with a congrcs- slonal delegation to u r in g western reclamation projects. In Uie party vere RepreienUtlves fll Burton U Prench, Idaho, Pnnk L f Murphy. Ohio, Edward T. Taylor, ( j r Colorado, w . W. Haitingi. Oklahoma. and'Roberl Luce, MaiuehuietU.atid R R. P. WalUn. chief engineer of the United Slates bureau of reclamation. I I*. J. Btlley, aailiunt director ol Ihe bureau of tho budget, and Charlea BobbeLuiiiUnt.lo.Uie.iecrtUn'of . Uie Interior. Jat Ceotlnoes loipecUen ‘niepany vlllconlinueUielnipec* i tlon of Idalio proJecU unlll Satur* ; dsy vhen they wlil crow over Into - I WyomUig. Sevenl memben of Ihe party told Intervlewen it w u their belief con- greii vould have lo come to Uis res* cue ot Uie reclamation (und viUi ad- n dlllonal spptoprUtlons. Virtually aj|. I t a t l o n proJecU reai wero hard hli UiU year by ihoriage sent of vster. altribuUd by Ute party in mor greatparttolnadequaleatongeiup. to i piles or for lack of means of brbig* hooi Ing In olher wsler avalUble. ti RepreseaUUve U ea Injected a hirf BoU of oplbnlim In Uie ditciualon. ttot when he said Idsho and Uie bsl7 once ef Uia PoeUU Northwest wu m ‘(avered spot la Uie vertd." , *1T ob oni hera will all have plen* ■ii, tyto eat, plenty io w nr. and good niu roofs over year heads wben winler ni coBe*," be u ld . enle RepresenUUvuBmlUi and Preach Qua uld congreu voukl certainly boun* eotA wllllni lo appropriate for now proj* ^ ectt. bufc'VoaJtLcoMlnly te.calM ^Ui upon' to (Inanca approprUUons tor ii5 furaUblnjr«^^ - RepresenUtlvoBmiU) said Uie rec- um amatloa fund w u grtaUy depleUd ^ becauM of curUlled recelpu (ram oil Unds and dlfflcuilies suffered by tatmen.bn reelamaUon proJecU In ^ meetlafpaymenUwllhJowprlceslor ^ Uieir produeU. ' He said Uie vtlue ot Improving existing projects, however, would'bo u i coupled wllh Uie.need for (uniUh* m Iv Ing employment for men who would . ^ bo h ir e < X ‘niprov!ng Uiem. ____ _ ^ Memben of Uie eongreaikinal^^ thj. weragwaUatabanquettonlghtfol* teni loifbu which Uiete v u a general « ij dlKuiilon ot several piopottU (or nU, improvement of Uie BoUe project.' ^ Theyvlllteavetomorrovforaood- fare ing and will spend tomorrow nlghl rn ~ t Twin FOIU. - Quit Twin Falls Lays. S Pian for Welcome Thf) ForCongresslnen'^^ Conneamsn Addlnn T. Bmlth, Twin rtlU clUien tod a member o( Ult dongrciilonti delegstlon t o u^ Western reclamation projects, win be m uter o( ceremonies a l a receplion aad banquet (or Uu delegaUon on lU arrlvel here UiU evening, according to pUns completed lu t night by Ujo ^ Tvln PalU Chamber of Commerce, “ ‘w Congressman Frank M u ri^ Ohio, dttegallon chairman, and Congreu* maa Robert U Luce. MasiaebUHlta, WlU ba Introduced by Mr. SmlUi foi* low!nga.wtlcomlngsddreubyR.p. Pany, Twin Palli, la bebaU o( Uie people of flouUi Central Idaho, and STAI bf’ScSiS'^feweU^T ^ Wight of Twin Palls Chamber of Oommeiec. A male quartet will alag JJ"“ ' t group of Weitem tongs. «««’ Anangemenu hsve been made lor unmodaUon of 300 penons at Uie wepllon and banquet at Uie Rogtr* If”” nn boui beginning at T P. M. Halt } Jit number UexpecUdlo be out-ot- ovn guesU. The congresslonsl delegaUon U tx* jeeted to arrive here sta P. M,eoni* i^l n«fromOoodUv.8hoihenaaDdJeT* l > l mie. It memben vlll leave bera Fri* Isy momlng In automoblUs fumlib> - -d by local buUness met], going to I lurley and Rupert. J \MER1CAN AIRMEN FACE INDICTMENT IN JAPAN rA» . . WA TOKYO,.Aug. 1* (Thwidayj (ffH «* nyde Pangbom snd nugb'llemdon, a a ^ r, Americsn svUtors. reported lo a brll ho publlo procunUr al 8 ,o’clock the h bU momlng (or further crost-ex* night. mlnsUon In coaaecUon vlUipbol* nie gnphs tbey took vhDa flying ortr knowi tpsaew ittritoty. «em' Authoritlu the cum* the cc lauon-ptobably would be oomplelad earth )day and tbe Rengo Nevs Agency tbe fr 1 well u tereral vemacuUr nevt* the d' spen predicted Uu arialon, vho bum i )!eet^ vwldtw^rtei- " pear i .Pangbom asd Bemdon are liDeg' fUeol 1 to tbave iakcB pbolograpbi.wlUi 11 o’c moUoa pletun camcm o( torttfUd Uia ni xiMvblleflylnifhmKhabamtk. (ar(n Ibcila, to tba'TKlUkava t i l r d ^ . seld (I ;. 1. Y NE . uEUWDi.soDrr oouai/^------ OF cmouunowa len Voice Hore Funds Reclamation >21-Day Stay in . I Respirator Saves Little Girl’s Life ^ Nirv YORk Taw. 13 MVAtl* 1(« LouUo Dalton, ten jT tn old, VM tsken todsy (rom Uio reipir* ator vhere sba has Uin.for 31 - dsys. ' '"pjiiijfisHrMid ujrfWj(i.“p tfr . a b v d from the neck down, w u . out of danger. Three weeks sgo • - w n i f « - v u despaired’Of:----------- > The child, deiplle her crilleal condition, hu been extremely cheecful. , Dooton laid never before htd an InfanUla panlytU vlcUm lain so long In an srUflcial respirator and lived. iGlGSllWS I i)(li|PlLI! Jack'fLegs) DIamond'Hears Federal Judge Impose Four-Year Prison Term BrCUARLESKUNE , fAxsocUUd P ru t Btaff Wtilcr) NEW YORK, Aug. 13 lAV-niO Uw ilnick at gangdom from Uw front and rear lodsy. impoiing ths heavUit scnUnca poulble on Jack <Ugs) Ola* mond and deUIIIng crack marksmen to conduct a eonUnuous hunt (or hoodlums s t u a t targe. Tbe slim nckeUer, who prevloutly had escaped convlpUon 2t out ot 25 times, heard a (ederal Judge (rom Kanau order him lo se n t (our years In the AUanU penlUnlUry and pay an tllMO tln»*-Uu moxlmum’pen* ally (or bit eenvioUon of beer run* < nInganddlitlUcry.ownerablp. , I DUmond's sssocUte In-hU Illicit * enurprtte In Uie CaUklUi,. Paul 1 Qualirocohl; who like Jllamond w u I eaiiVlcUd of conspiracy to TloUta the i prohibilion Uw. w u HaUneed'ta -BbsrpabootenOtiOrl^' ' ij Hardly an hour eUpsad before Po« ] Uct Commluloner Edward-P. Mul« rooney trsaifemd a tqusd of cnek . shaiT^ooUn lo Uie moloreycW dl* < vUion of Uie New Yorit police u i^ r < orden to palrol eacb of Uw Ifl > dUlxlcU wlUi new tulqmalle thol* i guns. ' • . • I A lUU further sccounUngwIUt Ult < U v lies ahead (or Diamond, vhosa t only tu y In prlioa Ihua far has been a shorl term (or burgUry. - - i -=t-vould be remUs in my.duly U » I did not suggest to Uu dUtrlet aW ; toroey." said Federal Judge Richard t, J. llopUni, Uial evidence shoving f pouealon,tnnipoRaUonaoduUln , vloUtloaofUwJonesaotbelaldbe- . fore Uwgrtnd juiy, T he. defendanu, (DUmood aad Quatlnwchi). It coavieUd ol olmet 1 bnught to llghl Uirough Uia evidence J in UiU case wouM be lUble to far more severe punlihment tbaa that . poulble on Uw eoniplracy . count. - They might be senlcnoed to 30 or 40 yesrs." -KoVm Tatung" Tbtre-s no uie Ulklng,*’ w u Uw comment of DUmond, former body oi guard of Uie lUln gambler, A nold I< Rolhtleln. ' tl sute sulhorlUes hope'to brim t) Diamond lo IrUI on a series ol I< charges remaining (rom Uie aUegcd torturing of a Cairo, Nhv York, cider q truckman. CsnylogbuUeUtromaB g. allempi loananlnsu him, DUmood {7 «TM lolo court In TVoy, New Yoii, recently and v u acquitted of an u * ^ sault charge srlUng (rom Uit Uuck* » msn’s eue. but kidnsnlng and oUier ~ IndlctmenU ilUl arc pending. STATE, COUNTY AND i DWTBICTnNANCESPAN gl -TJ0ISEniTlg.'-12TS<i=TBr"Hiir «« couoly and highway dlitrlct will (I* m nance a bridge across Uw Snake m river between RoberU.and Rlrit nn- of der an agreement announoed today tV (ollowlng a meeting of a delegation m from Jeffenon county with Oorer* dl nor Rob ahd Alrtn Harbour, com* be mUtlAier of publle works. be Cloud of Cosmit Earth Pyrotei By r . B. COLTON (01 (AuocUted Preas Science WMIer) WAfiHINaTOM. Aug. 13-A cloud pr of.oosmle duit. left In Uie wake of tU a speeding comet, will glre the earth sp< a briiiunt diipUy of (ireworks ta eoi the heavens .tonight and tomomw Ut night. Til m e dull ptrUeles In Uw cloud are obi known u the Penelds, becatua Uiey bll leem to eome frem Uu direction of r Ibe coniUIUlionPencus. When tba Uu earth swings Uirough Uia dust cloud, sui tbe fricUon of IU almcapbere beaU obi Ihe dull parUcIes unUl Uiey glow, eai Mimup.sndfsUto«artbuasli.. Ut m lh* nl»ht IW thn PfrvlOt Mfi. IIB' Mor u yellow slresks ot Ugbt, TU* J lUe all ortr Uie UnlUd fllaUi atUr' Uoi II o’eoek. n>ey csn be sees vlUi set lha nsked eye U Uie obeerTsr goes pa [sr (rom artltUUl UgbU Each Pn* <yi wld (Uibei only 4 second or te be* Uk TODAY; Cloudy, ]W S -------------10T>AGE3'~6CTNTS- JEiFilEiS , mmmm . Pessimism Takes Hold On ' Men . Battling Fires On ^ ■g 150-Mllo Front In For - ests of Southern Idaho (By The AuocUted Press) t^O IS E , Aug. 12 — Flrft r ■H-//ffhtora"oM-thF360-mlle s ^ fir® front In.southern 0. Idahoitoday-gcnerally-wcrfl------- ,, rwigned to the prospect that y only r a i n will quench tho n&mos. n Such was the report given , 2 out tonight from tho Idaho 1 forest headquarters in McCall and Horn oWiCT lourtea tn .ccnn«* Uon ■with Uw (b i north of Boise ' _ whleh U now spreading tolo Urrt^ ' loryof UieBoiMnatlonalfereit..' | •I A more opllmlitlo tene v u con- V talned In a tUUment given out by I the BoQUwmWaJio limber Prolec- > Uve astoeUUoQ vhleh uld U» cen- . dlU»tivtt''sasuaUn(abrlthUroul> . look, nnancltl auUUnee_^.bMn__:_ ■« stiuitd It tho7oroil tervlce and tho department of Uw Interior.* le About ISO mote men vere Uken up to.flffht the fire north otBoiie, j II ineieaiingUwforeetoaboulJSOBJen. | in addition lo Uw KO nun dgbUar i Uw Idaho forest fires, more Uiaa a hundred vere battUfirfUmet to tbft . Welter and Payetta forat area*. i 5 WINb.WHlPPED FLAUU j I* SPBEADlNNORniERNAm ' ° SPOKANB,Aug.UM>-n»fI*»»l!^ ” ingannletwerereowmUedtoday-;i wlwU i*»pt over b U xlnrf^ to . ■ ? northeast Idaho and Bomwtitjaoa.' .. .i ^ tana.,but^lUiet vere. held oa-.t^ ' n P rtat rtter froal. tl«',oUiec taalor, 'a confUgratlon to the a r e a . . -Wlndalann*dtlufl^»B^ ;• • 1 * creek la-Montaaa and'Idtho, i;,- Inff them over defenie Unu (or naif .-n' It a t l u S iw l Sector and two and »■ ll bait mllea-of aa eaUaaled Hxigl^ J fronlDnanoUuTvtretett.R«T^*w. -■*, IB mea were.dUMbuted ortr U» a rte - >• ute:fod*y;wpredtetaL.-. i. C PJghim oa.'Uie M'iaiu'trdoU*’ ,•••■.;; J UttttUnlnkittflromUitPriotrtwr;-.,.. I a near'Ntvport' . n InrtipoMeto e W a i^ : NewTwrt to oovenior . . a s l ^ HT - 1 ll lo U ut dlslrict, Oeorgo a Joy, lUte: : « foresUr. ordered Ted Qooftyear, M* , a s!itaal(orefur,io|akeallttepiise-: * oeaary.to coaltol Ihe. b U « ,. . : Idaho’s V eterans. [ ; I M ove on L ew ston' > For A nnual M ^ t ' J tEWlBTOK./ug. «(»-^ABari-, , , eaa Leiloaaalret Ova all parU of. * UisopjnlaisessioatoD^g^ | [ Idabo dewtment. , I NaUoniJ CommsniSer BtJpb T . , ' OTIeU will airivt toootrov. acjom- I SsnUd im n flpolune by a > non headed by R. p. leeper. tan, fonner sute eoomander.m WlU be welcomed by Mayor Ry J. WMU. • O. 0. Wllioa, Bonners Peny. i u « • eommsBder. sad othtr tiiy tad !*• glon offlcUU. I -Promlnenl on Ujb opening.5 ^ t gram U a memorial senlea for Col* , i OBiniBitrHirncttmTTO^ i .1 dUns. Tribsl Uadert aald OUell wUl I be the tin t Wblla maa glvea mem* benblplfrthetfibe. icDustGives echnic Display (orell'Dumiout.* ' ' ___' 'Actually Uie dull cloud Uut cen* priiea tbe Ptrwlds U.wA s U j^ sUU but moving a t t r « n e t i ^ toeed. toQawlnc ths path ot ItitUe a S whlenaitappMrM to a^ Uonomen ta 15tt n u Ptneldt m vWbloonlyonoeayw.tbeHa^ . obserralory expUUis. ^ ita^ u u ol tbe «m»l aadlhe earlbcatt. The * week lo p ta Uw PenekH bot U »W - SuSgdUpUyUTWblel|ii^to. . , obtervsta (or only .two gW>tt , esrtb phtngtd Ute Usl v t ^ aad will aot^courge . uiiTO*tparUcl«talJ»P^ seidi. onlrio to^W rtwak* ot Ught, s u p * win *««?*?**. .• -:

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A.M. Edition ' T H I VOL. 14 NO. 103 • ' IFTBIiKS BliEISESSi’ Speakers at Assembly

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A.M. Edition ' T H I VOL. 14 NO. 103 • ' IFTBIiKS BliEISESSi’ Speakers at Assembly

4 A.M. Edition

' T H IV O L. 14 N O . 103 • '


Speakers at Assembly Foi- 'lowing Successful Ram 'Sale, See Encouraging 'Trends for Sheep Hen ,

Th g s p i r i t o f op tim ism j hovered over-the annual - b 'a 'n T u c ' r o r t h o W nho | Wool Growers’ nnsocintion at

lhoJ?arkJiotcl-last-cvcnIn}r,^ attonded by 100 persons, foi- t T lowing the tenth annual ram i

BBlo at Twin Fails county fair- { grounds at Filer. Highest ; pricca at the sale cxcccded the t

„ top pricu o t l u i ywr, whUe oUicr i ' pilBU ptrhtps vers n «had« lorer,

i l v u lU l^ , maklns the avtr*BO j> ipproxIfflftUIy the same: dtliouth > L completg onalpls »nd conpvlMn In | « jhort fc time dechted Impo*- • db]«.

Another (eaUire that spcaken i t the buiquet *n<t ^ool tro ce n sen- erilly’found eneouraslnj n-u tn uj>- ward tendency In the «-oot mukeU vhlch It « u deeltred h u preceded • general IniprorenKnt sder periods o{ c, depression In tho .pu l. .Efforts ot raltrotds to soeura an tncresM ot IS per oent n s regarded by sptakera K the greiteit ItnmedUlo menace to ihe prosperity of Ihs Industry, ll v u stated by speakers. On the other hand rullncs obulned durlns the year on riles were of mslerlal beenflt, tt ■ m s sUted. fa:

Ko D iulaca SMftlon ^Thera v u no business session Isst ra

erenlni. This lakes piseo s t the teg- st< ulsr January meellns of ths assocla* nu tlon. Ofdnff to unavoidable ahsenoe , bf three otlU memben tha execuUve „ eommlltee vas unable to liold the expected tesslon Usl night. I t U sn> tldpaled that tha commUlee meel* iBg will be held aometlme during lh« {? present niDnlh. It was said.- ^

Beginning ihe regular program, D. .

. tbe association, vho acted u toast* ^ master. Introduced p. R. MushaU, ^

t flail Lake City, secretary ot the Nn- ^ i tlonal Woolgro»t»' auoeUUon. Mr. J" % itarshallcompUmenledtbtldahots- t aoelatlonforli««uectlreiimklaco. ^

years Ihs Interstate commeree'com* r r mlolon had granted Imporbmt eon- eesilons. n te most vital one, he laid, v u placing the minimum vclght on

■ a lamb ear a t 30,000 pounds Innead of a « 0 pounds. Vniile somo had. liesald,objectedlothlsthroughmls* “ undentsndlnff. It v u In fact a great ^ conccsslon. WlUle carloads leaving Idsho oflen weigh moro lhan S0;000 ‘ pounds, Ihey pracllcally never itach f * market velghlng ihat much. Thla change, he said, vould mean l » » ” car or more dllfercnce from Idaho to ^

'■ Chicago and would, mean an annual ‘ taring In freights of m on than half

• mlUlon dollars to slMepmen of 10 Westem slates..

Other ConccBleas ^■Turalng to ether concuilona re«

eelved. Mr. Marshall said Ihat duft ^ largely to the cooperallon o( the ^ Idaho tsiodsUon, charves a t the ^ Omaha lennlnal had been somevbat m,. Improved, but have not jv t gone Into

. ttfect. In tbe effort to get belter ^

iont]deligaUon.p«rilcular]ysenator !)f, Thomas had cooperaltd. Commlislon

■ charges a t Eloux City had bten cut t r o n ^ t o i i e . fltock yards ch trgu ^ atfltJcw phhadbeencutfrom elgbt Mnts to se^tn cenls; a t Denver from , eight cenls to six and a hair cents. *

• Action had not been laken a t Kan* 5“ SUC1I7, but vould be toon. Thue re. ducUona, he said, vere bued in find*Ing made before tbe financial de- preaslon. They vere not emergency *'*•

. reductlona and vere wholly Inade- P” y quale, be declared. , J ;% HIU Carrtef*' Plea tW

' , rlWerlng lo tha request of the rail*' Wida for a IS per c*nl Increase^ln

W g h t rales, Mr. MJUshan said Uisl Ctl a sb tK v ltlb e re v asn o re aso n v h y ^ tbe cenpanles vhose reports for the

— r^Int<ourm onthsof]U tsbow edthU__tbey vere making Ivo and a quarter percentptofltahDaldaskoUitfllnu ^

CfttHlmed on Page 3, CoL 2) | iw

M c e Fall Mali Com, Hog Fee

cmOAGO, Aug. 13 «V -aa«Ing nob of mari»t prices Jor commodities to- larg day brought figures Irom statlstlcl* tboi SAS to shov tba t fa m e n In msny the easts could u r e money by burning pluc com for (uel a sd feeding peaches to brai hoga. ao{

Con took a dive or nearly s cenU ^ a bahel to 48 cents before recovering oo tbe board o( irade. -n n t-c ro p f™ paadies in southern Illinois went on P S IbentfTfcetforaStoBOcenUabivheL Allowing for transportaUon, grain “ f, experts flgnred th a t fannen could get'only about 23 eenU a bmhel for DulK. so that a ton Of the coane gnUn lo com regions vould be from _ ~ 13 to M a ton cheaper than coal.

■While tbe -fattening poven of stalt peaches had nOt been dcmonitrated. aad:

• mattff of llg iff^ iba l seven bashela yeE / «f cheapest pescbea voukl con only and i n.4Su>{ainnnM rly*W f°rM Ten mali rNbtisheliotmsrtiledcom.suppo«edlo tobe

I«d0C*lM pounds of pork.. buy,t The f t t t h a o p ta soutbem HU- vert

E T W^ LKutD nniiB UEUDCR u r ____----- AMOCtATlP PBISB -

Differences Over I Auto Parking Lead To Fatal Shooting

WAmnuOTOH. Aug, 13 (/fV-An argument over a parking space Ird to ths fatal alioollng of W. Prank Norman, veatthy atlorney.

-b3r3qjteph-ir.-D lgm i-yetr«old- - Kegro bell-boy. today In front jOf . Wardman Park holeU /

Noman. who came here 11 }’ean ego from ChatUnooga, Tenntssefl, to become ^ ipetisl asaislanl a t­torney general, v u vailing for his chauffeur lo tske him lo his doa-n- • tonT) office.

Four Ihou hll hUn. He died an hour u ier al Emergency hospital; Diggs surrendered and police ta ld . he confessed. He v u charged with murder.- Diggs ssld he shot - In self*. .

h tm onceandvusboutloh llh lm I sgivin vhen he began shoollng. .

-W ltne«ttrhoveK r.-sald there ve re - h no ilgns of sn ergument Juit be- „ fore the shooting. Hotel emploj-es " lold police thst Noman and >' Diggs qMarrcied Iwo days ago over t a parking space and that Use a l- > tomey then atruek the Negro


F m i E S :W DESIlIi'!

Southern Planters'Hear'PIea S To Plow Up One-Third of b. Cotton to Increase Price

.------- ■ • elWASHINOTON, Aug. IJ WV-'Hie 14

farm beard loday called upon piSouthern planters lo destroy ons- mthird of their ctop now under n l l i - scvaUon, promlsinc In retum to hold ti stAbUlsallon surplus stocks from themarket for one year.' . ni

Telegrams vero dispatched lo Ihq governors o f H eeitm producingsutes. urging them to enUit the co- ” operation of ei'ery available agency,inchidlng farmen and bankera. In ? this tlep to Increase the low price of cotton.

Tbey were signed- by ChslnnanStone, vho conferred loday with dl* £recton ot the Cotton- SUblUzatloa t?Corjjorallon and tbo Amerton Cot* °Ion Coopcatlvt auoelatlon. S toat „u ld U m v e n promised-to pibk "u n d e re ^ T b i f d r o w o lc o t lo a ^ q ,

WMX» :-balea 11 owns Irma t««o Sl tfisaBeli. . .. £

VlhU program." lie ’asseited.--ir S ruily carrled oul by Boutbera fann* en u veil u by ourselves, vlU mean reducUon of total supply by a t :eul‘ <J)00»Q bales and vllhboSd*Ing from ibU year’s market o( 9,> »0,«00 bales more." "

Tho actkm followed by a few days _ I gm'emmenl crop forecast la which the m i cotton harvctlvuesUmat*;d a t 1S.SM.000 bales, more.lhan I,* PJ »0,000 above Usl year. Cotton prices ^ 5n..every,.exchanke ImmedUtely » p p M . . “ >

' L ene Named Chief =A/ew'bours before the Ulegrams i"

wre sent, 11 v u announeed Atot* indcr Legge, fomer cbalrmao ot tbe fann bea;^ had been eleeted a di* ~~ rector-Bt*Urge of the stabilluUen »iporttlon. Wheal and cotton sta* sUliallon operations vilh the board'a tMOMOAn revolving fund were in- lUled,under his chairmanship and le h u been In clote louch vlth all leltlU.

The propoiais lo ploa( under evei7 lilrd-rov of cotton v u ad\-anced Titerday by Omemor Bilbo.-Mis* im ppL. . . ' J-

E. p. Creekmore, protdeni and »net*l manager of the Colton BU* lUIulion Corpontlon. announced to* lay that legge and Caion J. CalU- , lay, lA Omsge, Oeorgla. hsd been j lecled dlrecton-at-Urge of the cor* ■oration.Legge Is nov president ot the In*

emallonal Harvester company, a po*Itkin vhlch he assumed agsin after ellrlng /rom the boanl t u t March. ialUvay U president of the Amerl* ao Manufacturing assocUllon. com* osed of Soulheutem mills.- *

lad accepted, “to give added confl* ence to the sUbilizaUon ooiporaUon wk.”

kes Fuel of ed of PeachesoU v u reported three times‘U irge u previous averaga crops, al- jough In many a reu growen had » bending Umbs of peach treu lucked of green pesehea to keep tbe ranches from breaking, n ie ' Uter rop, tbe trull exchange a t CentralU lUmaled, wouM bring higher prices, holce trull U now selling for SS mU. bul.lhe dovny product v u In leess everywhere. Recenl repcrU ltd tbat peaches sold in Sootb Caro* sa u cheap u lo cenU a buihel, blie In recent yean many cropt of lit fmll bave been allowed to rot I CallfomU orchards.Axouple ot.ye»a ago, vjien there UT» bumper crop of com. many nn en bomed ll la . the Western ales rather than sell i t to* ptlcu Id boy coal. Uien came tbe drought

a ^ h o ro re S S b e ^ rS ln h o p p w “id dry weather have ruined tbe tlst crop In some areas, Ibtre SHms be mora com than anyoBt c a m to 7, except a t prieea lowtr lhan they « when coca v ubu rM d belor*.

• #


V lW lT W IN I

M m m \ m ciiBFIGlIiiCl;

--------------------------------- ■ t

Government, Serene Under fArmed Attack, Reports ’14 Debels and One Rural <Guard Killed In Clash \

■ Hj 1. P. MeKNtfllir (Aiaoelalfd Press a u ff WrIUr) J

Ha v a n a , A u g -^ a - F o w r - -{fccn rebels and one n ir - ial g u a r d s m a n w ere b

|{ |l lcd 'In trtod ft> ’r t h o ’ Cuban pgovernm ent roporleil ton lgh li / In a cla.Hh betw een federal; ,troops and reb tis a t Ccjas del gN egro. b

The Bovernment s ta te m en t [] also snid 26 prisoners w ere

, Uken by the federal troops, logelh' ,' e r wllh riflH and a quanUty of am- II munition. )' The Itdersl forces were led by ^

LleuUnsnl Captain Aral and Lieu>II tenant R tane, it said, and the reb*U eU VO ttranf. wck commanded by I Lula Del POM,

Prior to thla, no newt ot armed conHlct betveen rebeU snd soldier*

. reached.Havsna.today,.but-reporU n\ a received here itW lhal WwrtbellSoui W , spitll v u growing }n Ibe two near*

)i by provinces of Plnar del Rlo and U alansu.

lU U w onTncpt OenenI Alberto Iterfrera, army

chief ot lUff, reported that he lud 10 J4J00 soldiers and sailort a t hll dll* ]0 poul, in whose loyalty lha govern- ex: I* m int ruUd completa confidence, lie air I* set rebel cuualilu during tha pait en d two dayi' fighting a l 30 killed. 60 Ct: le wounded ffld ISO prUoun, in round ihi

numben.VAnoUwteeutiV shoved « d r .. dead, of whom a t were alleged reb ' po '2 ell, one toldkr, one policeman and ini• two olber penons. ., In Matanus province 500 a m td ux y men were reported gathered around rii« Soea de CamarlKa and It w u be* be

lleved tn attempt mlghl be nude ({{_ to Und erpedlUonary forces there, -n, “ Olher tln n g tttKl lorort hava been‘ reported aboul Cardenii. Unonar. « .° CanUl, Amarlllu and Colon. kj1 Havana province lUelf v u quiet, bii f to (ar u eould be learned; to, Z I n Banla Clan, Camiguey- and ' J. OiteoU' provinces, 11 v ia said there a l ^ (VM eonUnaed novemert ot,rsvol8* „ i ; tloowy jfoop*.- Trouble v«i said to of ” 1)9 upeeted 'a t Clenfuegot,' Mutb n i

cou l post a«d traditional revolu** tlonary hot*bed. In, r ' RebeU Claim SasU CUra , tui . Duplle soremmeni denUli. op* ro] I poslUonliU continued to eUlm the n« . military regiment In SanU Clar* lh<

VM on tbelr tide. toi , I t v u announced todiy that Col* Ne ? onel PVantUeo CatUlo. heading teh- Pei ] cl forces about Remedict, In that IU

province, had Ulepbooed an offer 1 . lo surrender. Insunient headquar* l«i

te n here denied that tbU ww Ion ' uoe........- ...... ......... ........................ m

I , , . No Lacl

7 5EEM$ M T h O U liH


\ I

J /l| (I lirnT _-



Governor Advises p Industry to Tum To Smaller Town^

A ny J. R.1mACKETr (AMOcUUd Preu Uuilnm Writer)

a n v m day.-n. v . Aug. i3 on Oovernor Prsnklln D. Rootentl

• todsy advUed Amerlean Induatry lo conilder serjouily a great trek

. . lo Ihe amaler communlliea. vhero « s r tsxea are cheaper and the em* nC

Upioyea' living euler.He addressed the fint.Smaller

, InduiUlet'conferenee.and pleaded ai v llh them u repreirntatlvea of , about 300W of the nation’s man*;h ufacturlng p’/J)U, lo lend their

elforu to social and eeonvnlo ex- petlments.

The governor ssld the great eco­nomic cycle, having brought In-

_ durtrlea so huge the people v e rt \ ■\maWe~to'lhlnK'ln"t«rarof-le*i- 'V

f- lhan millions, v u now turning ' ’C back, to give smaller Industries a .p . ill' ■prfdomlnsnrpIice ln thBnevclv— - ;. /lllMtlon.

-Your gitatUxpi." he tald, “are :ili “}} yourcommunliytaxesandlhiyvUl ncj cl grow tsrger u more subways are . m,/

bulll. water ayilemi enlarged, and if theiyiU m sof traniportationfu>■o J

H iB B 'flS IT l G i S m t l s

Id • ' mS

a Citlze'ns” Enterta!n“ FlyItig nl! Id Couple .With Excursion tojing

Historic.. Gold ' Fields S S - — ■I- NOMS. Alaska, Aug. 12 U^Noma I* experienced one otiU greateit thrills le alnco tha IMO gold nuh today by , T It enUrUlnlwt Colonel and M n. f « ' A Charles A. Undbergh wllh a trip lo tha; d (he l iU to r i^ d fleldl, whero huge !6 dredges a r ^ vork. and lo other ' >• poinU of intereit In the famous mln*" w > » ™ ......................- ...................s s^ The fl>'lntr couple, on their vay to« Ihe Orient for a vtcallon trip, tr* i”0 rived a t Bafety bay, 21 mllea from I* here, a l 10:34 A.M. (1:25 P.M .Pa*

cine SUndard Ttme) }-eiterday.They planned to Uko off'tomorrow u

“ momlng acrou Bering lea (or Kor*^ agin Wand, off-the cou t of - the " f l . Kamchatka penlntuU. whero' tucl

tupplles have been placed on,; lU

4 n>ehop,sUgbtiyover.a-thousaiKi ^ mile* long, will Uke tha Uadbergbl’

over IhToortheni and .fcitank Up' SLn* otst.U w w B co UUBd'toOape K a: ^ “ m lnonlbeB llfelaneeaitaad;then'* eailv ird dovn ths Kamchatka pen*

InsuU to K sngln Uland. AfUr.ie* fueling there t h e will leavo for Pet*

I* ropavlovsk, aboul tSO mllea' away, ft near the end of the penlnsuU; and 4 t a then (or Tokyo, about UOO mUes <

touth. They will probabbly 'tUip a t pre« .* Nemuro, about half way between '• PelropavlovtkandlbeJapaoesocap- Tl■I lUl. . . ....... the:r Tha vaeatlonen’ longeit over wa* sh,• Icr hop. between BL Lawrence' U* Repi1 landandCspeNavarin,vlUbetbout tho( - SSOmlles.-------------------------------- aclii

iB c k o f S e t t i i i g - H e n s , E i t h e i

Copyright, in ; , tq rl



AY.T^IOUNING. A U GU ST 13,.m n y

J l l i l l ( SPORimGIii ’ I wmm, .. . . .

‘ Renewed Discussion Centers y, r .On PosslblIlt> ot Enact- ' ment cl Equalization Fee ; And Export Debenture

' (11/ The Auocltled Preu)* 1 \ T / ’ASh ING T0 N , A ug. 12 -p

* of f n r m relief, todny ^ ‘ c n n fc rcd jipon -lhe .posslb lllty yjij

of effo rts lo am end th e a g n - nmI :u iliiral m a rk e tin g a c t in th e nsl1 next congress to .Include both qo(“ the equniiiution feo and cx- w ,. IM>rt ilcbenturo plans. a n

U nder such nn am endm ent, jIq Ilw farm board would be-empowered 10 u» lu iliicreilon in employing VV,either of these provUloni In meet- „ Jins an sgrlcuitural surplus emer* ‘ Stncy.

Farm leaders throughout tho coun* and try have been debailng the ade* R.]

, quicy ol presenl legliUllon wllh In* Unilensmed Intereit In Ihe U tl several p . jmonthiilncenewbumpercropaha^'e buradded to lhe.complexity.oC.lbe_sg* boI

g rinilUiral'SltusUon. . (be The jifcNan-'lIaucen bill, eonlaln*

.01 Ing the equallutlon fee, v u twlca .- vetoed by Uon

yMierdsy announced it.vould again acUvely lupporl It, deeming exUtlng

^ Uv iniufflelenl to deal with the 5 fannen’ iroublea. ^ly The export debenture v u lu l de- cue I. (eated in tbe house a IltUe more « than a j-ear ago when Uie Norrti y t amendment lo tlie Uriff blUwu loit X by 10 volea afUr it had been adept* o( t I. ed In the lenale. Prealdent Hoover gn , . hudeclsred.hlmielf opposed.to.tbfl qiic . debenture, but h u nol (poken on Uu

feo pUn. Chairman Stone of tlie* farm board also U on record agalnit nai “ tbe debenujre. .I. , Complexion Changes anj* wlien the NorrU amendment v u * . , defealed.UHliousebadaRepublicanJ majortty of moro than 100. I t b u \ been cui dovn to a clote dIvUIon o t ™ ^ two WlU) control atm In tbe baUnce. i Whal faU UiU pton, as weU u Ui» i equtllaUon fee, vlU o eet la vle« ^: M clrcumiunoe, rtmaIiu"4o be ^ 1 ' ^ tW rtminfd'wtjen-andlCtaft^lWle “ ** J fartn relief conUoveny which 'h u ; nged InlermltUnUy since l»ao*is

! If Ihesj propouU ara re-lnlro* | i ^ . duced, U«y probtbly wlU origlnata v .„ i In the houie lo obviaU any doubtt I of conitlluUonallty in view of e*- t presilons Uiat they are mvnue net*1 Uieii- The westem progrtailre group la h <

Uie senate. Including Binalon Bor* exlit* sh, Norrli, Nye and Broi^harl, all coup- Republicans. U sympalhelie tovard Jng < t tho debenuu^andjnay preai for en- be h ' aclinbat ............... ' " ' ” Mi

_ vera

“ i dlKii t h e r " ■ . h « w

— ----------------


CO Twin th t ( Wait

' n * lA nsul

? , / \ n \ COIm

1. t v n u Mnr iotkTflbuiM , Zoo. BlbcA


a T l y

Congressm e Need for M( To SaveR(

.Visiting L aw m akers 2] in S ta t e m e n ts a t ] Boise P u t S tre a # on Idalto’s F a v o r s

— i« (Dy nifl Auoclited Pros) *?

p O l S E . A n i t . l Z - A r i c l . - S I S m n f lo in i in d o f probably

000,000 m u s t be dl* ab v ld c d -b y - th o -n o x t-c o n g rc f ls . ^ am ong rec lam ation p ro jec ts asicing in th e agg re g ate $26,* coi 000.000. A ddison T . Sm ith o f ch Idnho declared today on h is j a rriv a l h e re w ith a congrcs- slonal delegation t o u r i n g w estern rec lam ation p ro jec ts.

In Uie party vere RepreienUtlves f l l Burton U Prench, Idaho, P nnk L f Murphy. Ohio, Edward T. Taylor, ( j r Colorado, w . W. Haitingi. Oklahoma. and'Roberl Luce, MaiuehuietU.atid R R. P. WalUn. chief engineer of the United Slates bureau of reclamation. I I*. J. Btlley, aailiunt director ol Ihe bureau of tho budget, and Charlea BobbeLuiiiUnt.lo.Uie.iecrtUn'of . Uie Interior. J a t

Ceotlnoes loipecUen ‘n iepany vlllconlinueUielnipec* i

tlon of Idalio proJecU unlll Satur* ; dsy vhen they wlil crow over Into - I WyomUig.

Sevenl memben of Ihe party told Intervlewen it w u their belief con- greii vould have lo come to Uis res* cue ot Uie reclamation (und viUi ad- n dlllonal spptoprUtlons.

