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  • 7/29/2019 Ogilvy Com to Brand


    Fom .com o .bandJuly 2011

  • 7/29/2019 Ogilvy Com to Brand


    Fom .com o .band

    Ealy nex yea, ICANN will be acceping applicaions o he ceaion o new gLDs(geneic op-Leel Domains), which will allow companies o ake owneship o bandeddomains such as .coke o .ibm, o moe geneic, bu elean domains such as .moneyo .ood. Te shi om a .com-cenic o a .band-cenic domain achiecue caies hepoenial o damaically ale he online landscape, leading o expecaions ha hundedso new gLDs will be egiseed oe he couse o he nex yea.

    Fo bands online pesence, he new domains epesen a ansomaie oppounit.Howee, o successully ake adanage o his oppounit, bands mus be saegic inhei appoach. Beoe bands een begin naigaing he complex applicaion pocess, hey

    mus s undesand exacly wha owning a gLD means o hem as well as conside anumbe o quesions such as: Should I egise my band name jus in case? o How willhis play a ole in my oeall band achiecue?

    In his pape, we will poide an oeriew o he shi owad he new gLDs. elladdess how gLDs can be egiseed and wha is means o opeae one, we ake a look ahe exciing oppouniies hey poide bands, and we show how Ogilv can help bandsmake he mos ou o he gLD shi.

  • 7/29/2019 Ogilvy Com to Brand


    New gLDs: Te Facs

    Ae yeas o lobbying om oganizaion o specic gLDs, ICANN decided o openup he make and adoped policies o he issuing o hese gLDs. ih some o heules aound he pocess o applying o a domain sill unde way, ICANN has eleased ahandbook ha deails in gea lengh wha is expeced om applicans. Tis is wha youneed o know.

    Applying o a gLD.

    How the process works

    Applicaions submied duing he s quae o 2012 will go hough a muli-sageealuaion pocess ha will appoximaely las beween nine and 20 monhs. Duing hisime, he applied-o domains will be published online, allowing he public o eiew andsubmi objecions

    CostsBands looking o puchase a gLD should anicipae he cos o he applicaion pocess.ICANNs iniial applicaion ee o new gLDs oals $185,000, ogehe wih yealydomain mainenance coss o $25,000 pe yea. Tese coss do no include a bandsinenal expendiues such as he cos o sa o adminise egisaions and ensue policycompliance, o he cos ha could aise om an aucion in case muliple paies ae ving

    o he ighs o a domain, as explained below.

    rademarksA big ea o a band migh be, ill someone egise my band name as a gLD, leaingme empt handed? Tee is howee, a pogam in place simila o hose opeaed ocuen domain name egisaions (e.g. egiseing o miigae his isk. Alis o all poposed gLDs will be published ae he applicaion peiod has nished. Anobjecion-based pocess will hen enable bands o declae ha a specic applicaion wouldininge upon hei ademaks. I he band is successul in objecing, he applicaion willno poceed.

    Vision or the gLDICANN does no plan o gie ou gLDs jus o anyone who is willing o pay he ees asmenioned aboe. In hei ision, an applican o a new gLD is no jus egiseing hadomain, bu also is applying o ceaing and opeaing a ull-on egisy business, whichsuppos ha specic domain name and he Inenes domain name sysem in geneal.Running a egisy inoles a numbe o signican esponsibiliies because he opeao oa new gLD is unning a piece o isible Inene inasucue.

  • 7/29/2019 Ogilvy Com to Brand


    ICANN expecs all new gLDs o be opeaional, which means ha companies cannoesere a domain. Tis equiemen allows o compeiion and innoaion in hemakeplace, one o he pimay goals o he new gLD saegy and ICANNs missionoeall. Applicans will be equied o poide a deailed plan o how hey ae goingo launch and opeae hei poposed gLD(s). Te ule is ha hei gLD mus be

    opeaional wihin one yea o signing a egisy ageemen wih ICANN.

