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northwest missouri state university

transfer northwest

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transcript and ACT or SAT scores sent to Northwest.

transFerrinG CreDitNorthwest will accept transfer credit from a regionally accredited institution on the following conditions:

1. The course is not developmental or remedial in nature

2. The course is not designed for vocational/technical credit (unless pursuing a Bachelor of Technology degree; see “All in the Details”)

Not all courses will have direct equivalents so they may be transferred as elective credit. For more information go to ions/transfer/equivalencies.htm and click on Articulation Agreements.

assoCiate DeGreesAn Associate of Arts degree from a regionally accredited institution will waive Northwest’s general education requirements. Other associate degrees will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Ask the Office of Admissions if your situation is applicable.

transfer of lower-division credits beyond the two-year degree

Students may choose to continue course work at a two-year school after they have completed a two-year degree and/or 64 credit hours of lower-division credit. These additional lower-division requirements may be used to meet the lower-division prerequisites and/or lower-division graduation requirements established by a baccalaureate institution.

transferring to northwest Missouri state University is a simple process. Listed below are the basics you need to know about transferring to northwest.

GettinG aCCePteDFor admission acceptance, you must have a minimum 2.00 cumulative transfer GPA. If your GPA is lower, your application may be reviewed for probationary admission. Beyond demonstrated academic competence, we may look for other qualities such as motivation, strong academic potential, dedication to learning, integrity and leadership. Ask the Office of Admissions for details.

GPaNorthwest operates on a flat 4.00 scale – no pluses or minuses. Therefore, if you’re transferring from an institution that uses pluses and minuses, your GPA could be different here. Once you are a student at Northwest, grades from your previous institution will be factored into your cumulative GPA.

Freshman transFersIf you have fewer than 24 credit hours to transfer, your application will be considered based on your high school and college academic records. You will need to have your high school

make the transition

If you are transferring without an Associate of Arts degree, your transcript will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis.

GeneraL eDuCation BLoCkNorthwest will accept in transfer a successfully completed 42 semester-hour block of general education courses taken at a public institution of higher education in the state of Missouri to waive your general education requirements. These courses need to be designated by the sending institution as fulfilling the requirements of the statewide goals associated with specific skill and knowledge areas. Go to gened0810.pdf to check out Northwest’s general education requirements.

DireCteD Gen eDsCertain degree programs (education and business for example) may have special requirements that cause exceptions to general transfer policies. Check with the Office of Admissions regarding your situation.

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1. Complete the application for admission and submit it to the Office of Admissions. To obtain an application, call the Office of Admissions at (800) 633-1175 or apply online at There is no application fee if you apply online. Those who apply by paper must send a $25 application fee, which is refunded after you enroll.

2. Have official transcripts sent from all other colleges and universities you have attended. In addition, if you are currently enrolled at a college or university, please request that a final transcript be sent at the completion of the semester or quarter.

Although there is no specific deadline for application, it’s best to apply early, make living arrangements, apply for financial aid and sign up to attend transfer Preregistration and orientation. Financial aid is applied on a first-come, first-serve basis beginning in January for students entering in the fall. In addition, fall applicants will find that scholarship deadlines are in the spring, and you must have applied and been accepted to the university before qualifying for scholarships. Below are the required steps to apply for admission to northwest as a transfer student.

3. Check to see that you have a minimum 2.00 or “C” grade-point average. You must have this to transfer. If not, you may be reviewed for probationary status. If you transfer with fewer than 24 credit hours, you also will need to supply a high school transcript and ACT or SAT scores for evaluation.

4. If you are an education major, you must have your ACT or SAT scores sent to Northwest to be eligible for certification and admission to the professional teacher education program.

5. Visit the transfer Web page — — click on Transferring Credit to Northwest for a list of articulation

steP By step

Even if you’re a year away from transferring, contact Northwest now to learn more about how

your credits will transfer and get information about your intended major.

(800) 633-1175 or [email protected]

agreements with two-year schools. A Course Equivalency tool also is available to see which classes transfer to Northwest. If your school or the information you need is not available, call us at (800) 633-1175.

6. Once the admission decision has been made and you have been accepted, make sure you have your financial aid transcripts sent from the college or university you attend.

7. Read all correspondence from Northwest. Information to follow will include residential life, transfer orientation, registration, fees and scholarships.