Virtually aj|. I t a t l o n proJecU reai wero hard h li UiU year by ihoriage sent of vster. altribuUd by Ute party in mor greatparttolnadequaleatongeiup. to i piles or for lack of means of brbig* hooi Ing In olher wsler avalUble. ti

RepreseaUUve U ea Injected a hirf BoU of oplbnlim In Uie ditciualon. tto t when he said Idsho and Uie bsl7 once ef Uia PoeUU Northwest w u m ‘(avered spot la Uie vertd." „ ,

*1Tob oni hera will all have plen* ■ii, ty to eat, plenty io w nr. and good n iu roofs over year heads wben winler ni coBe*," be u ld . enleRepresenUUvuBmlUi and Preach Qua

u ld congreu voukl certainly boun* eotA wllllni lo appropriate for now proj* ^ ectt. bufc'VoaJtLcoMlnly te .ca lM ^Ui upon' to (Inanca approprUUons tor i i 5 f u r a U b ln j r « ^ ^ -

RepresenUtlvoBmiU) said Uie rec- um amatloa fund w u grtaUy depleUd ^

becauM of curUlled recelpu (ram oil Unds and dlfflcuilies suffered by tatm en.bn reelamaUon proJecU In ^ meetlafpaymenUwllhJowprlceslor ^ Uieir produeU. '

He said Uie vtlue o t Improving existing projects, however, would'bo u i coupled wllh Uie.need for (uniUh* m Iv Ing employment for men who would . ^bo h ire< X ‘niprov!ng Uiem. _____ ^

Memben of Uie eong reaik inal^^ thj. weragwaUatabanquettonlghtfol* teni loifbu which Uiete v u a general « ij dlKuiilon o t several piopottU (or nU , improvement of Uie BoUe project.' ^

Theyvlllteavetomorrovforaood- fare ing and will spend tomorrow nlghl rn ~t Twin FOIU. - Quit

Twin Falls Lays. S Pian for Welcome Thf)

ForCongresslnen'^^Conneam sn Addlnn T. Bmlth,

Twin rtlU clUien tod a member o(Ult dongrciilonti delegstlon t o u ^ Western reclamation projects, win be m uter o( ceremonies a l a receplion aad banquet (or Uu delegaUon on lU arrlvel here UiU evening, according to pUns completed lu t night by Ujo ^ Tvln PalU Chamber of Commerce, “ ‘w

Congressman Frank M u ri^ Ohio, dttegallon chairman, and Congreu* maa Robert U Luce. MasiaebUHlta,WlU ba Introduced by Mr. SmlUi foi* low!nga.wtlcomlngsddreubyR.p.Pany, Twin Palli, la bebaU o( Uie people of flouUi Central Idaho, and STAI

b f’S cS iS '^few eU ^T ^Wight of Twin Palls Chamber of Oommeiec. A male quartet will alag JJ"“ ' t group of Weitem tongs. • «««’

Anangemenu hsve been made lor unmodaUon of 300 penons a t Uie wepllon and banquet a t Uie Rogtr* If”” nn boui beginning a t T P. M. Halt } Jit number UexpecUdlo be out-ot- ovn guesU. —

The congresslonsl delegaUon U tx* jeeted to arrive here s ta P. M,eoni* i ^ l n«fromOoodUv.8hoihenaaDdJeT* l > l mie. I t memben vlll leave bera Fri*Isy momlng In automoblUs fumlib> - -d by local buUness met], going to I lurley and Rupert. J


■ ■ • . . WA TOKYO,.Aug. 1* (Thwidayj (ffH «*

nyde Pangbom snd nugb'llemdon, a a ^ r , Americsn svUtors. reported lo a brll ho publlo procunUr a l 8 ,o’clock the h bU momlng (or further crost-ex* night. mlnsUon In coaaecUon vlUipbol* n ie gnphs tbey took vhDa flying o rtr knowi tpsaew ittritoty. « e m 'Authoritlu the cum * the cc

lauon-ptobably would be oomplelad earth )day and tbe Rengo Nevs Agency tbe fr 1 well u tereral vemacuUr nevt* the d' spen predicted Uu arialon, vho bum i

) ! e e t ^ v w l d t w ^ r t e i - " pear i .Pangbom asd Bemdon are liDeg' fUeol 1 to tbave iakcB pbolograpbi.wlUi 11 o’c moUoa pletun camcm o( torttfUd Uia ni xiM vbllefly ln ifhm K habam tk . (a r (n Ibcila, to tba'TKlUkava t i l r d ^ . seld (I

; . 1.

Y N E. uEUWDi.soDrr oo u a i/^------

OF cm ouunow a

len Voice Hore Funds Reclamation> 21-Day Stay in .I Respirator Saves• Little Girl’s Life N irv YORk Ta w . 13 MVAtl*

1(« LouUo Dalton, ten jT tn old, VM tsken todsy (rom Uio reipir* ator vhere sba has U in.for 31

- dsys.' '"p jiiijf isH rM id ujrfWj(i.“ p t f r . a b v d from the neck down, w u . out of danger. Three weeks sgo• - w n i f « - v u despaired’Of:-----------

> The child, deiplle her crilleal• condition, h u been extremely ’ cheecful., Dooton laid never before h td an

InfanUla panlytU vlcUm lain so ’ long In an srUflcial respirator and ’ lived.

iGlGSllWSI i)(li|P lL I!Jack'fLegs) DIamond'Hears

Federal Judge Impose Four-Year Prison Term

BrCUARLESKUNE , fAxsocUUd P ru t Btaff Wtilcr) NEW YORK, Aug. 13 lAV-niO Uw

ilnick at gangdom from Uw front and rear lodsy. impoiing ths heavUit scnUnca poulble on Jack <Ugs) Ola* mond and deUIIIng crack marksmen to conduct a eonUnuous hunt (or hoodlums s tu a t targe.

Tbe slim nckeUer, who prevloutly had escaped convlpUon 2t out ot 25 times, heard a (ederal Judge (rom Kanau order him lo s e n t (our years In the AUanU penlUnlUry and pay an tllMO tln»*-Uu moxlmum’pen* ally (or bit eenvioUon of beer run* < nInganddlitlUcry.ownerablp. , I

DUmond's sssocUte In-hU Illicit * enurprtte In Uie CaUklUi,. Paul 1 Qualirocohl; who like Jllamond w u I eaiiVlcUd of conspiracy to TloUta the i prohibilion Uw. w u H aU need'ta

-B bsrpabootenO tiO rl^ ' ' i j Hardly an hour eUpsad before Po« ]

Uct Commluloner Edward-P. Mul« rooney trsaifem d a tqusd of cnek . shaiT^ooUn lo Uie moloreycW dl* < vUion of Uie New Yorit police u i ^ r < orden to palrol eacb of Uw Ifl > dUlxlcU wlUi new tulqmalle thol* i guns. ' • . • I

A lUU further sccounUngwIUt Ult < U v lies ahead (or Diamond, vhosa t only tu y In prlioa Ihua far has been a shorl term (or burgUry. - - i -= t-vould be remUs in my.duly U » I did not suggest to Uu dUtrlet aW ; toroey." said Federal Judge Richard t, J . llopUni, Uial evidence shoving f pouealon,tnnipoRaUonaoduUln , vloUtloaofUwJonesaotbelaldbe- . fore Uwgrtnd juiy,

T he. defendanu, (DUmood aad Quatlnwchi). It coavieUd ol o lm et 1 bnught to llghl Uirough Uia evidence J in UiU case wouM be lUble to far more severe punlihment tbaa that . poulble on Uw eoniplracy . count. - They might be senlcnoed to 30 or 40 yesrs."

-Ko Vm Tatung"Tbtre-s no uie Ulklng,*’ w u Uw

comment of DUmond, former body oi guard of Uie lUln gambler, A nold I< Rolhtleln. ' tl

s u te sulhorlUes hope'to brim t) Diamond lo IrUI on a series ol I< charges remaining (rom Uie aUegcd torturing of a Cairo, Nhv York, cider q truckman. CsnylogbuUeUtromaB g. allempi loananlnsu him, DUmood {7 «TM lolo court In TVoy, New Yoii, recently and v u acquitted of an u * ^ sault charge srlUng (rom Uit Uuck* » msn’s eue. but kidnsnlng and oUier ~ IndlctmenU ilUl arc pending.

STATE, COUNTY AND i DWTBICTnNANCESPAN gl-TJ0ISEniTlg.'-12TS<i=TBr"Hiir «« couoly and highway dlitrlct will (I* m nance a bridge across Uw Snake m river between RoberU.and R lrit nn- of der an agreement announoed today tV (ollowlng a meeting of a delegation m from Jeffenon county with Oorer* dl nor Rob ahd Alrtn Harbour, com* be mUtlAier of publle works. be

Cloud of Cosmit Earth Pyrotei

By r . B. COLTON (01 (AuocUted Preas Science WMIer)WAfiHINaTOM. Aug. 13-A cloud pr

of.oosmle duit. left In Uie wake of tUa speeding comet, will glre the earth sp<a briiiunt diipUy of (ireworks ta eoi the heavens .tonight and tomomw Utnight. Til

m e dull ptrUeles In Uw cloud are obiknown u the Penelds, becatua Uiey bllleem to eome frem Uu direction of rIbe coniUIUlionPencus. When tba Uuearth swings Uirough Uia dust cloud, suitbe fricUon of IU almcapbere beaU obiIhe dull parUcIes unUl Uiey glow, eaiM im up .snd fsU to«artbuas li.. Ut

m lh* nl»ht IW thn PfrvlOt Mfi. IIB'Mor u yellow slresks o t Ugbt, TU* J lUe all o rtr Uie UnlUd fllaUi atUr' UoiII o’eoek. n>ey csn be sees vlUi set lha nsked eye U Uie obeerTsr goes pa [sr (rom artltUUl UgbU Each Pn* <yi wld (Uibei only 4 second or te be* Uk

T O DA Y ; Cloudy,

] W S-------------1 0 T > A G E 3 '~ 6 C T N T S -

JEiFilEiS ,mmmm .

Pessim ism T a k e s H old On

' M en . B a ttl in g F ire s On

■g 1 5 0 -M llo F ro n t In F o r ­

e s t s o f S o u th e rn Idaho

(By The AuocUted Press)t ^ O I S E , A ug . 12 — Flrft

r ■H -//ffh tora"oM -thF360-m lle s ^ fir® f r o n t I n .s o u th e rn0. Id ah o ito d ay -g cn e ra lly -w crf l-------,, rw ig n ed to th e p ro sp ec t t h a t y only r a i n will quench th o

n&mos.n Such w as th e rep o rt given , 2 o u t to n ig h t f ro m th o Id ah o 1 “ fo rest he ad q u a rte rs in McCall

and Horn oWiCT lourtea tn .ccnn«*Uon ■with Uw (b i north of Boise ' _ whleh U now spreading tolo Urrt^ ' loryof UieBoiMnatlonalfereit..' |

•I A more opllmlitlo tene v u con-V talned In a tUUment given out byI the BoQUwmWaJio lim ber Prolec- •> Uve astoeUUoQ vhleh u ld U» cen-. dlU »tivtt''sasuaUn(abrlthUroul> .

look, nnancltl auU U nee_^.bM n__:_■« stiuitd It tho7oroil tervlce and tho

department of Uw Interior.* • le About ISO mote men vere Uken

up to.flffht the fire north otBoiie, jII ineieaiingUwforeetoaboulJSOBJen. |

in addition lo Uw KO nun dgbUar i Uw Idaho forest fires, more Uiaa a hundred vere battUfirfUmet to tbft . Welter and Payetta fo ra t area*. i


° SPOKANB,Aug.UM>-n»fI*»»l!^” in g a n n le tw e re re o w m U e d to d a y - ;i

wlwU i*»pt over b U x l n r f ^ to . ■? northeast Idaho and Bom wtitjaoa.' .. .i^ tana.,but^lUiet vere. held o a -.t^ ' n P r ta t rtte r froal. tl«',oUiec taalor,'a confUgratlon to the a r e a . .

- W l n d a l a n n * d t l u f l ^ » B ^ ;• • 1* creek la-Montaaa and'Idtho, i;,-

Inff them over defenie Unu (or naif . - n 'It a t l u S i w l Sector and two and »■ ll bait mllea-of a a eaUaaled H x ig l^J fronlDnanoUuTvtretett.R«T^*w. -■*,IB mea were.dUMbuted ortr U» a r t e -

>• ute:fod*y;wpredtetaL.-. i.C PJghim oa.'Uie M 'iaiu 'trdoU *’,•••■.;; J U ttttU n lnk ittflrom U itP rio trtw r;-.,..

■ Ia near'N tvport' . n In rtip o M eto e W a i ^: NewTwrt to oovenior . . a s l ^ HT -

1ll lo Uut dlslrict, Oeorgo a Joy, lUte: :« foresUr. ordered Ted Qooftyear, M* , a s!itaal(o refur,io |akeallttep iise-:* oeaary.to coaltol Ihe. b U « ,. .

: I d a h o ’ s V e t e r a n s . [ ;

I M o v e o n L e w s t o n '

> F o r A n n u a l M ^ t '

J tEWlBTOK./ug. «(»-^A B ari-, ,, eaa Leiloaaalret O va all parU of.

* U i s o p j n l a i s e s s i o a t o D ^ g ^ • |

[ Idabo dewtm ent. ,I NaUoniJ CommsniSer BtJpb T . , '■ OTIeU will airivt toootrov. acjom-I SsnUd im n flpolune by a >

non headed by R. p . leeper.tan, fonner su te eoomander.m WlUbe welcomed by Mayor Ry J. WMU. •O. 0 . Wllioa, Bonners Peny. i u « • eommsBder. sad othtr tiiy ta d !* • glon offlcUU. I-Promlnenl on Ujb opening.5 ^ t

gram U a memorial senlea for Col* , i O B i n i B i t r H i r n c t t m T T O ^ i


dUns. Tribsl Uadert aald OUell wUl I be the t i n t Wblla maa glvea mem* benblplfrthetfibe.

icDustGives echnic Display(orell'Dum iout.* ' ' ___'

'Actually Uie dull cloud Uut cen* priiea tbe Ptrwlds U.wA s U j ^ sUU but moving a t t r « n e t i ^toeed. toQawlnc ths path ot ItitUe aS w hlenaitappM rM to a ^ Uonomen ta 15tt n u Ptneldt m v W b lo o n ly o n o e a y w .tb e H a ^ .obserralory expUUis. ^ i t a ^u u o l tbe «m »l aad lhe earlbca tt.

The * week lo p t aUw PenekH bot U » W -

S u S g d U p U y U T W b le l |i i^ to . . , obtervsta (or only .two gW>tt ■ , esrtb phtngtd •Ute Usl v t ^ aad will aot^courge .

u i i T O * t p a r U c l « t a l J » P ^seidi. o n lrio to^W rtwak* o t Ught,

s u p * win *««?*?** . .• - :

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A.M. Edition ' T H I VOL. 14 NO. 103 • ' IFTBIiKS BliEISESSi’ Speakers at Assembly

■RUSTS ClsT - B f i l i l l l i : i i w r i i s

Dovornm ent H ousing E xportJ

'■ In d ica te Chalics fo r Homo-

bu lldors lo S o t-M o re (o r

$1 ■T h i r i i T N I n r Y e a f s

(By TI18 Auoc'uIkJ PrtM> WASIUNOTON, AU|. » ~

honw builder can u t more <ar hU doUtr lodir, reporu lo.ioremment houilRf up trU Indlule. ttun he h u In tbe l u t nine yeir*.

And the hocne-tqulpplnj dolUr «U110 (trth tr in n u t p luci thin It h u ilnce eirly In 1918.

The ?rhokttle p rl« i of buUdlm aiterU lt ire i t th# lowest lewl

— liftce Muoh, WIT.....................' White publUhM «i8« Ktlei

. . tbov no deereut. buUdlm Ubor — «*U -»ra-uld-loJi»Y8-M me_dm

durlni tha depreulon X)ne rtuob th m fer IhU 1» U» jv*Jl»Wl)ty b( tklUed mecbutlcs who are eiier (or emplorment end give Ihtlr ut* molt on tlio Job. .

Por IniUnce. tfw NUlonit Clly . btnk lUtee In » current bulletin

' (2utairork8uaim 'l«yj/roinU O O to HM common brieki » diy u

• comp»red with 709 formerly.Fried of brick, lumber nnd mott

olher miUrlali have deellned coa* alderably In the lu t year.

SUUflJa 0/ t i» department o lJa . bor ahov tbat on the arerafi buUd* loc maUriali .which coat IIOO In 1M8, tho Index year, can b«

. bouiht IhU aummer for MOM. A------year-a|0'lhi.C0it wu-tM .70.------

DeeUat.BUibt The prico decline In r«ea t

montha h u been lUfht but aUady. OoTsreiatnt experti, hovtnTi will not h a a r d -a > predlcUoD u to wheUwr *«ek W tem - h u beta Raehed.

Althouib the co>( decrtito at - ' wboletala of houM furalihlnti h u . TWt been u pronouoccd. pricu thU

tummer averace 10 per eent leu ., U an (fi9 tmkx year of Ittt.

Bedrdoo, dlnlni room and Utch< cn fumlturo pricea h a n dedlned

. . .-aubitanUally, tho Indsi fer all houuhold fw nllun harlnc rtaehed

.. SIS. ia it Doceabor.n « U fftft dump, bowlvrr. h a

been In tha prleoa of fumUhlan, partlwlaily carpeli and ctlnalied Ites tube and palla.' Bouathold furaUhlnii priou, Uka

. nc«l eUitr oooaodlty iroupa, a t.. UlDtd Utair.paakto iflM, cobw to

' th i lodoK immher 6f 14»4 la July , of tha ty iar.

. ' Another reportod'benallVt& out..' n n t buUdera haa bean th» ceit t t -

: 'TuriueH,' laundry.* tqulpoi&e, meehanleU refrlseratlon, IlihUni

■ Quouii a t TMuooa. pneea.

S i B i m i s

- -KDIBEIU.?. Ai:c. U ( S p t ^ to TtU n i w i ) - U 0 t « ^ 80 Kimberly Oraa««n and fuoiU ta th en d hen

V - to o iih t a t th* baaeocnt e t tha t o t i J a a ehureh for tha n tv lu

,opeaaeeU iicefth taraB to .fM lur- 1 . . l u t pmcraffl and t talk tv J. B. (

M dhoito. OB *B«aa UarkaOi^'*U r. mdhUMB cxplaloed tha t h« •

v u aeddni aentlmtnt of im r m . * r«nrd li« Ux work of tha teaa u * (

loetatloo. aad atated that ho w u |

AnoounettDant 'alio v u ma4« «f ,» m u tlo c te bo hel4 Tuetday, A tt|. <uH 11, a t Uw tWBW of T. V. M ill *

. - lor aQ nmherly rc^dcnU Intarcit*

. , »d tn pnpartuea t f a auu&ualty “, axhiblt for tho Twtn n m county ?

.falratFU arlnfltpU fflher. }Tha e ro m a ceotlilad ef 4 vlo- *

U a ^ r a s d a n a d l a r b r BcoMid fBeer. J

flefKihmeata wer« aem d follow- ,lo( tho aetiloa to H vUlten and .

I membera ot th t onanluUOD.. *

I . SU E S TO O UIET T IT L E I----- r t

I OheiUr V. Hotoon, ttpK itn ttd by aI HaroJd k Yeamani, Buhl altomey, /

ctarted tu lt In dbirlet court here <I ytsurday to quiet tIUo to. property--------la.Ruhl deicflbed-UJotift-taJilock. .

... 3 Ot the MeOolkim addlUoii. 0 . a bi Tofi and olhira *e tt named u U feodaau. . u


B e n t pa id o u t n e m r»-

tu rh s . I f . you own your

___h(n n e you h iv a *n ..ln \-e il-

.m w t t h a t wfll w t i im yoiir

n r a v * - - . ;

i ; s E E ^ F n i f i T


: P w T w f l_T h e / V ^ a t h e r

FOBECABT rO tt TODAV AVIl I TOMORnow » Generally cloudri , . noMtUed and probaWy ihsirrn >n| - |toBllr^»hBr~modfn««-i«iiptfa-

k UAxlmutn lempcrature.ln the Si­l l hour period preeerilnj i P. M.-je*-

Wrdar, ««* 85 acMTdJ/if W tho report of 0 .0 . Cheyne, lOYem- ment wealher obten’er htre. Mini- mum w u n d tfw s . The dty « « cloudy and there w u a iirrciplta-

A. tlon of J)1 of an inch of rtin. Tiie " barometer nsUtemi 3t31 lnct»i t{

S P. M. and Ihe humldlly rtnstd be- Or iw M nT lindM peretn ldurin jihe

period. ’nja.p teram ci-w la l-K ai r s touthweilerty.




(Contlaued Frooi P tje Ono n of butlneu now operating t l a loa

to pay them IS per ecnt more. /< . j ^ r u t iraxtni feet, he Jield to'be el too hl|t),tayln( that there had been : a Iteady tncreue for four yeart. - It Mr. ManhtU. howew.tUKd Uiit f Iho mtrket thow d Improvfment. Q The ctmpalgn for lamb contumpUon i,- vaa'iironni a'iuccui.'-AVhtn-thlnp If tla rM dlo toup in lpnw oo lw u the r llrtl conunodlty that rtgliUrtd lm* . provcmeni. He predicted amid ap­

plause that feedert would make mote y thit year lhan (or tome llmt.[J t . r , Rinehart, Moscow, expreued0 confidence Ihtl by mlxtni com, t wheat, barley, oaU. cull beant. itraw

of dlftereni lorti and-olher pro* t ducU wllh aUalta, conitUuilns a . balanced rtllDn, there would be am*

plo (eed la thit t u l t for theep ihlt . winter. K t tald, howerer. that thote . fed ^ n tlrav and ranie alone might ) re^ulrt aomt addlllon or coltoQ teed t meal cake., pruldent Smith UUr1 QUp(«dpricttoa the coUoa ued cake

lothow ihti they had tlumptd ircat* ly a n d 't lu l 'lh t producl'could be bought mon cheaply than ever be-

I fore.'- MeClart6«MDeotflU

Dr. a. W. UeClure, nUu, called at- Uallon to teveral banefiu derived from tlie etltlence of tbe idtho Woo] Qrowcn' auoclttlon during Ute year. He pointed oul lhal theep atuu* menu had been reduced from M to l( a head. TUt w u lUU too h l|h , b t tald. EfforU 10 tecure further ledue* Uon from the board of equaUutlon would be made thla wtek. in Dolte. h t tald. l i t decUred raa lng Und atttaimenU of 11 an acre high. Re* duetlon of wagta lo IM a monlh for herdera htd bten effected and the herdera wtre accepUni it loyally, Dr. UcOlui* declared.

Ha lauded the work of Secretary Uatahall of the Natlooal utodatlon la getllog KtulU through bla cam- p tlin fer lamb eoaiumpllon. Two and » haU mUllon more lambt had been told thu ytar than l u t and Ihs r m l t w u largely due to thU cam* palga Ue laid thU whUt noat of the tU lci bad conUlbuM the quota to­ward thU campalgnJuuho had riven » Urger proportion U un any other fUU.' Dr. UcCIure aUacked the propotal

of the rallroada lo aecuie an increate of isp c ro aa lla ra le i, H o u ld lhat thU meant aa Increate ef |IOO t ear frcn BlUa to Bottoa and would be virtually pnhlblllve. Dr. McClure, hovtrcr, ttltcraled tba prediction of Seiretaiy Katihall, ibat.we were on- lht V0 f« ot Improved caadllloat. Ue nailed the ^Utudo o( baaken of Idaho forth tlr good Judrnent dur­ing lh t unpreeedeated .depreatloa. aod laid lhat thU had itiulicd In few(ottcloturea,-........................r -------

TtkcaDaaUraTbtBia ■nklnguptfat ihema of DaaU. (he

BUti ocator. depicted hU experiencci on k vUU lo the nether rtgloa la a dream, vbenta he found maay .of hU fritodt, allU in tba fletb aod at lha baaqut, aad gave the rtaton for UMtr faeacttraUon; u dUdoted by the priaea Of that rtaha. n v u a o muU uuton lhat depleted thU pan* dUe lott> and the 080 man gridiron performanoe v u grteUd v im ptali of UughUr and a t ^ u H . /

T. B. U otny, DoUe, who htu oharga la behau of the federal government ef the vork of coopentlnt to ei- Urmlnallon of m^ I r? anlmaU. gava a brltf m uSm ot tha work and aikctt for coordlnaUea of aU forcet to rcduH.loaet from tuch anlmalt lo the mlataum.' MutlcU numbers which Inter*

tpcrced the banqucl aod the program wtra given to ihe Coco Cola boji. by Mlea Wlnltred LaogloU. Burte^ who gave ttveral ttio i accompaitl^' by u u t Nell Rlanty. Twin raUi. arid accortUa numbera by MU* Klnwy. AU musical numbera a tre hearUi} encored.

_8wliulMLwh<>n ha irai.ordered W bual cost Ralph" Krcu, Srownt' third battman, a $100 tine aad an Indeflalte itay oa the beach.


^JONDSY ou m ty Iruak y o u r em ­

ployees com pletely, b u t

nancas sbould b e 's u t r a n - :

t«ed, n o t m ere ly tn ig led .

n D E U T Y B 0 N D 3 . j

Lands Co I: J9 f» B > K o b e rU o n \

Mgr; In s i^ c e Dept


ilLrem* -4lnl-

Oroaniitd Farm Groups As- ,™ 6omble Oala Opposlng lfi- ‘ oroaso In Charges, Shoiy-

~lng” Fees-Already' High

Dr FKASK I. W iLUH (AuocUUd P rtu Farm Editor)

. . . WAflHwdTOM. Aug. IW o rh ap t :H o no grealer flghl ouuiae of congrtu

tver faced orgtiUted agriculture 1 than the one to tU r( August at — when the InUnUtV commerce com- loa mlulon lakct evldtnce tia ln it the / btankei 15 per oeni freight r a u In-

o'be create uked by American rallrotdt.. ' i t U tn Usue on which all farm

. groupi ie t tye to tye.The rallrotdt Insist they mutt

Unn add MOO.OOO.OOO lo their annual In-

dividendi. lm- Dated on (ft (olaf fn tib t bUf to - e t II9I4M.0M In lOU airicDlture

QOte m old be aueu td |IU,ltl,oeo ef IheincreaM.

ued rigurca are lo be pretenltd lo om, the commlstlon lending to ahow taw lhal WhUa farmentupply only ii,at wo* per cent ot tha raUrouit' loimage ; a they paid 3IJT per ceat of freight am- revenues I u t yttr.

The amounl It ttld lo reprcient ' “ J only lha th u tu lor carrying prod- I*?; ucu''from tho farm to matkei and

<Iocs''not Include freight chargei “ fJ tbe farmer must pay on machinery

and other commodltUs. • Coatlderable point U io be.made

" of Ute aiJegtt^n that oa farm com-’ modltlei' Iho rallroadt receive In freight tolU cenU for every doUar received by the farmtr,

( t . I t wUI be Hbmllled tbat f«r ivtd every 11 lh t farmtr geU for grow- rooI '" r peWthaOle f n ltt and rtft. (U. tAblea the , rallrotdt get aeariy •n* M canU fo^lranipertlng IhtOi. a l l In trying to thew the relation t)i of freight chargti to the farm price

ue. ofiQ ctnU a'bu thelfortom eoflha loa new wheaC, it wtH bo pointed out ilM. that when the Uvtrpool market U)d *<U 81 cenU,' the frelghl rate from He. Topeka, K antu, to Qatvetlon, Ior Texu, w u 31-S crnU a bushel. ' the An average octan freight rate of Cr. i centi brought Uie total freight

charge lo 39 cenU -which lelt Uie try (Ipmetlla value only 33 c tnu a Ion buihel, leu Iniurance and broker- jn- feet.> 0 nnally It vlll b t argoed (bat ltd ib t general level of f a m prfeea Uia U enly abonl 10 per m t of pre* jn* war levtU vblla freight rates are the JM per eent. to- — —— .


The hUlory,.cllmato, raoct and ^ geefr*phrefAJaika./tte! wWchio " h u Juit relumed afler a Irip, were

described to the Twin FalU RoUry ‘ « club by B. L. lUhlon a t IU luncheon w altha^park hotel a t nooayctUrday. M KegananlntcresUngdescripUoaDf 01 Keldtiian. !

ur-oa. g u-JiUT.T-— ■ , ,[ew

the ,cei if 1^

" ■ for

B IG K ™ /rge

a - ^ \ / N»!*• \ H )md \ W

aU V


ITHEBHSGE* FOR TIREii»_______ ■ - - ______________51' •

^ A m h la n tb tm i f b r io o o

= b o e b o u e f iK ty o u c a a l

k . ■ V A U ^ a n n p t Q u a

B i l Q i S e ( ^ U S .R o 7 t l i

a t d x i r h l j W p t a k -

^ A e h t s t t r e r c f f p t i f a

_ _ M C a m t n t o d ^ -

a b o u t, t h h l a p oct t o t

70a ge t tf te » ® T H I > 1 0 I

U . S . T !

Gem State Vliliz.znil ATI.W. _ ; j .


i V ; , ■



IT CHICAOO. AuTTj MV-Two New U I EngUnd neatpapermen. m n k n I - ICTto*. prtsWtnt-of-gie-Manohttiar

(NtwIUmpihlre) Union Leader Pub- I H |n lulling company, aivl Theodore T.

U L EUU, former publUher of the Wor- I I I U Ctsier. iMtutchUMUt), Telegram

Osttlie, today puKftated the con* Uolling UitercA in the Chicago Dally

As* E»ecutOH «f the ejUle of Wilter

3 a . strong, publbhir of the Newi who •In- dlrdMtyl0.announce<lihoaale.Tht

priev'wu not revealed. Knox be. 1 1QW. camcpublUherorthelargeafkrnoon

- dally tnd preildent o( the Chlcagoi U lnk Dallr-Ncvt..lneorpmiUd..2Ula.u-: n'Ui* tumtd the olflee of vice praeldenu

Hufut C, Da»-ea and Joseph S. OlU. chtlrman of the Dawea con. Irolltd CenUal Republic Bank and

or> Trust eompany; were named u naw rhapt mtmbcr&orthaboanlofdlreetort. greu .

‘ 1‘ K i m n E N E s

^ A N IlG ED EillT ifarm _ _ _

. kImbeRLY. Aug. l3-(6pecUl-lo Tbe N e«i)-An InlUai dedication of

‘ the fln t unll ot the new Klihberly - W Naurcae-ehurth.w11Lbft.held-hCR.

Bunday at 3 P. W. Rev. W. P. Jay. biff putor. u plinnfng an iatcretUng ure progracD. Rev. Earl 0 . Pounds, ef Nampa,.luperinUndeat of tbe Ida-

liO'Ortjon dUtrlct. vlU be principal ] to ipeaker.ihaw Olhtr Nacarene mlnUUrt wbo wUl IIJI lake p in In (he program laclude u i a Rev. Paul W.Worceiler, Twin PalU; i S ; Rev. O. A. Finch. Buhl, and Rev. ^ A. R. Herring. Jerome. There will

. be tptelal music a t thU program. The public Ulnvlledlo the cewnjon* lee, ll U announced.

S.? FILER: RESIDENTS VISITMde _,FUiER;..Aug..l3 (SpecUl to The om- N enr-A rrtraU and Otptrium ol

in Filer guetU and resldenu during tbevery Ust few dayt hare Included the fol>

lowing:fer Wayne Orm, ton of Mr. and Mn,IV- Charlet Orm, arrived home Moadayr»- from Menlo, Kimu, vhere he h uiriy tpenl Ihe tummer.

Mr. and Mn. W. O. Reichert aretlon here from Tucton, Aruona. to vUltrice reUUvea. Mr. and Mn. Reichertlha vere former Filer realdenla. out - -rket FOREIGNERS WIN WNG8 rom BAN ANTONIO, T e* .(« — ThreeIon, foreign offloen. CapUln Oerd von

• Mauow. of the Oerman am y, andI of Capuin Thomu M.I<elena and Cap.Ight tarn RIeardo Hedu, of the Ouale*Uie malm army, wero among the 18

I ft gtadualet ot the air corpt advanced« r- flying ichool lo r«elve "wtaga” u

.' pllou.lat*** ■

I FOR SALEI A uto D oor G taas . . .

i/a . I-w in d a b ie ld s .and w ln d s ii .I N o c h a r s e fo r m I?

„ d , « » '! ■ ; ■ ■ ,*„'l ) MOON’S OT I P ain t and iw. I F urniture StorelOf I ________________________ ^

. - ■ 'g

i! - ? S , « _ v a i U E i _ .

n ' Vw s .

iEST NEWS E BUYERS[ o o o f t b e d 7 > ^ i K « * i

c a a b a n k Q tu U . S . U S B

Q u i l t ^ , a p p em D o a aod

71! t t d l y d c M t b e t a te t

t ^ —aad o t r friea m j

t b e iK ta

n t iM w s*^faa«’a vfaece

e m e e t f b r 7 « t c D 01M7 .


r E S■ l l j I . H n a t L K a s

Mc izirig Co,, . .P h o n e 658


■ROL ira S L iiK lS .M E JIL M 1rPub.« T. _ , -------

e p m L eg isla tu re , S p u rred by

wluy G overnor’s T h re a t, P a s-

v iit tr se s C onse rvaiion Bill1 who •e.ThtX be. AUSTIN, TfJtif, A«ff. 13 orh-Ael- moon Ing under the tpur of Oovemor Roet ticago s. oterllng'i thretl to declare mir- U .U - tui-lav-and halt olt-productlon-lt 'al< legtslatton curbing Uia ptollfle E u t b B. Te^iu Held w u not enicUd. tite eon. Texu ItgUUturo laie today tdopUd

; a conservation bUl by an ov erwhelm.• “ “'f Ing voU.«»• Tha new trtmendouily rich E u t

T tx u fitid gtntrally U tredlied l;i

S oil clrclca wiih major rtsponslblUIy for ovcr.produtllon which h u ham-

mid-contlnent crude pricet m i l dow ntoatopof5JcenU abarrtl.

N Coincident vllh the pauageot tha lU II conurvitlon bill, lermed -ulUfae*

toiy" by Oovemor SUrllng't advu- ^ i . on, cama the first definite tlgn of S ' i ? « ^ " la 'U ir /lg h ro fO o v f ro o r W S riv I t Murwi' Oklahoma for a price

of 11 a barrel In Uiai lUte.—Eihrdayi-aft* roovcm or-M ur.

iUm ray dtclared martUJ law and doted lluih welU In Oklahoma, a refinery

IdT! company tald I tw u In need of crude cloal end would p ty .ll a barrel to obtain

ll Itom lha clamped*down welU. Rex ) wui H. WInget, general m anigtr of the ■hide CuhlngRefMlngandOawlljjeeom- WIU; pany, made ihe offer a t Oklahoma Rev! city.wlU independeot operaton oC Kansat,

ram. __________________' - •

SIT JThe .1 ........................... ....f ol ig y js w r ib G a s a i


Mli f H H M B I Hh u

are .

s 'I" ' miiihree . j j I M . _von V’ l l H v S S K ^ ^and -

SI .% BH H M S E i iiced . H a s

= I g

E l e e l. . . if


► M od t

P v e n ie n c e tw tf

' E le c l

: wanted— . ' «88uranc(

- thebabie I ' ~ ftblo condi A m i

; caracy. 1: absolutel:

Conn . —«lzean

■ ; and the 1


” 11. ' - —


P Oklahoma and T eu t , aglUllng-t I* producllon “itrika" for higher prices,

iolfd'd i”***uS**i n i The coiutrvtllon bill u paued by I II the Ttxos JegUtature w u a coAipro.

IU L mUe-meattve-arrlved-at-ln'an-arnnight Kuton ot the free conference commiltee mcclUig of the house and

. icnile. «oy The bUl would give the tU le rail-

, m d commbiJen aulhoriiy lo b« . 'a s* vem all formt of phytlcal wui« m

oil and g u producllon and avuld Bill provide for lUlagent court procedure

agalnit openUin quutlonlng or vlo* lallBi the commUslon’a ordera.

Act-noet ■ • ■


K IN lECK IEflll fllEfiE u t . -T ----- ■i ta JTLBR. Aug. 13 ISpecUl lo The '"»y Newt) - Two motoriJta narrowly

escaped terloui Injury a t 3 P.M. to. day when their cart tldeiwlped on account of illck pavement and turn*

tha cd.overonoppotlietldeaofUieroad fM; near here.1 of ^ S tnnr.' Md V M avenue eu t.< vr- Twin FtlU. w u headed-eut-about

a half.mUa f fm the f a l r g ^ d i .' and w u aldtewlped by K. S. WUkln-

luf. aon. Poctlello-wbQ.wu driving weaL. Md Both ean lumed completely over In ^ the btnow plU, WUklnton to the ud« right and Strong to Uie lefl.

. Nellher v u terloutly hurt, though both a-ere btdly thaken up. T^elr

the cart, both badly damaged, were Uk* M»- to to Twlfl PalU ior repalrj. ima

Or. Foiter U trtallng tvo fetl for sat, 1140 Mplres I t s a t 335 Mala E. Adv.

; t r i e R <i s a n e c e s s i t y i n

a n d a n i m p o r t i

ALL-ELEGlodern homemakers demand m nces. That is why Electric Refiw fth r u n in f ^ f n

llectric Refrigeration gives w id—a certain* dependable met} ance that their family’s healU ibies and children, not be c nndition., modem electric refrigerator 7. It removes aH fear or doubl itely eliminates waste and spoi ^me in and see,thei beautiftil G I and type for every family. Ti he balance in conTeniwt moni

A T Y O U R ^

i ■ ■■■____________ ___________ _ •

IG, AUGUST 13,1031.’

S i lF O i i i lSininnrinr ininniiwpro- JIU/ H f - f ln l ' IIU P H I,ti-aii." — IIIUIIUHUirlllrlMi

«ucee and ' —

iiui- Manaoor ol Lima Asso(t pet"'«!» tion Finds 'Prcdicliiavuld >■to. o( Fuluro Hard to Mi

•BeUten July 3J and August the lime 1 Ult.CaUfornU, Uiere wen tome Incrtatea In prioei tf

IT U . for vtrittlea of 1 l l n n . I- Churchill. Oxnard. Callfor

minager of Uio Uma Utan Grow I r n AwoeUUcn of that lUte, who ar: I r n ed here yeittrday on a tour of

vttilgatlon, and wbo will leave other betn iiaUa IhU moming.

•I hare no Idea whethtr ' The ttronser market there for cert wwly vtrJtUfi vlll oonUnu* or n«," I. to* Added, “In fict 1 reaUy knov v d o n iiitle about what U likely to happ lum* TMI U why I am on t t u trip: I road uyine to find out. Beam were h

In California by tbe dry weaUier sibf c w will not be u heavy •» 1

“ ; Vttr. In aome tU lea Uiere wlU qiiit«TM rry^w -oniean»,-M le

' ca^ U Urrely cleared up. I t U I Joulble for ma a t thU time lo mi any-pr«tlctlon reganUng-whit‘B

.h . >0 prte®*'" *>* concluded.There wera 0« can of beant ahl

ned through ttlnldoka froni I 9ugh southern Idaho country on both tk rheir of the Bnake rivtr l u t week, I Uk- heivltst since the l u t w «k In M

Vfmber, IMO,« wat Jeamed here yi utday. ‘Moet of the betnt thlpp

I for *tre t^nl out by tbe Bean Orowe Adv. tisocUllon, It WU l U ^

m t Bea-

n ie -G (

f rlse ra to i

, I t Is modcab ine ts 1 'la in lined-

' c n ^ I c e s -

S turdy ,

E f a s B j H proT fdeai U u m B neath ; At

a W s R a j ^ H perform ai Q h H | @ I plus th ree

th e G .E .

to every r

te fr ig e irin the modern ! rtant part ot th

IGTRIC K Itd m o d e r t t m e th o d s a n d m o d

E te f r ig e r a t io n h a s f o r g e d to I

Ig w o m e n w h a t t h e y h a v e

n e th o d f o r p r e s e r v i n g fo o d s

• a i th , a n d p a r t i c u l a r l y t h e h

b e e n d a n g e r e d b y f o o d s o f q

, t o r p r e s e r v e s f o o d w i t h sc le i

o u b t r e g a r d i n g t h e i r cond il

s p o i l a g e .

ill General Electric models or f. You need p ay only $10.C nonthly sums.

