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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient

in New Brunswick

Page 2: Our Action Plan to be · Achieving self-sufficiency won’t happen overnight. There is much work to be
Page 3: Our Action Plan to be · Achieving self-sufficiency won’t happen overnight. There is much work to be

We’re talking about transformative change. It’s no small task and we don’t want to waste a moment. Some people will say, this can’t be done – it’s a pipe dream, a Utopia. You won’t be able to achieve it, they say. And if they’re talking about what government can do alone, they’re right.

But if the naysayers are suggesting New Brunswickers can’t achieve this, then I beg to differ. We can do it. And we must. If the naysayers are suggesting that collectively we can’t change our destiny, then I beg to differ. We can do it. And we must. If the naysayers are saying New Brunswick can’t take a leadership role in this country, I beg to differ. We can do it. And we must.

We can be the province that achieves what others have said is impossible.

Premier Shawn Graham State of the Province Address

February 15, 2007

Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient

in New Brunswick

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Building a Better New Brunswick

The history of New Brunswick is a history of hope.It is the story of generations of First Nations peoples, Acadians, Loyalists and wave

after wave of immigrants seeking out a better life. Now, the time has come to write

the next chapter. The time has come for us to stand on our own two feet.

On September 18, 2006, New Brunswickers voted for

change – a transformation to set this province on a

course to become self-sufficient by 2026. Earlier this year I

appointed a Task Force to engage New Brunswickers in a

dialogue about what must be done to achieve this goal.

The Self-Sufficiency Task Force has delivered its

recommendations based on those discussions. Its

recommendations have been thoroughly reviewed and

now we will take aim and move forward.

New Brunswick is embarking on a period of

transformational change that will lead us to self-

sufficiency. We will become a ‘have’ province, creating

more of our own wealth and providing our people with the

opportunities they need to build a self-reliant future.

I am proud of New Brunswick’s past, but to move forward to self-sufficiency requires

fundamental change. What brought us to today won’t get us to tomorrow. If we

want to maintain what we have and gain in the future, we need new thinking and

new ideas. We need to maximize our strengths and advantages to create greater

economic opportunities. We need to transform our economy, our workforce, our

relationships and our government.

So where do we begin? We begin with what’s great about our province and we build

on it. We draw on those values that make us so proud to call New Brunswick home.

New Brunswick is a place where we can set down firm roots and let our imaginations

soar. It’s a place where you can travel from the heart of an urban centre to a small

town to pristine wilderness in a matter of minutes, not hours. It’s a place where our

connection to the land is as strong as our desire to protect it. We are blessed with

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natural resources that are the foundation of our economy. It’s a place where we

look out for one another, in our families and in our communities. It’s a place where

French, English and First Nations live together, learn together, work together. We are

strengthened by our diversity, our commitment to bilingualism and our emerging

multicultural character.

In a world where so many people live in fear, ours is a place of security and peace.

This is the home we have inherited. These are the values we wish to pass on.

New Brunswick is indeed a good place to live. It can be – and will be – even better.

Achieving self-sufficiency won’t happen overnight. There is much work to be done

between now and 2026 and we have to start right here, right now. In the pages

that follow, you will find our government’s agenda for getting started. We have

laid out an action plan with four key themes and have identified a number of

priorities for immediate action.

While it is not possible to capture on paper all that will be done over the course

of the next two decades, we can say that above all, we must embrace those

measures that support our goal and let go of those that don’t.

Transforming New Brunswick will take determination and focus. It will require

collaboration and innovation. We will have to take risks and adapt swiftly to

new conditions. We will have to work together, and I invite all New Brunswickers

to play their part in making this province better.

To achieve self-sufficiency, each of us must be bolder, be braver and be better than

we’ve ever been before.

Together we will transform this province. Together we will secure our future and

create opportunity. Together we will build a better New Brunswick for all.

Shawn Graham Premier

Transforming our economyTransforming our workforceTransforming our relationshipsTransforming our government





Page 6: Our Action Plan to be · Achieving self-sufficiency won’t happen overnight. There is much work to be

Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick

Published by: Province of New Brunswick P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton NB E3B 5H1


Printed in New Brunswick

ISBN 978-1-55471-064-5

CNB 4846

Cover photo: Sunrise by Brian Atkinson

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Achieving Self-Sufficiency …………………………………………………………7

Maintaining Our Values ………………………………………………………… 10

Working Together ……………………………………………………………… 11

Challenges and Opportunities ………………………………………………… 12

Transforming Our Economy …………………………………………………… 14

Transforming Our Workforce …………………………………………………… 22

Transforming Our Relationships ……………………………………………… 26

Transforming Our Government ………………………………………………… 29

A Better Future ………………………………………………………………… 33

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Page 9: Our Action Plan to be · Achieving self-sufficiency won’t happen overnight. There is much work to be

Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick

Achieving Self-Sufficiency

To position New Brunswick to achieve self-sufficiency by 2026, we will focus our resources and efforts on transforming our economy, our workforce, our relationships and our government. These transformations will enable us to retain and strengthen our core values, ensure our continued growth and create the opportunities we need to fulfill our potential here in this province.

To Transform Our Economy we will:Work diligently with our resource-based sectors to enhance competitiveness through productivity improvements and greater diversification.Target new markets and use new approaches to promote our tourism and cultural sectors, engage consumers, excel in customer service and enhance the visitor experience.Create a competitive business environment that will encourage entrepreneurial activity, investment, innovation and growth while managing our economic, social and environmental resources for sustainability.Invest in strategic infrastructure that will drive transformational economic development.Develop and execute a strategic plan for approaching existing national and multinational firms to expand and to recruit new firms to locate in New Brunswick.Establish New Brunswick as the region’s energy hub, a leader in energy efficiency and a world-class producer of goods and services for the global energy sector.Focus on a number of technology clusters and priority core technologies for support through the development of partnerships and strategic alliances, education, training and recruitment of highly qualified personnel, and investment by outside sources.

