' PHJ:LOSOPHY? WHAT :IS REVOLU- TTClN? 1789-17931 1648-1850:, 1914- 1979 -- Dec. 11, 1979 'IPJrn ;t- ' uNFoLDMENT OF, !>.NO CONTRADJ:C- REVOLUTJ:Otl -- Mar. 2_5, J:979 _J:RANJ:AN .. j:' 'S :!-844 rnJMllll'J:ST --: NOV., 1980 ·-·· .. ::rRAN's pJ::VoLtrio:rollAHY i?AsT ,..- AND PRESENT ·. -- Nov:.' ·13 , 197 8 - .. . ,-_ ,·_ . - J by RAYA DUNAYEV $1.50 NEWS &. LETTERS E. VAN BUREN ST. 701 -.· C/llct;.GD.:·. •">0605

Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

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Page 1: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


TTClN? 1789-17931 1648-1850:, 1914-1979 -- Dec. 11, 1979

~;-_,- 'IPJrn ;t- ' uNFoLDMENT OF, !>.NO CONTRADJ:C­REVOLUTJ:Otl -- Mar. 2_5, J:979

1'1:,,{:~~:~~:~,;:~~T~~~~~;~~~~~~ _J:RANJ:AN .. j:' 'S :!-844 rnJMllll'J:ST --: NOV., 1980

·-·· .. ::rRAN's pJ::VoLtrio:rollAHY i?AsT ,..- AND

PRESENT ·. -- Nov:.' ·13 , 197 8

~ - .. . ,-_ ,·_ .

- J




~~t;~~·:: 701 -.· C/llct;.GD.:·. •">0605

Page 2: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against

. L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

·Aa:.thor- of PBn.OSOPHY A...'iD ~OLUTION a.n;f :l'larsism. a.ad Freedom

. Edltor's 'Not~: The' foU.ntring was urritt~ IU a. $pe·

C:..al introductimi· to the Fani ·.editioB_ol ~v-~ Political-­Philompnie Letun on the Iranian. J:ft'Oluti.on.. 1979-l9BZ. ~ Ratta Dw14yl!tl'.vcm;a. T1ut: r.to:t·:"":!!"~. published Jtm• 25. 1981. ;s entitLed •:wnct B'a.<!--HG~,i to the !rcniar. Ret~olution? Has It .d.Zreadv .f.'J.l3 I ':6 Counl!' into rt.s OtJo po:ite. Counur.Rmclutian.? C).-.J.::.:h It &' Saved ar.d. Deepened? .. See ad bc[Ou::l. · -\\

The Revolution ln lr:ltt has re&~b.ed .so sharp a turn­around that it,';%u!i :appeu that th•! c:oanter-nvolution' has all but.~r.illowtd it __ ~;:.; nuL 'ittat simply im•t true.

·It is tue ·that the·-. iltP (l!ICmic Republic Party) bu mo:::opolhed all W\te and military pow.-.r md that its Orll:&- squ:uis are executi:l.g zenuin.a rcvolutionarle$ _wbo bave awakened to wbat has happened since the IRP a:ained power - toblib.rian., feudal-c~pitallstic: power. bles&ed by a Khomeim wbo has ~ 211 ".spiritt:al" u well. u eart!:JJ.Y powers. It b uot true that Khom-eiDJ. can do. wha.t tho coU1bined might ·of the Sba.h a.nd his pro-p. the U.S.·nucleu Titaa th:1t kept him ill puwer for 2!5 lone years. eonld not do. They ea:1 not -extinguish the ne...,.. world beacatt of rcvolutioouy power t!::a.t. w:zs lit by· the 1979 revclution in Ir.m.

·'!"he very fury of those llrla&' squacb--naw l"ellching for every facet of the nation. i:u:lud.lna: its clilldren­proves the very cppo.site. It reveals how deep and mas. slve is the revolutionary oppasiUcn to· 1lle powen-tha.t.. be.. The most 1.-oaic: of aU the a=;pect:s of thl!l '12te=:£Dt c..'la.os iD the land ls that t!Je Communbu (Tudeh). the Trot::sky'..sts, the :Maoists• are all supportinl( the Kho. md!IJ. restme. Tba. opposit!ou compr:..se those who were tbe spark a.:1d a.c:tual fon:a :.s ·.;,eU u the ~..sou of the re .. ·olutlon: from the- oU war~ who ca.rried · oot the heroic SO-day·lonl ·strikes that drove the Sb:&h from power. to the lfUja.hedeen: L~m the Women's IJbera. .. tion llovemen~ whicb be-.a,n "Chapt£1' z•• of thle revclu· t!ou. to . the yout!l. whWie quest for univer.~:ality .as heard the world ~o1ad: as well as the minorities. Kun::b esl)edally, whose struiale fa:- ~1!-determ.inatlon sUll continues. ·

. IS REPft.ODJ:ClN'G the Lette~ that tnced the revolution in lra.n a.s it u.n£olded. it becomes clear t.'u.t rellgicn is no substitute for· t. ;~hllc:=phy of llben.tion. Quite the contr:ary; its mysticism only shrouds the eie. mental forces and deviates fl"Cm the masse:. lD. modoa and their quelt tor univer:~allty-!rcedcm. "I'lu.t is why, !:'Oro. thl! begirznin:. we w:arn.,d :against the undn!':nf. maUaa- of Xhol!lliliU's :.ower and the price that th; mullahs would exact. for bav-l.ng :allowed the mo.oquej; to be used !o.r: meetin&s of. the Left du.riDIZ' the rm~ of tbe Sha.b wbe.c lt was ille&al to mut els.wbue.

!!:ut. ju~ a.:i lt ;~ ~=-= t~ ll!:de..~~t= ~: ;:cwar c! Khcmeini and the IRP. so 1t is wt'0111 to ave..-. esti:n:u:e their power now. 'tb:at ls u:ac"Jy wbat tbey "'!lsb. us to do. TI:lst i3 ux.Uy wbat. we mw; not !et

• Tl-t S.lli,.. .,..,, .. :!t:;~r. :1. 19tlf. I" =nnti"O '" tft.'Q1'1H'I :.tt:~t. It .. _, ••~"' ~..- ... en '" '"!ro" : .. "'ot::n.,..• c:,.~ ''"'• te Ot'Ot,.'l• tt-• !:r~n .:t •-•t. "'' i' 110; ... fo:rce• 'of"d 1?1• Nl•n ore )0'1• ir c:,.,=tv<;CI :...,r H•f <I ;-QIO'\•ul '' ,_ II'Cin ...,erou.a '" <ntet'1'>CII ~til!,_.

them do. Ncr can we allow delusions to Boat about­whether they are sowt1 by ~d.sadr _and M:l.s$oud R:ljavi. wbo oppose Khomeini. or by the Communists/ T;-atskyists/llaoi.:ns. who justify Support of Khomrin.i by "xting u if his tnisttse of tha pbnse .. and-imperial· ism" is ""pro&res,$ive:" and leads to &enuine worked power.

Instead,. let us true the ._-revolution both as it ocetUTed. :and. as It retrogressed. and let us see tbe forms in which the revolt ls OttU.r:iag llOW. The ,op: pomtion to those. in power ls by no mems limited to the llajahedeen; thou&h tbey are eertainly_ not COUDter­rnvolutionaries. their bombs are· but. the· opposite Sde of Khomeini's firing squads. What wu at first UWe reported in the press WOlS the ne:u<ivil war th:at is n:ginc. And even now that it is- being reported, it is being mad.a to appear ::: if it !lowed out of the bomb. throwing. The truth is tb:l.t tbe ac:tucl. mass demon· .strntions. the street b.attles, bad ·long been ongoinz_ Take the battles in do"U.""'!~wn Teheran on Sept. 9. They were pnceded by three d213 of demoDStra.tions at Mos-. ndegh ·(formerly Pa.hlavi) University. Tbey w~re sup. pressed t.y the :so<::illed- "!tevolutionary Gu:ards" and .somewhere between 40 to 100 were killed. I.Jter3lly thousands have beeJ1 been_ e:c.ecubm by Khomeini.

T2IS DOESZ•!"T MEA.."l that the new revalutlan.aries are for lhe retu=n to power of Bani.Sadr--.or ll:a.ssoud R=!javi. On the coatr.:u'7, the youth are_ q~tion(ng: What had Ba!li-Sa.dr done wben he w:as iD power to help the workers maintain their shor.lS and demand the richt to control production? What ha~ he done for the students whose quest !or univer9.llty w= being 2eted out throu&h their br..obtalh, t.bcir m:my D.!Ws-­papers. their dlscus:sioa.s ot :ill ideas of !reedoml' ~d be Mt, r.ltber. hcl.ped ::S.'!tome.inl aad U:s IRP close down Tehenn University'3" o~n adznlssioas? ·

What bad he done when the women nat only dem· onstn.ted oa Intenu~tlon:al Women'$ 'Day. but c:ontinued their protests. shoutiDc: .. We fet1~t fer ~l!'dom and ecn unfreedom'"? That c:bar;e had been .-directed nat only aplnst Xhom~tini :md the .IRP, but 2cahut. the "llber:ll'" Ghotbudeh. who ccatrolled the %D:lS::li m~dla and refused to extend covena:e "to their Movement and their demands. TI:e women., like the Kurd.s. h;~.ve eer. t.ainly not !een the desires af the masses being re:aUzecl • whether thaP; be the ~elf-detennin:hion· uf nation:alities or o! Ideas. Instead. bad not' Bani.Sad.r :md Rajavi­llke all the rest-bowed to the Cons'Jtution :and its in· stitutiorul.i=\tion of the&.:ney in the fonn of the Offict! o! Rell&iou.s Guide?

As for those who :arc pro-Russia (tUce Tudehl. or those who are pro-China. as well ;.s Uzose (like the TroU]Qists) who are_ taUendbts of the sb.te<apl.t.illsts who c:all tbemselve:s Communists-they have all not only t.illended Khomfini but have accepted his f.:Ue ..anU-imper12lis:m'" (especially ia the lnq·lran wsr) :~.s !! • t:-.:.:· :";\CZJ._ tr.lhl t1Q;l:i.U."\j .!or lhe n=vo1ut.ion. ·-''.Anti. lm;~erialism'" h:as t!eeomtt laut the phr:a.se used to hi~o -J ;he·· e~hlitattve,• tiM•IilM'tarr, -1~atk!o-oflawn ... of· ..the• ('.:) IRP, "NhiC!l is no dttfereru than that o1 :111 c:apiWlstJc t'V rulet"::. Of eourse ti.S. imperbUsm ~eeb to· ncl.ln 0 ?Qwer Ia Inn. But it is :~.ot t.'lc on-ly erne ta do so; and t!'1te other nucteu- Tlt:n, Ra.:ssia. hu the :adv::ant.:ace of havine: ~ p.-rty In Ir.an.

Page 3: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

THE. (h~Y- WAY to .w::u~e :t genuine strua:&le ag.::Unst imperi:lli!lm is to _op~ the exploit:ttive r.lleo in. one's own counttY.-That·is what the masRS did in the Revolution when they_ ·drove the Sh:lh out of ~wer, dong- with ·his proteclor, U.S. imperi:illsai. They did. not stop there~ They_ nised the _ b:mner- of ':tn::edom.

· total L~m. not . atta.ched to :w.y st:tte power-U.S. or RIV",sia or :my·· olhrr _ exploitativ~e power, including tlws.e in the' -lfiddlC! East. When the Ir:uri2.D. fuvolueion tDok: ctt aU tb: pcrlest:ll- it h.:od oc-cupied as it it rep. resented. the "cu.lture" of lh.e lt!ddle East. it cpent:d

' :an entir~y new stara · llf world 'freedom. I:l :t. • wcrd, . revolution, not .. oil",. b~eame the key not alone for

Ir.ut or even the :\fiddle E:ut. but· for the >w:orld youth · who Md Men fighting :ill c:tpitili.tts ud impuialists­. ~:ally the zocy U.S. but- by no me.:m.s oaly tbe TI.S.. · . · 1:1 a word, we repeat,- when a C1lUntr,' Uke Inn

showed tlmt- it· coilld d.Wode;e both a !lhah and· one af the two :z:tuclear Pants -from- its power bau In- Ir.u:t. In oU. in the geo-pollUcal Gulf reSion. it prover'; how Olll-powerful- 2re li:J2!tR'S lD motlou who -~old lit- their ha.nds a b3Ill:er of fre.:d~m. The outpoarins: of million=: made· it_ impassible to think of terroriml (wilether of SAVAK ,or at the _bamb-throwen) u oill·S)Owerfu!. What

, , , "\n::_ all-powerful· -~re ~ in motion-tabor. youtb, mtional minoritieS, Wam.ens ~tiol1ists. -·

Tba lf2VIt eocr.'l.diction i.e. this eJ.emutal revolt was thU it was without a :philosophy of -rcvolutitJ:Z.. We

, ~ nEed o:tc: :ag:Un to stress that rells:!on hi· no Subst.ltute for- a :pb"Josnphy cf reorol.:.t.fou, I! even religiOn. w;:m a phllosophy~d it, theo~tl~" ue act:l.ng as i! it were- the key word is ~olatfoa. nat religioa.' whether lsl:lmlc, or- Chr"..:sti.:UI,_or Buddhis~ or Jewish, or any Gther. Wha. contributed to the bilure cf the revolt: ln past-World W.uo II to matw"e, to_ revolutions lD West Euro-pe wu an admi:rture of rell;ton and social revo· lution; the !ormer onlY diluted the latter.

XAB.X l!ADE a distlnclion betweera tho religion ')f "..the appn:3SOr and that of the oppressed, whose vaice he reca!):n!:ed u the .. sigh of the oppre~d. the heart of a heArtless \I"'rld • • • Tbe aboUUon of reUgion :u peopl&"s waso..,. ha.p-picess b the dem:md !or tbelr real happiness • · , • Thus it is the immediate task of tJhilcs­apby wtuch b in the serY'ic2 ot hi.stoey to IJ.Dm:uk human seU-:illenaUo:a." To 1Zn real freedom .and b:aupi!less

meant" ·to t!":lnsfonn the reaUty which compel~ s~c.:.'I human. !elf-alienation ;~nd to thus g:Un r-e:ai freedom.

What Is haunting· Khomeini. who. has- made that substitutiOn -of reli~iort for- a philosophY of revolution, is not Only a whula -host of $1li!ctre:l..' but an an&:olr.; revolt. ·r do not mean thie: '_terTorists who. ar-2! killing them.selns :a-. great deal more than the IRP leadership they Ol!"e trying to lllilodge. I me:m that wh2t con.fronts Khom~lni 'i;-·a 40 pel'1:'ent unemployment. 2. runaw3y in!latioa. the discontent o! 'tbe pe35.Ults u well :a.s the work.er.s, the or:o;::oing reyolt frOm below;. . . ·.

, rone word mora· mu'st be -said on the· bombs. No one, not even lhe :S.1ujahedeen. c:guld h2.ve gotten 'th:it close into the inner sacctum. There i5 opposi.UQD.. 'trithln. the IR..~. 'Within the .. l'utisans of God." They are re­Sl)On:sible for "s-ee11rity'' ':lnd they :tlone could have had that :1.~.1 ·

Rer:lemberiue the hlgb';)Oints of the Re:Tolution _doeS not mun fora:ettina th:z.t it b.as now reached a point .of retrosre~ion. The impUSc in the Iraq_-Ir:m war iJ not. a:s pivotal as the move- backw:ttd in fnedom.s :usd. :!nd.=·

,pende!!.ce --at home. Thl! revolution .h:u:l: its cl.emint:d upward sura:~ -~<lt ·lacked a p:,ilosophi Of revolution and eaald- not dbclo!le: .the troail to toW freedom as wdl as solidarity with all those thfl warld _over wbo wished to folbw-lls lead. What is needed is the woril:. in&" out of a thea~ that_- -.oulc! never a pin s=:p:lr.lte 1be!f from the :actuality. an)' mon: than the ·actullllt;y c:m be ~par::~.ted from theary,

n b _tawatd tnat end. -of uniting· a pbnosophY· of revolution with :m :~.ctual :1!:Volution, th:at the other. the ~ ~.nd Americ-..1-the revo!utioauy ~ar.dsl·:iurr.anist Tendency, whJch e:Qn!les it-bas worked.'- It is _this which led. u.s to follow_ the unfoldment of the Ir...nl:an revolution and to solidari:te with it. We :tre one with you. WP. will do ~ll h-. our power to help the fight for freed.orn. ·

:the S!ru.a:;;!e. eon~t~y;es.. ,


Page 4: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

-· ~- , .

.-.-~;:~~~- ~v~·i7,~~-~ ?;.j t~~~[-;~;:{_:·~: :?~:; -~ ~~:~:_-· ,. ~=··.:~ ;~{:f~h,~--~J:r,_:~:-:-.~~:~}~~:~-~-~:?1 ;; -~9-ai !(;hat--Has Happ(l·ned··-to· the·-rranian~'Re·vo1utJ.on? Has- 11?_ . U.r..~_agy Run. TtR Cour~e into its Qpposi te ,- Counter-Revolu-

.,..:-;-~-,;:--tion?..:--Or; C~n •. it .be.·-Savedrand· Deepened?J- ·.:::· -,-_;,_£-- ·

"'·~-,~ 'l~ ':'•'.0.·-~·: --~"Cf:. .• i:-~:···,,--::, :;--.._;- -~-·~ .. ,_ ---- ~::-:;·:.~.-:;_::; :~·::-·_;

.,_~, _;- D~~ll\_·~~e:r.-9-.si-':- . . -. '' -~ · ..... ·-- ... . ' .... - ___ ,, '-{ ,._ \

--2.·1 /, __ .-:;·:.~: :·:~~ T,l;te _. f~-~!V:c:;.l ~r;- Pr~_sic.I~n;i;; ~Bap.i~~f,:td.;-.,· __ ,-:f:i;r"s:t~_-_frol!l.:))?-!3 ;;p_o_st,:as

. ~: ~?~~~~~~i~7~l:4eE_~:-~ ~11:~ ~-:~ ~i;t~in _ ~?:-: ;?!?-C~1·:. c:Iay .?.•. :; ~~-~ "U!l~:-: _22 _ _, ~-:;fx-.9~--~ jlis ·pQ st- as;~ ;E?:~ s_i9,_ent, ·.accompanied.' in~ bo_th-, Case'_~ ;:by .-,armed~ gangEi·c, ~hpu:t:l-ng' "De~.'th,· __ t~~:B~iSa'&_i~::·o-~at_h-- t~ · t·h·e_--s~~~~d;- sh~!_!~ :~~-s-,:-br~u~ht-~~1J:~;·_g9~~

'· ..:.,-te~::~~~~i~t"i~n~~~-~ eleme~t·s _ t~ ~ ~lich ·. d~~i~~-c·~·-_..t-ha-t_.-.o~~ · ~1.1~t . ~~k;.<,Have ,o,.- ·. ti~~ ·: ~;~t·;~di-~ti~rt~~> i;;_·:~-~--- ~r~i~~--, R~v~ i~tibn. -~h~t~ ;~~e' pr~~;~~-~~?-~

-~ ~~e.:~-~~t--;;~-~~h-~d·:·. ~ _c~u~t~~-r~voitt"tit~A~y :_-~i,.~a;·:? ~--· :~.What;~-.i~d~Gd,._-~as ,.f~· , .. •.--< ', '. _- • · • c'"-~ ·. '-~---.--·-··"' I,"•

happened: tO_ thS .. Iranian Revolution tha-t .was, So-~.massive, .sq ,courng~ous, ·-·. _.,"· -__ ,__, .-·- ·'-~;" .... ,. ,< . ~ ___ ,. ···- ... • t--·· -.' '_,_ ......... , •... ~ _.··

. _so_· persis:t~~t .. ~_ll-."th~ long _preparatOry st~ikefL that, becam~;-.-8;_-.qe~~~a~ Ma~s.Pol.i tical St;,.ik:e ,and drOVe. the 'Shah from ~ow~;,.?. · ):quld the<rev<i­iu-ti~n-·h~~-e i~sted~no~-~oZ7e than.o_~e.-~hd_:a- -;ai:r :;ear~?- .-.I~~-its b~nt:--to ·

. _d~~o-~ .i~t~~ow~---~hildr~~--"T~d. in. ~~ .i~sen~i~ive_· ~-~~er -~~lso _it~.-•• ···; -". '•-'- ' -.-·. -~:_--·. - •• ,, __ .... ·'.\''-. ,_. ________ ' 0 ,_ ,·~-·-·--' • -' -·~

,.poets ·a·s, :to have_,- arrestecl _-Saeed. sti-ltanpour_.;a:s he: was~ being wed .. and~-­'~ho,:,tly ther~~ft~~ .:to. hav~, executed .1A;,~,1,; •flo uqi.m;ecl~d? .. E;,~;:,

_,_, ____ ...... '·" .·. --. ,_, . ·" '. ·- "' . . .. ; _, __ ,_., ''·--· .~.: ' ·'· --s't,.s.lin. didn '. t act that rapidly and .,that.,deadly,. against :th~::Russian .. poets~ ... Has th~ ,;e~~l.~tio~-- al.r~~adY --~tin its· ~hoi~ ~~urr.~, ... ~:trf:l~ght>in­to its oppOsite, counter-revolution?


Let~ a not rush .to :fina:l;- j~dgrr.ent •. The .. _decisive ,ques:tio~ .. has no1i._yet ... b9en .. answered, .. ~What about ~tho m~sse~\·1h-1- a~hie~~d .thaj:;_

-· •-· ': --·-··-·-- ,,,, .... ------.--.-· ' ' -r.~~at_~,UB:l rev~lutiOl_}.:...~.inst their OWl]~ .t::'~~e-~-~and· his foreign hacker!

l{,•,s• ili!P."Eio;:±~'?-'ll.wl;j,"h· !'"'<!. E,t'Lh~n.'.JrLEQ.'IY.•£. ""-'\.1£!:P.t h!,m th~.!_e :f'o_, .'! whole auarter o:f' a century? Had the 1917 x·evolutionaries .written off . ···--- . .-" ; ... ', . -.-.- '-' .. ' - --~--- :-... . .. , the Hussian Revo.lution.in,.l\,ugust, the coun:ter-revolut.ionary M9.l'jt,h o:f' ..... ' .............. ""1'·" Great ,slander, .there would.have been no November Revolution •.... ,,Lot.

:US ~i~s~ -/~~a~ip.~--:~.h~ _.o.~je~-ti~-~- _an~::~~bj_~.c~~Ye ,_~i_t~~1:i,~~. ~o! .. e. c_lo,S~~Yt no_t .. for. any .. _schq_l_a,_~tiC?. purpos~s, but to s_e~ __ whe.ther. ,ther.e, 'is .,a way_..,to s'ta:ve ·~ff ·the :full thrust o:f' :the ~nr,~i.~g c-~unter.,,;evol~t·i~n, ;md .thus . - ' . - - ' ' . . -- ·:- ·' _, _. ,_,'' .. . ' - . return to. the 1979 .r.~vc:>lution and its go~ls .. ~s _well as .its .m~ss, _-parti-

cipation. .,· .. ,_


Page 5: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


i-_,,i T':'e- FaiF of Bani_;.;sadf urider the Vlllip of !(homeini- arid -JJ.~S Co_unter-Revolutionary Islamic Republic Par_1:Y r

·:,~;~:-;~-~-·:{:~L;}_;~~l~=i3.~.~-~~~~-~:~-:~~-~~~~~-~~-~=~.-, ... ~Y:·'" -~~~~~f.·'~-. -- • ~ ·~ . ,~.-~ -', ~~~- ~~--~_::~.7-~~~-·- .-~, :.~; It- is,.-- of" · · Cciur se; _ -no ... ~-stnaJ.-i -:-me. tt·er .:that~::!..!?~~ shOrt:~;months- af-

t_~r Bani-S2.dr was elected as the .first pr_esident_ ever n:r. I:i-an_ by no le-ss .-tllan 7 5 p~rcent of' the popul'ation,. he ·has ·aee·n driV'ew-. _:f~'O_m-:::of'i'ice

-"·cby:t''Jthometn.i} ... vihOik~-BBhi-s·adr-itad:· gi1ren.: Shelter --in-~- 'PB.ris"';,:;hen. _the AYB..;;,­toila!1 'Jiacr: be_eri "el<peUedc fi'oinOlracr: c• 2J.:f'ter' ;,_-'verV'·i:.i:-ie£1playihg' wl th

~=-:·'tiie::· dcimocr~t-ic ·--.~natianS.ri s:t: i~t·e1-i~ctu8.1S·~ ,-._·b~r' iiatning-~-Eaili;;·sadi-~~ tb~-' be ::.cominahder·.:inichie_f·;;:Id10M~iJ1i;~raced to<· t!f9 ·~-o·st: n8r!i-O:~-~:theocr~tlC·;··.' ·­

"';iD0nC'p0I.istl_ci ~· one-PeXty':~_-state; "·Wi_ih~'Ona-~Mru,·:RU·i~"' ~~--::h-iS; Own;,v a:s-·h.ei had ~1~1~YS--PiaM_ed.I·· .. -ThEi' 1gcons·~ V/hO' -c~ii:· them1eiV~s,- He'Zb6ii8.hi:~ ·c Parti.S~s

-~~=of'· dod)} ~vigil~te-:.:ii~~-' carry:tng:: Oi.tt_:·.al.'r· o~tfers. Of·- the-~IRP·;--·-immedl.~te­··J:y;,_a_m.:r_~uiided~ .. th·e· · Ot:riCe:s.~··ot-- the Pi-~Sideii.t~- "'Sh~Utl~'- :ror··. -hiS.-- dea·th~: · Wh;ie~:'bhEinting:,"( aS-- theY "'iAd:l.Scrir.iiiiiiteiY _,wieided···t·he ir.-· We~p~na · Ot~-·ter­'ror),-'' ''Tii<i'onl~-"ieader-is pu_,_;ollah! . The only -party iiFth~-:PartJot "aOd-!" ;'Hivi~g. th.US:'rhY~ed th~·-·AyatOliB.h ·IniQMeihi • S··'riiini~ Wi-th no····ie~s thEm <ioct-~himSelt7 ''-they'"beil.~--ve -·,they C~n'~ -unbW:-d~nkd·-·bY"'anY 1 -i:-espon~i-bili tie·s .• --~pZ.OCeeii''tO---'cr'9ate{.-'hB:v06·-·· in.- an· alreadY··:chaGt:1C. State ,:,f- :the . e cOliOffiy _:; · ~0 -~·pe~Cent · ·:tail-"in · Pr~ dUcti~ii, ·4o· · pGrcen{~ri Se': in ·,~:{lAem:Pioy-

-.,·- •• -~-·'· _A_, ...... _, •• ~---~· -r-~ __ ..... --- .. c ---- -~·--- -'---- -.,. -·'· -·-· .... . ment,: ··rUn-awaY ·infla:_tioi-,~. the· Kurdish insurgency,. and labor and--peB.s-

,<~cint\.tAreSt •. -~::·~:;;-.:_; :.'·-:--':·.- '.: · - -~ .:·.r:--~::·::.·; ·'. ·· ~·- _., ... ~· ·

Nor is it only a small truth that the demonstration for Bani:saor, ''the-:oppaSition·-;·ta hiS:- o~steZ., ·-th~--r:.ett•'S wi~h>to dee-Pen the reVOl{itiOrl;:.: waS·-' attaCked -by·· ari: ·rRP-Ordered- ct€r1ioilatr8.t'i0n~ ·he8.dea bY

~~'the! ·-so~-C~ll8ci. i•RevolUti'Oriary ·cuarctS•i ·who:· did c nOt: il:ri:i t· th~ms81Ves -:t.o :weildirig'knives-tiut proceeded t'o shoot indi~cr'iminately;' Forty-lay ·deEidi:· :hUriareci's· Were· :wciW::d~·d(; cir1d jtis·t ove_r .the Week-9ncl''a16.ne · 46 _._ others :_~lere- 'e,;ec~ted "tor suppor-ting Bani-Sadr. ': ilitllo-ut il.riy sheune ... Wh~tev~r~;_ --the' ,·hEt·n·giflg·~jUdg·~··, ''!th8.ikhati', wa~-·:s·h'oUtini• ''1We:.--will -·~hO'w,

',. '·.·- ....--!'-· .. ,, ._ .••• ---~ • ·-- -~- ._.-.. - •. - ._. '. - -~-- ,-·. -' •. ' > -· ''

the·m we ·are meri o:r--War' and ·will dig their ·graves ·in· the ·streets.·,, '11he :t~Je·,. m~·tyr'·~-/;'haWe\r~r ;.:·\..,e·re t~·e thija:hB.deOn~ wh-ri ·we;,.e· ·cert8.iniy-,r· mo~e~ nc­ti ve and fc/r a long8r period O:r ti_rne- i·n ·the·: r·e~o-lu_.ti~nary P~e-pafS:tion

· ·ae-a1iuit tile 'sl1ah 'tl1iin''v~as "tile' late-comer, Beliesliti. the Chief J"iistic-e, and ·mariy of his cohorts who were ac-cusing Bani-Sadr of beinff-' .. ·a _s_e,cond



Page 6: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

--- ,. J-

-· ··· .-·.-.- .. ~'- B~~~ :.~.ra~,~: i E?ri ~-:;;~_ ~ ~-q ~, -~:..C?E c£.1fi.V.:~)~lr~ f~~ ~9i9~~~~J1{. f s."" ~~:_Aha>:sb: ~~ ;!3;~~l].e:~IRPi;_-~ia:f1:~nEi ~-~J::-~the"Bl::..ye~:Old. :AyatO-ll-ah; t·i:i-,.Cl~ig' 801 ~t-h"at<±;;a~­lr;:ac:le~ §}]._i_p --can .. !~-~p _,his: . ..PJ.~£ e--- ~d-' c_Qi!l.Ple i;_g__-:1:_1).~. ~~0:.1git·er:.r_evQJ~i!£!i~ ... 1_-~- (;

., '' oc, -, :· · From tl:ie'~very· day- that' Baill'-'sacfr hail 'lie en· denio"craticall.y, ~·:over,;,.,h-elmingl-Y- e·~ect·ed·,- the~ IBP · b·e-ga.ri--' ... plo·tting':to ::niake·_- thSl-··pc,:s~" 'Of" ·:;

:, ~ PrE{si-deht., Pciw·er1i:!sef'-by ;:tur'iiing: ·to~ ·the.ir·;·claiidestine; .. -moSqtie·-, .aCti'Vi~~r··: ~~ wt::11. as· :their-' open· work n0\v::·that-:.the·~,.:alre·a.dy'2·1_1ad pi·fnitY :o-::r-:-pHwer~ tO£ mak9 ·s-Ure.:·-th8.tr -thE!"• ·ne:.xt·'. ~-le·ction<·.:._ .~fOf-1 th~--, parl'ra:mei-it '.:::.).WaS _·One:~

~- ;·.;;:,"Lht!'v Would wi'n· •. --.: Thi:si'. Was; ·f"Ol-l"Owea .. :·up :-oy manY: othfb;~ u-~urP3.:t~o!ifi" Ofi_:::..~ poWe~ --to which We~ -1-i :turn·-:di~eC'tly·-·aft~f.:_:\ve:··eXairiilie< Wil;itt i-t·· i's:· that·:.'­B3~i~Sa.dr di'd.~ B..ftei:- ·_.he· reCeiVed.' that: ?verWhel.riliriE;.o Vote··· O:t · inaS'S-: cionfi~

· ,dence. pid ~he- f'Ollow·:. thro<.~gh with i;he'-'mB.ss·: a.Cti Vi tie·s; bS: i-t'· f'or:_;-- ,.

~eino.craoY 1 for worker·s• · control·· of'proaub"tiC,-n; --·:rof.:~exti.!riC.ihg-~_-the· "~; shoras? -Did he el-i~_i t~- :rrom· _them' ilOv.r""-the'Y·-·-~ished'· t'o .. ·concre·tl.ze·, 'th~t·: is, to maint8.in power in their own h?.nds? Did he·:.-pay·. at~Critl·o·n to':·

the_ inn~erable publicati?ns rind.Lef't grpups --·all so~t6 of indepen-·-- • ,. ' - .. ' ' - • , .- - - . ' ,_ . "• ,· . -. ·.- - - -.: _ ... • -~ ,, . . -..• , . . ',I

· deht Mar·AiS-ts, ·Ivrai-xist-HurTtal-li'sts-,·- the- Tu.deh·, the TrotskYists ? l·'lh?-t, ;-· -.-:-,·-.-, --~--~----i,~: ,-,-- -'-_- ':-- ' '.- -_._:.-. -.. , ·; .. ,: ... .- --- .· - :'· _. __ ,,-.·:_: ... ·.:_. ,_

l:!~actly, di'd h9: do· f'Or the ·-rtoineri1 -s Libei-ation r.~ove·ment. that~ he sup-.: .. · __ -.,.,·~-:."· -2-. ..- -;-._,·,_ :·.:_---~-,-------._-, .. -_ ._: ., -:·-~ :·. ·-. ··--· .. ·::·~- ;.!··--<·-·---·'-':

-pOsf=dl'Y f'B.Vcired"!_ ·· 1;/hS.t ··ahoUt': 'the' ·in·t.ense· diSc-ussions· 3.nd ,ac:t1vfty · o_f.' .. -d.-~:~~P~ni.hg:-:_~h~:·~~~a_i~-ti0n: ~~ ;{ot-- ~~rely_ a€:~i-~s.t. th~ s·z· ·sep~n·d~.:ie;ye_l~_· ..

_-._---·--:--· .. _ ... ·.- ' .. -_. .. -.-~_,,,,/•".~_-,_: .. __ ._ ...... - ;'' _,-... _; __ -,-~)··_,.,_ ;; .. ~,.·--liost':ig9s' frl_- the Am6riCan·_ Effibas·sy~ _.but the genuirle_ ariti-iMperialist~

.. -~~~~i ~~i·:n~:ti~~;~:·;T~~~t~iist·~?:_·: ··-·-~ : ~ ···--- · ·---- , :.,_ ~~--.-~;.;

·:- .Therei'il and ilot-'in wh8.t::both the b6urf!eois, Conlffiu!liSt"·.'·,

and"' Trotskyist. press' no\v tall'. about·,:·failure to build "a-party' struc:i :~ur~" i __ .;. lies the beginriing·:of :the.-··erict·· Q:f.·-the-- petty-- bOurgeois, revo~U.l tionR.ry intellectual·;· who'--does-- Want-,nlore· denlocracY,,.---more- freedOni; -,;b~t­who ·has ~-no total; Philosophy tOf' -liberation. , Bani-Sadr .cOtiidri 1 t_ have-~_.-. -take~ ~rm=mizational responsibility for~ philosOphy:_o-f :liherati~n---he; did not have. He, hiinsel:f', Wc;\_s_ both._bc?urgeois ~nd,.tot?-lly ~committed

to'Ayatollah l:honieirii.. ~-Thus, th~;,;~h he' didn't' thitlkt~~ 'taking ofU,S. ·hoStage~-~-(\'iliiCh :af'ter- 8:11 -\~as-_ efiginee'l:~~d b_Y -tlua~ .. ~~fOli~,t~~r_S_; O:t: ·tlie __ Iniiiffi"- · ·adVf~ed 'b·y· t_he IRP) w~s -the -.way to_ fight. Am~_~ic~ .irriP~ri~~l~~fll: .'. -h~ _-- __ ·_·· -· bovieci to· what 'had. been done. oeliind. t.is. back: .in d. rr.o~t. ileU 'b;rat~i/-;.;;: th .

· · ., · .- .. _ --- . .-. ':_: __ ... ___ . .- ·-- _ ... ·,·: · _---_ ·:_·:::--. -~~-_,_ ::"----;·'-:- ·-- -~·z .. ~-J' .. 1:-·

.. _,

a view to"anpe·ar·more militant, more .Left. more anti-U.S.A. than_he. Thus~- while he did not-hing t~- · encourae;~ ·'the -ne~ 'de-~e-nt~~lize.d 'rO~~s --;~£' self-'rul!r- of the masses, 'the IRP did everythine t~ build up its si;,f;i~~


Page 7: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


par:ty rule."~ Thus :he even- f'ol·lowed -llliome~ni- and'. the IRP:__as~ the~ moVed

:rUi~:c\;i&s't:.·~gai~cst.. the,- r~yolu-ti~zlar-Y -_ei~ments -in the_ :pni~~rsi~y, :_~-e~?-:-:f pe.c i~lly J.\~: t;;;ok!it~lf~· ~j r:;;r;.:;:~t literature, .