    Community domain names versus open domain namesICANN makes a disincion beween communit gLDs and open gLDs. Acommunit domain addesses a clealy-dened communit ha is opeaed o he beneo a esiced populaion. In ode o qualiy o a Communit-Based gLD, he applicanmus demonsae an ongoing elaionship wih a dened communit, i mus hae appliedo a gLD sing ha is songly and specically elaed o ha communit, i mus haepoposed dedicaed egisaion and use policies o egisans, and hae is applicaionendosed by an esablished insiuion epesening he communit. Fo example, whileglobal ood conglomeaes like Unilee and P&G would be highly ineesed in claiming

    .ood, ICANN could decide o gan he gLD o he USDA, who has been an educaionalbody o eeyhing ood-elaed o oe a 100 yeas.

    Wile any company can apply o he owneship o caegoy domains such as .money,.ood, o .book., egiseing a geneic gLD like ha will mos likely esul in haing obale wih goups claiming ha ha specic gLDs should be consideed a communittpe domain. Peiously, ICANN has consisenly demonsaed a song communit bias;is chae and mission pacically equie i o do so.

    Te open gLD classifcationAny applicaion ha has no been designaed as Communit-Based will be consideedas an Open gLD. Open gLDs can be used o any pupose consisen wih applicaionand ealuaion cieia. An Open gLD may o may no hae a omal elaionship wihan exclusie egisan o use populaion. Tis would apply o companies egiseing heibands as a gLD.

    Bands ha ae aleady hinking abou his pocess hae begun o cha hei gLDnaming saegy. Accoding o a sudy by Melboune I Digial Band Serices, whichsureyed 150 oganizaions ha hae expessed an inees in applying o a new gLD,

    92% indicaed hei peeed choice would be hei coe band name: a .band. (Foexample: Canon has publicly saed hey will apply o .canon).

    Te esuls o his sudy eeal ha bands ae clealy spli in hei saegic inenions -wih 48% indicaing hei pimay inenion is o poec agains band iningemen, andanohe 45% indicaing ha hei pimay inenion is o ceae compeiie adanage ohei business.

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    Duplicate applicationsIn he een hee ae wo o moe applicaions o he same sing (he combinaion olees and chaaces ha om he gLD) o conusingly simila sings, he so-calledSing Conenion pocedues would come ino eec. Te Sing Conenion is a hee-sep pocedue ha begins wih an auomaed sysem, which will deemine whehe

    applicans hae submied duplicae o ey simila gLDs, based on algoihms. Ae ha,a panel will ake a close look a he duplicaes and decide i he sings poposed in woapplicaions ae so simila ha hey ae in diec sing conenion.

    In he nal sage o he pocedue, conenion ses mus be esoled. Tee ae a couple oways his esoluion could ake place. Fo applicaions whee a leas one o he applicansinoled is communit-based (see communit domain names as explained aboe), and hasexpessed peeence o compaaie ealuaion, he ollowing wo seps will pecede heaucion ha is he nal opion o all tpes o sing conics:

    1) Voluntary Agreement- One o he paies agees o dop hei applicaion, o paies decide

    o om a paneship. Tis paneship will no eplace he omal applican in he senseha sill only one o he paies will be ganed he ighs o he gLD in quesion. Tispat will hen be able, based on he ageemen wih he ohe pat o paies inoled, oopeae he gLD.

    2) Comparative Evaluation - Te compaaie ealuaion is an independen analysis inwhich applicans will be asked o espond o a se o addiional quesions. A panel willeiew and scoe he applicaions agains cieia like he nexus beween Poposed Singand Communit, dedicaed Regisaion Policies and communit esablishmen andendosemen.

    Ten, as he nal sep o communit based applicaions, and he s and las sep o allohes:

    3) Auction - Te gLD will be aucioned o hough an online ascending-clock tpeaucion wih successie ounds o inceasing pice backes. Tis pocess implies haapplicaions will exi successiely as he bidding leel in a ound exceeds hei especieexi bids.

