Page 1: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


TTClN? 1789-17931 1648-1850:, 1914-1979 -- Dec. 11, 1979

~;-_,- 'IPJrn ;t- ' uNFoLDMENT OF, !>.NO CONTRADJ:C­REVOLUTJ:Otl -- Mar. 2_5, J:979

1'1:,,{:~~:~~:~,;:~~T~~~~~;~~~~~~ _J:RANJ:AN .. j:' 'S :!-844 rnJMllll'J:ST --: NOV., 1980

·-·· .. ::rRAN's pJ::VoLtrio:rollAHY i?AsT ,..- AND

PRESENT ·. -- Nov:.' ·13 , 197 8

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Page 2: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against

. L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

·Aa:.thor- of PBn.OSOPHY A...'iD ~OLUTION a.n;f :l'larsism. Freedom

. Edltor's 'Not~: The' foU.ntring was urritt~ IU a. $pe· introductimi· to the Fani ·.editioB_ol ~v-~ Political-­Philompnie Letun on the Iranian. J:ft'Oluti.on.. 1979-l9BZ. ~ Ratta Dw14yl!tl'.vcm;a. T1ut:·:"":!!"~. published Jtm• 25. 1981. ;s entitLed •:wnct B'a.<!--HG~,i to the !rcniar. Ret~olution? Has It .d.Zreadv .f.'J.l3 I ':6 Counl!' into rt.s OtJo po:ite. Counur.Rmclutian.? C).-.J.::.:h It &' Saved ar.d. Deepened? .. See ad bc[Ou::l. · -\\

The Revolution ln lr:ltt has re&~b.ed .so sharp a turn­around that it,';%u!i :appeu that th•! c:oanter-nvolution' has all but.~r.illowtd it __ ~;:.; nuL 'ittat simply im•t true.

·It is tue ·that the·-. iltP (l!ICmic Republic Party) bu mo:::opolhed all W\te and military pow.-.r md that its Orll:&- squ:uis are executi:l.g zenuin.a rcvolutionarle$ _wbo bave awakened to wbat has happened since the IRP a:ained power - toblib.rian., feudal-c~pitallstic: power. bles&ed by a Khomeim wbo has ~ 211 ".spiritt:al" u well. u eart!:JJ.Y powers. It b uot true that Khom-eiDJ. can do. wha.t tho coU1bined might ·of the Sba.h a.nd his pro-p. the U.S.·nucleu Titaa th:1t kept him ill puwer for 2!5 lone years. eonld not do. They ea:1 not -extinguish the ne...,.. world beacatt of rcvolutioouy power t!::a.t. w:zs lit by· the 1979 revclution in Ir.m.

·'!"he very fury of those llrla&' squacb--naw l"ellching for every facet of the nation. i:u:lud.lna: its clilldren­proves the very It reveals how deep and mas. slve is the revolutionary oppasiUcn to· 1lle powen-tha.t.. be.. The most 1.-oaic: of aU the a=;pect:s of thl!l '12te=:£Dt c..'la.os iD the land ls that t!Je Communbu (Tudeh). the Trot::sky'..sts, the :Maoists• are all supportinl( the Kho. md!IJ. restme. Tba. opposit!ou those who were tbe spark a.:1d a.c:tual fon:a :.s ·.;,eU u the ~..sou of the re .. ·olutlon: from the- oU war~ who ca.rried · oot the heroic SO-day·lonl ·strikes that drove the Sb:&h from power. to the lfUja.hedeen: L~m the Women's IJbera. .. tion llovemen~ whicb be-.a,n "Chapt£1' z•• of thle revclu· t!ou. to . the yout!l. whWie quest for univer.~:ality .as heard the world ~o1ad: as well as the minorities. Kun::b esl)edally, whose struiale fa:- ~1!-determ.inatlon sUll continues. ·

. IS REPft.ODJ:ClN'G the Lette~ that tnced the revolution in lra.n a.s it u.n£olded. it becomes clear t.'u.t rellgicn is no substitute for· t. ;~hllc:=phy of llben.tion. Quite the contr:ary; its mysticism only shrouds the eie. mental forces and deviates fl"Cm the masse:. lD. modoa and their quelt tor univer:~allty-!rcedcm. "I'lu.t is why, !:'Oro. thl! begirznin:. we w:arn.,d :against the undn!':nf. maUaa- of Xhol!lliliU's :.ower and the price that th; mullahs would exact. for :allowed the mo.oquej; to be used !o.r: meetin&s of. the Left du.riDIZ' the rm~ of tbe Sha.b wbe.c lt was ille&al to mut els.wbue.

!!:ut. ju~ a.:i lt ;~ ~=-= t~ ll!:de..~~t= ~: ;:cwar c! Khcmeini and the IRP. so 1t is wt'0111 to ave..-. esti:n:u:e their power now. 'tb:at ls u:ac"Jy wbat tbey "'!lsb. us to do. TI:lst i3 ux.Uy wbat. we mw; not !et

• Tl-t S.lli,.. .,..,, .. :!t:;~r. :1. 19tlf. I" =nnti"O '" tft.'Q1'1H'I It .. _, ••~"' ~..- ... en '" '"!ro" : .. "'ot::n.,..• c:,.~ ''"'• te Ot'Ot,.'l• tt-• !:r~n .:t •-•t. "'' i' 110; ... fo:rce• 'of"d 1?1• Nl•n ore )0'1• ir c:,.,=tv<;CI :...,r H•f <I ;-QIO'\•ul '' ,_ II'Cin ...,erou.a '" <ntet'1'>CII ~til!,_.

them do. Ncr can we allow delusions to Boat about­whether they are sowt1 by ~d.sadr _and M:l.s$oud R:ljavi. wbo oppose Khomeini. or by the Communists/ T;-atskyists/llaoi.:ns. who justify Support of Khomrin.i by "xting u if his tnisttse of tha pbnse .. and-imperial· ism" is ""pro&res,$ive:" and leads to &enuine worked power.

Instead,. let us true the ._-revolution both as it ocetUTed. :and. as It retrogressed. and let us see tbe forms in which the revolt ls OttU.r:iag llOW. The ,op: pomtion to those. in power ls by no mems limited to the llajahedeen; thou&h tbey are eertainly_ not COUDter­rnvolutionaries. their bombs are· but. the· opposite Sde of Khomeini's firing squads. What wu at first UWe reported in the press WOlS the ne:u<ivil war th:at is n:ginc. And even now that it is- being reported, it is being mad.a to appear ::: if it !lowed out of the bomb. throwing. The truth is tb:l.t tbe ac:tucl. mass demon· .strntions. the street b.attles, bad ·long been ongoinz_ Take the battles in do"U.""'!~wn Teheran on Sept. 9. They were pnceded by three d213 of demoDStra.tions at Mos-. ndegh ·(formerly Pa.hlavi) University. Tbey w~re sup. pressed t.y the :so<::illed- "!tevolutionary Gu:ards" and .somewhere between 40 to 100 were killed. I.Jter3lly thousands have beeJ1 been_ e:c.ecubm by Khomeini.

T2IS DOESZ•!"T MEA.."l that the new revalutlan.aries are for lhe retu=n to power of Bani.Sadr--.or ll:a.ssoud R=!javi. On the coatr.:u'7, the youth are_ q~tion(ng: What had Ba!li-Sa.dr done wben he w:as iD power to help the workers maintain their shor.lS and demand the richt to control production? What ha~ he done for the students whose quest !or univer9.llty w= being 2eted out throu&h their br..obtalh, t.bcir m:my D.!Ws-­papers. their dlscus:sioa.s ot :ill ideas of !reedoml' ~d be Mt, r.ltber. hcl.ped ::S.'!tome.inl aad U:s IRP close down Tehenn University'3" o~n adznlssioas? ·

What bad he done when the women nat only dem· onstn.ted oa Intenu~tlon:al Women'$ 'Day. but c:ontinued their protests. shoutiDc: .. We fet1~t fer ~l!'dom and ecn unfreedom'"? That c:bar;e had been .-directed nat only aplnst Xhom~tini :md the .IRP, but 2cahut. the "llber:ll'" Ghotbudeh. who ccatrolled the %D:lS::li m~dla and refused to extend covena:e "to their Movement and their demands. TI:e women., like the Kurd.s. h; eer. t.ainly not !een the desires af the masses being re:aUzecl • whether thaP; be the ~elf-detennin:hion· uf nation:alities or o! Ideas. Instead. bad not' Bani.Sad.r :md Rajavi­llke all the rest-bowed to the Cons'Jtution :and its in· stitutiorul.i=\tion of the&.:ney in the fonn of the Offict! o! Rell&iou.s Guide?

As for those who :arc pro-Russia (tUce Tudehl. or those who are pro-China. as well ;.s Uzose (like the TroU]Qists) who are_ taUendbts of the sb.te<apl.t.illsts who c:all tbemselve:s Communists-they have all not only t.illended Khomfini but have accepted his f.:Ue ..anU-imper12lis:m'" (especially ia the lnq·lran wsr) :~.s !! • t:-.:.:· :";\CZJ._ tr.lhl t1Q;l:i.U."\j .!or lhe n=vo1ut.ion. ·-''.Anti. lm;~erialism'" h:as t!eeomtt laut the used to hi~o -J ;he·· e~hlitattve,• tiM•IilM'tarr, -1~atk!o-oflawn ... of· ..the• ('.:) IRP, "NhiC!l is no dttfereru than that o1 :111 c:apiWlstJc t'V rulet"::. Of eourse ti.S. imperbUsm ~eeb to· ncl.ln 0 ?Qwer Ia Inn. But it is :~.ot t.'lc on-ly erne ta do so; and t!'1te other nucteu- Tlt:n, Ra.:ssia. hu the :adv::ant.:ace of havine: ~ p.-rty In

Page 3: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

THE. (h~Y- WAY to .w::u~e :t genuine strua:&le ag.::Unst imperi:lli!lm is to _op~ the exploit:ttive r.lleo in. one's own counttY.-That·is what the masRS did in the Revolution when they_ ·drove the Sh:lh out of ~wer, dong- with ·his proteclor, U.S. imperi:illsai. They did. not stop there~ They_ nised the _ b:mner- of ':tn::edom.

· total L~m. not . atta.ched to :w.y st:tte power-U.S. or RIV",sia or :my·· olhrr _ exploitativ~e power, including tlws.e in the' -lfiddlC! East. When the Ir:uri2.D. fuvolueion tDok: ctt aU tb: pcrlest:ll- it h.:od oc-cupied as it it rep. resented. the "cu.lture" of lh.e lt!ddle East. it cpent:d

' :an entir~y new stara · llf world 'freedom. I:l :t. • wcrd, . revolution, not .. oil",. b~eame the key not alone for

Ir.ut or even the :\fiddle E:ut. but· for the >w:orld youth · who Md Men fighting :ill c:tpitili.tts ud impuialists­. ~:ally the zocy U.S. but- by no me.:m.s oaly tbe TI.S.. · . · 1:1 a word, we repeat,- when a C1lUntr,' Uke Inn

showed tlmt- it· coilld d.Wode;e both a !lhah and· one af the two :z:tuclear Pants -from- its power bau In- Ir.u:t. In oU. in the geo-pollUcal Gulf reSion. it prover'; how Olll-powerful- 2re li:J2!tR'S lD motlou who -~old lit- their ha.nds a b3Ill:er of fre.:d~m. The outpoarins: of million=: made· it_ impassible to think of terroriml (wilether of SAVAK ,or at the _bamb-throwen) u oill·S)Owerfu!. What

, , , "\n::_ all-powerful· -~re ~ in motion-tabor. youtb, mtional minoritieS, Wam.ens ~tiol1ists. -·

Tba lf2VIt eocr.'l.diction i.e. this eJ.emutal revolt was thU it was without a :philosophy of -rcvolutitJ:Z.. We

, ~ nEed o:tc: :ag:Un to stress that rells:!on hi· no Subst.ltute for- a :pb"Josnphy cf reorol.:.t.fou, I! even religiOn. w;:m a phllosophy~d it, theo~tl~" ue as i! it were- the key word is ~olatfoa. nat religioa.' whether lsl:lmlc, or- Chr"..:sti.:UI,_or Buddhis~ or Jewish, or any Gther. Wha. contributed to the bilure cf the revolt: ln past-World W.uo II to matw"e, to_ revolutions lD West Euro-pe wu an admi:rture of rell;ton and social revo· lution; the !ormer onlY diluted the latter.

XAB.X l!ADE a distlnclion betweera tho religion ')f "..the appn:3SOr and that of the oppressed, whose vaice he reca!):n!:ed u the .. sigh of the oppre~d. the heart of a heArtless \I"'rld • • • Tbe aboUUon of reUgion :u peopl&"s waso..,. ha.p-picess b the dem:md !or tbelr real happiness • · , • Thus it is the immediate task of tJhilcs­apby wtuch b in the serY'ic2 ot hi.stoey to IJ.Dm:uk human seU-:illenaUo:a." To 1Zn real freedom .and b:aupi!less

meant" ·to t!":lnsfonn the reaUty which compel~ s~c.:.'I human. !elf-alienation ;~nd to thus g:Un r-e:ai freedom.

What Is haunting· Khomeini. who. has- made that substitutiOn -of reli~iort for- a philosophY of revolution, is not Only a whula -host of $1li!ctre:l..' but an an&:olr.; revolt. ·r do not mean thie: '_terTorists who. ar-2! killing them.selns :a-. great deal more than the IRP leadership they Ol!"e trying to lllilodge. I me:m that wh2t con.fronts Khom~lni 'i;-·a 40 pel'1:'ent unemployment. 2. runaw3y in!latioa. the discontent o! 'tbe pe35.Ults u well :a.s the, the or:o;::oing reyolt frOm below;. . . ·.

, rone word mora· mu'st be -said on the· bombs. No one, not even lhe :S.1ujahedeen. c:guld gotten 'th:it close into the inner sacctum. There i5 opposi.UQD.. 'trithln. the IR..~. 'Within the .. l'utisans of God." They are re­Sl)On:sible for "s-ee11rity'' ':lnd they :tlone could have had that :1.~.1 ·

Rer:lemberiue the hlgb';)Oints of the Re:Tolution _doeS not mun fora:ettina th:z.t it now reached a point .of retrosre~ion. The impUSc in the Iraq_-Ir:m war iJ not. a:s pivotal as the move- backw:ttd in fnedom.s :usd. :!nd.=·

,pende!!.ce --at home. Thl! revolution .h:u:l: its cl.emint:d upward sura:~ -~<lt ·lacked a p:,ilosophi Of revolution and eaald- not dbclo!le: .the troail to toW freedom as wdl as solidarity with all those thfl warld _over wbo wished to folbw-lls lead. What is needed is the woril:. in&" out of a thea~ that_- -.oulc! never a pin s=:p:lr.lte 1be!f from the :actuality. an)' mon: than the ·actullllt;y c:m be ~par::~.ted from theary,

n b _tawatd tnat end. -of uniting· a pbnosophY· of revolution with :m :~.ctual :1!:Volution, th:at the other. the ~ ~.nd Americ-..1-the revo!utioauy ~ar.dsl·:iurr.anist Tendency, whJch e:Qn!les it-bas worked.'- It is _this which led. u.s to follow_ the unfoldment of the revolution and to solidari:te with it. We :tre one with you. WP. will do ~ll h-. our power to help the fight for freed.orn. ·

:the S!ru.a:;;!e. eon~t~y;es.. ,


Page 4: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

-· ~- , .

.-.-~;:~~~- ~v~·i7,~~-~ ?;.j t~~~[-;~;:{_:·~: :?~:; -~ ~~:~:_-· ,. ~=··.:~ ;~{:f~h,~--~J:r,_:~:-:-.~~:~}~~:~-~-~:?1 ;; -~9-ai !(;hat--Has Happ(l·ned··-to· the·-rranian~'Re·vo1utJ.on? Has- 11?_ . U.r..~_agy Run. TtR Cour~e into its Qpposi te ,- Counter-Revolu-

.,..:-;-~-,;:--tion?..:--Or; C~n •. it .be.·-Savedrand· Deepened?J- ·.:::· -,-_;,_£-- ·

"'·~-,~ 'l~ ':'•'.0.·-~·: --~"Cf:. .• i:-~:···,,--::, :;--.._;- -~-·~ .. ,_ ---- ~::-:;·:.~.-:;_::; :~·::-·_;

.,_~, _;- D~~ll\_·':- . . -. '' -~ · ..... ·-- ... . ' .... - ___ ,, '-{ ,._ \

--2.·1 /, __ .-:;·:.~: :·:~~ T,l;te _. f~-~!V:c:;.l ~r;- Pr~_sic.I~n;i;; ~Bap.i~~f,:td.;-.,· __ ,-:f:i;r"s:t~_-_frol!l.:))?-!3 ;;p_o_st,:as

. ~: ~?~~~~~~i~7~l:4eE_~:-~ ~11:~ ~-:~ ~i;t~in _ ~?:-: ;?!?-C~1·:. c:Iay .?.•. :; ~~-~ "U!l~:-: _22 _ _, ~-:;fx-.9~--~ jlis ·pQ st- as;~ ;E?:~ s_i9,_ent, ·.accompanied.' in~ bo_th-, Case'_~ ;:by .-,armed~ gangEi·c, ~hpu:t:l-ng' "De~.'th,· __ t~~:B~iSa'&_i~::·o-~at_h-- t~ · t·h·e_--s~~~~d;- sh~!_!~ :~~-s-,:-br~u~ht-~~1J:~;·_g9~~

'· ..:.,-te~::~~~~i~t"i~n~~~-~ eleme~t·s _ t~ ~ ~lich ·. d~~i~~-c·~·-_..t-ha-t_.-.o~~ · ~1.1~t . ~~k;.<,Have ,o,.- ·. ti~~ ·: ~;~t·;~di-~ti~rt~~> i;;_·:~-~--- ~r~i~~--, R~v~ i~tibn. -~h~t~ ;~~e' pr~~;~~-~~?-~

-~ ~~e.:~-~~t--;;~-~~h-~d·:·. ~ _c~u~t~~-r~voitt"tit~A~y :_-~i,.~a;·:? ~--· :~.What;~-.i~d~Gd,._-~as ,.f~· , .. •.--< ', '. _- • · • c'"-~ ·. '-~---.--·-··"' I,"•

happened: tO_ thS .. Iranian Revolution tha-t .was, So-~.massive, .sq ,courng~ous, ·-·. _.,"· -__ ,__, .-·- ·'-~;" .... ,. ,< . ~ ___ ,. ···- ... • t--·· -.' '_,_ ......... , •... ~ _.··

. _so_· persis:t~~t .. ~_ll-."th~ long _preparatOry st~ikefL that, becam~;-.-8;_-.qe~~~a~ Ma~s.Pol.i tical St;,.ik:e ,and drOVe. the 'Shah from ~ow~;,.?. · ):quld the<rev<i­iu-ti~n-·h~~-e i~sted~no~-~oZ7e than.o_~e.-~hd_:a- -;ai:r :;ear~?- .-.I~~-its b~nt:--to ·

. _d~~o-~ .i~t~~ow~---~hildr~~--"T~d. in. ~~ .i~sen~i~ive_· ~-~~er -~~lso _it~.-•• ···; -". '•-'- ' -.-·. -~:_--·. - •• ,, __ .... ·'.\''-. ,_. ________ ' 0 ,_ ,·~-·-·--' • -' -·~

,.poets ·a·s, :to have_,- arrestecl _-Saeed. sti-ltanpour_.;a:s he: was~ being wed .. and~-­'~ho,:,tly ther~~ft~~ .:to. hav~, executed .1A;,~,1,; •flo uqi.m;ecl~d? .. E;,~;:,

_,_, ____ ...... '·" .·. --. ,_, . ·" '. ·- "' . . .. ; _, __ ,_., ''·--· .~.: ' ·'· --s't,.s.lin. didn '. t act that rapidly and .,that.,deadly,. against :th~::Russian .. poets~ ... Has th~ ,;e~~l.~tio~-- al.r~~adY --~tin its· ~hoi~ ~~urr.~, ... ~:trf:l~ght>in­to its oppOsite, counter-revolution?


Let~ a not rush .to :fina:l;- j~dgrr.ent •. The .. _decisive ,ques:tio~ .. has no1i._yet ... b9en .. answered, .. ~What about ~tho m~sse~\·1h-1- a~hie~~d .thaj:;_

-· •-· ': --·-··-·-- ,,,, .... ------.--.-· ' ' -r.~~at_~,UB:l rev~lutiOl_}.:...~.inst their OWl]~ .t::'~~e-~-~and· his foreign hacker!

l{,•,s• ili!P."Eio;:±~'?-'ll.wl;j,"h· !'"'<!. E,t'Lh~n.'.JrLEQ.'IY.•£. ""-'\.1£!:P.t h!,m th~.!_e :f'o_, .'! whole auarter o:f' a century? Had the 1917 x·evolutionaries .written off . ···--- . .-" ; ... ', . -.-.- '-' .. ' - --~--- :-... . .. , the Hussian,.l\,ugust, the coun:ter-revolut.ionary M9.l'jt,h o:f' ..... ' .............. ""1'·" Great ,slander, .there would.have been no November Revolution •.... ,,Lot.

:US ~i~s~ -/~~a~ip.~--:~.h~ _.o.~je~-ti~-~- _an~::~~bj_~.c~~Ye ,_~i_t~~1:i,~~. ~o! .. e. c_lo,S~~Yt no_t .. for. any .. _schq_l_a,_~tiC?. purpos~s, but to s_e~ __ whe.ther. ,ther.e, 'is .,a way_..,to s'ta:ve ·~ff ·the :full thrust o:f' :the ~nr,~i.~g c-~unter.,,;evol~t·i~n, ;md .thus . - ' . - - ' ' . . -- ·:- ·' _, _. ,_,'' .. . ' - . return to. the 1979 .r.~vc:>lution and its go~ls .. ~s _well as .its .m~ss, _-parti-

cipation. .,· .. ,_


Page 5: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


i-_,,i T':'e- FaiF of Bani_;.;sadf urider the Vlllip of !(homeini- arid -JJ.~S Co_unter-Revolutionary Islamic Republic Par_1:Y r

·:,~;~:-;~-~-·:{:~L;}_;~~l~=i3.~.~-~~~~-~:~-:~~-~~~~~-~~-~=~.-, ... ~Y:·'" -~~~~~f.·'~-. -- • ~ ·~ . ,~.-~ -', ~~~- ~~--~_::~.7-~~~-·- .-~, :.~; It- is,.-- of" · · Cciur se; _ -no ... ~-stnaJ.-i -:-me. tt·er .:that~::!..!?~~ shOrt:~;months- af-

t_~r Bani-S2.dr was elected as the .first pr_esident_ ever n:r. I:i-an_ by no le-ss .-tllan 7 5 p~rcent of' the popul'ation,. he ·has ·aee·n driV'ew-. _:f~'O_m-:::of'i'ice

-"·cby:t''Jthometn.i} ... vihOik~-BBhi-s·adr-itad:· gi1ren.: Shelter --in-~- 'PB.ris"';,:;hen. _the AYB..;;,­toila!1 'Jiacr: be_eri "el<peUedc fi'oinOlracr: c• 2J.:f'ter' ;,_-'verV'·i:.i:-ie£1playihg' wl th

~=-:·'tiie::· dcimocr~t-ic ·--.~natianS.ri s:t: i~t·e1-i~ctu8.1S·~ ,-._·b~r' iiatning-~-Eaili;;·sadi-~~ tb~-' be ::.cominahder·.:inichie_f·;;:Id10M~iJ1i;~raced to<· t!f9 ·~-o·st: n8r!i-O:~-~:theocr~tlC·;··.' ·­

"';iD0nC'p0I.istl_ci ~· one-PeXty':~_-state; "·Wi_ih~'Ona-~Mru,·:RU·i~"' ~~--::h-iS; Own;,v a:s-·h.ei had ~1~1~YS--PiaM_ed.I·· .. -ThEi' 1gcons·~ V/hO' -c~ii:· them1eiV~s,- He'Zb6ii8.hi:~ ·c Parti.S~s

-~~=of'· dod)} ~vigil~te-:.:ii~~-' carry:tng:: Oi.tt_:·.al.'r· o~tfers. Of·- the-~IRP·;--·-immedl.~te­··J:y;,_a_m.:r_~uiided~ .. th·e· · Ot:riCe:s.~··ot-- the Pi-~Sideii.t~- "'Sh~Utl~'- :ror··. -hiS.-- dea·th~: · Wh;ie~:'bhEinting:,"( aS-- theY "'iAd:l.Scrir.iiiiiiteiY _,wieided···t·he ir.-· We~p~na · Ot~-·ter­'ror),-'' ''Tii<i'onl~-"ieader-is pu_,_;ollah! . The only -party iiFth~-:PartJot "aOd-!" ;'Hivi~g. th.US:'rhY~ed th~·-·AyatOliB.h ·IniQMeihi • S··'riiini~ Wi-th no····ie~s thEm <ioct-~himSelt7 ''-they'"beil.~--ve -·,they C~n'~ -unbW:-d~nkd·-·bY"'anY 1 -i:-espon~i-bili tie·s .• --~pZ.OCeeii''tO---'cr'9ate{.-'hB:v06·-·· in.- an· alreadY··:chaGt:1C. State ,:,f- :the . e cOliOffiy _:; · ~0 -~·pe~Cent · ·:tail-"in · Pr~ dUcti~ii, ·4o· · pGrcen{~ri Se': in ·,~:{lAem:Pioy-

-.,·- •• -~-·'· _A_, ...... _, •• ~---~· -r-~ __ ..... --- .. c ---- -~·--- -'---- -.,. -·'· -·-· .... . ment,: ··rUn-awaY ·infla:_tioi-,~. the· Kurdish insurgency,. and labor and--peB.s-

,<~cint\.tAreSt •. -~::·~:;;-.:_; :.'·-:--':·.- '.: · - -~ .:·.r:--~::·::.·; ·'. ·· ~·- _., ... ~· ·

Nor is it only a small truth that the demonstration for Bani:saor, ''the-:oppaSition·-;·ta hiS:- o~steZ., ·-th~--r:.ett•'S wi~h>to dee-Pen the reVOl{itiOrl;:.: waS·-' attaCked -by·· ari: ·rRP-Ordered- ct€r1ioilatr8.t'i0n~ ·he8.dea bY

~~'the! ·-so~-C~ll8ci. i•RevolUti'Oriary ·cuarctS•i ·who:· did c nOt: il:ri:i t· th~ms81Ves -:t.o :weildirig'knives-tiut proceeded t'o shoot indi~cr'iminately;' Forty-lay ·deEidi:· :hUriareci's· Were· :wciW::d~·d(; cir1d jtis·t ove_r .the Week-9ncl'' · 46 _._ others :_~lere- 'e,;ec~ted "tor suppor-ting Bani-Sadr. ': ilitllo-ut il.riy sheune ... Wh~tev~r~;_ --the' ,·hEt·n·giflg·~jUdg·~··, ''!th8.ikhati', wa~-·:s·h'oUtini• ''1We:.--will -·~hO'w,

',. '·.·- ....--!'-· .. ,, ._ .••• ---~ • ·-- -~- ._.-.. - •. - ._. '. - -~-- ,-·. -' •. ' > -· ''

the·m we ·are meri o:r--War' and ·will dig their ·graves ·in· the ·streets.·,, '11he :t~Je·,. m~·tyr'·~-/;'haWe\r~r ;.:·\..,e·re t~·e thija:hB.deOn~ wh-ri ·we;,.e· ·cert8.iniy-,r· mo~e~ nc­ti ve and fc/r a long8r period O:r ti_rne- i·n ·the·: r·e~o-lu_.ti~nary P~e-pafS:tion

· ·ae-a1iuit tile 'sl1ah 'tl1iin''v~as "tile' late-comer, Beliesliti. the Chief J"iistic-e, and ·mariy of his cohorts who were ac-cusing Bani-Sadr of beinff-' .. ·a _s_e,cond



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--- ,. J-

-· ··· .-·.-.- .. ~'- B~~~ :.~.ra~,~: i E?ri ~-:;;~_ ~ ~-q ~, -~:..C?E c£.1fi.V.:~)~lr~ f~~ ~9i9~~~~J1{. f s."" ~~:_Aha>:sb: ~~ ;!3;~~l].e:~IRPi;_-~ia:f1:~nEi ~-~J::-~the" :AyatO-ll-ah; t·i:i-,.Cl~ig' 801 ~t-h"at<±;;a~­lr;:ac:le~ §}]._i_p --can .. !~-~p _,his: . ..PJ.~£ e--- ~d-' c_Qi!l.Ple i;_g__-:1:_1).~. ~~0:.1git·er:.r_evQJ~i!£!i~ ... 1_-~- (;

., '' oc, -, :· · From tl:ie'~very· day- that' Baill'-'sacfr hail 'lie en· denio"craticall.y, ~·:over,;,.,h-elmingl-Y- e·~ect·ed·,- the~ IBP · b·e-ga.ri--' ... plo·tting':to ::niake·_- thSl-··pc,:s~" 'Of" ·:;

:, ~ PrE{si-deht., Pciw·er1i:!sef'-by ;:tur'iiing: ·to~ ··;·claiidestine; .. -moSqtie·-, .aCti'Vi~~r··: ~~ wt::11. as· :their-' open· work n0\v::·that-:.the·~,.:alre·a.dy'2·1_1ad pi·fnitY :o-::r-:-pHwer~ tO£ mak9 ·s-Ure.:· -thE!"• ·ne:.xt·'. ~-le·ction<·.:._ .~fOf-1 th~--, parl'ra:mei-it '.:::.).WaS _·One:~

~- ;·.;;:,"Lht!'v Would wi'n· •. --.: Thi:si'. Was; ·f"Ol-l"Owea .. :·up :-oy manY: othfb;~ u-~urP3.:t~o!ifi" Ofi_:::..~ poWe~ --to which We~ -1-i :turn·-:di~eC'tly·-·aft~f.:_:\ve:··eXairiilie< Wil;itt i-t·· i's:· that·:.'­B3~i~Sa.dr di'd.~ B..ftei:- ·_.he· reCeiVed.' that: ?verWhel.riliriE;.o Vote··· O:t · inaS'S-: cionfi~

· ,dence. pid ~he- f'Ollow·:. thro<.~gh with i;he'-'·: a.Cti Vi tie·s; bS: i-t'· f'or:_;-- ,.

~eino.craoY 1 for worker·s• · control·· of'proaub"tiC,-n; --·:rof.:~exti.!riC.ihg-~_-the· "~; shoras? -Did he el-i~_i t~- :rrom· _them' ilOv.r""-the'Y·-·-~ished'· t'o .. ·concre·tl.ze·, 'th~t·: is, to power in their own h?.nds? Did he·:.-pay·. at~Critl·o·n to':·

the_ inn~erable publicati?ns rind.Lef't grpups --·all so~t6 of indepen-·-- • ,. ' - .. ' ' - • , .- - - . ' ,_ . "• ,· . -. ·.- - - -.: _ ... • -~ ,, . . -..• , . . ',I

· deht Mar·AiS-ts, ·Ivrai-xist-HurTtal-li'sts-,·- the- Tu.deh·, the TrotskYists ? l·'lh?-t, ;-· -.-:-,·-.-, --~--~----i,~: ,-,-- -'-_- ':-- ' '.- -_._:.-. -.. , ·; .. ,: ... .- --- .· - :'· _. __ ,,-.·:_: ... ·.:_. ,_

l:!~actly, di'd h9: do· f'Or the ·-rtoineri1 -s Libei-ation r.~ove·ment. that~ he sup-.: .. · __ -.,.,·~-:."· -2-. ..- -;-._,·,_ :·.:_---~-,-------._-, .. -_ ._: ., -:·-~ :·. ·-. ··--· .. ·::·~- ;.!··--<·-·---·'-':

-pOsf=dl'Y f'B.Vcired"!_ ·· 1;/hS.t ··ahoUt': 'the' ·in·t.ense· diSc-ussions· 3.nd ,ac:t1vfty · o_f.' .. -d.-~:~~P~ni.hg:-:_~h~:·~~~a_i~-ti0n: ~~ ;{ot-- ~~rely_ a€:~i-~s.t. th~ s·z· ·sep~n·d~.:ie;ye_l~_· ..

_-._---·--:--· .. _ ... ·.- ' .. -_. .. -.-~_,,,,/•".~_-,_: .. __ ._ ...... - ;'' _,-... _; __ -,-~)··_,.,_ ;; .. ~,.·--liost':ig9s' frl_- the Am6riCan·_ Effibas·sy~ _.but the genuirle_ ariti-iMperialist~

.. -~~~~i ~~i·:n~:ti~~;~:·;T~~~t~iist·~?:_·: ··-·-~ : ~ ···--- · ·---- , :.,_ ~~--.-~;.;

·:- .Therei'il and ilot-'in wh8.t::both the b6urf!eois, Conlffiu!liSt"·.'·,

and"' Trotskyist. press' no\v tall'. about·,:·failure to build "a-party' struc:i :~ur~" i __ .;. lies the beginriing·:of :the.-··erict·· Q:f.·-the-- petty-- bOurgeois, revo~U.l tionR.ry intellectual·;· who'--does-- Want-,nlore· denlocracY,,.---more- freedOni; -,;b~t­who ·has ~-no total; Philosophy tOf' -liberation. , Bani-Sadr .cOtiidri 1 t_ have-~_.-. -take~ ~rm=mizational responsibility for~ philosOphy:_o-f :liherati~n---he; did not have. He, hiinsel:f', Wc;\_s_ both._bc?urgeois ~nd,.tot?-lly ~committed

to'Ayatollah l:honieirii.. ~-Thus, th~;,;~h he' didn't' thitlkt~~ 'taking ofU,S. ·hoStage~-~-(\'iliiCh :af'ter- 8:11 -\~as-_ efiginee'l:~~d b_Y -tlua~ .. ~~fOli~,t~~r_S_; O:t: ·tlie __ Iniiiffi"- · ·adVf~ed 'b·y· t_he IRP) w~s -the -.way to_ fight. Am~_~ic~ .irriP~ri~~l~~fll: .'. -h~ _-- __ ·_·· -· bovieci to· what 'had. been done. oeliind. back: .in d. rr.o~t. ileU 'b;rat~i/-;.;;: th .

· · ., · .- .. _ --- . .-. ':_: __ ... ___ . .- ·-- _ ... ·,·: · _---_ ·:_·:::--. -~~-_,_ ::"----;·'-:- ·-- -~·z .. ~-J' .. 1:-·

.. _,

a view to"anpe·ar·more militant, more .Left. more anti-U.S.A. than_he. Thus~- while he did not-hing t~- · encourae;~ ·'the -ne~ 'de-~e-nt~~lize.d 'rO~~s --;~£' self-'rul!r- of the masses, 'the IRP did everythine t~ build up its si;,f;i~~


Page 7: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


par:ty rule."~ Thus :he even- f'ol·lowed -llliome~ni- and'. the IRP:__as~ the~ moVed

:rUi~:c\;i&s't:.·~gai~cst.. the,- r~yolu-ti~zlar-Y -_ei~ments -in the_ :pni~~rsi~y, :_~-e~?-:-:f pe.c i~lly J.\~: t;;;ok!it~lf~· ~j r:;;r;.:;:~t literature, .

·~~d-~.. . . - ,_ ,. '.--

'-~--~·.; J.i·::-_,-.-~_he,_~J;RJ?~ .on;~~~ -~~h.~r:~~llarid:-·, nev~r_ s,to'ppe_d. mqving-_ -in ·a rno~:t re~ctio.n~;r, .. way. _to ,what. they_.-.called, ·~pure~·--· Is).am,-_ as_. wi __ the.~most b~-b~i~~-- ~~~ai·t~-jac-ket. --ty~e --~f'cia~.,-._th·e~-- !'V~ngeB.nqe-_ Act_'.'_..~, Allege~l;-: it

·-··-~-.--~_ ... •.~------- --·' -.·-·--·-- ---·-·· -_. -----. -

~s,. __ r_<;)_ot:;:,d·--~ll-.;t_h~ ·_Ko_ran_ •. _ I~-:-mo_s:~~ assui-e_d-ly ~is .-nOt_-~accep:ted by any-· ~~~­~ab·:nat-iO~ ·9r-. Sun.~i~-_-believer~ _-.or,- f'.::~r.::.-:that.·matte~.~- Strictly Persian ····· ---··- ··- ·-·--· --- - - ~ -·.-.-- ' ' .

