Page 1: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013

mum’s m@il Pietermaritzburg & Midlands | April 201330 000 Free Magazines |

Page 2: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013

mum’s mail teamEditor:

Alice Leah • [email protected] • 031 - 573 1731 (ext 5) Subeditor:

Brenda Daniels • [email protected] • 073 269 6118Accounts:

Ilse Furber or Lynda van Gestel • 031 - 573 1731 (ext 2 or 3)Enquiries:

Daniella Fensome • 031 - 573 1731 (ext 1)Adverti sing Sales:

Bev Delew • [email protected] • 031 - 573 1731 (ext 4) Designer:

Shaun DalzielCover Photo: Model:

Tristan KirbyPhotographer:

Natasha Brooks Photography, 082 630 2367,

3 Editor’s Life4 Everyday Life5 - 8 Healthy Life/Beauti ful Life9 Tiny Life/Young Life10 - 12 Young Life/Party Life13 Educated Life14 Busy Life15 Busta

DISCLAIMER: Neither the Publisher, Printer or Editor can be held responsible for damages or consequences of any omissions or errors, as every care is tak-en to ensure the accuracy of the informati on in Mum’s Mail. We do not guaran-tee the performance or quality of service of any of the adverti sers in this magazine. No part of Mum’s Mail magazine may be reproduced without the writt en consent of the Editor.

PAM 083 448 3520

Owner supervised

Easter Blessings

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Photography is my Passione Photography

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Play at our venue or we can come to your venue.

Mum’s Mail wishes all its Christian readers

a blessed Easter 2 3 To advertise: (031) 573 1731

Where Will I Find...?

Instant LawnAdam Ashton 083 731 4828

[email protected]

Now open weekends! We stock several varieties

of lawn, custom suited to cater for all needs Mon – Fri 8am – 3pm Sat – Sun 8am – 1pm

Page 3: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013

Scottsville KumonGina Clowes 082 564 9537

PMB Central KumonLulama Mbatha 072 596 2767

Education You Can Count On

Give your child the edge.




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033 - 386 8217215A King Edward Ave, Scottsville,

PIETERMARITZBURGWe have been eagerly planning a litt le break away for the Easter holidays, and camping was top of the list. Surprisingly we managed to get in, despite leaving it unti l the last minute. I suspect this has something to do with the fact that camp-ing is no longer the dirt cheap holiday it used to be. In fact, for a family of 2 adults and 2 kids, we are now paying R630 per night – although this is way cheaper than a chalet or hotel, a four night getaway sti ll amounts to more than R2500! If you choose to stay home and save your pennies, look for things to do with the family that won’t necessarily cost a lot:• The beach – always free, and if you pack a picnic basket you should be able to stave off requests from the kids for ice creams, burgers etc (at least for a while)• The Animal Farmyard in Botha’s Hill – it’s open 7 days a week and entry is only R12 (• Pony camps at Canterbury Equestrian Centre – bound to keep the kids busy for days (• Boot Camp at Giba Gorge – parents can chill at the coff ee shop while the kids are put through their paces (• Fudge at Tasha’s Fantasti c Fudge – a gastronomical delight in Hilton, a must-see, must-taste, must-buy shop (• Fun at mr. Funtubbles at Liberty Mall – fun no matt er the weather as it’s indoors ( • KZN Museum – a whole day of discovery (• A whole day of indoor entertainment at Play Days, Camps Drift Park – www.• Perler bead workshops or buy the kit and play at home – 082 478 5860• Drumming classes with DrumKidz –• Check out our Busy Life page on pg 14 for more ideas of what to do these holi-days

Alice xxx 2 3 To advertise: (031) 573 1731

Editor’s Life

Page 4: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013

Dominic - 082 800 3215Glen - 082 800 6591Fred - 071 602 1523 947 1802 • 032 586 0253

HEAT-your-POOL SOLAR from R4499

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The services that we off er include (but are not limited to:)• Divorce proceedings • Custody (parental rights and responsibiliti es) disputes • Access (contact)disputes • Parenti ng agreements • Child representati on • Mediati on • Rights of fathers of children born out of wedlock • Adopti on proceedings (both locally and inter country) • Children’s court enquiries • Domesti c violence proceedings •Maintenance claims proceedings • Ante-nupti al contracts We strive to exceed our clients’ needs, with specifi c focus on value, service and selecti on.


