Page 1: ou Buy Righ «##- mm 'With m Your Are -fate* i Nearsighted , mtitjh eott Id you do if you were unable to see

vw mm

' W i t h m Your A r e -fate*

i Nears ighted , mtitjh eott Id you do if you were unable to see

to sefcd clearly!' Fits-U %ectaeks.adjusted accord-.lag to the results of our scientific examirmtioBS may t>e just what y£ ur boy needs to help Mm in his stu-dies. It is wor^i while to find out.

Br. Sanborn v&M at £2f£ Point .NOV. .Nov.

r. 6


Cor CHnVon and Marlon S i s

nmw VORK


BEAVER BOARD For Wall* and Ceiling!

IIt is superior to plaster and ¥

for 41 reasons. i l o r e beautiful, more sani-

'. tarv, m o w durable. Easier tuid quicker to put up. Never

• c r a c k s . Suits any room in • a n y building. See i t a a d

y o u l ! b e convinced. .;



1 .' ' ~


1 'v • ' " > • ' . — r r —


» .

Mrs,, Herbert

f€fS0Hi mtBuM Mrs. 'T, "ttj. £*wis of Champlain is

the guest of i Mrs. Emerson .I*ew|«. Mr*. George H. Stone of Vergeanes,

Vt, has beep spending the weeK in this city,

JyjrslC.- A, .kimbaoh, who, ft** h**» visaing relatives In ReesevilieT for the'past-week has returned to her home in this], city*

Bugene Sirown, Jr., returned Thursday nig fit from a ten days' trio to Boston where he* visited* friends and relatives; , "Mr. and M'.rk' Aiee lAtour*lte, of

Keesevifte, »»d party of friends were among the vjtsltlng antomol^Uats In ibis -p{ty yesterday.

Mrs. Banna; Cotton with her daugh» ter. Miss D&Jj&y Cotton, of Rutland, is visiting: hep sister,. Foster* on Elizabeth street.

Miss Mary IS, Cuddy**of 32 Elisa­beth street, ijsft' yesterday for Bon-ton where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Robert J. Cromwell.

Mrs. Merritt gowtes left last even­ing for Orange, N. J.» where she will spend tha wlnjter .with her daughter, Miss* Elisabeth M. Sowles.

Bavid Merk« is in New York city Gtt *. buslaeasjirip, .'•."-"'

Br, and Mrsi Roswell A. Hogue ar­rived home yest*rdayfrom their wed* ding* trip. \ \ > ;

Miss Gertrude London, of "New York, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Bavta Merkek

Hon. Nathan, T. Bewitt, of Keese-yiile, was a business caller in town yesterday.

Among the Piattshurghers who left for New York city yesterday morn*

|ittg on the excursion were* Br. and Mrs. "W, C. Thompson, J>r, and Mrs. J, J, Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. €». B. Weir, Sirs. J. t» Clough, Mrs. W, W, Belt, Miss Edith Melntyre and Miss

J Grace Stevens. Miss Bertha Mendelsohn left for

{New York city yesterday morning where she will visit for several week* with friends and relative*;

wmxmoK a-oajc&j' I f.—flhall las sum of One «u*d -Dollars (fl.jOOO.OO) be

Notice Is hereby given, that at th* *>y t s* for refftaniin* '1*4 *?e*-*4tinf General Election to bs htfdjNovem- of the Bridie on | *o«|h Catherint "ber Ira, 1911, the polllngipl^css and street? • tm restttraiTon places for)«Wd Else- j - 4,"—-fihaH. the sain -• of \sm • Hnnjifad tibn, and the bowndaries of i he slec-, Dollsrs ftW0.0*) ft* raised Mf ; tax tie* districts- in the city! ofj Pla«»- for the jmrcaas* )fk\apushittg |cart

fum^ m^mwMm^

burgh are a» follows: District Mo, h Watd

.for street clesnin*-|pdrp|f«es? ,,' - 4! -l-4-Poiiin41 On registrs-tion < ays^ihe i*mpt>i?UHu

• • • • • • • - - J - ' » t i a « . F . | t ' - ' place, upstairs "over:""FW».-.]«•««»,t"Wi£ait from T Jt *.'«wj Court House 6o.uare< The polls of salJ5 election 'ytllf_ hm