Shi-_{ ~-t~:s_~;-_-··-~-~~ -.~ct -~~tes'-.o.ut -P_~n~shm_en~~:. ~or_ a1l-,•crimes_"t -.sexual ~~-~~el.l as:- ~c:>.l.i t~ca~,~ with: .. 1:lu~~_two, male' Yl~ tn~sse?:: nee~ert _to·_~es_ti:fy •... .Execu­.tio~?s., i'o_llc>W- immediate;ty;. No -w;:>nder· that; the, hanging, judge Khallchal:i

waa .. ~--highly ~at_!='d(byo -~-'.:the )?ar:t;y" -th?Lt he was.- even·_~ermi t"J;ed to_ .indulge in the.goriest- of,rall-,·spec.taclea_.-- bringing.the!c_o~pse!s of·.·the .. u.s. . ;.----· . ~ ''• ''-

S?l_die~s-- ;~oni __ :_t~e _c:les_e~t-_. w_he~e ;.Pre~ident Car-ter- ha~t sent them to· die:. :for ... ~ _P~P.l~?~.- -~-~splay •. ·

~- ·~ •• ~ L \Th~4/ ~eVer stopped Was. the Plotting fi~Out t!,e · 'iiu~i~ :tu'ti~naJ.f-,:-,.-.. ;._ : -~;;-.-,_.-_ . .-·.--·-~:·---·.-· ··~: '::~·i> ':- -':.' ,-··:: _···:.";; --:-·:- .. ::·--,· ,: -·-:..·· .. : . -.... zat:l.on oi' what they (Khome~m. and the IRP) called the Islar.uc Republ:~c,

-:-'~··, --.. "' :;.--,~,--.-1·--..:;····-,,_ .. _, ••. " ' -----~.-:.·' '_.· __ ,__- ·'·'; ·-.-:·~ · ... : -., ;; ,;: '-' ~·~ .:-supposedly modelled or1 the 1906 Const,i tution that had emerged during_ the .. "..::- :i:~~Iii~r/ R'evO·l~tioil_,.~hic:h --h~ld dri ~"~n·:-~~·t ';_th:~·i~ fi~·s-(,S'~~h ;- --~~-t8.b­-li sh~-d-~'i "· P~J.·:f~~e-~t,': -~~d,~ ~;i tter( ~ -- C~n-~·ti t~ti~n~-- ', Th·~·.: P~e;~~Bnt'/ ~~~~:t~;\

,-c.:'-~": .. ::::~-;-~;;·,_-- .. _·:·;-;--:-_ :·.-;: :,·.· •':..'<.1 _'·, '·-"~'. ::.-.:-:~ ·.---,!_!_"~·~-~·-':. ···~ .:, :··-- ..- ... ····~·--·.: tution, liowever, riot only bore no resemblance. to_ the or_-3:-g~nal. _Const~ tu-

, __ _- -.- : .:- . .-. .- -'~ ' ·: ·.. ' ' ' ·./ .... :. '·-· ' :-.. ·_;_;_ tion, but establisht:'d .the so-called Of"fice of" the Religious Guide J more accurately.-, it. should __ _. have: been- called of'f'icd of the Emperor, who not oulY.~~J.'i'ke.~-Lo~.lisx.~v- in Yeudal-.-1.imesi.had' def·ined ·~L'e:fl;!_:t, c_~est-- moi>·i·,·s

<J, • ' --, -:. ' - ' - - • : -. - - • - - - .-

r: but, al~o_. -'?~ai~~_:_-a-'d~rect li!'le:. to· ~ad. Thus, ·wi tpess how I\homeini ··vetC?es aj~~Y~hipg_ a11d __ at;~yt~~ng- ·he,·-disagr.e_es,·with, ~even t}fose-: measures h5-.~·:oWn _ mulla}'l_s may.)~~y~ ~t;>ted_:for, or __ didn't ·want, _as they. didn't .. want .. Bani--"

--' 1: __ , _,·_, ',_ .. _. __ .-,_ . .., ... ,_ '• -·· ,.,. - _-,, Those mullahs weren · t innocents there are no innocents·-~ _

_ ·a.morig ~~i'eZ..S; v;i.\h -~r·...,ithO~t !O-iorne'ini. -Th8y-_neVer gtive: ,up tt;e: i·n~. -_tri#lue·~~to_\tstlrP --a:li '_._itew .. ;i1stttUti~ns_-~- _ beginn~ne ·,_'lith.:_"t,l)e __ ·,;·Re'·, caunC'il" ,~?r1ci _q:~~t,i-Oi ·OYer th~ ~flita~t .st~d~nts. ~ho .:~S.'d __ .b·e"e_n ·_ca.i-e£uli:i~

;-:">•\" ,,- _..~,.,.--•-•.~,;_- ,~-_ • .- ;''".-,'~' ·_- • _--,-. ',' ·- ,,' c.-·. ".•.- .·. •·

educated in Iran with ereat hostility to the revolutionary students v;ho hacr b'~eri 'educated ··abroad, and w.ere' ·•tainted by the 'ilest,-" \lhat they

_ ~C-tUallY ~e·ef~t __ v{~s ilot ~~~J:e_~ iJ~st .. hU~ r.~·arxism, which is no.t taugh~ ~~~.


Page 8: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

- -5-

.)rh~ f.i;t'tl)', insti tutio_nalization was _the .-street .'gangs, __ as a·,~._

· vigilante,~o:r;-der;_-Utlto "themselves. ~~ith ·_ th~ -parii~~~~t~Y- ma.iorit~;·_:in-":~·;· place, ·:wi,th:,-the ~iosi~g- .of. .. ai·I-,.th~,;spa~er~-,:rrO~ ._Ba~i-S~dr'-~ ·.t-;;~'-_·th~-;~

;.' - __ .• ,• .- -_-_- - ...... ~-" '-;'' - _-· . -, ," .--._--- '.,, .. , ............ _~·-"···· ---~

Tudeh' s -I.iar'dom and the I.~ujahadeen' 5_ Uujahid;. ,, -:t;he,.neo-:fascistiC,:,partY:; - - ··,· -- ···- '·.· -·"·-·· ~ ·- -. - ........ ·--'was ready _t~ move agains_t Ba:ni~Sadr.

·-::_ .:=J.>. :The _40_ -:Or--~~re -wh:o ·:'-~er~;--_ ~~_ecuted i~-~ ~ _s~~~i~~ 'we_a.lten_~. _,._were n

but the begi:nrii;.;g-or th.'e" b1ood-1~ttlng: B~t ~..;, ~o- sa; that.":ih~~~':c{( .win.'en41. -The Lef~ against whom. all the blo~d-1etting i~ ~"~P~i;r~t;d~ will nqt_;: ~.:1l}li.}; _. -~:ts. .r~:v~lutio~.~Y ---~~e~BY-: t~ ·:~h~~i~- :i.t·s_· ~~~p~~t ~-O.r_~-.B~i-pa~ •.. Not -~~1.~. i-s __ ilie~al wor~:-~_ye~-y 'bit. -~s_, ~;;itic~l: -~s~:~p;ri appo_si~_ion.-.. _ b_~~- wh~·t,- is n~ed~d .. mast. ~t< a11.,. what· ~~ . i~Pe~~tive -:;;6: ~~ark . ... - - - - ,_ . ~ ' -_ - . .. '. ' . . '.. ; . ' -_,- ··•

<?.Ut~ nc:··:, 2.what ~~? -h~::-etofore bee~ di_~regar~~d ·th9~l.~--~~ t_ .is ~b~o]_..u~~~Y::· irreplace~ble, is· a philosophy of' revolution.- a philosophy of' t<;>.taJ. li beratio·n •

•• • w

As I pointed out at the start. of this Letter, hac(the,Rus~.c sian revo1utiona,<:;ies_eive:n up in Augus_t:1917; .had they t.urned:,away. tJ,~t I.Ot:llY_:_ . .from .-the_; counter-revolution:- but_- had- an- attitude. of' '~a~_plague~:·.

op(ti6:th.: yo~~-<hpuse~;'to: th~ ~~formi~t-; ~s~ wellr-·~had. _the~,''no·t··~·.s~d-. th~·.::· . --·- . ·-.-. - ·-- --·- ·--- -- .. ' ... ~--- .. --.. - ··-'

peri a¢ -f·or,. work-ing. o:u~ ful~y State and· Revolution ~s. the--: gro!J!ld .. ~or ...

a new revolution, there would have· been_.t:l.O -Novembe~;)-917;- It _iJ3 .tr:t.I:e that no Lenin is visible on the Iranian horizon. Eut the id~S:s. of'

revO-lution~. and· ·liberation, .. as. w-e 11 as·. the . m8.sse i{:who --~r. Ut;ht for them, are there • ·.-Let· us ~e·c- what can be done ·.'·to· transi"orinr the ·pre· sent:_ re·.:.

ali ty,


. ,, . ~ _:; ~-

Let r s begin at the- bee;inning, at the installation· of a now

power that ha:s··be·eri' .. so- cha.r'a.cteristi.c~ in Iran· from the' very firs·t time

they threw. out· thi!· Shah,' at the turn ·a:r the century,'· .It' is, the: coalition· o:r the· c1er(!Y v•i th genuine revolutionaries .in. throwing. out''

a Shah· ·whci 'Was tied to 1906.:19'11 Revohitio-n. ·.

a :!'~reign power: ~~- nussia,·· i_l_1 -the ~aSe .. Of: .the::"

This certain1;,r distineuishes the Iriuiian clergy


Page 9: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


__ ;._.-6-

', fJ;_om PX:;i~_!3_ts. :''?~_o :_ geri~ra~ly a~ig.r:~.·:. Yli~h. the -:~ej;e;niqg ~O'!'!e:t: •. ,-;)~Jut ~-~:<?n.c~f,~ d9ritocratic_ Gonsti tution was· created, the- clerr.:y beean burdenilig it with the type''of''iuneiidiiierits -that restofed 'lllost. power~: to tit'e sl!8.h once the :rorEiittn·/ ~nemy __ wa_s ::-thro\~n-~out.'::· '·Tfl"at· --didri. • t k~ep·_~the·--- Counter~reyoliitiOn .inr.RJSSici:--:~~~fiich ~; j\is-1:'-- crushed ··.·itS"-·owrl' --reV6-lu·t;:on:; ·.frOm returning~ to-':' .r • r. ~r_8.ti!··a.r_fi;:_cr~ishii1g·~~:th8:t-~~n~~-s-· ·--·· t: l<-:.· · /:: ;-!- ··-, :~~:~:.:L~-~-- - :~r:;u.-

>.' -.---J~1t~-: B~_s:_ond chaj:)ter of' ·that first revolution~ as the second

. Ch'iipter; 1 6;r~' thi·s··. er~. ~J-.22.9_jevo1)1t~o·n·; ;\Va'S :aeguft··' by.· wOmen''" liberation-

. iSts_:;.':< ,:-_Iii.deea{ .. ·in-·- 1966 ·:-the': r:CMian> wOm&n' ·wer-e the firSt: iri :··the \116i-ld')-:'l ·- - -· · .. · • . · - _ _ -... - .·. . .. -· _--- _ . was ___ .

~tO"'-'eS-t_ibliSh ,8_-'=wOiiien·t as· af-dlnDen--· (SoViet) ,·---and their-· iDS.iil· de·matld/for: COn~ --~- :i:ihU1ngi With I. ~lie·'· ··_ O:t" ··the·- ~~i&j liS·: ni a.·.· :Bahi~sadr • s ~ c8.11; f'or-'- " .. ; .·; d9Di6Cf.acYr.mea.A·-(as'·~inu6h? ''·I~ot·--.qUi t·e. :·..; Th0tlirh;. he.: Said_ .. he wa·s-. f'6r; women I 8 ~ibliratiOhi_.:·he'"hOt _ 6~1y---kept; quiet ·a-s:;Kh0meini mOve a- Eie8.iilst-· th.ei-·maye~ nieht;::bti~t/ ~~t-.:-uP~ari-: a1 tern~t-iVe -_.ii8.p9r't · The· r)1USlirri =v:oman, edited· m8.irilY

.. -·'

_ , \'/i th I~aq' s invasion O.f Iran, the war naturally became ; hiii·'ritafri: pl:-e6cc'u]:i8.tion.; BUt did this m€-an·; ·as the IRP is·· ·inSinuating, tha:C-~Bani-s·ac?=- __ was: bl:-i11gillt-"?'~-b~Ck·:the· hated· military Iuachine/---~hiCh- .::: rcn6-~eini') iin'"d·---:~h·e- J:j~p'-- -ha:d n-ever:- :fUJ:;t.y:. ·di t1ma.ntl'ed ?_ ::_< ActrDns:: ·sp'ealt:~~louJler

- than1 words,'· and. the fact; i.s that. the· Ai:my -didn't :follow ,Baid;...Sadr'¥,t is -·no __ t(<':i~e-akirig.·- out·;:.·~· .in~·a .. \V~rd, the~/ showed-. they' knoW ho\i( 't·o~~:t·i~k: to the·~ 'i·UI~·rfr· that, win·.···· · ·;· · -· :'

... ,·

;~ --.-~ -~= :l;Iow- f'aiJ.tasti_s:. -then;- that- -the abvsmallv opportunistic Trot':'"

skyi-~ts, ar.~::.:.§i~~io_~_-ia. b!t_:.:."in" that--t-hey. aCtually -:fabricated a.:. "proletB:_rian" ground for J?ani-Sadr' s ouster· from his- .A:rmy post1 ~ ._, ·-; 1_.­

"Those workers who have· returned :from the war f'ron ._have- tended

'~ ,.: '

to __ blame Bani-Sadr for the si tuation._in the arm;Y and_ :for the lack.:--a·:r--.any.: deciSive:·victories-in:.the .. war.:_ ._:They ·are' aware o:f Bani-Sadr' s strong base of' support. among the'·_.hate'd:·army ·conunsnd~ "· (Intercontinental ptese, June 22, 198li . ·

'·--,_so:·strong that. not a· single army commander came -t;;o._ ~ani';"_~,._,

the truth,: but just:like: .. -' • • > '

the:Tudeh, they are that.- all else .taltos

~:ticle, "The ~rive

so_.busy_ trying to .v~ork out a y-;ay_. to~~rema3:_~ _:"-_l_e~a;t.._~·

a ,sub~rdinat.!3: p~si tion., ·.All --this _appears.-i~. _P_..n,

to Oust _Bani-Sndr" , which opp~.se_s. the _?~,~-te;r:,, a;:~-.

1.) - .••. , 7227

Page 10: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

,,, ;',~;;~_ .. _._-;.:,;_ ... _~-------··---~~-.----· <-·--!'. ·-'" --


lea-~t·:.fiiSOrar:· as· it· means:. "i-qpressio_n·~ ,-_. esneciall:v-_- since the:Y_._kaow_ :.:-.~- ...... _ . ·.· .. -. - ' - - .. '-,, -- .:.' .-· --·- -' --- '_. ..;..- ,. _ _;, .•..

very-- ~el1' the ·:rept·ession will be.:-dire.cted-· also_._ae<iinE?t·. thept, _ and t;J'lat..., _-;· ·r-· .. -;, ,. ..• -.... - .- - . - _ .. -... - .. ---"· -.. ~ ... ,_, .. ,_. ----'-·- ;:.-_,·, tlieii- .. paper· viis 'ainOhg··the~ six: that were. immediately shut down.· .. That_. ·

isn~ t -the only----thi:ng·' repreSSion. means :to:..t;h.e:-:9ler~ __ :. -.~long~-~i~th.·~i~~:.~>~ th~ua"t .agaiilst the. Le:ft Viill no dOubt ·com<r an attempt- to -~~~k -o~t- ~ ~- ~--~

-~,' Y.!·~·: :.:·, '~~ '!(; ·' .,,·r·.: '':·' '''<'• •. _:., .... ,' ,. ·i , ",- . ' -

com~.?~l,-s~.-\:?i~~? .... ¥a_q._ Le_t ."us 'not··f'~rget· that·, jl..t'St-' ri.'s-;s-oo·n _as 'the _ • _.J"-"' -- .. _._,_ •,;.;;.1•.;'";, ~···-,(' •. '· ·-, •·. -, -'.. .., - - .

-~- mul_lahs. saw, that- Bani-SS.dr :was 'hot involved in'tt'hcF;:··releaSe' ·-of·:.the· .he'S_~ . ·-~-··;:'. ,L.';':,c.:.: .. _ :-··,·;.-•" ·-- 'f -; •. _ "~'·w.·., ·- : .· .- ·.- ·

tae~s .: ;. they, .. ,moved -to ··do _'exac~tl:'/ ··that· •· 8.nd- fn · (iui·te ·· c_'ap·i tula tor"y' '~terms.;~;

And ,;c;'; tl_;,;:.t,'~alli-S,;:d~ fs n6.t''irivolved·'\.iith 0'ths Az'niy;' tliey wiH*y to: worlcf:~-~~ ·~~·d~~~~f~i~~~.f~~q~: :----~- ._. ~~ .,,-~.", __ .. ~-: -~-"'·· ~-.-::.:<,:-- : __ ;·:~~;.·.: -:i.r.::-~1;)-

·· •... ___ ,, • _ . _ __ ~ ,~---:-~·,.:-~\)·: :':--; ~· :.- •. !i''-;\ ;;· •. :::·.V ·.··As~ :for the Fedayeen-, -some·!·fac.ti?nS· ac:c_epted .t!a!1ti-imp~ria~~

i~mn'· ~S inUch-·;·at··~fac·e,:- as: did_ -the.:.Tud~h;:- ... ~s-. i:r it,~~m~ant':-.~~1; ~~~ti;. u-~·s·:·· a.'i1.d'·''h'Ot·:_~ti~RusSi~a:- .:..-.·.~·which~ is. equally.-- _i!Jlpe~i;ii~ti~: ·· __ i:rid~~d;-~·,'~ n_u·~·s:ta·::1s·--.. Sti'll' ·hOpirig· tha't the·£:ideoio~i9_al-- ;,Qid~~-~ned'. ¥P","'bY: t·~~ .. f~9.t tilaf:· reV~llitio'nrir·ie·s:.hiVe ·not.·.been· armed V.iith- l'JarX~-~- ~w~ _}~uni~i~t~-..:..:.::,;_:~-

' ~ -. ~.. ~-. • ' ' • -- ' " ' . • - .- .. . ·-. ,. • • ' • ·- . '.~ • .:. -.1·

ari"t:i:~vul?ar~·c6mmuniSt. 'philosophy of· .. liberation --wi-11 create· room .for ' .· ... ' .


> ·:c~-- . :Tf{e_-- r.h.ij8had"e8h -"Showed --themSelves. to_ b_e· _mos.t- C<?~ageous and

becairle · de'o3PlY. iriV61ved i'i1'·:.·the demonstratiori's:'again~t. Bcini-Sadr' s. ou_s:-.. •. ;·-:· '~_,.,--- --- '! ._ ' ' ' • - --_-", '- ---~_-·_"· - < ;,·-- ·.._,J.

t~r t_ Out. def'eri.ding.?.Baili.C.S;idr -~aeainSt 3~'omeinf· _and ·.tht?: _,IRP,. must not ...... : · m~gn-\~n~-~-it:fC~al_-·~itip.j?ort;:.-.- ·,\'/hi-Cl'i _:is·-wh~_ r-,,shaw~ci -n~t -~nl:Y~--how .-.~tl·i~-~:: lent '~~~gs :Ea:nf~Sacfr;:g., c·once·ptiOn ·of_ •. ~ecio~;a~~ .:: --~f·~;-~rk~Z::S '. :;c_;~t-~~i-._-qf_._.­

.. prOdti:6ti~i1 ... of*-~wornen•s· liber8:tiori't but, that it-_coul~;t_~ll~v.e':_b~~~>~'-' . ot~~~~·fi~~ ~6nce IsiB.m'--came':fi:i'st ·ahd.·UsQcialism·~-,:Can)e:.,•;i~~-;-;«~ _-, ;;:~;· ... :·:_· .. : ::~ .c .: ;,:--· __ .:; .: ~

, , '· · This,is.pot,~h~-1-irstti.~~. hi§'~o;:i~~J.J:~;:s~~!lkiht. that"'' some:: theoreticians·.:t_ried to .dii~te_ b~ ~-~·-'Strahg~ ~--d~ixttlfe} with re·l'ig]~on-•. ~ ba >- i "t;_ u: _Nu,;-~:- Buddhis~ or:,Be~: · Gur_i.oll'• -s~ · Zio.~i.s~4- ;_..:,, ;;;he'ther:- · ~; ~

.... _,,_ ., __ ,_ ... ··.·-~ ,-,, :\·,_;"'··: :':: ... _·. "r..- ,,_._-··~,

·it is• Senghor' s' admix1:ur.e, ot Chdsti@ity with_ f!'(F?'i,~lll Y'hich .. he cal~s Afr1cari.':.socialism. · or .-Polish Catholicism with a ••newu' sO'CfiiliSm', ·.·:o-r' '

- . . . ,' : -' .' ; I ~ _. " . ; ·_ -. . •' --.. j· ' . • -

Islam•·s:·uhlarxism''.:.; ~·_,:The ._t:Cu_t_tl :is __ that _the theocratic itish is''':ror:-' total

power' single party rule. siqrle ideoioey .: or r~t.he~ sini;ie i~lisihn.' which -i·s of an:·.even d~eper f~l~a c~n~ciousn9.Ss. thar{is ;15·;ur.e;eC)i:S :iCf~:.. ol-ogy, · This "hole concept. o.t a. single:_Leader• ,4j_i;}; v ... to:,ci\.; a:~ dire·ct .. line . t9 .. ''-.G~_d '! is .. :n~-_t_--_ ~y;e~n }~-n ~:?~~~~-~~~~~-tt::e,~-~:. · ~-t -s~rii:· /:!U-~ .. ;~·~·~ ~.· but the theocracy established by Ko hamme.d' s son-in-law, Ali, 14 ·cen:..'

;") ,-~, r. ,. • ·-~--~_'; 7228

Page 11: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

tu;~~~·-~e;os:;::. TJ\e; ·strange ·_admixture' of religion and_· ::.ar_xis~•- ¥:~tng_J, _,I Wor~e'd.~ b~f'?re'": ~B."ll.d Wi·~f--: cei't8.inly-· :hot' WOrk hoW. '-·For: rthat Illa~t~r_;·-: i_-:t_, . .

o --;·_;·-..f·, '"''""~-- -~ .,• .. ~ , • ,- • - , ' .• ' _·- ,.,. .. , ... .: • . _.H ~- ~-~.'-dJ.dn''t: wol:'l<' when''' tried"-to'•'di~ute',that: new· continent_. of __ thouz)l"!',. ancr·f'e,;iii\..tion ::.:.. r.:a.f.xq,- Humanism '-'-·.:·with •Exia:tentiall~.;-;, .:: ' ·· •. --····'

'·• ~vc- •.;c:'.··• •- - - · ..... · ... ..,_,. ''·: ·;;H ;;-q5_-;..7·;·,• ''i:~\. ·C·;T:;· .-.· · :-·· -~ ~- · · ·. " --~_::-.--.· ;--~~·: ... ·--:~·,_; ')_..,.;;._,;.-... ·;:_-,c::j·,~.-:-:t

::::-·· .:-.; \"(e_:_must- under no ... circumstanc_es leave out of sic;ht''the ""'· :··· · . . . --·· --•_-, ... - ····: . ..:.---.'- ,_-.",; ;-.·· .·:·_;- ,'"--~~r_•_ -L1"'·•· ,~:---~-----•'"'·· . .,· .. ,.:, · ·g~obal':conflict,::fPr,-this '" "." is. ,not .a _mere ,Iranian -or· even loliddle '·"' ' .:- ,,·· --·. __ ·•« .~·~_~----~'_'··- -·•.'i;·:--i-•-' ·\::-.:~:.-:-!>:"':! i·_- . .-;-~ ;.·c.·~ .. .:,~r:·~--~l

Eastr:prob:~em.-,L.!iq_r,-;-,_is -:-i ~;,just a_._ques:tion·· .o_f' u.s. _ im:Pe~ia.J.ism;·.c;· There-"""· -· - '. - ' -_-·- -- -,• ··- -· .•.• , .• ~- ._._!. ·,.·~.-.--·c.. .':. .. • ('::;' (-:".",·_'-"'1 .~.-:-:1 ---~-.c·"-~--~---

l._S another nuc~e~,t~_-J:_an,,~l.l'iSi.a.,o" ,1:,':)~ ,b~th, ?~ ~1:"-~';'_,f,igh~~-n,l§·:fo~··a- "­sing~e· world hegemony mean to have the last word •. 'That 'is"· exactly ,,,,,;, . ..,~,-";-{ .. _ _,_._:.,, -~---":- -~ ~--' ..,·,"~·-·

what must_ not be permi tt~d them. Thus, while Russ12.- didJ·not,· V!i th· -~----~ £i8.:·ii1:\rci-~i~n"Of''f'or· iha Gul:f>,as the U. 5 •.. -~mplied, Rt~~ia:'is'cert<iini~ pioeparingci'tsel:f to be ~t the re!-'~;-,:r~~.,a~ oJ?el:l~!'g intcl 'the region;.:lTh'ec'o·pening'they. wou~d- pref"er 0.is_-:to,. gain,power. :rr'ofii: wi.thih; 'and the' Tudei\' Party'-is not-without .successe.s, as w~s, ~h~w,;_,"~h~n the co~mand~r o-f t!le' ;,;'l.ed- "Revo~utionary -G,'ard~;.; .;how~_d. i,i~-pr~~: ~iereii.C'e' :for• that: !)arty, by' beEeving· -,-.: or• saying,he:,be-H_ei!>d-_,_._r;,.j;_~;;:t(.·• ' ' '•6•-··n·••~•••<'-'•~···.,•••-·---''--!:,...:;;..

the ,Tud~h ~s a''f'ol~ower of the -·line .of the ImaiJl·-·~: ___ -_,_ ,,. ~ ...... _,.·:1'

·_-.;·_-·_, --~)·; :_-~;:;_~- '.A's· ·fc?'r "li:. s;~_ i.ntperia:lis~ •. 'it- ·_hal? :ney_el\ g~x:~n. up- .. _i-ts hunfrer for ''the ''~ii ·o'i' {},at' region?-.,- 'How. do" you suppo_~_e :.i:t ;got,.~~- '.so;l"id -""'- , , "·· enemi"'as Iraq (aJid at: _g. i1.~!'.c.when ·Iraq- cer-tain:ly . hruL!l'l.0niv-t_lii~ --_ ~-­"!1\:Q);_~_::~Arab'.woX:ld' ''iith•it,.but literaUy the whd~e wd;;i:d ·;_,;_ its. tota:i,

"-, \,•"·;-· ·_.- 1 •••• -· • - - , • - --·: •• • ·.o-...... c..·.;.._,-.. ;,:~.:-.-¥2.:::..;._.~ op~o s~ t~_Q.J:l:.J~2..:.::£..s~_ij§.1-~~UJ7e~-empti ve, · -lli··a1ateral S"til:~J..~~t_..ffi_ga_J.J12."t--:~~.s ._. , nuol~ar''reactor) "'-'to"work out with the _UN-U. s.- reur~s~nt;;.ti.:,;e '.i:iri<:: · .• ' ' ' ,- - - .. - - ' .. ~-- ,_·-.. .. ' t-~; . .;:::~::..:'~·.:..--·:-'

pa"trick. so "·mild a·:--Resolution .of:, condemnation- of .Israel that it. didn't - . - ··-·--· ___ ,_ ... _;_· .·.·.- ," __ .:::::·.-::c,·J·:·

even _aslt :f'or ... anY concrete acts ·against Israel? - .! can't help _but feel­

thai," the· ,;,;;,ny do~ble~6~6-~~ine diHils · Circulated in' 'the' Ul! ;ow by the 'u .8.: fep~es·~-nt~ti.;~---. '1n'61Udo- ~ne-:--to. -arm~ in _its· war·- against- Iran. A:rte·~ l-aii. th~t: ~-:_~1-f~r~· U'~ s~ ·1~Pe~f:ili6t' SY'rrl:Pathi-~a··-lay·· in the,;t_;r_st-.. place, wliem· it coii~dii' t help Irait because Iran he~d--the' U• s:.:· hostages. 1-•o;e imp~z't'.U~t stii:l, -;_.,..;.j -~f th'is·- there is no doubt, .'the .Iranian· Revo­lutio!l so' 'si\ool< u.:p' the u~s. emyir~ ant1 its perspectives for the _Gulf, th,;:t ''even · ;6~/,' \•,he,;_ 'tile muliahs' have 1iurn'ed away :from .,e.,;olution, ,-th" --irreve'r'sil:IJ..;' :fact e_•rt:ablished by 'ttie Revolution; far eiving :the u.s., .an~/ o_utp6-st' th9re,--·<i.G nt;n..:a'iiffnment;· nA hB.Wk' s .·eye iS ·neede~. to, foUow th~ 'diohal conilict nnci not \ii,_n :off'' the Iranian Revolution,_

·<.• •' ' - r

* 7229

Page 12: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

- '


· B:'/'-·Wav:;' .. Of' ·co"nclliSion: '-The· Iranis.n~- ReVOlution· is·,·Not;Yet Dead

· .. ·: '· \{' ~he. ;~,:i~.R~voiu~l~n-is'~~e one· worid. :r< .. ~otb~ t"hiit ·not· .. , __ ;~--'---·-· ,. ··'- ·-''·"·~----·~; ·:::-~---~-·:., .•.. ~. ,, .. , ' -,,.··-_ ,~- .--·-.·=:-~:-·--·~·._.-~_--;,;_·_~- {''

only u.s •. and. \lestern."imperialism .. would "like. to "liury. s6' "woul"d.• tn<( .•. •• ,_ '._..,- .- •• ···• ·;;: ....... •, .-.···- 1·'- .. G'-:;_; ·:· .. · _ .• ...:·.~ .:;, •• ,··;· . ...~) 1J·f,·:.•. 1 ~---.,.'·-~c:....,':•"\· .. :·:-;_. '-d·-·,r

Jt.xab.··world_-.w~th :Saud_i 1_Arabia _in __ ,the fore_f'ront, _:arid_· 'Chil'la,YihiC_h··; carr_-See-~nly- Ru·~~i~~:~s~ ~e~y-,--N~i;~~.-- O~e !;~t?-:4·~~::-th~-~ ~rO~~-s~- -~-~: h~l:~irit··-'u:-s:: --~s:~~~p_::.-

·. ·::--· .... ·- . '· -~ ---:-" -· ; -'~ ,_,·;,_,_"·"'- -·-: .. · .. -. __ . __ .,_ ~ :.:_·,_·.- ... L:.. ;,· .. ·-:. -<)'.-,, ·•-;'<N:(:·· pe:z::ialism._·;· I.Iarxist __ re:vol1J.tionaries_. must:· never __ forge_t. --._t~eir ·ab_soiiite~ o ~p~s~~i-~n. ;t_o · -~a;i t~-~i~~-; .·;~~-i~li sm·~-:-_th~.-~~-o-~_ers; ~-11~~---b~_:,:~-·l: $,d-' ~1ili~~~~-~ ·f'ar_~:-:mu_sft_- ~~:!:;._::~~:· ~-~- w;_y_ -f:~il.~i~to_. ·.th~;·t~a-p;. of:~ b_~~~-ng·_:~e_: __ :~~uj_i'~- ~;·-~-~~~­R~y_q);~t_ipp_~p~e_m~~ure_ly~_.; ·: Th-~-:tr.~t~_-~i-~ ;.tha-t·ther_~~ ~~:~ .. "'pl;-~~~Y __ : c?l':·::r~::t:Ce~:-~·-~-­i~ -:~r~ · w~?.: .ma_q_~_ -~,~~~~\~~vo_i_~t~o:~·· ~ :- ~- _T-h~~-E!- =~~ --~?~-- · ~~r-~~~-~- -~~s;Ur_ge~~~·:_ · · .. which- _has .. b:y ~n-_o ·ffi:e~~ _·bee~ :p·u't·.~dovln _ ~d,.wi-1±. ~_not~ ,fo. ·,~.Wa~/_.\·d_~~ .. tn_~,--.· ._.·

·ouster o:f Iiani-sad;:i, - -o;:; the' ~~,:,trary;·thit'trutli is that tii.i' ob,iec.,. ·· tive crisis. :has. never~ been .. -deeper and the masses have liever suffered

. • ' -- - _._.,"I • ..__ ' . , • ' .: • , ... ' .. , _, • . ..··

-~o_I'e _than no':?·~: Let•. s not underestimate_ the gre_(it _expe.r~ce_ -1hat ~ :· -the Iranian mas-~es· have had in overthrowing th9 ·--Sl-iah ..... Th~t· ~;i"Ii · lldt ·-sink irlto -.the. VCJ:id.~.that .iS beine; created by the mullahs. On the con­trary, as -~he, C?~!Ji t~lists ·-i~ .Ir~, especially the oil- monOpolies, will. . ' - ,- -_, . ' ' ~

-proceed· with-'.thsir d1;ive :for· more pro~uction. and. loWer wage-s, the

clas~ _ E;l~~gg-+-es will bf?come stronger. Let us not underestimate· the dis~c\ti-~fcl.Cti~ri_ ~'f-' t·h-~ ·'-Peei.Sar1ti-~Y -.iha·t ,-- ·after::B.ll;·--the· ~ promfS-~s-:·:_of agri:... _cl:\;tt~~i. ~~~E:~;:.~·,·i'h~-~- Y~·t to :~i tn~-~s-:·any·-redistf.ib~tiOn- Of'.·_-· the ·.laild~: r::o!-eoVe~, _: .. th~: eb~ n'~inf~;. can·~er~a t.i 'SID"- of' the lnuil~h-s ·.is·. as deep as·; theiX pb-1.-i ti~al.i-enr·e~s-i.On·~- a·S wi tn9ss -:th~- · IlliO~ei'l-li declaration~ 1 j "--·I iiniSt ·, t·~ii~··ya~.l- th·~-i----·dtlring: the- prev:iOUs -_ cii:c·tat0r.i8.i_> ree·imeS~ sti:-ike-s' M.d·~~:-._·.·_-: ;it~:ir{~; Pi~as~~ · G~'d~-~ B1·.~.t ~ow.-.-;.~,.·_ -IqiR·~-~i!li~'then. :prOc'E:edeCi-: -to,:- ·saY · .. ~ t~~t---·~}1·~: S~~~-, ph~·~6'n;etlori · o:f ··strikers·~is/a' manif"es.tatlOri that· "-th~:- E:nemy

iet~;tP-h.:t~ng ~ea1~~t--~s·;.-.-~ ·-· Furth~~~bre, ie.t u-~··hat ·f'or6et that.-~_:·· Kii?~~~~ri'f·, s ear_l;{ op--i:JOS:i t'ion. to the·_shS.h \·tEiS-'· so-···.fe>udB.iisti-c·.- a·s~ even:.~ti:f: a"ppOS.e t}1~·-·~-ild. sCi~CB.iiBct- nHhite· ~ReVOi~ti0h" beCause· he w·ant8d -rnO .dis­

turb~ce bftha :t~uclalreiations on the land. j :. . . • ,·:

Iranian revolutionaries are 9Xperienced .in und~rero:u!ld ac-;­ivities. Irani~ revolutio~_a_ries lo:new how __ not to eive up_:t,heir_ arms when the IR? _f·irst demanded_ it. The !·iomen•s I·iberation, like labor, J.ilce the national minorities, like the _yo __ utt .. ,

a chapter o:f the revolution the!' still mean to t'inish. have :boe:u_n


Page 13: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a



To ·THE 'pJi:,{S'iNii:/,~':·:FRhr.i'Tilli: ?:±woRi'liri:si' · :Es:PiiciAtLY. ir:nE' Iaiiills,HuNGRY :::=n,~. ~ ... _.:c•;• ,-,~· _.,.-.;c-< ... ~.:'" ~-~·_;,• :-.:;-,-·-· :.··· '- -,_ --~~ ~~----· ·''-~-~_-: ~.--·.- • .";• ...

. FOR.SELF-DETER!i!INATION, TO 'THE \'IOf.iEN'S LIBERATION: ~IOVEl.'iENTJ. ·FRO!.!··.·-'·':· ,~·:.~'..: ;·1">:1-t'~;:·r-~·_., ·u.·:-:~- ,,_~, •• -~- ..... ··-~~-.. ,-- -~-'",._,,._ ~ • ___ ,_,_ ..• -;._· :·--.-.:. :---- . _-_ ..