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    Ae he gLD is Ganed

    Operating a gLDSo, ae eihe a saighowad pocess, o a slighly moe inense pocedue in whichohe ineesed paies wee successully baled, he gLD is ganed. As a s sep, he

    applican will need o ene ino an ageemen wih ICANN and pass some echnical essbeoe he new gLD can be se up. Te applican hen has one yea o pu eeyhingin is plan aound opeaing he domain ino place. Ta means ha boh he inenaloganizaional sucue and ceain echnical elemens like a egisy hae o be pepaedo be opeaional. Ae his peiod, and only i he applican inended o do so accodingo hei business plan, hid paies can now egise hei domain names on he new gLD.

    Registration phases and trademark protectionTee ae wo phases in which domain name egisaions ake place on he newly launchedgLD: a Sunise Phase, which is he s 30 days o when he egisaion o domain nameson he gLD in quesion will be allowed as a pe-launch, ollowed by a Landush Phase,he nex 60 days in which egisaion is open o he geneal public.

    Eey egisa ha opeaes a gLD is obligaed o hae seeal mechanisms in place hashould peen iningemen o ademak ighs duing hese phases. Tese iningemensae based on ICANNs ademak Cleainghouse, which is a eposioy o all wod maksha ae egiseed, cou-alidaed o poeced by saue o eat.

    In he Sunise Phase, noice mus be poided o all ademak holdes in ICANNsademak Cleainghouse i someone is seeking a sunise egisaion. In he LandushPhase subsequenly, ademak Claims serices mus be oeed.

    Implicaions o Bands

    Te new gLD pogam will oe bands a chance o egise band names o geneicems ae he do, which opens a wold o possibiliies.

    ih he ademak poecion mehods in place, egiseing a gLD meely o hesake o peening compeiion om snaching up ha domain won be necessay. Foighs holdes o band names ha seeal companies o oganizaions use acoss aiouscaegoies (hink Apple), i migh be woh looking ino eihe owning he gLD, o

    oming one applican in coopeaion wih ohe ineesed paies.

    Howee, some exciing oppouniies exis beyond meely copoae o band names. Inhe nex secion, we will coe a ew o hese oppouniies, as well as ou ision o owninga geneic o band gLD.

  • 7/29/2019 Ogilvy Com to Brand


    Te Oppouniies o he

    New gLDsWile hee is sill much unknown abou how uses will eac o new gLDs, we didideniy seeal oppouniies ha he inoducion o new gLDs oes boh bands andbusiness. In his secion we will highligh some o hese exciing oppouniies.

    Geneic domain names

    e oesee wo pimay ways ha a company eceies alue in owning a geneic o caegoyname. Te s is ha a company can claim band owneship o a caegoy (as Kleenex iso acial issue, Google is o seach, and aguably as app is o Apple). aking conolo an esablished caegoy in his way equies signican makeing inesmen and wonbe achieed solely hough he acquisiion and owneship o a domain.

    Te second way a company can see ROI on he puchase o a caegoy domain is whenhey license he gLD. Wile licensing could hae he poenial o eenue geneaion, iis a new business model ha would equie he domain owne o opeae in a new capacitand acquie new capabiliies ha could poenially open up he oganizaion o isk.

    Band ocused domain namesTe true .brandAcquiing a banded domain name (like .coca-cola) has many poenial benes and is hepimay eason so many bands ae excied abou his moe by ICANN. Fo all bands,he inoducion o he gLD allows o ully banded URLs and opens he doo o moememoable websies, campaigns, and social media applicaions. A banded gLD wouldie ogehe aious elemens o he band achiecue beauiully.