Specialists in Family, Matrimonial & Divorce Law

BASED IN PMB AND DBN033 - 342 8285

Belly Dancing for all AgesBellychique is a Pietermaritzburg-based belly dancing group. The initi al group of fi ve ladies formed Bellychique with the desire to “be creati ve” and dance sim-ply because they enjoyed it. Other ladies began joining them and the dancers now perform all over KZN and off er classes to ladies of all ages. Their youngest enrolled member is eight years of age. Their eldest 82!

Bellychique operates from the Allan Wil-son Bowling Cub in Peter Brown Road, Scott sville. Beginners (with “20 left feet”) have classes there on Mondays from 6pm to 7pm. Intermediate and advanced la-dies can att end classes on Wednesdays from 6pm to 7pm and on Fridays from 2pm to 3pm teens can join in the fun. Bel-lychique is affi liated to studios elsewhere in the province so students wanti ng to do exams can be referred.

Bellychique performs for corporates and private events throughout KZN. Whilst there is a cost for these performances, Bellychique dances for free at numerous charity events and fundraisers. They also off er “mobile” belly dance classes to se-nior citi zens (i.e. Bellychique travels to re-ti rement homes).

Vanessa Coetzee, a Bellychique found-ing member, says: “We celebrated our fi rst anniversary recently and are hugely proud of this achievement. Belly dancing is like Pilates on steroids – you discover muscles you didn’t know you had! Most of all, it’s huge fun and we dance because we love it.”

Contact: Vanessa, 082 485 3908, [email protected].

WIN WIN WIN Mum’s Mail has 2 Belly Dance Sessions

for 2 readers OR 1 workshop of 10 people for 1 reader to give away. Visit to enter. 4 5 To advertise: (031) 573 1731

Everyday Life

Page 5: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013


For more information contact the Durban branch:Nolan Pillay 071 860 9660 | [email protected]

Bradley Chetty 073 250 0147 | [email protected] Singh +27 081 467 1179 | [email protected]

Charmaine Maree or Kajal Maharaj +27 571 2800 | [email protected]

Introducing Mentat

Consult your Pharmacist or Doctor. Stock available at Community Pharmacists & Health Stores!


10ml to 20ml teaspoons a day

Tablet: 2 tablets a day

• Memory Disturbance • Attention Fluctuations

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Improve Your Mental Focus Whether at work or learning for an exam, having a focused mind, good memory and thinking ability, are a must. Quick Tips to Improve Your Mental Focus: • Healthy Diet – Some unhealthy foods and beverages such as carbonated drinks, caff eine, sugar, alcohol, white fl our, fatt y and fried foods, are known to decrease a person’s thinking ability. So, such foods should be completely eliminated from the diet. • Daily include foods that boost memory: • Fish, oysters and other seafood (these contain vitamin B and zinc). • Eggs, peanuts, soybean products and liver. • Fruits, vegetables and nuts – these are some of the healthiest foods and as much as possible, a person’s diet should be made from them. • Vitamin C and E, Selenium, L-Glutamine, Bacopa monnieri, Gotu Kola, Ashwagandha and Ginkgo Biloba are also important. • Eat breakfast daily, and snack on fruits, nuts or low-fat yoghurt twice a day. • Stress Management – It is very important to have adequate sleep at night and rests/breaks during the day. Meditati on and breathing exercises can also help to check stress and anxiety build up. • Regular Exercise – When a person undertakes exercise, the blood circulati on in the body improves, resulti ng in opti mum supply of oxygen to various organs of the body, including the brain. Walking, aerobics, swimming, jogging, playing any sports and Yoga can improve mental focus and alertness. • Positi ve Atti tude – Goes a long way in keeping mood disorders in check and maintaining mental focus. • Remove Distracti ons – If you have a parti cular task at hand, remove all hindrances and distrac-ti ons that come in the way of completi ng it. Break the whole task into smaller ones and then do one thing at a ti me. Do the important tasks fi rst.

