Page 1: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

-Colonial AmericanTroops 610-1774 (1)

Page 2: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

RENE CHARTRAND wa. bornIn and educated InCanada, the United Stat••and the Baham.., A senlot

curator with CaNIda'.National HI.toric Site. lornearty thr.. dec.oe., he Isnow • freeWlnce writer and

IUtorical con.ultant. He "".written num.r_ article. and

boc>H. including almost 20

Osprey titles etKI the t1rat twowoIumes of CanMRan WilltMYHeritage, He Iw.. in Hull,Quebec, with hls wit. etKI

two SOfO..

DAVID RICKMAN live. In th.Stat. 01 Delawa,., USA, H. I.

Ihe e.hlblts co-ordlnlltor forthe .tate psrk••y.tom, whorehis lavourlte project II h.lplngto restore and lurnllh anAmerican Civil War-eraSoaCOil$llor1relt, AI othertime. he I•• Ireel.nCIIllustrator,icaland ethnographicsubJect., HI. work. are In thecollection. of th. NallonalPark service, P.rk. Canadaand vatlou. otne, mu••um.alKl hlsto,lc .Ite., The eon ofa US Navy aviator, Mr Rickmanha. lived In Japan, grew up InCalifornia and now live. InWilmington, Delaware, withhi. wife, Deborah.


INTRODUCTION• ] ht, oqpni/<ltion ofthi' ~Iudl• Iht' hi,tot ira] h,tcl..ground


ROYAL TROOPS IN NORTH AMERICA• "'1'11 \011.. - \ oil ginia - \ hll"l.-'U, - ~O\ a ~ ot i,1 &

"e\\!('Ull(ll.lnd - South (:"'lrt,liIM

ROYAL REGIMENTS RAISED ORORGANIZED IN NORTH AMERICA• Philip" 10th Rl'Kinwlll. 1717-• O),lletholJ)t·· .. 4~lUl Rq;illlt:'Il\, Ii:\7-lS• (~)tKh', ti 1..1 (. \11\erkotll) Rt:'gilllt:'Ilt. ] 7 IO-Ili

• ,hirlt'\'" &: P('p!X'rc1r.. RCKimt'nh -li·'lh & lifillt, Ii' I:-IS:.·,Oth & :", ] .. t. I 7:lj....~, 7

• 60th fRo\,I] \Jl\ericall .. j Regiment. Ii'Y.-• ("IKe' .. H(hh (I igltl \nned) Rt'giml.'llt, I 7:",M--fi:\·1~llnolt' .. ~I:-J1h Rtximent, 171,1 ....,:\

COLONIAL MILITIAS• Olg<llli/,ltion

• l'nli ..Ulll·nt

• (,(PUp"lt'llt

PROVINCIAL TROOPS• F.nh l."Ilt'ril11t·llh• lIlt' 171(h - tIlt' I.Olli..hollrg !"Iwrlitioll• thL' l;rcltdt-lndi,LIt \\';11', 17:;:-1-(,:1• OI/f.lltil<LlilJl1 & (omliti"l1" of"'niu'














Page 3: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]


Colonial AmericanTroops 1610-1 74 (1)

Rene Chartrand· Illustrated by David Rickman

Page 4: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

flnl P'JbOsiled on Gtea1 Br~lln on 2002 by Osprey Publlshing

EimI Court. C,..,.. w"V. Bo1ley, Oxlot<l 0X2 9LP, u",ted~£maO


.... ngnll ""'" ...... I... -.g lor !he IlU;>oM ol P"V11I lludl'._, cnt""",,, or _, .. 1*m01I1oCI ..- !he Copyngllt. l>aaognIMd

P*,ents AcI. 1\188 no PIt! ollllolllUOlocatoon blo~. _ on I

~ l'fSlilm. or _loCI on ...... form or by ...-.,~.

tiIectt>c8I, cn.r.:.I, __ optoCaI, ph<II<ICOpfIng,~or~,

~!he pnQI wnn....~ olll'ol~..--~ IIllUd lie


ISBN I 8'176 32~ 1

Edil<lf IMIton W..­-----Dy-~~bV ",,",,*~,~, l*:PmIoCl .. 0I0AI ItwougIl YbId Pnnl lid



TN _ ~. 0IpNy DINct UK, PO eo. 140_ __ ,..,.. <tZA. UnilIoCI KJnedom


no.~~. 0IpNy o..ct USA"c/o Motcwt>ooU ••lto,lMionoIl, PO eo. "o.c-. W1 5olO2DoOOO1, USA---


To lhe memory of Alber! W.Haarmann,dear lnend. outslandlng researcher, mentor.

Author's Note

This lirsl in a """. ollhrH volumes deals wIth royal troops in;llllhe colonies, and a~ 01 the systems 01militia, and provincial lr'oo9I- Each colony" militia andprovlnelallroops IIf1l then ..amlned In • loose dIronoIoglcalorder. ThI, title Mgln. UN review with the oIde.1 colony,Virginla, lollow«t by N_ Neu-1ands, and New Sweden, wtwchit absorlled..

The forthcoming VoIurn.- 2 will continue With Ma,saehusetts,New HiWIlpshlreo, eonn.c:tleut,R~ Island, Maryland. N_York, and N_ J«tey.

Volume 3 wi. leatunl South C..-olina, Not1h CarcMiM,Pennsytvania, Oelaw_,~,Nova Scotia, Newfoundlandand Hudson.. s-y. " wiI at"" haye a Mc:tlon on Rangers" andanoth« on coIofs and standards.

Abbreviations used in this text:

CotlniesISlat8$. CT. C::n'lectOCul, De. o.Iaware; GA. Georgaa;NC. North CarciInL NFlO. Newfour'IdIMd. NJ. New Jersey. NH.New Ha'npstwe NS. Nova Scott& NY. New York; MA"Massac:huletts. MO. Maryland, ME. MaIne. PA. PennsyIYanoa;RI. Rhode Island, SC. South Carolina; VA, VJr9nLArcJwes. BL BritIsh lJbrtlry, NAC. NatlonaI An:twes of Canada;PRO. Public: Rec:orQs OffICe, Kew. UK; PROo'AO. Audit Offir::ePFlCl.'CO. CQlonlaI OffICe, PAOIT.T~ PAOIWO. W3I OffICePl.Jbbhed SOlIfCa C$PC:~ of Stltr. Papws C010nIaI:OHSN¥ Doct..omenIlW)' Hl$tory of the Sura 01 New Vork;OACHSN¥ Documents ~t"'" to rtIe CoIt:1tv6I HIStory of /he Slateof New Yor1r, JSAHR Journal of the Soc:/ely lor Army H,sroticaiResearch; MC&H: Military COllector & Hlstooan: JoomaJ of /heCompany of MiJitlW)' Hisronam. P'NJ PrJpers of &r WiJham JoI1ttson

Acknowledg ments

FrancIs Back. W.V.Carmlln, Peter Hamngtoo of the Anne S,K. BrownMiMary Collec:1lon at Brown Un'vlll'Sity (Providence. Rl), ChnstopherD.Fo. at the Fort rlCOlldet'OOll Museum, Martin west at lhe FortLigonier Ml.lseum. the Public: Records OtIk:e. lhe Nallonal Archivesof Canada. the Unlversrty 01 Ottawa Ubfllry. the Department ofCanadian Herilage Ubrary, the Canadian Department 01 NationalDefense Library. and many f&llow mernbefsof the Company ofMilitary Hlstorlans.

Artist's Note

~ may Clllll to note thaI lhe original paanhngs from whICh lhec:oIor plates It! tlWI book w_ ptepatwd _ .vailabte for privale sale

All reproOuctlOrl copynght whatSOlWW 1I~ by the PubliShers.All enqI.Mies should be addressed to:

DaYICl Rickman. 1000 North Monroe StrMt W*"*"Otoo.Oelaw_ 19801. USA

The PubIis/Iers regret mat lhey can ~tltt onto no c:orrespondltncupon !htI man.

Page 5: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]



The lint contingent 01 Puritan

settl... from England I.nded "'Plymouth Ro<:k' on HI December

1820. They came to Amencll

well armed.

m 11l.. IOR\ .....,1) l)ntlOI'\l~'l of the ;\'orlh .\lIIt',;can colonie,~llbiet::l 10 lht:' Briti:.h 0"0\\11 hdofl" liil I\l"n' l'X!lt'lIIeh \-ark-d.S0111(' 11('n' 1101 inili,llh BI;li~h: '>tlllll' IH.-n' fOlllUke! hI diAert:TlI

rdig:iou~ Kroup~ impdled for \,II;OU' n';I$OIl<:. 10 ('-.capt' ,hi' C1II1'traint.<:.

I.hkll lht'l! applit"<1 ill tlleir hmlld.llld: \\hilt' IlIlw,... prilnarih alll,'Cledllll'!l whu 'o<lUglH bnd and ,iclll:'. Il\l..' l'\ohuioll 01 t!lt:ir miliL.lf"lIlHlillllion<:. W;L<; th<.'rcfofc qUill' \~uil'd. rdl(,(,"llIlR Iht.· fan thai <;(1II1l' W('fl'

IIndt'1 COlhl;ml ,hn:;11 frolll AJIH:nlall Indi.lII. Fn'nch ur "1);:lIIi,h l'1ll'ml('<:'while other.. \\('re nol. Fe\\ ru\al lroop~ ,\('n.' plhll'd 1001 r;:li..ed ill tilt"colonit:'o; Ix-fon' Ihe IRlh n'l1Il1l"\: cOI1<;('(pu'mh 1I11' cnlolli~b IMd 10org:U1i/t" llwi .. OWI1 defl'I1\l' illhl'\ \\l'le to ~111"\'i\(',

Thi~ 'i<'neo; of thret' ~1l'11-;II-\rl1l\ hou"~ heg"in\ "illl ,I re\'il'\1 of tilt"fO\,lllnMlp' qa,iOlWd or rai,,-'d in ,Illllw cnllll1il'~, lollol\ed h\ a g"('neral,\!t..'e....melll uf the ..\ .. telli'> of militi,\ ,md pI U\ illd,lllroop'. Each ,olo1\I'~

rnilili,\ ,md provincial troop' ;11 t:' tl1l'11 I'x,nnim'd, I hi, \ lllullIt' b...gi1\~ lhl'rt'\'il'l\ I\ith Ihe old('" ,olom, \'ir~inia, !nllO'Il'd 1)\ S"I'I\ j'\l't1H'rb1\d~,

.1I1d ~e\l ~\ledell, "hidl il .Ih..orbl'd. Thl' IUIlluoming ,e("uml \"olumewill (olltinue \\'ilh cO\eragl' III lIliliti.l ~lIld prOlillci;11 tlllil~ III

"1.1",\('ll1l'l'll~, :"oil'll' Ila1llp~hire, COIlm'ninl1, Rhode h1.l11d, \lanl.l1Id,:'\l'11 YUlk, ,lI1d ~l'\IJer ...e\, IIH.' lhild \lllUl11I' \\illl'\..Hl1im' \11111 lr(l0p~ inSoulh ell'olin,.. North Carolill;\, I'I'l1Il"h,lltLI, ]),,1.111<11'1', GeorgLI. NOla

Senti.1. Nl'wfolilldl;l11d, ,II HI Ilud'ol1" It\\; il will .11~1l includ...l ~enionOIl I{allg-er\, and ;mother OIl (olor\ ~\I\d ,LIII(1.11 ('" III ,Ill 'OlUlllL", ~pl'cblallent;on will he g-iw'n co or,loi-l11i\;lliotl. 1I'l'.I]1on, and dll"": <tnd il i~

hOlwd lh:11 lhl' thl'el' log-ethl'r will hlttl1thl' rn'l~l rOl1tpkll' I'di.'!"t'l1cl'tOdall' Oil al1tIH·..e a"pt'l"l.\.

• •['he 1~l'ili..h Nnrth AI11\'l'iclIl (ol(JlIil'~ ('loh('<1 Irolll Ihl' lir~1

",tt1"llwnIS ill Virginia ,md l\1;1\..adHI~('lh ill Ill\" eMh 171hCenlltry. The dl'\'l'lopllll'1l1 and ~lll'("t·,~ 01 lhl' I;HiOll~ ('ulollit"

~"I up along: till' ~onh ,\II.Ultk ,o,l.. tlilll' \\~,~ trllh 1."1101­

ordirlan, \\'ilhin ;\ kl\ dn.lllt" ,Lllt'r u~lI."h dillicult!.:x.'g:;rming\. the population ,lIld \\l,;tlth 01 lhe colonil"gn'\\ '~Ipidl" ~lllll' 01 ellI' 'l1\.dl (o,I, ,,'UII'IIlI'nh ~n'w

inltJ illtpull;Ull port lilil'~ ~U( II ,\.\ u.u~tUll, NI'\I \illl..(o1i~nall\ 101l1l(1I'd hI till' nUlt h), litltirnofl', .llldPhiladelphia. H, thl' lIliddll' 01 lht' IRlh cenlllnLIlt' n)ll1ni.•1 popll1.lIion~ III Euro]>l"111 IIrig-ill \\Crl'reCk01l('dlO 101011 ml'l' ,I milliull ,l1ld.1 11.111 ,ouk

L'nlil..e ,ho,,' impl.lIltl'd h\ ull)('1' hlfopl'all I)()WI'P.,the earh \l'llll'l-., of ,hl'~I' Eng:li,h ("Iunie~ in :'\'ulth 3

Page 6: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

Mod.l of Fort Ali.mourn.,Vl'llln~, Thlslort, built In 1&Oion the north~ 01 tl>e Jam.sRw.r, mounted ......n cannon. IIwas destroyed accld.ntally byfl,. In 1812. Th. trlaniula. shapewss typical of many ..rly forts InNorth America. (The Ca••m.t.MUHUm, Fort Monroe, VlIlIlnl.)

\merica \\cre often H'IIIg-C"" frtllll lllt'Ir 111\11 n.Ili,,· I.lnd. lI~u.llh lorrdi~iou.. r(',I"OI1... Th," \I('n' "0011 joill('([ in lht' .'\('\\ \\'wld b\ il\{lh idu.lbfrmll ,,11 "l<llion.. ami 1\,IIl..... of Iif,· \1 ho \"'ft· "'l'kinK" hl'll"l flUllrl' lh;nllhl" could hope for in EIlI niX', nHl". tor 1' .... ,l1npk. lite l~lIIit"lh in~1.1"",llhu"t;:t~ and lltl' Qua]."l'l .. in Pl'lln"lh,llJi.1 \H.'I"I: l:\l'lllu,ilhOlllllllmh,'rl'd b\ latcr immigT:lnlS i1hpin'{[ h\ more 1ll,1l1'ri;11 1II00i\l"_:hUI Ih,' "pedal ch,n"';ICll'r 01 till' til .. t "('lIlt'nH'rll~ \\.t.\ 111'\1'1 quill' lo\l. andnHllinuetl 10 bl' inllul'llIi,11 ill thl' "uli,ll ,Llld Ii\!'.. of lite'"colonie... rhe ~{'llkr" in \'irj:{inia .11ld tunht'l" 10 lhe "Oluh wert' not a.'riJ.'id in lheir rl'lig-iou .. bdid" h'.'illg- t01 lite Illml p,ln .ldll'lI11ln'r..wllo \\i~llt.'d til t."labli .. ll ricll pl.llll,ltioll dom,lill": tlll'\ \\l'rt' ,'\plociall}.. IlC("(· ....flll in \'irg-inia and SOlllh Carolin,l.

The colonie" \\erl' litH l' ..I,lbli .. hl'd \\itholll l11all\ ,trul-HI·le.. - !ir~t

,Ig-aimt the Illdbl1s, I.lm pl:l'iudictily l't; .. i"'t't1 till' ,nTi\,t1 oftlw ~l'tlkr~ h)

wag-ing- krodoll' ",'aI''', and !alt'r' ;tWlill .. t tht, Spalli~h, ill Florida 10 Ih('..outh and e'pn'iallY ag-aiml lilt' Fn'llch 10 Ill,' north and 1\1'''1. TheSpall ish rl'mained Mlllll'wh:tt '1l11l;tilll'd ill Flodda ,Illd, whileworri,'''ollll' 10 lilt, I\rili~h "1'1I1,'r, in till' C:,trnlilla~ <lnd Cl'org-ia, did notlOll .. titUII' .1 major or cOIl\i"II'11l 1111'1\,11 t', Tltl' Frl'lIc!1 \\1'11' i1l1ulher11I.lltl'\. Due to their CXIl'lhi\"t' 1';...plor'l1illlh in Ihe interior of ?\'onh,\ll1l'Iiea, the\' had l'stahlidH'd 'OIOllit,,, ,l1Id ()lItPO~ls which formcd an.Ire rrom the Gulf of ~Ie"ico 10 Ih(' Gillf 01 lite ~I l ...l\\rl'lICt.' b\ tht.' l',Il-h18th Ct'I1\UI"\. The Frenclt colonit,~ \"'1",' f:lr "milller in population billwere militaril" "el"\' J>Owcrfll1. larg-l'h dill' 10 llwir mam IndLIll a11i;lllcc".rhe\ \\ele gO\l'rned b\ a larg"h .ltllOCl'l1ic ,md lllilitar' .1IIthoril\; ap'lnfrom r<-'gular ganisons Ilte\ al ..o had 1\I'lI-org-ani"'d and wl'll-lt'd milili,L"\\hich became inlimald\ familiar \\ilh long-·r.uIg-c 1Il00CIIll'lli thn)llg-hthl' \, ildernes.-. and \lith thl' l<lClic.. (If \\oodl;lm!s w.lrfare.

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1513-1587 nil' Sp:tlli~h t';\.plor·(·(\ Florida andparl.l. or 1" e'tt'llt-d.l\ Alabal!"I. (;l'Ul H:i.l. rell11t'~I't'.

the C.'1rolinas. ilnd Virgillia: lllt'\ 'l'\l!cd ,t'\t~I~11

lOWII~. and bllilt 1l1;~sion~ .I~ far llonh <1\ .yac<ln(ne,lrj.unelolowll. VA - dl'~lrO\ I'd .md mi~..;t'skillt·d h\ Indi.IIl'i in 1:'"171). Salll,1 Elt'lla. Iii""C'lpil.11 of Florie!;•. wa...lbandolH.'c1 ;n 1:'"I~H a' theSp.lI1i,h rCRfollpcd.1t 5t .\ug-mtillt.',1584-1587 \ 'man .lIld ..hort-Iht'd EIl~li,h

'i.{'UlclIlcnl W<lS l',t.lhh,hed .11 Rnanol...(· htmd in

~\irgilli.l- (pn'''l'm-d,\\ ~unh (~lrolillol).

1607 .11111(': Fngli~h nl!Olli'I' luumit'd J,mw'lowll.the lir't IX'fllMlIl'lIl ,(·tlit'llwnl in lhe .olom 01

\·irgini.l.1608 !'lanllwl dt' Ch.IITlp1.lil, lounckd Qm·b(·(".nit' ht'lIlh C1l1i.I..h rl'.t<.!u'r1 .lIld ("I'IOJ('r1 lhl'Gltc"al LII..t..~ ill llw lullol\illg: \t'.II~. 'l,tlled lilt' ~I

L.'tI\"('IIO(' Ri,('r ,.Ilk\, ,\lui huill 1ll.1Il' fon, Ellinlu lilt' ill\t'rior. "ho'(' '.I't t"p,m'!', ht'GlllW ~t'W

Fiance, Ilu' Ilrili,h {OIOllit" "t"ll:" I:"H'Ill11.llhc!o"Cd in h\ Ih(' Fn'nch to til(' norTh alld "1',1.

1613 ~1Il1ut"1 \r/ofolll ...Iikl! from \";rj,>inia 1,';lh 60

mt'l' ;111<1 11 l.m1l0n, dl·'IHllinj.; lht' FrelH.h'mIJlla//(m\ 01 ....,lint·"l.IUH·llr <llld PorT Ro\;ll in,\cadia (I)()I\ 'U\a '><1)11.1. (~t'l.ld,t) inJllh.

1614 Following: IIt'nn Illlll~ol\" IG()':II"pIOl~t1iol\of 1111' Ilmboll Rhcr.lilt' nUleh huilt Ir..{1e fOrL~ al \I,lIlh;\llt'~ (11111\ ;\"1'" Yorl... "" .Illd :\"as~all

(lit';!, "Iham. ;\"Y).1620 Puri';ll1 'l'llkr' from Eng-LillI! 1"I;lbli,lll'd Phlll(ll11h lolum. "hich1'\1·1l11l.llh am;ll~mal{'dwilh \1.1.....IChll't'lt' ill 1691.1622-1632 Wal lx:-11't't"11 \'irgini.1 101011' .Ind IndLIll'.1623 Tilt, DUICh ('~I;thli,l1l'd lhl'il li,..... l penn,lIlt'1l1 lI~ldillg: pO,1 011 lht:

IkLl\l"arl" River (Ile;u' c'lIlltkl1. ~Il. 1',lI/{li,h colnlli'l~ ,t'uit'd ,dong: lht'l'i~('llaqu.1 Ri\t:l". lUlIlltlilll{ New 1l.lll1p..hilt'.162'1 The DUICh 11"1'111 up IlIl' llud,oll RiwI ;md huilt Fon OI.1I1g"t' (1;l1t:'1",\lllalll. NY).1626 The DUICh bUlll{lIt ~lallhall,11l 1,I,1I1d l,ulll Iht' 11ldi;1l1' ;tudloulldt'd lht' colmJ\ of Nt,\\, Alll'll'rdalll (:-Jt'\I' YOI 1... NY).1628 I'urilan col{)ui~L' ,ellkd in ~l,I"Mhll"'I" Itl\.1630 [ht' DU1Ch built Fort S\\;Ult''1 (Del.l\\,ue).1633 ~l.lnland colol1\ wa~ 101lmlt'{1 tinder a ('h,lnl'r I-\"I~tll1l'd lu Lord

B.thilllort'.1636 rill' COlllll'eticut ~1·IIIt.'1l11'nl' ht·t.lIm·.1 t1i .. timl (uioll'. \lllllillllt'dh' c!MrTCr in 1662, Rogo"! \\illi.lIn, f(llllldt,t1 Rhock hl.lnd Wilhrdil-\"itllh rdug"l:"t·, from i\LI~',tIIHI"'ll'.ohl.lillillj.( 1'.lrli,lml·nl·, p.ll(·1ll lortill' UllolI\ ill 1662. The Pt'quot lmli.lIl' \11'11' ,II \\.11 \\illl lht' Eng:li'"'l'llkr~: during- \1l~1l'I..It1hn Endieuu \\;11\ If)() IIlt'll lrom BthLOll fairkdI'(.'qlltll 'l'1l1t"IIll'nb ill COllllt:ltilll1,

1637John ~1.lS()l\ frulli 11.trLlord «(Tl kd ,III 1"lx'ditiulI of 90 mil;li.llllt"nand O\'('r 100 all it'd Indian.. ag;:llll'l lhl' 1'('quHl" \1 hn \\('1"(' dl'f('<lIt'd and




III, .~rdam

Scheneet y.A bany


Map of the Outch cl.lma In North

""'enea, .how" by the .h.ded"re,_ TI>e O"l"wa.e Bey regionwn .ettled by the Swede. lrom1538 but taken o...r by the

Dutch In 1655.


Page 8: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

ll\'arh all kilkd m:ar ~h~tic

«(:1') UII '27 ~Ia\.

1638 :-':t'w 5\\"t'dl'1I colom'II." 1'~tahli~lwd at FortChri'liua (Wilmingtun.DE)ill Dt:Lm,II"(' Ua\,. :-':('wII.IU'II colom was founded.1639-1645 W,lrbt'l\\~~1I theDUlch ami till' Dt'iaw;u'p11J(li,lI1'.1644-1646 War bet\\een\'irg-ini;1 co1oll\ ami IheIluti,IIl'>.1651 The S\\t'de\ Glplllrl-'<1Iht' Dutch FOri C.asimir

H.... .......t.rd.m. ,epltel 01 101_H.therl;ond. ,oIon,. e. t &&0.

M;op 01 the ~H_ Efl9land~

colonies. e. the _ north.

.;o.t Mn~" beeemekno n by ebout 1700-60.

M••NehuMn...... the most.den..... end Included Meln.,...hieh bee.m•• Mper.t••tet.

on" In 1820). Connectieut ...asthe ...... t most Importent.

lollowed b, Rhode and101_

(\11») till .•, :\ml'mht:'I".1654 Fr~nch \cadia II,l' C;tptlllt'd h\ ;\1.h,.IChll.....'tb llt)OP~ umkr ;\I,ljOl

Rlllx'n 'x-<1K'licl...1655--1657 nIl' DIII(h IIHlqlll'll'tl :-':1'\1 ~lll'dl'n III ~'ptl'llIlx'r 1G~I~I: ,Indfor Ih~ n("1 1\\0 \(';11"<; fuuglll Ihl' MI'I·.I( h \\'ar~ ,1x-ain'l Ihe Dd<l\lan:IIUli.IIl'>.1659-1660. 1663-1664 \\ <If IX:I\I eell IIIl' bOpll' Imlian~ .1IId Dutchc()lnlli~......1664 '1'\1 Aln~tl'rt""n 'ourrclHkn'(\ 10 Iht' I\riti~h \lilhOilt a fiKhl onX ~pIL·IIlIx·r. to Ix, rl-'n,llllc.:d 'L'\I Yol1... "\t'\1 11'1-"1'\ ,.. ul Dl'1;t\I,Il·!.:' Ilel"l:"1"I,lbli,hl't1 ,I~ di~tin(( [ng:li,h (oIOlliL" - Iht"L' ,.rl';t~ hMI bL'en di'pllll:"db\ DllIch. ":.\IL'di..h. ,l1Id EIl~h,h ..t'llll'r~.

n'Caplll1Td 1'\'1'\1' York on'2() Allgll'l lli7~: but lhe(olom lI'a~ c('ded tn I\riwin011t'C' mon' h\ thl' Trl:""'" ot

We.. ll1lin'tl'l OIl 6 1\larch1(;71. and I"e..occupied bvllw Brili~h in i\lJ\l'mher.The :-':1'\1 i\l'lhL'r1alld...became l'\e\1 \01'1.. colo!l\.1675-1676 "King l~hilil)'S

\\'ar~: ;\la....acllu..L'It.... I~h ..mouth. Rhexle hland. andConnl'cliCIII troop... \1~lgl-'{1

w;lr again~t King Philip and


16651'\1'\1 11,1\1:"11 <.uJOll\ lI'a\o

aINU bed illto <:Onlll-·nicul.1668 I\GuILI \I~I' returned10 FI.IIICl: hI 11lL' Treat\ ufBrl'd.I, and n'-()("c'upil'd 1)\

thl' Flt'lICh in 1670.1670 riLl' I':ngli,h 'L:ult:dlllloilil" in Iht, C.arolin;l~:

tnl1m!alion ot Iht' 11ll(1,()n'~

l;,) 1\;1\ COI11]J;my.

1673-1674 Tht' Dwelt

~ \, ",,

\~,,,,,,,, -,

t····· •, •, •,,, 0 neld.,,'" S S,,,


Page 9: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

hi, Nan.lgansel Illdiansallied wilh olher nalions,Thl' Il1diall~ had marlYil1ili~11 "tKCc,",",es, raiding allO\('r tlw provinC(..~ andGilbing much h.l\lIC, In:"o\l'mhl'r 16i3 Ihecolonil'" mi"c-<! 1,000 1lI<.'1l.