I F p o wy S E R V IC E

^ -J



In r L03 AN0ELE3. Aug. IJ (;Jvnaln l l f . pouring with terrlfio forca.^om-a Wl* luddenly darkened tkytoday filled

valltyi bl tile region of Tohachtpl and Moiiolllh with twirling floods,

e n r b . damtglng rallroid Irtcki and two latga Jaciorles. forcUig workmen to

xtlnne flee for Ihelr llvei tnd letrfagdowTi CllOnS uiephoaa and lelegnph line*. M a U Rtporls gaUiered by Uie Bouthem

Pacific railroad oflket hera tald tha utter confuilon following lha cloud-

tujt 10. tu n t made It Impotilbla to Itam ere h u unmtdlaUly whether anyma had I Uiere been killed or Injured. ij!.ttid - T h e MonollUi-PortUnd-Oement IfomU. company'a plant and Uie w-orks ot roweft the Southern OtllfomU Edison com- ' • " " * p»;„. bou, reported badly d im . of In- by the flood and forced to lut*

ive for jxna operations enllrely unlU Uie ^ ... waler subalded. Tha Southern Pa- clflo agent a t MwollUi uM all feel

of waur awept Uirough tha station.K, DtIV very ----------- r- "


u lu t ^ - . *KlU be A ipeclal bome mUtlonary pngram Ulchl- enlUed‘'A-FtrtitldaOonfcreact,'‘ wUl. U Ira- be given by Uia Nazarcna Young I make Peeple'a aoclety, a t Uie Chutcb of t-may tbeJ<uarenehere?ridayatlP ,M ., M . according to announcement by Henry ahip- C. Olvent, pretldent of the toclely.'

I u » The following will Uke part lo the i t ld u program'whlch Uie publlo U InvlUd , the to aUead: Mn. A. Uoumce, Mrs. n No- Jottph H . BwoperJr.. M itt Allene •eyti- WoreesUrAlIceDeDoard.Fairy Ray. lipped bon , Dtinlee SmIUi. DorU Swope, owen' WalterBwDpe.oeraldWoTcctterand

Mr. Oli-eai.

autifullyO D ER NG e n e ra l E le c tr ic - - .....................

itor Is a s be au tifu l a s

lodem . T he handsom o

ts a re a ll ateel—porco.

e d ^ h a T e no c o m ers o r

» - a r e e u j r to d e an .

dy, graceful s te e l le s s j|

J ample b ro m -ro o m be-An accessible tem p era .

ontrol apeeds freezing-nance. Thl.B f e a t u r a

ree zones o f cold m akesE . Instantly, re sp o n s lray re f rlg e ra t ln s need.

r a t i o n1 h o m e

h e . . . ■

IT C H E Nlodem con- ! ^lo the (ore-, . |

ive always !.ds and the | ') h c R I th ^ o £ :

f question- . \

Jentific ae- |iditionand i

on display. \.0.00 Down

m u . 1: '■ ' i ' " I

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A.M. Edition ' T H I VOL. 14 NO. 103 • ' IFTBIiKS BliEISESSi’ Speakers at Assembly

■ t i i t r e i E E P

--iiHiitnoiiOF i i fils'

■ F e d e ra l C rop S ta tis tic ia n

N o tes F a vc rab lo C ondlllon r

o f T w in F a lls B eans a n d :

^ “ ^ f i p p l B r , P o t a t e c s - - D o w n >

. . — rBOISE. Aue. 13 (-n-jaifcnK! h f .l '

Md <tfouih have miwrUlly cut pro- " ductlon of ld»ho fltld CTopi In com- [

• • pu lw n with 1030, k wport of J, H. * •JKoteon. f«ler»l erop *UlhUcl»n. “ »talcd UJday. ,

Tho total v h » l prDducUon w u , -nl»eed » t 31,707,000 buihcb, wlileh * T uu down n.900,000 from the 1930 ” >'ermat33,7$7,000bush«li.?ecdcra]n3 ' -prcmlicd ll.m .000 tndicli asniiut . 13,4TB.OOO lu t )tu-.

• PotatOM ore uUmakd at 34,0S0,- — -000 buiheU. whlclt Is BfsrirS.OOO.OOO -

under. Uie 2dj)l0.O0O bushel crop ot lUO. FiirUier reduction may occur 1(

___thetprouUnE.sr)'Oun{{tub«niCauMd a^ by high temperatures, beeomcA lerl- n f .out. - ll

B euu ore looUn; up a Ilttle belter cl M h a n lu t year especially In the Twin "I . Falls area where most of 'the crop U

groim. Production w u estimated In b; thercportBt3,4<0,00Cibuihelslncom- ' '

,*partsonwlih3.«S,000!s»t)tar. fl . ' . SusBr beet producUon is dovi-n SO e<

per cent becauu of a smaller acreage d and prevalence of pesu and lu s lav- b orable ^rowlns seawn. Indications tn

^polnt to a ha^^•eil ot 34 JOO.tons com-with 446,000 In IMO, the report In

V w ater ahorUee Is Uie terious lae- Ix torlnr^uclnEldaho'shiycroplo}.- tli Ue,000 tons. This Is over half a mil- te

------- 31os(onslusthanin0when3Ati.000 —(oas were haneslcd. Inmanynress tl'U>er« WlU not be » Uilrd cutllnj of ol alfalfa. Pastures have alio made a new low record for Ausuit 1 with a 11:cendlUon ot 00 per cent, the report n< dlicloeed. In many of «i«.ln^porunt thdairy dlttricta cows are being h«r<}ed /lions roadwajx l>>

The apple crop made sood derelop- l«nen t dunns July. reachlncA urutl .wjU]BCondltloaof75pcrcenlatalnst r■n per cent Aujust 1. IMO. Produc- ^uon U ealmated a t J,I30fl00 busheU Ki|talart5J)00,000 last year. n

Twin Falls Crep Latter' The Imporunl Payetle and Welser _vtlleys have an excellent crop com- ~ ln« on. cleiut and well slMd. The North Idaho crop probably will be underlutj-earbutlnTw lnFtBsm l- terlally larger.: Peaches are dereloplnj a crop of394.000 bushels In comparlien wllh /the near failure of only i :,000 bush- ffels har\eite<l In It^O. U

L , The outlosic for prunes w udrelir- g■ ed most uncertain. 'The report lald aT the erop may drop as low as 1300 n

ears compared with IM3 cat* of, l u t .T. . . V: . .. .

BOYS FOLLOW FAIUI TRAINING f l AMES, la. u>)-FUty-seven per I

cent cf nearly 1000 boj-i who have I been graduated from Iowa high I

' schools with two or more years of I vocational agricultural (nining now ^ are engaged In farming or related ^ vocaUons. More Uun one-ttilrd are ■ fanning for Uiemselves.

fMaiH a p p y V a l

S a l m o n P i

K e l l o g g s G

L a r g e P a d

P o s t T o a s i

1^ ~ ^ L a r g e P a d

C a l u m e i B i

O n e P o u m

M a c a r p n i / (

T w o P o u n d

B a i c o n

M e d i u m F

T h g M a r f c e t e

I n d i e p e n d e n i

i P r i c e s I


Perhaps no aeUeu apparlng on Ihe icre<n today h u a greaier'the- t Btrleal lierltage than Joan Dennett. ' at Ihe Idaho iheatre today and to- I morrow In (hs leading feminine role 1 of Unlvcrtal's spicy coocdy. "Many I tt Slip.-oppo:lle Lew Ayr**. 1_M to i^nnc(tJnh«lu.het_i4l<n‘ * not o^y from her famous father, < Richard Dennelt. but nlso fAim ber molher, long known on Uie sUge u i Adrienne Mortlion, and one of the 1 moet popular leading women of the c ptst generation.' On her nother't < tide. Indeed, Ihe }'0ung screen tlar Is In the seventh generation of the- a atrlcal foUi. t;

A esrtooti, “Orand Uproor,” a < comedy, 'Tne Great PanU Mystery" r and (h* Pathe News are on (he lur- t rounding proftrtrn.


Wha( lupptns when the people of “ ft blir eltyriroused-to.flctlon over the P niicalily and grafdng intrigues o; ^ (he poUUcal machine In power, de- f clde to throw out the corrupt party " •■boases?"

That question Is aptly answered r by WUllam C. deMlIle In his pity, •The Womin." which, uatler (he film Ude of -The Sccret Call," open- ed a t (he Orpheum Uveatro yester­day and wss there renlved cordial­ly by audiences (hat were obtlously C much Impressed. , t'

Mist Shannon' w)io was rushed h Into the east of Utls show upon lha tl tudden eollapH of Olara Bow, h i t c beauty, “It" and a real gift (or emo- C Uonal acUng. She should go f tr In talkle-land. P—Arlen'»-wort-ls.evca more effec- c tlve thsn his dramatlo performance s. of “The Lawyer’s Secreu" 8

"The liouse That shadows Bulll," llu added attraction. Is a .decided p novelly. ITie Paramount dotes Uie b show. iiI Tomorrow and Sa(urdsy, "Murder tt by U» Clock." the Paramount mys- si (ety thrUler will fea(ure. . *


KMOX U planning a serlo of pro­grams, beginning In (he /all. lor f< (he benefit of lls Central and SouUi e! American Uitener*. g'


® S H 3 B E y B >>'


L IPT O hC H O r C E S ^ R A ^

^ e t el i e P i f i k

^ e r . C a n . .

• o r n F l a k e s

: k a g e . . .

► ties

[ I t o g e . 7 .

t a k i n g P e j w d e r

i d C a n . . .

G o o d Q i i a l S l

d P a c l c o g e .

h l e a v y . . .

e r i a , t h e H oim

( G r o c e r y W h< M a k e B i g S a v i

™ g ^ l '



on Allan D»an. who directed'le- to Mtn." Die Warner Brothers an 1 .itt, VilBiihone Kreen version et tlit10- Ccn Amc* willlaras story now at ole llie Roxy ihcatre, got his llrst break ny In Uie rarly days of niotlon pictures

by.BTltiRE and telling an original V•hi, yenatlo in on« nf th« tniilof pm. £jer, aicing companies of tha t Ume, gl ter He Itltr became a prominent w u acensrlrsi and lhcn scenario editor, e: he Rom that pwltlon, l» Jumped (o u He directing and loon becamc a leading (c ■t't exponent ot screen art. wlar Dwn w u born In Toronto, Can- le- ada, and educated a t Notre Dame

unlverslir in Indiana, where In ad- i„ a ditlon (0. his studies, he gslned b r,

7" reputaUon In atlUcUcs and was a „ ir- football nar on the 1807 varsity. m.

Atter dlreeiing many ot (he most . famoui ot tlleni taeen tUrs. D«ait , orgtniied his own company which , , he operated tuecesjfuUy for a time. ^ M He hss directed Mery Plckford. **

Douglum!rbuis3,“ rr0ul5—Otaum .» ond Kor« of others. His recenl u , pictures Includes “Wliat a Widow" jh 5 , Btatrln(rOlorta-Swawwnr-"6oulh-

Sea R«e," "Pro»n' Justice" and» ______________ a



11- CORVALLIS, Ore.. Aug. 12 M'>-lly Ohio sa te universliy won llrst place m

today tor tlie besl p reu iservlce ex- th ed hlUtcd i t Uie annual convention ofia ths Amerlean Auoelatlon ot A rl- “11 cultural College Editors In session a t ta0- Oregon State college, . >. In The rating Is cn a bu ls of motl

points won for piscine In lodlrldual c- datslflcatlon. Cornell university wss X Mcond.'Kev'Jersey'thIrd, and Iowa *'

su te college fourtit. iSome Of the more Important first |

ii places Ir c lu su wtre: Besl popular le bulletin, Otilo: best UivlleaUd preu

service. New Jersey; agricultural fea- er lure story. Ohio; humsn Interest1- Ilory, IndUna; eounly agtht n m . service. New York; ehort paragraphs.

Texu; radio serrice. New York; 4-H :A clubne«s,WestVlrilbli.

>- The largest atans meteorite ever )r found, weighing 1200 pounds. Is on il eUilblUcR a t Field muieum, Ohka-

go. I t feu a l Long Ultnd, Kinsss.

Cooling and invigorat­ing oa tbe hottest day— - Lipton’sTca, iced—with its gurdeh freshness—is the P crfcc t Sum m er I^ e ra ^ e .

N I TEAG ^ E K O ^ ^ E I ^


" I O c


Ml i n e Owngd- _h e r e L i U l el y i n g s

TWIN f a l l s d a il y N

imiiNMS J - S l i M E I i

_ _ _ ab

(Y W .E .H o w a r d ,jr . ,- F a c e s P r o - "

,1, secu tlon ( c r B ru ta l A t- J ;

ta c k s C auslno D ea th Z«l _____ , t£akres SALT LAKB CITY. Aug. 12 t^lV- lal w .E , Howard, ir.. 34. waa held In Uie

coacty-lall-hereionlghtafler-bavlag UI given otflelaU a signed tUlement In

n t Which he admlUedahooUng hUfaUi- or. er, W. E. Howard, sr., yeslerday and 10 Uien taking him on a wild ride which ng terminated In Ms fatal Inlury In the

WTccksge of an automobile. 1Prevlouslyi his confeulon related, wit

Ihe son had held hU faUier prisoner b>- In hU home, mensclng him with a litr

^ ftreami and firing fourthou a t him. Jui • meanwhile forcing him to partake of wa t « (

Tlie altercaUon. beiween falher .h and son, starting orer the price of a *h

pair ef S4 ihoes. terminated faulty .rf early loday wben Uie elder Howard ns

died la t-huplu i hetf o/-U>»-in- nl Juries he received when Ute eoupe o f V" in which hla son bad driven him, 'tij tl,. held-ptlioaer-la-Uu.rcar-comparU

ment, w u wrccked agalnsi a Uie- phone pole tn Uie souiheul part of tills clly. QL

Xfarton Wood, an employe of Ute , elder Howard, who also had been <

r menaced by the son and foreed lo sene liquor to hU employer, was hem C for a time u a material wluiess and Qui

— then released without bond. He sign- by ce cd the sUtement young Howard gs^'e me: X- the sheriff Uiday. c«uof InvcsUgatora were (old lhal the Th< :|. ton brooded since hU moUier aad ms a t father were'dlvorced In IRS. Ke U eve

i O * ««•H


^ - T ^ O l H I N C ii ] ■ 2 . ^ w om en 80

m ildness b f Can T o tho ilelical

fragrance .of thi comcs es a gobu

’N ow w o m rac , in g w hat a:tUroi

I p rim e , &etory>ib' ; , Now Ihey can

k . b lended fine Tuij free fro m tho b<* ' dusty dryness,r rnTpf>]g Jn lh

Ca»3 l i t d • • N O G IG A B

T im e l a c a ; f e s l B r lo t f B T o n j r W o n a - S j r t t e m x e r e


* taiifoa<l fireman but h u been un- n emiiloycd tor tome lime. Tlie elder H IIow.irii remarried In 1928 and hU ui wldo-* tiled suit for divorce two yetrt

Bajo. illfsiiig cruelly, 1111.1 action U mil KUtlliii. allhouih they were ' iiv ins-tnirnitniniiM r-tnxuriou.i — eounlry home. Mrs, Howard tw u ibtcni Irom home yesterday. ^

County Attorney Matlhew Crowley jei n . announced late today an aulopey WlU Ui

be eniKlucted on Mr. Itoa-ard'a body Cr ♦ , tomorron- momlng lo determine the Ut

eu ct ctiL-e of deaUi, nejulta ot ihe fniL nuto,-vy,cro'»ley»ald.wUliUi>iilylhc ffJin b*»w of a complaint lo be filed df

asaiw. Uie iou.

p E F E i i i i . - I

^ H i l N l l l T !he ____ n .

Hermtn Tumer, Buhl, oliargwl I'J! xl. with embeulement ot a csr oinrd

a Ilmlnary hetr'ing tefore “■ A K s m. Judge Guy L. Kinney jtsu tday and “L, of WM held to the duuiei court under h ,

12000 bond. Ernest Ollberl, Butil,( r wbo accompanied Tumer lo UUh, , ' a *here bolh were uken Into cuitody, '

Uy enlerrdftplfaofnotgullty. HUhear- tti lng,wutc;for.WA.-MJVlday.pend-

Inirwhlrh-llniehe lain JaU for lack M Ot ball. o. W. Wllham^prosecutliia n, atlorney represented Uia aUte, and ' U Jo:in.Ko:harek.Jwln-FallsJawytr.J- ; s


io — ehoai Detailed announcement ot the ^Id Queen oflhe Fair contest tpoiiurcd tho1- by a number ot Twin t^llls county tbe« merehanU In eooperatlon with Uie Cri

eounly. fair board. U lo be made In "thie The News tbmorraw. Joe Koehler. Prcid manager of the contest, tsld l u t hinIs evening. 1

c o u r s e I V

t h e y ^ n

fG in a dgarctle has.ever app n so swiftly and tru ly iis tl Camels in the H um idor Pack ilicato feminine th roat the sua f this perfectly conditioned ( gebuine and welcome hoon. ICT smokers as well os m cn ai tUroBtofriendly joy a '£ n 6 ciga iry>fresh condition can be!can relish tlio satisfaction o f j

I T urkish and mild DomMtie t io Bcratch«and-6ting of parcl ss.D the H iiu idor Pack are ju


I C A M II, 4 )D A B T » DOUB atf H o H o b D o w o f l j a n d

- e r e i 7 D l t f h ( e z e e p t S nada jr

i PlI


j B U s i s o p f f i j i

; S T M l M n g j^ ' nni

. L03 ANOn.ES, Aur. 13 j,,i|y tetllmony from a billailiM i'Xi)crl u;. U Uial the buHels which killed Cliarle.i y Crawford and llerbprt Bpfwer. i>q- e llUc.ll ticutes, mlsht have U fn tirert x i e from the .•'ame revolvef. Hit /itate I }■ e rcitfd Its late tod-iy In th-- mur. 11' 1 der trial of David H. Onik, formtr

deputy illt:rlct aitornry. ITomorrow ihe dftenM" aiu iircitnt i

the tlrii ot Mven or'figlii uiImc.vm through whom It will jetk lo /rrr

. Clarlu)I.Uitchar;e.Q!-iallmE£Kac-. _ i er, ’i'lie Crawtord clnrfr may be tlei

• proieculert later. Wllh thr /ame bet MIence In which It haa cloUiM lls ^ i, r.-iicilitce Clark turrendrred laM May nu, n . the defetue declined In reveal dm,

I U'honi 11.1 tin t wlttieu will be olhrr , than "n woman" will lake Ihe Mand, era . . Tiis Itrt principal wllneu lor the i,-(| , ilaia waa CapUIn Edward C. Crou* j man, i«llee ballutlca expett, who by uoi . pholosraiilisotUie.twobulIelawhlch q ' killed the men, showed Ihe Jury a tlw. ' slmllarliy between them. Deuuae ot onv ' lechiilcalcharaclerlstlca, lieaald lliai to i ; without the deatli weaiion. which i I never hw been produced, n I'OJlilve ffd , rtatcment could not bo midc'lliat vali

they were fircil from tfia tame cun,The sLUe ended lU ca;e allrr tlx \ \

and oneOalt days ot examination nt tinm wUne?»e.'rwno"tt»Un«niicy naw „ c i Clark ora man who greatly rcicmbleil ter < him go Inio the private olflSo ot ney, Crawford In Iloll>'wood tltorlly be­fore the pollllclan and Bptitcer wrre slain and emerge a moment after two ehoLi were heard. . \\

No motive was offered oUier than frje; tho allegation th u by the rotmdi of ne« tbe iho',a the slayer apparently killed ing Crawford and then slew 6|<encer. our "the only living witness," as rpeelat The Prosecutor Joseph Pord deralbed ten, him, I

The defense Indlated there w u a j

s ro m e n ]

•e FRE!ippealcd to good clgarc I the fresh fine, no mai ack.

T h o scic6.love,cooI • d cigarcllo. Ccitoi.bane

seals in all t 1 a rc Icam- ' jis iU g b U y e ig m lto in ^

- I f your t

.rd ic d and hum idor £r<

C ivc you juet what ju s t one day

AUGUST in, IflH'l.

■ c r ' ■' \

' . ■ 1

potilbllliy Ctirlc mlsht uke the «ll-l n ra alan:! late.lomorro*’ If the ciie'

> projrejsed rapUlIj'. Clark wlllb# the I [• laMdelewewllnr.'.i. [ Ila l^is rcfiired lo ilL-.clrv'e any de*

L n il ot hit flKht fnr an acquiial. al- -*TTi5ajiii Raiisir-TTnTniir-inicusrr , Ptiiier Hporur. trstKleU CiMk ad- '< oillied to him he wa.'> In Uie olllce at 'I the time ot the (hooting.M

h l E I D l M N I I [ r

: SEEK WMM CHSr -----■ —BOISE. Auir.-13.uwrhre4.wmn- < ties loday i>Ucrd a formal rrqur/l « belore the board nt equaliutlon for a a iower valuation on farm lands In r aulst Uie.lormenled agrlcuUml In­'i duitry in the etate. i f The Ada county Umnge and farm-' I' era organlzatlona trob Latah and' e Net Perce counUes Infilled there was • need of a ao per cent cut In valiw f Uoni of farm Unds.> Olher counllet. reprnvnted by » tlielr atieasors. Joined In Uie request f only In otuo reduellons wete granted I to other*. Many nsM/Jors explained■ t« Ute board today ihey had msde = reductions.of (tbout.JO.per cent in I valuaUons of fami Isndi. •

I WIclilU, Kansas, h u a tather-

' —Carl and Dorotl'.y Evans. Tho 1st- j ter was runner-up In the state tour-■ ney.

; CAR!) OF THANKSWe wllli to lhank our many I

> friends and neighbors for Ihelr klnd- I ness ftnd the beautiful flDtai otter- I Ing durlns Ihe lIIneM and death of . our dear wife and mother and sitter.I Their kindness wilt liercr be forgol-I ten. ■ . I

REUBEN A. w m oU T and family> MRS. JAS. H. ^ A R T . Adr.

p r e f e r

S S H !

garcttcs should .be — fine m atter where o r when you

s c ie n t if ic gc rm *safo w r rdinary-Ccllophanc) bilt n m c which costs nearly tv^ all the factory freshness an lltly that wel weather eanno lo r drought w eather niiakd

u r taste is jaded with A c b u rn in g d ried*out cigarc r frrah Camels for a gratefi

your throat a vacation- 1 day; then qu it them —if yoi


■ 1 ■ P**o-T hrM —

It-1 Hr. roller Is ItraUng Iws feet for 111.00 expires 1012 a t t i i Main E. Adr,


1 * iH l l J M J M M i i

t j J ]

S H H ;

'O'* f! •IMPUVIK01

■■■by ik< Nn Uim Mmui *liMk»kr■ii s...Tb«;itiM .k«ui«ka.i./

tdde ofkm.I>lCtM»dMe(oir»' 'In —

Sm 1)1 M tm ms tm <W' . •.pwlMMirUMh brill*’


n w S c o m r w o J r w u t^£AK K^.W .JsGU i.I«M tJ ■Ch&s. 0 . Dumas 'J

]• I Music store tlr- I Baaonent Vndcr IVUer Dnw I I lown a Flight Where Ibe PtIcII

i J , I i R lflif I I ■

lyJ _________ • • • •

V t h e m

le tobaccos kep t : ou buy them*

iv ra p p in g —>not . ..j, moisture-proof;

twice as m u ch — and arom a, seals not m ake Camels cd them dry . ;

e heat and sting rc ttc s , try coo l, eful change. ~ ;

- t r y Camels fo r ;you can*


Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A.M. Edition ' T H I VOL. 14 NO. 103 • ' IFTBIiKS BliEISESSi’ Speakers at Assembly

— . . » ____•!« UOBlh*____

, ^ " S S S ? S 1

: i s s i s s■ ’K niBni o r iiio eu T x p m u i "

(I) mua AuodiM Trm.

■ b S w S I I s I! '(8rauUsB«^Kllottllrupoat*quMt.

■' f e ' f f i - i a T S S

'■ —' " —' . . 1


■ With' th* re.«iliblli>imtnt of Ihe | , TTirln m u Cwrnly woodpile, an cx- '

«UiM bejlhjUiii l i betoj m »de'to-I m M niMtlnt relief nt(<i* here dur* I Int (he comlns Winter.

■ • jn, l l t o be hoped th rt ihe-eounljf *ira^pUe m t) 'b t mide i pennu)«)t 'lM Ututlon.nol»llhVle»,t8*»notr * Ini ippllanta for publle aid, bu l« »

— -|<lUM-pollcr-of-nifeliiic ncrty ap- • pUeinU with' an oHtr of a ehanee (o “ w irt tor what tliei r t * ■indlrnt relief ta aiunction cf Ihe »

CoiBiljr adffllobtntlon In jood ‘Imei a i *ell u hanl tinei. AiiliUnce miut b i j lw n w wme everr aeawtt. ItU fl&kjdndnui to g in «>un ■>!

' ’ the'apptlcani n o ta li an opTwttmlljr tow ort

;.n e woodpUe will provide that ot»

___i ^ . i u d J ^ ' i s oae^.Uie.euenUali .' in u 7 T * |> « ( in tn B 'i£ i^ R ^ i

> \ ’ AO^liln} la'tt^eiUbUih'tba wood: piu,uka.ind ltttlon 'o la^ouicon>

. a lderaion ,thatU i* i^(l»n -ln 'tba : de^iriulBiiiritth^tloA^ihi.toBUiii;

- W lB l^ artiltf .M ^i-lL 'U a atn d l- v

.=:■ ■ i W H « r A ' i 4 h ¥ r t a t ■ V , ^■!:■■: f ^ i n l D 4 i c a t |« U 'e i i « ^ l n i t(

' lB‘fUif-otth«'mulU pU dly,e(p^>

■ la ’ U paA dt»i«iD etitn«;;/V '^ £ .it6M>^'bteM pnMemi lhal no n

.:vV £u fir»U l be wived utWaetorilr. ll r;:' • liiBitocaUforanioweomplelaaod |

. - . ''h tn bad heMoIoh la the admin- b

t lm of KUef. and Utli troM rt- a clote cooperaUon anoot all r r e lle ra itae l« i.- \ ' n^ — a : .,.: ..' s.


7 .fOellaquenclea are dliUwUy ipait « ; , ' aeUvlUet,'' declani- tb»' Jud^

. otVjtnrenUecourt, u te e m a to b e t bi nw dm veralon of tha old ta jln i. a w W a'nbd* aooutinlaehlef itfll M ^

•• to' - i l i t JiKl|«'>'urg<a;.ilifiV>in' be a> f o ^ to M '(U ldnD V ’« a n . t l a i ^

ltaQ uinekt^oe«ur,'* |th"'«ianl*d : a < |> ^ & ttp a ;C D ^ H u ^ ta t ;e l th . D

'V'- c r on 'mualclpal pliygroundi or | |. thrduil) the ptfbUe tchooU. Uoaei.

' be la n . no lamer lum uh InUreaU . for m&log entertainment, n w fam-

- . U a require a n ; duUea of thUdiea.' Skttp ton lannf,th (reare oi)c2)or<i

for younplCTi lo do. Hi' ' I t la a Uuljr lerloui atate of al- ^ I fallt. T tteflm plaoe 10 offer pleaual g I. aBduufulapafeilmeaeUvllluoushi er' ta be the hotDC. When the erenlai ot, : ' meal U o\'tr the Ulchen or dlolni qJ ' , room table ought to be artllable for ■_____ tamM.or.dnwlni.or.maklnt.thlnii. br

ramUc* could taU up a Utlle read- °t I - loc almid;publleUbrai7 book! wuld “

c(Kt Uiem nothin;. UiTheingtdjroftheabuiK eotipaie

time acUvlUea In the home U thal It ^ ladlaiea .ao abunee ot nxcUI re- = toureetulneu oa th* part ot the r vhcde faaiUjr. D den aad Tou&t •

' . lolballktarenow w aeeuw om edto f utU leU ItauteaeoU that the; can t I (ae* an trea la i wltheul mbvlu er { brtdie or da&dai or motorlot er haaftni around itreet w m tn with .

. U w ita f.' It'S U |h Umt. w« did ic ad h ln i ' tbeatthii.Cemmunlt7c*nt4n.cIubi, *

■ cbisttaea,' ^ l f » r t omaUtUoni. I Seouta, and w sB . ahould do thtlr I p * r tIn l)t lp (n f to W th e a e « ib u t I (b t W oett reapoMlbaitr I lu with ^

■ ■: • tlit’‘£Bl*IIi«5J'.. pareH irriho faii j . tbreuch c tfe le toen itlh tr than j

; ^ icBettDot; • ■ . 2

Ju n u B tO lG O O K . ^ I

..T bt M tM 'W o i ^ v ltb peelry ! '■ ■ ^ -n a .tn d tn tin d ln t In-btr toul who | V. - ealltd A&M Uodberib tb t nltUe 1 i: ‘: '.b tu « to e e e ^ b u 'iretiati'lr aurted 4

t':,''’’.';kcgs(tblac. tb t.n iff le li'U ktlr to I ^/•v.WcfcVv^'V,'-:-; : U

Id u iif tF /m u U to] E

TWIN FALLS DAILY NEWS euture, U among the eounlry's lUl-(ull drcn . an air n|vI|*tor and radio

" operater of abllllj'. She ih ir« la the9 lueeeMandiatUfaetloniofllipprM*J ent Mrl»h;*eaUonjin which »he and• her huiband are emtarlifd.

! ' - = ^, MUSICAL

; Maurice Baron. Ameri«iimu*lcUn• now dlteetlns t lymphony oicJititra ^• In NHi- York. Is l t« »orn«d lhan : . Waller Damroech about Uie eUliu : 1 and pnupccli of Amtrlcan mutle.} Never mind, he »y i, If *e liavcn-t ; ’ any'Saeht or'Beethovcni lo feed {• Iheeapaclouimawofradloandfllmi, ,. Give ui lime. There U pirnty of good : muale already in the world 10 Ual u-il

; for a while yet. MciDutlle, we're || making progreu. We'ie gelUng ready, i (or enaUve muilcal progif« by de- J veloplng •ppredallon. • ' ,

•America U praduilly becomlns ] tha m n t mualcally appr»latlve i rounliy in the world. Detaute the < Initlnct of Imllallon la h »lronK' i In alt of us. aome day no man, wo- i

-ft5 u n r? H n d im n (m in im -w h o - • liiteni 10 good muilc will be happy unleu he orili* liable lo play lom# i

“iBUiltaJ'lnJtniment.—That-ts'more- i ImporUnl lhan the' blnh of an- i other Wagner or Mourt." iJuil a l preient, It doei lecm u (

If loo many of ua ImlUlora are 1ml-; I lallng Ihe uuophone trllBtaand lak-, Ing our IniplraUon (rom J u t orehei- ] I ru and Tin Pan Alley. Bul ihli i phaao'fflaypaat. Americana iuve loo > much nailre orlglnalKy lo be M lli-|| fled lonj wllh what “ever)tody’’ j c tikea. W ehavatodoiomeUilngdl(-|l (erent aooner or UUr. And | enough Americana piaylng'ehbugh i, inilnjmenta-pcrllcularly (he piano b and vloUn. the aupreme tn d unlvcrul: medluma of muileal eap rea loo -jj aooner or toter,there «lil break looeej a (Iood of muaiul gehlui.

i m i isipM ishkI

R e H lo 'i i 'o l Indoiv T n ld 'J

R c ssre iilr N ec ess ita te s <

’ C u l to .T w o - T h lr d s N o rm a l;•' ' ■ ' - ja

iflD BU ir. AUB. M'.{8p*cUl to A e j i ; Viw^TOellvery’ot.Irrlsatlon’water, ^ to f v t t tn under the Burley lnlga^'ai Uon.dlitrlct con isct baa been'eut to, tl lwo<lblrdi et th t amount which ha i' y beeniuppUedthroughoutlhUt^iion. t, The eut-w u.tff«ctln Sunday mer-

r r f i S W m “ r f f l « rfull of wtter, becoin*;deplit«d to f Iwo-thlrdi capaclly, . > ' *

Acllea decreelna thli cul w u ta k » by the dUtrUl board Batunlir Dliht I t wai eiuied by to- unMpreUd ahoruge of water In th« 6nak* rlrer Impouadlni reaenroln, due.to'.lh* ' reducUon ot Inflow trom Ihe b»nka Dt Saak* rlrer-when ih» w itcn o(-the,T reienrolra wer* lowertd. QooalderaW* ‘ o waUr lound IU way baek.lal« thci*-'ei reuno ln In former yeari, but lack'it en « flrunu rit> pm ntijru iaM ni~ e< leaienlng of the underground flow. I

I t U belUred liera tbat thert wUl'u b* lufflelent water remalnlni to tb* b credit ot the dlilrlct (or th* malur* b incorauehcropaaiiuitr,bt*U aB d s poiaioea,, Thera will bt UlUt-waler p for I tlt ( ill trm a tln i afUr th t cropa ar* batvetted, m it aeema tpparenl a Ibat'deltrerr'Ot .w iltr 'w m .eeait m mueb earlier ta tbe ftU tbaa U R ^ m

i E f l i S i i s 1

jn E N I i l l P E W s_____ R

I taRUFEHTi AUg, 13 (SpecUl 10Th*.b<

Kewai-Anneuncemwi by Re». Ar-'u^ Ihur T.fltimbrldge, reelor ot T ro lly , tli EplKoptl church, hert, eallKalUn-jin llonloauven-weeka’perlodoripray- m er.lo b* Qbiened by th* menMhhlp ot EplKopal churchea l^ u lh o u i the united 6UUi from Auguit/U to Oclober 10. / «]

Tha word ttcelved by Rev/6tem- bi brtdge.wai lent out f r o i ^ B oftlce i« Of the nauonal couacU qrih* church 'hi deilgnaUn; th« aeven weeka for|t^ p raje ro latm netuacb rpo raU acl. hi Uie period belnr prior {o.Vli(rla«, and {« a(Ur the genera] conTenlldn of Ihe nr churth In Denver. \ ih

| j ^ = I E<Swerfii 1 AProdiI ThrililtiR screen rerBion of ( I B(or>* o f f a lh e r a W w n — rcai . — n i n i Poflt mW lon* aa “fl

I W l Hj S b W f a b - k a t l / .

I i b e d t n i w r r ^ i t ^ M N r u n o i B u r ■ • WCtUMPOWm

B . -PH O U H H O U tSS □ . ;.j . ‘ c n o u n fUM ON


Iho I S O C I E T Y

tnd AND CI.0B8«ri.tB .-W tlllO B i— -

' ?bosa SM

The Unity Club m«t .Wedneiday lan ifwrnoon »t Ihe home of Mra, Mar- itra tin Bulllvan with Mrs. Wanen Wll-

llama and Mri. £Imcr Dmu^I au lit- , Ing hoaieuei. Elihleen memberi

were prextni and guuia of the club tie. were Mn. Rodenhifer and daugh- •n-t ‘«r», Jtan and D?th. Manilla, Phlllo-

pine Winds: U iu U ura Dellevllfe. CInelnnaU. Ohio; Mri. Harvey Cog-

'«»■ glni. Jerome, and Mr*. Parions. Mn. Md Rodenhafrr cave an account of her , i..| Wp to the Unlled BtaWa and ipoke

” of Uw nuMme of Uie people of Uji -" .t tlan d i; Uwlr «liool» and varloui idy, Olher ilemi of Intereat. Mr. and Mra- [leJRodcnhafer are cn roule homa after

. vlilllng relatlvei In Ohio and other aectloni Including .Twin PalU. Mra. H. T. SUke im lded over the buil-

ve neu ceulon and Mra. J. E. BcUe>« vllle eonducted the carlUmentary «■ drill. A aoclal hour w foja ^ and Uie

In'compllmtnTIo her iUt*r-ln- 10 Uw. Mia. Jamea II. Harvey. PltU- re- burjhr-«nnvlvanU ,-M ra,-U on*l r >■ Dean enterUlned wiih-a charmingly

arranged deuerl bridge Wedneiday M altemoon a l her home on Jefferaon

nl-'Blre«l. The Ublei were centered ,k . ' WlUt bouqueU of iweelpeaa and gUd- “ Iloil tdomed the rooma,Ther* wa* t “ • lovely (avor for Uie honored gueat tiU and tin t and KcondprUu wer* won r ;oo' by Mra. Herman Bchurier aod Mra.„ I John Sommer, rcipectlKly. QueiU “ *l In addition lo Mra Haney were Mta- y'' damei John Haney,SUnleyWalteri,If. I Herman Scliurger, Leon Martyn, Oa- UJ, car Weldop, W. O, Waua, W. R. " j Chaie, John Bommer, W. A. Threi- s »>> keM, Dillard Requa. W. J, HoUeii- . no beck, c u l Benion, Henry Mahnkcn, LmI^A. R. Oilrandcr and M lu Ohtrlotie |, iU m on; WeUer gueifof her abler,— ' jMra,W.O,WalU.t i \ . _____

1 Mn. A. ProUiero entertained al dinner Bunday al her home on Sec­ond Arenue North In honor of Mr.

'and Mra. J. S. Farrington of Ball U ke city. Coven were laid for Uie honorcea, and Uielr aon. Jack, Mr. a and U n. Thomas Hodder and ion, >'

S, KaaneUi, Mr. and Mri. Spencer Mfl- « ler and Uie hHieia. On Monday Uie. . aame grouii enjoyed a picnic a t the Niagara ^ In g a ranch.

I Mr. and Ura. E. P. DunUp. former .- 'T w in PilU reildenu. now Ilvlng-at to Uoldredge,. Nebraika, announce Uu

engaiemtat of ihelr daughier, MU­SS saret. lo Ralph M. Cald«Yll ot Weal

Uyfayetle, JndUha. The wedding a l will Uka place September leath, to

, Uie Alpha Chi Omega lororlly houie a t Lincoln, Nebraika. M lu Dunlap

L. It a cradoaM of Uu Twin PUIf hltli '^iachool tnd of tlie Unlvenlty of Ne-

I braika. Bhe h u been on the leaching a*' lu f f ot Uie clly lehooU In Lincoln (or to th t p u t l-a-o yeara and for Ih* laat u year h u btea tlumnl advUor U> ber UL wrortty,ir. .

^ i F l i n v M N e i

i W OPEN,SESSION« ■. ■ " • •• h« ■o( PAnivrcw, Aug. la <SpecUl to he .The M iwal-Fairrlew Orange h tld an >!•' optn mtetlag which w u well attend- M-'ed and proved lo be one ot Uit most ek'lnlereauni of the year hert TOday

I W, R. Halfleld gave an InlereiUnc Ul Ulk en the worklngi ot th* canal a t board. He ihowed how ixpeniet had r> betn reduced and how. by ayitem,

muth good work w u being accom- er piuhtd.pa C..R. DtlwUer. manager of Ui* s t Bouthtm Idaho Bean Orowera' u - H wcUtlan. and John ftldhuiea. Held

man. gave vltwi (rom dU(erenl aa- glei of handling beani u well u Uielr meUiod of dlitribuUon Uirough Ih* Tri-auie Beaa corporaUon. Mr.

; OtlwUtriUUd Uut tiieir Red Beam «Yr* tll told but U u t Uiey would

Db* compelled to carry about M per ceal o( thtlr O rett Norihema over.

Oeorte U lb , pretldest of Uie Buhl Rtd Bean corporaUoa, gave a brief Ulk auilng that (w n appearanoes

le I before long W per cent of Uie Red r-'Bean growera would ba members of iy,the corporation and that adverUi- f i ln g and Klllai would receive Uk It r- malnconaldcraUoB. .

