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Page 1: Overthrow  Chapters

Overthrow Chapters• Hawaii• Cuba• Nicaragua• Philippines• Iran • Guatemala• Viet Nam• Chile• Grenada• Puerto Rico

• Panama (Noriega, Canal)

• Iraq• (Not in Overthrow):• Haiti• Dominican Republic

(Multiple Times)• Mexican Revolution

(Wilson)• Brazil (Goulart Coup)

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World Civilizations

From the 16th Century

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• Humanism• Thomas More, Utopia • Erasmus• Machiavelli, The Prince (1516)• Magna Carta (1215)• Tsar (Czar)

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European States

• 30 Year’s War 1618-1648

• “Holy Roman Empire”• Treaty of Westphalia

1648• Jean Bodin• Cardinal Richelieu

1585-1648• Royal Absolutism

• Intendents• Cardinal Mazarin• Louis XIV 1643-1715• “Divine Right of

Kings”• War of the Spanish

Succession 1700-1713

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• Bourbons• Stuarts• James I (r. 1603-

1625)• Parliament• Puritans• Oliver Cromwell• Charles I (r. 1625-

1685)• “Glorious Revolution”


• William of Orange• William and Mary

(1689-1702)• English Bill of Rights

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Eastern Europe

• Russia• Austria• Prussia• Tsar (Czar)• Romanovs (1613-

1917)• Hapsburgs • Hohenzollerns

• Fredrick William “The Great Elector” (r. 1640-1688)

• Fredrick William (r. 1713-1740)

• Frederick II “The Great” (r. 1740-1780)

• Maria Theresa (r. 1740-1780)

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• Greek Orthodox Church

• Mongols 1241• Moscow• Ivan IV “The Terrible”

(r. 1533-1584)• “The Time of

Troubles” (early 17th Century)

• Peter I “The Great” (r. 1682-1724)

• Poland• Turkey• Islam (Moslems,


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Scientific Revolution• The Scientific Method• Rene Descartes (1596-

1650) [Deductive Reasoning]

• Francis Bacon (1561-1626) [Inductive Reasoning]

• Empirical Method

• The Revolution of the Heavenly Bodies, Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543)

• Johannes Keller (1571-1630)

• Galileo Galilee (1562-1642)

• Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Law of Gravitation

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• Principia Mathematica 1687

• Enlightenment• Natural Law• Deism• The Inquisition• Baruch Spinoza• Pantheism• Secularism• John Locke, Essay

Concerning Human Understanding 1690

• Baron Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws 1748

• Voltaire (1694-1778)• Marquis de Lafayette• Adam Smith (1723-

1790) Wealth of Nations

• Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile 1762

• Denis Diderot (1713-1784) Encylopedie

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LiberalismFreemasonry (Masons)• American Revolution

1775-1783• Seven Years’ War

(French and Indian War) 1765-1763

• Stamp Act 1765• Navigation Acts• Boston Tea Party


• Continental Congress• Patrick Henry• John Adams• Sam Adams• Loyalists (Tories)• Articles of

Confederation • Constitution 1789• Deists

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French Revolution

• French Revolution 1789

• Louis XVI (1774-1792)

• Marie Antoinette• Estates General 1789• National Constituent

Assembly• The Bastille

• Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

• Civil Constitution of the Clergy 1790

• Jacobins• National Convention• “Reign of Terror”


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• Courts of the People• Committee of Public

Safety• Robespierre• Danton• “Egalite, Liberte,

Fraternite”• Levee en Masse• The Directory• Napoleon Bonaparte

• First Consul• “Napoleonic

Settlement”• Talleyrand• Waterloo 1815• Treaty of Vienna 1815• Metternich

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Spanish American Revolutions for Independence

• Charles IV• Manuel Godoy• Joseph Bonaparte

(“Pepe Botellas”)• Guerrilla War • Juntas for the

Defense of Ferdinand VII

• Cortes of Cadiz 1812• Constitution of Cadiz

1812• Riego Revolt 1820• Miguel Hidalgo y

Costilla• “Grito de Dolores”

Sept. 16, 1810

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• Creole • Peninsulares• Mestizos• Queretaro Conspiracy

1810• Jose Maria Morelos• Vicente Guerrero• Felix Fernandez

(Guadalupe Victoria)

