Download pptx - Marketing on facebook

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By Harlan T. Beverly

Page 2: Marketing on facebook

What is Marketing?◦Definition: Marketing is the act of offering something at “the market”… e.g.

bringing something ‘to market’.

◦ Better Definition: The act of building the right Product to be sold at the right Price at the right Place attracting the Target Customer using the right Promotion, while taking into consideration the abilities of your Company, possible Collaboration, compared to the Competition, and aware of the Context.

◦ 4Ps: Product, Place, Price, Promotion

◦ 5Cs: Customer, Company, Collaboration, Competition, Context

◦ A Formula: ◦ ◦ customer_action = customer_need * demand(product(5cs), place(5cs), price(5cs),


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Where does Facebook Fall?◦ It’s a Social Network…

◦ Is it the right place for your product/service?

◦ It’s a huge collection of CUSTOMERS… ◦ Are they the right customers?

◦What is the Goal? ◦ ~~Customer Action. Always. That’s Marketing!

◦How do we do that?◦ Imagine, walking down the lane of a crowded Faire… what

are the “hawkers” yelling at you?◦ Are they trying to engage you in conversation?

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Features vs. Benefits◦ What do the Fair “Hawkers” Say?

◦ “Double Sharp Darts!”◦ “Red Targets Here!”◦ “4.6-inch Dart Grips!”

◦ Or◦ “Win amazing Prizes!”◦ “A Prize Every Time!”◦ “Easiest Game at the Fair!”

◦ Why? ◦ Always lead with the benefits.◦ Features are always secondary (or not at all even!)

◦ A Benefit always ‘could’ start with the words:◦ “More xxxx” or “Less xxxx” or “Enjoy xx”

◦ Features are facts…◦ If it starts with “has” or “includes” or “with”… it’s a

feature, not a benefit.

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Benefits vs. Features: the Game.◦Which do your customers want to

hear about Features or Benefits?

◦How else can we describe a feature?

◦How can you build Rapport with a Customer before you start selling?

◦When would you, as a customer, want to hear about features?

◦ A Story

◦ Benefits

◦Only if they start comparing… or have a specific question (e.g. after interst!).

◦ Conversation

Connect the two sides of this slide.

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Rank These Kinds of Facebook Posts

◦ Try to engage customers in a conversation.

◦ Tell a story about a benefit.

◦ Describe a Benefit

◦ A Photo By Itself

◦ A Contest/Sweepstakes

◦ Describe a Feature

What about These?

◦ Link to a Blog Post?◦ Yes! As long as it includes a story.

◦ Link to someone else’s Page?◦ No! How does that help US get customer action?

◦ Link to a product Page?◦ Sure! As long as it’s with some text that drives the desire to click!

◦ Text Only Posts?◦ Sure!... But Facebook it’s a funny beast… (see next slide)

Is a “product” a feature??? Depends on how you describe it! You can describe a product like a Benefit.

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Some Facebook Oddities◦ Like everywhere, people on Facebook are Busy, Easily Distracted, Fickle, Like Shiny

Things, and Get Annoyed Easily.

◦ Facebook has an ALGORITHM that will try to show only those Posts and Ads which will not be ignored…. given the truth above.◦ This Algorithm has learned that pictures are better (Shiny Things get more attention)…RED

THINGS in particular are very effective on Facebook.◦ This Algorithm judges posts on both their content (Picture, Words, etc.) and also their

“actual” effectiveness (more likes, more clicks, more shares = better score = shown to more people = escalates).◦ Posts that don’t get likes/clicks right away = don’t get showed to very many people… ever.

◦ Your biggest fans get to vote… how is that? Discuss.

◦ You can buy your way to more people (Boosts), is that good or bad? Which should you buy…boring posts to get seen better or your best posts? Why? Discuss.

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So how can we tell which are good posts? And is it important to know? Why?◦ Yes!

◦ Facebook Analytics (Insights) is powerful and useful… but you must know the goal!

◦What is the goal? Customer Action.

◦What kind of action? Clicks, Comments, Shares, Likes

◦Why? Which kind is best?

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Some Sample Analytical Questions for Facebook◦ What are my best posts, and why are they better, so that I can do more like it!

◦ Who is liking my best posts, and what is common among them, and how can I appeal more to those people?

◦ How are my “target market” reacting to my best posts? Am I hitting the mark?

◦ I tried 2 posts, with only a small difference, which one was better? I can make better posts in the future?

◦ What time of day do I get the most free viewers?

◦ What time of day should I do my very best posts?

◦ Which pictures seem to work best?

◦ Which offers work best?

◦ And on and on…..


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How do use Facebook Analytics?◦ Simple

1. Understand your goals.

2. Have a Question in Mind.

3. Open the tool (insights) and try to answer that question.

1. HINT: The Export feature is the awesome! Posts->Export.