. REVOLUTIONPJ\Y INTELLECTUA:ts· FIGh'TING·.:FbR' FREEDO!•i OF. THE PRESS' TO' THE.'''-''· .. _',1_;;: .--.,:.1 >::·.~--;:,l.-.~:"i----~--~ ._. .. -_.,.,._,.. ________ ..,, ... ;-" .. '-·"·'"\. _.·· ..•. · -------..!_, .•. ••• __ .-- ••• •

YOUTH \-IHO. HAVE AUIAYS B>!EN THE VAr:Gl:ARD ·nr TW-: R!':VOLUTION -·:....; 'ARE::··;_;:_,,,. , '!.0-~··;.1'-'-~':.'f>~~-;_·.:,.•·:- :;·.o._·r_.,-,-: , .•• ,., 1 : ·'-· :~-: -.~.:..-_.-:-.;>-.-·-~.---~ ·•·•· ._-,;~:·-. - ·- ·• .. .- ·

'BOUliD. ·ro UNFOLD NEVI PO\o'ERS AGAINST THEIR OliN RULING ClASS'. AND 'NOT·"·''/.' ·_- ... ,~-'j··:;;~,--: --''-::,· ·-~-::-,:::-.~·-- .... ":· .. ; ... ~_:,•_-· --··<-'-~"' . ,_·.,- - .. ·' - .. ALLOVI IT TO, REMAI!-I"bNLY OPPOSITION TO' THE. FOREIGN ·ENEt.IY; ALr;' THESE·•'':-~

:\~~.:~---~_.-'}:.!_ -.. ·:~- ·.···;·,:-~-,.,_-•. ---··---·-·1- .......... _ ...... ---' . --- _-. -7 FORCES CAN W.ERGE 'INTO"FULL' CIVIL \lAR,' "THIS 'TilliE. ·ARMED WITH ·A' PHILOSO'-'' L

·pil.Y' oi 'il;ivciuiT'io~l .J.i!A~r liaUill ·Iwl:T±ATE 'rHE RoJ>.n ro A. cJ:.AssLEss ·sociETY,:

ON TRULY m;i; Hliro.A.NIST BEChNNINGS. 'TR!> IRANIAHREVOLUTION·HAS ~IOT'-YET' RUN r~~',cou!lsr.::. THE,. I,~~N,IAN ·liAssis H.A.1JE rraT· HAn THEIR u:sT ·.loRn. • ,_ ...

_.. .- ~:

::::,··u .-~. ' -' , -Let Us .:•'- ,- - .

so u4a!Oi:ty at '.the

keep our· e~es _o_~en ;;n_d ·have o·11r -:.::tn-t-erriatiOrlal:-­

r_e~~~ .: · ··-:

.Rasa--·DuzriY~VsltS:Ya':. _ · · · ( . - · Deti·oi -t; ·!.lichigan'

:•": .. ;:

p;s,,: June 28.., In. the thrile .?-a:ys betwe"n writin1ithe J.e-iter_'above' and, its:mimeography, th~'.news comes,.th~t the IRPh~ad~u,;;.te;~ has · ·' been b].own ~p, .. and i~cluded the car.r:.a~~ i~ the. d~at'li of -Befle~ht{.' N~ :~ ... - --- ··.-, •· __ . _-,,-:v, . .-:" -_. __ . :~'··"·.::,-••

doub_t j;he IRP_wiH now b].ame. Bani-Sadr, who. has never_ indulged_in any tarrorist-_.a_c-t," b~t who~_ theY.: ,dared·: ~ha~ac.icriz_e _a:~: •~an· .aB:e~t __ -o~: l~m~~i~ Cal> imperit(Lism", . In. t~uth,, howeve~, . t~~ _ -t~rror, th.~t wi1l be un~eash'-_ cd ~will·· not. b_e, ag?-i~st_ Amer_ica_n_ imperialism but .-?ga~ns-tf __ ·t~e ... Iran~~ . .. Left, . At_ the same time, the terrorist acts ps_r)?e'tr.B.t8d. bY,"-:the.' extrem~ right,.:~h~ .. -c.O_~~:ider:·._t~~ms-eiv:~·s' -~~=~ ·;;_p~I-~s:t"-__ bec:i~se --_t~e; inSi,st ~:the':: mullahs ;sho~~_J,d _n~~ -~!Jga_ge -i~ __ politics, have been. COv9r-eci .. o-ver. \·ihei:t..:


·~~= .. ~-;• _.,_.,- cl:·~--~:r-,

ever chaos results now,_ i,t ~l_i.ll ry,~t in .any way change_ the, a~alysis · made above, and above a:L1 the need :for interne tional so li-d~i ty ,.;i th·.: tria·· true ·-IiiiriiB.h :·:cevo iUti"orr.


Page 14: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

-\ ~· -


1. See my Political ?hilosophic 'Letter. Dec. 17, 1979, "What is Philosophy?_ .l/hat is Revolu;-ion?"_, which had· C0nCentr:ite·d. ·an the

, . ·Thesis·;· pOinting __ to-- th-~·:,'~ac-t thai it ·was·- _the boncept··of' State' anci·.Revolution which \"{ri.~. 'the ground----on whiCh .r..enin reOr'gan~z..:. -.

. -.~ ed>~he::_-paz.tY; ·.·.preparirig i~r- _so'~ia1.-~~evol_uti.~n •. · V.'hat .:is impOr~~t-- -~~ ,

he:r-e_.- howeVe·r:~- ·is .the timing·, ___ b~tween··: the .iirst ~8.ft.--as .nl\l~?ci~ and the Stat_e" which was written before A~rH, and. the final 'dra:ft ·'

_.:~whic_li·_~w~.:S·.:.~itten:. rlier. the -r-.~onth_ o:f Slander •. · whic~--·;forced.·-~~:~0·~"> . 'fie-~_- t~ . Fi~land:-~ _ .. rt' ·n~s- .th~t .. :ri-flEi:t' ve~si,on ~s stat-e :·an(f_ Re-Voiutim1.--- .

. which wks circul~ted to an _the path to. November.-

. 'RevC>lution, 1917.

sec:! actua1 revolutionary group, . and hew9d ·-·out: ·

especially. N~N. Sukhanov, ·The -·RuSsian

,.-See the Spring 1980 pamphlet,_ Irani'an \lomeri, The Strue,or1e Since the .·

- . , . _ Lendon. Revo1uti.on, published by. the Iranian Wcmen' s Liberation Group J.n I ·

(_BoX ITo. 7, Sisterwrlte, i9o Upper Street, London Nl, En~land) , -

which quotes ·a TV-radio -iriterview __ wi th Bani_-Sadr :f'rom which it_ is· c~ear tliE.t· he- not. on-ly didn't di~agree wi tl": thei:t=- r.-:·U-siim reactiorl­

~y, !nythical. View a·n_ Women n~w f'or "sci·ence" .:..- "Meh_'-s_ level Of sexUal urges and- needs are rrmch- highei~ than· \'/omen's arid.

~his is b~ca:U~e of' cert~in- sex h~rmon~s- in. man's body~ ·:;lhereas there are· no sex hormones ·in woman's body" ~- bu-b saw. that his- al-"­

~~rnative·group should set up -its own paper, The Muslim· Woman~ that

was edited ·.a'nd-.run_ ·mainly by men.

-3. See niran's .Gl~tt0nous Revolution,"by Flora Lewis, New York_ Times,

Jurie 15, 1981.

4, See my 'ilee_}:cly Political Lette·r- of Nov. 1}, 1969,· "It:fi."'aelt·-·-uurma,

Outer I\·iongolia and the Cold ~iar".

'5. See Christian Science t.';onitor, June 18, 1981, "'Iran Races Toward

Total I''lu11ah Rule."'

6.- See f1ierip Reports, ~!iarch~April, 1980.

B. See y.s. Naipaul 1 s "Am<?nB· Believers• An Islamic Journey," Atlantic

[.ionthl;y, July, 1981. ? , See f,iarxist-Humanist Perspectives f'or 1981-1982, News & Letters,

August-September, 1981.

Page 15: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

Dear FriendS·~~:·. · -., ., ,.-~; :..:..: ._~

:By·~ no 6ccident"'.~ha:~~~· a -~~1. ~~v~ ;}~::1 ~o~n~~!:--t~~-~Apoca~e __ No~- ~ry~,,7,: :t.::<::

Gl:eeri ... C?.l~~1::B~cktii~l:l, ··:tra.~ed in the! -~ .:;; .• ,im~-ia~ist.~war"'~ . - -- .-., .•. •-···----- ._,-_ , .... , , ___ -, _ _. ... ·~-·' -,•::::·:~.t:-:__7 •. · Vietnam;-.o;~:-J<l'¥!"_lq~~ .. _:t_9 CC?~<:i·-~1?-*3 '.'_:fP.ue __ Light:', ,f.ll_i~_e --~orps_r __ t9_. de~.f?e:n9:_: ~~n:}"r~n. _ _ ;; _ in the dark,o:f_.~the night of. Apdl ~. ,. rt_:i~ .. i~p;;~siblo __ ~o ~0-~~~i~e ···;~~h-:~ _to~iiY


bungled mil~~ ~~ra.ti()~~-~~ .th_~_-;~, of~th~ ~~-~t,···te~~~log_i~~ll;_~~~~~~d-:.b~~-~- ',:," ~·:f moth as th~ 11:.~., 'ohe.i;:;;.:d ;,d_.,'r~~~e .,:·{7)~~ l~~~ ~. UN~~ tll~ Pl~~~l,a< '\':.~·· hinlse~; __ abort _the o:Pera.ti(;;;~~~;,_~· ~v~"n~t~mg-:;,hat.eYe~ 't'o'd-~ · -·· · "':

''••" ·•·' 4 -C .. •.-><'- -·.>-~ _-. __ •• _,,,__, ·-•··•!'. ,;: __ -,, -,.;. -:. -~, :. ,·_~:'.-'·.-- '-·~.,; L--'_; ·:--~.;·-,_•: .• -·;;,•..'::•·.o,:;c:>~>~f";;:<~'

with either;the.adva.riced-nrl.U-tary tecbnology .. or'._Aluerica..~- llves.. nere·w~~ a 1-rPey '-~ . :_-····~--·--·-~--· ···--"' ~-;,.•·- ---- ... · "~···; .. ·, __ ·- ,.:::: ... .. -.: /;·.~·-· ~'.--"<'.•:·~·-:-, •. ::_;j;; .. ::::._•· ·.:.;: :~.".!.~-:~

misS:ion __ 1;t.~:t;l~~--~ne.-~:t?h;'?H8h,?O .. ~.ehea.:t;:"~~-·- ~~e~c?~:-.eY~ a. -?.~~~-~!.?!.?~}!:;-: ·.~·: .... ~--six months,,_ ~~C?l;Y~-~a,l?t 9~:1:30_ He?;ct;aes .. tra.ns~rt, pl.a.n~s_, _.~~lie~; pa:(L; __ pr?Ye_~_ :th.~~ ..... - ~:, tec~;logica.l proficiency._~~ the .. de~aA~:..i~~ bi~ody v·iet~m-1-i&r.~'-rlth ei~ht .. ~~~:_' ~: ly profici~t Siko~ky RH-.53 helicoptf:'rS. a~l manned. by~ volunteer, gung ho_ mili~;.---: ... :-.;_· ta.ry outrH.; a.rined·-not orily··wit.h;:Wea.:POnS but·i~ ca:nisters· :rllledi.with disabJ.ini-: gas,

which ,a.fter·:· OnJ.y·· three; ho~·..: in! the~ deSert; :-,·with -!no:· enemy. iil sight·,,; sutXlenly~ fallS ::::: .. -t: apart. , .. ~: 7it'st~-:·threo··heliCOpt.e-rs :i-"'U..;ctiOn;. .. then·;.:."ctm:!s·s ·the' ordOri_:,:f:rom; thaJ;.:;~ 2 .-?.';"';-;:;: .. ' ,

Co~def.-_in~chief'· to-:ciba.Udoil -thO misSiOti~: - :It·- is' n0n,2:~S:AM,_O:f: A.Jn:i~:-25•-'"':The:.+ :-r-.r.:· ::; .. ·

fiasco d9iarlure:. beComss:.C. · -as ·-the. transport: plane:.and·_hal.icoptcr<Co~lide _-i. --~·i.:···-, and eight American bodies go up L"l flnmss, The 'Green: Beret ,(!ol.,no~:: orders-· the ... !:~·:;. ~ :-... ::

l:-eBt ~f- the· crew into a. p1an~ without either" ·picking up. tho bodies, o£ deatroylntl . -' .,,~:- ·-'-, ,- ', : ---,, .. - ; ....... , . -·· -- :•· ------_- .. ·'-' -_. -_ .. · ..... - .. ,

the ·seCret dOo\uru:ints~ .. ·Fiy? otliOrS:· ~i~riouS-l.Y bUrned· are··takeln' ·'It iS now 4 AM: "'· . --- "'-- l'- -.. , '._ __ -;; ,~ · _ . , .

.. :··- .• - '- -- .!-'; .;. -<· - .. · , T repeat., '·it -is··. iin:posS'ible·· t.o: conc'oi ve -such a ·total. :ra.iJ..ure unleSs· .the<

rsa.sons bohirid· the':ol:cler,-to'·.a.bOrt tho'- opGration· had--nOthing·._wha.~ever to' do "with.i.. -.: .. :. ...

either- the:teohriO~OCY or:·th~ lives of '_the-~o.rieS.n ho-stngCs--·t.ha.t werO· supposod-_to_·· · .,,-_-,

have beon rescued~ Two pro'OO.bilitios s~e~y· mP.kfi. morei- iOffio·.:thatl .. tnO· official ,t ·:

acco,t:mt~. On~ 1s that the CIA is ntill coo1)orating tiith S~~A~_:md -~:.~~.--~c:tual_~:·


Page 16: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


Fifth Column in Iran got cold feet at the last minute and did not wish to ~~ '~~h:_with._t~e~ m~rcenary n11J~de:rous~.job9~- -------

Ort even more likely, the l?L'esident got cold feet through. both the:Strong

op:positior>_.,- he meet from the American publiC' a.itd tl,le -distrus~ __ he sudden1y felt

f'~r -the .. CIA-sp6risored Fifth Column. But whSther these probabilities. or .the _offi-

. ~ia:lly~pi:a'ffered.}Cxpla.naiion of' sheer te~hno:i.ogica.l f'a-il~e mo-tivated -the ab~rtion ~,. ·. of'_ tha missionf this. bo:rl:t-again-christiM· President, Brzezinski-insp~d or·'othei--

.. · . ··- ~''w-· ; :: .,__i lft,, ;:'; '<·""'~T · 'P"' .. :· 7r. L;;;·-::;·,., _ ":7 ,:·-r :.·-:r.~-_:- :.r:_:..•-r·-~.,..-- ~,~-;-·- \ •. --~-;'--.,.._,., ,~ .·...-,p· ~iae,_ has not. fo·r-:a·'a'ingl.e' J.moment.'_rh~~i.ta.~~d~i'J:c?Pi': ~iB~_itt{~;i~f~:~~~~;:-7 "~~~ ~-'~=;;~.~--

--~ bility_ of 8..-world_-holocaust_.

Even so bOurgeoiS a specialiSt on mUita.ry defense as Drc11 I·liddletc;-ri:;.--,i~··~ · . .:!:~t.-:: f'el.t comi)diled?to_1e.hO~:.hdK ~ th.~ 7r:i.Zk 1"6-:f~;a ~Val b10CKader" Soviet tankers li~~~?'gctii-'tti··.tfea-t··£th~:.blOC-~dS'-~ ,,~~-~- "'.riu:lEiodJ 6:vet.i' b~rore-~a. ,~glObelcCOrif'rOn"ta..;;· <:•i'"Xr'­

·_tion, t~~ ~-6~~iri1Y_:·.·~~Uid~bc··_.~---~rici"-th~~e\;ere-· ::..~ :PrJtests--' o:r tl1e·cu:s .= -·presen~e~: .. ;,¥-: (,;_·_c

in th~~-:~if'\~e~igi(f~\itibh:;"siibi~·aliiG~·.ro:r:th~ u:s·--~, ~~;-saudi Ara:bia:\t··Afl:r.fOr~-:- ,. J~ ,;~: the _~zest'··~~~~~~·;l not__r-iS~:t§~ __ di/--ili~)/ oPPbSe'~irllit.a:cy_;-st_e:Fa a:t_ this~_tiriie bUt-~ ih9y . --·::~

-~~thesi~£i.:{g··:~~~ri ~~r:~~~'ioM:·~coricinlic':~~tions-: '· :~-\.~:-Who·-·oXactiY takeS ttle :~:; · · ,._ congress··~m;i~~lY·:~:-ruG·-~·bi-t. ·or"-ca.lming'"hailci,..i;Ust'jb~Ca.txail thO head ·or· the{·F.ori3l8n -:---, '· -· ReJ.atioh~I)·Co~tte~:~-';;---Fk.rik-'_ bhtir~h:;~·ta-~· '·abou~ _ thEt~hSi~ent~ "~lo·utL'lg,.--~--~-~ -l • • .~-; the rzar.· P~W~rit"Iie~~Iitiiiiri? :; C:a.]?:ita.iis;nj~S ilCver~f'aii~d:··to·~ ieV'ii~enou€;il io'OPhoief{!·;>~:~ .;]17:-~

~_:.~i·:"'c"·; .. , 1-.. oc,-t,!"'-'·;;.-• _'·7 .. ,._-, -~ ...... ---·' _ ....... - v·'·i • .·, •. ·<--",-_.,: '-·'·:·~:::::~s-;-in- any"liiD.itatiOn" · to . thO~~ i;lqwe:i-s · or-- it~ · CoJilll13.ndeZ..!.in ..:Chro£ tb ·alloW· hilil"· a· · ·- ·~ free hiri:&:~r::.:.::;~;~_-:·<· ', r·· ~ ~- ;:·r·:J.~•i'f ·;·.·~. ,_;_-::; .J:c·_,--~,.:~_~,~.· ··-;·-:·. :_.1·::..:·.- ::-- · <:..,r;;{'!::~~.::.-

;- -:· ,. ''I: :z..:;-·r __ - ~ ·.:· -·~~ .;--: :.- .' · ·( .· \~<:: ;·- :-n .. --; ::- _,, :: .t~ J~ ~ ;c:·_,~-: ::. • :< -~ _,.,. -! c;-- :· -i: c: <.,:-: _ .-.- -~ _:_:_ .-.·:::::;_ ."':·"--':'- • :-:---;_· ·\ L

, ;-::·:--1-lhe~er-·or not:Presidflnt_:Ca.rter :iBi so Nixon-bent~· _on;,.:tP.e re:tcnt_iQn '?'!:..h.i_a~~. --~·-·;::.~­

powers_ iri.~this~eli3Ct-ion:~.yea.r that -ovon·;thc' profi3po~t.--of. unl.~shing<l-lor;L.d,;;·W~;·,II~ ... <"~ .. ~-;, ,>. :::-:.:

cS.nnot stay· his:·ha.nd;: 'it, is'& f'act~tpa.t :th~;t ·,ltttt:.O r.a.n_. ~ [email protected];be ,

. sCpara:t·ed:;·f'i:-cn(-ca.rtor•s·:-intorrla.l·; drivC·..:·i'o~£- war .. that he had bcglttl_ long ·pofor.o ... _;-Th_e.:;."

po_~nt isJthfit-,Cartor's· .. prOIJQsal for: X'einst..ating:_dra.ft.;.regietra.tiori.,·for: tho_ yout-h·_, c;. .• + .,

has, indeodt1a..·'outlo·ok.<: -~- :·.1: -· :~:·-:r-··;-.:·~ ~-: :"':•_-~ /<;'.'•i,;·•'-~· ... -_.j_, ·,:.•., ,.~,:~,:[;·; .• <c• .''' ~;_,_; _ .. _,, _,, ,1'<"'.1' , . .,, '. •

··r-~- It becomes imperative; thcrofo:ro, that our strugglo t11minst Co...-tcr•s drivb 1

for wa~ i~ ~t the SMe- tim~ -~-~f~~~~~~.P.;Q§s··o~·~·olldO:ritY With-thO ·:rm."lk.-i misii~G· .. ·. :~. in thoir anti-imperialist s~ In doing so we mus_t ma.I-:e suro that tho struggl~:. for f'rcodcm:.dooe not got:oepo.:rated.i'rcm-a -philosophy' o:£-,libtu.~tion· •. --And· tharein,

precisely,· ·lieS· thO :do.ep Iranian· revolution, signified- all: .. ,., __

_ ~;--::tho Khcmoini/n .. 'li~S!ldr unleashing ,of' ·.tho .u."'lholy_;~'Holy, _ti~_":...againot:· .th T _,.. "-"--"- ,..._. ~ -• I- ·-s' h . • ·~• ••• t··"' ~ ... -.c .... c ... "''-"·N'omuutl.f.tSanl. a.o.r ... ave .JI...tBb l.ll.l."!::l.A eu.o~· .• .: .... ·.-----·:·, •· :<• .. r

·~ ';

* Soo Drew ~tiddloton's "Risk :f'or tho u.s. Grows in 1980, which includes also a section on tho erowins

I:i-an111 Now York Tilnes, A~iJ.-';27'::·:--,

tension botwocn I.-aq and Iran • . . -~~ '.• •• l . 7234

Page 17: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


.. ~ --. ~-. ,_-_ - . II·

.NC?t only ia there rio ,.connection between _the deep unrest in Iran and ~cr~s _ ~:.~·- . __ ·,--_ -,.,_. ;;/.,_-.:·,-.;, -.:-_--.-·_, ' .... ~- -·---· ,.· __ ,_;>·_._,~:-:~c.'.:.-.--· -._·';· .-•. ·.· -_

intrusion into Iran.(and :aani-Sadr knows it), bUt th~ ruling clique· in Iran has

-sh~~--~~·ar;~it~:~~ ~:~e-~~.1i~~j~ ~~ C~pi~iist -~~-~try- wh·a~ they to_~k ~-d~tigc - ··--· ._,,. -'# -·- ........ -.-. • .. -.,t•.-.-.:--. ~--· "-:-·:,_'".: .:·--·-.:-· ·-:~;.· :::-----~---~-"'------.- '·:·-::;·· ·--

of tho ___ de.~er:t f~~C;O -_~0- hi~, OU~ ~in~:ir .tho. Left,;st th~ dissa:tia:f~ctio_~ ovei-· \ • • r __ ~ .-'" '• ·,,, •• •·, ,-~ .. ·'• ,,._, ,,•:.,-·_.. ~-' :,.- ·'-' ••. · •.• ·'·;,:,•\'.• ;~"-_:,_~~··;•,.:".r,; ,_;--~"i; _•:,(· 'l·.~

_t~~-- Jl.n_,employme~t, -~'l:nst.. tho· national liberation moyet'len~s, _Ku...-ds .~---·:--~· ·:_ .:·"~·-·'..:-· -;,;._· -·.~] •--;i-;)':'.,,'.~'--' --- •.:.---.- --.--- --- ,_·-:·.-_;-, ;·:·_- ,_;_· ·.-: _____ ._.. .. , .•. _, :--

-·espec~~y, __ ,who ... hav:e to deepen the Iranian .rexolution if:'OII! t_iere. ove_,x-' ~•.U· --,> .. ,· .,_.; _-,_: __ .-.·.-:.>•.:-:.: _.._,_•-,.:-· ...... ·: •_:, .· .. ·-_- __ -.... ,· -, __ ; ;._r.;._,_:-_.-... • .· •• ;,

-throw of tho Shah to a.ctua.l £reeder. a..."ld new .human l:-elit:iozis:. . KhOmeini cirid Bani- :.::

; ) '


--_ . , . - . . . . -- ·._.-~-~----·~]_. ·-·~.-.;.: '-~~-~~. -:_~· -~'!":'~---i;-~-:~-" Sadr knoll that the oppos~tion to th~ began 1-lit~ their retrenchment- £rorn the goals '_.,--,

?-~ thci:-~oVolut'ion;-_whothe:r tt-.a.t-·ra~~e_d.. ~o _Khoneini's ~ t~ .t~-:t~~ ~~p~ lncka · on ~lomen~s Liberation, :_or-trying to abol.ish:tha ._shoras .of'·the. Norker~ .. c __ ;tsn!.t,.it .. · .....

• • - • • , - >o - ·: ••• --.- - ~ • '· ... ; • --··· ...

a.- fa.~t tha.~;.the:~;ttcmpt .. to-~Uroad-.thiough the_ Co~stit~~ioJ,l, <?O~~ided with,_ t~? .. ·!-: '-'-~'. takeover of<t.ho .Eml_:e.ssy,, in ·the_ first_-place7. And_ isn •t, i:t ~' :faqt_-~~1?~ ey~n;_ t~~­election -of -; as -i~esident .is 'lJC?.u ~ again di~utcd !l!l~C .' ,th~ _. ~~o:r;gy g~~~- ~~~ .. ::.· into-:_its-.-hiora.rcbica.J. rul.e _;_in .the_ .Pro:lio.rnent'? .. :Arid how • oxactly, do. you help. the . ., . _ ... ' -- .. ·-- - ... - , . ,_ --· .. · .. '·'

orh-~\ru~h~'i~ that t~o'-~ca.t ~~~t i1i,thc Co:fuh-y;'th~~-.~""~kS;.~de·:.. 'h

sixc for now, n~n-eXPi;)i~ti~a ~~:tB.t{~~~-:·;-th~'-~ti6riai ~o~iii~s-1 ~si.O~' £0%:- ··· .~o_ ~:Kpa.r:l.blc ~om n. groat J:ASsion :for philosophY of libera­tion tha.·Ctb~r~~ i~~ •t a· sin~lo ·a~:pCC~a-i·o~ ';;;....: ~d ·th~a-· ar~ n~-·10~~.-.:t.~~- 1.So :·dirf'or-

.·_,;·_:.:,_::,-_,,. __ ; ·.';' '>~_--. --- -:.·_ ,-;' ._ .•. , ·'- ._ -·-; ··' ._. _._,. - .. •_-~-,_._.,. ont· groUpe_ attempting tc, thO.t "Passion fOr frocdoc, in ovory fcm "from-., ...;._.~b~~~·;_~~p~~--l~fiOts:,jgn~SCt~~si~-truit· doria- nOt .. _at· onco gct~·grabb~d~:· up On 'tha·,\mi .. ,Orsff.Y.~ ~~sos ._:- · It\~ thOSe bOoksta.l.l~--:tha.t ·so £rightcin Kh~mOin:f·:·: and th; --~o:..~O:lled 'Rov'ol~tioriai:-Y· cOuncil that they ·oroci- their<' gOon-s to"< the'·-


Page 18: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


student youth. Worse than tho riots· these gOons instigated -~'·--~'ld the"re were many

~j_!lr_~~--'-~~. ~~l!le .. cipa.~-_,.~7 iS the ediota _for. the a.bo1i-, -·~--·'"''--'1"'" c··•,.,_,-·;=,·;,••<!1":'-.:"--T-1- .-:•''·"·t·'f"' '.·•(""·· ... _·- '•JT ~.--·-· ·'·-~ .' ~ ... , ... ~-- '··-• .. .-.;;J..,;,

tion_ (If. politi~l actiVitY. ,··KhODiein_i- -iS· under_ the--m~io_ii·tha.traince -the-Le£t.:~_~ ... ~_·.:_;~-r~

do'\!' _'r.?l'}~~~. ~~~~~:r~ofq~~~;,S~h.:,~~~Ii~j;~~c~-1~ -~~?, ~~!.~:;.~;.,:.,;:~; ~~~;.t:~;\ Shah'_. _the_ id~ _of'_ f'ie~dOm·. wil~ dfe ._.-_. 'Ba:ili~a:dr _ ·£alloWed' uP· tne'·sl.shdel:a ___ -a:gains:t;·· the~..., Let't~ o6~~c~~ :;;,io'~j,~·~~l:~;i; cia~@;iii~- i~t' th'e'ki:re;t 'ciri 'thl~~''is olil.Y ,.,: "~t·: ~r · ~~-~e ~gl~~i:. i~~iiii1fat~---:Pit~:- ~ -"·~~~ <x -iUiv~ --fior.t~ :~.¢o"of: -~arid )~f hope :to~~1 .~·:.:: -F"- :

gi;;~ \t ~-;;;~\~,:w.~¥ii'~~,t,6,,;~~ ·~;,~~" i,~.t:.:he~: ~::1 l~,;;;e't:~t''\ · of the American planes liaS , ~-of~tbe·.'pla.O."' 'All he>giV'es-"Pro'of'!··~of•i.S··.:.-_,,A_

.• ;:, '•'· ,';...·:-.:-;~:-·d ' -. _ _.: -~,-~,-~ __ .~ _; "''''• : ;. -- :-' -~ 1," '',?. ·':' . -~·- ' '·._, ,.,, ~ •" .• ,.;- .•.' -:., ·- ~ - : .f -~-- - ·--" ".:-• .- - :.·. . tha.t most u...'1f'inishCd. -·state· 0£, thO Il:aliiati' z.ev.o1Utioll. '" '\'That :-the ·masses·· 'ld:ll ~-prove·:~:?~ -'"•<-·.~: <;•,._-:-::'_.;,;',•J",(,•: ,, .. _,:·-, -, ,·,~.·,,•~.-·,-, ,;~," ·,·-~,( 'o", •-•" ,..;_,,-•; ,o,,,~;., ~, ';,.--~ '_• • '•'), _.·.-~)' is -~~t "~~~~·:~v~.- no';~~~-~~~:~~ w~;~e,;er·to ··: .. ~et ··tn~:-·r9~-~~~~,i?_n- ~~~~--·~:h:ririi'shed·. --~

,;: .,.· ~-"

'··:-__,;-; ..... -~ ''--•·'"' .:'..', .··.:: ~ .,,_,_.;, _.__ .. - _____ .,· - .• , '" . :· , .. ·:··- .. :'··I-·- ;.·,-._- .•

-~~ _s_t~gest ._~_o1c_ra:~ion of all, if no_t OUtright -_"lovA" ,is_ the ~o~e- ·that._·: Cix;~r~S ~etweCn ,·lql~~~-~i ru;·d·. i\tdch: ~AriyOna- ~·the- ri~~t:--is ~o · ~"dc\tst;~ed _t~. th~ iSQ-~:_t

,._ ·::----~- . . • _- --. ·,_ -: . • ,>;.;:·.; \ -· _,_---, '-:· . - ' :> . ; .... ~_ .• _. ·: -- .. . ,._-, .· .. - '- ;. ·' --· ; "';-. . ' ' - '"""l<'j.

degree: turns, hyp:.crision _a.rl.d oUtright ·a.lliaiices ·o:r ·a.'bSo1Ute oppoSites on·· th3 ~ '':' -~--).; .. _-___ .,.., .. _-,::.,;·;· .. ~···" --.:·, ·.-- _ .. _. _ _. .. , --· --~---->-.··- "-•· _--:,", -. -_, -:~, ·- :-~ --~· ~.

_::.~tho_ i_l_l:lsosian Communists evci- ninco the Hitlel:~ta.1iri Pact; whiCh···the·green ·.· ,'.;t .-:;;: .·-·::.-"- .... -- :· :- ._ :· ,:-~ -,_-.,; .• ,._._ ·------~---- _ _-,.,· .. .-·. --- '". • .. '~

light ~o Uorld Har II, that nOne in tho ·HeSt Were slirPriSed ·by tr.P.· SOcrc·ta.rY. ceiner-' · al or"th~' ~~~ -;;~unist -~~-, ~Nuf.rnMin Kiantiri~s -'d~(;JA..~+:;~~<tta·t:' the; -~e---··-; ·.· ''f~-~~~~~--~~t:>"~j,~-:~~~~~i-~~---~~~~~ 11 : ~,~·_:\. -;:·. ' - -~::~.·.,.:-_:;. • -~' • .. ·:~::,:.

. rcc . ~

-wh~ti intel:Vi8wed lr]- •·an ed.itOr~Of'.'Lo -Monda; ,Eric Roule!au~,-.on .. the .question

o£ stiP~:iDg .terrori~m;.- KiMuri·:;repiied:"of- 'cOurS~ we--condcm..-.,.. toi'rori~ui,.· hut-· :itO:~_ princi:Pio .; Can -b6:- etama.l'; ·_ ·:FrOm-: the· --very ~innlug" we.- supported -the ;arrest: o:f the·: ' ·J-:.

:.-l,_o·-MriEi<r' di.J)loMts·; th6y .Waro ··eD@ged,not-·only.:in:'Capionage·-· •• ··· in·~~-'-"' t~ ~ -Cb;ifi-f.~~~civoiUt.i~Da.r.f~-arid·· SUbVc:rs'iVe aCtivity;"-- AS -f'Ol: coiltinuiilg':i.ricarceraticiri :of··. the Ain~rca.n h.Osta,gos ;--WhiCh f'lo1.f in- th~: face -Of': intarnaiioria.l law,. :D.nd: which -·ausSia:

·also had __ t6"c00d0Iran~-·Ki3tiUri:_1Ct tho- c3.t;oUt. of the' ~·--by·-approvingi'the. atatUS:'quo -,

of continuing tho retention of tho hostages when he said that it "~ a gooci-wa.~~ of ~oyont~g the normauzati.on of'.Iran's.r~la:tionG Hith the~:·l)~S.··· !'·· ._. c.'

,, ' ·- -,• .. --· -- . . ';-~_ ·--.-.. -<'·:;: ._., '·'"::' . .1.';

··': .. ,.It isn't true,,ho"!ov~~· that oithcr th~ clorics w:hO wi:iro Wi-fh-HC:)~Sridegh :k.t.·"·::

the '.5~,or·!:fc;ss~degh 1_e _ar'e that_· ~lCl.'\-mt· __ of· th~; ~dOh -~rty·; .· ·_;,;_ Tudoh~}~: m~SC:tablo __ z:olo i~ ~t~~-~ pa~;~d- ~~S. ~ot·_ bOo~. ~~~6bttcn. rind ·.th~: ~~sio~- ~'i Af"ghB.n,~~ has_._ma_do- 1'\C?ttU?_ ~'?~, c::v~ tlio new "poPUiist11 .phaSo ,·~r:·:th~-"¢Qmlnu0iStS. WhO· did roc~~vc'rlOO,OOO votos in Tohcra.n ·~lo~~ h;. tho-: £1rst round ·cr-,t-ho ~~OCtiOris.··· ,,

*The Guard!.nn, 1\prll 27, ~980 (Lo Mondo EhgUsb Section) 7236 .-. i

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-~i~~~C';e~l}~.,~"~·'·~elb, ~.:-~!1~:.' e:thm:, ~-'ld,_-beth .. ir.. its .. p-tlblica.tion~-;.·1·~-ndo~,- ... ~nd ___ ~"l--t~~- -~p-ee~~es'::-e., __ , ,, cc.,·;·cco= Kianuri makes, :feels :pcrt'ectly :free to criticize Bani"S<idr ':'.nd'Ghotzbadeh' · ·

w~~le :leaving Khomeini £rtie f'rom critiCi.S·m, as if KbOmoiiU. wasn '-t···

~d.-.y_at,·_,~tl,·( to .. teu;· Kia.rluri ' B. point. Kholneini~s- a.~i.i-Co~~sni._ iS'-

so_ a.bstiaetly -_-roli.g:'~ous, thEi.t-- i.s · trJ a!i.y out of tho context ~f'.- _existing -~mm~-:·· ·::- .,,: ... -.,-- ·:· ---- -_·- .. -.. - - --- .. ---_ :-_ '. . ' . ___ . ·--·. ,"- ,', . ~_is_m_as.ti.-worl~ nuclear pouer, so eing:~e-mindcd in his qpposition to Carter ---~-r~~ing n,i.he Great &i.tan" -tha.t he wa.sii•t diverf~d BorioUs1y- ··tJY-·RUs~i.a:-ls_.--inWsion ·O:fi¥~hanisia.n1·:· &ili~a.dr aiid:Ghotzl:adeh ~e mort'l aWe· o{·rea.lliies~->: "ttrit-~,tho;e- are- tWo nu01ear -_world- poW.Crs, each· af't~r-:- siD-gie .. World --Ccnt.~l. _.>--. . • . . ' ' . . ·. . ·.. ··, . . . (whi~h .is onl.y anti-America.)