·~~d-~.. . . - ,_ ,. '.--

'-~--~·.; J.i·::-_,-.-~_he,_~J;RJ?~ .on;~~~ -~~h.~r:~~llarid:-·, nev~r_ s,to'ppe_d. mqving-_ -in ·a rno~:t re~ctio.n~;r, .. way. _to ,what. they_.-.called, ·~pure~·--· Is).am,-_ as_. wi tn~.ss: __ the.~most b~-b~i~~-- ~~~ai·t~-jac-ket. --ty~e --~f'cia~.,-._th·e~-- !'V~ngeB.nqe-_ Act_'.'_..~, Allege~l;-: it

·-··-~-.--~_ ... •.~------- --·' -.·-·--·-- ---·-·· -_. -----. -

~s,. __ r_<;)_ot:;:,d·--~ll-.;t_h~ ·_Ko_ran_ •. _ I~-:-mo_s:~~ assui-e_d-ly ~is .-nOt_-~accep:ted by any-· ~~~­~ab·:nat-iO~ ·9r-. Sun.~i~-_-believer~ _-.or,- f'.::~r.::.-:that.·matte~.~- Strictly Persian ····· ---··- ··- ·-·--· --- - - ~ -·.-.-- ' ' .

Shi-_{ ~-t~:s_~;-_-··-~-~~ -.~ct -~~tes'-.o.ut -P_~n~shm_en~~:. ~or_ a1l-,•crimes_"t -.sexual ~~-~~el.l as:- ~c:>.l.i t~ca~,~ with: .. 1:lu~~_two, male' Yl~ tn~sse?:: nee~ert _to·_~es_ti:fy •... .Execu­.tio~?s., i'o_llc>W- immediate;ty;. No -w;:>nder· that; the, hanging, judge Khallchal:i

waa .. ~--highly ~at_!='d(byo -~-'.:the )?ar:t;y" -th?Lt he was.- even·_~ermi t"J;ed to_ .indulge in the.goriest- of,rall-,·spec.taclea_.-- bringing.the!c_o~pse!s of·.·the .. u.s. . ;.----· . ~ ''• ''-

S?l_die~s-- ;~oni __ :_t~e _c:les_e~t-_. w_he~e ;.Pre~ident Car-ter- ha~t sent them to· die:. :for ... ~ _P~P.l~?~.- -~-~splay •. ·

~- ·~ •• ~ L \Th~4/ ~eVer stopped Was. the Plotting fi~Out t!,e · 'iiu~i~ :tu'ti~naJ.f-,:-,.-.. ;._ : -~;;-.-,_.-_ . .-·.--·-~:·---·.-· ··~: '::~·i> ':- -':.' ,-··:: _···:.";; --:-·:- .. ::·--,· ,: -·-:..·· .. : . -.... zat:l.on oi' what they (Khome~m. and the IRP) called the Islar.uc Republ:~c,

-:-'~··, --.. "' :;.--,~,--.-1·--..:;····-,,_ .. _, ••. " ' -----~.-:.·' '_.· __ ,__- ·'·'; ·-.-:·~ · ... : -., ;; ,;: '-' ~·~ .:-supposedly modelled or1 the 1906 Const,i tution that had emerged during_ the .. "..::- :i:~~Iii~r/ R'evO·l~tioil_,.~hic:h --h~ld dri ~"~n·:-~~·t ';_th:~·i~ fi~·s-(,S'~~h ;- --~~-t8.b­-li sh~-d-~'i "· P~J.·:f~~e-~t,': -~~d,~ ~;i tter( ~ -- C~n-~·ti t~ti~n~-- ', Th·~·.: P~e;~~Bnt'/ ~~~~:t~;\

,-c.:'-~": .. ::::~-;-~;;·,_-- .. _·:·;-;--:-_ :·.-;: :,·.· •':..'<.1 _'·, '·-"~'. ::.-.:-:~ ·.---,!_!_"~·~-~·-':. ···~ .:, :··-- ..- ... ····~·--·.: tution, liowever, riot only bore no resemblance. to_ the or_-3:-g~nal. _Const~ tu-

, __ _- -.- : .:- . .-. .- -'~ ' ·: ·.. ' ' ' ·./ .... :. '·-· ' :-.. ·_;_;_ tion, but establisht:'d .the so-called Of"fice of" the Religious Guide J more accurately.-, it. should __ _. have: been- called of'f'icd of the Emperor, who not oulY.~~J.'i'ke.~-Lo~.lisx.~v- in Yeudal-.-1.imesi.had' def·ined ·~L'e:fl;!_:t, c_~est-- moi>·i·,·s

<J, • ' --, -:. ' - ' - - • : -. - - • - - - .-

r: but, al~o_. -'?~ai~~_:_-a-'d~rect li!'le:. to· ~ad. Thus, ·wi tpess how I\homeini ··vetC?es aj~~Y~hipg_ a11d __ at;~yt~~ng- ·he,·-disagr.e_es,·with, ~even t}fose-: measures h5-.~·:oWn _ mulla}'l_s may.)~~y~ ~t;>ted_:for, or __ didn't ·want, _as they. didn't .. want .. Bani--"

--' 1: __ , _,·_, ',_ .. _. __ .-,_ . .., ... ,_ '• -·· ,.,. - _-,, Those mullahs weren · t innocents there are no innocents·-~ _

_ ·a.morig ~~i'eZ..S; v;i.\h -~r·...,ithO~t !O-iorne'ini. -Th8y-_neVer gtive: ,up tt;e: i·n~. -_tri#lue·~~to_\tstlrP --a:li '_._itew .. ;i1stttUti~ns_-~- _ beginn~ne ·,_'lith.:_"t,l)e __ ·,;·Re'va.l~ti.cn~rY·, caunC'il" ,~?r1ci _q:~~t,i-Oi ·OYer th~ ~flita~t .st~d~nts. ~ho .:~S.'d __ .b·e"e_n ·_ca.i-e£uli:i~

;-:">•\" ,,- _..~,.,.--•-•.~,;_- ,~-_ • .- ;''".-,'~' ·_- • _--,-. ',' ·- ,,' c.-·. ".•.- .·. •·

educated in Iran with ereat hostility to the revolutionary students v;ho hacr b'~eri 'educated ··abroad, and w.ere' ·•tainted by the 'ilest,-" \lhat they

_ ~C-tUallY ~e·ef~t __ v{~s ilot ~~~J:e_~ iJ~st .. hU~ r.~·arxism, which is no.t taugh~ ~~~.


Page 8: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

- -5-

.)rh~ f.i;t'tl)', insti tutio_nalization was _the .-street .'gangs, __ as a·,~._

· vigilante,~o:r;-der;_-Utlto "themselves. ~~ith ·_ th~ -parii~~~~t~Y- ma.iorit~;·_:in-":~·;· place, ·:wi,th:,-the ~iosi~g- .of. .. ai·I-,.th~ _.ne,;spa~er~-,:rrO~ ._Ba~i-S~dr'-~ ·.t-;;~'-_·th~-;~

;.' - __ .• ,• .- -_-_- - ...... ~-" '-;'' - _-· . -, ," .--._--- '.,, .. , ............ _~·-"···· ---~

Tudeh' s -I.iar'dom and the I.~ujahadeen' 5_ Uujahid;. ,, -:t;he,.neo-:fascistiC,:,partY:; - - ··,· -- ···- '·.· -·"·-·· ~ ·- -. - ........ ·--'was ready _t~ move agains_t Ba:ni~Sadr.

·-::_ .:=J.>. :The _40_ -:Or--~~re -wh:o ·:'-~er~;--_ ~~_ecuted i~-~ ~ _s~~~i~~ 'we_a.lten_~. _,._were n

but the begi:nrii;.;g-or th.'e" b1ood-1~ttlng: B~t ~..;, ~o- sa; that.":ih~~~':c{( .win.'en41. -The Lef~ against whom. all the blo~d-1etting i~ ~"~P~i;r~t;d~ will nqt_;: ~.:1l}li.}; _. -~:ts. .r~:v~lutio~.~Y ---~~e~BY-: t~ ·:~h~~i~- :i.t·s_·-.cl~i.ti~ai_: ~~~p~~t ~-O.r_~-.B~i-pa~ •.. Not -~~1.~. i-s __ ilie~al wor~:-~_ye~-y 'bit. -~s_, ~;;itic~l: -~s~:~p;ri appo_si~_ion.-.. _ b_~~- wh~·t,- is n~ed~d .. mast. ~t< a11.,. what· ~~ . i~Pe~~tive -:;;6: ~~ark . ... - - - - ,_ . ~ ' -_ - . .. '. ' . . '.. ; . ' -_,- ··•

<?.Ut~ nc:··:, 2.what ~~? -h~::-etofore bee~ di_~regar~~d ·th9~l.~--~~ t_ .is ~b~o]_..u~~~Y::· irreplace~ble, is· a philosophy of' revolution.- a philosophy of' t<;>.taJ. li beratio·n •

•• • w

As I pointed out at the start. of this Letter, hac(the,Rus~.c sian revo1utiona,<:;ies_eive:n up in Augus_t:1917; .had they t.urned:,away. tJ,~t I.Ot:llY_:_ . .from .-the_; counter-revolution:- but_- had- an- attitude. of' '~a~_plague~:·.

op(ti6:th.: yo~~-<hpuse~;'to: th~ ~~formi~t-; ~s~ wellr-·~had. _the~,''no·t··~·.s~d-. th~·.::· . --·- . ·-.-. - ·-- --·- ·--- -- .. ' ... ~--- .. --.. - ··-'

peri a¢ -f·or,. work-ing. o:u~ ful~y State and· Revolution ~s. the--: gro!J!ld .. ~or ...

a new revolution, there would have· been_.t:l.O -Novembe~;)-917;- It _iJ3 .tr:t.I:e that no Lenin is visible on the Iranian horizon. Eut the id~S:s. of'

revO-lution~. and· ·liberation, .. as. w-e 11 as·. the . m8.sse i{:who --~r. Ut;ht for them, are there • ·.-Let· us ~e·c- what can be done ·.'·to· transi"orinr the ·pre· sent:_ re·.:.

ali ty,


. ,, . ~ _:; ~-

Let r s begin at the- bee;inning, at the installation· of a now

power that ha:s··be·eri' .. so- cha.r'a.cteristi.c~ in Iran· from the' very firs·t time

they threw. out· thi! fir.st· Shah,' at the turn ·a:r the century,'· .It' is, the: coalition· o:r the· c1er(!Y v•i th genuine revolutionaries .in. throwing. out''

a Shah· ·whci 'Was tied to 1906.:19'11 Revohitio-n. ·.

a :!'~reign power: ~~- nussia,·· i_l_1 -the ~aSe .. Of: .the::"

This certain1;,r distineuishes the Iriuiian clergy


Page 9: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


__ ;._.-6-

', fJ;_om PX:;i~_!3_ts. :''?~_o :_ geri~ra~ly a~ig.r:~.·:. Yli~h. the -:~ej;e;niqg ~O'!'!e:t: •. ,-;)~Jut ~-~:<?n.c~f,~ d9ritocratic_ Gonsti tution was· created, the- clerr.:y beean burdenilig it with the type''of''iuneiidiiierits -that restofed 'lllost. power~: to tit'e sl!8.h once the :rorEiittn·/ ~nemy __ wa_s ::-thro\~n-~out.'::· '·Tfl"at· --didri. • t k~ep·_~the·--- Counter~reyoliitiOn .inr.RJSSici:--:~~~fiich ~; j\is-1:'-- crushed ··.·itS"-·owrl' --reV6-lu·t;:on:; ·.frOm returning~ to-':' .r • r. ~r_8.ti!··a.r_fi;:_cr~ishii1g·~~:th8:t-~~n~~-s-· ·--·· t: l<-:.· · /:: ;-!- ··-, :~~:~:.:L~-~-- - :~r:;u.-

>.' -.---J~1t~-: B~_s:_ond chaj:)ter of' ·that first revolution~ as the second

. Ch'iipter; 1 6;r~' thi·s··. er~. ~J-.22.9_jevo1)1t~o·n·; ;\Va'S :aeguft··' by.· wOmen''" liberation-

. iSts_:;.':< ,:-_Iii.deea{ .. ·in-·- 1966 ·:-the': r:CMian> wOm&n' ·wer-e the firSt: iri :··the \116i-ld')-:'l ·- - -· · .. · • . · - _ _ -... - .·. . .. -· _--- _ . was ___ .

~tO"'-'eS-t_ibliSh ,8_-'=wOiiien·t as· af-dlnDen--· (SoViet) ,·---and their-· iDS.iil· de·matld/for: COn~ --~- :i:ihU1ngi With I. ~lie·'· d~ffiocra.cy ··_ O:t" ··the·- ~~i&j liS·: ni a.·.· :Bahi~sadr • s ~ c8.11; f'or-'- " .. ; .·; d9Di6Cf.acYr.mea.A·-(as'·~inu6h? ''·I~ot·--.qUi t·e. :·..; Th0tlirh;. he.: Said_ .. he wa·s-. f'6r; women I 8 ~ibliratiOhi_.:·he'"hOt _ 6~1y---kept; quiet ·a-s:;Kh0meini mOve a- Eie8.iilst-· th.ei-·maye~ nieht;::bti~t/ ~~t-.:-uP~ari-: a1 tern~t-iVe -_.ii8.p9r't · The· r)1USlirri =v:oman, edited· m8.irilY

.. -·'

_ , \'/i th I~aq' s invasion O.f Iran, the war naturally became ; hiii·'ritafri: pl:-e6cc'u]:i8.tion.; BUt did this m€-an·; ·as the IRP is·· ·inSinuating, tha:C-~Bani-s·ac?=- __ was: bl:-i11gillt-"?'~-b~Ck·:the· hated· military Iuachine/---~hiCh- .::: rcn6-~eini') iin'"d·---:~h·e- J:j~p'-- -ha:d n-ever:- :fUJ:;t.y:. ·di t1ma.ntl'ed ?_ ::_< ActrDns:: ·sp'ealt:~~louJler

- than1 words,'· and. the fact; i.s that. the· Ai:my -didn't :follow ,Baid;...Sadr'¥,t is -·no __ t(<':i~e-akirig.·- out· againSt:...:hl.in;:.·~· .in~·a .. \V~rd, the~/ showed-. they' knoW ho\i( 't·o~~:t·i~k: to the·~ 'i·UI~·rfr· that, win·.···· · ·;· · -· :'

... ,·

;~ --.-~ -~= :l;Iow- f'aiJ.tasti_s:. -then;- that- -the abvsmallv opportunistic Trot':'"

skyi-~ts, ar.~::.:.§i~~io_~_-ia. b!t_:.:."in" that--t-hey. aCtually -:fabricated a.:. "proletB:_rian" ground for J?ani-Sadr' s ouster· from his- .A:rmy post1 ~ ._, ·-; 1_.­

"Those workers who have· returned :from the war f'ron ._have- tended

'~ ,.: '

to __ blame Bani-Sadr for the si tuation._in the arm;Y and_ :for the lack.:--a·:r--.any.: deciSive:·victories-in:.the .. war.:_ ._:They ·are' aware o:f Bani-Sadr' s strong base of' support. among the'·_.hate'd:·army ·conunsnd~ "· (Intercontinental ptese, June 22, 198li . ·

'·--,_so:·strong that. not a· single army commander came -t;;o._ ~ani';"_~,._,

the truth,: but just:like: .. -' • • > '

the:Tudeh, they are that.- all else .taltos

~:ticle, "The ~rive

so_.busy_ trying to .v~ork out a y-;ay_. to~~rema3:_~ _:"-_l_e~a;t.._~·

a ,sub~rdinat.!3: p~si tion., ·.All --this _appears.-i~. _P_..n,

to Oust _Bani-Sndr" , which opp~.se_s. the _?~,~-te;r:,, a;:~-.

1.) - .••. , 7227

Page 10: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

,,, ;',~;;~_ .. _._-;.:,;_ ... _~-------··---~~-.----· <-·--!'. ·-'" --


lea-~t·:.fiiSOrar:· as· it· means:. "i-qpressio_n·~ ,-_. esneciall:v-_- since the:Y_._kaow_ :.:-.~- ...... _ . ·.· .. -. - ' - - .. '-,, -- .:.' .-· --·- -' --- '_. ..;..- ,. _ _;, .•..

very-- ~el1' the ·:rept·ession will be.:-dire.cted-· also_._ae<iinE?t·. thept, _ and t;J'lat..., _-;· ·r-· .. -;, ,. ..• -.... - .- - . - _ .. -... - .. ---"· -.. ~ ... ,_, .. ,_. ----'-·- ;:.-_,·, tlieii- .. paper· viis 'ainOhg··the~ six: that were. immediately shut down.· .. That_. ·

isn~ t -the only----thi:ng·' repreSSion. means :to:..t;h.e:-:9ler~ __ :. -.~long~-~i~th.·~i~~:.~>~ th~ua"t .agaiilst the. Le:ft Viill no dOubt ·com<r an attempt- to -~~~k -o~t- ~ ~- ~--~

-~,' Y.!·~·: :.:·, '~~ '!(; ·' .,,·r·.: '':·' '''<'• •. _:., .... ,' ,. ·i , ",- . ' -

com~.?~l,-s~.-\:?i~~? .... ¥a_q._ Le_t ."us 'not··f'~rget· that·, jl..t'St-' ri.'s-;s-oo·n _as 'the _ • _.J"-"' -- .. _._,_ •,;.;;.1•.;'";, ~···-,(' •. '· ·-, •·. -, -'.. .., - - .

-~- mul_lahs. saw, that- Bani-SS.dr :was 'hot involved in'tt'hcF;:··releaSe' ·-of·:.the· .he'S_~ . ·-~-··;:'. ,L.';':,c.:.: .. _ :-··,·;.-•" ·-- 'f -; •. _ "~'·w.·., ·- : .· .- ·.- ·

tae~s .: ;. they, .. ,moved -to ··do _'exac~tl:'/ ··that· •· 8.nd- fn · (iui·te ·· c_'ap·i tula tor"y' '~terms.;~;

And ,;c;'; tl_;,;:.t,'~alli-S,;:d~ fs n6.t''irivolved·'\.iith 0'ths Az'niy;' tliey wiH*y to: worlcf:~-~~ ·~~·d~~~~f~i~~~.f~~q~: :----~- ._. ~~ .,,-~.", __ .. ~-: -~-"'·· ~-.-::.:<,:-- : __ ;·:~~;.·.: -:i.r.::-~1;)-

·· •... ___ ,, • _ . _ __ ~ ,~---:-~·,.:-~\)·: :':--; ~· :.- •. !i''-;\ ;;· •. :::·.V ·.··As~ :for the Fedayeen-, -some·!·fac.ti?nS· ac:c_epted .t!a!1ti-imp~ria~~

i~mn'· ~S inUch-·;·at··~fac·e v9.lu~,:- as: did_ -the.:.Tud~h;:- ... ~s-. i:r it,~~m~ant':-.~~1; ~~~ti;. u-~·s·:·· a.'i1.d'·''h'Ot·:_~ti~RusSi~a:- .:..-.·.~·which~ is. equally.-- _i!Jlpe~i;ii~ti~: ·· __ i:rid~~d;-~·,'~ n_u·~·s:ta·::1s·--.. Sti'll' ·hOpirig· tha't the·£:ideoio~i9_al-- ;,Qid~~-~ned'. ¥P","'bY: t·~~ .. f~9.t tilaf:· reV~llitio'nrir·ie·s:.hiVe ·not.·.been· armed V.iith- l'JarX~-~- ~w~ _}~uni~i~t~-..:..:.::,;_:~-

' ~ -. ~.. ~-. • ' ' • -- ' " ' . • - .- .. . ·-. ,. • • ' • ·- . '.~ • .:. -.1·

ari"t:i:~vul?ar~·c6mmuniSt. 'philosophy of· .. liberation --wi-11 create· room .for ' .· ... ' .


> ·:c~-- . :Tf{e_-- r.h.ij8had"e8h -"Showed --themSelves. to_ b_e· _mos.t- C<?~ageous and

becairle · de'o3PlY. iriV61ved i'i1'·:.·the demonstratiori's:'again~t. Bcini-Sadr' s. ou_s:-.. •. ;·-:· '~_,.,--- --- '! ._ ' ' ' • - --_-", '- ---~_-·_"· - < ;,·-- ·.._,J.

t~r t_ Out. def'eri.ding.?.Baili.C.S;idr -~aeainSt 3~'omeinf· _and ·.tht?: _,IRP,. must not ...... : · m~gn-\~n~-~-it:fC~al_-·~itip.j?ort;:.-.- ·,\'/hi-Cl'i _:is·-wh~_ r-,,shaw~ci -n~t -~nl:Y~--how .-.~tl·i~-~:: lent '~~~gs :Ea:nf~Sacfr;:g., c·once·ptiOn ·of_ •. ~ecio~;a~~ .:: --~f·~;-~rk~Z::S '. :;c_;~t-~~i-._-qf_._.­

.. prOdti:6ti~i1 ... of*-~wornen•s· liber8:tiori't but, that it-_coul~;t_~ll~v.e':_b~~~>~'-' . ot~~~~·fi~~ ~6nce IsiB.m'--came':fi:i'st ·ahd.·UsQcialism·~-,:Can)e:.,•;i~~-;-;«~ _-, ;;:~;· ... :·:_· .. : ::~ .c .: ;,:--· __ .:; .: ~

, , '· · This,is.pot,~h~-1-irstti.~~. hi§'~o;:i~~J.J:~;:s~~!lkiht. that"'' some:: theoreticians·.:t_ried to .dii~te_ i.ar~i~ln: b~ ~-~·-'Strahg~ ~--d~ixttlfe} with re·l'ig]~on-•. ~ ba >- i "t;_ u: _Nu,;-~:- Buddhis~ or:,Be~: · Gur_i.oll'• -s~ · Zio.~i.s~4- ;_..:,, ;;;he'ther:- · ~; ~

.... _,,_ ., __ ,_ ... ··.·-~ ,-,, :\·,_;"'··: :':: ... _·. "r..- ,,_._-··~,

·it is• Senghor' s' admix1:ur.e, ot Chdsti@ity with_ f!'(F?'i,~lll Y'hich .. he cal~s Afr1cari.':.socialism. · or .-Polish Catholicism with a ••newu' sO'CfiiliSm', ·.·:o-r' '

- . . . ,' : -' .' ; I ~ _. " . ; ·_ -. . •' --.. j· ' . • -

Islam•·s:·uhlarxism''.:.; ~·_,:The ._t:Cu_t_tl :is __ that _the theocratic itish is''':ror:-' total

power' single party rule. siqrle ideoioey .: or r~t.he~ sini;ie i~lisihn.' which -i·s of an:·.even d~eper f~l~a c~n~ciousn9.Ss. thar{is ;15·;ur.e;eC)i:S :iCf~:.. ol-ogy, · This "hole concept. o.t a. single:_Leader• ,4j_i;}; v ... to:,ci\.;er:sf.ci: a:~ dire·ct .. line . t9 .. ''-.G~_d '! is .. :n~-_t_--_ ~y;e~n }~-n ~:?~~~~-~~~~~-tt::e,~-~:. · ~-t -s~rii:· /:!U-~ .. ;~·~·~ ~.· but the theocracy established by Ko hamme.d' s son-in-law, Ali, 14 ·cen:..'

;") ,-~, r. ,. • ·-~--~_'; 7228

Page 11: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

tu;~~~·-~e;os:;::. TJ\e; ·strange ·_admixture' of religion and_· ::.ar_xis~•- ¥:~tng_J, _,I Wor~e'd.~ b~f'?re'": ~B."ll.d Wi·~f--: cei't8.inly-· :hot' WOrk hoW. '-·For: rthat Illa~t~r_;·-: i_-:t_, . .

o --;·_;·-..f·, '"''""~-- -~ .,• .. ~ , • ,- • - , ' .• ' _·- ,.,. .. , ... .: • . _.H ~- ~-~.'-dJ.dn''t: wol:'l<' when' sar+.re'' tried"-to'•'di~ute',that: new· continent_. of __ thouz)l"!',. ancr·f'e,;iii\..tion ::.:.. r.:a.f.xq,- Humanism '-'-·.:·with •Exia:tentiall~.;-;, .:: ' ·· •. --····'

'·• ~vc- •.;c:'.··• •- - - · ..... · ... ..,_,. ''·: ·;;H ;;-q5_-;..7·;·,• ''i:~\. ·C·;T:;· .-.· · :-·· -~ ~- · · ·. " --~_::-.--.· ;--~~·: ... ·--:~·,_; ')_..,.;;._,;.-... ·;:_-,c::j·,~.-:-:t

::::-·· .:-.; \"(e_:_must- under no ... circumstanc_es leave out of sic;ht''the ""'· :··· · . . . --·· --•_-, ... - ····: . ..:.---.'- ,_-.",; ;-.·· .·:·_;- ,'"--~~r_•_ -L1"'·•· ,~:---~-----•'"'·· . .,· .. ,.:, · ·g~obal':conflict,::fPr,-this '" "." is. ,not .a _mere ,Iranian -or· even loliddle '·"' ' .:- ,,·· --·. __ ·•« .~·~_~----~'_'··- -·•.'i;·:--i-•-' ·\::-.:~:.-:-!>:"':! i·_- . .-;-~ ;.·c.·~ .. .:,~r:·~--~l

Eastr:prob:~em.-,L.!iq_r,-;-,_is -:-i ~;,just a_._ques:tion·· .o_f' u.s. _ im:Pe~ia.J.ism;·.c;· There-"""· -· - '. - ' -_-·- -- -,• ··- -· .•.• , .• ~- ._._!. ·,.·~.-.--·c.. .':. .. • ('::;' (-:".",·_'-"'1 .~.-:-:1 ---~-.c·"-~--~---

l._S another nuc~e~,t~_-J:_an,,~l.l'iSi.a.,o" ,1:,':)~ ,b~th, ?~ ~1:"-~';'_,f,igh~~-n,l§·:fo~··a- "­sing~e· world hegemony mean to have the last word •. 'That 'is"· exactly ,,,,,;, . ..,~,-";-{ .. _ _,_._:.,, -~---":- -~ ~--' ..,·,"~·-·

what must_ not be permi tt~d them. Thus, while Russ12.- didJ·not,· V!i th· -~----~ £i8.:·ii1:\rci-~i~n"Of Argnafti_Sta.ht'~8.ir.ii'f'or· iha Gul:f>,as the U. 5 •.. -~mplied, Rt~~ia:'is'cert<iini~ pioeparingci'tsel:f to be ~t the re!-'~;-,:r~~.,a~ oJ?el:l~!'g intcl 'the region;.:lTh'ec'o·pening'they. wou~d- pref"er 0.is_-:to,. gain,power. :rr'ofii: wi.thih; 'and the' Tudei\' Party'-is not-without .successe.s, as w~s, ~h~w,;_,"~h~n the co~mand~r o-f t!le' ;,;j.:.ca~'l.ed- "Revo~utionary -G,'ard~;.; .;how~_d. i,i~-pr~~: ~iereii.C'e' :for• that: !)arty, by' beEeving· -,-.: or• saying,he:,be-H_ei!>d-_,_._r;,.j;_~;;:t(.·• ' ' '•6•-··n·••~•••<'-'•~···.,•••-·---''--!:,...:;;..

the ,Tud~h ~s a''f'ol~ower of the -·line .of the ImaiJl·-·~: ___ -_,_ ,,. ~ ...... _,.·:1'

·_-.;·_-·_, --~)·; :_-~;:;_~- '.A's· ·fc?'r "li:. s;~_ i.ntperia:lis~ •. 'it- ·_hal? :ney_el\ g~x:~n. up- .. _i-ts hunfrer for ''the ''~ii ·o'i' {},at' region?-.,- 'How. do" you suppo_~_e :.i:t ;got,.~~- '.so;l"id -""'- , , "·· enemi"'as Iraq (aJid at: _g. i1.~!'.c.when ·Iraq- cer-tain:ly . hruL!l'l.0niv-t_lii~ --_ ~-­"!1\:Q);_~_::~Arab'.woX:ld' ''iith•it,.but literaUy the whd~e wd;;i:d ·;_,;_ its. tota:i,

"-, \,•"·;-· ·_.- 1 •••• -· • - - , • - --·: •• • ·.o-...... c..·.;.._,-.. ;,:~.:-.-¥2.:::..;._.~ op~o s~ t~_Q.J:l:.J~2..:.::£..s~_ij§.1-~~UJ7e~-empti ve, · -lli··a1ateral S"til:~J..~~t_..ffi_ga_J.J12."t--:~~.s ._. , nuol~ar''reactor) "'-'to"work out with the _UN-U. s.- reur~s~nt;;.ti.:,;e '.i:iri<:: · .• ' ' ' ,- - - .. - - ' .. ~-- ,_·-.. .. ' t-~; . .;:::~::..:'~·.:..--·:-'

pa"trick. so "·mild a·:--Resolution .of:, condemnation- of .Israel that it. didn't - . - ··-·--· ___ ,_ ... _;_· .·.·.- ," __ .:::::·.-::c,·J·:·

even _aslt :f'or ... anY concrete acts ·against Israel? - .! can't help _but feel­

thai," the· ,;,;;,ny do~ble~6~6-~~ine diHils · Circulated in' 'the' Ul! ;ow by the 'u .8.: fep~es·~-nt~ti.;~---. '1n'61Udo- ~ne-:--to. -arm~ Ir.aq in _its· war·- against- Iran. A:rte·~ l-aii. th~t: ~-:_~1-f~r~· U'~ s~ ·1~Pe~f:ili6t' SY'rrl:Pathi-~a··-lay·· in the,;t_;r_st-.. place, wliem· it coii~dii' t help Irait because Iran he~d--the' U• s:.:· hostages. 1-•o;e imp~z't'.U~t stii:l, -;_.,..;.j -~f th'is·- there is no doubt, .'the .Iranian· Revo­lutio!l so' 'si\ool< u.:p' the u~s. emyir~ ant1 its perspectives for the _Gulf, th,;:t ''even · ;6~/,' \•,he,;_ 'tile muliahs' have 1iurn'ed away :from .,e.,;olution, ,-th" --irreve'r'sil:IJ..;' :fact e_•rt:ablished by 'ttie Revolution; far :fr.mn eiving :the u.s., .an~/ o_utp6-st' th9re,--·<i.G nt;n..:a'iiffnment;· nA hB.Wk' s .·eye iS ·neede~. to, foUow th~ 'diohal conilict nnci not \ii,_n :off'' the Iranian Revolution,_

·<.• •' ' - r

* 7229

Page 12: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

- '


· B:'/'-·Wav:;' .. Of' ·co"nclliSion: '-The· Iranis.n~- ReVOlution· is·,·Not;Yet Dead

· .. ·: '· \{' ~he. ;~,:i~.R~voiu~l~n-is'~~e one· worid. :r< .. ~otb~ t"hiit ·not· .. , __ ;~--'---·-· ,. ··'- ·-''·"·~----·~; ·:::-~---~-·:., .•.. ~. ,, .. , ' -,,.··-_ ,~- .--·-.·=:-~:-·--·~·._.-~_--;,;_·_~- {''

only u.s •. and. \lestern."imperialism .. would "like. to "liury. s6' "woul"d.• tn<( .•. •• ,_ '._..,- .- •• ···• ·;;: ....... •, .-.···- 1·'- .. G'-:;_; ·:· .. · _ .• ...:·.~ .:;, •• ,··;· . ...~) 1J·f,·:.•. 1 ~---.,.'·-~c:....,':•"\· .. :·:-;_. '-d·-·,r

Jt.xab.··world_-.w~th :Saud_i 1_Arabia _in __ ,the fore_f'ront, _:arid_· 'Chil'la,YihiC_h··; carr_-See-~nly- Ru·~~i~~:~s~ ~e~y-,--N~i;~~.-- O~e !;~t?-:4·~~::-th~-~ ~rO~~-s~- -~-~: h~l:~irit··-'u:-s:: --~s:~~~p_::.-

·. ·::--· .... ·- . '· -~ ---:-" -· ; -'~ ,_,·;,_,_"·"'- -·-: .. · .. -. __ . __ .,_ ~ :.:_·,_·.- ... L:.. ;,· .. ·-:. -<)'.-,, ·•-;'<N:(:·· pe:z::ialism._·;· I.Iarxist __ re:vol1J.tionaries_. must:· never __ forge_t. --._t~eir ·ab_soiiite~ o ~p~s~~i-~n. ;t_o · -~a;i t~-~i~~-; .·_.im;~~-i~li sm·~-:-_th~.-~~-o-~_ers; ~-11~~---b~_:,:~-·l: $,d-' ~1ili~~~~-~ ·f'ar_~:-:mu_sft_- ~~:!:;._::~~:· ~-~- w;_y_ -f:~il.~i~to_. ·.th~;·t~a-p;. of:~ b_~~~-ng·_:~e_: __ :~~uj_i'~- ~;·-~-~~~­R~y_q);~t_ipp_~p~e_m~~ure_ly~_.; ·: Th-~-:tr.~t~_-~i-~ ;.tha-t·ther_~~ ~~:~ .. "'pl;-~~~Y __ : c?l':·::r~::t:Ce~:-~·-~-­i~ -:~r~ · w~?.: .ma_q_~_ -~,~~~~\~~vo_i_~t~o:~·· ~ :- ~- _T-h~~-E!- =~~ --~?~-- · ~~r-~~~-~- -~~s;Ur_ge~~~·:_ · · .. which- _has .. b:y ~n-_o ·ffi:e~~ _·bee~ :p·u't·.~dovln _ ~d,.wi-1±. ~_not~ ,fo. ·,~.Wa~/_.\·d_~~ .. tn_~,--.· ._.·

·ouster o:f Iiani-sad;:i, - -o;:; the' ~~,:,trary;·thit'trutli is that tii.i' ob,iec.,. ·· tive crisis. :has. never~ been .. -deeper and the masses have liever suffered

. • ' -- - _._.,"I • ..__ ' . , • ' .: • , ... ' .. , _, • . ..··

-~o_I'e _than no':?·~: Let•. s not underestimate_ the gre_(it _expe.r~ce_ -1hat ~ :· -the Iranian mas-~es· have had in overthrowing th9 ·--Sl-iah ..... Th~t· ~;i"Ii · lldt ·-sink irlto -.the. VCJ:id.~.that .iS beine; created by the mullahs. On the con­trary, as -~he, C?~!Ji t~lists ·-i~ .Ir~, especially the oil- monOpolies, will. . ' - ,- -_, . ' ' ~

-proceed· with-'.thsir d1;ive :for· more pro~uction. and. loWer wage-s, the

clas~ _ E;l~~gg-+-es will bf?come stronger. Let us not underestimate· the dis~c\ti-~fcl.Cti~ri_ ~'f-' t·h-~ ·'-Peei.Sar1ti-~Y -.iha·t ,-- ·after::B.ll;·--the· ~ promfS-~s-:·:_of agri:... _cl:\;tt~~i. ~~~E:~;:.~·,·i'h~-~- Y~·t to :~i tn~-~s-:·any·-redistf.ib~tiOn- Of'.·_-· the ·.laild~: r::o!-eoVe~, _: .. th~: eb~ n'~inf~;. can·~er~a t.i 'SID"- of' the lnuil~h-s ·.is·. as deep as·; theiX pb-1.-i ti~al.i-enr·e~s-i.On·~- a·S wi tn9ss -:th~- · IlliO~ei'l-li declaration~ 1 j "--·I iiniSt ·, t·~ii~··ya~.l- th·~-i----·dtlring: the- prev:iOUs -_ cii:c·tat0r.i8.i_> ree·imeS~ sti:-ike-s' M.d·~~:-._·.·_-: ;it~:ir{~; Pi~as~~ · G~'d~-~ B1·.~.t ~ow.-.-;.~,.·_ -IqiR·~-~i!li~'then. :prOc'E:edeCi-: -to,:- ·saY · .. ~ t~~t---·~}1·~: S~~~-, ph~·~6'n;etlori · o:f ··strikers·~is/a' manif"es.tatlOri that· "-th~:- E:nemy

iet~;tP-h.:t~ng ~ea1~~t--~s·;.-.-~ ·-· Furth~~~bre, ie.t u-~··hat ·f'or6et that.-~_:·· Kii?~~~~ri'f·, s ear_l;{ op--i:JOS:i t'ion. to the·_shS.h \·tEiS-'· so-···.fe>udB.iisti-c·.- a·s~ even:.~ti:f: a"ppOS.e t}1~·-·~-ild. sCi~CB.iiBct- nHhite· ~ReVOi~ti0h" beCause· he w·ant8d -rnO .dis­

turb~ce bftha :t~uclalreiations on the land. j :. . . • ,·:

Iranian revolutionaries are 9Xperienced .in und~rero:u!ld ac-;­ivities. Irani~ revolutio~_a_ries lo:new how __ not to eive up_:t,heir_ arms when the IR? _f·irst demanded_ it. The !·iomen•s I·iberation r.ro.vement, like labor, J.ilce the national minorities, like the _yo __ utt .. ,

a chapter o:f the revolution the!' still mean to t'inish. have :boe:u_n


Page 13: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a



To ·THE 'pJi:,{S'iNii:/,~':·:FRhr.i'Tilli: ?:±woRi'liri:si' · :Es:PiiciAtLY. ir:nE' Iaiiills,HuNGRY :::=n,~. ~ ... _.:c•;• ,-,~· _.,.-.;c-< ... ~.:'" ~-~·_;,• :-.:;-,-·-· :.··· '- -,_ --~~ ~~----· ·''-~-~_-: ~.--·.- • .";• ...

