>&>r^r4er*dGeit, 3 ^ , * wnwn »t hi* hnpd^ jay-procefatamderfofr V. ' cbc ttcpwworg. TU£S1>*Y. MAYS, 1809. Jfedertff Triumph U I The/ferurnsat the Cierk*3 office not being complete WC mud defer till next week a 1 ftwerttewtof the vote* gtvpaiMhte Onttpty at the late Elc^on far Senators MHI Affably twi*. Bat fr» «in official tetania and Ver« incident t o a^ ft<fte of things, growing out ol difttnft cooperations. With this cxpWditon,'08 reqoifire as it n frank, I am authorized to inform &>u that cv -•.•* fl >fOtt»*dettto *Mi* ^otjfe of couct » his bretfl; ao |~ ~-i»y. a«HV urtft Aot ful* weed,' AftofWand JOTKQr of ail exceot the {h»s ground, He firraty \*jgdmade anatietttpuo fttccted. He the* de» 0* ihofe la uniform audi i^fa»t *hey**?iig^f bets* fai&ummty *f4tt*$ hit am, The $aa*&ai *net* >id lie woofd extents itgt T a e Gcakend ?ep!ieaV «ffifedo J V , iamiedt* |»4ir&»kreafl* T»* Sfed tb^e iol^ery^ and *e- caHifito, bmfcofoidthe - clue conliaeratiwt, with- - (d bewildered T£EA* J ifta authority ©i t^» U» feiJaslusK* and.&claia 5&to ol eventually ex. »v H# then aiked the, me to deliberate. **No* rojned *a>e(tlL J * fhe isajjas 0* tfcaXL $ , COCK dtxwq; $ 9 ajrnisr # | t j *&« abttealtb, pKm, Wight §tfc ; Jr. i«»%- 3igaii&N? • *• £«inW»t<<* s»b* wcrttenyear elected by an overage wrtrV the engagement contained therein,{vhe£ as a fattsi>d6tton tor t'Be fnfplt ^aijtjl Th?*Vw»7 w . tt ' P fcve **e Federal Senatorial Tick- irtjury of which he lias cora#4ned, ,0m i ^ ^ " ^ ^ T S ^ Z * cannot byt rehcU ^ ftat^.tfiat whilehetor^arstoinfifto^^urrtier io*sv«^CMf«ve0 fa,vo^at)lt?c' * > 9* . Uighly Pkajing News* . ..„, W# jB&ottncc, Willi'hean-fcUlhtiofoAfottt the Pro» tbTT4ti rt nt)i' the Frefiden^ of the^ntted States, re- <«)V«A^/ *^ c J a ^ ma i l » t«3fi*h:cr with the notes; bc- »***» Mr J&rDune art& Mr Smith, v/h^tch prece"de5l ita promvigauaw* An eveftt fo ciarjpt&iaja* »'» an accom- j«cil3fti^a» Sahicfe promjfest to revjv? ooir commence ttitipUct Iron a Cafe and honorable filing—to{Q. fuch an example, nor tB« left petfdaded,4hat it would belt coiaipprt with what is dt?ft (torn *f3hty'(pw*Ty»»5 «> «v«ryfeteBd'tu hh country. JUifc Oakicy» from England, arrived at the city of T/^thLtn^toH t>w thefthdlt. trfth'important dpf^atch- Ct f«f Mr ErCatie, thp Britiffj Miniver in this couii. tf/i acd for our^ecrorary of State*. Robeirt Smith.