Source: Pharmed Pharmaceuti cals, 031 – 571 2800. 4 5 To advertise: (031) 573 1731

Healthy Life/Beautiful Life

Page 6: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013

Magnesium from the DEAD SEAMagnesium is involved with more than 350 metabolic functions in the body. We take in way too little bio-available elemental mag-nesium. Miracle Magnesium Oil is the best type of magnesium for intestinal absorption due to its liquid form and organic minerals and may provide more bio-available magnesium per/ml than in tablet form.

Miracle Magnesium Oil combined with Miracle Magnesium Blue Spray may

help for the following symptoms:

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033 - 342 8489

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Saturday sessions available

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Unsure whether your problem is big enough to see a psychologist? Contact me or visit my website.

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Managing a family, a home, fi nances and relationships can become overwhelming. Seeing a psychologist can help to manage these issues both emotionally and practically.I see patients of all ages.Some of the issues I deal with include: • Worries about children (emotional, intellectual, behavioural)• Depression, anxiety and stress• Marital or relationship diffi culties• Family transitions

HPCSA: PS0116831Pr. No.: 0860010482285 6 7 To advertise: (031) 573 1731

Healthy Life/Beautiful Life

Page 7: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013 6 7 To advertise: (031) 573 1731

Healthy Life/Beautiful Life

Page 8: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013

Fitness 4 Life• Dynamic • Effective • Innovative• Motivating

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Childminder & CPR Course

CPR courses for Schools, Moms, Dads, Grannies and Babysitters.

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Come & see what Bootcamp,

X-Factor & Kettlebells is all about!(T & C's apply)

COSMETICS & HOUSEHOLD FACTORY SHOPOpen: Mon - Fri: 9am - 4.30pm, Sat: 9am - 2pm, Sun: 9am - 1pm

3 Barnsley Road, Camps Drift Park, PMB033 - 346 2248 •

Adore your body, with

healthy nutritional


We have a variety of gifts available for babies, toddlers, moms, dads, grandparents, friends and school teachers! 8 9 To advertise: (031) 573 1731

Healthy Life/Beautiful Life

Page 9: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013

Babies: Hillcrest: 084 577 7630Toddlers: Ballito: 076 222 2946 • Kloof: 083 259 2746

• Pietermaritzburg: 083 445 1441

• Stimulates all the senses and promotes learning • Develops perceptual motor skills • Unique range of climbing and clambering equipment • Original Clamber Club action songs and exciting props • Gives parents great stimulation ideas for home

Mother and Baby and Toddler Weekly Stimulation Classes

2 Months to

3 Years

headoffi [email protected] •

Travelling with Children

A litt le forward planning can make all the diff erence when

travelling with children. Your number one priority is your chil-dren’s safety. They need to be strapped in for the durati on of the trip – this is a non-negoti able rule. Separati ng your children with some luggage or blankets is a good idea for even the best of friends. Pace yourself on a long journey. If the kids are content, enjoy it, and wait to bring out the next diversion!

Here are some ideas:

• Kids’ music and story CDs. • Wrap small toys/snacks. The unwrapping is an acti vity in itself, and the anti cipati on makes each gift more exciti ng. • Fridge magnets on a baking sheet. • Reusable sti cker books. • Play Word Lightning – how many words starti ng with the same lett er can you say in one minute? • Play Car Snap – choose a car make and/or colour and award points each ti me you see your car. • Play 20 Questi ons (remember Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?). • Print a simple map for older children to mark the progress of the jour-ney. • Sleeping – bring out the pillows to signal rest ti me. • Have a “treasure bag” for all the things you collect, its contents are a great discussion point on the jour-ney home. Accept that the trip will take longer and plan plenty of stops along the way. Bring a soccer ball, frisbee or bubbles to play with when you stop. The journey should be part of the fun.

Source: Ashleigh Thompson,

Toptots Hilton, Toptots branches countrywide,, [email protected].

