Page 1: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 20 No 9 Feb 9, 1966

1Club Orpheus Again

,Pleases Students With Food, Entertainment

I The StudPn t Union ~><>k un lhl' rPsll\'(' or u nll1htclub !or lh<' Club Orphrus dlnnN danc<', 'ponsored by thl'

ram• Club ndcr !hr dlr'-'C'· lion of ''" '· \!aior<'l Cal~ Jan. :?S. \lu>ic ... ,,. pro•ld• b\ Ciaud< \lvhri>' band and

l lhP dancln1t ,.as lnt•·r..pers•<l ,.Ith floor ~hoW>• prefi•'llt••d I> the C111d1nal PJa1·rrR.

Phil Erick!'nn and ~ ""'n t F'lo Rllo :;rr\·cd :11< ma1111·~ ~·hntel. Pscorun1 i;ut»~ lO the tables. EntNllllnmrnt \\•U~ unnounc·--d b\ f'mCN• Torr.

l c1Jben, ·•ho opmt>d and Closed tht> t";> fin r f.hO"'t'.

Thr hr"t act .. as a repPal o.P<' 11 'r=ncl' b~ Tom Alkins • or his St>obie soddll'ba<"k

routine. ~eJt, Phil Erickson, part of the f'tsbt·rmrn"' <;iuortN, had lO be rrst1nlnl'd

' f1om presl'ntin~ a piano solo. Viht>n this wos ncccimpltshrd. Ult> IUOU~onsli.Un~ o f Fbll.

' Ron Shockle_v, [lavr Buckle>. and Bob Hu~k••y- """ In Barb<.'! Shop harmon'.

I.Ater tn the t!'Pntn~. lhc ' crowd w111cbed "Bo>op B •op

Be Boop" -ON• Sr.drr­prt'&C!lted a ChllrlNton ~•u· lint'. Then thr 'P<•llli:ht dlmmt>d and Pt·~ Doh nnM

• oppt>lllt'd slnGlni: th•• blul'<! number , "Saint Louis Blur • . "

"Supt'lb food" and "•·~C'c·I· \ lent ~el\ ice" mad«> lhr dinner

the real tA i:hll ~ht of th1• cvc-n1111; and v.a:. 1n kt'\•pln~ "llh th' n1ch1 club awos • l'bNl' plann<'d b\ th•• Card-•1 nal Plll.)'ers.

Tbt> deltpitt'ul mu~lc of lhe

bond '"'" dro'Ant'd out b\ \ " 01! whJslles IL< lbt' kl:i~·

uble Ports1 ennt.'s, !hf' b<Hs chOrus line. ~nlerl'd ror a classic \'elSIOn or lht• Can·

\ Can. Dancer; \\I'll' Jtm Fram(', John Cl\ en-i. R n Hodi:e. f'ranklt' YarmmotD, and Gt•rr. \1au ro.

\ L:ltl'!, ancth•·: \'UStm •a• 11r~~ en h.-d b' ?\U. costutntd dMce~ who p•'l1ormrd l o the 1rod1uonal mu~lc. Tbos"

,_up1w311n~ "t·re SbPlll Rot.', tlc•lt•n Hullond, l\OlhY ZlmmN· rr an. R benn \la ~"'" \'ade· ltrl'! Tuts<•, SU•· Fl<'tcttu.

'\L..>nda :'\elsin, and Cand) s~ !ltr.

c -ch:il rman o .. , sn:dM and l'<'i: Dohr.::an ll)Ok " pcm<1·

' bllll\ I ·I lh•· UCC• s~ of tht' alfalr. Th"' -:uot tint ~\lru ttmt• lo:l;\••n t1.11Anrd n pt•t'tt' l th• pr b) l.orrwn"

.. 011"· , Jtm ~ram'" and \Ir. c. \\r ... tnn HDtrh. w••w cs· ~clull\ 11PPll'l'1Ul\'IJ,

• Ltl ·, h l>l",.. th••J N&ld. ' '"that Ila dran::a er up undN

~r . Calt • It 11d .. rs!llp, "'II ntinu• to k""I' Club C;IJ h•'U5

tl f lht' P• o.l talfrur ._ r S••I' (\l).; t 4 f1H f)lrl trP

lh• artw r.


Th• "L1C: u•·lu~ t" , tn ~t.t. ti\ d t Jtl d th

J 1ntal'ld c ll<c<' O• but• 1 rn:an.••nl i.l "·' ~""''II •

r.·t:t n ~n \!..u h 3 5 .. I ,rltCll3hl fr ~IJC •Ill

1n lod• Fr~nk Fl R1 tJ • Jo h~ J' ~•·lll. St••\• \t ,, • 1rm Bull. 1':1 t.-..\ Br• ·"·· Sh!.! n I H• r.:

.. Ut n •• Cand' Duhl, J • Anrw ll1ehrn·1nd. Barburu IJt lV..

f-..a r}1 lhrf1 ·.1 h1ul \\ 1U (CHU ·1 itC" Ir n aar t

•• .1 \It • tl



JO it.1E t t

Faculty Daughters Will Serve At Dance

FJ\r t n 1t.'• -ito.1. ~r

the racull) 11nd 141! rr.rt:t.b~rs Ci! thr !'\UC "111 '"" • rrfrP<h· rr.enL'> at thr annual \ alPnlln<' Darre n F rb. 11.

This danc" ~ 11ponso•ed b:r ~hr ".IJC Chap~r ! tbt> A:::encan I+ ~P Ero~ - c.s """octac o~. ..aid :.!ri;. s::an· :imn. 1n-truci.Jr,

Sh• •aid that th1 1:1r1s who ar~ 1lna: Ul 'e"" on: Sharon IJJl<e. nd ~t•·d d111 •nter ! \tr. Frank E"""'· ht·Bd of lbP blulo~.\ drt·~nnwnl. Ellt>n He3rd. d.iu~hl•'r o I Dr. Fran· C<'" H<'ard l\ason \\endt, dllu~lt'r o f Mr. Gl'rald II end1, :"lJC buSlnt.'SS llltllltl,• I H ll' Hatch, d:wdlter of Mr. \\;>,; Ha1ch, student uru • ~-::. • £:n . :tnd ~ho.r•)n ~ttann..":2..''l:. daui:btN ol \Ir>. Cl• d<' Shn· llh:ln, h~nd of lh<' b:i e 111 ~orontlC'~ dt·pnttmcnt,

\lts. Stronnlurn uddcrt lhU sp!'Ciol •'ntt·lllllnnM>nt altt-r lh t' ('l\J>I nine or lhl' kin~ "111 be pr~-. ntt.'d In the Pat Cli se Dane e A<'ad•'lll'. The i:i :. \\IH d • •rill • dem .t:azz oorr.ber:-.


At th< brionn1n~ '•c.ond tC'I, .ltl11. 31. -ruden1s will ha\ t' tu Jlfl"-l'1•nt t•ilhcr tb<>lr a.C'U''H' t'Ud o r rei:i»­tr:itton r~CPJfit 1n ordf'r tll tJ.jrr~ .. bo ~s from Ill<' ltbmo. occ·rwr..: t• RuMrll s d~r­ltnt. !.br~nnn.

The rt'"as n ! r Ulli; rCQuest l~ tbnl In '<'&15 pa>l pl.'()p!e h:l\~ t'ht'CkCd Ul b<J oS 'Abo "er<.> OOl bonllf1de student.s. A~ a rc.&uJt book!I 'At•rl lO::>l. T•) pr~\·ent thl' snm~ tlun~ fro~ hllJlp1-n1n~ this i-"m<>•H•r, thh fo>QUI.' t •Ill b(' madt• for about lh!'l'e "•-eks. : the ~t:ioun: I 11- ' bran:ir fee+ ... i .... !'.· • an.