A greater :mea.eure of the- na.:rrowriess of Khomeini •o ._'"a."l.ti-ini.JlCZ'ialiam"' /_and.

tOlera.ti~n of ~he Tudeh tk-ty,w~~il.c baing totalJ.y opPosed to gen~e_ l-ta.r-:4-sta, _is

- ~een in tha of' the Revolutionary _Guard.S :Which have the 'full support _of

KhOmoini~ · Their Commander, Abu Sharif'~ sPoll~d _out the· o.anger .:for Iran: "The' dail­

gm: comes from U .. S. l.ef"tlst orsaniznti6nS." He: oxpmded :it thl..W~_-_ .. There are·ti~S ... }:~t~~,?~ga?-i~tions wh~C:h ~e __ arming-themselves such a.s tho-.Feda.yi. Khalg. There , are- o:; .. t-;!lr ~lOftiSt -·~.rgi!liW.tionS -l.ike tho TUd.Jh i?n.rty-,- which says. it recognizes _the

I~ia.trd.~_--Rcvolution•s constitution and Imam ~melni's line •. In this ~se, ·it is

_a.,-lcgil:- lcrtist-or~iz~tiOn tha..t acts o.nd "WOrks·on:this bnsis. But the_~!f.gC:r __ __

ccrites:: fi.'Cm tho u.s~- leftist crg<ll}iza.tionn, which- reCeive fundS o.rid ·wea.Pons :f'rom

th_a Uost and falsely spoo.k·a;bout a.-Russian threat to Iran to justi:f'.Y military re-_ lations with the United States." (IIERIP REPORTS, March/April.' 1980}c


* ... As-against Kianuri's goal-~ "the "l:r;'eaking o:ff cf all remaining. ties with

tho-u.s.••- and as ago.inst Sharif saying. that "the da.rlgcr comes from u.s. ~cft_ist

organizations", wha.t becomes imperative is the f'orging of' relations, revolutionary

rela.tions,_betl.feen the ma.oses in the u .. s. a.nd il1 Ira.'"l. To prevent the rca.l. da.r,S~ of a world holocaust, it is necessary to sao that tho enemy is not so much nbroad

a.S:O.t homo. It is hera where philosophy of' ro ... "'lution becomes· as_ crucial. as

social revolution itsol£. Ideas of' froadont recognize no P.Ation:ll. boundaries.. It

is a. fact that- oUr rulers aro Our enomios and -that tho Ira.niC.n masses are our

friends. The world revolution ltl!l.y not bo en tho ·aSolida. this vary moment, ·bUT.

it·a· that vi!iion of a. new world thnt is "tho ground f'or;th~ B:ctual. st:t't.1gglD that will pi-avant nuclear holocaust by cro:~.ting a _now_ wo:c:ld,_m totally humn.n foundations .. ,

RAYA llJNAYEvSKAYA Dotroit, !Uchigan


Page 20: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

Raya Dunayevskaya December 17, 1979

_-, _,

Not So Random Thoughts On1 "- ~. ww..T :j:g: PHILOSOPHY-? -~ WHl\T 'IS ·REV6LUT'ION?:.i.:·: -'~

1789~.179J;C:184B-1850; .. 1914:-1919;· 1979 · .. __ , '. :,-

· :_. -·· .: :_ :~;_-·{C': 1_:.---.- ---~··:· •• -:-:_ .-~~ , .. _,·._ •!···~.--, •. ··• -.-. :·~~r::· ·'" •--,..·

It sounds so abstrac·t, so ·easy "to' Say~ ··with Hegel, 'that '· .--

-· phil~~~p~~:; 1E(\h~-: ,/i~'i,;icih~·-e;tudy~ Of.-- ti=ti:~~s" f~~-- ~&~iy·.:~~otind:;.:ov~ .. i--.-:·:.-., __ ·, ~,,. ... :-·- :<·· .. : .• --

0·• ",·, _ _," .. - __ , :._., ;• ,.._ ~-_;· • - _ r• ·- · _'l, _, ~~ (' ·,

s.l:l!l_Pl_i~~ed, to. say, at o_~e. ~d-· t_~e. sa~e ·time ·~--that "Nature has_ g~ven:-_ ·,;:;.e;~y~ne 'a.' £ac,;ity o'i' thoil\i!it.' l:lut'tfiori;,ht' ';:',;,';..ii'tii;,.t:·I>!liios'c:P'hy'::.c~ · ~la;t~~5-'~s::·th~--- i~~rit~~!p~:~-p~~:-t~o--:h~~~_::~r·o'cr~ss: . ,_~-->·· _tPa~a--:-·-_ ~_sy-·- ·When-~~-~~~:.) ev·et{·~"y,,-u···r-ealizk:- thS:t-··thi'S 'iS 'ttu{ rnt!-OdUctt.-on to-' sncyc-loj?S:edra:·~-' ;_,_­of' Phi'l010J>hi:~at"·scre·nce!:ir t-hat_ ~t w~s- ·wri tte·n:· 3:iter-·--·di~-:Fre-nch~-~--~:,c··

·- .,, ··r··:--,,·_- .... -, - ·. · -·. - ~-. --.- r-, . .., , ... _,- __ ..• · . .-·~--:~·· Revorution·t·_Whi'ch inade' po:Pular·.an actua:l "perman~nt_ revoltit~on"···--·- ·· no revolution is ever its -:ri'rst act aJ:one ··_..,:: y·o·~ ~a.-n-''b0€;in·~-- ju-st·· ·heg).n~ to:~ g·:r:a'sp- t·he·! nle~riih~r· ·O:f Heg~i·•·s -·e_xPr~sSi:~n; ;,:Secohd:·ne-ga:-ti.:.'- .;.

- :;.v"ft:fi~:·:; FW.::t~e-rritor·e·, -~i-Iege·l had; 'nOt ':fo~d-. · ·a~ti6·uratio·n··that- e·asy_:-~. ·

~ntil a:ft~r PhenOmenology of Mind, unii·l: ~:f-tei::.tno:--sd'i~n~e- oi.--r;birrc,

until af·ter- he tried "to surr.marize all of h~s ~or~s, includ~:ng the '2,soo:...ykai- 'hi~ta:ry:~:c·phifOso"Ph:Y~.:" ~The~, of' course-~' you ·realize whY, 'when-· iie·gei._. ·is 'spe-ak'iri~;- -6f··phi·iq~oph~/~ --5:t-. -is· ~ot·- a~,- ~tistr~ctioi1~ t'hftt.·eVk'r:,:: thCiUghz'hO. -iimitS----J:1:'·t'O:._thoUf:ht' aiJd:-_riCit'aC/ti"'tity·~ -he _,c·~n ·--

·--;,_.- --r.- •- .,,_. __ , __ :,. :---,·-. ____ _,,.. •.- .;-.• _ ;-~ ... conclude· in that ·very:...same .. --Introduc:tion's -:. ·

- ."'i'hiS' dl~OrCe :'hetweEtfr' iC!e~- ·and realitY' iS; a~·:favbri te ._::_ · · -•; deyice·;of' the-. analy,:tic unde~sta~ding<i!J._:_parti~_ular· •. - --.Yet_-

. !' .•. ~_.str~ngt?lY" ~n:_ ,c_ontre-s_t-- ~~ th_ -~hi_s sep¥'a.t,;i_st. t~p.p._ency f·- ~ tl?· ··.own·-dreams;~ half'-_truths ·though·- they ·ore; appear to the-· ,':lnderstanding:_: some_thing, tr.ue a:nd" r_ea_lr· .-it. prides i tsf?_lf;·, __ on.·the,.imperative. ,'ought~ w~ich_ it- takes _especial pleasure rn·preSCi-ibhl@- ·on·tne- fi'eld 1 6:f- pOli"tiCs.~ ·As,i:f·.--the world-­had·· wai.:te.~-.on .. i:t:\t9 J-earn-. how_- -i_t· _o\Jght-_, to be,_. ~_nd wa.s

6,)- not!""-:

(para ...... . . . '"~;- ,~.-·.:... ; . :. --~--- --- ..

.And that same paragraph further stresses that "the Id~a~

is not so feeble as merely to have a _right or an obligatio'f. to exi'~t- WithOut· a·c tUB.lly·--exi_s'ting:. ... ·.,

· '·· ... · wi><m ;.. ;.;~~~ obje.eti~: ~ ~tali:•' i,;~se" r,; 1S44~·1a48c',;;t.'icl.· was · -'< '.,_ ' '. : -- -- ···;-:, '--· • ' ' ' '; : • -. -_ - ' :· ·: -~ • ' ' l_ • -,' ·_- .: - -, • -- '.'.' ;i p:ro~e~p.r~?:~,and no_t·_ just .. __ semi-proletaria~_ as -~:ith the ____ enrages __ of

. --·--...... · -'!;r,J Fr~nCh ·_ RC\r~,l~tio~ •.. th~_( y~~ng: · n_e~. __ r8~o-lu1J.o~ar~- PhilOSopher ·a.fld ·. a~~~~~i--~i~ ·Ma.i-~.·-~~~-~ticed·_.- Hege~·, -~- ;tde~ ._~f. f're~_d~~- reali:~j_~· _- _., it in' an- ·outr·{glit ~evOtut-io~-~ HP. _h~-d"" tOfd·'his"YO~ng. Hegelian; f~l~ilds

. • ., . • r ·~ .. ' ·. - . . .- .. • . • - ' ' -· . .

who were _l?e_~9m~~g·:,·mat_e~~a~ists 1 You cannot -~e<?omS a tru~ ne·w Hum2.nT

}_1_;·-(~ ~:· ·· ..... ~ . ·.· .. 7238

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: . ..__0' ~ .• :-,~1,),~-;::

~ · :·. :~ ~: v <? '~ ;: :··. '.'• I .• -: ·; ·"·,,-, '?""."'~·r ,·:::..:: .c,.-:-:: !-: .. ···

-· ist by :turning: yp'}-Xr_; :ba_~~ .. on -H~?eel·~~~a~s~;~h~~-i·;~? )Joth ~ ourgeois and _ide-a1~St and __ .;tiercauser--h~r J:iini ted····tn~~- ·r·e-v61.uti'Oti: .tt,,:_: :'a:-~. TevOiuti'o~- i·n . th~Ught._" T~~ -trut_h is. that --He-ge?-!~s di"aie~tic was _n~t :just -~~riy>~id9~_> bUt the :rdea:·of freedom, and reuSt, -therefore," first be- realiied·---in. · .

. .!j;;,:_:r ·,.:..·:·'"~·:.....:~. ~;:!":;•,.· ,·,:_'"'-'..!. ··.-.:· -; .. _~;:.:-.., .~.,~- ·• ~-~--::::··:-:·"~-=~ ,-:;_:; ::-~~·-:<.:·""L ._;·: - · ··.-- ·· ~3:n, aqt_ua:J.. _fnaterial.·.way--~ :; , we. f!lUst--be_ specif'il-: S.nd_· shout·. ptit:.loud .. ·.~

·~~•"''"•'_-' .•-,1:~; •. : .. ,·, .. c-.-_~-'-·•-• :.-':- ·-.--;:·:-_._.-~_.: .. -,_.T, :-;- ·:-·;_- __ ,-:- _);.:!::·',\' ~;:.:·_ ::,:';::!" >_:::.·:··,"~;----;;·:;:;.:., •:! -who _.;th~_ :f_or_9e~~ ·pf~; r_evolut1on-~·are ;"~-~-What :the~~R'eason .of revolU.tign ._,_

:·--'•'-'-:-; :_:_,_.! .:_":'-~-'~·.,,.·.· .:.-;.-::; ~:.:<:·-:~~-~-·-; :';~·_.;;, -~,:;-;;-- j-_.--; _;\·:-:-t>- r.;1· --_:_,<·.(·'- :.'(~:": ... -_:.. .. - ll~::~d:. how w~. ~an·achieve_.i'reedom. _I, said· Marx, say-: it- is. the pro..;·.' . -- ;.-,·.:• .. - .-.~-'-~. ·-'·"~' .. ~ .\·'. ~ -:··-\· .. ,:,;_·---.,_, t~··.-~("'·,·'• v·· .:--'••r·"'•'_-~.--.· .. "'-~-.--.-.-.,,·•;_, __

· l.~e\.~~r~~-· .. }Jeca~_se"_~i)-~;v: :?r~ _at ·the 'point 'ai proaUCtfoi-i' _-w,~_~re.-:·.al_~:-~- _ ·. -_-"tni~~i.?f~~~-~?~~,~~~t~~~~:-.- }_:- ._,::za~·_:-~~H~t; -~~-,-~~~$j~·~:; ~-~e·_· fr~~~iJ~n-~·i.: ·-;;~~ .. \: -w~:~,~-- -~_;. cause .. the~ wl:lole. capitalist. Wo.rld .to -.tremble, we-_ rieed_ to ,J.U.).i'.urJ_· _a

• --·· -···-- '"" --~-- •.. ·--- ._ ·.-.: -.1-' ... ·1-•' ;-.;-:"' ,._,,:_,_:, -~---··.···.'"···;_·-:- ••·•

to~t-~1l:Y: !l..e~yt_:· rbanner..,cf'.~_phi:Losophy_.~S:. y;ell- as·_-pf'_··revO::iU:t'~orl". ': A~~~--t)le ph~~~~~~,ph;f· of: r~v~.l~t'i?11 _·-"now_-_;·-~:~. -tp~i-. ·i~ ~-;: 'aft~r-· -~~~ ~-~?:~~ge?~_S}e_~·i,1~s._. :: .. betrayed, us in,,this l848-,9,,Revolution, and it, is necessary to depend only-o;; ~;; ~wn forc~s, Tmu~t ,be, :'REvOLuTION· Itl l?ERi.iAriENCE. :. , · (J\ddress

~-·- -- '"• .... ··-----~-·· ~- --·•' ,, .- •• ,·, '< • ,.- -.

to: the Communist- League, 185,0) .. _ .. , __ ~-· .. ·_, •.-.-T<~·-C.::..,..-.• -~'""-'-~ .~. _,_,, _._,_,_.' .-.. -:...'!.:, ---··----·-· '•o''

·:.1;~ . ;-f •. ~~~; :'';~·'.)~-. ... i'.·· - ·.t::.~·-•_t·: .-. '.. ·-··· '. . ;.. .-, , ... ·--This.- revo1\ltion __ in. permanence ,,.,he· .continued-, _is n9t. the_. -~ . --·· ·-· ·- .. ' --· .... -· ,_, ·-- ... -.- ,' ,_, .- ;.---······· :. ___ , .. _

generali:tY_~ it ;was_ in-.1?89-9:3• __ ,.This.revolution_. in .permanenc;e._,_is op .. ·_ th;·b~~is ~f~ ~heB~ .. ~~~~- .f.or_~~~·.'~f. ~e~O.luti~l~-~- ~d ... t~is.- -~,~w." ~hiios~Ph_y o:f -~~va·l~ti~n- .I. ~~fu~l~d i-n- the': c·~·m~u~i·s't M~if~·st'~ -d~alt ~i-th ,a_-,_·,~ . . '. • .. - - .,._. •' ,) ... ,_ ' _- ' ·--·

total--~~pp~o:ting:: qfr th¢_. 9ld, a· _to.tal, cr.fJation of .. _.the::_ 1"!-e\v, .... shO\ving not only~ What_~ ·we· .. jark~ ·a~ain~t~:::~~t. \~hat: ~e·---~-;~--·:-f~:r"-; . In'_it ~-w~rd; .. <even -though_. We h~~~ ,n~:y;~ ~h~'iie·n~d: 1o·t .. Oni~~-th_~_~, ~·~d·~.- ~f: pr:odU~_.ii:~_ri~.b~t:.~-lso the form of' the f~il~: a~d: dug- fnto the~ fll~dame;,tai r~i~tl~n~hh of marl/ wo'~i~-,' 'we: m~uSt~ g6'. fur·t·he~-: int·~::_th~-- ~liai~:~ti·c··; ~-f~ 'r~~iJ.-tio:li?, i: e. ii1t6:_ ~~~-he:: d.tai'~c·t.ic -. rif:: -~e.gati vi ty ~s·- i;h~ --~6~ii1~: ~~d:· Cre·~ti~B: :prir .....

• ' :·. • - -_ ~.:.-:- : j •

ciple" of- Hegelian philosophy. (Cri tigue of' the Hegelian Dialectic, 1844 )' : .. c.<.;, C'","" cc>C • · .

. Internationalism is not telling. ~_the7,--· nations. y.oha:t;:-,to: d.9.~

-'rt' iS soli4<u'izing,and f+aternizinp.-_ with. tho_se -.sent to shpo_t -you-­and ·h~Vi~~g_:_ ihe;;;· tui-~ ~h-e1r: g·l.lfls -~~::their -~·~n-- -~t-iic~r-~ __ ;:T _· 'f'ina1ly •. in vcr~~ :::e:irl~::·.-t~o--. i~st·- --~'~i~- of: M~~-::.~ ··th~.:· i8ai ··p;ef~~o- ··tO' ·th·~-. Rus~i_cln edition of' the Gommu~i~t i1iani.1e st~ ::. th~t perm,;.~erii: ~~vcilutio,:, 'get~ spelled o;.,t on a ~till higher level ~:.: that' i~/internatlo~ally 'as'

. Vieii~-- as h~t-idf1~11Y·~: -:it 'is;·. ther~--- that· it --i~. cC:mCrciti.'z"ed a·a~ the re­iat:i~·hship between technol8;rically ad;,nnccd e:nd' tecimologically back­

-:-----:w~:d countries -- i.e. that backward Russia could hayc its revolu-

Page 22: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


•. ;-·~-'--- : ·:;·;,·.' \/' , ... ~ •. , - -~ -~· "-' - ••• - -. -t ' _ ~J.on -~e-ad ;O"!_ ."Wes~ Europe .. -- -proVided ,_c 1) the revolution. is acCOr,l-

.pliSh'e:d.· ~ithin \h·e! :cO·rit~eXt' --o~£,·E·m::o~pean· i-CV~lutl.O·n .. ~·J-: ·a:rtd -.~·t)·~·th·e-, rie~--~-,; . ,;!':·;-~:< -'~,r~::-·':-'-}:: ..,-.,~; ,;·::-·~~->~,.,,._, .. - "~----~- .... ,·-~---·-·-·· (-·'· ,.;~r· .. -".~ >~"' _ .. ,-··- . . ·.,:- -~- , ..•

f'orces,- in this case· the "'pe·asant ·commune·s, are· never· OUt o:f·-Co:lltext' :..·-. -·';,:. ,-;;-:~-_;;:J,_,:~~·;·_.:·~-'1·· i'--i · -~>-i·' +., ·1• .• .-.;., -,"-·<·.- ·-~--··-·.,,·;.r; .. ." .. '. .. _ ..... ·,_" .-· of'- both internatJ.ori.alism and ··dialeCticer ·of· J.iberation~-'-l. ·The· Idea···is· -.

·-.. th~:\~'6~-e~:~-:ii~ci-~J·s~·:·it ~i~~--'68~C:fe't·e~ •. --. i:.t- iS) tOt8.I'; :j.t:·:·i·s· ffiUl't'i_~-dinren-··~..,_,'? _. · siOriai; --and- ·at· no tim~'-.l"fs' ;th:e··-·rr?diVIdtiEi.i- .. ·~m~d~-_'.)tir:;f··':to?tari·~·~rid- t~e ~} ,·-

·:--,-,_~~~:].:;.>-_i:r.;;:~-?~on;~~-~~-]-~_. ". _._ ·--. -~a~.h~r ~- __ l~t ti~. n:::.r :~~~e~-~-~-~-~·~,~rinciple: :.~-~~.e -~ndi:'{i~ual~· is"the 'social 'e'ntity"· and society'·mueit"'never. agai:fl b-e_·'co·unter-poseci :--:to ·the <r~~iVidtiai~- .- ;; :· _: -~-' ~ ·- '~-i.-J ,:

·- -.:.·: -\~:'.'---!·)·.:.: '.---~~.. ·. .... t>' : ... · :·:..::_:;:·

II' r_,

·,,.:MarX had Spent .something. like 4-5 volumes_.·in -expressing

his 'thO"ile'..htG~-: iri- Participating ill:~'revolutions,- in .leayiz:lg a: i~-gEl:CY:·-~-· that···was -·th·e ver:j'opposi te _. 6t ·an heirlc":''m• -~In'Stea~, . the __ . ri~V( _ c~nt~~·:-. ·n~nt··-.Of',.thoU'gh1;1;becarile :the groUnd_.:.i'or.·ull future!. reyol~tio~S: that wollld~:be·-·:f'i1.led, out anew with· ~ver::-riqher cqQcr.e:te- .. and _w~ th ~.ev'~;r-~

greater f'orCes -- men, wOmen, ~hildren .of·~ all·: c'Olors-, races, nations. . ·-· ' , - . ' L- •

-~--'~ un~il.-. w.e'_ finally,,have~ ach_ieved ~hc;t. type :·of_ to~al: __ rzvo_lution and . : :th~~:- typ_~_-; ~f·~ t,o.~~-~"'~p~~·o_tine·~·:·· -~~~-~-~,iY ~~- :.~n~e_'_~~~~ ~o~-~···Pf~p~~~~,. __ . "fa~--~ .

more_: serious, ... ~as mo~~~ experi~nCe'd .. _to, he_.lp' ·cre?-te'-;:luc.h'' a· tOtk.l'r~vo.:..

-- r <-, - .•,·.·~ ""-.

_,. ·· ·_-· ··--~• ,1 ·-·~··' ·;_;- .. ::.-.;..' i:-.o.··.· -fl··+·--~- ;·. '": .. : .. \ _,· ·~.-.:;.;~.'- ~--,~;(

lutiOn than ·those who -had "made" the· 1905 Revolution -- Len~nj .. LuXen:1-·

blJ:rg; ~d ..; ,~~~;·_Y_r:.t. }~-~~_,._yet,_.and-:y_e_~:;;~~-~ l;;".•,-)-; ,-.,,~-.; ,_,_ ···.-; .,._. -··

Celnes -World· War~: I, --a.~d- ,the: __ S'hOcJ<-· _oY'-.'· t-he:· _sim'Ul tanei ~· of'

·i~P~~;ia:li.:~·t-~ ~~i-.. _ hnd·7~-'t¥o-hi'~iik:t ·.'-b~i£rkY~i .-is· sO ·eve·t~whel:i:ihg·. that one - -.--·< -' > •· -••• • ~ ·~•• • , ·.•· .·.~;~.: :::.· ... ~._ ... _ ·-,_ ·_ ··:··,'--f_ ;.:·~r.~ :', ·:·;·-· ·

and· ·Only: one.·-·;.....; ~~nin·· .;.._~---.says, if ·I·_I._c_o.uld·; ha:ve,1 b~_~n _sq. m,isl_ed and cbh~idere'd that-' b9t~~~er·,? Kaut.Slcy:.' m'"f/ ·t·eache'!:-·;·• Some·thingY is :al t6-

, : ·--i• ,_- ·- ~ "''-~ . ' . :. ·;.-:.,~~_;::-,·~.,.-- '•. ·, •. :· ____ , . ' -' -geT.her wrong with !!!:'f. way. pf think~ng·. --And; wl)ile ·I ,will• np.t. stop

shouting_:/'down. with the war, -- :t_urn _the im~_eriali_st _war into civil war, .. ;:[ ~-i\:l" s8.tiSfiC~\vith the~;:;,~Orr~ci' a~a:iy~isn

'' '' .,, ~ .... -, .._,·. ~ - ~-: ··, :::·. ·::.:-.;, :';;-_.;·:-~;'.·:;·-··_:·.:" --: --.,,.- '," -, .. ,_-, of n political situation without first_ digging into Hegelian.dia-

·. lS:c1-iiC~~-::: .. It;:cOtilrt h·~t~--haV~7· PO~SSib~Iy·;.-be{en ·an·-·accidoht -that' Mn:r:x, _·; ~ -M·O:~~· ~::~t~xiorri/--WB:s ~rc;~te~{-iri --He.{iol· --~:..·- ·arid~~·:eter .. helVing' .. brokGil. ·with:~ t-ha1.-, hk. re·tuJ::.n·Sd\ to= ·deVSlOP ,_ Hegel::i.arl·t1Cs ·into· the Milrxi'rin:-: dia.le-cti.~-. · ·An'd··-sa- tt{i·o·,.gr'Sa!t/ r'eVbltitionO:·r:Y, ·Lenin,' sPent his· dny-o·.:

iri .. ·the. libre.rY~ .. ~tud~/iriri' .. HCgCl·,;::; ScicYtCC -~of·-LOriiC, ·and· -his even'ings­p~~PB.tini f~r;~roVolUtiOtl·. ~--- .,, --. .-); ·


Page 23: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

~~-r -~4-

·->•,;··.'.)i,i ,- •• ~ What. ;did .. Luxemburg and -Tro:tslcy do? TheY Surely. were. as . ••.. -_, ••• __ , v,•._ .·.-; '·"" _. ~-.. o.:.::.:~-. .;.:; ........ ' _,_- ,·.:.•.;· -._-,., __ , .•. _J.' .;,_··· •. :-. _,·;r __ .,L-'

r~~,oJ.ut_i~nary ~-!3-S, Lenin_ •... _ ,They Surely_ opposed th~ irnJ:1_eri~_list __ war,.-- ._-~ -· - Tl)ey su~~l;· "!;~~ .tr;·i~ ;t~ pr,ep~i!f~r. i~:_,;1'~tic7;, : But.'wiii;''fhai·:

. r'!<!d~~·-;_,q_~_ ::~~il~?.C~-~~~,~~-:-~~~t >~~~-~-... '~~~·-_,<?i~_'i'~§·: ~h~~d -:i~:-,·-~~i~~~.S-~~e -~~~ ::~~~:~--~ :: caus~_-_,_Lu?=_em~urg. }).as ·.-no _.par.t_Y- on _._th~~ _-Sc~nfi .. ':.fO_da:y~·.)JUt ___ Tl:-Ot_G_icy~- dOe'S ~- _'_ · · it_is g·~ T;qt~~i~m:.t·h~t-.i .~iil ~~w .con~"'e·~t~~te._·_.:: ----~- ·.:·.'··.· . -:c!:-- __ ,,:_;

~ • ••; I ·- ' - < 0 J.. ! '• ' ,_:·.< ;; ·.:·~

: ~~ -~--' :: ~ ~-:~~ro~~~~:·~·;~terposed his .siog" B.n -._"-peace·-~ w~ ~hq\i:( ann~-~~ti6'~~ 11 , ···- ' ' ' .. . ., _ :.' _-_,,,_ i·t"'".r :: :· ~ ;·_-t., ;,··· '--· :- •::·--t ".

and "mobilizing the· proletariat for_ a .. s:tL:uggle I~or ·peac~" ·tO ·_Lenin'.,~ ,. slog~· "turn. the inlperlali-st war i~t~' .. :~l.Vi:( w~"-.w~ich -~r~_t-~k;,··~~- '- ~­jected. What was-~even ~orse ·was Trotsl\.y~ s "l .. ejection of· Lenin's st~tement. th8.-:.: the defeat of your own country is the lesser evil.·

·, :::~-~!J.--·coiifess· ·;laving .had-'a · .. very -warm_: spot for ~ro:t;sky

and: he . did meB.ri ·a.: ._;reat -·de8.l :riat~-onlY for 'my: recrg~i~a1=i911-:: ~u~ rot-:"> the gehera:tio_h_-·that .·had·.·to-·:confrorit '·~'"7· were:- certf:!,~n expressions' in thos"e· years 1914-1917,:that I :ju<;t oo~ldn' t. ge,t_ mys_e:L_f to qUOte. J~Thi·S::oppOsi tion tO< · d~feat of .. oile~ .. s_:. 9W~·f; caul).:-.: 'try .. •Wa.S sUch-,cin·eXpi-ession..!..f··· --:..~- ,:E,·:,· ~-:.:· -:·/; ··:-:·~ · .. ::--~

l, •• , __ - ., : i.iSt.r-m."~ to -~r~tsk:Y,:bn- th~ R·u·ssidn: rnte!-n8.ti6naii·Sts:- ti-Ying··

t~·,:~chieve··_a-uni iy'~ f{~st'" ~ .. i~r--hrs·_; PeaCE{ ~iogat{ whiCh~ L~"ili'rt"~ rejCC·ted, ~~-1~-~-r,h-~~~ ~~ _Le~-\i~' s. ~iC;gan'- ~hich· T~bi~'kY"!'re.jec·ted·~~ ;··Here ~-i-s:- Wh:~t ,.,, l~e··s';-~- · -__ :_ ······- --:.: ~~~;· ".>:-.·;· :-:;~,l ., .. __ ,

"Under no COndl'tion ··Can-=-t=-' a~r-ee' Wi'th ·yOur' opi'i-liC)n,"-' WhiCh -; is el}lpha!3ized by A. resolution, that. Russia'-S defeat would be-' ri'.·'·l·esser:. evil' • · ·:.Th5.s·· opinion:~ represents a -_-fundamantal conniyn~c-~,. .. wi:~h the politica.J.:; m~tho_do).p_c;y __ p;f so,cia~. p_a:t:ri<?_:t:­isrn·; a connivance ior_.which· there--is no reason· or· JUGtff'ica-

~- tion'''a'iid WhiCh sUbsti·tuteS B.h orienta-tion •.·( ex-trelf\ely, ar_bi:-;._. _ ~:;_ :: tr~ry.: ut:tdc_r.,.pr~sent .. c9n~~ t_ipns), _alonf! .. -tJfA __ l_in~_ §~ ,a-~~ le~s-~;-:_

. , ev~l' . for .the. revolutloriary ·struggle against war end the . · · condi tioris· which' genera.:tedi. thi·s war •. ~'-- - · · :--

' /.:r" am qu;ting 'thi~ t'r~~ The "ilolshcvil-:s and' the Vlorld War·. by ai>.ri!tinand F:!.shar'. (st~,.;:r"aid 'irh.ivi.rriity ?ressl' 1940, p'.l?o ). r·

., ·· · · - ·'· __ ~_._-:··.r;: :_,;·,_: t __ , ;,,f __ ·:-.-- ·:_r1 i: _·_::·. _.,.-_ :·.~-: , __ -.--.:-·~~ _ ,_-_, fir:s;t· r~ad .. it. _in Russian in .~:C''_s. own .. wo:rk• \'lar and 'Revolution, The--Fall· or. the Gecon.d---i~t~~~."-ti~·~~l ~-~d ·t·h~ Pr~PR.t:-ntiOrl.--or ~tlle .. Th'ird:,· first PUbl.\~hed in Moscow -in· 192}1;.-._.We_ muGt _rem~~bcr,·.:h~~ci~·er·~·-:thrit:.. the period ~>~?Vered is i914~1917J. that, Trots~y';, speci:!i~ arti_cle:. '. • from which l:.\11uoto .above was dutod P,."r.l~, Oct. 14, 1915. Tl\!lt nr-

' "ticle was part , of v;hat tho-se "Marxists who hnd_:·n.ot .botray"d. and ~h .. ci, ~ _, . 7241:

Page 24: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a



tried ·_tq_·r,~cpnstitu~.e~ ~hel)lSe.lves. in:t~rn_a1;~qn8.lly/., not. pn~ tpe :)_asi~---~~ -·•··· •-··-· •• • ,_;;, •.• c ":;, .. ;,.- ~...._. •. '.-r.·.-,;__-,"..:.· ",;', ·'\..:...•.~ •.• '·•;;(' ,.:-,~-~;;.<.:'· . .!

of -:~\nif!_!_~- ;r-eypJ.,1,.r:t~9n?-cy .s_~ruggl_e_. <?.t: . .''tur.n_ tb,~ ~~npe_rJ~l-~-~:t., !;~_E .. ~!!~.0.; ·:-

~c_ ~ yi -~ · ~¥' ':,!.: : P,~~--:?~~ ~~~;~-s~-~--~ ---~-:~--~.f3~E·~~f~-~ {?~~J ~~~-~-~ e.'.':.-;~~~.J!t?~~/.:}-J}i~{:-~:~;;-_;~- ·. Tr.o,tsky; was; speaking ,i.n. su~h. gene_ral_ terms_ t:ha.t_· he_ opposed -the naming --- _._. ··- •· :,. --~'--~-· .• ·.:·' '" ,.,-_;.--<" ........ v~:;.C::t.·.:~,. ;,--:~_ .. : ... -.. !'~ _._.-.,_ ,_._ ..... , 'i~- . .. ,, --•

-of .. -.Liebkn_e_~h~- specificB.lly, saying:· ."Such a personif'i·c-ation·_: o:f-~ tac·-:-. -' · - · -'-· .. : •.-•'--' ~·c.·c·.: .• , -·,-·.·. ··--" 1 ,.: •'·-' .-'."'" _ •. :; ,,.:·i_;\: ,-·_; __ ;~·,;: ;·._.~_,;\-.;o)i •· •. ::.r

ti_9~}-... __ ~v~-?-~~1'~~11-__.s" .ca:~f'o~ming_, to G.e;"_!ll~rr _c_on.fiJ;~i.?ps....,._?-1£>,1"!~ •--· ~a~. -.~n~P.-:-.. -. _ ._-,· .. __ ....... _. -'····· .• ~.( ... ···- ___ . ._, _ ... · ...• "'.r ..... --~ -'-··.·•·'- .• _ .-_-.< __ " .• ,._,_

· propr.iatC_.,in· ,.the given. do-cument.· __ Upon .:the.- insis_tence: of'_. the·-·w;:n~e ---.. _. · .. --- .-, .. ···.:.' -... , _____ .,_ ··-_. ... _-.- .. <·,-.. ;< .• --·.·- -·.--- -._.: --.. ::, :,:~ -~; •• --,~-;~,::)..--.:c:;~\, .. <::.:.·,- _ _ c.orn~_iss-ion, it was. withdrawri.t .. This, is-.. why _such -p_seudo-up.iy_e;--E?c:.~i-!=im

·-····:·,·;·• • .. ,- .... : •• -·'· <..; ..... _; __ , •••• ·~·-;,_,_~,~- ,,;,·,;:.J~ •. ;.c;r;,,•·..._

!~~ tpe.~ ... ~~;y~-~~-o-,:sk~P .. -9v~~ __ co_ncr;_e~~ r.~~l~-z~~ipps .~"!.c. 'fP:..~~~?f-1:.-;.- -~::-~-i-~:!-.!1.-J~ · -~i~s. 1~19._;;Intr~.ductio_.n, · .. Tr{_'ltsky_ .. streSse.d __ :_the .i~~ern?-:Ci_op_~.i~~- ~~~- :r:~~ pea tea that' .. ::The !o~cll r~v~lutio~ liquid~t~d· :thas;, ,difforeri~.e~~ "] •'' ,, , ..... --·-· ..... · .. •."·--~--- :. ' - . --- ' '·- -- · .. : -- ." .:.·. _'_ . .-.: t:·._;<·~·.:

.. · - ·' ·; ·~-· :·,,··;- .-• .. ~ ., -'.<tL'~.;


"'· ' ,, , ,.> ; .' ',C_.c < ', ,.,,, , •,•','! •;,~:.--:,;;:• ,·; c'<:--< 0 ,',•

the -_q~n.~rary_. ;On~e tpe hea_t 6£:. the, bat-tl_e di~s, :the d~Y~_!ltion~~-f_;--_pm Marxism; first c~~e;..tq: pl~g~i _;rou._,,. ~. :··-··-- , -~ :::. ·- .. ' --· ~·-~-

The· truth is that the theoretical· dif':fcil-ence reappears '· in a. most horrible form exactlv wh'en the next new, 'objective si tua·.:.­

tion ·~fses~;. ·y·~ii"~m.lst·.t"tl~n·-dig= :tO'_Z.·: he·w PhLL'OSOPh~ic __ aep_th __ -- 9n ~~~ baSiS '~i- th·~··higl~le·st; th··earo:efri·: ~-a·:well. -as·· ~:r~ctiiil'l Poiri1.iJ<·,laSt. ·reaCh-

.. . -- ; t ' .• _.- ; • .- ' : .. ,-, ' .. - '~ :: ' ,_ -' .,.; , -_ "•, . ' ' . ' . . ' . c. . ' ' " ~ ' ed~ r:r,· ip.Stead, ydu' renlain without· a philosophi.::· ru"dder, ·the--sup.:.·: ·, ~- _· __ ;--- :--, ---·~__._ -~·c_. - -, ·.'-_ . _.; _,. .. .- ....... ,; . ..; .-_:. .• _ .•• --··."·:·"··; - ,. ---·.;;~ ....... -. -.-pOSedly "correct" _po1.itical ·anal~ sis ·be·comeEf, :i.f'-·not Outright 'counter-re_Y:O'luti'on, 'de:rillit_~:iy ·no :mo~·e' th:nn taii.;.eridiSm.·' . ,- Tliat'':wa:s .. true··"'":": ~f -T~otskY in l905·. . It wa~n''t t,;\le' in: '1917 oi:.iy~ .b'ec.ause 'the' orie''he' tl'i~~-- tai'lehde·d -~~s 't~nin.· Bitt it; became~ d~ne·erd\l~-ly- 'tfrue- i-n ''Our'_:e·ra as _air'·,tli~ oppo.i1 tion ami-great fights again'st Stalinism 'led· ·on1.y <·' to .. t~ilending Stalin once World Wnr ·r! bi'~.k~ 'Out'• · ,:,

.'· __ ·. .,~. ~:; ';'·v::


Perhaps, I shouldn'.t have naked .oJ.1ly .what is. philosophy?, whnt is revolution?,, but also: wh~_t,is nnti~~m:rcdalis;n? p.o~s' th~·c takin;: . . "i low-level pers?nnol ,from the .. u; s .. Embassy h1 :reheran and desi~nating th~m as CIA agento • shake. \lP. tha.'An;erican einpire"? ·'The truth is that neither Khomelni nor those 'otuden:ts, 'co;,ii!' 'hnve helped

.Certor mot·o in achiev'ing higher. popular'ity tha,n that allegedly nnti­imporinlist net, - thereby d,;> th;' mnsa st~u~;&:l~ ,:·~ai.~st' .!Ci;".'