Boundaries of Districts AM that 'opened at six o'ciofck in (the forenoon portion of the city lyinr; within the W& »loi* at Ave o'aloeKijin the following twundaries, namely: Com*• noon, of said November pd» If 1 fencing at a sola* wh#r«i thk center| .Plattsburgh, ,»?. Y., October t»tft, line of Brmkerhbff street intersects -tttt* tho center line of MaKg^ref street*


• sro'ttCfB The ofBce of the Clinton Comm«r«

4at school will fee open today from 9?#0 a. m. to tittft p. -m. for registra­tion. If you are Interested nmlf« a not© of it, ,


By' «^|j|dleg your' money' In your own home city. Thatvs one of tn#

tbest boosts a place -can have. W*» f carry all kinds of rubber good*, combs l*r«sh«p. tootiht bruihet, lick rai m1 ac-1

ISRURGH LUVI8ER fOVPA Y powflers, rmat#* fountain pens, etc, See n's before ynd bay anything in our line, Cady l>r«g Compaar.—Ady

ou Buy Right « # # -

Ijook at just a few of otir prices and corapsrc them with mhst yott. are psylnjEr, then you will know where to buy. This is tho time yon need. *o sjat© money. ] , _ • *,

(A1f0n ««» &o[ it toy haying hwc. t «

ChraaiilAtdd Sugar for

M lbs Qo^i Si^tfe I^tatoas - • -

-||tlw Bi^k^wii^at Wlom* s ack » ' .. '

rtmnimsr thence northerly in the cen­ter line of Margaret street [to the cen«* ter of Bridge street, theucejin fha ^eatey line of Bridge sttfee* to "the center of Saranac River, thetifce east* erly in the center line of JSaranao river to . Xake> Champlain, along the shore of LaUce j Champlatn1

to a point on said shore in the center Una of Xforralaa street, Jf« attended thence westerly In the center line of Lorraine street to the center.Of MU-ler street* thence":-, northerly in the Center line of Miuer street to tht, center of Bhn streets . thence west­erly in the center line of ;Etm street to "the center of Catherine; street; thence southerly In the center itn» of Catherine street to tha center of Brlakerhoff street, thence eaiterly In the center tins of Brlnkerhoft street to the place of beginning.''

District No. »—Wi

Boiling inace—Polling let strec't Boundaries All that portion of the within the following namely: Commencing on the shore of bake Champlain at a point in the center of liorralne street, If! extend­ed to said lake, running thence west* eriy in (ha center line of jLorralne strewt to the center of Miner!"street* thence northerly in the cenker lim^ of MMisr street to the center [of Elm street; thence westerly in iste ven­ter, line .of Kirn street to the .center of Catherine street; mene* northerly

\ in the center Una of Catherine street if extended to the north: feoimds of said city; thence easterly ia the north bounds of said city to the shore of La*e Champlain; thence seuthen* slong \h* shore of Lake .Chaniplain ss it winds, *ad turns- to,.the place of beginnmg.: •[ ;

' t IMstries No. *—Ward Polling plsce—The L. I* Shedden

ston# natlding on Bridge pt,\ on the West aid* if the bridge. BoUndarle* of District: All that f**rtietti ptthe clt> iyfnf within the following boundaries, namely: Commeneina at {a point or (tie Short of LoJieChampisiii in ih+

Imperial Crooks,

The Hallowe'en daraje to *be held thette*|R«*t Thursday niglt at jjcfce WlthierAll

Hntel should prov*[altr|i;cttve to ioth young and old. Ndt| dances be on the


Jeter lytofc jboiiodsurles,

cessorie*. medicines, sosps, p e « u m e e f ; f " * w ^ I t t ^ f * L j i a $ * - l 2 2 S f

thencs westerly in the nonh*r»> bounds,of the United Stales military reservation to the .-center pt $h» i$ar»* anac -tivarji thtnre :»«rthiriy centet* of .th# Satranan river center of Broad street,' it founded t« said rhw;'- thtae* westtrlyl c*nt«r. Inte of Bros* #tx*H tj» Mar-

centei eentwr


25c 25c .wl#ai(S^iir

' % » - i

first «tr«etj then** -in" thel

of BrMge street;' th«-nee easterly in ike coaler I1M of Bridge street to the. center of ftaranac river; thenc*-#ssteriy in the center of 5fr*4ac riv­er to lakt. Champlsin; thence eriy along the shore, of i^tke plsln as it'WiUtda and tufn« place of beginning, ; .