Jl LIFE aVABD-8 TOTAL m e n >0 ATLANTA, Oa. I4v-Henry Hull,

who U 39 ytan old, h u been a t (he 1- ,buuncai ol Ufa guard lUio* he w u :eu .y (* n .o i i.» n d .la . bU .eareer.hu ;h|haultd M8 penoni.to wfely. trom Withe water. A number o( rescuee :l. have bten muiuple, amaleun going 'd to U)« rurue of preMy gL'fi and le jiiK d l^ to b* raecutd along with

= N O W P L A Y iG

fui Drama of 9 digal Father |of (he Ben A m es W iU Iim s H -read by (he S a tu rd ay E ve- M I “flarbe r Jo h n 's Boy.** H

“ OW . . ' t a B D f f l X , I


------------ TWIW FALLS DAILY

■I • ■


T Paris Offers New ‘

u r - & A - : vu-Oil- .•K ri ETvA ' ' . # ^ * ' ' .:lub W J i M ^ j

tin.^ B S V ' ' ii i^ B

«<» I B i r ' •U)i

>tra- H v tterb tr ■ ■ ■ ■•m-il l '



i®" THIS IS JEy^ATOU’S new • ^ thc coloDiul marquises of tl Cl- (ICRittnu of black velvet and en, on tho left side. It is worn pi

—(;p)Photo. , el- . . . . -----------


" ie io s is w e m l LeCC- . _ . • lelvlr. , . Lynil BUIIL. Aug. 12 (BpecUl (0 The K<the N ewii-walier Cyrus Stafford, W, vlikjr. a reildcnt of Buhl for lha Ual 11 hlion, years, dltd a l the tamliy home three si;Ifl. mllei jMlJiwest o/BuhJ WtdotJday ;

- __________________ ______Jie ' —

ler ' ■ • ^ *

I W h a t ’s I t

u A l l A b o u t ?lapI'J

‘i Feotures i; Found irId

i FORDu . A


i'i m ■ ^ I» E n g i n e Q u a l» •' 1. Aluminum Pistot S 2. Bronze SprinfrSr

: 3. Permapently Ad; 4. S h o r t^ n -L e n g

k; - 5. Ample Cranksha ; ■ 6; Gravity Flow Fui ” 7. Fall-Ploating-Pis t .8. LbwSpeed.Medr J Engine.

\ C o n s l r u c t i o lS 9. Extensive use oflj . 10; Extensive use oi3 .. ings.P 11. Timken and H yI Bearings.D 12. % Floating R ear

*I ' ' : ? S a f e t y 'n ’.'13 . Shatterproof. Wilj( l i Full Shoe Servie«S . 16. Full Shoe E m er^I ..16. 225Va Sq. In.o f E

.-ISyjsSrSteel Bodies.



I A B O , TH UR SD A Y .M O R I^ 'G . A ll

ew “Marquise” Hat

~ -T



: CJ




new "M arquise” h a t. N am ed fo r o f th c e igh teen th cen tu ry . I t is t and finished w ith a ve lvet bow )rn pulled low over th e r ig h t eye. ,


■ f: a t 1:30 A. M. (allowing an aneia of vi

. seven months, * pr ____ The.dtccaicd..lor.30-yean a rail? »><I roid engineer a t Dei Molau„Iowa. ,

ta survived by hla widow, Uary J,**' SUffcrd. and on* daughUr, Char* a»

Iott«,tt.'TwoaUltra.Mn.W.L.Cole, tm Lyle, Minncsou and Mrs. W. B. -

he Ktarni, Dea Molnea, lova, also aut- M. vlvq. He was preceded in death by w(II his llrii wife, Mrs. Jennl* Carlson le :ee Stafford. In 1911. M ay l^iMralwraniemenUarependlni Ll

" *

i 6 j

BS =m the I

u a l i l yistons;g Spark Plug Leads. Adjusted Valves..e n ^ h Manifold, s h a f t Support Fuel Feed.

-PistoirPins;---------------- -tedium Compression

i o n Q u a l i t yi o f s tee l Forgings, e o f Electric Weld-

H y a tt Type Roller

[ear’Axle. ’ ‘

* IWindshield.■vice,Brake, ergency Brske. of B raking Area.

i e s - . . ’


l i E i r '-TismtiFt

. L eo F ra n k lin O lsen, 10 , I

D row ns W hen C u rren t Car-

I Ties Him In to L ong Pipe

HAOERAIA.V. Aug. 13 (Special lo •The-Newe)-The-body o f-L «pnnk- • UnOUen.]0-ycar'OldionofMr and-’ I Mrs. rrank Olsen, American Fork, Utah, who w drowntd in an Inl- I gaUon canal tatf of bere yesttrdiy j evening, wtll be Atnl to Utah (or fn- : lerment, 11 w u announced by rela- ' lives here loday. i

Tlia boy w u drowned when he , Jumped Into an IrrlgaUon canal on | the Babe Q nley place, e u i of here, and w u diawn Into t long pipe by | the lucUon* of the current. He lud J been swimming there wlUj a . group of children. JlU body w u recovered aboul iwo hours uter mo« than a quarter.oLfc.mUe.dowa.the ~

,• cajUTtur the Tom Piict lim .I Tha aUcndlng ph)tlcUn. who k-u

clUUon,The boy wllh Ills parenUl wi« visit­

ing at lha home of Rou KlltclieU.Tilt body VM u n t lo Ooodlns and

Uter will be Uken to Ulah far funtral servlcei and inlermtat. •


• The U tte r Day BaInU Relltt m- £‘ eUiywlU held a picnic dinner a t the

. home of Myrllo Bitter Thunday athM P . M. All thoae haring no way *

'f way to gel (here meet a t tha church rripromptly at 1:00. Canw lU bepro- a iTldtd________________________ fo

r! The Women’s -Home MUslonary i . soclely of the M'ethodUt ehurch will m<) D eela tthehom eofM n.S .L .cosi- i^

an1 word from relallvM In Uia E u l. bul thi a services wUi be htld a t Uie Buhl lly

Mtthodlit church wlUi Rtr. N, I t dl LInu In-chargt. cn

2 6 2 '

Features You Shouli Know-Abo

C o m f o r t19. 2-Way'Hydraulic S

ers.20. 3-pointFram eSusp21. Toi'que Tube and E

fB e a u t y

122. Bonderized Enamel23. Rustless Steel.24. One Piece Steel Spo25. Pyroxylin Finished26. Large Choice of Col

S e e T h e s e

F e a t u r e s


Your FORDTwin Falls, ]


A U G IIS T IS /M M ; ^ ,


U JA N IPA S M O L IN S K Y , ac­ne trc.is n n .d Po lish beauty

“ conlcat w in n e rv fac in jf dc- |w r(a(fon becauso she ovcr-

he ninycd h e r p e rm it Ijm it, np- s- ~ p l i ^ f o r pcrm ias/on t o r e -

tu rn vo lun ta rily to E urope umi then com c back to tn e United S ta te s to become

al thc w ife o f a Hollywoodcitizen.— Photo.

«cU. 17( Lincoln, Thursday a t 3:30 P. The program on OhrlslUn ciiljenshlpwiUbepreaenltdbyMn.

II C,O.JtIlUon.-

ly -nit P>ihlan Slaters wlH hold UielrIII rrgulsr mteUng Friday, August U al >. 8 o'clock In Uie Buslneu and Pro- _ fesBonal Women'a clubrooma.

7 Plckett'aPr^resslve. clau Ofthe111 Melhodlit Sunday ichool wUl have>- IU annual picnic on Augusl Id a t the

homt of c . L. Morris, one mil* north~ and one and one-hal( miles west oful the Five Polnu (troecry. Each fam- hi lly Is to bring dUhes, aUver, covered 11 dlah, undwtchca and calu or lee

lido u i - ^ ^ ^ —

5 ^

ic Sh'ocic 'Ab'sorb'-

uspension. d Radius Hods.


meled Parfg.'

Spoke Wheel? led Bodies.Colors. ■

2 6 F O R D

e s a t

M O T O R•A N YID Dealer3 , Idaho LN ENGINE THAN

L ik e s N e w W o r l d' PMNIlDiOCIlTES

JP ilE aS P E C T i,-V DURLEY. Aus, 13 (Cptclal to Tha L V News)-The n*«l lor Impectlon of I > all tplarl<9, In’ordcr Uisi inttr-suta r ihlpmenli of honey ran be made- L ' without law vlDlcllon, li jtrcssed by

H. 11. Kfck. Piul, bte and honey In- [.tl speclor lor Caula and Mlntdoka ’{'1 counties. ^' ' J JnipccilSti of hlviU ahould bo up- '‘jfi held and supported Ijy aU honey pro*J l ductrs. Kfck rieclarcj, and the law H tor unrooting indsupprnalng brood I dlscatea j.liouW'be AiriCtl^Obsm'td.■ He cltca the requlremenu of Mls- H (ourl regarding Ihe ImporUUon ct■ ' bees and bee produeU fthlch do not • n r , carry Injpecuon cerllllciies Usutd

; by Itlt proper otllslii In Ihs iU t« o( ' orUln.' i The Idaho sUle department of a j .-

^ r rlculture h u received noUflcalton from the aUie apiarist of Mlauurl that Uie Inspection law of his siata U In effeel and will be enforced. The nallflcatlon U of eiptclal Interut -

ng. lo commercial producers of hooey.

EXTRA FEED COSTS PAY aC- TAROO, N. D .'t/? ’/-F o r every cr- 1000 pounds, of Increase In milk in . producllon mad* by cowt in nlna . ■J. North.-DakcM-daljy-hcrd-lfflprove-—

mcnl usoclallons l u t year. Ul'i . 'P° average Increase tn feed eoaU w a i„J he about }3i0, while the average gain t me In Incomo over cost « teed per ' IQ(J COW WU about »9.

:10f . CLUI TO i p | f nf r A T E o r n v E L j H ^

P i t .n l ' I

PEG &Y s h a n n o n

Of ’m. I ,i » T h e % i ; j , S e c re tc S f i

— •»( ttii nrAiAwL» I . R I C H A R D A R ^

i - r M ta r t t t u ^ .* 'I l l ^ u S ? * i)u n i* « . /: ruuBouBt n m 1

■ - U tT T tM U 'IJIII • tODATI b t ' bstfila nitm" I .

F rid a y -9 b»« « v /T h r iv ) te m A

icv tttrr 5 f c f m tn w bo w t j cnr> \

wauStKmJJU A S T M m U f

_ .TtaB S n . . . l o M - to Q D -n A a v r

LAUQintBl Tovni r o a r - y o i 'H

— w t ^ r ib S T j lW d M * ---------

t t m A j ,

|lO r |» h w m |

I H A l k T O D A T tI:M to 4I t - IS c '


Isn’t Love ;Wonderful?

Yoa bet 11 b. and I f t mer« weaiertal Uua m r aa (t U porirwred ia (be icMra'i nuU relllcUog. c«medy. o t. t«bU< ta d IU a m etn—



811m Sumoerrllle. viivinu Sale. Rasa* Rams. Ben Alex-

. ander. J. 0 . Nugent FZATURErrcS

’Ortnd Up-Roar Cartoon •T aau Myiterr” Comedy

PaUio Newj Bargain Fricw

-------, WstlBte ge tn * He----------Ntghla l>e and Ue «

I f ^ i I

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A.M. Edition ' T H I VOL. 14 NO. 103 • ' IFTBIiKS BliEISESSi’ Speakers at Assembly

. { B i i i is T i i s i i r o

' ■ [ f fUm of E n tire H ydro-Elec

■ tr io P lan t fo r N itra te

M anufactu re L o o m s '

in C aplta i



Ali P a s t A tte m p ts , to Dis

k ‘ • pose of H uge P ro jec t

^ Concern C h e ap e r

- ■* Pow er

' Br FRArnt r. ^vEUEn (AMoeUM {>rew Ftrm Bdltor)

W A SH INGTON. A u^. IJ - ' I f co n cu rrcn t ideas o: th e federa l Kovcrnmcn

and tho statcfl o f A labami and T onncsaw b e a r f ru i t, hy d n w lc c tr ic pow er n t JIuscli

........... -S h o a la w ill bo jna rkc tcd Ii, f c r til i ie r b a g a ra th e r thai

over h igh tension lines.W h eth e r thu jo in t c o m d s

l t o ippolnled by Proldent ifoore »Dd uis (oremort ot TntncHM •!» Alibwiu TccotniociK^ covctnmcn or prlrate optrallon or UiU troubl^

- MDU wortlma property, or eonlro b r an ap ln iltun l eorporillon, I U lo NmUder the Muscle Shoali o Um future t Rtuit experiment lU' Uon for tertillKr manuftelurt.

W hmoi protpects for detrelop' ment and u ie ot power (leurtc U neir in preirlouj altetnpU lo pu' the itSOWOJKN dams and nllraU pItnU lo 'work. It nav appem Uui all Uie prwpectlre 340.000 horte' poirer m ir be needed In produclni tertlllur and chtmleil and meUl'

. Primary power at' Wllmn dim li u ld to be feu th in lOOMO horM- power. 0am number 9 and Cot(

. Creek dim, both of which ihe ecm- million may recommend for eon-

1 itruetKm, «tw!d brins the lupply ol k eORitant pover lo a t le u t 340,OOC y hone-poirerind'theicconditypow I er to 600.000, the lati«r availibic

only for a few weeks each )tir . rnpoMd Third Dun

D m number S, proposed 17 mllei up the Tenneaseo river from the WU­ion dim. U looked upon princlpall) a i a tnniporUUon project. II would ccit about tKflK/XO and add TOn&vlsible mUcilothe river.

Cove Creek dam, esUmaUd te cott U5,000/XI0, would be a walei •loraje tnd flood control. propoil-tlon. ........ -

Other eonstnicUon the commas- lion might recommend Includes i phbiphorio acid plant and roodeml'

-----------taU oo"Of'nltral«*ptinf number 3That would make Muscle ShotU i .complete fertlllar project. The coil U MUmated a l $10,000M0.

NIUtle llxaUon a t Uk I13MO,OOC pUnt number I. employlns U» old Q em in synthetle process Is out ol Uie picture. I t never produced i pound ot cxplotlvet.

If modernized. U li esllmited, liiuicio Shoili could produce one- fourUi of all Uie fertilizer now used in Ihls country i i a price reduction ot 3i per cent.

The nev Muiele Shoals commis­sion plans startlnt work September

The commission is Preildent Hoo­ver’s Idei, a i expreued In his veto meuige on the Norrti government- operaUon bill.. SenUment for prl- Ml* ind pubUc openUon h u been divided In Tenpeuee and Alibuni

i O u r P r i e e j <MakeWalkii

. ^ ina Ford StandardCoupe............ ........ ............... ..1938 Ford SportCoupe-------- :----------------------IDS DurantCoupe.............im E isex

la u c hry iir'M

IWTPimtUoCoupe____ :__________ •-»W# DurantSedin ______________________>939 V.i TooTruck ___ _193S WUlyi K n l^ tCoup* ___1P3T Chirrolet Coupe ------ . •1939 I^prd

1«« FwdCoupe----------------- -1938 Bukk Sport ----------------

^o1^)Td^pOTt ~Coupe --------------------------------1930 Fordor


- - g n ieth^, Y o u r m

K TwinFal


^ r o p o s e e



Solulion o f Uio v ex ing Mi commission appoin ted by P r is considerini; th e prospect fae tu re . P hoto sh o tts Sccre l

. W ilspn dam , w hich supplies

I Babson Declares I ly- Prevailing At 1lan StiniulateBu

S t a t i s t i d a n B e l i e v e s S t ■ t o R a p i d C o n s i

■ - S h o w i n g

'? ! T oOt --------------

Br EOGEB W. BABSON ' BASfiOK PARK, Mus.. AU{. 17 Swelling rsB bagi m d riling Jun pllei MU IS mueh about builneti re eorery as do the U4U11 indicators Uk earloidlniti.banlccleirings,indun filled ileel orden. People hive bee:

ff! weirlnif out old clothes, old Ures, ol ean. old shoes, etc.. for w lonj Uii

*** Uiey muil now replace wlUi ne» Already ve see Uie stlmulatlns ef

J * fecU of replacement demand In Ui lire builneu. cotton doth Industn woolengoodi,'andihoe*andleiihei

These Ihlnss are consumers’ good: which mean Uiey are Uilng* Uia

m rapidly used up. as conlrutci ™ with other Uilnes. like bulldlnci Lu machinery. Iron and Iteel. etc., vhlcl

are producers' goodi and vhlch tes much longer. ProducUon h s t noi

, been running below consumpUon fo a* about 30 monUu. Replacement buy

Ing In Uiese lln u U beginning to tur nllh .the Impetus for general busi

“ neu Improvement, vhlch. while t WlU be slow and Irregular, ihould nercriheleis, toon get under vay.

AutomobUe tiret v u one of Ui< h irdu th lto fa lllndu itriu lnU ied t preulon. In ihe boom days peopl-

' used 10 put on a nev Urt long be- fore Ihe old one blew out, but for thi

‘ p iii two yeart Uiey have patche< ■j,:1 a ■

and among the tU lei' delegations It congreu and Uw president hopci

XX) the commlulon w n effect an ae- )Id cord. -of May Break DeadlockI If Uw commlulon keeps deUberi-

Uoni away from the pover quei- Ed, tlon, farm circles uy . It msy g( le* fir In breaking the deadlock Uiii <d for a decade has kepi Muicle Shoal: on a virtual vlldcmeis.

In aU p u t atum pu to dlipose ol Is* the property agricullurt has beer >er Interested In the sale ot |»wer ai

pottlbly letllng a precedent In 10- cheap rural elecirtfieailon.!to Nov It contends Uist ferilllzei It- Ihould be the t in t object and th il rl- power, It wanted Uter, can be ob­en tiioed from other sites along ru l na reaches ot Uie Tenneiset.

o n U t e d C a r $t i n g E x p e n s i v e

_ L _ ___ S250______________:______ ^ $275_________i _ $ 1 5 0___________ S225'____________ S275______ ;_____$200____________ $200:__________1_$290

_________ $75-___ ________ $165_________ 1 _ $35____ :___ _ $50: :------------$290_________ _ $ 4 0 0___________ .$450LOW rWANCE COST

ilo to r Co.*BD Dealera l l s , I d a h o

!S T o M ?


: Muscle Shoals p roblem m ay be Iiii ’ P re sid e n t H oover a n d th e BOVcm e e t th a t a ll th e pow er availab le wi «re(ar>’ o f W ar H u rley and th e c lies pow er for th e { o re m m e n t’s n il

s Lowlnventones t Present BoundTo Business Activity Soon■es I n d u s t r ie s Catering insumption Ah'eady ing Tendency To GainI A ppirentlyta)m inytIrM )uv,ro« :. exploded I t Uie um e Umt, As a rc

Junk IUlt tire production, atler deducUni t l re- Uie uiuil leuonil Increaie. h u ad' ra Uke vinced 30 per cenl since the f ln l o Id un- Uie year. •I been cotton cloth started to giln lu ' »p o« summer and h u moi-ed stesdlly up- ! Uitt Ktrd, producUon adm clng eg pei

new. cenl since Uils time Ust year. Un- IS ef- derweir h u davanoed about sever In Uie per a n t. Shoe output h u movec :ustry, ctrongly upward, gaining aboul s: »lher. per cent. AU of U kk are real nc loodj, gains,putelyuuonallnflueneeshav- ' Uiat Ing been uken out of the flgurci ruled Furthermore, they Indlcale thai ll Ij dings, the coniumen’ Induilries. Uie “re- which peal- builneu. which vUl be Uii h tesl ones to recover' fln t from the de I now prtulon.)n fw Builneu cin start •recovery fron

Uils polnl on a wund bu ls becsuie K . r >n ««««»>. prtM* w d Inventories an

; thoroughly deriited. There tliU re- milnsiomeresdJuitmenUlobemadi in retsll prices In cerlain lines am Uie longer such reducUoni ara deUy-

.Bde! ed Uie longer buying VlU hold off. • Mfile Bear In mind thal Uie Induitrlei g C now showing the most life are Uion fr Prtees have been most Ihor-

oughly reduced. For example, vhll. ..„ .K average COU Of living U down 10 pel Z f r rtH rfrtim a year agorreloll'dty' gbS i------ are down aoH per cenl; ih o u *r<n s In down IT per cent; men's fumlshlngi hopes are down IS per ccnt; food Is dowi

ac- 19 per cent. Thue are Uie Unea lhai are doing best a t present, Alw, 1 am impreised wlUt the very lov In-

bera- ventoriesprevalUnglnmanyflnUhec quel- prodKCU-lmeanlnventoriualldovr I go Uie]lne.lnc]udlnggoodsinUiehandi Uilt Of minufacturen, vholeralcrs,; re-

hoals tallen, and the public., ' SvetT month for the p u l }'earaitd

of n tiaU b u shown a drop in depart- beener as " --t Iq

Illarth il , I9 ob- I

l l ie U .S .

G o v e rn m e n t

* Tea Examiners

g s ta te th a t tea

5 is b e s t w hen

J it is sealed in

' vacuum.

! F R E SH

5 SchillingI -') A g ^

•ealcd In vacuum like your coffee.


a r k e t M

le lite ra lly “in th e bag,” fo r th e jo in t | v e m o rs o f T ennessee and Alabama ie will bo needed f o r f e r lil i re r manu- he com m ission m em bers in spectins fl n l lm te p ro jec t.

rmenlstoreinTentorisicompartdwlUi the conesponding month of Uie yeir, previous, in June. 19J1, stocks of merchandise were 14 per cent below; June,lMO.Eipeciallylowrelillstocts'

1 prevaiIlnfurnlture.hoilery.iromBn'1 ' andmlues'vear.luggsgeaDdleather

goods, silks, and woolen goods. Sup-I AM piles In thue llnu range from 14 per i n n , ccnt to 33 per cenl below lu t year.

I Low supplies aro even more pro- ' nounced in vholciale llnu.' Seven

bulo Unei of goods In wholetalen' i n f f and Jobben- warehousu show an

average reducUon of 33 per cent trom tu t year. Unes showing greatesi n -

. ducUons are ahoes. cotion goods, and silk goods, vlUi leaser redueUons In other luodueu.

R u b ForBeplaeem e o i - - •* now With suppUes ot finbhed goods so i» K - low in merchanU' and consunven" ucUng hands, it U pUln to'see Uist even a, u u * modemte increase in consumer buy* In l of Ing may cauie a scramble (or goods.

This would a t onee be itflecied ip, n Ust stepping up of manufacturing and ly up- emplo)HKnl, because tha factoriei H per ara lUo low on iWcki, hiMng Uq- r. Un* uldated Inventories druUcslly dur* seven Ing the pasl year. DaUnee sbeeU for moved June 30 are no', ycl oul for many )ul 31,eorpofflUons, but Uioss a l Uw end al ne l'o f 1930 ihowed v h it Uw trend has shav* ^ten, Jn m to ri» of a o Industria Igurei. coneemi a t th» y e a r - ^ wera 13II 11 u per cent below the prevloui year, and ( -re- Ul vlaw of Uw lov rate'of producUon « Uie In the pu t'six monUihare prab* >« ' *

______ .',v >-'•________________

l „ i S o l o tS " l s j o - t t i u E ,while! . /

handsI,; re- — —

irand(part- hfftffffM nflln

V /nenyouillpyourfeetln- j ■ lo "Fool Fashion" kealtfi

sheesyou'llmarveltlistiucfi ' fit, such coinfort snd such

* tlylecsn be built In shoes

^ I lhal lell (or to low s price.

s I ' ^ 5 ' , ■


6Ues J lo 5-.WA io EEE |

I" -Van-Engelen-sH-The Fastest Growtar

Deparimeot Store la Sonlhmi ,• ________________ I I


M u s c l e S\ ' nbly : j per cenl loser now.

Ttiifc u Juil BJ much mnnty in touniry as llicre ever v .u . .Tii:

ifa's Imiblo Is ihht It U nst clrculalln:: 3 9 lll l fnoush. There nre JuJl lu many mmw ruturnl rrwurtcs and rnw matrrlitli ^ ».ii'.lns tn be mafle' Into goods ns mu. ■ ever. IVople need Eoods noF mnre •'* lliJn they hive needed Uicm for the y '■ iw 10 yeari. Add lo Uiete fnclore , ' llic low iiivcnlorics of flnUhed goodi ; m m ;rc W u 'n n d manufaclurera' \ I'-'i'ti* onrt you hnve a situation lh"l V / (!o(» not warrani Uw preient black « IvMimlim.I g iiuytns has already lUrted In cer- B 8 ><>>11 Ull''! of consumera’ goods. 1i

oiil Krndunlly ipreid to other lines. M TliP recovery will be Irregular and ^ >l>iity, with somo Industriesi makln;;

cood progrrM and others eontlnulni; m to uras. Uuslnrss will lake on more

wotkera when It fceU sure Uiit ac- M tivuy is dellnllely on tbe up-grade. S W As Oil- after another of the bailc Q R indusiriri improves,* contldenco will

be retiorcd and cmployen mil again S ! {eel like expanding torcet. Whote-

Mio commodlly;prie«;.rQl..ihow 3 ? more stabllliy.^ Consumen' Power AbwlBfeJK------- Thow-lHiHrwMconeems-vlllmake

the best progreu In UiU coming per- . , . Ind which regard themMlves as cm- jo in t pioyts of their customen, not as lam a empIo>'crs who can'dlclato to Uielr lanu- customerf. Now as never before Uie

consumers* power U absolute. Often-

dwlUiirsibelow: stocks! imen's,(Slherj

I S H E E F( B u c k ,h


presenodi so ^ ’iBvcn" ■

a ^ M W W Wrbuy.goods,

^ H M S M M r ' >and ^ ^ S S U t r * '!>■ '

't«rte< ^ 'g ita - K M g y s a

■Utol»wy V Jz f 5 S L J ' .“ f> f * -fe

S R y - ’ sS l ^ it* S u

^ §£

l y ijy i

The fin e st t o - ! » bacco quality m . p t i i s th r o a t^ p r o t e c t i o n . ^ / . ; 0

^ MP/r. n . i i U

" OnB.twa.T.Cfc.Wrt. V » * * ^


s ' ' ''

S h o a l s Filnif.i UP lie.ir younc mrn ».iy: "I

7 in uisli 1 ttrri’ In kuilnfM for mywlf; .Tii: :r.f;i i woulil b: mv own b.«i" Tn»t liln:: ii.i rnt.'inkci noi:mi. mvny .Vr> bujincii r.;ui u ht.i o-»n l«rs. -ruin Till- ilill.Tfiice 11 tlint il;,* bii.'lniu I fl3 iti:iii his huntlrrds o( bu!.'.<-i _ hll mnre c,nlon;cr»-*-h1l( the vcnrkmnn has r the but nnr. I Delicve Ken.-nl bujineu clom liM iiimpd Uij enmer. bu: only ihone ;ood.i conct-rivs which e«|wbly nnd liflncrt- irera' ly »e:ve Ui^coiisumjr.V intereiu arc lliKl KnliiK in be promoted (o pronperliy. )Iack lliitlncM by Ihe Dnbwnehnrt-li

now ?) i>sr fcnt below normnl-and 13 cer- cent Ix-Iow whal It was a jtar

It ai:o.-fOop)Tl8ht. IMI, Publlsfien’ lines. Financial bureau), and

ikin:; • ----------------------FAIRFIELD BOARD SE T S '


FAIRFIELD, Aug. 13 tspfclal lo Tlie Ncwii-seplcmber 1 h u been

, ir t u the openln.i date for tho high iC v vhbol iml grade school In Fairfield/

Many of the other common school! In the counly will sta n on th u diy,

' while olhers will ila rt on Auguil 31. nake Wrfirllayes-is lup^nlendent ot the per- high Khool thli year, cm- ' ,

as Five »-edj vero on Uie list of ihelr honor sluflenU lu t term* In Uie ■ Uie college of engineering a t thg Unt* :ten- venliy ot T nat.

" T O A S T

I P - D I P B / lk , h id n j , hOTh W a n l c h em lo li)

nt in ever

’ ' n t i O W I

| 9

V '

m l ' ^

•vJT gurThrod

’ ■ r

1 . .AUGUST If!, lo a r.

' r ^ o w e r !

i l i l i s l l i ’f l l l H l i l

• hllhas .

ineu ■ lUMDERLY, Au;. 13 <fiprcUI ho*e The N(«i»-The Chrlillin churi :ic:t. here w u filled lo cnparlty with w » arc rowing friends of the late Mrs, Ma I)', tha E. Swearingen and a largo mir r t- li ber-of personi-who.wcre.uuable. Id 13 gain <niranc« stood on ihe sldcwn Jtar during servlces.eonducied by Hi hers' j.EUloltSllmpUilsalletnoon.'nie

wert protuu floral olterinpi.He;-. Sllrop. Uklng tor his te

^ . ZecharUhH-7, "It shall come topi S lh a lit evening time llih ill be Iigln I - - pointed oul the vilue of i long 11

-or Rnlce, such as th il Ihed by Ui Swearingen u an uiurance Uial tl

>1 lo llghtotelernalhipplneMwouldcflfi b(«n in lha evening. Bom In lUlnoU high )-ears ago, he u ld , ihe became field/ OhrUUin eirly In life ind had foCo (looli c«t Uie pith ch(wn ever ilnce. Cm diy, Ing to Kimberly 17 yean ago wlUih

It 31. husband, Jacob Swearingen, wl t the passcd-aw srn lne-yB in-|gonn

Slimp stid sho had endeared heru to’ihe people by her Iriendllness at

it of ChrlitUn work.Uie Mrs. Sweiringen w u one ot the o

Unt* ginlien.of Uw O rindm u dub, membership In vhlch all grandmoU

T I N G " e ;

A S E n a t icals)

ry tobacc

H F r h e ]s o t t

fm — bi

r Every LUCK!finest tobacco leaves tli finest from Turkcy>rthc TcimcsBee, ^^rglnlai •"•the Cream o f m any world. But all tobacco Ic

' andkind,aflnatureprodi irritanU.LUCKy’ TR U ING*’ Process—a proceu fics, that includes the ui Violet Ray—expels c c r f rally present in every toi expelled irritants to mai compotmdsj who use thi shccpodip'^ as well as a

' tion for fniits, flowers i permit the daily dipping the daily spraying o f nu

■ Thus, you are sure these ent in all tobacco leaves,

I STRIKE. *TfteyVc ou t— n-oodcrLUCKlESareoI?

•U . S . D e p t , o /A jr ic u l t i

I n d iu b 7 , Ort

I t ’s t o aIncluding the use of Ul

3 ^ n ih l n o M ollows—

irodt ProtecHon^ ogolnrt tn



. m t FAIRFIELO, AUB. 13 (Special 10 I The Newsl-E. O. Tumer, Uvlng 10 mllei e u t -ot Fairfield, w u taken

UI to 10 Kalley j-CAterday to lU rl lerving hurch; a tenlence oSOO days In jill tnd UOO1 wr- fins melM oul lo him In probate Mar- court loday. He pleaded guilty to Ul# niim- pouculonoflu ili.Ke.10 _ShctHf Perklns ind uarahiu O f l ^ evnik Mn raided Uie sUIl S itu rd ir night

Rev. a l its location in the WUlov cttek Itiere canyon. When tbey cime up lo Ui*

stltl l l was running ind Uw operator text. ‘<x»t» hU heeU when Ju hoird the

opaw offlcen coming. The outfit was iiglil," broughlloFalriteldaiKlUDOVloeked ig life up.r u n . ----- -----------------------lith e .come m ireellglble.andw uU w ttrttT lot

OUU president of Uilt organiiition. me a Two musical numbers, ■’Ko DUap- «ov* polntmenl in Hetven." and "It Is' Com* WeU WlUi My.Soul," wert sung by lh her a QuarUtle compoted ef f r td Trim*. who ble, WUUam Lambing, U n. J. E, -R tr: slim p-inailU iT Iealrien tlU lgan ,” enelf wim M n. Sarah lUUU as aocompan- s and Ul. MUS liasd Wood ung , •fiome*

day Wall Undenund." ie or Fall bjaren vere O, Uoui, T. T. lb, to HaU, Frank Itonh. J u w t ay ter, noUi* Oren Dolen. Uwrencc Tatetdge.

' •' if.

( x p e l s

.urallvCO leaf

jyV ej^-Tifieycan'iJr

K Y S nU K E ism odeo ftlie the w orld can oS er^ th e .

Jie finest from Kratucky» and the Caro Unas

2 C rops throuR hout th e leaves, regardless o f price

>duc» them, contain harsh JK E 'S exclusive’TOAST* ess th a t mellows, tha t puri* use o f the m odem U ltra

rtU n harsh irritants natu» tobacco leaf. W e sell theso oanufiicturers o f chemical them iU a base In maldh:;; ’, a powerful spraying soIu«

« and shrubs—enough to og o f over 50,000 sheep oo m any thousands c f treecs se Irritants, naturallypres*:s, arc no t In your LUCKV t—*0 1 can^t N o dways land to your throat*

u ltu re , B u re a u 0/ A n im a l-

? rd e rN o .2 IO

a s t e d ”Ulfra Violal Boyi p

= H e a r (-untiM . ■ ; '

Irrlnmon - o ac ln it teuflh,

............. , , Vigt n w -

’V * ' . ' . ' i T v

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A.M. Edition ' T H I VOL. 14 NO. 103 • ' IFTBIiKS BliEISESSi’ Speakers at Assembly

• F a i» S t f r r ..................

'p i iH ip rJ M p U S, C harles L , H ar t, 'M an a g er o t

■ E m ploym ent Service', Suc­

cum bs A tte r’S lio rt Illness

• ■ Chirlti I* Hirt. «3. i>lon«r W<«- .. era aereh«n{. rfildfnt o iw n r.) l j

(Inoe m s tnd for (our ; i e n P» t

employment »en1«, dlfd »t «:M P.M. W*dn«d*r erenliu. t i the countr je n m l hoiplt*! hett. follow* tn r lltneu ot a wKk'i durtUon. Hs • «M Uken lo (be botplUl U*t 8it> unl«]r fron IU« hcose *t « l Miln ftTtniw north, to underio *n emer- ■«&oy opor»Uon (or »ppen<UtlU». : foU w tef • r*Jlr A^Jer l»« optn- tlon, Mr. JUrt wlfered » roUpie t

■ intf hlf eondlUon for terertl d«)'i I h»d been regw<le<J u btlne crlu- ( cal.

Funeral »enlee». it w u innowiert Uat CTOfllnr. wUl b t held a t St. Ed- « v d :i CaUelle dnutlj a t S A. M.

— W d«rrth» m.-HevrB«rnJ SrKeyxer offldaUnf. •

■ Manr C«M*tloni , £ . Durtni Uw pertod or blf mldenM

' la Tvla FaUt Ur. ila rt n a aMo- d a t« | vlUi a number« ( th i citjrl teadlnt buitneaa hoQua. Me cama he rt wlUi hU (aalljr tim Salmoa

^Cllr, Idaho, to btoooe manager of• tha Idaho D tpartatnt i ( m , In

which poalUoa b t ctoUnued for ier« g, tral j*an . Later'hewueonntcUd with thaOoMen Rule ila e . and ItUl ^ UUr h t wu a io tte r ol the Bit

...W Ut« alon (or a time, He v u tn- a, raced lo tb t neitanUle builneii a t h, BlaeUootuwtU u a t Salmon CllT, «. In Idabo, befor* ooolni to

•, JV U '-H fc am e .to Idaho m JW t, fro o Iowa, w btit be w u bom in ; l a a . and Und roe a Uma a t Poca- T tello. Bt'w eot frcm Uiere to Ulles T Oltj, MonUna.. where ht_ll«d for " t f o Tean beiw* bo tIb i to BUck- Jj

wiii married In IW to Jote- .'P hlaiBrodtrlck. "

Betldta hU wldov, h t U tunlved b r oa t leo. Ututenant Obarlct B.

. Hart. DOW tUUontd a t Pearl lU r- " bor,Bava]l,aadtvodauibicn.M ri. ^ R l ^ H. Wllion, Bacramenlo, W OaUfonila. and U iu Vli|lnla Hart, ” T v ta lU li. 'K eleanaalioooetiro-

J, Iber, O ««*H »rt.O 0U a. lowa. aad »

r a t u t r u n . rw m lt Oarrlir. Uaai* (« V fleld, Ohio, aod U n . Oeone W. P i t. Ju, UU. AUjoI. K a w a l . ____

. ■ a ab o d rm tia ttb tW h lU m o tf «

COPBOilCIS fi : i i P L p i l ^ lL p u i w i l n l o n e r s V ote to Use Si

> : : .P « r tb M 1 o i ( jo O F u n f lF o r S i1 ' ni■liidlBenIs’ F ue l S u p p l y ”

• tll f-— Twto:»iUi ooualji-««Bmlialoiwn

wUl uat part ot tha IIO DM emen- ^ (ncT-appiopnUoa (or Uw Indttent ^

< M a d 'i£ l^ U ur voted j r u t e i ^ . to ^

r S 2 S S S « ! f 5 « T i S - f f i £' tm l i i i , "

.nuem at/haia iU bU ihM laeaaip .t, In-aiXNlune bu ln ta Uit UlnldoU ^ oatloaaJ toeat. aod engated t tm S

; ■ t n ^ to haul loci 41 oUea from u thert t s T w ln M l a to b a u ie d u

: • tw l iuppir (or.iBdliinU durlns n ttu .w tn te . AppUcaaU (or aid «IU

: b t l i m ao opportunltr to work o n '' ’ t h t wood pu t (or l l a dar. Uit

•a e u a t te b t paid ta tu tl aad Ro> ctrlai, t t w u aaaouactd.

n u |» ;W a w n a e r ap(H«pri(* {I'J . U e a v u ^ t a r ^ l e n l t b Uit lH .. to .OOOtuQd'proTldMlatUMbettnnlRs 0<

; o l th i cuireot J t u (or Indictnt» - <(' . ptoN. n w orUlnal (uad w u tx-

EwMtd by baaiy d ttunda durb«Uit Ull (irat aenn monUu. Xx

Oooatr commlialoatn l u t n a r l» . •ipe&mTjaetoriadlcesU 'rtilef.Uw Qu

(uad iachidlac « - |90W .«nnrney . ^p tncU U oa tha t v u Tottd a tu r tba OKtnal '|M A » kpproprtaUon

' . lo r tb t year .w u extuuiUd. > . fU IfoobJeeUoQ-er'preUit'wu res- Hl|

litettd by aoy .pcrao 'aitlnat the tn! eoen tney appiopriatloo which v u ^toU d ytaurday ..........................., . ^

Dvri&c the day. tha boaid auUior*: ited purtbaieof gat. oU and food for El

ly z nobtitt, II, aod h ll vlft.'Rtitb. M.altUel«lwlUieaneer,toatArtthem

. en tb u r wty te rtlaUna ia Souui Dakota, n t oouplt c a a t he tt re- ,• eently from L a v k l^ U inbtra ot mi tha bM:«aUt*d U ut tt la U>t board'a cc policy to luppty r u aad ell only (or rti

’ ' w ayU itn whe, etbtrwlM. veuld re- gri mala h tr t aad become a burden to vi

; thecewrty.. t



Ktooeth KuU. Tvla FaUa. v u tn found n t t y o t future to oqipart hla j vl(a.l6a.Ma«Butt,aDdUireeBlnor bei

- ehfldrta. b r Ouy UKBBiy, probau wi JuditytiUrd&r. BuU vuaenteaced dli te M daya In Jail, which teotcnee v u oU

. ntpeodod oa eondlUoa'Uiat b t piy «n •30 k ao n th fer Uit nvpori ot th t tIj

. faiaUr. th t f lr tt payment te be nude en a e t Uter Biaa septemfatr 1..