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ConFiDent. resourCeFuL. orGanizeD. Driven.

Derek eDmonDsLexington, MissouriBusiness ManagementNorth Central Missouri College

CarL staFForDSt. Louis, MissouriTheatreSt. Louis Community College – Forest Park

exPerienCe sUccess“Northwest felt like home to me. I really liked the teaching program with the Horace Mann Laboratory School on campus, which I felt would prepare me the best to be an educator. Out of all of the schools I considered, Northwest was the most dedicated to helping me, and my credits transferred 100 percent. I am glad I made the switch to Northwest. I feel like my advisors and teachers are here to help me, which I really appreciate.”

raChaeL CoLemanSmithville, Missouri

Elementary EducationMaple Woods Community College








JennIFer PollArdWoodburn, IowaAgricultural BusinessSouthwestern Community College

Page 6: Northwest Missouri State University Transfer 0910

artiCuLation aGreementsNorthwest has several articulation agreements with other colleges which define how courses will transfer. Visit Northwest’s Web site to view a list at

PrereGistration anD orientationA preregistration and orientation program has been designed specifically for transfer students prior to the start of all sessions. You will have the opportunity to meet with an advisor, register and become acquainted with Northwest. You will receive an invitation in the mail and must sign up to attend. If you are unable to attend the scheduled registration dates, you will register for classes during General Registration just prior to the start of the trimester.

housinGAs a transfer student, you have options for living arrangements. Residence halls offer a chance to get to know your classmates. Tower Suites, Forest Village Apartments and South Complex have been designated upperclassman, co-ed living facilities. There also are transfer floors in the high rise residence halls. Programming is directed toward the needs of older students. Residence halls are air-conditioned and give residents easy access to outdoor basketball courts, tennis courts and intramural fields. Off-campus housing also is available in Maryville. Check the Web site at for a partial listing of off-campus housing options.

textBooks anD LaPtoPsNorthwest provides all primary textbooks for your classes, which saves students an average of $900 a year. Northwest also provides laptop computers to all full-time students.

DireCteD Gen eDsSome majors require specific general education requirements. For example, an education major must complete Educational Psychology as a general education requirement as opposed to General Psychology. If you already know your major, it is a good idea to check with Northwest to find out if your major has any specific general education requirements you can fulfill at your current institution.

aLL in the detaiLs

Page 7: Northwest Missouri State University Transfer 0910

aP anD CLeP examinationsNorthwest uses the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Tests and the College Level Examinations Program (CLEP) examinations. The CLEP may be taken on the Northwest campus or other institutional testing center. Students may not receive credit for any of these exams in subject areas already enrolled in at the college level or in which college credit has already been granted. In order to receive credit, students must supply the Office of Admissions with original score reports from the testing agency and meet minimum score standards as listed in the Northwest catalog.

CorresPonDenCe stuDyNorthwest Missouri State University does not offer correspondence courses. However, college-level courses taken by correspondence from accredited institutions are acceptable for transfer

at the undergraduate level. Northwest offers online courses, which students find convenient if they need more flexibility.

BaCheLor oF teChnoLoGyThis degree is designed for students who have completed a one- or two-year vocational or technical program, such as an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree, but have now set their sights on a bachelor’s degree. The curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Technology degree is individually developed for each candidate and provides for the transfer of non-college-parallel vocational or technical coursework from a regionally accredited college. Most students in this program have majors in agriculture, business or family and consumer sciences, but there are many options. Contact the Office of Admissions for more details.

onLine DeGree ComPLetion ProGrams

The Bachelor of Science in Business Management can be completed online through Northwest or through a combination of online and traditional campus-based classes. Northwest has entered into several articulation agreements with community colleges in Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska and Oklahoma to clarify transfer policies and procedures that assure articulation between programs. The institutions involved seek to assist students in making a seamless transfer from the associate degree to the baccalaureate degree. Northwest accepts up to 84 credit hours in transfer for these online degrees. Visit Northwest Online at or call (800) 633-1175.