I\ho caught up \\ith thl'main bu<h of ;\,'.UT;'Ig;IIl:.(.'tsin ..ntllh·\\('''lrrn Rhodt, lIu.. Imli.IIl' \\l'n...delcalt'd ;:md King I~hilip

"illt'd Oil 19 D('c('mlwf atlht' bltHKh l":.IlI'Ig;:llI't'tS\\OllllP liglll,1676-1677 Fnllm,'in~ \\\\t're felt IU be in.ldt·qll.lIl'IIW<lSUn.', Itl prull'n 'l·t1kl~

alfolin~1 "lid" h\ theSu'qUCh.IIlIHIC\" llldi.ln".ci\il \\~If t'l1.lptl't1 ill \ irboilli;I,~Ii...con'" Rt'I:K'lIiol'~ r1rmcout till' 1'0\.11 gO\'c"rnorin Scptcmlwr 16i6, andJamt"town \\;\'i burnt'd illOt lul>e.:,1. OWl' 1.000 rl·gu!.urm~ll trOtI!>' Undt'l Silo11('1 ht·11.1d1 n·\.... \It'n.' ... ·111 In

\'irginb 10 rt"tort· unlt'l,The Indian' Wl'l'l' ,tho at \\~II'. hUI peace lolluwt'd.1677 Tltt, "COIell,lllt Chain" Irt'at\" W:h ..igncd hl'nn"cll til(' lroquoi\natiun' ,Iud thl' [llgli,h (olunit",1680 New llatnp..hin' - part of ~I;lssachusellS since the 16·lOs - I\,t.,establi,hed ;" ;\ loval t olol1\', Sllullwrn Carolina was ,11 war with the\\'e"tll Indiall',1681 1'c"llll~yl\';nlia was dlartl'l'cd as a proprictary colony for the SOCklYor Fric"llfl, (1 he Qllakt'r~),

1686 DeCClllhl'l': Sir I::dlmllid Alldros arri\"cd with l"O\'al troop~ in BO'ilolla, /{tl\'t'rrHlI" of lht' "l)ulllinioll uf Nt,\\, England", which unitcd~1;l,sadHl~t'Il... 1'1\'lllollth, :"Jt'W Ilalllpshirt.', Rhode Island, ConnC(licll1.and later ~t'wYork and :"·''Scy into Otlt:.' large colony. Sew",l Briti ..htrade 1I)l·I~ in Illld..on'~ I\a\ Wt'l"(' takcn br ,he French and Can,ldians,1687 Coloni.\IUllion prO\t'd Ililpopular; further discontcllI aru\c 1)\('1" afailt'd l'xpl'ditiull agailht IlHli.lIl~ ill ~l.lil1C ltd by Andros.1688 III England. tht" Dutch Prnlt'''I;UIl Prince William ofOr.lIll{e Oll~lCd

lht:.' ROIll,lll Clthtllic KiIlK.J.llnc~ II in llle almmt bloodleS5 MGloriomRt:.'\'olutiulI- <lnd I..IS lI'u\\lll'd Willi,unltl. III Boston, lhc pro-Killg.lamt'~

GO\t'l"llt)r Alldro~ ,lnd hi.. 'itlldit.",\ \\'cre O\t.·rwhclmed br ~1:lS~lChtl~ctb

milili.l Ull 1M ,\pri!. ,llld "l'lll had" to England, This \\<lS lhc end uf til('short-li\l'(\ MDtllllilliull~,

1689 In Ellropt· Ihe.' War of tht" LcaRllc of Augsburg - called "King

Map of the ~Mlddle~ eolonle. in

about 17()().-6(l, New Sweden and

New Netharland. had beenab.orbed Into New York, Hew

Jer.ey, Pennlytwanta, Delaware,

and Maryland,


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The 13 colonlelln Iha middle~earl 01 the 18th canlury,Virginia had been jolnod b~

Ihe Carolin81 and Georgia,forming the ~Southern"colonlel,Vlrglnla'l clalml to the weltwore e_lenll"., going paltIhe Ohio Riyer yalle~ and thulInevltabi~ conlrontlng thecompeting clalml of New France,

., \Villiam's War" in ,\l1lt'ric.l- II~I~ dt'dared IX'IWeCI]FLIIICt.' ~lIId Bril,lill. Iroqltoi" Jl1di~Ill'" elll:uur;'lged

,1)\ N,'w YorJ..., :llI,1\ "I'd ,mel ]Mt.'d lIll' 1011'1] ofLachillt' tical' ;\101111t',11 un I ,\llgll"i: Ih(' Frl'llch inCllud,l I\t.'re Ollll~IAt.'d ,md \o\led releng:".1690 Fn'llch ,md ]llC\LIll l~li,h on Schellt.'clad\(:\'Y) , Salmon F,III (:1.1.\), ,lI1d Ca"Co (~IE). AJbam(XV) lIIili\ialllt'n ,Illd h'Klllui" IlIdi.m" 1~lidcd

Llpl~liri(' ncar ~lol1lrt.'al on 1:' ,\lIgu,,1. Pl'rHagollt't,mel Pon Rmal, \r,llli,I, wl'r,' tah'l1 b\ ·H('j

.\1.1~".lfhmeth inN II" under ~II Willi,ull PIlilb ill\1.1\. In OClolX'r. I'hip" 1X'''II'~I'e1 Qlld>t'c cit\ ,,;tha :!,:UIO-m,lIl \1.1'l'o,IChIN'lh fnlH', bUl \I~I~ deft',ttt.'"{\1)\ tile Frellt.h .1IIt! c.m,ldidlh 1I1akr CunlleFrnnlcn,lC,1691 ,\ raid hI :mo :"-"\1 YlIrl.. lI1ilili,unen andIro((llui, Im\i,lIh \\.L' rt'pul"{'d ,II Llprairit' (QC)on I \uHIl'1. PhnHlIllh colom ,11l1,11g:;"IIII,llnl \\;th\ l,h",I( hlt"'I"'.1696 Furt Pl'lII,lqllid (Willi,1111 Ikun, .\IE) \1.1-,

t'IJ..."ll I" lilt' Fn'll( h un I:) \ugll~1. SonU' ·100.\1.1:'>!kldlll'L'lb 1IIt'lI .1l1d j() 11J(1t,lII" \1t'rL' It'pul,t'dhI the Fn'll( h ,lIltl Indian, .1\ Fort :'\axoual(Fn'c!ericlOlI, :\'('\\ I\nlll~";(,l..) III October,1697 ILI\l'rhill (.\1.\) \\,1' .lIt.lll..l'd b\ Indians 01]I:,'h. rhl' \1,lr II," L'mlt'd bl llll' Treat\ 01

Ri'lncL1701 I hI' M(;Il',ll I'L'ML' 01 III(1l1l1eal" \\,b ,iglledht'lllL,,'ll the Frell<.Il, the hoqlloi" and lhcFrench-,IUke! ,mel \It'~Il'rn Im!i,Ul'. rhi, \\.'" am;yul diplolll,llit 'mlL'''S lUI :\'e\\ Fr~uKe, 1.lrg:d~

llelllr.lli,illH lht' Illdian natiorl' allil'd 10 lheI\riti,h,

1702 III EuropL' lhL' \\'~II 01 IilL' Sp,l1li,1l SIIU·L"."ioll- clUed "Qucen Annc's \\'ar" ill Auwrica - I\"a~

dedart'd ;l,l.;.lill"t Fr.lIl(t, all(l tlp,lill h\ En~bnd

alld;t l'o;dilioll 01 allie", r\ 10iTe ,,' I.~()O ~lJ]lIh C:llolilla luilitiallH'n andallinl Indian, IIl1q!Cce""fllllr 1lt'~iq{l'd lilt' Sp;lIli,h garrison of 51Allgll~line (Fi.A) In.!!l 10 ,'IJll\"l'llllwl' 10 ~\J Ikcl'lllha.,1704 Some ,')0 Calladian~ and ~OO Frellch-allied [ndi,lns de'trO\l'dDeerfield (.\1.\) in Fl'1mtar\", .\Iililia, rrolll lhe Carolina~ campaigned,lg;]ill"l the Apalachl'l' 11Idian~,

1706 Sp~lIli,h anc! Fn'nch ,hip~ ,Ipproat:hed Chark~,lull (5C) bUl Ilcrt:r"lJII!st'd b\ Soulh Carolina mil ilia and ,hip~ in Sc:VlL'rnlwr,1707 On lWO occasioll~ in June and AltKIl", L'XIlL'dilitlll~ Irolll 1'\ewEngland attacked tht' French at Pon RU\~I[ wil1lOll\ 'tlCCt'S~.

1708 Some 200 C.... nadiam and Indiam d('~lrO\l'c1\he\'il1:lgc of 1101\erhill(MAlon 29 August.1709 SIJohn's (:\'FLD) 11';'1$ capwrcd b\ thc Frt'llch il1J.IIIIl.ll'....1710 South Carolina and :\'orth c..... rolina beOllne separate colonit.'~. TheFrench at Port RO\<l1 opitlllated on 13 O<:tobcr to ~l,600 Americancolonial troops and 600 British regulars.

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1711 A large fMce of Britishreglll.lf IfOUP~ W,l' 't'1I1 10~"lUIl lUI an aUt.'lIIpl lO

lake Quebec: hUl pan ofAdmil'''II W.llker's fleel wa~

10" 011 Egg hl,uld ill lhe StL."I\\Tcncc 011 ~~-~:i Augll~l.

and tbe t:'''pt'ditiol1 lurnedhad..1711-1713 In ;'\'orth Car­olill.l. lilt: TU".ll OI~1 \\'.11'0lx'lH,'d with 111.111\ Indi.11lallacks on frolllier "(:ltknl(.'nL~nn 22 Sqllt'IIII'k'r. It conlillll{'d into ('MI\

1713, l.ltt.'ll i'\orlh C..lrolill.1 Iroup, .l,,-,i,ted hI a cOlllin).\t.'nt Iroll1 ~nllh

Carolina (l\lTGIIIW tilt' TIlq-arol~l~at Iht.'ir Fort i'\oltud.e in ~l.lI(h,

1713 fhe 11'(',11\ oll'l!'ecill on II \pril ended tlte \\<lr ofthl' ,",p,mi,hSllcec._'~,iun OCl\\l'CII Brit.lin .1IId Fr.l1Iec.:. ,\cadia (;'\'m~1 Semi.1. l'"u'pt 1m(:;llx' Breton 1"I.llld), i'\t·llfollndl.lrld, .lIld Il1I<hon\ Itl\ were (Cdl'd hIFrancl' 10 ('It·.ll liril.lin,1715--1728 Ihe \.IIII.I"t'e .lIld (rn'\'" Indi.IlI' .m.u\...t'll 'l,ttlt'l1wnl'{'llcro'KhinJ.: Oil lll('il I.IIHI, in I i I:1, rl1t' fi )l1owinl{ H'iI!' SOllth (~lrolill.1

lIliliti.HI1I'Il .111(1 a11it'd Cht'fI)lel' Indi.lIl' drO\c thl' ho"ik" illln "'!Mni,hFlorid.1. though .\ qU.L,j-II,II' uf 1.Iid~ cOl1lilllll"d for mall\ Ie....".1718-1721 War hetl\("'n I\ril.lin alltl Spain.1722-1727 W.II' ht:llll'l'lI th,' .\ht'lla\...i Indi:IIl" and ..h '\t'nk",Imli"ll' ,unHllrltkd ,\Illl.II)(lli" Rm.11 (i'\S) dllrillg ~lllll"wr 17~~. butf"iled 10 di,lod~,W thl' I\riti,h J.::lrri,oll. ,\flt.'l' lear~ 01 Indian rai<!.. 011 Ihe~Iailll' ,,·lIlt'Il1t'I11'. Clpt. LOIl'lldl wilh ·10 lIIell ;ul;lc\...<'d and dd(\llt·"lhe Indi.Il1,.1t lhcil {,II11P 011 lhl' Ilppt.'l' ~.ILU RileI' un H ~LII 17~:1. 1hc""<II' endl'd in 17~i.

1727-1728 lilt· ,Iulft \1.lf1)("1\lcl'n Bril,lill ,1I1d Sp.tlnht'lw{'<'ll Ft·hruar\, 17~i ,uHIill.lrclt li~H prolidt'd ,I

pn'lt'xI for ;111 c:lopl'dilionto l11ardl illlO Sp.mi,hFlorida .llItl 1Il:"IIII\ (ltl'Y;ulla'M'l' "l'tt1l'1I11'1l1 011

fl i\larch 172H.1733 Tltl: {1/1()1I\ ot (;l·{Il).:ia\\~l' fOllll{kd.1740 Olllhn'"k 01 lhl'"War of jl:lI \...i 11" Ear"bClwecn Brilaitl ami Sp'lin.L,llnl ill \11I('1 i,;l "KingGcorgc's War", (~l·llt:.·I~11

janll'~ Og:lcthol'Jlt' Ililh~.O()() mcn lrom (;{'oq.,:iaand South c<uulin.1 Ull"tl(­cc..,fulh be,kg:t'd l!lt'Sp.llli,h .11 ~t .\ug:u'lint'during jUll!' .Ind .lull.

Fort Nee...lty _, recon.truction

mad. on tn. original .It. by tn.US Nlltlon,1 P,"'. se....k •. Theorigln,1 w,. built by Washingtonand hi. men In June t 754 Mout 01

nec••si1y.· u the .trong loree 01

F",noch and Indi,n. led by Villien, Jummonville's halt­brotner, CIlU1ilht up with them. It

w,. Il am;oll and v.ry sltnpleround .tocltllde with trenches

out.lde. tAuttIor's photo)

Artl.t'. Impre••lon 01 theVirginillns ",.t.tlng the FrenchIn.lde Fort Necenlty In earlyJuly 1754. In Ihls tnlnl.tu", andnot v.ry gloriou. Cllmplllgn theyoung Georg. Washington,....nllally a .u.....yor. gol hislirsl I,.te oll.,dershlp inwlld.rn,.. Ilghtlng. A tnuchharsher le.son would lollow ay••r Illter, when he .u....IYed theBraddock m;o,sac",. (Print Ilfter

H.A.Ogdenl 9

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1741 .\pplulIoi11liUl'1I :~.:!OO

.\merkilll' lOok 11iI1 I ill lht,Ikiti,h l'xl't'dilioll .l,L(i,ill,tIhl' ~P,Hli,h ,If Carl,lgl'Il,1 dt'India, (1111\1 ill (~Ilnnlhia)

in \[.\I(h ,trul \pri!. I hI'

,il"gt, (,lill'd. ,'lId lHlpi{,,1I('\el~ 'lllht'qll('lllh (!re­lIll.tll'd lht· t"Ij('dIllOIl.1742 ,\ ~p,lni,h ,1Il.1{ k (lI1(,t'llrgi,1 11,1" II'p'Il"c'r1 h\(,1'11. 0Alelhoqx'\ Uuop~ ,It1\luo(h \1,11 ...11 011:;""; Jull.1743 ()~klhorpc' f,lIClt'dlilt' ~IMlli,h ,II 10'01 t ~.1Il

\Ialeo, in \I,m h.17·'" \\,11' \\,h c1l'cl.lfl"dIWII\l'C"ll Fl~lIlc to .1I1d iii it.ull- lilt' \\,11' of Ill<' \u'lri,1Il~ll(e('"ion \ tft'neh I'xIXo­

dilllJll Iro111 l.ulli,IJlIIII,L( dl',IHJ't'd (~IINJ Ii\~) in \1,1\ . .\nn,IIJllli ... Km,11\\,l" Iht'll hloc 1.1IIt'c1UlHil \U,L(Il'1 h\ 710 Frt'!Hh ,oldiel" frolll LUlli"hullr~

.md ,IIJlIUI ~f)(J Irlch,IlI....

1745 Fortrl"'~ 1--clUi,bour,L( \I,I~ ,Ill"tkl'd b\ .1 loru~ ul mC:l 1.000 :"t'l\

Engtllul lIIilili,IllH'lI .I"i"tc'd h\ thl' Ro\,ll '\"<In. alUl ~U1T('nckr('c1 nnIiJ UIlt.· .1 Ilc' r ,I ''It'j{C' 1II Ii (1.\\ .... ()n ~I '\0\ l'n Iher. o!OO (:....n.l<\ i.III' ,•• ,d ~l}()

ludi.lm dt''''lloWel ~,II,lloK" (:'\'Yio c.pwring 100 IIII'll.1746 \ IOIH' HI ;-':1'\1 En,L(lllldt"" \1<1' eldealed iuJuh nt'i1r Port LlJoil'.I,k "".illl~Jt",1II «(,h,uloll1°111\\I1, Plime Ed\\ .• rd 1,l,mel), h\ ih l,ft'll{hKilrri,on 01 ,.huill I~I ,oltikl" ,II,d 11K) i\liclll<lC IndioU1~, SellittO 100CtllMli,l11' ,I !lei :\00 IlIdi.IIl' e;lpturl'd Fun \1.1~~·...chll"t·lb (.\(\'mh, \1.\).1747 011 I~ Fdlfll,ln, ~:\l) (.,lIl<idi,III" .tl1d ~'JO ~ linn,u , ~11l.lll..t·d ,lIld tool..(~I,tllel 1'1<"' (:\'S), Itl ~l.lllh Iht· C.1l1'ldi'IIl" ,ll1d Imli,lIh bUrrll'd Ii\(, lun.':Ind I()lllh)lhl'~ ,lh.lndlllll'd b\ Iheir inh,.hi!ant" 11('"" 11:l\l'1"hili (1\1 \). III.\pril ,. Flt'lllll 1,lid Oil Fl'rI ~1).1 (:h,lIk"ItJl\II, ~II) \\,1' rl'j1ul'I"t1. InJUllt' aholll ~()O F,rtH h ,IlHIllldialh ,Hl,llkt'd Fort Clilll0l1 (tle~1I E,I~loll,

NY); nn ~() .!lll1t'. ;lholll Ion t\llH'ri(',U1 \()h1l1It'{'r~ Wt'l"(' rlt'lc;l!ed m·....

I.ake (;eoq..(l' (~Y).

1748 011 :1./11 h, l.lllII'1l hllr~ (111)1' fhl 11)\, i\IA) \l'a.." ,Iunnl"d b\' a Canadia II

('x ped it ion. ( ) rl I H.IIIh :1 hi 1111 70 New Yo, k III it ilia Inl"ll \\,('rl" a I1<1C ked Ilea rScheIIL'lt,ld\ (\'Y) ,IIHlwilhdltO II' allt'l lo~il1g aboul :~O 1111.'11. 1"IIt' 11"1":11\

of ,\ix-];t-Ch,llwll(', ,i~l1(od 011 IS ./lIh, ended the War of Ill(' c\u'lrian~IICeto..... ioll. Fortn·..... 1.01li,I)(lllr,L( I,as returned 10 FrancC'.1749 11,llil,IX o IOllllCkd ill ;-':0\,1 Sculi,l, quickh !x:Cil111C all il11POlt,1Il1

lllilil;ln ,111(1 Il;t\illto\\,ll.1754 Thl' MJ 1lllllllOll\'ilk incidl"nl" - <I force of Virginia prodncial I ruop~

.unbu.."hed" Fretlch pan\ Ill:"r Furt Duquesne on 27 Ma\', Fort Necc.."si"(1'.\) \I"", cillll'lttOd h\ FH'lle), and Indian.. on;\ Jul\',1755 \ flf' jwto '1.lle {II \\";.... c'lIoi'l('d belwccil France and liritain in North\llwrit.l: Ihi" IIlt',llt·r of Ihl' global ~\cn '.cars' War is l"nowil ;(S the

"French-Indian War". The French frontier fons at lkausejollr and10 ("I"p,HI'.W \\t'r(' c,tpHmod!J\ \nglu-Amcrican u'ool>S on ~16JlIl1(,. On

The d.attl 01 Wolfe at Quebec

on 13 Se9lember 175g: paintingby Joaeph Penney, c:.1763. 01 a"_ aiM lamou151y depte:teclby 8enlamln We15t, It h" theIrre15I,llble attrac:tlon 01 1tM,

YClUng tM,ro" romanllclzed dealhat the m_nl 01 .Idory; withhl15torlul hlnd15lght It c:,n ,1'0

be ....., 10 ha., marked Ihemoment when New Fran<:e w"doomed, and North Amaric:a"lu.ure '15 a predomin,ntly ,f,nglo­5allon c:ulture wa15 sec:ured. IFortLIgonier Museum, LIgonier,Penn15yl.ani,)

OPPOSITE Indian15 playing agame of IItc:i'oue al FortMIc:htllmaC:klnac: on 2 Juna 1763,momanll balora Ihalr surprlsa'U,c:k at Ihe lime of ~Pontla"

Rebellion" 0 At a pre-arrangedpolnl in Ih, gama, Ihe ball fellnear tl\e gatea of tt1e fort and theplaye.. ruahed to relrle•• It. TheIndian women n..<by hadweapon, hidden under their

blankat15; within minut... the

uns.u15pec:tlng men of the 60thftxll we.. alaln and the lort wasUlk.n.{Prinl atter R,Thorn,

Mlc:hlpn 8elt Telephone


Page 13: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

iean .1I1lI1,

1761 (:olonl'l GlOmI kd,III nqx'dilioll ,1g:lilN lheChi'lo\" in ~olllh (;;.11'0­lin,1 lrom 1'11.11 to OrlObl'l,Inllo\lillj.{ Ilhifh lht' Indi,llb pl'.lll',1762 \1.ll'lillique \\,l~ la\...i'rIon 1~ F('Iml.ll'l. "I lohn'" 11


9 July, Gen, BI~lddock'~ Britj,t. and .\lllt·lic.HI

arnn 1\,1,'; defc:aled at Ihl' f>.IOIlOIlI-fo,hel,l (Ileal'pll'SI'T1I-<!a1 Pill,bul gh, PA) hI Frl'll( 11 andIndian.., On H $<'plember a Frl'uch ,11111\ tlmil'lGel1. I)it:,killl \I,IS n:pllhl'<! h, ,In an111 of ;'\ewEnglander.; ullder Sir Willi,HI1 JUhlhllll ,II I..<I\...e(;curg(' (:"in, Fr('ll,h Acadi,III' in ;'\01<1 ~uli<l

werc (il'pullt'd ill Illl' "lInlll('1 ,md 1<111, H'slliting"in inCTe<lst'd l';.liding" wadarl' till thc horder"1756 Ill(: Frl'llch raplUrl'd Fori 1\1111 (:"."'t1 un'1.7 :\I.lfdl. \\'.11' \I,l' olli(i.llh dedan'd b('I\\('('n

Fr.m('(' and Brilain (Ill Il'l :\1.11. I hI' 101'1' .11

(h\\C).:l1 ('Y) \\I'rc Iwsit'ged .IIHI Llpllln'd bl Iht.'FI,t.'mh IIndel (.Cll, :\Iontf.lhn bl'I\\('en 10 ,md

II\uh'1I'1.1757 rhe Frt'lI( h under \lolllCllm Ix',iq~(.'d .IIIt]

clptult-'d Forl \\ilh.lIlI 11('111" (,"'t'j Oil ~~i \Uj..,TlI'I;11ll' withch',l\lillg" ){ani'llll 1\,1' .1111bll,lwd .md

IIM'M(rl'd hI Frclllh-,llIit'd Imli,I1l'1758 rill' ,ennui sieJ:::l' uf l.c.llIi,lx)lllj.!;, hI (.1'11. \milt''''I\ rtIo'lh 1\1;II,h11 (lOp', lasted frUln '1. Jlm(' unlil 11ll' fnrtle...,\ 'III Il'lIll1'I Oil '!.ti Illh. OnM Juh ,II licomkrog.l (:"iY) , (.('n. \berno11lh, .... ,I11.1(\...illl-:' .\n~lo ..\nll'rican ,Inm \\,1' del('aled I" :\lollll<lhu\ FU'mh \loop.... The Frenchu'pul'l'c1 ,I Uriti,h 'l1I.te\... ncar Fort 1)1l«III"IIC (I'ill,hurj.!;h. P.\) oil

II ~eplcl11l)(,l. ,11Ic1l<lided Fort l.igllll1('l" in (klllhl'l' .mel '0I1'mlx'\.

1759 011 ~li JlIlI thl' Frellfh hle\\ up tllL'il !-lIl I Llril1ul1 (I irnlldt'rog:l.;\\'), .lIul in \1Ig'1I'1 FOIL ~,lilll-Fl(;c1':'ric «(,101111 Poinl, :,,\,Y), wilh­dl,llling 1)('lul1' CCli. ,\mh('!"'l\ '111'('1101 \rlAln-\nwrkan .11'111\, OIl1~\ Septl'mber. in lIlt' hallie ul Ihl' PI.lill' 01 .\bl.lh,1l11 Olll,idl' Qlldll-C­("ill, Ihl' "I"('nch aml\ "<l' dell';lll'c1 ,IIHllll)lh (;('11'. ~llIlIlf,lll11 .L1111 \\olk

1\l'll' \...ilk-d. lilt:' 1il\ 'UnL'l1flelt'd 10 thl' l\rili,h 011 17 Sep\l'l11hl'r.1760 (:('l\('I~,1 I~\'i, 1;l\l'd ,koHL' HI lht' l\rili,h ill Qrrdll'c ,mel ,IIS,lin\l'-Fm on ~H ,\pril IX';1l ('I'll ..I,11111'S :\11 In';.ll, II ho Ikd h,lf I.. ill10 Lhl' rill.

Ill(' ,iq{(' \\,l' 1';.\i'I'd Il1lt'lI

Urili,h ,hip' .lI'ti\l'c1 wilhI'('inforc ('lm'lIl'" OIl I:) f>.1.ll.FUI I l.<lllCIOll11 ('1'('11111'''''1')

\I~'~ '111 Il'lIdel'l'd 10 (:l1ero­\"'1'\' Indiall' in ,\llg-U~t. Al

1'11l1l1 tr'I'" I ()J I H Sl'pl"1111)('1'.(;,'11. I.':', i_ ,un cncll'redhi, Fn'lIch arlm III Cl'l1.i\l11hl'l"I'~ Brili,h anc! ,\rlICI~


Not1:h Americ:ll ll"llr tlMo T~llty '"

Paris I" 1763. N_ F"'M:e~'

bee" elimi"llted, Cll"adll c:ededto B",-i". and MLoul,lanll" .est

01 the: MissIssippi C:eded to


Page 14: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]


Soldle.. end officer, Duke 01Yor1l.'1: Merttlme Regiment,t6605-70•. It I. urM:ertaln Ifthe three "Duke 01 Yor1l."Companie.~ In New YorlI fromSeptember 11564 wore the"ery 01 tawny,yellow 11r>ed withred, but it i. plau.ible. Theduke.. regiment w.. rel.ed from28 October 1&e4 _aring the..coloun, end It .. po..lble ttlat

clothing .....t to N_ YO<1I In1668 we. identical. Thbconslsted 01 e buff-yellow coetwith red lining, cuff., b...che.and .tocklf!ge, like the c_treJligu.. ke... A ,_ otflce.,. 01 the

regiment we.. detltehed to servewith Jeffery" Regl......t ..nt toVirginia In 1676, and msy "-"elooked something like the right; his lace Is gokl. TheIlgu.. at left wearing a redcap with brown fur trim I. agrenadier, but no,.. a.. known toh....e MIrved In America. (printaftar V.HuenJ

(:"IIFI.D) W;I\ lak{'o b\ ;1 Fl(,l1,h lorn' 011 :!'I ./11111', hili H'I.ll-l'll hv an.\ 11 g-Io,,\ llll"rica II fut ctc" Utl I ~{ St:- pI t' tIIh':I. I I.n ;111 ~I (:11 b,l) 11,1\ bl'\iegl'd b\Lord .\lIwnllMIe'\ l:j,(}(lO rroop\ (imllldil1J.:" ~ ..jOfl .\t1lt'riLIIl\) fmmlillllu' 10 11\ 'llrT('tl(kr otl l.j \U/{Il\L

1763 Oil 10 Ft'bruar\. tlw Ite;\l\ 01 1',lti\ hl:lllel't1 FI,ltKt' ,ltId Ikil.lin\·lldl·d tilt' ~'\('n \(>;It< \\'.0, ,ltId tl'<led Call,ld;l 10 IJrilain. In ~I::l\.