' 7%a beaa altoaUoa' la to b t dU- i.c u iac d b y .M n 8. raU taaca a t « y oHUBt et Tvln M i l Oranie to bt

• b tld ia Odd VKUevf han b m a t I

-r ? O r a a n e:dtlbtt a t Twin m u oeuft. ' ''' -‘5’- ' ^ attttdaac* it.ex- I

“'’w T w r i 'By BODZBT qUIUZN I


-The boy ih»l «4ki |1ri1td »>hki‘ { when he btowed hii nme <m land In cbwtb v u me.” |


ORMiiis.; in n iii


D r. C. i . Lang Seeks D a m - «

a g es a s R esu it of Auto

Collision N ear M u r ta u g ti ' ' — 11

Or. 0 . A. Lang. UcUinville. Ore- f ton. hu iU rU d ault In dlitrlct court ^ hera (or IS300 damagti from D. H. ^ Woodman and Uie Purity OlKult ^ company, tor perwnaf Injuriu anil r damage to bU automoblU In a col- “ lUion on tha talghvay near Uur- * taugh but Auguft «. - “

Dr. U ng and till iliUr,-Ura. Anna ^ Jonea. 70. alM of McUInTllIe, botb were injured in Uie collision, and boUi were brougb to Uie hupiu i » here (or treatment of vouniU. Tber vere retumlnr to Oregcn (ram an BuUmvlilU Ura. Jonei recelred CUU , about Uie (act and the lefl wilit. « D r.Langatletealnhliiult(ordam - agei U ut bll left arm w u broken and Uiat h t recelral lerere cuta and P brului about Uie (ace and note. ^

I t ll Dr. Lang'a oonunllon (bat Woodman negUgenUy drora hli car *| onto tbe rlghvay (rom a ilde road wlUuuthalUng a t Uie Itop tlgn, and ^ 10 a u u d Uie accident. P<

In h ll compUlDt'Dr. L ani'a ik i , (or UNO dam oei (or penonal In- S Juriat: IIOO for docton'and boiplial atlenUon, and 1700 for damage to hla » ear. Ke U reprtaenled in Uie action

and Raybom, Tvln Falla

B l i l l M T f i l l J

' Twla Falli Hlgba'ay dliUtct lU rt- l; ed .a c^ndemnaUon ault tn dlitrlct a court here yeiUrday to aecurt r l|b t- o(-vay (or a ne ripproach to Uw ttrifllawJiriilfd on thg-iauth tide Of Sntke river canyon. T lw .p r o p ^ nev ippreich U to be a vide curve, b' | ] feel vtde and 7tT (eet long, Uic* n Ing Uie place o( tbe preatnl toad it Ibat tunu a t a right anile toward

“ iTU dfiw et^ commljilonera have S dcalgnated 3. D. Slnema, dlitrlct atdirector ot hlgbi'ayi. lo proaecuto f Uw-condtmniUon tult, through g. Svetley and Swrtley, tbe dlitrlct^ ttlegil adtUori. o

Defendanu nkmtd In the com* fe plalDt ate Wllllim Charlea Uangoldaad wife. Ada Pauline Uangold, and wthe Union Central Ule Iniurance uw apm y- U



n i . Wood CiM l compwiy. J dlitritvUar n K r im n U ifie dan P' to ItTlgaU U ndr In Lincoln and K Gooding counUei. w u named de- <>l (endanl in a lult itarted by N.'B. P« >Urtln and hti vlie. Mao Uartln. ** (or W13.40 claimed u damagu (or lou o( cropi reiutUng (nm Uie com- . panyl alleged (allure to dellrer ade- °2 Quitt water to Uielr (arm lu t year. ^ . The Martini claim Uit alleged wat- er Ihortage damaged 33 aeru o tbw - p* Iry. 13 acret of wheat, nine t m t ot ‘p aUaUa and »U big ihada tteea on Uietr farm. They are repruenUd In thli action by C.0.6toeki2agr.Bbo- ^ ihenMndJ.Il.BomveUandW .OrT £ Cbipman. Tain Fatti.


fT h i vcond annual picnic o( thememberi of the Idaho BgrProductra rtCooperaUvt auoelaUon. aad Uielr piramlllea.«UlbtheldattbeFll«r(air* tn

litW oeda,manaj«r. yi

Thou altendlng are aiked le brins u a lunoh baiktt. eupa. dlahu and iU> m vervare.AbuketlunehwUlberlaat ^ lI:SOP.U.wlthalunch. EacbfamUy or roup « (imltlej may luadi lo- ti, gtUirr.Mr.woodiitaied. Icecream h coKeeaDdlemonadewUlbefunilibed sc free.he announced. d

Ko dctlnlU apcailnr' procram li dc being arraaged. but E.U. Brockman, u wiui reprtienUUvu of tb t board ot ^ dlrecton (nxaCaldvtU, aod poailbly w other outilde ipeaken, wUl be prca- to (ottorenew ac4<ulntancea.aadad- u vUe Uis. a ea b en reiardtof Uie op­eration ot Uie organtaUoa. =

Washing - Cleaning'Grading

B u je r t a o v e r - S e e d s - A l f a l f a

Buhl S eri & Grain . . Co.PhO M S? B n H m l o

Ju n e * G annon la m e s H . Sh ields , J r . - ]

..................... - ■'

., „ __1 900. Blooded A I IN Annual W

SaI^t~T il«A uction D isposes o l M o s t ;

o l S tu d s a n d R am s Con- '

sig n ed a n d D ay 's T ra n s -1

a e l i m T o t a l . $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 i _______________ . ____________ 1

(Special'to The Neva) j PILER. Aug. I3-~TM Idaho Wool I

orovere' auocUUon dlitrlbuted 900 1 ’ d bioodeditudkandiviiuaffiongbrttd. t

erilhrougtiDUtMuliiern Idaho a i tta | unth annual ram n le a t PUer yet. i

. urday. dbpodng of rlrUially aU o( | •" ttie anImaU conilgned (or the lal# t

tnd handling nearly l »).000 In Uw { day'a tranucslona. t

Tht Unlvenlty. o( Idaho 8ul(otk 1. itudt topped Uio u le . one lelling (or

r- *300-to-UUUaw and Bro:kte, Uul- . , doon.ldaho. and another for IIM to [

OUoa and Turner. Rupert. Tht larg- i Z eii.trauacU oa-oLU ie.day,vu.(li4 .

u le of a pen o( 30 Uampihtra ram , lamba ( o r |0« by Dr.8. W. McClure, *

il. Dllfa. — £W. E. Qoodeli, Meridian, p a ld jh t t

In high price o( lUmpahlrt aluda, glv< i, Ing tflO (or one coulgned by IL L. «

,1, Finch, soda Bpringi. T|l ' The pen o( (ive Hampalilre year. '

Itsgi owned by H. L. Fincli. Boda « . . Sprlnga. » l d ( * IIM each to Eugent . L toon. Bolte. to top the u le In that ? divlilon. The Unlventty’a pen of ; firs llampabtre yearlinga loki tor

$41 each to R. O. Hitchcock. Bolie. . “ the, iccond hIgliMi lale In Uial dl- J

Villon. L.U Btta«nridge, Twin Ftlli, ?; L loldhU penotlS torineachtoB onl ‘ ^ Ayaraiabal. UounUtn Home. I b m Hampihlrt Yearilngi . r ,d iUmpshlro yearllngi numberinc u Kl 503, lo p e n io t;iv e to U ,a o ld a ta n ir average pHce ot 111^ , ranging froo n a 110 to IU each. uu Ont hundred Uiirty-ieven Htmp- o t. ihlfB ram iamtti »M a t tn average cn i. of llBJIOwlUi Uie high price o(|47.&0 ^ n each being paid by S .W .U c01unrt " A BUM (or a pen of five conilgned by „

L R. KeUey of Burley. (c

A ot t i l each being paid by Charlea O. j,J Calma of ueridlan Jor a Unlvenlty p,

pen of (tve. in(, FUty-oni 8 u(folk ram Umba lold g“ for IW.W average. LuU U rr lo u of gM Nampa and la ld lav and BrocUe 9t f)g Uuldoon paying m each for a pen o( g,

5 ‘ n i ly o n t autfolk-HampiWre r « a Ua b i brought an averan o( I3ITI. n E.R.Kelieya pen 0(10 brought lht high (Igwe o( MS each from Uie Jamei I ^ e r Sheep eompany ot e|

In Uie ring. The aale began a t 10 A.U. and lu ted unUl lato afternoon.

I- Lunch w u lerved on Uie groundi a t q . : t noon.- kt- Bheep meo, generally, w trt rrau- g] w tied vtib Uie reaulU ot Uie u le . „ it ConpUU 8alea Becord ^ xl The fonowlnc IIK conUlna aeller. q, e. buyer, price per animal and toUl » I’ PfD ^>» of eaoh u l i made durlnr {1

^ ItAMPSlQRE 8TU06 •> H. L. f l . FlDCb. Boda.Sprinia, KOd one 1 „

f« ram (Of IM to Z. & Ooodlng. Sho- J,, !t ihont; L, L. Breckenrldge. Twin >e Fllll. lold one atud ram tor IIOO to J a E. J. Konnd. Heybum: K. L. nncb . , ^ told ont Mud ram tor 1110 to W. E. jg

Ooodell Meridian, and one atud ram ; I* forllOtoStdSmlUi.Shoahont. a i HAMPSHIRE Y E A R L IM O B - „ ^ Wood Uvtilock, company. Spenecr,* lold pen Of U a t l » each, totaling

two. to Karl 0 . Patrick. Buhl! Knot- Un-Hinien company, Boda Sprlnga. ^ uld pen o( ss a t t i l each, touting

. U78, to R. 0 . Rteh Sheep company. , . | S Burley; Dr.s.W.UcC]urc.BlUa,iotd j .penot30it|23eacb.totallorlU 0.to

r. F. U. BraJUtord, Tvln FalU; A. B. f. n Boone, Twin Falli, u U p tn o t 30 at J, d IM eich.touUn8 lW . t o 6.T .r o r . JJ

diet, Qoodtng; KnoUln-Hanieaeom- ]. pany.8odaeprlngi,ieidpinDt33al = . I t t each, touting UOO. to Thomptoo ,r BroUieri, Mountain Home. 4. OUon and Turner. Bupert, wid pen

of IS ^ flM each, Wlallnr »7J. to . Ttiomii K. Qoodlnt u d ton, 8ho- . Ihone; R. a . Httcheock, Belu, lold

[«n of IS a t 118 each, totaling I3t0.,t 10 Onille c . CelUiorpe, Uountaln a Home; H. L. Finch; Soda Sprinp,„ lold.pcn Of IS a t IM eaeh. toUIlni . HM. to R. C. Rich Sheep ccmpanji,. Durley; L, U Brtcienridge. Tvm ^ Fllll. (Old pen o i l s I t 141 each, to.. lalinR ISIS, to BonI Ayaraubel.

MounUln Home; R. 0 . Hltcbcock. BoUMold pen ol i a im each, total-

Blng UJ. to W. H. Jonee. Uoore, Idaho. Manr aauth Idaho Salet

Eljnrr lUag. Filer, » !d pen ot 10 « a t tts each, totaling lltO, to 8. T.

a Porrtlee. Ooodlng; C. F. Ciavforth.piuLio1<1peno(10at|23eaeh.toUI-

^ tng t m to Ruperto Yrionda, Bolie:It E.J.Konnd. Heybum. told pin ot 10 n a tiaeich.toU llngiao.'W Ruperto

Ytlondi, Bolie; Thoutand Sprlngi H farm, Wendell.'told pen of 10 at l i t I* eich, totaling 1140, te R. L. Shearer,

Filer,y O. A. Ktver, UirJdlia. aold pra ot >• eight at IIO eicb. loUUng |M . to W. n H. Jonei. Moore, Idaho; Ray J.<1 smith, Malad. aold pen o( 10 a l IIS , each, touling IIM. toRuperto Vrion- ^ do, Colie: W. E. Ooodell. UerldUn.

lold lien o( lO a t 119 each. toUUnt ^ lM.toaEtuvoU.BolM;O.F.8mlUi,J WendeU. Kid pen ot 10 a t 111 eaeh.I* toUltag im . to Thomu H. OoodJnt

and Son. ShoihOBt; Wood UveitoS


Hay F e r e r D H G I^ B SneemfBlIy


COLOMO U s f l L 1 IRltlOATlON

rw Clmnle AUmenu W K V

D R .H .W .H IL L


Animals SellWool Growers’ I

---------- -----------------------— tl

lerTaii^rounds ;i'_________■ a:* , «

nt» compin>. Qpeneer. lold pen of 10 a t i: IM eacli. lo lilli>gim to Thomu H. B

Vn Ooodlng ind son. 61iQ«ho».* oiH .L .»nch .8oda'fiprlflp,.oldpcn «

DC Of It at 121, touimg IU3. to R. C. 7"«* Rlcti Bfltep company, flurley: L. L. »« n Dreckenrldie, Twin FalU, tt ld pen 0w ot 10 al »M cach. toUUng le P;

Rwnan Zbrleia, Paul; Olion and "— TUrncrrnup«ft.“ » I d " l ) r n - o n r a f ^

tlTrieh,(otilinR|l70.loanunknown ^'001 buyer; Tlioutind flpringa Farm, . 900 Wendell, aold pen ot 10 a t 118 each, f ' ed- toUllni IIM. to Burka Sheep com- 5 Ita pany, Jerome; R. J. Smith. Malad, T

’Cl. aokl pen ot 10 a t tl4 each. loUUnc ot 1140, to Durk Sheep company. Jer- °

lale ome; Wood Livestock company. * Uw 8 penc«r, Mid pen of 10 a t 118 each.

toiallntll«0,loJohnArkoosh,Oood> f t in ,. . ”

L.L.Breckenridge.TwlnFaUi.io!d Ii, pen ot to a t IU eich. louUng 1430. t . to MirUn E. Curan, Ktgennaa; 2 Thouund sprtngt Farm, WendeU, “ iold-pin-or-»-al..|lS.eacb,.toUllni

^ |i:o,toB.H .Blutock.FUer,andpea !? ot 4 a t l » eich. touting no , to B. ^ EBumiJi, Bow; Frank O. Woodi^ S

r Filer, lold pen ot 8 at IIB eacb. total- ^ '! • lngllSJ,iotaurenceJeM.BuW!E.R. S ^ Keliey. Durley, lold pen ot 7 a t |3S i , . each, totaling lis t, te cari E.'John-

ion. MounUln-Home: AUxaader ^ B rem ner.B olte,io ldpcnot4atia , C

« touling 141. to J.T. wolf,Burley. ^ of Meieev Fen iugb ty

WUIUmSchocnfeIdand8on,Hey- « “ • bura, p tn o is t i t l2 each. toUltof po r 173. to Jamei C. Pierce, CareyjAIW- |i< S ander Bremner. BoUe, lold pen of a ?i'

I t I II each, totaling i a , IL ^ Parmey, Olenni Ferry; O e A A.

. Reed.BurIcy.penof5alH8ea3i.tff- jj,, »< lallng t» . 10 Den C. Johnion, Aber- • “ deen. Idaho; Unlvenlty ot Idaho.» MOICOW, Mkl pen o( 8 a t MS etch, g,

toUltnc 1433, to R. 0 . Hllcheeck, io, P* Bolae: Kell MoUer, Rupert, Mid pen c«

of « a t 111 eieh. foUJlnr |SS. to 0. u i W W. Dell. Jr.. Shoshone. j,„o( uwrence llunter, Roberta. Idaho.■>y ioldpcnp(Sattlleach,loU llnrlS9, tj]

lo8 urk8hcepcompany.Jerome:Qua ve ” Meulemin, Rupert, u m pen ot-8-ac e ., ^ 13} eich. totaling Ills , to Joe Ber- qt P- goMhea, Rupetl; J. 0 . Hadley, Bu- tel 'ty pert. Mid pen 0(5 at III eacb. total- m

ing ISS, 16 W. 11. Jonei, Moore, Idaho: V W BruceWaUon,TwlnFaUi.aold-peao( s ,

8 a l 117 each. (oUIfng IW, to & T. u c Of FWtlce. OoodlDg; K. U'Flach, Soda r « springa. lold pen Dt 5 a t |I0» each, l u _ totaling IS3S, to Eugene Loon. BoUt: w l " A.L.Ztmiow,Bolie,aoidpeoet8 a i m

118 each, totaling HO. to 0 . E. Cec- t M rUga, Higennan. jJ lM H. J. Uiradort. Meridian, told pen o ' ef 8 a l 113 each, loUUnt M . to W. {o* H.Jonu,Moore,idaho:BtjrJ.»nlUi, «»

ualad, lokl pen ot 8 a t9 l7 each, to- >ol<>• U U ntlU .toW .A.Colaer,'K aaata; « it V Wood Llveitock eompaoy. Speaeer, c u ^ Idaho,»ldpeno(8atllltach .to t* l-

Ing ISS, to Ruputo Yrtonda. Bolte: (o-j 0 . F. CnvforUi, Paul, told pea of ft » i

,, a t IIS eich, toUllnr KS, to Buric ^ 8heepcompany.jerome:tiL.B«ck. gS enrldge, Twin Falli, lold pen of 8 » i -^ ) U3.63 each, tolallor I183J0. to 'E . 133

* Ooodlng, Shoihone; W, t-Ooodell. ^ UerldUn. aold pen o t.8 t t l l l each, . t toUUng IIO, to an unkaovn buyer: h ,]

, r . ^ , Binnett.UeridUn. told pen et ^ 5toM .UeLted,Eden(toldathom e.>4 price aoiaUpuUted): RayiJ. fimlUi. .. r >* MaIad.Mldpenot8a lillia e b .to u i- ^ " lngl7S.toW.U.Jooei,Uooff.Idiho: u k

W. B. Ooodell. Ueridlan, told pen o( n , , $ 5 a t |1 9 c a e ^ to U lln c m .to W .H . * r

Jonea, Uoore, Idaho. b*■a IIAUFSHIAE RAU LAUBS-Dr. p , ,

a W. UoOlure, BUu, aold pen ot 30 S i- at 147 eacb. loUlInt IHO, to P. J. Ma

Connolly. Tamarack, Idaho; E. J.« Konrad, Heyburn, told pen of is a t .]’ 113 each, totaling llio . to Joe Cenar- *• ru u , BeUerue; WUUam Schoenfeld 0

andSoa,Uiybitrn.ioldpenof lOat the110 each, toUllni IIOO, to W. K. clul

^ Janu,Moort.Idtho;a<orteA.Reed. the* Burley.loldpin et W at 110,loUllng Fltl ^ 1100. to W. H. Joaea. Uoere. Idaho; Thi ^ a B .^ a t ty . Tvla F lll^ wid pro wki I* 0 t ll t tl l l la e b .te U llD rl l4 1 .to B . wid

u I

n;o ■>■


U N K C HB oth Bicel and malleable link

I.' a tU c h n e n t links a re ineluded ii 1: p rices ^or la rge r quan titie s . 1 0 w heels rea d y to be bored o u t t o t0

‘i BELTDi' ' O ur stock Is 'la rger th a n e v e r 1 tt ed te v e ra l a i m In tho .ligh ter w ^ f e r you th ree good « tandard grac

pany’a fam ous belting.

1 I CRANKSaC rankahafla bullt-tip b y il

t c ess and properly tu rn ed li S a h a f t a n d c e a to n ly a f n c l to t

p a i r r o u r vcm c ra n k sh a f ts doQ art.

K R E N (r^ lH A R p WB tty B a lU m P H O N E T

Fairbanks-M orM

W e Stock E -Z B o i

- ' f — — —

n , y NEWS. T w w f a i l s . iD A n c

C. Rich Sheep compiw, Durley. ■ Keliey Price Big 1

Ctrl Wllllimi. Rupert, lold pen , . of 10 at 11: each. toUUng |1M. W

W.Jf-Jonci, Moore. Idilio; J.C .llid-lty,nupert.*oldpenol8 i t» 10eich. ^

— toiaimirtM.-10 W.-H.-Jones, Woore, nI “■ 7diiro';*wraiiWB«n6enr»w»nff8on; - ! c Ueybum. told pen ot t H 110 each,

loiillnttW , to P .J . Connilly.'Tam- J-arack.Idahoi'Elmo Hunter, OiUey, »

“ lold pen of 7 a t 117 each, touting *• I a t 1119. to R. C. Rich Sheep company,■ H. BurliyiE-aKeUey.Builey.ioldpen

of S at l47A0 each. louUng l3J7iO, «j-n toS.W.UcCIure,BlUt:D.R.Cimro. «c Twin FalU. wtd pen o ts at 111 each. '*r totaling IM, to Euitoto Aitorqu^

j .„ Ooodlng; 01/on and Turner. R u^rt,l i penof3«r*if!«ao!d;W.Z.OoodeJl, o^ Meriaun, lold pen of 8 at 113 each, g

toUllnrlM.M o^.-HrJoneirUoore, ^ m Idiho.” KeU MoUer. Rupert, wid pen ot 8 _ r « 110 each, touting ISO, to W. 0 . =;

Helm. Buhl; fl. B. BeiUy. Twto J FalU .M klpenof8all23euh.loU t. «

S log 1110, 10 Angui HIU. MeridUn: >« ^ Oeorge A, Reed, Burley, mM ptn oi nV 5 tK 118 e«h , toUUng »M, to P. J.!? ' Connaiy. T ta irtcft. Idaho. , }•J ’ SUFFOLK STUDS-Unlverilty of "

Idaho, Moicov. Mid one ilud ram. J* |l9J.»R.B.Tumer,Rupert; Unlver- «

5? tUy.otW aha.Moico*,iold.oneitud J l ram, 1 ^ . to laldU v.ind Brockle. -

8UFF0LK yEARLmOB-Laldlaw « "« andBrockterMuldoon.-ioklpenot-llr «

a l WJ each, touting I4M. to M ac « " • Rae Shtep eompany. Piul; T . A.^ Baptle. Carey, wid pen ot W al ♦ « i ' each.ioullng|J40.ioJ.W.Kevman. « 5 : Tvln FalU: Lakllav and Brockio,? Muldoon. Mid pen Otio at M3 ea rt, «

toUltng|J30.toJ.W.H«vman,Tvln ,“ FalU:01ionandTurner.Rupert,aold e

pen ot 7 a t Ml each, totaling 1317, to Roy Johniton, Orandvlev; Unlvenl­ty ot Idaho. Moscow, Mid pen of 5 a t ISI eich. touting |3U. to Charlea

y* o.Calmi, Meridian: Dr. R.O. Young.V pociteifo,ioIdpen6f5atl».toUilflr *; llio . to Declmo BroUien. Oe Samar,

Idaho; Dr. R. O. Young, PocatoUo a^(lb«nof4at|»each,louung|100

^ toThomuH.aoodlngandion,8ho-

^ mi^LKRAMLAUBS-LaldUw >o< and Bnxkle, Muldoon, aold pen et 16 ^ a t HO each, touling I4M, to A. fla- *• lone; Murphy, Idaho; T. A .^ap^^■b Carey, Mid pen otto a l IIB each, to-

uitng llto, to Rankin RuUicrford, Buhl; Laldlaw and BrocUe, MuMoon,

A Mid pen of ID a l | » each, toUUor «• ISIO, to 6. sarrinu, Kimpa; E. R.

KeUey. Burley, lold pen of 8 a l IM « each, touling 1210, to Roy Johnitoa, f ' Onndvlc*’; Dr. R. 0 . Young. Poca-

tello. pen of s U 'lU each, totaUog i* I lls , to E.QutnUni, Murphy, Idahor 0: E. 0 . Uenberg, Rupert, aold peo ot D( 8 at 111, totaling I9S, to T .E . quin- p. Una, Murphy. Idaho,^ SUProLK-HAMP6HIRE YEAR- >>• LU40S-H. J. Mendort, Ueridlan.

aold pen ot ft at 133 each,>teUUnc »«■ llto . to A. D.eilva, Shoihone. t ' SUFPOUC - HAUPeiOnE RAU

LAMD8-E. R. KeUey. Burley;, aold '» pea of I t a t |33 eaeh, totaUng 1353.;• 10 Jimei Farmir Sheep eomptny, b, Higermin;K.J.Mendorf.MeridUn.^ lold pen o( 10 a t 111 eich, totallor >: IIM. to Jamei'Farmer Shtep COB-

pany, Hagemun; Bruee iWaUoo, t- Tw tnFitU,M ldpeno(10atineaeb.»i touling 1300. to Deieret Sheep eora^® panjf. BoUerOUon and Turner, RU- * pert. Mid pen 0(10 at 131 eacbttoui- f: lng«10,toRanklnRuU»ertord.Buhlj « T . R. KeUey, Burley, told pen ot 8 i t ^ I3S each. touUnr' 1171. lo Jamea “■ Farmer Sheep eompany,.Hannaao.

flOUNEy YEARUMOWtodlin- '• Hanien. Sodi Bpringi, lold pAi ot 8 " a t 119 euh. touling 115, to Ivan 0 .

Uneoln, Twin FiUi. . .f. ■.. LIKC OLN-RAUBOVII^LET YZARLINOe-c.W.COioer, Hanien,

>1 aold pen ot I i i |17 eadi, toUllnr if 1118, to W. H. jonu . Uoore. Idaba I- LINCOLN. R A U B O U IL L ^ T

RAU UMDS-Loper. Sheep com. pany, Ta'in FiiU. lold' pen ot 10 al

” M eaehifolalingitft toW.2f.<7oae*<}| Moore. Idaho.

; ANNOUNCEMENTS .d On account at u it unoerialnly otIt the vtaUier the Pait Noble Oranda'I elub VIII change lU plenle alto toI. th t bome o tM n .O . E.’Weldon. 8Ug Fittb a\Ynue dorUi.'al 8:>0 P. U.1; Thunday. - Eacb member h u been0 uked to bring • corned dill), Mfld- I. wicbet and Ubit tervioe.'

CHAIN> lin k chain a n d 'a l l ita n d a rd ded in o u r stcck . Special low ies. W a alao ha v a-sp ro c k e t it to th e co rrec t s h a f t slxe.

TINGe v e r be fo ro and wo have add- te r w e ig h t bclta. W e now of-1 g radea o f U . S. R ubber com-

s h a f Sb y i h e E le c tric A re pro-

le d d o tn i o u lla s t a new ic ito n a s m nch . L e t o s r e -

a n d s a re .j 'o t i o s tn f '

[GEL’SIWARES E T H B K n o IM tm n

lion . AiraU ; a « F l j r S p n r


,BR€VITI€S-to tl i . VblU Bon-6. 0. Sorcnien, Wet»- el h, er. vaa In T«ln FaUi yealerday cn •J, route to >lUnt r to vUil hu ion there.

h' a B M ro fD a u g h U ^ ^ S irF u p p , CChlearo, former Ta-tnFaUirMlflenl. ol

r, U here vUIUng her daughter, Mn. T , , Elma Atnlp.

Called Br Itlneu-M n. E. E. Hay4 le0, Buhl, ven t to wetu yeiterday, being hi0, eaUed there by the lllneaj of her vt

father, Jamei Ralph., M

Jl Ooea to BacraoiJnto^Mra. Otorgt |i Oordtn, Sacramento, aecompanled ai V by her Mn, Oene, letl jttUrday for U , , tn rJ ie m iji t<t.rtilUng-(ritBdt bere. Si

, M U « MW VUlU-un. > b r a „ " ) Breaibean, Idabo FalU, v u In n Tvla FaUi yeiterday oa a briif (1alt AV1. OQ ber way to ber home after a vUlt 01

In Bolae. . tr

Home From CaUtomU-Un. Oui- taa Kunse. Buhl, returned yeiterday

i trom CalltomU. v b trt tb t tpentr U . le v tn l mooUit vUtUng different gu . polnu. • Cc

? . Luva For Stanley Baal»-.Ur. and m '! Mn; Q > . McCoy and children! o . L.(I M c O f ^ d MUi Cora Mocer lif t

j* i(!B tyJor.6M akr.B M JiL /ot.an Ui . outing. . mi. ' — ■" MlJ l*av» For GeorjU-Dr, Ralelgb vJi , Drake, accompanied by, Mr*..Drako an • WIU leave today tor Uaooo, OeorgU,1 vhere he alU occupy the potlUcQ ot I

1 = ' ! ■..............= = s = s ^ s =

-■ •_

I I S B■ . . A t N

: 2Sc WOODBURY S( 17e 3fer49<

: 1 5 c C a s t i l e S o a p , 3 f o i

I $I.OOGoly Faet PiwI UtuMFrat.......

11.00 U w iii.........7Bc Flieli’i SkantHM.

; Thurs., Fri. a

Ite AaU-Strep BUdet........ S*e .Ste AntllU Roage.......w.'..37eSOe Ameriean OU ______ S7e

ILM AUrm Cloeki.........;.l7e

.......ILXS Abiorbtoa Jr................NeB4e AnldentTMUira»U...Jla Ue Aapirin Tiblita. U 'i....U e

_Sfc) Almeod Letien ....._...JIe

ISe Btwdel ............... .......4SeWe BeraUd Baby TaU ..... :oe

Ua Bieebam’t FUU............. l ieMe BrovM<«eHMr............. » eI IJ I Bteodn BbampM .. . l ieILH Baatban O levu ..........HeILM BaUi B n r te a ............I*eI te BaUi TewtU..........w..Me(Se Baitaael Wiar. Cr*tm..4le

H n = a r ~i IISa Caeltr OU .................. .U t ^He CtUcMt OUiaMnl........S e .I9e Certga TaeUi Powder He >Ue OeUetea 8aa»...............Ue »ILOO Cbaaula------------- 7le sILOO ced Uvar OU------- 7leUe (M en Heker ............. tlo JI I . oeeei.Al>Meid . . . l e I

Dr. BekeTi Zloe F a il........ He >Ue Dartban Bbdea .......... l ie »Me Del.a-teBe .................. 4le 2SLM tOhif Kerriae............7»eSOe Dr. lyea^ Fnrder........ etoI l i l DaadartM .................. Ne I7le OetBt r o u ...................Ne I

. IS5e Eaetgiaa C kaacr.......3 to e2Se Eagte Braad MUk.........17ei h Eree^Seady BUdee....Ste ILM BUeMt C irilat Dm, fta MJS Krbe HMMb T»ole.:.Me 78e EeeV r n n BaKi.......... He '

[ j j lILN r n r a e t VetMal . ...B e FMeber MMik Waitb >L ..4ac~ILJS Fly Spray,----------ILOOMe QMiara ......................n tMe QeU-ll Cam Remedy 2M.Ue O eUtt OMet Skeaipat.UtILN OaetU M e t .........77eM errM U n a.^ _ ----------S7t

E D e ^ .'aiBtndtHetfy\Ala*d<V»7H 7Se HcepUal OetUo, k . . . . l l e ,t ie Rasd BmA ................. ttaT senyd regesF tro side^S fl .

7ia Hair LM ta . .................IU $ILM Roi)tek M a M MSk. » e

AUGUST. 1 3 .-IS 3 t.............

5' leyan Unlvenlty. They vUlted. here vlth hU lutrenia. Mr. and Mn. F. E Drake. Or. and U n. Drake vtu go through the Yetlowtone park, trav-

Iv eling m trliad.

re. vuitlng Heit^Mr. and M n, J.' S.Farrington and u n , Ju k , Salt Uka

)P, Qty. are hert vUIUng a t Uie homt nl. of Mn. Firrington'a lUter. Mn. n . Thomu Hoddcr.

n»(arai to Nampa-Retd Sover r4 left Wedneiday atiemoon tor hU ng hooM In Nimpa atUr a ta-o-veek .er VUlt vlUi hU grandpartnti, U r. and

Mri. 0 . W. Tarr.

S t Home rrom HUU-Mn, 0. A. Pool ed aad children, accompanied by UUi or Lou Pool, Eden, aad UUt RuUi :e. siokei,.Twln FalU, have returned

from Euley alter vacatton there,

In IJome From Parii-Mf. and i l n . lit Orr Chipman and daughUr. lit OUvta. and Ur. and U n .Q .j.O av -

anagh and chUdren are home after a trip through Yellovitooe pirk.

ly GBNt et BroUiei^UUa Ua<]ge Btr McCoy. U nculer, Ohio, la ' Uw a t gueil of her broUier. Sturgeon Ue-

Coy. and Mn. UcOoy. vhlte on ber n y home atter ipendlnr the tum­

id mer tn CalltomU..

(I Retam to CaUtemU-Ur. and in m .fi-T ,.t?upp 'a«_ leav lnc _tWi.

momlnr tor Uielr hotna in SanU Uanlca. CaUfomU, attor a lO-day

!b vuit wllh U n. Rupp-a ptrenu, Mr. ce andMn.O, W. Tarr. •


E for-35c

w .................... 6 9 e ^

. and Sat Low I

/ T ^ \^ i K o t e x I

‘ ReguUr SOe Style

I Prophylactic >- Tooth Bntirtn ittJe -----

' L k ta rlna m m - 1 ) T ooth Paa ta . . * | 7 C j

> FreaiSSeLeeoNavar

; C l e a n s l n g T l a s u eI witb eacb puRlwtter any

: | a s : . . . . : . u l

i n s i i i 1> lie hMT 8« a » .....................le’ Ue IniUnt Oderene------lie, Me ledtol Taetb M e ...... He

Me legnuRl S W . C m a. He I■ • . I

I K I I H e JAD SALTS I IC U 1— w* I ;I Ue laaWU O e a a tr........... tie I' He IU«-fne( Uftlkk........tte, Ue 1. * J. Tale . . . . '. ..........Ue, M eJ.D .8nb«m oialpeel.l4e> SSe RtoeMs T lM (a.ff....l»e '> Me Kleenex__________ lie I

i 11 Ue U ren te ............17e1 Ue Utebwy Seep. X Itt 17e

Me UBbebe Fwe Powder. -Ue » Ne tyiel ............................« e

' M HvkL M l ' Barai *I aa< ta h U u •I S (er n * ,• ■ ' I fe rU ed g a rt . »

I (or Mo

r o n r u R sc c i o a b s

------------------------------.— — -• « •* “ ....... ............$ ! . • • . t

■ ll

m . ctiMHtum ^ { VCibMI aa) o tt 0*Wi W

I f WP..W.-1K 1 5I ' I g ttto a ------f U t 3

^ l a T ^ e ( ^ ^ / j

vre mer Tain FiIU reildenU, will W e >. E. todiy reluming lo their bome atter tgo vuitlng here.' . ,

. VUlt .MorgiD Hone-^Jiel; ajm,], and Joieph True, PttUburgh, ire

'■'S. (UMli nt the home ot Dr. and Mn ake J. R. Morgan here. They are on'— *i» iheJx aay to the Pacific coail. m . «

Leave For Park-M r. and Mn, W.. . . Ko\'otrrand Mtia Nellie .RouUi ot T v Santa Monica. CalltomU, vho have

been vUltlng a t tbe home ot their **! Unde. A. P. Bouch, lell Wednetday '

moming (or a trip through YeUov- itono park.

■ool *jlu On'Way Uome-E. 1. OtUander U jth *xpecicd to retum today from Salt 3f4 Lake Clly where he h u been (or a ■

few dayi under trealmenl a l a u n : lUrium. E. E. Oitrander. hU ton. '

tn . U lo tmeei him and brtng htm home Kr, (rom Shoahone.

U r ReperU Inprovement-MUa tUiel Slaughter, daughter ot Mr. tod M n . . Walter SUugbUr, U reported to be

jge making a vrry uUafactory rrcorery the foUoving an-operaUon neriormed (c- Tueidiy a t Uie Tvln FalU county aer general hoipltal.

B a m to Colorado-Mr. aad U n.W, K. pfrtmmer left Tueiday tor

md Uielr home*ln Yuma. Colorado, mik- hi*. IflffJhe trip by moUr,_Mn. P fH m -__lU mer h u bera Uio'rueii et IwaU":------lay er, Mn. CharW H.-York, for Uie. dr. l u i ae».ii weeka, and Mr. P t ta a w . anlved U il week. UUi LeNelle _


Drug Pricestwll I 1

ILN Mortoe....................... 77e- Me U aU fM Sbampee.......Ue '

U eM aa D eedsraat.......... Ito 'Ne Meaaen'i Shar. Cream, U e 'Ne MOb ef U arw ab . .....U t

E | i ~ w ]Ue N atoM Sm edy ........ Ue

,-N ariU .-............................... He. -Ue Neka OennkUal Baap, UeKMUg BolUet. l-«a. ........ 4eIL:s NaCeler lU Ir Celer lie Sc Mpplea ------- ■ fer Ue

Ue OUve ou ......................MeOriU UeeUi Waab, > lal....4la

GOeOdorone__________ 4JeILH OUilea........................NoUe Orth T eett F a a le .......Ue

IL4« Ftsaodt QeUtM ....N e ILN Ffakham'a Ceeip. ....H e Me FytamUen T»MMt\...ntILU hyO fta S « 4 ............NeILM Frobak BUdea............77eHe Fewi De«t Sber. Orta« He Mo Fn®Ue le a th Fa«U ....no J

□ I M S ;Btbber OUvea . . . . ; . ........ » e .Ue B ettb itai FM nfer.....»e ILN B « i ^ UU tral 00 .iSN He Btbber Baby FaeU . . . . t te BeaowR, Oeaaga ...............He

g c ^ ^ ' ■

'Me bedlam FbeepbaU _ 4Se Ne Sat ffepatlea , . . . , . '. , . .U eNe Syrvp of t i p ............. HeIL !1 8 m p of Fepria ........ He .

“ ILM Seotn Em tldeaTnn-.H t-------------

Ma TA Taetb B n * ........ He— («e 1 M b B n u b e t « t ■ t v toileji Stnvyer .......... ILN

Me C acieattoe .............. , . .H t

i Q n ^ D '7 le V a ti ta K a t rT M le ., . .mMe W fltoel Sbuapao. ....H e

7»eW V »crrtU '1 0 elfBia.«e

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A.M. Edition ' T H I VOL. 14 NO. 103 • ' IFTBIiKS BliEISESSi’ Speakers at Assembly

TfgenTwo Doubles Off

Earnshaw Bring

Detroit Victor

M S k K b m lg . a s

te r , S c o res Rooell Wi

• T w o -B ase H it in T w eil

Inning to B e a t Atliietl

American League

_ Z H J

jG M !£ S T O Mrh M d p tiU a t Dtlrelt Nnr YoHi a t CImUad

Bottea a t BL Leal* WHhlRft«a a t Cblcaio

--------- (Br n e AiMcUtcd P rw )

De t r o i t , A ug. 1 2 . M ark Koeniurf in th e ro o r s pincb h itle r , go t

louble o f f G eorce E am sh a tn (he tw e lfth in n in g today M re la ih e ir in n in ? ru n ai KlTe (h e D e t rd l 'T l tr e r s a io*6 v ic to ry ove r (h e P h ilad t phla A th le tic s .