    Linking product with masterbrandFo bands like Unilee, Coca-Cola, Nesl, and DuPon, which hae a numbe o sub-

    bands liing unde he umbella o a maseband, he challenge o linking mase andsub band ogehe in he minds o consumes is oen a dicul one. Wile masebandstpically aemp o einoce he sub-band/maseband associaion wih V end ags,pin ads, and poduc packaging, he associaion is oen oelooked. gLDs can help osole his poblem. Tose masebands, which enue o puchase a .band gLD, gainhe oppounit o ceae a diec link beween hemseles and hei sub-bands by caingsub-band URLs ha eaue he sub-band.maseband oma. By inegaing hese

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    sub-band.maseband URLs ino all elemens o a bands communicaions maix andmaking he sub-band.maseband URL he sub-bands digial home, he associaionbeween he wo bands becomes songe. Fo bands wih a suie o complimenaypoducs ha ae no oen associaed wih one anohe in he minds o consumes, hisbanding can be a paiculaly aacie opion. Fo example, Nesl would gain he

    abilit o ca URLs such as calioniapizzakichen.nesl, hagen-dazs.nesl, leancuisine.nesl, soues.nesl, and wonka.nesl, which unie sub-bands wih one anohe ia amaseband. Fo bands like Nesl, whose epuaion o oeing qualit poducs is oenan impeus o puchase in boh domesic and inenaional makes, his associaion cananslae ino signican ROI as a close sub-band/maseband associaion will likelyanslae ino inceased sales.

    gLDs can senghen he link beween sub-bands and masebands no only oadiional manuacues, bu also acoss ohe caegoies such as he eneainmen seco.Fo example, lm sudios can incease maseband awaeness and nooiet by egiseinghei indiidual lms in he sub-band.maseband oma. Fo a band like Paamoun,

    ceaing URLs such as hegodahe.paamoun, iloeyouman.paamoun, and uegi.paamoun, leeage he band equit inheen in he Paamoun band, as well as heequit o is pas wok (such as Te Godahe), o bolse he saue o new eleases (i.e.,likecazy.paamoun, missionimpossibleghospoocol.paamoun, ec...).

    Creating a brand platormFo bands ha hae inesed a gea deal in ceaing a global band plaom ohemseles, a plaom-cenic gLD could poe o be a signican amplie o heibanding and makeing eos. A band like Coca-Cola, whose global band plaom,Open Happiness, is ubiquiously associaed wih is agship Coke band, could beneom egiseing a .happiness gLD. Fo Coca-Cola, a company ha is as much inesedin band sewadship as i is in he manuacuing o is poducs, his gLD pesensan oppounit o uly own he concep o happiness in he digial space. Owning hisunique gLD, would allow Coca-Cola o leeage is plaom acoss is suie o sub-bands.

    Accoding o he bands achiecue, hese sub-bands (including Die Coke, Coke Zeo,Fana, Dasani, ec.) ae designed o lie beneah he umbella o he Open Happinessplaom and URLs such as diecoke.happiness, cokezeo.happiness, ana.happiness, anddasani.happiness could sere o einoce ha concep.

    Addiionally, egiseing unique plaom-cenic gLDs allows a company like Coca-Colao care ou a niche o he wold o happiness digially. Tis enables Coca-Cola o ceae

    unique and immesie happiness-cenic digial expeiences wihin is wold o happiness.

    Reinorcing a retailer/reseller RelationshipIn much he same way ha gLDs oe he poenial o bands o einoce hemaseband/sub-band connecion, gLDs can also einoce he connecion beweeneailes, eselles, and a band. Bands such as DuPon, which oen inegae esellesino hei alue chains can uilize unique URLs o manage ha elaionship. Poidinga eselle wih space wihin a bands URL [e.g., eselle.DuPon] can sere as an asse ohe eselle as he band exends he band halo o he eselle, ceaing a close associaionbeween he eselle and he band in he minds o he consume.

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    Similaly, gLDs poide eailes wih he oppounit o cusomize hei local andegional soe sies. o delie conen elean o a geogaphical audience, bands such asGap can ceae URLs such as,, and o gieeach soe a iual locaion ha coesponds wih is physical locaion.

    Shorter URLsAs conen shaing, micoblogging, and mobile polieae in he digial space, he alue oshoe URLs is becoming inceasingly clea. Te widespead adopion o URL shoeningserices like has sered o demonsae his ac. As digial uses coninue o look o

    ways o make hei bowsing and linking expeience moe seamlined, he aea o URLshoening becomes one in which gLDs can oe an adanage o bands.