To Transform Our Workforce we will: Make the strategic investments required to ensure that every child arrives at kindergarten ready to learn.Ensure that each and every child leaves Grade 5 having mastered the tools to learn – reading, writing and numeracy, and that they graduate from high school having had the opportunity to discover their personal strengths and to find something they love doing.Create a post-secondary education system that is student-focused, highly integrated and capable of preparing students for the jobs of today and tomorrow.Promote a culture of continuous learning in our workplaces and communities.












Achieving self-sufficiency for New Brunswick in two decades is clearly an ambitious goal. The underlying message, though, is that the world is changing and so must the province. And the first step on the path of real, transformational change is to accept that change will and must occur.

Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters Comment on New Brunswick’s

Self-Sufficiency Task Force’s Reality Reports March 2007

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Work aggressively with our partners to create opportunities for all New Brunswickers to participate in our economy.Increase our population to 850,000 through a comprehensive plan to retain and repatriate New Brunswickers and recruit immigrants to our province.

To Transform Our Relationships we will:Ensure that public engagement is meaningful, effective, collaborative and sustainable so that citizens can be active participants in governance.Move forward with the historic Mi’kmaq, Maliseet, and New Brunswick Relationship Building Bilateral Agreement to address effective governance, social justice and economic sustainability for our First Nations communities.Bring a new spirit of collaboration to our relationship with business and labour to remove barriers to productivity and trade and promote economic growth.Strengthen the non-profit sector and promote the respect and recognition the sector deserves.Build coordinated, active and mutually beneficial partnerships with the Government of Canada and provincial/territorial, state and international governments that are focused upon achieving self-sufficiency.

To Transform Our Government we will:Focus on more effective and efficient means of managing and delivering health care.Dedicate the resources required to drive a cultural shift toward wellness and healthy living and to empower patients to better manage their own care.Put citizens and businesses first in the delivery of public services.Revitalize our public service by investing in our employees and creating more opportunities for career development.Work to make local government more efficient, effective and representative so that all New Brunswick communities are better able to contribute and benefit from the self-sufficiency agenda.

As each of these themes is integral to the achievement of our goals, it is vital that we move on all four transformational themes simultaneously.

To ensure our continued growth and to create greater wealth for our province, we need to transform our economy to focus on our strengths and advantages, to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of our resource-based industries, and target key strategic sectors in which to develop New Brunswick’s capabilities. Through these efforts we will create more employment and attract new investment to our province.












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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick

This new economy requires workers with new skills and a desire for continuous learning. This passion for learning will be fostered in our schools through our new approach to education, and promoted through concerted efforts to prepare our children for their journey through school and life.

We need partnerships and relationships with other governments, business and labour organizations, post-secondary institutions, community groups, the non-profit sector and New Brunswickers that will sustain these changes over the long term. And we need a government structure that is flexible, adaptable, oriented toward providing quality services and focused on implementing this transformation.

This agenda for transformative change is vital to building a better New Brunswick. By working together and making transformative changes now, we will ensure that we can sustain all that we value and reach our full potential.

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Maintaining Our Values

Our vision for a self-sufficient New Brunswick is firmly rooted in the values of our people.

We value our diversity, celebrating our rich and varied heritage. Our status as Canada’s only officially bilingual province and our reputation for hospitality make

us a beacon to the world: a light that will draw new people seeking opportunity to New Brunswick.

We value our families, striving to provide our children with the best possible start in life. We are caring and compassionate, committed to providing opportunity for all. We will work to strengthen our communities and give all New Brunswickers a role in building a better province.

We value our environment, preserving the world of nature that surrounds us. We will be good stewards of our land, air and water and ensure that we can all continue to enjoy our unique combination of rural and urban lifestyles.

We value innovation, encouraging New Brunswickers to fulfill their potential here. We will promote our people and will ensure that they have access to the opportunities that will come with self-sufficiency.

These values make us who we are. We will retain all of this as we build a better New Brunswick: in fact, it is by building upon these values that we will make our province an even better place to live. A self-sufficient New Brunswick will be stronger still because we have stayed faithful to our core values.

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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick


Working Together

Self-sufficiency will benefit all New Brunswickers and reaching this goal requires that we work together.

The transformative changes outlined in this document are only part of the task that lies before us. Self-sufficiency must be our common cause, and all New Brunswickers have the opportunity to play an important part in building a better New Brunswick. By acting as responsible citizens, individually and collectively, we can all help make self-sufficiency a reality.

Parents can contribute by helping their children to be ready to learn when they enter school. They can take an active role in their children’s education and support their children’s teachers and their community’s schools. They can ensure that their children are prepared to make appropriate choices for post-secondary education and working lives.

Businesses and entrepreneurs can help to grow and sustain our economy by making investments to improve the productivity of their workforce, by mentoring young entrepreneurs and by sharing their wisdom and experience with their communities.

Public servants can work with the business and academic communities, post-secondary institutions, labour unions, the non-profit sector, their colleagues with the Government of Canada and other governments and with New Brunswickers in all regions of the province to establish strong working relationships and provide innovative solutions to the challenges facing our province.

Workers can play an important part by continually upgrading their skills and seeking out opportunities for workplace training and personal growth. Through their unions and associations, they can work with employers to identify and remove barriers to greater productivity that is required for a growing economy.

New Brunswickers can take an active role in their communities, through participation in local government and volunteer activities. They can welcome new neighbours and help them make a home for themselves in our province. They can become engaged, with their government and fellow New Brunswickers, in moving our province forward.

We can all care for the land we love: to enjoy our surroundings in a way that ensures that others can take equal enjoyment, so that our environment can be sustained and enhanced.

Government will play its part by using its policy-making and legislative powers to support sustainable growth and to provide leadership that will move us toward self-sufficiency.

By acting as responsible citizens and collaborating as partners in our common cause, self-sufficiency is within our grasp.

It’s all very well to talk about New Brunswick’s emerging industrial clusters, technology centres of excellence, and innovative economic sectors, but none of it means much when the crucial resource needed to power these initiatives is vanishing. As absurdly simple as it sounds, people, not governments, build long-term economic capacity. They launch businesses, invent new products and services, and employ relatives, friends, and strangers. They inspire others to become entrepreneurs, exporters, teachers, lawyers, doctors, architects and engineers. They enrich and diversify the culture. They buy stuff, and they pay taxes.