. FOR.SELF-DETER!i!INATION, TO 'THE \'IOf.iEN'S LIBERATION: ~IOVEl.'iENTJ. ·FRO!.!··.·-'·':· ,~·:.~'..: ;·1">:1-t'~;:·r-~·_., ·u.·:-:~- ,,_~, •• -~- ..... ··-~~-.. ,-- -~-'",._,,._ ~ • ___ ,_,_ ..• -;._· :·--.-.:. :---- . _-_ ..

. REVOLUTIONPJ\Y INTELLECTUA:ts· FIGh'TING·.:FbR' FREEDO!•i OF. THE PRESS' TO' THE.'''-''· .. _',1_;;: .--.,:.1 >::·.~--;:,l.-.~:"i----~--~ ._. .. -_.,.,._,.. ________ ..,, ... ;-" .. '-·"·'"\. _.·· ..•. · -------..!_, .•. ••• __ .-- ••• •

YOUTH \-IHO. HAVE AUIAYS B>!EN THE VAr:Gl:ARD ·nr TW-: R!':VOLUTION -·:....; 'ARE::··;_;:_,,,. , '!.0-~··;.1'-'-~':.'f>~~-;_·.:,.•·:- :;·.o._·r_.,-,-: , .•• ,., 1 : ·'-· :~-: -.~.:..-_.-:-.;>-.-·-~.---~ ·•·•· ._-,;~:·-. - ·- ·• .. .- ·

'BOUliD. ·ro UNFOLD NEVI PO\o'ERS AGAINST THEIR OliN RULING ClASS'. AND 'NOT·"·''/.' ·_- ... ,~-'j··:;;~,--: --''-::,· ·-~-::-,:::-.~·-- .... ":· .. ; ... ~_:,•_-· --··<-'-~"' . ,_·.,- - .. ·' - .. ALLOVI IT TO, REMAI!-I"bNLY OPPOSITION TO' THE. FOREIGN ·ENEt.IY; ALr;' THESE·•'':-~

:\~~.:~---~_.-'}:.!_ -.. ·:~- ·.···;·,:-~-,.,_-•. ---··---·-·1- .......... _ ...... ---' . --- _-. -7 FORCES CAN W.ERGE 'INTO"FULL' CIVIL \lAR,' "THIS 'TilliE. ·ARMED WITH ·A' PHILOSO'-'' L

·pil.Y' oi 'il;ivciuiT'io~l .J.i!A~r liaUill ·Iwl:T±ATE 'rHE RoJ>.n ro A. cJ:.AssLEss ·sociETY,:

ON TRULY m;i; Hliro.A.NIST BEChNNINGS. 'TR!> IRANIAHREVOLUTION·HAS ~IOT'-YET' RUN r~~',cou!lsr.::. THE,. I,~~N,IAN ·liAssis H.A.1JE rraT· HAn THEIR u:sT ·.loRn. • ,_ ...

_.. .- ~:

::::,··u .-~. ' -' , -Let Us .:•'- ,- - .

so u4a!Oi:ty at '.the

keep our· e~es _o_~en ;;n_d ·have o·11r -:.::tn-t-erriatiOrlal:-­

r_e~~~ .: · ··-:

.Rasa--·DuzriY~VsltS:Ya':. _ · · · ( . - · Deti·oi -t; ·!.lichigan'

:•": .. ;:

p;s,,: June 28.., In. the thrile .?-a:ys betwe"n writin1ithe J.e-iter_'above' and, its:mimeography, th~'.news comes,.th~t the IRPh~ad~u,;;.te;~ has · ·' been b].own ~p, .. and i~cluded the car.r:.a~~ i~ the. d~at'li of -Befle~ht{.' N~ :~ ... - --- ··.-, •· __ . _-,,-:v, . .-:" -_. __ . :~'··"·.::,-••

doub_t j;he IRP_wiH now b].ame. Bani-Sadr, who. has never_ indulged_in any tarrorist-_.a_c-t," b~t who~_ theY.: ,dared·: ~ha~ac.icriz_e _a:~: •~an· .aB:e~t __ -o~: l~m~~i~ Cal> imperit(Lism", . In. t~uth,, howeve~, . t~~ _ -t~rror, th.~t wi1l be un~eash'-_ cd ~will·· not. b_e, ag?-i~st_ Amer_ica_n_ imperialism but .-?ga~ns-tf __ ·t~e ... Iran~~ . .. Left, . At_ the same time, the terrorist acts ps_r)?e'tr.B.t8d. bY,"-:the.' extrem~ right,.:~h~ .. -c.O_~~:ider:·._t~~ms-eiv:~·s' -~~=~ ·;;_p~I-~s:t"-__ bec:i~se --_t~e; inSi,st ~:the':: mullahs ;sho~~_J,d _n~~ -~!Jga_ge -i~ __ politics, have been. COv9r-eci .. o-ver. \·ihei:t..:


·~~= .. ~-;• _.,_.,- cl:·~--~:r-,

ever chaos results now,_ i,t ~l_i.ll ry,~t in .any way change_ the, a~alysis · made above, and above a:L1 the need :for interne tional so li-d~i ty ,.;i th·.: tria·· true ·-IiiiriiB.h :·:cevo iUti"orr.


Page 14: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

-\ ~· -


1. See my Political ?hilosophic 'Letter. Dec. 17, 1979, "What is Philosophy?_ .l/hat is Revolu;-ion?"_, which had· C0nCentr:ite·d. ·an the

, . APZ..tl ·Thesis·;· pOinting __ to-- th-~·:,'~ac-t thai it ·was·- _the boncept··of' State' anci·.Revolution which \"{ri.~. 'the ground----on whiCh .r..enin reOr'gan~z..:. -.

. -.~ ed>~he::_-paz.tY; ·.·.preparirig i~r- _so'~ia1.-~~evol_uti.~n •. · V.'hat .:is impOr~~t-- -~~ ,

he:r-e_.- howeVe·r:~- ·is .the timing·, ___ b~tween··: the .iirst ~8.ft.--as .nl\l~?ci~ and the Stat_e" which was written before A~rH, and. the final 'dra:ft ·'

_.:~whic_li·_~w~.:S·.:.~itten:. rlier. the -r-.~onth_ o:f Slander •. · whic~--·;forced. Len.in·-~~:~0·~"> . 'fie-~_- t~ . Fi~land:-~ _ .. rt' ·n~s- .th~t .. :ri-flEi:t' ve~si,on ~s stat-e :·an(f_ Re-Voiutim1.--- .

. which wks circul~ted to an _the path to. November.-

. 'RevC>lution, 1917.

sec:! actua1 revolutionary group, . and hew9d ·-·out: ·

especially. N~N. Sukhanov, ·The -·RuSsian

,.-See the Spring 1980 pamphlet,_ Irani'an \lomeri, The Strue,or1e Since the .·

- . , . _ Lendon. Revo1uti.on, published by. the Iranian Wcmen' s Liberation Group J.n I ·

(_BoX ITo. 7, Sisterwrlte, i9o Upper Street, London Nl, En~land) , -

which quotes ·a TV-radio -iriterview __ wi th Bani_-Sadr :f'rom which it_ is· c~ear tliE.t· he- not. on-ly didn't di~agree wi tl": thei:t=- r.-:·U-siim reactiorl­

~y, !nythical. View a·n_ Women n~w p_ass.ing f'or "sci·ence" .:..- "Meh_'-s_ level Of sexUal urges and- needs are rrmch- highei~ than· \'/omen's arid.

~his is b~ca:U~e of' cert~in- sex h~rmon~s- in. man's body~ ·:;lhereas there are· no sex hormones ·in woman's body" ~- bu-b saw. that his- al-"­

~~rnative·group should set up -its own paper, The Muslim· Woman~ that

was edited ·.a'nd-.run_ ·mainly by men.

-3. See niran's .Gl~tt0nous Revolution,"by Flora Lewis, New York_ Times,

Jurie 15, 1981.

4, See my 'ilee_}:cly Political Lette·r- of Nov. 1}, 1969,· "It:fi."'aelt·-·-uurma,

Outer I\·iongolia and the Cold ~iar".

'5. See Christian Science t.';onitor, June 18, 1981, "'Iran Races Toward

Total I''lu11ah Rule."'

6.- See f1ierip Reports, ~!iarch~April, 1980.

B. See y.s. Naipaul 1 s "Am<?nB· Believers• An Islamic Journey," Atlantic

[.ionthl;y, July, 1981. ? , See f,iarxist-Humanist Perspectives f'or 1981-1982, News & Letters,

August-September, 1981.

Page 15: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

Dear FriendS·~~:·. · -., ., ,.-~; :..:..: ._~

:By·~ no 6ccident"'.~ha:~~~· a -~~1. ~~v~ ;}~::1 ~o~n~~!:--t~~-~Apoca~e __ No~- ~ry~,,7,: :t.::<::

Gl:eeri Be:r.et: ... C?.l~~1::B~cktii~l:l, ··:tra.~ed in the!deca.de~~ong -~ .:;; .• ,im~-ia~ist.~war"'~ . - -- .-., .•. •-···----- ._,-_ , .... , , ___ -, _ _. ... ·~-·' -,•::::·:~.t:-:__7 •. · Vietnam;-.o;~:-J<l'¥!r.cl"_lq~~ .. _:t_9 CC?~<:i·-~1?-*3 '.'_:fP.ue __ Light:', ,f.ll_i~_e --~orps_r __ t9_. de~.f?e:n9:_: ~~n:}"r~n. _ _ ;; _ in the dark,o:f_.~the night of. Apdl ~. ,. rt_:i~ .. i~p;;~siblo __ ~o ~0-~~~i~e ···;~~h-:~ _to~iiY


bungled mil~~ ~~ra.ti()~~-~~ .th_~_-;~, of~th~ ~~-~t,···te~~~log_i~~ll;_~~~~~~d-:.b~~-~- ',:," ~·:f moth as th~ 11:.~., 'ohe.i;:;;.:d ;,d_.,'r~~~e .,:·{7)~~ l~~~ ~. UN~~ tll~ Pl~~~l,a< '\':.~·· hinlse~;~eci~e.d.to __ abort _the o:Pera.ti(;n.fo~:_;;~~~;,_~· ~v~"n~t~mg-:;,hat.eYe~ 't'o'd-~ · -·· · "':

''••" ·•·' 4 -C .. •.-><'- -·.>-~ _-. __ •• _,,,__, ·-•··•!'. ,;: __ -,, -,.;. -:. -~, :. ,·_~:'.-'·.-- '-·~.,; L--'_; ·:--~.;·-,_•: .• -·;;,•..'::•·.o,:;c:>~>~f";;:<~'

with either;the.adva.riced-nrl.U-tary tecbnology .. or'._Aluerica..~- llves.. nere·w~~ a 1-rPey '-~ . :_-····~--·--·-~--· ···--"' ~-;,.•·- ---- ... · "~···; .. ·, __ ·- ,.:::: ... .. -.: /;·.~·-· ~'.--"<'.•:·~·-:-, •. ::_;j;; .. ::::._•· ·.:.;: :~.".!.~-:~

misS:ion __ 1;t.~:t;l~~--~ne.-~:t?h;'?H8h,?O .. ~.ehea.:t;:"~~-·- ~~e~c?~:-.eY~ a. -?.~~~-~!.?!.?~}!:;-: ·.~·: .... ~--six months,,_ ~~C?l;Y~-~a,l?t 9~:1:30_ He?;ct;aes .. tra.ns~rt, pl.a.n~s_, _.~~lie~; pa:(L; __ pr?Ye_~_ :th.~~ ..... - ~:, tec~;logica.l proficiency._~~ the .. de~aA~:..i~~ bi~ody v·iet~m-1-i&r.~'-rlth ei~ht .. ~~~:_' ~: ly profici~t Siko~ky RH-.53 helicoptf:'rS. a~l manned. by~ volunteer, gung ho_ mili~;.---: ... :-.;_· ta.ry outrH.; a.rined·-not orily··wit.h;:Wea.:POnS but·i~ ca:nisters· :rllledi.with disabJ.ini-: gas,

which ,a.fter·:· OnJ.y·· three; ho~·..: in! the~ deSert; :-,·with -!no:· enemy. iil sight·,,; sutXlenly~ fallS ::::: .. -t: apart. , .. ~: 7it'st~-:·threo··heliCOpt.e-rs :i-"..a.li'U..;ctiOn;. .. then·;.:."ctm:!s·s ·the' ordOri_:,:f:rom; thaJ;.:;~ 2 .-?.';"';-;:;: .. ' ,

Co~def.-_in~chief'· to-:ciba.Udoil -thO misSiOti~: - :It·- is' n0n,2:~S:AM,_O:f: A.Jn:i~:-25•-'"':The:.+ :-r-.r.:· ::; .. ·

fiasco d9iarlure:. beComss:.C. ·_.tl:a.gedy -as ·-the. transport: plane:.and·_hal.icoptcr<Co~lide _-i. --~·i.:···-, and eight American bodies go up L"l flnmss, The 'Green: Beret ,(!ol.,no~:: orders-· the ... !:~·:;. ~ :-... ::

l:-eBt ~f- the· crew into a. p1an~ without either" ·picking up. tho bodies, o£ deatroylntl . -' .,,~:- ·-'-, ,- ', : ---,, .. - ; ....... , . -·· -- :•· ------_- .. ·'-' -_. -_ .. · ..... - .. ,

the ·seCret dOo\uru:ints~ .. ·Fiy? otliOrS:· ~i~riouS-l.Y bUrned· are··takeln' 8.bo&rcl. ·'It iS now 4 AM: "'· . --- "'-- l'- -.. , '._ __ -;; ,~ · _ . , .

.. :··- .• - '- -- .!-'; .;. -<· - .. · , T repeat., '·it -is··. iin:posS'ible·· t.o: conc'oi ve -such a ·total. :ra.iJ..ure unleSs· .the<

rsa.sons bohirid· the':ol:cler,-to'·.a.bOrt tho'- opGration· had--nOthing·._wha.~ever to' do "with.i.. -.: .. :. ...

either- the:teohriO~OCY or:·th~ lives of '_the-~o.rieS.n ho-stngCs--·t.ha.t werO· supposod-_to_·· · .,,-_-,

have beon rescued~ Two pro'OO.bilitios s~e~y· mP.kfi. morei- iOffio·.:thatl .. tnO· official ,t ·:

acco,t:mt~. On~ 1s that the CIA is ntill coo1)orating tiith S~~A~_:md -~:.~~.--~c:tual_~:·


Page 16: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


Fifth Column in Iran got cold feet at the last minute and did not wish to ~~ '~~h:_with._t~e~ m~rcenary n11J~de:rous~.job9~- -------

Ort even more likely, the l?L'esident got cold feet through. both the:Strong

op:positior>_.,- he wou.id meet from the American publiC' a.itd tl,le -distrus~ __ he sudden1y felt

f'~r -the .. CIA-sp6risored Fifth Column. But whSther these probabilities. or .the _offi-

. ~ia:lly~pi:a'ffered.}Cxpla.naiion of' sheer te~hno:i.ogica.l f'a-il~e mo-tivated -the ab~rtion ~,. ·. of'_ tha missionf this. bo:rl:t-again-christiM· President, Brzezinski-insp~d or·'othei--

.. · . ··- ~''w-· ; :: .,__i lft,, ;:'; '<·""'~T · 'P"' .. :· 7r. L;;;·-::;·,., _ ":7 ,:·-r :.·-:r.~-_:- :.r:_:..•-r·-~.,..-- ~,~-;-·- \ •. --~-;'--.,.._,., ,~ .·...-,p· ~iae,_ has not. fo·r-:a·'a'ingl.e' J.moment.'_rh~~i.ta.~~d~i'J:c?Pi': ~iB~_itt{~;i~f~:~~~~;:-7 "~~~ ~-'~=;;~.~--

--~ bility_ of 8..-world_-holocaust_.

Even so bOurgeoiS a specialiSt on mUita.ry defense as Drc11 I·liddletc;-ri:;.--,i~··~ · . .:!:~t.-:: f'el.t comi)diled?to_1e.hO~:.hdK ~ th.~ 7r:i.Zk 1"6-:f~;a ~Val b10CKader"W6iild1.in:crea.se-:.if. Soviet tankers li~~~?'gctii-'tti··.tfea-t··£th~:.blOC-~dS'-~ ,,~~-~- "'.riu:lEiodJ 6:vet.i' b~rore-~a. ,~glObelcCOrif'rOn"ta..;;· <:•i'"Xr'­

·_tion, t~~ ~-6~~iri1Y_:·.·~~Uid~bc··_.~---~rici"-th~~e\;ere-· ::..~ :PrJtests--' o:r tl1e·cu:s .= -·presen~e~: .. ;,¥-: (,;_·_c

in th~~-:~if'\~e~igi(f~\itibh:;"siibi~·aliiG~·.ro:r:th~ u:s·--~, ~~;-saudi Ara:bia:\t··Afl:r.fOr~-:- ,. J~ ,;~: the _~zest'··~~~~~~·;l not__r-iS~:t§~ __ di/--ili~)/ oPPbSe'~irllit.a:cy_;-st_e:Fa a:t_ this~_tiriie bUt-~ ih9y . --·::~

-~~thesi~£i.:{g··:~~~ri ~~r:~~~'ioM:·~coricinlic':~~tions-: '· :~-\.~:-Who·-·oXactiY takeS ttle :~:; · · ,._ congress··~m;i~~lY·:~:-ruG·-~·bi-t. ·or"-ca.lming'"hailci,..i;Ust'jb~Ca.txail thO head ·or· the{·F.ori3l8n -:---, '· -· ReJ.atioh~I)·Co~tte~:~-'Sena.to:;;---Fk.rik-'_ bhtir~h:;~·ta-~· '·abou~ _ thEt~hSi~ent~ "~lo·utL'lg,.--~--~-~ -l • • .~-; the rzar.· P~W~rit"Iie~~Iitiiiiri? :; C:a.]?:ita.iis;nj~S ilCver~f'aii~d:··to·~ ieV'ii~enou€;il io'OPhoief{!·;>~:~ .;]17:-~

~_:.~i·:"'c"·; .. , 1-.. oc,-t,!"'-'·;;.-• _'·7 .. ,._-, -~ ...... ---·' _ ....... - v·'·i • .·, •. ·<--",-_.,: '-·'·:·~:::::~s-;-in- any"liiD.itatiOn" · to . thO~~ i;lqwe:i-s · or-- it~ · CoJilll13.ndeZ..!.in ..:Chro£ tb ·alloW· hilil"· a· · ·- ·~ free hiri:&:~r::.:.::;~;~_-:·<· ', r·· ~ ~- ;:·r·:J.~•i'f ·;·.·~. ,_;_-::; .J:c·_,--~,.:~_~,~.· ··-;·-:·. :_.1·::..:·.- ::-- · <:..,r;;{'!::~~.::.-

;- -:· ,. ''I: :z..:;-·r __ - ~ ·.:· -·~~ .;--: :.- .' · ·( .· \~<:: ;·- :-n .. --; ::- _,, :: .t~ J~ ~ ;c:·_,~-: ::. • :< -~ _,.,. -! c;-- :· -i: c: <.,:-: _ .-.- -~ _:_:_ .-.·:::::;_ ."':·"--':'- • :-:---;_· ·\ L

, ;-::·:--1-lhe~er-·or not:Presidflnt_:Ca.rter :iBi so Nixon-bent~· _on;,.:tP.e re:tcnt_iQn '?'!:..h.i_a~~. --~·-·;::.~­

powers_ iri.~this~eli3Ct-ion:~.yea.r that -ovon·;thc' profi3po~t.--of. unl.~shing<l-lor;L.d,;;·W~;·,II~ ... <"~ .. ~-;, ,>. :::-:.:

cS.nnot stay· his:·ha.nd;: 'it, is'& f'act~tpa.t :th~;t · Irani.in~misadvel,ltttt:.O r.a.n_. ~ [email protected];be ,

. sCpara:t·ed:;·f'i:-cn(-ca.rtor•s·:-intorrla.l·; drivC·..:·i'o~£- war .. that he had bcglttl_ long ·pofor.o ... _;-Th_e.:;."

po_~nt isJthfit-,Cartor's· .. prOIJQsal for: X'einst..ating:_dra.ft.;.regietra.tiori.,·for: tho_ yout-h·_, c;. .• + .,

has, indeodt1a..·glolnr:Unperia.J.ist'outlo·ok.<: -~- :·.1: -· :~:·-:r-··;-.:·~ ~-: :"':•_-~ /<;'.'•i,;·•'-~· ... -_.j_, ·,:.•., ,.~,:~,:[;·; .• <c• .''' ~;_,_; _ .. _,, _,, ,1'<"'.1' , . .,, '. •

··r-~- It becomes imperative; thcrofo:ro, that our strugglo t11minst Co...-tcr•s drivb 1

for wa~ i~ ~t the SMe- tim~ -~-~f~~~~~~.P.;Q§s··o~·~·olldO:ritY With-thO ·:rm."lk.-i misii~G· .. ·. :~. in thoir anti-imperialist s~ In doing so we mus_t ma.I-:e suro that tho struggl~:. for f'rcodcm:.dooe not got:oepo.:rated.i'rcm-a -philosophy' o:£-,libtu.~tion· •. --And· tharein,

precisely,· ·lieS· thO :do.ep oont.ra:.:Uction-.in-.thc Iranian· revolution, signified- all: .. ,., __

_ ~ ovo~r~ga.in=-b:;--::tho Khcmoini/n .. 'li~S!ldr unleashing ,of' ·.tho .u."'lholy_;~'Holy, _ti~_":...againot:· .th T _,.. "-"--"- ,..._. ~ -• I- ·-s' h . • ·~• ••• t··"' ~ ... -.c .... c ... "''-"·N'omuutl.f.tSanl. a.o.r ... ave .JI...tBb l.ll.l."!::l.A eu.o~· .• .: .... ·.-----·:·, •· :<• .. r

·~ ';

* Soo Drew ~tiddloton's "Risk :f'or tho u.s. Grows in 1980, which includes also a section on tho erowins

I:i-an111 Now York Tilnes, A~iJ.-';27'::·:--,

tension botwocn I.-aq and Iran • . . -~~ '.• •• l . 7234

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.. ~ --. ~-. ,_-_ - . II·

.NC?t only ia there rio ,.connection between _the deep unrest in Iran and ~cr~s _ ~:.~·- . __ ·,--_ -,.,_. ;;/.,_-.:·,-.;, -.:-_--.-·_, ' .... ~- -·---· ,.· __ ,_;>·_._,~:-:~c.'.:.-.--· -._·';· .-•. ·.· -_

intrusion into Iran.(and :aani-Sadr knows it), bUt th~ ruling clique· in Iran has

-sh~~--~~·ar;~it~:~~ ~:~e-~~.1i~~j~ ~~ C~pi~iist -~~-~try- wh·a~ they to_~k ~-d~tigc - ··--· ._,,. -'# -·- ........ -.-. • .. -.,t•.-.-.:--. ~--· "-:-·:,_'".: .:·--·-.:-· ·-:~;.· :::-----~---~-"'------.- '·:·-::;·· ·--

of tho ___ de.~er:t f~~C;O -_~0- hi~, OU~ ~in~:ir .tho. Left, aga.in;st th~ dissa:tia:f~ctio_~ ovei-· \ • • r __ ~ .-'" '• ·,,, •• •·, ,-~ .. ·'• ,,._, ,,•:.,-·_.. ~-' :,.- ·'-' ••. · •.• ·'·;,:,•\'.• ;~"-_:,_~~··;•,.:".r,; ,_;--~"i; _•:,(· 'l·.~

_t~~-- gr~t-.:.la.~S_ Jl.n_,employme~t, -~'l:nst.. tho· national liberation moyet'len~s, _Ku...-ds .~---·:--~· ·:_ .:·"~·-·'..:-· -;,;._· -·.~] •--;i-;)':'.,,'.~'--' --- •.:.---.- --.--- --- ,_·-:·.-_;-, ;·:·_- ,_;_· ·.-: _____ ._.. .. , .•. _, :--

-·espec~~y, __ ,who ... hav:e .a.t~~mpt.cd. to deepen the Iranian .rexolution if:'OII! t_iere. ove_,x-' ~•.U· --,> .. ,· .,_.; _-,_: __ .-.·.-:.>•.:-:.: _.._,_•-,.:-· ...... ·: •_:, .· .. ·-_- __ -.... ,· -, __ ; ;._r.;._,_:-_.-... • .· •• ;,

-throw of tho Shah to a.ctua.l £reeder. a..."ld new .human l:-elit:iozis:. . KhOmeini cirid Bani- :.::

; ) '


--_ . , . - . . . . -- ·._.-~-~----·~]_. ·-·~.-.;.: '-~~-~~. -:_~· -~'!":'~---i;-~-:~-" Sadr knoll that the oppos~tion to th~ began 1-lit~ their retrenchment- £rorn the goals '_.,--,

?-~ thci:-~oVolut'ion;-_whothe:r tt-.a.t-·ra~~e_d.. ~o _Khoneini's ~ t~ .t~-:t~~ ~~p~ lncka · on ~lomen~s Liberation, :_or-trying to abol.ish:tha ._shoras .of'·the. Norker~ .. c __ ;tsn!.t,.it .. · .....

• • - • • , - >o - ·: ••• --.- - ~ • '· ... ; • --··· ...

a.- fa.~t tha.~;.the:~;ttcmpt .. to-~Uroad-.thiough the_ Co~stit~~ioJ,l, <?O~~ided with,_ t~? .. ·!-: '-'-~'. takeover of<t.ho .Eml_:e.ssy,, in ·the_ first_-place7. And_ isn •t, i:t ~' :faqt_-~~1?~ ey~n;_ t~~­election -of -;.Ba.ni-5a.dr as -i~esident .is 'lJC?.u ~ again di~utcd !l!l~C .' ,th~ _. ~~o:r;gy g~~~- ~~~ .. ::.· into-:_its-.-hiora.rcbica.J. rul.e _;_in .the_ .Pro:lio.rnent'? .. :Arid how • oxactly, do. you help. the . ., . _ ... ' -- .. ·-- - ... - , . ,_ --· .. · .. '·'

orh-~\ru~h~'i~ that t~o'-~ca.t ~~~t i1i,thc Co:fuh-y;'th~~-.~""~kS;.~de·:.. 'h

sixc for now, n~n-eXPi;)i~ti~a ~~:tB.t{~~~-:·;-th~'-~ti6riai ~o~iii~s-1 ~si.O~' £0%:- ···

aolf-deto:rminn.ti9n.a.re .~o_ ~:Kpa.r:l.blc ~om n. groat J:ASsion :for philosophY of libera­tion tha.·Ctb~r~~ i~~ •t a· sin~lo ·a~:pCC~a-i·o~ ';;;....: ~d ·th~a-· ar~ n~-·10~~.-.:t.~~- 1.So :·dirf'or-

.·_,;·_:.:,_::,-_,,. __ ; ·.';' '>~_--. --- -:.·_ ,-;' ._ .•. , ·'- ._ -·-; ··' ._. _._,. - .. •_-~-,_._.,. ont· groUpe_ attempting tc, llrl.icula.to thO.t "Passion fOr frocdoc, in ovory fcm "from-., ...

pa.mp~~~~~;._.~b~~~·;_~~p~~--l~fiOts:,jgn~SCt~~si~-truit· doria- nOt .. _at· onco gct~·grabb~d~:· up On 'tha·,\mi .. ,Orsff.Y.~ ~~sos ._:- · It\~ thOSe bOoksta.l.l~--:tha.t ·so £rightcin Kh~mOin:f·:·: and th; --~o:..~O:lled 'Rov'ol~tioriai:-Y· cOuncil that they ·oroci- their<' gOon-s to" a.ttD.ck< the'·-


Page 18: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


student youth. Worse than tho riots· these gOons instigated -~'·--~'ld the"re were many

~j_!lr_~~--'-~~. ~~l!le .. cipa.~-_,.~7 iS the sta.to-a.nd-ciergy-sponsored ediota _for. the a.bo1i-, -·~--·'"''--'1"'" c··•,.,_,-·;=,·;,••<!1":'-.:"--T-1- .-:•''·"·t·'f"' '.·•(""·· ... _·- '•JT ~.--·-· ·'·-~ .' ~ ... , ... ~-- '··-• .. .-.;;J..,;,

tion_ (If. politi~l actiVitY. ,··KhODiein_i- -iS· under_ the--m~io_ii·tha.traince -the-Le£t.:~_~ ... ~_·.:_;~-r~

do'\!' _'r.?l'}~~~. ~~~~~:r~ofq~~~;,S~h.:,~~~Ii~j;~~c~-1~ -~~?, ~~!.~:;.~;.,:.,;:~; ~~~;.t:~;\ Shah'_. _the_ id~ _of'_ f'ie~dOm·. wil~ dfe ._.-_. 'Ba:ili~a:dr _ ·£alloWed' uP· tne'·sl.shdel:a ___ -a:gains:t;·· the~..., Let't~ o6~~c~~ :;;,io'~j,~·~~l:~;i; cia~@;iii~- i~t' th'e'ki:re;t 'ciri 'thl~~''is olil.Y ,.,: "~t·: ~r · ~~-~e ~gl~~i:. i~~iiii1fat~---:Pit~:- ~ -"·~~~ <x -iUiv~ --fior.t~ :~.¢o"of: -~arid )~f hope :to~~1 .~·:.:: -F"- :

gi;;~ \t ~-;;;~\~,:w.~¥ii'~~,t,6,,;~~ ·~;,~~" i,~.t:.:he~: ~::1 l~,;;;e't:~t''t.il~:~v.i~\ · of the American planes liaS ,T.ist ~-of~tbe·.'pla.O."' 'All he>giV'es-"Pro'of'!··~of•i.S··.:.-_,,A_

.• ;:, '•'· ,';...·:-.:-;~:-·d ' -. _ _.: -~,-~,-~ __ .~ _; "''''• : ;. -- :-' -~ 1," '',?. ·':' . -~·- ' '·._, ,.,, ~ •" .• ,.;- .•.' -:., ·- ~ - : .f -~-- - ·--" ".:-• .- - :.·. . tha.t most u...'1f'inishCd. -·state· 0£, thO Il:aliiati' z.ev.o1Utioll. '" '\'That :-the ·masses·· 'ld:ll ~-prove·:~:?~ -'"•<-·.~: <;•,._-:-::'_.;,;',•J",(,•: ,, .. _,:·-, -, ,·,~.·,,•~.-·,-, ,;~," ·,·-~,( 'o", •-•" ,..;_,,-•; ,o,,,~;., ~, ';,.--~ '_• • '•'), _.·.-~)' is -~~t "~~~~·:~v~.- no';~~~-~~~:~~ w~;~e,;er·to ··: .. ~et ··tn~:-·r9~-~~~~,i?_n- ~~~~--·~:h:ririi'shed·. --~

,;: .,.· ~-"

'··:-__,;-; ..... -~ ''--•·'"' .:'..', .··.:: ~ .,,_,_.;, _.__ .. - _____ .,· - .• , '" . :· , .. ·:··- .. :'··I-·- ;.·,-._- .•

-~~ _s_t~gest ._~_o1c_ra:~ion of all, if no_t OUtright -_"lovA" ,is_ the ~o~e- ·that._·: Cix;~r~S ~etweCn ,·lql~~~-~i ru;·d·. i\tdch: ~AriyOna- ~·the- ri~~t:--is ~o · ~"dc\tst;~ed _t~. th~ iSQ-~:_t

,._ ·::----~- . . • _- --. ·,_ -: . • ,>;.;:·.; \ -· _,_---, '-:· . - ' :> . ; .... ~_ .• _. ·: -- .. . ,._-, .· .. - '- ;. ·' --· ; "';-. . ' ' - '"""l<'j.

degree: turns, hyp:.crision _a.rl.d oUtright ·a.lliaiices ·o:r ·a.'bSo1Ute oppoSites on·· th3 ~ '':' -~--).; .. _-___ .,.., .. _-,::.,;·;· .. ~···" --.:·, ·.-- _ .. _. _ _. .. , --· --~---->-.··- "-•· _--:,", -. -_, -:~, ·- :-~ --~· ~.

_::.~tho_ i_l_l:lsosian Communists evci- ninco the Hitlel:~ta.1iri Pact; whiCh··ga.ve-·the·green ·.· ,'.;t .-:;;: .·-·::.-"- .... -- :· :- ._ :· ,:-~ -,_-.,; .• ,._._ ·------~---- _ _-,.,· .. .-·. --- '". • .. '~

light ~o Uorld Har II, that nOne in tho ·HeSt Were slirPriSed ·by tr.P.· SOcrc·ta.rY. ceiner-' · al or"th~' ~~~ -;;~unist -~~-, ~Nuf.rnMin Kiantiri~s -'d~(;JA..~+:;~~<tta·t:' the; -~e---··-; ·.· ''f~-~~~~~--~~t:>"~j,~-:~~~~~i-~~---~~~~~ 11 : ~,~·_:\. -;:·. ' - -~::~.·.,.:-_:;. • -~' • .. ·:~::,:.

. rcc . ~

-wh~ti intel:Vi8wed lr]- •·an ed.itOr~Of'.'Lo -Monda; ,Eric Roule!au~,-.on .. the .question

o£ stiP~:iDg .terrori~m;.- KiMuri·:;repiied:"of- 'cOurS~ we--condcm..-.,.. toi'rori~ui,.· hut-· :itO:~_ princi:Pio .; Can -b6:- etama.l'; ·_ ·:FrOm-: the· --very ~innlug" we.- supported -the ;arrest: o:f the·: ' ·J-:.

:.-l,_o·-MriEi<r' di.J)loMts· beCa:J.se; th6y .Waro ··eD@ged,not-·only.:in:'Capionage·-· •• ···rr..tt in·~~-'-"' t~ ~ -Cb;ifi-f.~~~civoiUt.i~Da.r.f~-arid·· SUbVc:rs'iVe aCtivity;"-- AS -f'Ol: coiltinuiilg':i.ricarceraticiri :of··. the Ain~rca.n h.Osta,gos ;--WhiCh f'lo1.f in- th~: face -Of': intarnaiioria.l law,. :D.nd: which -·ausSia:

·also had __ t6"c00d0Iran~-·Ki3tiUri:_1Ct tho- c3.t;oUt. of the' ~·--by·-approvingi'the. atatUS:'quo -,

of continuing tho retention of tho hostages when he said that it "~ a gooci-wa.~~ of ~oyont~g the normauzati.on of'.Iran's.r~la:tionG Hith the~:·l)~S.··· !'·· ._. c.'

,, ' ·- -,• .. --· -- . . ';-~_ ·--.-.. -<'·:;: ._., '·'"::' . .1.';

··': .. ,.It isn't true,,ho"!ov~~· that oithcr th~ clorics w:hO wi:iro Wi-fh-HC:)~Sridegh :k.t.·"·::

the '.5~,or·!:fc;ss~degh 1_e eccuJ.ar.:follo~niDS _ar'e that_· ~lCl.'\-mt· __ of· th~; ~dOh -~rty·; .· ·_;,;_ Tudoh~}~: m~SC:tablo __ z:olo i~ ~t~~-~ pa~;~d- ~~S. ~ot·_ bOo~. ~~~6bttcn. rind ·.th~: ~~sio~- ~'i Af"ghB.n,~~ has_._ma_do- 1'\C?ttU?_ ~'?~, c::v~ tlio new "poPUiist11 .phaSo ,·~r:·:th~-"¢Qmlnu0iStS. WhO· did roc~~vc'rlOO,OOO votos in Tohcra.n ·~lo~~ h;. tho-: £1rst round ·cr-,t-ho ~~OCtiOris.··· ,,

*The Guard!.nn, 1\prll 27, ~980 (Lo Mondo EhgUsb Section) 7236 .-. i

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-~i~~~C';e~l}~.,~"~·'·~elb, ~.:-~!1~:.' e:thm:, ~-'ld,_-beth .. ir.. its .. p-tlblica.tion~-;.·1·~-ndo~,- ... ~nd ___ ~"l--t~~- -~p-ee~~es'::-e., __ , ,, cc.,·;·cco= Kianuri makes, :feels :pcrt'ectly :free to criticize Bani"S<idr ':'.nd'Ghotzbadeh' · ·

w~~le :leaving Khomeini £rtie f'rom critiCi.S·m, as if KbOmoiiU. wasn '-t···ant.i-COmmtrirl.st.

~d.-.y_at,·_,~tl,·( to .. teu;· Kia.rluri 'doos.ha.va B. point. Kholneini~s- a.~i.i-Co~~sni._ iS'-

so_ a.bstiaetly -_-roli.g:'~ous, thEi.t-- i.s · trJ a!i.y out of tho context ~f'.- _existing -~mm~-:·· ·::- .,,: ... -.,-- ·:· ---- -_·- .. -.. - - --- .. ---_ :-_ '. . ' . ___ . ·--·. ,"- ,', . ~_is_m_as.ti.-worl~ nuclear pouer, so eing:~e-mindcd in his qpposition to Carter a.l.one ---~-r~~ing n,i.he Great &i.tan" -tha.t he wa.sii•t diverf~d BorioUs1y- ··tJY-·RUs~i.a:-ls_.--inWsion ·O:fi¥~hanisia.n1·:· &ili~a.dr aiid:Ghotzl:adeh ~e mort'l aWe· o{·rea.lliies~- and-J.m.ci~>: "ttrit-~,tho;e- are- tWo nu01ear -_world- poW.Crs, each· af't~r-:- siD-gie .. World --Ccnt.~l. _.>--. . • . . ' ' . . ·. . ·.. ··, . . . (whi~h .is onl.y anti-America.)