71.5 .llake R egistration

•King OJ Hearts· Candidates

1n th~

R<''1 "'·

tops SAC Will Interview Freshman Candidates During Next Week

Jnl1•n1ew" of frrfthmon In· tl'IN<tt•d In brlna 01. the So<'lal At'tl vlU<'' Commlllt-1' nr1l "'Dr v.tll IM)pn on ~'eb. H. tt"porlf'd Sll'•e \ lot', !:l•'mber. lie s taid !hat any fr<>shnan "frhO Is lnll'IC'•tt'd

hould I••'" hi· appll<'llUon ut lbt• rn11ln o rncC' befott' ~·•·b. 11. All n.ppllcn uons mu~I be ll<'Companlrd by a rr!Nrnc~ rrnm onl' I n11l1Uclllr "ho hn11 bud tht' ~tudcnl In n cltls' tut lt•aHI 3 c rrdll l fo r a lul 1 senw~lrr.

sieve. t.lao 1<ald lhtlt tl new 1100 al nctl\1 Ue11 c hal nnan wu 1<1 bl' l'lt'Cll'd at a meet· Inc \IOndl). f'rb. 7.

llf' rnport<'d tluu tbr semi · t.nntJ dllncl.' IQ IM) •poneored b) lhr llom " F..cnnomlca Club on f'rb. 11 lb provided Cor by SAC ti.Ind~. SI ncr the S AC budaN ha~ brrn cut S 1100 II \\Ill be nrcr •IY IO m&kt' II <'hllTIL of so Ct'nl:· at all In · f, rmal danCI'• In th~ tl.lture. Sl,.VI' •ald thnl, In addition ~' llll:. cha11 ... all atudt>nta

u "' prt>sent tbrll a tu dent bodv canls.

Abnul I 00 Dllf'ndcd I hf' movlP, E;xpf'nm<>nl In Tt>rro r. •hlch wa.s h•·ld In thcSUB f'Pb. I.

O~Campus Parki ng Regulations Will Be Strictly Enforced

:-\•" tua• -i,, are asked by tht adr.'.lnbtral. on IQ Cami I· ltallTJ' tht'rr.sel •l"ll "Ith colleae 1>~1 klnc and drlvtns rt>sula · Uoru. R--tumtn~ s tudents h uld al60 r<'fr"h thel r

tr.t-mone:o.. Parkt.~c ~culatlons arP

p <'d ., entr~nce doors I Cb<> ad 1 ntMotlon but Id·

tni. Par~I~ In lh<' centM r c lies" Dn\'i~ •~ prolllbllro

""". Studt'nLS mu~t pork blc•cl<'s . m tor blktol ond tn0t'>I c,·ctrs off th<' paved Sft'°",l'·

StudPnt parlona 111 Prohibited t>rhlnd thP ad bulldinr. 11.)'Tll •

onol ltbr:uy Uhl' """ ' atdel. ". parlo.lni: '" Pf'tml ttt'd In er """'Ill• a and c ro1u-tiatchl'CI uru • .•n7 c.r.. parked In su !: '"'tnctl'CI "'"' .. lll be IBJ:,<-d and •1 >lator nntd.

::.tudt'lltS roa\ par~ "n 1trttts. ubJ<'<'t to cit> 1P1ulallons 1nC't• a.11 C'DmPU • ~t rt•f'la GI~

cit• Mr,.rt" Parkin~ la also aUmo l'CI tn th<' !arr lot cut r !hf' >d bulldlnc and north I tht.' cherr.J:.trl bulldlnc. A

parKl"iC lot ID Pl'>\"tdrd for II r:tlt<:m studrnt J.

~tud,,,.tS DTi' also r.mlndtd f Shrr:tan 1rodr school

adJacrnt s.. Ut, .. rollrc C" campus lnd arr urt:tt d ti) b<'! ··~p1•elnlly c:u.-fol 'Ah••n p.L'\.-..lntt tht~

rhoo~l~-~~~~--:~_,.....-~ •b. ""·~~wman Club mrcl·

ln&. op..., to the c-nU rc 1Ucf•'1 l bocl,\ • Feb. 11-s mHurtttJ done<'.

p ns•i:MI bf lh<' Hr>...,., ~ ron e Club.

Page 2: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 20 No 9 Feb 9, 1966

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW '·' .... 4 ~- .\40••"- 1 o.,:.. .... c.a..- y .. , ty;_..--.... .. ....


I ~I

Ed·t•r ••••••••••••••••• Lort01f\• Or•••• Dot.Id Htitdtolo

~d!:::.~~~,E=~i.; ............ ·. ·. · ... ·. · ......... ·. • ...... t,~181~:J.°i1 Pt.orogroph•r ••••••• • • • • • • • • •• • • • ••• • • • JoJoin e.,,.d'""-flepoft.,,: Poocrr Ooh""on• Colc""'Of'I, r_.. Ark1""• Conni~ v.,., Hut.. Arlorh Johnaon. Robb S..lwQf'


D 'Of "". r r• n i

MORE REPORTERS HEEDED · · ., on od lor a s·cff no..e

- .,. of r ~ roper• rs hcv., .,1. ·~I.JC. The t u. ng foctc<, ! COUl'Mt, • thc1 w hcvci OSI c;on:x•

da1xw:nen· , IA'QCl"'ZCI oru, e•c. on ccrnpv~. •de• for I Cc·d no Review •o oc:quiro nowswc~

t motion cbovr ver ~ catni;oJs act villos, ti mus· hcv• ~'Cl d ropo<• rs wt1Q 01110 s ch•- .

I any campus orgcn1 ~at on >ics nows • s no• be ..,g pun•cd n •no R ,.o,,, and you would 111'0 ·o supply us w1•fi 1ho1 1nformc1 o", pleas., CO"•oc:• •hood ¢<.

Fur t,,.,rmc•o, I ll'IC!•a 1s Of'Y dopar1men1 rn tho college •ho• hos Mwl 1har IS ng• being pnn•od, mot I oncovroqe 1hc de· pcir•rnonr heads 10 rt?Cr.u• 1 .:ofTIOOl"'liC!' 10 r pcr1 trt s 1nfcrmoiion. r !QC! If> idr•ot I on fU<t t fcrma1ion I de~oroci.


I "' ft ,. "n "'' I II •rom on ""ploaso'\I •• II> I • " "1CSll0t10b cause.