Alec Bruce, Voice of the People Telegraph Journal (May 4, 2007)

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Challenges and Opportunities

What will a self-sufficient New Brunswick look like?

A self-sufficient New Brunswick will be productive, innovative, strong and self-reliant. It will promote new ideas and utilize new technology to create jobs, bringing new value to resource-based industries and providing first-class public services. It will have a competitive and sustainable economic base, free of the boom-and-bust cycles we have endured in the past.

A self-sufficient New Brunswick will have a robust, export-driven and innovative economy with a thriving entrepreneurial sector that builds on our attractive

business climate and natural strengths to create new opportunities for growth for small businesses in all regions of the province. It will have the population necessary to sustain a growing economy that will support our valued public programs. It will have a workforce with the training and skills necessary to participate in this new economy.

A self-sufficient New Brunswick will have a world-class education system that values creativity and inclusion. It will have a culture of lifelong learning with high standards for literacy, numeracy and ongoing workplace training. It will have a vibrant cultural environment that will promote a sense of identity and belonging. It will provide quality health care services and promote wellness for children and healthy aging. It will provide a good start in life for all our children. As a result, fewer New Brunswickers – and, in

particular, fewer children – will live in poverty.

Achieving this vision requires that we overcome challenges and seize opportunities.

Our declining population is a challenge. We need to ensure our province has enough people over the long term to provide the workforce that our new economy will demand and support the social programs that we value.

But in this challenge lies an opportunity: to use our natural strengths, including our competitive business environment and our multicultural heritage, to bring new people to our province and welcome back those who are now living elsewhere. We can make New Brunswick a place where more people will settle and raise their children. By retaining and recruiting people with talent, hope and ambition, we can have the people and the skills we need to build a better New Brunswick.

Our economy is a challenge. Our traditional industries are facing a changing marketplace, and expanding our economy requires that we create new sources of investment capital and address the growing shortage of workers with appropriate skills.

We have no doubt that New Brunswickers want to believe in a prosperous future for the province, and they are willing to work to achieve that end with all their strength, all their imagination, and all their abilities.

Jean Saint-Cyr La carte routière et le véhicule

l’Acadie Nouvelle (May 8, 2007)

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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick


This provides us with more opportunities: to transform our economy so that our resource-based industries can be more productive and competitive, to foster the development of new industries that employ new technology and innovative thinking, and to attract the jobs and workers we need to ensure our continued economic growth.

Our productivity is a challenge. As our economy changes, we must give people the right tools for the right jobs and ensure they are able to learn new skills that will enable them to adapt to a changing workplace.

Here again, this challenge presents us with an opportunity: to develop a new approach to learning, beginning with our youngest children and carrying through our school and working lives. By promoting early childhood development in our communities, placing value on innovation and inclusion in our schools, promoting literacy and problem-solving skills and ensuring that our post-secondary institutions are equipped to provide our students with the skills they need, we will create a culture of lifelong learning that will help us adapt to new economic conditions.

Providing quality health care is a challenge – and not just for New Brunswick. Like all Canadian jurisdictions, New Brunswick is seeking ways to ensure that access to health care can be sustained and managed within our means. This presents us with another opportunity: to develop new technology and new approaches to deliver health care and promote wellness, and become national leaders in these fields.

We recognize the challenges ahead and the opportunities that accompany them. In early 2007, Premier Graham appointed Francis McGuire and Gilles LePage – two prominent New Brunswickers with a keen understanding of the issues facing our province – to engage New Brunswickers in a discussion on how best to achieve self-sufficiency.

The Self-Sufficiency Task Force’s final report, issued in May 2007, provided valuable insights into the challenges we face and set out a roadmap for seizing the opportunities they create.

We are acting decisively on the key recommendation of the Self-Sufficiency Task Force report: to introduce transformative change in vital areas and move forward with these transformations as the top priority of government.

These transformations will move us toward a more dynamic economy, a well-trained and productive workforce, new partnerships that will support our growth and a government that is equipped to move us toward self-sufficiency. Through these transformations, we will create the conditions that will lead us to a better New Brunswick.

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Transforming Our Economy

To be self-sufficient, New Brunswick needs an economy that creates jobs and wealth that can be sustained over the long term.

We must secure the base upon which our economy is built and branch out into new fields. We must break free of the boom-and-bust cycles that have hampered our growth and prosperity in the past. We must invest in the infrastructure that will drive the creation of new jobs and support sustainable growth. We must build on our competitive business environment and use our strengths and advantages to their best effect. We must assist our entrepreneurs so that they can expand and diversify their enterprises. We must target new sectors that will bring us increased employment and sustainable growth.

We must employ new technology to our best advantage and nurture innovation and diversity in all sectors of our economy. We must promote our good environmental standards as an economic advantage and establish ourselves as a leading producer of “green” products and environmentally friendly technologies. We must be aggressive in targeting new markets for our exports, and work to remove barriers that hamper our ability to sell goods and services in other provinces and abroad. We must foster the entrepreneurial spirit of New

Brunswickers and welcome new investors who can help our economy grow.

By transforming our economy, we will create the conditions for a sustainable future for our rural communities and develop new industries for new markets.

Securing Our Economic BaseThe first step toward revitalizing New Brunswick’s economy is to secure our economic base so that it continues to make an important contribution to the province’s wealth. We will encourage our industries to make investments that enhance their productivity and competitive position, and to pursue opportunities to grow in new directions. We will promote our industries and our products to the world.

To secure our economic base, we will work with our resource and tourism industries in particular, and will actively refine the components of a competitive business environment for all sectors of our economy, in all regions of our province.

Competitive Resource Industries Our resource industries – forestry, agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries,

minerals, oil and gas – currently account for nearly one-sixth of the provincial economy. In each of these sectors, it is critical to promote increased productivity and support greater competitiveness.

We have the basis for a successful transformation. We have a long and proud tradition of capable democratic governance. We have vibrant institutions in our universities and colleges. We have growing urban areas and strong social networks in our rural communities. New Brunswick is a great place to do business – competitive tax systems and a dedicated and capable workforce. We have successfully built world-class companies with deep roots in New Brunswick.