Bill Roeel!. w ho m ade t( Ken, preTlotialy h td connecUd 1 a d o u l^ H>a lame u-u tba «eoi ef a u r i t t and evened IU

’ nilUOXLPHlA ' AB n K 0 A

I'li• Ib^---------------- i 0 J I

UcHtlV. 36 « 0 1 3AIUIUBI. M - — i a 3 4 luaiUV, p 4 a i l

_ 'k O A

° S ' ' “ ---------- ! ! ! !

Sa% ‘l = ! K S 3 = ! S i !

I ar»iw»iw. 0 ---------- 4 0 I 1L IltrDBl, p « o e o^ S g f - ’L - r r ^ i ! r t

TttUU «I 1 » »a JT•• o«itM ler !n iu ia '

£ S [ " ^ g M ' S .Otuoll____ ____ fllfl 031 300 OOt-

Sumaur: T«c>m h diu- wuiium,SSIIi£S'?;.as-b'S!M!VnitTS lOX 11. SBHATORS I

CHIOAOO. AUI. 11 .S'I'. biia MCMlMt (er 23 innlop. iht Wbl:

e n t ib« h o tte n U (n ti Uii h »< craMtr. nu itr- ruchir uid u tu . u Itttir matiBC bit n n i tpptuuc* <

, “ t & W - ' M S T

H i ie^Bttr. e ^ 0 I t I

• S Y E i ^ I SI I s mn u u M I < ] iH

• siittd fot U tU la aintb.* ? ? ? i *

BuluVu.'3B i_ . .1 i.« 3 3 3 BtTBoiai. r f ------------s 3 3 e

S - 5 = i S i I• cwjn. u ........ 3 I } <

rtMMT. p . - .I '-3 I a >

y c n ic m ___ ___ mq m »i’- i

leku iiiiila

TAKXS l^T, INDIANS 1‘H Ct*VH.AKD. ABI. J3 UlV-TTlt Tetk rtnlHtt «ae tht a ttil ted In

• JS?‘ .’SJ?'a"SS,‘3S?t*S SS“ .'‘i J• tnr-TfSta u tiD i lh» tin t tiucti II le I. MBIbs 1« lt)r o c n n u d » taeu&t r«u:itUBi <o via. ii te t, tw a s r t u u . , » « « » . «itr* btiuac beast* with 3t U u lo

S i f J S M S f f i S f i i S I Se( th* rm .

■■ »s;s!s.'SiaA"£ss.““S ' .

i s » r . - = d s. -SiV, - = s

o j r r t u iw S i « o “porWf. r f ' « > J

^ , r j = = ^ i rueauiu*. M f > 3

" ' ’ '~ 4 > a 0 ■


s Beat I■Inotmocm Mews Y m t i t t r t

f f NOWA.PAVS, \J T K W e i ® H O W A RE'T H lM fiM W nM

IM CH IN A,5>0 jL - , . . ' ,, I f V . '• 'ou K w o u i j y ^ i M

m i l

M y 1 1 1 T Isties f l r ^

Two-Americans - „ Move Ahead in l i . CaiiaSian Me<‘5 i MONTREAL, Auj. » (ff) - 1 •iM piayera (rom the Unlled fita lu i

AlxCanadlaM,htadedbymedefci Ins champion. 0 . noai Somerville i

X T vanwd lo Ihe quarter (Inal round J L Ihe Canadian amaieur foU cha

Arthur (Ducky) Vale*. Rooheii New York. ace. icortd an ea»r u u round tilu n i^ ortr OoMon Tay. >-ount Moolnal phjrtr, by a S tti n a rjln ..

D ctroll'i/alhrr and aon combli “ I , tlon. howrer, w brotan, lea», v''® Prafteli w . Ry*n to carry on » l H a his nther, WlUlun Rj-an Joined i liaW jallery.y to zxrendlnr hU title, -Sandy' So a n d *^Ule o( Loadon, Ont*rlo, had i , 7 honor otwlnnlns th t mott onfr.«l<:

'■ Mcond round malch. Ltadlni'fn del* Kart to IlnUh. ha dcftaled Ku

B. Jaquea or Montreal 10 aod 0. th e with Somer\1lIe In the quar I lor Ilnal bracketJ are two »t«em« Mod rred.Wood ot VancouTer ind S

MonlUD or Victoria, and PhU Pi A I leyotTDrDnlo.andEdinnalDaeat

• Jack Cameron of Montreal.

j ! ' ........

1; Minor Leaguesu J I ---------------------------------- :—^ g INTSBNATIONAL LEAGUE « • Toronto ],Oalllau)re I.I S Buffalo-Jeraer CUrt Manlrci t 0 Newark, poelpoBcd, wet fmmds.

f 1 AHERIOAN ASSOCIATION0 0 HL Fanl 1«, lenlivUla 1.0 « KaoiaaaiyalColaabuiM U w aS S kee a l Toledo, rain.

0 9 . SOUTUKRN^AIBOOUTION* ; n KeoxvUlt ?. Uttle Beck (.

New Orieaai 2, M eaphb 0.^ NaahvUle-CtiaUanooca peilpeain-1 wet poBBdi.a-T AUib U t, Blrtnlacham It.

HSi WMTEBN LSAoilE It i : Oklabenu Clly 1, Dearer S.

WlehlU Z l-1 . Omaha S-L Topeka 1. Dei Meinn 7.

«iBi SL Jettpb S, Pneblo 1.

^ ■to^Bjtpllthir-Coan»Uy;lotlS|pltd

• e? BOITOnT m o WNS I«T. LOUIS. AU|. 13 lf>-PlleJiir 8*

4 0 Onjr% wild throw to n tti u r* u0 a Ootua Aaiincu* thtlr twaad *lc(ot I1 0 Tbt u ta t wtr* tied with t1>* tv: I 0 Itch la Ult alaih wbta WiM bttiei I 0 * hit towtrdi third btt*.' Ongr Ui><1 S .1 a Vm ca« p, If 4 1 ] e

a 0 wtbb. rf « 0 3 an ' o B . V . = j 5 s s

■ PiOertBi. 3l>., .......... < l , J I »a u iro tw .'p 'Z Z Z Z Z ili 0 a IIa ■ TewU •._________ 41 I II 37 tJ ; 5

^ 1 n. r tn tii .« , « a o a e- n atoni. 3b __________3 a i i 3■lU: Dunu. I b ........... .— 4 I I 10 0

? S . f " ........ ! ! ! i i■rtiiji ________ 3* 1 10 n 11

Htw • Btiird for Of»r la aiaih.

! tS, tfl uatnutdt: wtfliief pllehtr—Duthaa tb* . . . , - '

^ To Join P ro Banksr a

■i) HENRI COCHET o f F rance .T ~ w e r i a a ranK in2 • m a t e u i

tenn is p lay er, an n o u n R d hi ij. w o u l d t u m profew ional ;;{ ab o u t th e m iddle o f Sep­ts; t e m b t t , - ^ P ho to .

Macks,M Haines and Rhem

Produce D oub li

p C a rln a l Victor

) — Red Bird M oundsm on Oulii!

V Fou r Brooi<lyn Pitciie

■ To Gain Tw in T rliim ph

Scorcs o f 5 to 0 a n d 8

i j l National League

s ' i■t« -------------- *f H -idefend* a s tu iu u ' • ta j flUead. ------

" G a m e s T O D ^«heiler. Claelnaali a l Bodear teeond 8L LouU a t BrookljwTaylor. PllUbarjh a l New Yorke and 5 Chlean »,t PhUadelphIa

imhlna. Th» AuoeUted Pretf)IcMln* \ r ^ V / YORK, A ug . 12 . nwhlia l \ JeM H a in e a .a n d . Flii ned the R{,cm ou tp llched . foi

Brooklyn h u rle rs (o d ay a t J J " ; t h t S l. L o u i, Cnrd lM to i ln i le^lded ^ eBBtem ihrasi^H from w ith a tw in v ic tory ove r (I I Huth Brooklyn R obins, 5*0 a n d 8-

B y o t h e r v ic to ries t h quarter C a r ts m aintained (h e ir elgh

“ il-we-lwlJ «*ma lead over Ch “ caiorwhlch won a doubla-heid

from Philadelphia and' Increas. “ w their marjin lo nine gamo over ll

. New YoryaUnU, who.ipllt a pl wllh PltUburgh.

■' " 1 Halnei aeeompllihed tha unuiu ' * feat ol pitching an l l 'h l i ahutni

]Q In the opener, oppoied by “Left: ,/d Olaik for hli tenth vlclory of tl

teaun.I r in t GuBt

iVZ ____^ w o ^ n^ { ^ f n u r f a “ wS2^*ci‘.

ndf. ttcead O ta tST. LOUU AB R H 0 A

Utncute, e ............ t 1 3 3 1

! H ITOUto-------------- 34 ft I }l 10

.’S • B I j r m S T i L r ' S M

0 A » P iw h ,r - ^ w .w n ^

4 4 0 ' CUB* t-U , raiLLIU 3-1J S S PHILADS.niIA. AU(. 13 («V-Cbl1 c c eatoeptatdiuBuUrsinpwiihadev; ; K W K , r r i W . 1!C i 0 uout h t w iutstd la ibt unU. bt5 0 a (badtd br Boot tll tht wtr. Th0 0 0 cubt Ummirtd Jiffl niioti. Bebitiir n. , _ Th* Ka*— iL u. I

• & » = ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! « ■ !J * ? Btiuritti nool tod llirtstlti Wti t o o ^ d lr r *nd UcCurdr.f ® » aUCAOO **“ “* ” /3* H O A1--> 0 p. T.yl.»., If - ■ ------ 1 I t o? 2 9 bmun. it » 3 4 ss i ! e i | i z i i = s i l l

i i inS iit » __________ * J » * .Burw: TBUU ...1-.. 41 13 II JI 14

= a y = ' | ! r '

— 1- t e ie d 5 w ^ p '^ r Z Z d 0 0

I ; j ^ u i C T ^ ^ o 0 0.

I ••'felMd'firaehtliltr' la HTtaS.**'* B«tt«d rer nu to tttla la aiaih.

I - S i ^ , • - --------- 1« lai iDi-iU jll aumaarr: twe-but aiu-B tii. itore ■ ■ br i. Curltr. an& a; deubi* pitywB g . ”»”if«s.fisf.-sss-sI S aiAKTt t - t , n U T U » -•

-raw TOBK. Au«. » (A^Tht'OIut

■ r . : s s « “ « g ? s £ t i r c sn a twa laaue rrea Ui« m U M aaia S M M e J - W t a ^ i r '

f ? 9 4 >

s s ^ t t h

S E * ^ i ! | I• • t u t f ---------------- X 0 e e.A .i

__________ TWIN FALLS P A R

r 7 A A l

p~ Colt Furnishes ■* BigSurpriseon |)J0 Saratoga Tracl

SARATOaA, N, Y.. Aug. 13 , A big brown coll named Danovn I n v u gnme. rangy fellow who had goliei l U l J Into tha habit of running KCond

^ an-oke todaj lo the fact Ihat he wi quite a raee hone and ilipped 1

, „ . tiunnlng defeat on Male, champloi lUlhUri amfl/ig tha tliree-Ttar old*ra*:wt! ifii' liva other highly touted thor

itc h c rs iitnw lh* long lee

"P '' “ J ntpped down to the wire behind th , j o c itBtKr unUl he Unded loday In lh la O’D Saranac mile, fealure of the day a

Saratoga, where Male, tbe chcjtnu bullet that Ihrtca h»i conQutrti Tatniy Orand. riclor In the ArllnR

r s _ ton elaulc, PrcakneM. and Amerl V 1 1 ran derby, w u oa diiplay before ai • l\ . admiring threnj.of.fuhlonablti._• The long.ltgjed brown eoll stud p out hla ear* and let fly for the fin

Uh line In A dlnc.donr Jlreleh bat- ! •“ % nrwUh"A“tt'C4rWrthe~A]ion-iu; I JM ble Ihree-year-otd. wUla Mate 1 ii l ttniggUng u be would, could noi ! -Jl* make up an Inch of ground. Danovei ] ,14 thundered under the wire a nosi I J ti ahead ot A La Carte, Surf Bo«rd « grabbing tblrd place from Commut­

er and Barometer, tha Bradley en-

J i U t ^ T?*»t^nUiwr'humfuiil«

^ Omission Spoils ^ Tennis Drawing^piitT new YOnKTAug. 13 (/PHAfle . r i i n i completing tbe:dnw-for-lhe worn 1. fo u r en'a national tennli champlouhlpi y and officUli of the Unlled SUtea Lawi a ln r i . usodaUon dUcovered >1" “ I " mer*l|W wlileh left ihe name «

TasiQn Alice lilarble, Ban Prancluo ita r e r (he from the lltl and decided lo unce id 8>5. the whole thing. A naw draw wll I I ll £ be held a t jioon tomorrow.

“ ®- Idaho Legion Nine S And Portland Vie ■»'' In Regional Game

unuiual —hulHjut BUTTE, Mont.. Aug. 13 « > - ’-Left]'" American Legion Junior baieball of the teuni of New Plrmouth, Idabo. u d

Portland, will claih here tomorrow afternoon In lha opening game ol

n -H -t lha regional aerlei. i l l l The Rainier Noble poit U im ol i/c iH k Seattle and Mllea atylM ontana'i

champion, wUl play la }he lecoad Q . - game liier lomorrowr<^0 4 0 Th* wlnnen meet Prlday for tba0 1 a champlouhlp. Tha Portland and ,t M Seattle Usms arrived tonight, and3 0 a *'IU work out tomorrow momlng.1 0 0 Outflelder Andenon of Portland, J .> ‘ wbo U lulfering from a broken lec. 0 1 0 w u herd to Had b ll moral tupport

—— - to hll team mate*.liL , Charlu Ardery, IfldlanapoUi.-.Ra-

ygjijj i ta tu r y of lha F\>rty and0 A Eight, who U here itt charge of Iba1 d lerlci. walred the Junior bueball I 0 program rul: requiring losing team*4 0 to leave lor home u loon u they ® 2 aredafeated. Alllhenlayerrwmb« i \ gueiU Pilday nlgbt a t a banquet at 3 0 which trophlei ind aourenlrt will be 0 c awardid.' Tbe regional champion* 0 0 Ihlp tcim will leave Saturday mom»

'o“ i“ o lug uiuiiinii Ivi Cotondo^Suitiisi, « 1 Colorado. 10 putlclpate In tba west* ” ” em leriei. *

n le 1 Alex Remneu. formerly • pitcher of the Detroit TIgen, It umplre.ln*

, , ,a _ , chief for the lerie*. He wlU be u - , itoHj lilted by Mi)u Henry *nd Al Trem- -rruch, blay, former Northweitem-bueball


•1 CAMDEN. N. J , Aug. |] (4V-Jlm )—Cbl- Browning. S l , Lot Angelet, lonlghl ■•*«}. deleiled Olen Wide, MO.Olnclnnaa ' l a ^ I >n the of lha outdoor■ “ wrtilllng card.

,ep« ir - Browning took ths f ln t faU In »* rSi <9 mlRutel^43 tecond wllb a leg M « itt airplane ipin; Wada tha teeond In fh iap . 13 mlnulea 3 ueondi. with an alr> H w e . ptineiplnandbodyilamandBrown* ^ la 1 Ing the third In .13 mlnutet 30 we- ^W*iiu

0 ; « Women’s Tennis Si! Tourney Narrows0 1 0 ‘H Y E .N .Y ,A 'lirw «>^T heb« .; » « 11* far lha women't ilnglea Ulle in ; 5 5 the eulem turf court tennli cham-1 3 0 plonihlpinirroweddownlo»palror —— InlemiUonil matehe* todi? i t two g * j plajvn from tha UnlUd StaUa and

0 two from England advanced through 0 hard malcbfi lo tbe leml.llotl ? round.2 U rt. nUe Ooldiaek Plttmtn. and 0 Joan RIdUy. raaklng Britub tu n ,5 ar« to flee Sarah PUfrey, Boston 0 youngiUr of wide court exptrKnce. r And Mn. Marlon Zlndenttln Jeuup.

a ipecllvely, tomorrow allemoon lor-------- t u right toenUr tba final round forJ u 4 the champlonihlp whleh Mn. Mit-^ Jorle Oladmin Vtn Rrn did not de-10I-.13 fend thil yeir.c a» - i In tbe men'i ilnglet, four miuhei• JS™ : today compleUd th* field of tha lu t S v u iliteen wlih four favoriUt coming a ttw . through to victory.

----------r * " * * ' *n u t* rwtit . , — .,31 0 3 31 T 3

I to a. • Bttud ter UttB* la tubth.BBWt __KX»rOB* A B tt l lO A r> Cubi PuHlt. a _______... 4 3 3 4 0 0M Ud Leaea, tt « a a 3 0 0

K ' i S r ; T = ; . ! ! ! S !

• 0 # TOUU lU w T a

• 0 to TMT»B»w. fluhf toTwypor.» j # ^ B M i U . ’Bottoa deubii ..Wider - .


fid CanSenators D H urling S

inm-er. ____ ' . '

W asiiinalon S e e s A th ie llts

S * ’; M argin Too 'B io T ills Yeai

“ t e l "B ill"P i-e p a rc s lo r" F u tu r i

r t ; ID)- The Ai^ocUled Preul ind the WASlirNQTON. Aug. 1 1 - lf i be In Ihe tinning to look to even tbe moe day al opilmutlc hua that tha Phlladfl

heitnut phla AUiletlci tan 't be overiakei iqutrtd ihli wawn. However, th* Wuhlng' Arllni:* ion Smniori eipK t'to be reddy u Ameri* tiep Inio chimplonihlp ihoe* whet fore an Connie Mack'* great macbln* event-bltt._ usily crackt._________ ^ ______t tluck" T],e lait ^tep In itrengthenliit he nn* the Benatora lor the happy day li •n bal- (j,^ dfguliKlon of AfonW tVearrr

figliiliwi'drdhTrlerof lhTBalllmftH Mate, orlfllM, \Veaver U to report a t Iht

® cml ol Ihe InUmatlonal league tea- mover ,|,ouKh he may thow up etrllei ‘ "oee ir the Oriolei fall deflnlUly behind

mmut- jjiate.vad of ■'o plareniiiiti^d »'>'> unannounced lum of mcne)

10 DiUlmore for tbe a4*year*old . naUva of Uniing, North Carolina

The playen wtll be'announced wher 1 Weater It delivered.' • lniecurlngWeaver,ClatkOrlffllh

ambUlan whleh aroi* Uat iprini -A fte r during exhibition gunei betwtet >-1 . ihe «lub-*nd-lh* OrioIei-»t OuU. t“ hlp», porl, MluliilppL 1 Lawn ,<n,e senaton wanted to buy hlir ed an then, but tha OrioIei wanted hurl- “ • of ff* Jn fwhangf, and no deal wu0 Itar. comummaud. The dfclilon of the uncel Baltimore club to part wtth the

IW will young hurler, *1iom Orifflth ealli-the belt proipect In tb* mlnon al preunl," came through tha urgtnl

i n o need of the Oriolea for h ltun . .At Ihe time ihe deal.w u. an-

V i a nounced Weaver had won 14 garnet V I c and losi teven agalnit InUmatlonal

league oppoilllon. Ifa did ihli with i m c ■ club that Itood next to l u t In

. balling In the Ieagua..0b9enen tay that had Weaver been given the kind of hitting Uia Oriole* ihowtd

to. u d 1** I'l* vlcloriei would havtoorrow ■ ............... ... - ■im* of

. « Denver Pair Stars S55 In Tennis Tourney « to In Salt Lake City

BALT LAKE C rf7 , 'Aug. « (/TJ - TbaiparkllngpUyoIAKhBoiworih Uld a im MUiUlfl. Denrer, whIeJi

men'i doublet, featured play la lha I . . J , inUrmountaln Unnli tournament

her* today.The Denver pair, with clever

itroklng and eipert driving dafeal* U IM e<l tha Salt Uka City combination1 of Earl W. Pierce and Dav* Freed In irtU bJ * mild upiet. T ie leoraw u 8.3. M,.

“1*11 be p W and Don OUon, Provo. Utah, iDlo^ defending chimplon*, ellmlnaUd

Jack Orvlne and Charie* Blevlai,ffiM * *■*W «N olbo^uiffler.llnal double* maUh of

Ibe day.dtcher !■> tnen'i ilnglai, S. K. Robin* re*ln* ion. Ban Diego, defeated MerU Ogle, M u* Oreeley, Cotorado, <>3,6*4. and Don Item* DUon iwept uU e Holm*n WaUr*, iteball Btit Lak* City. 6-0, 8-3.

Roblnion and DUon advanced to the quuter-flnali.


I—JimSEATTLE, Aug. 13 MV-Th» eomi.

nnaiL baekcimptlgnof “D oe"S«ll,W «* atebe* and sealtl* Jlghtwelgbl, w u

,, , halUd by Sammy Sanloi, when Un M ull* fIghUr won tha decUlanover

* •f* th* veUran In a lU-round Ualng I" bout. SneU weighed ISdH; Santo*

re w l iM ii.



WASniNOToirAug. 13 l/IVJIm- IW d my lendo*.tonlght retained UiatlUa

of heavyweight champion wrutler ) b tt . liven him by tha New York boxing Ue tn oommliilon by throwing Rudy Duwk Jum- to mlnuUi wltli a body ilim. a ir of Duiek thrilled Ihe local rrcord- I two breaking crowd of 14/100 In Griffith* and itAdlum by h it etrly aggieulvencM, roufh but Londoi wore him down..Iloil .......................

, , n d LU T2E PIN S DEMETROFF«ar»,« ton QtJKBBO, Canada, Aug. 13 i/D - lenoe. NlckLuU*.LoiAngeIetb*iv}-Rlglit. euup. took two atralght fill* from BorU 1, « . Demetroff,NewYoTkRu«Un.lnthe n or main bOutot tonight'* wTttUlng cud >dfof a t the Arena. •“ V I"t*a lOok Um fln t faU In 39 mln* >t <le- ulc* and Ui* aeeond tn 10 mlnuUi.

Luts* weighed 310 poundi; Demet* roff

a lu t ■ ^Prlt* Oiletmueller, ' toulhpaw

pitcher t e tt* Oreeniboro PatrioU------ of U)* Plodifionl league. U called

^ upon frequently to plneh.biu.

T l

! l ^ , " FJ L 2 "n ieinottw holcaom ep*

• » ___________________ "Initaad 0

• i'Q jo a fo ry c w rS to n u X o a ta r> lm i

Y our g roetr *eU* it — I t«] ! « - . - ■ —


rds TrimDeal for Wea Strength for ]lilts’Y ear

itu re / /

''* / - n S a M M ' \ \ -moit / a B B K H H - ^ \ I

ladfl. l i W i l ’tm M 't. '- ' ^ i l teken 'N.VlL

•hen Tlyent* ’ V|j

^ Vlay U \

alll*e(bind \

‘en'y -‘f l R T r'•oldollna. ‘l l i l l J 'when , l | | i l

Ifflth ' H flana* W md an ...........- I H - ■ -prtD« ) ) ■'iwten iLMOuU.

' him hurl*1 w u J” * . 17{ the ■ ------------------ — «I theealU H ere’s Monlo W eaver, -Bal

« * 1 th e W’ash ln trton Senators fot G riffith , W aahlnRton club ow

; an- prospect In Ihe m inora. He'll 1 iimet na tions! league aeaaon.Jonil ,with been nearer 30.

I t In Weaver Joined tha Oriole* lo the i u y ip;lng of 1030. after-piiebing for 1 the Durham, North' Carolina, the year .owed prevloui. Last teaton ha appeared have -In 39 gam u vlnnlng four and lot*

[g In Golf Spotlight

i t y

rorihrhIeJj v:W

^ V ;’ sleverteal* 4Itlon»>tn

w Bi S | R i S 9 ' ' ' -> '*

ibln* wB b I ‘M B « IDan H M t I

' i t o M B W M■ HH i H '

over -alng■nto*

A RTHUR S A T O . Japanese f ish salesm an f r o m San

I F rancisco , s to le th e ahow .P l/ in th o early rounds o f th e

f ig h t f o r m edalist honora J, In th o na llonal public links u u j trolf cham pionship a t S t lUtr 'P au l.— (ff) Photo.xlngu«k ------ . '

Atl 38 Of Ul* gr*duiU* of phytletl ord- (dueaUon depar'jnent of Temple (flth unlvenlty a t PhlUdelphla thU year new, oWalned Joba u eoiche* or dlreo*

ton of phytlcal educatloa, '

DANCE .lilt.«■; I TONIGHT ‘

a t th e .

£ Victory Ballroomin Jerom e

p , , A D ance Y o u ll LUce '

L ee L o g an 's D ance Band

ficfio”« pa ltta tle M u ltim * Drlalc ad o lC o g e ^ " , ,

tomacb a ad yoo r N s r r t t J m S U L n ^ !It alwijfii pay* to buy tb* B « t

6 , AUGUST 13,1031.

n Robireaver to Add r Next Seaso

■Baltimore r igh thander, traded i fo r tw o p layers and cosh . CIs :b ow ner, aaj's W eaver Is (h e bi ie 'll rep o r t a t th e end o f th e Int<

Ing ilx.D the Weaver U ■ ilx*footcr ■ g for weight 170 pound*. He h u a r year fait ball, and a aharp break

eared curve. Ke It a former faculty me 1 lot* ber of tba Unlvenlly of Vtrglnli

(By iTia Auoclated Preu) Al aimmoni of tha Philadelp

Athtetfc* picked up another point T " ! "Babe- Rulh In Uielr t u « for

N Amerlean leagUa batUnf.cnwny ; ^ j Urday.u.ha pounded Detroit plt< ^ en for threab lU ln iU time* a t l H HebooiUdbUmarkto JSSwblla H g ru t man ot Iba Yankee*, .walk ■ tU time*, got only two out o t f in B a double*header wlUi the Indb H and remained lUtlonary a t 480.. B B ui Webb added i polntj to' b W toUl at SI. Loult wlUi Uiree out sv B fire and iboved hU average. vi

* polnu lo J83.

Si!!I S S :S !S= ;'S !ii S S :

• m n tio . rbuiut . ^ l a a 443 13 U3 . t W TCTTy, 0 1 ta tt„ _ tfl'4 3 0 n 4T .

" M O T Oie«0 . 'Ban


S t


' DiVAUX’S e ; i

I of speed, povvad

^ a r e t h r i l l i n g M

D r i v e t h i s e x c c

f o r a r o v t l a t i a


BOBIERI « Second A T e.N o..

ns Twicei d Angels Conquer

o n Stars by 6 to 4

John S c iiu lte 's itom e Run in

N inlll A id s T liree Runs

■' To“ t ;0 S ~ f l n g e l o r T o i a l

\PaclHc Coast League


LOS ANOELES, Aug. 13 W W obn SchulU'a boma run In Ui* nlnUi to Mora Slatt and Dlttmar ahead of him gav* Lo* Angele* IU leeond

• Itralght victory of Uie terlei, 0 to 4, over Uie Hollywood SU n tonight

Tho a c e r^ R.n.B .’LOI Angele*— 000 900 OOS-4 II IHollywood------000 900 900-i 8 :

BatUriai: S titu l and Bcbulle; Shellenback and Battler.

. BEOflToAKB I •V OAKLAND, Aug. 13 (AVHie Ult*

L Ilon* loored Uielr fourUi *tral|bt 1 ^ victory when Uuy took Uie **oond 9 M gamaoftha*erii*(rofflOtklandhcren y tonlght..lLli><,__________ ______KW i Tha Kore— RHCZ.'D S WiiSon*-...— 110 900 MO-0 10-1m & O ikland..;____ 000 aoO 300-4 8 3

BaluriM: Walil), 2«hRjier asd Hofmann! DagUa, Houte, C h u n b ^

. . lain and McMullen, ed toC lark 8KAU 4, b k a v e b s t ' I b e s t BAN PRAKOI8OO, Aug. » W) *> Inter* An elghth.lanlnc rally of U m rum

gave Ul* San PrancUoo ScaU t 4* to*3 win orer PortUnd tonight. -

Th* *cor»— . R .H .8.'. Uld PortUod ----- .300 009 000-3 4 0. ^ San m nclico ooo 010 03X-4 8 0

'JS^ ’ ’ 80LONS.I, nrolANB 1 = SACRAUBNTO, Aug. 13 (0-8»e>

_ ramento mada It two (tnlght.over \ f f s*attl«heretoQ ]gbtbyw lnlng,lto. W '- ' i. PIynnand P a p w ig e d ftioutti*

pavduttw llhU ielocaiaioter.faria: t m t in effecUveoet*. - V'- :

□ n e a c a r e - -SeatUa,..^------ .000 100 OOO-l 8 ,3

- Sacramento .^.110 000 lOx-« 10 3 II) Batterle*: Page and Ooc; lijnui H phlft and Wirt*. . ,


-■ OOflK!W,H.VrAug.l3l«^W Ul. f l ^ r*4ng lUlp a **a «r mud. th*

*UUi running o t tba I80j000 Bamb- M UtonUn, rieimt « t th« counby'B

. ' Ugbt*hant«( bon* *taka*, todajr vw ^ h U pottponed BnUHanonor. ■

up 3 BYE, BABLET n to TO BOOB. ' H Em N O ER .N .D . m — lD ■

„ ^ toc*L««Uw expartmtnt John u e n .K roe converted hU lov prtead.iyo;It M and barley Into port and tbm by,w -m ncelved Ua equlvaleot ot R cenUg i S « buibel for ire u d 83 eeaia forIT M ^ le y , --

t U H < ^

) R D O M ^

ixceptltinal recordit

/e rand 'ajte laratlon

M O T b R P O M y a l l y .

e e p t l o n q l / n o t o r e a r

Ion In value . . • • •

$ 5 9 5 r . o . . i —

R MOTOR CO.■ • ;-P b O B # 'IT I '

.FartB O T ca

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A.M. Edition ' T H I VOL. 14 NO. 103 • ' IFTBIiKS BliEISESSi’ Speakers at Assembly


f f l i m i o T

i i n i i s S l i !* ri

F a ilu re M arlis A ltem p ls lo S

C arry On Raliy; iVlarket |J

• C iosc! W itli H eavy Tono j“

■ . . — a

M ari(els a l a G iance _

NEWYOmC.Atur-'lSCT)- ,, BtociM: Hp»vy; K'llns of ni\i ;

undtrnilnei lUt.Bowti: Inesular; t*1I» m «.Curb: Ifitjulsr; olli rirm,Fotflin MCh*n5t4: Irrfjular;

lt«U ni lirm.Oolten: m r . r««r»bl«

weither lepott. f,'B iiiu: stmily: tndo »upport.CoKfe: Hlshtr; nm llUn buy- u

_ . Tl

(SllCAOO;--------- --------- ■ 2w jiMt' n r a : bum»h rurepttn

•iKJCinKllb crop newi. Yt ------------ com ;~Ftnnr^O T«»ii-Jiiin«—

I rcpoTtJ*Cittle: Steady lo lilihtr. llogi: Loner. ■ |

' By JOllW L COOLEY hS7Auoelatt<rpr(u nn inc lil WrtUr) Cc .NEW YOBK. AUJ. U - T h r« of du

four «U»mpl» lo wrry on tiio Tuti-'• . (Uy rally faUe(imial*y»*tock m ir- o»■ ' kcl u d prleet, clMtd «

lone. cnntelllRS ipproxlmitely hiJf we tho fiaiJiy idMDce of prevloui ui

’ ■ lUitrood McuriUM Impwd t Mi on otlOT jroupi. W ll itocki reJui- 1 td to extend their rlM itwl mwy «c

— etTrterbonda-»eilt«)ed,-»-r«4ellon w«■ th i l dlum ed tnde ri who hid bten tet

• . looUns for * further rolteit of Iho ve ~ , Ihort Inlerejt. Actlvlly w u eonild- p i

I :• er»bbly*boT« I h e iv w o for l ^ allp u t fortnltht, tmounllnit to

. iw uysw . w t i r » d b l l below yei-I - toRUffTOlUlM. ,

Until mld'iitemoon ths mirket ^ ' w u ■ nirrow in d lenenUy eolpr- '. ]tu ■{fair. Around the beslnnlns ^

. . o( Um lu t liour prlcei mi. up wtlb aomo lucotis, V. S. Steel

eltnblni to MH. but Udi adrancc.Uko lU predao^iMrt of th« earlier .

1 ' deallnis. ran Into trouble and fU ^ j., - prtou proTod to bo tlrtuiUy the . day^ low*. 8teel Oomnon told off '

'« 1% M t J . I. Oue broke oor« than ^ . • 4 in d Ameriean Can a 34. Weallni- “

. beuia, BMUi Roebuck. Johni-Min* ” •• TlUe. Amtrleaa Telephons. General 'T

Beelfle, Chryaler. Dethtehen. Moni- ‘ lonwtr Ward, Inlonitlonal Tele-

' Coniol ldatod O u lort I ,

■ .In th# n lll . AtehUon returaed a ®'i ' ' I t e ot 4U. allbou(b U bad Kid 3' i > polnU hither cuUer. the only aclln . ' member of lU poup to mako an lm.. ' ■ portMtadraneo during the day. Wn- 'V jon Picinow udow naH .B outhetn

P ulfls 3U and Penniyl«nU, New; Vork Otnlral. Canadian PacUlc and . .■■ B o e k U a n d l to l • "

'T he t r a d Jn th* ttoellnduitry, leemi to h iT t ae«iUlred lom# d e rte ,

otflra a c u .Brtlm>lei of current cy- ' eratloni dlffertd. but non# of the ”

. i, .. ta d * reviewi rtportod * decline. • I n a Ast" aald Uur* had been no Pr

• - c h u f t in tho 30 per ccnt rato, bul »raiphuUed aoreral Important mar- *■

, ket. faetort thal polnUd to an early ^

( . reiumptton ot acunty by eoDtumen ' ; . MK on racatlon ihutdowni,'expecu v .'.od .locreaao i ot ipoelflatloni by .

utooobU* plant*, farm Implement ^ ' " ‘ m aktn and th* bulldlns builneu, du

. and bettor inquiry for raUi. W


'• per: Quiet: eleclrolyile. »pot and tu- ^• lur«.7He to 1KC. »

I n n : Qulel: unchanttd.Tin: Plnn; ipot and neuby W ;

~ future ««,W.. U ad: Slcady: ipoiNew York M.40,

' , B u t fit. Ii»ul« H 31 «!' i . Zine: Quiet; E u l SL Louli ipol P°V tn d fulure 1343 to I3A}, >’« ; • Antimony tOW.

. ‘ • BILVER Rt MEW YORK, AU(.UMV-Barill-

w r. Iteady and 1-a hljhcr i l 3U. JJ

I ,. T w in F a lls Marl<ol€ "

> utaM tkI Ught tmiebtn, lio lo aiO ita____1173

hmW buuhm. ]|> to UO iteZ Z I-ka^ r s a r a ’i a . ' t w ! ! -

Pu Uac Mm. 2H IM. «P m trtwltf pip . W W W llifc O.OO

aSiS* ■ .V\S)mS 5 ui...........

' ‘ (prTo^'iiO to ICa___Ik 11.ColeiM rpROien. e m JUIM___ _i}c ui

....... " b S - — -

Cw* — ...... — _ ..M »D«M-------------- . 1«Mn riu

' BU dNltn (juoifd No. I »cid W8..J -x. O rnt Herthrtni *t U 10 lod U 0»: on«

• rtpottM |3 .» too n.io: tea obi quouc 12.40 t u t33i.Wbui u d IUU rtM _Bnn. evt. — ___ lOconn .W H b.iou______________iJe «y SioeiHood. loo-m. I8U, I - BV ch

Krwct«aB_toty ........... . ■ ,.lH)|e diUQOSI. DOttB . <08 "

’ LHtuCT, per b«4d I I ■ . loemaili^e n

■: a a g .

.......................... IfTomtum d(


rr»*e(* „ ?

■ , c a i . M u a , ' M a-toct t t M B M a a , „ IU » «

, , Paffe E ight

I stock Market AvcraoM | “

KCW Tomc. All*, i: —•(N. rapr>ll»i, IVII. Oundiiil fiutlt.

TM»r __ Sum i«!« K0«9 \SIS ^ '

Uonlh.to...10HM «M IMJ9 J.IOJ m iio — Ui.M IH.M w ia w i“

K s i slUiii. IW0.!»J.« m eo a iJo w m

S S i K S ! S


w ty r s ie w y n i rp f rc c n tn H t u r -■ Tlm#Ioini:6l*«dy:M»n(l»0day»I 'i to I 'i : tour month* I 'i to 1%:flveindilxm ontJu in toS percen l. 1

pflme commercial papfr 1*. to 2. Dankcrt- acceplancea: Unchinied.


S iatu lovemment bond quolalloni '

Liberty 3 'ii33-«7------------Uberly fourth 4'hI 33-38 — I M fJT ieuury 4Ui «7*53------- —*}1M®Treuury i* « •» « ..... ........... » ®Uberty Jlrrt 4!«i 32-47-------1 M.l7 > eu u fy 3 N J« -C M irc h _ 4 M.M -Treuury 3Hi </-40---------- 4101.17 _

' BUOAB NEW YORK, Auf. » M VB*» .

•ugar w u qulel today and priMi were unchansed a t t3 i0 for ipoU. duly paid. Tredo rumon u ld there lild been a lalo of ISjOOO b i( i ol Cubu for prompt ihlpmenl a t |3M, duly pild. to a lo a l rellntr. ai

There w u no irend to future* owlns to a dlipMlllon or Iraden to £ await developmenu In rawi. S i lu ae wero Mtlmitcd a l H.1M toni. Sep- ^ lember cloied at 11.411 December ^ 11,43, Jinuiry 11.44, March 11.48, At Miy II JJ, July 1138. At

smaller wllhdrawaU of r e f lr^ ^ wert reportod owtog to tho cooler d« wealher-preYilllnc over tho eu lem ni leeUro ot tho eountrr. • Reflnen ^ wero unehanjed a l 14.75 for fine u, ranuliU d wllh »m e iccond handi ch ItlU otfertoB at 04.65. §

CIIICAGO rRODUCe gOinOAOO, AUJ. 13. MVPoullry: c«

Alive, 3 c in , 33 trucki; ittidy; c«fowU J7H to 30c: brollen » c : try* g en SOe; ip rlnft 33c: rooeleri 13c;lurkeyi IS to Itc; spring . ducki, ocvhlto 18c, colored I8e; iprlng geoe g14c. ' &

Bultor: M90; flnn: ereimerr ipe- n-cliU (M icort) 38W to Mc| Mtra at(P3 Kore) Jteucxtr* flnU (80-Bl {jleorel 38 to 31c; flnU (M to W aileore) 38 to 2Se; leeondi (M to n oeloore) 33 to 3Se; tlandard <M icore ^ccntrallied a r to u ) JTHc. 0 ,

Eggi: 10,711; itoady: unchanged. o>


Bullerfal 33c.' rO nloni:Sicked.ewt..TedW ^en.

field IIJO to Il.i*: ytUowt iDU to Ul

**^l*loei: OimeU lUo to U4c “ pound; Stockton Burtnnka l l to 5 ,l l« ;g e m i IIJO to 11.15. ^ ■ u<

poultry: Ptyert.aoc to 33«; lur- «keyi 330 to 34c. • • • {||


Pederalitatom arkelrjewiandrad- ioleg urTlc« quoUUoni: Net whole teprlcei: BuU*rWKoro30e;M icote mSlHc; *0 leore » c . Er i : l« g e gi 34Hc; medlumi JOHc; unaUi IJC. d, Jobbing prieei: Standardt In car* | j loni 33 to 53C. Cbeeu: Fancy flali ^ I4«. cc

108 ANGELES FSODUCB » 106 ANOEUS, Aug. 13 n

due* exchange recelpU: Butter 113,- 100 poundi; cheeie 3300 poundi; eggi 800 e u u . Butler In bulk 30.