— TiieR>dsfp3tshC3 priced, tli3 fo!tov7inq Correfpoa.' <Icnce between Mr. Ei;fldne and ^fr. Srb^th---on the JmppyiCTue of which we fincereljr coitgrxtul*tc ; oor •ifljmaa Country* . » V his Britanniq majc% t'6 his own honori f hav« the honor ttfliei &c f , s • * . s , , R/SMrnfr Extraordinary ana Mmifter Pttn», - ipatentiary tif his Britannic Mdj» l (Iilo, til/. ( ,„/, v •*» J- ' June nv-x^b^e withdrawnfew»rd«»ft i&^?te,ty^j^to\i$hi&fcj«* co»nd| qf,Jf«niury and ^ m b o c 1%,,f> f ^ rt " ' Wfe - ' J "^ 1M * - K f/»ras ire(0pa$ |heUmted,Swte*/ihav^4^ honor oi k'orining )jou |hat the JrVeBdenr. moreio patnnpate^ P* Joyfi will Jjccoryingly,and in puftrancc ot ihe iith leflfed a n^ncwus WB4 feeji^ t hsfc.fV«t* Sknmu f mijud, ,ibjH,<tieiT^d©pj the United States wjtjitOi. * •" - - - *< * ' (ihe^afln^rproi^dfti.ifee&tdieamn* > ^^"WgS** 3 *^. , ,.- , - ^ / / hl !Sr e,WB,,r< ^ k \^\^u v*^*i^^Jfc*w<m& -*, * 4~> tweea , thet4rog^v.*nicBcnt8/ttie Prtfidett'i ont»Bf9tfc LA&fATlON; r- .* ' honorable ^jhTrouoii' which he had ^aiijted ie b& tendered lor fh^tin^ in ho n 2^4*31 tadk ( upoji the Amerkan fri^te Chelapcrakc would h^ -'-J; mmmm -M . « ;';Btighti; iepjpofing the authority 4V Y^-r;* prcparmo-to or- umberoi 5 ooa per- ^foc^tsa,. , . N .(No.I.) ^ ',MR* ERS^INB tO MR. S&ITtf* . ^.;v '^'^Ifet^.honor.'lp' inJbfcni, yotr th«t Ihai?i^ C'r'$0i^^^ |laite^:^aiei,lhli; _ ItifM« ^m^^^^^i^^&-^i. ?w¥el / f|SI^|l^-]i. tfbdenciy .t*i idipede, Mtitit|*r& • ;>;^e^^|»^a^ ; -iioa>r^ -' -• ;••'; ... • ."'^iMBpte^ ihll'lfttjf0»gre|$ : of ifc^PiiN^' x ^J^ .A( : " ; >S8^ in-th^ir J^o^eisd^ogji at - the opemwg' ' 1 ; •^l/jSlfeg;jtii'ipJ^: $mt r isrftieh would ffajce; Hotted .Wrf-^ ,(.-.----„•-*;*•'> 1 % i^ode^#^t;,-)t<i:»3recut© he^^fM^ttit.of the' ^Elft^lfatc** r and. |w^t0-tei)ier4 ; ti *«**•' ;noon oi TueWay next, ' f«#^t»|l ; th^liilf.. Uf. Ifpd »^#^|ii^|l> coo-' .jdpfocerstomediretl^ fcifcrfdi|3n>^*ice. JSjSi i * "., : ' ; V«Wfflgi-f• rf^I?e4- hi?^initje%1i^ttt»tti«n?^ * |r •>.. •; .'.^ * j;|^-^^4 P* r t- &M* ti>a|6fty, »«• honorable. jj», '"' - <,v"3#araitton ; for the aggrefiion comipltted^h^C ''>M'' i &ite^-%i|ii^#he|^ea|c^ ::: :;-;^ v .*-^p ^ -.;. ^ i ,,^l^i^^h^|^f»afled %*ln*^oi%r^ f|p|'. '; : : ^||w||j! .|ejrai#dlhe non-intercour fe aelj havk \ J' i :.;'' : *'?|^|PWN^»».teft=of eqt&Hty-ia the re)a(« |l|' |.' *.'' •, '^lldft|S of the- tw<o belligerent powers'! • with *ef- \ "' ' " ' ^ J ^ W tfe^Ufiited,Staces # * I have to fubmit ;linl|jrJiiahly ^inftrtieltons br the eoifrfefer- ; f'.^l^v^fc.^he,American government, ftreh v -:*4^i : .of .blisi^etion* and reparation a's in* itfe'" :,;*;5^is|[e^ i*iaduee4-*«Mt©ye wlW he-accept-^ fig i^^WAj&#wpJ»|»&4*'- '"*' t^ •^|ISM^e#.,.a#' t •co»mnttted , hy hi$. naval offi- | g f ^ f e feeall* ai.«markof ifee|ingV ure 4 from an highly impoitant and , Mm$$z$tMifcmfw.:%kt unfortunate folfe* ' : .M*-SmttL' EM* jfecntafy qf y '. •??>\ i w : fa| f iftltf on ; I ' *• aft?; sfeorOfmfteai-fwh: 'hfibtlii<.y)]^e^li^a< j'ur the >iriz;t p t fod*^ id, •*» *h*?' jpoife «t th«?