' ' Dfattrict 4-~Ward W.

Beams, Co!r»e»* street, I^ObuUi or district: Ml Oust portioa city lying wltMn the foUowia|[ boan

idanes, rsunely; CoumoncnsT in th» center of BrisAerhoS strtet wh*r*

Cathedtne '.street, .running .'thence' north In' the canter 'Una efLCatherlw' straefti if: extended, i in f-*"' north bounds of asid city; *h*oc|i wssterls'

••Htf to tfesne*

Ua« of

'!*. -««»»" Creain Corn-;.. .

.2 cans tluno Pea»..,[...

3s caaas pork and licwis.

$ -C 'as Ifer PioiUiS.,.;.... 25C

2 'cans Alaska iStUni»«,... ,•

52- caa». |^ni» BcanSf,».«..»',


1 Ite* omm Salrboii, $ Owl©

: i is»-

25c S5c

; Til© |©Howfcg Comb3na*ioa wflt-^e fewf Sate^


no of

- 1 • • ( . ( . ' • • • • * • ' • * *

t pOtWBt- TBSES& TKA, ; . , » . . t-pHE>CNi> BJ^ST coFiraai , ,« „,:. $ CANS tatOSfiH-&**&•*•*..: . . . . . .

IS I^AftplS. QB&fflSJBS........ , . . . ; . . . „ . . . ,

Tptel Combination - • • • • • • • «-




in the north hound* of sa d; the wast boupda therejsi!;

city'to the eewtec of tha pi an* road, thence easterly in the -cseser. the gOactfc road to the. ceats«t at erhoff street to the place of

J>ktriot No. a—Ward

of the cJty lyi«i« w a h l i j ^ e

a t ' a Botot whera the caattsr

;i*s«e#'!'W«st'ln *3|# ,'icwgMUs; -"w«*-"«:. Brlasceriioff street to t»# center of ifcCpig** tm&$ :8M##*, i»^t*yiy in the' co»:t«r M«ia «*• the- i>iam j ' Ota' .wast bound* o,f the naii thsnos souaierly in the west'

\ot the said d ty to the cenXer Siwangc4rtver; t&MK* easta-iy jln the center:, of'- In*. «ara»ajo [ -Bjv- »r 40. - ••**,# center of Broad str»et,',« eJtenfled to said .fivarj. t|j«»c#..we*t*rJ:f in.-th# oanfeijr' lina,' «4£ Broad-.fS'tr«e*:;-,toT Mai* jfsral'streafc thence ii»|theiiy m th* -center- Mftf/ -of Mairjsare* -sltt et ; |o titte

-. -15lsfrk* X^/#4^N>^ ; '** Pnli'togf -niaoeMa|e»s4 -1toiu#e,. .pjiijsa-.

:1be|h,' '-sjid Sonth darJes of;'j^tr$ctr^-|ths*^jtlon. ot &ff' cfty.'to'ing- -within '$&«' foii«^ihg *-—.digrie*.-mmeiy? .Ail; 'tbj t P^rkon

Lgas ^ai

the teity iyi-ug soptk'-'o*

in to

the the

in the

south Chsm* to thf

a j v p t


2* Bridge Street, They can supply your right prices' tdo.-+Adv.!


Bai>tifUt Chaijcli Rev. Boy i>. W<Kwi, j]|a«tor. At 'jth«

morning service th?'ps«tor wHl speafc on the subject, "Suspending Juder mem." Bible School «t the dose; of the morning servi«e( at' noon. !Ail young people out of t< uch with the Bible class are ukca to cotne l***** the pastor's class. The It. P. S^cJ B. will ..m*%, at- M * n.- m i' Tha 'fofic. "'Miistonars* oppori unit: f jin Ameri<j»ii Cities." Leader, Miss l^rth* Paridy, The -* eve»lh«'" i*er*iee>. ait|; '?.*©' p.1 Im. tSubi'ect of the' sermo*,, ''^reoccuptui .\* the cloa^ t»f th*« ? Mreni t||r servlcei ihe ordinance of. haptiiim Kl;lt be admin­istered. Ti»» choir wilt 'itkdtc tht* ser-tic-* uf l ining bei»efit % theirsl^ig-