New Brunswick Business Council March 2006

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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick


Forestry – Government will work with all the players in our forest industry to stabilize and revitalize the economic potential of our forests by addressing the issues of balancing potential uses of wood, stability of supply, equitable treatment for private woodlot owners, diversification and energy costs. We will:

Seek methods to increase the yield of wood from Crown land.Facilitate private woodlot owners and industrial purchasers of wood to work together to establish an equitable marketing arrangement.Support private woodlot marketing boards in enhancing silviculture, certification, education and market development.Support the development and implementation of an online logistics database to track movement of wood within the province and facilitate exchanges between companies to reduce transportation costs and promote the efficient use of wood.Work closely with NB Power and the forest industry to explore options for reducing energy costs through conservation, co-generation, off-peak utilization and investments in new generation capacity.Establish a policy for the sustainable harvest of biomass material from Crown land.Undertake a comprehensive assessment of the future development of New Brunswick’s forest sector, including value-added and bio-products, leading to a strategy to support new investment and greater diversification within the industry.Work with stakeholders in the forestry industry and New Brunswickers to address the question of balance between timber harvesting and conservation in the management of Crown lands, based on the results of the Forest Diversity and Wood Supply Task Force.

Agriculture – Farming is a cornerstone of New Brunswick’s economy. To ensure continued growth and sustainability for our agriculture sector, we will:

Develop a Strategic Investment Initiative that will be focused on:Productivity and competitiveness.Development of new value-added products.Renewal and skills development.Production system enhancement.Plant and animal health.Development of bio-fuel crops and other bio-products.









I remain optimistic about the future of our traditional resource sectors and in particular, our forestry, fisheries and agriculture. However, business as usual is no longer an option. The new economy requires those sectors to adopt new production processes that will lead to the production of value-added products and promote an export orientation towards non-traditional export markets.

Constantine Passaris, Telegraph-Journal (May 8, 2007)

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Aquaculture – For more than three decades, aquaculture has provided new opportunities for growth in our coastal regions. To enhance this vital industry, we will:

Work with the federal government to establish programming that will foster growth and sustainable development in the aquaculture sector in a manner similar to that available in other resource sectors.Continue to support the sustainable expansion of shellfish aquaculture through cooperative arrangements with the federal government. Our objectives will be to promote orderly development, providing financial assistance and support for critical research and development.Continue to pursue the expansion of finfish aquaculture through the development of offshore technology.

Fisheries and Seafood Processing – Government support will be focused on productivity, value-added products, new technology and equipment, and the expansion of year-round activity in the fisheries sector. We will:

Develop appropriate adjustment measures to address the needs of communities and workers impacted by restructuring of the processing sector.Work with the federal government to address continuity of supply issues facing New Brunswick fish plants.Explore the potential for greater use of the by-products of fish processing for the production of bio-products through support for research and development and policies to ensure access to adequate volumes of fish and shellfish waste.

Minerals, Oil and Natural Gas – To ensure that we are competitive with other jurisdictions in promoting exploration and development of our mineral resources, we will:

Review regulations, royalties and the tax environment to ensure they encourage increased mineral, oil and natural gas exploration in New Brunswick.

Tourism and Culture Development New Brunswick’s breathtaking scenery and unique culture have attracted millions of visitors to our province. Every year, visitors flock to popular attractions such as Mount Carleton, Sugarloaf, Miscou Island, le Village Historique Acadien, Kings Landing Historical Settlement, the New Brunswick Museum, the Fundy Trail and the Hopewell Rocks. But with changing demographics, new technology and an increasingly competitive global tourism marketplace, we need to find ways to be better. We will:

Implement a consumer engagement strategy using on-line tools to improve our management of customer services, reach new special interest markets and strengthen our ability to direct visitors to attractions while they are in the province.









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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick


Enhance the visitor experience by making investments to revitalize and expand key tourist infrastructure, emphasizing the ecotourism potential of waterways and forests, and by striving to be a leader in customer service.Invest $100 million in improvements to tourism infrastructure.Promote our cultural heritage and enhance our vibrant cultural sector through development of a New Brunswick book publishing policy and support for New Brunswick, artists, musicians and filmmakers, as well as through events including the upcoming World Acadian Congress and New Brunswick’s 225th anniversary in 2009.Pursue new strategic partnerships with federal agencies, universities and the private sector for promotion, product development and research.

Competitive Business Environment A growing economy requires a thriving entrepreneurial sector. To ensure that New Brunswick has the most competitive environment possible to encourage business growth, we will:

Consult with experts in the taxation field and work to ensure that New Brunswick’s overall tax regime – including business, property and personal taxes as well as levies and royalties – is favourable to investment.Ensure that we have a smarter, streamlined regulatory regime that is fair and transparent in terms of development and implementation, relevant for government and industry, and effective in terms of compliance.Create a single window for research and development funding, target financial support to key technology sectors, encourage more partnerships between the academic community and the business community and support a resource centre to assist in launching research and development projects and bringing them to the commercial market.Support growth in local entrepreneurship by assisting New Brunswick’s small and medium-sized businesses to develop and expand in key sectors, diversify their products and bring them to new export markets. We will support productivity improvement programs and strengthen relationships with private sector organizations to ensure ongoing dialogue and continuous improvement of the overall business development climate. We will also support local firms in obtaining international certification in key technology clusters.









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Challenge the business community to take a leading role in entrepreneurship mentoring and the development of innovative means of accessing capital.Seek a partnership between Business New Brunswick, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and the province’s Community Business Development Corporations that will provide streamlined access to business support programs at all levels.Develop standards and implement provincial planning policies to provide planning certainty for developers and put in place innovative incentives to encourage sustainable management of economic, social and environmental resources.

Seizing New OpportunitiesAll of these initiatives are important to move us forward toward self-sufficiency. But to build a better New Brunswick, we must do more.

To achieve transformational growth we must invest strategically in infrastructure that will spur economic development, aggressively attract new employers to our province, capitalize on opportunities in the energy sector and establish technology clusters.

