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  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Mesal aspect of a brain sectioned in the median sagittal plane

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Coronal section of brain immediately in front of pons.

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Coronal section of brain through intermediate mass of third ventricle.

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Hind- and mid-brains; postero-lateral view

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Median sagittal section of brain. The relations of the pia mater are

    indicated by the red color

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    The hypophysis cerebri, in position. Shown in sagittal section.

    Scheme showing central connections of the optic nerves and optic tracts.

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Lateral surface of left cerebral hemisphere, viewed from the side.

    Medial surface of left cerebral hemisphere

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Scheme showing relations of the ventricles to the surface of the brain.

    Dissection showing the ventricles of the brain.

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Drawing of a cast of the ventricular cavities, viewed from the side.


    Drawing of a cast of the ventricular cavities, viewed from above. (Retzius.)

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Areas of localization on lateral surface of hemisphere. Motor area in red.

    Area of general sensations in blue. Auditory area in green. Visula area in

    yellow. The psychic portions are in lighter tints

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Coronal section through mid-brain. (Schematic.) (Testut.) 1. Corpora quadrigemina. 2. Cerebral

    aqueduct. 3. Central gray stratum. 4. Interpeduncular space. 5. Sulcus lateralis. 6. Substantia nigra. 7.

    Red nucleus of tegmentum. 8. Oculomotor nerve, with 8, its nucleus of origin.a.Lemniscus (in blue)

    with athe medial lemniscus and a"the lateral lemniscus. b.Medial longitudinal

    fasciculus. c.Raph. d.Temporopontine fibers. e.Portion of medial lemniscus, which runs to the

    lentiform nucleus and insula.f.Cerebrospinal fibers. g.Frontopontine fibers.

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Base of the brain and location of cranial nerves.

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    I. Frontal bone.

    II. Occipital bone.

    III. Temporal bone.

    IV. Falx cerebri.

    V. Falx cerebelli.

    VI. Superior saggital sinus. Superior longitudinal


    VII. Superior saggital sinus. Occipital sinus.

    A) Frontal lobe (brain in the anterior cranial

    fossa) [OBS].

    B) Temporal lobe. Middle lobe (brain in the

    middle cranial fossa) [OBS].

    C) Occipital lobe. Posterior cerebral lobe (brain

    in the posterior cranial fossa above the

    tentorium and over the cerebellum [OBS].

    D) Cerebellum (two hemispheres).E) Medulla oblongata.

    a) Gyri.

    b) Sulci (fold between the gryi).

    c) Sylvian (lateral) fissure (lateralis cerebral

    fossa), Thalamus.

    d) Pyramid of medulla oblongata.

    e) Olive of medulla oblongata.

    f) Basis pontis. Pons (Varioli).

    g) Brachium pontis (middle cerebellarpeduncle).

    h) Cerebral peduncle.

    i) Optic tract.

    k) Optic chiasm.

    l) Posterior perforate substance, middle

    perforate substance (s. fundus of fourth


    m) Mamillary body (s. candicantia).

    n) Tuber cinereum.

    o) Infundibulum.

    p) Hypophysis (pituitary gland).

    q) Lamina cribrosa (s. substantia perforata


    r) Olfactory bulb (Root of the olfactory nerve).

    s) Olfactory tract.

    t) Parahippocampal gyrus.

    u) Uncus.

    v) Horizontal sulcus, sulcus horizontalis of Reilii.

    w) Pyramid of vermis.

    x) Quadrangular lobule (s. superior anterior


    y) Superior semilunar lobule.

    z) Inferior semilunar lobule.

    a) Lobulus gracilis (s. lobulus tener).

    b)Biventer lobule.g) Tonsil (s. spiral lobulus).

    d) Flocculus.

    1. olfactory nerve.

    2. optic nerve.

    3. oculomotor nerve.

    4. trochlear nerve.

    5. trigeminal nerve (s. divisus). sensory


    6. abducens nerve.


    facial nerve (s. communicans faciei).8. cochleovestibular nerve. statoacoustic

    nerve (s. auditoris).

    9. glossopharyngeal nerve.

    10. vagus nerve (s. pneumogastric).

    11. spinal accessory nerve (s. accessories of


    12. hypoglossal nerve.

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Inner surface of the brain, seen from above, exposing both lateral ventricles and the third

    ventricle. The corpus callosum, septum pellucidum and fornix seen in front of 3. Ventricle of the

    foramen of Monro is cut across and passes posteriorly.