Fantastic Holiday Specials - Enquire Now!

Original designsfor little individuals

Tanya 073 042 [email protected]

Kids 8 9 To advertise: (031) 573 1731

Tiny Life/Young Life

Page 10: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013

For Hire

033 - 344 3903

Visit our showroom

• Plain & various themed tables

• Chairs for little ones• Stools for 8 years & older

• Chair & stool covers• Personalised banners• Customised piñatas &

centre-pieces on request

Jill Celliers 082 561 [email protected] •

Messy Mats




Contact: [email protected] 587 2599 •

Contact Sherri on 083 547 5981

Pietermaritzburg Gymnastics


Pietermaritzburg Gymnastics

Gymnastics improves posture, co-ordination, stamina, flexibility and discipline

of mind & body.

• Boys & Girls• Age 3 & up

• Fun filled programmes

We specialise in kiddies’

partiesThemed décor for boys and girls, jumping

castles, cupcakes,

birthday cakes, party packs and

lots more...

Samantha 074 764 [email protected]

Sue 084 395 0379 •

Smartie Party Planners

Candy fl oss made for:• School Market Days

• Fundraising • Birthday Parties • Corporate Events

• Flea Markets • Fêtes • Community & Social Functions


Candy Floss, Slush Puppies, Popcorn, Lucky

Packets and Jumping Castles

076 913 [email protected]

Kids’ Party Furniture, Chair Covers & Table Cloths for Hire, Beautiful

Novelty/Sugar Print Cakes, Stunning Cupcakes, Personalised Party Buckets

& Birthday Banners & lots more!From the most basic, to the most

elaborate birthday parties.We’ll do it all!

For a FREE quotation, with NO obligation, contact Sharon on partystuffi [email protected]

083 444 7415 or 079 727 2669

PARTYPARTY STUFF 10 11 To advertise: (031) 573 1731

Young Life/Party Life

• Learn all about instruments • Playing of all percussion

instruments • Learning rhythm patterns & tonal patterns

• Reading music and understanding music language

• Graphic notation • Body movement and awareness

“Discover the music in your child”

Jane Terblanche, Hilton • Cell: 082 788 8231Website:

Start your kids on a fun musical adventure today!Come and experience the

real joy of MUSIC...

Page 11: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013

[email protected] Kate on 033 - 346 2765 |

Leave the kids with us these hoLidays! we have a great programme planned

daily from 9am-2pmactivities include:

• Drumkidz • Mosaicing • T-shirt dying • Perler beads • Pizza making • Sand art

• Cupcake decorating • Ball play

Daily Meal Biscuit snack “munch box”

pre-selected by parents.

Free play & full use of our facility including our 4-storey jungle gym, bike track, soft play toys, fantasy play & more!

ages 2 to 5 - 1 carer per 3 kids

ages 6 to 12 - 1 carer per 5 kids

daily charge R180 or R750 for 5 days aftercare available 2-5pm at R30/hour

“Play Days Pass” holders get discounts - details in store. Booking essential & space is limited!

25 - 29 March • 1 - 5 April • 8 -12 April 2013 Holiday Club 10 11 To advertise: (031) 573 1731

Young Life/Party Life

Page 12: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013

SWIMMING LESSONSFor all ages & abilities

• Heated pools • Showers/change rooms

• Enclosed parking• Gym equipment

• Tuck shop• Safe, park-like surroundings

ODETTE 082 466 8577

Design ‘n Party• Kiddies’ themed events • Jumping castles • Water slides • Face painting • Photography • Party packs • Catering and much more...

Contact Megan on 072 938 • [email protected] 12 13 To advertise: (031) 573 1731

Young Life/Party LifeIzon Parteez

• Kids’ party décor & furniture

• Jumping castles• Cakes & cupcakes

• Party packsFree paper plates, cups & serviettes.

Ts & Cs apply.