We must use our dollars wisely, to drive sustained economic growth and provide stronger links between New Brunswick companies and their markets. To ensure our economy continues to grow, we will:

Make improvements to roads that cross our province, such as Routes 180 and 108, as well as connections to the Acadian Peninsula and Route 1 in Charlotte County, to create trade corridors to markets in central Canada and the northeastern United States.Use funding from the Atlantic Gateway initiative to assist exporters throughout the province with improved transportation infrastructure, including superior quality rail lines and ports in both southern and northern New Brunswick.Complete access to high-speed Internet throughout the entire province, focusing on those regions that do not yet have full service. This will maintain New Brunswick’s position in the forefront on telecommunications.Promote our province to the world, using our provincial ambassadors, business leaders and connections with other governments to demonstrate that we are open for business and eager to welcome new investors, explore new markets and embrace new ideas.

These are the new directions we will take to strengthen our economy as we move toward self-sufficiency.

Strategic Infrastructure Fund Economic growth requires that we make smart investments in the structures that support our economy – including highways, wireless communications, pipelines, power lines, ports, airports and railways. These investments must be focused on








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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick


developing our potential, driving new economic growth and improving services to New Brunswickers in all regions of the province. To enhance our infrastructure and support economic development in all regions of the province, we will:

Establish a Strategic Infrastructure Fund that will support our agenda for transformative change.

Business Attraction Strategy We will do more to attract to our province marquee businesses that advance the priorities of our self-sufficiency agenda. Bringing more of these national and international corporations to New Brunswick will create new high-paying jobs, enhance our economic productivity, expand our research and development capacity by partnering with our emerging technology clusters, and create new clients for our small and medium-sized businesses. Compared to our neighbours, these companies are currently underrepresented in New Brunswick’s economy. We will:

Engage world-class expertise to assist in developing a business attraction strategy, based on an analysis of New Brunswick’s strengths, opportunities and potential.Create a special unit within Business New Brunswick to develop and execute an aggressive business attraction strategy, focused on marquee national and multinational firms.Work with national and multinational firms now established in New Brunswick to expand their presence in the province.

Energy Hub Economic growth requires building on our strengths. Among these is our energy industry, which is poised to undergo substantial growth. There are opportunities to promote energy efficiency and expand our capacity as a generator of electricity and producer of refined petroleum products, as well as to develop new technologies and produce goods and services for the global energy sector. We are well-positioned to supply energy to our neighbours while meeting our own present and future needs. We can do even more: by investing in renewable energy sources such as wind, tidal and biomass, by expanding our capacity as an energy corridor and by developing new technology and services for the global energy industry. We will:

Form an Energy Team to develop an investment strategy that will position New Brunswick as the energy powerhouse for the 21st century.Support the development and expansion of a global supply chain in the nuclear energy field.Investigate opportunities for establishing a petrochemical industry in New Brunswick.Determine the potential for securing access to natural gas for northern New Brunswick.Examine the investment opportunity for an additional generating plant at Belledune.










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Technology Clusters Future economic growth will be increasingly dependent on our ability to foster innovation and make new technology available to the wider marketplace. To make this process efficient and cost-effective, companies developing related technologies tend to cluster around centres for research and development.

Our well-established research community and the advantages of our location and resource-based industries provide a base to develop technology clusters. Opportunities now exist to move forward in three areas:Advanced Training Technologies: New Brunswick has a solid base of firms and institutions that have developed world-class expertise and technology in the area of advanced training technologies, which employ animation, gaming, simulation and distributed learning technology to provide safe, effective and affordable personnel training. Potential applications are in training for military personnel in Canada and abroad, emergency response personnel and commercial pilots, as well as in safety technology and remote robotics. In addition to creating a leading economic sector in New Brunswick, the technology and learning developed here can be exported around the globe.Energy Technology: New Brunswick is strategically located to act as an energy hub for North America’s northeastern seaboard. New Brunswick is a leader in the development and application of nuclear technology

with the construction of the first Candu 6 reactor and the Centre of Nuclear Research at the University of New Brunswick. Provincial engineering firms have developed world-class expertise with respect to the removal of pollutants from coal-fired generating plant emissions and the development of zero-emission coal technology. New opportunities are constantly emerging with respect to the development of clean technologies and renewable energy sources, including wind, tidal and biomass.Bio-Economy: New Brunswick has established a significant concentration of expertise in the field of bioscience – using our natural resources and renewable materials to develop products, services, fuels, energy and materials. The development of biotechnology-based products and services will generate opportunities for diversification within our agriculture and fisheries sectors as well as our resource-based industries. To maximize the potential for clustering, we will focus support in the areas that offer the best opportunities for commercialization and investment attraction. Possible focus areas include the use of bio-agents in the development of “green” bio-processing technologies in the forest, marine and agriculture sectors; resource-based products and technologies for application in the health sector; and the development and implementation of new technologies to study gene and cell functions in human, animal and plant biological systems.






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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick


We will move forward to develop clusters in these areas while exploring opportunities in other sectors that will put our people and our resources at the forefront of new developments. We will:

Complete the process of identifying the most promising technology clusters and the priority core technologies to be targeted for support.Review the current mandate and structure of the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation so that it supports key research and development that is complementary to priority technology clusters.Leverage federal programs to support the commercialization of cluster related technologies through direct financial support and the attraction of venture capital.Target national and international firms, including major firms with industrial and regional benefit obligations under federal contracts, to invest in research or establish a presence in the province to strengthen technology clusters.Support the development of partnerships and strategic alliances within each cluster and with key companies and institutions internationally.Support the education, training and recruitment of highly qualified people critical to the development of core cluster technologies.Work with the federal government to ensure potential investments from federal programs and research institutions are aligned with provincial priorities.










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“Spudware” Compostable plastic cutlery biodegrades within 180 days. Key ingredient: potato starch.

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Transforming Our Workforce

To become self-sufficient, New Brunswickers must have the opportunity to become stronger and more self-reliant. We need a new generation of healthy, productive and creative citizens who have the learning and skills to seize the opportunities offered by a better New Brunswick.