Indi,ltl" under Chid Ponlia, l"lhe ,1l.f.lin'l lht, nrili,h, and 1X'\ieK('dDelroit lrolll :'11.1\ 10 Onobel: Ponl i.1t \ Indian, Ilele ddt'.IIl"d ;11 1J1l\h\RUll (1',\ I 011 ('j. \llgU\1 b\ Col. I h'lII"\ I\ollqllt'l'" \Ilglo-. \lIwr;c;m ;mll\.

1764 Brili"h, ,\IIWlic;I1I, ,md {~IIl,l(lian lmolh rn.lfdwd ::l~ilhl till'Irldi;lll~. \\ho '\ll"d fHl pt'.\(e Ih.1l ,tll1lllll'l.1768 I\r;li,h rq{IlJar reKillll'llh I,\tlckd in !\<"Iun dlllinK OClolx'r \\('remuch rL',ell1t'd b\ .\lIIeriGII1 (oluni,L,; t('II,inll' led III Iht, ~Bo'lon

m,I'M(re- t\\O \e;\1"'> 1,lIer. ,llId Ihe ~Bu.. I()n le.1 1',111\ - in 1,73.1775 Olllhr(';lk of Iltl' .\11I1";(,111 RI'IOhIl1011 ,It 1.1·,ill,L:llIn ,md COllcord1It1 :!~, \pl;l; \1.1~"'ldlU't.'IL\ militiamen tilt'd 011 Brili,1t IrtKlp", I\ho

rt'trealed 10 Bu!lIOIl.


lilt· ....·lllt,IlWlll pall('lll' ,11Il1 pl,lili(, III 1111' \lllt'ri( ,Ill nllorli('~ did 1101b\or mllch imohemt'lIl from thl' rm,ll g"H'nll11('lIl itl IJritain. Purilalhand 01111' ..... who had lied l"l'liKilltt, lllto!erallCI' ill EnKI'lI1d wcre nOi.lt1,iIlU' 10 't.'l" ro\al ,oldil.'r,: illl!et,(1. II \1,1' 11I,111' \(',11'" IX'lorl' 1'0\;11W"l"ltllJl' \Iert' elel1 ,Ippoitlled. I ht'll' IIl'lt' ilion' rOI~\1 ttO"lh inj..;.lIn'OIl lollO\\illK Ihe 171~\ Irc"l1\ III l'ln'dll. hUI Philip', 4111h :ll1dOgklhoq)t'\ .j.~11(1 Rt'gilllt'llh 01 FII"I \\t'tl' 1,1I);:l'!\ po,lt'd Uti tht,

tlunhern ,HId .... 'ull1t'nl Irotl!it'I' - ill i'\0\~\ !xoliaand ('I'orgi,l - 10 \l;luh till' Fretldl ,ll1d lheSp,l11i"h.

During- 1710-41 ,I tH'\\ I'll'IIII't1I appeal('d:lIHlu\,ltuh l,l ,\tltl'rk,1I1 follltli'I' \\tTe recruiled1\1(<111\ III !l,rlll (;IHl(h\ lil,1 Rq.;:i1111'1l1, a Iaq.~I'

It\lil Ott llll' Briti"lt ll'g-tlldr 1',I;lhli~htlH'l1\ whidlW;\" 't'lIl Ii. ,tTI't' :I,L::Iill\1 11tL' Sp,l11i~h in tilt' \\'l'''!Indit'". Otlh litH' 11l:\1l ill tl'tl Llttll' h,Kk - Ililhl,tlt'~ of IH,rn,r - Inltll iJ, di,;r~rnltt" cltllpaig-n"ami lhi" wa" 10 hal'(' a pro/nulIol)" tH',L:ali,,{' dknotl lht, lllltltl' I'tlli,1111t'tll 01 Amt'ricut, ill tilL'Brili"h Anm.

It! I74rl. ltlll\J\\'ill,L: lhl' ('aptttn' III I.tlltid)o\lq~.

Shirkl \ 6,·lIlt and I'l'p])('r('II\ 661lt l"t'gilllt'llbwere r~li~cd from Nt'\1 Eng-Iamlel' 10 g<I'Ti"tll1 lhefortre,s. rhl'rt' wert' di~Plllt'~ 0\"1'1 Ihe 1I1('n'"lrl:."altllelll atld Iht' tlumbt'\ of commi,,,iol1~

granted to ,\nw,;c;llI~.The ("oloni'I" fell that lht'\w{'le bad" 1I"{',I(('d .\lId It'd, ,ltld llHl" prt'fl'frt'dS<'n'ing ill lheir own pw"imi,11 culonial llllib,which as"umcd a more pcnnam'll\ char.lCI('f"from lhe lall:." 1740... NC\t'nhde'i!>, Ih<-' Brili..haUlhorities Iried 10 .11lr<lCI rt'(TuiL~ IInet" ag;:lin

Page 15: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

dllrinj.t Iht' ~L',~n Vi::"... · Waf 01 li7l:l--6:l. with111i'I'd rt"Ull' ('1;'1' bclo\\, ~Ru,al R~gilll~ll"'L'dOf Ol}f<l1Ii/l'd in \m{',ica~).

New York

I IlL' 1i....1 }f<IITi..c11l of l"O\'al IfnOlb;l1 "L'W '1"01 1.. wasL"I.lhh,lwd 1Il ~qm:'ml){'r 1661 Inllilwing til{'

c"III!l\" '11I"L'lId~f b' lh!:' Dutch, II cOll'i,tL'd ulIhn'L' comp,miL" from the MDII1..l' of York',;

Ltllllp,lIIiL"M - \\hu WL'ft' 'liII lIWrt', IOU 'Irllng in,III. \"IL'II Ih~ DUICh rt'Gtpttll~d IhL' \()\\1\ illllii:\. I-ollowillj.\" tht' n'lf(){"t'"iOIl to 1~lil,liJl ,Illirldq>t'IIII~nr 10111\.1<111\ uf I()(J 11lt'n Il'lll,lin~d ing-arfi,on; lhi, Wit, 'pli( ilHU lWO, (If ,:)0

llll'lI t".eh ill IfiSt), ;rnd di<;h;l11(lt-d ill IllS9-90. Two1It:\\ 1()lllIMllit" c,lth of (iH lllL'1I ,Iml tlUt·t· onicl"r~

\1'['1'\' 1'~li'I'd in Iti9(J, ;t\Ig"lIlt'lll~d [0 10111 ("olup;l11iL'sill Iti~ll-~I.~I. rhl' compallie' \11'1'1' redllcl'd to ,~O

lllell L,;ttll ill lti99, blH incrt:;t,t:d It I 100 L'<tcll inIiOl, ,ll1d [hi, I'Qabli,hlllL'111 1\,1' 1101 ,lllt:fL'dIIII'll'allt, .. (Ill(' ,1C11Ial Illllllht'l' fOllld bt' llluch

lo\\~.., .lIld hon-n'd ,It ,tbom :-10 pt'" IOlllpaln).\flt'r I i12 tht, lll('t1 \\t:'rt' n'cnti\t'd in \J11t'ricaonh, 1-1 tllll ,IhoUI I i(KJ lWO ctllllp;lI1it" \\('1 (' po,u'd

ill :'\l'\1 \illl.. UI\ ,Illd t\\O ill ,\lh.III\, lllUil afkl,lr!lIIlt'lIl of (i0 nlt'll (I,ller rc'dut I,d to ~Ol \\.b 1J~IlI,kl II,d III hu t{hl\('j.tll in Ih~ 'plinK of I i~i,

III li:-l" CI.uke'll ami RIIlht'l!ord\ Lomp.lllit-, I\t're ,t'llI III \lfKill;.1ami joim'l! Ct.'Il, Braddock', ,trlll\, emil Ih;\I tilllt:' thL' ~l'l\ \\lIkindq)(,lIdl'llt nllnpani('~ had 11('\1'1 hn'll ill anion: hili \III 9 Jllh (hl"~

11\0 (omp.lnk, \\t'rL' badh Ill.mlt'd ill IItt' tOllP.t:' o!I\I~ldd(){"k\ tll'I,"'OIl'ddt'ilt 011 tht' i\lononl;~alll:b ('l't' ht.'lu\\"), nUt,t:' C0ll11Mliin IIt'rt' pO'h·<Iill 1'1'1111,,!I,IllI,1 in li~lfi ,Iml ('.lfh li,"li, thell ])l,.'ing" rl'1ll111t'd 10 'l'IIYork. I h~' (01111l.1l1\ .11 Ollllt:gU 1Il01t'd 0111 ill I.ltt: i\l'l\ Ii,"lll, tllll' ht( kill

nt 'lpill'" C,lpl\lrt' hI lht, Frellcll. In 1\lIg11~1 I i57 lh~ ill"lau'd g,lIli'Ull o!FlIrt Willi,lIl1 lit-Ill' (NY) ilUltl{kd 100 lllt'll fro111 Ihl' illdq)(,l1dl'111

COIllIMllil" III1<1l'l" Llpl. ChariI.:' Crlliks1l~1I1k,of Ilhich ~~I'l WI'lt' II'olilldl'd()f Illi,~ing !01l0Willg Ihl' 'IUT('IHlef (i Allg-ll'l) alll! tILl' ~llh'l'qlll'lIl

Ill~t,~.ttll' (10 r\llgll'l) hI' 1111' Iudiall'. [11 ITlrl-60 all hllir flllnp;tllit"l\l'rl' ill Ihl' Alh;l11\ <tI'I'a n.n:,pl !Ol lIm' ('lI111IMII\ a[ FOil I"tl, I dllrin",ITI~HiO. 111 '11111111('[" 176011](' hllll' (ornpallil', wI'rl' \Mn of lht' ,\nglu­,·\lIll'l it.lll .trim moving: inlo ("III.Ul.t hI the Kichelil'IJ Ril ('f.

Willi :-':o,th ,\Illl'tiC;\ '>t'Cltn', ('1'11, ,\mllt'r" urd\:'lt-d Ih~ lour 't'l\ YOI l.rompanil" to ft'inlorc(' I.ord \lhl'r"l.I11t", I\rili,h flllT\" in lilt' \\\',1Indit-,: thl'\ .tni\t'd.1l I i:l\~lIl<1 in linlt' In I\illl(''' the 1",1 (\.1\" of thl' ,iq;!:t'in e.lrh ,\Ilgl"t liG:!, Wilh lhe UIl'!'1 01 Iht' It'n'p. "lIith 1.1\,'d IItt'forn' tht'ir 'Ifl'ngth f('11 from 1I('<IIh ~\()() Im'n to 01111 101 lit fUl (hili hIOnl,IIt", ,\II>t'nll.lrl!:' innlrptll<llt'd ,h(' f('m<lining- ('llli'lt'd 111('11 IIlIII Iti~

IIWIl llt-plt-tt'd rq;-illwIlL', .lIld 'l'1Il Ihl..· 'U.... ilillj.\" ollic!:'f' 'Illd ,( (h l.III :'\t'\\ YOfk 10 ft'crllit alll'w: hm 1\I(h thl' \\;If IIUI\ ~nding (h~, found 1111';Ill il11po"'lblt- (.Illk, ,\l\lhat rt'lII,liIWd ".I' (0 di'hand Iltt' fOllr t omiMllit",,md Ill(' t)f(kr "~L' hri\\:'ll Ull IH\1,1\ 1i(j:t

Roy..1Artille~ 1742, At lett,_off"N;er in • blue coat (includinglapels, ....lth K.rIet c:... tt••

t endbreeche•• gold I.u edgll'li Ihe......istc:o;ot and h.t, told btlttons.c:rimson sa,h, ....hltened b... ttle..ther .....Istbelt••nd c:.rtridg.bolt ....Ith • br c:ro....n on theflap, ..nned ith • bres.-hilted.....ord and a ' ...sil (....itho...t •bayonet), At right, • g...nner In •bl ...e c:oat with red coli••, c ... tts.half-lapels, and t....nbacks. bl ...ewaislcoat and br••ches, branb... ttons and yellow h.II.c:e, TheoHic:e•• changed to K ••let lapel.find added gold lace a f..... yearslate., The enlisted men" I.pelsbecame longe••nd yallo.... IR'....a••dded in f 750, {Print .ft.r



Page 16: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]


LEFT Offlc:..., Roy.1 Artllle..", 7&0. Blue C:OlIIt, lKe"et C:oller,lapela, c:uffs, lumbltC:ka,w.I,IC:OlIIt••nd breec:nu, goldbuttona .nd I.c:e, c:rimaon uah.{Print .fter R.J.Mac:doneldl

RIGHT Offlc:er, Roy.1 Artlll • .."

11&4. Blu. c:o". ac:.rlet c:oU.r,lapels, c:uffs, end tumbac:ks, buthe.. with buff walstc:oat .ndbrlHK:hes, gold buttons and lac:.,c:rimson ush, (Prlnl efterR,J,Mac:don.ldl

l'lIifilll/l I hl' t'Mh cluthillg"nl Iht' cOlllp~1l1il" ill theIGlilh-iO, 11l;1\ 11;1\l' bl'l'1l

111,11 (II Ill(' Duke of York\\1.11 itill1t' Rq{iuH'lJI (~t'e

p,lgl' I:!), I hl'''>I..' ullib lI"l'lt'IIImh Ilt'J.{leclt'd at linu''i,hili \\I'f(' "tTIl in red coat~

llUIll thl:.' 1680, ;lIId 1690,.~'I' PI.Iln 0, E, .md Co.

Ik'idt,'i Ihe imlt'lx'ndclll(1II11p.lI1it" ,I ,mall ,Irtilll:.'ntraill \\,1' OI1-,r;llli/ed for lhl:.'lIIu'lIC!ed Iifl':1 l:."I)I...dilioll.1"-;'1111..t ( ..mild,I, Thi:,> lorceh,ld fUlu 'mall lidrl J.,'1111'.llId ,I (.lH'lu)f!1,'l'nt'd In <l hOlllb,lrdiel'~hrnllj:::llI from the Tn\\er~

10 :'\1'\\ Ym k ,lIld joinedthl:.'rt' b\ I:! 111.111'0........' rai'>l:'dIncalh, lIlt' whol(, COlll­

1I1.lrukd b\ Col. Rt'dnap.Ih(' t'll/o:irtl:.'t,!, ,II :'\t'\\ York(PRO CO 12 I~).


ro n"lnn' order;\I the tillie 01 '\,LTh,Lnil'l 1\,lfOll\ rdk'lIiol1, the T'O\";,I"'O\l'f!lllll:.'lll ordl'rnl ill Ottolwi lliiG tlh' tll/(.II1I,.lliol1 01 .1 rl').{illll'lIt 10bl:.' "'1:.'1ll1O \·irgilli.l. it II a:,> llMdt' up 01 ell'tat hlllt·lIl.... from othl'l rl:.'gillll:.'lll...,ll1i1 from m'w n'cnliT!', ttU' II hole IIndl:.'r thl:.' 1'0111111,111(1 t)! (;01. Ilcrlx,rt.Jdkn. I hI:.' reg-illlelll had lill' t omp,mil" 1',11 It 01 ~OO Illl'll. t'MItnllnp.l1I\ Jtod h\ ,L (',Lpt,Lill, .1 lit'utt'll,1111, ,L 'ITOIIII-lit'Llll'l1anl. and anI·n,ig-Il. lilt' rq.{illl(·1lt hMI a ,m,lll artilll'll dt·I.lchIllI'111 arllled wilh a:\-polLllder g-Lll1 . .Idkn'" Rt'g-il11t'llI \\.L' blll'lHlrd 10 hi' a It'rrlpol<Ll"\ uuit"hitll would bl' di,halH!t'd ,II HI il~ 1III'lI Il'l(lIlll'lI l,) ttwiT llrigin;ll11llil.;;1,!li'II IlO lonWT 11tTdi't1 ill VirJ.:"ill1a, [ht, flll{olni,ali.Ul Wi'lll hri\kh, alLdIht' rl'j.l'irnt'ln landed in \'ir",irri.L Ull ~!I JWllan lli7i; hill tw lItis time"ltH"on\ Ri'bdlioll" had alrl:.':lt!\, bt'l'll l'ILI~hl'd 1)\ lu\!d lllililia~,.Idkr~

and hi~ troop' remained quit'lh in VirJ.{illia for a l'I'ar IIl1til orclt'rt'dhOlllt', rill' fir,t detarhl11t·llT\ \,Liled h;Hk 10 ETIg-LUld illJ.Ul1l;\n IGiHI\ilh olher panic~ follO\\ing" dLlring" Iht' \LlIllIIWr, Tilt, rl'g"imt'lll "~I'

di'isoh-ed and ils mcn returned to tlll'ir P<Ll"1'111 uni,....L'lliform &-e Plall' C.

\\'hill'JetTen's foret' would rl:.'turIl In Eng-l'lIId. il I\a\ dt'cidl'd 10 kt'l'pa l'O\al K:\'Tison in Virginia COn'i\lillJ.\" of ;Ill illtlq)(,lIdt'rll cOl11p,m\ ofthrce onken and 100 lIIell dr;:l\\lI lrum Ihe dl'p,uling Il:.'gill1l:.'lH. A~'colill compam recruited in England re<lchl'lI \'irginia ill :\ia\ 16RO.-I hl:.'sc companies w('re hadh negll'cled b\ the Cro\\'n, and tlwir ,0Idi.'I"",became unruh and llllUi1l0llS after ;;utTering long .11 n.'al"o (If l);l\ lIlellt.Wht'n both companies were di;;b:mded on i .lUll(' 16R2. wilh ordel"", to

\101'(' their ~af!ns. panis-ulS, hallx'rds ;lIld drum;;-, lhl'\ wen' OI\ed

Page 17: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

2~ 1Il01Ilh,' unpaid \I'L/{Ci. Thcir unifontb alltlann~ I\OLlld proh,lbh haH' hl.'I'1I 1111' "<l1111' " .. Iho~('

oIJI:flen'" Rq.:iml·lll.13\ c;lrh IT,:). fi.lliowing- Ihl' (lmfrolllalioll of

IllI' pII'\iolL' 11'<11" bl't\ll'l'II \'ir~inia troop" ,md thl'F,Clllh (~cc "\'ilg-iui.1 I'rO\lIlCi,II,," Ix'lm\). 1\\lJrq.{ILLlr rcg-illlcltt' IICIIII Bril.Lin Illtdl'r cotllrTMndof(.t.'I1. hl\\.IHlnl.lddod, .crri\l'd ill \'irg:inia. Thl'bul\.. ul Bl<lddIK\..\ 101'(1: \\hidl m ....lhl·d inlet thewildcrnl'" cun,i,tl'd uf lilt' IlLh ,mel IHth FOUL.

c'ach iOO 'lmug:. \Iilh .1 60-Ill;ln Rm.11 \nill('l"\cump.uII. a ckt.ldlll1l·IH 01 :\1) Ro\,11 ~,I\' -..Iilor..,111<1 ,I TllIIllIK'l" 01 'I ,Ill unit ('I'" - ill .111 ,lbotH I.:,IN)Briti..h rq{ul.lI'" ffom 1-111llpt'.

On 9 ILlIl I i.p,;PJ Iht' 11lf\lard dclllcn ..... ufthe forcl', .Ihlllli I ,~INI ,tI()lI~. ("<IIIIt' 10 lIlt'~lonollg:;:Ihd.1 RiH'f "with LoloUl'" Ihillg-. Dnmhbe;njng..unl FilL" pl.l\ illg- thl' (;rL·u.ulicr\ ~1.lrch."H'«II1('d (JIll' of IIU' .... 'anwII. Illl'rl' '>I1IIl(' H:J(Iconn'.lll'd hL·nch. r~m.l(li.llI' Imli,II1' opl.·m'e!,I Ik.l<lh lirl·. rhcII.· II.l' 'pirilt'd rL·,i.,I.UKC Irom.,onw of Ihl' rl'e!co:lb. hill. ta\..I·11 hI 'lIIVli....· in do...ccmulln Ilhich h.lrnlx:n·d ll'l';r Iradilinll<ll laclicalllI'Illl'U\L·r". "'(01'1" II']] Ililhill milILlle-.. 10 Ihl'elleni\"(' lin' 01 <I I.I11:C·1\ imi ...ih1e ('lIf'Ill\. and p;mic~\\l'pl thl' rt"'l. (01.'111'1.11 n',ldlio<\.. \\,1'" ...1;lin alter haling: lour hIli""'" ,hoIlrolll L1ndCl him. (;0101l1'l '\,I ...hill~IUIl rtl,maged 10 blill~ ull "bOlll (illl)I1U·II. hill '>1"111' .",1111. rJl(I... lh n·~III,II.... \11'rt' 11)... t: Ihl' \1rl-,.11Ii;1 pI lJ\'ill<i.11(Olnp.Ulie ... 11('[e dl'( il11.lIed.Cl/if(JIlli rhc dIL'" 01 IIII' 11th .Ind IHllt FIMJI in .\meri(.1 i... illmu<llcd .1I1ddl·...n11wd ill dl'l,dl ill \1 \,\ IH (rc·\"i ....·d edilinn. 1!Jl;17). 1\00fr\ .Inll). PLlll.' It

Massachusctt.s 1\\11 illdl'lH'lldl'llt UI111p,1lIie ... bllclt·d ill BO... 11111 ilLIke('rnh('r ](lHli Uildl'l .... il hltlliliHI '\Iulrm. who hnre the lH'\lh er(',L1ednllllllli",iulL "I "( ..LpI.LiJl-(.('llI·I,11 :l1ld (:011.'111<11' uJ New J·I1).;1.11Hl"· Il'llllKil1l-,' .I:lIlH'''' II. .\IHlru' 1\<1' 1"ldi,l1h ll'u:ill'd b\ lhe lololli ...h. billrdal inn~ 'n' ,n IUri II 'r! ~OlB. Followi 11g- :1 '''l1ll'lllt:L1 :1 hOI Iin' t "lwditiIJIIag-:lill ... l Imli:lIl'" in 1\ l.d I1(", AlldllJ~ and hi, troup... W('ll' balk ill III ",l," I hIApril IhSS WIII'II Ill'\\'" ot Kill).\ J:Il11n'" llig-ltt and the 'lIUC".,iUIl 01\\'illi,lI11 01 Or:mg-I' It'.l1 11I'<I .\1.I~~:H hml'lh. On IS April 1111' I\O~lOrt

rnilili,1, Iw.ull'<I hI 101olli,11 IHll,Lhll'~ ,IILd 10110\H:d b\ .1 g-ll·.lt (IOIul.COlllilH c'<I .\11dl''''; .1Ild hi ... '"I l'<ItIMl," 10 ',Lil h.ll k 10 Brit,Lill.

[11 17f~1 dUIT hornIMldil'r, 1\1'1(' '('Ill [rOlll the [o\\,('r oj l.on<ltll1 InBo~1on. '"II ItCIl' lit 1'1 (LLih I.' '1'1 I l...e tILl' ( .llL 111\ n II uop., ill llt(' LL"'C lit <. ,I ('.11CIlI1~": thc'\ 1\('11' joiru'd h\ .lhOllll~111,111'0......1·' mi"'I'<! ill :\'('11 F1IgI,lIld tOllIu' il1tL'IU!L-d I"pc'dillon .Ig-,Iil.... t ( ..malb (PRO CO I~ 1:\).L'/IIjuI'm ~'t' 1'1.111' D.

011 I OClol)('1 IillX. Utiti,h \\ill-,hip, I,lll<kd two lillL' iutcntnl("g-i11H·" .... - lhl" lillll .Hld li~)lh - and.m .ll"lilll'n deladtll\c'nl in 1'Jcl"lon.I hi" IIC\\ K,1l1 NUl \1,1'" (Ie.u h "l'lIl lor politi<,11 pIlIlXhl" ralhel th;lll lUIprotl'( lilll1. Thi ... \1 ,L'" 1\ ilkh H·"I·!Hl.'d in the, \medcall C"IOlIic.·" .1, 101 cd .1lHocr.llie pu· ......Ufl.'. \Ihi( h t'H'lllLlollh led 10 ,ln11L'd cnnnin .11

This detillil 'rom ill print showing

the c:lty of HiIIliI•• (Nov. SCotl.1lnc:ludes • ra,.. ,..r view 01 ill

BrltiW\ infillnlry d ....mmer. His

c:oal h.s the ..-gulatlon 'al..

sleeves hill"illng lrom his

Shoulders and he wears che

pointl'd mIl.. c:ap, smilliler lor

drummers Ihan for grenadiers.

(Nnllon.1 Arc:hlves 01 Cillnada.



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14 16

Since the ••rly 18th century

8rttlsh offk:e,. ottefl wore. sim­

plified alt'K8,let "amp.llI" d ....

.. Ihown In thl' c.1755 port.alt

01 SI, Robert Monkton. Hi' (NIt

II trimmed with gold button. and

• gold alllumaUe, hla walttcOIltwith gold buttons and lace, and

he we...... crlmeon •••h, "litgorget, and gold·laced hat.Many American cOlonial o"lca,...adopte;:l lhl' dr.... lIS origin,

can be traced to an or'lle. 0123 October 1111 by the Duke

of Marlborough which ataled In

part: "That 'I'll Office,... be allCloath'd In Redd Plain anduniforms, w[hl]ch i' aJpectlld

they ,haU we.' on all march••,& other Duly. a. well as day. 01r.yl.w.~ (National Archives of


(;OIICflrcl and l,ndngloll ill 177!l. The nrili~

1'\;lC1l<I1t·d l\u"101l llll' tollo\\'illl{ \t:ar.

l'/IijQr/ll &-e 1\1.\\ :19 (n·vi"o.:d .-c1ilion), B,ili.Fmrrlll/ \'.,I",n',ffI 1775-8], Plale A.

Nova Scolia and Newfoundland Follo\lilln'!x';IlI'c1 Fn'!lch r;lld~, Col. .John Gilhon\ (t(.ihhon .... ) inl,lIlln !"l'Killll:nl IORt'tht'r wIlhdet.ldlllwnl 01 .lltilll'n111t:'II, abOllt 760 meill all, arri\i'd ;11 51 .John'~ (:\'FLD) in .Iunc 169'nil' hmtilitit" I\ilh IIII' Fn'lIch IIt'rt' dl";I\\'ing tod",l' .Hul 1110't 01 lilt' I\riti ..h lorcc ....tikd had. tEnR',md in ~·pll·ll1l)t'r. hut Ielt IX'hlnd a .. trong<trI;-.t.m: II ullict'p. and :!j:! :\L(b 'Illd t;nli"telIlt'll fr01l1 (;ilh<.JIl \ Rt'J~inlt'llt. <llId :m officer" anllIt'll Irom lht' Orclll;llI(t', 1ll .11I1Il'.lrh 300 olliet'l.lIlllnlt'll.l'lIi/on" I \\orn h\ (;ib..Oll'., RCh';IIU.'1II iIli97-9~ I' llnLnmlll Irom contcllll)Ol,lldOCUlIIl'lIh pt'I"II'ed, bUI D.mldr.. rcginu."IIl:hi'lOn IIIt'llIiUlh n:d lined wilh \elloll, Thc\ \\CIprnhahh al"l1lt'd \\'llh ~dnKlocL~ lllt"Ll'b with pillha\iHlt'" .U1d "\\ont...