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n Completed 24 Northwest credit hours n 3.00 Northwest cumulative GPAn Non-Missouri resident

n Indicate Phi Theta Kappa membership on Admission application

n 3.50 cumulative GPA in transfer n 24 transferable credit hours

completed by time of application n First-time student at Northwest n Accepted for admission by May 1n See Disclaimers, on the right

n At least 24 transferable credit hours: must have cumulative GPA of 3.00

n If less than 24 completed hours, must have Admissions Index of 140 or above and be a regular admit

n Resident of Nebraska, Kansas, North Dakota, Michigan, Minnesota or Wisconsin

n First-time student at Northwest

n At least 24 transferable credit hours: must have cumulative GPA of 3.00 and at least a 2.0 transfer GPA

n If less than 24 completed hours, must have Admissions Index of 140 or above and be a regular admit

n Non-resident of states other than Nebraska, Kansas, North Dakota, Michigan, Minnesota or Wisconsin

n First-time student at Northwest

n 24 transferable credit hours n 3.00 cumulative GPA n First-time student at Northwest

n 24 transferable credit hours completed by time of application

n 3.00 cumulative GPA in transfern First-time student at Northwest

transFer merit

Phi theta kaPPa sChoLarshiP

miDwest stuDent exChanGe ProGram

out-oF-state awarD

non-resiDent awarD

CuLturaL enriChment sChoLarshiP*

*Eligibility: AmEricAN iNdiAN/AlAskAN NAtivE, AsiAN, blAck/AfricAN AmEricAN, hispANic/lAtiNo, or pAcific islANdEr/NAtivE hAwAiiAN, U.s. citizEN or A grAdUAtE from EligiblE high schools oN oUr wEb sitE listiNg. stUdENts mUst pArticipAtE iN thE morE mENtoriNg progrAm. for fUrthEr iNformAtioN, rEfErENcE thE “bE yoUrsElf” brochUrE or coNtAct thE iic officE At (660) 562-1367.

n 42 transferable credit hours completed by application deadline

n 3.50 cumulative GPA in transfern Accepted for admission by

May 1-fall award, Nov. 1-spring awardn See Disclaimers, on the right

n 24 transferable credit hours completed by time of application

n 3.50 cumulative GPA in transfer n First-time student at Northwest

n 24 transferable credit hours completed by time of application

n 3.30 cumulative GPA in transfern First-time student at Northwest

n $1,000

n Estimate: $4,722 (100% waiver of out-of-state fees composed of 50% MSEP or Out-of-State Award and 50% Non-Resident Award)

n Estimate: $2,361 (50% reduction in difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition)

n $500n Limited number awarded n Notification to student by May 20n Copy of Phi Theta Kappa certificate

of membership required with acceptance form

n Estimate: $2,361 (50% reduction in difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition)


n $500

n $5,000 n Competitive; minimum of six

awarded (Four awards in fall and two awards in spring)

n Notification to student by May 20 for fall award

n $1,500

n $2,500

n $5,000 n Competitive n Maximum of two awards

n 3.00 Northwest cumulative GPA and completion of 24 credit hours per year

n Maximum award: six trimesters within consecutive academic years

n 3.00 Northwest cumulative GPA and completion of 24 credit hours per year

n Maximum award: 132 total credit hours earned (including transfer hours)

n 3.00 Northwest GPA and completion of 24 credit hours per academic year

n Maximum award: 132 total credit hours earned (including transfer hours)

n Non-renewable

n 3.00 Northwest GPA and completion of 24 credit hours per academic year

n Maximum award: 132 total credit hours earned (including transfer hours)

n Renews to the University Scholar Program with completion of 24 credit hours per academic year and a Northwest cumulative GPA of 3.30

n Maximum award: two consecutive trimesters of Transfer Merit and 6 trimesters of University Scholar.

n Minimum 3.50 Northwest cumulative GPA and completion of 24 credit hours per academic year

n Maximum award: six trimesters within consecutive academic years

n Minimum 3.30 Northwest cumulative GPA and completion of 24 credit hours per academic year

n Maximum award: six trimesters within consecutive academic years

n Minimum 3.50 Northwest cumulative GPA and completion of 24 credit hours per academic year

n Maximum award: six trimesters within consecutive academic years

n Minimum 3.50 Northwest cumulative GPA and completion of 24 credit hours per academic year

n Maximum award: six trimesters within consecutive academic terms

n 42 transferable credit hours completed by application deadline

n 3.50 cumulative GPA in transfern Accepted for admission and proof of

membership received by April 1n See Disclaimers, on the right

inDex & requirements awarD amount renewaL requirements

Program in effect for students entering northwest for the first time in fall 2009.