- tDufepii the i8<hsz>ii«. inr.ebv difpenicif wkiu SMini.'M^iM* ' t.5» i^^'i* i iR»rfl)<l *»*• ifiW a rV#0i hil-i»f i*»,0O<>, W» « u : u .lOil i t«f # r^tj****? 5 *** *'-** ,r » ; »' »• • *II •ait*'-. f I „w %«iii^fe^paMtid^'"IO[^'^^ «w»ifti^|^>*if f jjj0i'. ma^Sf; ©fil^itilhe; •p**let 'ife^^gif^ki$U$> %wmpi 0^1 Vow«f *i»| ! ti^.'.a^^^i^ely^^-i^l^^ ofiendi/n|. ,; : #9«sir;ir&iri •'tJig My.'i'^pff^ttt; ;fcnjr tO'ft.|fef#il^ tlt^'fdir^if'J^^^V.fil- •ifiori for 1 ,fe'i»to'ti'Si^''iafeiie|i%«3J;tet occiiton," •'-:• :' •.,; •;..-/ : / / ;•' ••;•;'• „•-,,.y v :; The «ft^«njf»t?;stt «N&e Wfkrl tmtk$%^ wg, at 4i r rimet/ uareniiwei a fiii^r^ dtlire' which it v/a3 propofedi %ah thft£tf&Vc[fae\o ttprifft&fotMti&ion, CUtould rach"a**happ^ termihatior(oMhai W4ti£%tpUcff^ho\oh', 4^ ii$$a>»d^)f^^ A jottrt*ey!tta&p§0t; and Sh<>e M«^«r^ Appirto, i'o'pdribrr, w ^fcanft^mnwmfsii?* few, jn, who ^ifti to v/^rit for thew&tvesr. 4**hSi*tR rCanantTrj.to'o*. MJ|.V 2 P , ^ - » , 5 •——«*« ' I I |lf I 1 I Hi Hi £ m WM mm**>m+**i*mim JL ^«r^$h* m& oxitz do,, pi 06 gallon'^ - . , fc ,„ «#th,WoiHas» $o$x.Sii r t'd^dt3cri»f!i4r- f pofts/ 1 that-«in cafe dther.Fraiico or AKV&RAT^a, sie^<JS»Jfor*erryi;•*; <>» ^«^ f Oreat-terltaiii; iSOMb Tavbke orfno-. ?»$*%' BMiierB exi^fi^Jy.; Tfeey «da, futtable for market* ff " ; tlbrljsed to declare the? fame'by'Jprocta- embargo q« aII fliips'arid velfels in,th£ sports an 1 harboro of the UnUed States f!^dnt|g|id3|*fee ? his Britannic Majes. ol : coiigr^fewa*ali6tarti?Cinft^di^ eo^eratgii^:Se e » g d i ^ e ^ ^ %m ¥i*#« ^ , . „ fo trreir'faniKeJ^^'dMtt^nt;:* •,, ^^ 0^ ; tjet^gfdundk;^ mftruacd to cbfcnmumcaie to th'e"* a%er|eat!i, "itatMi :! ^ ^ ? ^ f f ,|WpV atti; w^lfel^^^Pie 0t. BVttairf7iBRNM^M^^Vw'^«^ r lhor%d ait to^ M a r ¥ ^ i ^ h a ^ M will^jn^et ^i#^dilpoifi|oifewe^ *fot an adji#(»enl"-of.t{|0dt&eft||# v1»^ •»»e fo fang; andfamtmp^Uf 'fuWfteA. l e * <%teo the "two connttifli' tlie 'fte?fd««t ^rt- 'Jtfi f JjH'koi irceiire wirft pfcafiliCiaffjJWttKCl'llwl 2f,' ; III Bfj'annic m*kf ^ u atumated W '«fte'&«J*! ., _;«' :;#tjl|de»# ; ol tlf-^Scelttjl^^-% ip \iB&$&.£i«!&^^^ tlfiii 'iif.Mew piti»|ilre.-1 .- : B«rh«'tett#' r pai^-dfhil •«a}eS|»toto'letter *i ile-lfnie i *"' !, - * •• " * "" - ' - "• **" -* -"•' *-'' * 4 *- - * : ^;;0?^ i( . tffv?»* ' | w ; > jppiiititin.au/^r'heis rr*^litcontofj/' f = ,Wt;Ji^*aft«^&ind€0»f»4*tttio» rifc* i . v «t, Ni ihti diifolilion to mrfLe a'totttment tO* } $ ^ ' (i ^ ' ^ a v , 0 »>^1H' ffihili and aggrcfTiui, commititrd hy,m^ft" ^fjf-Hl' p iltftl officeu in the attack on the i?iri- J«di*4itt tri^tt tbc Ciicf-pr-k*. viilm of ;0^EXTA ! » chanty t>f Omailo«49t»" ' the lelohd Tuefday of 18% tehi'bbetfS' . will fe^«xh1bI»«d%%t^^'fekV4fefeef^^ " ^%AT c^Ttt f Wm&;$ii$m $ Moitm r * &e,^-e»jogethef wjtb|ampi^4jl^^4|j| # «' be