Jin*, whfeh'win-'n«*';6t^ f gotten when the senice- itfpae*. "';* if^jrm ureetwat awaits-y*»u at any- <r ait |of .these :«W* "rtcea -of the rhurchp <'\ , |

City C^rtt.

ontjj pro#*m' 'but I the

old duMcex as well-'ant j I every effort will >bfe made to pfoyti^ an evening of pleasure for all wlwfi attend, fur-prises i n feeeping irith lithe spiiFiij of flatiowe'en are bstag !;*ept In re senf . Kefreshmens will be sejjved and a ticket to th* dancp i»«lude» Vefreshmeotij.- The -dancj is.given: raised •foods for purchajjin* ittaen the wards at the "Chafipisin Vajlley liospibtl.

FARMERS! ATT^NTIOX.' Are you thinking of: instaliini a

water supply system? | | f 'so get-in touch with the flifm of!| Spear Bros.,

' ftljl -t.11.1 ,..; .^—JL!' ' " f

wlU tht* h*<w-

jPlatt||burgh,. sr, needs, at

the to


Y. the


JKw^**e*isA 'Cl^ivriu At" the 'Prer-r-»yt*riari Rarest, ^o-

mnrrow, Bev. Jtwhn Baiter KfUy, t*re psetor, wilt prewh at a-th* mxa. T.*3. M«rn#BK t^c/'Arsaraiirj^'.t&e Pr|.v.-Llegie at fVtlowaliip: *ef#ninjp tofite «Th*-' Thunder - of • 8«e pi M^Uih

r^mfla^ l^hoot win m*ftl'*t aooh-JA •«',rdial. invltitlow Js'-'tshthded to tjtte

I ifotiUfi- m attend- th* »!-r|««ees,of this church. 1 '1 " ,! -;" •

.<¥-McttMtdlst jOljirclt. ? ,

M the -mm ,M*ih*m% 'Epiieomi ehtireh, ,Rev. ..innias B. -Spead, 3B,' B. pasto-r,- the .morning -selects wBl ^ :'*Wttl«.- ;IS»veIg*ic«gi.f. I«t tag: the topic wilt h6|*flnn T*«j' Chtirrchu** 'StiptiLeik welcomed and seats.: arc] meati«g-: a*- f.S* a*. m»-«|nd»y. isehoja

f aj noon and Epwortp Ij ijufue at §0. p* wot*

of th.

^rta^era'al ->7,M. jp. J Driscolt, '$>. JO., |k <*.

99ta .sswiees a t h Is «a&fercb. tomoij-W ir«{tt b# hrid at .Sstowas ' -feoff-asass- at A. im* Hfeh -p#sg at n$Mt

5, : .' ^ B e t W I ; • 'J Stottday aervlee* '•* H ^ *e u»u*l hoar. I ow mows si fJMi>.4nd•».«»,.\_.M^h •! '•u' at,*" YswpaWr. £t."%gC-f^tJK'F.Slr|au%| $m$[r.

, ; <i»r" .»sflft" -ot'. If Alt'' Pari X*djr! of t . :

-morrow, -the, fi|»6lVM isa b*gt§j "jftf- s j # • 9* 10 sju .in ISncIlih. Thei s«cjn«a' *jet«0rate* *$t -OiO.ft* stnd ,tko«|n#truetio»« . iv* 1 W-kt Pr^ti^lt.

'«d-. ^rame3af'.'nt1.' -Fell

at t o'clock''"iiey;• JE fflMr B&i8xm&


. »



piirtlon placed-;'. JUJ. - tale ' (third-

,]- '*rrka foilowjhg' pro^>ostp«Bi rnky' »e :|egaBy voted' a>y 'tha taa^ay^ r».« f -the '. fty:.of •J latWbuaRghi *t Said alepHon, itpaer, :|h:a following, yesWUtiun.; ' 'i.-rShali the aunt- of ;j3ev««. dShou-

•jis ia- • jfjjvo-j. jpmidreiti- |>oiJii«aj<f.V *'ioo,;0^ '^a |rai«d' b^. ta|^ *>r Mot©*

:- '-j- .'»H3haii' the.anm of'-Jfi^a .'Thow-. sand". ipoutft ;'(#M<Wft<00).'Ifte* -1 aisw - fcyj •ta^.fior'ithe.'*»nair oi? -'feidsre' ftroetl ,..., :-,.-_., "#om -.-C$**lott*- js%»ei -.^^^ta^^etfwill . jj ave '--.ciiar e-' of stree* wiOt 'Granite and rw«'o|a f|ooks i1",""i ' ':'"' ""*:! "

uc tftiiae<a;-.i?riok?