III \I.lrch 169H it \\";l' {!t'clcI('t!to parc dO\\11 th~arri"'lll in '\:{'\\lollllcll,lllcl CtIll.,idl'l";lbh, onh

'lIIRk COIllP';II\\ IlUII Ix'ill/-:" (otl,i<lt'll'd -l1e((·'....I1... 10 he Lt"pt Iht'le~: th("(m,i"ll'f! tlf Ihrl't' -.t.·'"g"t·ant'. threl' Ctl'l)t)ral", l\ln dnl111lller' and 4~ pr;\',lltlllldel the cOlllm;mrl III .1 Iklllell.Hlt .mel an cll<;i/-:"Il, III 1701 lhindepelldt.'lH compall\ \ l'''I.I!Jli"llIllelll \1,1" mi~d to a capt.lin, l\\

lieutenant." l.'ighl :--:CO~, .md AA pr;\;Ul''': tl1('r(' \I~t$ al<;n an Ordnancrlt'l,lChnWlll (Olhi.,lll1g' III ,I 1ll,1.,ll'r HlllllWI ,md ~ix j.,'1HHlel~. \\''11' ag<lill'Fr,lllce II'"'' rt'llt'\It'd in 170:!, ,I lid Ihl' CtlllllMll\ re"I~led all ;lllacL 0Sl JClhn\ in IkC{'lllhl.'J" 17l)I, hili 111'n' 11\'I'1""I'l'h'I1'(1 hI' .lll1l1her Frt.·ne,1l1,leL in .I.lIlllan 17D!I,

Itl Seplt:'lIlbl'1 1710 lllt:' truop., llt,ll laplllied Purl Ru\,11. capital t

Frl.'rICh Ac<\dia, included a hatlalioll III rnarilll'~ 11ltrllhl'rl11!{ fiOO 1'('g-lIlar:IOrllH'd ot d ..lacllllH'llh trolll llit' I'l'l-:"il1l1'lll' lit Col~. Iiolt, Will, IttSh,\nllUll, ,l11d Churchill. B} the Treal}' of Utrecht, sig11t:d ill 171~, 1,011Xl\' g:WI' up hi., clail11~ 011 I'laCt'1I1i:\ alld Aea(Jb. Thll" Nt'wfollndlanbeC<l11ll' a c0111pll'leh Brili~h i,lal1t1 and Acadia \\";l'> Iwn("(>fonh thl' I"rili~

col01ll uf ;..10\";1 Scotia. '1'(, gll;ll'd tlH' IIl'W colonie" fUllr indepcndelcfllllpan;('~ of infantry I(w t'aeh ('OIOIl\', wilh artilll'ry dt'lachmenls frO!lhl' HOdI'd 01 Ol'drlalICe, I\t'n' "'III 11'0111 [\1'il.lil1. Each indl'pl'lldl'1cUlllpanv 1\-;1" lU halt' Ihn'C Um(TI~ and 8H NCO~, drummers, anpli\'ales: lht: Ordnanc(' dl'ladHl\(,lIt~, Olll' offict,l', onl' lllaSl('1' };"ullne~O Rllnllel~, .md fOil I' anilie('r~, Froln ,\llg'Il~1 171 7 lilt, i1l(lt-pt:'lldercOlllpanic~ wcre forllled into a legu!.lr regimellt commanded by CoRichard Philip.., lllltulx'red Ill(' IOlh of FOOl (~(' 1)('\0\\, MRtl\'a1 Reh';lllenlRai~d or Org'".-Inil.l'd in Alllerica~). Ordlldllce glllHlt'l"S al Anllapoli" allPlaccntia \\'cre taken illlo lhe RO\711 Regiment of ,\nilkn in 1721 all17:!6rcspcrll\eh.('IIi/ann See Plate D.

Page 19: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

Sir Robert Monkton in the futldre.. 01 hi, .-viment. the 17thFoot, c, t7tlO, Thi, print aflef"Thom.. Hudson anows Ihe

typical onlc.... uniform preVilltHltin the Britiah Infantry in Ihe

middl. ollh. 18th century.The t7lh Foot had scllrlet COiIt"faced with pili. gre~ ar>d ailverbutton, and lac. lor the offlc....While the colo.. 01 the unifonn"might be dlnerenl, the cut and,tyl. of those worn b~ COlonialAmerican onlcera were lergel~

the tame. (National Archlvoa 01Canada, C112201

South Carolina The war with Spain ill lilH-21r'aised COllcerns over the safe" of lilt' ('"01011\. TheSpanish had regular Iroops in F1orid,t. I\hile SouthCarolina had onh militias. In Ma\ I i21 ,Ill

independcnt compan\ of 100 I\riti,h rrKular<;arri\ed. TheS(' \\cre -ill\'alid- U'lel,lll ~oldit;'l-'"

ta"ell from ('..01. Fielding's 11l\'alid (Lll{'1" 11'1)

RegimclH - mCII considered pl1\..,ic;llh 1llll'C]llal 10field c:lTl1lMigning bUl capable 01 lX'donninghrarri~n dill'., The\ were po~led 10 Fort KingGeorge the southern IXlrdcr unlil li2i, andthen [() Pori RO\,ll and Ch:lllt:~1011. In li~\6

lhc COrlllht1l\ Wil~ ordered 10 Cenrbrla, II hert' ilc\clllualh formcd Iht: nucleu... 01 0Klt:lhurpe'~

Rq.:-illlCllt in I i.18. t\ 4(}-man dd;lChttlClll frolllLatorc\" 61lt ~larill(, Rcgitllt:t1l \\';t~ ~t<llioIlCd at

Ch;lrlc'loll 11'0111 Fcbrll<lIl' Ii44 10 Ii·li.Thr("(' tnllf(' indepclldcnl cUlnp;111ic, lalllkd al

Chllrk'lotl in D\'\{'lllhcr 17,1,:-', and deladHllcntsg'J.rri~oncd lroillier forlS 10 Iht: ,-<mlh in Ceorgiaand we~l tW,II' tIll' C11ero\..('c :lIld Creek Il'l rilOric',In I i~1 I Ilwn were drafll'd from till' lhrc{'c01llp<lnit'~ 10 form a temporal" COlllp<ll1\ to '>{'nda~ reinforn'nll'nlS 10 Virginia. Thi~ (umpal1\joilll'd (;{'orgl' \\'a~hington'~ \'irl{inia Iroop~,

following Ihe JUlnmomilk incidclll, .It Fon :-:eces.~it\, 1\ hich ~urr{'lld{'red

lollll" French: and inJlll\ li5:llht., CUlllP;Ill\ wa~ prt'wllI al Un:tddoc\..'s;\llJllunK<,hcl.1 dis,;lsler, In ;\oH.:mbt:r it'> r{'maininK mell \\t'H' drafled imoShirk\ \; 50lh \\hile Ihe :-:COS ami ofiin:r.. \\cnt b;IC\.. 10 ~ulh Clrolina10 recmit alle\,'. From ;\Ial li56 a COmlh"l1l\ was IXl~led in \\l."...tefll Soulh(.;troliTla .md OIl the Ilt:\,'h bllllt FOri Loudoun in Ji.:Ji. 1\\ ITI9 ,ill threecOlllpanie, garrisoned ;t Siring of lrollliel forlS t')l.CCpl for :;0 lllcn alChMI('~Ion. In t\Uh'll~t 1760 aboul 100 lIIl'll were 10~1 10 lhl' C1u'rokeeswhen Fon LoudoUIl rei); aboul HO lOok p;lll in Col, Grant'~ expediliona~lill~t lhe Cherokees fnltl1 1\la\ 10 Onuber li61. TIll' .llICC lilldt'r­... lrl'tlKth cOl11panic~ look lip I{arri~oll dlltil'~ in \~lriotls runs lIntil rq)laCl'dbr the tiOlll Fool in Ja111lan Iili·l. WIWII Ihe\ \l'ere di,banded,I 'llifonll See Plales F anel G,


Philips' 40th Regiment of FOOl, 1717- The regiment \\,i~ Ii.,nncd flOm2~) \uKml 1717. from lour indq){'ncll'II1 cOlllpanie~ at ,\nn;lpoli, Rm":tl(:\'!'l ;md IOlU independent COllll);ll1ll'~ ,It Pl.lcentia (:'\FLD). 1I1I(1('r Iht,command of ('.01. Richard Philip~, II had lell comp'lIlie, induding Ollt'of gn·narlier". In lhe mid-I i2lh onh CIne compam \\"a~ left al Plau'mia.lilc being pU~lcd al Annalx)!i., ilnd fOllr ,n Gill'\{) - IIww 1.1'1 I\crecaplured b\ Ihe French from !.oubbourg in ;\1;11 I i II. The lcgillll'llIcominlled to garrison AnnaIXlli~. ehetmctou and Fon \Iinnr ('\~) anc!SIJohn·... (i\FLD), 17

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Prl....te, Philips' 40th Regiment ofFool, 1742. The 40th wa. fonned

In 1717 from Independent

companies and was stationed In

No.... Scotia and Newfoundlandunlit Iha early 17lSOs. In 1121,clothing wa. sent for the 360men In Iho regiment which

Included 39 grenadlen' caps

" ea.ed.•ach, 2 grenadierurgesnt.' caps at a costly£3 each, and an ••tra t111 for

"lacing & .xtraordinary" on thegrenadle..' clothin.g (PRO/AO111331. The regimental uniform In

t 142 was red with buff lacln".and White lace with yellow andally blue wavy linea.

In 17?J) the rq{inll"1lI IOfllll"t! part or the l':'I.pcdiliull \\hich capturedFort Ik<lu"ejollf 011 :?:) JUIlC. In 17;·,7 it \\~I" at Ilatif,lx l'XCl'PI lor twolUl11panil"'> in :\'C\\fOlllldl,lTld: and tbe 10th tooJ... part in the sic~c of1.00Ii"liollrg in 17jM. I..l'il there in garrison. i .... grc.:n.tdicr Ct}lllp.ln~ \I'as panof Gen. Wolfe'!> -umi,bourg Grenadiel"''i~. a thre(."<omparn leml>OI,lI'\unil \Ihich .....·I"\(."{I \lilh di..linclion in the 17.:;9 QudX"<: campaign. Therl·j..rlmclll wa.~ "("lit from 1,,()III,bourg: to ClII;td.1 in 1700: I\<C> at Iheclpitulation of :\Iunlll'al ill Sqnember: and remained a!> Il<lrt of Ihat cil\'"g:ani~n ulllil tilt' ,ummer of li61. wl1(:n il \\('111 10 ~{'\\ York. InDt'cem!x-'r Ill(' ·J(hh ,\ITI\t'd in l\arb,ldfr.>, and lUO\... p.ut illlhc caplllre of~l.lniniqllt' and 11,1\,111,1 during 1762. The COlllp;tll\ len OIL 51 John'"(i\FI.D) \1':1.'> Glpllllt'd in tilt' Frellch raid of JUlle l7(j2. Tilt.' regimen!came bac\... 10 :\'1'\1 \"ilr\... fmlll ganiloon dUI\ ,II 11,1\,111;1 in Juh 1763. and1\l'lll nurth tu :'\\1\,1 Scutia ,md ~('\I"folllldlalld Iwfore finalh' beingtr:'lIhrerred 10 [rt:!;llld al tlJ(' ('lid of 17tH. L'ntiltht'll the ·IOth had bet:1l illellect a regular colonial WlITi,on unit. <llo it had lIe\"cr·cd ill Britain orEurupe. The 40lh COlilinucd \0 M·rw: in thl.' Ilrili ..h lillt'. its bt(:r t('rrilOrialdt'~ig"nations in("hlclin~ 2nd Sorner~cl$hirl' and, Inom 18HI. SouthLanca..hire; iL~ lilw:lW' ha~ pa'loed tuda} to thc Quccn's LlllcashircI{q;illll.'llt.

Oglethorpe's 42nd Rebriment of Foot, 1737--48 Tilt: regimclH \I,IS:luthori/t:d as a loix-eolllpam regular unit li,ted Oil Ihe Britishe~t..blishmelll from '2:1 Augu.. t 1737: each compall\ had 100 men. Its("olol1el \\<lS Gen. j.UlIl" Oglethorp(~. 1.110 had foullded Ihe colol1\ of(ot·orgi.. ,I lel\ \e.IT'" c.lrlier. I.lrg-l'h as a buffer aWlin~1 the Spanish inFlorida. The regilllclll \\<l~ formcd in Sa\<lnnah during I i38 from a dl<lftof Roth'~ 25th Fool, \Ihich .lI'ri\l-d in \1;1\ from Gibraltar. followed b\1eCl'uib from Britaill ill Scplembcl-: ;I grenadier cOlllpall\ of 100 men 1\':lS

added in June I ilO. The I'l:,giment participated in tht: lI11SlIcce.!>Sful;lIIac\... on tht' S'l<mi,h ,II SI Auglhlinc in lhe sUlIlmer of 17,10. and aoomhalf took pan ill lh\' \,i((ol'\ O\l'r the aHacking Spani..h Ileal' Frederica(G,\) in Juh 1712. Following the end of Ihe \\'.11' of lhe Amtrian~lIcce..~ion in I i4M the regimcnt I\'a!> ordered di~h:lIlded from2.. :-Jo\t'llIbcr lltal It';lr, ,Ihhollgh three new indepelldcIll companies\\'ere forllled 011 29 i\1;t\' 17"9 from its bc~t lllen lor 'en'icc in SouthCarolina, Oglelhorpe'" h;td no lineal COIlIll.'ctiOlI ,,'ilh lht' 42nd I{o}'alIlig"hland Reg"illu:I1I, tht' Blar\... Watch, which lonk Ihalnlllllber in 1751.L'llifflrm Sec illll~l ration oppo~it(',

Gooch's 61st (Amcrican) Regimcllt of Foot, 1740-46 Thl' regimcll! II,ISapprO\"('(! to be rai,,<-'d ill Decemlx'r 1739 ullder i\1,ti,Cell. WilliamSpotswood. I\ho died ,md \\,b 1oOO1l replaced b\ Col, William Gooch. bOlhlouccrt~in::h go\"enlOI"l> of\'ir).,rinia. II \1':lS an unu""alh Iargt' 1I1Iil, with fourb:.ItI.1Iions 10 be raised ill t'\onh Amt:rica 10 ~nt' ag;lill't tht: Spanish inthc WCSI Indit:S. As appro\L"{1 b\ Parliament on 25.\plil 1740, Gooch's had13 field officers. 30 caplains. 00 lieutenants, 30 cnsigns, 120 ~rg:eant.:.,

120 corporals and 3,000 pri\,IlC'S for a total est::lbli...hlllt'lit of 3.373. It had36 cOlllpanil.'s (no grenadiers), and 1\':lS numbered 61s1 in precedence.Recruiting was successful; MassachusettS, ~('w York and l'\ew Jt'Ne' 1:\'("11c..:crt.'<led their quotas, no doubt largelr due to the lure of loot on theSp:.mish Main. It scelllS lhal the lSI Batt.:-.lion was made lip of men from

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RlGKT Priv.t., Goo<;h'l !llItRqlment of Foot, 1742. R.IHdIn tne Am.rie.n eolonl.. with av.ry larg••,t.ablllhment, thl,Ill-fllted it would be red..,.;edduring I th." two '1'.....'

e.mp8lgnlng agalnlt the Sp8n/s.hIn fev.r-h.unted Central Amerie.lrom 3,255 .11 rankS to IUlt 347fit m.n .M 288 ,urvlvlng Ilek.Th. reglm.nt.1 uniform W.I redwith green l.pel, and euffl;there w., no reglment.l laee.The eoat IInlnll 01 untts ..rvlnglnthe We.t Indl.. w.s of brownllhlinen,

1 LEFT Privllte, Oglethorpe', 42ndRegIment 01 Foot, 1742; the

rllfllment h.d been ral'ed .tS.v.nlUlh loury......Ilrll.r .ndfOll'llht th. Spllnl,h In GllOrgl.during th. 1740'. Aeeordlngto the ~Cloathlnll Book~, theregImental unlfonn W.I • redeoat with g ....n I.pell, euffs andtumb.e.... Th. Ihade 01 green Inthe book II ahown as somewtlatpel•. TM lace W.I pl.ln whit.edgIng the l.pel., eutl'l, .ndpockets. The buttons we... ofwhIt. m.tsl with whit. threadbutt_lto..s. The w.lsteoat .ndbreeches W .... red and th.t!kom edged with whit. lac••


~ew EnKland, Ihe :'!nd of mell from :\'ew York and :"\e\\' Jel""l'\. lhe 1..dfrom 1'l"lllP;\h~llIi,I,lIld Del,lll,lre ,llId the -lih from \'irginia and ~1;1l"\land:

each b,lII.llioll ;11,0 hMI ,I com pam frOIll ~orth Clrolina.Bv j:ll111;\n 1i II ~OIlW ~\,2:;:; oOin.'r" and men of Gooch'~ \Iere on

ooard ship ill lhe h.lrbor of Killg"'lull.Ja1l1aica: ,llld in i\larch Illt:'\ \ITH.'before the lIliglil\ Sp;\11i,h fortre,,, of C<lnagen<l de India.s (tHM inColombia), TIll' li,nOO-lll.lll Spalli'h Karri ..on was \'a1i;l11tl\' led and be<ltoil tilt' Ilriti,h a~~;lllih ill Iatt:.' April, whih:, tropical di~t:'a~e 'lal\...l:'d tht:'camp~ of Ill(' :W,O()() ht',iq{t'I'.. , Cooch's was shon Iw 632 1111.'11 on2:l April, ;\11([ h\ I,()~t! ti\{' 1I'('('k.. later when it gO! hark to .Ialllaiclo InAllgll~l 1i41 tilt:.' rCg"iml"lll 11,1' ill the area ut Santiago ill Cllb~I, bUI lhi ..eXlwdition al,o Pl'O\crl a failure, Ill' NOl'ember...lill in a camp in Cuha,<';oocll' .. was "(llllt:.' 15liH 111('11 ,horl of t"tabli .. llllll'lll, and l.iH,; shon b\'the time it rl"tLlrlled 10Jamaica ill carl. Deccl11bl:'r, SCllt to participatc illal101111'1' abortive all,lc\... on POrln Ikllo (Panama). it lacked 2,1:\0 men in~larrh 1742 - i.l:', it 11,1' dO\\ll 10 ,01l1e :\9 pcrcelll of t'"tabli~hlllel1L ,\..hado\\ of il.') r01'llll:'r ,df. tilt:.· II'ginlt:'1Il lI<lS linalh ordl:'n:d di~b,llldt:'d,

On 21 Octo!>l:'r Ii 12 Ihl' ''\In'i,,or.. mll~It'rcd onh 17 olllcc1'" and I~O~1l1iSIl'd lIIl'lI. 1\lm rt:.'ItI1Ilt:.'r1ll11'("'lIhl'd to :-':onh Alllcric<\ aCt:.omp;lIIif>db\ ~68 ,ie'\... ,oldicl~: .mothl'r 200 11.Id been dmftt'd to ~t'nt:' ill,\dm. \'t:.'fIIon\ nt'et. lllO'lh \C) replace dead s.."lilors. F'ollo\\ing- lhedi~hancll1H.'lIt 01 (.ooch's rl'HilllclH. four ~.\merican~ compani('".ullounling to b.lft:.'h :.!OO lIIell IClll.lillt'd in:>t:J"\ict' on R.lUall bl.u\(l 011Ill(' coa"l 01 Iiondlll';l": 1Il('\ \\t:'rt:' incorporated illlo Trdawnt'\'~

Page 22: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]


Private, 50th (Royal Ame,leen.)Regiment of Foot, 1758. Theregimental uniform WIIS • redeoat with blue euff., lapel., andtumb.ek., ,ad wal.teoat, blu.breeehe., white metal button.and White hilt laee. The loldler.'eoat. of the 80th were "Irom ItaIlrat raIling.,. pe,mltted to bewithout laee" (PROfWO 7/281.However, the d,umme,,' elothlnghed laee, whleh would have beenroyallae.. The eoatl of theprivates .nd eo,po,.I. of thll..glm.nt w... not trimm~ withlae. untIl t 7M. White glllte...were for lull d....; brownMm.rehlng~ gaiters were u.uallywom by Britl.h Inl.nt...... TM1I8Oth also had g....n Indl.nlegging. with red gart.... In17511. (P,lnt afte, P,W.Reynold.)


Regiment of FOOL in 1746.' Guo(h'~ h,ld flO lineal COlHl{'r1ion wilh lhe1,ller 61sl. rai~('d 17:,8 and ~llb~l'quenll) de~igtlalCd Ihe SuuthG10llccstcrshire Regl (1782) <Il\(l 2nd till. Glouc('~lcrshire Regt (18R I).L'"ijnnll Scc Plale E,

Shirle)"s and Pepperell's RCb';ments of .'001, 1745-49 & 175;-57Following the caplllrc of Louisbollrg b\ the 1'\e\\ Englanders in 17-15. theproblem of keeping a slfOng ",rarri,on in Ihe !C)rtrc..s became acute. TheFrench would almo'!>t ccnainh atlempt lO rc:clpture thl' fortress; regulartroop" from BI;tain were in short ,upph.•lnd ~l'\\ England \'olllnteerswould nOllokrate n:mOll'. long-terlll I,rarri.!>On dUll, In Seplember 174:)the gmcrnmclll in London commi~siollt:d 1\\'0 AmeJican heroes of thehour. William Shirle\ and William I>cppcrell. each lO I'::tise a regiment of1.000 lIlen in Nonh Amcricol for Ihe I\riti~h r<'h'ularestablishmelll. to beIlumbered 65th and 66lh ill pl·en·delle<:. TIle regirnelllS were 10 beraised b\ recruiting partie~ in Kell England ;lIld <llso b\ enlisling Iheremllan~of the AmericoUl \,olunt("eN \\hn had been left in Louisbourg.

Recnliting from neither wurcc prO\ed as brisk as had been hoped;h\ :\Ia\ 1746 Shirle~'s had 770 men (including IjO in Lollisbourg) andP<:ppercJrs ·120 (300 ill Lolli~bourg). Another diffieuln \\'as that becau~Illall\ commissions had been re.sened 10 gentlemen from Brilain.di.scolltenled XCII' Englanders muhbcd the unib. Following the Jacobiteinsurrection of 1i-t5-46 in Ihe ~otli,h Ilighiands. some 400 -rebelpri'iOners- were to be l>ent to rill lhe I<m!..s of Shidel's and Pepperell'sal Loui'!>bourg. but neither regiment c\er reached ilS authorizedeSlablishmenl.

Lollisbourg prmed to be as ble.." alld drean a ~I;uion as could heimagined, On 26Jllnc 1747 lhe whole garrison (including the regularsof the 29th. 30th ami 45th FOOL lrom Britain as well as Shirle}'s andPeppere1l's) Illutinied when thc) learned of a redliClion in pal, layingdO\\1l their arms and going on hunger ~lrike. The order was cancelledand extra rum \\~dS di~tribllled. On 20 Fd)l'wlI)' 1748 the companies ofhoth regiment." wcrc reduced lo 78 NCOs aud Illell on paper, which wasslill well abo\'e the actual "tl'cnf{lh. I~Olh regimcllt.'> were disbandc:d inLouisbourg in about l\lay 1749.Unifol7l1 The uniform of both regiments was rcported as rcd faced withgreen in :\1illan'~ list of 17"9.

In the fall of 1754. Shirlcy alltl 1\:ppcr('l1 II't'I'l' each again appointedby lhe Crown to r'::lise an infallll)' rcgilllt:nt f)IJ lhe regular 13riti..hest:.tblishmcnt, with dTcct from 24 Dl'C('l1lbcr 1754 alld numbered 50thand Sisl respecti\'ely. The streng-th of each regimcnt \\~IS 10 he 1,145, in spite of soll1e discontent due to the low number of officers'COllunissions gl<llltcd to American f{('ntlcml'n, as well as \~lriolls linancialdifficulties. both rt'gimcnt.'> 111Il~lcred enouf{h recrl1iL~ to be formed by th(early ~ummer of 1755, though neither had 1I10re than half of lheilL'Stablishmcllt strength. The :JOth \\"'.. in IW~lon and thl' 51st in New Yorkboth being ordered to g"aI'l'ison the forLS at Oswego on Lake Omado. B<)Ir

1~ 63rd~.9111" 17ol.8) _ """,*,., -'-'-" from o\dllMOoo..«~ from MMCtIl10tS MoftJ~ -.. hSlllls ---..-. 01 1,000 .......... !he 200~ from Gooc:tI'a~"'".1/aIIItlkI canIritIuIooI\.11_thM!hey"""'*'_~,--..g on Ranan....-.s~ 11.9 An

-...._IftlmGooclI~"-U, "* ClopI. ttodgIC:o'\.,~WltllIo<;IlI--.llllf"4.ded. _ 01~~~!he sc--n., _t<om 11.c:2 unliI.~. 1753 (PROo'CO

SiQ: F.l.J"en. n.Ao,It8riltln~.~It:25l~

Page 23: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

n:girnt.'nL' relllained stationed then: tllilil AUgll'l 172m, \111('n Gen.~Ionlc.. hn led a Frcnch am1\' to bc,j('gc O~wcgo..\fler a ,horl if bra\'ere... i... t.lllu:, the ~lflison of O'i\\cgo surrendercd. Som(' 61R of lhe 50th(including 31 womcn and 32 .'>t"n'illlt.'» .lIId 500 of lhe :11 ..., (including:\:. \\Ol11l'lI and 23 scn'lllL~) wcre takt"1l :lS pn"Oncrs 10 Cmad.l.•mdewnH1oI1h to Fr.lllce for exchange. Onh two comp;:mi(~of til(' 51 'il po<;tcd:Il Ollt'ida C,I1,.\;ng Place (:\"'\) t.-'~;II)(.'{lthe dis;.lStcr. In pranice lX)th uniL~

IMd Cl'a~d 10 exi.., and. on ~5 J:lIIl1an 17:)7. London ordcred lherel11l1.un.... in Lliropt;: and America 10 lx' incorporatcd into otht'r uniL~.

BOlh rt'j{illlt-'lll'i were finalh formalh disbanded 011 7 ~Iilrch 17:)7. :-':011(:of thc'C IOllr formaliom had am lincal COllllCCtion with the reg-imenLSthaI tiler 100" thdr 1Il11llher. ill tht., Urili ..h line (oolh. YOI'I.. & L;lnGI'lerRt.·gt, IRSI: (jlith, Ikrk~hin' Rq~l. 17H~: 50th. Quecn·... OW1I I{m;tl \\'e'lKt.·111 I{q,.(l. ll*ll: :51,1. King'~ Own YlJr\.....hir(' Light [llfal1ln, 1887).('lIiform Sl.'l.: PIaLl.' G.

601h (Ro}'al Amcricans) RCbril1lCllt of FOOL, 1755- Following" Ilradt1ock\di~I"ll.'r, a propo'al for a tOllr-b:lllaliotl regilllell1 10 be I,Ii'l'd ill ;""onhAmerica and ll'ilined bv a cadrl.' 01 Germans and Swi~~ \1<lS COIl1t:lllplall.'d:lhe LuI of Loudoull was COlllllli,.. iotled coloncl·in-chit'f 011 ~5 l)eccllll>Cl17j5, ,thhough final apprm.11 01111 came in ~Iarch 17j6. Each hattalionW:h to haH' 1.000 men. and lhe regilllt'llI \\~lS numbered 6:?nd Fool lIutilrelluml>cn...d 60Ih in 17j7. Recruiling in :-':orth ,\mclica W;IS ~lo\l. and.\meriCilll!l e\t'lHlIalh made up vllh ,Ibvllt ;1 qll.lrter 01 Ilw rq"rilllc:'llI .•\nOlher {plarter werc I~nti~h n'(Tuib. and lhe rClnaining 50 pel (t.·llt \\erelIlo'lh Germ.lll" and Swiss t~elht'l' I\ilh ~me PolC"i and :1..""'''011('£1 cent"llEUfC)lx';ms. The officen. of the -Ro\dl •\lllel"ic.llIs~ \\'el"e I.I1~ch ",wi,,, andGcnnan. Colonel l!enl; BOIICIU('t', 1..11\'lIt.llioll wa.., l>Otllething of iI lightinlallin 1I11h. bUl the other thn't' \\"('rt' mort' likt· "Iandard line intmtn.