Poo lhts coun•ry seem ra hove •ht. cbil1•y ro soe humc;r ' any •1•uc11or', and hut>ar con bo a vory pe.: 1 weapon on ~ bo•t 10 romotn o free on:l ' tnk np ~ •

I CC:"' <JVe•yU>o con find ~m • 1ng 10 laugh aba.s• ,.., mis •nary cor•1c:ul1.1 - '.ll>d dio• no ono 1okos 1• smoous y.·'.'.t-'.

llto'• STY..£:. CURR cu .. UI.' Fre hrnan

I t 5['.IESTER - I. R1 t 01, .1 hr .• ']. lnwrroctoon 12 , h ., 'l, Ru tan IOI. 3 •r ., 4. Lab (Ro • Todrirquos\, it. , '). Pol111c;al Sc•""Ct', tr . - l hr •

d Er.' TE.P. - • Oirlr Booh 101. 3 ,, .. ']. Russoon 10 , hi .. 'l, Ir" "' Cll011 12.,, hr ., .t Lob (Mob Rule)

Ar on Tech" quos 01, 3 hr •• 6. Ar~ Lab,


Review Staffers Will Miss Their Retiring Editor

N.l.J.C. REVIE ~ c .. _. 0'41.., • • Idaho, fl•d.. Febouo.., 9, 1966

MEET THE STAFF • .\I ~ sue Re·

•1e• strn .,., c:oln11 ia miss tlJ<, cull.lane" of our reannc edllor. l.Drn1ln<' Drees. \lrs. Dret'Jl hl'ld tbls position for the past one o.nd one-halt yeors. She 911) a lhat, while !'hi' did not chlll!Rt'! the formal of lbe pupt·t a ll1l'!l\I deal, sh" did lnnucunalc the SUBven;lon

olumn. and parllcularb en· o:red worldns on this fta!U re. When &akl'd about her luture

DID.Ila, Mrs. Drees aid that alle platlll to canlloue ber ~ca Don-pre!crabl.Y al Reed Ccllege In Penland. O!'!ro~ Sbe plaos IO wo:k ro: a lolul<!rs Desrre, 'llrltb a cajar In Endlab and a mlaar In fOtl'l en lanauQJ;u.

The enU re Drers educauon minded. b a craduate ar

famllY Is Drees S>iacuse

Unl\t'sslty and Snacuse Graduate acbool. At tb" present ume bt' 111 pnnClple of La k~land Hieb Scboal. acd auench Ille Unh e:sl fir or ldnbo 11r-1ca1<> trehool dorlnc the summN. 1'11'1. Orce,• oldest dau&hler, ~lcol~. ,.,.. centl:r cradualfld •ith hi 1111 honol'll from Ea.~tNn \\ubini;· ID n S141e C<lll<'~t'. She ha.s l'Ao othl'I chlldrt•n Gun.-1, a trestunana1 !"WC.and RJck) all<'nds lh<' Coeur d'Alm" Jurd w HI flll,

Mrs. Oree hll5 been l'l· trem"b CDPablt' and J:>Opular a:. tll" edJIDr ot lllls paper. and ,. .. ar aur<' she W1U be llD lo •halP'l'tr sl:e cnd•r­lak,.,, In th" f " r~ - \IH


All re rt r • '" • as coatnba11__ DI Ila! tor tn.. nn t "Cardi l'lll Rt-· \ lt'I>" lllllllf' (111bJCb •Ill bl' publlSht!d ~·l'b. Z3l a"' rmlndcd tb:>t the d<'llllllne f r all nna 10nea. c:olumn5, fu!Urc • t'IC. la f't'b. I tJ,

The • Corl1ln&I Re\ln" ffi"P Is located la the

a~drnt union ab :c thr

Kenneth A. Durl.~bJ. 43 y~r-old math end 11un•e,1ni; 1nsuuc11>r for forestry stu· dents at NIJC. IS I!. «'flllllt'tro profesasonal c>,,.:InP.t'r and a ..-eleran of World \\ar 11.

After r;raduatln~ from hi ch sc ll>OI In &ll Lake Cit>, lilllh, Durtschi <'nllated In the arm..~ and sen ed as a 8-1-:- pilot dunnc the war. It was •bl It' he •L• In lhe DlQY lhal he mamed Ills wl re. Audrey.

\fhen Ult! ,..., O\'l'f,

Durtschi rrcumed IO Ulllh. Tbere11f~r. b auended the University of Utah, v.hcre he recened his Bachrlor of Sci encl' de'r"e.

Alter ~rnduaan~ from the unl\'ersll.1. thl' Durl$Chls mo\'ed ID Spokanr In 1950. whert' he "a.' t'mpl0)1!d b)· the \lllnukee Ro.tlsoad in the t>n111neenn1 dti:n nmenl.

Aner b\'tns about Nabt '"81S ID 5P0kant', lhe Durl· ~cbl!< mo•·ed ID Coeur d'Al.,nr. For about ftvt' yl'&rs Dur18chl warted for lh" State Hlchv.u :lepa r1rcen1 tben he "enl Into buslnh• for himself a11 a con.~uluni: entdne.-r. HI.' omce ta locatt'CI here In Corur d'Alrne. In his .. ork , he sp~laltzt"- ln rand des! 1n and sewer nnd \\Dior works.

The Durtschi 11 hn '" four chlldsen: Amy. 3. ~t>tth;•w , 8 \!aru n. H. and Pl'nn~. 1 9. 11·00 Is presenUy n student at XIJC m.iorlnc In l'<klenucn.

··ire :hlnk that Carur d' Aleae b a wondo-r!ul place la ll\'e", nld Durlschl. .. I bavt! pused up some dam i;ood Jobo. to ltec-p !rom lllD\1ng a....,- !tom here," be also added.

Hf' and 1:1 s fa:nl Ir l!ltjo) the outdoors. F'lSh1ns. 'l\OOdwotk· !OJ, ~rd .. 'llns. and b1 rd hunt· lnR. ar 1.1 fa,ont1• hnblles.


Ta u,.. I< .at the CU::P.t f r .C ..,,rk

dlspha<ed la lbr cu at the ::ala ent1a.~ce IO the adtr.ln· 1suat1oa blllldloc. Tl:ls ,,art-• ch Ml from

bock t r" ,.as "'"" b demi c cal a rrl alllca· I 'S lo lhtr"1!~ 1111 ICllptX •• 'llras doe!! bT tbe art &UUClllr

cm make and d=cn clua 111 t:ie dt7

tuated. -­D ate laws. \\ a en;.-D S<'CUL


l>f'< l >O l(S llEPAIR o ....... & h•·"'; s..,,, ••

-.~ r•s· ,,· r Tt•r ..... •1•c1: co • .. ···- · · • .• , ..... ' l • •

ct-r:.-nlc d~ncienl.

Woodcock's Drug Store c •• o. - .... d• ~

p,, .. c, "• O'"

ll-• N i•w"'._ St C•••• ~ A f•••

Mrs. Solly Hov. ell. ne ~ nutrll1on 1nuruc10r In th') homP economics dt>pnrtrnl'nt, lives an Post Fnlls, Idaho. Her husband, The Ro\'NMd Jam"" Ho•ell. Is the mobl lqi minister for the U rd led P rea. byterian Church. They have twa dausJ>iers. Ruthann 10. and Ju leann 6. I

\!rs. Howell i;raduated from Comc.-U i:n1.-er<ll) In Ithaca, Ne.: Yorlt. She has a BS delft"' In nulrltlon. ARer bef imtduation \lrs. Ho\\ rll did three )'elllS of dil'tf't!C> ln­temshJp In Trenlor, Ne .. Jersey, whl le her husbM~ "''US Dtlendlng SC hool al Prt ncet00 Uni versl I;)'. She o.lso IOok l.l1I tra courses 111 Rutgers Unl\'rrslcy. 4

In addiuon to her lea.chin-. Mrs. Howell Ins suna In the Coeur d 'A lene Cl\1 c Choir for Ille pa$ t ll\'C \'Cat!!, l'hi4 Is the leader or a 4·H krd1t1,_ group, a Cllmo f) It' leadrr, ~ubsl!IU!e dtreclOr or the Posl F':t.lls Junlos Choir. an~ leaches n Ill lb school church class.

Susao Amey, daushler er \lr. Md ~Ir.<. Pal Amey, Is 'I. transfer s11Jden1 ll'om IM Unlverslt.Y er PorUlllld lo North ldllbo Junior Collrgc11 Susan ts =Jori nc In home l'conomlcs said Mrs. suunahnn. lnatruclOI'.