held at the ititte ©fall, oH ti* #dfttftfd^ " Wieliniiif ' |^^.me|rjt»oit^;5a^ aiR'v 1 ! a 1$^ ilfera- i H i # ' « B f ^ f ^ ^ lair ai^elpi •i" rf**-A« -,-k'i; /»'.. ,,'rfc--j> "•• •"',* ••2*'\A*4--'Ti*'*&• ..,, . . . .. _., . .... ...,.. AV J^#A^iii^ t W&iat|tf ';•;v-y,'': '4pi»^ t| ; 5 ^neiee^ifc iiaf of April, |lii S.J *fl ^ year of our t o # itogii ifie ht^heit^on#deratioa and ^ftfeehi; SM |pjir|nM0hWonE|bielery^;/^^^^ _ # -^ • •- - '•- ^{No.^j '*•• : :..izL ->/-• * » _ i - ^ ^ ^ - • — - ^if. ssl ; if a^-ro 4 " writ-, i'aa^'t^i^ *. '•, t £i-^^« •-: :i%yro; • •.; ; : ,.«.;*, ••'^,M SMITH, 9i$^i^:. ^ ^ ^ 5 « r ! J > 5 W 6 ^ V i*l«^ tjttf^ teVdkg from^siak to / d r f e e i o f SO ntil^^- ;. ;? ofOaoher next. ; 1 t'mtr IIIIS5IIII*IIIIIHUHH -•'— - 1 11 1" •••'!.'») J - **' l Mi ^ ! T HE fubfcriher havlog^|afffe^h| i?al* " »abk l*a#o> i a ^ ^ l i i i e i d f <hmw$. ^ for fa)e to %Q»4 XqithtS, it *$&& prkeW \ and oa.ihet0tJ4vr|ff «ajft ^ - c i ^ C ^ w . / 1 onetemfi|ra>lo|lhepf^«^^|0ni r - f and the remindertf>i4m #&& ^m^tMH *' to Buakcuf ^Ai«8EiCijf;^#,^^%# Coonty^r^tJIeltibt^l&ef M&^mm&A 1 Ontario County* / JOJ^T^^^y - Auguft 4, i-^e#^" ^ " *- /"* «^y ^ v" / e »* f tf" .„ .AW, 'ifaeMt^r:'. - 1 betng three"ffresp®0#m$mtm^ft&^W.- ^ ^ Woiiciaen etnploy^d*; if^fet 0t4S)$^-V -1 iauhfoI and expeditious manuer. ?c^v reSfonahfe p r | c f l thaa i # e j haf^ h ^ # I 6 * ^ ? - : been a horded m this country ^ ~v^ w ; ^ -^ *jj Any command* in thfe #^4|lifle!^w4l|^ - he attended (d i y B»^B% m^m-m *|W ftofe , i, by # El.mi^^^p^lv ^ -^ H)i;iiiH«»tf"~'" gw'%'»l» | ii*»«J"i"»t l "U» l Uj» l W!'l.' Bl {J,' &t Can mr, niinn^n it .IB.| ln,.n t ^ t e * #^ ; KS. A Gtoamlty of ft^i %%ri^i& By order ot the, ho$f poifs A^w#t^ r% otteof the jnd^or*ffie«?o»^^f <&***&»» »teas#|*b^ county of Q«t?m»*-'W« !J *^ R& fcl 3% 0$%** S^M^t« ' Wtthdtaw'^ ; «i' telpelli the tfiilild liutea «n ifielotti^f J'tm^oeM#. ^ •'• ''; f li»w «he^ hdbof to be. •dl JaefiaVf add J^wew&er* wilt ' | # V bees' 'v, |J-tr|fff . # ^ 1 ntmki^.M'i^H&jfll ^J—V -^ft;-i**^t^s.^A..««<. ['..^^iTiirdif SightM * *<inft aiidtii&itt : €Ki wiririi^ientpT #« «*det^ mm. km* | ' £tifiii& : Cl^.i>t*f -6"£'ft) s, Signed) D. M, £RSKN!E* ttU M. $muk t 6?r. tf» 'T^*rrr ^''^. ^-- t^JHiWIIil J'^ILIIWIIJJWWII ff IK jf^Mtt fi A* *'< t « lm$$fw Xf:: M*^t "w*y o U Spwzii* at! abodt one o'ttbefc *t hightl/| - y tfr w / e ^^/^ f ..sV«?e ^/ and we Jeartt (bat the ruffian Would fat* I tic J At •/1 0 THOMAS BEA f >% ceeded,fad\% not been for a tery fiithiut 1 1 . ^ a A /- "XTJ^VT^T. roCHRAN^BrnilUp/-"' dog; who in obedience to the eommandioi hii mailer, tor* tlrt villain away *toft| the mail ciirief^hin in the aft of gabbing htm! **--» COCHRAN* O 0 o o o a