Nozie 082 831 [email protected]

Shop No.1 Equinox Building, Millennium Boulevard, Umhlanga

Tel | 031 - 584 7364 | us on FacebookFind us on Facebook

Beautiful DesignerClothing Brands for BabiesToddlers & Tweens

Specialising in Kidz Themed Parteez!We provide: Themed Party Table & Chairs, Tableware & Décor,

Jumping Castles, Popcorn & Candy Floss Machines, Cakes, Sand Art, Face Painting, Bambino Toddlers’ Set & So Much More...

Visit our party showroom for your next party!

Jumping Castles &Children’s Party Planner



Anthea on 082 302 [email protected]•


Hoppers & Bugs Children’s Party Planner and Jumping Castles

Page 13: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013

Take Up Horse RidingGet out into the fresh air, commune with nature and feel the therapeuti c eff ects associated with horses – all excellent rea-sons to take up horse riding. Other ben-efi ts of this sport/pleasurable pasti me include developing muscle tone, balance, confi dence and motor skills.

Canterbury Equestrian Centre, situated in the Bisley Nature Reserve, can provide all these and more at their riding school and livery yard. Apart from stabling horses for owners, the school off ers lessons on their own horses, for all ages and levels. Just sign up for an assessment lesson and Bid-di will slot you into the right riding group. The school’s youngest student is fi ve, its eldest 60 – so it really is for everyone!

The centre is open for outrides and 30-minute or one-hour lessons Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm and on Saturdays from 8am to 1pm. Instructors are SANEF qualifi ed.

Apart from practi cal and theory lessons, Canterbury Equestrian Centre also does shows (either at their own premises or elsewhere), show jumping, dressage and competi ti ve riding. On the safety side, the centre off ers an enclosed, controlled environment with constant supervision. Helmets are provided for riders who don’t have their own.

Pony Camps is another exciti ng off ering for children. These comprise three-day camps at the centre during which children go on outi ngs, play games, learn skills and groom their ponies.

So whether you want to ride simply for fun, or your children would like lessons, give Canterbury Equestrian Centre a call today and take up horse riding.

Contact: Biddi, 079 967 5018.


INSTRUCTORS• From beginners to

advanced• Pony camps

• From 5 years and up

Biddi 079 967 5018 • Laurie 082 786 [email protected] 12 13 To advertise: (031) 573 1731

Educated Life

Go Big, because now you canDrama, TV & Film Acting

Classes for Kids Grade 3 - 7

Acting Academy &Casting Agency

033 - 387 6770 | 074 192 6854BBM: 27B6D4C1

Kaamani 073 222 [email protected]

Co-curricular or extra-mural course at your school, on a weekly basis

by a trained Ms Manners.Create children prepared for the

future with good manners & social skills, an attitude of willingness to please, respect, awareness of choice of behaviour, acceptance

of consequences, empathy, consideration of the feelings of

others, conscience and confi dence.Private and holiday classes also offered Practice No. 0059978

Cell: 084 240 9610 Tel: 033 - 345 2041

e-mail: [email protected]

Are you or your child not

coping?• Psycho Educational

Assessments • Art/Play Therapy

• Adolescent Therapy/ Assessments

• Adult Individual Therapy• Couple Counselling• Family Counselling • Trauma Counselling

Claire Hartshorne Psychologist

• Increase intelligence• Sharpen attention &

concentration• Develop accurate

perception• Improve long &

short term memory • Promote logical thought

• Improve reading • Build self-esteem & self-confidence

Anne033 - 386 3040



Page 14: Mum’s Mail PMB and Midlands April 2013

APRIL AWARENESS DAYS• Health Awareness Month • 1: Family Day (Easter Monday) • 7: World Health Day • 17: World Haemophilia Day • 22 - 26: Green Office Week • 22: Earth Day • 23: World Book Day • 24 - 30: Global/African Vaccination Week • 25: World Malaria Day • 27: Freedom Day • 29 Apr – 1 May: National Polio & Measles Immunisation Campaign.