PresIdent’s scholArshIP

aLL-ameriCan aCaDemiC team

transFer DistinGuisheD sChoLarshiP

transFer aCaDemiC sChoLarshiP

money matters

Page 9: Northwest Missouri State University Transfer 0910

aLthouGh there is no AdmIssIons deAdlIne, Certain automatiC sChoLarshiPs require that you Be aCCePteD For aDmission By sPecIFIc dAtes. Also, APPlyIng eArly meAns you’ll hAve A Better seLeCtion oF Courses when It’s tIme to regIster.

This is just a partial listing of admission-based scholarships for transfer students. For other University scholarships and private awards, visit


n The Transfer President’s Scholarship and All-American Academic Team awards will supersede the Transfer Academic Scholarship, Transfer Distinguished Scholarship or Transfer Merit.

n Undergraduate scholarships are restricted for use during a student’s first undergraduate program.

n All scholarship recipients must be enrolled full-time (12 hours per trimester) to receive University scholarships.

n Students must be accepted for admission before their scholarship application is considered.

n Transferable credit hours do not include AP, CLEP, military or other non-graded credit hours.

n Renewal requirements must be met within the academic year sequence (fall, spring and/or summer) in order to maintain continuous award of the scholarship.

n Transfer Phi Theta Kappa scholarships are only available to students beginning in the fall trimester.

n Northwest’s scholarship programs are subject to change from year to year based on funding levels and University priorities. While Northwest will attempt to honor renewal programs based on the student’s year of admission, the University cannot always guarantee this.

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DiD you know?n more than 50 percent of Northwest students participate in an

internship during their undergraduate program.

n within six months of graduation, 98.2 percent of Northwest students find employment or continue their education.

n According to the national Noel-levitz survey, Northwest students are more satisfied with their education than the national average.

n the National Association of colleges, Universities and business Offices recognized Northwest for our outstanding academic programs.

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unDerGraDuate mAJorsto vIew the northwest AcAdemIc cAtAlog onlIne, vIsIt, choose AcAdemIcs, And clIck on cAtAlog.

teaCUndecidedUndecided — online onlyAdvertisingAgricultural BusinessAgricultural EconomicsAgricultural ScienceAgronomyAnimal ScienceAnimal Science (Pre-Vet)Applied AdvertisingArt (also B.F.A.)Biology: BotanyBiology: Cellular-Molecular Biology: EcologyBiology: Environmental ScienceBiology: General BiologyBiology: Marine BiologyBiology: PsychologyBiology: ZoologyBroadcastingBusiness: Accounting–Private Industry Accounting–Public Business Economics Business Management Finance: Corporate Finance Finance: Financial Computing Finance: Financial Mgmt Finance: Financial Services International Business Management Info. Systems Marketing Office Information Systems: Interactive Digital Media ManagementChemistry ACSChemistryChild and Family StudiesClinical Laboratory SciencesComputer ScienceEconomicsEnglishFoods and Nutrition: DieteticsFoods and Nutrition: Restaurant and Food Service Mgmt.Geographic Info. Science: Civic/Public Data and Technology Earth Technology GeographicGeographyGeology: EnvironmentalGeology: GeneralHistoryHorticultureHumanitiesIndustrial Psychology

Interactive Digital Media: Comp. Science Concentration New Media Concentration Visual Imaging ConcentrationJournalismMathematicsMerchandising of Textiles, Apparel and FurnishingsMusicNanoscale Science: Biology Chemistry PhysicsOrganizational CommunicationPhilosophyPhysicsPolitical SciencePre-Professional Zoology+

PsychologyPsychology/SociologyPublic AdministrationPublic RelationsRecreation: Corporate Rec./Wellness Rec. & Park Management Therapeutic RecreationSociologySociology: Social ControlSociology: Social FoundationsSpanishSpeech CommunicationStatistics: Actuarial ScienceStatistics: Applied MathematicsTheatreTheatre: PerformanceTheatre: Technical and DesignWildlife Ecology & Conservation

tea CAgricultural EducationArt EducationBiology EducationBusiness EducationChemistry EducationElementary EducationEnglishEnglish EducationFamily and Consumer Sciences EducationInstrumental Music Education: Non-Piano PianoMathematics EducationMiddle SchoolPhysical EducationPhysics EducationSocial ScienceSpanishSpecial Ed.: Cross Categorical

