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    Put  Your  Marriage     Troubles  Behind  You…


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The  RAINBOW  Formula

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Reach  Out  to  Your  Partner   Be  sure  to  show  affection  whenever  you  want.      !   Sometimes  one  partner  may  be  reluctant  to  reach  out  in  a  physical  expression  of  love  because  of  a  fear  of  rejection  from  their  spouse.    It’s  important  to  make  the  attempt  anyway.      

!   Even  if  you  do  get  rejected  by  your  spouse  for          physical  initiations,  you’re  showing  the  care  behind  the  gesture.    It’s  that  care  that  will  strengthen  your  bond.

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Act  on  Their  Response

  If  your  spouse  embraces  your  attempts,  then  great.      


  Keep  the  habit  going  and  become    more  physically  affectionate.    It  can  be  as  simple  as  holding  hands,  caressing  their  leg,  rubbing  their  back  or  running  your  fingers  gently  through  their  hair.

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Ignite  the  Passion  with  a  Kiss

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Now,  work  on  this  every  day…

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Be  aware  of  your  affection   Try  not  to  make  your  affections  feel  obligatory  or  mechanical.      


  When  you’re  with  your  spouse,  put  your  entire  being  into  the  time  and  really  reflect  on  being  grateful  for  their  love.

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Open  up  to  say  “I  Love  You”

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Write  down  one  thing  to  tackle

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Marriage  Troubles  Differ  by  Couple

  Maybe  your  partner  cheated,  you  or  your  spouse  are  bored,  you  argue  constantly,  your  sex  life  is  history,  you’re  having  financial  issues  which  have  meant  many  cut  backs  in  the  household.    

!   Even  just  the  pure,  simple  day  to  day  routine  of  life  can  cause  marriage  troubles  and  it’s  so  important  to  know  that  you  are  not  alone.

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Your  Partner’s  Troubles   What  was  your  last  argument  about?  Think  back  to  when  they  used  to  talk  to  you  about  problems  within  the  marriage,  even  if  they  have  stopped  mentioning  those  things.  What  were  they?    

!   You  can  get  back  on  track  by  becoming  more  aware  of  the  issues  you  both  hold  dear  to  you  and  recognizing  that  each  of  you  is  just  as  important  as  the  other  in  your  relationship.  

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Don’t  Overwhelm  Yourself   Remember  the  last  step  of  the  RAINBOW…  tackle  one  problem  at  a  time.    


  When  you  let  all  the  problems  in  your  marriage  run  around  your  mind  frantically,  it  is  easy  to  feel  completely  overwhelmed…  STOP.  

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