Susnn's mother l!I a ronnc_, tencber or home economics al thr Junior RJ11h School and 11 JTDduate of the Uni \'Pl'!ll tr or Idaho. I


0.-1.c•ous Ho...O.,,.gers

t:astes1 S<?rv1ce In T°""'

l 124 Slii•Ml'Oft A""'" • '


Mt•oriol Sp101• & Florol

Arrott9"tn•nn Cuuom Otu91"d ~' ~~r~cit Po,j. ""9 O"' ,.,.,U.,, A"f'·

• "'"" .... • 1 Ai Bl~ '"' fl l•ltllooo Ord•n Ao1whttt lo

TI.o '-'orld Pl. MO 4·8218




P .. o ,.c wC•••• • • St& el

co"" ••· S••t<' e ::cc"• o A,c ... < o• ... o

Page 3: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 20 No 9 Feb 9, 1966

'Exhibit Of Art By , Students Displayed

In Student Union • An art exhl ti I dlsplllJIDC

palnllnaa and drawl neo la bel na prrnn ted In the student u nlon by the Uni versl I)" or

a khho Extension Palntlnc and Drawl ni: Classes.

The art dlaplay Is organized IO Cocnllz:e lhe essence or

t lndl\'ldual expression. ac­cording to Hclcn Ramon, ast lnstruclOr. It must be I'm· ph11slzed. she added. that

• most of the students, (Ollm· blned IOtal, 22- 1 J ID each clas~) had U ule or no pre­\'IOus art expedence, wtth the

t excepllon or a few people who had exPedence of \"at)'­

lns dc11rees. However, It , must be stressed, sbe Olln· ' llnued, that ILllY student- no

m11tter wh11t bis pre ,ious ex· pcrience-4s we!Ollme to Join

l the claases (el ther one or both). The rcnson for this 111 th11t each lndhidual ma.y proareas at his own ra12.

• Both extension classes are held In the basement or tbe vocal.tonal buJldlnc Crom 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The

~ dra•1nc class ls held Wed· nesdays and the palnllns c las& Is Thu rsds,ya. I n each clus Individual expression

• In p1ullcular ueas wlll b4! empb&.lllZed second semester. Anl' Quall Qed student ma:r receive 2 8etnester credits or

l rou r yearly credl ts for ~ch class provided that be se­cu r C!! written pennJsslon from NI JC before registering.

111 This restriction does not apil.Y to students who are not enrolled at NIJC. In


addlUon, one must supp!J' hi9 own palnllns or dmwtnc equipment, and there Is a Cee oC 25 dollars for eacb class one enrol ls In. One

~ may sllll rei;lster for these classe:;.

The work ln the painting

111class CO\'ers t·rain!na ln basic composlt.lon and good delSlcn a.s "ell as Olllor and technique. because most

" tudcnts have not had ,·ery much back&round In this art'L The class ls one In "hi ch tbe student does lo·

111 terpr'1au,·e palotlnc rather than OllPY •-Ork. Belen Rtlmon added.

SWdl'llt' ln the drawtoc ~class •otk In dlCCerent media:

pend!, c:harOllal. 11nd ..-a1er color ,...,h. Ju&t to mention a

111lew. Thi' basic techniques and procedures are essentially thl' Mame a~ the painting c la " Ahe said.


Students who are Interested '111\ n obtalnln~ 11ummer Jobs

undM thl' 1nel1t system of tbe Cl' 11 St'l\1 Cl' "ere able to take a qualllyln1 te111 10 room

ne at NUC oo Feb. ~- This le I "U Op<.'n to any0ne who lmd Rll'd ao a~pltcauoo by ~Jan. 3.



•• Ottly Fo1i1r lloc.\s ~"' C.ft'lpt.i '

e OPEN •:OO A. M, lO 5 JO P M


A pre ~ t&LJ ~ anal1Z1 ni: ti ado!· nt •. I be oven by nto Jesuit priests-Rf'\'. J. J. E:Yoyaln and Rev. ¥.F. Cbnstoph - who are rro"' Gonzaca l"nhersl ~·. trbl en Is located In Spokane, ll'ash. This presentation •Ill bl' llhl'll IO Newman Club mea>­bers In the aiud-!:nt union at 7:30 p.m., F'~b. 11.

The t•o Jes ult pt let& are pracuctnc p17cal11Juts acd •orlt u a team to co::Jluc: worhb<>ps and lo psyc:holQCJ. They hue coo· ducuoci courses for Ollllece credit lo PSYl:bo!au OTP: tcle\"l lllon and a:e well known 1brou1b the Pad!lc!i· •est. ~mben or tile :-;ew:iui

Club 1m·1~ all atudmt.a and racull)' or any rellclou• pre· ference to come to the meet· ln1. acOllnlln11 to Robb Se!· vage, member. CIRCLE K CLUB ~Uke Hendriclt.6, oecre1a1y

of the Circle I\ Club, ns a auest at thr Jan. ?6 m~un1 ot lbe K1wan111 Club, wblc~ was hrld al the Sorth Sh'>r • Lod1c.

Hrridricks commen~ lllat he really enJoyfd thr me&! and the diacusslon. SHEA

Apdl Evans. nt'• pn!~ldent of SNEA. rtpcrted Ital lllr club bas not ht'ld a menoc durinc the past ' " o "'eeks, but that they "111 meet on F'eb. 9. She said that the group \\Ould select a ne" '1 ce pres! dent at thb meetln~. SPAH/SH CLUB

Mo \'\es taken b) Jobn Mcf'arland. SIJC lru.tructor. whl le be "as a military at· i.cht In Peru, •ere sbo•n :o mrmbers of tile Spanish Club Jan. 13 at Ille bomr o! !.ICF'arland.

Also dlspl~ed at Ille meet· tn1 were arts and crafts from Peru, and other Sou th Amrr­lcan cou01ries.

Refreshmerits were st•n-ed after the meetln~. SPEECH CLUB

The Speech Club Is plan01nr to ha••e a meet.toe Cot the purpose of 011antzJn1 next Sl!mestet'a club act1"11ies. accordlnc 10 Dr. Earl Ptldd.r. ad\•lsor.

Tbt' exact date and tune of this mtttlncwtll beannouoceo latrr. OECA

DECA Dtstnbuuve Eduea­t.ton Clubs of Amr11ca ) held Its Ctrst muunc for tile new scmestt'r &>r the purpose of electln1 o!llcers. Tbe r~ suits were as follows: In· cumbrnto Don Hollenbrc:k, prealdent and l\lporler-hls· lortan Carol \\est wert r~ elected. The othN ,ffice"' elected •ere: Jlm \\"!Ison. '1ce-prnl dent, Sia nan SAr · rath, bt'Crctar:r. and Siert, Gret'ne. tl\lasu11:r.

··Qicceu la Iarseh sal<!S· manshlp'" (8.C. F«bes) "as accrpted by the club u :be!r mocto. Robert McClto11. Ad· vleor suueau!d thr CJOtto.

Manlltln11 wUl be donated by DECA to dlspla.r )'!JC sweat· shlr1s In the coll book store.

Su U1 !or

~ING SU .. LIES --YAH1U*''' 219 N 4U. Strttt

Sr.:Bveraion QIJ£.>T ' ::J • U~ ZlO ! dlSCOll Ct •lisg !At.:g abow: '""i.sf',.attoa""

Lr.'-"DA L:\R:;E.-;, !resbma11. Education: "The most cUa· Olla::ertlnc llllnc about reps· t:alicn Is trrtnc ID acbedul,. 1our cla!lbes wt th tbe best look I Ill bo YS."