A greater :mea.eure of the- na.:rrowriess of Khomeini •o ._'"a."l.ti-ini.JlCZ'ialiam"' /_and.

tOlera.ti~n of ~he Tudeh tk-ty,w~~il.c baing totalJ.y opPosed to gen~e_ l-ta.r-:4-sta, _is

- ~een in tha _comma.ri.d.er of' the Revolutionary _Guard.S :Which have the 'full support _of

KhOmoini~ · Their Commander, Abu Sharif'~ sPoll~d _out the· o.anger .:for Iran: "The' dail­

gm: comes from U .. S. l.ef"tlst orsaniznti6nS." He: oxpmded :it thl..W~_-_ .. There are·ti~S ... }:~t~~,?~ga?-i~tions wh~C:h ~e __ arming-themselves such a.s tho-.Feda.yi. Khalg. There , are- o:; .. t-;!lr ~lOftiSt -·~.rgi!liW.tionS -l.ike tho TUd.Jh i?n.rty-,- which says. it recognizes _the

I~ia.trd.~_--Rcvolution•s constitution and Imam ~melni's line •. In this ~se, ·it is

_a.,-lcgil:- lcrtist-or~iz~tiOn tha..t acts o.nd "WOrks·on:this bnsis. But the_~!f.gC:r __ __

ccrites:: fi.'Cm tho u.s~- leftist crg<ll}iza.tionn, which- reCeive fundS o.rid ·wea.Pons :f'rom

th_a Uost and falsely spoo.k·a;bout a.-Russian threat to Iran to justi:f'.Y military re-_ lations with the United States." (IIERIP REPORTS, March/April.' 1980}c


* ... As-against Kianuri's goal-~ "the "l:r;'eaking o:ff cf all remaining. ties with

tho-u.s.••- and as ago.inst Sharif saying. that "the da.rlgcr comes from u.s. ~cft_ist

organizations", wha.t becomes imperative is the f'orging of' relations, revolutionary

rela.tions,_betl.feen the ma.oses in the u .. s. a.nd il1 Ira.'"l. To prevent the rca.l. da.r,S~ of a world holocaust, it is necessary to sao that tho enemy is not so much nbroad

a.S:O.t homo. It is hera where philosophy of' ro ... "'lution becomes· as_ crucial. as

social revolution itsol£. Ideas of' froadont recognize no P.Ation:ll. boundaries.. It

is a. fact that- oUr rulers aro Our enomios and -that tho Ira.niC.n masses are our

friends. The world revolution ltl!l.y not bo en tho ·aSolida. ~.at this vary moment, ·bUT.

it·a· that vi!iion of a. new world thnt is "tho ground f'or;th~ B:ctual. st:t't.1gglD that will pi-avant nuclear holocaust by cro:~.ting a _now_ wo:c:ld,_m totally humn.n foundations .. ,

RAYA llJNAYEvSKAYA Dotroit, !Uchigan


Page 20: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

Raya Dunayevskaya December 17, 1979

_-, _,

Not So Random Thoughts On1 "- ~. ww..T :j:g: PHILOSOPHY-? -~ WHl\T 'IS ·REV6LUT'ION?:.i.:·: -'~

1789~.179J;C:184B-1850; .. 1914:-1919;· 1979 · .. __ , '. :,-

· :_. -·· .: :_ :~;_-·{C': 1_:.---.- ---~··:· •• -:-:_ .-~~ , .. _,·._ •!···~.--, •. ··• -.-. :·~~r::· ·'" •--,..·

It sounds so abstrac·t, so ·easy "to' Say~ ··with Hegel, 'that '· .--

-· phil~~~p~~:; 1E(\h~-: ,/i~'i,;icih~·-e;tudy~ Of.-- ti=ti:~~s" f~~-- ~&~iy·.:~~otind:;.:ov~ .. i--.-:·:.-., __ ·, ~,,. ... :-·- :<·· .. : .• --

0·• ",·, _ _," .. - __ , :._., ;• ,.._ ~-_;· • - _ r• ·- · _'l, _, ~~ (' ·,

s.l:l!l_Pl_i~~ed, to. say, at o_~e. ~d-· t_~e. sa~e ·time ·~--that "Nature has_ g~ven:-_ ·,;:;.e;~y~ne 'a.' £ac,;ity o'i' thoil\i!it.' l:lut'tfiori;,ht' ';:',;,';..ii'tii;,.t:·I>!liios'c:P'hy'::.c~ · ~la;t~~5-'~s::·th~--- i~~rit~~!p~:~-p~~:-t~o--:h~~~_::~r·o'cr~ss: . ,_~-->·· _tPa~a--:-·-_ ~_sy-·- ·When-~~-~~~:.) ev·et{·~"y,,-u···r-ealizk:- thS:t-··thi'S 'iS 'ttu{ rnt!-OdUctt.-on to-' sncyc-loj?S:edra:·~-' ;_,_­of' Phi'l010J>hi:~at"·scre·nce!:ir t-hat_ ~t w~s- ·wri tte·n:· 3:iter-·--·di~-:Fre-nch~-~--~:,c··

·- .,, ··r··:--,,·_- .... -, - ·. · -·. - ~-. --.- r-, . .., , ... _,- __ ..• · . .-·~--:~·· Revorution·t·_Whi'ch inade' po:Pular·.an actua:l "perman~nt_ revoltit~on"···--·- ·· no revolution is ever its -:ri'rst act aJ:one ··_..,:: y·o·~ ~a.-n-''b0€;in·~-- ju-st·· ·heg).n~ to:~ g·:r:a'sp- t·he·! nle~riih~r· ·O:f Heg~i·•·s -·e_xPr~sSi:~n; ;,:Secohd:·ne-ga:-ti.:.'- .;.

- :;.v"ft:fi~:·:; FW.::t~e-rritor·e·, -~i-Iege·l had; 'nOt ':fo~d-. · ·a~ti6·uratio·n··that- e·asy_:-~. ·

~ntil a:ft~r PhenOmenology of Mind, unii·l: ~:f-tei::.tno:--sd'i~n~e- oi.--r;birrc,

until af·ter- he tried "to surr.marize all of h~s ~or~s, includ~:ng the '2,soo:...ykai- 'hi~ta:ry:~:c·phifOso"Ph:Y~.:" ~The~, of' course-~' you ·realize whY, 'when-· iie·gei._. ·is 'spe-ak'iri~;- -6f··phi·iq~oph~/~ --5:t-. -is· ~ot·- a~,- ~tistr~ctioi1~ t'hftt.·eVk'r:,:: thCiUghz'hO. -iimitS----J:1:'·t'O:._thoUf:ht' aiJd:-_riCit'aC/ti"'tity·~ -he _,c·~n ·--

·--;,_.- --r.- •- .,,_. __ , __ :,. :---,·-. ____ _,,.. •.- .;-.• _ ;-~ ... conclude· in that ·very:...same .. --Introduc:tion's -:. ·

- ."'i'hiS' dl~OrCe :'hetweEtfr' iC!e~- ·and realitY' iS; a~·:favbri te ._::_ · · -•; deyice·;of' the-. analy,:tic unde~sta~ding<i!J._:_parti~_ular· •. - --.Yet_-

. !' .•. ~_.str~ngt?lY" ~n:_ ,c_ontre-s_t-- ~~ th_ -~hi_s sep¥'a.t,;i_st. t~p.p._ency f·- ~ tl?· ··.own·-dreams;~ half'-_truths ·though·- they ·ore; appear to the-· ,':lnderstanding:_: some_thing, tr.ue a:nd" r_ea_lr· .-it. prides i tsf?_lf;·, __ on.·the,.imperative. ,'ought~ w~ich_ it- takes _especial pleasure rn·preSCi-ibhl@- ·on·tne- fi'eld 1 6:f- pOli"tiCs.~ ·As,i:f·.--the world-­had·· wai.:te.~-.on .. i:t:\t9 J-earn-. how_- -i_t· _o\Jght-_, to be,_. ~_nd wa.s

6,)- not!""-:

(para ...... . . . '"~;- ,~.-·.:... ; . :. --~--- --- ..

.And that same paragraph further stresses that "the Id~a~

is not so feeble as merely to have a _right or an obligatio'f. to exi'~t- WithOut· a·c tUB.lly·--exi_s'ting:. ... ·.,

· '·· ... · wi><m ;.. ;.;~~~ obje.eti~: ~ ~tali:•' i,;~se" r,; 1S44~·1a48c',;;t.'icl.· was · -'< '.,_ ' '. : -- -- ···;-:, '--· • ' ' ' '; : • -. -_ - ' :· ·: -~ • ' ' l_ • -,' ·_- .: - -, • -- '.'.' ;i p:ro~e~p.r~?:~,and no_t·_ just .. __ semi-proletaria~_ as -~:ith the ____ enrages __ of

. --·--...... · -'!;r,J Fr~nCh ·_ RC\r~,l~tio~ •.. th~_( y~~ng: · n_e~. __ r8~o-lu1J.o~ar~- PhilOSopher ·a.fld ·. a~~~~~i--~i~ ·Ma.i-~.·-~~~-~ticed·_.- Hege~·, -~- ;tde~ ._~f. f're~_d~~- _.by. reali:~j_~· _- _., it in' an- ·outr·{glit ~evOtut-io~-~ HP. _h~-d"" tOfd·'his"YO~ng. Hegelian; f~l~ilds

. • ., . • r ·~ .. ' ·. - . . .- .. • . • - ' ' -· . .

who were _l?e_~9m~~g·:,·mat_e~~a~ists 1 You cannot -~e<?omS a tru~ ne·w Hum2.nT

}_1_;·-(~ ~:· ·· ..... ~ . ·.· .. 7238

Page 21: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

: . ..__0' ~ .• :-,~1,),~-;::

~ · :·. :~ ~: v <? '~ ;: :··. '.'• I .• -: ·; ·"·,,-, '?""."'~·r ,·:::..:: .c,.-:-:: !-: .. ···

-· ist by :turning: yp'}-Xr_; :ba_~~ .. on -H~?eel·~~~a~s~;~h~~-i·;~? )Joth ~ ourgeois and _ide-a1~St and __ .;tiercauser--h~r J:iini ted····tn~~- ·r·e-v61.uti'Oti: .tt,,:_: :'a:-~. TevOiuti'o~- i·n . th~Ught._" T~~ -trut_h is. that --He-ge?-!~s di"aie~tic was _n~t :just -~~riy>~id9~_> bUt the :rdea:·of freedom, and reuSt, -therefore," first be- realiied·---in. · .

. .!j;;,:_:r ·,.:..·:·'"~·:.....:~. ~;:!":;•,.· ,·,:_'"'-'..!. ··.-.:· -; .. _~;:.:-.., .~.,~- ·• ~-~--::::··:-:·"~-=~ ,-:;_:; ::-~~·-:<.:·""L ._;·: - · ··.-- ·· ~3:n, aqt_ua:J.. _fnaterial.·.way--~ :; , we. f!lUst--be_ specif'il-: S.nd_· shout·. ptit:.loud .. ·.~

·~~•"''"•'_-' .•-,1:~; •. : .. ,·, .. c-.-_~-'-·•-• :.-':- ·-.--;:·:-_._.-~_.: .. -,_.T, :-;- ·:-·;_- __ ,-:- _);.:!::·',\' ~;:.:·_ ::,:';::!" >_:::.·:··,"~;----;;·:;:;.:., •:! -who _.;th~_ :f_or_9e~~ ·pf~; r_evolut1on-~·are ;"~-~-What :the~~R'eason .of revolU.tign ._,_

:·--'•'-'-:-; :_:_,_.! .:_":'-~-'~·.,,.·.· .:.-;.-::; ~:.:<:·-:~~-~-·-; :';~·_.;;, -~,:;-;;-- j-_.--; _;\·:-:-t>- r.;1· --_:_,<·.(·'- :.'(~:": ... -_:.. .. - ll~::~d:. how w~. ~an·achieve_.i'reedom. _I, said· Marx, say-: it- is. the pro..;·.' . -- ;.-,·.:• .. - .-.~-'-~. ·-'·"~' .. ~ .\·'. ~ -:··-\· .. ,:,;_·---.,_, t~··.-~("'·,·'• v·· .:--'••r·"'•'_-~.--.· .. "'-~-.--.-.-.,,·•;_, __

· l.~e\.~~r~~-· .. }Jeca~_se"_~i)-~;v: :?r~ _at ·the 'point 'ai proaUCtfoi-i' _-w,~_~re.-:·.al_~:-~- _ ·. -_-"tni~~i.?f~~~-~?~~,~~~t~~~~:-.- }_:- ._,::za~·_:-~~H~t; -~~-,-~~~$j~·~:; ~-~e·_· fr~~~iJ~n-~·i.: ·-;;~~ .. \: -w~:~,~-- -~_;. cause .. the~ wl:lole. capitalist. Wo.rld .to -.tremble, we-_ rieed_ to ,J.U.).i'.urJ_· _a

• --·· -···-- '"" --~-- •.. ·--- ._ ·.-.: -.1-' ... ·1-•' ;-.;-:"' ,._,,:_,_:, -~---··.···.'"···;_·-:- ••·•

to~t-~1l:Y: !l..e~yt_:· rbanner..,cf'.~_phi:Losophy_.~S:. y;ell- as·_-pf'_··revO::iU:t'~orl". ': A~~~--t)le ph~~~~~~,ph;f· of: r~v~.l~t'i?11 _·-"now_-_;·-~:~. -tp~i-. ·i~ ~-;: 'aft~r-· -~~~ ~-~?:~~ge?~_S}e_~·i,1~s._. :: .. betrayed, us in,,this l848-,9,,Revolution, and it, is necessary to depend only-o;; ~;; ~wn forc~s, Tmu~t ,be, :'REvOLuTION· Itl l?ERi.iAriENCE. :. , · (J\ddress

~-·- -- '"• .... ··-----~-·· ~- --·•' ,, .- •• ,·, '< • ,.- -.

to: the Communist- League, 185,0) .. _ .. , __ ~-· .. ·_, •.-.-T<~·-C.::..,..-.• -~'""-'-~ .~. _,_,, _._,_,_.' .-.. -:...'!.:, ---··----·-· '•o''

·:.1;~ . ;-f •. ~~~; :'';~·'.)~-. ... i'.·· - ·.t::.~·-•_t·: .-. '.. ·-··· '. . ;.. .-, , ... ·--This.- revo1\ltion __ in. permanence ,,.,he· .continued-, _is n9t. the_. -~ . --·· ·-· ·- .. ' --· .... -· ,_, ·-- ... -.- ,' ,_, .- ;.---······· :. ___ , .. _

generali:tY_~ it ;was_ in-.1?89-9:3• __ ,.This.revolution_. in .permanenc;e._,_is op .. ·_ th;·b~~is ~f~ ~heB~ .. ~~~~- .f.or_~~~·.'~f. ~e~O.luti~l~-~- ~d ... t~is.- -~,~w." ~hiios~Ph_y o:f -~~va·l~ti~n- .I. ~~fu~l~d i-n- the': c·~·m~u~i·s't M~if~·st'~ -d~alt ~i-th ,a_-,_·,~ . . '. • .. - - .,._. •' ,) ... ,_ ' _- ' ·--·

total--~~pp~o:ting:: qfr th¢_. 9ld, a· _to.tal, cr.fJation of .. _.the::_ 1"!-e\v, .... shO\ving not only~ What_~ ·we· .. jark~ ·a~ain~t~:::~~t. \~hat: ~e·---~-;~--·:-f~:r"-; . In'_it ~-w~rd; .. <even -though_. We h~~~ ,n~:y;~ ~h~'iie·n~d: 1o·t .. Oni~~-th_~_~, ~·~d·~.- ~f: pr:odU~_.ii:~_ri~.b~t:.~-lso the form of' the f~il~: a~d: dug- fnto the~ fll~dame;,tai r~i~tl~n~hh of marl/ wo'~i~-,' 'we: m~uSt~ g6'. fur·t·he~-: int·~::_th~-- ~liai~:~ti·c··; ~-f~ 'r~~iJ.-tio:li?, i: e. ii1t6:_ ~~~-he:: d.tai'~c·t.ic -. rif:: -~e.gati vi ty ~s·- i;h~ --~6~ii1~: ~~d:· Cre·~ti~B: :prir .....

• ' :·. • - -_ ~.:.-:- : j •

ciple" of- Hegelian philosophy. (Cri tigue of' the Hegelian Dialectic, 1844 )' : .. c.<.;, C'","" cc>C • · .

. Internationalism is not telling. ~_the7,--· nations. y.oha:t;:-,to: d.9.~

-'rt' iS soli4<u'izing,and f+aternizinp.-_ with. tho_se -.sent to shpo_t -you-­and ·h~Vi~~g_:_ ihe;;;· tui-~ ~h-e1r: g·l.lfls -~~::their -~·~n-- -~t-iic~r-~ __ ;:T _· 'f'ina1ly •. in vcr~~ :::e:irl~::·.-t~o--. i~st·- --~'~i~- of: M~~-::.~ ··th~.:· i8ai ··p;ef~~o- ··tO' ·th·~-. Rus~i_cln edition of' the Gommu~i~t i1iani.1e st~ ::. th~t perm,;.~erii: ~~vcilutio,:, 'get~ spelled o;.,t on a ~till higher level ~:.: that' i~/internatlo~ally 'as'

. Vieii~-- as h~t-idf1~11Y·~: -:it 'is;·. ther~--- that· it --i~. cC:mCrciti.'z"ed a·a~ the re­iat:i~·hship between technol8;rically ad;,nnccd e:nd' tecimologically back­

-:-----:w~:d countries -- i.e. that backward Russia could hayc its revolu-

Page 22: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


•. ;-·~-'--- : ·:;·;,·.' \/' , ... ~ •. , - -~ -~· "-' - ••• - -. -t ' _ ~J.on -~e-ad ;O"!_ ."Wes~ Europe .. -- -proVided ,_c 1) the revolution. is acCOr,l-

.pliSh'e:d.· ~ithin \h·e! :cO·rit~eXt' --o~£,·E·m::o~pean· i-CV~lutl.O·n .. ~·J-: ·a:rtd -.~·t)·~·th·e-, rie~--~-,; . ,;!':·;-~:< -'~,r~::-·':-'-}:: ..,-.,~; ,;·::-·~~->~,.,,._, .. - "~----~- .... ,·-~---·-·-·· (-·'· ,.;~r· .. -".~ >~"' _ .. ,-··- . . ·.,:- -~- , ..•

f'orces,- in this case· the "'pe·asant ·commune·s, are· never· OUt o:f·-Co:lltext' :..·-. -·';,:. ,-;;-:~-_;;:J,_,:~~·;·_.:·~-'1·· i'--i · -~>-i·' +., ·1• .• .-.;., -,"-·<·.- ·-~--··-·.,,·;.r; .. ." .. '. .. _ ..... ·,_" .-· of'- both internatJ.ori.alism and ··dialeCticer ·of· J.iberation~-'-l. ·The· Idea···is· -.

·-.. th~:\~'6~-e~:~-:ii~ci-~J·s~·:·it ~i~~--'68~C:fe't·e~ •. --. i:.t- iS) tOt8.I'; :j.t:·:·i·s· ffiUl't'i_~-dinren-··~..,_,'? _. · siOriai; --and- ·at· no tim~'-.l"fs' ;th:e··-·rr?diVIdtiEi.i- .. ·~m~d~-_'.)tir:;f··':to?tari·~·~rid- t~e ~} ,·-

·:--,-,_~~~:].:;.>-_i:r.;;:~-?~on;~~-~~-]-~_. ". _._ ·--. -~a~.h~r ~- __ l~t ti~. n:::.r :~~~e~-~-~-~-~·~,~rinciple: :.~-~~.e -~ndi:'{i~ual~· is"the 'social 'e'ntity"· and society'·mueit"'never. agai:fl b-e_·'co·unter-poseci :--:to ·the <r~~iVidtiai~- .- ;; :· _: -~-' ~ ·- '~-i.-J ,:

·- -.:.·: -\~:'.'---!·)·.:.: '.---~~.. ·. .... t>' : ... · :·:..::_:;:·

II' r_,

·,,.:MarX had Spent .something. like 4-5 volumes_.·in -expressing

his 'thO"ile'..htG~-: iri- Participating ill:~'revolutions,- in .leayiz:lg a: i~-gEl:CY:·-~-· that···was -·th·e ver:j'opposi te _. 6t ·an heirlc":''m• -~In'Stea~, . the __ . ri~V( _ c~nt~~·:-. ·n~nt··-.Of',.thoU'gh1;1;becarile :the groUnd_.:.i'or.·ull future!. reyol~tio~S: that wollld~:be·-·:f'i1.led, out anew with· ~ver::-riqher cqQcr.e:te- .. and _w~ th ~.ev'~;r-~

greater f'orCes -- men, wOmen, ~hildren .of·~ all·: c'Olors-, races, nations. . ·-· ' , - . ' L- •

-~--'~ un~il.-. w.e'_ finally,,have~ ach_ieved ~hc;t. type :·of_ to~al: __ rzvo_lution and . : :th~~:- typ_~_-; ~f·~ t,o.~~-~"'~p~~·o_tine·~·:·· -~~~-~-~,iY ~~- :.~n~e_'_~~~~ ~o~-~···Pf~p~~~~,. __ . "fa~--~ .

more_: serious, ... ~as mo~~~ experi~nCe'd .. _to, he_.lp' ·cre?-te'-;:luc.h'' a· tOtk.l'r~vo.:..

-- r <-, - .•,·.·~ ""-.

_,. ·· ·_-· ··--~• ,1 ·-·~··' ·;_;- .. ::.-.;..' i:-.o.··.· -fl··+·--~- ;·. '": .. : .. \ _,· ·~.-.:;.;~.'- ~--,~;(

lutiOn than ·those who -had "made" the· 1905 Revolution -- Len~nj .. LuXen:1-·

blJ:rg; ~d .. ~~o-~_.sky.; ,~~~;·_Y_r:.t. }~-~~_,._yet,_.and-:y_e_~:;;~~-~ l;;".•,-)-; ,-.,,~-.; ,_,_ ···.-; .,._. -··

Celnes -World· War~: I, --a.~d- ,the: __ S'hOcJ<-· _oY'-.'· t-he:· _sim'Ul tanei ~· of'

·i~P~~;ia:li.:~·t-~ ~~i-.. _ hnd·7~-'t¥o-hi'~iik:t ·.'-b~i£rkY~i .-is· sO ·eve·t~whel:i:ihg·. that one - -.--·< -' > •· -••• • ~ ·~•• • , ·.•· .·.~;~.: :::.· ... ~._ ... _ ·-,_ ·_ ··:··,'--f_ ;.:·~r.~ :', ·:·;·-· ·

and· ·Only: one.·-·;.....; ~~nin·· .;.._~---.says, if ·I·_I._c_o.uld·; ha:ve,1 b~_~n _sq. m,isl_ed and cbh~idere'd that-' b9t~~~er·,? Kaut.Slcy:.' m'"f/ ·t·eache'!:-·;·• Some·thingY is :al t6-

, : ·--i• ,_- ·- ~ "''-~ . ' . :. ·;.-:.,~~_;::-,·~.,.-- '•. ·, •. :· ____ , . ' -' -geT.her wrong with !!!:'f. way. pf think~ng·. --And; wl)ile ·I ,will• np.t. stop

shouting_:/'down. with the war, -- :t_urn _the im~_eriali_st _war into civil war, .. ;:[ ~-i\:l":-~e~~~~-~-~a-in_.be s8.tiSfiC~\vith the~;:;,~Orr~ci' a~a:iy~isn

'' '' .,, ~ .... -, .._,·. ~ - ~-: ··, :::·. ·::.:-.;, :';;-_.;·:-~;'.·:;·-··_:·.:" --: --.,,.- '," -, .. ,_-, of n political situation without first_ digging into Hegelian.dia-

·. lS:c1-iiC~~-::: .. It;:cOtilrt h·~t~--haV~7· PO~SSib~Iy·;.-be{en ·an·-·accidoht -that' Mn:r:x, _·; ~ -M·O:~~· ~::~t~xiorri/--WB:s ~rc;~te~{-iri --He.{iol· --~:..·- ·arid~~·:eter .. helVing' .. brokGil. ·with:~ t-ha1.-, hk. re·tuJ::.n·Sd\ to= ·deVSlOP ,_ Hegel::i.arl .di8.l.ec·t1Cs ·into· the Milrxi'rin:-: dia.le-cti.~-. · ·An'd··-sa- tt{i·o·,.gr'Sa!t/ r'eVbltitionO:·r:Y, ·Lenin,' sPent his· dny-o·.:

iri .. ·the. libre.rY~ .. ~tud~/iriri' .. HCgCl·,;::; ScicYtCC -~of·-LOriiC, ·and· -his even'ings­p~~PB.tini f~r;~roVolUtiOtl·. ~--- .,, --. .-); ·


Page 23: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

~~-r -~4-

·->•,;··.'.)i,i ,- •• ~ What. ;did .. Luxemburg and -Tro:tslcy do? TheY Surely. were. as . ••.. -_, ••• __ , v,•._ .·.-; '·"" _. ~-.. o.:.::.:~-. .;.:; ........ ' _,_- ,·.:.•.;· -._-,., __ , .•. _J.' .;,_··· •. :-. _,·;r __ .,L-'

r~~,oJ.ut_i~nary ~-!3-S, Lenin_ •... _ ,They Surely_ opposed th~ irnJ:1_eri~_list __ war,.-- ._-~ -· - Tl)ey su~~l;· "!;~~ .tr;·i~ ;t~ pr,ep~i!f~r. i~:_,;1'~tic7;, : But.'wiii;o.it''fhai·:

. r'!<!d~~·-;_,q_~_ ::~~il~?.C~-~~~,~~-:-~~~t >~~~-~-... '~~~·-_,<?i~_'i'~§·: ~h~~d -:i~:-,·-~~i~~~.S-~~e -~~~ ::~~~:~--~ :: caus~_-_,_Lu?=_em~urg. }).as ·.-no _.par.t_Y- on _._th~~ _-Sc~nfi .. ':.fO_da:y~·.)JUt ___ Tl:-Ot_G_icy~- dOe'S ~- _'_ · · it_is g·~ T;qt~~i~m:.t·h~t-.i .~iil ~~w .con~"'e·~t~~te._·_.:: ----~- ·.:·.'··.· . -:c!:-- __ ,,:_;

~ • ••; I ·- ' - < 0 J.. ! '• ' ,_:·.< ;; ·.:·~

: ~~ -~--' :: ~ ~-:~~ro~~~~:·~·;~terposed his .siog" B.n -._"-peace·-~ w~ ~hq\i:( ann~-~~ti6'~~ 11 , ···- ' ' ' .. . ., _ :.' _-_,,,_ i·t"'".r :: :· ~ ;·_-t., ;,··· '--· :- •::·--t ".

and "mobilizing the· proletariat for_ a .. s:tL:uggle I~or ·peac~" ·tO ·_Lenin'.,~ ,. slog~· "turn. the inlperlali-st war i~t~' .. :~l.Vi:( w~"-.w~ich -~r~_t-~k;,··~~- '- ~­jected. What was-~even ~orse ·was Trotsl\.y~ s "l .. ejection of· Lenin's st~tement. th8.-:.: the defeat of your own country is the lesser evil.·

·, :::~-~!J.--·coiifess :-.th~t:· ·;laving .had-'a · .. very -warm_: spot for ~ro:t;sky

and: he . did meB.ri ·a.: ._;reat -·de8.l :riat~-onlY for 'my: recrg~i~a1=i911-:: ~u~ rot-:"> the gehera:tio_h_-·that .·had·.·to-·:confrorit '.Stal.in.:·~'"7·.:..the.re were:- certf:!,~n expressions' in thos"e· years 1914-1917,:that I :ju<;t oo~ldn' t. ge,t_ mys_e:L_f to qUOte. J~Thi·S::oppOsi tion tO<witnti.ng:.the · d~feat of .. oile~ .. s_:. 9W~·f; caul).:-.: 'try .. •Wa.S sUch-,cin·eXpi-ession..!..f··· --:..~- ,:E,·:,· ~-:.:· -:·/; ··:-:·~ · .. ::--~

l, •• , __ - ., : i.iSt.r-m."~ to -~r~tsk:Y,:bn- th~ R·u·ssidn: rnte!-n8.ti6naii·Sts:- ti-Ying··

t~·,:~chieve··_a-uni iy'~ f{~st'" ~ .. i~r--hrs·_; PeaCE{ ~iogat{ whiCh~ L~"ili'rt"~ rejCC·ted, ~~-1~-~-r,h-~~~ ~~ _Le~-\i~' s. ~iC;gan'- ~hich· T~bi~'kY"!'re.jec·ted·~~ ;··Here ~-i-s:- Wh:~t ,.,, l~e··s'B.id;-~- · -__ :_ ······- --:.: ~~~;· ".>:-.·;· :-:;~,l ., .. __ ,

"Under no COndl'tion ··Can-=-t=-' a~r-ee' Wi'th ·yOur' opi'i-liC)n,"-' WhiCh -; is el}lpha!3ized by A. resolution, that. Russia'-S defeat would be-' ri'.·'·l·esser:. evil' • · ·:.Th5.s·· opinion:~ represents a -_-fundamantal conniyn~c-~,. .. wi:~h the politica.J.:; m~tho_do).p_c;y __ p;f so,cia~. p_a:t:ri<?_:t:­isrn·; a connivance ior_.which· there--is no reason· or· JUGtff'ica-

~- tion'''a'iid WhiCh sUbsti·tuteS B.h orienta-tion •.·( ex-trelf\ely, ar_bi:-;._. _ ~:;_ :: tr~ry.: ut:tdc_r.,.pr~sent .. c9n~~ t_ipns), _alonf! .. -tJfA __ l_in~_ §~ ,a-~~ le~s-~;-:_

. , ev~l' . for .the. revolutloriary ·struggle against war end the . · · condi tioris· which' genera.:tedi. thi·s war •. ~'-- - · · :--

' /.:r" am qu;ting 'thi~ t'r~~ The "ilolshcvil-:s and' the Vlorld War·. by ai>.ri!tinand F:!.shar'. (st~,.;:r"aid 'irh.ivi.rriity ?ressl' 1940, p'.l?o ). r·

., ·· · · - ·'· __ ~_._-:··.r;: :_,;·,_: t __ , ;,,f __ ·:-.-- ·:_r1 i: _·_::·. _.,.-_ :·.~-: , __ -.--.:-·~~ _ ,_-_, fir:s;t· r~ad .. it. _in Russian in .~:C'o:ts.ky.'_s. own .. wo:rk• \'lar and 'Revolution, The--Fall· or. the Gecon.d---i~t~~~."-ti~·~~l ~-~d ·t·h~ Pr~PR.t:-ntiOrl.--or ~tlle .. Th'ird:,· first PUbl.\~hed in Moscow -in· 192}1;.-._.We_ muGt _rem~~bcr,·.:h~~ci~·er·~·-:thrit:.. the period ~>~?Vered is i914~1917J. that, Trots~y';, speci:!i~ arti_cle:. '. • from which l:.\11uoto .above was dutod P,."r.l~, Oct. 14, 1915. Tl\!lt nr-

' "ticle was part , of v;hat tho-se "Marxists who hnd_:·n.ot .botray"d. and ~h .. ci, ~ _, . 7241:

Page 24: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a



tried ·_tq_·r,~cpnstitu~.e~ ~hel)lSe.lves. in:t~rn_a1;~qn8.lly/., not. pn~ tpe :)_asi~---~~ -·•··· •-··-· •• • ,_;;, •.• c ":;, .. ;,.- ~...._. •. '.-r.·.-,;__-,"..:.· ",;', ·'\..:...•.~ •.• '·•;;(' ,.:-,~-~;;.<.:'· . .!

of -:~\nif!_!_~- ;r-eypJ.,1,.r:t~9n?-cy .s_~ruggl_e_. <?.t: . .''tur.n_ tb,~ ~~npe_rJ~l-~-~:t., !;~_E .. ~!!~.0.; ·:-

~c_ ~ yi -~ · ~¥' ':,!.: : P,~~--:?~~ ~~~;~-s~-~--~ ---~-:~--~.f3~E·~~f~-~ {?~~J ~~~-~-~ e.'.':.-;~~~.J!t?~~/.:}-J}i~{:-~:~;;-_;~- ·. Tr.o,tsky; was; speaking ,i.n. su~h. gene_ral_ terms_ t:ha.t_· he_ opposed -the naming --- _._. ··- •· :,. --~'--~-· .• ·.:·' '" ,.,-_;.--<" ........ v~:;.C::t.·.:~,. ;,--:~_ .. : ... -.. !'~ _._.-.,_ ,_._ ..... , 'i~- . .. ,, --•

-of .. -.Liebkn_e_~h~- specificB.lly, saying:· ."Such a personif'i·c-ation·_: o:f-~ tac·-:-. -' · - · -'-· .. : •.-•'--' ~·c.·c·.: .• , -·,-·.·. ··--" 1 ,.: •'·-' .-'."'" _ •. :; ,,.:·i_;\: ,-·_; __ ;~·,;: ;·._.~_,;\-.;o)i •· •. ::.r

ti_9~}-... __ ~v~-?-~~1'~~11-__.s" .ca:~f'o~ming_, to G.e;"_!ll~rr _c_on.fiJ;~i.?ps....,._?-1£>,1"!~ •--· ~a~. -.~n~P.-:-.. -. _ ._-,· .. __ ....... _. -'····· .• ~.( ... ···- ___ . ._, _ ... · ...• "'.r ..... --~ -'-··.·•·'- .• _ .-_-.< __ " .• ,._,_

· propr.iatC_.,in· ,.the given. do-cument.· __ Upon .:the.- insis_tence: of'_. the·-·w;:n~e ---.. _. · .. --- .-, .. ···.:.' -... , _____ .,_ ··-_. ... _-.- .. <·,-.. ;< .• --·.·- -·.--- -._.: --.. ::, :,:~ -~; •• --,~-;~,::)..--.:c:;~\, .. <::.:.·,- _ _ c.orn~_iss-ion, it was. withdrawri.t .. This, is-.. why _such -p_seudo-up.iy_e;--E?c:.~i-!=im

·-····:·,·;·• • .. ,- .... : •• -·'· <..; ..... _; __ , •••• ·~·-;,_,_~,~- ,,;,·,;:.J~ •. ;.c;r;,,•·..._

!~~ tpe.~ ... ~~;y~-~~-o-,:sk~P .. -9v~~ __ co_ncr;_e~~ r.~~l~-z~~ipps .~"!.c. 'fP:..~~~?f-1:.-;.- -~::-~-i-~:!-.!1.-J~ · -~i~s. 1~19._;;Intr~.ductio_.n, · .. Tr{_'ltsky_ .. streSse.d __ :_the .i~~ern?-:Ci_op_~.i~~- ~~~- :r:~~ pea tea that' .. ::The !o~cll r~v~lutio~ liquid~t~d· :thas;, ,difforeri~.e~~ "] •'' ,, , ..... --·-· ..... · .. •."·--~--- :. ' - . --- ' '·- -- · .. : -- ." .:.·. _'_ . .-.: t:·._;<·~·.:

.. · - ·' ·; ·~-· :·,,··;- .-• .. ~ ., -'.<tL'~.;


"'· ' ,, , ,.> ; .' ',C_.c < ', ,.,,, , •,•','! •;,~:.--:,;;:• ,·; c'<:--< 0 ,',•

the -_q~n.~rary_. ;On~e tpe hea_t 6£:. the, bat-tl_e di~s, :the d~Y~_!ltion~~-f_;--_pm Marxism; first c~~e;..tq: pl~g~i _;rou._,,. ~. :··-··-- , -~ :::. ·- .. ' --· ~·-~-

The· truth is that the theoretical· dif':fcil-ence reappears '· in a. most horrible form exactlv wh'en the next new, 'objective si tua·.:.­

tion ·~fses~;. ·y·~ii"~m.lst·.t"tl~n·-dig= :tO'_Z.·: he·w PhLL'OSOPh~ic __ aep_th __ -- 9n ~~~ baSiS '~i- th·~··higl~le·st; th··earo:efri·: ~-a·:well. -as·· ~:r~ctiiil'l Poiri1.iJ<·,laSt. ·reaCh-

.. . -- ; t ' .• _.- ; • .- ' : .. ,-, ' .. - '~ :: ' ,_ -' .,.; , -_ "•, . ' ' . ' . . ' . c. . ' ' " ~ ' ed~ r:r,· ip.Stead, ydu' renlain without· a philosophi.::· ru"dder, ·the--sup.:.·: ·, ~- _· __ ;--- :--, ---·~__._ -~·c_. - -, ·.'-_ . _.; _,. .. .- ....... ,; . ..; .-_:. .• _ .•• --··."·:·"··; - ,. ---·.;;~ ....... -. -.-pOSedly "correct" _po1.itical ·anal~ sis ·be·comeEf, :i.f'-·not Outright 'counter-re_Y:O'luti'on, 'de:rillit_~:iy ·no :mo~·e' th:nn taii.;.eridiSm.·' . ,- Tliat'':wa:s .. true··"'":": ~f -T~otskY in l905·. . It wa~n''t t,;\le' in: '1917 oi:.iy~ .b'ec.ause 'the' orie''he' tl'i~~-- tai'lehde·d -~~s 't~nin.· Bitt it; became~ d~ne·erd\l~-ly- 'tfrue- i-n ''Our'_:e·ra as _air'·,tli~ oppo.i1 tion ami-great fights again'st Stalinism 'led· ·on1.y <·' to .. t~ilending Stalin once World Wnr ·r! bi'~.k~ 'Out'• · ,:,

.'· __ ·. .,~. ~:; ';'·v::


Perhaps, I shouldn'.t have naked .oJ.1ly .what is. philosophy?, whnt is revolution?,, but also: wh~_t,is nnti~~m:rcdalis;n? p.o~s' th~·c takin;: . . "i low-level pers?nnol ,from the .. u; s .. Embassy h1 :reheran and desi~nating th~m as CIA agento • shake. \lP. tha.'An;erican einpire"? ·'The truth is that neither Khomelni nor those 'otuden:ts, 'co;,ii!' 'hnve helped

.Certor mot·o in achiev'ing higher. popular'ity tha,n that allegedly nnti­imporinlist net, - thereby d,;ni.ni> th;' mnsa st~u~;&:l~ ,:·~ai.~st' .!Ci;".'