To ensure we have the people with the abilities we need to achieve self-sufficiency, we must make transformative changes in our workplaces, our post-secondary institutions, our schools and our communities. We must ensure that every New Brunswicker receives the best preparation possible for a healthy and productive life – beginning with our very youngest – and that we give all our people the opportunity to become exemplary workers, leaders and citizens.

We must make certain that every New Brunswick child gets a good start in life, with special attention paid to the health, security and development of our pre-

school children. We cannot afford to allow any child to be left behind.

We must build on our instincts for innovation and inclusion to create a world-class education system, in which new ideas are nurtured and all students are given the opportunity to reach their full potential. We must make certain that every child acquires the reading and problem-solving skills they will need in the modern economy.

We must ensure that our post-secondary institutions provide New Brunswickers with the opportunity to learn and acquire the knowledge and skills our economy requires. We must ensure that more New Brunswickers have the opportunity to complete post-secondary learning and training, especially at the post-graduate level, and that we retain our graduates so they can contribute to our growth. We must actively promote lifelong learning, so that we can adapt quickly to new challenges.

We must take aggressive steps to increase our population through retention, repatriation and immigration, so that we have the people to work in our

growing economy and ensure that we can sustain the public programs and services that we value.

Through these transformations, we will provide our people with the opportunity to live healthy and productive lives, pursue their passions and continually learn new skills.

It is clear that the early years from conception to age six have the most important influence of any time in the life cycle on brain development and subsequent learning, behaviour and health. The effects of early experience, particularly during the first three years, on the wiring and sculpting of the brain’s billions of neurons, lasts a lifetime.

Hon. Margaret Norrie McCain J. Fraser Mustard

Co-Chairs: Reversing the Real Brain Drain April 1999

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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick


Ready for Life Building a better New Brunswick begins with our youngest children. We must make improvements that will result in healthier children, stronger families, less poverty and give the next generation of New Brunswickers a head start toward more productive and fulfilling lives. We must put New Brunswickers on the right path to their futures, with focused investments in the care, health and education of our children. We will:

Provide better access to quality childcare.Promote wellness and healthy living.Redesign child protection programs.

By working with families and communities, we will ensure that every child has the proper foundation for successful lifelong learning and good health.

When Kids Come First As outlined in the government’s education agenda, New Brunswick has set an ambitious course for our public school system, focused on three goals:

Every child will arrive at kindergarten ready to learn.Every child will leave Grade 5 having mastered the tools to learn – reading, writing and numeracy.Every child will graduate from high school having had the opportunity to discover his or her personal strengths and to find something he or she loves doing.

To put the interests of students at the centre of decision-making in education and make our schools a focal point in our communities, we will:

Promote innovation, inclusion and the achievement of high-quality results in our schools.Expand learning opportunities through a strengthened focus on trades and vocational education.Establish community schools to revitalize the role of our rural schools.Promote the development of strong leadership at the school level.

This student-focused education system will help us develop a generation of New Brunswickers prepared to take on leadership roles in a self-sufficient New Brunswick.








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Training for the New Economy Meeting the requirements of the new economy requires new approaches to post-secondary education. We will ensure that our institutions are equipped to provide students with the education and training they need to compete for new jobs and respond to the changing needs of students and employers. We will:

Ensure that our post-secondary education system is student-focused, highly integrated and capable of preparing students for the jobs of today and tomorrow.Examine ways to address high levels of student debt so as to ensure the accessibility and affordability of post-secondary education in New Brunswick.

Continuous Learning Enabling New Brunswickers to participate in the economy of the new century requires a new approach to learning. While more New Brunswickers are working today than ever before, and our unemployment rate has reached an all-time low, we must not rest upon our laurels. Too many New Brunswickers still lack the literacy skills needed to compete in a modern economy, and skills shortages are becoming noticeable throughout our economy and across our province. We will:

Work with employers to develop new strategies to enhance adult literacy.Promote continuous learning in the workplace.Assist workers in matching their skills with new job opportunities.Collaborate with workers and employers to help them meet their workforce training needs.

Opportunity for All All New Brunswickers deserve the opportunity to participate in our economy and help our province grow, but many face barriers to work. In New Brunswick, there are regions and sectors that are experiencing shortages of workers, while in other areas we have surplus labour and higher-than-average unemployment. In addition, there are groups – including Aboriginal New Brunswickers and people with disabilities – that remain underrepresented in our workforce. Achieving self-sufficiency requires that we harness the skills and resources of all our people.

To maximize our workforce participation, we will:Develop strategies to ensure that all New Brunswickers and all regions of the province have the opportunity to contribute and achieve prosperity and self-reliance.








It is widely recognized that education and training are pivotal topics and major drivers for economic and workforce development. Self-sufficiency for New Brunswick citizens means that individuals and companies, both large and small, must believe that education and training is an investment, not a cost or an expense.

College of Extended Learning University of New Brunswick

Submission to N.B. Self-Sufficiency Task Force

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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick


Increasing Our Population More people are required to meet the needs of a growing economy. It has been estimated that we must increase our population by 100,000 over current projections within the next two decades to ensure we have the workers that our growing economy needs, and the capacity to maintain our health and education systems and other valued public services. We must reverse the flow of people out of our province and make New Brunswick a destination for opportunity.

Achieving this goal requires that we take a comprehensive approach to increasing our population, employing a mix of strategies to make New Brunswick a place that will keep our young people here, encourage New Brunswickers living elsewhere to return and recruit and retain new immigrants. We will:

Take aggressive action to recruit more immigrants to our province, as well as to retain them once they are here. We will increase our rate of immigration by marketing our province to the world, positioning ourselves as business-friendly and open to new ideas, promoting diversity and multiculturalism and assisting new Canadians in making an easier transition to life in New Brunswick. Settlement services and strong economic growth will increase our ability to retain these new immigrants.Strive to engage our youth and support opportunities that will retain our best and brightest. We will work to repatriate New Brunswickers who now live elsewhere by linking job opportunities here with the skills of those who are looking to move home.Implement and promote programs, policies and practices that will enhance New Brunswick’s status as an attractive place to settle and raise a family.




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A new generation of leaders – people currently in their 20s and 30s – can and should, play a key role in helping New Brunswick reach its self-sufficiency goals. But first, we must create a culture of engagement. We must encourage the emergence of new leaders and actively create conditions that support them.