From ITj7 Ihe b:malium of Ihe t)(hh p.lrticipaled wilh r1i'linctioll IIIlIlalll (lpt.'''llioll~. Thc hI Bn 't'ncd ill till' campaign agaimt FortDuquc.,ne ill 1738. on Ihe Crt.',tt" ill 1760 ami .IK'liml I'ontiac in1763.•It QUl.'bec and :-':I::W yO! '" ,111(1 OIl to Jamaica in 1766. "ht.· ~ml BI111,1" al l.oui ..lxmrg- in 175fl, al Qudx:c in 17.;9-60 and ~'onlre;11 illSl.'pternhl'l' 17GO. alld ~ened in \1·t.· .. 'LTII Olllp.,"l" Illuil 177~. lllming 10lhl' CMihh<.'an ill 177:). The 3rd Bn had :1 <.!t-lachmeJll at hilI Willi,lIlllleury ill 17:17, wa.. ;It l.ol1ishotlrg" ill 17.~H, at Qtwbc(' in 1759-110 ;Illd,\[ol\1"t.'al ill S<"pll.'ll1ber 17GO, OIl ~1:trliniquL' and al llal,ma ill 1762. ;111(111,1" di ..hallc!t'(l ill 176·1. Till.' 4111 Bllwa.. al Ticullt!t-nlW'I ill.Juh 17:1i'l. Il,lda dt'lachlllell1 at Frontenac in ,\1l~1l'1 175H, II<lS al NiaW'll~t ill 17,j~J and~IOllll'eal in I 7liO. and \\-.1'" di,b,uldn! ill 170·1. The Ii neal conm'cliOll ofIht.' (lOlh Ko\'al .\meriC;ln~ ha' IX'l'll llllhrukt'n. through lhe Kill).;"", RO\i11Rilk Corp' (lHHI) 10 the :?nd Bn. Rm'ill (;r<'ellj.lcket.'> (196ti).

.\ del,ldlluent of 14 lIIen ol the ~ GOth with some Kcntlt'nWll \\1'1"{'

.ltlacll.·d 111 hi'll' C';'Ipl. $;llIllld Iloll.llld fruIII 1766 to ,tl)(llit 17i:\ duringhi'i 'u .... t:\ 01 Ihe north-t,,,,tt'rn cn;, .. , of :-':0l1h Amedca. III,tt."'d ofrq.(ill1l'lll.lls. tht·\ \\ore ~a g-reen Illlilonll. \\;Ih lealher cap". which .Iremuch mort.· conH:nit'nl. & Ie!>.' tfouhlt.-M.lll1e lhall iI,ns in our l''I.CIl ...~ion~'hro' Iht., \\·ootl-.. & h\ w.ner. RThe frol1l of the caps 11<.Id RElllbo,~d theemblem .lIld multo uf Ilhc Bu.tfd of] Troute and Plant.nion..


5 llii and CO 32~l 24).L'lIIf()nn ~'l' .lCcomp.u\\'ing i1Iu'tl'iniorls.

JGrenadier, 60th (Royal

AmerIcans) Regiment, 17&B.

The dress 01 the BrItIsh infantry

became more fllt~ following the

royal warranl of 1788, as Hen In

Ihis plate. Grenadiers officIally

adopled Iaarskln caps Instead 01

lhe mitre-shapad cloth cape. The

colonial American mliltias soonfollowed the new fashion. (Print

after P.W.Reynoldsl


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1 22

Cage's 80th (Light Armed) Regiment of Foot, 1758-63 'I Ill' ROthRq-riuu:11l of I.ig-hl .\rlllcd FouL \\.1;., uflicialh applO\t'd 10 be rai'cd 011:1 \1.1\ 17;",f! and Ikalinl{ Orckr~ \,('ft' i.,slIcd 011 17 JUllC al K(,T1"ill~lOn

l'aLICt'. It \\i1~ oh\'ioll' 111.11 !Ill' rCH"ular arm\ in ;..!onh .\nwric<I Ill,t'dt'd ,Ibrg-e lig-ht infant" unit. it., wdl ,I., lhe lucatl\ rai,t'd R'll1gtT·". 10COpt' \liTh ,IJ(' C;lIlildi,lIl., ,111<1 their allied Indian." rhe unit had bl.'t'll

mooll'd hI l.urd l.uudoun "jure late ITI7 and wa<; ll110flicLtlh orWlllllC-'<\ill ~unh .\I11CI1(";I during lht;' eMIl pan of 17:-,$ uncll'l lh t• ofCol.ThOln'l~ (;"A"t': it had ol1h liw companit-'<; totalling .,ollle :t'l().....I:>Oall l,ml... hI Ih,1I Juh. allin·..... appOilllt'd to it f(.'mainc<! on the roll .. 01(hdl former llni~ lllllil oniciill'lpprmal was receivell in .\mcrica. B, 1.·.lrh,umillcr 17;)R il \\;h p;lrl 01 Gen. jamc, .\berCJ"omb'"' IlO\\{'rfulAlIglo-.\lIlcric.m ann' mmill~ up IOwaI'd .\lolHcalm·" Frl'nch .Iml' alTicond('rog~.t. I.... fil'll !l.llIk 1\ ......11 Ik'rneu Brool... 011

6 )lIh. a confllq-d figll1 in i1ll" ,,()od~ "here LordIluI\e. 11ll" anm", 1>Vlmlar and clll'rgctic SC"cond-in­cmum.lIld, wa~ I...ilkd. 1'''0 d.I\' laler the 80th w;:....repuhed b, \lolllcalrn\ foret' ";Ih Ihe re~1 of Ihe'L""'lUhing: AlIglo-.\lIIeric.m troop.. al Ticondel"oga.2

Th(' ROlh I\;L, "ilh Col;.'n ..\mher"\I·, aml' "hich occupiedTiconderoJ.r-l and (roWl! Poilll in 1759. and \'<lS al .\Iolllreal in5cplcmber 17(;0. .\I.tjor (,1.1(1\,·ill and a strung del;lchlllcntdefended Dctroit agaill~1 Ponliac'" Indians from .\Ia' 10 Seplember1763. I h(.. SHth 1\;1" di,!l;uuled in laiC 176:l. It had 110 line,llcUllllecliOll ,,'ill1 the HOth Rq~illlc:nl l'lised b' Lurd Pagel in 1793and later de,igll.lled Ihe ~Ollih SI.tfTonlshirc· Rcg!. .Ihhough IhalUTlil did.1l OllC' tilllc bO.I'1 Ihe nickname ~Gage", Lighl Inf'IIIII"'-.t:IliJon1l ~e PI.tle II.

Burlon's 95th Rcgimcnl of FOOl, 1761--63 The rq,>1rncllI" ori/o\"in 1,1\in ,ome nell II 1,li,ed independenl companie" 01 I00 men each, II hicharri\t'd al ;.lew' York i1l ;.Imcmbcl" 1760. Eight cornpanit·, IIl'rt' '0<J11

ordcl'ed to South Carolina: thc~t' wore "~Ca,.lel lined ,carlel. withII hill' button", and wilhullt I<lCt....· 011 :1l.1alluan 1761 nint' lomp.ll1ie,IH'I"l' orc!l-rcd to he formed inlo a rCh';mcl11 undcl' the cOl11lnalul ofCul.Ralph Illirton, Illlrlon\ [cn companics each ha\"i1l/o\" T) mell. I hl'l'e~imC111 'I."Cllh to hal'c hecn in lhe field near Fort Prince (:eorg-c(SC) Iw i\ I:w I761. Followi ng the s1l{"('e~sf1l1 end of tIH' w.. ,. against tIteCht.'l'Okt.'l' Indians, tIll' 9!'"lth remained ill South Camlina untili'-'m'ember when it I\~l' ~elll to Barbado", From there 11 lOok parI in the,,[pILIl"(' of i\laniniqllt', tl1\~ occupation of Grenada, and lhe ... ieg"t' ofI L'\<I11;1 durinf{ 1762, n" OCIOI){'r 1762 lhc ranks were much dcpkll'dami ils prh.ltcs were orden::d drafted into olher regimcn .... ill garri"ol1at Il;mllla. TIl(' onker~, :,\'COs, and drummers were ~ellt l.> 10~ng-la11tllO rl'Cl'llil tht, rcgimclll anew, bill lhe war ended and lhc Yjlhwas ordered di~ballded on 7 ~Iarch 1763. It had no lineal connectionwilh Illl' Llu...·rai~ed I)erb\"shire Regl or 2nd Bn, Sherwood For('~l('r.,.

nor I\'ilh lht.· Rifle Brigade, both of w'l1ich bore the number 95 in theBrilb,h line .11 I"riolls tiler dau~s.

l''''form ~·c' PIaIC II.

Page 25: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

OPPOSITE Officer 01 Orenedl....,

80th (Royal Americans)Regiment, 1755, armed with II


The officers 01 the regiment

had snver bullons and sliver­

laced uniform•. And many other

Item.: the 1762 Inventory of the

belongings of Cilpt, T.Partler,

"/6Oth, includ.d "1 r.d surtout

coat; 4 cloth wlllsteOllts; 6 peir

breech.s; 2 pllir gloves; I pairleggins; I pllir mac:klsln.;

2 plain hats: I blue .urtout:

1 mUff; I pair sliver ,hoe

bYc:kle,; 3 dO:l. white button.;

1 aword·belt; 1 pair leath.r

glove,; I Nsh; I gotllet;

I silver IItOUntec! sword.·

(print ;lfter P,W.Reynoldsl


III llearl\' all the American colonic~. lnale~ ~t\\'el:n Ill(' age... of 16 al\{I {)(),whether freemen or ~en:alllS.wcre compelled 10 be 1i~ll'c1 il1\o their loc<llmilitia com pam and 10 aucnd the com pam IIIU~lers and fegilllelllallraining d.I\ .... Such occasions in colonial ,\rncrica during lilt' 171h andmuch of the 18lh cellluries \\en.· COll~idered ...erioll\ ('\ellls. andHencl,llh bore lillie rl'~emblanC(' 10 Ih(' carnl\'al·lil..e ,nlluhplH.'fe \\hichChal<lClerize... 111,111\ de"Cription~ of 19Ih,l'nlll1"\ mililia 1ll11\tc'N. In earhcolonial time... the ... lll"'lh'll of .llOllllllunil\ .Iud thl' li\l'\ 01 it~ lIll'mlX'I'"could wdl depend upon the proficieno ofthc militi.L nil' fll'qUl:1l0 ul

tmining \;tried. In the earh 171h celltll1"\ il could IX' :1-\ fleqlll'lII .h onct:',I \\CI:\" in ~1a\....ldlll\l·lb and \·irgini<t. bUllhi\ t!l-cn:.I....ed ,1,0, lime \\l'nt Oil,

to a fcw da\\ Ihrollgholll lilt' \ ear. Thl' l'c/-:"illll'l\t;tlnlll~ll'r01,1 L1nit HX'\"

pl,Ill:' .tt le;L" ullce a ~l·'l1 ,llld wa" l"u,111\ \It'li :llu.'ndt'cl..I0hn WilllhropIlHled Ih:1I \Qllll' 1.200 lIlell .tHl;:'mlt:'d I1w tl<lillilll-: 01 the IkJ\tnn militia

in 16.J1.OOiCl:f' had \";:uiou\ lIlilil,ll"'l and ,llllllilli~\I<tti\l' ohlig::nioll\ ht'\idt'<;

Iwaling ann\. ami -.enior uOicl'I'" - gellel";:tlh Iht· cumlllunil\'\ \1(',lhhif"~t

men - \\('f(' tI~uall\"oblig:lIecl h\ la\\ to fUl"ni\h drum~ ;lnd colo!"". ~o unt:'\\a.. p,lid. but the prc">ligl' then associ.tled \\ilh l>ein/-:";J mililia uffict'r \\,1\

\ulht:lIltial and such .'>C1"\icc I\as con..idered;11I honor. I he .Ippointmellhof ..ellior offin"I'" \\"("1"{" nude h\ Iht' Il·/-:"i\lalllft· \\hile capl"liu.. .md~tlbaltCln... \\l're c110,en localh, oftl'll h\ C!l-Cti(Hl. The lll('n \\ho becanlt'office'''' \l"t'rt' called b\ lheir lI1ilit<l1"\ r;1II1.. hll til<.' re... t 01 theil li\"c, as a111,111.. 01 rC"'I>l:cl.

nwrc were somt." t."lI.I·mplion", hum ellli\tlllt'1Jl ill the militia. ~llch a..lIlagi\tl";:lIc~, public notarie.... deplltie~ tu ,I leg-i ...1.lIurl·. mini tel"\ 01 thechurch. \choolmaslel"', ~lTIdent.., plJ\"~ician" Tll<t.;t('r~ uf \hip fj",ll<.'nnen.herd\lllcn . .tlld ill\"alich, nll:fl' 1\1'11' Ic" .Ic·l\i\ll I,l'llilic'\ ill the c'arhcolonil'~, alld pn;judice "gaithl !lon-Chri... lian, 1\,1\ \Ill h th,1t tlll'\ l\l're!lot I\ckome ill the lIlilitia~.

Black enlistmentThe el1li~I"lI'nl 01 blaeb, bl' Iht·\ \1:l\e\ or 11't'l', I\'a~ l-\"('l1l'l-;:llh forhiddl:ILh~ I.t\\'. SillCe the great m:tioril\ 01 hlack.. 1\l'I'I' ~1all'~, it \\:1' c()ll~idcred

Ihat their dlll\" to their Tlla~tl'r \upt'r~t'dl'd :111\' ()hlij.{atiull to lhl' CUkl1l1and lhat. in anv ('n:n!. their n\\'ncr~ wOlild h;l\"e to he r(Jll1pcll~;ltl'd tur alo\s ofprupert~ righL~. II wa... al\o \\idl'l\' Ix'lk\'nl thalllr11ling: and giving:militan' t1Olining- to hla("l..~ wa~ ~illlph a~\..illg: 101 1ll/L1hle. 111 lli.rl~ buthl\la"!.'> and ConlleCliult allol\'ed hbrk~ to \1'rH', hut hothCOIOllil'~ n'\·er...ed thi\ dt.'("i~ioll ill 1656 ;lIld lti(iO 1I'\pt't"Ii\'('h fim' t\)apprdlen~ion~ of po~~ih1c rt'\·oll. TIItL~. It:/o\'i\1.1t iOll ill IIcat h ('\ en (ul011\forb,ldt, the arllling uf hlach. III \'irg:inia IIH'\ W('I"(' Ilt'H'rt hell'\s allO\ll'dtil bt" ellli~u'd :1,0, drumlllt:'I'" or trulllpl'tl'l \ InHII 17~:t lIIC'\ lI1ig:llt hl'draft('r1 a\ pioncer~, From Ii07 it \\;l\ \]ll'dlil'd lhal hl,ICJ.... in~1,!.'> would ~do ...e1"\·ict' l'qllh alent to II-;:lillillj.,...·· 1)\ prm'iding -\0IIMII\ da\s' ,,·orl.. \"ear" - for communit\ 1,lho1. Rhodl' [\1,11111 h,ld illilialh,lllo\\l'd frec blacks in the mil ilia ill I()()7. blll the\ I\l're lilllitc,t! to beingllll,lrtlled mu",idans or laborers frolll I 7()~. SLlch limit..tidn\ \\en' Keller,11beGlLlst.' of the fear of ~I,I\e llpri~illg:... in thl' 'tOmh ,md jml ~lmllblt·~ inthe north. There ,,-as a notahle exceptiun in ~'()Llth C;lltIlin,1 Iwt\let."1l 23

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1 24

Short_walated bN••tpl.te

...c:......ed .t,Virtllnla. Thi. type 01 ~atlpt.t.

was popul.r from c:. 1&00 toc:.1840. jJam"town NationalHi.toric Park. Vlrtl1niaj

171:1 and 1740. l,h!:I' bb('k~ \Ien.' ,,110\\'1'<1 in lhe mil ilia. Natllrally. in;l("wal practice. a kl" h1ad,~ l11ight 11C\t'nht'I("~ IR: tuulld in ~Olllt' 11l1ib.)

EquipmentThl' earh colonial tlIi1iti~1 11l1ih \It.-n: urg'1I1in·d in imitatiun of theblg:Ii'h -Trained Banrh", \,ilh proportioll' of nlll,h·tccr~ ,1Ild pikclIlcn.IlIdct·d. lhe\ \\'t'rt' COlllllltllll\ Gllke! "lr,llnhanrl'w right Hp IU the carh1Rlh ccnllln, particlll.lrh in :-':C\\ lngl.llId ..\ I r~lillhalld Ilould ll:>L1alh Ix:a compam-<;ilcd unit of "hOll! ~IO lllC'!l del\\'n from .1 ,;lIa/-:I' or a (0\,'1\

II.lfel. \,hich I\ollid lorlll pMI 01 ,I (OUlIt\ rq~il1lcnl. Earh anilll'nR\1I111t.·r.... Wl'n' il1di,'idll.11 ,,~cialhl' bUI lIIig:lu IX' grouped. the lir~t 'ouchunit heillg,*·d in 1~)'iIOn in 16;\~. '( mop' of lllounted militiamenappeared in lilt" 1640~.

\11 militianwll \H'rC-' hhligc-'d h\ 1.1\\ It) po',e,~ .mm, :\1.111\ obligatiom\\C-'re \I>ed/ied in tilt' colonial mihti.llil\\'~ .mel lilt' men \\ould be filled ifthe\ did not meet the rcquil t"mCIIl\, thc IIIUIIC-'\ lIsu,llh I>t'ing used 10

purch;l"C' the unit', drum, .md color,. Llrh Tr;lillhallds in :-:e\\ Englandllldu<kd piL.emell, hut \t'n fe\\ relll.llned h\ Ill(' middle of the 17thCClllun. Tht' anll,lllWllI 01 c-'arh 1II11,L.ctcel' gc-'ner.llh cOIl~isted of heanmalchlocL. mll:-.L.l'ls with rc-"b. hut the Iigiller nilillod. ~Ml<lphanct'­

1lI1l'L.e.... IxCiuIle plelllHul frum llw I(:':U), ,md predominant b\ the nextdecade. The ,naphanct' Iell'ra,d to b\ lhe earh Americancoloni,L~ wcre ill f;lel cOll\cllIional nintlocL..,. as there I\ere aelllalh fewlrue 'n<lphance ,111m inthc ~('tllellH:nIS (lilt' <li~liIlClion la\ in the de~igll

01 the loeL.. a :-'luph.llIcC h.l\ing Ihe fril.lell Ul :'> pia Ie for lhe llintrnolllll{'d Oil a ,cparalc pi\OICd lUI ratlter lhan intt'gmlh as the (mer oflht' priming pan).

S\\()["{b :Illd cdgl..'<.i \\t'apulh \\t:lt' "Iried a:-. lhe\ werc largeh OI\llCdhv in<li\;dual" hili Cllll.l'\..\{,~ - r/.:Luiveh short. hean, broad-bladed~illgk'-t.·dgcdwcapon, - \\l're e~pt:ci<tlh poplilar. 1'\\ lhe end of lhe171h Cetlilln mam milili.Hlll'll h.ld brj\t~n up carn illg lhe CUIIl­

her<;onll' <;word~, and militia Ial" ('\Clllllaill omitted them from theli~1 of rcquin.:d arlll~. 1\,1\u11('I' .lppt:ar to h;l\c b/.:ell ~GHTe unles5furnished "'ith g-O\l'nllllellt l11u,keL,. I laJlx:rcb \H~r/.: COlllmon for

<;crg-eanl~ bllt half~pikl'~ for ofli('cr~ mudl ~carcer. especialJ} innlml comllluilil i..:,. Anllflr and prulecl iI'/.: clolhing \\"as favoredby lIlt' t·arl>, ,cltk'rs bUl 1\''':111 U\lIIJfu~e by l'oul troops from the1640~, I lowen-I'. c;l\',llryrnl'll ill i\la<;sachu'ielts \\"ore bulf coaL~,

ht'llllet~, alld brt.'<I'l-alld-b;ICk plall'~ lq lhc end of the 171hcentury Ollicer~' gOf).':-l'b were l~lreh ~cen. III genel";l\. u11til the

/.:YC of lhe ~'\'en \'('ar<;' War ill tht· lllid·181h Cl'lltUry, there arc fewrecorded ilhlallct's 01 Alllcrie'lll colonial mililias wearing uniforms.


From the late 17th CenUll),lhc North Amerkan colonies raised a VanCI\of lroops 10 sene for limiled l>eriod:-. of time agaimt thc Indian.. and

(rontinllro 011 JxIJ,'r 33)

3 s......, a...-. "The c.-.. .... tnd~~, Tha~\oWIfy~"""- Ma'I:II,,..

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I: 0fI~




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NEW SWEDEN & NEW NETHERLANDS1, Musketeer, New Sweden, t64Qs-16S5

2.: Musketeer, New Netherlands, 1640s

3, Sergeant, OUlch Corps 01 Marinn,

New Netherlands, t613-14


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VIRGINIA, 1670s1: Infantryman, Virginia Militia, 1675-162: TroopeI", Virginia Militia H~•• 1675-763: Musketeer, Jeffery's Regiment, 1676-78


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QUEEN ANNE'S WAR1: Independent Companies &

New England troops, c.1705-152: Gunner, Board 01 Ordnance

detachment, c.1705-15

3: Colonial olticer, c.1710



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KING GEORGE'S WAR1: Private, Gooch'l61t1 (Amerlcenl Regt, 1740$2: Ofrocer, Gooch', 61,t jAmerlcenl Regl, 1740$3: Pmelll, Independent Compenle., 1742


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VIRGINIA REGIMENT, 1754-621: Private, 17154

2: Private, 1755-62

3: Officer, 1755-62



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AMERICAN-RAISED REGULAR UNITS, 1755-601: Private, Sttlr1ey's 50th or P1tpptlNII" 51,t Regt, 175S-56

2: Sergeant, Pepperell's $lst R89t, 1755-563: Private, Independent Co,.; New York, 1756-60


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AMERICAN·RAISED REGULARUNITS, 1758-631: Llghllnlantry Officer, 40th Regt, 1758

2: Privat., Gage, llOth (~hl Armed)

Aegl,1758-603: G.....adler, BlK1on's 15th Re9t. 1761-Q


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£C \lIl"thUOJ ,)110 l·IIU}f.l!, \

).lllllxJ U10.l J no) I~! III~ \1'~1I11.1.1

...'l!lIl·dUlO.) .);).1111 1'1I1'IUI'I\

...lHlI'dUl(l) .n!1 \,"'''.',-.1 \\.1:'\

....lllll'dlUOJ [1: '\-10,\ 1\.\-":',l!lll'duuu ,1,).1111 \>ul'I'I.lpOIIM

( ....llIll'duun .111111) IlI,lllll}i,l1 .1110 ,'l.l!q,dulI'll II.)'\:

(',lllll'IItUOJ 11,11) \lhllUI.ti.ll .11l0 J1\J!lJ.llllHI:>

( ...l11l1'duuu L(;) "lll,lllllJ"l,ll 0\1\ "1l~NlIP""""I\l

:...1!lll'chuo) Ill'WiIOI II! p;)7!ln~;i.lo .....,\°11°1 '" ..don.1I

'l]lpo.ld OJ p.l.II.:'!" IllOI0.l tt'!':1 ',qHloU! (0 "'1,U,"\ "I,ll 1')0 Ll0!l!p.ltlX,1,JI.Hll!" I: Inj Ill'l(l 1,1l1ll'l ,1)1\1,), III L1l·.HllO[ .to" ..dl)\I.l1 p,Jll!UllllllJ

q!llOloJ .11[1 "HUp 1,1!1 ,liP l(l.~ ',.....,odilid ;llP 101 ll.111l 001'6 .1.1\0

,J'!I!.! 01 p.)'-ll.\1l~ pill' LI""';'JlLI II! 1~IWlll::) 10 LlU!,I!.\U! Ill' llqd 01 P·l]Jl.l·1jJ

",)111°10) 11l')!.l,llll\, ,11I!1l '~,1l\nq"'!llo'l ll~ ~.... I.)JIlS .l!"\jl .:111!\10110~1

'~d()O.ll \l!l'lll!\'111 PIl1~ ,1~!1'1

01 IlO\!1l1l II! IPI)l~ \,I!IlOIOJ ~IlCl!JI~\ ,llp LlJq,\1 ,IJ1SIl111 p[llO,1 \11I~J!J,llllV

uli'l!Hl Ul'I!I!1l1 .1111 10 '~IlI'J! 1,'UlV [l~!1l010J .'1[1 puc I[S!I!JH IlI:l!lm[OJI,llll

.lIp lpUt[ 01 ·1I11!11'1.H.11 ,Ilp W\I i'lllloq\!nwi 10 ~)11I1(h~1 :lIp jO 1l"lP

un'uoduE! I\nlll ,IILl 'llOll'q I' ;Jp"lll ,Iq 01 1I1~,J!JJUI\' 1\'!J .Hp .lllll'),lq

'11111 "q :\I!llqOIl .11[1 01 [[,II.l(ld,ld P,,"!"I i'lll!'1 "Ip PIII~ ·lIop!p.ldx., ,JlpLlO IIl,X.!- OOO'I..i~[] ,llll.loJ '.I,lPIlI'I~Il:'1 \1.,1'\ .11[1 p.,\Jmllll!;ll lll.lllll·![.ll·d

l['!I!.IH ,llll ·.lp!.ld IP!'\ I,.mq S.lJpllP[.:1I1] .,\.l~ JI!lI.l\ 'sllc"doll'::l

p."!.Id.lll' 1I0!1l~1.){lo "!l[1 10 ~'.)J>TI' .'tli 'UO!II'II!lIll.")PP 1l'.1.1~ I[I!.\\ lUll'

\[lllJll!'1' '1,JI'III' ;)lIII),IIJII\HIO.1 pill' '.I.lI'I"'11 ,)}l.,!" 1lI~.,dOJIl111'J!~""'11)0

.l.\'lP;1I'\tHl'1 q.Jlp 110 p.)!!.11 '1lI~,J!.l,)Ul\' ;HLL '1I·,.I·xld,).! 11ll:!11!.\\ '1')Plll'I.ll:Il~1

II.l:\: I' \<1 P.II W\\ 1l01l!p.xh;.1 ,1IU. 'PIll'I'1 .)\>OII'M 1Il0.lJ \;)!"I'dWO:l .).).Il(l

PLll: ·.UlII,dllllq I \\,l,\ pili' IIU!J.).)lllllt} llllU} 1J;Il~;) .... Ul) "lI;l'llIP'''''''I\

(lIO.l) ..Hl....Ill!}l.u \.I1l1l·,ll! u,n.I' ·"d.loJ \.I.llt!l.ll· Ill' .B,l.\\ ''''~')!' .nll III

~UllPd!')llll·.1 'c"'f LI III }f.lIlOC!""I<y! 10 ".l.llJOI IpIl.'lI,1 ;)111 p.....lIl1dl·) IP!'1 \\

'U;HlIO(Xn 10 \lU.II: JI<I~.lI'" l' .bll~1 UI pJ~h:ll~tu ~lI""'IllPI'~"I'I'; \q P.ll

q!II0IIl.) PIll'I~Il] \\....~ .1I(lUOl~\;l')')1I~ U1~!-Jl'Il\' .:HlIJO .I~.\\ Jl(l ~1I!J1I(I