-·· _;;, . ..,t)4') ... '·'.. ,.._.

Page 25: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

. - .~. .


ca~ll·rig -,cihes-~'i:f'~_ -;{~_ ·~-fdiii;w·el·o·f· .th£/- :rmam;, --·do-e·~--- nc;t;_-'COil~t-ftUte~ ---~ _>,.-'- ~~ r_. ~-;;;:' ··-~··:o. :·-,cr .. ,-,~;.-,--: .,.r- .. ·" . ~; ---- .J:,-.,_.-;.;.·, ...... _. ~;,.·.~ •••..• · .. -;"'-'' --.

re .. volut~onary a·ct,_'. nO matter· how· many" time·s ·one_: repeat·s_' that_ -thiS i~ '~ntf:imP~~fairso{', ·_.NOr ·d~~s;_ ~~"e:Lf:·fl~geii'itt1o~-: _constlhtte-· __ i{··re\rblh~ t·.·:-.:-: ·.':·::: _.,_,.·,:,t-c·t---:;,...-.,-::-: ''"":t_.·- -• .. ,;:.,-· .r,_ .•.• : --~·-'·'• ·-~-· -- ,., •. --•• ...;·~-·--tl._?,~~r_y act.-_' nO,· .b1~tter' h"oW_ many ·tiine~--tho_.se_·. who .-comm~_t···i_~-:_ca;t-l;. Up~ri-the re\rol~tidna;-y yi>utii' of ·h.; u.s .• ; who. had prk~ioubly P'arti'clp;.ted. a~t~y~~lY 'in' til~- 'aritl~Sh~h! inbvement~ .::· Thiit·jcirid; _.of''PSStido ---Bnti-·im.:.t~--

.. _--P~}/i-&:ii_~~~--~ ~Ubh·' '"a~"<thri '-··t~~~~ 'df_::ho stage'S I~- -:o·p~rns ___ ~n~_~ _:new _.-e-tage __ -0":{_;·,·_-~:s

. Ife..)f,ititioh.· Reith~~";• .it .Goiti~tes'a retreat :from.tMor"i~ina'l: revo;; ~ution'ci-y pe"io'spective. It may give Khoirieini a·"red\' coloration, ah'd

_\t ;'hi:,el;\i;helps him divert from the grave new '.!i>ntradictions in I!'an -'itself, :bi.{t ·i·t-,-do·e~:;r;o·ti-i:fng''tb -s~lVe th~- irlCr~a.Sini· ·cfise·s_-'S'inCe· he: cam~--- t~ _power. ____ The hardShips on_ the masses intensif'y._, The unem-ploymen·t i's ~ie~t~.;.·, · A~d· ii~ ''is ir.i'latioh, · ·As. the She rig wu-lien i~ti_rid_-· __ o_u_t'~·., '~uf~iriltM·~~-\· a··. _c-tiftJ.r8.i RO'v~l~t-io~-i- ·Whic-h- theY- ·at · fi·r:st;: · h~h~tii;r;E{~dc;tlsed-· ·beCcl_u.se they :thoU~ht i't, irie~nt· the· :dis:P~ilceinen: · · -­<?f- the· bureaucracy, ''The more thing'S _'charige·; the,_mo"re th9y remain·

·· .. -the -sam_~_·-!~·:,. [ ,_.-.·

. : -~- ·._:_ ~--·, ·q·;-~~-~~~~:-~.-~)~ ---~-~~-~ ~rr~i~{-i-~n sense~--~i' the:. ~Y~~h-e_s~~- of di;-.

. vers_!l. element~s ,into a concrete totalii.:{, w~uld ~h~w _thflt·_. __ P~ no nleans co ~n~ i.dent~liy, ·_. t~e- .o,~cupa ti~~: Of_ the: E~b~~_!SY ~c p~-~~i~e_i~.4-. ~pe .. __ ~;offiPJ:9-,---·-· - ..... -._ --- , __ . ___ ,_._ .. , .. ·.-."-•' ,,_-;

···:::tio_~ ~?f: -;t~e: counter-, rcv~lutionar~r _Cons1;i tt~:titJri. __ . Y€!s ~~ ~~>1.~::-fi!?:S.~~s, _ ---------------· - •' ' -... ' .. ,,.c -·- ·- -~:· ., ------ ·';' •' '•:· _ _t_,_.,: ,.--.,_.','-·-

are _E;_11::t_i_~~~P~.z:~a_li3t. , :bUt pta~x didn•_t.s8.y -tq~t",--j_~-~;t .. ~,..~c_a~s~~-(~,h.e: __ :·-. -~---m~!3S~fi, we:;-e _ant~..:.f'eu_dal and _the bo~geo_i~_i? .. w~S,·le_lidipg a -~~:~-~-~·~ti1o_n against .feudalism, .th~t therefore the rnas.sos should follow .the· baur-' g.;:!o_i-oi~.·· _Quite th~- c~-n-h-~ry.- _H~ so.i_d·,- ·we' w"e~e~ With th~-: bO_imge~iS.ie in that fi-rst .act· of __ over,:thi-owi.ng_ fell-dEil:ism ,_ but n'on· -~0-~~t·.- 'us· -o-~~·-·. "_­Not only that, It .is high time to dcep~n and.devolo.p th<; strictl;i.

proletarian tasks •

. ;r.uxernbure und~rstood thnt very woll_) nnd applied it not ~otily_: in RUssi~ 1'0· ~n a:6t:Uai --~evoiutio'·~~ • .-,rb~t tried_-·to, ·briilg that 'al)n­c~Pt_ Of' pure cla'ss strug:gie<tO Gcr~aby,' And y'et', --wh·e·n ·a· n9Vt ·obj·oc.:.; tive stage arose -~ imperlaiism -- arid dospite all iier' pruociiance oi: thnt ~x"ploitati've sta~o, aho did not work out a now unity of forC'o ·nnd rOS:son_ with riciW.:revolutionnry· f'orcea,.- tho.t is, the -t~e'\rOlu~ tionary nnti.o'naliots fighti"!i' :for sclf··de.tcrminnti~n. Lenin had to

Page 26: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


:~- ·~_l5'Ei_ern=-se:Parati~:--hirils~·if't' not -.jus:t:~f'rom :betray_ers ·:o:f ::.the. 'Yo~_k~~~; ;{1 . bUt''- :r~Om .-~r~v6l'liti'driari:-es ~~who;: would ·:·not·:~see: ·the •_ne_w ::cQncr.e.:t'e ~-.iWl}~~qe:C thci t ·.~wa a· Fa :;·new: r eVO"lU-fi'orlary)~forC~.~·i'n. ·a: no ther _, co ur..try-.~at)·r_hi ?. i:OW.~-_. ·~(.: What 'l1e :·~naar ~fea:rned•·:rr.om. th~r..~Hegelian ... dialee:tic;~tha:t,; m8.de-::him.-.sO-_..: ;. . ·.•r ·-·.-· '• .· .·_, •- -_·· -.-- __ ..,~·-·-·•"'-·" Sharp::.agaidS't liis ~oWn EolSheVik~:co:llea.gues.~was·.~:t{lat. ·Q.y.e_~~prgw.,_r::f~:r§t n~giitfV~ t_Y

1 V.W:is-i·no.t enOughj· ~ thB.:t .. ·.you:-_muS.t·'i1now-.-~~e ,"i:tha"t;~-Count~F;r~Yr:>­

·1Uti:6n~:~ca.niarise. :riofu<-Wit-hin.: the'.·:-rev61ution-~ i tSe3:.f-•-~~ :J"r:::;;. ~,t;,- ~·-·. :·1'~:h-~, ,·,o,·.;· ·'.'f :_;.? r!: .. - L:,\·• ··" · •• •. ,·_.·,· , ,,-,,~"·•'· _·_, •. _,. 1 • -· ... : • · .-- - - -: . - " . ' . ~ -- ·: {." .~,! : ' . -r: .:-,~--

' ;:- ~;£·j· ,:-;- .: :-",:Tfii·S·> arid this·· alone: mB.de· it ~-poSsib~~'-'rl~t~·:tO·~_Sto.y) a:t~ ov~J:::-:. th£-0~-~ 0:(' Tsar·r~ffi-~-ciiid- bourg;60iS·.·democracy.:.caJ.li'nf! i-t~el.f'-,_-~···soc-ial:-is;t.~ ,·

~;::;:th'6Uffh ·-1;:·he·a:d·ea ··.'b:r·a..- -so:..Called··. Sab:ialiSt, -~Ker.erisky; .: and~.-.eVen_. SuPp~/rted by:' g'Si1.Uin·e~: reVOlU.ti·on:arieS-• .. · =;-;rust .. as·:-naWi·:-the ·-Trotsk-yists- thin~:.: tha·to~th'ey ·are _.,.the: true···revol.Utibharia·s -i~;J:ran because·. they:-hy-phen­

_ate the"!· name Khomeini • Wi :t.n· · BaZB.rgan·. and: thuS talk· a'r;ainstr- ca~_i ~al.ist ·goVernment, .as well. as outshout anyOne el.se in an-ti-imperialist ~J..oganS, ·--~o-- di.·d ~the': Bol-shevi·ks·· bef'ore--'·l.lenih .. re.turried :.._to,~ Russia think t_h·a~ th'~·y: ¥if:~re-· Pushing·· 'the: r-evo-lutiOii.'> ~orwa~d·. by -their :t::r_i tl;cal su~ pOrt: ~f-:·KE:rE:-enSkY~ ... It-· b'e~cOmes· -iinp8rative·, ··th9re'fo_re ,: -to~· .take· a>·.-:::

-s-e~·~n~f'~lOCik,, a-t~, these·-.·stiirle·s-i-: FEibr'tiary to.~ __ :Apri-1~;"_-_·-~_:Ap~:i:l;·:_ ~o;:.l,\¥.l_~J-:.:~:·~~

J.uly::Aug\i'st 'full.·coUhter"-revolu.tion;:U October·. ;·'As: Rcon· aa,,the c;·. ,. \ .. : .-~ -1 - ..... . _, ---. --- -· • -_ ' - -· ··over-thrOw ·of the''Tsar·-·ocCUrs,-· arid·· while---this: great:,: .. histo;-ic.,--_. ,spo_n- · :tarieOUs"'--o-ti.ttU:b-;s·t-.. ·a'hie;i'e~F what··no- ·FS.rt~i ·;....·-~-BQlshevik~:·oro .otherWi.ae-~·--

."'.' .-- ,J _, -, : ; -. - t - . • ' . • -- - - ' c:ould achieve,' tlnd ··thoUgh it. waa· unanticipa·ted. ·by _L.~!),tn,::he~ by. no~· ·m-ean·s·:·ye·t-"'eUph·arrn· ·av-fjrr'un!·hi:m'. -·Qu'ite· :-clie contrary.::_;-: He-:had ~3:1~ ..-.~

,j ·reiidy 'grappled' wi tli' 'th<{ 'lle;relian dialectl'c 1 "he had· already anal.yzed t'he·~ .. ne·w· s·t~ge o:f 'i'rr;lperiali·sm·;·-not-, ju-st:·oct~riomiCally_ .but~ sEH~lnS-· .. new• fo~rc·e·s··:c:r-·revolutiOh'(· and· he~ alr.E!e.cly- ·be'g'an·.-t·o work .out·,who.t __ bocm~e

S'ttit9 atid :RAVoltiiio~'t :t.lult is -tC1 :say,-, h·avO ·,the· pa·rspectiv.e ·af_ :riO't·-:_ Ori.lY~-:o:rcrthrow.:bUt'· the' tote.l-·uprootin'g·,; ·so thS:t only~.:when production

and 'tho' state w·oul·d be in ''the hands of' the whole· .popula-,;ion "to a man;· ·vtvmnn', .-,anct- .. cih'ild !~ :'Would. it ba o. noo:t'-~ soci'e:ty.. -'~ -..

. . '"

Cl~a.rly, whon ho nrrivad in RU~Si8: iri April',· 1917, '{twas not J.90S ~l~gans -- eithor his or Trot's]cy' a:·-__:that .·lie w.iri repea'tl.ng •

.. ·-- ~ ··-.·-. •- ,·.·:·, .--.-.···- ·~v· - .. -, -..... "., , .. , . ., , _-:;. _,,-. r Rather,_ it was reorganizing hie whole- Pnrty on'the cohcoption of''· state .;.;.,d. Revcil~ti~;,·, · Once t!ia:·t'becnmo ··tho basis io~ 1.\ll the ac'ti.~ vitioc of the Party ... _'-th:ore ~'n'a' ~o·;~~~vnr·ni/ing. -thll<~o;~·i,\t~fari" .. -rrd~~-thO'

... : ;_; ~~ .- 7244

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philUS~pli~l u:r.~~revolutto·n:-·:.::'!Bu,t~~the ;.....;_sses "Yanted;to ~gQ:- s.~i:~~.::'f!l!:"tl.!~r.

·:di~~C{tl.y_ -'to--=th'e·_::conqueSt of--·:: power;- C.., they,\iuridErt•e.s~ima~ed -.. th.e i.-i_:o~r_cf:t_ ~-~; atiJ._:~,::in. i-J)oWer -,.:·.:and ~:i_t--=wa:s,·.the :·:Oeginni:~g -~~-:r ::~1~ :the c,cqYnt~r:-::r:e.-,;t'~ ~7-_tioiia.ryJ.ffiov8s:~:that -:~still~~paSScd,_-cttiemselVe·s. o.ff:,aS---_:·r~VO~uij.,_qri.l;,;at;~;:r,:-.

~· CUS~ng'~L~riiri·:-·c;:r Dei!flg:c-a .. ·Geriii~ · .. spy :~arid ,-s~y ing . :that::. i ~ -~vhy.:. {J:_e :.:0~~1~4-·-ror ~:theJ end:-'oi;;~the :':war·e·:"'j_The_.t,r~lev:antr:poi~:t;;;:fOr us:-~tp 4aY t ~~~-_iih.~~-~.__~/::.-

when .outright cGiu1ter.:.revO:t.Ut:i.on";Wa_s~·.irii:tiated --.by_. 1\orhi_lov.-.sO,-'"tha.;t 1

orle_ stj_li ·had._ to. d·ef~-~d -K~·r-;~~k;~h~~--;~~~i- -i~---~hi~h ·_ i t~-~~:s _-d~~~ ~- ~ haS_',cali.::- the·r answe~s:--tae;S.inSt~·-:-t;;ailendism ~-r~ .:·.!:It:-: ~!3-~S . ;i{--. t_~~~-;-point ·:th8. 1:­

-~Whether·--- it" was~!_'th~ ,·ere a ti~n\:,o:f·ra·:: revolutionary- IJ:l~~-it~Y'::. C~mr:;t~ t~f?~.~-.t­~·VthiCh ,;-pe_rmi tted·- no·.::~rarisf'er-, :o:f :- g_uns;-:to;; :th~- front-~ utt_+e_.ss:_·, t[l_,~Y. ·~pp;-_o_yed . i t;:• ~z.-_;·Vthethe!-: it ~Was·~-SUCh7>.Slogans -asf "Al1--pow.er· -to.:-: the~, Soviets-, 10


·· o_r.-~whether.~- it· _was_ •. -. ·· .-;·~ ~~Land·,.·. Bread: and- Peac~ '.':,·.the~~- ~~s- -~~~~~~;..<::.~~ 7 wrui.:teVer· to-· cbnfuse.:·_,th~t.-~Par,ty.,w~i·~-~ ;_aD-~-: o·t~_e~·: .; : .. -. :.· ;t .; ., ·· .. : E

· . ... !·:: i-:r·,::7 .. i:.·.--~.::~.--- .. . ,.· ... l ·"'~-:': ., __ ._,_,_., :,!•)" .. ·! ,;··· •. ·,.·· --,-~\:•:1;,3

::,_: · ·-· · ·- '.:Contrast \-thi-s ,t_o __ what_,- eve,ty_()ne :from., Tr.o_tskyist :(;o Qadda:fi • • ···-·-' '4" •• ·-· ~ ·--·-· ··-~-·

··· i·s·. sayi'ng: tof blur ·tho;se ··new, gr~y~e .. c.ontrad~~t.ions. ;withi.r:t.- Iran, ;t~e-~ . - - - ' ------ ..... - , -. ' ·.- ...... '""''. divarsion'" frbm, what __ threa~ens; .: civilizaii9_n; as we have kriq~n- .. i ti-:::·:> . - . - ' - -- -· ·. ,. --. ._. ' -,. --- .. • ·-:1

nreparatiori'" .tor .atomic; war, 9add?-fi·;_and:-~o~e-~n_i:\ ~~~-,-G~!ler~:l-)~~-~- · may ·th'ink; thee- Mid(Ue East, as) they, define·.i t. will, be.- ;the gravey2-rd,,

. of'YU~ s.~ 'imp6rialisn;-.T-· Nothing .. c~uldo:P~ .4f-~th~·~- :r~~~·: -the -_-t;~th~"'~~""J.~~t - - - - ' - - . ' -· ---- . - -·· -- -· .. ' -·-.~ .. - -· . read·,; ·-please t"- •Ori.B.nna· .. Falacci_,' s. interview- with. Kliomeini in;: a .. recent . . . - . .. . --' .. .. . •, . .. ' _- . ·' ·--- ··-· ,; ,_ . -~-·.

issue_ Of the~ New'- York· Times,;:·_and __ -. t"h~.~ o.fl:~ ~Yi~.:th< __ Q~~~~-:f,?._:,-.iT::.,~h.~ 1?,~,7-, rerit ·issue : (12/~6/79) ·, · Just listen to;. that,.demagoe:)J.e, "·Qaddafi,. :t;r_y ·.

-":-to·.: .. ta.ke advantage .of' .. the; fact .that .supposedly..-~ther_e i-S·.- no:_ l?;o._ve:rru!1~nt because·.:there' ·is_ 'no ,Parlianlent,: ·and-.-SupP~.s-~dly.:i.t'- s -~ -~~-~e~_ti'y~~-~~ soc~~ty· ·beco.u.se it calls- .i ~selJ': Jamahiriya i_, \'lh;i_c~.--~~-ans. _;·a_:· -~c~~:~-~ ofipeOpla .'.11 .: • ··Is.· i. t· they who\ de.~ ide everyth~ng? > _N_o ,_;- .e.v~n ~the w.Ot:.4_•

· ·co·rnmi tt-~e, · unless -it'.".· rev:n J.,utio.nnry~ :-~ ~nd .:"h~ · ~-~r~- .~6-VOJ::ti'tfO~~¥,~: means 1total·. uprootip._g, .is not :tha-.eq~iva~en~_ ~f: __ ~.4~.st~ny__--~beipg :-.~!:, the hands of the pegplr: 1. that is _t~ say,_with -control- .of productio'n.

~ - - .. -- •''- < ~- - "

in'.tha hands of' the workers. And so must the state be in their

_. hartd~.. .To claim. that_ .there _is no 11 g_overnment 11 because there is no . Parliame~t·i; 'tO _:cl-~dni-- th~t·_ i<ho~~i~i ~~d: Qn.ddrif.i. ire_ ·., j~·et one~~-~ is_ :rantistio ., -~ ___ w~e~. You P~~~ -~~-· ~h~~ ·-;et=r~gr'cS~~i:~e. ·a_ ~io.gG ,-': everi i:f ·

.Y,o_u .~r~:_a ~~-l~~ who ~26 -~nc.e ~ r·e~_ol_\!_tio.fi~Z:y :~-~·ct. did. io0:d a·-· .. 1 :t

national reva:lutiory.. you have don'e.~ nO thin€!: but· Sllell out thh riElw" ·-


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--stag~ of state-capitalism.

What·-· n9~ r~t%-Ogressive stag_e are we in now; :when religion .. usurps ,also poJ.i tical ·power? First it was the Little Red-, BOok of'

Mao, .And now it'.s the. Little Gr~en Book o:f Qadda:rL · And what .. p-:rt of_ the Koran wi~l Khomeini ~_.mbody- in s~Me brief sayings that all mus-t

It is not a q~1estion that a. leader must writ~ fif_ty books, :,; --like Mar_x or Lenin·--:- and·· I'~- Sure that -Trotslcy and· Luxe'm]?urg wrote·.-_-_

-as many. It ·is a questiOn Of ·being· ·se-riOu-s< abOUt J:.cvO~Ut.i.On .and·· _ ··there :fore the ·philo sopby of-- reVolution, and ·bei..ng Z.esponsi ble, tO. his'...;

tory, :·which means men and women shaping hif:jtory. No, you ca~ot throw aut philosophy, _and indulge in slOganeering. Even- a goad··

bOW:geoiS :Philosophet', .. at least in the stage when the bOurgeoisie achieved_ its revolution, a good ·Lutheran like Hegel, who insisted

~1-1 -his. life that _he believed, had-- to stibmi t _:to tpe ·diale::c-tic di.".i.ve· -_-of'-· philosoPhy_ and "Subordina>te· religion to it.· Ali his. pr~testati'on-s _notw~thsta~_diilg-;.-;:.. und "revealed religion"· is pretty high in the sphere-of the Absolute r nothing can change the ~act that it isn't

.. :~he_--h~ghesti that ·PhiloSO-phY is. Needless to say, th~t rc~o~uti?n _ in th6-ught~-initiated by ·Hoge1ian dialectics ... was truns~f'oimed -by

Mar~~~ new COntinent- of' thought into reality. Ever-since "then no revolUtion was- succe'ss:ful· __ that wasn't grounded in a philosoPhy of'


Every generation of Marxists Jiust work this out concretely­

total crisis :r6r its own age. The makes it all the. more

fact that oUr age is in Such a

imperati've that we tailend no .state power,

Royn Dunaycvska~ra Decemter 17, 1979



Page 29: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

-- ;_·-.


.::·!'::~:'-2.-:::.._:::l :ti: ;•:•:1.::: .:-;"~ ~;:--:~· .... -,_ ,.,_·:~:-~- ··'-'~~--"':.:·::-.--·· <v~~·_,No_vemb~r~_27:t:;:t979 .:.::·_::;::;;::;::;:: •• '. _·_, .!":. l. ,_-,. .'•_(_

I .:.,, Dear. :e'rienda 1 - . ---· - ~ --· ~-... -- ~-" .:-. ~ ~ · -.~ :i.i· '""!:·.> i.:.J .cr:;

_" · Hri~Et it:, ~&t~--r-~fr th~-~-~~n ·-a~v:oiui10n: thB.t-. waJj:.~-:·and;.~:-~tU1~-:reeuma; and: deePen;._as --it is. w no. n~ ~ve~, d~spite. the co~r-;evol.utioruu;..stage no~· · _,._,_.·-:.:: --~:-;;•.-.?-'--~--~::-:_~.:-__.._,,.,'7- - ... ~-·.,.;.>_;-~~:·~r--=···-· ·· :. · ... , -. -· -. _,.· .- · - -1· ·· -- · being~-C8.l.'ried oUt _by-~e Iinam- demagOgUe ,--''Kh.omeini;, ::WhOSO~ iriaa.D.i-t.fea::. ·are ·_behlg match-. ' '•""'--:~.· '·-·':,:;·.-~~-rr,-·;1· •p-;.f.~-:,J -_-_-·:· :-~--~- .. :- ·· ·-: _ ·..••. . ·-·- .· · .-. ··": · ed by_ carter's 63.bEiz:..:..rittlL;}g' ~..:· this1 l-ioula·· b'e -tile tilna::ror ·sa.yiil{f One"'thing:-a.ndrq ·

·:·-·.- ~--- '/• - -:.:-~,--,";_-:- ,,, -:: ~ ::.'-_(·t_'. '': ---~·-: ;-·_.-,:---·. :·- ;._._; -one thmg onl.y; "A ];ll.ague on· both your houses."·· - _,. _.,,, .-.·•. " .,,_, _

_ ,, ~- ' .. ! •. ", - ,, .-::.•.l. :-~o.:~-, ,.,_ ·--·--- r·-' _,_,-, .. :.-:.·'.· ·,;,;· :-:·:.--, _ _;_!~''~-.. •;.-<~~ ;--•; ~-·c -•· ' , ,. ___ ,. ., -'-:• ,._ _ • 0:, .-. . •, . ·, -. •' , _·

-Because', · h0i--r9Vc»:; ·of' the--remembrance of'the ·:rran'ian' Revol.Ution -·as it~_~, ~--1._:·:::..-._:·:...~::l-~--· ~~· ~..,• •• ,,, i) . '· • ' " 'I''' overt_hrew the Shah's' ba.r~uS regim\3- tacked'.by u.s.-imperialism;-.·bocause o:t·the

rcm€linbranc~ o:f' 'Uo~e~~~ Liber3.ti0n'•B r~ftcia.l. tO~wear the chs:dor, cma.uenging Kho-·

m~~i ·~~-~a.-tft·cmpi; 't~ · t~-<thG ·7ti'OCk···ba:Ckwa.i:d'arLd iCd.Uce wc;rooit' ·to· a·,t•euciali~tic'·staic; ··~d.--_ li~:c~~s'o ~-ci'f'· th~ ·' c;;;r;tfuUi.$ ·&bell-iOn . of' )th~: · Kurru; -as;· Hell. as -th~- --Arab-'~ll· :workan. · . .--...-:.:--::_. --:···--, ·.····"·---·~_. .... _:-;-- .. -.... :-- ' ~-. ,. - -' : .. _, -~- -~oz:_~~l aga.iri&t IOlonie_ini~-· a1oris ·wit~ the other· !!lirioritica•:.:Sti.-uggl'Cs -·for ·sell"-d6t~rii~~i_on ( l) ·,:.;,:_-'-it' ·is \.;oCc~SaJ:.:]_-~ to' tikG'' a: 'S'oCcnd -look- cit~ tbCi neii 'iom ·.of'.-tho· r. -'•-',"''"~--:'·;: \'<.,'• r;-;• .~-.-'-. -~ •. :' -•._.. • .. ; •. _.,. ,_· ,. -,. • • - , • occ~t _wh~ch is Comiitg··out of.KhomCini's :Il:an·a.nd ·calling all otherei,·:and..-not only-·U-~S;' ·inip~~hii.~D\"-,< · '-ID'~Sod for' O:i.;.AXd" ("ttici-~ CorrllPt 'Of ;·the ca.ith~ J.--~--It 'is-.-d.rnpera-:

ti~~- t6-'ih:ri:cii~O- d~i~ctici·s.· ·ra_tti·or···t~ ·to aCii'-'On firOt~·rcactiolli :·a.a ._ifd~a.ilend.iDS KhOi~~:(t~· oPPc;~it;i:orl _to··thc ~u~s~·--·is -~onuinc- oppooitiori :to--~-nerlcrul·im~·rmi:is~;;'.~~ .

Of cou...-so thc·lotrCd of the Iranian peoplo for that butchor, -tho Shah, -~-and th·.;l}! ciPl>oeitici~'-to ·ti;s.· iopcriaiism;'irhich'lir.d p\lt•him i:1t"o poi<cr'and kopt . h-iii'\iu!~O-, ·1a --n'ot -~fil.Y -rCa~ arid-- jus.tt£ia.blc ·for -!Xarlirins, bUt'·was -~oo.l.·.a.nd:-·jUSti-. :!'iiibiO. fol: ~tho-~- Am~icAnS-<who -oou.--axpOBUd·-:the --truth 'of th~:sha.b's::-tOrturos "of

t-h~ ~izin · pco:u·e ~d_-· ~r.reased.: ih'Oir solicia.ri tj ~..nth- !rimia1i reVOlutiona.ri~a. ; ;_ Of' c~~~-'th~ cnrl.O~ Adrnin-i.Btmf.iOil -was wOu··awai-0 or· thO ·--Opposition: not· only···iD.:c

=~ but in tliis coiuii;,y to/i:rantti,g"iiny .isyluio tc'tho Shah, "and for a-llhi~o···- ·. a vory short 1-rhilo -- carter was forced to.'rosiSt·· thO ia;oasur:'Js of -NiXon; Kissin-

'--gor and David Roekof'ollcr• s Olaao !-lan.'"l.:l.tto.n Bal"'.k to bring tho S.hn.h to- tho U.s •

. -~"'~:· ''I"'' ·-'~ • :· . BUt' fOlJ.ow-ir.g tlio t\Ulo · o£' tha.t now Piod' PipOrf'Khomcin'i; a@ii:n:St "iiifidol.S" nnd

"sn.ta..~iC.'clomina.tiori" 15· Anyth~8:- but·· struggling Ott.liot:· a.Ba1nst u.-s~ :-mperie.lisin

or ~howioi sbi~~ity with tho" IrM:Inn Revolution."

---~~--- ;,· \' -- -·.· All ono hns to" do to iioo tho dogonomtion oi' tho ao-cillod Rovolutionary

Council in 1reUl io- to a·oo ·thO now "lo£t.;.Cov0rin8" givori 'by. tho oU-'"TOJlt :acting_,,~<

:foreign oocri:>tnry, Bl>ni-Sti:dr; whci"ia try;.nu; tc instituta ail" rmnian'vo::eion of" Pol 1---·


Page 30: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


POtism. , tieton 'tO~ the ··interview Bani-s~~ ~~t~i-~;~--~-~i'!-R~~~~ -~--r:itfo~d~·-·-~--(ll/~0/79)• "Toho:ro.n is a. monstrous !"=Sit~c city, which absorbs by itself· one~

_hB.~f <:'i' ~he ~tionai consum;ytiOn , •• wo wil1 empty it- oi eomo of' .. -it's. pcO~S~by: ··. cr_ea.tlng::·l.i:t;~e .. co~trysido-.industrla.l;and n.grlcultuxa.l. ~uction. unit.t?. 11

• . .. •:.~:-.;:._~--- - .• -~· . .::. :•-- ••. · _, __ ,._ ~-- -, __ -· .... -.. -••.• _ .:.-; .F~: -_r·:.·;·_ ~_.: •"r:·-\.'

'.•;;• :~::_~"':.:.;--;:_ \:;;;::.::L~c-t,_'V.J:-::--~~-:;---~-~c._~,_;·:~ -··~- .•. --. _ ,, 1

_ s;,:t;·: .. _ ,-·: •.. ··; ·' .. ~"-''- ;_,,, -.... -- · ... ;~ort.~e.tol.y',_:. evon-.tho more·_reoogl\izabl.e_Lcft -- .Trctekyism,-- far-from. ~oti~~: ~.-rO~~i~ti~~--~~;ti~~::),~.·~;·""~ri~~~-kb~O~~i•~---,~: (?_!~~----

, _ · •· ·-·:-··· --.-- ....... ,.,_- .. _. ', __ .. _,, :-... ,,::,-.- -~l:.J.· ..... _.,-~,._~,,~,:::·~.'~:--.~-r: . .- , ... : _,.,_, The Intorcontinontsl Pross (IP) of ll/:l9/79.a,ni+ ll/f.f>/.79 k~O!<! ~lking of.a. ''!'fel<. Upsurgo in tho ~nia.n Revolution,.". I~--c~~,~~O~~\~nii-U~~t m.PCriaift~h ~.:Kho~··_-.

mej. ·tii •S~ :Pbm.sc /'sita.ni_o..:.49~~a:t?~on'.!_. ·f.? ~ho, _a.:rr9_gant, m,~Ssago .. ~~mcini_-_~ent- t? tho equa.lly-.axroga.nt Pow, ,tolling-tho latt;,; :that :th~ wa~ 'fj;~ ;,ci.ristiD.n w'orld (ca.n) - _- .. - ~-- -· ""' ·--·~ ... '_,_,_._, -.. -, .- _ . .,.·:·.-;·,··._: • .. -•.. .-.-.-_: .:~\· .... ···:.~.:._·\< redccm·.i-tsal:f:'.~·._ia by-:fol~owing.Isl.and.c Iran's ·fight:~inst ':infidels." It ia

~ . • - -··' ... ·--· -'·.·-····'··' -·~'-•:·· ··-:·• ·,c"_, .. ·_,.' ·.-.•.·-_._. __ ..... -

-iinposSib1C not.- _t.9·.a.sk whothor .. th;~o -iafi~"!O--fl: .. Coinoidonc~ _bot.;cen ·this·_~<\ t~e. On~~ . demOcra.tic·,gcsturo. by }{homoir-~.i -·which allowod. .s~e of-. t~c, ~cd ~Pe'i:s -to roo_pP~~~-, i.-.cluding ~.(lforkor), ~he ;.~of tho .r~~-So~k':fis;t"~c;,;ke.n;··p,,;; (iir<s).

. _,,- ~-- - - . ., ~- .,_,,,.•f..•./! ;,'>_,,_,- .. ,,. ,, --_,,,'>.-.~.- !"-· Injany:.~scr_ the_ Ver:/::fix;lt. :is~u~,.-11/~7/'!9,_. ,of._~.;t.,o rroP~-.C;~_ed .~.0~~~1_'-~

·statement ·:to .1tha, PO:pe :as , ~of',. of' .11how anti~im~~~is,t·~~ .. :Kp~~in:1-, "-~S;~-~ ~- itrlh~ _

. ' '- ..... - --- "··'. ·- •J..·- '···-·, .. ·-- ·~·· (,, •• -------

more,-, cont.inued ,IP ,:~the to:DHFG -o£ .Ameri~l _hostages_. 'by; the_ :~r~uli.~.n ___ .stU~e?:~a (w:ho_,-

Go.t' _sci.; inoiden~l.1y,- cni1 .~cmsc;tv~s, "Foilo;~cr~-;·o~ -~h~--- ~~.~i. ;_,r~-~,~~~~~z~. ;~~~- ··: pooi?J.e!a. historic ,_demnd -:for politi~ .and u~o~~~~ _u;<;Ic)Xmd~Dd~--:.~~ ~-~-~1;~~---~~~.:~~~ porialism • .,-

... ~ . -:-~-~ _ .. .--:·--·In:.wha.t prolG:t:J,rian rov:olution,. exactly,_ wo.a.~l,l.e_.tnk.fn5 of .ht?a~ca : _ ~

and·~·uot~tho.·rulcrs,- but somo .:fa.ir~-.l~w ,~~~sY:~-~.0~~~1_.~ ~-~].~--~~'--~~ a.··-'£e~i~:..· - ... '- .·-- -- __ ., . · .. ",_,_. l , __ , ,·'.': .. :,__, f.•~

· ... tionary ~t.eotic?. -·Sine a . when, has _wac and. revolution .. boon made Synono::noUs? ._ Isn •.t .

it .about ~'i#imo ·tt.a-t. Hai"xiet-ro~oiution::.ric~ ~b~u.~ ~~~cini •_a -c~cil~~~ .~opcXi.£~~~ .. - . . - -- .. . - . . - - '' ' of:"wo a.ro :men .of. w.r~'-~'looldr,g forw:n"d-to IllD.rly.Nor1' for wiJD.t it it3 1· by citing_ ·

• "i ' ' ' ·-~-· •. • .,, ' • • ,_ .. '"_, ' .. • ... ••

t<hrx who wroi:.a that Na.poloon, ·tho ultima.to cOunt·a~l:oovolutionc.ry- 1 •;au~titut~ ,, - .. ' - ' ' ~ _,.. ' .. ' '.-':':

pormanoni.·- war: :for po:ana.non~ rovolutiOJ111 ? ' ... .. : ...