mmmm -M . Tnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031529/1809-05-02/ed-1/seq-3.pdf ·

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>&>r^r4er*dGeit, 3 ^ , *

wnwn »t hi* h n p d ^

jay-procefa tamderf ofr


' cbc ttcpwworg. TU£S1>*Y. MAYS, 1809.

Jfedertff Triumph U I The/ferurnsat the Cierk*3 office not being complete

WC mud defer till next week a1 ftwerttewt of the vote* gtvpaiMhte Onttpty at the late Elc^on far Senators MHI Affably twi*. Bat fr» «in official tetania and Ver«

incident to a ft<fte of things, g rowing out ol difttnft cooperations.

With this cxpWditon,'08 reqoifire as it n frank, I am authorized to inform &>u that

cv - • . • * f l

>fOtt»*dettto *Mi* ^otjfe of

couct » his bretfl; a o | ~ ~- i»y. a«HV urtft Aot ful*

weed,' AftofWand JOTKQr of ail exceot the {h»s ground, H e firraty \*jgdmade anatietttpuo fttccted. He the* de» 0* ihofe la uniform audi

i^fa»t *hey**?iig^f bets* fai&ummty *f4tt*$ hit am, The $aa*&ai *net* >id lie woofd extents itgt

Tae Gcakend ?ep!ieaV «f fife do J V , iamiedt* |»4ir&»kreafl* T»* Sfed tb e iol^ery^ and *e-caHifito, bm fcofoid the -clue conliaeratiwt, with- -

(d bewi lde r ed T £ E A * J ifta authority ©i t^» U» feiJaslusK* and.&claia 5 & t o ol eventually e x . »v H# then aiked the , me to deliberate. **No* rojned *a>e(tlLJ* f h e isajjas 0* tfcaXL $ , COCK dtxwq; $ 9 ajrnisr # | t j *&« abttealtb, pKm, Wight

§tfc; Jr. i«»%- 3igaii&N? • *•

£«inW»t<<* s»b* wcrt ten year elected by an overage wrtrV the engagement contained therein,{vhe£ as a fattsi>d6tton tor t'Be fnfplt ^aijtjl

Th?*Vw»7 w.tt' Pfcve **e Federal Senatorial Tick- irtjury of which he lias cora#4ned, ,0m i

^ ^ " ^ ^ T S ^ Z * c a n n o t b y t r e h c U ^ ftat^.tfiat whilehetor^arstoinfifto^^urrtier

io*sv«^CMf«ve0 fa,vo at)lt?c' „ *

> 9 *

. Uighly Pkajing News* . ..„, W# jB&ottncc, Willi'hean-fcUlhtiofoAfottt the Pro»

tbTT4tirtnt)i' the Frefiden^ of the^nt ted States, re-<«)V«A^/ *^c J a ^ mai l» t«3fi*h:cr with the notes; bc-»***» Mr J&rDune art& Mr Smith, v/h tch prece"de5l ita promvigauaw* An eveftt fo ciarjpt&iaja* »'» an accom-j«cil3fti a» Sahicfe promjfest to revjv? ooir commence ttitipUct Iron a Cafe and honorable f i l ing—to{Q.

fuch an example, nor tB« left petfdaded,4hat it would belt coiaipprt with what is dt?ft (torn

*f3hty'(pw*Ty»»5 «> «v«ry feteBd' tu hh country.

JUifc Oakicy» from England, arrived at the city of T/^thLtn^toH t>w the fth dlt. trfth'important dpf^atch-Ct f«f Mr ErCatie, thp Britiffj Miniver in this couii. tf/i acd for our^ecrorary of State*. Robeirt Smith.— TiieR>dsfp3tshC3 p r i c e d , tli3 fo!tov7inq Correfpoa.' <Icnce between Mr. Ei;fldne and ^fr. Srb^th---on the JmppyiCTue of which we fincereljr coitgrxtul*tc;oor •ifljmaa Country* .

» V

his Britanniq majc% t'6 his own honori f hav« the honor ttfliei &cf , s

• * . s, , R/SMrnfr Extraordinary ana Mmifter Pttn», -ipatentiary tif his Britannic Mdj» l

(Iilo, t i l / . ( , „ / ,

• v •*» J- '

June n v - x ^ b ^ e withdrawn few »rd«»ft i&^? te , ty^ j^ to \ i$h i&fc j«* co»nd | qf,Jf«niury and ^ m b o c 1%,,f> f ^ r t " ' W f e - ' J " ^ 1 M * - K

f/»ras ire(0pa$ |heUmted,Swte*/ihav^4^ honor o i k ' o r i n i n g )jou |hat the JrVeBdenr. moreio p a t n n p a t e ^ P* Joyfi will Jjccoryingly,and in puftrancc ot ihe i i t h leflfed a n^ncwus WB4 feej i^ thsfc.fV«t* Sknmuf mijud,

,ibjH,<tieiT d©pj the United States wjtjitOi. • * •" - - - *< * '