JACK llAROI, freshman, Pr~ ¥f'tt>rtnarian. "You are told v.hat subject 100 hue to tak~ and Ulen whrn ,ou al~ up for tt th., teacll:rs dlscocrace 700 bt'Caul!(' llle.r llll1 700 100n't ht' able! r.c baodlr 11. ••

LYNDA SELSQI;, hsh::an B.A. "I la oot onb' nand· Ins lo all those lines. wt H &lao tr.rlnc to lee;> c, place to thees;•

DES)' IS )IABE, rtesll:::an, l.&• "!'ll.1n<'1 ...

CA)o;D\" DAHL. Cre.sbman, Educaaon "The lines !lat •et"ll t.> 1ath•t Just tx-lorl' you CllJl 1rt to thf'.111."

CA AHL!E Sl\IPSON, soph· omore. Industrial Ans "Standlna In llru~ ao Ion c Just

•o 1e1 rtd or one bulllrfld'"

ELIZABETH )! . YOOER. t:eshman. B .. .\. II 18 ba\'lDI o wait lo thf' IJtlt'S." Rt:TII ll'OZOI', freshman.

£ducallon " lhltinc In U~ : r l•o boul!i and lhf'fl be1111 tumed aw&) be~e of ll:ncb ume."

ELLIE BOHASNOS. lu~sh· man, B.A. "I lasl my ached­ule. and betni: a ne .. otudent be~. som~umes I can't Qod thl' rt1tc cln "~room.••

Mu109H Will S. Pouod

Studenl!I 11! reminded that messasn and mall 'P'lll be Posted on the lllllrt!n board resened &>r that purpo ·• to tbematoball or the duwooc:.· ad:nlcl&imaoa lllUdloc. Erlu· Cl!!l CJ' mes .a c only "1 U be dell vrred.

N.IJ.C. Oc t• (


R~-.rt' ~ca tn ·~ the Bott11:1 Alt,raCt Company In Seaule and Ttttronh, manu· facturer.i of bl&h quality test equ1pmmt, ar• comlni to lnt~\"lew prospective pad­ualinc students from elcc· troric' !or po1111lble employ· ment. accordlnc to Oordon Bunllck. electronlca In· structor.

The Boetna reprea.ntatl ve "'111 be at N!JC March 17, and tbe Tekttonll repu,aentaUvP 'lr\ll be be re Aprtl 2 ~ and 26. Buldlck aald.

In addluon. B~rdlck •td. ""Tbis Is an lndlcallon or ob opportunities &\"allable

UPoD c mplf'Uon of the electroa:cs course."

Pu h-buttoo dril·e. Custom-bull1 for 1he Pepsi generation.

Instant pick-up. More go for )OUr mane}.

Taste? Automauc.

Buckets? l\ot ) et You"ll ha\.e 10 settle for boules.


F'or the Q rat Ume In t he hl:;I017 o f NIJC a course I n pho101t1111h.r ls bt>ln1 orcered. Mr. Jack Swanaon, lnatruaor, Hid that the Ollurse • Ill Involve much more> than simple picture taklna. Sill· denra will stu<l.Y proper llcht-1 nc tochdque~. and learn co rrect c11mcr11 adjustments.

Mr. $WlllUIOO n l ao llald that tile class wUI l co.m dovolop­lna and enl111glns proceclu os. The class meebl ror two c lasa prrlods a we~k In the l>Me­ment of U.e Student Ud on, and a darkroom Is under con· etruct.too, where tile atudPnta will spend two lab periods a week developln1 their pie · tures.

Page 4: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 20 No 9 Feb 9, 1966

Candid Camera At Club Orpheus .. .


1:1r mtUnr• bll!. ar1 .... tll ~ ta.a;··r. T.· tt"n l1a.r.-1""'t uni \t • ti t" , an t r:n

•UJ.C. REVIE"ll. C-' d" Alcno, ldo~o. Wed •• FebNort 9, 1966 • '


North Country ls Mrs. Stranablln. bome eco· 1:' d E I • nomt cs Instructor, reported E OUn n C l.Qnttng lbOI B ne" Clll!IS tn lllllOrln•

1u1~ been started Cor llrls In Ed''°'" No' · ··, wto'f' rhoe tmt dcpubnent who Aft'

fol/owU,~ orrit"'/e '0 d•scrit>. capible or doing advanced •ha• a b<Jsy •""°' 1 a coll•go work. Mlll. Helen BrW!cte PO""' doe• In his •P"'• "''"'· will lnsl!Ucl the l!?OUP who

- D.H. •· will hue 11 specllll cl11ss ooe Tbel!' aec:mr co lM! 90metblng d11,11 11 week, In 11ddll!on to

ancbanl1011 nbout n snov.· tllelr re111lnr chiss. t torm lo our ootth-<lounl:r;)·. These Gltlb, who lll\•c o.11

The sparltllnc. crystlll-<lhaped bad extensive previous exper· !lllownakes Gutter earthward lence. will make ell her a wool In enl11ess oumoers, 5tlcldn11 dress or suit. t to e'·ery bmnch. and spread· - -------1ng a wlite blnoke1 over 1he SPECIAL DICTATION AND rolllnc Dl'lds. TRANSCRIPTION TAUGHT I

I llke the way I.he snow pl lea hi Ith upon lhe w tndo-.. sill. and I en)oy watching tbe Icicles form on the ra\•es Crom Just o LI n,y drop oC Ice to Ions silvery swords that "°" two or three Ceet Ions. The; e are 11 re" lovely things about the sno,.fllll. bul t1•s durini; tbose !cw rare <b)S of sunshine th:it usually follow lhe storm I.hat I go oo my ~curslon.

\\"sapped up In warm clolhes I uamp aboul the house In rubber boot& making last minute prepa11ltions Cor m)' trip. I place a blrch los on the glowing coals oC tire so lhe house "111 be wallll when I return. and Cor t<Omethl Ill! 10 ea1 !Ji1er I put a pol of beans In Ille 0\'en, \\1 lb pieces Of pork. molasses. and di fCerell't spices.

Hov; Cresh 11nd clean the countryside seems In Ille bnlllant sunlight. There ts 11 ehlll In lhc a.Ir thnl makes my nose tlnale. \\lib lhe sun sblnlns on the c;.no\\' it 5l"f'm.s

almost as IC the lnnd and the trees were drenched In din· monds·-so ma II>' dlamonde tint there isn't anything lhat doesn't sparkle.

Across a ro1Un1 t!eld I trudRe. throui;n l'oot-deep snov.. HNC n nd lh!!re broi. n splk~ of thnolhy and clover pro1rude rrom the whltl' manlil'.

Alone the side of a drnw, "he"' lhe n eld ends and the mounlAin bt-glns, Is the place •here a road slllrlS. II ls Uuu road on wbl ch I beflln to make my ascen1 to the top or lndlan 'dOuntaln.

\\Ith the burden oC snow on lheu bmncbes, Ille tli!~ and sl:lllbs succumb IO the we1gh1 and bend over Into the road. II seems almos1 as IC there •Ne nt''"r a rood there al all.

Tbe silence 1 n the deep rorest is disrupted only by' cbattet oC some Juncos tbal ate nr1n 1 hi sb abo,·e the uee&.