·:In lre.ri:~o~y·wo ha.vc.i a. dcmagoguo, Oponly ly.i.rig' thit~"u.:._!.-:p9_:::~ 4 "'.~. I ' ' •- - · -· , ' .. c.. ;,, . . • . _ , ... ~ . ;_ ·~'

and- .its. co:r;rupt. colony • Isrq.o;t~'- we::~- in~~l:yod -~ tli~.'"!:Cl:l~tion .. C?f .~h;o_ C.~~. MosquO in Ho-:oa, where no i.!'lfidt?1. -- nnd ~11 o~copt_ Musl~~- ~o_._~idQl~ .-- is ovon ':permitted to enter. Ho leapt ro:pcatinG this ·brnzon -lio ovo~- nf'tor tiia follow _

·~!ualillla, .tho Saudi ArobiWl nuthoritios, not on~v denied any u.s. Md/or Isrnoli ,' • ,. ,. ' ' -i

involvement, but showed tho.t tho-aa.crllcg~ous-act una .porpotr:::.tcd. by a. :far.atical. . -, ·- . - .. ,- ;· ..

• a oct.-. of:.tho I1uslims _whoso loo.do1.• c~a.imt?d, hJ.I:tsoJ.t!r ~o ~ tho .HoatJiah, Ev~n th\)n Khomaini nrocoodad to atroris the Big Lio 1o impa.ot vxproooing "8z-,.."'-t joy" at tl~O

''7-~"1.-4: 8 . ' ""'"'X .

Page 31: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

:fact truit'tho'U.S."E\iiba:seyo:ili Pakistan bad been: put.· to the. torch·and:,:tw.o_:!'Jniu:i~ . killed.·--:,.··::-:. :!::~.:. :•::.:.:;.---:1 .,.:;,,r, __ ';, .•. :-; ··- ~! ·.-.- •• ••• _:, ', ~ ·.--·-~._ '• .•. . ;-::.-:: ·.: ,._.·:L "J::-::~rt·

B"'llt the Trotskyists continue with their fairy ta.J..a L~ft.ism, since they

do -&Uppo·rt£~-_thO· Kiif<ia•~::!Jtl:tlggier•i"ox:~sill-det~tiOn•_";\Ho"ey~~-'-!f~~;~;they pl.ay up - ' ,: ! ·__,___ ., ~ ' ' -- --· ' :. . - ·- - - :-,

is· that some~KU:rds- supPoSedl.Y-'suJ?pc?=ted- Khomeini, ;and::wha~::l-~_ey~-~-~Y6E:·P~- ~. ,1?~~~;

non~~ i~'~i1a;n·.lthe::.t1fo: Ili~_t' mPo~n-~;Aya.tolla.hs _aft~;;'~o~o-~~~.-7r '~~~~~£ ~~-~.~ ... :·.~ -- -. .,- r.:. .·. . - - - - .

Behesti L __ called -tli.9'·K~1 :LeaderS' "a.gbnts.·o£·._savak;·::Ziqnis~~J~~~~-~~~:.,S_«?_~~p~,· rt

~'SiriCtt· ;it' imS :jUe'f.~·a;t"_··the--:~eJ::.iOd. ·-.:he..~' Kliomeini. .wa.a-.:try~ .. :to __ ~~ ~tlw.t: ·the: lfi_lolo:~. ·­

\:;:.~t>fr:arihWS·'·fOrJ,-~int;~:na·~tobk: to· ,the·-air arid· .. s~l:d. ·tha.t·:.this statom~;t.:·~>~Y .-th~ -~z-·,_ -:tbilih:fi·::Wa.ii'·'a. '"perSo-~r-·v-rt:nt. n:_.:·:sut ;these :.'~pcraons", a:r.~: no:t··-~t-.~~~~~~~~-~ ~: :---_:_:

_ _Thc;Y·-hO:id::_thci·::Poefit.iohS·· o:f.".<Prosidont. and· .. Vico:Pr~idcnt:-.o£- tho :~semb.1_;y~~o£_.th~:~--·~: .. ::..fExplrt'G''that·ha.S'·· jtist' Ccimpl.oted:tho-~- Consti,tuti~~ to. -·bo .·a~~~~d.~:J~~--th~·~t~t-s

~~~~-~~li~_'~·IJ:aniin -:~opJ.o:·on ·Doc;·_. 2:and .. 3~: :~Ind.Ccdt! ~Mny. -~~}~~;;_~~~--~~~~bt~; .. ~·~;~~ '· thOttWo who .ins.tig'titad tho· occuPa-tion o:f tho,·E)D.ba.sey_ 'f?Y·~tho stu~ts. ( ? :; :'.· .·-: ,


•. ,: : ---::~: .. -,_t:;:_··!-Iha.t the .mod.i.a.. has -not shown is that duz.·ing the dcmonstra.tioJ!G ·in :front ·. oi'.·the u.s; Elnba.ssy,. thoro.""" also a st~Dil,;,g oi' .tho l·li.i:listry oi' i:.ab()Z,(5), i."l

:Jl~lich,:.tho_· mas a. ·or. unom.pl.oyod_- -~.arid th~ _ ~C ~;;· ::.C~S tta -,tin)'- ttilliOn; ·unhmPiOYed in·;Ira.i_'lrnOw,:~-·-Hez'O~dOmnd.ini,.,jobs. . Nor a.ra. they_ rcpOrtinS:_'thO COntilitH;.g- 6-trUg­

.glcs:·o£ .. tho. x:tll.'dS, much 'lese tho :fact that somo'}la.T.dato ha.VC B_?no Uhd.Org;.?uhd~>;--~ -· tO- continue a trul.y r~voiutiorm;y ~t;#iaic- -8.ea.i~St'.Kho~~irii 's US~f.Bt:i·~!l_. oi"·tll~-.

fruita of thoir rovolutiona.r.{ overthrow of' tho Chah, .:.) ·-= .- ·~:--:··

Anothor o:f tho many cvOnts unreported in tho maas modia at· the time it ha£i,~Jiod (and '~tili koi;Jt fro~ th;:, rogioiliil TV)'a.ro· tho: bloody. riots' Khomoini iii~t.-~-tod.' ,.g;,in~t tho i»;c6'6z:it ruib..;, of tho 'isiana oi' Bahrain in A!lgttst, demanding :J: .. ··L·'<- ~--- ~-·.- .. -.;·-.-•' •· • ---· . '· .. ., ... •• .. -- - . , · .

tho csiablishm6nt"' C:rf'' a. "pure" Islamic govornmont;:· -tho ·abolition Of' all·uwc,storn-·-·

~Ya'~~;,; c~·PoCiail.y TV: a:nd. th~-- ~oL·CskbiiShM~ilt of' thO . sor.o.rntiOn. of'· men' and' -·woman >;tg J. i.' :·.--.. .-. ~~ ~ :· ·. • . ' ·i '. : . . : . ' . in all public placoc=-· Tho riots .uoro yut down_by :tho curront rulers, but so w~~i~:.=~~-_. thO:r ~bout :KhornC:d:lti '8 irlri.uOn~a,· ·his' o.bhity. ·to ··:forriCni ··rabOliiOfiS::a.~ . . ~ . - .

· gr.L'"lst other- MuSlimS whQ dO ~Ot· wish to Uriiio "a.s-_Oiio" a.ga.iils-t "thO_\lost""'-- and

. th~' FA~i '...;.~ ~rid \-hOm Khot:ioini t..llon · a-~cuScB of "crimOo (.l,Pinst GOd·;u· 'that th'cy- liavo

. hushod. up tho ;,ugust riots~

Thi::l 1a only pa_-t of !t'tom~i.'"'!i'e o~ tyPo of i=pc:d.a.li!m. Bc:.ddos tho

c:la.ini to Bnh=i:>• ho hns'rcteincd_ ~~ dospito " chnllcnso by :rra;t · tho Sbnh's

. 7249

Page 32: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

i~JoccU:Pa;t:ion~raf':~tttcithroa ··islands o:r Abu 1-lusa.~ruld G:r:~t~r.~~n.d)~~B9.l;i~R! ;- ·.~;~ Those- islands aro sit;mtOd iico.r thO stmits of Homuz; through ~hich·: pa.ssesv~~J.¥. ha~ Of' the _nest•~ oU imports.

"'·'"-'~i? ~~a:: __ ". ,r-,,:.lYJ:->7. -~·. :_-.• ....... ,._·'.c __ c_., ·• ,, • • · • · .. ·. ·-- -~- · ••··-~··-· ·•' ""' :.:.>t1~·::-- ,'.'';.:.-~·;:,:;.;,:.-;.:;:;-:;' ;_;;· ·c~"

•.::-' _ '!>.~litirmorc~''KhOmt:>ini.tha.S::l.aShoo ... out:.;~inst:::...c;nY.: ~~:.-w~-~;; ~~.;~? ~Y thii.t' 1!.d'~s'-t"or'I:i:io.ri'£frst'Ond'for, IsJ..ru:t second• He oo.Us,t~t-:'blnsJl!lemy:.~ , At;1:he. ·_ aa.\no' t'iliio ;' wlien the' ·PLo c suggoeted .that.d;he .Pars~ GuU.• ~e ~~: a,s.,;~_it,i;~~ t~<::~ii•

~' ISia.m:t.::~o~:.:'.·th~---A.mo3An"-Gul.r;1Khomam'i~;,rajoct'cid1 tho .. sriggosi!ion .. ~t once. __ ffW.·_~iS;­trin~~~;~hi:i.-f::-- :rSla.in :::~--- hiff<'intoi-pr'crt~tia~·: o:r .·Islam-:-~ .~:t .fi~~?-;~: ~~~-~~:.'f~.t .,~·;d~";;~{;~t in-:;m:,. ';;;ty 'mitiga.'tb' his diSdain' £o:J'·Arabs. ::Not only,·""" _ho o.~t,J.~.t tq~., f'~ian Gulf :r0ti:d.n·::1trf-n.a.Dio~;-. l:T.it- hiS' OpPositi9h to :·tho.·Arah ,oi:t~wci_rkc~ -~d .:at?-r:·.P~;,£,9.-r . soJ.i.;:d.Ct"crmlM.tiOii·, ~i'e- ioro~·~·.--:.-'Arafu'tqiias -'quickly .brought ~ :~~:.-~izo __ t-l~i:m_.:_h~ -.::,-i7

~:.;:iriili -t~ iiitci:Coo.o·-'f·or':thO Anu:lrica.n: .·hosta.g~s-.' . That ·dooan!t moan th'a.t. oit..'ler~~:fa.t : or all ~th? ¥ao S.tai!o 'rli:lcr:i mcet;ing l..--, Tunisj_a lmd o.nything. ;0 s:>y. :t:~r IQ,o;,;;;{ ·" ...

with tho ~xCO:Pti~n-'O:f" Lfbyn,c~· ana~·evcm·.tncb: -pr~'-Khom.oin.C etanc9_;_di~_.no~_ -tak~_.pr~f?ri­ty_ ov~r sC.l1ing Oil tO tho H'r>st •

.. .- , ~ -~d ~-':'~~: itSOlf,·"·tllo ·~J~;cia.frcd:RdVoiUt10lia.':rY:COuncii iS·· itsol:f' faction.;' •·· .. ·~··.~, . 'fr·.~r:t:• .. .-\.._ .,_ .. . ,1_ .. _. __ ,_ "r--~··- ., "• _ ,_ ,_. . .. ,.

r,~OI! .>rith, pro-,Libyal); pro'-Syrl.an,''i"'-n Islruriio· f<ictions; .. and thimgh .thoy,-_ooch -:t>ow ~--:o:v----:··---.:L ~:.·•.:.-.o.:;l .. -:.:1 ---\-1;' !'.-':~--·_-,;;:_,;,;._ ,,"-: ''$•_r, "·,;-~ '•:_,-._,. _ -. '"' •--·- - .' ----- ~ ._ •- ---., ·-to XhomoJ.ni·: now;·- it ·doosn•t· mean-- that--would- hold: _i:f' .other· Musli.IP·;countrloa"a.o-t ... out

--~-r:·.:·_.;--,:;,~:;.,.._(.'(.:.."":r;;:.-, '-v:.:! -~.--::-.... ;~- •• __ .-1-- .--·~ .. __ ,. ___ .- ___ •. _ -_ :_,_ • --"·-·:: -_·-

their diSsent; At thO~ BamO _,tiMe·;· HuBSoiD.: ·of. Ira.(r· 1mB._ riO.: iniehtiOn··whil.t"evcr: Of-;; .t_ .-. :.·":!•_:::.·~-:":"''~·~!r·~-' ·. ,. ...... .' ... -,· ... , .. · ... ;, __ -4 ,.,.-... ~- '-"··~ _,,,. ... ,. _ • _ ·- • .. .- __ · . ·.---_._ • • • _ _. ••

·--oo~i.iig:!-o--KtiomOini~,;- ·_- ID.d~aa.·,.-:no·ho.s·~aJ.roo.dY onco t&rOO.tonoo:-:m .iriVr:.riion:~and_:Jaf:5~t th·ii·\~o~dnt'; .. ~~~· sO~~ ·x~--~t·b -~tarl- l{.reVOft. \iitli~·:~·.: ·. ~-::-_~- ~-~·.-.; .

. J ..... •·•••· : ..... •. :.~·- •,;

III '~:) '• I'

And what, oxo.otly,;l.a bo~-:pro~ for tho_Il:ani,.;,:p~olio once this .. - . --~- ..... -. ~ -- ,,,_ , .. ;· ., • >"- '·-·· • ;;~,-;,· • ..--.~;

:month of'.nourning, tho_li\lharra.l!lr ia-.ovor'l lioll .. , thoy a.ro to ongago in a. rof'oren-- -.. . .-•- ... .• .• . ,,.,. ·~ .. _ .... " .r . - ., . .-• ,. __ , ·• . .- ,.-_,. ,.

dumctoc,approvo tpc.!lmft Constitution Nhieh tho Ayo.tollllha 1-!~n~zor:t'.ir:i!::!lelioati~ -- .. ,.... ,·-•. - ,' ._-.:,_; _._, :;.:;;,;·,·: _:.··;·~~---:~.·t~'

ha.v:o:drawn _up._~.;.fu?.Yo~o who J~s a.ny illusions ._t.lmt _ _:t.his. QJnstitution.boo.rs ~y :ro-aomb~co.-who.~_~o:Qv~. to tho ~~o ·.that _wo,s~,~~rrl,r~d.' _b;.'::tilo-:Fiz.st. R'~~~- 'R~vol.uti~~

• < ·_ - • - ' ' • • '· "' • -- .. '·.··'_'1:, :--:_":, . .i· ~ .• :~ :-•·

of,cl905-199'7 ""~()I1 .. tho firnt Shah '"''' ovol,"thrown, or oyro o.o tho Mullnh3 runonded. -- - -- -.·-··--- - .... -··-. c-~·""- ... --.'> .. ··-··.:. -:.'~·-:~.- , -.~.:- .' <.-·..~-c'' tha.t .C»nstit):lt19,n• trhon·. thoy. brought .tho, Shcll ,b:l.cl:,, cho_uld ta.~a _a ·lQok--n.t-:_tho n~:;"_ inst~tution .of<}.ho Ofi'ieo of. RolJ.()io~ G~iru{ uhich ~.tho ';;~ht' t~ ~~to c~o:J ovorithinp; mid O.nything ·roasod by tho stD. to rulora Md i~' o.loO 'tho aUpromO 'Cor.UrJi.ndor

ovor tho nxood forces.

_." j_~ ( • '

Tho point -l.a \'I' at tho. cone"itution dooa. nothinl; ~t- tr)" t~ legitimize

, • \{homoini •s usurpo.ti~n of: fth~ · ~i~tory ~£'thO t~orko:Co ~ho ~~i~V~d tilo ·nctt:Ci ;avo~~-

Page 33: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

: '' •' . ' ' _ • ·• -::: ~·· '. 1 '.·" ·.·,·.'" , ,::-:-·, .... .::,, ·;',<~•::1 ,_,l'f,'

• ..: J:·.c . r . , ., ,.., - -· .,,_, Tha·:~o.tost·:dn.Jlgo~:n6w lies>~"l tho_mQ~9.D;'t~~~~~--~-~_,K,:~~~~}'f\:~t~~~r

, ·-·;;;ogucry, which might trigger -Apocalypse Nolr! That is the brink at which the worl.d

- nolf stands. Kh~me~- ~d Carler ma.y ·not f'linch as they prep:tre :for such a con­

frontation. But the world- must "d~ e\·crything to sW.y the ho.nds of both rulers.-

--~~-: . ..:..;-~ __ ;_; :··ln ·-thO 'iinp(im.t:ive 'atiuggl.C [email protected] -.the sa.vngo_.- ·-.m.9is:n .~,;t~i;J. S.~P..'}t;r.i -. -· - • - • -- ·- ._- ._ -··· c:- .. __ !

against Iranian studerits;-.:wa uiuat-nevcr:-rorgot-tha.t·:thC undcrlying,mcism·_that hli.a . - ., - ~ . '""' ""'· ".' ._ •. ;_., •. <..·_~·-.-..... ~ .. ·-·.aJ.Wa~S boen sho\m,n.ga.inst_- thorB~cks.h:l.s _a.otua~~ been: dir_ectod:·a.lso tlg.linst :t"evo--t 1utio~i~ .D.rid ininO:r-~tici~; "<t.h~uSh--~ . de:¢h' it·--~~- b~~ 'difi~~ritiY :'~~be~9ci,. Z r ~,__,.;,..,..- .o-.· .... ~-~- .. '.'·- -_:: ·-::.·_,.·"-.7-..!,;i: _ _.---.: >·· ·-,-- -. ,:, - :, . -. ",• .·. -·-,--' ..... ·.-.·: - ·;._,., ... .>;·racially.::· tfun.t :r-am sa.y~·l.S. that_. not only_. rau.st ·1-re reinembor the:·horror _of'. U_.s.

. · concontmtion camps ~k~t~ ~a~~.llOs~~~orl~~-:~~~. \~~~id tl~r .. rl,1

: O.t. )ht·Y~ij_'-~ . --- ____ , .. . - ----. ·- . ,_ ,,, -·'~.:.

'.-time: 11hSn no· ·such· atrocities .. uere committed against Ha.zis in thin ·country. TbA_ .•. ~·"·•·--~··--<"1· ... _ ,-: · ···_ ·· ·- ... l' · '" ~ ··-·l , •.':".c<:- _ ·." -_._. ·< .; • - · --·'·•-,·· ,_. ---:--_•1

--r-}=P:_~--~~-~~~O::t .. _:~~~-- 'White --.f~~cie:t·- ~--treated; as, an. indi~~u..~_: cii~~--~ 1 ,l-1~~ !!':~~,~--~:.-,·. tle~ber/tho'_ £U:C~:-_1:.hat:Amdric~= ~O'vOiutiOn~i~a- htwe_·loDg_:fo}Jght--thi~,-, h:\V~~-iO~:~,_?' fd~t -~:s_. _eapit,]_~~~~?o,;u.iis~ · ~--it~ ~:. ~oaa· ne.~ mOO:i: t_tint ·,q.;;·~c,C.~i?~'.::~s

... a. ·r_evoluti_onD.rJ' gestura,_ :.~he -2ppoSition_·,to'_ Amor;cnil -~pito.J.isrl· by another ca. pi tal­... ,., is~"i;~ r.lii;;ious fime.tic,•a.ny more ti,;;., ~o a~;;'oPt.od•Nizli~ o~ Ja:p(i;,as,o ~il\t;,.ey: . _:,~i~aitifr{ ·t:o·l;mo~~~ ,-oapl.l>:.l'l s~ i~~ Qnithirig' -~t:;[mW:~-~~~~':~~~~:~ight,::~~:

-;, ,-,,. ,. , .... ' , ' . . . - _'·; -_ • ' :"o-.::::.:· ... ;:. ~;:~ __ ";;-~ ·:.:.·.--~--,_;.-~ ·_:: ~-, Of' coU&.-so thO tr.ailOd',.fiSt'.'Of"(Xl-clCr·musi bo-BtOppCd;'-.-nnU--his~is a.lso,tho

~mind_., th.lt· ~· cri.n Z.:olcdsO --a -~nu61Cci.r 'holoca.ust ;' which -WOuld·. jr..it<·~ · b:~d -.to'-CiviiiZliiiOri ~--­a.s wO havo kn.o\m · .it. ·' · R0V~1Uti0n&cy·-: Opp¢Si tiOn;,-~_innt" ·AmoricNV ~pol:-1D.lis..11: -can._-:· be,. ~icd_ through only if' we ro.iso o. bn.nncr of ubti.t' -~;o .arc .f~r·:··


.. \~d -~~t,: ~o. n;_:a

f~;--i~--not.-- t~in~· tho CJ.oclt· 'b-:l.ck ··to Soino··:r~rtt Of .bCctUtiBn.:-.:_~ .. · •;: ,: ·. ··' ~-: ·,·, -- -.. . ·;---_.·.· r,!

.tmyono rrho trioo to gild a noo-:fD.sciSt · occu1.£i:Bci• forgottint?;_~_"!~t.: the ;

· ':~nB:SsOSI!~:t~t "Hitler nlObUizod 1roro mobilizod.·. for· cour~t-~;::;;.,ovolutiono.ry. _purposot:s"J ,·. __ , ._. __ ·::~·:.-_ .. ,:·:~-- .·: - '--·,.. .... ,, .- __ , • ---- - --~·:· ,._, ._ •• _,, __ .• - __ -•.11

e.nyono, who· _trlos ':to ·_sri.y ·tha.t_.i{homciini'o _ con~t6.nt . rofcrCriciOa -to_·_:tJ10:ndisinh~~ted .. · 'rna~ao~"::.~s~ ttk~ ~o- _Mn?'~- •:?JJ.t~l :R~vol~~io~'~ .ahouJ.d~~~~·~~d~_·t~:-.~~~~0~- ;~t: ~-

though J.Io.o \·ltia-·onco ··a.~::~ volu'tioriri.cy, nnd ·thoush .-&6' did ·<Lu.Uo:r· u.."idor >th·o--i.U\l:lich th:l.t maki."lg Ruasio. nEnomy No. Ono11 (lilto Khomoini•n ma.ldng tho ti~s."\'iS.~~iy·:-.:.~ was tho way to f~ht for world socio.lism -- !1<10 ondcld by rolling out tho Rod Cnrpot :Cor Nixon. 6 ) An wo oo.id thon, tho 11rovolutiona.ry11 loio.oist a.pologiots 1fho


Page 34: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a


~~: -~Uii~'-'tO--f6rSiVO~ t-Ici.o·- -every Criito:on crirth. O.i''ld loovo:.n: £mr blAnks ,for .. tho8e . .-.

he ~t ~OO,t,Q:5AtDr,·:war·c··:ri!·.rOOiiilg·tho.t 'onc---and~cinJ.y·:onc,o~~---.t~t.·;d-~.~~:: • ---· • -· ' ' " --·- ,._ ... v ~-- • ' •

teri.zCs _thCIJ. a.ll: ta.ilcndisn to o. st.a.to DOWer. This is:_thQ::~~~·qpJ:>os~t~~~o ':"',:­w~_t !4a:l:x's ~m is_-- the otruggJ.c !'or a. toto.lly ·ncr;;· ;;-ia.s~J.oss, socS.O:l- ord~;;, biied.L'ori.' t~ta.n-:f·_in'trir h.u..~··rclD.tiOhB.-:r:.'·AnYthiilg short_ of:·tha.t-s~s out bet.:ray31·~-L'L'-.·_;··.:.· __ .;. :~-:-,:.--_ .;.~. _-'.-'·--:·' : .. :.;· .·.: ;'::.:··- !· -.. ·:~_-.·:.(·.~·c:-.:..~y~~:;~~-- ·., __ ~~~(- .. :· .-·_:,,,

.:;· -;-:~.·:..::.: _,_.-,-;- :~--:__:.~·-:·,~. ·:~·u• -~ .. . -~:.·. . .·. "'· ; i;;.:R>.Y.J(: .;<- ::•· . ;:_,-,.-~; '· "!·'~ -~:-,_;_:-~,- • . '• .:-::; '.·., •. -: .'.':;.>· ~

·-c-ry-:~i3'6o ·~y:'-~P61iti."caJ...:.pfdl.os"Ophic- Letter,- u:r:ro.n;: _Unfoldmc.."l~. of,·_ ~d Cof?.tr.ldictions i''~;;j-~-~-:-·--:'·;.--·.-.. · . .,· .. •. - .... ' . -J.n, Revolution";.· Ma:reh"25, -~9?9f.:publ.ishod•_.by News•& Letters.-- -- .. ;_;: .:I:!•

-:y..;:~·: ···c1l;:':·-·'-~c:.:: ~-'-·_,·-.-~;-, ~--·- .· --··· .· ·. ._ .. ·... . ... --. --~.. ~ { 2) ~~~- if~,t?- ~'?~s~st ~ShoUld.' clai;o ·:to· 6a:t- · ir.tLt -:rOi~cii-~...r.i Y.h~mcinf: j,a liko !~follow..: _

. ing"' Fathcr"Ga.pon 'in 1905,-thoy ,shoul.d at -~cast:lw.Y_C_' loomed fl;_OI:l Trotaky ___ t1~t, . -fur.: f'rorn: o.ny Bol.shovilt.. or -.Nrmshcvik or. Socia.l __ BovolutlOne:t""i. 07 cVoiJ." _Liberal. _·:fol:f:oH­ing~.J~·-t.hor ~pon, _:the :t:rut~ HaS, '~:.hat· Fr". G.l:pon~himSOJ.f' ~urnee. aS;a.ifist th~:Tza.r.~and £or +.ho- noVor:i.ont o.ftor tno 'army:fi-'"'"Od.-on- thoir_-dcr.lonatration. · - '

(J}'~=~~~co; hfsto~i;; ;:P,.o',;,~C:o; hi.s a: ·;:;,.y 'of· io!>~~fr.g · i-t;scJ.f as .if· i: ~::,o an ·onSOL--ig clot1ci-it··in'· oVCry orls¥>··.-··Nothing socma· m9_rc:rolo~~;.~-~w ~-~,.'r~~:;:.~'s a.na1ysis-·o£: thc".rBig·:Lio_;Stalin .~ot;n.:f:..od b;,- ·a¥t~_in5 _:thC: ·~,f'D,~~~ noscow _F'rtime--:-up

~.Tr~liS 1 •• 19~-JS,. agc.ins~ tho 11GcnomJ. St.."'..ff' of tho· Rovolution'1i;: .. moluding 'rul-tha~'

·. ·ch·evsky·; nhOri .-St.illin·:ac'cusod·,of nothing .-short_~Qf:.4~---~·d,t.h N~~i _ G~l-m:lJlY• ... ~.e ... , - he~ad. ravolutiono.xy ,n~~5:-tudo ,~h~ .sue~ p. _;t._~~ .. _i~ __ l?c_rpc:t.~tod',_' Trotsky •told~ mC-;''" ~

is_. that it. is .n~qt enough _just not to· bol.iovo tho Big ·Lio• -•·-Tho f!l.ct•is,-ho ;con,-' tin"tiCd;·-'toot· _thc··:fooS'on·· thci-:Big Lio!.iS so--IlUch-morocnonstrous ,than .. ;th?_ .ord4mrY. o

1io .ia',J}oca.usa: its -.prc;lcditntion.hideB tho idni~tor OotiVa:tiOil 'thri.t 'w6U1d ho.Vu "P'.lt cvoryono on tho 0:1~rt • : ho.d ·thCy-Kriolm· ·the .. truth~:;· -Uh'ri. t' Stn.liri- wn.s· accusing-~­chovsky of, ho oxplo.inod., night very woll. be what St.nlill hiosol.f" wn.s doing or plan- -ing_·;t·o dO. ·.Tho.-.trin.l.--.bol.loon to·un .... ""<ls .tho.t.~end. which directs ho.t:rod toua:rds tho~ a.~cuSod; .. ~l:tS--i'or ·o. eioo.t·~dCal ·nero tlit\n .ju'at.il.:d6fcris0 of';tho·-wrongl.Y o.ccuacd.

--'Ho-must ·bC-;prdp3.rcid: to.?fighi·:sODO-:_ri?H: __ .'!P~PP~' ?:ish'~.lt.ha.t. Sto.li:Jl ia ~~Y~ .--.'7 .. pcrtu\ps"o. doa.l with Hitler. , ·Tha-t \-r.lB procinol.Y nb:l.t· h~ppcnod the f~llOWl.l".S·Yoo.r,

.. :\'ho l!itl.=.-5tAl.in ?.let of l.9J9. · - · " ' · .. ·. · - · ' · --~· '-' -•. -!·-- ,.,.,_ ':::.;_~ :·: ,--,_ •

( 4) I:~)~~~~~!ffi~:,¥r;J!E.:$. J.:J)l6/79• "Con~ti tution · Gi vc~ 'ci.c~gy Control:· in .. -

(.5).· Christinn ,soionco Honitor,_. l.l./21/7.9. . - . ' - - - .

'(6)' Sea both'tha'·ch<iptor" on "Tho ThoU(lh-t; of !-!no. Tso~tung''.,in 11:( rhilosonhy !!!l!!. · Rovol ution·. (nul1,· .197:3) o.n~. "Ho.~ 1 s IAat Hurrcl}" _', J?olit~on;l-Pbil?OO!hl.c l.:bttor, Fob •. _??', 19?6, pub1iohcd by Ncwa & Lottc:rn.-· Sinco 'tho dCr;~tion· oi' Russia;.-1\.fl' ":;:n0mY:)niillbor'·brio"--·is tho ·ono--Uno logn.cy_ tho· post-Mno -loo.d0rahi:p-.is oorupulnus­ly following,out, soo o.lao -"Poot-Mo.o Chimu .. ilhnt. Nou?-" in HOir -~Bn.Yj (Nowa It"'~' Loi;t.ors, l.'7?T). · · · · · · ·. · : · · · · · · · · ' ··

~ --_ -- . ,. ';: . ,, ~·.


Page 35: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

0 • _ _UN~OIJ)M~~~- ()F~ .. AND CONJIADI(liONS·IN, . ·" REVOUJTI_.ON.- - -


by Raya. Dunay'evskaya I •. £ WhOle &lt of Spetters HaUnting Khomeini's

"Islamic leyofvtion,. Dear Friends., . ..

A "'hole host or specters are hauntinR Khomeini's .. ldamic Republic" before ever It Is officially established. There Js the speder of a full social rcvobJtion in tht' very unfoldment o~ the Iranian Revolution whil.·b, after all, ,VItnessrd a series o( the greatest, most powerful and sustained mass mobilizations for months 0:1 t•nd . bdr.:~ the thrCe days or insurre.:tion. Clcnly, _Februar-y 9-12 had not only driven- .the Shah and h1s. '!tooge, Bakhtiar from the throne,- but the manner in which lhe work'ers endt:-d thoir general strike hJ return to wurk without nturning their t:uns. as the Ayatollah had com­m:u;ded.- ~bowed that. Only Chapter 1 or the Revolu~ion had ended. It put a !opeciill emphasis to the compl:amts o( his appointed· Pd;ne Minister, Baurgan, about lack of production. As _the Deputy ·.Prime Minister, Entez·,n, . put it: ''Despite the A)'OtoloUah's commands, none of the ·major industrlc!'~. in the country are functioning because the workf'r'S spend All their· time holding po~IUcal meetings." :: . .

·As If Workers' Clluncils, Nelghbo!'hnod CommJltcC!s, anjumeni. many new forms of spontan~ous orguniution. omd )'Oulh dominnnt In all, did not take on tht! .. app3rltion ·

-or a dual govornment, there came, with the celebration or International Women's Day, a mass outpouring of wpmen. bearing the banner, "We raade. the rN-olution for freedom: r.nd got unfreedom." which may ven• well have o~ned ChMPler 2 of the li'auian R~\·ulutlon, n is true there had been uther outbur..1s of cnticlsm -of Khomt:"ini from the ft'dayeen, But whl"rt'&s Khomoini's friend, Arafat, oi the PLO, persuaded them tc. c::tll orr the mat<'h to Khomc.>lnl's h('.:l.dGuartt>rsl and, Instead, hold a nlly at TC"htnn Univers!t)', the Women's l.ibc.•t· atlonlsts took to the streets.

No doubt Khmnelni was hmorant of the fat·t that Marrh 8 wa:'l lnternaUonat Women's l>;~y and lht!- lnanlan women Intended to n)ake lheir cellobratlon of the put a

· claim -on. thto pl"f'§f'nt, 111nd, fulltf'!> "Wtu•n h .. l"'"'nro-1 1h~ March 7 order for thl! ·"«Umcn to wcor the chador. nut

, hili n1ild rctrut-thc Odrn that It was A "dUI)', not an urdcr"-hardly ""'"~ceded In ~xorci!dnJ; the new ~pcdM. Qul!o the contr01.ry. ThooRh the Ayatoililh t-riUc:bed ttu.• J:Doms whtto auackcd the m:an:h, tried to stone the women, and 5hot th~. the "omt!n felt thlit thn5c ~wons Wt-M' in fact .Jlo'acUdn;t what, the A)·atollah )lrt'Dcht.-d as ''Is• l;~n1ic h1w."

1-'or .fh'C' ~~otraiaht d.11y5 the womt•n continUt"ll their marches, and nut onl)' aJ:ainst Khumelnl~ but aJtalnst Prime Minister Datar)[atl, ;r,nd on Man:h 10 held a 3-tumr

Aulbot:. of PIIILOSOl"AY AND REVOLUTION and. Jlllanlsa and Frtt.d.cm · ·

Pit-in :at thl! '.Ministry of' Ju£tlte. Nor did they lolerate tho: m::~ss medla"s :.utot"r,dic choice ol what they would . · photograph. who. they y·ould give voice to,, whom they · would focus on, Instead of letting their protests go unrccord('d, the women rnarche-d upon the mass media, thus exposing the fact that the censorship. there h; now almoost · .. s total as it was during the Shah's 'dictatorship, Think how quickly those bour~eois a'ntl pCttr-boun:eois opportunists changed sides. They v.aitt·d two da)'s a!tt>_l" lh:! insurre;.:1.ion ~tartcd before they. came to· the radio to announce that they will no.Jt oppo~e the peopl~ but bC" "the voice or the revolution." That was-Fcbruar)• 11. The very nc'!:t day they snuck in an adjecth·e: they now called themselves •the "voice· u{ the lsl.unlc 'nvolution."

Nor was tht:' A)·atollah calmed by the fact that the Women's Liberationists produced a ·schism · in the Fe.:iay('en I and ·to a lesser t.'Xtent also -in the l'otouja. hidt'en).- For, wh:le a good part condemned the actions of the wuml'n2, others fonn'!d a hum:m chain on both sides of the n1arch to protect' t~em from rurther hl-aSs­ment. That certainly ,~-::..s a .s:ireat advanc:e over the bc­ginnim:s of the Portuguese Revolution In : 19753 where the Left ml'les attacked womeri.'s demonstrations with impunity. 1979 In hun showed, ·at· one and the same time; that male re\-olutionaries would rtut pemiit attacks un women te\·olutlun:rlcs. and won1cn were striking out on thear own as a way of· d.eopenin;: the, ... ""Ontent of re\·olution. -

Finully, lht• Woml'n'~ LlbetaUonlsts focused on..thdr intcrnatl!)naiism, not limlled tu th~· in\·itations to Kate Millett from the U.S. and Claudine )touU.;.rd · trom i:-~rancc iwhu had cume to ll!ltPrcss theh' solidarity with the Iranian women revolutionaries;) The mote cruciAl p;,int is that the lr01nlan women felt th:.t literally millions throuJ:hout the world .... ·erl' with them.

It Is this that :!Ill frichtcnt"d the Ayat(lllah that he 1l:an•d rail the Women's l.ibl'raUonb"ts "agents of lm· lltrialhnn" (to .which we'll return llltcr;. 'fhl.' expulsion ur Kate MU!tott 1!1. but :l)'rnbul of how he !nten-Js. to roll the dock backwant In. his attempt to exordto~' all these ~P!!t!~r: ::.:;. !:~ mu;~ rlr .. t lli ~ .. ah.PJ' lhu~'~< .• ·lighlin~ot·iur' SC'lf-d~termlnation with J:U!U in t!.:.nd -~ i.'ne KunJish rebt•ls. · ,

un.1t•r lh1•:;+.; eirt'umstan~s of ever new lortt'.i ·ur re\'ulntll"'n, rur n;alc r~volutlon:aric:. to distt.•J:ard hllw total the rc\·o\ution ml.lst be ir n b to uproot the rlt· p\nlt:t.tive, ra.cl5t, scxl~t so.~cle1y, and ilntc a~aln try to subordinate v.·omt•n's struggle~ as :1 "mere l""'lr\ oC the


Page 36: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

whole" (as if the whole can be without its pan.:;), is f:) play into the hands o[ the readlonui:!s, bc-.that the •·secular" Baiargan government,' or the Ayatollah Kho· mel.ni who. is trying to "institutionalize" his- Islamic "revolution," that is to say, confine it to where he can steal the fruit of the rcvolution-frecdom-.an<l leave the masses who made it al the bottom as in any and all elass-socleties. · _· .-.. ' , · ;.

The schisms· within the ruling class are nOt as irre; concilable as betw(ocn labor and capital. Nor are they only a qut!:.tlon or -secular_ vS. theocratac rule. The fact that Khomeini nevertheless tried: to· keep· Some_ dbtance· away rrom the planned March 5 celebration of the 12th anni\'ei-sary o(· Mossadet:h, who was the {i.n;t to nation·

· · alize· the oil industry and shake up the Shah's thoone, throws a glaring Jight ori what he intends ·to do-with his so-cal!ed Islamic RevolutiOn. Bar.arga.n, who dld'-!.1! on the platrorm. was not recognized· a:; any· \'oice_ of the. 1951-53 revolt and thus was in no po~ition to serve as any bridge between the dh.sidenl OOun:cois llbernl fac.tions. Instead,- the persOn who spoke rim was MosS:~· degh's grandson, Hcdayct _ Matine-Da!tari, who critici:ood Bazargan's attack on the extension of dcmocrat!c rights.

More signlfican' was the ,·olce of the Ay:~tollah ·reJeghanl who had broken with the Islamic Revolu· tionary Committee in late February, appro\·ed, instead, eltcted, not &Jlpolnted, workern' cornmit~s. thus making sure ·that tb'!' revolution does not slop at lts·,·ery first A:o~ tlto _-oyertlu'cnt of thr Shah.

Tbeie is no- point in undercslimalinl: thl' power of the Ay.atoll:lh Khomeini, who many are nnw treating as an Imam-even i!"he has not exorcised those specters ha•mting his re"Volutian. Th:lt counter-revolution Is rl~thl within the Re:olution, He knew bow to hit at the women. mobilidn~ a few thou:;and to marc-h '-'itll their chadors cgainst th(l w:'lmen who were protestine a ectal deal more than dress.• What the Womf'.n's Librratlonlsts learned here w.as that not all_ wom<!n zr.., sisters.. It Is; afh!r all, _a slander to make it appear as it it were a mere question or women against nic-n. "Sexual politics'' is anything but that; the male chauvinism e:::poscd, and that induded of the Ayatollah Khornt!lnl, was the limi· ta\.lons o( thC freedom or humanity, the-abrogation nr the civil rights-political; social, ccunomie, Intellectual, class.

ln. the latter cas('-the: must worrisome tor the -Ayatoiiah-it WB$ the way the workers, in this case the_ printers, united with the Youth on what seemed most abstr:.ct-workS on philosophy or revolution. on politics, stntcgy, on Internationalism, to satls!y their thirst for knowlt>dgc of all tn do with re\'ulutli>n. Thus, in the very midst or rt!volullun when the ~C'n(•ral !;\rikl• was at its height, the printers dl'dd~d to work douhiL· shifts so th~t they could satisfy that thirst. As unL• eyewitness repcrt describes it: "Books arc flowlnp at the people as· fast as soldiers bullets , , . they read evcn.·­thing · about re\·ulutlon. All Marxian books that have been translat('d into Persian arc being rcprint£'d and spre1td hand to hand and hoUse to houlie: Capital, rar;s Communf', Communist Mantrf'sto, What b To Be Oonr?. Stall! and G.f'\'oiutlon, lmJ)'!I'iallsm, Wn-t<.Red ol thr t:arth, Black Skin, Wbltf' lllasks, Dylnp; ('olonlallrmr,"!> A !:.:rU:c:- :.ccuun: :'0:-jll\i't<.;d • r;~w; lt.:.ihli>tl.:.r .... rMiu~·,. ·

1844 Essay on Alif'nated J.abor and ir111Umerable leaflets: ·'' no,..- idotic indeed h. the bourgeois,prcss· thut kt:eps

repeating old oHidal (SAVAK'! l figures -that Marxl:.-ts numbt:r but 2 percent o( the' popul£ll~on16 .

11. The Main Enfm:y li Always At- Kome-The workers In revolution need no "_vanguard_ p:lr·

tics" to tell them that thr main enemy b. at,· home, that th; conflict between labor and capital. is irre~onc!labl':', and.' that native capital_ has :;ucl\ ov.erwlu~lmlng· U<!·lns with imperiaiism tha:,. if its life as thre.:ate~..-_d, the capitalists will certainly ad fur imperildism to coniC to their aid in bringing on the full crmnter·rcvolutlorJ. ~ut under. no drcumstances dncs that mean anY. slackenmg­or the workers'_. own- St'lf-aeti\·ity, s~H-org~nh:ation,self· deVelopment, thus deepening the re.,ul~tion. Thus. n~_ $Uoner had Bazargan tried to rca!oscrt has Cull :mthont) bv- a t.akeovcr of- the oil industn.· than some_ of tlw \\:orkCrs' lcad.;rs at ont-c _ rc~.lg~wrl · !rom· th'! ·workers' committees in ·prot;.>st.-. Listen to;, !\lohammad Javad. Khatemi's appcaF "To All Oil Workers and-Those Who f'"ight (or Freedom": _ . . -Alter 90 -days of our heroic st_ri1!e. c!.urinJt whu:h we

·ha\'e cut orr all supplie:-. ur oil - the livelihood or the reactionary._ regime and of Its imperialist backer.:-­and b)'- the bloody strug~le of the people we hav~ sueeccded in-overthrowing the Shah .·, . . As a rt>prt-scnta.tive or the oil W(frkcrS··-the heart o[ our _jl~dustry--anll ·as one' oC .the initla~ors oi \_he strikes in the oil (Jelds , .. I am re~Icnang because 1 can see that reaetlor.ary clements working under_ the banner of islam arc conSt"iously suppressinG, the peo-


ple's (rcedcm and rights _ • • ·, It was you workers-who fought and ;;.afCcred from sackings, imprisonment and- the_ burnings or our homes

_and· still '""'f.' did not gi\'C Ull b<!causc we all fell a responsibility to the who}(' or the pcnpl!' o( Iran. MY· self and other I'CIIl"CSentaU\'CS who were responsible fo" leading your stru!:ltl~ know bt'tter than anybody that it w:.s you youn;cl\'e!l th01l made the vlctooy-not anyhody elsu - . • . _ · We do not-acct.•pt an\' dict11torshlp ar..d will alwa)o'S support those who rtiht for freedom •.• We must remcmht•r and undersland the nalure of imperialism which ~till l:.11s ~verything in its h:mds. ·We must remember what happC'ncd In Portugal, Argentimr. g,nd cspet:ia11)' Chile. Until Imperialism is ~completely. sm:r.shed sueh lhlngs can happen again. • .-

ThiS type of ·,.,·orkcr opposition, 1r it_ wi)\ once agtl_n'.._\ dl'\'elot' a mass base, ts thi'! W.li.)' to stop tne attempted coun\t.•r·rcvolution. provld~ that we, as I'C\'OluUonarics, In turn, do not ror)!:t•t that to ~pt>ak o_nly uf ~nti·im(•crla1· Ism as if i.mrwrlalism alunc was rns;mn~ible for the countcr-rt.·volution In Chilt•, In Aracr.tlna, or 3nywhcrc else Cut that mallcr. Is u dcviatinn. It Is a dc\'iation very wrlrome to and lndt-rd t:al('ulatrd by lhe Indigenous ('apllall~lll. That l!i to s~y, nattn• ru!en; '1\'Ul uy o.nythino:. an) thin( at all, ~o toni( as thf'noby :h~ c!uro lilnsggle at home-_ can b" suhllrdlnatt'd to na:lltlna: enrytMn.: "lor· ri~n" .IIlii Enrmy No. 1. What Worht Wur 11 s11owcd us wU.,- i.h .. t, -uu;..,:,:., .. r 1Htkr him!:~!!, !:'~!\'! w~re rnuro• .. uclept at phy.\liJ: th~ nationalist ~;amc than Pt":rnn, and,


Page 37: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

... .. ....

contraf')' to Hillers, h~ succe<"ded in so fooling the Lett ·with_ his "anti-Imperialism" that many haHed hhn .as a "revolutionary.'' To this day, Peronlsm has so brain· washed the trade union movement that it followed him to. the end. . . . --· . -- .. '"

··-· .. '"'Or look'- at "th'c'. TrotskyistS'- this ·very . rilOment --in Iran ·who, while correclly fighting U.S: imperialism, are so blinded by their position that Russia is still a ''workers' state" rather- th:m the other nuclearty:armed. power r_each!ng tor single world domination, that the} only _hiy the· ground tor. "The VanJ~:uard Party"~Tudch -who are even louder In their declamation against u.s. imperiBiism. as it It weren't Str.lln's Russ!a that had occu­pied Iran at the end of World Wr.r II as U.S. imperial· ,ism 2nd Gre:.t Britain helped keep Iran in tow· during World War II · · · , · -

Or- lOok ~f- how Khomcini Is- us.inli the slognn --~f anti-imperialism to usher in· his bourgeois Islamic rc· public:. to keep Ku~istan within Iran rather than s::rant· in.lt the Kurds, and the many other minorities hon&;ering for self-determination. their freedom,

The first thing -Khomcinl declared on February 19, when the Kurds took up anns to tillbt fer the' autonomy they had been promised whe-n .they participated in the revolution against the Shah, was: "I will not tolerate this uncultured heha\-·ior. I shall regard this as aD uprisinc a~;:ainst the· Islamic re·.-olutlnn." Now that he has anointed himself as the "revolutionary" ;:nd all those who died_ Ior freedom and now live for it as "eO!lnter-revolutionarics," he had . his words -given an old military voice. The Shah's General Gharchnay, now speaking as the Ayatollah's Ger.er:~l, tried yelhng above the din of the Kurdish arms: ''The military will never allow any 1-oart of the country to secede." But the Kurds CQntlnucd the- stru~gle, daiming, however, that it was not s~ssion but only autenomy they were deuumding. For th~ time ~ing there is a truCe,

As for the Iranian masses. they surely have· na need ot stalistlcs9 to· :~ttcst to their'· miserable conditions or

·labor and life. ILl!! the urban poor, 70 percent ol whose miserable Wal{es- where tllry have them..:...· j;(o for rent, who we1·~ alter all the ones tn· explode In mass protellt In Tabrlz. What I nm pointing· to is that the Iranian Revolution started before. the days of insurrection.- Tl1c pour -~tid the wo1kcrs were <1lso the very· ones who were plvotat·when the Arm)', too, folded and many rank :md tile soldiers joined lhe· masses· and J:;avc them· arms.·

·while Bazargan and Khomeinl bad the assurance o( some Generals that they indeed would change s.ldes if they h11d assurance they would once agai:t command! The Revolution started long bclore the Ayatollah Kho· rneinl emcrj;(ed to lead and mislead,

Uni'ortun:;tc!y, all those pow~:;lul mass moblllza· lions, and deaths of thousands, which culminated Jn ending the Shah's ar.d SAVAK's CCIA·tr:1incd in torture)

. despotism and terrorism and exploitatinn. arc the- merest , beginnings·. of anythlnR: new,- \hat is to sal'. worker- • controlled.- Unfortunately, Khomclnl !!tlll remains very nearly unchallcn6fcd, that is !i<'rlously _ unchuli~J:ged, as If his Intransigeance In dcm!\ndlng "lleath to the Shah!," which had acted· rc.- a unifying force wht'n the wuu~ National Front was still burjjalnlng with tt.e Shah was In tact, whnt had b(',C:Un ar.d _deep~' ned the revo!Utlun: And, unfortunately, the Left, loti, had unfurled nu new

~ · lKNM" -;., !he ,..,.,,; · world "'"'" \Q dt'\l>t'IMO cb""t •~e• t~dol•"(l !foe..,wl~e\ ol We\l<!ft1 ;rn~uoh..., lh<>l u,._~ cuuhln't ,,. .. ~, •• ,.,. Hotl~r·~ hlond .. nme.,l\. ~., U.S, and lhoule bol•• lhll Mlddl••l•U ~=~~~~· .~.r .. ~?ci ~,o;:;.~r.~~:~~'!~? ,~S!::· t:., L~~!:::.·~.o~~~i~; lr~t.~~~ t!Qktly (all• ollenlt..,., lo the lo<l that 1tw111" o ''c."""'~•·•••o·

V ~utoor-J;y h onl•·•'·'l'-~'"o\•V'I,"" s., D 1 H~~ •. !J.'-2s~ny·· ... ~·'~ :U~~';' ..... ~.--;:,"'~'·;;:;:~r~ ,;~ J':!::.n ... :~··c~

AantJOil oh•>ul •how con<hl""" ol l<obor und pro:JI•rn• ot "'"'•~­'""• 01 ..... u •a l<"•l•h•no tn ,.,.., tact '""' ,.,uot•un ""' <U a !10 ""'"""' cl•t>, ""'k !he ""f'"''''"Y<'<l ""ml-•<'<1 J.!l mulonn,

banner ot freedom, u.nc\ some'31'C willing to se\tle for much, mut'h less, bei_ng part al StatiC' _ _Adminhtr:ltion, th~'-· Is, part Cll the ne'N rutin~: bu,.,;.ut"r~c:iy whiie t.huut·­ing .. anll-im}X"riallsm." · · "_ ,·_··- . .. :, -

... ;~ Ol co_urse u.s: inlJ}Cf"iatlsm _ h;_ th~- 'most.-~ gigantic, iilllitaristic,' nuclenrly·armcd Titan . in "_the ·:world._: Of course we, as Amerkan· re\;o1ution3.ries, must Work·. to St'e that H -ne\-'er re-establishes itf.elf in lrari ur any· where· else. _And, of ctJuN;c; we must· ;:oint to- th~ fact_ that the rush to th~ _present- MiddlC.'East treaty:wus, induced precisely by the rear of the t"nnseq,ucnc~· of the Iranian Re\·olution.ll Nt'verthelc~;we must not per·--· mit the· indij;(enous Iranian counter-revolution_ to hide under the slogan or anti·imperiri_ism. as_ some:· iii· _the

-l,.(ooft are tryin~ to: do by brandmg nut·nn)).· U.S .. im· peri&lis<it but Kate Millet :mil, indl'!ed, -the whole:wom·


en's revolutionary mo\-·emcnt as il · th<')' arc "agents or hnperialism."ll Nothing could ilssure the_-viCtory of-the countcr·tevolution m<lre than that kind or·.' •·anti· im"pcrialism."

Let ~s. insle:.d, tum to the genuine indigenous runts of a m11st unique- rc\-·olution. the very ont' that Is now being so bandied about as if the unly point lnvoh·ed

-in it, great though thai was for that year, was the Con­stitution o( 1906. The 'Revolution lasted -from, 1906 to 1911. We turn to this period not only for nationalism but internationalism. :.nd not only for_ the past but the fJresent.

Ill. Two lrcnfgrt Revt~luticns, 1906-H~ and Today's One lnok at lh~ 1P06 Revolutionl1 will reveal its

two greatest ft.•atur-es that today's Islamic- celebrants keep quiet about. OiiC is Its inspiration i:J the. Russian Jtcvolutlon of 1005, Indeed, it was al the height. No\-·em­ber·Dct"ember 1905, ·that thr first" general strike broke out in Teheran. While tuday Iran means oll, In 1005 it was llaku. Russia, that mc:~.nt oil. ar.d-beeause thousands nf lrani:m oil workCrs Wf'rt• in Russia :~.itd were innplrcd by the RuSsian workt'ts righ:ing Tsarlsm, theY learned abo about a vt.•ry new form of orgar,bation ....:.. Soviets. This, th~n. was what became th~ Corm nt' spontaneous or,::aniza\lnns In· lr:m as wdl.

Till' uniqu('ncss in Iran was that what harl started · ot:t, lndit::enously enough: a'i a !:CCrt.>t orj:!:lnization, be·

came -Anjumcnl, a v.;ry ut-udy duul J.!nVeanrnent - local units nr,::anized lnth•pcndenth-· f'•f ·the Shah· and- -thro Majlis by popular l.'it'c-tlons, defcndinl! their inde-!Jend· ~nt'e un tin· .l!r<IUnd that thert• was luo much bureau· . cralk curruption in the 5'!uvcrnmcnt. Uy -1007. tht:sc

10 See '"" fo.hlo•!<ll •-[Q~P!·h<ot"l: V.!o.. 1mpt"uolo\m'i M•ddle-(ot• Outpo~t·• 1Ht•• & l.etttl•• Ap<ol 19191, ·

: 1 oe .. rte '""' Le M=nole a•ttct.- {l!t<1 ot:"~"· "''"'n <f'VOrltd the ~!a•>den a! ""' hM\et"" oq~•<111 kate M•llc:t. II•• W<>mf1'> • l•h· e•ot•<:-n•l" demon•t<ch"ll '"' P,.tr;"»l "' '"""a"ll' ••th lhfo he"· ,.,,, ,....., .. ., <oed th~or o .. n t-•"""""'" <,of he•no hecUM bY ho"•a--'1 •tt.~der.u ,,aiiiY Mo~>•~a ... .,,rn-"""'0 \he" ~•:.oant ooa•"U U.S. '"'f..,.«oi."...-o ,..,lh "l<>''O l••• Kh""~"""• Til• !<>loO,..•"<! wff•, mey t'leld <f f>l't'U ''"''g'""'e '" "'h•th, ere• fiQ<:UO'I, IN'Y o:on• dNr'd O(QT<! M•ll<"l .Jn<l hold ThP ·:!Gil 1<.1 (l<t•m lhu!, lh<>UQk ll'>it '"'""'" ... om•<~ h<•<1 .,,..,,"d hC"<, V'!o d•-:1 r101 ,,..,, .. ,..,,, ,,.., ,, • ..,. oan """"''""· f>ro..>l1 No """ -•n-•;wrl ""' e4j ... ho<>n. O.d ThtV c•c< •·~ lo:> ""':> "' ~,.,,._. r--:>"'"' "":! '" 0"~"'1 S..o tnot O.ti"Dit frc• ,.,.,,. 1l·'ll·791. --

l'l lt,o """tt tt"le..-a"l b<>C~ "Tlo9 lint Rwniono ll••el111ie111 Itt'"'" p••t "" Ao.•l• b~ l•o• ~P•<lrn- t"'l, t'rc-nhl<!·t1""· 106::!). f<>< loom he•no, a~ trno orrotr h=>"l..• '"''"''· ..._., ct (etolto•l ol !tie Ru1:.oan RP~<>Iuho:>n. !I " d••f'(!IV >otl\ll .... t t<> •T. O<".d I......_.Qi'l lt>o Oulho>t ,, u bou•o"'"'' Dt>Jd<"m•c, "• .~ <>I''"'''"~ n>f' ''"'~ •hoi ,. ...-. "' "~'"'" Clttour:: •~ Tile Sttan:.U"• et ,..,.;. 1A- ,.,....,., We•· ••11••1 t>y W. M"<-;:an ~, ... ,rH il-l.,., r..,,.~,.o'>d l't•n. 19ft!

it:::,~~7! .. '~~2 '1.1'i~~;o~·" •. :";~~~::. ·~~ J~~~~ ~·~..:.~ .. ~"t~~~ ~~·:;r.:·., U~!~~~~;~\~r~::~R:~~~~~~:~t•!h:J!~t''A. '::o~~~~"~~,,',~,• ,...,,...,,,,. D•l>lu!!!hHo "'""'''"· 1111<11 l!><> ''"'~•• n~r1•nt !•<>·••• '"'" '"• \.ell on fr11h•h t•lnnnl (<>On• f'<'tf' ,.,,1'1 r-otllet Undo' 1<'1><~1\ \u' O•I'-'OI , .. ,oluh;fl, Shll ,.,,.~ '"""t't lt• trm~ullltd f,., l!<l.;~u'"''"" ~"* tt•of '"u"'~""} •n•h t~,!:··~.ci.~~~r~ ~-~: .. 'D.:!I!~:::,:"~~~!~.~o~~:"!~;·~i til •; o·><l


Page 38: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

anjumeni were by no - means l!mited to Teheran but functioned alSo in Tabriz, En2.elu, ·and not only in the townS.·_ but spread to rural areas. ·_What is irenic is that one~huster...:_who was very ·rar removed from ·any- an­jumeni, much less· that or women, revealed the historic role of the women })y the mere·- d~scription or what happened: "The Persian women since 1907 h:ad be~ome :llmost .at a bound the- most- progressiv£>, not to sa~· radical, in· the wo.rld. That this statement upsets 'the ideas of centuries mak£>s no differences.- lt is the fact."' (p,l91)

Shuster describes how "out from their walled court­yards and. harems marched 300 of that -weak sex: with the- flush of -undying determination. in their cheeKs, they wei-e ·clad· in their plain black robe.;; with the white n"ets of their veils t!ropped over their faces. Many heM pistols under their skirts· or ih the folds of their·>