''1.)1'<1 p.... ll.llU I·...,)U .11p pill' P"''1.).l.l\\ .....1.)\\ "l.l()(I""I~lI ....1II0~

1l,1lJ \\ :l,'Kj.'lnO JOJ PUII<)(1 IJ,)U "..1 .... '1(1. \\ 'lllPV UO ",U,,)tll~,,) I JI'ln}f.... I 1I1}(1,1

.:J1jl 1jl!" .....1 .... \\ "III.JUI!}f.....1 [I'lUO\(J.) 1).\\1 II LI l'IUill\ III ·,dCIll.l1 .l1·11lJ-'i.1J

11'llll\l.)P"}(Il0p' 11'\llH 1.111,1 p.... lI11dl·) pIll' P;l'1WlI\'IP!I{\\ 1;);1111' P:lIUI'C)(1

,U!lJ,dUll'll \\,l=" pm' pllcl'l .'I)lllIH IIItHI UJlll III dn;)P"III ;lllO pili' iI\)P').)lIll1~) UI01J .)llO ·"I,)'ililPl.""s~I'I:

lUlU I 'llO'I"IWq 11\\1 OIL I 1')(IUl.lld.'X) III '\11\'(11\' JO111.1011 Hu.n· .)l(llll lllO ')'10J<j S"JlI'1.)I~ 11.)11\\ P·...lp:lll~.J

"1'\\ IP!ll\\ l'pl'III") JO IlO!"'~\Il!,J!o.ld I' .IoJ IJJ~!C-l

.).1.)\\ ll.nll plll·[}fu:1 \\;);..... JO ~ll(l!ll·lll'q ,);).1111 rlO!. I ul·""'!1l0[o.) l;llilu IIlO.lJ ....1!Un \<1 P.:JU!o! \1l"1Il1l.1I.... J.I,),\\

....~,...1jl pili' '~llOl(l'lll'q II.}''''' \lll'lIl p.b.!C.1 "l1.)'llIPI.....I~I'I:

'.11'.\\ , . .lUU\· 11.),)110 pili' ~()69[ .11p }fll!.lna

·uO!I!p.xlx.l,np \<j p.1J!nb;u .:JlllP .J1jl JOJ.xa 01

p .... u0'1J.1 I \ 1(1'n~' I 'I' 1\ .l:l!,\.1.')" ;)111 )0 l( l~u,J1 ,JILl. ·s,,)~c.\\

PUl' ,.1!"1l10<1 HI P,J.llll !>,1.).lIUnlO\ UlO.IJ p .... lplJ.);).l

.1.l;11\ \;llU. ·!>.I.).ll:llIlM JO ':J!UlldWO:l\\;1J Il l{l!-\\ .l;)lP.l~OI

"III.... Ul!}f;1.1 '--lllll'pl! In p.)l~!""O:l \lll'n"n ,,)'.;111.1 "P,)~!c.l

,>t[ 01 ",!llil .1',lIp }olu!l<I':u,J ll.\\I·! ;J1()\ PPlO,\\ ,J.lll!\O.ld

.... Ip 10 ,).lllllll~!}ol·)1 ''''llJ. 'll.)Il,J,l.:l ,,)1]1 1~1l!1~~1~ .I.J1P[

1.lul6J1/\ '~.d :lVOl1lH

I_".N ~ol.ew.rl ·.-..,"lU~:)

LULl ~•• '.IUi6J1/\ 'UMO,••W"I"1_ puno, 1a.u>1a<4 1HS.q.:)

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Dutch nldl,r, ,.rty 17th c,ntury,<! with. uUver, the lIS1ht

verelon (ebout 3.8kg, 8.SIbe) ofth, matchlock muaht; this had a

caliber of 20mm (0.7Sln} and a

maximum r8ng, 01 about 200

yards, though It Wall not accurate

at a quarter that dletance. Note

the helmet - lIlIveralhave been found at early colonial

sltlll In North America. (Print

allar De Oheyn}

All ,ht'~t' troops \\('1'1' p"id. <trlned. clothed, andaCCOlllt'rl'd I r0111 Jlllle I 746 10 Ihe c.:nd of OClOber1747. :\It''l Wt'rt" lllanhakd Ilonh ufAlban)' in laiC

1746 \\ith a vit'''' to alla,king the French fort atClOwn Point. blll !Ill: project collapsed. Clearh.\\hilt' lhe llllioll offorct'l> froll1 1II11111 colonies hadproduced a lopr:cl:lCular success at l.ouisbollrg itwould ,.Ike Illllch gn....IlCf ('fron.s to prmidearltoquatc defcn,t'\ 011 lin: frolllicn and.uhirnalt·h. 10 conquer ('.anada.

The corning of .lge of AlIll'rican provincialunit.-. .l!o qll.ISi-fl:!{IIJ.n' tmop.. GlIlll' elUTing the-Fn'llch-lndidll \\';1"- of 17:'5-6;\. The\ wereu,>u.tlh ,lUthori/cd in l\1.1\ uf t'ach 1(',11' ,md ,,'cn.'h'l}1 in pal [01' 'K.'r\'ice ullIiI ~O\l'lllber. "hen lhemell \\"uuld hr' r1i<;cha1"K(·d. In "ollie colonies a reI\"cOlllpallil'~ wcrc Illilintainl."d to guard tht." frOlllicl'sdlll;ng the \\;Illl'r. TIll." great lll.yoJit\ of theseunil..§ had unil()rm'i. Some wurt" red blH. jX'rhapsto dincrelHi,J1c thelll~t."he~ frolll the Britishrt·gulars. the\ hCrt· gCllel~llh drc"ed in blue orgrccn. Officers \\erc aplXlillled h\ the prm'incialgOH:rnor ,lIId tllll' rccci\ed M prm inc1al


commi'ision... :\1,111' offict'I'i would be the o;alllCindi\;dllal.. frolll OIiC ,C;lr to the next. r\ .. in"ableproportion of thl' mell. 100. uftclI ,lppe,lr to lIaH:re-cnli;;tcd. Thu... h\ 17.:,9-60. thc'c lInil..§ had agood proportion ofoffice~ and ..oldier'i who werc\eteran~ of ~e\l.'r.11 cillnp<lign~. Rt:cruiling W;\:>.hO\\ ('\ cr. con,i..lenth IwIO\\ lhe e..tablishmcnl.s

illlthorill'd bl tl1<-· colonial ll'/{i'ibtlll"l·... III 1759 pro\'illcial legislator!>lotcd for 20.680 mcn but 16.83:> werc aCllIalh raised. In 1760.21.180wert' \'OIl'd for hill onh 1[1.912 t'llli"ll'd. Nel'l'rtllt::le,s. the..c wcre'ld'l'itantialnLllllbcrs oltroop'i which. Whl'll added 10 lhl' Brilish rl'/{ulal'\I:d 'llfficicnt to o\,crcOllU; Canada. III lilt: proces.... 11l~111)' Americanoflict'rs gained mililary ('xperit'llct, Ihat would pro\'l' invalu;lblc in their~lI'1lggle for indepcndcllCl' during" Ihl' 1770'1.



The lir~1 permanenl Engli...h locttlCl11elll in the prL'~eIH Unitcd Stales 01America \\~ts begun alJamestown, Virginia. during ~Ia\' 1607. The fir~t

~Irllctllre finished on 15JUI\C was a triangular fOil with three "Bulwarkc",at c\-ef\ comer. [shaped] like a halfe ~looIJt:" Wilh fOUl or five cannonmOIllHed in them. according 10 George l)erC\'~ account. TIll' hOll,,{'S ofthe seulcn; wcrc within. From thc ~tan. Ihe "mall ("01011\ encounteredmam difficulties and, as earl) as Augll!>t. Sl'\e"l] lllcn \\ere "'illed b\ the

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Indians .\lId others died from ~icklless. It was probabh lhe ~lrong-\\'ilkd

Glptainjohn S1l1ith'~ gO\cnlorship of 1608--00 that kepi the ,eUlell1l:1Hfrom failing. Iii" jamc~lO\\'n ~lIkl1lcnt was \,'dl armed: he reponed24 c;mnon. 300 -mlbJ...Cb snaph<lnc('~ and lire with well ,L" cuirasM.'s. piJ...e'l. swords. and more -mo"ons- (hdlllcl'J) thanIIwn' were men in the fall of 1609.

The M:tllelllelll had a milita ..... stnlClUre \,;th Gtptaill'i. 'il:rgt',IllLS andcnrporals noted but, in 1609, it \"L' felt that onl\ a rigid codt: of mil ita .....di'oCiplirll' might mal.e Virginia pro'l>er, -nl(' new charter of I()(),J gave,wceping I)()\\l'n, to Ihe nc\, l.{0\ eruor, Lord De 101 Wan (n77-161 R),

\,Iw arrhed in june 1610, ;\tld thi, led 10 the drafting 01 the uniqueVirgini.1 l.lIIt¥'5 f)/l!/1/(', Momlllllul Mnrtmll, rlr, Inspin'd b\ Eng-li,h mil ita .....codl'\. the \'ir/{in1<t 1.1\\" (lrg;mi/l'd the Sill'll I popul,llion of ,t'uk-pi;rni1ilarih. Thcv wer(' notabll' (tIl' Iht'ir har,, bUl il Gill hc <trguedIhal 'l'\crt' Illl'a,,"re~ II'cre IH'Cl· .... i111 if thc young colol1\ W~I" 10 .. \Irl'hl'.The lal'~ ~P{'lt Olll till.' dlllie~ ol dll I,Inks and ilho Inl'llliOllt,d MIIIIl' 01Iheir arllls and l'CJlliplllt'111 [ll'Ovifkd hy Ihe VirJ.{iltia COIllP:U11 (Sl't:COIllllll'Il1all to I'lalt' A). Tilt' 'l'llkr~ wt'rt' org;lllill'd inlO six companies(Ul "hallll-") of 50 mell each IIndt,!, a captain. There w~... al'lI ;L ,mall"Cuard of Ilolbt'rdiel'" ill hi, I.orchhip' li\l'IY- with red du'II. .. , l..''>CUllillglhe "Lord GOl'l..'nlOIlT' ami C.'pl,.ill (;l'lH'ral- De b WaIT a... c<lrh a~ 1610ill ];llIle'lowll.4

Thi.. "l'mi-mili\;in gOH'fIlmC'lH failed 10 turn a profil ,Ind, in 161M, ,I1II0ll' lihc.'I'11 r('gill1l' fl',lIl1ring Iht· fi,... t 1l'gi'dati\l' a~ ..embh ;n thecnlunil's \I,ts illlroduced. I hi, dll'w 11I,11I\ more "etl1l'r, and ,11~o

hnJIIghl the Ii"t blacl. ,1;lH'~ 10 \'irginia, "old h\ DlItch tr;ull'r... Thelargl..' pl,llll,ll;un e.,lalf'S and I)(Hlllri 'l'n·;tude broughl fin;Ulci,,1 rew,lrd~

tn Ihl' OWIll'rs and hecault.' halhn,lrJ...s of the econum\ uf till' wUlherncoloni('",

Indian wars of the 1620.-40.Rel.llioll" lX'tWtTn lhe ~ltle..... aml,hl' Indian'i had l)('t·11 ~Ir:aincd ,Il firstbIll IlMI bl..'COI111..' reldli\ eh h,lnllOni()Il\ ,Ifter a few \ cal..... or "0 thI' blglishlhotll.{ht. 011 22 ~Iarch 16~2 lhl' [lIdi,lI" ddilered ,. 'llltlllinj.; ~urpri,l'

:I11.ICk on Ih(' Virgini;! ~('ltll'N. I.illing ~01l1l' 100 of the III - a qU,Ull" of lhel'llIill' puplilation - in ;, bid 10 dri\(· 0111 lhl..' Elirnpl'an~. rht, rolol1\'"llrvivl'tl, ~I'llkrs and Illlli:lIl\ 1l1~'I'liHg ill COllIllJe", ..kitlllishl'S IIlllil aIWiln' I\~'~ COIl\'('IH;d ill 16:~2. Allhtlligh Ihe lmiians had IWCII bealen ill])alll(· 1)\ lti2,\, il II~I~ the 'Ub't'qlll'lll ,•• id, lhat des!rowd lhdr crop~

Idlicll cripplt'd Iheir re .. i,t,lI}('l'.TIlt' ann~ and aCTOIllrt'll1l'lltS llS('(I in lhi" \\,11' wefl' milch Illl' "IIHI..' ,lS

pre.scribcd ill the old laws. Some :!,OOO ",1.1I1h of iron-, lOll ,!lin .. ofuMil.10 '1li1~ 01 half-annor, 100 hlig.uul;m·', iOO cali\eN,!KlO ",holt pi,wl, withlire l()ck~-, ~{()() arqllehll<;(,~ (Ill''''' matchlock,,). 100 Ix"\,, and 1.000MhrowlI bilb,- I,en.'..em from "n~tUld, n·\t"aling that prntl'C1in' clothingalr-lin.;;t ,UTOW'S and "pt>aPi W,L'- IIIlI('h "uuglu-afler b\ \'irgilli;! milltiallwn.1'l.lIlt.llioil record~ of Ill(' 16~().., n'\t'allhc 11"<' of annoI', CO;:IL, of mail, M"tt't'iCthll'J- .lIld wcOI.... tett-, <b well ,L' ,I ·.denion of firl'arm~and ,lIll1l1unition .

• W_~~h~~.MtQf_~1IIIe (loncton, 1612.,,-'lll19l_"." I...~ - _ qo.- .. no.OIJ:1t.1tl1nnooo-t. 19&'1 no. Iirsl~ ...A"geI e.-.HOboIt. l8wIon, "-cy _ 'l'Mn*y, nw 0. II -. Ol:* CIt _ ~~. _.IIon .......... "'9""l-""CI ontIIc-.. rer:l __-,.. per A..C Foo-e..-, A~~ flO~ ru.-, 1925~ p I!l9" __".,..,... the--, .... _ ....... the __ buIdmay"'_~_.pert CIt A 35

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Model 01 Jilmestown in Virgin....

The ,.,..1 settlement, buill from

M;ty '801, had h. house.SUrTOUnded bV Willi. Nt In iln

~tllCl tn-ngte, with 1.'V4'comer bastions 'Of' ilrtlilery.( Niltion,1I Hlltorie

Partt, VI'1Iln"'j

The pl';H'l' ];p'II'd Il'n \ ,I lid lilt:.' "I:'ukr,n·I,txed. Ilwll, Oil IH ,\pril Ifill. ;lho1l1 1,000IlIdi,llI 1•.11 riOl , ,1I1,1(J."t'd 1111: IlUlIlit'[ 'l'lIkllll'lIl'>,killinl{ lU';trh '-100 lIIt'll, Wfllllt'II .md ('hildrl'n Ih,1IIIIl 'I n i11/0:, I It" It ,11 d-prn,nl ,Ill! huri Iin 'I ntg:g:kd10 rl·,tOll' ord"1 ,mil prep,lIt' 1I1l' militia lorddet!'>t·. lilt' 101{ p,lli',Hk hllill ill I ('i~:? acro"" Iht,pt'lIin'ul.l hel\.('('11 lite ,1.lIlle' ,Ind York ri.L......... tillplOle(led IIUl...101 \'iq,{illi.l KUUO ~l'lIkr~ ,lIId, in.I11llt', ()llell~i\t' (Jpt'I~Hion Ilpill ... l lhl' Indian ...bqf<I1I, \ force of :l()() 1111'11 uncl!'1' M(;ell!'rAI and(:hil'l (.tllIIlll,mdt'IM \\illl,llll (j,lirbonw 'I.b

IOli ...I'(1. Fach nMn 11,1'" tn hrilll{ pll\lcler and b.,11I,md h.I\I' MOll(' /{ood Iht·d (.1111111' ;nul ,nnw

ddel!'>he Coal or ,\nnollr .llld ht',ld pit'H' wilh.1 '\lUld or CUllan:, <llld

lhnT \\\'('b prO\i~lnn or \'klll<llkM

TIlt' 1"lwdilinl1 "a, 'llCn·...,ful inbuntll!\; Indi.lll ,ilb~l" ,llId ClOp', r1ri\inj{ Iht, II.tti,,·, OIIll',ItTI ht·lon·lIwlorn' di,l:><mdt>d ill .\ug-ml.

Il.ldng: ,t'i/ed Ihe iniliatiH". 'nulkl p.l1lit', of \'ir~illialh continuedlhl' (k"'lructioll 01 nup, dtlling: till" Ill'''t rt\olllh .... III Ill-I.-), lort.. \lert'built ,md /;f<lITi",olll"d rllnhl'r '\t',1. "hill' molt· panie' \ll'rl' '>l'lIt

tlUI. .\lnull1cd IMlrol, nr Mranl{l·r..- \\t'f(' .11'0 l'l11hodil'd. In 1616. ;1

60"1ll;1Il 100Cl' -\ll'1I prmidl'd lIilh li'l'd ~lm,. ,hOIl 1M).,..... ,lIul ,,,onJ.,w~Illd Iwlp('d h\ a Mp,lft' of 1100'I'w lrolll ].lllll"IO\'1l plll'Ut'd 'Illd killedChief Opcchallcano, lilt' Indian It'MIt'1. I hc Indian" \H'n' nO\\plOlui(alh diminall'd .lIld '1.ln-ill~. Iht' 11,11' 1'11(110<1 ,honh Ihl'l'l'altt'rin Onolwr 1616.

Jhe Ilumlx:r of millli.l ("lmlp.I1lIl" inC!e.I,,·d ,l' Iht' coll)Jl\ grt'\\~lIld fOlll1lil:" IIerl' {r('aled 10 orj{.lIll/t' tht' "'!llt·111l'11". 1'10111 lli.-, I Ihl'rornpanic", wt.'n.' ~Illlt'n'd inlo (011111\ n'l{illll'lll', In 1661 tI1l:,rt.' \\t'n:,,q}prdll'l1,iOlh 01 a 1.lid h\ IIH' Dluch 11I-1'lnl ,\elm. dt' RUIII·J. \\'ilh ,onwI.:,()() GI\~llnllll'n ;lnd 2....)00 illl,lIlInllll'll 1I1t0 could 1)1:' ll',l(h -011 lhefi"t ;[I~lnn~, the COOl'" 1\I're (omicit'n'd 't'Clltl·. ,\1 lh"l limt' lhl' ~rnililangO'L'lllll1ellt~ wa" "dividl'd iliin 10llt I'lu,itlll·'. Illit' heing- \llldl'r theGO'l'1Il01. ,lncl ,lw ullll'l ,ltlt't· 1I11dl·t illajol"<';l·tll'l,r1," 01 l1li!ili.l. Eat.1r(llIlIll\ \.llhin a provillct' had a rt'gil11C'll1 01 1001 ami a Iroop of hor"t·.~lIld lhl'n' IH'f(' thCll 19 cUllntil'" ill \'il,l~inia, rhc' glJII'l!1nl' ckarl\' had a,rtl,tli guard. a~ hl' COltlllli"jolll'cl a '\;tpt,ritl (If ,hl' W1:ud" (CSPC.I fill I-lih).

Bacon's Rebellion & the first "Rangers",\ major cri"i, hroke 0111 in &'pl(·lI\b~.'r 16ifi \\'hl'l1 Nalltanit'l Bacon, a

popular kadl'r. ru,e :1j{"in,1 till' ,HllOcratic Cou'lllor Sir \\'illiamBl'lkt:,le\. ,upponl:'d bl IMf( of the lnilili,1. 'Irift- t'I1'lled; in OClOb1:'1'

Berkdl" wa, dere:lled and.la111l"IO\\l1 bllntl'd 1)\ Bacon .... 11lililiarnl:'l1. 111lht, mi{hl or hi", victor.. BacOl1 ,ud(ll-nlt fl:'i1 ill ,\lid die(!. 'Illd lherd)(:'lIion collap.">l'd. Go\l:'nwr Bl:'rkde' rqxJrll'd Ihl' in'Ulrl:'Clioll ttl

I.ondon and King.lallw~ II ordl'n'd I'C'/{ular ll'I)()P" 10 \"irginia ("t't' PlaleC). Wilh lht" arrival or Jen'en'~ Regimt'l1l ill .Ianlla .... 16i7 and lhe,ub~qtlt"nl rOnllalion or illdt'pelldclli comp;lllit', ill lilt' (olom (WI:'.Ilxl't"). man-. orlhe f,ranison dllliC'~ \\t'I'(' taken IIp h, Iht"t.' rt.'g:ular rO\;l1troop'">, but this situation I;bll'd rur ollh .1 k\. 'e.II.....

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FollowillH till' disb<lIldmell1 uf Ihe two independ('Jll comp,1I1i('~ ofreK"!.II" in \1,1\ 1682. militiamen \Ieft' \...CPI -r'lIlgill,l( .It the lou I" ~m:lll

11l',ICnl lon, til \...ecp an l'n~ on till' Ind;an~.while lhc .\s~elllbh <I,\...t·d furro\~11 t!"V0P' to 1x- st;:ltioned Ihere, U\ 16R-I it was prming diOkllh 10

I'('('nlil lIlt' ~) IIICII needed pt'r fon Oil .1 pureh militi.l lxl,i,. ,md Oil

17.lUlU' 11ll' council gralHed that MLICh Rmgl'r ;s annllalh 10 h.l\(' pa\ furhim-.t·1I ;lml hur'it' 1.200 Ilb. of TolxlCCO

M(( PC. 1102). rhc~' hONl'lllcn

11('1'(' .1 lIIounh'c1 palrol \...(·(.'ping I\alch alol1g the linc of fnr~ "Uhl·f Ih,1lICol\.lln ill llll' Europe'llI t,lclical ~·n"l·. ,or \\l're lhe\ lht' \\ood....rllllningR.1II~1·1' Ih.\I \\1;' mll\ .1~i.lIe \\lIh Ih.1I Il'nll, R'l.lht·r. Iht·\ IIt'n'-.(llIIt'lhing 01 a mixlurl' ofliglu c'I\~lln ,mel dragoon.,..,-., tht'\ \\l'ft· p.lid;11 tuh,l(fO.lhl·\ I\el"t' precll ......ol" 01 till' Mpfo\incl'II-lfOOp'. although tltt'\prmidell lheir own ~Inll~, c1ulhing. t:(luip111elll. :.addlcn ami hOI"'("\.

I Ill' Virginb niililia kepI ils ,Olllll\ org;ll1; .... Il;Ol1 101 rll;l!l\ dl·l.tdt" 10tllIlle. ~l11d ... irllC il was a \\t'ahh\ 1'01011\ ~OIlH' or Iht· ...(· IInits ~lPI)l',t1" coh,l\l' ht'cn wl'll appoinled. OIl 12 1)l'll'111bcI HiX71he ~Iiddk"'l':\ IOllll!\Irlillp 01 (";l\;dr\, ordert'd "Trrll1lpt'lls wilh ... iln·r Ill0lllil pit-en 10 hI:'

h.lIlj.(t·t1 I\illt blat\... ;mel w[iJlh [or pn... sihl\" 111e;lnillR \\hil!'] ,il\...l·"h,1I111t·r.... nIl' Ilot)P al ...o had "Olll' horw (:0110111.... wilh ~I,llk [.111d[I\\"O1\0011"''' ltlr 111(' ... 1;111. 1'\\"0 -hamf..,ol11t· In-II, Jor anthj ,lIld 011l' FloOlCollom...... \\t'rt· ortll'rt·d 101 ih iIILIIHn.~

Virginia militia in the French-Indian WarThert' \\.1' IU Ix· 110 funlwr <theCi milil.ln ;\S";"I.I11'(, lor\il'~illia from Ilritain lI111il 1'0\.11 troop., \Iere "l:'11I ill 17:1-1.

\id 01 'Of!'" \\.IS gi\en;n 170~ 1\1ll'1l .trill' 1111 1.000 inEllIlI'\,lIId I()O htH'o,('IIIt'n \\ert' !>t-·IIl. bill lhl· ...e \\l'rl' In Ix- paid Inrb\ lht· ,nlOlu if i"ued hum Ihl" (01U11\ ':. lo\al .. tort' .H\\ il1i.llII ...hurR·

,\1 till" Ulllhlea\... of tht" ,\llwriClI1 ph,l ...e 01 Ihe 'M'H'II'''''II...· \\',11' Ih(" Virginia milill.1 1\ ..... di\;ded hlln 10111'di"'ll i( I'" Il,t\ iug .lCljlllants 10 -It'Mh tIll" oniet, •.., Iheir dUI\.lIltl II "ill IIll' prh"ille l1Iell10 Ihe ml' ol.lrl11"'- (PRO \\'031 101). [I 1l111'lned abollt ~~O.O(JO lIlt'll \lim 1\l"1l'."("fordin!-\" 10·llll·n;mt-(;o\('rlWl nilmiddit" in "\\~1111

uf d II1;rr li.ll ... piril.- !wirrg a "Ia/\, imloklll "'1'1 01 pcupk."I.e", 111.lll h;,lf III Ilris unprolllisin!-\" IOITC had al"ll1'1. ,lI1dI,'hdl ;lfIll'" lherl" I\'l"re. \\("1"(' lit ditkrin,l.\: calilwrs. Thl'pl\1\ilHt'\ ,n 111' 'Iun..' h;ttll1t1 "'1ll.11I ,LI Ill'l kt1 in il hlll didrOI1\;lin ~~ h;ll1ll'rth, 12 drum .... ~l1ld "'ollle powdt'l' and,hoI. lIlt' J.{oHTllor 1"1'" proH'd sOl1lt'\dl~ll pt·s... imislic. ~I'"

ann... 1'1'1(' l'\I'IlIIMlh flHllld.•uld 1l'lonl ......hol\ Illal Iht'mililLIlllt'tl Oil Ihe Ironlipl" did lIlohili/(' .1I1d gall' good't'niH',

Follo\\illg 1\1~lddoc\...·... di,.I~ler 011 Ihl' \Ionoll\follwb in.I11h 17.-1:,. 111t'll ill IrOillipr ('OlllIlHlllil;I" grouped Ilwlll­'t·hl·' illltl ...I"oti.lliun.... til Itlrlll \OIIII1UTr com pan it'''. In.\Uj.(thl. ,I lroup uj light hOl""l' 01 :10 111en led h\ C' \.llh.lllil'1It'rn ,Iln·.leh p.lllulkcllhp area ;Ihutll LUllenbel"g: <lIIuther :)() 11I1'11undt'r (~IPI. "'Ullt1e! Ownoll \\.1' to M rangt,- at llall(l\t'r. In lilt' ',111

Th~-q""r1'" .rmor,c.15iO-tlS3O. 50me aenloroffice.. 01 e.rIy ccHoni.1 militias_ .. equipped wtth 51.1Ch ermon:.

(Harold L.Peterson COlle<:IIon,Jamestown 'bttonal HistoricPant, Virgini.)


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Duteh Nldle., e,<1, 17th eentury

- hi. -.qulpment I. I)'plc,l 01

Eu~.n mu.k.t.... 01 the

period, .nd~b" of the fi..t

te_ratlon of eolonl.1 mlllt.....