The bf'llld·llke ocean sp~ ls tro&:ed wl th old man win· 1er•.s bre&lh, and so la the mo"s lliat I a Cl!S IOOned Crom the skt'lew brancn~• of a drad 'lldat. Th~ brlsht red

I p p•r e I a bea!Jlful


Foandotiou • Orouu • Coot> S,Oruweor ond Lingtrit

106 N. '-rill St. • C-ur d'AloM

Girls who arc Interested In becoming medico.I secrelarles are re::<!! vtn1 511eclo.1 dicta· lion and transcripllon prncttc , In a medlclll secretarial course bclna o!Cered this semester. said ~Uss Loret~ DuM!l!&n, Instructor. Be' cause of the spedo.llzed vocahllary 1hls Is lllU&ht In nddllion to rel}llaz shortban~ In addition II> lwo class periods or sborlhnnd pracll ee, Ille ilrls spend one period In a spoolal anatomy course. I

The way to gain a ao<>d reoullltlon Is to endeavor to be what you desl re 10 11ppe11r .,.

- Socmtell"' An obstlnall! m1111 does not

hold oplnlons-thllY hold him. - Bishop BuUe;

conirnst wt th Ille wh11e or the snow and green and brown or tbP CN"cs .

In a sborl time I reach tb­top or my mountain. and when I look to the valley below, I see a wonderland.

Through the wblle valle.f runs the St. Joe River. Tbrout0h a this rh'er runs. o.nd bord':lnng the river oottonwoods and willow gro,f on a nanow strip or land.

I spend as much time as I can on the mountain. There;. Is so much to see-the frost.r cll!Cs, n Crozen spring, n ru!Dcd arouse on wtna, but time seems to have thi. wtni;s oC a bird , so soon i must l&a\•e.

ll"llh n bl!autil'ul cdmson and sro.i· sunset t Sll,)' GO~ by!! to 11\V mountnln, anl! promise lll,)'se!C 10 rciurn soon.

Later. in my wann housr w!lb Coet up ton ro11rlni: n re, I drink 11 cup oC ten to t1nlsh 11 dellclous supper. I thlnk oC my wonderful dll.)' and plait ror Ille next lrip. This has been m,y winter's excursion 1 nto a land or 1ranqulllty, where dee! slons are easlW" made and solutions to prob­lems seem to Ooa1 on a sun· benm from hen,•en.


Del Gittel



OR. PEPPER • Th• Ftiet1dly

" Pepp• r-u,,,., ..

Page 5: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 20 No 9 Feb 9, 1966

Presents Assembly Concert

Th~re Ullmann, v.'Orld­reno•'lled piano recitalist and disllnsulshed reclpll'nl or lbr

'$50,000 Smlth-Johnaon A•'&rd ro r aupe11or music ~rrorm­ance, was the sueat performer dullnc a special assemblY at

I l'-1JC f'eb. 2. WIMer or more than a score

or competlth<' •"Ilda In

1 music, lncludinc lbt Mac· Do,. ell Club Altl ~IS Contest and \be $1000 Blllllber11l'r Compellllon. Ullmann bu

, performed In countries loc11ied on en~ry connnent or the glob!'. lncludlna all 50 or the Unlled Stall!;!.

1 Presently tnlmann Is on a world conurt tour under the cultural exchance procram or the Music Foundation Arlls15

• Bure!IU. which Is located In Ne" York.

Selections Included In the pro aram wer" as rollo"'s :

• Prelude 11nd F'u1t11r t n D m11)or, Bach-<l'Albert. .\lbum uar. Beelboven, lnt•·rmezzo 1n C IJ"aJor, Brahm:., Etude tn

• A ~UIYlf f"\\lnlel 111nd"

Elude), Chopin, Thrl'I' P:t• · ludfO> rrom Opus 3~-F'-sbarp mll.)or, A minor aod D n Jor. ShoscaltO\ICh, Till' llblte PS· cock, Gnrres, and Toccata b> Ru•fi. Encores Included Schann Melod1. an. by Uazt and Mountain Tunes by Kt!l'n.

U1 btann .. u rormerl.r a !DCU U;y member o r Blarrltz Amtl!Can Unlversl~ ID Prance, be ls presenU5 a member or the 1eacb1nc starr under tbr Hutcheson admin­lstnlllon or Julllatd! or \!Usie ln sew York. ms degrees Include: S.S., ~I.A. , and PhD.

In addlllon, tlllmanr • .,.as l\Oolce-wounded and ele.-en· ttmes decorn.ted 11" a veteran or five ye11rs or semce In !he U.S. AlllU'.

Ullmann espressed bis crallwde about !he 'lrllJ' he "as recrh·ed by the audience In an ln!ocnal discussion a.Her \be pro111ram.

S.pporl Y oor .+.dve rtnu>


•• • •

SPC'C•Ol•Z"'9 ,,, Co1 ~·ore N~s '"' He-of•;, ortd Hol)O<tteSS

0 • Plczo l?estouron1 P eo1"" Polore crd P..,

1107 H. Fe.m~ MO • •


PASTEURIZED MILK MEANS 100% SAFE MILK Pt9Mate Q,.w th - o..41 HMlth - fM'Wr ,



Tbe " pl' pen" baa DO cosslp for )'Oil lOO..r, but socet:-.ln ot cmcb creatu Le ponant"e. Tbosr cf rou •bo attended Cl:Jb Orpbms foucd ll q Ile entertalal11J and i::oat or 101:1 co:is1de: 11 a sccc:au.. Tbe fuod ,, aa 111:1p.e1 b, t:i e band excellec:. and t!le <11telta11>­men1 amus1n c. I 'm sere moat or 100 dll arree w11h tbls.

E&cb table •as HI 111 01:1 O'l<Q Clot Orpbeus sl;J'lll T Ith

red and wbl to cbl:clt"d cablr­dolbu and red lamps. Tbt't m~nus were md,. egp«lflll.r !or 700 ID take hon:tt. The l&cps were boucht ror Club Orpheus In lloP• lbat Utla cl11ner dance •ould ba ,. contlnoJ nc lbln• - a \'NJ special occ:uton each yeu. Out or 1rp1-su lampa we bu·e rour e L

Perbape tllere was somR ml11Undersiandlnc. Perhapa most of you !ell this •as JUal a pn:r. II was not. !or 11 Ja a Mnous matter. AB you lino• tile bu de et bas bef'll cu I once n. All of )'OU II ke ID rnt :-nJC ts not Just crado 13 and H. AIU' debalt', ba.shtball, traclc or t1C1)b1 ll'On makes our collece lmporta.~L Our choir hu won presuce ror our scllool too. The DRAMATICS DE· PARTME:O.'T Is no dir!dent. Tbe Caldlnal Pla1en1 la H! wo&lled nard In prrsmtln1 you ell)o)·able eolt'rlalna:~nL ~ow, lb~ want ID bll nc bonors ID -:uc also. Two or lbem went to 1be Seattle Pactllc roren· sic 1oumamt11L TbNe la a.nolhez tournament at Un· lleld comtnc aooo. 11 lhr drama d~i;artmrnt mull pay (or Ille lamp&, no oc<t will compete at Unlleld ln !hr forensic coumament.

tt you ln•e a tamp or know ot someone lhat has one. please belp ua co let lbem lii'Cl." Con tac 1 me or any Cardinal Player. Yout Mlp wt U be czealll appredated. So eoas "Prom Pea• Pen" o! Ibis Issue.

It never occur LO foots 11111 meats and r;ood ronune aze closely united. - Goethe

Men ue nellber 11\Jddentr ncb nor 11Jddenl.:. plOd.