: [ - .; iSrtnitte. At- TWttity • churbl,.. ^verand, r r ,

"berfc' Gale»l.-.rectotri,;th-«i -S<&feetr.iomO'r-I f o ^ tka;tw«ntc4th''SiLtt.d;iy afW'^in^ |lty),'.;will:he awj^oMg^M^vft;-3m,, BJoly'Communio'ni i f :;?0 "il* m.*-morn-tng -i'«ery|j;e; «&d'y»ai$iio»i 13'' 'aoii% ^uttday-'school "'artd-1 Sib"« ;ola s;' ??$,& :p, -in.,,'.evening prayejfc.'a]4 -;.-*er.won.


Kpiscojial ,»Va!ewi!r- M^h|fl4i t. -''.-CtiBrfeli.

Th.tJ Sunday .%'ha'ol;. Roj'# - touio^riw, ^egifening'at *io|;^'chicle; «#iti- b.«sj.g£5?-•att' tjp'.-fo'.a- m««^l-.-n»dUitftrary''!pro»«'' •grant' KiJMen..w,by I "the*"' niMm.'. :^chpo$ aicho!iftif,:1jThe dajyis <jJisetveft a^Baaiy jDasi «M^weriT'|nemii»er <sf the-'jschp i ;l» espeetld to' M''!pre) 'pi$:. i Claee^ 'will ;h:0 jsbfOupe'd; duri^g'-.i ite'. < i^roisea • *q-; Ordii)!sr--*g_ 'th:e-_ now-- 4 a*su t |*a' orin^lpl^', ^ha *>phqol:; *wjll: atte id'-. •• ihe -v mortt|a-g:: :»ervi co at' M. ~ o?clook U*.- E T beidy wrhen-"tJhe j laa^or, -Ttev* ijt. % Co t *,: ;Wili' ssfpejaas on : : | b%>' value, o^ • the:: su j 1 .dk-y- ':SchOoi ^ t -tialcour.uiliJSCi' p.-v^^-tho'giJind^., .apho rf, -and c»«rck' wi it %\ie^t toff they-'l pp* -j, ftoaiy '.*©aj ejsercl* tea <: iajd 40 ** '". Spworth ;J »§rBe ^I'oitftitttf..^ viee.of - the. Pern !ch«roh:.'!;iii j a niejig1

etf'witti; th -."-Cki!l8tla*vbi;.d-'e*ivor *rir* vjfee-;-^f.,tke' 'Cobfg^egati Rsi -«oatej[y..

tfhsi. eryjee ȣ ^Ite Cftristlfn-:

»tf the-^abj^bi; ^


' the- wep m«w c a t i -

m&f alwaye free. Cis^s

.Ber. *,'.*£


t#»i5;. a*.. 'm« a*Mt-ft4ff

n»*. ,BeA;

nt$* -* .'

•ne^ceS*--InsifceaefeiM, 1asg -win b«!-*^MsMju*r

:fc, Children]

: f« t -XVIII KG. C

Its Dangerous To Eat Breakfast

! ''.: >»- : • I ' J '; -•• " - - • - • 4 " _ " .:;'. |." • '---:

••-- B e s i d e s , WB n o t w p - c o m f o r t a b l e . Y o a a r e »kore sBBc^>&lfr *@ c o l d s fe t h e mora-

Why Suffer and Shake in a ChfUy, . : .. . Creepy Dining Room t

• . - ( . ' . - ' • ! " ! \ ' . •'• ' ' 0 ' * . ' - • - . • - - • • i : : . ' . - . . - . •

110 J O B B8^! a gas fce#te? yok # O B ! ^ only fcaw to % h t i t a tffepj BBiBrtes Before feetoast is c#ed» l a tirder to taiff f&e difliiig toom eomfortabte, aa i w a f m . ; •• '.}; -;."' I'-""- ;4-4. :

-«*"Heirtejr* Mj :Att : Prices • t h e m t o d a y a t t h e € i a s ^ I k s e ; ;