He I. '""eel wfttl the he• ...,matc:hlock mu.ket (~t •.5kg,14.3Ibs), which '-I. c:.llbM of

18.Smm (O.7In).nd. maxImum

range of 'bo\lt 300 ,.rd. ­I~h, S-h _.pon.w_ Inaccurate .m.n .Irned .1 ,

man-s.lz.ed 1"ge1 .t much over

30 ,.rd•. Muslletee.. '""eel wtththl. I)'pe 01 matc:hloek required ,

10r1<ed firing ....t. (Prlnl .ft••

0. Ohe,n)

~orlle 220 milili;unt:11 ill "t'\t'I'al comp,U1il'" \Ie.:re rt:por1t:d on guard inIlampshire ComuY. keeping lhe trOlllkr lands ""alt' Iroll1 lhl' [ncllrsion~

01 lIlt' Illdian t"l\llt"lm." The ktrge~l 1\ ~I~ CtpL William Itl\ Ii.'; cOlllpam 01

HO men. all .... inglt' Per..orh \Iho strkkh do lhl'ir {hm. in ~couring 111('I,ood, ancll'nd(';\\'ouring 10 1.111 in with Ihe.: Irldian ... ~ The olher ~acli\(.·

,lIlt\ dleclhl'- men bdunj{ed 10 Illl' (olllp,ll1in 01 Clpb. Slulhlcl. Brown..\:.111<:'1. and Cocks. Such dlll\ C01l1d 1)(' risk\. ;h Cap!. ~It'rn'r's com pamfound in Aplil 17:10. whell it \I~IS .llnllll~lll'd b, Ihe Indians IIhile"1;\lIj{ing- alld lu:.1 n\u ullicl'!':' ,Illd 17 lllcn J...il1cd Ill'M Edward\ Fon.

:'\01' were unilS '~liS4'd ouh on Illl' fronlk'r. ,\ ca'.IIt...· as.';ocialion of;llxllll 200 gelllle!lu:n "\'ohmlcl"'" al lIll'il O\,'n t'xpt'n,"'~ - appan:nlh1a\\"\('I... - W:;I$ I-ai"ed b\ Col. 1'\..'\1011 R,lIIdulph, Ihe .ttlorlll'\-gl'lll'ral ofVirginia. from 7 ~Ia\ 17.'">6. Wh('n ,ht'\ K:t11ll..'IC·d al Fn:(krickshurg on:!o ~Id\ lor q-n'in' Oil Iht' fHllIllt'r Iht'l IHllt: ".. hon pl<lill blue Frocl..:..with noS!> Pocl.el.:>. :.hmt "hil\..· ~,llIJ...ecll. or bl"olln Ilul1<llld W,li:.lCOal:>.and Bre(:che.. ollhe ",une, ,I lid pl.lin 11.11"; ,mlled e;tch I\illl ,I Firclock.,I I\race of Pj"lOls, .1Ilt:! .1 (Ull rng ~W(Jl d- (/'F"'II,!l'f/1/m (;(/~ltf'. :!O ~Ia' &3June 17.:;6). rile -al>:.od.I1()I~~ m.udll..'d IUI\;tnb \\'illdl\..''r bUI. lhealarm on tile frolllier having!l'd. tll('\ \It·rt' not r('I<tined forIllflIH:!" '\(·nin'.

111 cundusiull . .\ml'riCtll hi~ton', lIIo"l I.tlllOll' Ilnifilnll h.ld iL.. originin \"irgilli;l. On 21 S4·pu·m!ll.:r 1771 ;t group of gClHlemen of Fairfa",COlllHI fonned ;Ill inr!t.'pell(lcnl ("omp.tllI 01 milili.1 not 10 t:'x("t"t"d 100lIlCll. lllt: chainnan of thi.. COllllllilll'e of gl'ntlt:mell ",1:' ('.01. George

Washinglon. r1w uniform adopted was a hlue coalII illl hull I,\( iug", gilid billion... hulr I(·u;1l andhl"\..'(·c!Il''', ;llld II hill.' "lIJCking'. E.lch militiaman oftIl(' com pam \I~l~ In be .Irmed willl a llwsh·t andh,I\OIH·" .1 clIll idge hux \Iitt. sling..trJd aJ lOm,tll<l\,k. rh\..' ~ergt."IllI~ had halberds and

,;, ...hhe..; {,Ilict·r.. h,lrI gold t'!)alllt"lln, it ,.,rilt gorgel~~~/Ii~ cllj{l'it'l'd I\ilh lhe arlllS uf colunial Virginia and a

..1\0rt:1. \\'.I~hingHHI was '0011 plopdled lO hecom('JIlL' rnilil,lI'Y It';\flel" 01 thl' /\llll'riCl11 "rebeh", ;IndWUfe hi~ hlul' and bun F.lirlax CUUllt,· cOll1pan}uniform whl'n COllgrl"s olferc:d hilll command oflhl' Ccllllim'lltal amlv on 1!J .lIllie 177:'1. I Ie con­lillued III weal' Ihi~ llllilorrll. whiclr 110W bec,llllethe d1't,~~ of Arr1l'rkan gt"nel;ll~ ;111<1 slafT officersand lalt'r becal11l' cl'lt-bralt'd h, AllWric;ll1s as Ihl'"blue :Ind bun 01 tIle Ih·\"olulioll.'·

Virginia Provincials

Virginia \,'" .. lillk allC(·I\..'d b\' "King Ceorgc's War"bul, in .luI\' I i46, iL~ ass('lIlbl\' \oled £4,000 10raise, ann, c10lhe, equip. and ll<:trl:.pon 100prm'inci,11 soldiers for :.en·ice in an t:'xpedilionag'.linsl Clllada. A rompam commanded by Clpl.Bel'cd, Robinson wa:. 1,lh<--d ill Augusl and Sl'lll to:'\'ew York Citl'. II \,enl 110 furthcr, rcmainingquartered in ilS f0l1 unlil April 17'17 when it wassenl back 10 \'irgini.t and disbanded.

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rill.' dll'ct of the French from Canada~tilhli~hing forts in the Ohio Valle\' was muchilion' 't'riou" for Virginians. At th~ ~nd ofI75:t, Virginia Licmcnanl-Gon.'rnor Dilmiddieappointcd Gt'org~ WashinglOn, a 21·\car--old~llnl"\'or of we<>tern lands and a m:tior in themilitia, to ddhcr a <>UnlmOIlS 10 the French al Fonll' BOClIf tdling them the\ \\t'rt' on Ilritish soil.'111(' Frcnch politeh countered that their claims\\elll b.lck to 17th<elHul") explorer", :lIld that theAnglo-,\lllt'riGltls had no bu..ille~ on thl' OhioRiH~r and it'. lIiblltalic<>,

Faced \\'ilh thi.., Virginia remhcd to'e t"oprmincial cOlllpailies of 100 mel I cadI inj:lIluan17~1·1 10 lof<lITi"OlI Ihe I"cstcrn frontier, The) I,'eretll hl' drawn lrorn \'olullicers, OUl' rlllllpall\, fromAUA"U"I:1 (:Ollllty IllHkr ~I:ti, \\':lshill).;"lUli ami theollwr, IIHHtlv "Iradcr,," :l1ld wood'lIlen, ulldcrClpt. \\'ilti,llll Trcnt. The"e lroop" m:lrclwd a..\{IOlI a" po<>,ihll' to Ihl' fronlicl, I,hik ,ix moreprtl\·inci..l com panit, .. were rai'I'c1 from ~Iarch

1751 .IS 1·I·inlorccl1ll'lll1>. The ..;\lIlt' IIItllllh Jo<>huaF1'\ \\<1" apl)oinll'd cololld of the M\'irginiaRegillH:III M \\ith in<>lnIClion .. to build a !j)rt at Ihcfor~ of thl' ;\IOIIOllgahclii .1IId Ohio rivcr'" (nowthe ~ill' of the cil\ of I·ilt'.hurgh, P.\),

(~lpl.lill la'nt' .. men h.1(1 ".lncd building thefUrl \\hell .1 lltJ"OUg force of French rq.,"lllar coloni;11 troop!'. Canadianmiliti:ullell. and their Indiall .ll1iell .If';\ed 011 16 Apli\. nil" 10 01' <00

\'irgini.1lI \{lldit'r'l; Wl're in IIIl po<;itioll 10 rl',i<>1 and \,ithdn:\" nil' I-rt'JI( hthell pttKet-'tkd 10 build <I 'trong ',ork then' which lh('\ named FortDuque..rll', On 27 /1.1<1\. W,L,hingloli ,,'ith .lOOUI 60 pro\'inci.ll~,unhlhhl'(l <I

Frellt II p.lrli.llllcllian parl\ of 11 1II('n under En ..ign de JumlllOII\ i1lt:, ,\llltlllih lalcr. Colpl. de Villiel',J llllllllUll\'ilk '.. h.llr-brol her, leading ,OIlW (iOOFn'llrll alld (;anadian" alul 100 Illdi;IlI~, Glught up ,,'illl \\'.I~llill~!llll .lndhi~ 'IUO tloup~ at Fort NCCl·...,i'>' (Gn'al ~It'adow~, PA), I"hirh ~llrft'lidered

011 :l.llllr. Till' Virgillia RebrillH'lIt had llufkrcd llCl'iOll'i C:lsll"lti('" bUI ,tillhad som\' :\00 IlH'lI ill.Julv and 4HO in Scptt'mhcr, II I,~IS lillalll' hlOkl'll upill tilt' Llll (It 17:14, A cOlllpal1\'ol;i(J 11\('\l I'~IS kept in st:r\,iet· at \\'il1, (;rn'k,

BI ('arl\' 17;"15, t\\t) regulal It:gilllI'IIL~ IrulII Britain ul1(kr tht' IOlJ)lIl:111dorGel!, Edw,l1'Cllkaddock (the '11th 8: "'Sth Foot) had arri\t"d in VirJ,\:inia.III :\1.Il"Ch. llIell r:tised ill Virginia werl' urW-llli/ed h\ Br.lddod.. illlo ,i"comp.lIIil·' of R;-lngers. 1\\0 cOlllp.tIlil·S 01 c"rrentcr.., :lIld ( ..lpIRullt'rI~tl·\\"lrt'.. Comp:lIl\ or Light 1101'1;(', rill' l'mpha<;is W'l.ll lH)\\ 011 tilt' rm.11U'OOpll. "hich the fel\ pl'twinci.ll comp.lI1ie.. accomp.:mit·d loward FOIlDlIqm·<;nl·. On 9 Juh, Br:tddt)Cl...... COIUIIlII sullererl its stullning ekfl',l1 inan ,lInhu..h on the lIolononhrahl'la, till' Blitish gClleral bo.-ing l...ilkd \\ithhUlldll.'th 01 hi, reb',..!aN, and hi, :trtm di<>,x'!-..ed. The Virginian prmincialctllllp,mil''' "ith Br.lddocl.. \,ere b.ldh Illiluk'd: Col. WashinKlon\ Ix'r-..onaleSCilpl.' fmlll this di"aslel" would h;l\e inC'"lcut<lble hislorical come~qllenc~s,

Liclltell.llIl-(;owrt\or Dirl\\iddic ordcrcd out Ihe militia, found themto be cO"~lrdh ami ~,ciled \,ith p'lllicl..-. and so quiclh r.ti"'t,.d thrCl'

£n~ Edward FIIll!1736-U),VirginIa RegIment, 1757 _ hrs

aenrice •• an offi'8' with theregiment latlted only from1 t July to 5 Oo;tobe. that year,$0 his portrait by John H....llu.,how. him In the reglm.ntaluniform of that date: btue ,oatand breeche., .,arlet ,uff.,lapel., IInlno and wat.t,oal, withsliver buttons snd lau - 'f PlateF3, (Private ,01le,lIonl


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Geof9tl W..hltlilon In hitAmerican g.enet"al't fKed lOftlh buff, toldbunont and apaulelte., 1788,

This we. originally Ihe unlfonn01 the Falrt.. County MlIItle,Por1reit by C.W,Peale.

jlncllanapoll. Museum of Art}

Jummonllme Olenn, Penn.y....ania,site olin. ~JummonllmeIncldenl~. ThI.I. the .polln the

fore.1 whe... Wa.hl""ton and hi.Virginia prolllnc:la', _ ... IoolIlng

down on Jummonllllle and on 27 May 1754. Tn.en.ulng ac:tlon In whlc:hJummonllille ancl many of were kliled was the e"ec:tllle.tart ollhe sellen Vellrw' War InNorth Amertea. (Author" photol

lUlllp<ll1in 01 l{allg-l:r~ (al~o cLlk-d "illllqJl'Jldl'l1\COlllPiIlLil'~")' Fon Ctl1l1lwrland (Cumhcrland,~In) \I,l~ to Ill' illl111l'di;l1l,l\ ).;"arri~(JIH'd with,mulhl'1 rIo lIIen frulll \'iI).;"inia. ;h Ild~ fon~uddt.'llh Iwclftll' lhL' lil'l IinL' of ckft.'no'.

Ol1wl 1ll1"1~11lI'~ 1\l'II' in ~1()rL'. On I ... \U).;"IlStI 7:1:,. l'l-·oq.;t' \\ .l~hin).;"101\ 1\ ,h cOlllllli~~iollCd

culOIll-'1 01 ,I 111'\1 \'irgini,1 1{('gill1l-'rH 10 han' 1,000Illen. ,llid I\.I~ ,IPI>llillll'r! C!111l1ll;llldL'r-in,hid' ulall \·irgilli.1 IOI(_l'~. ThL' lL'gillll'lII .ltl"t'i1ch had~unlt' MOO lIIl'll in 'wpll'mhl·r. L'nli\...c 1Il0~1

pl"m'indal~ III 1II0ll' ~e(Url' an';I~, lhl' \'irginiilRt..'gilllL'1II \\.I~ \...q)t 011 ~l'n in', with '11111t' :lOO Illcn011 (hm durin~ Iht, Kimel' III 17!J?J--!J6. In :\larch17:-16 ,llllluln."IIillll \',I~ p.I~-.ed lUI 1.:;00 1IIt'11 illprO\ inli,11 ~l'n 1<.t' imlmlillg I ,{)OO fur Ihl' \ 'irginiaRegillH'III. In \pril 17:-17 Ilw !"l'gill1cnt 1\;"auglllt'llled In 12 IUUlI}'\lIIt'~, lll •• "ing: 1.270 llIl'nIt·d I}\ ,I (olonl'!, .1 lit'llu'n.lnt-culolll·1. a m;Yor.nine capl,lin,. ~ I lil'IIlI'Il,lIlh, .nul 12 en~iKll" a,\\(.'11 .1' ,I p.l\ lll,hlt'I, lIun' "UI g:l'on" Ullt;" .,urgl'ulI·..

IIMll', ,m iUljUlilllt .1IId ,I qu,lrltTlll.t,II'r. 1\\0 of Iht' lOlllpallit'~ \\Cfl' 'L'1llto lx)I~It'r lhe foret" ill Smuh Clrolin,l.

On 1() :\1,IITh 17:iM lhl' colom illtrl'.I't'd lb 'orcl'" lU 2,000 ml'll in 1\10

1l'l{illll'lIb or 1,000 each. TIll' hi \'ir).;"illiil Rt'g:t \',I~ tht' old rl'WlIIl'1lI andCmllilllll'd under \\·a.,hillj{lOn'~ cOTllm,lIld: Iht, 2nd Virginia Rl'gl wasunder (:01. \filli'lll! Bnd. Iloth n'g:illll'IIL' wl"\l,d \I'ilh Ihl' .lnll\ of Gt:lI.FOI ht" \I hich llli.rchL'd un FIlII Duqul"lIl', On 19 Sq)II'lIIlx'r (:01. GI~llll'~

<l{hallc(' part\ \\~I' hadh miluled h\ lIw Fa'lleh, lhe hI \'irginiil\dl'LIChllll'll110,illg :-,7 \...itkd .1IId \\uurukd, ForlX.',,· lOIUll111l1nl:nhde"g:rl'<tth uUlIlulllhl'n,d lhl' Frl'l!(h, Id,o dl"lro\l'd lheir fllfl l>efore wilh­(h~IWiliK in bll' 1\'O\'l'ml)('I', With Ihi~ Ill•• jor lhrl',11 10 Virg:ini'l dirninalt"d,lhl' 2l!d \'ilxini<l Rt'j{l \\ .•, di,b,lmkd Oil J Dl-'lemlX'r 175H. The J~l

(rL'\L'ltirlg" to Ill" litle 01 Ihl: \'ir).;"illia I-kg:l) n'lIl"irwd 011 guard "long: lhehOlllil'r "ill ~lIlall partie' or dl'r;ldllllt'lIl~,;md 1'1IIplo\t'd .l~ r~IIIg-I'l""" \lilhpill I ulllle n:f.{inwl!1 ~enillg" ill I'iltshul"f.{h during' I75~', Allollll'l' '-,00 mel!di\idL'd iulu lil"l-' (olnpallil:' hut IHll all.IClied 10 Iht' rt'l{inwlll 11'('1'1'

1'1Ili~ll'd frol\l 22 Fdlrllarv III ~I'I'\t' 011 lhl' Irolllit" IInlil I DI'l"I'llIbel I 75Y:1101\1'\'1:1', MJllIl' 200 (It IIII:'\.' I\~'rl: .,0011 ,1I1aclll:d asarlifin'llo 10 Ihl: \'ir/{inia 1{l'g"inH'l1I. The rq~illll'ni

\'~I~ reduced Iw IlinT I.:ompanin Oil I FdJJ'uan17GO hilI, w1tllin a kw IH'I'''~, the Chl'roke(,Ilidiall~ had ri"'l1 in Soulh Carolina ;lIId lheregillH'llI \'~I' ill(TI"I~l'd il!f.lill 10 I,OOU \\lL'11 ill ~ lal.

Tlli, 1'~I,lbli,hllU'l\1 \\~I' lOlllilllll'd tlmil 1762.1\\ tlWll, 1111' CI\('rokl'l" had hf'l'll \;lllqlli~ll('d:

and Ihl' \'irg-ini;l l{eg-I \\,1'> di~b,\Ildl'd ,II FonLc\\'i... in AugmlOi CUlllll\ b\ 1 ~tl\ Ihal \ear.Silln' 1760, Wa~hinglOl1 had kft Ihl' regimemand William B\I'd 1\,1.'> cololll'1 unlit ibdisbandmcllI ill 17(i2.('"ijQnlu Sec Plall' F,

Page 43: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

Colonel Geof'ge Wallhl"iton In theuniform olt'" Virginia R81Ilment.

W••hington, who commanded the

unit fTom 1755 to ..rty 17eo. utlor fhls portrait by C.W.Pe.le In1772 we.ring hi. old reglment.I ••

The hat Is unlaced but has asilver button and. sliver cockade

loop. The coat I. blue with se.rlet

l.peJs, cutl. and lining, worn over

a scarlet w.lstcoat. The buttons,

lace, lind gorvet .re sliver, the

sash over the shoulder is

crim.on sUk, Instead of theregulation blue bree<:hes,

Washington sported sc.rlet one••

Old reproductions otten show the

.lIver Items such a. lxlttons .nd

lace .s colored gold, Ixrt • recentrestoration and c:leanlng 01 the

painting ..ViI.led that this w.s

bec::.use 01 a coat 01 v.rnlsh

added during the 10th ClHltUry,

The portrait h.ngs in tlte chapel

of t'" UnlV1l..tty 01 Washington

and Lee In Virginia.

Following: Braddocl..'~ dekat III IiJ:l lin:(omp'lll' 01 provincial VirKinia Ug-ht 1101"'" underth ... (011111l~lnd of C.lpt. Robl'll Slt'W,If! wa,n '~li'>CrI. and lall.'r ~t.:nl'd wilh Gl.'ll, Fud}l.'~' ,ll"I1l\

lll.lfching- 011 Fort Dllqlll.'~lIl' in ITJ~t ,\ccording toIlll' IIUll." of tho.' hblorit.11 ilhl'\I~llOr I L\.Og-dcn,Stcwart\ LiKhlllOlW h.ld ,lll.'d CIMI \\itllOLII cull,1Ior I.lllt-'I" with hilA (ul1<\, IUrnb"cl." \I<\i~tn);\t andhrl.'('(hn, \t-IIm\ IIIl't,ll hllllon" .lIul \I'llow hatlac(', hLlcl.. hooL~, .1I1d n'd ,,-,delll' cloth, t:'dg-l.'d \\ithhull. III 1,1\(' ~I,I\ I i:lH, ~11 Illl'n 01 the comp.lII\\\l.'lt:' dl.'l;\<.hl'd h\ FOllx" ((I Bumpll'I', cclllunanri-with ....,ddll'~ alld bliclll',.-

Frmll I iJ6 1111111 I iliO, theft· \\('fI' "I'llcompani<.·" of I{.ln~l'l' ill pro\illli'll 'I'nice, hillIhl."l' will he <.O\crt'cl ill tht' forthltllllillJ.: Ihird

\ohllll(' 01 thl'> '111(1..


Following: Iht' 1"ploratioll' 01 llenn Ilu(\ ..oll, lht'Dutfh \\('\1 Imh,t Compam '1)(1Il~11"('(1 lilt' ("I,lb·Ii~hnl<.'nl 01 .1 cull)ll\ .tlong, till: Ilwl"OII RiH'r. nl<.'~nl.lll Fort \Ianh;ltl(" ,lIIe1 Fill t '",t.......1U \\t'rt' built ill1611. follo\\ed h\ Fon \m'lt'rcl.lln on \l.lIlhattallI<-lall<l in I()21: hUI it \\,1' C1l1h in lli:t~ Ih,u the \k~1

ludi,1 CUlllpall\ linalh '1'111 ahOUI ,'iO ..oldil'l' 10 g<lni-.<11I Lhle'folol}\, Tilt' Ilumble'r of leguLu' \.Irit'd 0\('1 lhl' \1',11', lrom ollh 2R in16;10 10 I ill nine \·('a.... I.llt'r, ;1l1e1 2;·)() h\ Ilil;(l: Ihi, 1\,1' tOn'ldl'll'd 100I'Xpl'll,i\I', hU\\"l'\er, andlhl' g;lrri",m '\~I' n'dllcl'd III I~m 1111'11 1'1"11111 II;(i2.

F1tllll 9 ~I.t\ 1610 a rniliti;1 \;1\1 Il'<jllill'(\ lh,ll ,Ill illh,Ihilalll' of NewAlll'U'I(blll he antH'c\ and fonlled illln ,I I\llrghl'l (.\I,nd. II \\a"11Ig-,llli/nl b\ Iradt: gtlilt! .. ,llul II' 111Ii('r~ \\tT(' lIlt, j{lIild,' 1I'"c1t'r', E"u.:plfIll nighl \\,llch dlilin. lhe lI1ilili~IIIIt:11 \\1'11' Illll ll\'lhili/l"d 11111il lfi?iO.\\hl'l1 1\\"0 n)]npanil'~ of lO llll'1I t\l<.h \\"l'lt' 1011\lt:d, tJlll' pl,,,idl'd willI;1 hI lit.: ;t11d lilt" olllt.:r \\'ilh ~1I1 IIl~lI1gl' lulnr. lIlt"' \\"1'1(' ..1'111 III pl"OII'("\I,t Illg- 1,lalld frolll fl'ared all,lt 1.... 1)\ pli\"~I\t:t'r" \\ hit It did 1101 in lal'l

Inaleriali/l'.' In Hi!"}!"" lhn panirip;lll'd ;llollg",itle l)lIldl I('g-lIl,Il·' ill lht:

fOllqlll"t of ?'le\\" S\I't"dt:11.Ibn'(' \t'ar, laler tilt' l\urg-hl.'l (.ll;ud \\~I' rt'org;lIIi/l'd illln 1I11TI'

( Olll P~IIIii", (',11'h 1I.l\'i 11 g it'> color, ,Ilul I'q II iPlwd \\ iIII pMt i',11 h luI' on ife 1"',

h~dbl.'rd, I'llI' '('I").;"t.:;lII(.o" ~llid <I drulII, In ()( lohl'! Ili;l\j "m,ul\ ,oldiel' \\ho\\ITl' \olt11l1<.'('I',;I ('Olllpall\ of Citi/l'lh wilh lIlt' 01<1111-;(' b,IlIIll'I" ,uul ,I((11111),\11\ 01 "Eng-li,h \\t'llwi,hl'I"'~ WI'IIl 10 tig-1l1 tht' lrulLIII' to tht.' !lullh(DII~'Y n, ,\1II0!II-:'l lhei! g-l"U \\\")(' It'll -light 1I111,l..{'b- ,Illd It'll

(,Inriclgl' ho,(".l'/l/jIll1/1\ "",t.' Plait.' B.

6 In '- Hostonc ar- ..~~, 19G1 E--'> ~...u""...IIW'~""'-"-"aCOlI...... 01 _ doth _Iaongs 01 cnnge .., _ ... !II ...._ ""*...., long ""~ n..~ It> oe.,~ ollhs _ ~ fluIvIws Gutn:l "'!1'! watch ... ," lhs CO"II*'I' __ '*"ll~ "'"• untom'I NoOOI"I~ 00Cu!TW't '-__~"""".""'"""'" tot' _ -... 41

Page 44: Osprey,.Men-at-Arms._366.Colonial.American.Troops.1610-1774.(1).(2002).OCR.8.12[1]

P.I., (t592-1872),lJOV.mof' 01 Nllw N.therlllndlt841-85. hlld II

wide ••periencll 01 eolonlll'admlnlltration, havl"" ..rvedIn the Dutch EIIII Indl.. and ..

9O"'.mof' 01 Cura.," be'oreeomlnll 10 H.w Amll.mam. H.wa, a Ilam and auloc'alleItdmlnlilrato, a, w.1I al a IOU9hold 'oldl.r; hll walked Wllh apefj-Ieg, ha..,l"" lOll a 11mb Inbatll•. Jn Ihll e.18110 portr.ll,po..lbt~ palnled In He.Arn,lamam, a IIl1hl orange'rlnlled , ..h I, worn o.."r armor,S'u..,e~..nlll Ihown wllh • blackskull cap and brown hair. (Prlnlafte, HenrI Coutu,le,)

In t809, Henry Hudson "plo,edwhal became the Hudson RI..,e,10' lhe Dulch Wlllt IndiaCompan~ on boam the Half­

Moon, correcll~ shown fl~ln9 theD\ltch colo In thl, old prinl.Hudson" plo,alionl formedthIo balll of lhe Dutch I.rritorial

42 claims In Horth America.

\\11ilc Jhe ~IITi'iOll ot Nell' Arn~'l'l"dilll1 ~IlITt'ndered to theBriti~h wilhoUl a fight ill IGG!. Iht' 'mall Dillch ~lrri'ion on

IIIl' Ddaw<ln' pill lip 'Olllt' n·,i,.ance whell a CUl11pall\ otBrili .. h IIUOP' ,uri\ ed ill Ot lobel. The..' la.ll'r 'itormed lilt'~ill(tlll~idel-;lhie fort~. illflktillg 11 casllallies on lht·

DUlch ",hilt' '1I0ITinA" nOlle (C\iI'C 16(4). :'Ilt'\\' Yorkwas f{'C<lpturt'r1lwlll Ihe..' Utili,h in f\llgU~t 1673 \,hen.\dm. COlllt'li, [\el"'.ll·II\: DllIch net·t arrin:-d and1.m(lt·d "omt' 600 maril1(" (\ee..· Plale 1\). A strongdelachrnl'lll 1-e..·/IJ.1lne..'d ill g;lrri\OII lIlllil ~o\"t'lnlx:r

1674. \\lwl1 liite" colurn \\,h Ct:d('c! In l~ritail1.


S\\t'di,h 'l'lI!tors !tod b\ Pt'll'l ~linuit .lrriH'd inDd,II\,lre B.l\ Oil 11 (leCt'mht,t 16:'\7 on ht' ....lrd IWO ship"

ortllt' 1':el\ 5"e..·dt'l1 COlllp.III\. TIlt.' illlu.11 part\ included24 "oldiel", III the lolltl\\"ing" lllomh, anc! ll..'<lJ'. ron...