- Ubanhis


s .. u• IOI boner es, ...Oles, tubas

rep:Jirs on •ope reco<de< s

Stereo S.'' - r..,d OS

102 R•••t A.,.... MO t·1000

O>ow ''"'-"°• W.1"'



Core fvl



SCHOOL CLO THES Coeur d'Alene Laundry

& Dry Cleaners POe~up a"d Oar,.._,.,

)01 Ft•• • UO"-••• 4-J\1•


Instructor Finds Biographies To Be Rewarding Reading

:t>' . • . L: • ac--Ct'lt'ratt'd EIS!lsll c1ua na• e Just recmll.r complelPd 11 . ~phln1 on l11dMdllal1 of lhelr 0'"11 cboostnc. F'a\'Ollte 11t1b re ts trl':e plonl't'I crand ­iarents and olhv old·llmt'rs. o\cCOrdJDi Ill or. Prancl'!I Heard. Instruct t, Ille re­al'atell for lbt'Se p11per 'l<D S

to bll \be pr onal lnt<-1'lt!• l'l'e. ralhcr than library re­M&n:b w rt.

Tbla bloi:raph,y, •h«' added, la a prclud to the lone re­ee:arcll Plll>fr. ll t nches the tudmt to Ond hill own

malellal nnd IO •rtle for a rftll Udl4'nc11.

There, .. ,"' throe bloaraphl~ .. 11ucn on crand!ather,., ono on a mollll r, th roo on !albers, one on a ~th•, two tUllOblo · craphle6, thrN• on hlend.'I or acqual n1an~es. and two on Indiana.

Dr. Heard rt!llarked, "tbl! blo&rnpbl ttl are lhe mo111 el1)oynblc paptrB that I m11d," She conUnued b~ aartni: that ahl' "realb lhea" when she read lhe&e manusc:npl,,

Thi& clan proJec t has son; · outaldc rewnrds !Do. 'Jable Hanson. Rl!Yiew aasodalt' edlto:, wrote a bloeraphy last )'CDI wbm she ..-as a r:iccber o r lbt1 class . Shto oold tbt a rtl clc IO the "Spoke an Re'1ev. " , and II was p11bllllbed In the "Inland E~pltc Macazlne", In D~m­bu. The Utle or tile blosraphY Is "Old Man•Jull Uk<1 Old Eak.lm ", ·d II 15 about Jack McP '.

Acti••ty Cord• Avolloble Netr $old •nt.r who would

Uke ~::.p..ra.r1 tudent acUV\t;y a. rdll to a da:lt them to ba~ • 1tc1i.11 :im~· and olber aett,1des ...s a.II ror !llem at the 1~11 lmr ' o!llcl'.

THE PIN CUSHION E•clus•"" Yordoge Shop

E ••fylh•"9 For The Seamstress

3'0 Loke~·de Aw. Ce> "' Cl A IC!f'e, ldono

ASB MINUTES T b<' llnal SIUd<ont Board

rnerllDJ uf Ill " n111t M Ull .... IN

wa,. calll'd to o tdrr on Jan. IS by Ph.'.aldr nt Elbrl Brt&hL Tbe mlDlllC!ll r f the 1>rl'\10US mret1n1 ..-err tC'ad and aP: rro•ed.

Under old busi ness. Eth<!! r~rted that :>!JC d~balP l N.":IB 1co1cd tm11rcsr.tve vlct1mcs In their tl'C<'D I loll mamrn ts.

l'ndN Dl'W bu5lnea1, Phi I En chon r.,..011"'1 that two nl'• mo\\e proJ•ctora, a l'ICre<tn. portabl.e a10ra1e CUI! .

and e~ len•l on cord s wc.ild cos t about $UOO.OO . It wan movt'd ard aecond\'d Ill tnllk I' Utll purcho5e !or the SUB wt UI Ute mC>nl'Y CtJmlns trom lhP res11r>'c lund. The munon Pl"sed una.rumou•I) .

Sln<'c llll• citllce or '111dm1 body VICl'i>r""ldcnl W\11 be vac t111t next al'tne •11'1, Elb~l 11ek r.d th~ bon1d mroibN• to lhlnk 11bout posalbl" cantll· dGl<'A for nppolntment lO Ibo pos t.

T he meelln11 waa thr n ad-Journ.-_d_. ______ _

Vacancies In Choir Filled

\Ian; acUVIU"'" Auch as the Sl)l1 na IOur and prr­roraanc:e1 to r CJl)Ulfl are beln1 planned by !be NIJC A Cap~lla Choir. Mllll l o f tbeae aeU \1 Uea are s lated ror Ille monllia or Mazell, Aprtl D nd ll&Y.

Tbe put fe-.. wel'lla lbe cbotr bu bttn oecupi r d •I th lbc1r new rf'petotre. The .,.,17 &tart on \bl• dl!ftcuh music for 11ecnnd &emes~r makes It posalble ror the choir membeo to be pr~ pared to perform In the nrar tutu re.

Any ~scand"s that wer,. left !I rill aemest~r have now bPen tilled by l'DlbustuUc 11tud"1ll Jnt..!1es t4!d In a cappell~ r.iuqfc .

BOAT DRIVE INN Ft ed Chic ... ,,

HOf'l'I• ol ' " • COll4~ t.rond D•I c °"11 Ho~bv'l)f'I

S.,or-, Ord.rt

n 06 F'°"• A·•· (~, d'Alf'f\-9, tdolrrte

~4~e-_A:::. • '(_) MAKE


'\\ h tollfT1 O•"' i:a hoapp'f di,. 1Jkf \ou'll h.J, ir onr 'our•

•rlf llu1 • thr•~ of ,...m•-mhrnni: ""mr<•nr air ,. .. , 'h u•1t l1L.,.. lo 1.- ''"'...,nf~rr.f .• • llh ;a i1u•hh

\mb:i "'11!t r ~,, . hr.,:_ • ~,,, ~"t' anti IM"frf'~ rrnm oor I 1 tnplr h• I oft. .. llOfl nr \mh.14'-'IS.:.'or t.~flJ~ \ Ullr prr•

.. ma1 'n\o\ of ,.. .. .,1o1I lJ.•I' ••


Page 6: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 20 No 9 Feb 9, 1966

Ski Club Raising • Funds For Annual

Spring Skiing Trip Mombl'rs or the NIJC Sld

Club""' p1esentl.1 cooductfns u 111trl~ -the prize be!ns a akl outfit <•,.~ter a.nd pa OU). ncketa ma,) be puichased trom aru· tikJ club mt>ml>f'r ro1 25< each. Tbe wt nne1 or the prlzt' will be annouDCcd al Ille ll'SU-SUC basketball pme here. F'eb. 19.

The l'IWC ski team .. u1 compete In Its t11s1 nw:e at the \\Inter Camh"al. whlcb will be held F' .. b. 25. 26. 27 al SchwMtzN 3..,.ln. which IA locaicd near Sandpoint.. Idaho. The carnt\•al allntalB compeu &o16 Cn>rn all over the northwest. The JC tea.rn • Ill ski ualnst tl!llma from such collei;es u ll~hlnCton Slate Unl••ers11Y, Untve:SllY or Montana, Un!ver5llY or Idaho. Unlveratl.Y or 11ashlncton, e~.

A chill reed dinner and dance -<ponsored b)" th<' ski crlub will be beld F'eb. 25 rrom 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. 111 1be Elks Lodge al Sandpoint. The prices have been •.enla· avely SP! aa roUowa ell nner. 50 cents. dance, $1.00.

After !be dJnner and da.nce ski club members v.1ll Join In a torohllcht parade at tbe mountain. The hlchlicht or thh• ~vent occurs when the &!tiers Skim down !be moun· tlllnslde with torchea. A queen will also be chosen t.t thl& same event.