Eggi: Candled tr tih c lun ex tru ^JOe: candled Ireih c l e a n l y Itand- ^ard« JTc; cindled treih clean med- oi lum 3Sc; cindled freih clean med- ^ lum lU ndirdi 33c;-candled fruh clean amalU 18c.

Poullry: Heni: Lejhomi, under j« iP0U D dilJc il« to ipound iioc; K over 4 poundi 18c.-Hem, colored "4 poundiandup2to ;b r o l l e n ,l t o l« 3, lioundi 3Jc; over IH poundi to 3!t poundi JJc; fryen, Leghomi, 3H to ^ 3 poundi I80; colored 33c; rou ten , 3 ^ poundi and up 35c; ducki, younc ^ 13c; old 13c; g e « o l3 c : lu rk ey i ." young lomi 13 pounda and up SOc: dreued. 13 poundi and up J«c: beni. 3fc; dteued 5Je; under fl poundi lie: old tomi 33c: dreued s»e. 8


' CIUCAOO. Aug. 13 tf ) tu 8 D A) ^-IHjUtoei: S3, on uack 138; total j , unlled SUlei ihlpmenU 53S; aboulile»dr,tr»dlngfalr;aaekedperhun-dredwelgiil Mluourt cobblen lia o ^ to 11,40: ru»*jU Urge llJO; medium ^ 11.701011.15; Tflumphi 13.10 to 15: A rkituu and LouUUna cobblen ^ 11.10 to ll.lS: New Jeney IIJO. Pu- , , lurei Octobcr 11.03. 13 _______ _____ lo

l i S T i i i K i i m s i;■ K


-H o p : RecelpU 100: aU d r im ; op- ^ ening tale* ileidy with Tueadiy; f«w »choice Utht buichcn M wllh lome »3T5 pound welghU-11; nothing elie m

eady.CitUe: Reeelpu 60. c iItci 10; al

drtrei; quoUble ileidy; aereralmedium grade cowi ISJO to #4; low a cultera down to 13 and below; few « medium and uadenrad* heavy dicalrei 17 down to |3 J0 ; no alcen. bibutli noted eariy. 33

flheep; Receipt* 150; aS drive*: uououble ileady; good to cholc# ta l- m leylimbilslQS5.3S: throweuUI3J0 down; no ycartlnti br ewea aoU early.


A)-<atUe; RecelpU4500.^VU 100: m

tteady to ilrong; nulv# g n ln feds ft tn llmlwd supply; ipoU 19o to Me »t higher; vealen aad caln* tully lUady; ilocken and feeden firm; eholee 16« pound ys«Ung ateen n WJS: long yearllngi held higher, r ftoUUngitrtctUr eholeeottet^di.lwo J

12 ^^EA N W H ILeV w A tT ■ t ’i ^U ^ ANO PHHLtlS. f Ag ICNORAMT OF WHATw HAS BEEW TRAySPiRIIVC >>==?u AT hom g ; -g CONTIMUB f C r» MBAfJOBR THE

LAMES AMO QHW/NS . i X11 OP- RUftAl.r ---------ENGLfcMO;— r t i f f y '

'I TOMICHT’S STOP 15I I. v g io e co M B B - ''•'■'■p;J IM -T H E -M O O fi.

5 ^

115 I

------------- -------N-E-W-V-

; ffi fWCKIHg (BiniA uocliU O rrui) Nl

lllllv U>w CIOM N( AUM Chen & D jt.JIX i llO'i tl l H

* u : SI: us° AU rera n > « ( r _ ui« n « W, 11I Am m d iiu r _____i9<t u 1 ia |, r*;; a - , ! ! ! : « , s ! : r

, J s s s ‘t W , = . i i . i ' . s ; , s ; s° B4lt * Ohio 41>,'• 41 " 41k n«

" ! ! “ = ■■, CtaidUn r u l l la __U 1 22l« S i t s t* Cut T U i* iiin i\_ eo UI4 U ,B «: a w o i i r — ! .v £ '■ S '- ss

S S ? V ? l ; '= . ! V .a ’s J ‘ !S ,S,i .Sli IS

cutUM Wrubi_ _ I t 3 3 dbI, oruf I Iso ...______ 111 II II Bt.« l>ultiiii d( Kin _ n I U U Sll

EiaUsin Kodak __ 143 lllS IM TrI- g S K “ .“i= :S!i Si- i!“ R» oiaual Stcuio___ 41 3>]i 40 UrII Otoirii roodt M 491 4»4i Uc1 Utoirtl Uown___ 3IU .»•< UcV OllddtD Co_____1. Hi B-tjUr

a l s :Gooorur nu&&«t pr. u u u IS'., v

.. S S f - X I f e J " . .! '• »‘i! s a « s u - = P ;i: .i'- slB( H um ttr 3tli 31 33U w<

** inl Kickd.......— 1)| ] ■, 131, WlIBI Tti It T d ____» (• 37 , 7I4«Xianicaucopm__ I 7 1 i l 'j

' Xrutftt k Toil___ 11; 7 , 11 I« U |» ^ “ 1 ” 74 A'

® S lio m f l!iJltw“ M!i IB I’ li c'l^ MiMOUlt nclllo pi M M M Q(

UgtiUontrr Wird . . 31% x)i Bi> Kua U oion------- 3lli 3<|, Ul« Nt

HUCMBRnA___ MR! S 1 V * = S !! ilii ii;: K

loidi yearling helfen 19; olher good to le to choice native ateen and year- tie w llngi IS to 11J5; good led K an iu bu tl g n u e n ivenilng 1150 poundi 18; ch

bulk common.to medium Weilerns chi <• 15 to 17; two loadi double lummered fee ^ K in u i grauen 17JS; bulk butcher bu

cowi 1 IJ5 10 44J0; low cullen and wc culUn 13 lo 13; moil medium bulli bei 13^ to UJO; pracllcal-top-realtr* i t

>* 17J0; bulk Ilocken and feeden MJO vci r lo IIU . IveI* Sheep; RccclpU eillmated 5000; lie

beller grade Umba fatrly active, lie 15. I* to 35c higher; common klnda ikiw;' Iheep Iteady; top Idaho lambs 17.40;‘ othen 17.3S: beil n itlre i 11J5: bet. ,

t ter gndei moitly 17 to »7J5; T exu ‘ ^ wethen 1355. A ,. . Hogt: RecelpU 3500; uneven. 340 , poundi down lie to 35o lower Uian

'J Tueidiy'i average: heavier welghU ^ 10c to 150 otf; top |8£0 on 170 to2 3to poundi; bulk deilrable IM to 341* poundi MJO to I8A5; 350 lo JOO? poundi 13.80 to 18.40; Mwi 35c to 50c ^ j lower WJO to $4.75; Itock plgi Ife to !f;* 35c lower, 18.15 to 1735. J}'


8 O A)'-llo(i: Rccelpu UO; weik. jipou Se to lOc" higher; load 175 u?

_ pound Cillfomlu 18.B5; leven can pa180 to ITO poundi 11.60 to ia.75: half poload IN poundi MJO; picking uw i cnIlrong, moilly 15 to 15J5. I

Cattle: RecelpU 300, Including ISO un~ holdoven; ileidy; few iniuncei we, higher; load medium 1065 pound lai

ii«erit6J0:cirg73poundil52i;car poV tes 10 tao pound Iteen to local leed fe

tot 15 lo 15Ji; Ibout half load good wct: 1100 pound horn tipped itecn 18J0. llo " with S oul I6JS; load good lOOS “ pound 47-day led itecn wrled from ;! local feed lot 17;the itock Inacilve; , ™ Inouiry Ior good j-oung eowa up to ' HiO: lew bulll 1100 to IJOO poundi

19.SOtol4.Cilvei:RecelpU7S;aboul loid medium lo good on lale; choico .7

' SSO 10 SOO poundi quoted 17J0 down. Sheep: RecelpU SSO, Including JBO ' .

tMtdoven; fully Ileady; deck good to choice Bt pound Calltomlu IS; deck

_ to pound wooled 15: aboul two decks 105 to 110 pound ewci 1305; sorted I I

1) IS head oul l l ; ye&rllngi ibient,^ quoudW to l4;.Ule.Thunday aboulV 10 decks medium 70 to 73 pound j

wooled Ongohi 15; tvo decki com* i}jle mon S4 pound wooled 1335.

ill ST. JOSCni UVESTOCK 14 al ST. JOan>H. Aug. 13 IIP) (U £ D iw A)-H o«; RecelpU 4COO; ilow. gen-■* erally ISc to' JJc lower than yeiler- (ry diy-i avenge: top 11 to ihlppen: tu1. bulk 170 to no pouodi M A to 18.95: m

330 to 340 poundt MJO to ie .7S;icit. m*: Urtd 350 to 390 poundi U.40 to 311J’ MX MWI wtik to 35c lowerj-bulk 17» M to 14.75; bett light sowi IS. ’ p»ly- 8heep:RccelpU1000;be«ergr*de* to

f i t Umb* 3So 'higher; in-between tei^ gndei tlow aod weak; no Urlckly »p choke limb* ollertd; u i u rangen 1 0: moitlT I8.7S to 17: beil held 17J5:t r Isn'nillfU Hi h o lt JoU dowhwird I j siH from WJO; cuUi 13 lo M; feeden ytto Itrong; bett 15.10; aged iheep wuk. »V CitUe: RecelpU 3000, calvei MO; en

fed lU en and yearlinga itrong to lu« moiUy 350 higher: good and choice en ~ gndei up moat; gn ln 'fed helfen do ro sharing upturn: g ru i i t ^ i t ^ |itj


i '


T S 3 —S /J H C - I . o s e X E5 0UT

n u n HOM ES i f T OVCR Hcsns, ^

_V-0-I£,K------- ------------- t e

M S H B s ' lNiiflMKir........ .....u « IS SOJ

M Nrv Yotk Cenirtl— 74U 7t 71% U I

i i S a r S ^ s ’' i 5 “ | b “

; to p ( ------ IM W.l 100 ni«. |..nn II I I .............. .JU . n . .H i led,; K M . ' i l r i S !!'■ “

g ; ! S ! ‘“ ;s t L Bin m n nr— n'.» 14— m *

, Bun Ilocbuck____.» |« U UU 8’ Bn«ll” vnlnn’" lZ Z ir j{i »|j

n BlmriDt-Co^.----- U |, IJ I j ’* moili “ !: S ! S ' i ? S = S i ! S l i S l i mscud nr*ndi. . . _ II tiU ll^t »

E a S z ; " ) ! ! i i i l iil i.J™Tru( Corp______ a U 23 23U't0<

u Timlctn Roll BtU__31U N'.i 31 .t],6K » S , . - . ! . i i ' - .?■

! ; s : i ; ! s r . ! S ' = K ! i s i i ! i . ’•, Union racilie ____lUl^ I4IU 141>t .j : l s : l lS a ‘ K ' ! . - E : J l ! S*‘ S '- EM

U 6 Ind A i n n e i „ ^ 21 3S lu i; u 0 nubb*f______iJi; i3U isu .,,,1} u s a i K i ----------- M li n j! n u Vantdlum___ _ 2IU :<U 37 Um

Wnlrrn Union T(l.ll3U 112 112 }7J; wwi«t!n“ ^ - n S t! « iJ m ' i

J cunn MARKET W:HtW VOIUC. Au». « W>-CBib quo- Iw,

Atnnlc/n^Buiwf Powir ............... lOU ^ 1Ctnini HUM QrcUle ----------- - 7 . ::o

It CltlM (kmlce ...— — — I..I . BU .rrf „ ncemc Bond and flhirt..t EKUIe Itond »M 8Mr» pf_— IflJU ‘6*'l« NkUsntl iDtMton .. ................... : I . topU Nitimil Powrr and Utht H pl__ lOOUU flrtnaitd 'oiur"ladU n>T '.'Z II 2<1> '330

______________ ' - - pou---------------------------------------- ------- - pou

to Itrong; cowi and helten mostly to ] r- tleady: pliln grauy kinds very Ilow: >«« ts bulls weak: vealen firm; ilrleUy M. S; choice 033 pound y'larllngi >3.00; C u choln 1134 pound itoen 10.40; moit fed d fed ne en and yearllngt ItJS to 18; to 1 :r bulk lUalght g ru ien ts.10 to M-IO; 15e A welt wlntored klndi up to 1135; moit daj' U beef cowl 13 JO to MJO; cultor g n d e i. and

io v « { « * t l f i t« k m uid'Jlederi i « - yea Ive; lUidy to 3SC higher; Ito pound iprl

); rieihy feeden 17; bulk ihln eillle um le 15.15 to 16.40.

LOS ANOELES LIVESTOCK 1 ^ [: L03ANL^LES.Aug.l3W M08D g l “ A)-Catlle: RecelpU 600; Jilrly ac- . * u, tlve. tully rteady; ipou higher on " cows: load ouUUndlng 7M pound ted " yearllnp itc en W: tew loads »7 to 'i 1145 pound JmperUl and local ted w.„ ;; tteen 1835 to 18.75; two loadj» lm- ^ perlil Mexlcani MJO; common na- .* ilveiteeM downtolt;tewtedliellenf M;g0C«l COWI 1435 to IS: common to d ’® medium M35 to 1435; culler grade* she

IIJO to « : bum 143$ down. Calvea: nili ReceipU 100; lUong; good to choice p u vealen tn odd loU tp 19 and above; c^rl

U common down.lo W. '«n1k. Hogi: RecelpU 150: fully lUady;>5 iiBhllocalit8ioM J0;heavleil7J0;« packing (OW* IS to 15J0; tew 98- . tf poundplgtl7JO;goodtochotceeul- & fl em i quoted to M.7S. voo

Bheep: RecelpU 600; iteidy to u c W unevenly higher; Wand ewn in d 'A o :i wethen up moet; tew ihom Ulind e m d Iambi U.1S; two decks common 77. grac ir pound wooled California limtu MJO:'are d few M3S: M-pound shorn UUnd atth d wethen »43S; ihort IS-pound ye«r- fme ». iiDj ewta and *ethfn M.75. ;«)iIS ------- verjn OOOENU^XSTOCK and'■ OODE3<. Aug. 13 CT) IU 8 D A)—® Hop: ReceipU 98. aU lor markeli! CA ^ generally itcady; top 17,80 on lOO to ^"• 170 pounds; bulk 180 to i n pounds ■" IIJO to IIJO: 190 to 2J0 pounds 11.1#

to IIJO; picking MWI 14 to tt, J " '® Cattle: RecelpU 351, ill Ior mar- 0 ket;kllllngcluieiilow.iieady;quiI. ^* lly plain; common griisiictrs 13.1S ^ to MJO: g n is hellers MJO to t t :° g n u cows 13.7S to MJO; aU cutten

H 10M3S; bullsmojily M l0M 35:.®f * '!■ vealen M to M. “ S<> Sheep:, RecelpU M33J, Including i "'* iJg7torto*rket:noearIyMtMrange, 2 " ,

lUughUr or.teedlng iunlu;. UU Tueiday two earf-71-jiound feeden ™ M3J; Ilaughter ewti 11 to 13. ^

0 ------- , 3I- . ■ CHICAGO UVBTOCK S ■ CHICAQO. Aug. nlV) lU 8 D A) . iS l i: Hogi: Rccelpu 18.000. including - ot 1 l: 3000 direct: ISo to Me lower: pick- i,ta , > ing iowa 10 eto 30c ofl; bulk 170 to Im O 310 poundi 17.40 to I7J0: early top ^ k 17.60; 2X to 310 poundi M to 11J5:

packing aowi medium and ^ 315 vct to 600 poundi 14,1$ to 15.75: lUugh^T broi

a ter plgi good and choice lOO to 130 ,c i l ir pounda 18 to 11. • O

T Schlg^erttlO piidTcff IW pouM ^» yearling-Iteen: 19.80 for m edlnia,we t wtljhU u d 19.40 for ues pound a v - , vUI >: enge*;ioffle 1341 pound Iteen 19J0: u d

ilrlelly grau fed iteen dull on kUI- vhl M e n acmunt, leUlng lirgely a t MJO K

down to MJO; other cIusm mostly-«iti 7 ^itudjr: alaughtor u ltte and n U e n par



tleen good and choice 600 to 900 n i- poundr-M.is-to-llo:-fiOO-to 1100 U

MJOlollO:llOOtol300poundslB3S |J to {O.li: 1300 to 1500 poundi M3S to W50; common and medium 800 to 1300 pounds 14.25 lo 1835; helfen

' KOod and eholee 550 to 650 poundi lOJO 1019J0; common and medium

U U lo 11; COWI. good and choice M.7S ,, 10J(J.7S; common and medium 13 to •‘ 13.71; low cutter and cutter 13 lo J r ; U ' U: bulls, yeirllngi excluded, good ,, land choice beef t4 to M; cutler to '* mKllum 13,75 to 1435: vealen, milk U led, good and choice M to 110; me.

dltim MJO lo M; cull and common IL 15 to MJO; itockerJ»nd feedercaU u lie. steen good and choice SOO to

1050 pouhdi MJO to 17; common and ! medium 13.15 to MJO.. •

Bheep:'RecelpU I3JX»; fiilly C ; steady; good to choice nitlvo Iambs “ i' ‘ mojily 1735 to 17.75; itrlctly choice- kindJ active, Bikln«.abov4|g35.for f"'*- WMlems; t l l ewes 13 to 1335; Iambi ‘ha t 90 pounds and down good and choice• 17 to 1835; medium t t to 17; all '

welghu common MJO loM: ewts 00

Sto IM[NURdimcdlum locholcell.7S ™ lo MJO; all welghu cull and eom- “ J. ;;fmon <l to 13.25; feeding Umbs 60 J " ’ uH o 75 pounds good and choico M to

’ OMAHA LIVESTOCK I* OMAHA. Aug. 12 OT (U S D A ) - whi

Sheep: RecelpU 38.000;' sUughle'r U I lu ib t acUve, 10 to 35c higher; iheep Ing

I* and Ircden iteidy. early u i u n«igo of 1 ' ' lunbi 1735 to 1735; best held above . ,, IIJO: naUve lamba sorted motlly . , !| 1735 to 1735; lop 17J0: fed Clipped ‘ ■' lambs 1735 to 1735; ewti down from

H: good and choice nnge feeding >• limbs 14.75 to 1535. S’-U Hoss; Reeelpu 13J)00; moil 160 to the ; :?) pounds 25 to 50o lower; medium moi '> iindlinvywelghUopenlRgmosUySSe fac< •I lower; tovi a to 35e tower; pnctlcal jnfl . top M.75 on choice 170 to 310 pounds: iral ;• few ISO to too pounds 17; bulk 160 to cf 1 i5 'S30 pounds M3S to M.1S; » 0 to 250 ra l _ pounds M50 lo M.65; lew 250 to JSO ten ' pounds IIJO to M; sow* Urgely 14 kel y to HJ5; few llghl grades up to M: poll ;• feeder pigs MJO lo 16; s u p 14 to 11 r M. coi1; ' CalUe)- RecelpU 6000, calvu 300; u»> it fed Iteen and yearllnp mostly steady she i; to Ilrong; some weighty ileen 10 lo eon i; 15c hlsher than feed lot mates Tues- bsc It day:sneitocksieady toitrong: bulls . * .a n d vealen steady; stocker feeder jh*

- yearllnn mwUy 17.75. to 19; liberald iprlnkiuig weighty steen aod medl- n < fl umwelghui9.10tol935;UlUrprlee

IncludlngievenltoidiavenglnglJSO J r , I poundi to 1410 pounds; y tir llnp up . . . . 10 19J0; helfen 17.75 to 19; bulk ..g,

.^ 'gniicoiiU J0ioM J0:tew ]oU M 3S p . toM: odd head grain tedi MJO; cul- ' ' ter grades» to M3S; medium bulb " M35 to M-1S; praeUcal lop vealen A i 17J0: lew to IndependenU M; few oau 5 lou stocker steen • M3S to MJO; P»t ° helfen 15 to 1835. ^

I- toll1 DENVER SIIEEP J5J 0 ■ DENVER. Aug. 13 tU B D A )- n il :i Sheep: RecelpU 38001 run largely tlor •: natives strong to 25e higher; better of 1 ^ grades M35 to $7; no rangen sold cro|

early; betl held above 11; ewes ab- jeri 'senU

!: . * BOSTON WOOL hog BOSTON. Aug. 13 WV-Oemand tor

wool shows some further lUckenlng Wio u compared with le w n l weeki ago. »ed'A m odento«lum Bofbuilne»,how- p«d e n r, U being Uiniaeted on all Mi '• grades. DomeiltewooU of ««i quality Mj il 'a re receiving the bulk ol the call Cei d although gnded 48-SOs and 84s and '• finer Urrltory wooU In original bigi

;iell In/Ueible quinUtle*. P rIcu p very firm on SOi and «$-50* quality - =

l u d lUady on pUlner grades.

j I f a i r v i e w f o l k s v i s i t

2 PAIRVIEW. Aug. 13 (SpecUl to The Newil-Scwral nirvK w reil-

.. denU have en)oyed vUlu with rela- tlve*.and Irlendi during the' Ust

i? Mlisei Ruth and Kathleen1: Walpole aro spending th* UUer part ^ o f thU week vUIUng a t the boms of ''IMaxine Harding., I Mr. and Mn. Nichols and family, f tw ho have been vUlUng with her ■: molher. Mn. WlltUm Baker, left t Thunday tor their bom* to 81.

LouU. WUioutl. • ' •Ttn Burkey family Uv* teen en­

joying a family reunion th# p u l w t l l U t h e fln t time to 10 y tin

> - lhat all hav« V « n logtlher. Those E 'o t the family trom afar who are• 'stoylng in the D. E. Burkey home 0 now s « Mr. and Mr*. L. * . Bur- P key u d family ot W a s h in g , Mr.: and M n.B .R . Burkey and^ughier.5 Kebrlika, and Mr*. E. W. Klm- "bK M giT ud two Children. Btockton.

d CaUfomU* to be gone, abwit two a weeks. M n. WlUard; who h u been


IE T a T U A S T fVE LOCATED 3 THB b ip p B R e N c e .


eW CU SH CAW .WALK 'WITHOUT : f o l l o v j i m g

LITTLE W H lte BM .1^

m M M M 0

m m m M ]

T rad e R e p o r ts T hat.C o rn H as ha!

R eached Fuel B a sis L ead

to O u tb u rs ts o f Buying_____ R

Dy JOHN r . BOUGHAN t(AuocUted Preu Market Editor) c

■ cmOAt3O,-Aug.lJ-.i-C0rn"lml- Uted Samson today, showing re- , markable strength, then weakneu - snd renewal ol vigor. TVade rcporU ^ lhal Ion for ton epm w u almost 14 cheaper u fuel than coal had mueh , ' to do with hobUng tho com mar- * i! ket, u a result of Increased letllng . . on price upturns, however, tompor. * >: ao‘ Ktbscks cinled eom down to freih bottom lenU for the u u o n , bul another oulbunt of buying led to a brUk new advance u the markei .“ closed. \ .

C0T7I Closed nervoui, « to 1 1-8 ‘ ' cenu higher than yeiU rdiyl IlnUh. . r when >; to I cent a d n n u d . oaU tuti '.ilo%ceRUupandprovUlonivary. Sep Ing from 33 cenU dKllne to a r l» S0‘: of two cenu. Me

Auertlons that com w u down to » » a fuel bays, and worth l u i lhan coal, eiplurcd the attention ot gn ln 0 In d en ihortly after the markei C

Ing’ a brief Intorval around midday.

f l l

I n l u ^ n u r*epo*iU?«ut vaJuo , of new eom. delivered a t ^runl ele- ralon Ifter being ihelled was 17 J '"

kel bisU and th sl coal a t the um e polnl w u MJO a ton. making com . “ a i fuel MJ7 a ton eheiper than ?,®"

r i » . « S S S g * ' £

* u

tr>- e ten lon . and lhat In other hlg Joh com a re u whet* higher freight n U i wi< wer* charged eom w u c ^ u e n t l y gue

iw ld taU ke” w ^ f S , « r u ear com made an excellent flrt. i«a]'

A lUong undertona In wheat and oau w u ascribed largely lo lym-

S f ^ t U t h a t C ^ 'S J u e « m e n "

totaling IW W O buiheb agalnit 3335/)00. Northweit advloei u ld ^ n in i had dcUred harveil opera- tlons, and tha t Ibe burU h Influence CA of the larg* domeiUo winter wheal crop bade fair to overoome by mea. gerneu ot iprlng wheat yleldi. OaU cri9 newi conUnued tinlavonble. ;

ProvUloni reflecled weakneu ot 17v hog values. to :

I muWlieat— Op«n High low Clo** *8epL___« U 50‘i *0'i 50KD el . - S J 64M- U 54H Mirch -M U MV MKMay .__58 SD Sg 59

CerTW . boiSep t.___4BU 50S 48 49U JDec. _ 4 9 « 40H 3«!i ^4#ii the


- 2 S S j % r \

iT txA co KAnoNAL lO AD p q a

T O U S T 13.1031.

■ T x e


= ------------- ......................................-March 0-41V 43S 41!i 434Miy------ 43Ji__445 i_43 ii_«Ji.

Oat*- 'Sept------ 23 3J?i 73 33H

J DK. ---- 2JK :4J» 23«Miy — 26 i 31 26U 36!i


WAest;No.3Trd50<« toSOficNo.l S haril SJc; No. 3 j-eUow h ird 49>4c;

No. 3 northern spring 51 He; No. 3 j mixed <}«i to 49\ e .

Com: N0.1 mUed MUe; No. l yel- 5 low 55 to Mlic; No-3 WhlU Sic,' O iu: No. 3 whlto 33 'i lo 3t),c.

Rye; No. 3 31>i to 33HC;Birlty 36 to 53c.Tlniolhy M to MJO. • • . C to'er«ed_ll0J0to|17. '


on Uick. nominal 28ttc « u polnu: When: No. 1 red 48’ic to 41c; No.

. 2 red « ’tc to 4fc.-

. Com: No 3 yellow 55o to 60e No.I 3 yellow 54e to SSc.0 0 »u: No. 3 white new 32c to He;

No. 3 white new 31c to 32c; old oaUJ J»c premium.( Seeds in wirehcuse; Unchanged.

g rORTUND ORAIN >. ^.PORTLAND, Aug. 11 (,1>-Wheat1 Tuliircscloied:September,oKl45?iC:• Seplember, new 47?»c; December » SOHc. Caih: Big Dend bluestem

Me; Mfi whlto. w'cetora white 46\je;# ha rt winter, northern spring, west­

ern red iljjc .Oau: No. 3 whiu 117. >

^ C ir reeelpu: Wheai 93, Hour 3,


. FILER. Aug. 13. (Special to The

. N cw )-A numbfj- o r m r naWr/jU ,, have enjoyed locUl aellvWes during ( the fu t week., CfisrJes finyder entertained a t tils , home Tuesdsy evening lor a number , Of }-oung friends. Following gamu.

I MU] .Irene Sharp entertained at I her home ne*r Filer FrWiy evening

with a niecly ananged pany. Alter * pleaunt- evening, refreshmenU

f were semd,' Mttdsmea L. K. Brown and O. J.

? f a c r x v s K i i ? i s; tato* of bridge, honoring Mrs. E.V.I Jciinion and Mn. Phlllp Van Meter,

Wichita. Kansu, who hive been gueiUofMn.Brown. FoUowlngsev.

' e n l g a o u of bridge, Tetrahaeou■ wer* served. Mn. E. j . pinch. Twin

FalU, TU an out-of-lown guest.J M ti f t A. Beem entertained for f<. young people a l a picnic supper on I her Uwn Tuetday evening.I Mbs Vera Onn enterUlned Wed-

1 i S S J S ' i S i S S K :1 day anniversary.


PAIRVIBW. Aug. 12 (SpecUl-to f ^ Newsj—Tho threihlng leaion is

in full swing in the F a l w l w ^ . munlty.

» Mlnthall. Pred Canon,•, Clyd* King and Esrl King a n oner-

. Mkkbh. Tom Park* and Jm W bsek tre putUng In low

; houn With Ihelr Uireahlng ouUlu.I « "•

OAHC€ — APACHtS-mOWA !i .^ fu a ie icM ir -•*miuip-Au,

T . ® i s e ? ^

s t / \ .

A 58f« ' M

---------'T J S r — =i n w . » ™ iin .

S S — -----------i r a j g r A f i

~ >

R l p ^ '

■ 'I f l" } - '

r e i c i i f l e p B i iI'AIRFIELO, Aug. 13 (SpecUl to

- 77i9 New«-77ifl vmua] Ojd witters'' I celebraUon wUl nol be held In P*lr-

field ihU year, bul a rodeo U being * planned tor next Sunday afternoon.

With Iho announcement of 0 . B. ' C«Jvln, l in t prlte winner * t ArJee, Montana, July 1 that hs will compete.

' Inlerest in the affair Is growing steadily, other well-known rUers have signified their intention of com- ptm t. And * string of spirited iicnu


WENDELL.AUg.l2ISpeclaltoTh» N ersl-Several Wendell- resldtnu

0 . nave cn/oyedvtslu with retidves andfrlmds during the l u i week,

c; MlaMiaJeKappel.Bt.PauJ,ai(/i- U neiota, U vbltlng *i the home of her

brolher, M. o . Kappel, and tamliy.Mr. and Mn. A. U Eaton and

daughier*. Amarel and Lorene, Los Angeles, «t^^cd Sunday erenlng (0 vbii rclauves here,

i l r . and M n. M. o . KappeJ' and l l daughter. Martha, and Mbs &llllie " Kippel. house guest, lell Tuesday

tospendalew dayionihenorthtorkof Wood river.

OeraW Price. Sfeli'M *nd ai/tord Welnberc, and Dwlghl Burk, are


•S PAIRVlEW! Aug. f2 (SpecUl to § Ths Newii-Mlsici Maty Anna and '

h j Other L w ra entertained the World ’ Wldj Guild glrU of tho Duhl Dap.Ust ehurch nt a lawn party Monday

'* ciwlng. A/tJf t uclil evening dalnly refreshmenU « r e len'cd.

_ n o mtellngs of the Cach Social J and LItjrory club have been changed

’ Irom allemoon to evening and will

“ Sunday of every month.

Z VISIT IN FILERF 05R , Aug. 13 (SptcUl 10 The

J Ncw8)-.Mr. and Mra. r. V. Sevy and ns .wo gnndd*ughlcn. Unglob, Ore- , t t wi^dTnrrMiUd-prlce.-Fyeewaier.— V. Or^on. wtre wetk-end gueiu of Mr. cr, ind Mn. p . c . Onve*.


NICE 4 ROOM MODERN HOME M Wllh all hardwood floon, nice

buaw n MWneU, cement bsse- ment. gange,' about U aer« Und

« with nloe garden, flowen and '>• a.'mibbery.onlorttJOO.'WlUigood


4 ROOM MODERN HOUSE With Urge sleeping porch, nice

;Si klUhen with buin-lns. Well local*M in Wuhlngton school Dlitrlct,

to only M150. 1150 tu h , moO JJ monthly. Pouesilon ijl once/

®‘ | 30 ACRES w r r a NICE IM- provemonU on paved road, close

f.' Jaw iU trade for smaller lereage ; , l or elty property. V

w e ItAVE FURNIBHED AND ^ unfurTilshed for rent.

BEAUalAniPiiADAMS It, m Bhothone Sooth Pboae J04

m ~ P U £ B L O $ -N A V ^ O S

‘AUO. 26-20 . ~


^ f ^ a r / ” . S r

* sa T i"n i I I

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A.M. Edition ' T H I VOL. 14 NO. 103 • ' IFTBIiKS BliEISESSi’ Speakers at Assembly

Fifnoor............ .. } u f M m g «

■ I (CooUnued

'8\T<OP8l8l . By pewlaf •» 8er e tiu n o r tt *nd rtfw lw ■ « w trt for • tieckUw rto *»!■> ^ h id ftttmd. J bmvII» D»»r» wit McUl ftcccpUsM frem Ui» oro« Mti. IkUU«. T hm by J t« n pit IH. who hsd »{oten tho aocklw UM hit tU irrtU fW m ijw »We»eT7 pUnt. »Vhm KU

UkM h tr (o ‘ho Cornu *l mlnilM wlU> N«* 0»Hew dHftrent from DItIHi *»tr bllnr heme. w h t« Erla UdtalU « ln !r UTl'’* K»Ulr, h id U m »w»y hfr wll in kU*«l hwl JuinlU do« 11, knaw (hat h fr ,eb»p«roM. «

- Man»t»» Cibrtw , in d DWIU m w lw her Ut nneovtr jood plic< tor r«bberie«, nor do the qnntloi or DlTlll'i wlU, Mollr. |l>e hrr hint o( (be Khcfflf. ~


When aiereau-canio dowu Ull ConclillA w u w uhlne the dls> aiUr a lute breakfut, having wall

----------- on‘MolI>’'a nai3 lrltt-h tr« ir~—^ "t Ull d«m you a n nol well." i r crooned. -1 think they will not k

ym on errands mebbe todny."That lulUd Oabreau. Ycry vi

Ha would not eat brw U ut. t drink tome coftcc. Then he w( out IntA Rendenu atreet. poul alonii Royal, enUrIng the #h whero he had taken the picture

— • be framed.. r ie m put down t cup ot blJ coKte u Oabreau enUrcd Irom t narrow atreet. But the dwarf, InUnt upon hU errand, only nodd » t the cheerful Kre«Uns from Pier

pleire h id rruny ttiln«s In I ahop btildo framei. l | : r e were (

'____earretf lo fu aad chain, w e a alamp* and clock*. braceleU-a broochet and rlnga whou hliUr went back for centurle»-hundr< ot Uilogt Uiat.eoulit be bought loi long.

Oabreau h id paused betore x ci of old weapon*, curiou* relic*, toi wllh- corroded blade* u d tem* U» hllU. Plerro cime orer to thi polnUflg out U» beautle* ef in < KimlUr.

IU tliln’ Iteel curve w u Irldi « n l Uinagh U » nai, Ptcn face n flecud hU tnthualum oi J t-b u t evidently Oabreau w u r tnureaud.

But Oibreau knew what ha h coma to buy - th# dtrk with t (mooth *harp blade and the han< that fitted anugly into the hand.

Pierre nodded, taking It from t

-TeU you’ mUtreu." be u ld , h a n tnudder Uble like de Ut’ m wood one the buy. I be pleaM' a eome and aee hlm.“

, Oabreiu took hi* parcel, fluV down Um price and went out.A “No* you be keerful, bebb} T ' Oonchiu crooned that night *y ' hare not e*t.’ you hare not *l:

You hav* not de itnngt lo 80-wl Umberto. Tou mui’ let him do n tk . You let hlra Uk da ehanoe*.

Oabrvau heard. When Conehl lu d gone, dovn lU ln he remor

, ■' tho ■dirk from lU place behind t framed picture. ar>d thruat It In i belt. From tha armolre hs Uok'i old bUek uU hel, plaeed a wrapp parcel wlUiin It and went down t italr.

Ue knew wbere ledbeUer llred in the cieat bachelor apartmen

• in tho d a jt before MoUy had tum the dire Into the Parlor* he h

■ ■ ~ carried certain poroeU to thto hou paroett <lmUor to the one l u « rled now. The bottle* In UiU pan were empty, but they would *er Tho door man would no doubt t member him. People alwaya remei

. bered him.Oabreau, arriving a t tho apu

menu, w u told Uiat Mr. Udbett v u not in. “Ho VlU be In laUr

-Otbretu laid.Ths door majt did not dUpuU Ui

Ee appeared to dlnne Uie nature Oabreau'* errand, u ld to the el valor boy. T ak e thU up and p It In Mr. LedbetUr'* apartment- B Oabreau vould not turrender t MUtM). The door n m ilgnaled hi to go <9 with I t

Tho eterator boy knocked a t Le< bettor** nom*. and pre*enUy ui locked the door. swlUhed on tl light, walUng while Oabreau wc tn and w t a botUe on the tab ■I'Te (0^ Uk ono on-de next' flo Mid Otbreao, his hand on Uie laU

' F ire Sweeps

SHOW N A B O V E IS A FO R / T ea k e t tle 'm o u n ta in in I

* J lo n tan a . D ried by moni■- • th ro u g h v a s t tim berlan i

W a a h in g tp n .- W Photo


•d from lu t luue) — —

len- of the door. He hlmielf turned r f the light, doted the door. Ho ci r te Into (he hill. ‘ I walk down, ■ tla* Itld. Tlic elevitor btll v is rlngl ner, and tlie boy lett him.OU- otbtcnu lUtUd up the

am e dov.-n„ w Ued baek lo h beHer-1 door. I t opened a t h li tou Ke rtlfued the litch again, w Inaftrt tlojfd thedoof.-lurnedon! H it llsht of a tingle aconec.

