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Marketing on


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How to Promote Business on Facebook

1. Set up Pages – to enable fan to sign up

2. Describe about yourself e.g. Engineering, Plumbing, Restaurant, ICT, Consulting etc..

3. Place photos, videos, TVC, print ads etc

4. Promote Events and Discussions

5. Promote page with targeted ads (by click/impression)

6. Track your performance


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Set up Pages (Not Groups)


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Describe Yourself Clearly


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Upload Photos, Videos, TVCs, Print Ads, Fliers, Promotions


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Build Fans and Database


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Promote Events and Discussions


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Promote Page with Targeted Ads


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Promote Pages with Existing Tools


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Track Performance


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Thank YouProduct




Price People Process Environment




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About Me

I started my career in 5-star hotel business. I was a waiter and worked in small restaurant. What I

realized and observed become my teacher and I always a student until today. I always “stay hungry,

stay foolish”. I have inquisitive mind and always question status quo. I always wonder why can’t we

do this that way, approach strategy crazily and execute it this way. Just like many, I always get turn down. But that doesn’t deter me to keep my faith

and consistently build up my knowledge. I have been in stocks trading, investor, consultant,

marketing, strategy, focus groups, committee member, project manager and so on. I can brag and

pad my CV for that. But I won’t do that because what matters to me is “in the eating”. I believe in

performance and I think doing business is easy. You just need to spend enough resources. Right? I think, knowledge if democratize will be able to prosper the person and everyone. If we can give

greater access to greater information and knowledge we can build better world and business. That’s my

goal. To create and consolidate information for small business use. Because small business is the engine of

growth. I called Entreprenovator. Try Google it!

I will not tell you that I don’t intend to make money and all this for charity. I need to make some money and profits. So I can do more of this. Honestly I don’t use editor for this round therefore if you found any mistakes (I’m sure

there are!!), those are mine. I tried very hard to minimize it. I hope the mistakes don’t change the meaning of the idea presented here. Have

fun Entreprenovator!