·sleeves," (p:198) Situster conc:ludes': "During the five years follow­

ing the successful but bloodless rcvoh1tion in 1906 against the oppressions and eruelt;~: of the Shah, a fe-verish antl at times fierce light shone in the· ve-iled e-yes of Persia's women. and in their slru£gles for liberty and its modein expressions, they broke through some of the most sncrcd customs which for ..-~nturies )J;.o:sl had bound their sex in the land of Iran.'.' (p.192l

It is true-anci this uniquenesS exists unto today - al"ld must, under no cirt'umstances be <:lisrcgarded in

coPing with the ulemas, mullahs and ayatollahs--that the religious lraders sided with the revoiutlcm, or at least ib fitst -s.tage,;. As ;o_gaii1st Ru:;~ia where, though Father Gapon had trig~ered the opening o{ the Revo­lution when his mnrch to the 'I'sar's Palace war.- trans-­fo_rmed Into BlOody Sunday in January, 1905, by the Cossa-::ks firing into the. march; the Greek-- Orthodox Church sided wl:h the TsPr, the religious leaders in Iran WP.nt with thC Iranian masses both in opposing Russian domination and demanding the Shah grant a Constitu­tion and allow-them to establish a Majll (ParliamrntJ. " But even here we must sec the negative- features,

For the first chapter, the nnC so celebrated now, th(" De­cember 1906 Constitution, -limited the Shah's power and produced a MajU. '!'here then followed many sponlane• ous orAanltations thai worked independent!)-' of it. Once the Majli convened; the rr:ligiouS leaders beJ:Itn movin;: :.way (rom any class stru.l(~lc. By October 1907, the "Amendments the Majli passed n:stored many pow("rs to the Shah, especililly the supreme command or the an-.1ed force~f so that one could hvrdly call him 'just a ll~ure· hud. In any case, Tsarlsm. which had been too busy puttinR down th~ Russian Revolution to be overly in· volved In Iran, decided to move a&;ainsl Jt, :~nd b)-' 1008 the Cossack Rcll:iment bombarded the Majll and put down the revolution. But here still 1\nother unique fea­ture emerttc!\, Whereas the Russian Revolution was total· ly crushed ln 1908, in Iran It re-emerged, and the Shah was driven frum his throne, It took more Cossack bri· !lades .:md British Imperialism as well as the Sh!th, alter three m~rc ~·cars, finally to desti-ny entirely thDt Rev.1· lution, -

Now, It is the dlrrcrcncc- between rhc Dcccmlwr 1900 ConsU!ution :.nd tnc October 1907 Amendmrnts which point not just to the dunUt}• In the Sh'it<' leader· ship l_n var1uus periods within :~n un~oinJt revolution, Jt ltnints'cs well lu lc1duy: the March :10 plebiscite 5\arln.: us In lhr !1\('o. Khomt'lni·Bazargon must nnt suc<"ced .lust bl'cau~e they will hP\'c wnn so bkl.' an "rll'ellnn.'" Yet we cannot cntcrt~ln any Jlluslons. It will h<' much, much harder for rc\'ulutlunnrics In fun.:tit•n. 1'1w lm· rnlncnt couutt•r-.·rvulutlon Is bt•lu.: in:;tltutlnunlb.ed.

1-~or that \'try rca~•JD we. must sto11 antllhcr mn· ment at the IDO.'l-00 ltus:dltn He\·uluHun. thi .. -'tln\~ _nut t•lthrr ., it arltt:allr ocrurn•d or huw H m•:illrt•d tlnl

Iranian Revolution, but as it .w~s dlscuss2d at the 100'1 London Conr.ress of the Russian Marxb~Bolshe;.oiks... Mensheviks. Trotsky who \;.·as In neither tendency· then,

.. and .. nos; L:..:..:c:r.buro;-!.e::- Jci:iche~ •.. th~! .. !!:, .the. !'ol!~h Marxists \\•ho had in that Revolution joined the Russian nartv. This cannot be di~.:ussCd here in any detatl: that J will do ele!'whcre,l3 Here it h>sufficicnt.to single out. from Rosa. Luxemburg's sPeech what· {s relevant for today, I am not. rc!~nin~ ta: her_ .. fa:mms theory _or· th~ · Gt>ner.1l Strike, which Is certainly_ apr,ticnble, and JndCcd.·. we just ·saw it in Iran developing· into ·the _outright in-surrt'etion. . .. . . · : ·_-_ _ ": .. _. .. · . No, what we ha\o·e to hold in:mlnd (or !urth'd [k­velopment is her attack on the MensheVi.ks who,-_on thi-: s:rou!ld · that Russia was a techno!ogl_caUy __ backward land, -wanted to confine the Rc'lolution in .tho! context

· uf the·very ~tart of the. IU"JS Germany~ Revoluticn, ulher _than at th(' erid of that revolution when Marx,·.in•his JBSG Address t11 th.i Communist League, called for the· rcrmanr.nt revolution. Hosa insiStf.'d, instead, that not only was it ri.t:ht for the ground o>£ the Russian-Revolu­tion to be the end. nj)t the bc~innJnn of 1848, a;;_ Marx analy:ed. but, above ali. we- had' to start with \\hill was nf.'Yll in the 1905 Rti\•olution: . · · Tile ii.u:.sian Rc~!·•hJtifJtl we~s · JhH ;,.:1 nlUch the idst

act in the series of l .~o.~rgcois rc.volutions of the Nilie­h•cnth Cl.'nlury as the forerunner nf;a new series· of future .proletarian rcvolutiftns, in whiCh thl' conscious ;>rol~turi:~t and its vanguard, Socifll l>cmocrac-y, arc dcstind historically to play thl! leading role.'-'

tv. Where- T~;.~ N~·w?. Each revolution di'ldoscS samethin.~ new and unique

and challenging, Tt;e· new In the Iranian Rc\•olution· re· ~ \-'Cals both new stren.t:lh and new Wl'akness.- Surely·thco sustained mass mobilizations in so de!;potle"land, :umed to the tt>eth :u:d primed by _Nixon since --UYl:O:: lo .take over tlu.• U.S. -pallccwan's beilt, for the whole Middle East, was nothing short of a miracle, especially when you considrr that the Sh:~b extended that Great IllusiOn tc1 bci;evc he would be pivotal to the ftnal confronta­tion bctwc(!n thc two nuclear Titans: the U.S. and Russia. Mon~ovc·r. tht'Y Wt'TC :;o SPl•ntanrous :hat c\'CD the I.<"Ct that always likes tu take j:l"edil for vanguardlsm had to admit tlu~t m~t-f!!lh·' were they not organized by, any Jltlrly, but the)' seen.'!d to be ori;:anbed by "nobody". -

Yet it would be wr'Oilg to think ~ithcr th01t,it was only !'ipontaneity that was at ... ..-ork, ur· lh:~t ."nobody" org:mlud It, Were it so. KhrJmclni,- lor whom one mil.­liun poured out tu welcoml.' baek,-eould_nui. pE-oc(ed :.u_'-_ brntt•nly and so rapidly to try to saddle the ltevululion with what !le call!l "lslumk Jlepubllc" and '.'btamlr moral cm.le," "hich _we aJrcRdy saw llt work nut' only against tht.• woml'n but a.:ainl't tht.• lif~ style or a wholl.' hf:W J:!.!nerath•n til rcvoluUunary )'oulh who ·al'f' the Vcr,­hc;art of this rl'Volullun, --

_Nor shuuld we entrrtJI!n <~ny Illusion about the ''supcriurity'' or lhc F-~CUlllr. middlc·C'l~!Ui lnll')h'"CIU&ab whn think thu.t hl't'ausl,l !hf'f srt• Khumrlnl nt ''symbnl nut philosopher uf rt.•llulution·•, tha~ saml' ''t.:rr:&ll'r Intel:_ IN·ttml" thAn lit.' will win In tht.• t.•ml. There is b•ll one .:rain uf, lrulh in thu.t prt•trntlnn, otnd It cnn\'('rn:;. rmt intrllt.•ct.,~tls. but Hwur)', Tht-rt> l:o no dt•ilbt that the 1:1"-'lll _we:~;knel'S ur lht• mu\·~·nwttl ntl\\', and not ·cml)' i'l lr~m. u tht.• lln·k of llwury, a lhrury ~~otl'nlmh~JC rram a 11hlluw11hy 11f luU•I Hb.-rlltlun turh illl "·a1 and b Marx'a llumanbm, hla ~hulr IIC'W C'ORt!rnt or t~oul(ht from thf-'

7C')- ., .-..oo

Page 39: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

momen-t· lio<:- broke, from bourgeois society In 1843 until his d@ath, 1883. that Is to say, from hili Humanist Essays through Capttal a'nd the P::;ris Commune to his Ethno-logical Notebooks. .

It took ~othing shon of the First World War aiid th;i coU.;;p:o C! -t.'le ·~::t:.hH::h~d !!:::::i!:t {S~c:u!)'·-!r.te~· national bc!ore Lenin l'ecognized that,· without philos·

· ophy, without· the dialectics of liberation in_ thought as welt as in fact, a Marxism red.oced to economics was inadequate. I!' any case. what is most relevant for toda)·, and not only for Iran. is to do away with-- elitism and such. (Iuick stoca~s as the need ror:.an· "April-Thesis" to ·:rearm the party;' as if th3.t meant Trotsky's theory

-or· permanent l'evolution with its built-In undcrestlm:l· tlon of_the_-revolutionary role of the: pea5:mtry.1s

- - Trotsky's illusion that the April Thesis -me~ont Len­in's "acceptance"' of Trotsky's theory of perm:~.nent•l'evo­lution· no~withstanding, ~he real relevance of an "April Thesis" for the transition period:now in Iran is not the forcN id~ntity- with that theory that Trotsky built up. Rather. the plain facts of how it came to be is what we hope-will-help the Iranian··c:omrades work out on the basis of ~~e indigenous and the new. the revolutionary national and intern:o.tional forces of revolution, their'

. path to social revolution. their move from "February'' not only to April but to "October." ·

lt was the o;hock of the simuUaueity of the outbreak _or .World War I aud tt.e collapse of the Second Inter­national that compelled Lenin to return to Marx's ori­gins in the Heselian-dialeetic and ·see that, without it. Marxism was reduced to vulgar ri1ateriaolis1n. He refused to :Jtop with mere exposure of the betrayal. Rather, with Capital in hand -as well ~.s the - political thesis of the

<-need to '"Tu-m the Imperialist War into Civil Wai.~ Lenin delved into Hegel's S.denf!e of J..oglc. Of all ~he revolutionary Marxi~:"':-Luxemburg, Trotsky, and many, many others--:...Lenin ~:lone deelded that .first of all he must reorga:lize his own method of thinking and doing.

In a word. before _the April Thesis was and could have been written, thel'e came. first, Lenin's PhUosophlc Notebooks (preds2ly, his Abstract ·or H~:gel's 'Science of Logld. Then he wol'ked out his theory o[ Imperial· Ism 16-hls controntation with the n.ew stale of econ·

omy-monopoly capitalism on the way to .state·monop· ol)·~apitalism, not outside of its relatloOship _-to _the proletariat but as related to the transrormation into opposite of a section of. the proletariat that dld. gain from capitalism's extension into imperialism. -Thirdly.· and- ;otowi! .::.U:. :::.:r.e +:!.- re:l.l .. lh•e .. ~'J<:!!_l!tion~th"! .Jrbh~. · Easter Rebellion, 1916-which ;;=:ave a ne..v dimension to the "National Question" as ... sclf·deterinioation, as •·the bacillus" of proletarian· revoluti<:>n. _

Finally the determinant em€!rges for· that protetal'i-: an revolution-State and Re,·olutlon (originally caUed· ·· ":O.Iarxism and the State")-a~d. onlY after' that ·coultl Lenin "rearm·~ the Part:,·. Far from that producing any sort o[ debate .about dictatcnhip o[ the ·proletari:a; Or­dictatorship of the proletariat· and the peasantrj.•, what·. resulted-and where we should beldn-ls ·"AU' Power to the Soviets,'' that is to' say. all power_ in the hands- of the masses. their for:ns of. orcani:tation, tbelr cOn tiel of production and the state.: Lhelr smashirl;t or the bour­geois state. and by workin~ out a new rela-tionship 'Of the~ ory to practice, anJ the movement from practice· to the~ ory, the e!ltablishment o[ new human rel:ations. We have. t~itl"r a11. 62 additional Years of experienco;!, have seen Russia and China also become '<.ransformed into their opposit~. with br:th vying for- U.S. imperialism's al!iance! Surely we canr.Dt behave- as i.f nothing had happened in all those decades of maturation. abOrted revolutions as well as revolutions transformed into opposite. . >-'

There is no way to extend ar.d deepen the. revolu·- ··, ' lion if Ba7.::ar~tan ·Is ·allowed to reduce -to a consultativl!i~., role the function of the corpmittee:; ol'ganized by the workers to run the pl:lnts and o!!i::es .. The bet-that the Prime Minister feels impelled to tak:e to the air waves to declaim agalt~st wh:.t he c.:r.Us ·~the dangerou3 logic oC soviets" furthel:' expO:k:5 his e;;;piti!li.stic te:~.r ot the et-:mental paH~on for freedom rebesed by the._ ongoing revolution. Ayatollah·. Khomelni's stOpping' the· revotu. u.o~ary tribunals ago.inst the Shah's most powerful and vtctous henchmen in the SAVAK and in the iDvf'mment has focused on just how npidly he Ls ·turnir.~~: the clock back, and by ·no means only at the. expense of the women's freedom, Those acts of retM&l'ession are not •mly-danj;terous logic. They are _ar!:-or outright· counter. revolution. Let us·extend our solidarity to th~ embaltled revolutionar-ies-the new Kcneratlon of re_volutionary students a:;; well as worken: Women's Lt!Jerationisu_ as well a£ national minorities fighting for setr-determina· tion. Let us extend the activities here to stop the inter· !!!ring bend of U.S. Imperialism hungering for ~il and the !tratet;lc location for its nuclear gtob:ll aim.

The stl'ugglc- conthtlles. Raya Dvr.ayeVllk::.yia Deb·olt. Michigan March ~5. 19':9


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:; '' by Raya Dun~evskaya .

;:,•,. :,;;;~;:c.. .. ,._, ., •. , -- .:...-:·• ·--- _r.:,-· ·-·--:: .. -- " ·:,-,;-:~-- ,.,;-·;!.;::•-'.":'.'· .. • ..... ,- ·, ~--···1<----.-·: .• , .. , ___ -.; -.:· ~~-··-' .- ....... ·:· :,_·.-<-•:·•-'- •• ... _,. .

_ . . ··· Becaus·e· ~there i'e: nothing iitor~' eXc1. ting··fharl add.ressi.ng revolutionari.es in· ·M .. ~fif,sci;~ · ~:V~l\ttion ~-~ ·:r ):eei -_v.~r.r: 'hb4~~a_ j.o-·fia~e-· .tlti!ti: OPPo~t~,iili; ~;ii :.-~-: -19?0, tO.;"intZ:odU_C·Ef~.,r:a.Z.X~ G .1l34!f:_EC9~cim£C-1-hll.osoPhl'C_ 1-~iis¢.r.1.'.Pt:S ;: jihfch ,,"op~ed an~ Eintiiel)r;. neW:~ :;On:U:ri~t"~ o_f' ',thought_ and- revo~u ti(?n. -~hat -~~:nama e .. :·a ·.:.~•; ·,. ·: . H.?Jil~~· ':~.'Il~ei .Y.efi:i::.tha:t · I.-J1aS ;:r1:rat · abie:::to:~pilb~sli ·'tlieSe~·-HWnariiSt --?~~s -~~-: aS ~a.i;i':ApPcjidlx :w_.:mY<wcil:k,~ ~r~Sm ·and: Fiiiedom·;·-:a,-·q~r ''o·t:: a ~.century' ·agO~--::·-_ coiilCidCd ·td th- "the·-·Huri8Ui'~ · R6Vol.utioii- :aga.in.st·~_aus·s:ta.h' ·.:t-Ota.'ii iarictnlenl' _. · '-~~­~ng _itself Communism. 'Ihus,- beth :from beiOw;>tZom-·ar('aCtwii ·P:roletarihn···: revol.ution; ,a.n,d ._from. tl1&ory, .. a ;-today~ness ~was ~sh.Ejd . up_on._ thes!3. , Essays tha. t had '!ain on_.,-ijie ~dWJ':ty·~shel:ve·a '_o£ archiveS _.drid had _.ii.fiV_~r·: been 'pfa.Cti'ced;_. Ee~u~e .· ~:t .. tne' ;coriteilipO~- HoZ.Id'.needs Diost'_:t.Oda~~ia_ -'a \tidty_of:J-~-'s:Ph~l.osO.PhY·-- · -o:f lltei-a:tfon· .. with- mf'outrlgnt·'reVOl.utio~nj '_We 'riluSt-_XS~e-Xamirle·,wna.·L).t' il3that t·!a.I:x .. _!md ~·meant,;.me·n_;:_.iii'_ t11s gr6a-ooSt:,th00riti·cSJ..)iom;· ea:pu:a.1}~11e· h.~ __ ; ~~:.~ -~ deCl~q :: ~'hUman ·-J?O~r-··is ·:1 ts. _. oWri'' Cn'd ·~I' -ana wna. t:. lif hf;;.: Ver"J :-.firSt hiE:tcrlciJ. ma.terlal.lGt · aii'a:.lyS9's . __ in- .f844,' lie hB.d.' !iteciiit: ___ oy __ saying·_ "co.inmunism, as :.a~ch, .-~s; not the goal. o-r h1.1IllM -deY'el.Opnuint,. the ±'ol:in of''hurr.an so'ciety"-.::.w-hat tho ·goa1· is, -_l;s.::'t:he Crea.~on :()f' ::to~ nell, p1at;3.S':":le~s, ... h~an relatio~~~ -

.. ·.;-~ .: ... '· .. '•. ··~ .~ .... ~ . , . ifuen~ycu. tum to the Ee:says on "Irlvate . .~:roperty: and, ColrJ!lUllism ana.

.tha·:.','Crlti«i:ue o£: .~he Hegelian D.iaJ..ectlc,_ ... ;tou·~.U nOte ).hXe:e ~ngs_at_C?~c;:e:": First .·and~ foremoSt __ ;ifi t.~t the Ma.lysid of .labcir=-..:and',-_ths.t .is·_wa.t _d.istin~.· :. -guish96.]-i8.:rx ·:rrom .all ~the%-._ SOciallsts':~d 'Ccimmuil1B~~---o_£._1i1e _day J!!isl .. ci.~~~-:--·., goeS ~inU® .:flii-%Eir --~an. the, ·_etJO'nomlC·~ StriictU±e ·of' .;so_c~et~~ ~-Hi~ :~ysi_s . goeS to tho S.Ctual hUman relati:ons; Secoiidly, · 1 t n"as riot· only .l{~gq_l )rh~~-)~ · stood on hi.a fet.t by uniting, instead of sepa.:rat1ng, thinkihg;:fi-Om --bOing. It waG a.l.so the .. "quite -vulgar and _Wlth;inki.ng cOmmunism .. that compl£tte.ly _negates the· peraonall-t,y;~£ man~~· 'Ihird.J.Y, 3.lld.above _all~ ·is f:iarx~s.concept··-~.£'la:bor-­tha.t 1t is the crccitiVl:ty-o£' tlie l1iboz:!!.!: e:..S'the gia.ved1gge:r_.r--~ capit_a.l:1.QI!l

.which uproots all of' the old. Whether capitalism achieves· the:dominatlon of labor -·tl;lro\IBh' ·owne.reh1p _of' o2:' -:-~rqugh . control _.over thE~:_ means . of: _ P";Qduction, what'J~rx. f"ocuSea:o·n·,ia thisL·any,_•_•dom!ruiUOn' Ove-_r ·the labor·_or:~o_thers"- prqy,ea riot- only CB.Pi_ta:U.Bm 's _elcpl~1 ia.~ve ·,but pC_rve:rse nature. To .:rurther stress . the­perversE:{ ·.11:8-ture ~ ~~-·Bay-s ·~1:h_a t· the_- lihol6 · of'_. ·ca:Pi ~-em _ c_ould . ~.·_summed up_ '_in a _sin8:le. sentence=·- "Derid: la.bOi-·_~orilinatCB _llv+ng ~labor;", 1h1~: ellis's i'c;J.at1o_ri:.h1p tntnsroims_ -.t.he"llVing-_labOTer i.O.to.·uan ~:PpcridagEt to. the'.'mSchlne." F.~re is''':'· how Et:.i-x exp1:'e.Bse·s 1 t in ·the Hwnalilst E5aays i" ' · ·.. ·

:'Irivatc. property ha.s mad a us. so stupid lllld:_one-sido_d that •• ~_in · · plar.e of._a.l.l._t."ie .Physical _and spiritual--seilses tliere.1B the .'sense.

of~P.<?Bses_aion. _whiCh ·is· the- simple "aliclna t.ion- of'·-~1 'these: ·aensec •• _ .' . . 'Ih'8'~.Ci=w!6ce_nd.~O .o_:r_ priva.1:.e propei-ty is, __ thoi·~fore; "the ~tota:.:. f)::Etei'ng of' all hUnian.-aenSos find a.t.trib.ites, •,· .:~·· · ---- . - _ ·

.. '~·. '

'It-is "~ere,· t.O--~ake sUre that OnO'thCroby doeS·not ·jumP~tO.the conclusion .that.;the a.bol1t1on_of _ _privato property_ creates __ a new_soc::iety, tha.t J·la.rX :i-aj_eated._:t.l-16·, 6ubst1 t\itiOn of one. :f'o:z:m ~.of' proPcrty•-st.ate--:for .private as My o_clU-t;.ion .tO tho.:prdbl'ar..a Of Cxploit=.tion ... ,l;-t-~s_,vhy'h~ ~jf'it~~e·d '_' ~'vulSa.r arid un·thf:nklrig ·.c6rimiW11SI!l~" focuairig·inotoad. on two _other_ pro.i:ll.~zn.a·i -1) truly nen human reltit'ions, 'th.B "netl Humn.nicm!' :!.n place of' CommunianJ~~and .. 2) tho totali tv of' the uprooting of all old rnln.tiono so that the dunl · rhythm of' eoc1al..~rovolut1on--the o.l..Jllt1on ot· .the _q:J,d o..'"ld tho creation o£ the new--woul~.run cthei%--fu~l Course. -.- , .. , .. , ·:·; .',:· .. , _

£or i-:hich In ord~r -.to~.fu_i~: ~a~p)!O.rx'_s Hiatorlcu.l. n\terla.ll~. thtt ·roundation wa.a-1nid ·by '+.heee Hum:ini!t Eooayo, lnt un· tul:-n tO t.h~ h!c;:tOey' of'_

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\;,; ·-,,"' ''· .. -

r.!a.rX's day_ as well as of today~··: 'uimt··~e·'~ee·~·:.'firBt and foremost, is that f.hrx, in l.aying the foundation of Historical Vater1alisr.t, w&.s· also Creating·.the

.·.ithep~-:..~_r .. p~1t'!ta;r.·~~ ,l;eVOll,ltion,:,',~e, ~p.;tectic;,qf' l:ibq:::?-~.cn-:.· ~""~' e: great-est di~?pve~-,:~s_ .c~~-C'!::~:t, ·~o~ _ Mpq~- ¥¥~~-~Y.~~~4--~ !-CC'~la~pi:E:r; rt:P:,~ ~-~_Q_t.".t~,s~;.a · , f-orce }Jf ... ~?Ol1;1tfo~._.Jni't-. j_~s'-._l<~~on...;t~.~~-11;~~-~t :,-:!he:o :Pxo,l,e_tar~'~t ~-s ";~~ -:·.v-· :..:-Su~j~ct;" ~~ Universal' :subjeo_t :_that was· not:.just -~-- produc_t 'of· history, -'_b•1t

its :~P.ezo(.~~-~.~t_··.~:~_-e ~/)~l?o.~Bh~ng;_::_:th~_:-~_iP1~i-~-t:iV~:~~~\~Y ;:· .. ~e t~: -~. ~::_: _ .. ;:-~·: exl?l.o1.~.4c.~~e~~:t.·_i._~ the -tranafomer of "realit,v; .-,!t~~s .. here ::i;hi!-1:: .~~-~-·-,BEl:l! the co~~ :~:~-r~~·-,H~~e.l:1~-~~~ec~.c;::~g-:-.'i1;h~i,~di~~;c_~,;~c:·o:(~ega~y1,'o/. ,~a ... ·: .. :' the movi11gand c=ating'prln iple "·.. · ··•· · • ··· ···'·~·" ... ···' · · • · ·--·~·· ·

.:::.. ... :.:·":·_-~.-:·.;.~ .. l2 , .... _,,.,_ ,, _.~ , ~,~-.t '~ 1 .---··~-·->- .-. . ;;~ '"'·;:: n:.:_,,;_· -~··'' !.:~~.;:::-_;;:_·:':' -~-~~ ;·,._.-.:..__ .'.::· ,·: :·e;;

:: _ _-.:,_~ ... J_.:~: :·c __ ·'"cjn·~~tuaii't !::-\;O'ntiiiUed.···i_~;;:·th~:-:tiea ·_hidd;;n·:·ii(Heigel • a:":· .. '· ::::---.· :··-: lhenOiheri.OJ.o"eit'~bi ·riilld~"'tile_-nlOVeiuen.t'.o:r-·hi'GtOr:(.: __ ' ' The ·zn.ystiCal ·veil ~Hegel·_ .·. :-.. :_·

· -~ugn_ ·ovcr:·.i_t·:mu~t. be'-_remiro·Sd·,~- _bUtHfa:X -'fi.Om·· tti'Znirii hiS ·hick· Ori 'l)hilOSo.PriYi:· . Ea.rJc trazlsfo_rmed. ){e~,ei"'B .. iWf01lit1on ili'~fOSpby ':fn-£o ;:a.·- pH11cisoJ:hy Of .. ~:<· · · ~V?lut10n'. ·.Yh!Ch:"-.~s-~ Wcy !•3-.C.: "held ·tttat· ~·uumam.sin _ distirigu.iS.."les--;1 is_e~ -~ Ui.­:rro·m _I~eallam. "and ·r-ra:_terlilfsm; '_Ei.rid is';~ S.t·;the: ssme~.t:tme. ··the_ truth·~_ uniting:;· bOth';. (and) .capable of giisp1.Dg ·;the 'act> of world llisti>zy;'"' : ... ' ... · .. '' .. ' _, ;;

- .,_, •. '' ',., .• •• • .. _,,-,,, -" ~ '~ c ,., : ._._.,. -·.- ,.. '.'; •• -< '- .• ; ._ •• _,:_. ' .. - -.'' '

"Grcisp.i~g- .fue aCt .. ;C):r·~OZ.id··hi~torY'Ine~t ·-th~t-he-hB..d 'to pro;6izilm ,. "z:evol:utioil .. in permanence•• uhen he ·caw that_ no sooner had the r.1asses helped tlj6_ "ooUrgeo1s1e gidn-:vi.cfury· oVE{z.:-J."euda:l.fSr:i·_in. the 184B~revPiUt1otis_ than. the 00tL~~-~1s~.o·,~urnea --~st .. ~el?:··~·:~. w~en_· h-e __ w1 t~~sse~_.:th:e ·g,:ea.~~S_t 1:-c,Vol:u:~:ion in his_.tii.le:•· the 1871 ·rro:is_Commune, ,and saw·the.mac_see take'destln.J __ into:' · the'f~ :ol{n :haitdS; _ J.ia.rx 'deC~d- that ri.On-Sta te- ·tO b8 ·the "Frill tlCal f"o~·- at ::: laa t ·.·d1sc·C".r$rSd. ~to : l_ror'".C _cUt ··t."l-9 eCo-nomiC~ ·om.:t..~'C!~ . .:.. tiO~:f' ·: t....;e -·~leta.rl.at. ·~- ... As Naci~eXI>t~fGscid·iil · ·· - -~ "";_:~·- ,. · ·

'. ·" -- ' . '· '- . :' .. · . '~,,__ -. -'-: . -- '., ',· .. ' -;" -·:'' .. ' - . . : . ' ' -' ., ' . " - ' - ~ .·--- -... - ~ -''

, . -~ 11e ~should_· eSpecially avoid re-:-establl_ching_ society _as en· · ·_~bstl:&CtiO:l;· ·opposed tO. the''in·d-i·.rid1Ja.1. •. 'lh~ 1ndivid~ i.'s the "50Cia.1-'erit1ty," · · .... : .... · · ·.::· -·:_

.:~·! _:,:>·--· ;··

• :·:-.--,~\; _ ..... ,. • • •• • ., .. ,,. --· -- ''0 ,. ··- ---, ..... _, '· .... ~--·~.. • , .. _----_ · .. ,. _- l-aix 'raised·_ the- question ,o-£· "re•r01ut1on ·in pe:rma.r~e·nce' -"not-only· -£or 'hls ·day J~ut :as ~the· w8.y out -£or· all--Unfinished_ :zoevolutioris~' :NO' age·cc3.ii'l.UldeZ...: ., ~ S'ta.nd~that_._be'tter :tbB.n ·_oUr own,·· plAgued';oOth' by_ :traltsf'or<!13.tiOriri ill·t-o' OPpCifSlte ~.tkr .e~Ch X:ev:.olu~O~~.;.;s'uC!1 ~.as· ~e~t -Wt:l~CJJ;: ~w- ih~_ f'irs~i{_#)rk'ora' ·.G:tate~·;tija.t _·,' arOse !'ronl the_ Rus:ai~ BeVl'lUtion "tum into ''the 7stt:.t.te-cap1 Ui11:at morisfroS1. ty that RuS!li'a 15 rloWI ·Afld bY ·the ·abor_t1.ng· -of ·:to'eQ.i'a icVolu.t10i1s ''bE!rore evar they_·i:Ome to complet10li.- · - · , , · · ~"

..... -ThO qtiCStiOn 1St llhA.t -h~PponS efte±: __ tha _:first ·aqt Or-Z.OVol\it1on? Does conqueSt ·or_ powo:t<asauro a ·claes-less :society or onlY a."new ·class buraaucra.ov?, Our age, which hS:a :,!1 tnesaed 8:- 'lihOl·e Dew· ?biid Wo:t·ld ~_maerge £rom the atruggie 'aea.iiuit 'liestern impe:clauem·'(u. s. imP<>ri-,J.!em most. of a.ll) 'in latin America as in Africa., in the ltl.ddlo East aS in ··Aa10:, 'neod9 tO ·demtind t!1at "g.rn.aping _the _act of' wo:.:l.d histor;y:' means spellintt out: total freedom.

. - -" . ' ' .. --- ' .- ' : . '·' ~ " - . ; . - - . . : HOre _·agai.n·;· r-:a.rX':ca.."l· ·iilUmirui. te' C?_Ur .. taSk 'in: th~- ma':irle:!" in' ,;,;;ich ':he .

spelled--out: how tow··rnuet~bo the·:upxootir~ of the old o.nd the· creation -of': tile neW. ·He tUrned io.'tho itlOs_t- fundSJtiental of allhu:nan' rolationa--thS.t ,·of. mali 'tO WO'n:an. !n 1 t we see· why· J·iarx· oppcaed both private p~perty and "vulBlJ.l7 commun1sm 11 1 ,. .. · - · · · - - ·- -- · · '


· .. n~o :lri~;fn1to dogN(lntio~ in which -mllll ~:<1L:t.o ·:ro;;hirnce:Ii' 1o ox}lreeoed in thia relation to tho w-cmn.n as· tho ·cpo11e end ha.ndmaJd of luat. For tho aooret of tho rola.tirmuhlp of' rnun ~tO _m~~-)'f1.nd::; 1 ts unamb1PYouo, defln1 tivo, nNil, obVlou~,- c:xPres_sion


Page 42: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

in the- ~iat1.onshl.P o:r man to woina.n, and in thiS wB.y, the direct, natuzaJ. :relationship between the sexes. 'Ihe direCt, natural-,: necessa.:cy: · ;celatiollship of man to. man is the -relatiorislrl.p o~. man· to-'\f'OmS.!l ..

clearly, "eaCh of' the human ·relations o:r_ :the :Wprld~seefng, hearhlg,­sm_en·, _tas_te, f'e_eling,_ thought,_ perception, exPerlence, ~wiehi_ng · c.ctJ.v! ty, lov1ilg11 :muat,_txanscend lnere equality, a needed f'ii-st aCJ,..ievemen":t--but·not_y~t-:

, the need_e_d · total: ~o%-ganiza. t.ton of· h~an ,~la. tiona .. · __ A boll tion. of' _the·. old j.s ·-: only ·:the 1'1rst ·.mediation._.- ."Only· by the transCendence of' _this mod1a:Uori~.; does 'tll'ere_~se positive Humanism,- beginning f'rom itse~.,!~_. ·._ :, ·-. --

As· o~le foll.ows: IJarx'.~ vi.ew of-_to_t.U_ freedOm,. one- can 'See how. :ra.r·. beyOnd teChri.ology Harx'a plii~os_oph,y 'of: :revclution ·extended. _i.ong _be:f'ore· __ the atom "Was ·spllt and _out of it came, not the greatest Product:1:Y.e :force;. but the moat destructive A-bomb, H:.bomb and _N-bomb, 'lhrx _wrote __ in. these E_s3ays~ -~''fo- .

_have one basis _.foi-·lifo arid another f'o:r Science. ia !! ~-.a· lie;" tii th Hiroshima., we saw what-a-holocaust the ·lie of sepal.atil_J.g- the reason ·-ror _being -f'J:,:,m the reason 'for scientific development can beCome.: Now, rlth the eruption :.of' ~e world.:~tdde ant1-nuclea.r·_~ovemente··we can· Se'e all over~~ how~urgent it iS to stUdy and :practice t·arx's new .cont1nent_of·thou@lt; As the· great EnSlieh po'et, Wil1ia.m··BJ.ake·,- cxPre_ssed it, .nothing.is-~o_re .bindi?S t.'la.n· · "mind-forged manacles. " tat us finish w1 th those ms..nacles once and -£or- all. a

It !.s with- the striving f'or euch a manifesto of_-total_ :freedom th~t I, as ·r-1a.rxist-Huma.nlct,- express my solidarl:ty with the Ixan:!.:m revolutionaries as we·. al1 aspire to a ne·.r 1nte~t1on8.llfll!l. , The- otruggle ·continues •.

HOvember, 1980 . Detro1 t, !-J.ch!g'a.n

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·-~~-::..·.;,::._;_ "1.:;·,· ::"J!' ,;_,.~ :',~'.- ·,::'."

:-';:J-.f~v >;;~;?-,.:_._-·.;.:'":• ~!!"..-; ~:·.~ :;_~.""~r.:::;;<.'C·. ·_.c-~:c.:.::; .. ;:-c ":<:l~ .. t ,;_s~;,_~ <>.";f"":"'; .. - ?;·r,_ ::.,,.

r; _.,_-!""·: ;; -··-·; V''f,.:.• :-: :· .. -': -:: -~:· .'<:" :;. ',·, ~-~~~<~ -- -:· ·-~-!:·;:;;~ ~·,::·;:.~:·:':'"·~ ~;;:::_;~ [-JI\-.•i•·_;

··:_•:) c::·l·~i(lt~::r::)-.;t"" ~ _.l·-·.·.••J;-<-c.r:~:-~:-,. ;;·;··· ·•',r__...._ ,,.:. ;~;; ,,~~,::_ .::;_; -_,:rn ;·:~:-'1:~

·:.r-' "'· ~ .,. __ ~-.. >. . . ·-"!·::-:·v ·::i'i,. ~--r: ~~ •:r;:~:,__. -----::~c:~! • ."!.L ~:::."U lc X:-.:·B•>·.-" .:.:r .•. :

~ ::t :-, , ,,...,. ., ._. :_ -:··_-~pv~~~ ::~.3_., • J_.~-~-E! ,.· . .!·

Dear fC:harle·S .:Denby_:-~_,;:.:; 1 ~ :·,- .•.• _.. i .1. :-. _;; •• _. ...:._.;~~1 ~;·:'"!:.<).:-c.-~_;,!::----~:~.~- • :~·-· . :·' _,. ':·-.::;;..:· :-.. ~.-.-. ,.-.:. :· :~.-.,,_..j ~-.• _,.t,.,_·,::·.r.. ,;:_> ----- .. ·.~ '.>' ~.j:J: .~tn::·sure.:; there.:wil \ ,;·b~·-.<;:ov_~r~ge r:.gf:: t~e.--:~i-~-:!:1 ; 1~~;.-,~n .. ;:~~~ .. ~i~ .--,_;

;!r:.tlte-:n~xt·:is~ue:::of;News.·~-&~-Letters., .i~lJ.t::)'I :-.~h~~ght,-,:t_~~ 1,~~~ ~~- ,~ct.:!:s-:; ... ~·~; · cuss with ~:you· 'S()me::of~_~the past_,_revol~t;i~nary: deyelopn1:ents __ ,thel::e ,.so,

1-'tllat:~tO_d_ay~.s,·:context~- dans-·be.--Se,en:,-'i,n .)t-~ 5~9t~l:~ty;~,,~~ha·~ _i_~ ·)tO'· SaY!;:~ not!:Cnly t-as ~-ahti-Sheh snd ~.-anti-:'itriperialis.m .. but<. ful. iy .. reV~l\J._tiOiia"rV. For:;;i:bat, :::we need::to..:return, to ·.November, .;·_1917 ~ .. ~~e~S_\lse:_~:l~- t~~S .1 ~~~,~: ramificat:ionS·tof::.the.--Russian·tRevolUtion- whiC"l. -spread throughout. the

"worfdland."included~.Iran.-.· , .. , · · · .. :,, .. _·: .. J, ··· ·· , · · ;:7··, ~~~ ~i;~~::~~i~g· ~he early w~~ker;,' .. ~~te' ~id '.;~s~.l:~:~b;;;g;.i~-

, thef'Tsar:!at!..imperia1 treaties; ,,-;,hich ·for. ·Ir~:lri-_mSimt ~-the ... :~nd:: ~£-'-fihEi . - - . .-' . . .. . ... ' ..... ~' .. -- . - .. '. .. ·~. old Anglo-Russian division ,.,here :cran in t·rte north wae Russia's !'Spliere~Of iil£-tuenceto·! .. ·.and • in.-:.- the south~rn. oil,-~fietds i~, ~as:.-.

,·]~n~le:t:~~~~n;. _: xt~.iS\'nO?-':.<rJ:an: tbat.:-stan~~- f~r C!i) . .-. -b':l~ _.'t.~,i~ar: .. b~~~ ~.~ 1 the'.-'tUrn:.:ot: 'the:.c_entury:-_-no ·:less th~~--2QO,~C'O:-~rani~~~.' <m.c'r'Y ~:rpm,_~i--~ ._the,J?ioVince.'i·of_'.Gilan-,.-.-_,.Rere:·worki~9~::in Rus~;a.'_ s,.C~~c::as~~n- oi,l;,. ~-; .. fieldS. -'rhS: 1905:·-Rusao-Japanea~_~war;: s?;lC?Ok Ul;)_. th~ . ...,.l. .. ·ho~e ~~a~t ~nCL_,,_, ;_ Middle~Ea:'lt",: :'since .:it:-: was~. tbe firSt,--tima, -an-}\_sia~. ~pow~~- ~~: .ov~;r , __

~:--:- Tiulr~~-;And·~-just:·.as·i within Russia .. -."it; produced a~ revol:ut~on., ~o~ lt_._ led ·::t·orthe establiehme:nt-::-0£ -the first MarXist groUp ellSo·.-in.·.:rari~ J:n any case .. by 1917, the re.;,olutiOnary impac·t On t-he_ l:'ra-~:ton·.~.--·;~-.·_- 1 ') masses, agein in the province of Gilan, led to a revol•Jtionary up.;.. surge 1wnich,·-by 1920, actually ,.etabliohed a. Socialist Republic in Gilan.·,,--, .... _,, · .. ,,_,, .. · .•. · · · .. · ·· ·· -,,., ..

:, ~ .,""'\ ' "'

. Since. it!was a coalition of~ Marxists· and nationali"sta .Which­established the Republlc. they no soOne~.~-e~l.ared f~r,_;a!i~- ':Ce~o.r.nt~ and the liberzttion of women from the vei.l than there waD a breatl:uP 'of 't'>at coalition.< nv· the til'le the: Republic, also trie<;3 .. to. H.berate Iran,·.· it- was' bloodily· put: down.·. And who; rio -you ~UT?P~~~ -~;~ ~.!:l_a~,. ~n

·;1921-?-'·I"t was· .. the fsther of t'ha·-present- Shnh·, .. an.army-.of_fic_er n~nne1"; Riza··l<han_wc;- who soon: ther"!after~ crowned hiTnSelf the· s~a"1)."" · .. , ,~:-;;

•• ~ > .. ·"' ,~ .. ,,

Britia'>c im"'erialiem ·pern.itted his rule to continuo up to_l~orld

- 7261

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l"lar. :rr. By then, ~·lith u.s. imperic:ilisiT'r s connivance,. he was forced into exile becauSe "the Ti'est" -was suspicious of his de81inge·-·with the Nazis and wanted to_ keep t'tle sl.1.ipping lanes open for military aid. to their ·net.'f ally, Ru'ssia. That doesn't mE!:an t11.a_t they put dot.-m the eo-call~d PahlaVi 11 dyna_sty". No, they enthroried Ri~a I<han's--s-on, t}?.en pn_;tY 21. on~e again, there \>TaB the Anglo.-.RussiSn ocCupation of l:rct~---~nd __ t;~e young--Shah learned ·he was but a vassal of U.s.~ imper­ial·iSIO.. ·stBll-ri'•·s~'RU'ssia, hoWever, was not t'he Russia of Lenin· and ~rot~kyjl and had· its own illusionS about ... remaining i.n :Iran,_ dernand­ingt in ·fact, some oil conCess-ions .. At the Cnd of ~.oJWI:I,.- u .. s. _imper­ialism auic.!.<JY.''I>\lt:~a'n ·;'-ena -to.'thai:'"i·ltusi'oii''ai1d -'stalin also learned that u.s_. imperi~li:sm was ~ g1oba1· Power.. -

~'le knOt.,i' that u.s.' imperialism was likeWise :n-Ot 7Without .. ~'i.•l1u-·:j · sio~s. -7t_ dreamed that its military might was sufficient'to·keep·a neW ~-r{!VOiuti.qna~ \ipSUrcje': £%-Om :;rea:ppt::ia·ririg ~- .I'i!he r-exa'ct ~- oopo&i te wa_s the·.· ~ase~: Th'ili tin!e~-- 'tlle··-·Nat'iOna·l. ~Frorit~"·i}st,;_en_q1;)lE!ned:-;by.:prolet~rian ana ~pe,a~~arit'"ie·v:oits'/ succeedea; ~~1>y7·1951:;o :tn:::·PUttinq~Hossadegh in .. !~­poWer .. :-.,;ritli it '~Came·~'-the ~:ncitiOrlali~ation·.:Of:· the ::·oil-·-industry;:-::By .:.the ti~~-:·t:he·s~.-~·events~-1-i_ad: 'd~evei.Opea::sufficient:J.y to- -~ut ::£ear_,;in _the~! ("jr, hei!irt:_:,c)f_ the• mlan~ a'nd., .. t~cike ~'11in1-- fleer u.s: -·imperialism had_ -pr~duCed ··a ·:giOlia'l'- 'cOtrl War';'·~-~~hicb':hrou9nt rgiSenhoWer=·to-;;the~:~ftlite r-Housei·-.;;--~ Dulles· to the State Department and J.f~.arthvi:am: to :the·,\U~S' •. ~W'it!)in---a.­week of the _.Shah's fleein9"r tlte CIA ~ng'ineered a militart coup and­brOU911t~:tne-~~_han b:~Ck:·-to . .:j:;oWer::· -:'rhe reJ)ression::-started·rat. once~ it WC:_ii" nOt~'tOnr:J -thereaf.ter·-~-tha£·: tli·e: SAVAR>6Utdid tne·.-:c:tA'.in-·.brutSlity-.

. "''1 :.~--. -~~· ··_;-, ~ .. _:_r.- .. :.'.--;, .. r• -.~;_'· ..... -.. --· ••. ·'··'· r ""1"-. . ,. . - . _· ' ' :. t~-': -:,_ ,_) .. ·:::;; :.:re ···knO~!, tlla€ · t~e-;;l9c:}0a-··were a=-::revolUtiona%-y. tlecade thro_ugh~ut

the! ~6l:-id-~- -:·But-:':the' -'boUrgeOiS _ presB~'l iri ·:·this.-: country:-:_ So.' l?layed_!up_·;,!:~e sn'ab. tg. SQ:;Catled i.u~rtJ-i~te -·RevOiuticin"~~a: milf:l-.~lana-,...reform-~that;wha~ itic1-_·n0t'~ st8tl_d~"0Ut:\_glarin.g1Y. ~Jas·.~tha t,.,_this· .Caroe ,after; ,tben:Sbah.-:maaea­cred:'a genUiU~lil.-.T?oPU:t·ar Uprising··' iri=-Teln:·an~ i tSel·f:'· in: 1963 ~·~_·Along-~ with ~:the·ae _deVetoPTit~ntB: Carne'· tnec:billiOiis"·· from: oil·• l the~• c:orruption il1: t~e p!ii~Ce-·-·ana-- in the' nlil:ita%-y,-· the,-:qopb_li~q up"'".of.;t~ose ·:_bi-llion:. iil"·ilrmBr ana:--tne~--Shah•S-·neW Gran"d :rllusion..,t'hat'he:..was truly:-a .h_~_.;· global powr. "· "'··· - .,,., . ..,... ., • · "·- .,c. ,.,,

. ' -' '• - • .£ ~ -· -- ! -- ~ '"! ~ "

. •-!'1at ·'th~yall' try to forget' is that • the 1970s are. not. the .1950s, either in J:ran or in tbc u.s. T11e CIA does not have- any srich pOwer as it 1.zielded in 1953 in the :tran Coup--wb.ic"l)r unfortunatell .. does no'~~ niean '· tnat· th8y· dO ·not- have~ intentions· of~ ·rel;)eatingc- a-nother cOUnh:tr-i:-eVOliition-·-in- :.:r~an-::· -:.-~· · - - -·- ----·: ' ·: · · -

----· - ' -.,·;

:··The .very:-- fact·' th.;,t· rn8rtia1· -law had -to· be declared not only in Teh·rar.·r b~t_- _in."ll' Other ~ci tie a,· :including Itifa_l-tan;- a tso -biings; up: the i.rUeStio11 ·of -the_· ·rel.:i\r:J,ous movement. _The-_-Shah:tries.-_to __ cover __ the unyielding ~eVOlt ·of>tne ·masses---as ·if it. were nothing· reore--~the.n· a -1'tr:Oh 11 urged on b~{ those •11ho •'lish to turn the clodk ·bs.ck. ~~ile . tbe-re· is no--dOubt' th3t some o~· the' Moslem clergy; ere rea'c::tionarie'-Sr it is not true that they are setting the directionr that tbey _com­prlse what the Shah, with -'his penchant for contradictions, calls

' '7'>•''2 .. """b .r -

Page 45: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a



"Islamic Marxists. 11 ~'lhcat -is true is that when a revolution is genu­inelY_ popula-r. it involve-;-the_ nation -as a wltole. And ·iri that con­frontat"ion some unsaVory charaCters may be preSent.

'": _,, ••• • •• _' ----f ---.--_·· .......... -.~-·< ' j .·_.·

·~·'_:: :J;.~::)-i~~i~h~.j~~~ -:I!loye~n~·~·bo~~~f!r-.: t~~t:_, deCi~~s"~~~ .~ire~t!On·~~;- ~~'- -rais_es .. the, __ flag of ;-liberation,._ and-1shouts.,, .. ,~_Dpwn With:. the;,..,S"nzth~-- as ()~~-- 9~, ~~!~ma~y ~~~~a.s;~~9_~:-;~~~- en~::~~~-~~~~~~!tYi;a-n~Y. :~~~~p~d:~b.Y~:~~: ~e:r~~~n .}~IEP,e~!!!'l~~':'l?· :~ r::F9~ -:,~h~t; ~~~t;~i:--1-;,-::~~l)'!e ~~::-tlt~ ~~~~:;~~~~a;_ .. ;;~ · women s~udents:-~have~started to. wear ~--the_ .yeil ·• ~ _not_ .. bei:ause _"'theY -~are

~~!!~~~~t~!~~~~;~~~)~ .. ~~: •• Jltl~ 'b~~,;~~~·.t~~~~·~ii~~ :;~~ ~. ~~:- ·~~ ,~:;~· .•. :.;f~r[·.:- •.::··~f.-. ,-,_~, ':·~~.;··_~-,~~ ··:·;:: .·-.{~£:.:-~_~~::___"-,-.,.:- .~-··.· .. _ •. _.,'.:'. :.-sc\--;\-,:·. ,::.·::·:: ·,-:·_, .. ,.f;; Fr~m~::tl).~!- ~mper_ia lis~~~ .. , rilC)>!=It. -.~e~q:tionary:ol?oi~~·-~P~ _: ~;e~~-~1)-d.,_ t~at

is headeC! by u.s. iroperi.alism--let us not. forget that it i.s not just the S~a'h that,_it:J,.being protected against the _mB!Js revolt •. but the global interests-of the imperialists. And it is not at all exc1uded that. if the.-Sha1-t and ·his mi1itary regime cannot totally destroy this movement, tb.e Shal-t would be removed .. Evervtbing from a "cons-_ t~.tutiona1 monarchy" to a full mi~itarv_ regime is possible~-

.t:-Jhat makes it not just pOssible, but .. probable,. is the fact that the other global -pat'ler~ Russia, is not :rei:!By to 'initiate t-T"ttri m.•er :!ran. And.t,e supposedly more revol.ut~onary regime, China. _though_ it considers Russia as Enemy Number one, finas 'liore in cOmmon ·-with

-Russia in t'he sense -that, as state caPitaiists., the:O, are just like the 11private 11 capitalists in tlu;ir total. oPPositi.on to ·one· thing arid

· one thing only--and that is an outright ?roletarian revolutionary regime.

Tb.is is t~e international tragedy--that the Left., even that part of it \-1hic'll does see that Russia and China 'lave separate national interests that out Weigh everything else, floes not see-that it is not only as nations t~at t~ey do not come to the aid of the revolutionary movement: in xran. Rat11.er •. it is that they aro opposed to revolution--genuine mass revolutions in t~eir own countries and

--else-where. it ·is tbis whi~h unite~ them a9ainst spontaneous- r~volt: th~ugh each., as nation., considers tbe ot~er, as nation, "'Enemv Number One, .. both are errually opnr-:ded to ra'\roJution, nationally and internationally ..

, ~ _, .At __ thi~ point, -.h~weve~'. bo_th- of these nat~_ons are simply standing' aside·. ·American imperial.ism wil.L' do--nO· sUch t.hing.· 't-vl•CL'ot:cu:; it cannot achieve '•rhat it ac'hieved in the Cold 'o7ar. it hno no in­tenti.on whatever _of letting t'he revo1".ltionaries ·win. l:t cannot be underestimated that it put t~e present Shah on· t~e thronet it killed the nati.onal Uvolution in 1953: it nre:fers 'the Shah:-wltom it has arm~d- to the, teet1t, . above_ even saUdi Arabia as_ ,••t'le- gueranto.r · of the Gulf and the :tndian oceans."

:tt is not only tbat Iran's oil (and that is' second on1y to

Page 46: Marxists Internet Archive · The strugg~e coot5cues: \'!hat · kind _ci- ravolut:on. is needed in the batt~e. against . L;e Khemeini .. )~p toont~r ravd~on? hr Bar.a DUDayenJca,.a

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s~-udi_- A-r~bia Is)·.·, is c'ruCia"t to ~lest~rn. impe-rialism. b~-t th8't Xran 'is'~ tlie ii:iai!SBgeWay_-::.fof.::a il~:of/ tlie '-~Ml'ad·lei·-E_S:St:_~·s·- o·i t~'·to:·~tbe? u~·s·.

_·EurO~dand~\Tapan·~'- _j'lJ:-nd~ed'ZJ-iitS~ge·ograPniC··-lOC:~-tiOti ·make·s~it ev~i:y~£ ·o bitY~socruCf!8·t~·to~tlie:,.wnOie 9tobii'L_c0rl£1iCt'~a·a·!£t~ 'Off:O:.; .... for i.E fB'?.l

thf3rip8g_sageway t:b:fthEi :tii"dla~ :r(;cean_ asr·'Weil:·~ as ';t1i~-:_·R~0_0ScEi~ ,-:~tli~'f 0;h! ;cro_ssr&adif.~co~_;€H_e=Middi~~:Ea_st--~~_and-:;a'i~o ·t:o_jA-%ii:c_:a~·~<-·;·Not·:;orJry_·; _ '';;-."':G~: __ there£0re7:]zml~e 't"'e' ~sOli&ctri~et . ._,it:h . th~ · :rran~an:-:MaSses~~~u:J8iniit.!.ir! S"~ · bnperi'alism;-···-hUt·wa trtUet focus on the ·:eact_.that· u.'s:. imperialiBin-rr:· heads 'the qlobal· counter-revolution'·... The-. best \BY to end -that

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