Download pdf - OILY SKIN AND ACNE


Skin Disorders

Along with different skin types one may have various skin problems like sunburns,

cellulite, blisters, itchy skin, dry skin, bruises, acne, skin cysts etc. These are normally

observed in majority of people in their day to day life. Depending upon the skin type

these disorders occurs in an individual. Those with dry skin may have problems like

dry scalp or itching or rashes. Similarly, those with oily skin have acne on their faces.

You can speak of occurrence of cellulite deposition of fat underneath the skin causing

the skin to be lumpy. Sunburn is the most of the most common skin problem, that

nobody is free of now. As in this hard and fast life each person is bound to get

exposed to sun for maximum span of time, it is obvious to get sunburn. Same is the

statistical rate of acne although acne is mostly observed on people with oily face.

Hence, there is a great demand for Acne Treatment Products.

Oily Skin

Since, we had some discussion about acne above let’s speak of the oily skin which is

the key base for acne. Generally an oily skin shines, and it can be dull and thick too.

Actually it happens like this that the oil secreting glands of the skin secrets excess of

oil than required. So, the excess oil gets deposited on the skin surface and the pore

get wide open to store the deposited oil, resulting in a shiny and coarse skin. Some

valid reasons behind oily skin can be placed as Heredity, hormone levels, pregnancy,

birth control pills, diet, cosmetic, humidity, and hot weather. The oil on skin surface

draws dirt from surroundings towards it and allows to deposit on the skin hence

blocking the pores. This whole act ends up with acne on the skin. But, just relax as

acne treatment with various Acne Treatment Products has become quite easy.

For Oily Skin and Acne

To fight oily skin and reduce the chances of acne occurrence following activities

should be inculcated in your daily life:

Cleansers- Usage of a gentle facial cleanser twice a day for cleansing the face.

Products having benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or glycolic acid should be

preferred as this work both for fighting oily skin and acne.

Medicated Pads- Pads that are medicated with salicylic acid or glycolic acid

are much helpful in cutting oil and acne.

Blotting papers- Simply pressing the cosmetic blotting papers against face will

absorb the oil from face reducing the chances of acne.

Masks and clay- Applying masks and clay helps in cutting oil and cleansing

the pores.