(ihe^afln^rproi^dfti.ifee&tdieamn* > ^^"WgS** 3 *^ . , ,.- , - ^

//hl!Sre,WB,,r<^ k\^\^u v*^*i^^Jfc*w<m& -*, *

4 ~ >

tweea,thet4rog^v.*nicBcnt8/ttie Prtfidett'i ont»Bf9tfc


r- .* '

honorable ^jhTrouoii' which he had ^aiijted ie b& tendered lor fh^tin^ in ho n 2^4*31 tadk(upoji the Amerkan fri^te Chelapcrakc would h^

• -'-J;

mmmm -M . « ;';Btighti;

iepjpofing the authority



prcparmo-to or-umberoi 5 ooa per-


, . N .(No.I.) ^ ',MR* E R S ^ I N B t O MR. S&ITtf*

. .;v '^'^Ifet^.honor.'lp' inJbfcni, yotr th«t Ihai?i

C'r'$0i^^^ |laite^:^aiei,lhli;

_ ItifM« ^m^^^^^i^^&-^i. ?w¥el / f|SI^|l^-]i. tfbdenciy .t*i idipede, M titit |*r& • ;>;^e^^|»^a^ ;- i ioa>r^ -' -• • ;••';

... • . " ' ^ iMBpte^ ihll'lfttjf0»gre|$: of i fc^Pi iN^ ' x J^ . A ( : " ; > S 8 ^ in-th^ir J^o^eisd^ogji at - the opemwg'

' 1 ; •^l/jSlfeg;jtii'ipJ^: $mtr isrftieh would ffajce;


.Wrf -^

,(.-.----„•-*;*•'> 1%

i^ode^#^t;,-)t<i:»3recut© h e ^ ^ f M ^ t t i t . o f • the'

^ E l f t ^ l f a t c * * r and.

|w^ t0- te i ) ie r4 ; t i *«**•'

;noon oi TueWay next, '

f«#^t» | l ; th^liilf.. Uf. I fpd »^#^|i i^|l> coo-'



JSjSi i * ".,:'; V«Wfflgi-f• rf^I?e4- hi?^initje%1i^ttt»tti«n?^ *

| r • •>.. •; .'. * j ; | ^ - ^ ^ 4 P*rt- &M* ti>a|6fty, »«• honorable. jj», '"' - <,v"3#araitton; for the aggrefiion comipltted^h^C

''>M''i&ite^-%i|ii^#he|^ea|c^ ::::;-;^ v.*-^p ^ • -.;. i , , ^ l ^ i ^ ^ h ^ | ^ f » a f l e d %*ln*^o i%r^

f | p | ' . ';: : ^ | | w | | j ! .|ejrai#dlhe non-intercour fe aelj havk \ J ' i :.;' ' :*'?|^|PWN^»».teft=of eqt&Hty-ia the re)a(« |l | ' |.' *.'' •, ' lldft|S of the- tw<o belligerent powers'! • with * ef- \ "' ' " ' ^ J ^ W tfe^Ufiited,Staces#* I have to fubmit

;linl|jrJiiahly ^inftrtieltons b r the eoifrfefer-•;f'.^l^v^fc.^he,American government, ftreh v-:*4^i:.of .blisi^etion* and reparation a's in*

itfe'" :,;*;5^is|[e^ i*iaduee4-*«Mt©ye wlW he-accept-

fig i^^WAj&#wpJ»|»&4*'- • '"*'

t ^ •^|ISM^e#.,.a#'t •co»mnttted,hy hi$. naval offi-| g f ^ f e feeall* ai.«markof ifee|ingV

ure4 from an highly impoitant and

, Mm$$z$tMifcmfw.:%kt unfortunate folfe* '

:.M*-SmttL' EM* jfecntafy qf y • '.


i w : fa| f iftltf on; I '*• aft?;

sfeorOfmfteai-fwh: 'hfibtlii<.y)]^e^li^a< j'ur the >iriz;t pt fod*^ id, •*» *h*?' jpoife «t th«?-tDufepii the i8<hsz>ii«. inr.ebv difpenicif wkiu

SMini.'M^iM* ' t.5» i^^ ' i*

i iR»rfl)<l *»*• ifiW a rV#0i hi l - i » f i*»,0O<>, W» «u:u .lOil

i t« f # r^tj****?5*** *'-** ,r»;»' • »•

• * I I • a i t * ' - . f


„w %«iii^fe^paMtid^'"IO[^'^^ «w»ifti^|^>*if f jjj0i'. ma Sf; ©fil^itilhe;

•p**let 'ife^^gif^ki$U$> %wmpi 0^1 Vow«f *i»|! t i ^ . ' . a ^ ^ ^ i ^ e l y ^ ^ - i ^ l ^ ^

ofiendi/n|. ,;:#9«sir;ir&iri •'t Jig My.'i' pff^ttt;

