
Digital Development Manager City of Malmö

Jesper Bylund

Twitter: @jesperby Blog:

Nine guiding principles

More about our guiding principles:

Top-downStarting page (we)

All business units (transit)

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Page about something

Left hand nav (transit)

Business unit A

Starts here...

...but wants to get here

”For everyone” = not for anyone

Greater recognition factor

Support for the work


Guiding principle #1

Top-downStarting page (we)

All business units (transit)

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Page about something

Left hand nav (transit)

Business unit AANNA!


Guiding principle #1

Starting page (we)

All business units (transit)

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Page about something

Left hand nav (transit)

Business unit AANNA!


Bottom-upGuiding principle #1

Starting page (we)

All business units (transit)

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Page about something

Left hand nav (transit)

Business unit AANNA!


Give Anna whatshe wants...

...without losing these perspectives!

Bottom-upGuiding principle #1

More than news

Internal efficiency

Internal communication

Electronic staff bulletin

Guiding principle #2

Four types of content

Knowing what applies in the organization

!”How it works

every day”

The intranet as a tool time reducer !”Doing things on the intranet”

The intranet as a tool for work !”Contribute yourself”

Get to know about changes

!”What is

different today”

Guiding principle #3

Iterations vs. Big Bang

iteration 1 i2 i3 i4 i5

generation 1 generation 2


Guiding principle #4

Iterations vs. Big Bang

iteration 1 i2 i3 i4 i5

generation 1 generation 2


Guiding principle #4

Now we have fixed some things on the intranet

And now it’s even better!

And again!

Another great feature coming your way!

We are cutting edge!

Great!We’re going to build a new intranet!

What’s happening? –Take it easy, it will come

Nothing coming? –Soon!

Is the project dead???–Wait… Soon…!

–Now!Finally!About time.

• abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö1234 • qewölfkmnqfölqmf • qödlmqöfä • qöslmqöslfmqfs • Edlmödlmfqs


May 2012

Oct 2010

Feb 2011

April 2011


Jan 2013

Oct 2013

Different kinds of time

Not efficient


Super efficient

0 25 50 75 100

Tool time Skill time

Tool time Skill time

Tool time Skill time


The intranetgives me support

The intranetmakes me efficient

Gerry McGovern

Guiding principle #5

My unit

My business unit



My job role

Our organization

The employee is on the moveGuiding principle #6

My unit

My business unit



My job role

Our organization

My unit

My business unit



My job role

Our organization

My unit

My business unit



My job role

Our organization

Categorizing content

Local content Content only needed in some part of the organization, used only by a selection of the employees.

Global content Content clearly relevant to all staff, adressing fundamental staff needs or covering core organizational topics.

Wikipedia: Categorization—grouping objects based on their similar properties. Categories are discrete entities characterized by a set of properties which are shared by their members.

Segmenting content

Job role Target based on the jobs that staff perform, different job roles have different content needs.

Business unit Target according to the area of the organization that a staff member belongs to.

Wikipedia: Segmentation–dividing the market into smaller parts, segments, according to different variables, such as demographic, geographic, psychographic, and socieconomic variables. Each segment is treated individually in terms of product design and marketing.

Segmenting content

Job role Target based on the jobs that staff perform, different job roles have different content needs.

Business unit Target according to the area of the organization that a staff member belongs to.

Geography Target based on country, region, office–the employees physical location.

•• •• •

Wikipedia: Segmentation–dividing the market into smaller parts, segments, according to different variables, such as demographic, geographic, psychographic, and socieconomic variables. Each segment is treated individually in terms of product design and marketing.

Segmenting content

Job role Target based on the jobs that staff perform, different job roles have different content needs.

Business unit Target according to the area of the organization that a staff member belongs to.

Wikipedia: Segmentation–dividing the market into smaller parts, segments, according to different variables, such as demographic, geographic, psychographic, and socieconomic variables. Each segment is treated individually in terms of product design and marketing.

Categorization + segmentation+ personalization

Job role Target based on the jobs that staff perform, different job roles have different content needs.

Business unit Target according to the area of the organization that a staff member belongs to.

Local content Content only needed in some part of the organization, used only by a selection of the employees.

Global content Content clearly relevant to all staff, adressing fundamental staff needs or covering core organizational topics.


Wikipedia: Personalization—a process for customizing a product to individual user needs.

A device agnostic intranetGuiding principle #7

An open source intranetGuiding principle #8

• abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö1234 • qewölfkmnqfölqmf • qödlmqöfä • qöslmqöslfmqfs • Edlmödlmfqs



Integrate 5% of a system

The five percent ruleGuiding principle #9

Nine guiding principles

More about our guiding principles:

Digital Development

Infrastructure Net | Systems infrastructure | Enterprise Service Bus |

Authenication, Access, Integrations

Computer platform & applications Computer platform | Other devices | Email & collaboration

tools | Business systems server hosting

Information & services Services & tools | Web & Intranet | Master data management/Business intelligence | Open Data

Users & User Experience The Digital Workplace | The Digital Service

Guiding principle #10 @jesperby

[email protected]