21inc. submission to the Self-Sufficiency Task Force

Transforming Our Relationships

To build a better New Brunswick, we need to enhance and sustain existing partnerships and build new ones – with other governments, business and labour, our post-secondary institutions, non-profit groups, our Aboriginal communities and with New Brunswickers in general.

Our most important partnership will be with the people of New Brunswick. New Brunswickers will be active participants in the long-term process of achieving self-sufficiency, doing their part with government to help make our province stronger and more self-reliant.

During the past year, we have taken significant steps to renew relationships with our key partners. We have formed a positive working relationship with the Government of Canada, working at the highest levels to create the ongoing partnership that will be required to build a better New Brunswick. We have reached a bilateral agreement with the Mi’kmaq and Maliseet peoples of New Brunswick that will form the basis of a new partnership between New Brunswick and its First Nations communities. We are working with the Atlantic provinces, Maine and Quebec to enhance our relations with our closest neighbours.

The province is also working with a senior advisor on public engagement, to assist government in developing new methods to engage people on public issues that will foster support for building a better New Brunswick.

Our relationships must be focused on and oriented toward the achievement of self-sufficiency. Because this is a long-term project, our partnerships must

be sustained over time. These partnerships must be mutually beneficial, so that our partners will have a stake in the advancement of self-sufficiency for New Brunswick. We will focus on the following key relationships.

Public Engagement New Brunswickers must be active participants in the self-sufficiency process. To ensure the success of the efforts that will follow this transformative change, government’s relations with citizens will be transformed. Our objective is to engage New Brunswickers in a long-term dialogue that will make them active participants in working toward self-sufficiency. Through the work of its advisor on public engagement, we will:

Develop a consistent, transparent and forward-looking strategy to ensure that New Brunswickers are fully informed about and engaged in achieving self-sufficiency.


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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick


Government of Canada New Brunswick will build upon the positive response of the federal government to the self-sufficiency initiative to create a sustainable, coordinated, active and mutually beneficial partnership with the Government of Canada. We will:

Develop a relationship with the Government of Canada that is focused on supporting transformational change and achieving our long-term objectives, with sustained collaboration at the officials’ level and consistent, ongoing oversight by the Premier and the Prime Minister.

Provincial/Territorial, State and International Governments New Brunswick will focus its relations with the Atlantic provinces, Quebec, Maine and the other New England states, and other jurisdictions, on creating cross-border strategic alliances that help us develop new export markets, expand trade opportunities and foster economic growth. We will:

Renew our Atlantic partnership and find new ways to work collaboratively with our nearest neighbours.Champion New Brunswick’s role in the Canadian federation through participation in the Council of the Federation.Work to maximize the advantage provided by New Brunswick’s unique position in la Francophonie to build new partnerships with jurisdictions across the globe.

Aboriginal New Brunswickers New Brunswick’s First Nations people and communities share the goal of self-sufficiency and want to be a partner in reaching this objective. We will:

Move forward to develop a government-to-government relationship with First Nations communities based on the Mi’kmaq, Maliseet and New Brunswick Relationship Building Bilateral Agreement.Hold regular meetings with First Nations leaders, establish bilateral round tables to discuss issues of mutual concern and work with First Nations to create the conditions under which New Brunswick’s first peoples can take part in achieving self-sufficiency.

Business and Labour Government will work collaboratively with business and labour groups to build their participation into the self-sufficiency process. We will:

Hold regular meetings with business and labour leaders that will foster an ongoing spirit of collaboration.Focus our relations on the role that business and labour can play with respect to enhancing skills training, removing barriers to further growth and advancement, achieving greater productivity and promoting economic growth.









This agreement, if given the opportunity to work, can create an environment where the Province of New Brunswick and the Aboriginal communities can work together on a government to government basis… if the level of trust exists, then I am sure we can use this process to work through our disagreements to find solutions that will benefit everybody.

Chief Everett Martin Eel River Bar First Nation

June 22, 2007

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Communities Municipalities, community organizations and volunteer groups are

important providers of public services to New Brunswickers. They contribute greatly to the well being of our people and our

province, and are capable of being important players in the building of a better New Brunswick. We will:Work to engage and support municipalities, community organizations and the province’s non-profit sector so that

they can be full partners in achieving self-sufficiency.


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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick


Transforming Our Government

To revitalize our economy, strengthen our workforce and forge new partnerships, New Brunswick needs a government with a structure that supports strong policy development, principled decision-making and the timely delivery of quality public services.

We must put renewed emphasis on improving the health of New Brunswickers, enabling people to better manage their own health care while ensuring the quality and sustainability of our health care system. We must equip our public servants with the skills necessary to support the process of achieving self-sufficiency. We must ensure that our communities are strong and provide an opportunity for all New Brunswickers to participate in their own governance.

Transforming government is about providing better information for decision-making, enhancing accountability to taxpayers, making government function more efficiently and promoting the highest standard of services to the public. The result will be a government that is adaptable, effective and accessible, and provides a place for our best and brightest to build a better New Brunswick.

Healthy New Brunswickers A self-sufficient New Brunswick requires healthy people with access to high quality, appropriate health care services. Health-related spending accounts for the largest, and increasing, share of the provincial budget. To ensure that we can continue to meet our health care needs now and in the future, we will incorporate new technology and innovative methods of health care delivery into our health system. We will:

Take action to ensure that our health care system is managed in the most effective and efficient manner possible.Actively promote wellness and physical activity for our youth and healthy lifestyle choices for all New Brunswickers.Provide people with chronic illnesses with the opportunity to do more to manage their own care.Explore means that will enable our senior citizens to enjoy healthy and active lives.Ensure that the health needs of our most vulnerable residents – particularly children – are appropriately addressed.Use new technology to build on our reputation as a leader in the field of home health care, expanding the range of tele-health services now offered throughout the province and implementing new home-based monitoring systems. Through these innovations, we will provide the support that New Brunswickers need to better manage their own health and health care.







Government organizations need to pick up the pace and become less hierarchical, process- oriented, stovepiped and inwardly focused. They will need to become more partnership-based, results-oriented, integrated and externally focused.