• He hnd never leen luch ft PH [ r . RIclmcu of will* and hangings,

lamps ond palnUiig*. tUfona i deep chain. Oibreau stole act the run . opened Uio door upor

,h ‘ bedroom wllh cioopUd bed i i * mirrored bsUi beyond. OppoUU

bed hung a.palnUng, Venu* red Iiu; amid velvet. Oabreau couW_ (he while body dimly, by ths 11. from tho adjoining room. Above w u a thaded globe. Oabreau pres a button.. Tbe Ught came on,

Voluptuouily beauUful, iangu , , oiu dirk . . E>-es a#, d I*'™- M-lho*o of. hU Madonna . . . . , I I®?" thli man think . . . Had he boui

thin M he - Oabreau — had lOTi

* •!'« Oabreau caught tight of hlmiIn one of the mirror*. He twU

„ nway from the llvId reflection, lU ing iharply a t a lound from the h Quickly he turned on Uie *eoi m d Uie light above tbo picture. walUd In tha dark of the bedro while tho big clock on the mar

f» itruck tert.'^ He had hoped Uitt he -would t

LedbetUr a t home tn d tlone, U t teeing the uUhel and,thinking• J i conUnU a gift, LedbetUr would i <“>«> mit him and eloio the d o o r. . .

hsd been too much to hope I I hi* Thing* didn't hippen tha t wayv » him - Oibreau. But he could n

Ho w u uied to walling.-end *-Th«-»ound"dled-doTO-the-h orle* Oabreau brought* ehalr Into 'i Iredi r « , j | behind Uie door, and for a LedbeUer had gone to »o

teitlvlty: he vould bo lato m c“ « Perhapa ho would not be home

•one two or Uwo o'clock.>* ‘n The Uwught mtde Oabreau n 'him. vou*. At eleven he began to p: 1 old the room*. Dace he lay dovn

the bed, but even In the dtrk Idet- tould *ee tba while outline ot ’nt-t ncambent Vtnui. feel her. di <>*'<’' eycC He went back to hU chair I not hind the door.^ ^ Tvo o'clo:!: came. Three. Oabr* n*d u t \ ti7 Sllll until Uw dawn bet

1 tt)* to grty the' wUidov*, to *Ut 1: indU Um room. Ull the street nolu* i I'd. the noise* of the house told 1 I U>« that UdbetUr vould not coi

Fury greater thin Uw fury tha t 1 1- “I brought him thera poue**ed h ro»* Ho began to ring open drawer* ' sho Uio table, Um buretu. But drav

tbat opened to eully did not Int lung d t him. and many of tbese v

emply. OUier* contained only i •byr parel, belonging* to auggeiUve *you their owner that Oabreau’s rage slip. c re*sedatslghtotthem .lthem ii v lth llnd soma locked dravtr—: .0 ie There vunone. A ppuentlyU ca.” better poueaied no trauure*. :h iu ticuure* except Uie Uilng* U oved were 00 Um v»U*, about Uie rooc . Uie G abretuleyefeltonaK ubltndai \ nls ing girl la bUck marble, a sl t tn Tantgra va ie . . . . Theso v e ‘i pped predou*, he kaev, but ha could i1 Um Uko them awty. He lolght imt

U>em In UtUa blU to strev the flo 'Cd- The v*u u t on a desk In tbo aht enu. ovt by Um txd - an'old eaerlto med wlUi draweti . Otbrem went o' h td to I t

oux, The drawcn vere locked. C c s r ' breiu Mugtied, drev i ring ol iu orcel from hb p o ^ t There v u no erve. that fitUd Uie lock, but Oobrea i re> hand* vere strong. A key lum lem* relenlleuly In hU grip. The Ic

broke . . . Paper*. NoUilng but i » r t- pet* la any ot tbe drawer*. Oabrei etter in bU rage, threw Um papen on I K r r floor,

Ha lUried. Somethlos among I UiU. piper* htd ftUea betvUy, A can re ot stndol-vooil box U ut looked llk< ele< ieirel case. Men did.not have Je< put cue* to ( t r u Oibrvtu h u (

’ But terved, but he eould believe any d hU crepance ot LedbetUr, The box a

b ln w u iMkod. Otbretu.vlUi a im . dropped’lt loto the UUhel. put

U i- tho botUe* vlth vhlch be bad cot un* HU eys fell on the painting Uio Uio bed t foot, Um paloUng

Rent teemed to tee In tbe dark.': rtle. mounted a chair, drev the' dl do'.-' from bit. belt He vould t lu b l lU h thing to ribbons . . . Otbretu dr

s W e s t e r n F o r e s t

J ' ■

(REST f lr W a f f in ; up tR e s id e ( I th e F la th e ad na tio n a l f o n a t < n th s o f ,d ro u g h t f irea h av e awej nd a reaa In M ontana, Id ah o an to.


--------- • lo w w>K v T A m o -nff tMlH HE

WIBON -Uu6W i.6U N iP_ltilB___

J& g iS ,He PlCHEt> k QUkRREt* •

, tUlr, MWH V4C10 U d- ’’TO ANb * touch. ,HMJ ’THW a r i both n. went W >MNio n the ----------

a place. “ ‘T iT R R itii 'WiHb« \ ings. ol Tow NWKR vat'ti I* and '«HM , actott W k*fr W FO RE- UDOn a HB »AU6«Eb AT

• UMtOt «UA VMEM MS 2 t o ^ . C.tfT «*WWT Of HIW-

= = = = = =

T I E TABLES8(hedalet of ru ten g tr TnOnt ti

jI I u k : su ie r D«ue,P«ilng Through TW

'OIIEGON 8H0BT MN* , !^ u „ Eulbeund

Train84 Iftvei________SilOP.lBUUI

iiM And Train U leaves ________11;<}A.:'m inlSJletve*________aiJ5P.;

kl'ng II* WELLS DBANCnluld Id- SoBthboBad. . . I t TTifn iW leirei - IiMP.J

ope for. . NetibbouidVyvlth TValnS«ariiet________'SiMP.ltd v a lt tjjfiON ^(:m ^B T A Q E 8

ia-bil1. Arrive----- ----------------- 10:08a.::to Uie -------iQ-iftA 'md u t Arrive.It— — — — W :«P.;to tome Leave I t _____________ l:OOP.:to now. Arrive I t __________ :_ n :8 S P .me IIU L e tv e tt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 :S 0 A .:

A n lw i t____________ lOilflA.:.^ P * “ Leaveat------------- --------10;Wa.

S Anlve I t ------------------- 5 :« p .^ ------------------- 0:iop.:

. . ...X A rriveat____________ 11:«P.liP K“* The eulbound iltga trrlvlng t t

i .h . . . , , A. M. tnd Uia vetUwund lUge lea Inf »t «1W P. M. travel by way


S ^ h ia t ? i \ T ----------------------- *a;oop;twer* of lU tum .............. 6:S0P.draver* TWIN FALL8-1VELL8t Inter- Leave........ - ---------3;)0P.u were Arrive----------------------- : 1:18 P.rnly ap-lUve ot :rage In- back bU horul. t sound In hla tbrt e might' The fletb i u too betuUtuL T . , "> dark eye* looted a t him. "

ayU d- He puUed Um chair avay, to •e*. No hU uUheL Quickly . he we gt U ut Uirough Uie ouUr door u d doi room*, tbe (talr.

ndane* CooehlU v u avake u d vaU a dim Ing, for be w u UU. He nade

V e 'r * reply to her eager murmur, b uld not flung the bag Into Uit cloeet, u . *maah dretied u d got Into bed. I t v u e le floor, until UUr In the day, wben ahe w e ahad- alooe, U ut Conchiu got oul Uie b oltolre and opened I t i t contained-emi it over bottle* u d a carved wooden b

U ut b id been opened tnd intpp 1 Ot> togeUier tg tln - Jtggedly, u if ol luri tanr. n iera c m only tom ptpt u none lo Um box, tmtll.lroiT'Cotored p ibreau’s pen Uut^he could not retd, lumed . 'D lt , ditblo, Umberto,” i:

he lock growled. "He t n t t my Otbretu n but p t- v u a e n r ’ tlme." tbreiu, (Copyright Dodd. Mead and Oo. L on tbo —

•(Co&Unued lo next Issue)

lilB M M lT O11 m m m maim lle * .

BCBUy, Aug. « » f « w to T d come. H evi)-l4mb* vUI go Into Uu /e

lou here tpproxteitUly Uiree mont ‘' w . " sooner Uun uiu tl ,uuez i> e rlm e

conditioning f t t Umba for t w . S m trte t to be carried out by U n d u

JenieovhohtvebeenfttUnlngUv uorew Itock here for mtay yttr*. n » f l i-------- lot ot 4000 Umbe wlU go lato t

Burley feed mjUi'feeding loU Augt

i l i u a Itmbs vUl be fed alfti — a metl, by-product moUi»* from I r augtr Itctory, tnd barley. I t U e 3 a | - jiaetM -tB iniify-viU -brTrat-ta B M prime m uket condlUos In tlou M h Uka tdrU Uge of Ull bulge In t — n trk e t lAlcb um lly Itkea pU ■ E betveen tho Ume range lamb ihl H | menu fill otf and before Ute u n

run of fed Umbt arrive. .UUbeUevedthatbeUerudqulcl

e r galna can b« obUlncd In teed Ic tban on paiture In Uie fltVU, at Uiat tbe lou by death vUI not b l . beavy. Lov price* of grain* and tl

■ ..'JU S T K ID S .. . .

^ 1 0 0 M JH T H IN K f

9 ^ 1

Bn Wde of« t o f ' M < s ^ 4 E E s

r . s


i f "

lint and • _____________[hTwIn = ^ = - =


p e r in s e r t i o n

A U ffaatA diaU veaadartlfeud - th ty btlflg (bl bayer.

n o D e aMP.Sr. ' , —- ■

M p .u . • F o r S a le— F u m ltu re .

ronNITUnE POR SALE OHEAP.e • E. Douglu. Kimberly.__________

io a!m ! punN m m B n e w a nd u s e d a*«p .M . lowut price*. Be rtBveet Fumltun

•MPJd ELECTOIC SAVAOE WABHEl ^ e v a ty l i for M0J)0. Sweet'* Faral

;lflA.«. OOLD SEAL ROQS WEAR LONO :WA.U. erandcoitnom dre.llM aw eckt

SjeetX ____________. .

;4Sp1m! u sed FO RNrnm s - toroK Ei iJBP.M. c*W«U.ftow,fabte*; Chtlr*. rug ng t l 10 tnd davenporu priced to teu. Moon' ge letv- Paint and FunUlur* Store.-,, way o t ----------

' dry oorulllloa of ouUlde rtnge* con ,VK tribuU the probtbUlly ot tuooeu 1 OOA.M. this feeding experiment Tho dr •JOA.M. rtnsEj are forcing tU Itock to eom 'DO P M. to U» culUvated fleldt much (trU( 'SOPM than usual, making all kind* of pu S l)irtge In beUer demand than b gen :10 P.M. erally Uie cue.IHP.M. ■ .

Real E sta te T r a n s f e r s , .uL Tho ------------------------

ly (00k remlibedbytbclBUniMQalata'I went n iU Qaarasty CeDpaoy ..d dovn • •

. . T0K9DAY,AUa08Tn 'Si“ h w am niy DW ime* Chamber* t-

Pay Cox. II. Lot 3, Blk 1, Terrac. ™ Park Pltee T. F.

“ • “ 5 Wamniy D.-RayB»nd Bro*-o \iie rT to y * J ' C o x - ‘O'” 'B lk «. HU'

t M ^ Legal A dverllsem en ls

n u S ? NOUCE o r coB B E cnoN o r

J O M A8.E..M ENI"■ noUm Is hereSy given that Un

« board ot dUeclon of the Amcrieii. . PtUs Retervolr DUtrlet did meet tr n Uie office ot Uie Dittrict t t TvU1 U FtUi, Idaho, on Uie Olh diy ot June

mirv Z i ' S S S t l i K SinLti i r r .s 'a s a . ’K 'J i S

t safety Fuod tn d defrtylng Uie ex- ! to 3lM penae of nalsUlolog tnd openUni i u /eed Uie property of the dUUIct Includlni monUis taliriei ot offieen tnd cmpIo)ee* erlment Um purehue of *upplle* and con' for Uifl Unuing a tytUmof record* urc<]ul^ Ind and ed by Uw: and that u ld utctsneni ngUv** VlU be tpretd upon tll Uie Undi iM fltrt ot Ull dlstrirt and vlll be proper- Bto th i tlon*U to Uie benetlU received b] : August u ld landt; Uiat said UM£unent wU

' • UieretfUt be ctrried out by Uie Sec- tlf tlfa retary of Uie American ftU t RMe^

rom the voir DUtrlet and enUred Into an ap- I U ex* proprUte column on Uie aaseuRieni int-tnto TtanrthrrlWrietrthatihe-boanl-ol tlou to directon ol Uu Aneriean FtUt Ru- r ln Usi errolr DlKrict vlll meet u t Botre t pUe« of Correction a t Uie office ot Uii b thlp- district a t Tvln Falls, Idafto, on a usual Tuetday. Seplember I t t in i . for the

purpote of making tueh cbug ti lo I quick* u u ttsexunent book to make ll con* eedloU tonntoUiefieU.tndUie«»c*unenl dl, u d levied u afottsald wUl Uiereupon be H bl to reviewed by Uio Board of Carreclloo u d the upon Uii re^uejt of any person In-


(G O S H jff i THC O rtW Mt / • Ahf ru . ■reu.




ONE * ’ '•V 'T R o^ 're i> s o -

'J \

Ads-Bai^ F o r S a le M lsoellaneous


HAY FOR SALB-lllMDELIVEned. Phene la tlJ. ___________

r. NEW LUJ.UIER <i MILE WEST O Hoipllal.I,S.AyotU.’

- J DRIVE BELT USED A SHOR' lime. Addretsnqxl9,Buhl.Idth(

— IPVOUCOULDJtAVEOOODflAT EAP.& drinking wtler. thaU vha t yo

want, Un't ItT SterlUo y iur cUUr--------- tnd-purify Uie-wtUr-wUb B.-K.-1I*EDAT «uonab!elncoitveTyeffecUviin mlture. txmiy nefded a t Uilt uaaon. Darro'

^ r » seed and Supply Co, Tvl

_ l^or S a lii -A u to m o b ile s

week a t FOR fiAt&^BRAND NEW CHEV rolet Coupe al a big discount Lln

--------- AutemobUeCo.TOKENt e F o r S a l e - S e e d s

B u E ~ T A 0 ~ G R 5 a 5 r « S 5 5___a u seed. Slate lealid tnd eerllfle<

- Twin FtUi Feed tnd Iee Oo, Tvlrucon- FiiifcIdtho.PhoneWh_________50(14 lo I

Help w a n te d


‘ “ reference*. CtU Mr. Wolf a t MS fc appointment. ■

- ^ 1 F o F s * a ¥ o 7 T i i t l iBrs — ............—

• SEVEN HOLSTEIN COWS, PORI — teed bull. D euvtl Milking ma Biata' chme. vUl tell or trade for theej ^ IraE .ro iU r.amlle*touUL

" I I ' J

' t ' U r ^ d . OtUd tbli tOtb d ty otJuU


3bento By order ot Uu Botrd ot Directon rerrtco (seaL)

AlUtt; J.R . BARKER, SecreUir. w n t o ByE.B.J0HN80N,J, H u - ............... A tiU lufSecntair.- —

______ NOTira-------- NoUco U hereby given Uiat a petl,4. . tlon v u /lie d vllh UwSotRl or DlIW reeton of Uw Americu FalU Reser-------- voir District on Uie 8Ui day of AOg

0 - Utt A. D. 1931, for Uie unextUon t" u ld liTlgttlon dUtricl Of tdM «n

The oame ot Uu petitioner a n d ' u t Uie ducripdonot Uie Unda menUoned l< ncriean lald peUtlon are u foUov*: neeta t KimiofpitllIoner:P«UrLlnlt , Tvln DetcripllonofludlocaUdlnTwl If June. PtUt Counlya u ttt- Southeut Quarter of Uu North dlslrict etttqutrUr<SENE).aDdthiSoulb itotln* veatquaru ro f Ull SouUieattQuar jeailog U r (SW SEI tll In Secllon Ona (II Ull ex* Tovnthlp Eleven (11) SouUi. Rang enung ElgbUen (11) E. S. M , and Lot Fir eluding (B) in SecUon Six («),Tovwh!pBUT ^Io)ee«, en (in.SouUi, RUge NlneUea (19 d con- E. B. M.requlr- NoUea 1* hereby further given U tfn en t a]lptnon*lnU ruU dln.orU utm t;I Und* baaffectad by, *ocb change of bouo jropor- dariu of Uis American FalU Reae ved by voir DUirict to appear at UwottlMO intwlU tb i Botrd ot Dlreeton of Uu Amerl tie Sec- c tn Ftll* Reienolr DUtrict. t t Un R ttot Office of tald Dlitrtet In Twin FallJ an ap- Idaho, on Tuetday Uie Ut d ty o iuiient SepUmber A. D. 1931, i t 10 o'docl

Jt Ru* to y Uuy htve, why Uu Itodt men Botrd Uoned ihould not be uncxed to Uu of Uu A nericuFtUiReservolrDUtrlttJib, on DtUct thii ilh <Ur cl Aagttil, Afor the D .m Ligei In J. H. BARKER, .II con* Secretary of Uw Botrd of Directon tunent of Uu Americin .FaUi RetetvoU ipon be oUUlet..rectloa (BEAL) By E. B. JOHNSON,uin In- AisUUnl Seerttu7<

B S '- e c w - V i ’M - a u R C - i 'o — | f v 3 ? A T / B E O EUSM TCO ^ atv MOUSE \ ------- U — # — : ^TCLL VUH }------- IM F Y U H / P

AV m V V.

• v n S --------------1 u W 2f y ■ ■ , c

j / I


j P S - T H E C U R S EE OF A N A C H l ,

. ' v | | ( ^\ AN6 'TO THIHK SMS WA

To e t MV V<lt*E-* l»i HE EVER KIS1

• H E U - I NEVER WA>I r V W E > » E R A b A lN - • ’X ANB IF DIOt

N0 - '« M 6N A'S.KEO H

_ _ V , y \ Yt WOULD WA B8EN ilMf*!.

• (I V , . ENOU&»


US F o r R e n t— Fum lshed

R 00U 8-U I 7TH NOR-nt PUONltVER- ML___________


ROOM AND BOARD CLOSE D4HORT gl8 3ndNorUi._______________

1 ^ ’ ROOM AND BOARD, eei 3ND AVISAFE NorUi. Phono 1476.........

ROOM AND OARAOE. 304 Elghtl k !.1U Phono ei«-W,

FHTE ROOM HOUSE PAR7U TVl^ fumUhed, Mt.OO. Phone 13M.

COOL HOOM FOR RENT M£l —— sleeping porch. Phone 47M.

® L - roU R ROOM FURNISHED KODSi ;h j V. laqulri 438 3rd Avenui E ti t . ;.Llnd 7TONI8HED ROOM FOR RENT- ____ Close Ul. 814 Second tvenue e u t

FOB B E N T -T W O -B O O iO a _ . • house. CtU t t 5 « Seccod tveou

■ALFA f« l;_______________ . •FOR RENT-LTOHT HOUSEKEEP

tag room*. OIcM In. pbon itta o------- calHM:nd Avenue NorUi.

POB RENT - OOOL SLEEPINC and light houaekeeplng room*. 10

300D 7Ui Ave. No. and Shoibooe S t Mn umUh Tex Furgenon. . .« for I - I . II ..........—

FOB RENT FURNISHED U O ir------- boutekeepUig apartmenU. Clot

tn. Lov raU* by veek or moaUi.Tb ____ Oxford. 438 Main North.________

•OR®* CAUFORNIA BO S TO N APT! ; ma* FuniUbed Modem ApartmenU

on* bloek No. Port Offlc*. . Phoo ■ J605. AtlracUve a u iw ir nU*.

= LONO'S AD-8-R00M. FURNMU tjuly, Cd houso tSS; e>room lumUhtr

tn-Se; s-room modim tSOHO; .8 room iriodera I35H0: 8-room bmu

r , ' 118.00. A. N. Long. Phone 503, xtor*. ; :___

"I'*. F o r S a le— R eal & la to

■----- F0R6ALE-FIVER001IM0DERI, houte, PPhona 1J78-J or «4g.'

m a - T n n a sR o o u a o a n -B ia p u K User* perch, UUi. garagi 178 toot lol AOg- tour room hou*e, garage: l l n room on to Ileeplng porch, baUi and gtrage. In

U e u t quira 1404 gih E u t

*od a '■ ' I

S i tu a t io n s W an te dJ t ---------------- ------------------------- --‘T*>“ M o tu * ' H u n aR . U A m i f m

HBnUg..Phoo* O T M. ..

! « “>• TfAMTED- T U ta t UUKDRl QW* or vork by hour. PheeieTU,

Range MAK AND WIFE WANT WORK 01 tF tra ftnn . RellabU. Boxll,OareN(vi

w i j j IK)UaEKEEP£R WANTS WOBI good home moro Uun big vtg ti

cn to WriU Box 17, Care of N m .eXPEBIENCED B A I ^ WANU

^ poslUon. M schul Prendergui Oeneral deUvery, TvUi TtU*. •

®ert* LADY WANTS POSITION AJ Lt the houiekeeper v llh girl Un ye tn old

Dox 313, W er. Phone 45J8, Filer.ty of S - . - ............. •I’clock WANTED— TRACTOR- REPAIT

men* Deering and other oukea.' Price, lo Uu right A. L. Halne*. Phone 238, Joho< i t. ton Oarage next to Fir* SUUon.4t, ^

K M . , ' . i- im

LOffr^UNDAY OK OR NEAI Kimberly Road. Caovt# IV p

U7. Phone 351R4.

I WCU.--THE->WACdf4sTAcrrs *nfiOUSH t h e i n o a n

- COUNTRV A N 'IH E OLD SCOUT SM OLS INDIANS. S O ' * m 5 Y 4n r r t h s b w a g o n s i n . aC l Q o e A N ' dU R E ENOUGH Rienr l p com cs b i s c h i e f j VJRlNKLC CHSHftSN WITH H S BRAVC3 AN» j e s WHEN ^ CVT?/BOCrV EXPECTS TD , s r r SCALPED-W 4’ KILLED /

U P COMES -mE.ff/


la , AUGUST 13,1031.


{ I N G H E A R T .

' ^ 1i WA® liJ ■. •E - 1 / ^ . U Y 'm u i t & ' (

DIDN’T - .] vg6°MVJORO

IMEN I 'I \ . I W;0 H E R - /f. \ t>WE> WAVff j l \M fil.5 / ' l l 0 U 6 H > J m

■Qppord W a n te d -M lsc e lla n e o u

W Aim D -POtn,TltY .H .aH D ’HONE ir. Phone W3W.__________

—= r, MAH AHD WIFE WANT PASS0 8TH to Spokane. Phom 193.

WANTBD-TBAKSPORTA’l SE IN. E u t Two partle*. Phone 1B341

r r r r ^ k ted - u s E o “ m K S ) AVE. c u h or trade. Phone 1»8,


WANTED-A,THODSAKD SB — -for_our.pa*ture^‘:rae_M*ry^IRTIY •________________'• PAfiSENOERS TO OHIOA

F ln t veek Ul Sepumber. WtlU IJ, Ctre New*.

:SmE. WANTSD-HEAVY BREED E it: f tf Saturday, August 18. JOo _ ^ doien. iU yu Hl*arada Hatcher

W A N liS-T ^T R A D E YOT l-------- fumllure toi your old furalOMED Phooe l Uooo't Paint tad Flweoue luri'BMc*._________________------- W A N TED - PABSENOERKEEP* th in expente* on trtp to Ctl 838 or nU, good eloKd c tr letvlag Fr

Jett oeorge, WaU‘« camp. SUUi

5 S 51M.107

For Salo-Fnilts,'VenetUUOHT TOB SALE - lA ittY APPU*

0 ^ mUe* e u t on Kimberly Hold.

' PEAOHEB-HOMS CROWN A-------- c«nU per erato a t Uu fruit jAPTB. veiteD dofM alnBtF lU r.

uninta, .......................Phooe APBICOTB IIXO AND 11.80

1. ' buibel.Sm lluweitonHlgbv ^ S o u U ,U E u tH .A .B v tb ..

nUhed PIOKUNO CUOVMOERS N: .8- u l l H mUi norUi » mlia1 houu W«*htogtea School. J . W. O vt

SUMMER APPLES NOW RE attbotli.W onaeottorebtrdi

. mUet e u t of elty e s Klmbnlr IIO tnd ooe-holf louUt.

g " For Renl-UnfunililieHOUSES A m STORE FOR Rl

nwnil Q«tKrtH««igtttU. ge. IQ. h o u se FOR RENT-OAXIi 411

Avenui West or .Pbona 1838.

= FOUR r o o m BOUSE, BLEEP j ^ c h . gtrtge. Inqnlri 1404

w n F or S a le -U v e s to o k

5 5 5 5 TEAM OF H0RS8S AND M 57*** <rtgoa.Can797Vy.

SIX WEEKS OLD PIOS SEE i ^ F. NeUoa. Htceltoa. Idtho

FOB SALE-}} FEEDER PI06 mlle*&E.SugtrFtetorTRo»


FOR BALE - 10 BLACKF. t e n i t . Butk* tooi oondlUon for ftn

vice. Phene im ., ' ,. .J— 71 PUREBRED , HAMPSHIR8 I InSa lim btandyearUnponimOtn

otFlvcPoUiU.D.R.CaUiro. .

S T S PURE BRED HAMPSHIRE BUC ImporUd tire. Oeo. a . Bra-

' S T O n n 38M3ntt-NorUi Fire Po John- p a r t i e s IIAVINOFEH) AND*

sirini to teed blackface Umbi * _____ do veil to wrfU EU WeUi, R 2, ^

— rsiu . • • .

lUVE A LDdlTED. HUMBER ftedtog Itmbt to put out oa i

NEAR tpr«td.6epUm»erdeUvery.fl*iJ IV p Pence.Phoneai4Buhl.orE.O,T

ren. Phone an.'Surley.

■ . T H E I

I AN' M O M -B1 MY H D

o u t a m v p n w c e Y (



.lYTW MARV 60LDJ tH A C fIR t— _ \^ u t W A I .T H e o N e -E W^ 6 --------------JW HAPPY WE WERE — '



ftunities^ n DCPTflDV !!:!: iiLulUmrATIONutw ,

. P ro le ttio n aJ

■ A tr O B N E T B '^ ''" ^

0 , g B a B ^ Olof Boot B>w

ioB N t t . a iA U A M -u v n r, ^ , M m il niiMijii. m a . n n

m u BOX sw E E unr a stteblbt - u * oniM Moofaao BuUdlng.

B u s in w i . ’;heiT, - - - - ------------ ■ - i ■! -I ■ -11— 11- riUMBPlO

K S i i o i o nvM BiNO * B u a m C O -eho* Boon aod Bbopt.-»

e u t -Pboo* w . 7 ^ . -

BA LLA Nm n; PL O M B IN Q I CtlUor- Ofc-Bhart Metal rtem■ jrtdtv. FOP huttog tnuble*. Dbaa* m-W r-

“ *"■ m m m m . ' .____ U!. A®TO W8URANCE-AP «enr*gM

FoUerRetlBUaU. P h o B in i

iltum'LES IK i m r a o u T & u m m T s T ^|d-___ _ A O B ^ O a ititg i b u M diUj


r.A.BOW AIl-Palalln«,ptpirtuat' io PER tog U d W 't tb aNIb « r t i S r ^ “ i5 w ”

•— , m S IO T B A rain ^ ^

Ua c u t, U B m t . FRANCIS-AccredM>gtn.> Tloltnmeaef. FbotuB tU l •

RSADY - 8B0iUPA niIN a<~. .<ird Uitm TWIN FALLS BnOBREFAlRIKO- a l ; » t d Lidle* floe vork, to iu aUtebed 00

^ o t t and flexlbUlty. l » Sbofbm

; , ^ . - r : L o i r a

FARM LOANB-SWat * .0 0 . ;;

MONEY FOR MOnTOAOBBCmr. 411 IBO . tlon, p. 0 . B « 7», Twin PiOgU. • - Trf«hf>,

MONEY FOR ffniAU H T LOAM ™ on modem boust* ID Twin PillB


OK aoddeitnbU f tm loan. 2 thlnlc Jl — Uu b u t ram lo u prepodUea am

MILS otftrvd on Um Tvto Fallt tract, H will pty you to iee mi befon pltdo i

r r r : s m r io ta a a. Robln.oa.

M lseenaneoiU :[06 mi« ld .T . IF YOU COULD FIND a WAY TO

Uii dudtUon* thorougbly, qulckli--------- tnd cbeiply-tlw to cure Uu*e y<]>KFAOE lov ltte*_w btt vould you Bty? W< I tn ie r- htv* found avay-com e In tn d tik

ut. Otrrov Bros, Seed and Bupplj — . CO,TwloF«U^

F o r R e n t - F a r m s .

BUCKS, 3*A0RE IRACT 0L06B IN. PART D r a ^ , Ul puhire. S-room houu and ban. I PoloU.- Inquirt-WHtd-Wetl. - ............. -

F o rS a le — D o ^

RED UUSH s s r n n l w _____ ttU . 14a7U iA ve.Eut

I 'g r 5 a l» - P o i i l l r y '

a war* FOR SALE'TJRiaSZD FAT BEKS.; 'WIU deUv& PAone UOeJt

= s s = ^ s = = s = s


■ BCrtM p > n

' Pat:e Nfni

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A.M. Edition ' T H I VOL. 14 NO. 103 • ' IFTBIiKS BliEISESSi’ Speakers at Assembly

I ;[The

ry FirntcBstdisapi

I r v ,! Mai.^ D R Y 6 0

i ■ Munsing UndeI' m ; tadlea* Brassiere Top C t k •, Ladlw Panties, U dicV C I I ' la r vaiucslo ¥1.08. SpccJa!

Ir :; ^ Rayon UrJ L td lM ’ Rnyon Slips. Hiss*

H y odds aBd ends. Clcani

I fa ll a t ^ . R egular valucs

!:[ . y Ladies’ Ga. 3 ■ H igh j r a d o bcIU. AH m

' f l to 98c. Choice

V .Sanitary,: 5 . N ever b e fo re have you f

I 4 va lues to 40c. CHoIco

' i ,_ 5 ...............■

!~S Summer SheerI 9 Flnail cleanup o f a ll aumm

|. J d im ity . Sw U ses. A ll f ir a t

J ■ te rn s . R e iu la r va lues to 2


^ Scrim Ciliff1^ n n e .n e s h Celanase. e lthe t

W G uaran teed f a s t colors. RI . ' . ‘ 4 ™

Printed CelanaI V O u r refful&r 6Qc values. A

1 ; T h is a sso rtm en t is a ll la t

‘ p rice . Y ard

■I ^ AllSilkSha[ ^ G enuine Im ported Shonti

' % shades. R egu la r Values to ]

I ^GuaranteedSilv

. 9 A eoR>p!et« a sso rtm en t ot J M t a e s U v e r w c a r a t a b l j

' J . te rn s . Cholca

j> ‘ Bath I1 k -Y on can a ffo rd w v cra l o f

lo r p u t n i a r 'y o S T B O i c n J

/ J > E ac h T “S ■

IL -^

Pagn T a i ‘ '■



ipcars, and makes these I

the big in Floor)ODS DEPTlerw'ear Special. 49cCom bination, L adies' Bioomcrsi

Gow ns, b lis ses ' i 'a ja iiius. Rcru-

lal -

49 cinderwear, 29cses’ C om binations. All irood qi^l*

jiu p to m a k o ~ ro o m 'fo ro u r ncw

s to 11.08. Choice

29carter Belts, 25cjod f i r s t qufility . Regular t’sluca

25c - —y Aprons, 15cfound such a ba rga in . Regular

15crl!ooair4?ds749c~m er sh e e r soods. V oiles, batiste ,

i t quality a n d la te aum m er pat-

2Dc yd . Cleanup' p r ic o '

fds. 49c-

^ons,4Yds.98ce r pH n t o r plain. 3fi inches tcide.

R egular 89c yd. C lean up prico

’dl. 98clase Voiles, 39c Yd.All a ro g u a ra n tee d f a s t colors,

ate sum m er p a tte rn s . Clean up

, 3 9 c

antung,79cYd.itunsr Silk , ^ t e d and plain

5 11.98 yd . Clean up price, yard

79cverwear,12!4cEachit th is hlffh g rad e 20*ycsr guar-

g reduction . A ll s ty le s and pat-


Mats, 19c -of t h u e f c r v o u r b a th room or,

J aliilc G « d size, b c a ^ quality.

19c.w w w a K r i M a

) A Y , S AAugujsl 14

ll S u n

ko D<se three days fake on a H:

3 READ i

All white . kid PUI

T g,

zThink Q( It. QtuUly thou

eltin up one hiK

.. I10.CI0 »hMt(o r________________tSJO thoci

. f o r ^ _ ------------- :------------' MAO ihoein e w - ----- f,»r---------------------------------

t4S5 (hoea 'fo r ---------------- ---------------»3,PS ihMstor------------------ ;-------------

M ain H m

See T hem on thlues

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MORETH ide. C H (rico T h ey a re sm a r t, y

T hoy a ro so a ttrac i o ra l a t th is rem arki

PATTE]A gorgQOjiB a rroy U ons in cool sh e e r i lin ens .A ll sizes in

u p B2. Flare.% p leats ,tecs.


M o r e S p e cC hildren’s b lu e ' denim red

^ one b u tto n ove r shoulder su its . A go 1 to 6. R egu- n l a r s ’a iaeS O c , f o r ' - - *

, 'P oys ' K h a k i Longlea. Age h 12. R e g u la r va lue P

,a r- ------------------------ ^Boys' K h a k i L ongles. A ge 16. R e g u la r nvalues 98c, f o r --------• . *

All B oys', C h lld ren’a a i d k B a th in g S u I U - L E S S 2h%

M en's T en n is Shoes. ^VhIlt sun ta n . S izes 61,^ to I I . f i

Of V alue to $1.19, f o r ____ 0

I t T --------------— ------------------

I d a l u


. 1

A T U R D i

I4l;h - A ugust

n m e rA T T

^epari Happy Bargain Carnival i

L E V E m M T E N

i t e a n d L i g h t 5

U M P S n o w

g d a t ^

" P r i e f ^ "

ihoc( nUo Id u t tiylci In the ilntl

t hiK prict (his m » n ^

....... : - y S5.0Q V_________ $4.25

_ = ^ S 3 . 2 5 - ™ • ' • '^ S2.45

$1.95Floor Shoe D ept.

)n th r D isp la y Counter


>use F r o (

rhe Economy iBasement

5 98cTHAN 20 STYLES TO:h o o s e f r o mr t , you th fu l a n d d e ligh tfu lly cool, ^tractive you will w a n t to buy aev- • iwrkablo low price.

TERNS ALL NEWray o f fa sc in a tin g color com blna. e e r p rin te d law ns a n d n a tu ra l color J in naw long le n g th s . Sizes 14 to a ts , coat e ffec ts , deep yokes, ves .

ecials F r o m th ered t r im T w o rac k s of I h d

ilder n lay pum ps and oxfords. . rkn^' p a te n t le a th e rs . M ill"25cA ge 6 to Ono lo t o f C hlldren’i

S anda ls . S ire 51,^ to I O y C ' C lean up p r i c e — —.

1 ‘if I d n e c oun ter o f dishes, A ge to ■ novelties— PR

7 f l C C h ild ren 's k n it union I up top , t ig h t and I

id j l i u e s ’ 2 to 12. V alues2 5 'c . “ P ______ _in .n J 24 W os G arden Hal V h lto a n d

i« Q y » band , edges bound. '_ O a t V alue 29c, C lean U p .

t o D e n a r T ^

B M X z i e e e M M


»AYandis( ISth - Aug

“G e t .T H E

rimeri al aspect New Fall merch;

E M - T H E N C

50 Pairs Men Grade

OXFOF“ a t —

$ 3 . 8 iMen, he re is a n o p p o r tin il ti .to st th is lot ore Hamples< V alucs to \

- T an .-U acJL aniLsport oxfoi

Clean up at, pa

$3.85M ain F loo r Shoe Dc


»ck Spec------------ :----------------- r ^ 7 ------

» o i. ' aev-

in a . / / k J

olor / h%J tO / / /1 1 1k-es. JR M |1

lie Economy Ba:i h d i e s ' s tr a p 28 G irls ' Drc

fords. K id nnd s tra w , bound i

™ 'K n o„ 3 ) 1 . 9 0 O C M U P---dren’s B a re fo o t 12 p a ir. Men'j t o l l . 7 Q o Boots. Sizes' ]

?2.98. C lean UIshcs, g la ssw are P a i r ..................

\ B Ilf W n U d Silk. S

a lu es i Solid color sii-------^ I t ' t Yt to > 8 •I H a ts , p w n u t y d s . _________



m o , tllU nS D A Y MOnNlKC, AUt

JMOHIigusi 17th

away"n tS f:chandisc is crowding in a


>n’sH igh

RDS~ ~A” ln 'g c------------------------ ------------ |5 .0 0 ._ l

( 5 Pair---------------------- F o r yoi

;o save— m ost all of to $6.00. Sizes 6 '/ j, ixfords.________________ _________

pair, T ivo pa\ m en ’s li

?2 .98 . T

I Dep'l.

1 lo t o fA f l s t r ip e nicial

i ^ \- . - -O n e sizfl

s ilk pon

/I T - A a v _____ Bmnll lot

1 ^ ^ I I

aI ^ ^ I One ^ ^ AH

-------- S m all si11 .49 an<

asemenl;Dre.1.1 H a ts . P e a n u t OlieS

,nd edge, black ribbon W ool

__ 29cH en’s S h o r t R ubber -e s 'lO , 11, 12. V alue O nel

S l Oft M a d e w i.................. tw ill m at

k. S h o rt O Q / *yd .p c .._ ____

!• silk s h o r t leng ths. '

J __ 29c 15__ 39c

M 12B e ie e e a c e M S M e

r .

AUGUST 13,1331. ■'


lo f Itorein and we need all the n

For Men anc in the

MEN’S ST65DressStraff

in rg cT 'e rce n t's a iio r'ish ap e s .-R e i 00,-T o-c lcan .up------------------ ------

$ 1 .0 0

17 Only Sleeveless !r young men. Bradley m ake. Slz ce $1.08 and $2.48.

$1.49Golf Knicke

0 p a ir size 30, two size 32, one n’s ligh t cream oil linen go lf kn i ]8. To clean up '

$1.98Flannel Trous

»t o f young m en’s p lain, w h ite a pe flannel trousers. R egular pn'ci ;n up

$3.98Pure Silk Pongee

sizG-14i four.'158,-.six-lB>^s, on« pongee sh ir ts . C ollar attached

11 lo t ____________ ; .


TrousersR egular p rices up to $ 3 .98 .'

$1.98Children’s Hats ar

it o f children’s w hite a n d fancy n up. V alues 49c to $1.98.

25c»ne Lot of Children’s I AUWoolandPartWoiill sizes , coat and. pull ove r s ty 9 a n d f l.9 8 . To clean up

79c18 Small I^ t of Boys’(Vool and linen. A ges 8 to 11. V a

49cleLotof Boys’WhiteLe w ith w ide w a is t band. E htstic1 m a teria l in ages 6 to 14. Reg, Oi

79c15 Only, Visors or Ej

A djustab le , r eg u la r 25c. T<

• 10c— T O -C L I^ H m W B r ' CHItDIffiN’S W ^S I We Will Give 25% W fB (

. 1 •

- 4I9IL!■; 1

room possible,' J

id Beys ^

TORE ^wHats . Ij[legular^prlces=$1 .98 ito=

s Sweaters Js iz e 36 io 4 0 .,R c g u la r J _

------ -I-jers Sne .83, nne 34, one 40, 9 knickera. R eg u la r p rice 1

Iusers J 's and b lack and brov.'n ‘W rices $4/J8 to fS.05. To ^

■ IseShirtf kone 16,.-tw o,16*A p u re . -------ted. To dean up th is k

Ifoung Men’s c ■s . 5 . . . .

and Caps ■ __icy h a ts a n d caps. To k

ooi Sweaters 5Style. B e g , p rices 98c, ' W

’GolfKnickers ySV alues u p to $1.98. J

V 5LongTrousers Sic i n s e r t Good q u a lity 1 . 08c. T o clean up ^

Eye Shades ||T o c lean tip k

. I-----------^

SHSUITS S 'Hegnlar Price j J