    A gLD can enable bands o economize hei URLs while also haing hem cay abanded appeaance. As a esul, ahe han using a URL such as hp://, DuPon could hae is URL look likehp://yek.DuPon/uses.

    Addiionally, gLDs allow o bands o bypass he need o ely on a hid-pat URLshoene like Tis can be an adanage as i aoids he isk o haing o poeniallypay o serice om a hid-pat endo. Besides ha, any hid pat shoene can decideo change o an ad suppoed business model a any ime, leaing a band wih counlesslinks disibued hough aious online and ofine channels ha now all o a suddeneaue adeising. In a wos-case scenaio, a endo like could decide o delee allpeiously published links ha haen been isied oe a gien peiod o ime.

    Cusome ocused domain names

    Personalized User PagesA poenially beakhough use o gLDs could be he way in which bands leeage hemo indiidual cusome accouns. Bands ha oe use serices ia online poals hae heoppounit o cusomize he cusome expeience o an unpecedened degee by oeingpesonalized URLs. aking he om o somehing like jusin.neix, mike.wc, o yan.

    wellsago, he cusom URL could be adjused o become each uses indiidual poal ohe digial pesence o he band.

    So, insead o isiing o log ino a cusomized poal each ime a cusomeRyan Smih, wans o check his balance o engage in online banking, Ryan could isi

    yanbanke.wellsago and immediaely be immesed in a pesonalized expeience. Wilehe will likely hae o ene a usename and passwod o access he condenial inomaionon his page, he cusomized ells Fago page could be ailoed o Ryans unique needsand could cae o hem om he momen he aies on he sie. Fo example, Ryan maybe a ecen college gad, meaning ha his banking needs die signicanly om hose osomeone his ahes age. Wen he logs ono yansmih.wellsago, he may immediaelybe geeed wih conen ceneed aound consolidaing suden loans wih ells Fago, ocould be pomped o open a new saings accoun wih he bank, pesumably as a placeo him o keep a poion o his newly-eaned income. By conas his ahe, John, maylog ino a similaly pesonalized page ( johnsmih.wellsago) and eceie conen ceneedaound mogage enancing.

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    By cusomizing he use expeience and uning each uses page ino a unique expeienceo isiing a bands sie, gLDs can die cusomes ino deepe leels o engagemen

    wih bands. Tis engagemen can incease anit, ease o use, cusome serice ecacy,and een sales o bands leeaging cusomized gLDs.

    Security beneftsgLDs oe an oppounit o bands o limi secuit isks posed by scams based onaudulen .com ideniies. .com-based URLs ae subjec o isk as hey ae aailable ogeneal puchase, meaning ha essenially anyone wih a cedi cad can own hem. Tisceaes isk as .com URLs wih close spellings o band name URLs can be puchased andpu o audulen use, anishing a bands epuaion. By conas, a band-owned gLDcan aoid his isk because any page caying a .band URL allows a band o ully conola gLD, building i ino a used newok/plaom. Tis appoach could be paiculalyuseul o nancial insiuions like Ameican Expess o D Ameiade because i oesa high degee o assuance o he consume, especially o hose isiing he pesonalizedsecion o a bands sie (such as yansmih.wellsago) as he high cos o eny and lage

    degee o conol eaued on hese pages make hem a less likely icims o aud.

    racking Codes/Customer ServiceBands wihin he logisics and ael indusies ace a unique oppounit o change heway hey do business by uning hei acking codes ino pesonalized URLs. Rahe hanpomping cusomes o ene a acking code hough a poal wihin is sie, a companylike UPS, o example, could poide is cusomes wih a unique URL, which allowshem o check on he saus o hei package wih lile eo (ie: Easilyaccessible om any inene-enabled deice, his unique acking URL allows cusomes ohae access o hei packages locaion a anyime. ael bands ace a simila oppounit.Bands like Biish Aiways could deploy unique, banded URLs, such as igh398.biishaiways o allow cusomes o ack ighs in eal ime.