UUi'ilill<l (163l{-:':J: \\illllillg:lon, DE). l-Jf'ihorg (I&I1-?l~\:

Sale",. ~J). :"\C\\ KOI"llOhll (1(..17-:,:': 1'.\) .IIHI Trinit,(~~WGL"tl(·, DE) rO'>t.' .Ilong lht' I)d.l\\~lr~· Rher. The..' Swcdes

purch.l-.ed teniton rn'lIl lhe Indi,III'. \"ilh ,,1111111 Ihe.." maint.liIR'1:1relll.lrl...lbh wxxl relatioll'i. ,\ nUll1bt'1 ul the..' e..·ulerl> \\~le Finn~. \\ho

htllh the fir'lt log Cilbim. ;1 Inhniqlle..· I\hkh )tlll 'pre..·.ld to all thecolotlil:'~. III .\pril 1618 th~ Dutch built Fm t I\(oH'I""IW\t' (Philadelphia. PAloppo,itl' Fort ;-':e" Knr.holm: it \\.h dl·,tlme..·d h' lhl' S"edt', in ~Ia\.

re..·bllilt b\ the Dwch .U1d l' ,1g;lin b\ the..' ~~)\\nle, in i':oH·lllher.[',Ide nouri~hed. hUI Ill(' Sw{'(li..h ("olom'" 1)('pul,ltion 11;1.' b.lrd,

200 "'011],. in I {i.-,:-\. Two \"('al... laler .1 Dutch expl'ditiull 01 \(IIIlt' 300 IllenIrom\1 Alllo<tl'rd.ulI reached FOil Chri'lill,l, the..' main SI\l'di'ih poSI,\\hilh 'lurrl'lldcn:d WilhoUI re ... i"lann· Oil I:, Sc..·pte..·ml}(,l". i"\~I\' S\\CdellI\.IS hCllcdonh ab~orl)('d inl') Nell·lhl·r!,llld ....L'lIIfOI'l!Il ~e Plate B.

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A: VIRGINIA MILITIA, c.11510-20Ai: OfficerAccording to the Lawes Divine, Moral/and Martiall whICh SirThomas Dale revised alld re-rssoec! In 1611. offICerS shouldbe armed like a "tatgeteer- - see also A3 - in light armor.-bases- (Quilted. skirted protectIVe clothing), and headpteCe(helmet), and should carry a "fjrelocke. or Snaphause- and atarget Stnce two 01 Dale's captains at Nansemood werewounded. one in the thIgh and the other in the arm. it ISprobable that despite regulations they chose 10 leave offsome altherf armor. A 1605 portrait 01 Lord North In Wro,,;lenAbbey. England. shows hIm armed for battle. weanng onlybreast and back plates. Burgonets were popular headpteCes., Virgin..., lor those,who could afford them, judging by thenumber of parts found by archeologistS. PIStol parts are alsocommonty found The cnmson sash was probably worn overthe shoulder. Captains were distinguished by gorgels.Ensigns earned colors said 10 be "the banner of JesusChrist: which possibly meant England's while flag with thered cross 01 51 GeorgeA2: MusketeerA soldl6l" armed with a musket was ISSUed a "qtJllted coate ofcanvas, a headpeece, and a sword or else with a light Armorand Bases qUIlted" 5efgeants used halberds In gamson and"Snaphanse and Target" In the field. Though the word"quilted" is often taken to mean stitching in an overalldiamond pattern, there is no clear evidence for this, Earliergambesons and armll"lQ doublets were commonly qUilted inlong, parallel rows ThIS man's firearm IS a heavy matchlockrequlnng the use of a rest; measured powder charges arecamed In a bandoIl6I" of wooden "cartndges" (much laternicknamed the "'2 Apostles", al1hough examples with varytngnumbers are known), pnmlng powder In a separate flask, andballs in an attached bag.A3: TargeteerA "targeteer" was a soldier eqUipped with a small roundshteId or "target", who also had qUilted "Bases to the smallof hIS legge, and hls headpeece. sword and PlStoll. orScuppet [a short firearm. otten WIth a foldl1'lQ stock) proVIded

for thaI end," 3CCOfding to the Virginia laws ArcheologICalfinds at Jamestown and severnl other early Sltas haveconfirmed that armOl" was commonly worn In early Virginia asprotection against Indian arrows. The qUilting pattern Shownhere was suggested by the bases worn by Sir JamesScudamore in hIS c.1590 portrait. though parallel rows ofstrtchlOQ. smuw to the musketeer's coat. are also likely. (Allafter DATtnSdale. SoIdIf!fS of the VirgllJla Colony 1607- 1699A Study of Virguna's MIlitary, Its Ongrns, TactICS. Eqwpmemand De1IeIopment, DIetz, 2000)

6: NEW SWEDEN & NEW NETHERLANDS61: Musketeer, New Sweden, 16408-1655The soldlefS of New Sweden were armed and eqUipped asother European troops of the lime They st~1 had malchlockmuskets ... 1654. though they Ifltencled to convert them toflintlock lhe following year. They dressed tn the Iyptcal /8Cket.breeches and hat worn by Swedes at that peood, whICh areShown in small figures 01 Swedish colonists in a prmt afterPeter Llndeslrom. A Swedish plkeman's helmel has alsobeen excavated at an Indian burial site In Pennsylvania,

wt1lch seems 10 Indicate that such armor was found of ~ttle

use apart from a few pieces kept for ceremOfllal wear, the restpossibly bemg traded or given to a chief. (After Enk Bellander.DnJct och Uniform, Stockholm, 1973)62: Musketeer, New Netherlands, 1640sThe soldiers and militiamen were armed With matchlock orfuntlock muskets, bandoIitV'S. swords or hangers. Du1ng theearly years buff coats and helmets were worn Ifl NewNelttenands as elsewhere, but thIS was SElefTllngly notenough for prolectlOfl against Indian arrows and armor wasreqUIred, Mail shirts were worn dunng the 16405: In 1641 arequest was made for 200 "malj rocl<en" (coats of mall) 10 besent to New Amsterdam '101" the soldiers as well as fOl" thefreemeo who will pay for their own share of them'. Threeyears later, the dU'ectors of the Dutch West Ind13 Companyasked that. lor fighting Indians, 150 soldIerS armed WIthmuskets and eqUIpped wrth coats 01 mail should be sent toNew Netttenands.

FollOWing the capture 01 New Sweden In 1655 the DuIChwere at waf With the Delaware Indians. In November 1656"munilions of war lor 150 men" were to be sent fromAmsterdam to ~the South RIVer of New Nether1ands" (theDelaware RIVer). The 1151 IS interesllng 10 that It revealschanges .... armament and eqUIpment. For 7S men, therewere ~musketsW - assumed to be heavy matchlocks WIth

lor1Ied rests - bandoliers, swords, and sword belts Another7S men were armed With "tirelocks or snaphance" muskets­fhntlocks - With cartridge boxas, sabers and saber belts(DRCHSNY, til). Gone were the mall shirts, although bufflealher coats may have been worn.83: Sergeant, Dutch Corps of Marines, NewNetherlands, 1673-74The Corps of Mannes was raISl!d In 1665 and wore a urlIlormfrom 1672; this conSlSted of a blue coat WIth yellow cultsand lIning and pewter buttons. The brooches could be brown,grey or red, the stocklrlgs blue 01" grey, and the hats brownWithout plumes or flbOOns, The mannes were armed withsnaphance muskets, plug bayonelS and swords. There wasa shoulder belt lor thesword and another for apouch (for bullets andother Items), and apowder flask,ThiS was the

A cabasset In good condition, 'ueh al would have beenuled In VirginIa and other aaffy lattlementl; cl Plate A2, A3.(Harold L,Peterlon Collection, Jameltown National HlltoricPark, Virginia) 43

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most modern mfnntry eqUipment. replacing the old "12Apostles" Sergeanls In the corps had Similar uniforms andweapons to their men, but were dlSllngulshed by an orange:snsh: officers had orange silk snshes and silvered gorgets andwere armed With swords The bunch of while nbbons at thenght shoulder cnnnot be assumed to be a rank deviCe at thiSdate - such leatures were common on both CIVIlian andmllitary dress 01 the day, (After F.T.Chapman & F.C, Nyland,~Nether1ands Corps 01 Mannes In New YOOC, 1673", MilitaryCoJlecfor & H,Slooall, XXIII. Summer 1971)

C: VIRGINIA, 11570.C1: Infantryman, Virginia Militia, 1675-76The ~Act PlOVldlng for the Supply of Armes and AmmunltlOfl"Issued al Jamestown Nl 1673 ord&red that the counly courtsoj VIIQlJ'lla be empowered to raise Ievtes on the CrlLzens toprOVIde arms and ammunltl()l'l lor their militias. The actauthonZed only muskets and swords lor the Infantry, By thistime. armor seems to have been discarded by foot troopsC2: Trooper, Virginia Militia Horse, 1675-76The snme act of 1673 authorized "PIStolis. swords and

carbines for horse." However, as lale as November 1687 theMilitary Census of Mlddlesejl( County listed citizens whosepersonal wealth was thought to be suffiCient to proVide "aMan, horse & Almer" for service In the militia It IS thereforepoSSible thilt armor continued In use by some militia cavalryInto the last quarter of the 17th century. (Both Virginia MllllIalIgures after DATlnsdale, SoJdters of the VirginIa CoJony... )C3: Musketeer, Jeffery's Regiment, 1676-78This English regular regiment was organIZed in lhe then-usualproportionS 01 about two-thirds musketeers and one-thirdptkemen. The men's unllorm was a red coat fmed WIth bluebaIZe (the colors of the royal IIvely-), a hal. a red cap. a shirt,a coarse calICO Cfavat. breeches, stockmgs and shoes, Allhad a sword. and a mUSket (l!Ither matchlock or flintlock) ora PIke The offICers were drawn lrom vanous regtrneots (the1st and 2nd Foot Guards. the Mantlme Regiment and lheHofland Regiment) and thus probably wore the UfIllorms oftheir respecllve units, to wtwch they woukl return (AlterHC,McBarron. J Enlng & BNlhart. "Jeflely-'s RegIment 01Foo11676--t682W MC&H, XN. spong 1962: & PROM'O 2613)

D: QUEEN ANNE'S WAR01: Independent Companies & New Englandtroops, c.H05-15

From the earty 18th century the UfIlform 01 the Independentcomparnes on the Brlllsh regular establ'shment appears tohave been the royal livery 01 AId coats ~ned With blue. redbreeches. and hats tnmmecl With while lace. Indeed.clottung to be furmshed In 1711 to both the New EnglanduMs f8lsed for the abortIVe Ooebec exped'hon and theregulat Independent compames was all 10 be "In herMajesty's IIVery.~ Each sergeant, corporal. drummer andprwate was to have a coal, a pair of breeches, a laced hat.a pair of shoes with buckles, a pair 01 stockings. twoShirts, two neck cloths and a pair of gloves. Inlantrysoldiers were to have lhelr waistcoats made from theirold coats. The quality WilS sometImes less than perfect.ln 1713, the clothing received was ·very bad", being "only

a sort 01 frock Without any lining and no waistcoats," Eventhe uniform colors appear to have beer1 wrong for some

soldiers. as "the Coats and Breeches for the N,C.O.s andgunners differed from lhose of the Centmels (Infantryprivates], in nothing but colour being blew instead of Red.~ Ithad been reported that "Red Sergeants Coates" withsergeants' silver-lilced hiltS Md been lurnished but,obviously, some things had changed in transit. (PRO/CO42/13 and CO 519: BL, Add. Mss, 22,616 8 Stowe 4&l )

British offIcer" gorget, mid-18th centuoy;

cI Plates 03, Fa. Gorgets we,.. glided or

altvered depending on the eolor of thelace oltha unit. While an obllgatooy item

lor regular offiee,.. to weer on duly, the

gorget appeaf1l 10 hava been rarer

amonst Amerlcan militia offlc:ef1l.

{Partla Canada,

British ventral eartridge bo. - "belly boJlR_mid-t8th eentuoy, Black leather nap with

"GR 2" stamped in front and wood b+ock44 painted btack. (Partl, Carutda)

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02: Gunner, Board of Ordnance detachment,c.1705-15The artillery detachments In North Amenca wore the sameuniform as was then provided by the Board of Ordnance totraIns In Europe. As early as 1705 the detachment In 5tJohn's, Newfoundland, was sent coats of recI cloth withwalstcoats and breeches 01 blue kersey. They very probablyhad yellow bullons, buttonholes and hat lace. A moredetailed btll 01 1715 confirms thatlhe coats 01 the matrosseswere cuffed and hned with blue and laced with yellow, aswere the hats; that the corpotals and bombardIerS had thesame. but the hat laced WIth narrow gold lace; and thatsetgeants and artifICer'S had wide gold lace on 1helr coats andhats, (Royal Artillery InstItute, Royal Warrants 1689-1739,MD 966. Warranl of 3 July 1705: PAOiWO 51194)03: Colonial olticer, c.1710OffiCers In North AIT1enca were also provided for: In March1710 a contract called for 266 OfflCefS each to have a flOeseMet or blue cloth coat, W31stcoat and breeches, a hatlaced With SlI\tef". a pM of scarlet and a pair of blue finestockings. two SIlk neckcloths. a lusd wrth a cloth s1U1Q, a giltbayonet. a !lne tomahawk. a cloth belt With frogs andcartouch box. All thl$ would have been Intended for theoffICerS of the Amencan colorual reg.ments raised lor theexpedlhons against Canada and AcadI8, and posSIbly alsofor olhcers of the IndepenckWlt compames The style ofclothlOQ appears to have been plain If elegant The anns andeqUIpment furnished IOCIlCate that these Ofhcefs were armedwith light muskets rather than half-plkes. while tomahawksare mentIOned but swords are not, It 1$ assumed these wouldhave been already In po5ses5lOO 01 the OfflCefS. Cloth orcloth-eovered accoutrements lor offICerS at that time wereusually decorated or edged w,th tace (PAOfT 1/132 &64/126)

E: KING GEORGE'S WARE1: Private, Gooch's 61st (American) Regimentof Foot, 1740sThe campaign dress 01 thiS regiment was much Simpler andmore practical than the uniform shown m the 1742 "CloathmgBook" (see illustration on page 19) AcCOrding to Boyse, ItconSisted of "Red Camblet coats, bl"own hnnen waistcoatsand 2 pairs of canvas trousers," no doubt worn With the issuehats, shoes and buff accoutrements, This sort of clothingwas probably worn from about 1741, and by thedetachments later posted at Rattan Island and on Ihe coast01 Honduras The regiment was ISSUed With 3,000 muskets,bayonets, and cartndge boxes, 120 halberds. 120 partisans(apparently lor corporals), and 60 drums as well as swords,(Alter 5.Boyse, An H,stoncal ReView, London, 1747:WV.BaJdry & A.5.White, "Gooch's Amencan Regiment ofFoot, 1739-1 742,~ Journal o( the SOCiety for Army HistoricalResearch, XVI, 1937)E2: Officer, Gooch's 61s1 (American) Regimentof Foot, 1740sThe offICers of thiS regiment appear to have favored a Simpleif elegant style of dress fOl' everyday wear The uniformshown IS based on the portrait of Capt LawrenceWasfungton (George Washington's elcler half-brothet) shown10 the typICal all-scarlet SIngle-breasted coat WIth goldbuttons. and a green waistcoat laced With gold. He wouldhave worn a cnmson sash, a gold-laced tncorn and a 9'lt

SOldier'S bayonet

scabbard an-<! trot,c,1758, found lit

Fort Ligonier,Pennsylvania.

(Fort LigonierMuseum)

gorget on duty (Atter H,C,McBarron. WAFoote & J Etling."The Amencan Aegm'lent 1740-1146,- MC&H. XXI. Fall 1969)E3: Private, Independent Companies, 1742On 30 May 1730 the Independent compames were Instructedto have their clothmg ~to be faced and lined With popu1QEll'

green IOstead 01 blue, after thiS year ~ Our figure IS based onthe 1742 "Cloathlng Book~ whICh shows a number ofunidentified plates 01 soId>ers weanng red umforms lacedWith green lapels and cuffs, some wIth green and other's WIthbrownish turnbacks This agrees WIth MIlian's Army ust 011749 which stated that the Independent compaOles In NorthAmerICa wore red faced With green, those m the West Indl8ShaYIng coats With brown Iin.en hOlng, The buttons are of whitemetal and the hat lace IS white, but there IS no lace on thecoats or waistcoats. The two New YOfk companIes sent toVirginia and Maryland In 1755 had thiS uniform, as a deserterfrom Fort Cumberland (MOl is described as wearing "hiSregimentals, red turn'd up With green. brass mountedcut lash." Although British ,nfantry regimentals were orderedto be laced In 1747 it remains uncertain if this apphedto theIndependent compaOles. While they had a good supply ofarms, their accoutrements were reportedly worn out by thelate 1730s and none had been supplied for the ne~t 20 years,as a 1756 report stated (PROMO 71/6; PennsylvaniaGazette, 10 April 1755)

F: VIRGINIA REGIMENT, 1754-82F1: Private, 175410I1ia11y the men of the reglment were expected to wear thetrcMlian clothing; but In earty March 1754, George Washingtonfound many recruitS to be "Quite destitute" and reported thatthey were Willing to be clothed at their own expense bydeductions from pay, GovenlOl" DinWiddie agreed, andapproved a ·coat and breeches of red cloth" for the men. ByAprIl some deserters were already weaong red coats andleather breeches OffICefS. too. procured some regimentals. 45

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as MaJ' Adam Stephens wore a "flaming SUII 01 lacedregimentals: which most likely IndICates a scarlet uniform.F2: Private, 1755-62By the end of 1754 the color of the uniform to be worn byVirginia troops had changed from red to blue. In a Novemberletter to Cap'- Slewa., concerning the few Independentcompanies at the frontJer, Governor DInwiddie mentionedthat some ·cheap blue Clothing" with shoes and stocksshould be purchased In FebnJary 1755, Dmwiddle lell that"Blue fumed up with red" made "very proper Unrtorms" forIus trooPS, and It would seem that thlS was the dress of thecompanIeS of Virginia Rangers, carpenters and troopersserving at lhal lame. The VIfQIIM Regiment raISed fromAugust 1755 always had this UIlIform unt,1 1762. when It wasdIsbanded; In lhal year a desel1er was reported In "a BlueCoat turned up With red" The yearty Issue conSIsted of acoat, a Walstcoat, a pair of breeches. a hal With cockade,three while shll1s, a pall' of shoes. two stocks. and white yamstockIngS The Willstcoat appears 10 have been blue. asdesel1ers were often descnbed as haVIng ")aCkets· of thaicolor, and many also had bucksklO breeches. Generally, theregiment was one of the better eqUipped provincial Uf\lts ...the Amencan colonies.F3: Olficer, 1755-62On 17 September 1755. the same day that GeorgeWastllngton was appotnted colonel to raise the reglfl'le(ltonce agaIn, every offICer was ordered to "provtde hlmsetf assoon as he can converMerltly With a SUit of Regimentals ofgood blue Cloath; the Coat to be faced and cuffed WIthScarlet, and tnmmed WIth SIlver: a 5carlet WaJstcoat WIthStIver Lace; blue Breeches, and a S11ver·laced Hat, rt to beI\ad, for Camp and Gamson duty. Bestdes thlS, each officerIS to proVIde hlmsetf With a common soldiers Dress, forDetachments and Duty In the Woods," The sash was cnmsonand the sword knots blue and si'ver. (All figures afterF.lChapman & T.Parker, ~The VirglOla Regiment 1754-176T,MC&H, X, Winter 1958; RABrock, ed" The Officl8l Recordsof Robert DmwiddlfJ, RiChmond, 1883--1684)

G: AMEAICAN-RAtSEO AEGULAR UNITS,1755-80G1: Private, Shirley's 50th or Pepperell's 51stRegiment of Foot, 1755-56The uniforms of both these locally raised regiments were to be"a plalO cloathlng~ for reasons of economy. They were to haveIdentical dress, which was descnbed as red faced With red,trimmed With "white (metal] button Qnd LH - the lalter surelymeaning lace, as British army uniforms had been ordered tobe lapeled and fully looped. The men were not armed withgood mUSkets ·of the King's pattern", but With 1.000 haVing"Single Bridle locks, Nose bands & wooden ram(rodJs," and athousand "Dutch With Noseband & v-Jood rammers." Many ofthem were fOUM to be defective (but over 1,000were nevertheless taken by Indians and Canadianmlhtlamen following the surrender of Oswego). Theprivates had hangers WIth steel hilts while thegrenadJ8rS and sergeants had brass hilts. Theaccoutrements were defective, the cartndgebaKes havtng wood blocks of only 12 I'IoIes thatwere so small that the C8l1fldges could not be put10, nor was there ~substance In the 'Nood to WJddenthem sufficlently- FII'I8Ily, the leather was reported

"scanty and bad likeWise" These types of accoutrementswere also issued to the 44th and 48th Foot With Braddock'sarmy and the New Jersey Provincial Regt 10 1755, alsocauSing complaints (PRO/CO 5/46; NAC, MG18. N14;Service Hlstonque de l'Armge de Terre [Vincerlr"les), Guerre,A1, Vol. 3417; A System of camp Dlsclplme, 1757; TheCorrespondence of Will,8m ShIrley, New YOf1(, 1912, Vol-II)G2: Sergeant, Pepperell's 51st Regiment ofFoot, 1755-56Ahhough the arms and eQUipment of these regiments wereoften defective, the clothing appears to have been of decentquality, according to Sgt James Grey of the 51st In July1755 he wrote that he had IllCeIved "two Holland shuts... twopairs of shoes and two paIrs of worsted stockings; a goodSilver laced hat (the lace I could sell for lour doltars); and myclothes lS as flfl8 scarlet broadcloth as you ever did see."(Quoted In FPatkman, Montcalm and Wolfe, 1684)G3: Private, Independent Companies; New York,1756-60From 1756. Capt Charles Cruikshank's company Ifl NewYork colony took to weanng locally made green }aCkets,leather buckslun breeches and green "Indl3fl stocklngs­(lmfasses), as rts regular clothing had not amved. This outfitproved most poputar and the company wore It on duty loryears to come By February 1760 the lashlOl'l had spread; ~all

the Men 01 the four Companys here were 10 be Unrform In

thetr WaIStcoats whICh are Green and Double Breasted andthe Old Coats to be saved for 'Noriung" The regular unrlormof the Independent comparues coolinued 10 be red coatsWIth green lapels and cuffs, red waistcoat and breeches,white metal buttons, and tncarn hat laced WIth white. Officefshad Silver buttons and lace; however. a sketch of a dinnerparty showlOg several officers of the South Carolinaindependent Companies depICts them With unlaced coats, soIt may be that Indepenclent companIes In North Amenca dlClnot have lace on their uniforms, On 25 February 1760 theoffICers of the New York compames adopted an unoffiCialundress uniform ConSIStlOg of a "Frock With a slash cuff. lapeland Silver shoulder knot, plain red waistcoat and breeches,and silver laced hat." (After P,F,Copeland & J,RElting."Independent Companres, New York, 1756-1760", MC&H,XUI. Spring 1990; R.S,Stephenson, "Bntlsh Officers" Dress inthe $even Year War', Issued fo fhe Troops Symposium,Winterthur Museum, WllmlOgton, DE, 1996)

Soldier'••hoe, c.1758, Thl. eKample wIth a white metal

buckle wa. one of .everal ucawatad at,Fort Ligonier,Pennsylvan'e. (Fort LigonierMuseum)

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H: AMERICAN-RAISED REGULAR UNITS,1758-63H 1: Light Infantry Officer. 40th RegIment ofFoot. 1758thIS rtgure IS based on lhe portfilll 01 Maj. George SCot!,seemmgly a natllle 01 New England, who became anoutstandIng Itght mfantry officef during the seven Years' WarIn North Amenca. II shows lhe many adaptatIOns lhat couldbe made 10 reglmeotal dress fOf such duty, The hal hasbecome a peaked skull cap wllh the large peak turned up.The coat remains in Ihe regimental colors, scarlet faced wIthbuff, but all gold lace is removed and the tails are cut short.The waistcoat and breeches are in the regiment's buff color,but Indian-style mltasses and moccasins would most likelyhave been WOfn In the forest while traveling by canoe.

H2: Private, Gage's 80th (Light Armed) Regimentof Foot, 1758-60From the time II was filIsed the BOth was ass.gned brownUOIforms with leather caps, and II seems to have worn suchdress dunng the summer 01 1758. In November 1758 theauthonlles in 8ntaJn confirmed the "dark brown short coats"WIth "dar1I; brown [18CIOQs and] bolOQ, black buttons, no lace,"With the drummers being also aSSIgned "brown" coalS"Gages light Infantry, who wanted so many men. arecompleat The Yankees love dearly a brown coat: wroteAmherst In January 1759. That year, as the clothing did notcome 'rom England, a thin 'rock was issued. By 1761 orperhaps 1762, the 80th's unilorm was becoming morecolorful. Hugh Ga)ne's North American Army List published inNew York reported Its unl'orm as OUght Brown Jackets,lacecJ White, tlat Yellow Buttons." Millan·s list of 1761, pub­lished In LooOon, mentIOned "plum color or yellow" laCings,which had become ·orange-brown" two years later.Apparently, the 80th was now 10 red coats as a 1764 portrartof M3j GladwJo shows scaf1et laced orange-brown WIth goldbuttons and lace. In May 1159. Amherst had ordered"carbine arms, WIthout bayonets, for the use 01 theregJfnent" whICh were ISSUed In August. (PROIWO 7126; /WO34/46 & 70: B.Dunnlgan & E.Manders, "BOth Regiment 01

Foot 1757-1764", MC&H, XXXIX, Winter 1987; Orderly Bookand Journal of Major John HaWK, New York, 1911)H3: Grenadier, Burton's 95th Regiment of Foot.1761-63On 3 February 1161 the uniform ordered for the regiment wasred "faced With a light grey and laced With a mixed lace ofwhite and green." Although the regiment was formed In

South Carolina, it was not assl9ned the linen 1I00ng.waIstcoat, and breeches as gJllef1 In the same order to tworegIments Intended fOf the East IndlE!S, that area betngtermed as a "Hot Climate" Thus the 95th's IlflIng would havebeen Itght grey and the walslcoat and brooches red IfI SouthCarolina Once 10 Barbados, the 95th - along WIth the restof the Bntlsh force there - was gJlleo new orders on2£ December 1761: "the linings to be npt out 01 the men'scoats. the lapels taken oil, and the slurts cut shorter. TheGeneral recommends to them. providing their men Withsomethlnglhal IS thin, to make sleeves to their W3JStCoats, asthe troops may be ordered to land ,n them" (PROiWO 7/26:NAC, MG23, K34, Frederick MackenZie Papers. Order Book,1761-1162).

Sash to carry the powder hom"longing to one Donald Monro01 the 42ncl Foot (Blae'" WalCh).c. t7&O. Ttli. wa. pntbably forIislhl Inlantry use. The ...h I'embrotderecl wtth ;eometric andnoral pattern, in blue. yellow,g...... and blaek on d.rk recIground. (Park, Canada,

Powder hom of Donald Monro,42nd Foot (Black Watch). c.neo,Tha angravlng, on thla ~mRp

hom" depict the Hudlon Rivervalley. (Par1o'.' Canada) 47

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The uniforms, equipment. hIstory and organization

of the world's mIlitary forces. past and present.Colonial

American Troops

1610-1774 (1)

Full color artwori:.

Unnvaled detail




From the earliest English

settlements the survival of the

infant colonies in North America

depended upon local militias.

Throughout the 17th and early

18th centuries the burden of

successive wars with the

American Indians, and with

the regular troops and militias

of Britain's colonial rivals France

and Spain, fell mainly upon

locally raised volunH.'Crs. This

first of a fascinating three-part

study includes a general

Introduction and chronology

and chapters on Crown tTOOpS

in North America; and begins a

colony-by-colony review of

militias and provincial units.

Tile text is illustrated with

rare e<lrly images and with

specially commissioned full

color artworks.

ISBN 1-84176-314-1