-·· _;;, . ..,t)4') ... '·'.. ,.._.

Page 25: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

. - .~. .


ca~ll·rig -,cihes-~'i:f'~_ -;{~_ ·~-fdiii;w·el·o·f· .th£/- :rmam;, --·do-e·~--- nc;t;_-'COil~t-ftUte~ ---~ _>,.-'- ~~ r_. ~-;;;:' ··-~··:o. :·-,cr .. ,-,~;.-,--: .,.r- .. ·" . ~; ---- .J:,-.,_.-;.;.·, ...... _. ~;,.·.~ •••..• · .. -;"'-'' --.

re .. volut~onary a·ct,_'. nO matter· how· many" time·s ·one_: repeat·s_' that_ -thiS i~ '~ntf:imP~~fairso{', ·_.NOr ·d~~s;_ ~~"e:Lf:·fl~geii'itt1o~-: _constlhtte-· __ i{··re\rblh~ t·.·:-.:-: ·.':·::: _.,_,.·,:,t-c·t---:;,...-.,-::-: ''"":t_.·- -• .. ,;:.,-· .r,_ .•.• : --~·-'·'• ·-~-· -- ,., •. --•• ...;·~-·--tl._?,~~r_y act.-_' nO,· .b1~tter' h"oW_ many ·tiine~--tho_.se_·. who .-comm~_t···i_~-:_ca;t-l;. Up~ri-the re\rol~tidna;-y yi>utii' of ·h.; u.s .• ; who. had prk~ioubly P'arti'clp;.ted. a~t~y~~lY 'in' til~- 'aritl~Sh~h! inbvement~ .::· Thiit·jcirid; _.of''PSStido ---Bnti-·im.:.t~--

.. _--P~}/i-&:ii_~~~--~ ~Ubh·' '"a~"<thri '-··t~~~~ 'df_::ho stage'S I~- -:o·p~rns ___ ~n~_~ _:new _.-e-tage __ -0":{_;·,·_-~:s

. Ife..)f,ititioh.· Reith~~";• .it .Goiti~tes'a retreat :from.tMor"i~ina'l: revo;; ~ution'ci-y pe"io'spective. It may give Khoirieini a·"red\' coloration, ah'd

_\t ;'hi:,el;\i;helps him divert from the grave new '.!i>ntradictions in I!'an -'itself, :bi.{t ·i·t-,-do·e~:;r;o·ti-i:fng''tb -s~lVe th~- irlCr~a.Sini· ·cfise·s_-'S'inCe· he: cam~--- t~ _power. ____ The hardShips on_ the masses intensif'y._, The unem-ploymen·t i's ~ie~t~.;.·, · A~d· ii~ ''is ir.i'latioh, · ·As. the She rig wu-lien i~ti_rid_-· __ o_u_t'~·., '~uf~iriltM·~~-\· a··. _c-tiftJ.r8.i RO'v~l~t-io~-i- ·Whic-h- theY- ·at · fi·r:st;: · h~h~tii;r;E{~dc;tlsed-· · they :thoU~ht i't, irie~nt· the· :dis:P~ilceinen: · · -­<?f- the· bureaucracy, ''The more thing'S _'charige·; the,_mo"re th9y remain·

·· .. -the -sam_~_·-!~·:,. [ ,_.-.·

. : -~- ·._:_ ~--·, ·q·;-~~-~~~~:-~.-~)~ ---~-~~-~ ~rr~i~{-i-~n sense~--~i' the:. ~Y~~h-e_s~~- of di;-.

. vers_!l. element~s ,into a concrete totalii.:{, w~uld ~h~w _thflt·_. __ P~ no nleans co ~n~ i.dent~liy, ·_. t~e- .o,~cupa ti~~: Of_ the: E~b~~_!SY ~c p~-~~i~e_i~.4-. ~pe .. __ ~;offiPJ:9-,---·-· - ..... -._ --- , __ . ___ ,_._ .. , .. ·.-."-•' ,,_-;

···:::tio_~ ~?f: -;t~e: counter-, rcv~lutionar~r _Cons1;i tt~:titJri. __ . Y€!s ~~ ~~>1.~::-fi!?:S.~~s, _ ---------------· - •' ' -... ' .. ,,.c -·- ·- -~:· ., ------ ·';' •' '•:· _ _t_,_.,: ,.--.,_.','-·-

are _E;_11::t_i_~~~P~.z:~a_li3t. , :bUt pta~x didn•_t.s8.y -tq~t",--j_~-~;t .. ~,..~c_a~s~~-(~,h.e: __ :·-. -~---m~!3S~fi, we:;-e _ant~..:.f'eu_dal and _the bo~geo_i~_i? .. w~S,·le_lidipg a -~~:~-~-~·~ti1o_n against .feudalism, .th~t therefore the rnas.sos should follow .the· baur-' g.;:!o_i-oi~.·· _Quite th~- c~-n-h-~ry.- _H~ so.i_d·,- ·we' w"e~e~ With th~-: in that fi-rst .act· of __ over,:thi-owi.ng_ fell-dEil:ism ,_ but n'on· -~0-~~t·.- 'us· -o-~~·-·. "_­Not only that, It .is high time to dcep~n and.devolo.p th<; strictl;i.

proletarian tasks •

. ;r.uxernbure und~rstood thnt very woll_) nnd applied it not ~otily_: in RUssi~ 1'0· ~n a:6t:Uai --~evoiutio'·~~ • .-,rb~t tried_-·to, ·briilg that 'al)n­c~Pt_ Of' pure cla'ss strug:gie<tO Gcr~aby,' And y'et', --wh·e·n ·a· n9Vt ·obj·oc.:.; tive stage arose -~ imperlaiism -- arid dospite all iier' pruociiance oi: thnt ~x"ploitati've sta~o, aho did not work out a now unity of forC'o ·nnd rOS:son_ with riciW.:revolutionnry· f'orcea,.- tho.t is, the -t~e'\rOlu~ tionary nnti.o'naliots fighti"!i' :for sclf··de.tcrminnti~n. Lenin had to

Page 26: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


:~- ·~_l5'Ei_ern=-se:Parati~:--hirils~·if't' not -.jus:t:~f'rom :betray_ers ·:o:f ::.the. 'Yo~_k~~~; ;{1 . bUt''- :r~Om .-~r~v6l'liti'driari:-es ~~who;: would ·:·not·:~see: ·the •_ne_w ::cQncr.e.:t'e ~-.iWl}~~qe:C thci t ·.~wa a· Fa :;·new: r eVO"lU-fi'orlary)~forC~.~·i'n. ·a: no ther _, co ur..try-.~at)·r_hi ?. i:OW.~-_. ·~(.: What 'l1e :·~naar ~fea:rned•· th~r..~Hegelian ... dialee:tic;~tha:t,; ;. . ·.•r ·-·.-· '• .· .·_, •- -_·· -.-- __ ..,~·-·-·•"'-·" Sharp::.agaidS't liis ~oWn EolSheVik~:co:llea.gues.~was·.~:t{lat. ·Q.y.e_~~prgw.,_r::f~:r§t n~giitfV~ t_Y

1 V.W:is-i·no.t enOughj· ~ thB.:t .. ·.you:-_muS.t·'i1now-.-~~e ,"i:tha"t;~-Count~F;r~Yr:>­

·1Uti:6n~:~ca.niarise. :riofu<-Wit-hin.: the'.·:-rev61ution-~ i tSe3:.f-•-~~ :J"r:::;;. ~,t;,- ~·-·. :·1'~:h-~, ,·,o,·.;· ·'.'f :_;.? r!: .. - L:,\·• ··" · •• •. ,·_.·,· , ,,-,,~"·•'· _·_, •. _,. 1 • -· ... : • · .-- - - -: . - " . ' . ~ -- ·: {." .~,! : ' . -r: .:-,~--

' ;:- ~;£·j· ,:-;- .: :-",:Tfii·S·> arid this·· alone:· it ~-poSsib~~'-'rl~t~·:tO·~_Sto.y) a:t~ ov~J:::-:. th£-0~-~ 0:(' Tsar·r~ffi-~-ciiid- bourg;60iS·.·'nf! i-t~el.f'-,_-~···soc-ial:-is;t.~ ,·

~;::;:th'6Uffh ·-1;:·he·a:d·ea ··.'b:r·a..- -so:..Called··. Sab:ialiSt, -~Ker.erisky; .: and~.-.eVen_. SuPp~/rted by:' g'Si1.Uin·e~: reVOlU.ti·on:arieS-• .. · =;-;rust .. as·:-naWi·:-the ·-Trotsk-yists- thin~:.: tha·to~th'ey ·are _.,.the: true···revol.Utibharia·s -i~;J:ran because·. they:-hy-phen­

_ate the"!· name Khomeini • Wi :t.n· · BaZB.rgan·. and: thuS talk· a'r;ainstr- ca~_i ·goVernment, .as well. as outshout anyOne in an-ti-imperialist ~J..oganS, ·--~o-- di.·d ~the': Bol-shevi·ks·· bef'ore--'·l.lenih .. re.turried :.._to,~ Russia think t_h·a~ th'~·y: ¥if:~re-· Pushing·· 'the: r-evo-lutiOii.'> ~orwa~d·. by -their :t::r_i tl;cal su~ pOrt: ~f-:·KE:rE:-enSkY~ ... It-· b'e~cOmes· -iinp8rative·, ··th9re'fo_re ,: -to~· .take· a>·.-:::

-s-e~·~n~f'~lOCik,, a-t~, these·-.·stiirle·s-i-: FEibr'tiary to.~ __ :Apri-1~;"_-_·-~_:Ap~:i:l;·:_ ~o;:.l,\¥.l_~J-:.:~:·~~

J.uly::Aug\i'st 'full.·coUhter"-revolu.tion;:U October·. ;·'As: Rcon· aa,,the c;·. ,. \ .. : .-~ -1 - ..... . _, ---. --- -· • -_ ' - -· ··over-thrOw ·of the''Tsar·-·ocCUrs,-· arid·· while---this: great:,: .. histo;-ic.,--_. ,spo_n- · :tarieOUs"'--o-ti.ttU:b-;s·t-.. ·a'hie;i'e~F what··no- ·FS.rt~i ·;....·-~-BQlshevik~:·oro·--

."'.' .-- ,J _, -, : ; -. - t - . • ' . • -- - - ' c:ould achieve,' tlnd ··thoUgh it. waa· unanticipa·ted. ·by _L.~!),tn,::he~ by. no~· ·m-ean·s·:·ye·t-"'eUph·arrn· ·av-fjrr'un!·hi:m'. -·Qu'ite· :-clie contrary.::_;-: He-:had ~3:1~ ..-.~

,j ·reiidy 'grappled' wi tli' 'th<{ 'lle;relian dialectl'c 1 "he had· already anal.yzed t'he·~ .. ne·w· s·t~ge o:f 'i'rr;lperiali·sm·;·-not-, ju-st:·oct~riomiCally_ .but~ sEH~lnS-· .. new• fo~rc·e·s··:c:r-·revolutiOh'(· and· he~ alr.E!e.cly- ·be'g'an·.-t·o work .out·,who.t __ bocm~e

S'ttit9 atid :RAVoltiiio~'t :t.lult is -tC1 :say,-, h·avO ·,the· pa·rspectiv.e ·af_ :riO't·-:_ Ori.lY~-:o:rcrthrow.:bUt'· the' tote.l-·uprootin'g·,; ·so thS:t only~.:when production

and 'tho' state w·oul·d be in ''the hands of' the whole· .popula-,;ion "to a man;· ·vtvmnn', .-,anct- .. cih'ild !~ :'Would. it ba o. noo:t'-~ soci'e:ty.. -'~ -..

. . '"

Cl~a.rly, whon ho nrrivad in RU~Si8: iri April',· 1917, '{twas not J.90S ~l~gans -- eithor his or Trot's]cy' a:·-__:that .·lie w.iri repea' •

.. ·-- ~ ··-.·-. •- ,·.·:·, .--.-.···- ·~v· - .. -, -..... "., , .. , . ., , _-:;. _,,-. r Rather,_ it was reorganizing hie whole- Pnrty on'the cohcoption of''· state .;.;.,d. Revcil~ti~;,·, · Once t!ia:·t'becnmo ··tho basis io~ 1.\ll the ac'ti.~ vitioc of the Party ... _'-th:ore ~'n'a' ~o·;~~~vnr·ni/ing. -thll<~o;~·i,\t~fari" .. -rrd~~-thO'

... : ;_; ~~ .- 7244

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philUS~pli~l u:r.~~revolutto·n:-·:.::'!Bu,t~~the ;.....;_sses "Yanted;to ~gQ:- s.~i:~~.::'f!l!:"tl.!~r.

·:di~~C{tl.y_ -'to--=th'e·_::conqueSt of--·:: power;- C.., they,\iuridErt•e.s~ima~ed -.. th.e i.-i_:o~r_cf:t_ ~-~; atiJ._:~,::in. i-J)oWer -,.:·.:and ~:i_t--=wa:s,·.the :·:Oeginni:~g -~~-:r ::~1~ :the c,cqYnt~r:-::r:e.-,;t'~ ~7-_tioiia.ryJ.ffiov8s:~:that -:~still~~paSScd,_-cttiemselVe·s. o.ff:,aS---_:·r~VO~uij.,_qri.l;,;at;~;:r,:-.

~· CUS~ng'~L~riiri·:-·c;:r Dei!flg:c-a .. ·Geriii~ · .. spy :~arid ,-s~y ing . :that::. i ~ -~vhy.:. {J:_e :.:0~~1~4-·-ror ~:theJ end:-'oi;;~the :':war·e·:"'j_The_.t,r~lev:antr:poi~:t;;;:fOr us:-~tp 4aY t ~~~-_iih.~~-~.__~/::.-

when .outright cGiu1ter.:.revO:t.Ut:i.on";Wa_s~·.irii:tiated --.by_. 1\orhi_lov.-.sO,-'"tha.;t 1

orle_ stj_li ·had._ to. d·ef~-~d -K~·r-;~~k;~h~~--;~~~i- -i~---~hi~h ·_ i t~-~~:s _-d~~~ ~- ~ haS_',cali.::- the·r answe~s:--tae;S.inSt~·-:-t;;ailendism ~-r~ .:·.!:It:-: ~!3-~S . ;i{--. t_~~~-;-point ·:th8. 1:­

-~Whether·--- it" was~!_'th~ ,·ere a ti~n\:,o:f·ra·:: revolutionary- IJ:l~~-it~Y'::. C~mr:;t~ t~f?~.~-.t­~·VthiCh ,;-pe_rmi tted·- no·.::~rarisf'er-, :o:f :- g_uns;-:to;; :th~- front-~·, t[l_,~Y. ·~pp;-_o_yed . i t;:• ~z.-_;·Vthethe!-: it ~Was·~-SUCh7>.Slogans -asf "· -to.:-: the~, Soviets-, 10


·· o_r.-~whether.~- it· _was_ •. -. ·· .-;·~ ~~Land·,.·. Bread: and- Peac~ '.':,·.the~~- ~~s- -~~~~~~;..<::.~~ 7 wrui.:teVer· to-· cbnfuse.:·_,th~t.-~Par,ty.,w~i·~-~ ;_aD-~-: o·t~_e~·: .; : .. -. :.· ;t .; ., ·· .. : E

· . ... !·:: i-:r·,::7 .. i:.·.--~.::~.--- .. . ,.· ... l ·"'~-:': ., __ ._,_,_., :,!•)" .. ·! ,;··· •. ·,.·· --,-~\:•:1;,3

::,_: · ·-· · ·- '.:Contrast \-thi-s ,t_o __ what_,- eve,ty_()ne :from., Tr.o_tskyist :(;o Qadda:fi • • ···-·-' '4" •• ·-· ~ ·--·-· ··-~-·

··· i·s·. sayi'ng: tof blur ·tho;se ··new, gr~y~e .. c.ontrad~~t.ions. ;withi.r:t.- Iran, ;t~e-~ . - - - ' ------ ..... - , -. ' ·.- ...... '""''. divarsion'" frbm, what __ threa~ens; .: civilizaii9_n; as we have kriq~n- .. i ti-:::·:> . - . - ' - -- -· ·. ,. --. ._. ' -,. --- .. • ·-:1

nreparatiori'" .tor .atomic; war, 9add?-fi·;_and:-~o~e-~n_i:\ ~~~-,-G~!ler~:l-)~~-~- · may ·th'ink; thee- Mid(Ue East, as) they, define·.i t. will, be.- ;the gravey2-rd,,

. of'YU~ s.~ 'imp6rialisn;-.T-· Nothing .. c~uldo:P~ .4f-~th~·~- :r~~~·: -the -_-t;~th~"'~~""J.~~t - - - - ' - - . ' -· ---- . - -·· -- -· .. ' -·-.~ .. - -· . read·,; ·-please t"- •Ori.B.nna· .. Falacci_,' s. interview- with. Kliomeini in;: a .. recent . . . - . .. . --' .. .. . •, . .. ' _- . ·' ·--- ··-· ,; ,_ . -~-·.

issue_ Of the~ New'- York· Times,;:·_and __ -. t"h~.~ o.fl:~ ~Yi~.:th< __ Q~~~~-:f,?._:,-.iT::.,~h.~ 1?,~,7-, rerit ·issue : (12/~6/79) ·, · Just listen to;. that,.demagoe:)J.e, "·Qaddafi,. :t;r_y ·.

-":-to·.: .. advantage .of' .. the; fact .that .supposedly..-~ther_e i-S·.- no:_ l?;o._ve:rru!1~nt because·.:there' ·is_ 'no ,Parlianlent,: ·and-.-SupP~.s-~dly.:i.t'- s -~ -~~-~e~_ti'y~~-~~ soc~~ty· · it calls- .i ~selJ': Jamahiriya i_, \'lh;i_c~.--~~-ans. _;·a_:· -~c~~:~-~ ofipeOpla .'.11 .: • ··Is.· i. t· they who\ de.~ ide everyth~ng? > _N_o ,_;- .e.v~n ~the w.Ot:.4_•

· ·co·rnmi tt-~e, · unless -it'.".· rev:n J.,utio.nnry~ :-~ ~nd .:"h~ · ~-~r~- .~6-VOJ::ti'tfO~~¥,~: means 1total·. uprootip._g, .is not :tha-.eq~iva~en~_ ~f: __ :-.~!:, the hands of the pegplr: 1. that is _t~ say,_with -control- .of productio'n.

~ - - .. -- •''- < ~- - "

in'.tha hands of' the workers. And so must the state be in their

_. hartd~.. .To claim. that_ .there _is no 11 g_overnment 11 because there is no . Parliame~t·i; 'tO _:cl-~dni-- th~t·_ i<ho~~i~i ~~d: Qn.ddrif.i. ire_ ·., j~·et one~~-~ is_ :rantistio ., -~ ___ w~e~. You P~~~ -~~-· ~h~~ ·-;et=r~gr'cS~~i:~e. ·a_ ~io.gG ,-': everi i:f ·

.Y,o_u .~r~:_a ~~-l~~ who ~26 -~nc.e ~ r·e~_ol_\! :~-~·ct. did. io0:d a·-· .. 1 :t

national reva:lutiory.. you have don'e.~ nO thin€!: but· Sllell out thh riElw" ·-


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--stag~ of state-capitalism.

What·-· n9~ r~t%-Ogressive stag_e are we in now; :when religion .. usurps ,also poJ.i tical ·power? First it was the Little Red-, BOok of'

Mao, .And now it'.s the. Little Gr~en Book o:f Qadda:rL · And what .. p-:rt of_ the Koran wi~l Khomeini ~_.mbody- in s~Me brief sayings that all mus-t

It is not a q~1estion that a. leader must writ~ fif_ty books, :,; --like Mar_x or Lenin·--:- and·· I'~- Sure that -Trotslcy and· Luxe'm]?urg wrote·.-_-_

-as many. It ·is a questiOn Of ·being· ·se-riOu-s< abOUt J:.cvO~Ut.i.On .and·· _ ··there :fore the ·philo sopby of-- reVolution, and · Z.esponsi ble, tO. his'...;

tory, :·which means men and women shaping hif:jtory. No, you ca~ot throw aut philosophy, _and indulge in slOganeering. Even- a goad··

bOW:geoiS :Philosophet', .. at least in the stage when the bOurgeoisie achieved_ its revolution, a good ·Lutheran like Hegel, who insisted

~1-1 -his. life that _he believed, had-- to stibmi t _:to tpe ·diale::c-tic di."· -_-of'-· philosoPhy_ and "Subordina>te· religion to it.· Ali his. pr~testati'on-s _notw~thsta~_diilg-;.-;:.. und "revealed religion"· is pretty high in the sphere-of the Absolute r nothing can change the ~act that it isn't

.. :~he_--h~ghesti that ·PhiloSO-phY is. Needless to say, th~t rc~o~uti?n _ in th6-ught~-initiated by ·Hoge1ian dialectics ... was truns~f'oimed -by

Mar~~~ new COntinent- of' thought into reality. Ever-since "then no revolUtion was- succe'ss:ful· __ that wasn't grounded in a philosoPhy of'


Every generation of Marxists Jiust work this out concretely­

total crisis :r6r its own age. The makes it all the. more

fact that oUr age is in Such a

imperati've that we tailend no .state power,

Royn Dunaycvska~ra Decemter 17, 1979



Page 29: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

-- ;_·-.


.::·!'::~:'-2.-:::.._:::l :ti: ;•:•:1.::: .:-;"~ ~;:--:~· .... -,_ ,.,_·:~:-~- ··'-'~~--"':.:·::-.--·· <v~~·_,No_vemb~r~_27:t:;:t979 .:.::·_::;::;;::;::;:: •• '. _·_, .!":. l. ,_-,. .'•_(_

I .:.,, Dear. :e'rienda 1 - . ---· - ~ --· ~-... -- ~-" .:-. ~ ~ · -.~ :i.i· '""!:·.> i.:.J .cr:;

_" · Hri~Et it:, ~&t~--r-~fr th~-~-~~n ·-a~v:oiui10n: thB.t-. waJj:.~-:·and;.~:-~tU1~-:reeuma; and: deePen;._as --it is. w no. n~ ~ve~, d~spite. the co~r-;evol.utioruu;..stage no~· · _,._,_.·-:.:: --~:-;;•.-.?-'--~--~::-:_~.:-__.._,,.,'7- - ... ~-·.,.;.>_;-~~:·~r--=···-· ·· :. · ... , -. -· -. _,.· .- · - -1· ·· -- · being~-C8.l.'ried oUt _by-~e Iinam- demagOgUe ,--''Kh.omeini;, ::WhOSO~ iriaa.D.i-t.fea::. ·are ·_behlg match-. ' '•""'--:~.· '·-·':,:;·.-~~-rr,-·;1· •p-;.f.~-:,J -_-_-·:· :-~--~- .. :- ·· ·-: _ ·..••. . ·-·- .· · .-. ··": · ed by_ carter's 63.bEiz:..:..rittlL;}g' ~..:· this1 l-ioula·· b'e -tile tilna::ror ·sa.yiil{f One"'thing:-a.ndrq ·

·:·-·.- ~--- '/• - -:.:-~,--,";_-:- ,,, -:: ~ ::.'-_(·t_'. '': ---~·-: ;-·_.-,:---·. :·- ;._._; -one thmg onl.y; "A ];ll.ague on· both your houses."·· - _,. _.,,, .-.·•. " .,,_, _

_ ,, ~- ' .. ! •. ", - ,, .-::.•.l. :-~o.:~-, ,.,_ ·--·--- r·-' _,_,-, .. :.-:.·'.· ·,;,;· :-:·:.--, _ _;_!~''~-.. •;.-<~~ ;--•; ~-·c -•· ' , ,. ___ ,. ., -'-:• ,._ _ • 0:, .-. . •, . ·, -. •' , _·

-Because', · h0i--r9Vc»:; ·of' the--remembrance of'the ·:rran'ian' Revol.Ution -·as it~_~, ~--1._:·:::..-._:·:...~::l-~--· ~~· ~..,• •• ,,, i) . '· • ' " 'I''' overt_hrew the Shah's' ba.r~uS regim\3- tacked'.by u.s.-imperialism;-.·bocause o:t·the

rcm€linbranc~ o:f' 'Uo~e~~~ Liber3.ti0n'•B r~ftcia.l. tO~wear the chs:dor, cma.uenging Kho-·

m~~i ·~~-~a.-tft·cmpi; 't~ · t~-<thG ·7ti'OCk···ba:Ckwa.i:d'arLd iCd.Uce wc;rooit' ·to· a·,t•euciali~tic'·staic; ··~d.--_ li~:c~~s'o ~-ci'f'· th~ ·' c;;;r;tfuUi.$ ·&bell-iOn . of' )th~: · Kurru; -as;· Hell. as -th~- --Arab-'~ll· :workan. · . .--...-:.:--::_. --:···--, ·.····"·---·~_. .... _:-;-- .. -.... :-- ' ~-. ,. - -' : .. _, -~- -~oz:_~~l aga.iri&t IOlonie_ini~-· a1oris ·wit~ the other· !!lirioritica•:.:Sti.-uggl'Cs -·for ·sell"-d6t~rii~~i_on ( l) ·,:.;,:_-'-it' ·is \.;oCc~SaJ:.:]_-~ to' tikG'' a: 'S'oCcnd -look- cit~ tbCi neii 'iom ·.of'.-tho· r. -'•-',"''"~--:'·;: \'<.,'• r;-;• .~-.-'-. -~ •. :' -•._.. • .. ; •. _.,. ,_· ,. -,. • • - , • occ~t _wh~ch is Comiitg··out of.KhomCini's :Il:an·a.nd ·calling all otherei,·:and..-not only-·U-~S;' ·inip~~hii.~D\"-,< · '-ID'~Sod for' O:i.;.AXd" ("ttici-~ CorrllPt 'Of ;·the ca.ith~ J.--~--It 'is-.-d.rnpera-:

ti~~- t6-'ih:ri:cii~O- d~i~ctici·s.· ·ra_tti·or···t~ ·to aCii'-'On firOt~·rcactiolli :·a.a ._ifd~a.ilend.iDS KhOi~~:(t~· oPPc;~it;i:orl _to··thc ~u~s~·--·is -~onuinc- oppooitiori :to--~-nerlcrul·im~·rmi:is~;;'.~~ .

Of cou...-so thc·lotrCd of the Iranian peoplo for that butchor, -tho Shah, -~-and th·.;l}! ciPl>oeitici~'-to ·ti;s.· iopcriaiism;'irhich'lir.d p\lt•him i:1t"o poi<cr'and kopt . h-iii'\iu!~O-, ·1a --n'ot -~fil.Y -rCa~ arid--£ia.blc ·for -!Xarlirins, bUt'·was -~oo.l.·.a.nd:-·jUSti-. :!'iiibiO. fol: ~tho-~- Am~icAnS-<who -oou.--axpOBUd·-:the --truth 'of th~:sha.b's::-tOrturos "of

t-h~ ~izin · pco:u·e ~d_-· ~r.reased.: ih'Oir solicia.ri tj ~..nth- !rimia1i reVOlutiona.ri~a. ; ;_ Of' c~~~-'th~ cnrl.O~ Adrnin-i.Btmf.iOil -was wOu··awai-0 or· thO ·--Opposition: not· only···iD.:c

=~ but in tliis coiuii;,y to/i:rantti,g"iiny .isyluio tc'tho Shah, "and for a-llhi~o···- ·. a vory short 1-rhilo -- carter was forced to.'rosiSt·· thO ia;oasur:'Js of -NiXon; Kissin-

'--gor and David Roekof'ollcr• s Olaao !-lan.'"l.:l.tto.n Bal"'.k to bring tho to- tho U.s •

. -~"'~:· ''I"'' ·-'~ • :· . BUt' fOlJ.ow-ir.g tlio t\Ulo · o£' tha.t now Piod' PipOrf'Khomcin'i; a@ii:n:St "iiifidol.S" nnd

"sn.ta..~iC.'clomina.tiori" 15· Anyth~8:- but·· struggling Ott.liot:· a.Ba1nst u.-s~ :-mperie.lisin

or ~howioi sbi~~ity with tho" IrM:Inn Revolution."

---~~--- ;,· \' -- -·.· All ono hns to" do to iioo tho dogonomtion oi' tho ao-cillod Rovolutionary

Council in 1reUl io- to a·oo ·thO now "lo£t.;.Cov0rin8" givori 'by. tho oU-'"TOJlt :acting_,,~<

:foreign oocri:>tnry, Bl>ni-Sti:dr; whci"ia try;.nu; tc instituta ail" rmnian'vo::eion of" Pol 1---·


Page 30: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


POtism. , tieton 'tO~ the ··interview Bani-s~~ ~~t~i-~;~--~-~i'!-R~~~~ -~--r:itfo~d~·-·-~--(ll/~0/79)• "Toho:ro.n is a. monstrous !"=Sit~c city, which absorbs by itself· one~

_hB.~f <:'i' ~he ~tionai consum;ytiOn , •• wo wil1 empty it- oi eomo of' .. -it's. pcO~S~by: ··. cr_ea.tlng::·l.i:t;~e .. co~trysido-.industrla.l;and n.grlcultuxa.l. ~uction. unit.t?. 11

• . .. •:.~:-.;:._~--- - .• -~· . .::. :•-- ••. · _, __ ,._ ~-- -, __ -· .... -.. -••.• _ .:.-; .F~: -_r·:.·;·_ ~_.: •"r:·-\.'

'.•;;• :~::_~"':.:.;--;:_ \:;;;::.::L~c-t,_'V.J:-::--~~-:;---~-~c._~,_;·:~ -··~- .•. --. _ ,, 1

_ s;,:t;·: .. _ ,-·: •.. ··; ·' .. ~"-''- ;_,,, -.... -- · ... ;~ort.~e.tol.y',_:. evon-.tho more·_reoogl\izabl.e_Lcft -- .Trctekyism,-- far-from. ~oti~~: ~.-rO~~i~ti~~--~~;ti~~::),~.·~;·""~ri~~~-kb~O~~i•~---,~: (?_!~~----

, _ · •· ·-·:-··· --.-- ....... ,.,_- .. _. ', __ .. _,, :-... ,,::,-.- -~l:.J.· ..... _.,-~,._~,,~,:::·~.'~:--.~-r: . .- , ... : _,.,_, The Intorcontinontsl Pross (IP) of ll/:l9/79.a,ni+ ll/f.f>/.79 k~O!<! ~lking of.a. ''!'fel<. Upsurgo in tho ~nia.n Revolution,.". I~--c~~,~~O~~\~nii-U~~t m.PCriaift~h ~.:Kho~··_-.

mej. ·tii •S~ /'sita.ni_o..:.49~~a:t?~on'.!_. ·f.? ~ho, _a.:rr9_gant, m,~Ssago .. ~~mcini_-_~ent- t? tho equa.lly-.axroga.nt Pow, ,tolling-tho latt;,; :that :th~ wa~ 'fj;~ ;,ci.ristiD.n w'orld (ca.n) - _- .. - ~-- -· ""' ·--·~ ... '_,_,_._, -.. -, .- _ . .,.·:·.-;·,··._: • .. -•.. .-.-.-_: .:~\· .... ···:.~.:._·\< redccm·.i-tsal:f:'.~·._ia by-:fol~owing.Isl.and.c Iran's ·fight:~inst ':infidels." It ia

~ . • - -··' ... ·--· -'·.·-····'··' -·~'-•:·· ··-:·• ·,c"_, .. ·_,.' ·.-.•.·-_._. __ ..... -

-iinposSib1C not.- _t.9· whothor .. th;~o -iafi~"!O--fl: .. Coinoidonc~ _bot.;cen ·this·_~<\ t~e. On~~ . demOcra.tic·,gcsturo. by }{homoir-~.i -·which allowod. .s~e of-. t~c, ~cd ~Pe'i:s -to roo_pP~~~-, i.-.cluding ~.(lforkor), ~he ;.~of tho .r~~-So~k':fis;t"~c;,;ke.n;··p,,;; (iir<s).

. _,,- ~-- - - . ., ~- .,_,,,.•f..•./! ;,'>_,,_,- .. ,,. ,, --_,,,'>.-.~.- !"-· Injany:.~scr_ the_ Ver:/::fix;lt. :is~u~,.-11/~7/'!9,_. ,of._~.;t.,o rroP~-.C;~_ed .~.0~~~1_'-~

·statement ·:to .1tha, PO:pe :as , ~of',. of' .11how anti~im~~~is,t·~~ .. :Kp~~in:1-, "-~S;~-~ ~- itrlh~ _

. ' '- ..... - --- "··'. ·- •J..·- '···-·, .. ·-- ·~·· (,, •• -------

more,-, cont.inued ,IP ,:~the to:DHFG -o£ .Ameri~l _hostages_. 'by; the_ :~r~uli.~.n ___ .stU~e?:~a (w:ho_,-

Go.t' _sci.; inoiden~l.1y,- cni1 .~cmsc;tv~s, "Foilo;~cr~-;·o~ -~h~--- ~~.~i. ;_,r~-~,~~~~~z~. ;~~~- ··: pooi?J.e!a. historic ,_demnd -:for politi~ .and u~o~~~~ _u;<;Ic)Xmd~Dd~--:.~~ ~-~-~1;~~---~~~.:~~~ porialism • .,-

... ~ . -:-~-~ _ .. .--:·--·In:.wha.t prolG:t:J,rian rov:olution,. exactly,_ wo.a.~l,l.e_.tnk.fn5 of .ht?a~ca : _ ~

and·~·uot~tho.·rulcrs,- but somo ,~~~sY:~-~.0~~~1_.~ ~-~].~--~~'--~~ a.··-'£e~i~:..· - ... '- .·-- -- __ ., . · .. ",_,_. l , __ , ,·'.': .. :,__, f.•~

· ... tionary ~t.eotic?. -·Sine a . when, has _wac and. revolution .. boon made Synono::noUs? ._ Isn •.t .

it .about ~'i#imo ·tt.a-t. Hai"xiet-ro~oiution::.ric~ ~b~u.~ ~~~cini •_a -c~cil~~~ .~opcXi.£~~~ .. - . . - -- .. . - . . - - '' ' of:"wo :men .of. w.r~'-~'looldr,g forw:n"d-to IllD.rly.Nor1' for wiJD.t it it3 1· by citing_ ·

• "i ' ' ' ·-~-· •. • .,, ' • • ,_ .. '"_, ' .. • ... ••

t<hrx who wroi:.a that Na.poloon, ·tho cOunt·a~l:oovolutionc.ry- 1 •;au~titut~ ,, - .. ' - ' ' ~ _,.. ' .. ' '.-':':

pormanoni.·- war: :for po:ana.non~ rovolutiOJ111 ? ' ... .. : ...