    Sponsoring Charitable GLDsgLDs oe a signican oppounit o non-po oganizaions and iniiaieso collaboae wih one anohe wihin a cenal online plaom. A gLD such as.cuecance, .ameicanhea, o .edcoss has he poenial o bene elean non-pooganizaions boh in ems o hei bands and in ems o hei uncionalit. Howee,he cos o applying o, winning, and opeaing a gLD can be pohibiiely high o

    hese oganizaions. As a esul, an oppounit aises o bands wih a commimen ocopoae social esponsibilit o sep in and lend a hand. Bands who ake an acie olein sponsoing and aciliaing he mainenance o hese chaiable gLDs could enjoy hehalo eec o hei associaion wih he cause.

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    Rewarding Customers (ultimate badge)One o he moe innoaie ways ha bands can leeage gLDs is in he ealm oewading cusomes. Many bands opeae loyalt pogams ia hei cuen .comLDs and naually, any band migaing o a gLD would be wise o migae is loyaltpogam as well (like Ameican Expess Membeship Rewads). Addiionally, along wih

    he oppounit o pesonalize poions o a bands websie, pesonalized loyalt pogampages should play a ole in any bands gLD.

    Anohe exciing oppounit o bands o ake adanage o a gLD-based loyaltpogam is by collaboaing on a unique gLD ha oes membeship (and ewads) oonly he mos loyal cusomes. In much he same way ha he Ameican Expess BlackCad has become a symbol o elie saus, a unique ewads gLD could become he saussymbol o cusomes who each a ceain heshold o loyalt. A suggesed gLD couldake he om o .ip and could oe membes a unique poal only i hey each he uppeie o a gien bands loyalt pogam. A .ip gLD could be opeaed by a consoium ocomplemenay bands (ie: Ameican Expess, Biish Aiways, Shangi-La Hoels, ec...)

    who oe hei mos loyal cusomes a suie o ewads and serices ia a pesonalized .ippage (ie: johnsmih.ip). Simila o a iual VIP lounge, each iniees pesonalized .ip siecould be ailoed o he unique ases and needs. Once a loyal cusome has been oeed apesonalized .ip sie, i would emain aailable o he o he es o he lie.

    Implicaions o Bands

    By aleing he oma o LDs and enabling bands o own a unique gLD, a myiad ooppouniies aise. Owning a .band can make a wold o dieence in he way bandscommunicae hei online popeies, bu can also ceae new iual wolds in which

    hey ie poducs close o a maseband, o einoce he elaionship wih eselles andeailes.Cosumes can be sered moe inuiie serice plaoms wih he secuit benes hacome wih he equiemens ha ICANN places on applicans in ems o nancial meansand isions aound opeaing a gLD. Finally, collaboaions o opeae one gLD inconjuncion wih ohe paies opens he doo o new, boadly suppoed online pogams.

    Waee he mos ap oppounit o a band migh, he new gLD pogam epesensa signican inesmen, boh nancially and in inenal and exenal esouces.Undesanding jus wha ole a gLD can play in a bands oeall makeing saegybecomes an impeaie.

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    How Ogilv can help

    Fo bands consideing applying o a cusomized domain, undesanding hecommunicaions implicaions, he poenial eecs on you band, and he ways in whicha gLD can gow you business will help you make a go/no go decision. And, Ogilv ishee o be a pane o bands as hey naigae his new domain onie. e can lend heinsigh ha will allow bands o ully maximize hei domain poenial.

    Te Ogilv gLD Saegy

    Ogilv can leeage ou boad ange o expeise acoss he dieen disciplines o delie

    you a ull on saegy, in which we lay ou clien and band-specic ecommendaionson how o leeage he oppouniies om he new gLD oeing. Te gLD saegydocumen addesses hee aeas: Oppounit Analysis; gLD Naming Achiecue andEcosysem; and Band Impac Ealuaion.