;fcnjr tO'ft.|fef#il^ t l t^ ' fdir^if ' J^^^V.f i l -

•ifiori for1 ,fe'i»to'ti'Si^''iafeiie|i%«3J;tet occiiton," •'-:• :' •.,; •;..-/ : / / ;•' ••;•;'• „•-,,.yv:;

The «ft «njf»t?;stt «N&e Wfkrl tmtk$%^ wg, at 4i r rimet/ uareniiwei a fiii^r^ dtlire'

which it v/a3 propofedi %ah thft£tf&Vc[ fae \o ttprifft&fotMti&ion, CUtould rach"a**happ^ termihatior(oMhai W4ti£%tpUcff^ho\oh',

4^ ii$$a>»d^)f^^

A jottrt*ey!tta&p§0t; and Sh<>e M«^«r Appirto, i'o'pdribrr, w ^ fcan ft^mnwmfsii? * few, jn, who ^ifti to v/ rit for thew&tvesr. 4**hSi*tR

rCanantTrj.to'o*. MJ|.V 2 P , ^ - » , 5 • — — « * « ' I I |lf I • 1 I Hi Hi £ m



JL ^«r^$h* m& oxitz do,, pi 06 gallon'^ -. ,fc , „ • «#th,WoiHas» $o$x.Sii r t 'd^dt3cri»f!i4r-

f pofts/1 that-«in cafe dther.Fraiico or AKV&RAT^a, sie <JS»J for *erryi;•*; <>» «^ f Oreat-terltaiii; iSOMb Tavbke orfno-. ?»$*%' BMiierB exi^fi^Jy.; Tfeey «da,

futtable for market* ff " ;

tlbrljsed to declare the? fame'by'Jprocta-

embargo q« aII fliips'arid velfels in,th£ sports an 1 harboro of the UnUed States

f !^dnt|g|id3|*fee? his Britannic Majes.


e o ^ e r a t g i i ^ : S e e » g d i ^ e ^ ^ %m ¥ i * # « ^ , . „ fo trreir'faniKeJ^^'dMtt^nt;:* •,, • ^^ 0 ^ ; t j e t ^ g f d u n d k ; ^ mftruacd to cbfcnmumcaie to th'e"* a%er|eat!i,

" i t a t M i : ! ^ ^ ? ^ f f ,|WpV atti; w^lfel^^^Pie

0t . BVttairf7iBRNM^M^^Vw'^«^ r lhor%d ait to M a r ¥ ^ i ^ h a ^ M will^jn^et ^i#^dilpoifi |oifewe^

*fot an adji#(»enl"-of.t{|0dt&eft||# v 1 » ^ •»»e fo fang; and fa mtmp^Uf 'fuWfteA. l e * <%teo the "two connttifli' tlie 'fte?fd««t ^rt-

'Jtfi f JjH'koi irceiire wirft pfcafiliCiaffjJWttKCl'llwl 2 f , ' ; III Bfj'annic m*kf ^ u atumated W '«fte'&«J*!

., _;«' :;#tjl|de»#; ol tlf-^Scelttjl^^-% i p

\iB&$&.£i«!&^^^ tlfiii 'iif.Mew piti»|ilre.-1 .-:B«rh«'tett#' r p ai^-dfhil •«a}eS|» to to 'letter *i • ile-lfnie i*"'!, - * •• " * "" - ' - "• **" -* • -"•' *-'' *4 *- - *

: ^ ; ; 0 ? ^ „ i(.


' | w ; > j p p i i i t i t i n . a u / ^ r ' h e i s r r * ^ l i t c o n t o f j / ' f = ,Wt;Ji^*aft«^&ind€0»f»4*tt t io» rifc* i .v«t, Ni ihti diifolilion to mrfLe a'totttment tO* } $ ^ '(i ^ ' a v , 0

»>^1H' ffihili and aggrcfTiui, commititrd hy,m^ft" ^fjf-Hl'piltftl officeu in the attack on the i?iri-

J«di*4itt t r i ^ t t tbc Ciicf-pr-k*.

viilm of ;0^EXTA!» chanty t>f Omailo«49t»" ' the lelohd Tuefday of 18% tehi'bbetfS' . will fe^«xh1bI»«d%%t^^'fekV4fefeef^^ "

^%AT c^T t t f Wm&;$ii$m$ Moitm r *

&e,^-e»jogethef w j t b | a m p i ^ 4 j l ^ ^ 4 | j | # «'

be held at the ititte ©fall, oH t i * #dft t f t fd^ "


' |^^.me|rjt»oit^;5a^

aiR'v1! a 1$


iH i# '«B f^ f ^^ lair ai elpi

• i " rf**-A« - , - k ' i ; / » ' . . ,,'rfc--j> " • • • •"',* ••2*'\A*4--'Ti*'*&•