·:In lre.ri:~o~y·wo a. dcmagoguo, Oponly ly.i.rig' thit~"u.:._!.-:p9_:::~ 4 "'.~. I ' ' •- - · -· , ' .. c.. ;,, . . • . _ , ... ~ . ;_ ·~'

and- .its. co:r;rupt. colony • Isrq.o;t~'- we::~- in~~l:yod -~ tli~.'"!:Cl:l~tion .. C?f .~h;o_ C.~~. MosquO in Ho-:oa, where no i.!'lfidt?1. -- nnd ~11 o~copt_ Musl~~- ~o_._~idQl~ .-- is ovon ':permitted to enter. Ho leapt ro:pcatinG this ·brnzon -lio ovo~- nf'tor tiia follow _

·~!ualillla, .tho Saudi ArobiWl nuthoritios, not on~v denied any u.s. Md/or Isrnoli ,' • ,. ,. ' ' -i

involvement, but showed tho.t tho-aa.crllcg~ous-act una .porpotr:::.tcd. by a. :far.atical. . -, ·- . - .. ,- ;· ..

• a oct.-. of:.tho I1uslims _whoso loo.do1.• c~a.imt?d, hJ.I:tsoJ.t!r ~o ~ tho .HoatJiah, Ev~n th\)n Khomaini nrocoodad to atroris the Big Lio 1o impa.ot vxproooing "8z-,.."'-t joy" at tl~O

''7-~"1.-4: 8 . ' ""'"'X .

Page 31: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

:fact truit'tho'U.S."E\iiba:seyo:ili Pakistan bad been: put.· to the. torch·and:,:tw.o_:!'Jniu:i~ . killed.·--:,.··::-:. :!::~.:. :•::.:.:;.---:1 .,.:;,,r, __ ';, .•. :-; ··- ~! ·.-.- •• ••• _:, ', ~ ·.--·-~._ '• .•. . ;-::.-:: ·.: ,._.·:L "J::-::~rt·

B"'llt the Trotskyists continue with their fairy ta.J..a L~ft.ism, since they

do -&Uppo·rt£~-_thO· Kiif<ia•~::!Jtl:tlggier•i"ox:~sill-det~tiOn•_";\Ho"ey~~-'-!f~~;~;they pl.ay up - ' ,: ! ·__,___ ., ~ ' ' -- --· ' :. . - ·- - - :-,

is· that some~KU:rds- supPoSedl.Y-'suJ?pc?=ted- Khomeini, ;and::wha~::l-~_ey~-~-~Y6E:·P~- ~. ,1?~~~;

non~~ i~'~i1a;n·.lthe::.t1fo: Ili~_t' mPo~n-~;Aya.tolla.hs _aft~;;'~o~o-~~~.-7r '~~~~~£ ~~-~.~ ... :·.~ -- -. .,- r.:. .·. . - - - - .

Behesti L __ called -tli.9'·K~1 :LeaderS' "a.gbnts.·o£·._savak;·::Ziqnis~~J~~~~-~~~:.,S_«?_~~p~,· rt

~'SiriCtt· ;it' imS :jUe'f.~·a;t"_··the--:~eJ::.iOd. ·-.:he..~' Kliomeini. .wa.a-.:try~ .. :to __ ~~ ~tlw.t: ·the: lfi_lolo:~. ·­

\:;:.~t>fr:arihWS·'·fOrJ,-~int;~:na·~tobk: to· ,the·-air arid· .. s~l:d. ·tha.t·:.this statom~;t.:·~>~Y .-th~ -~z-·,_ -:tbilih:fi·::Wa.ii'·'a. '"perSo-~r-·v-rt:nt. n:_.:·:sut ;these :.'~pcraons", a:r.~: no:t··-~t-.~~~~~~~~-~ ~: :---_:_:

_ _Thc;Y·-hO:id::_thci·::Poefit.iohS·· o:f.".<Prosidont. and· .. Vico:Pr~idcnt:-.o£- tho :~semb.1_;y~~o£·~: .. ::..fExplrt'G''that·ha.S'·· jtist' Ccimpl.oted:tho-~- Consti,tuti~~ to. -·bo .·a~~~~d.~:J~~--th~·~t~t-s

~~~~-~~li~_'~·IJ:aniin -:~opJ.o:·on ·Doc;·_. 2:and .. 3~: :~Ind.Ccdt! ~Mny. -~~}~~;;_~~~--~~~~bt~; .. ~·~;~~ '· thOttWo who .ins.tig'titad tho· occuPa-tion o:f tho,·E) 'f?Y·~tho stu~ts. ( ? :; :'.· .·-: ,


•. ,: : ---::~: .. -,_t:;:_··!-Iha.t the .mod.i.a.. has -not shown is that duz.·ing the dcmonstra.tioJ!G ·in :front ·. oi'.·the u.s; Elnba.ssy,. thoro.""" also a st~Dil,;,g oi' .tho l·li.i:listry oi' i:.ab()Z,(5), i."l

:Jl~lich,:.tho_· mas a. ·or. -~.arid th~ _ ~C ~;;· ::.C~S tta -,tin)'- ttilliOn; ·unhmPiOYed in·;Ira.i_'lrnOw,:~-·-Hez'O~dOmnd.ini,.,jobs. . Nor a.ra. they_ rcpOrtinS:_'thO COntilitH;.g- 6-trUg­

.glcs:·o£ .. tho. x:tll.'dS, much 'lese tho :fact that somo'}la.T.dato ha.VC B_?no Uhd.Org;.?uhd~>;--~ -· tO- continue a trul.y r~voiutiorm;y ~t;#iaic- -8.ea.i~St'.Kho~~irii 's US~f.Bt:i·~!l_. oi"·tll~-.

fruita of thoir rovolutiona.r.{ overthrow of' tho Chah, .:.) ·-= .- ·~:--:··

Anothor o:f tho many cvOnts unreported in tho maas modia at· the time it ha£i,~Jiod (and '~tili koi;Jt fro~ th;:, rogioiliil TV)'· tho: bloody. riots' Khomoini iii~t.-~-tod.' ,.g;,in~t tho i»;c6'6z:it ruib..;, of tho 'isiana oi' Bahrain in A!lgttst, demanding :J: .. ··L·'<- ~--- ~-·.- .. -.;·-.-•' •· • ---· . '· .. ., ... •• .. -- - . , · .

tho csiablishm6nt"' C:rf'' a. "pure" Islamic govornmont;:· -tho ·abolition Of' all·uwc,storn-·-·

~Ya'~~;,; c~·PoCiail.y TV: a:nd. th~-- ~oL·CskbiiShM~ilt of' thO . sor.o.rntiOn. of'· men' and' -·woman >;tg J. i.' :·.--.. .-. ~~ ~ :· ·. • . ' ·i '. : . . : . ' . in all public placoc=-· Tho riots .uoro yut down_by :tho curront rulers, but so w~~i~:.=~~-_. thO:r ~bout :KhornC:d:lti '8 irlri.uOn~a,· ·his' o.bhity. ·to ··:forriCni ··rabOliiOfiS::a.~ . . ~ . - .

· gr.L'"lst other- MuSlimS whQ dO ~Ot· wish to Uriiio "a.s-_Oiio" "thO_\lost""'-- and

. th~' FA~i '...;.~ ~rid \-hOm Khot:ioini t..llon · a-~cuScB of "crimOo (.l,Pinst GOd·;u· 'that th'cy- liavo

. hushod. up tho ;,ugust riots~

Thi::l 1a only pa_-t of !t'tom~i.'"'!i'e o~ tyPo of!m. Bc:.ddos tho

c:la.ini to Bnh=i:>• ho hns'rcteincd_ ~~ dospito " chnllcnso by :rra;t · tho Sbnh's

. 7249

Page 32: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

i~JoccU:Pa;t:ion~raf':~tttcithroa ··islands o:r Abu 1-lusa.~ruld G:r:~t~r.~~n.d)~~B9.l;i~R! ;- ·.~;~ Those- islands aro sit;mtOd iico.r thO stmits of Homuz; through ~hich·: pa.ssesv~~J.¥. ha~ Of' the _nest•~ oU imports.

"'·'"-'~i? ~~a:: __ ". ,r-,,:.lYJ:->7. -~·. :_-.• ....... ,._·'.c __ c_., ·• ,, • • · • · .. ·. ·-- -~- · ••··-~··-· ·•' ""' :.:.>t1~·::-- ,'.'';.:.-~·;:,:;.;,:.-;.:;:;-:;' ;_;;· ·c~"

•.::-' _ '!>.~litirmorc~''KhOmt:>ini.tha.S::l.aShoo ... out:.;~inst:::...c;nY.: ~~:.-w~-~;; ~~.;~? ~Y thii.t' 1!.d'~s'-t"or'I:i:io.ri'£frst'Ond'for, second• He oo.Us,t~t-:'blnsJl!lemy:.~ , At;1:he. ·_ aa.\no' t'iliio ;' wlien the' ·PLo c suggoeted .that.d;he .Pars~ GuU.• ~e ~~: a,s.,;~_it,i;~~ t~<::~ii•

~' ISia.m:t.::~o~:.:'.·th~---A.mo3An"-Gul.r;1Khomam'i~;,rajoct'cid1 tho .. sriggosi!ion .. ~t once. __ ffW.·_~iS;­trin~~~;~hi:i.-f::-- :::~--- hiff<'intoi-pr'crt~tia~·: o:r .·Islam-:-~ .~:t .fi~~?-;~: ~~~-~~:.'f~.t .,~·;d~";;~{;~t in-:;m:,. ';;;ty 'mitiga.'tb' his diSdain' £o:J'·Arabs. ::Not only,·""" _ho o.~t,J.~.t tq~., f'~ian Gulf :r0ti:d.n·::1trf-n.a.Dio~;-. hiS' OpPositi9h to :·tho.·Arah ,oi:t~wci_rkc~ -~d .:at?-r:·.P~;,£,9.-r . soJ.i.;:d.Ct"crmlM.tiOii·, ~i'e- ioro~·~·.--:.-'Arafu'tqiias -'quickly .brought ~ :~~:.-~izo __ t-l~i:m_.:_h~ -.::,-i7

~:.;:iriili -t~ iiitci:Coo.o·-'f·or':thO Anu:lrica.n: .·hosta.g~s-.' . That ·dooan!t moan th'a.t. oit..'ler~~:fa.t : or all ~th? ¥ao S.tai!o 'rli:lcr:i mcet;ing l..--, Tunisj_a lmd o.nything. ;0 s:>y. :t:~r IQ,o;,;;;{ ·" ...

with tho ~xCO:Pti~n-'O:f" Lfbyn,c~· ana~·evcm·.tncb: -pr~'-Khom.oin.C etanc9_;­ty_ ov~r sC.l1ing Oil tO tho H'r>st •

.. .- , ~ -~d ~-':'~~: itSOlf,·"·tllo ·~J~;cia.frcd:RdVoiUt10lia.':rY:COuncii iS·· itsol:f' faction.;' •·· .. ·~··.~, . 'fr·.~r:t:• .. .-\.._ .,_ .. . ,1_ .. _. __ ,_ "r--~··- ., "• _ ,_ ,_. . .. ,.

r,~OI! .>rith, pro-,Libyal); pro',''i"'-n Islruriio· f<ictions; .. and thimgh .thoy,-_ooch -:t>ow ~--:o:v----:··---.:L ~:.·•.:.-.o.:;l .. -:.:1 ---\-1;' !'.-':~--·_-,;;:_,;,;._ ,,"-: ''$•_r, "·,;-~ '•:_,-._,. _ -. '"' •--·- - .' ----- ~ ._ •- ---., ·-to·: now;·- it ·doosn•t· mean-- that--would- hold: _i:f' .other· Musli.IP·;countrloa"a.o-t ... out

--~-r:·.:·_.;--,:;,~:;.,.._(.'(.:.."":r;;:.-, '-v:.:! -~.--::-.... ;~- •• __ .-1-- .--·~ .. __ ,. ___ .- ___ •. _ -_ :_,_ • --"·-·:: -_·-

their diSsent; At thO~ BamO _,tiMe·;· HuBSoiD.: ·of. Ira.(r· 1mB._ riO.: iniehtiOn··whil.t"evcr: Of-;; .t_ .-. :.·":!•_:::.·~-:":"''~·~!r·~-' ·. ,. ...... .' ... -,· ... , .. · ... ;, __ -4 ,.,.-... ~- '-"··~ _,,,. ... ,. _ • _ ·- • .. .- __ · . ·.---_._ • • • _ _. ••

·--oo~i.iig:!-o--KtiomOini~,;- ·_- ID.d~aa.·,.-:no·ho.s·~aJ.roo.dY onco t&rOO.tonoo:-:m .iriVr:.riion:~and_:Jaf:5~t th·ii·\~o~dnt'; .. ~~~· sO~~ ·x~--~t·b -~tarl- l{.reVOft. \iitli~·:~·.: ·. ~-::-_~- ~-~·.-.; .

. J ..... •·•••· : ..... •. :.~·- •,;

III '~:) '• I'

And what, oxo.otly,;l.a bo~-:pro~ for tho_Il:ani,.;,:p~olio once this .. - . --~- ..... -. ~ -- ,,,_ , .. ;· ., • >"- '·-·· • ;;~,-;,· • ..--.~;

:month of'.nourning, tho_li\lharra.l!lr ia-.ovor'l lioll .. , thoy to ongago in a. rof'oren-- -.. . .-•- ... .• .• . ,,.,. ·~ .. _ .... " .r . - ., . .-• ,. __ , ·• . .- ,.-_,. ,.

dumctoc,approvo tpc.!lmft Constitution Nhieh tho Ayo.tollllha 1-!~n~zor:t'.ir:i!::!lelioati~ -- .. ,.... ,·-•. - ,' ._-.:,_; _._, :;.:;;,;·,·: _:.··;·~~---:~.·t~'

ha.v:o:drawn _up._~.;.fu?.Yo~o who J~s a.ny illusions ._t.lmt _ _:t.his. ~y :ro-aomb~co.-who.~_~o:Qv~. to tho ~~o ·.that _wo,s~,~~rrl,r~d.' _b;.' R'~~~- 'R~vol.uti~~

• < ·_ - • - ' ' • • '· "' • -- .. '·.··'_'1:, :--:_":, . .i· ~ .• :~ :-•·

of,cl905-199'7 ""~()I1 .. tho firnt Shah '"''' ovol,"thrown, or oyro o.o tho Mullnh3 runonded. -- - -- -.·-··--- - .... -··-. c-~·""- ... --.'> .. ··-··.:. -:.'~·-:~.- , -.~.:- .' <.-·..~-c'' tha.t .C»nstit):lt19,n• trhon·. thoy. brought .tho, Shcll ,,, cho_uld ta.~a _a ·lQok--n.t-:_tho n~:;"_ inst~tution .of<}.ho Ofi'ieo of. RolJ.()io~ G~iru{ uhich ~.tho ';;~ht' t~ ~~to c~o:J ovorithinp; mid O.nything ·roasod by tho stD. to rulora Md i~' o.loO 'tho aUpromO 'Cor.UrJi.ndor

ovor tho nxood forces.

_." j_~ ( • '

Tho point -l.a \'I' at tho. cone"itution dooa. nothinl; ~t- tr)" t~ legitimize

, • \{homoini •s usurpo.ti~n of: fth~ · ~i~tory ~£'thO t~orko:Co ~ho ~~i~V~d tilo ·nctt:Ci ;avo~~-

Page 33: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

: '' •' . ' ' _ • ·• -::: ~·· '. 1 '.·" ·.·,·.'" , ,::-:-·, .... .::,, ·;',<~•::1 ,_,l'f,'

• ..: J:·.c . r . , ., ,.., - -· .,,_, Tha·:~o.tost·:dn.Jlgo~:n6w lies>~"l tho_mQ~9.D;'t~~~~~--~-~_,K,:~~~~}'f\:~t~~~r

, ·-·;;;ogucry, which might trigger -Apocalypse Nolr! That is the brink at which the worl.d

- nolf stands. Kh~me~- ~d Carler ma.y ·not f'linch as they prep:tre :for such a con­

frontation. But the world- must "d~ e\·crything to sW.y the ho.nds of both rulers.-

--~~-: . ..:..;-~ __ ;_; :··ln ·-thO 'iinp(im.t:ive 'atiuggl.C [email protected] -.the sa.vngo_.- ·-.m.9is:n .~,;t~i;J. S.~P..'}t;r.i -. -· - • - • -- ·- ._- ._ -··· c:- .. __ !

against Iranian studerits;-.:wa uiuat-nevcr:-rorgot-tha.t·:thC undcrlying,mcism·_that hli.a . - ., - ~ . '""' ""'· ".' ._ •. ;_., •. <..·_~·-.-..... ~ .. ·-·.aJ.Wa~S boen sho\m, thorB~cks.h:l.s _a.otua~~ been: dir_ectod:·a.lso tlg.linst :t"evo--t 1utio~i~ .D.rid ininO:r-~tici~; "<t.h~uSh--~ . de:¢h' it·--~~- b~~ 'difi~~ritiY :'~~be~9ci,. Z r ~,__,.;,..,..- .o-.· .... ~-~- .. '.'·- -_:: ·-::.·_,.·"-.7-..!,;i: _ _.---.: >·· ·-,-- -. ,:, - :, . -. ",• .·. -·-,--' ..... ·.-.·: - ·;._,., ... .>;·racially.::· tfun.t :r-am sa.y~·l.S. that_. not only_. ·1-re reinembor the:·horror _of'. U_.s.

. · concontmtion camps ~k~t~ ~a~~.llOs~~~orl~~-:~~~. \~~~id tl~r .. rl,1

: O.t. )ht·Y~ij_'-~ . --- ____ , .. . - ----. ·- . ,_ ,,, -·'~.:.

'.-time: 11hSn no· ·such· atrocities .. uere committed against Ha.zis in thin ·country. TbA_ .•. ~·"·•·--~··--<"1· ... _ ,-: · ···_ ·· ·- ... l' · '" ~ ··-·l , •.':".c<:- _ ·." -_._. ·< .; • - · --·'·•-,·· ,_. ---:--_•1

--r-}=P:_~--~~-~~~O::t .. _:~~~-- 'White --.f~~cie:t·- ~--treated; as, an. indi~~u..~_: cii~~--~ 1 ,l-1~~ !!':~~,~--~:.-,·. tle~ber/tho'_ £U:C~:-_1:.hat:Amdric~= ~O'vOiutiOn~i~a- htwe_·loDg_:fo}Jght--thi~,-, h:\V~~-iO~:~,_?' fd~t -~:s_. _eapit,]_~~~~?o,;u.iis~ · ~--it~ ~:. ~oaa· ne.~ mOO:i: t_tint ·,q.;;·~c,C.~i?~'.::~s

... a. ·r_evoluti_onD.rJ' gestura,_ :.~he -2ppoSition_·,to'_ Amor;cnil -~pito.J.isrl· by another ca. pi tal­... ,., is~"i;~ r.lii;;ious fime.tic,•a.ny more ti,;;., ~o a~;;'oPt.od•Nizli~ o~ Ja:p(i;,as,o ~il\t;,.ey: . _:,~i~aitifr{ ·t:o·l;mo~~~ ,-oapl.l>:.l'l s~ i~~ Qnithirig' -~t:;[mW:~-~~~~':~~~~:~ight,::~~:

-;, ,-,,. ,. , .... ' , ' . . . - _'·; -_ • ' :"o-.::::.:· ... ;:. ~;:~ __ ";;-~ ·:.:.·.--~--,_;.-~ ·_:: ~-, Of' coU&.-so thO tr.ailOd',.fiSt'.'Of"(Xl-clCr·musi bo-BtOppCd;'-.-nnU--his~is a.lso,tho

~mind_.,· ~· cri.n Z.:olcdsO --a -~nu61Cci.r 'holoca.ust ;' which -WOuld·.<·~ · b:~d'-CiviiiZliiiOri ~--­a.s wO havo kn.o\m · .it. ·' · R0V~1Uti0n&cy·-: Opp¢Si tiOn;,-~_innt" ·AmoricNV ~pol:-1D.lis..11: -can._-:· be,. ~icd_ through only if' we ro.iso o. bn.nncr of ubti.t' -~;o .arc .f~r·:··


.. \~d -~~t,: ~o. n;_:a

f~;--i~--not.-- t~in~· tho CJ.oclt· ' ··to Soino··:r~rtt Of .bCctUtiBn.:-.:_~ .. · •;: ,: ·. ··' ~-: ·,·, -- -.. . ·;---_.·.· r,!

.tmyono rrho trioo to gild a noo-:fD.sciSt · occu1.£i:Bci• forgottint?;_~_"!~t.: the ;

· ':~nB:SsOSI!~:t~t "Hitler nlObUizod 1roro mobilizod.·. for· cour~t-~;::;;.,ovolutiono.ry. _purposot:s"J ,·. __ , ._. __ ·::~·:.-_ .. ,:·:~-- .·: - '--·,.. .... ,, .- __ , • ---- - --~·:· ,._, ._ •• _,, __ .• - __ -•.11

e.nyono, who· _trlos ':to ·_sri.y ·tha.t_.i{homciini'o _ con~t6.nt . rofcrCriciOa -to_·_:tJ10:ndisinh~~ted .. · 'rna~ao~"::.~s~ ttk~ ~o- _Mn?'~- •:?JJ.t~l :R~vol~~io~'~ .ahouJ.d~~~~·~~d~_·t~:-.~~~~0~- ;~t: ~-

though J.Io.o \·ltia-·onco ··a.~::~ volu', nnd ·thoush .-&6' did ·<Lu.Uo:r· u.."idor >th·o--i.U\l:lich th:l.t maki."lg Ruasio. nEnomy No. Ono11 (lilto Khomoini•n ma.ldng tho ti~s."\'iS.~~iy·:-.:.~ was tho way to f~ht for world socio.lism -- !1<10 ondcld by rolling out tho Rod Cnrpot :Cor Nixon. 6 ) An wo thon, tho 11rovolutiona.ry11 loio.oist a.pologiots 1fho


Page 34: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


~~: -~Uii~'-'tO--f6rSiVO~ t-Ici.o·- -every Criito:on crirth. O.i''ld loovo:.n: £mr blAnks ,for .. tho8e . .-.

he ~t ~OO,t,Q:5AtDr,·:war·c··:ri!·.rOOiiilg·tho.t 'onc---and~cinJ.y·:onc,o~~---.t~t.·;d-~.~~:: • ---· • -· ' ' " --·- ,._ ... v ~-- • ' •

teri.zCs _thCIJ. a.ll: ta.ilcndisn to o. DOWer. This is:_thQ::~~~·qpJ:>os~t~~~o ':"',:­w~_t !4a:l:x's ~m is_-- the otruggJ.c !'or a. toto.lly ·ncr;;· ;;-ia.s~J.oss, socS.O:l- ord~;;, biied.L'ori.' t~ta.n-:f·_in'trir h.u..~··rclD.tiOhB.-:r:.'·AnYthiilg short_ of:·tha.t-s~s out bet.:ray31·~-L'L'-.·_;··.:.· __ .;. :~-:-,:.--_ .;.~. _-'.-'·--:·' : .. :.;· .·.: ;'::.:··- !· -.. ·:~_-.·:.(·.~·c:-.:..~y~~:;~~-- ·., __ ~~~(- .. :· .-·_:,,,

.:;· -;-:~.·:..::.: _,_.-,-;- :~--:__:.~·-:·,~. ·:~·u• -~ .. . -~:.·. . .·. "'· ; i;;.:R>.Y.J(: .;<- ::•· . ;:_,-,.-~; '· "!·'~ -~:-,_;_:-~,- • . '• .:-::; '.·., •. -: .'.':;.>· ~

·-c-ry-:~i3'6o ·~y:'-~P61iti."caJ...:.pfdl.os"Ophic- Letter,- u:r:ro.n;: _Unfoldmc.."l~. of,·_ ~d Cof?.tr.ldictions i''~;;j-~-~-:-·--:'·;.--·.-.. · . .,· .. •. - .... ' . -J.n, Revolution";.· Ma:reh"25, -~9?9f.:publ.ishod• News•& Letters.-- -- .. ;_;: .:I:!•

-:y..;:~·: ···c1l;:':·-·'-~c:.:: ~-'-·_,·-.-~;-, ~--·- .· --··· .· ·. ._ .. ·... . ... --. --~.. ~ { 2) ~~~- if~,t?- ~'?~s~st ~ShoUld.' clai;o ·:to· 6a:t- · ir.tLt -:rOi~cii-~...r.i Y.h~mcinf: j,a liko !~follow..: _

. ing"' Fathcr"Ga.pon 'in 1905,-thoy ,shoul.d at -~cast:lw.Y_C_' loomed fl;_OI:l Trotaky ___ t1~t, . -fur.: f'rorn: o.ny Bol.shovilt.. or -.Nrmshcvik or. Socia.l __ BovolutlOne:t""i. 07 cVoiJ." _Liberal. _·:fol:f:oH­ing~.J~·-t.hor ~pon, _:the :t:rut~ HaS, '~:.hat· Fr". G.l:pon~himSOJ.f' ~urnee. aS;a.ifist th~:Tza.r.~and £or +.ho- noVor:i.ont o.ftor tno 'army:fi-'"'"Od.-on- thoir_-dcr.lonatration. · - '

(J}'~=~~~co; hfsto~i;; ;:P,.o',;,~C:o; hi.s a: ·;:;,.y 'of· io!>~~fr.g · i-t;scJ.f as .if· i: ~::,o an ·onSOL--ig clot1ci-it··in'· oVCry orls¥>··.-··Nothing socma· m9_rc:rolo~~;.~-~w ~-~,.'r~~:;:.~'s a.na1ysis-·o£: thc".rBig·:Lio_;Stalin .~ot;n.:f:..od b;,- ·a¥t~_in5 _:thC: ·~,f'D,~~~ noscow _F'rtime--:-up

~.Tr~liS 1 •• 19~-JS,. agc.ins~ tho 11GcnomJ. St.."'..ff' of tho· Rovolution'1i;: .. moluding 'rul-tha~'

·. ·ch·evsky·; nhOri .-St.illin·:ac'cusod·,of nothing .-short_~Qf:.4~---~·d,t.h N~~i _ G~l-m:lJlY• ... ~.e ... , - he~ad. ravolutiono.xy ,n~~5:-tudo ,~h~ .sue~ p. _;t._~~ .. _i~ __ l?c_rpc:t.~tod',_' Trotsky •told~ mC-;''" ~

is_. that it. is .n~qt enough _just not to· bol.iovo tho Big ·Lio• -•·-Tho f!l.ct•is,-ho ;con,-' tin"tiCd;·-'toot· _thc··:fooS'on·· thci-:Big Lio!.iS so--IlUch-morocnonstrous ,than .. ;th?_ .ord4mrY. o

1io .ia',J}oca.usa: its -.prc;lcditntion.hideB tho idni~tor OotiVa:tiOil 'thri.t 'w6U1d ho.Vu "P'.lt cvoryono on tho 0:1~rt • : ho.d ·thCy-Kriolm· ·the .. truth~:;· -Uh'ri. t' Stn.liri- wn.s· accusing-~­chovsky of, ho oxplo.inod., night very woll. be what St.nlill hiosol.f" wn.s doing or plan- -ing_·;t·o dO. ·.Tho.-.trin.l.--.bol.loon to·un .... ""<ls .tho.t.~end. which directs ho.t:rod toua:rds tho~ a.~cuSod; .. ~l:tS--i'or ·o. eioo.t·~dCal ·nero tlit\n .ju' of';tho·-wrongl.Y o.ccuacd.

--'Ho-must ·bC-;prdp3.rcid: to.?fighi·:sODO-:_ri?H: __ .'!P~PP~' ?:ish' ia ~~Y~ .--.'7 .. pcrtu\ps"o. doa.l with Hitler. , ·Tha-t \-r.lB procinol.Y nb:l.t· h~ppcnod the f~llOWl.l".S·Yoo.r,

.. :\'ho l! ?.let of l.9J9. · - · " ' · .. ·. · - · ' · --~· '-' -•. -!·-- ,.,.,_ ':::.;_~ :·: ,--,_ •

( 4) I:~)~~~~~!ffi~:,¥r;J!E.:$. J.:J)l6/79• "Con~ti tution · Gi vc~ 'ci.c~gy Control:· in .. -

(.5).· Christinn ,soionco Honitor,_. l.l./21/7.9. . - . ' - - - .

'(6)' Sea both'tha'·ch<iptor" on "Tho ThoU(lh-t; of !-!no. Tso~tung''.,in 11:( rhilosonhy !!!l!!. · Rovol ution·. (nul1,· .197:3) o.n~. "Ho.~ 1 s IAat Hurrcl}" _', J?olit~on;l-Pbil?OO!hl.c l.:bttor, Fob •. _??', 19?6, pub1iohcd by Ncwa & Lottc:rn.-· Sinco 'tho dCr;~tion· oi' Russia;.-1\.fl' ":;:n0mY:)niillbor'·brio"--·is tho ·ono--Uno logn.cy_ tho· post-Mno oorupulnus­ly following,out, soo o.lao -"Poot-Mo.o Chimu .. ilhnt. Nou?-" in HOir -~Bn.Yj (Nowa It"'~' Loi;t.ors, l.'7?T). · · · · · · ·. · : · · · · · · · · ' ··

~ --_ -- . ,. ';: . ,, ~·.


Page 35: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

0 • _ _UN~OIJ)M~~~- ()F~ .. AND CONJIADI(liONS·IN, . ·" REVOUJTI_.ON.- - -


by Raya. Dunay'evskaya I •. £ WhOle &lt of Spetters HaUnting Khomeini's

"Islamic leyofvtion,. Dear Friends., . ..

A "'hole host or specters are hauntinR Khomeini's .. ldamic Republic" before ever It Is officially established. There Js the speder of a full social rcvobJtion in tht' very unfoldment o~ the Iranian Revolution whil.·b, after all, ,VItnessrd a series o( the greatest, most powerful and sustained mass mobilizations for months 0:1 t•nd . bdr.:~ the thrCe days or insurre.:tion. Clcnly, _Februar-y 9-12 had not only driven- .the Shah and h1s. '!tooge, Bakhtiar from the throne,- but the manner in which lhe work'ers endt:-d thoir general strike hJ return to wurk without nturning their t:uns. as the Ayatollah had com­m:u;ded.- ~bowed that. Only Chapter 1 or the Revolu~ion had ended. It put a !opeciill emphasis to the compl:amts o( his appointed· Pd;ne Minister, Baurgan, about lack of production. As _the Deputy ·.Prime Minister, Entez·,n, . put it: ''Despite the A)'OtoloUah's commands, none of the ·major industrlc!'~. in the country are functioning because the workf'r'S spend All their· time holding po~IUcal meetings." :: . .

·As If Workers' Clluncils, Nelghbo!'hnod CommJltcC!s, anjumeni. many new forms of spontan~ous orguniution. omd )'Oulh dominnnt In all, did not take on tht! .. app3rltion ·

-or a dual govornment, there came, with the celebration or International Women's Day, a mass outpouring of wpmen. bearing the banner, "We raade. the rN-olution for freedom: r.nd got unfreedom." which may ven• well have o~ned ChMPler 2 of the li'auian R~\·ulutlon, n is true there had been uther outbur..1s of cnticlsm -of Khomt:"ini from the ft'dayeen, But whl"rt'&s Khomoini's friend, Arafat, oi the PLO, persuaded them tc. c::tll orr the mat<'h to Khomc.>lnl's h('.:l.dGuartt>rsl and, Instead, hold a nlly at TC"htnn Univers!t)', the Women's l.ibc.•t· atlonlsts took to the streets.

No doubt Khmnelni was hmorant of the fat·t that Marrh 8 wa:'l lnternaUonat Women's l>;~y and lht!- lnanlan women Intended to n)ake lheir cellobratlon of the put a

· claim -on. thto pl"f'§f'nt, 111nd, fulltf'!> "Wtu•n h .. l"'"'nro-1 1h~ March 7 order for thl! ·"«Umcn to wcor the chador. nut

, hili n1ild rctrut-thc Odrn that It was A "dUI)', not an urdcr"-hardly ""'"~ceded In ~xorci!dnJ; the new ~pcdM. Qul!o the contr01.ry. ThooRh the Ayatoililh t-riUc:bed ttu.• J:Doms whtto auackcd the m:an:h, tried to stone the women, and 5hot th~. the "omt!n felt thlit thn5c ~wons Wt-M' in fact .Jlo'acUdn;t what, the A)·atollah )lrt'Dcht.-d as ''Is• l;~n1ic h1w."

1-'or .fh'C' ~~otraiaht d.11y5 the womt•n continUt"ll their marches, and nut onl)' aJ:ainst Khumelnl~ but aJtalnst Prime Minister Datar)[atl, ;r,nd on Man:h 10 held a 3-tumr

Aulbot:. of PIIILOSOl"AY AND REVOLUTION and. Jlllanlsa and · ·

Pit-in :at thl! '.Ministry of' Ju£tlte. Nor did they lolerate tho: m::~ss medla"s :.utot"r,dic choice ol what they would . · photograph. who. they y·ould give voice to,, whom they · would focus on, Instead of letting their protests go unrccord('d, the women rnarche-d upon the mass media, thus exposing the fact that the censorship. there h; now almoost · .. s total as it was during the Shah's 'dictatorship, Think how quickly those bour~eois a'ntl pCttr-boun:eois opportunists changed sides. They v.aitt·d two da)'s a!tt>_l" lh:! insurre;.:1.ion ~tartcd before they. came to· the radio to announce that they will no.Jt oppo~e the peopl~ but bC" "the voice or the revolution." That was-Fcbruar)• 11. The very nc'!:t day they snuck in an adjecth·e: they now called themselves •the "voice· u{ the lsl.unlc 'nvolution."

Nor was tht:' A)·atollah calmed by the fact that the Women's Liberationists produced a ·schism · in the Fe.:iay('en I and ·to a lesser t.'Xtent also -in the l'otouja. hidt'en).- For, wh:le a good part condemned the actions of the wuml'n2, others fonn'!d a hum:m chain on both sides of the n1arch to protect' t~em from rurther hl-aSs­ment. That certainly ,~-::..s a .s:ireat advanc:e over the bc­ginnim:s of the Portuguese Revolution In : 19753 where the Left ml'les attacked womeri.'s demonstrations with impunity. 1979 In hun showed, ·at· one and the same time; that male re\-olutionaries would rtut pemiit attacks un women te\·olutlun:rlcs. and won1cn were striking out on thear own as a way of· d.eopenin;: the, ... ""Ontent of re\·olution. -

Finully, lht• Woml'n'~ LlbetaUonlsts focused on..thdr intcrnatl!)naiism, not limlled tu th~· in\·itations to Kate Millett from the U.S. and Claudine )touU.;.rd · trom i:-~rancc iwhu had cume to ll!ltPrcss theh' solidarity with the Iranian women revolutionaries;) The mote cruciAl p;,int is that the lr01nlan women felt th:.t literally millions throuJ:hout the world .... ·erl' with them.

It Is this that :!Ill frichtcnt"d the Ayat(lllah that he 1l:an•d rail the Women's l.ibl'raUonb"ts "agents of lm· lltrialhnn" (to .which we'll return llltcr;. 'fhl.' expulsion ur Kate MU!tott 1!1. but :l)'rnbul of how he !nten-Js. to roll the dock backwant In. his attempt to exordto~' all these ~P!!t!~r: ::.:;. !:~ mu;~ rlr .. t lli ~ .. ah.PJ' lhu~'~< .• ·lighlin~ot·iur' SC'lf-d~termlnation with J:U!U in t!.:.nd -~ i.'ne KunJish rebt•ls. · ,

un.1t•r lh1•:;+.; eirt'umstan~s of ever new lortt'.i ·ur re\'ulntll"'n, rur n;alc r~volutlon:aric:. to distt.•J:ard hllw total the rc\·o\ution ml.lst be ir n b to uproot the rlt· p\nlt:t.tive, ra.cl5t, scxl~t so.~cle1y, and ilntc a~aln try to subordinate v.·omt•n's struggle~ as :1 "mere l""'lr\ oC the


Page 36: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

whole" (as if the whole can be without its pan.:;), is f:) play into the hands o[ the readlonui:!s, bc-.that the •·secular" Baiargan government,' or the Ayatollah Kho· who. is trying to "institutionalize" his- Islamic "revolution," that is to say, confine it to where he can steal the fruit of the<l leave the masses who made it al the bottom as in any and all elass-socleties. · _· .-.. ' , · ;.

The schisms· within the ruling class are nOt as irre; concilable as betw(ocn labor and capital. Nor are they only a qut!:.tlon or -secular_ vS. theocratac rule. The fact that Khomeini nevertheless tried: to· keep· Some_ dbtance· away rrom the planned March 5 celebration of the 12th anni\'ei-sary o(· Mossadet:h, who was the {i.n;t to nation·

· · alize· the oil industry and shake up the Shah's thoone, throws a glaring Jight ori what he intends ·to do-with his so-cal!ed Islamic RevolutiOn. Bar.arga.n, who dld'-!.1! on the platrorm. was not recognized· a:; any· \'oice_ of the. 1951-53 revolt and thus was in no po~ition to serve as any bridge between the dh.sidenl OOun:cois llbernl fac.tions. Instead,- the persOn who spoke rim was MosS:~· degh's grandson, Hcdayct _ Matine-Da!tari, who critici:ood Bazargan's attack on the extension of dcmocrat!c rights.

More signlfican' was the ,·olce of the Ay:~tollah ·reJeghanl who had broken with the Islamic Revolu· tionary Committee in late February, appro\·ed, instead, eltcted, not &Jlpolnted, workern' cornmit~s. thus making sure ·that tb'!' revolution does not slop at lts·,·ery first A:o~ tlto _-oyertlu'cnt of thr Shah.

Tbeie is no- point in undercslimalinl: thl' power of the Ay.atoll:lh Khomeini, who many are nnw treating as an Imam-even i!"he has not exorcised those specters ha•mting his re"Volutian. Th:lt counter-revolution Is rl~thl within the Re:olution, He knew bow to hit at the women. mobilidn~ a few thou:;and to marc-h '-'itll their chadors cgainst th(l w:'lmen who were protestine a ectal deal more than dress.• What the Womf'.n's Librratlonlsts learned here that not all_ wom<!n zr.., sisters.. It Is; afh!r all, _a slander to make it appear as it it were a mere question or women against nic-n. "Sexual politics'' is anything but that; the male chauvinism e:::poscd, and that induded of the Ayatollah Khornt!lnl, was the limi· ta\.lons o( thC freedom or humanity, the-abrogation nr the civil rights-political; social, ccunomie, Intellectual, class.

ln. the latter cas('-the: must worrisome tor the -Ayatoiiah-it WB$ the way the workers, in this case the_ printers, united with the Youth on what seemed most abstr:.ct-workS on philosophy or revolution. on politics, stntcgy, on Internationalism, to satls!y their thirst for knowlt>dgc of all tn do with re\'ulutli>n. Thus, in the very midst or rt!volullun when the ~C'n(•ral !;\rikl• was at its height, the printers dl'dd~d to work douhiL· shifts so th~t they could satisfy that thirst. As unL• eyewitness repcrt describes it: "Books arc flowlnp at the people as· fast as soldiers bullets , , . they read evcn.·­thing · about re\·ulutlon. All Marxian books that have been translat('d into Persian arc being rcprint£'d and spre1td hand to hand and hoUse to houlie: Capital, rar;s Communf', Communist Mantrf'sto, What b To Be Oonr?. Stall! and G.f'\'oiutlon, lmJ)'!I'iallsm, Wn-t<.Red ol thr t:arth, Black Skin, Wbltf' lllasks, Dylnp; ('olonlallrmr,"!> A !:.:rU:c:- :.ccuun: :'0:-jll\i't<.;d • r;~w; lt.:.ihli>tl.:.r .... rMiu~·,. ·

1844 Essay on Alif'nated J.abor and ir111Umerable leaflets: ·'' no,..- idotic indeed h. the bourgeois,prcss· thut kt:eps

repeating old oHidal (SAVAK'! l figures -that Marxl:.-ts numbt:r but 2 percent o( the' popul£ll~on16 .

11. The Main Enfm:y li Always At- Kome-The workers In revolution need no "_vanguard_ p:lr·

tics" to tell them that thr main enemy b. at,· home, that th; conflict between labor and capital. is irre~onc!labl':', and.' that native capital_ has :;ucl\ ov.erwlu~lmlng· U<!·lns with imperiaiism tha:,. if its life as thre.:ate~..-_d, the capitalists will certainly ad fur imperildism to coniC to their aid in bringing on the full crmnter·rcvolutlorJ. ~ut under. no drcumstances dncs that mean anY. slackenmg­or the workers'_. own- St'lf-aeti\·ity, s~H-org~nh:ation,self· deVelopment, thus deepening the re.,ul~tion. Thus. n~_ $Uoner had Bazargan tried to rca!oscrt has Cull :mthont) bv- a t.akeovcr of- the oil industn.· than some_ of tlw \\:orkCrs' lcad.;rs at ont-c _ rc~.lg~wrl · !rom· th'! ·workers' committees in ·prot;.>st.-. Listen to;, !\lohammad Javad. Khatemi's appcaF "To All Oil Workers and-Those Who f'"ight (or Freedom": _ . . -Alter 90 -days of our heroic st_ri1!e. c!.urinJt whu:h we

·ha\'e cut orr all supplie:-. ur oil - the livelihood or the reactionary._ regime and of Its imperialist backer.:-­and b)'- the bloody strug~le of the people we hav~ sueeccded in-overthrowing the Shah .·, . . As a rt>prt-scnta.tive or the oil W(frkcrS··-the heart o[ our _jl~dustry--anll ·as one' oC .the initla~ors oi \_he strikes in the oil (Jelds , .. I am re~Icnang because 1 can see that reaetlor.ary clements working under_ the banner of islam arc conSt"iously suppressinG, the peo-


ple's (rcedcm and rights _ • • ·, It was you workers-who fought and ;;.afCcred from sackings, imprisonment and- the_ burnings or our homes

_and· still '""'f.' did not gi\'C Ull b<!causc we all fell a responsibility to the who}(' or the pcnpl!' o( Iran. MY· self and other I'CIIl"CSentaU\'CS who were responsible fo" leading your stru!:ltl~ know bt'tter than anybody that it w:.s you youn;cl\'e!l th01l made the vlctooy-not anyhody elsu - . • . _ · We do not-acct.•pt an\' dict11torshlp ar..d will alwa)o'S support those who rtiht for freedom •.• We must remcmht•r and undersland the nalure of imperialism which ~till l:.11s ~verything in its h:mds. ·We must remember what happC'ncd In Portugal, Argentimr. g,nd cspet:ia11)' Chile. Until Imperialism is ~completely. sm:r.shed sueh lhlngs can happen again. • .-

ThiS type of ·,.,·orkcr opposition, 1r it_ wi)\ once agtl_n'.._\ dl'\'elot' a mass base, ts thi'!' to stop tne attempted coun\t.•r·rcvolution. provld~ that we, as I'C\'OluUonarics, In turn, do not ror)!:t•t that to ~pt>ak o_nly uf ~nti·im(•crla1· Ism as if i.mrwrlalism alunc was rns;mn~ible for the countcr-rt.·volution In Chilt•, In Aracr.tlna, or 3nywhcrc else Cut that mallcr. Is u dcviatinn. It Is a dc\'iation very wrlrome to and lndt-rd t:al('ulatrd by lhe Indigenous ('apllall~lll. That l!i to s~y, nattn• ru!en; '1\'Ul uy o.nythino:. an) thin( at all, ~o toni( as thf'noby :h~ c!uro lilnsggle at home-_ can b" suhllrdlnatt'd to na:lltlna: enrytMn.: "lor· ri~n" .IIlii Enrmy No. 1. What Worht Wur 11 s11owcd us wU.,- i.h .. t, -uu;..,:,:., .. r 1Htkr him!:~!!, !:'~!\'! w~re rnuro• .. uclept at phy.\liJ: th~ nationalist ~;amc than Pt":rnn, and,


Page 37: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

... .. ....

contraf')' to Hillers, h~ succe<"ded in so fooling the Lett ·with_ his "anti-Imperialism" that many haHed hhn .as a "revolutionary.'' To this day, Peronlsm has so brain· washed the trade union movement that it followed him to. the end. . . . --· . -- .. '"

··-· .. '"'Or look'- at "th'c'. TrotskyistS'- this ·very . rilOment --in Iran ·who, while correclly fighting U.S: imperialism, are so blinded by their position that Russia is still a ''workers' state" rather- th:m the other nuclearty:armed. power r_each!ng tor single world domination, that the} only _hiy the· ground tor. "The VanJ~:uard Party"~Tudch -who are even louder In their declamation against u.s. imperiBiism. as it It weren't Str.lln's Russ!a that had occu­pied Iran at the end of World Wr.r II as U.S. imperial· ,ism 2nd Gre:.t Britain helped keep Iran in tow· during World War II · · · , · -

Or- lOok ~f- how Khomcini Is- us.inli the slognn --~f anti-imperialism to usher in· his bourgeois Islamic rc· public:. to keep Ku~istan within Iran rather than s::rant· the Kurds, and the many other minorities hon&;ering for self-determination. their freedom,

The first thing -Khomcinl declared on February 19, when the Kurds took up anns to tillbt fer the' autonomy they had been promised whe-n .they participated in the revolution against the Shah, was: "I will not tolerate this uncultured heha\-·ior. I shall regard this as aD uprisinc a~;:ainst the· Islamic re·.-olutlnn." Now that he has anointed himself as the "revolutionary" ;:nd all those who died_ Ior freedom and now live for it as "eO!lnter-revolutionarics," he had . his words -given an old military voice. The Shah's General Gharchnay, now speaking as the Ayatollah's, tried yelhng above the din of the Kurdish arms: ''The military will never allow any 1-oart of the country to secede." But the Kurds CQntlnucd the- stru~gle, daiming, however, that it was not s~ssion but only autenomy they were deuumding. For th~ time ~ing there is a truCe,

As for the Iranian masses. they surely have· na need ot stalistlcs9 to· :~ttcst to their'· miserable conditions or

·labor and life. ILl!! the urban poor, 70 percent ol whose miserable Wal{es- where tllry have them..:...· j;(o for rent, who we1·~ alter all the ones tn· explode In mass protellt In Tabrlz. What I nm pointing· to is that the Iranian Revolution started before. the days of insurrection.- Tl1c pour -~tid the wo1kcrs were <1lso the very· ones who were plvotat·when the Arm)', too, folded and many rank :md tile soldiers joined lhe· masses· and J:;avc them· arms.·

·while Bazargan and Khomeinl bad the assurance o( some Generals that they indeed would change s.ldes if they h11d assurance they would once agai:t command! The Revolution started long bclore the Ayatollah Kho· rneinl emcrj;(ed to lead and mislead,

Uni'ortun:;tc!y, all those pow~:;lul mass moblllza· lions, and deaths of thousands, which culminated Jn ending the Shah's ar.d SAVAK's CCIA·tr:1incd in torture)

. despotism and terrorism and exploitatinn. arc the- merest , beginnings·. of anythlnR: new,- \hat is to sal'. worker- • controlled.- Unfortunately, Khomclnl !!tlll remains very nearly unchallcn6fcd, that is !i<'rlously _ unchuli~J:ged, as If his Intransigeance In dcm!\ndlng "lleath to the Shah!," which had acted· rc.- a unifying force wht'n the wuu~ National Front was still burjjalnlng with tt.e Shah was In tact, whnt had b(',C:Un ar.d _deep~' ned the revo!Utlun: And, unfortunately, the Left, loti, had unfurled nu new

~ · lKNM" -;., !he ,..,.,,; · world "'"'" \Q dt'\l>t'IMO cb""t •~e• t~dol•"(l !foe..,wl~e\ ol We\l<!ft1 ;rn~uoh..., lh<>l u,._~ cuuhln't ,,. .. ~, •• ,.,. Hotl~r·~ hlond .. nme.,l\. ~., U.S, and lhoule bol•• lhll Mlddl••l•U ~=~~~~· .~.r .. ~?ci ~,o;:;.~r.~~:~~'!~? ,~S!::· t:., L~~!:::.·~.o~~~i~; lr~t.~~~ t!Qktly (all• ollenlt..,., lo the lo<l that 1tw111" o ''c."""'~•·•••o·

V ~utoor-J;y h onl•·•'·'l'-~'"o\•V'I,"" s., D 1 H~~ •. !J.'-2s~ny·· ... ~·'~ :U~~';' ..... ~.--;:,"'~'·;;:;:~r~ ,;~ J':!::.n ... :~··c~

AantJOil oh•>ul •how con<hl""" ol l<obor und pro:JI•rn• ot "'"'•~­'""• 01 ..... u •a l<"•l•h•no tn ,.,.., tact '""' ,.,uot•un ""' <U a !10 ""'"""' cl•t>, ""'k !he ""f'"''''"Y<'<l ""ml-•<'<1 J.!l mulonn,

banner ot freedom,\ some'31'C willing to se\tle for much, mut'h less, bei_ng part al StatiC' _ _Adminhtr:ltion, th~'-· Is, part Cll the ne'N rutin~: bu,.,;.ut"r~c:iy whiie t.huut·­ing .. anll-im}X"riallsm." · · "_ ,·_··- . .. :, -

... ;~ Ol co_urse u.s: inlJ}Cf"iatlsm _ h;_ th~- 'most.-~ gigantic, iilllitaristic,' nuclenrly·armcd Titan . in "_the ·:world._: Of course we, as Amerkan· re\;o1ution3.ries, must Work·. to St'e that H -ne\-'er re-establishes itf.elf in lrari ur any· where· else. _And, of ctJuN;c; we must· ;:oint to- th~ fact_ that the rush to th~ _present- MiddlC.'East treaty:wus, induced precisely by the rear of the t"nnseq,ucnc~· of the Iranian Re\·olution.ll Nt'verthelc~;we must not per·--· mit the· indij;(enous Iranian counter-revolution_ to hide under the slogan or anti·imperiri_ism. as_ some:· iii· _the

-l,.(ooft are tryin~ to: do by brandmg nut·nn)).· U.S .. im· peri&lis<it but Kate Millet :mil, indl'!ed, -the whole:wom·


en's revolutionary mo\-·emcnt as il · th<')' arc "agents or hnperialism."ll Nothing could ilssure the_-viCtory of-the countcr·tevolution m<lre than that kind or·.' •·anti· im"pcrialism."

Let ~s. insle:.d, tum to the genuine indigenous runts of a m11st unique- rc\-·olution. the very ont' that Is now being so bandied about as if the unly point lnvoh·ed

-in it, great though thai was for that year, was the Con­stitution o( 1906. The 'Revolution lasted -from, 1906 to 1911. We turn to this period not only for nationalism but internationalism. :.nd not only for_ the past but the fJresent.

Ill. Two lrcnfgrt Revt~luticns, 1906-H~ and Today's One lnok at lh~ 1P06 Revolutionl1 will reveal its

two greatest ft.•atur-es that today's Islamic- celebrants keep quiet about. OiiC is Its inspiration i:J the. Russian Jtcvolutlon of 1005, Indeed, it was al the height. No\-·em­ber·Dct"ember 1905, ·that thr first" general strike broke out in Teheran. While tuday Iran means oll, In 1005 it was llaku. Russia, that mc:~.nt oil. ar.d-beeause thousands nf lrani:m oil workCrs Wf'rt• in Russia :~.itd were innplrcd by the RuSsian workt'ts righ:ing Tsarlsm, theY learned abo about a vt.•ry new form of orgar,bation ....:.. Soviets. This, th~n. was what became th~ Corm nt' spontaneous or,::aniza\lnns In· lr:m as wdl.

Till' uniqu('ncss in Iran was that what harl started · ot:t, lndit::enously enough: a'i a !:CCrt.>t orj:!:lnization, be·

came -Anjumcnl, a v.;ry ut-udy duul J.!nVeanrnent - local units nr,::anized lnth•pcndenth-· f'•f ·the Shah· and- -thro Majlis by popular l.'it'c-tlons, defcndinl! their inde-!Jend· ~nt'e un tin· .l!r<IUnd that thert• was luo much bureau· . cralk curruption in the 5'!uvcrnmcnt. Uy -1007. tht:sc

10 See '"" fo.hlo•!<ll •-[Q~P!·h<ot"l: V.!o.. 1mpt"uolo\m'i M•ddle-(ot• Outpo~t·• 1Ht•• & l.etttl•• Ap<ol 19191, ·

: 1 oe .. rte '""' Le M=nole a•ttct.- {l!t<1 ot:"~"· "''"'n <f'VOrltd the ~!a•>den a! ""' hM\et"" oq~•<111 kate M•llc:t. II•• W<>mf1'> • l•h· e•ot•<:-n•l" demon•t<ch"ll '"' P,.tr;"»l "' '"""a"ll' ••th lhfo he"· ,.,,, ,....., .. ., <oed th~or o .. n t-•"""""'" <,of he•no hecUM bY ho"•a--'1 •tt.~der.u ,,aiiiY Mo~>•~a ... .,,rn-"""'0 \he" ~•:.oant ooa•"U U.S. '"'f..,.«oi."...-o ,..,lh "l<>''O l••• Kh""~"""• Til• !<>loO,..•"<! wff•, mey t'leld <f f>l't'U ''"''g'""'e '" "'h•th, ere• fiQ<:UO'I, IN'Y o:on• dNr'd O(QT<! M•ll<"l .Jn<l hold ThP ·:!Gil 1<.1 (l<t•m lhu!, lh<>UQk ll'>it '"'""'" ... om•<~ h<•<1 .,,..,,"d hC"<, V'!o d•-:1 r101 ,,..,, .. ,..,,, ,,.., ,, • ..,. oan """"''""· f>ro..>l1 No """ -•n-•;wrl ""' e4j ... ho<>n. O.d ThtV c•c< •·~ lo:> ""':> "' ~,.,,._. r--:>"'"' "":! '" 0"~"'1 S..o tnot O.ti"Dit frc• ,.,.,,. 1l·'ll·791. --

l'l lt,o """tt tt"le..-a"l b<>C~ "Tlo9 lint Rwniono ll••el111ie111 Itt'"'" p••t "" Ao.•l• b~ l•o• ~P•<lrn- t"'l, t'rc-nhl<!·t1""· 106::!). f<>< loom he•no, a~ trno orrotr h=>"l..• '"''"''· ..._., ct (etolto•l ol !tie Ru1:.oan RP~<>Iuho:>n. !I " d••f'(!IV >otl\ll .... t t<> •T. O<".d I......_.Qi'l lt>o Oulho>t ,, u bou•o"'"'' Dt>Jd<"m•c, "• .~ <>I''"'''"~ n>f' ''"'~ •hoi ,. ...-. "' "~'"'" Clttour:: •~ Tile Sttan:.U"• et ,..,.;. 1A- ,.,....,., We•· ••11••1 t>y W. M"<-;:an ~, ... ,rH il-l.,., r..,,.~,.o'>d l't•n. 19ft!

it:::,~~7! .. '~~2 '1.1'i~~;o~·" •. :";~~~::. ·~~ J~~~~ ~·~..:.~ .. ~"t~~~ ~~·:;r.:·., U~!~~~~;~\~r~::~R:~~~~~~:~t•!h:J!~t''A. '::o~~~~"~~,,',~,• ,...,,...,,,,. D•l>lu!!!hHo "'""'''"· 1111<11 l!><> ''"'~•• n~r1•nt !•<>·••• '"'" '"• \.ell on fr11h•h t•lnnnl (<>On• f'<'tf' ,.,,1'1 r-otllet Undo' 1<'1><~1\ \u' O•I'-'OI , .. ,oluh;fl, Shll ,.,,.~ '"""t't lt• trm~ullltd f,., l!<l.;~u'"''"" ~"* tt•of '"u"'~""} •n•h t~,!:·· ~-~: .. 'D.:!I!~:::,:"~~~!~.~o~~:"!~;·~i til •; o·><l


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anjumeni were by no - means l!mited to Teheran but functioned alSo in Tabriz, En2.elu, ·and not only in the townS.·_ but spread to rural areas. ·_What is irenic is that one~huster...:_who was very ·rar removed from ·any- an­jumeni, much less· that or women, revealed the historic role of the women })y the mere·- d~scription or what happened: "The Persian women since 1907 h:ad be~ome :llmost .at a bound the- most- progressiv£>, not to sa~· radical, in· the wo.rld. That this statement upsets 'the ideas of centuries mak£>s no differences.- lt is the fact."' (p,l91)

Shuster describes how "out from their walled court­yards and. harems marched 300 of that -weak sex: with the- flush of -undying determination. in their cheeKs, they wei-e ·clad· in their plain black robe.;; with the white n"ets of their veils t!ropped over their faces. Many heM pistols under their skirts· or ih the folds of their·>