The skl club Is 11111>mpunc to ralst- money to pa.,y fo r a 11prlna trip. Laat year lhey went on a skUn11 crcumlon to BIC located near llhlte05h. Montana. The 111.P V.hllcO sh, Montana. The trip tht~ Yl'lll 111 ton1ou,·e1y aet for April 7·11 . Thi' pie.~ has nol ~l'n dl'cldcd upon aa yet according to Richard Chfllll· flOIJJ!, ad\1sor.

FIVE GAMES LEFT F'l'b. 10--0onzoaa Prosb

therl' F'cb. 12-ldaho F'toah here.

8 p.m. F'eb. 15-Clonziian Frosh

hC1", 8 p,Q\, ~'cb. 19-ll'SU Frosh here,

8 p.m.


~·• & •~•''""" MO J·)l >S






h M0tt F"" Al

.....,.__ Ploy Pool Ao Co•• Bo-I

Ro or• 60c p., Ho•r


11 , 12 In 11 ro" a.nd vtCIOI'.'< So. 15 at1.c1 the CardJneJs dcreat...i tlH! un1-verstt\' of tdllho Frosh In itoi;cow. 8~77 In one o( their bt'lter aame• o r Ille .. ealOn. Jt "IS a ircll.1 team ettort al I lhc wuy.

The Cards had ID aorne from bl'hlnd ror a .io-37 lead 11 bal!dme. Loisdon hH lbr 16 polnta for the Frosh In Ille O.rtit half while Schlaff and Traweek kept !be Cards In the 1t0111e.

After the baU11rne break :be Cards came back wl th some dett'Jllll ned defense which held Lo'8«>o to n ve points sod also curbed Jim Johnaton. hlgh scortn1 F"ro&h. w1 lb 10 for !be e>'enlnir. Botton th"11 s>t hot and alon~ ,.,,h SCbullz took over scortn1 for the Cards.

Britton. Traweek. aad Schnl12 all hit In the 20s •hlle Sc:hlalf plicbed In with 16 tor the pme. Logsdon led the Froah "llilh 21.

NJJC (eO)-Bl•t.ft.Wd 4. Obtt-&tl l. lc:b\lll• 20. C.l'ft•J s. lcbLa1I 16. 8.tttt.Otl 2J, T,..W••.lt 20.

lDAHO FROSH (77)-Johnn• lO. Gntt 11, M.U 4. W'•ddell J 0 .. uu ... 1. OS•oin 1. lke:\r ... P'c•UC. &.. Lop~ 2t. JOfdaA 4, T•• $.' lco.,.s KIJC 40. 1daho P'ro•IJ l1.

NIJC 106 - EWSC 74

!'o1JC's a.ll·llme scor!n1 reoord belonced to Rich Blit· ton after h«> lilmped In H poinlS &o lead lbe Card.<! to a 106·7'1 w1 n over the Eastern Wa.shlnlltOn College Jayvees. Brlw:>n canned 18 field gollls and el ght or 13 &1!t shot a during his spree. It wu win No. 14 f!ir the Cft1dlnals.

The Cardinal fiJll-court press ro1ced lbe outma1ched JIY\"CBI I nco many t'llOl!I which were converted to easy baskets all dudn1 the pme. Trawf'elc and Schlaf! Joined Brl lion In controllln1 both tioords.

Coach Wllllama aubsU wtl'd freely dur!np lhe .second 111111 and the sub11 conunued ID qc-ore at will. Dan Cam"> added II'" l.leld colll~ during Ibis hAU Md Pat Yale• popl)('d four !!<lid flllals from way out. Brnlnard and S:hlo.11" lll&O hit tour double D1n1r"a.

Gacy Gla.slll)W led Eaate-m wl th 19 pol nts.

tAfliT&R:f 91AllCJKOTO~ 114)-0IM&o• tt0. Mhrhl• u. w11u...; •· Llncllow l 1, ••rwlck ), .. h•r• tt. Pov~• 15.

N1JC (UM>- Or•tMtJ 11, •.h.iu 6, C'•m•r 14. lkhl•tr 1:, M•r•r 1. ~ 1Jn1tun '· unuon ••· T ...... i.. P.. K•rb> l. Y•t•• 1.

lialfli .. lc<-re1 SlJ( ); . ....... ,... ilt'•eh[J,&t&lft J•J-•• ll. NlJC 100 - BIG BEND 65

Their record 5tood at 16·1 !or Coach \\lllams· Cards wl Ill a tO<Ml:i .. 1 o over Bia Bend Community CoUece oa the cardinal court. Sil Cllllla scored tn the doublt" flsures durtnc thl' pme.

Ap.ln, H was a fu.U~ourt press by NJJC. lorclnc Dlll!U bclll handlln1 cmon. .. blch "ere con,·ertetl Into baskets, lh1.t prolilct'da 5i·31 baller load. DCSPI l(I the hllh bCOr­lni:. lhli> wu a c:reu dtfen­sl\·e effort b~· the Cards. RlCh \\elk. top scorer !or lh< \'lklnas a.nd :;Pcond in \\11:;1!­lnston Junior Collt'P' C on-

Arh • c ortd ""-•nr1 E; r..- .,,,


lOS Slii•""•" "'"•· .. MOke.-k '~5121

fer• nc• ocorl nc thllo l!eASOn, ,...,. held "1 thout a point for tb• e• entns. The Viki ns s1Artln11 tlve was held to two firld ;11tJs durin11 the second half.

Coach l\llUo.:11s broullht Gan Cbsltleld up !rom Ille .J\ .. a for tll s ~ame. Clm.l· tleld comes from Kootenai Hlch Md .... lmpreasl\'f.' In bto debuL Thl' Cardlrull bmch sttenclh wns also demons11a1ed dudnc much or the pme and thP pace never &tapped.

Tom Du bas I eel the Vlkln J& wt th H p.;il DIS.

DlG OS.!'tD (1'' -Ou•• 1•. P'lU• ... ff.f.rnad : o TtH J IJ. H.ut9 • 4. &.an.biloo• ... E••~uttuch 1. 111cs . .. !ftjt· ~JO~C:[n!.!.; 1-1. O~,.P r:. u. "l:.aJ"l)e'J" .s. ~bl.aft -:~. •111,,_a IS. Tre•••lt H. Clilat­U•ld,..,

H.m....... le ,.. :t?JC 57. Die )1.


NIJC Slips To 20th In National Rankings

!"<IJC remained In the top 20 ca11e teams ranked by basketball coaches weekl.Y for th~ National Junior Col· le11e Athlt'tlc Association. but slipped ID 20th desPlte runn!n1 !heir ~ord to 16·1.

Burlln;ton. Iowa Jumped back Into n111t place Inst week "1th a I :?·2 record. Dixie or St. Gi!orge. Ulab Is the oalJ' olhe1 western team ranked.

Tea..'lla with as m.11J1y ns four losses were ranked ahead of lhl' C8.ldinals. For thas~ who v.ondt'r nboul these ranltlni:s. I l should be noted this IS a ra.nlc1n11 by coaches who tend to consider !hos,. tea.rnh they have met 01 are In thl'lr area. TllP mll)odr;y of w~t~m Junior coll~g"' do not porlicll'llt~ tn s JCAA iou maml!Dlll, .,.blcb !es Ve!I

!be sreat numbl'f ot remain· l na teams In the ~d-west and South. Rankine& ren~ct Ibis.


Re Ill most 11 .... rro ... dan,~J "'L'"'>. C\'e'n trhf't'l a!-.:. 1~ 'IQ

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