  • NETWORK MARKETING A SOLID OPPORTUNITY Take the path to success by establishing your own business

    NIMC International Network Marketing Council

  • THE GLOBAL SITUATION IN RELATION TO CURRENT LABOUR MARKET POLICY Structural transformation is making great headway worldwide. Its effects can be felt in all areas of society, from the labour market to pension, social and health care policies. Harsh competition for ever fewer jobs is resulting in individuals facing greater challenges and personal initiative is a pre-requisite. Globally, we are facing a situation where many people are searching for opportunities to stabilize or increase their earnings through alternative sources of income. The possibilities available for meeting the costs of ones own livelihood, can be split into five main categories: . . . . : Dependent Employment Self-employment/Freelancing / Franchising Direct Sales Network Marketing

    Whilst all of these approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages, Network Marketing brings together the many positive aspects of self-employment practices: :

    Minimal or zero self-investment required Broad scope for decision-making Independent organisation of work structures and areas of concentration Transition to self-employment via part-time occupation

    Network Marketing makes the entire range of working-time models possible: from additional earnings derived from part-time commitments with variable working hours, to a principal income acquired from full-time employment, all the way to big careers, with the corresponding time commitments they require.

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  • HOW DOES ONE FUNCTION AS A NETWORKER? All Networkers work independently, whilst at the same time being part of a team. All Networkers will actively seek and maintain contacts with potential clients and business associates. These contacts might be made in person, on the telephone or in writing. It is up to the individual Networker to decide how and where he or she presents his or her products and where meetings with business associates take place, whether at the Networkers own business premises, at the homes of the customers, at trade fairs and events or via the internet. The absence of regional limitation on business activities is a basic principal of Network Marketing. . . . . . Network Marketing owes its existence to the entrepreneurial capacity of a single individual who can build up his or her own business at the same time as aiding the success of others by passing on the knowledge they have acquired. To be successful, a Networker must have a well-developed ability to communicate and to inspire other people to become enthusiastic about an idea or opportunity. . . A friendly, open manner should thereby always go hand-in-hand with respect, and the standards of behavior that apply to the business should be observed.

  • The International Network marketing Council (INMC) has compiled a corresponding code of behavior for its members. Once you have decided upon a business partnership in Network Marketing, you can be assured that you are starting out in your new activity well-prepared and with the vigor required to succeed. It is only when you are convinced of yourself, your partner company and the products involved that you can be successful in generating enthusiasm among your clients and in acquiring business partners. The International Network Marketing Council (INMC) is a structured support mechanism that will lead you on the right path to Network Marketing.) . INMC( . .(INMC) . NETWORK MARKETING IS A LEGAL WAY OF DOING BUSINESS Network Marketing has existed as a way of doing business for over 50 years. Whilst it has received legal legitimization in a number of court decisions, Network Marketing is often still equated or confused with pyramid sales systems, which are characterized by several non-lawful practices. There is a need to make an unambiguous distinction between such schemes and the legitimate business practice that is Network Marketing. . 50 . .

  • INTERNATIONAL NETWORK MARKETING COUNCIL (INMC) (INMC) The International Network Marketing Council represents the interests of transparent Network Marketing companies worldwide, whilst retaining its independence in terms of products or company affiliations. We see the Council at the forefront of efforts to achieve recognition for Network Marketing in both the general society and economic policy. The official goal of the INMC is to increase public awareness which will, in turn result in more people being able to make well-informed and well-prepared decisions when contemplating a shift to the business independence that Network Marketing offers. . (INMC) . .

    Should you have any questions, please address them to the person who gave you this leaflet. .

  • WHY IS THE TIME IDEAL FOR SELF-EMPLOYMENT IN NETWORK MARKETING? Self-employment has become a topic of interest for many people More and more people everyday are contemplating taking on additional self-employment activities as a way of safeguarding their levels of income. Nevertheless, many are held back by the many risks connected with self-employment in the traditional sense. Network Marketing , by contrast, is a low-risk form of self-employment that can be easily implemented. . . .

    Network Marketing an effective form of advertising It is becoming harder and harder for traditional advertising to reach customers, The endless flood of advertising messages has led to indifference to this type of media. In Network Marketing high-quality products and services are recommended from one person to another, resulting in a timely and highly effective form of advertising. - . . Network Marketing requires a focussing on the customer Customer service is unfortunately not always a top priority for many businesses. Network Marketing is a definite trendsetter in this area. Individual consultation and personal customer support from a knowledgeable consultant, together with direct merchandise delivery straight to your door, have definite service advantages over conventional commercial practice. . . .

  • WHAT IS NETWORK MARKETING? In Network Marketing, licensed business associates recommend a companys products or services to end users for purchase. . The business associates realise their own earnings from the trade margin between the procurement and sales prices of the products or services. At the same time, Networkers are in a position to recruit additional business associates for their own companies. They sponsor these newcomers with their own know-how and train them for the business at hand. Working in this manner, the individual gradually builds up a network of business associates and clients. As a sponsor, he or she profits from the sales of his or her team via commission and bonus payments. In addition to the profits realised from direct product sales, these commission arrangements provide a further source of income for the Networker. The Networker receives these funds directly from the Network Marketing company. The reimbursement system is defined in the Marketing Plan of the specific company involved. . . . . . . . . Ultimately, Network Marketing is an opportunity for self-employment, and without the generally high risks involved when establishing an independent business venture. .

  • INTERNATIONAL NETWORK MARKETING CONCIL (INMC) (INMC) Business start-up with Network Marketing

    You have questions on your way into your self-employment? Full or part time self-employment Consulting, Coaching, Seminars Programs for establishing your business Or any other issue ...

    Our aim is to help you-get in contact with us! !

    International Network Marketing Council (INMC) Please contact us: :[email protected]