ARTS & CULTURE• KWAZULU-NATAL MUSEUM: Mon – Fri 8.15am – 4.30pm, Sat 9am – 4pm, Sun 10am – 3pm, Jabu Ndlovu St, PMB. Con-tact 033 – 345 1404.• MOSAIC CLASSES: Tues, 9am – 12pm, 50 Haygarth Rd, Kloof. Cost: R75 + materials. Contact Sheila, 083 782 7810, 031 – 764 6454, [email protected].• TOP ROCKS: Ashburton. Patch scratch & geological museum, 9am – 4pm. Contact [email protected], 083 677 7711.

BUSINESS MEETINGS• BIZSMART NETWORK: 2nd last Thurs monthly, 3.45pm – 6.45pm, PMB. Contact Carmen Teal, 071 512 7530, [email protected], • KINGDOM BUSINESS NETWORKING: 23 Apr, 8am, The Cof-feeberry, Cascades Mall. Contact Belinda, [email protected].

CHARITY • ASSIST: Offers counselling, emergency care safe house, “Baby Safes”. The organisation needs: baby & children’s clothes & equipment. Contact René Morcom, 033 – 347 5544.• CHASE VALLEY PARK FUNDRAISER: Jumping Castle, Slip & Slide, Sat & Sun, 9am – 5pm, Chase Valley Park, Chase Valley Rd, PMB. R20 per child. To raise fund for Growing Parks. Con-tact [email protected].• ESTHER HOUSE: Safe place for abused women & children. Contact June if you would like to assist, [email protected].• GOD’S WAREHOUSE (WHEATFIELD MISSION OUTREACH): Assists families who have no food. For food drop-off points contact Debbie Schroeder, 083 230 6643, [email protected].• MSUNDUZI HOSPICE CHARITY SHOP: 200 Zwartkop Rd, Prestbury. Mon – Fri 8am – 3.45pm, Sat 8am – 1pm. Donations welcomed. Contact 033 – 344 1560.

COURSES/WORKSHOPS• BASIC COMPUTER LITERACY: Daily, 2pm – 4pm, Hayfields. Cost: R200. Contact [email protected], 076 658 1989.• BELLY DANCE LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS: Belly Chique Belly Dance Studio, PMB. Contact Vanessa, 082 485 3908.• COMPUTER SKILLS TRAINING: • 13 Apr, Photo editing & e-mailing of photos. • 13 Apr, Google Plus for Business. At your home or office, PMB, Hilton, Howick. Contact Hannelie Morris Pickering, 084 486 2949, [email protected].• DESIGN-YOUR-OWN CUPCAKE PARTY: For Age 4 & up. Con-tact Yola, 079 517 2220, [email protected].• JUST BOUTIQUE: Health, creative & baking courses for adults & kids. Athlone. Contact Lara Edmonds, [email protected], 033 – 342 4984, 084 587 0880, • POSTNATAL CLASSES FOR MOMS & BABIES (0 – 6 MONTHS): Wed, 10am – 12pm, St Anne’s Hospital, Stork’s Nest. Contact Sr Kate Paine, 033 – 897 5309, [email protected]. • WEEKLY MEDITATION CLASSES: • Tues, 6pm – 7pm, Claren-don. • Thurs, 5.30pm – 6.30pm, Howick. Learn to meditate & discover how a peaceful mind can change your life. Contact 031 – 764 6193, [email protected].

EDUCATION• BOOKS 2 YOU BOOK FAIRS: • 15 – 17 Apr, Scottsville Primary, PMB. • 9 & 10 Apr, St Dominics, Newcastle. Contact Kathy, 031 – 705 7744.• BUTTERFLIES FOR AFRICA: Willowton. Indoor hall with ex-otic butterflies & monkey enclosure. Tours available. Contact: 033 – 387 1356.• HOLIDAY DRUMMING FUN: 29 Mar, 5 & 12 Apr, Play Days Entertainment Centre, PMB. Contact Bhavna, 081 587 2599, [email protected].

ENTERTAINMENT• CORSETS & COCKTAILS: 10 Apr, 6pm, with Distell & Women in Business. Contact [email protected].• HOWICK HOSPICE SUPPER THEATRE DOUBLE “O” BOND-GIRL: 5 Apr, 6.30pm, Fernhill Hotel. Cost: R180 p.p. (supper & show). Contact 033 – 330 5257.• THE AFRICAN PASSION: 26 – 28 Apr, Durban City Hall. Con-tact Computicket, 0861 915 8000.