    Opportunity Analysiso deemine whehe a gLD poides an oppounit o a band, we will look a hebusiness oppounit wihin he conex o he landscape. e will look a how any changesegading gLDs will help o uhe he esablished business goals o he band. A scano he compeiie se will ceae an undesanding o he landscape, which is an impoanpiece in deemining whehe an oensie o deensie saegy is he bes appoach.

    e will hen ocus on esablishing he whiespace. Te oucome will help deeminewhehe a banded gLD, a geneic gLD, o boh is he bes way o moe owadand whehe a communit-based gLD makes sense o no. By undesanding heoppouniies down each pah, a band will be in a bee posiion o ake adanage ohei gLD.

    gLD Naming Architecture and EcosystemIn ode o ensue ha he newly dened oppounit woks wih exising online popeiesand communicaions, we will deemine how he gLD naming can be used o suppoband messaging, conen, cuen o uue campaigns, and exising o poenially new

    online popeies.

    Oulining he gLD ecosysem will shed ligh on how cusomes will ineac wih he newnaming sucue acoss online popeies and how any new asses would wok wihin hebands oeall online saegy.

  • 7/29/2019 Ogilvy Com to Brand


    Brand Impact EvaluationAlhough iniial coss o implemen can be a baie, we beliee ha a gLD may poe obe a wohy inesmen. o deemine his, we leeage a se o ools ha can deemine

    wha he poenial impac o he domain on he band could be.

    Tough his pocess, we will help bands gain insigh ino he exciing oppouniies hamigh be ou hee o hem wih he launch o his new gLD pogam. e beliee in newechnologies and deelopmens in he online makeplace as a pa o gounded saegyand ae excied o help you ake adanage o his oppounit.

  • 7/29/2019 Ogilvy Com to Brand



    Wa is ICANN?Te Inene Copoaion o Assigned Names and Numbes is he no-o-po publiccopoaion ha manages he echnical coodinaion o he Domain Name Sysem oensue ha he Inene opeaes as a sable, ineopeable and global newok.

    Wa ae domain names?As compues conneced o he inene ae ecognized by hei IP addesses (kind o likephone numbes), a sysem was needed o make i easie o people o connec o hosecompues wihou he need o emembeing he IP numbe, which migh look like216.27.61.137. Tus, a sysem was se up ha links easy o emembe domain names, like, o hose IP numbes.

    Wa ae LDs?op-Leel Domains (LDs) ae he names a he op o he DNS naming hieachy. Teyappea in domain names as he sing o lees ollowing he las (ighmos) ., such as

    ne in

    Wa ae he aious tpes o LDs?Geneic LDs: Known as gLDs, hese domains ae hee o moe chaaces in lengh.Some gLDs hae been ceaed o a specic communit such as .EDU (o he educaioncommunit), .ORG (o he non-po/associaion communit), and .COM. (o hepiae seco). Ohe gLDs such as .INFO, .PRO and .BIZ can be used by any pesono oganizaion. A complee lis o exising gLDs is aailable a hp://www.iana.og/gld/

    Couny-Code LDs: Known as ccLDs, hese ae he wo-chaace codes esablishedo oe 240 counies and eioies (o example, .US, .AU, .FR). Each couny has heauonomy o adminise hei ccLD as hey see . Fo example, in he Unied Saes,businesses, consumes and he goenmen can all buy .US domain names. In hecouny o ualu, hei ccLD, .V is sold o mainly o commecial puposes andis no used as o ideniy he counys domain names. A lising o exising ccLDs is

    aailable a hp://www.iana.og/oo-whois/index.hml.

    How ae LDs managed and disibued?Te esponsibilit o opeaing each gLD (including mainaining a egisy o hedomain names wihin he gLD) is delegaed o a paicula oganizaion. Teseoganizaions ae eeed o as egisy opeaos o sponsos. Fo example, VeiSign ishe egisy o he gLD .COM. DNS businesses such as o GoDaddy.comae egisa companies, which buy domain names om a egisy like VeiSign and e-sellhem o consumes.