·sleeves," (p:198) Situster conc:ludes': "During the five years follow­

ing the successful but bloodless rcvoh1tion in 1906 against the oppressions and eruelt;~: of the Shah, a fe-verish antl at times fierce light shone in the· ve-iled e-yes of Persia's women. and in their slru£gles for liberty and its modein expressions, they broke through some of the most sncrcd customs which for ..-~nturies )J;.o:sl had bound their sex in the land of Iran.'.' (p.192l

It is true-anci this uniquenesS exists unto today - al"ld must, under no cirt'umstances be <:lisrcgarded in

coPing with the ulemas, mullahs and ayatollahs--that the religious lraders sided with the revoiutlcm, or at least ib fitst -s.tage,;. As ;o_gaii1st Ru:;~ia where, though Father Gapon had trig~ered the opening o{ the Revo­lution when his mnrch to the 'I'sar's Palace war.- trans-­fo_rmed Into BlOody Sunday in January, 1905, by the Cossa-::ks firing into the. march; the Greek-- Orthodox Church sided wl:h the TsPr, the religious leaders in Iran WP.nt with thC Iranian masses both in opposing Russian domination and demanding the Shah grant a Constitu­tion and allow-them to establish a Majll (ParliamrntJ. " But even here we must sec the negative- features,

For the first chapter, the nnC so celebrated now, th(" De­cember 1906 Constitution, -limited the Shah's power and produced a MajU. '!'here then followed many sponlane• ous orAanltations thai worked independent!)-' of it. Once the Majli convened; the rr:ligiouS leaders beJ:Itn movin;: :.way (rom any class stru.l(~lc. By October 1907, the "Amendments the Majli passed n:stored many pow("rs to the Shah, especililly the supreme command or the an-.1ed force~f so that one could hvrdly call him 'just a ll~ure· hud. In any case, Tsarlsm. which had been too busy puttinR down th~ Russian Revolution to be overly in· volved In Iran, decided to move a&;ainsl Jt, :~nd b)-' 1008 the Cossack Rcll:iment bombarded the Majll and put down the revolution. But here still 1\nother unique fea­ture emerttc!\, Whereas the Russian Revolution was total· ly crushed ln 1908, in Iran It re-emerged, and the Shah was driven frum his throne, It took more Cossack bri· !lades .:md British Imperialism as well as the Sh!th, alter three m~rc ~·cars, finally to desti-ny entirely thDt Rev.1· lution, -

Now, It is the dlrrcrcncc- between rhc Dcccmlwr 1900 ConsU!ution :.nd tnc October 1907 Amendmrnts which point not just to the dunUt}• In the Sh'it<' leader· ship l_n var1uus periods within :~n un~oinJt revolution, Jt ltnints'cs well lu lc1duy: the March :10 plebiscite 5\arln.: us In lhr !1\('o. Khomt'lni·Bazargon must nnt suc<"ced .lust bl'cau~e they will hP\'c wnn so bkl.' an "rll'ellnn.'" Yet we cannot cntcrt~ln any Jlluslons. It will h<' much, much harder for rc\'ulutlunnrics In fun.:tit•n. 1'1w lm· rnlncnt couutt•r-.·rvulutlon Is bt•lu.: in:;tltutlnunlb.ed.

1-~or that \'try rca~•JD we. must sto11 antllhcr mn· ment at the IDO.'l-00 ltus:dltn He\·uluHun. thi .. -'tln\~ _nut t•lthrr ., it arltt:allr ocrurn•d or huw H m•:illrt•d tlnl

Iranian Revolution, but as it .w~s dlscuss2d at the 100'1 London Conr.ress of the Russian Marxb~Bolshe;.oiks... Mensheviks. Trotsky who \;.·as In neither tendency· then,

.. and .. nos; L:..:..:c:r.buro;-!.e::- Jci:iche~ •.. th~! .. !!:, .the. !'ol!~h Marxists \\•ho had in that Revolution joined the Russian nartv. This cannot be di~.:ussCd here in any detatl: that J will do ele!'whcre,l3 Here it h> single out. from Rosa. Luxemburg's sPeech what· {s relevant for today, I am not. rc!~nin~ ta: her_ .. fa:mms theory _or· th~ · Gt>ner.1l Strike, which Is certainly_ apr,ticnble, and JndCcd.·. we just ·saw it in Iran developing· into ·the _outright in-surrt'etion. . .. . . · : ·_-_ _ ": .. _. .. · . No, what we ha\o·e to hold in:mlnd (or !urth'd [k­velopment is her attack on the MensheVi.ks who,-_on thi-: s:rou!ld · that Russia was a techno!ogl_caUy __ backward land, -wanted to confine the Rc'lolution in .tho! context

· uf the·very ~tart of the. IU"JS Germany~ Revoluticn, ulher _than at th(' erid of that revolution when Marx,·.in•his JBSG Address t11 th.i Communist League, called for the· rcrmanr.nt revolution. Hosa insiStf.'d, instead, that not only was it ri.t:ht for the ground o>£ the Russian-Revolu­tion to be the end. nj)t the bc~innJnn of 1848, a;;_ Marx analy:ed. but, above ali. we- had' to start with \\hill was nf.'Yll in the 1905 Rti\•olution: . · · Tile ii.u:.sian Rc~!·•hJtifJtl we~s · JhH ;,.:1 nlUch the idst

act in the series of l .~o.~rgcois rc.volutions of the Nilie­h•cnth Cl.'nlury as the forerunner nf;a new series· of future .proletarian rcvolutiftns, in whiCh thl' conscious ;>rol~turi:~t and its vanguard, Socifll l>cmocrac-y, arc dcstind historically to play thl! leading role.'-'

tv. Where- T~;.~ N~·w?. Each revolution di'ldoscS samethin.~ new and unique

and challenging, Tt;e· new In the Iranian Rc\•olution· re· ~ \-'Cals both new stren.t:lh and new Wl'akness.- Surely·thco sustained mass mobilizations in so de!;potle"land, :umed to the tt>eth :u:d primed by _Nixon since --UYl:O:: lo .take over tlu.• U.S. -pallccwan's beilt, for the whole Middle East, was nothing short of a miracle, especially when you considrr that the Sh:~b extended that Great IllusiOn tc1 bci;evc he would be pivotal to the ftnal confronta­tion bctwc(!n thc two nuclear Titans: the U.S. and Russia. Mon~ovc·r. tht'Y Wt'TC :;o SPl•ntanrous :hat c\'CD the I.<"Ct that always likes tu take j:l"edil for vanguardlsm had to admit tlu~t m~t-f!!lh·' were they not organized by, any Jltlrly, but the)' seen.'!d to be ori;:anbed by "nobody". -

Yet it would be wr'Oilg to think ~ithcr th01t,it was only !'ipontaneity that was at ... ..-ork, ur· lh:~t ."nobody" org:mlud It, Were it so. KhrJmclni,- lor whom one mil.­liun poured out tu welcoml.' baek,-eould_nui. pE-oc(ed :.u_'-_ brntt•nly and so rapidly to try to saddle the ltevululion with what !le call!l "lslumk Jlepubllc" and '.'btamlr moral cm.le," "hich _we aJrcRdy saw llt work nut' only against tht.• woml'n but a.:ainl't tht.• lif~ style or a wholl.' hf:W J:!.!nerath•n til rcvoluUunary )'oulh who ·al'f' the Vcr,­hc;art of this rl'Volullun, --

_Nor shuuld we entrrtJI!n <~ny Illusion about the ''supcriurity'' or lhc F-~CUlllr. middlc·C'l~!Ui lnll')h'"CIU&ab whn think thu.t hl't'ausl,l !hf'f srt• Khumrlnl nt ''symbnl nut philosopher uf rt.•llulution·•, tha~ saml' ''t.:rr:&ll'r Intel:_ IN·ttml" thAn lit.' will win In tht.• t.•ml. There is b•ll one .:rain uf, lrulh in thu.t prt•trntlnn, otnd It cnn\'('rn:;. rmt intrllt.•ct.,~tls. but Hwur)', Tht-rt> l:o no dt•ilbt that the 1:1"-'lll _we:~;knel'S ur lht• mu\·~·nwttl ntl\\', and not ·cml)' i'l lr~m. u tht.• lln·k of llwury, a lhrury ~~otl'nlmh~JC rram a 11hlluw11hy 11f luU•I Hb.-rlltlun turh illl "·a1 and b Marx'a llumanbm, hla ~hulr IIC'W C'ORt!rnt or t~oul(ht from thf-'

7C')- ., .-..oo

Page 39: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

momen-t· lio<:- broke, from bourgeois society In 1843 until his d@ath, 1883. that Is to say, from hili Humanist Essays through Capttal a'nd the P::;ris Commune to his Ethno-logical Notebooks. .

It took ~othing shon of the First World War aiid th;i coU.;;p:o C! -t.'le ·~::t:.hH::h~d !!:::::i!:t {S~c:u!)'·-!r.te~· national bc!ore Lenin l'ecognized that,· without philos·

· ophy, without· the dialectics of liberation in_ thought as welt as in fact, a Marxism red.oced to economics was inadequate. I!' any case. what is most relevant for toda)·, and not only for Iran. is to do away with-- elitism and such. (Iuick stoca~s as the need· "April-Thesis" to ·:rearm the party;' as if th3.t meant Trotsky's theory

-or· permanent l'evolution with its built-In undcrestlm:l· tlon of_the_-revolutionary role of the: pea5:mtry.1s

- - Trotsky's illusion that the April Thesis -me~ont Len­in's "acceptance"' of Trotsky's theory of perm:~.nent•l'evo­lution· no~withstanding, ~he real relevance of an "April Thesis" for the transition period:now in Iran is not the forcN id~ntity- with that theory that Trotsky built up. Rather. the plain facts of how it came to be is what we hope-will-help the Iranian··c:omrades work out on the basis of ~~e indigenous and the new. the revolutionary national and intern:o.tional forces of revolution, their'

. path to social revolution. their move from "February'' not only to April but to "October." ·

lt was the o;hock of the simuUaueity of the outbreak _or .World War I aud tt.e collapse of the Second Inter­national that compelled Lenin to return to Marx's ori­gins in the Heselian-dialeetic and ·see that, without it. Marxism was reduced to vulgar ri1ateriaolis1n. He refused to :Jtop with mere exposure of the betrayal. Rather, with Capital in hand -as well ~.s the - political thesis of the

<-need to '"Tu-m the Imperialist War into Civil Wai.~ Lenin delved into Hegel's S.denf!e of J..oglc. Of all ~he revolutionary Marxi~:"':-Luxemburg, Trotsky, and many, many others--:...Lenin ~:lone deelded that .first of all he must reorga:lize his own method of thinking and doing.

In a word. before _the April Thesis was and could have been written, thel'e came. first, Lenin's PhUosophlc Notebooks (preds2ly, his Abstract ·or H~:gel's 'Science of Logld. Then he wol'ked out his theory o[ Imperial· Ism 16-hls controntation with the n.ew stale of econ·

omy-monopoly capitalism on the way to .state·monop· ol)·~apitalism, not outside of its relatloOship _-to _the proletariat but as related to the transrormation into opposite of a section of. the proletariat that dld. gain from capitalism's extension into imperialism. -Thirdly.· and- ;otowi! .::.U:. :::.:r.e +:!.- re:l.l .. lh•e .. ~'J<:!!_l!tion~th"! .Jrbh~. · Easter Rebellion, 1916-which ;;=:ave a ne..v dimension to the "National Question" as ... sclf·deterinioation, as •·the bacillus" of proletarian· revoluti<:>n. _

Finally the determinant em€!rges for· that protetal'i-: an revolution-State and Re,·olutlon (originally caUed· ·· ":O.Iarxism and the State")-a~d. onlY after' that ·coultl Lenin "rearm·~ the Part:,·. Far from that producing any sort o[ debate .about dictatcnhip o[ the ·proletari:a; Or­dictatorship of the proletariat· and the peasantrj.•, what·. resulted-and where we should beldn-ls ·"AU' Power to the Soviets,'' that is to' say. all power_ in the hands- of the masses. their for:ns of. orcani:tation, tbelr cOn tiel of production and the state.: Lhelr smashirl;t or the bour­geois state. and by workin~ out a new rela-tionship 'Of the~ ory to practice, anJ the movement from practice· to the~ ory, the e!ltablishment o[ new human rel:ations. We have. t~itl"r a11. 62 additional Years of experienco;!, have seen Russia and China also become '<.ransformed into their opposit~. with br:th vying for- U.S. imperialism's al!iance! Surely we canr.Dt behave- as i.f nothing had happened in all those decades of maturation. abOrted revolutions as well as revolutions transformed into opposite. . >-'

There is no way to extend ar.d deepen the. revolu·- ··, ' lion if Ba7.::ar~tan ·Is ·allowed to reduce -to a consultativl!i~., role the function of the corpmittee:; ol'ganized by the workers to run the pl:lnts and o!!i::es .. The bet-that the Prime Minister feels impelled to tak:e to the air waves to declaim agalt~st wh:.t he c.:r.Us ·~the dangerou3 logic oC soviets" furthel:' expO:k:5 his e;;;piti!li.stic te:~.r ot the et-:mental paH~on for freedom rebesed by the._ ongoing revolution. Ayatollah·. Khomelni's stOpping' the· revotu. u.o~ary tribunals ago.inst the Shah's most powerful and vtctous henchmen in the SAVAK and in the iDvf'mment has focused on just how npidly he Ls ·turnir.~~: the clock back, and by ·no means only at the. expense of the women's freedom, Those acts of retM&l'ession are not •mly-danj;terous logic. They are _ar!:-or outright· counter. revolution. Let us·extend our solidarity to th~ embaltled revolutionar-ies-the new Kcneratlon of re_volutionary students a:;; well as worken: Women's Lt!Jerationisu_ as well a£ national minorities fighting for setr-determina· tion. Let us extend the activities here to stop the inter· !!!ring bend of U.S. Imperialism hungering for ~il and the !tratet;lc location for its nuclear gtob:ll aim.

The stl'ugglc- conthtlles. Raya Dvr.ayeVllk::.yia Deb·olt. Michigan March ~5. 19':9


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:; '' by Raya Dun~evskaya .

;:,•,. :,;;;~;:c.. .. ,._, ., •. , -- .:...-:·• ·--- _r.:,-· ·-·--:: .. -- " ·:,-,;-:~-- ,.,;-·;!.;::•-'.":'.'· .. • ..... ,- ·, ~--···1<----.-·: .• , .. , ___ -.; -.:· ~~-··-' .- ....... ·:· :,_·.-<-•:·•-'- •• ... _,. .

_ . . ··· Becaus·e· ~there i'e: nothing iitor~' eXc1. ting··fharl in· ·M .. ~fif,sci;~ · ~:V~l\ttion ~-~ ·:r ):eei -_v.~r.r: 'hb4~~a_ j.o-·fia~e-· .tlti!ti: OPPo~t~,iili; ~;ii :.-~-: -19?0, tO.;"intZ:odU_C·Ef~.,r:a.Z.X~ G .1l34!f:_EC9~cim£C-1-hll.osoPhl'C_ 1-~iis¢.r.1.'.Pt:S ;: jihfch ,,"op~ed an~ Eintiiel)r;. neW:~ :;On:U:ri~t"~ o_f' ',thought_ and- revo~u ti(?n. -~hat -~~:nama e .. :·a ·.:.~•; ·,. ·: . H.?Jil~~· ':~.'Il~ei .Y.efi:i::.tha:t · I.-J1aS ;:r1:rat · abie:::to:~pilb~sli ·'tlieSe~·-HWnariiSt --?~~s -~~-: aS ~a.i;i':ApPcjidlx :w_.:mY<wcil:k,~ ~r~Sm ·and: Fiiiedom·;·-:a,-·q~r ''o·t:: a ~.century' ·agO~--::·-_ coiilCidCd ·td th- "the·-·Huri8Ui'~ · R6Vol.utioii-·~_aus·s:ta.h' ·.:t-Ota.'ii iarictnlenl' _. · '-~~­~ng _itself Communism. 'Ihus,- beth :from beiOw;>tZom-·ar('aCtwii ·P:roletarihn···: revol.ution; ,a.n,d ._from. tl1&ory, .. a ;-today~ness ~was ~sh.Ejd . up_on._ thes!3. , Essays tha. t had '!ain on_.,-ijie ~dWJ':ty·~shel:ve·a '_o£ archiveS _.drid had _.ii.fiV_~r·: been 'pfa.Cti'ced;_. Ee~u~e .· ~:t .. tne' ;coriteilipO~- HoZ.Id'.needs Diost'_:t.Oda~~ia_ -'a \tidty_of:J-~-'s:Ph~l.osO.PhY·-- · -o:f lltei-a:tfon· .. with- mf'outrlgnt·'reVOl.utio~nj '_We 'riluSt-_XS~e-Xamirle·,wna.·L).t' il3that t·!a.I:x .. _!md ~·meant,;.me·n_;:_.iii'_ t11s gr6a-ooSt:,th00riti·cSJ..)iom;· ea:pu:a.1}~11e· h.~ __ ; ~~:.~ -~ deCl~q :: ~'hUman ·-J?O~r-··is ·:1 ts. _. oWri'' Cn'd ·~I' -ana wna. t:. lif hf;;.: Ver"J :-.firSt hiE:tcrlciJ. ma.terlal.lGt · aii'a:.lyS9's . __ in- .f844,' lie hB.d.' !iteciiit: ___ oy __ saying·_ "co.inmunism, as :.a~ch, .-~s; not the goal. o-r h1.1IllM -deY'el.Opnuint,. the ±'ol:in of'' so'ciety"-.::.w-hat tho ·goa1· is, -_l;s.::'t:he Crea.~on :()f' ::to~ nell, p1at;3.S':":le~s, ... h~an relatio~~~ -

.. ·.;-~ .: ... '· .. '•. ··~ .~ .... ~ . , . ifuen~ycu. tum to the Ee:says on "Irlvate . .~:roperty: and, ColrJ!lUllism ana.

.tha·:.','Crlti«i:ue o£: .~he Hegelian D.iaJ..ectlc,_ ... ;tou·~.U nOte ).hXe:e ~ngs_at_C?~c;:e:": First .·and~ foremoSt __ ;ifi t.~t the Ma.lysid of .labcir=-..:and',-_ths.t .is·_wa.t _d.istin~.· :. -guish96.]-i8.:rx ·:rrom .all ~the%-._ SOciallsts':~d 'Ccimmuil1B~~---o_£._1i1e _day J!!isl .. ci.~~~-:--·., goeS ~inU® .:flii-%Eir --~an. the, ·_etJO'nomlC·~ StriictU±e ·of' .;so_c~et~~ ~-Hi~ :~ysi_s . goeS to tho S.Ctual hUman relati:ons; Secoiidly, · 1 t n"as riot· only .l{~gq_l )rh~~-)~ · stood on hi.a fet.t by uniting, instead of sepa.:rat1ng, thinkihg;:fi-Om --bOing. It waG the .. "quite -vulgar and _Wlth; cOmmunism .. that compl£ _negates the· peraonall-t,y;~£ man~~· 'Ihird.J.Y, 3.lld.above _all~ ·is f:iarx~s.concept··-~.£'la:bor-­tha.t 1t is the crccitiVl:ty-o£' tlie l1iboz:!!.!: e:..S'the gia.ved1gge:r_.r--~ capit_a.l:1.QI!l

.which uproots all of' the old. Whether capitalism achieves· the:dominatlon of labor -·tl;lro\IBh' ·owne.reh1p _of' o2:' -:-~rqugh . control _.over thE~:_ means . of: _ P";Qduction, what'J~rx. f"ocuSea:o·n·,ia thisL·any,_•_•dom!ruiUOn' Ove-_r ·the labor·_or:~o_thers"- prqy,ea riot- only CB.Pi_ta:U.Bm 's _elcpl~1 ia.~ve ·,but pC_rve:rse nature. To .:rurther stress . the­perversE:{ ·.11:8-ture ~ ~~-·Bay-s ·~1:h_a t· the_- lihol6 · of'_. ·ca:Pi ~-em _ c_ould . ~.·_summed up_ '_in a _sin8:le. sentence=·- "Derid: la.bOi-·_~orilinatCB _llv+ng ~labor;", 1h1~: ellis's i'c;J.at1o_ri:.h1p tntnsroims_ -.t.he"llVing-_labOTer·uan ~:PpcridagEt to. the'.'mSchlne." F.~re is''':'· how Et:.i-x exp1:'e.Bse·s 1 t in ·the Hwnalilst E5aays i" ' · ·.. ·

:'Irivatc. property ha.s mad a us. so stupid lllld:_one-sido_d that •• ~_in · · plar.e of._a.l.l._t."ie .Physical _and spiritual--seilses tliere.1B the .'sense.

of~P.<?Bses_aion. _whiCh ·is· the- simple "aliclna t.ion- of'·-~1 'these: ·aensec •• _ .' . . 'Ih'8'~.Ci=w!6ce_nd.~O .o_:r_ priva.1:.e propei-ty is, __ thoi·~fore; "the ~tota:.:. f)::Etei'ng of' all hUnian.-aenSos find a.t.trib.ites, •,· .:~·· · ---- . - _ ·

.. '~·. '

'It-is "~ere,· t.O--~ake sUre that OnO'thCroby doeS·not ·jumP~tO.the conclusion .that.;the a.bol1t1on_of _ _privato property_ creates __ a new_soc::iety, tha.t J·la.rX :i-aj_eated._:t.l-16·, 6ubst1 t\itiOn of one. :f'o:z:m ~.of' proPcrty•-st.ate--:for .private as My o_clU-t;.ion .tO tho.:prdbl'ar..a Of Cxploit=.tion ... ,l;-t-~s_,vhy'h~ ~jf'it~~e·d '_' ~'vulSa.r arid un·thf:nklrig ·.c6rimiW11SI!l~" focuairig·inotoad. on two _other_ pro.i:ll.~zn.a·i -1) truly nen human reltit'ions, 'th.B "netl Humn.nicm!' :!.n place of' CommunianJ~~and .. 2) tho totali tv of' the uprooting of all old rnln.tiono so that the dunl · rhythm of' eoc1al..~rovolut1on--the o.l..Jllt1on ot· .the _q:J,d o..'"ld tho creation o£ the cthei%--fu~l Course. -.- , .. , .. , ·:·; .',:· .. , _

£or i-:hich In ord~r ~a~p)!O.rx'_s Hiatorlcu.l. n\terla.ll~. thtt ·roundation wa.a-1nid ·by '+.heee Hum:ini!t Eooayo, lnt un· tul:-n tO t.h~ h!c;:tOey' of'_

Page 41: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

\;,; ·-,,"' ''· .. -

r.!a.rX's day_ as well as of today~··: 'uimt··~e·'~ee·~·:.'firBt and foremost, is that f.hrx, in l.aying the foundation of Historical Vater1alisr.t, w&.s· also Creating·.the

.·.ithep~-:..~_r .. p~1t'!ta;r.·~~ ,l;eVOll,ltion,:,',~e, ~p.;tectic;,qf' l:ibq:::?· ~""~' e: great-est di~?pve~-,:~s_ .c~~-C'!::~:t, ·~o~ _ Mpq~- ¥¥~~-~Y.~~~4--~ !-CC'~la~pi:E:r; rt:P:,~ ~-~_Q_t.".t~,s~;.a · , f-orce }Jf ... ~?Ol1;1tfo~._.Jni't-. j_~s'-._l<~~on...;t~.~~-11;~~-~t :,-:!he:o :Pxo,l,e_tar~'~t ~-s ";~~ -:·.v-· :..:-Su~j~ct;" ~~ Universal' :subjeo_t :_that was· not:.just -~-- produc_t 'of· history, -'_b•1t

its :~P.ezo(.~~-~.~t_··.~:~_-e ~/)~l?o.~Bh~ng;_::_:th~_:-~_iP1~i-~-t:iV~:~~~\~Y ;:· .. ~e t~: -~. ~::_: _ .. ;:-~·: exl?l.o1.~.4c.~~e~~:t.·_i._~ the -tranafomer of "realit,v; .-,!t~~s .. here ::i;hi!-1:: .~~-~-·-,BEl:l! the co~~ :~:~-r~~·-,H~~e.l:1~-~~~ec~.c;::~g-:-.'i1;h~i,~di~~;c_~,;~c:·o:(~ega~y1,'o/. ,~a ... ·: .. :' the movi11gand c=ating'prln iple "·.. · ··•· · • ··· ···'·~·" ... ···' · · • · ·--·~·· ·

.:::.. ... :.:·":·_-~.-:·.;.~ .. l2 , .... _,,.,_ ,, _.~ , ~,~-.t '~ 1 .---··~-·->- .-. . ;;~ '"'·;:: n:.:_,,;_· -~··'' !.:~~.;:::-_;;:_·:':' -~-~~ ;·,._.-.:..__ .'.::· ,·: :·e;;

:: _ _-.:,_~ ... J_.:~: :·c __ ·'"cjn·~~tuaii't !::-\;O'ntiiiUed.···i_~;;:·th~:-:tiea ·_hidd;;n·:·ii(Heigel • a:":· .. '· ::::---.· :··-: lhenOiheri.OJ.o"eit'~bi ·riilld~"'tile_-nlOVeiuen.t'.o:r-·hi'GtOr:(.: __ ' ' The ·zn.ystiCal ·veil ~Hegel·_ .·. :-.. :_·

· -~ugn_ ·ovcr:·.i_t·:mu~t. be'-_remiro·Sd·,~- _bUtHfa:X -'fi.Om·· tti'Znirii hiS ·hick· Ori 'l)hilOSo.PriYi:· . Ea.rJc trazlsfo_rmed. ){e~,ei"'B .. iWf01lit1on ili'~fOSpby ':fn-£o ;:a.·- pH11cisoJ:hy Of .. ~:<· · · ~V?lut10n'. ·.Yh!Ch:"-.~s-~ Wcy !•3-.C.: "held ·tttat· ~·uumam.sin _ distirigu.iS.."les--;1 is_e~ -~ Ui.­:rro·m _I~eallam. "and ·r-ra:_terlilfsm; '_Ei.rid is';~ S.t·;the: ssme~.t:tme. ··the_ truth·~_ uniting:;· bOth';. (and) .capable of giisp1.Dg ·;the 'act> of world llisti>zy;'"' : ... ' ... · .. '' .. ' _, ;;

- .,_, •. '' ',., .• •• • .. _,,-,,, -" ~ '~ c ,., : ._._.,. -·.- ,.. '.'; •• -< '- .• ; ._ •• _,:_. ' .. - -.'' '

"Grcisp.i~g- .fue aCt .. ;C):r···hi~torY'Ine~t ·-th~t-he-hB..d 'to pro;6izilm ,. "z:evol:utioil .. in permanence•• uhen he ·caw that_ no sooner had the r.1asses helped tlj6_ "ooUrgeo1s1e gidn-:vi.cfury· oVE{z.:-J."euda:l.fSr:i·_in. the 184B~revPiUt1otis_ than. the 00tL~~-~1s~.o·,~urnea --~st .. ~el?:··~·:~. w~en_· h-e __ w1 t~~sse~_.:th:e ·g,:ea.~~S_t 1:-c,Vol:u:~:ion in his_.tii.le:•· the 1871 ·rro:is_Commune, ,and saw·the.mac_see take'destln.J __ into:' · the'f~ :ol{n :haitdS; _ J.ia.rx 'deC~d- that ri.On-Sta te- ·tO b8 ·the "Frill tlCal f"o~·- at ::: laa t ·.·d1sc·C".r$rSd. ~to : l_ror'".C _cUt ··t."l-9 eCo-nomiC~ ·om.:t..~'C!~ . .:.. tiO~:f' ·: t....;e -· ·~- ... As Naci~eXI>t~fGscid·iil · ·· - -~ "";_:~·- ,. · ·

'. ·" -- ' . '· '- . :' .. · . '~,,__ -. -'-: . -- '., ',· .. ' -;" -·:'' .. ' - . . : . ' ' -' ., ' . " - ' - ~ .·--- -... - ~ -''

, . -~ 11e ~should_· eSpecially avoid re-:-establl_ching_ society _as en· · ·_~bstl:&CtiO:l;· ·opposed tO. the''in·d-i·.rid1Ja.1. •. 'lh~ 1ndivid~ i.'s the "50Cia.1-'erit1ty," · · .... : .... · · ·.::· -·:_

.:~·! _:,:>·--· ;··

• :·:-.--,~\; _ ..... ,. • • •• • ., .. ,,. --· -- ''0 ,. ··- ---, ..... _, '· .... ~--·~.. • , .. _----_ · .. ,. _- l-aix 'raised·_ the- question ,o-£· "re•r01ut1on ·in pe:rma.r~e·nce' -"not-only· -£or 'hls ·day J~ut :as ~the· w8.y out -£or· all--Unfinished_ :zoevolutioris~' :NO' age·cc3.ii'l.UldeZ...: ., ~ S'ta.nd~that_._be'tter :tbB.n ·_oUr own,·· plAgued';oOth' by_ :traltsf'or<!13.tiOriri ill·t-o' OPpCifSlte ~.tkr .e~Ch X:ev:.olu~O~~.;.;s'uC!1· ~e~t -Wt:l~CJJ;: ~w- ih~_ f'irs~i{_#)rk'ora' ·.G:tate~·;tija.t _·,' arOse !'ronl the_ Rus:ai~ BeVl'lUtion "tum into ''the 7stt:.t.te-cap1 Ui11:at morisfroS1. ty that RuS!li'a 15 rloWI ·Afld bY ·the ·· -of ·:to'eQ.i'a icVolu.t10i1s ''bE!rore evar they_·i:Ome to complet10li.- · - · , , · · ~"

..... -ThO qtiCStiOn 1St llhA.t -h~PponS efte±: __ tha _:first ·aqt Or-Z.OVol\it1on? Does conqueSt ·or_ powo:t<asauro a ·claes-less :society or onlY a."new ·class buraaucra.ov?, Our age, which hS:a :,!1 tnesaed 8:- 'lihOl·e Dew· ?biid Wo:t·ld ~_maerge £rom the atruggie 'aea.iiuit 'liestern impe:clauem·'(u. s. imP<>ri-,J.!em most. of a.ll) 'in latin America as in Africa., in the ltl.ddlo East aS in ··Aa10:, 'neod9 tO ·demtind t!1at "g.rn.aping _the _act of' wo:.:l.d histor;y:' means spellintt out: total freedom.

. - -" . ' ' .. --- ' .- ' : . '·' ~ " - . ; . - - . . : HOre _·agai.n·;· r-:a.rX':ca.."l· ·iilUmirui. te' C?_Ur .. taSk 'in: th~- ma':irle:!" in' ,;,;;ich ':he .

spelled--out: how tow··rnuet~bo the·:upxootir~ of the old o.nd the· creation -of': tile neW. ·He tUrned io.'tho itlOs_t- fundSJtiental of allhu:nan' rolationa--thS.t ,·of. mali 'tO WO'n:an. !n 1 t we see· why· J·iarx· oppcaed both private p~perty and "vulBlJ.l7 commun1sm 11 1 ,. .. · - · · · - - ·- -- · · '


· .. n~o :lri~;fn1to dogN(lntio~ in which -mllll ~:<1L:t.o ·:ro;;hirnce:Ii' 1o ox}lreeoed in thia relation to tho w-cmn.n as· tho ·cpo11e end ha.ndmaJd of luat. For tho aooret of tho rola.tirmuhlp of' rnun ~tO _m~~-)'f1.nd::; 1 ts unamb1PYouo, defln1 tivo, nNil, obVlou~,- c:xPres_sion


Page 42: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

in the- ~iat1.onshl.P o:r man to woina.n, and in thiS wB.y, the direct, natuzaJ. :relationship between the sexes. 'Ihe direCt, natural-,: necessa.:cy: · ;celatiollship of man to. man is the -relatiorislrl.p o~. man· to-'\f'OmS.!l ..

clearly, "eaCh of' the human ·relations o:r_ :the :Wprld~seefng, hearhlg,­sm_en·, _tas_te, f'e_eling,_ thought,_ perception, exPerlence, ~wiehi_ng · c.ctJ.v! ty, lov1ilg11 :muat,_txanscend lnere equality, a needed f'ii-st aCJ,..ievemen":t--but·not_y~t-:

, the need_e_d · total: ~o%-ganiza. t.ton of· h~an ,~la. tiona .. · __ A boll tion. of' _the·. old j.s ·-: only ·:the 1'1rst ·.mediation._.- ."Only· by the transCendence of' _this mod1a:Uori~.; does 'tll'ere_~se positive Humanism,- beginning f'rom itse~.,!~_. ·._ :, ·-. --

As· o~le foll.ows: IJarx'.~ vi.ew of-_to_t.U_ freedOm,. one- can 'See how. :ra.r·. beyOnd teChri.ology Harx'a plii~os_oph,y 'of: :revclution ·extended. _be:f'ore· __ the atom "Was ·spllt and _out of it came, not the greatest Product:1:Y.e :force;. but the moat destructive A-bomb, H:.bomb and _N-bomb, 'lhrx _wrote __ in. these E_s3ays~ -~''fo- .

_have one basis _.foi-·lifo arid another f'o:r Science. ia !! ~-.a· lie;" tii th Hiroshima., we saw what-a-holocaust the ·lie of sepal.atil_J.g- the reason ·-ror _being -f'J:,:,m the reason 'for scientific development can beCome.: Now, rlth the eruption :.of' ~e world.:~tdde ant1-nuclea.r·_~ovemente··we can· Se'e all over~~ how~urgent it iS to stUdy and :practice t·arx's new .cont1nent_of·thou@lt; As the· great EnSlieh po'et, Wil1ia.m··BJ.ake·,- cxPre_ssed it, .bindi?S t.'la.n· · "mind-forged manacles. " tat us finish w1 th those ms..nacles once and -£or- all. a

It !.s with- the striving f'or euch a manifesto of_-total_ :freedom th~t I, as ·r-1a.rxist-Huma.nlct,- express my solidarl:ty with the Ixan:!.:m revolutionaries as we·. al1 aspire to a ne·.r 1nte~t1on8.llfll!l. , The- otruggle ·continues •.

HOvember, 1980 . Detro1 t, !!g'a.n

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·-~~-::..·.;,::._;_ "1.:;·,· ::"J!' ,;_,.~ :',~'.- ·,::'."

:-';:J-.f~v >;;~;?-,.:_._-·.;.:'":• ~!!"..-; ~:·.~ :;_~.""~r.:::;;<.'C·. ·_.c-~:c.:.::; .. ;:-c ":<:l~ .. t ,;_s~;,_~ <>.";f"":"'; .. - ?;·r,_ ::.,,.

r; _.,_-!""·: ;; -··-·; V''f,.:.• :-: :· .. -': -:: -~:· .'<:" :;. ',·, ~-~~~<~ -- -:· ·-~-!:·;:;;~ ~·,::·;:.~:·:':'"·~ ~;;:::_;~ [-JI\-.•i•·_;

··:_•:) c::·l·~i(lt~::r::)-.;t"" ~ _.l·-·.·.••J;-<-c.r:~:-~:-,. ;;·;··· ·•',r__...._ ,,.:. ;~;; ,,~~,::_ .::;_; -_,:rn ;·:~:-'1:~

·:.r-' "'· ~ .,. __ ~-.. >. . . ·-"!·::-:·v ·::i'i,. ~--r: ~~ •:r;:~:,__. -----::~c:~! • ."!.L ~:::."U lc X:-.:·B•>·.-" .:.:r .•. :

~ ::t :-, , ,,...,. ., ._. :_ -:··_-~pv~~~ ::~.3_., • J_.~-~-E! ,.· . .!·

Dear fC:harle·S .:Denby_:-~_,;:.:; 1 ~ :·,- .•.• _.. i .1. :-. _;; •• _. ...:._.;~~1 ~;·:'"!:.<).:-c.-~_;,!::----~:~.~- • :~·-· . :·' _,. ':·-.::;;..:· :-.. ~.-.-. ,.-.:. :· :~.-.,,_..j ~-.• _,.t,.,_·,::·.r.. ,;:_> ----- .. ·.~ '.>' ~.j:J: .~tn::·sure.:; there.:wil \ ,;·b~·-.<;:ov_~r~ge t~e.--:~i-~-:!:1 ; 1~~;.-,~n .. ;:~~~ .. ~i~ .--,_;

;!r:.tlte-:n~xt·:is~ue:::of;News.·~-&~-Letters., .i~lJ.t::)'I :-.~h~~ght,-,:t_~~ 1,~~~ ~~- ,~ct.:!:s-:; ... ~·~; · cuss with ~:you· 'S()me::of~_~the past_,_revol~t;i~nary: deyelopn1:ents __ ,thel::e ,.so,

1-'tllat:~tO_d_ay~.s,·:context~- dans-·be.--Se,en:,-'i,n .)t-~ 5~9t~l:~ty;~,,~~ha·~ _i_~ ·)tO'· SaY!;:~ not!:Cnly t-as ~-ahti-Sheh snd ~.-anti-:'itriperialis.m .. but<. ful. iy .. reV~l\J._tiOiia"rV. For:;;i:bat, :::we need::to..:return, to ·.November, .;·_1917 ~ .. ~~e~S_\lse:_~:l~- t~~S .1 ~~~,~: ramificat:ionS·tof::.the.--Russian·tRevolUtion- whiC"l. -spread throughout. the

"worfdland."included~.Iran.-.· , .. , · · · .. :,, .. _·: .. J, ··· ·· , · · ;:7··, ~~~ ~i;~~::~~i~g· ~he early w~~ker;,' .. ~~te' ~id '.;~s~.l:~:~b;;;g;.i~-

, thef'Tsar:!at!..imperia1 treaties; ,,-;,hich ·for. ·Ir~:lri-_mSimt ~-the ... :~nd:: ~£-'-fihEi . - - . .-' . . .. . ... ' ..... ~' .. -- . - .. '. .. ·~. old Anglo-Russian division ,.,here :cran in t·rte north wae Russia's !'Spliere~Of iil£-tuenceto·! .. ·.and • in.-:.- the south~rn. oil,-~fietds i~, ~as:.-.

,·]~n~le:t:~~~~n;. _: xt~.iS\'nO?-':.<rJ:an: tbat.:-stan~~- f~r C!i) . .-. -b':l~ _.'t.~,i~ar: .. b~~~ ~.~ 1 the'.-'tUrn:.:ot: 'the:.c_entury:-_-no ·:less th~~--2QO,~C'O:-~rani~~~.' <m.c'r'Y ~:rpm,_~i--~ ._the,J?ioVince.'i·of_'.Gilan-,.-.-_,.Rere:·worki~9~::in Rus~;a.'_ s,.C~~c::as~~n- oi,l;,. ~-; .. fieldS. -'rhS: 1905:·-Rusao-Japanea~_~war;: s?;lC?Ok Ul;)_. th~ . ...,.l. .. ·ho~e ~~a~t ~nCL_,,_, ;_ Middle~Ea:'lt",: :'since .:it:-: was~. tbe firSt,--tima, -an-}\_sia~. ~pow~~- ~~: .ov~;r , __

~:--:- Tiulr~~-;And·~-just:·.as·i within Russia .. -."it; produced a~ revol:ut~on., ~o~ lt_._ led ·::t·orthe establiehme:nt-::-0£ -the first MarXist groUp ellSo·.-in.·.:rari~ J:n any case .. by 1917, the re.;,olutiOnary impac·t On t-he_ l:'ra-~:ton·.~.--·;~-.·_- 1 ') masses, agein in the province of Gilan, led to a revol•Jtionary up.;.. surge 1wnich,·-by 1920, actually ,.etabliohed a. Socialist Republic in Gilan.·,,--, .... _,, · .. ,,_,, .. · .•. · · · .. · ·· ·· -,,., ..

:, ~ .,""'\ ' "'

. Since. it!was a coalition of~ Marxists· and nationali"sta .Which­established the Republlc. they no soOne~.~-e~l.ared f~r,_;a!i~- ':Ce~o.r.nt~ and the liberzttion of women from the vei.l than there waD a breatl:uP 'of 't'>at coalition.< nv· the til'le the: Republic, also trie<;3 .. to. H.berate Iran,·.· it- was' bloodily· put: down.·. And who; rio -you ~UT?P~~~ -~;~ ~.!:l_a~,. ~n

·;1921-?-'·I"t was· .. the fsther of t'ha·-present- Shnh·, .. n~nne1"; Riza··l<han_wc;- who soon: ther"!after~ crowned hiTnSelf the· s~a"1)."" · .. , ,~:-;;

•• ~ > .. ·"' ,~ .. ,,

Britia'>c im"'erialiem ·pern.itted his rule to continuo up to_l~orld

- 7261

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l"lar. :rr. By then, ~·lith u.s. imperic:ilisiT'r s connivance,. he was forced into exile becauSe "the Ti'est" -was suspicious of his de81inge·-·with the Nazis and wanted to_ keep t'tle sl.1.ipping lanes open for military aid. to their ·net.'f ally, Ru'ssia. That doesn't mE!:an t11.a_t they put dot.-m the eo-call~d PahlaVi 11 dyna_sty". No, they enthroried Ri~a I<han's--s-on, t}?.en pn_;tY 21. on~e again, there \>TaB the Anglo.-.RussiSn ocCupation of l:rct~---~nd __ t;~e young--Shah learned ·he was but a vassal of U.s.~ imper­ial·iSIO.. ·stBll-ri'•·s~'RU'ssia, hoWever, was not t'he Russia of Lenin· and ~rot~kyjl and had· its own illusionS about ... remaining i.n :Iran,_ dernand­ingt in ·fact, some oil conCess-ions .. At the Cnd of ~.oJWI:I,.- u .. s. _imper­ialism auic.!.<JY.''I>\lt:~a'n ·;'-ena -to.'thai:'"i·ltusi'oii''ai1d -'stalin also learned that u.s_. imperi~li:sm was ~ g1oba1· Power.. -

~'le knOt.,i' that u.s.' imperialism was likeWise :n-Ot 7Without .. ~'i.•l1u-·:j · sio~s. -7t_ dreamed that its military might was sufficient'to·keep·a neW ~-r{!VOiuti.qna~ \ipSUrcje': £%-Om :;rea:ppt::ia·ririg ~- .I'i!he r-exa'ct ~- oopo&i te wa_s the·.· ~ase~: Th'ili tin!e~-- 'tlle··-·Nat'iOna·l. ~Frorit~"·i}st,;_en_q1;)lE!ned:-;by.:prolet~rian ana ~pe,a~~arit'"ie·v:oits'/ succeedea; ~~1>y7·1951:;o :tn:::·PUttinq~Hossadegh in .. !~­poWer .. :-.,;ritli it '~Came·~'-the ~:ncitiOrlali~ation·.:Of:· the ::·oil-·-industry;:-::By .:.the ti~~-:·t:he·s~.-~·events~-1-i_ad: 'd~evei.Opea::sufficient:J.y to- -~ut ::£ear_,;in _the~! ("jr, hei!irt:_:,c)f_ the• mlan~ a'nd., .. t~cike ~'11in1-- fleer u.s: -·imperialism had_ -pr~duCed ··a ·:giOlia'l'- 'cOtrl War';'·~-~~hicb':hrou9nt rgiSenhoWer=·to-;;the~:~ftlite r-Housei·-.;;--~ Dulles· to the State Department and J.f~.arthvi:am: to :the·,\U~S' •. ~W'it!)in---a.­week of the _.Shah's fleein9"r tlte CIA ~ng'ineered a militart coup and­brOU911t~:tne-~~_han b:~Ck:·-to . .:j:;oWer::· -:'rhe reJ)ression::-started·rat. once~ it WC:_ii" nOt~'tOnr:J -thereaf.ter·-~-tha£·: tli·e: SAVAR>6Utdid tne·.-:c:tA'.in-·.brutSlity-.

. "''1 :.~--. -~~· ··_;-, ~ .. _:_r.- .. :.'.--;, .. r• -.~;_'· ..... -.. --· ••. ·'··'· r ""1"-. . ,. . - . _· ' ' :. t~-': -:,_ ,_) .. ·:::;; :.:re ···knO~!, tlla€ · t~e-;;l9c:}0a-··were a=-::revolUtiona%-y. tlecade thro_ugh~ut

the! ~6l:-id-~- -:·But-:':the' -'boUrgeOiS _ presB~'l iri ·:·this.-: country:-:_ So.' l?layed_!up_·;,!:~e sn'ab. tg. SQ:;Catled i.u~rtJ-i~te -·RevOiuticin"~~a: milf:l-.~lana-,...reform-~that;wha~ itic1-_·n0t'~ st8tl_d~"0Ut:\_glarin.g1Y. ~Jas·.~tha t,.,_this· .Caroe ,after; ,tben:Sbah.-:maaea­cred:'a genUiU~lil.-.T?oPU:t·ar Uprising··' iri=-Teln:·an~ i tSel·f:'· in: 1963 ~·~_·Along-~ with ~:the·ae _deVetoPTit~ntB: Carne'· tnec:billiOiis"·· from: oil·• l the~• c:orruption il1: t~e p!ii~Ce-·-·ana-- in the' nlil:ita%-y,-· the,-:qopb_li~q up"'".of.;t~ose ·:_bi-llion:. iil"·ilrmBr ana:--tne~--Shah•S-·neW Gran"d :rllusion..,t'hat'he:..was truly:-a .h_~_.;· global powr. "· "'··· - .,,., . ..,... ., • · "·- .,c. ,.,,

. ' -' '• - • .£ ~ -· -- ! -- ~ '"! ~ "

. •-!'1at ·'th~yall' try to forget' is that • the 1970s are. not. the .1950s, either in J:ran or in tbc u.s. T11e CIA does not have- any srich pOwer as it 1.zielded in 1953 in the :tran Coup--wb.ic"l)r unfortunatell .. does no'~~ niean '· tnat· th8y· dO ·not- have~ intentions· of~ ·rel;)eatingc- a-nother cOUnh:tr-i:-eVOliition-·-in- :.:r~an-::· -:.-~· · - - -·- ----·: ' ·: · · -

----· - ' -.,·;

:··The .very:-- fact·' th.;,t· rn8rtia1· -law had -to· be declared not only in Teh·rar.·r b~t_- _in."ll' Other ~ci tie a,· :including Itifa_l-tan;- a tso -biings; up: the i.rUeStio11 ·of -the_· ·rel.:i\r:J,ous movement. _The-_-Shah:tries.-_to __ cover __ the unyielding ~eVOlt ·of>tne ·masses---as ·if it. were nothing· reore--~the.n· a -1'tr:Oh 11 urged on b~{ those •11ho •'lish to turn the clodk · ~~ile . tbe-re· is no--dOubt' th3t some o~· the' Moslem clergy; ere rea'c::tionarie'-Sr it is not true that they are setting the directionr that tbey _com­prlse what the Shah, with -'his penchant for contradictions, calls

' '7'>•''2 .. """b .r -

Page 45: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a



"Islamic Marxists. 11 ~'lhcat -is true is that when a revolution is genu­inelY_ popula-r. it involve-;-the_ nation -as a wltole. And ·iri that con­frontat"ion some unsaVory charaCters may be preSent.

'": _,, ••• • •• _' ----f ---.--_·· .......... -.~-·< ' j .·_.·

·~·'_:: :J;.~::)-i~~i~h~.j~~~ -:I!loye~n~·~·bo~~~f!r-.: t~~t:_, deCi~~s"~~~ .~ire~t!On·~~;- ~~'- -rais_es .. the, __ flag of ;-liberation,._ and-1shouts.,, .. ,~_Dpwn With:. the;,..,S"nzth~-- as ()~~-- 9~, ~~!~ma~y ~~~~a.s;~~9_~:-;~~~- en~::~~~-~~~~~~!tYi;a-n~Y. :~~~~p~d:~b.Y~:~~: ~e:r~~~n .}~IEP,e~!!!'l~~':'l?· :~ r::F9~ -:,~h~t; ~~~t;~i:--1-;,-::~~l)'!e ~~::-tlt~ ~~~~:;~~~~a;_ .. ;;~ · women s~udents:-~have~started to. wear ~--the_ .yeil ·• ~ _not_ .. bei:ause _"'theY -~are

~~!!~~~~t~!~~~~;~~~)~ .. ~~: •• Jltl~ 'b~~,;~~~·.t~~~~·~ii~~ :;~~ ~. ~~:- ·~~ ,~:;~· .•. :.;f~r[·.:- •.::··~f.-. ,-,_~, ':·~~.;··_~-,~~ ··:·;:: .·-.{~£:.:-~_~~::___"-,-.,.:- .~-··.· .. _ •. _.,'.:'. :.-sc\--;\-,:·. ,::.·::·:: ·,-:·_, .. ,.f;; Fr~m~::tl).~!- ~mper_ia lis~~~ .. , rilC)>!=It. -.~e~q:tionary:ol?oi~~·-~P~ _: ~;e~~-~1)-d.,_ t~at

is headeC! by u.s. iroperi.alism--let us not. forget that it i.s not just the S~a'h that,_it:J,.being protected against the _mB!Js revolt •. but the global interests-of the imperialists. And it is not at all exc1uded that. if the.-Sha1-t and ·his mi1itary regime cannot totally destroy this movement, tb.e Shal-t would be removed .. Evervtbing from a "cons-_ t~.tutiona1 monarchy" to a full mi~itarv_ regime is possible~-

.t:-Jhat makes it not just pOssible, but .. probable,. is the fact that the other global -pat'ler~ Russia, is not :rei:!By to 'initiate t-T"ttri m.•er :!ran. And.t,e supposedly more revol.ut~onary regime, China. _though_ it considers Russia as Enemy Number one, finas 'liore in cOmmon ·-with

-Russia in t'he sense -that, as state caPitaiists., the:O, are just like the 11private 11 capitalists in tlu;ir total. oPPositi.on to ·one· thing arid

· one thing only--and that is an outright ?roletarian revolutionary regime. is t~e international tragedy--that the Left., even that part of it \-1hic'll does see that Russia and China 'lave separate national interests that out Weigh everything else, floes not see-that it is not only as nations t~at t~ey do not come to the aid of the revolutionary movement: in xran. •. it is that they aro opposed to revolution--genuine mass revolutions in t~eir own countries and

--else-where. it ·is tbis whi~h unite~ them a9ainst spontaneous- r~volt: th~ugh each., as nation., considers tbe ot~er, as nation, "'Enemv Number One, .. both are errually opnr-:ded to ra'\roJution, nationally and internationally ..

, ~ _, .At __ thi~ point, -.h~weve~'. bo_th- of these nat~_ons are simply standing' aside·. ·American imperial.ism wil.L' do--nO· sUch t.hing.· 't-vl•CL'ot:cu:; it cannot achieve '•rhat it ac'hieved in the Cold 'o7ar. it hno no in­tenti.on whatever _of letting t'he revo1".ltionaries ·win. l:t cannot be underestimated that it put t~e present Shah on· t~e thronet it killed the nati.onal Uvolution in 1953: it nre:fers 'the Shah:-wltom it has arm~d- to the, teet1t, . above_ even saUdi Arabia as_ ,••t'le- gueranto.r · of the Gulf and the :tndian oceans."

:tt is not only tbat Iran's oil (and that is' second on1y to

Page 46: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

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s~-udi_- A-r~bia Is)·.·, is c'ruCia"t to ~lest~rn. impe-rialism. b~-t th8't Xran 'is'~ tlie ii:iai!SBgeWay_-::.fof.::a il~:of/ tlie '-~Ml'ad·lei·-E_S:St:_~·s·- o·i t~'·to:·~tbe? u~·s·.

_·EurO~dand~\Tapan·~'- _j'lJ:-nd~ed'ZJ-iitS~ge·ograPniC··-lOC:~-tiOti ·make·s~it ev~i:y~£ ·o bitY~socruCf!8·t~·to~tlie:,.wnOie 9tobii'L_c0rl£1iCt'~a·a·!£t~ 'Off:O:.; .... for i.E fB'?.l

thf3rip8g_sageway t:b:fthEi :tii"dla~ :r(;cean_ asr·'Weil:·~ as ';t1i~-:_·R~0_0ScEi~ ,-:~tli~'f 0;h! ;cro_ssr&adif.~co~_;€H_e=Middi~~:Ea_st--~~_and-:;a'i~o ·t:o_jA-%ii:c_:a~·~<-·;·Not·:;orJry_·; _ '';;-."':G~: __ there£0re7:]zml~e 't"'e' ~sOli&ctri~et . ._,it:h . th~ · :rran~an:-:MaSses~~~u:J8iniit.!.ir! S"~ · bnperi'alism;-···-hUt·wa trtUet focus on the ·:eact_.that· u.'s:. imperialiBin-rr:· heads 'the qlobal· counter-revolution'·... The-. best \BY to end -that

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