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    A) Frontal lobe (s. anterior cerebral lobe)


    B) Temporal lobe (s. middle cerebral lobe)


    C) Occipital lobe (s. posterior cerebral lobe)


    D) Cerebellum.

    E) Cortical grey matter. Substantia corticalis (s.

    substantia cinereium).

    F) Centrum, semiovale, white matter core,

    Substantia alba (s. substantia medullaris).

    I. Right lateral ventricle, cella lateralis.

    II. Left lateral ventricle, cella lateralis.

    III. Third ventricle.

    IV. Anterior horn, lateral ventricle.

    V. Posterior horn, lateral horn.VI. Inferior horn, lateral ventricle.

    a) Corpus callosum (truncus with raphe).

    b) Genu of corpus callosum.

    c) Hippocampal commissure, forical

    commissure, psalterium, Commissura fornix

    [on the inferior surface of the splenium of

    corpus callosum].

    d) Septum pellucidum (with ventriculus septi


    e) Fornix.

    f) Anterior crus of the fornix.

    g) Posterior crus of the fornix.

    h) Pes hippocampi major (s. cornu ammonis)

    [with the fimbria fornix on the inner edge].

    i) Calcar avis, Pes hippocampi minor .

    k) Caudate nucleus.

    l) Thalamus (optic thalamus).

    m) Stria terminalis (stria cornea).

    n) Massa intermedia.

    o) Anterior commissure.

    p) Posterior commissure.

    q) Infundibular recess.r) Cerebral acqueduct, acqueduct of Sylvius

    (cerebral anus).

    s) Pineal gland.

    t) Stalk of the pineal gland.

    u) Corpora quadrigemina.

    v) Choroid plexus.

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Inferior surface of the cerebellum, after removal of the medulla oblongata.

    A) Pons (Varoli).

    B) Brachium pontis (Middle cerebellar peduncle).

    C) Cerebellar hemispheres.

    D) Vermis of cerebellum

    a) Cerebellar hemisphere, dorsal surface.

    b) Cerebellar hemisphere, ventral surface.

    c) Horizontal sulcus (s. magnus Reilii). Between the dorsal and ventral surfaces of cerebellarhemispheres.

    d) Quadrangular lobule. (s. superior anterior).

    e) Inferior semilunar lobule (s. inferior posterior).

    f) Lobulus gracilis (s. tener) [Lobulus inferior anterior].

    g) Biventer lobule (Lobulis ansiformis [Lobulus inferior anterior]).

    h) Tonsil.

    i) Flocculus.

    k) Pyramid of vermis.

    l) Nodulus (of Malacarne).

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Cerebellum and proximal end of the spinal cord, seen from below.

    Hemisphere of cerebellum.

    B. Superior vermis of cerebellum.

    C. Inferior vermis of cerebellum.

    D. Spinal cord.

    E. Great horizontal sulcus (s. Reilii).

    a) Central lobule, monticulus cerebelli (central part of superior vermis).

    b) Culmen, folium cacuminis.

    c) Quadrangular lobule, [lobulus quadrangularis (s. superior anterior)].

    d) Tonsil.

    e) Biventer lobule, (Lobulus ansiformis).

    f) Lobulus gracilis (s. tener).

    g) Inferior semilunar lobule, (s. inferior posterior).

    h) Pyramid of vermis.

    i) Lateral funiculus (spinal cord).

    k) Fasciculus cuneatus (spinal cord).

    l) Fasciculus gracilis (spinal cord).

    m) posterior (dorsal) roots of spinal nerves.

  • 8/11/2019 Modul 2 (SSP)


    Pons and medulla oblongata.

    A. Pons Varoli.

    B. Medulla oblongata.

    a) Brachium pontis (middle cerebellar


    b) Restiform body (inferior cerebellar peduncle).

    c) Inferior olive (olivary body).

    d) Pyramid (s corpus pyramidale).

    e) Decussation of pyramid (motor decussation).

    f) Arcuate fibers.

    g) Anterior (ventral) median fissure.

    1. accessory nerve (CN XI).

    2. vagus nerve (s. pneumogastric

    nerve)(CN X).

    3. glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)


    4. Cochleo-vestibular nerve (CN VII).

    5. facial nerve.

    6. facial nervus intermedius (s. portio

    minor facial nerve)