. . , , . . . .. _., . .... ...,..AV J ^ # A ^ i i i ^ t W & i a t | t f

';• ;v-y,'': '4pi» t|; 5 neiee^ifc iiaf of April, | l i i S.J *fl year of our t o # itogii

ifie ht^heit^on#deratioa and ftfeehi; SM |pjir|nM0hWonE|bielery^;/^^^^ _ # - ^ • •- -

'•- ^ { N o . ^ j '*•• ::..izL ->/-• * » _ i - ^ ^ ^ - • — -^if. ssl;if a -ro4" writ-, i ' aa^ ' t^ i^ *. '•,


£ i - ^ ^ «

•-: : i % y r o ; • •.; ;: ,.«.;*, • • ' ^ , M SMITH, 9 i $ ^ i ^ : .

^ ^ ^ 5 « r ! J > 5 W 6 ^ V i*l«^ t j t t f ^ teVdkg from^siak to /dr fee iof SO ntil^^-

;. ;?

ofOaoher next. ; 1 t'mtr I I I I S 5 I I I I * I I I I I H U H H -•'— - 1 1 1 1 " •••'!.'»)


- **' l M i ^ !

THE fubfcriher havlog^|afffe^h| i?al* " »abk l*a#o> i a ^ ^ l i i i e i d f <hmw$. *»

for fa)e to %Q»4 XqithtS, it *$&& prkeW \ and oa.ihet0tJ4vr|ff «ajft ^ - c i ^ C ^ w . / 1 o n e t e m f i | r a > l o | l h e p f ^ « ^ ^ | 0 n i r -


and the reminder tf> i4m #&& ^m^tMH *'

to Buakcuf ^Ai«8EiCijf;^#,^^%# Coonty^r^tJIeltibt^l&ef M&^mm&A

1 Ontario County* / J O J ^ T ^ ^ ^ y -Auguft 4, i-^e#^" ^ " *- /"* «^y ^ v" / e »* f tf"

.„ .AW, ' i faeMt^r : ' . - 1

betng three" ffres p®0#m$mtm^ft&^W.- ^ ^ Woiiciaen etnploy^d*; J§ i f ^ f e t 0t4S)$^-V -1

iauhfoI and expeditious manuer. ?c^v

reSfonahfe pr |cf l thaa i#e j haf^ h ^ # I 6 * ^ ? - : been a horded m this c o u n t r y ^ ~v w ; -^ * j j

Any command* in thfe #^4|lifle!^w4l|^ -he attended (d iy B»^B% m^m-m *|W ftofe , i,

by # El.mi^^^p^lv ^ -^ H)i;iiiH«»tf"~'" gw'%'»l» |ii*»«J"i"»t l"U» lUj» lW!'l.'Bl{J,'

&t Can

mr, niinn^n it .IB.| l n , .n

t ^ t e * #

; K S . A Gtoamlty of ft^i % % r i ^ i &

By order ot the, ho$f poi fs A^w#t^ r% otteof the jnd^or*ffie«?o»^^f <&***&»» »teas#|*b^ county of Q«t?m»*-'W«!J*^ R&fcl3% 0$%** S^M^t« '

Wtthdtaw' ; «i' telpelli the tfiilild liutea «n ifielotti^f J'tm^oeM#. ^ •'• '';

f li»w «he hdbof to be.

•dl JaefiaVf add J wew&er* wilt ' |#V bees' 'v, |J-tr|fff . # ^ 1 ntmki^.M'i^H&jfll ^ J — V -^ f t ; - i**^ t^s .^A. .««< . ['..^^iTiirdif SightM * *<inft aiidtii&itt

: €Ki wiririi ientpT #« «*det^mm. km* | ' £tifiii&:Cl^.i>t*f -6"£'ft) s,

Signed) D. M, £RSKN!E* ttU M. $mukt 6?r. tf»

'T^*rrr ^ ' ' ^ . • ^ - -t^JHiWIIil J'^ILIIWIIJJWWII f f IK jf^Mtt f i A* *'< t «


Xf:: M*^t " w * y

o U Spwzii* at! abodt one o'ttbefc *t hightl / | - y t f r w / e ^ ^ / ^ f ..sV«?e ^/ and we Jeartt (bat the ruffian Would fat* I tic J At • / 1 0 THOMAS BEA f >% ceeded, fad \% not been for a tery fiithiut 1 1 . ^ a A /-"XTJ VT T.

r o C H R A N ^ B r n i l U p / - " ' dog; who in obedience to the eommandioi hii mailer, tor* tlrt villain away *toft| the mail ciirief^hin in the aft of gabbing htm!



O 0


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