Speech/Theatre EducationUnified Science: Biology Chemistry Earth Science PhysicsVocal Music: PianoVocal Music: Voice

P rPre-Chiropractic+

Pre-Dental HygienePre-Dentistry+


Pre-Mortuary SciencePre-Nursing+

Pre-Occupational TherapyPre-OptometryPre-Osteopathic & Allopathic TherapyPre-Pharmacy+

Pre-Physical Therapy+

Pre-PodiatryPre-RadiologyPre-Respiratory TherapyPre-Speech PathologyPre-Veterinary Medicine

2-y e PFarm OperationInformation SystemsMedical Administrative AssistantOffice Systems

teaCAdmin. of Child Care ProgramsAdvertisingAgricultural ScienceAgronomyAnimal ScienceArtBiochemistryBiologyBroadcastingChemistryCoachingCommercial AgricultureCommunication: Public Relations Organizational Comm. Speech CommunicationComprehensive Crisis Response

Computer ApplicationsComputer NetworkingComputer ScienceCriminal JusticeDanceDatabase ManagementDeaf StudiesEconomicsEconomic DevelopmentEnglishEnglish: WritingEnvironmental ScienceFamily Life and Resource Mgmt.Food ServiceGeneral BusinessGeographic Information ScienceGeographyGeologyGerontologyHistoryHorticultureHumanitiesInteractive Digital MediaInternational StudiesJournalismMarketing and Cooperative EducationMathematical SciencesMilitary ScienceMusicNutritionPhilosophyPhysicsPolitical SciencePrecision AgriculturePsychologyPublic AdministrationPublic HistoryRecreationSociologyStatisticsSystems ManagementTheatreVisual Journalism

tea CArt ElementaryBiologyBusinessChemistryEarly ChildhoodEarth ScienceEnglishHealthMathematicsMiddle School SciencePhysicsSpanishSpeech/Theatre

+program falls under Pre-Professional Zoologyed = certifiable teacher education minor


two-year CertiFiCate ProGrams

teaChinG/eDuCation mAJors - B.s. ed

Pre-ProFessionaL ProGrams

mAJors - B.A., B.s.

teaChinG/eDuCation minors

Page 12: Northwest Missouri State University Transfer 0910

n The first comprehensive Electronic Campus, with a high-speed networked laptop computer provided to each full-time student

n Campus is designated the Missouri Arboretum

n International Plaza on campus flies flags representing countries of Northwest international students

northwest quaLityn Founded in 1905 with a recognized

tradition of quality educationn Winner of Missouri Quality Award,

1997, 2001, 2005 and 2008n On a nationwide norm student

satisfaction survey, Northwest juniors ranked our campus the highest in safety and security compared to our peer group

n Nationally recognized for recycling efforts and alternative fuel usage

aBout northwestvitaL statistiCsn Enrollment: 6,900n Located in Maryville, Mo., a

community of 11,000, county seat of Nodaway County (90 miles north of Kansas City, 100 miles south of Omaha)

n Colors: Forest Green and Whiten Northwest is a state-assisted,

four-year regional universityn President: Dr. Dean L. Hubbardn Operates on a trimester calendar

By the numBersn 98.2% of undergraduates and 96.6%

of graduate students find employment or continue their education six months after graduation

n 80% of students receive some financial aid

n 247 full-time facultyn Nearly 70% of our professors have the

highest degree in their fieldn More than 2,400 additional computing

stations across campus

n About 180 student organizationsn 10 social fraternities, 8 social sororitiesn Alumni base: 42,031n About 85% of thermal energy needs

on campus are provided by alternative fuels

on the FieLDn Mascot: Bobby Bearcatn Varsity athletics: Men: football,

basketball, baseball, track and field, cross country, tennis; Women: basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer, track and field, cross country, tennis, golf

n NCAA Division II National Football Champions in 1998 and 1999

n Men’s and women’s basketball MIAA tournament champions, 2003, 2008

n Athletic affiliations: National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II; Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association, for men and women

Northwest Missouri State University800 University DriveMaryville, MO 64468-6001

Office of Admissions1.800.633.1175660.562.1148fax 660.562.1821e-mail [email protected]

1.800.633.1175Orientation and Transfer Affairs660.562.1951e-mail [email protected]

Advisement Assistance and Resource Office660.562.1695e-mail [email protected]
