REVOLUTION: A forcible overthrow of a government or order for a new system.

REVOLUTION: A forcible overthrow of a government or order for a new system

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Page 1: REVOLUTION: A forcible overthrow of a government or order for a new system

REVOLUTION: A forcible overthrow of a government or order for a new system.

Page 2: REVOLUTION: A forcible overthrow of a government or order for a new system

IMPERIAL REVOLUTION:When a subjugated* people rise up to throw off the rule ofan ‘imperial conqueror.’*

SOCIAL REVOLUTION:Aims to reorganize the entire structure of society.

*subjugated means forcibly brought under control by conquest; an imperial conqueror is someone forming or enlarging an empire

REVOLUTION: A forcible overthrow of a government or order for a new system.

Page 3: REVOLUTION: A forcible overthrow of a government or order for a new system

1750: Good times…

Maybe for you

• Englishmen rule the world! Safety Great worldwide

business connections Prestige

• Lots of land for the taking

• King is on other side of ocean

• and for the common folk: No special privileges for rich people

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1750: Good times…• Englishmen rule the world!

Safety Great worldwide

business connections Prestige

• Lots of land for the taking

• King is on other side of ocean

• and for the common folk: No special privileges for rich people



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1750: Good times…• Englishmen rule the world!

Safety Great worldwide

business connections Prestige

• Lots of land for the taking

• King is on other side of ocean

• and for the common folk: No special privileges for rich people



FalseThey had lots ofexperience governingthemselves

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1750: Good times…• Englishmen rule the world!

Safety Great worldwide

business connections Prestige

• Lots of land for the taking

• King is on other side of ocean

• and for the common folk: No special privileges for rich people



FalseThey had lots ofexperience governingthemselves

…and they actually had a great amount of freedom

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>>then came the French & Indian War (1754 to 1763)

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>>then came the French & Indian War (1754 to 1763)

With 2 important results:

Britain becomes short of cash

Lands west of the Appalachiansbecome British

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>>then came the French & Indian War (1754 to 1763)

With 2 important results:

Britain becomes short of cash

Lands west of the Appalachiansbecome British

Starts levying war taxes on colonies

Issues Proclamation of 1763:no settlement west of mtns.

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Page 11: REVOLUTION: A forcible overthrow of a government or order for a new system

Was the American Revolution really a revolution?


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13 colonial governments bickering over territory, (but all trading in British currency)

13 state governments bickering over territory and trade, and even issuing their own money, (WITH NO CONSTITUTION)

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Notebook assignment: LEFT side of above notes

The American Revolutionary War may not fit the classic definition of a revolution, yet revolutionary things did happen here, both before and after the war. Between the assignment and the PPT lecture, you should be able to try to do the following:

Title the page “Revolution in 3 Phases.” Divide the page into 3 horizontal sections, with the first labeled Phase I, the second Phase II, the third Phase III. In each section, draw a “flowchart” showing inputs (causes) and outputs (effects). In Phase I, make the output “Republican Governments in Colonies.” In Phase II, put the Revolutionary War in the middle, with inputs in and outputs out. In Phase III, make the output “US Constitution.”

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So you say you want a revolution…

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So you say you want a revolution…

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So you say you want a revolution…

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So you say you want a revolution…

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FRANCE• Helped the Americans win their revolution, which…

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FRANCE• Helped the Americans win their revolution, which…

– Fed the Enlightenment-inspired passions of French liberals

JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU“Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.”-believed in Direct Democracy: said that every law not directly created by citizens is invalid, and if imposed on people is the same as enslaving the people

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FRANCE• Helped the Americans win their revolution, which…

– Cost the French government a lot of money


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Convenes the Estates General to talk about “fairer” taxesFirst Estate (clergy)Second Estate (nobility)Third Estate (commoners – “the 98%”)

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Convenes the Estates General to talk about “fairer” taxesFirst Estate (clergy) EXEMPT FROM TAXESSecond Estate (nobility) EXEMPT FROM MANY TAXESThird Estate (commoners – “the 98%”)

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Convenes the Estates General to talk about “fairer” taxesFirst Estate > 100,000 churchmen = 1 voteSecond Estate > 400,000 aristocrats = 1 voteThird Estate > 24 million bankers, physicians, shopkeepers, laborers, peasants etc. = 1 vote

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Convenes the Estates General to talk about “fairer” taxesFirst Estate > 100,000 churchmen = 1 voteSecond Estate > 400,000 aristocrats = 1 voteThird Estate > 24 million bankers, physicians, shopkeepers, laborers, peasants etc. = 1 vote

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The “Tennis Court Oath”

Third Estate proclaims itself the new National Assembly andpledges not to disband until France has written a constitution

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eventually, the new French constitution…

• Creates a constitutional monarchy(king will be like a president, assembly will make the laws)

• Abolishes privileges of the clergy and nobility

• Gives voting rights to all male property-owners

2 years later (1791), Louis accepts it

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--------PHASE TWO------

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1792 Jan: Food riots in Paris

Feb: Austria & Prussiaform an alliance

Apr: France invadesthe Austrian Nether-lands (Belgium)

Aug: French peoplelearn of the “BrunswickManifesto” – they accuseLouis of conspiring withthe enemy!

You hurt Louis, and I’ll…

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What happens to a revolution when it feels threatened?

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What happens to a revolution when it feels threatened?

It suspends liberty in the name of the revolution

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What happens to a revolution when it feels threatened?

- The Paris Commune (city government) “goes solo”, arrests and imprisons the royal family, starts hauling prisoners from jail and executing them, sets up a “Revolutionary Tribunal” (for crimes against the revolution) and replaces the National Assembly with…

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-----PHASE THREE------

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The National Convention

…which is elected by universal male suffrage!

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The Declaration of the Rights of Woman• by Olympe de Gouges

• Echoes the 17 points ofthe earlier Declarationbut referring to Woman

• Women’s right to voteis argued before theNational Assembly by male supporters

• Includes a sample communalproperty marriage contract

• Though women’s right to vote

…And yet…

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The National Convention

…which is elected by universal male suffrage!

…although it comes along with: an universal draft into the army

I don’t know if I like this deal so much

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The National Convention

…which is elected by universal male suffrage!

They also: -dissolve French royalty {from this point on, King Louis becomes “Citizen Louis”}

-declare the FIRST REPUBLIC -start a new Revolutionary Calendar

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The Committee for Public Safety

Maximilien Robespierre “the Incorruptible”

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The “Terror”

In 1793-94, “the Committee” sent 40,000+ “counter-revolutionaries” to the guillotine

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The “Terror”

In 1793-94, “the Committee” sent 40,000+ “counter-revolutionaries” to the guillotine beginning with Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

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The “Terror”In 1793-94, “the Committee” sent 40,000+ “counter-revolutionaries” to the guillotine and ending with Maximilien Robespierre, himself

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Notebook assignment: LEFT side of above notes

Create a Venn Diagram in order to compare/contrast the American Revolution to what you know so far of the French Revolution.Leave some room to expand on this later.

*Extra ‘Notebook Check’ Credit, if time: Go back to the LEFT side of your notes on Enlightenment Philosophers. Draw a diagram or picture representing the progression of thought from the formation of the “Scientific Method” through William Hobbes and John Locke to Jean-Jacques Rousseau.