• Augustin de Iturbide• Toussaint L’Overture

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• Francisco Miranda• Simon Bolivar• Simon Rodriguez• Cabildo• Jose Antonio Paez• Llaneros• Battle of Boyaca 1819• Francisco de Paula


• Battle of Carabobo 1821

• Congress of Cucuta 1821

• Jose Antonio de Sucre

• Manuela Saenz• Jose de San Martin• Portenos• Sir Hume Popham

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• Santiago Liniers• Mariano Moreno• Cornelio Saavedra• Manuel Belgrano• Bernardino Rivadavia• Jose Gaspar

Rodriguez de Francia• Gauchos• Jose Gervasio Artigas• Lautaro Lodge


• Bernardo O’Higgins• Carrera Brothers• Luis Beltran• Battle of Chacabuco

1817• Lord Cochrane• Riego Revolt 1820• Battle of Ayacucho


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Independence of Brazil

• Carlota Joaquina• John VI (Jao VI)• Fazendas

(fazenderos)• Pedro I • “Fico”• Jose Bonafacio de

Andrada e Silva

• Sao Paulo• Queen Leopoldina• Grito de Yprianga

(Sept. 7, 1822)

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Industrial Society

• Karl Marx 1818-1883• Friedrich Engels• Communist Manifesto

1848• Das Kapital 1867• First International

1864• Anarchism

• Michael Bakunin• “Propaganda of the

Deed”• Syndicalism• Labour Party 1906• Chancellor Bismarck• German Social

Democratic Party 1890

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• Eduard Bernstein• Revisionsim• Second International 1889

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World War I

• Franco-Prussian War• 1870-1871• Bismarck• Alsace-Lorraine• The Triple Alliance

1882• Kaiser Wilhelm II (r.


• Anglo-French Entente 1904

• Anglo-Russian Agreement 1907

• Archduke Franz Ferdinand

• Central Powers• Allied (Entente)


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• Woodrow Wilson• 14 Points• League of Nations• Propaganda

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• Mongols• Ming Dynasty 1368-

1644• Zhu (Hongwu)• Yongle (1402-1424)• Macao• Beijing (Peking)• Forbidden City

• Great Wall • Eunuchs• Manzhou (Manchu)• Qing Dynasty (1664-

1911)• Kangxi (Kang-hsi r.

1662-1722)• Qienlon (Chien Lung

r. 1736-1739)

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Japan to the Meiji Restoration• Daimyo• Shogun• Shogunate• Shintoism• Buddhism• Oda Nobunaga

(1523-1582)• Toyotomi Hideyoshi

• Tokugawa Ieyasu (r. 1603-1616

• Tokagawa Shogunate1603-1867

• Samurai• Sakoku (Isolationism)• Tokyo• Kyoto• Commodore Perry


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Muslim World- 1

• Qur’an (Koran)• Mongols• Chinghis Kahn (1167-

1227)• Ottoman Turks• Jihad• Sultans• Sultan Mehmed the


• Istanbul (Constantinople) fell 1453

• Suleiman the Magnificent (r. 1520-1533

• Grand Vizier• Grand Mufti• Ulema

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• Janissaries• The Balkans• Infidels• “Sick Man of Europe”• Sunni• Shi’ite• Sufi• Muhammed (The

Prophet)• Ishmail• Safavid Empire

• Shah• Shah Abbas I (r.

1587-1629)• Isfahan• Mughals (Moghuls)• Hindu• Sultinate of Delhi• Akbar the Great (r.

1556-1605)• Aurangzeb (1656-

1707)• Taj Mahal

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Colonial Africa• Guinea• Angola• Tanzania• Uganda• Mahdi Rebellion

1880s• Cape Colony• Boers• Orange Free State


• Zulus• Cecil Rhodes• Boer War 1899-1902• Aparthied• Belgian Congo• David Livingston• Henry Stanley• Ethiopia (Abyssinia)• Liberia

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Europe 1919-1920• Fascism• Keynesian Economics• John Maynard

Keynes (1883-1946)• Labour Party• Great Depression• Treaty of Versailles

1920• Weimar Constitution• Weimar Republic


• Reparations• The Ruhr• Dawes Plan 1924• Totalitarianism• Benito Mussolini

(1883-1945)• IL Popolo d’Italia• Fasces• King Victor

Emmanuel III• Corporatism

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• “lL Duce”• Ethiopia• Marshal Jozef