Jonathan D. Breul IBM Centre for the

Business of Government

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The Provincial Health Plan will set out new directions for health care in New Brunswick, which will ensure we can live in better health while sustaining the health care system that we cherish.

Improving Service Delivery The effective delivery of government services must put citizens first. Services must be convenient, timely, easy to use, flexible and transparent. Orienting public services to

these qualities will provide greater satisfaction to users, a more business-friendly environment for entrepreneurs and will ensure that tax dollars are used in the most effective and efficient manner possible. We will:Reform the machinery of government to ensure effective and efficient management of public policy issues.

Enhance the transparency of our relationships with Crown agencies, boards and commissions.Explore new ways to provide services to New Brunswickers and evaluate opportunities to obtain private-sector benefits from the marketing of public-sector innovations.Ensure that government departments work better together to enhance efficiency and improve services to the public.

We will evaluate our programs, processes and policies with one question in mind: does this help or hinder our drive toward self-sufficiency? Consistent evaluation will set government services and programs on the course of continual improvement.

We will be a leader in providing high-quality and timely public services. With Service New Brunswick as the primary service provider, our province will have a solid foundation on which to develop new approaches to enhance the accessibility and quality of a wide range of services. We will:

Increase the use of “single window service,” making public services easier to use and more efficient to deliver.Streamline and modernize our processes for providing services to the public and the business community, improving the timeliness and reducing the cost of providing services.Enhance integrated electronic access to government services.










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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick


A Renewed Public Service The provincial public service faces the demographic challenges now facing other New Brunswick employers. The retirement of the “baby boom” generation presents us with a significant challenge – within the next five years, one-quarter of our public servants plan to retire or move on to other opportunities. While this presents an enormous challenge, it also provides us with an important opportunity for renewal.

New Brunswick has long had a reputation for having one of the best public services in Canada. Our public servants are proud of this reputation. Within government, we need to do a better job at providing opportunities for career growth within departments and within government as a whole. We need to adapt to technological change and the increasing demands of a modern society. We will ensure that our public service is ready for these new challenges.

Government will become the employer of choice for people seeking opportunity and advancement. Achieving self-sufficiency will mean new projects, new initiatives and new ways for people across the public service, as well as in the private and community sectors, to get involved in the task of achieving self-sufficiency.

Through the following actions, we will reach out to our public service to make them active participants in achieving self-sufficiency. We will:

Invest in the skill sets of public servants.Promote continuous learning in the government workplace.Review employee benefits and human resources policies to ensure they are competitive with other sectors and attractive to potential recruits.Develop a new generation of leaders within our public service.Engage in succession planning for pending retirements.Actively recruit and retain talented individuals for our public service.

These actions will renew and revitalize our public service, giving it the credibility to implement the changes that will be made to build a better New Brunswick.



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One very significant obstacle to the development of our regions, especially the outlying regions, is the incredibly chaotic, inefficient situation of local and regional governance.

Association francophone des municipalités du N.-B. Chances égales pour l’autosuffisance

Présentation au Groupe de travail sur l’autosuffisance du Nouveau-Brunswick February 22 2007

Stronger Communities A self-sufficient New Brunswick requires strong communities. Local governance must be effectively managed, providing tax structures that meet communities’ needs while ensuring a competitive environment for business and employment. Participation in local governance is a fundamental right that must be extended to New Brunswickers in all corners of the province.

A commissioner has been appointed to study local governance issues and provide recommended actions on:

The structure of local government, to put an end to New Brunswick’s “democratic deficit.”Property taxation, with an emphasis on equalizing the tax burden for all New Brunswickers.The creation of a new provincial funding mechanism for municipal governments.Enhancing land-use planning, so that it adheres to the principles of sustainable development and reduces urban sprawl.Improving regional planning and service delivery.

In responding to these recommendations by the fall of 2008, government will strive to position New Brunswick’s communities to take full advantage of the opportunities created by self-sufficiency.






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Our Action Plan to be Self-Sufficient in New Brunswick


A Better Future

The time for transformative change is now. We cannot wait for others to secure our future for us. We must, and we will, take control of our own destiny.

By transforming our economy, our workforce, our relationships and our government, we will set the foundation for a better New Brunswick: a place of opportunity and hope for all.

This is the spirit through which we will work together to achieve self-sufficiency.

This spirit is rooted in our love for this place, and our desire to be all that we can be – here.

It lives in our desire to be strong and self-reliant: to fully contribute to the community in which we live. It lives in our ability to overcome adversity and create wealth from what we have, with our own hands, our resources and our minds. It lives in our love of the land around us, and our desire to preserve it for our children and their children. It lives in our multicultural communities, our Acadian, Loyalist and Aboriginal heritage and in our commitment to a bilingual province. Our pride in the past will be reflected in our hopes for the future.

New Brunswickers want to maintain all the qualities of this place that they love. We want the opportunity to achieve our full potential as individuals here, building sustainable wealth and growth in all regions of the province. We want a stronger economy, a safe and progressive society, an innovative and inclusive education system, and more efficient and effective government. We want a place that we can call home, for ourselves and for our families.

We want a better New Brunswick.

We can build a better New Brunswick. By taking decisive action and working together toward this common cause, we can establish the foundation for a stronger province.

We can be strong, proud, creative and brave. We can be better. We will be self-sufficient. We will take the risks and seize the opportunities that will make this possible. And in achieving this goal, all of us shall truly have made a better New Brunswick.

New Brunswick and the other two Maritime Provinces are at a crossroad. We can sit by, making political noise from time to time about the state of our regional economy and see our population continue to drift away, or we can define an ambitious and overriding goal and pursue it with all the energy that we can muster

Donald Savoie Telegraph-Journal (May 7, 2007)

There are some, both inside and outside New Brunswick, who do not think we will succeed. I am not one of them. My confidence is based on both my understanding of the province and my experience in business. Our success will be based on three factors:

We simply have to make it. We have too long and too proud a heritage to simply shrink from the scene.

We are small enough that we can more easily turn things around.

Help comes to those that help themselves.

David Ganong, President, Ganong Bros. Ltd. (September 2007)