LEISURE• COASTAL HORSE CARE UNIT: 1 Apr, Cato Ridge. Contact Joel, [email protected], 031 – 782 1434.• INCHANGA CHOO CHOO STEAM TRAIN: 31 Mar (Sundowner Train @ 4.30pm), 1 Apr, 28 Apr. 8.30am & 12.30pm. Kloof to Inchanga Station Craft Market (return). Contact 087 808 7715, 082 353 6003, • MARITZBURG COLLEGE WINTER SPORTS FESTIVAL: 29 Mar – 6 Apr, Maritzburg College. Contact 084 504 6069, [email protected].• MINIATURE LIVE STEAM TRAINS: 1st Sun (7 Apr & 5 May), 10am – 4pm, 78 Rudling Rd, Bisley, PMB. Cost: R6. Contact An-dries Keyser, PMB Model Engineering Society, 082 557 2119.• PLAY DAYS: Camps Drift Park. Big indoor playground, 9am – 5pm. Cost: R30 per child. Contact Kerry, 073 672 6122.• PONIES FOR PARTIES: Ashburton or at your venue. Contact Gael Whiteley, 083 460 7654, [email protected].• POWER WALK SESSIONS: In a group in PMB. Contact Carol, 082 827 8214.• ROYAL DRAKENSBERG MOUNTAIN BIKE CHALLENGE: • 6 Apr, 10am, 20km Fun Ride; 2.30pm Family Fun Ride & 1km Walk; 6pm Night Ride & Potjie. • 7 Apr, 9am, 53km Extreme Classic; 9.15am, 25km Intermediate; 9.30am, 10km Beginners Fun Ride. Contact All Out Adventures, 072 386 1344, [email protected].• SUGAR BAY CAMPS: • 31 Mar – 7 Apr, Sugar Bay’s Got Talent Week. • 14 – 21 Apr, Arcade Week. • 21 – 28 Apr, Moscow Week. • 28 Apr – 5 May, Madhatter Week. Sugar Bay, North Coast. Contact 031 – 485 3778,

MARKETS• CITY HALL CRAFT MARKET: Sat, 9am – 2pm, opposite City Hall. Contact 033 – 396 2807.• HOUSE OF HEART EMPORIUM FRESH PRODUCE MARKET: Sat, 8am – 10am, Dunrobin Centre, 31 Warwick Rd. Contact 076 788 2052, 083 286 7668, [email protected].• INCHANGA CRAFT MARKET: Last Sun of the month, 9am – 3pm, Inchanga Station & Railway Museum. Contact 076 564 6357, [email protected].• KARKLOOF FARMERS’ MARKET: Sat, 7am – 11am, 2.6km out-side Howick on Karkloof Rd (access on D507). Contact Andrea, 082 820 8986.• PMB FARMERS’ MARKET: Sat, 6am, Alexandra Park. Contact 082 886 0687.• SHONGWENI FARMERS’ & CRAFT MARKET: Sat, 6.30am – 10.30am, cnr Alverstone & Kassier Rd, Assagay. Contact 083 777 1674. Visit• UNDER THE MONTHLY MEETING TREE MARKET: 29 Mar, Shongweni. Contact Candice, 082 371 5062.

OTHER• SADAG (SOUTH AFRICAN DEPRESSION & ANXIETY GROUP): Facebook Fridays; Support Groups. Contact [email protected], 0800 12 13 14,• SUSTAINABLE LIVING & INDIGENOUS PLANT FAIR (SLIP 2013): 25 – 28 Apr, 9am – 5pm daily, Botanical Gardens, Prest-bury. Contact Karen Zunckel, 083 235 8628, • THERMOSCAN – SAFE ROUTINE BREAST CANCER SCREEN-ING: 8am – 4pm, Victoria Medical Centre. Contact Marcelle, 082 375 3805, [email protected].

Send your May Diary Dates to [email protected] with “PMB Diary” in the subject line before 10 April. Entries

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