Pilsudski• Admiral Miklos Horthy• Locarno Pact 1925

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Russia to WWII

• Tsar Nicholas II• March Revolution• Duma• Alexander Kerensky• Bolsheviks• Vladimir Lenin (1870-

1924)• Central Committee

• Soviet Council of Worker and Soldiers

• Leon Trotsky (1879-1940)

• October Revolution• Cheka• Treaty of Brest-

Litovsk 1918

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• New Economic Policy (NEP)

• Political Bureau (Politburo)

• Josef Stalin (1879-1953)

• First Five Year Plan (1929-1933)

• Collectivization Campaign

• Kulaks

• Red Army• Purges• Show Trial

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Fascism in Germany• Totalitarianism• Mein Kampf• Mussolini• National Socialist

German Workers Party (Nazi Party) 1920

• Stalin• Adolf Hitler

• Beer Hall Putsch 1923• Reichstag• Paul Von Hindenburg• Enabling Act 1933• Joseph Goebbels• Heinrich Himmler• Holocaust• Nuremburg Laws 1935• Wannsee Conference

1942• “Final Solution”

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East Asia 1840-1949• Opium Wars 1840-

1842• British East India

Company• “Unequal Treaties”• Manchu (Manchu)

Dynasty• Taiping and Nien

Rebellions• Hug Hsiu-chuan

• “Self Strengthening”• Empress Dowager

Cixi (1835-1908)• Boxer Rebellion 1900• Kang yu-wei (1858-

1925)• Yuan Shikai• Republic of China

1912• Kuomingtang (KMT)

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• May Fourth Movement 1919

• Chiang Kai-shek• Chinese Communist

Party (CCP) 1925• Long March of 1934• Mao Zedong• Meiji Restoration

1868• Shinto

• Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905

• Manchuria• Anti-Comintern Pact


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World War II• The “Little Entente• League of Nations• Spanish Civil War

1936-1939• Francisco Franco• Rhineland• Axis Pact• Anschluss

• Munich Conference 1938

• Neville Chamberlain• Nazi –Soviet Non-

Aggression Pact 1939• Winston Churchill• Battle of Stalingrad

1942-1943• Partisans• Mao Zedong

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The U.S.-U.S.S.R. Rivalry

• Cold War• Marshall Plan 1947• Truman Doctrine

1947• N.A.T.O. 1949• Warsaw Pact• Korean War 1950-

1953• Nikita Khrushchev

• Hungarian Rebellion 1956

• Berlin Wall 1961-1989• Fidel Castro• Cuban Missile Crisis

1962• Nuclear Test Ban

Treaty 1963• Charles de Gaulle

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De-Colonization and the “Third World”

• Third World• Ho Chi Minh (1890-

1969)• Marxism• Labour Party• Mohandas Gandhi

(1869-1948)• Congress Party

• Jawaharlal Nehru• Pakistan• Bangladesh• Ghana• Marshal Tito

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The New Asia• Peoples’ Republic of

China 1949• Mao Zedong (died

1976)• Zhou Enlai• The Great Leap

Forward 1958• Great Proletarian

Cultural Revolution 1965

• Red Guards• Thought of Chairman

Mao (Little Red Book)• The Gang of Four• Deng Xiaoping• Tienanmen Square

Massacre 1989• General Douglas

MacArthur (1880-1964)

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• Diet• Liberal Democratic

Party• Mahatma Gandhi• Jawaharlal Nehru

(1889-1964)• Indira Gandhi• Ho Chi Minh

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The Modern Muslim World• Islamic Fundamentalism• Pan-Arabism (Arab

Nationalism)• Hussein Family of

Sheikhs• Mandates• Ibn Saud• Saudi Arabia• O.P.E.C.• Ayatollah Khomeini

• Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk)• Treaty of Lausanne 1923• Zionists• Balfour declaration of

1917• Theodore Herzl• Palestinian Liberation

Organization (PLO) 1964• Reza Shah Pahlavi (r.


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• Shah Muhammad Pahlavi (r. 1941-1979)• Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini• Yom Kippur War 1973• Saddam Hussein

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The Collapse of Marxism• Joseph Stalin• Yalta Agreement

1945• Marshall Tito• KGB• “Peaceful

Coexistence”• Cuban Missile Crisis


• Leonid Brezhnev 1906-1982

• Alexander Dubcek• Solidarity Movement

1980-1981• Lech Walesa• Mikhail Gorbachev

1985• Boris Yeltsin (died

