Page 1: Mainland LighthouseMainland · on low to medium to melt the crayons. Don't make it too hot or they'll burn. 6. After melting

By Pastor Dean Bult

Events Upcom-

Mainland LighthouseMainland Lighthouse Heavenly Treasures Heavenly Treasures Heavenly Treasures

February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 Volume 15, issue 2Volume 15, issue 2Volume 15, issue 2

2.1 Discipleship Class Begins Teen Super Bowl Party 2.7 Men’s Breakfast 2.8 Creation Ministries - Scott Gillis -PM Service 2.10 Absecon Manor

2.12 Pastors & Deacons Meeting 2.13 Keenagers Meeting & Lunch 2.16 CBA closed - President’s Day 2.22 Missionary - Scot Daku - PM Service

In Randy Alcorn’s book, The Treasure Principle, he states on pages 10-11: Jesus spoke of a rich man who spent all his wealth on himself. He planned to tear down his barns and build larger ones, storing up for himself so he could retire early and take life easy. But God called the man a fool, saying: “... This night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?” (Luke 12:20). The greatest indictment against him –and the proof of his spiritual condition – is that he was rich toward himself, but not rich toward God. When a rich young man pressed Jesus about how to gain eternal life, Jesus told him: "... If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me:" (Matthew 19:21) The man was obsessed with earthly treasures. Jesus called him to something higher—heavenly treasures. Jesus knew that money and possessions were the man’s god. He realized that the man wouldn’t serve God unless he dethroned his money idol. But the seeker considered the price too great. Sadly, he walked away from real treasures. Are earthly treasures bad? No. Why not store them? Because they won’t last, but heavenly ones will and where we store our treasures our heart will be. In Matthew 6:20, 21 we read: “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

“But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." - Matt. 6:20,21

Page 2: Mainland LighthouseMainland · on low to medium to melt the crayons. Don't make it too hot or they'll burn. 6. After melting

youth ministry Valentines Day Melted Crayons

Mobile Craft

Teen Super Bowl Party @ The Marchese House

Sunday, February 1, 2015 After the evening service

Upcoming Events in March March 8 - Teen/Parent Meeting

March 28 - National Hoops 3 on 3 Tournament

February is the month for expressing love. I am glad there is one day set aside on our calendar to let others know how much they mean to us; yet does expressing our love have to be a “one day” event? The quality of our relationships is certainly not defined by the events of a single day! Valentine’s Day should just be one of the many special days of the year that we focus on communicating Christ’s love to others.

So this year instead of expressing our love to our family and friends on just Valentine’s Day, lets commit to expressing our love on a more consistent basis. I recently read a touching story of one man’s daily expression of love: Some of you probably remember the comedian Jack Kublesky. He was from Waukegan, Illinois and passed away years ago. His professional name was Jack Benny. When Jack was a young man, he was working in the same studio as a young lady he wanted to date. He thought she was beautiful, but he was too shy and embarrassed to ask her out. He couldn’t get up the courage or the nerve so he started sending a single, red rose to her desk with no note attached to the rose. Every day she received the red rose. Finally one day, she asked the delivery man who was sending her the roses. He said a guy named Jack who worked in the same studio. She found out who he was. Finally they began talking and Jack asked her out for a date. She thought that after they started dating the roses would stop. But they didn’t. They kept coming…a single rose every day. They were engaged and she thought the roses would stop. But they didn’t stop. They even kept coming after they were married. Every day a single rose would show up for Mrs. Benny. After five years, and ten years, and decades later a single red rose continued to show up. Jack Benny died. The day after the funeral, a single rose showed up for Mrs. Benny. After several days Mrs. Benny went to the florist and said, “I don’t know if you realize this or not, but Mr. Benny passed away. I know it is kind of you, but you don’t need to do this any longer.” The florist responded, “Mrs. Benny, you don’t understand. Jack made provisions years ago to provide you a single red rose every day you are alive.”

This story challenged me to communicate my love more consistently! Perhaps you, too, need to express your love more often. Here are a few ideas to help get us started:

Celebrate the 14th of each month as Valentine’s Day.

Buy extra Valentine’s Day cards and send them on a no special occasion day.

Email someone special Bible verses that show love.

Bake heart-shaped cookies in August!

Leave ‘heart shaped’ notes in inconspicuous places for your loved one to find.

Have a “Child of the Week.”

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.”—1 John 4:7

Expressing Love Communicating Christ's Love to Others By Mrs. Terri Chappell

Materials Needed:

wax paper

crayon shavings

pencil sharpener



heart templates

electric iron


Directions: 1. Beforehand, make lots of crayon shavings using crayons and a pencil sharpener. 2. Take a large sheet of wax paper and fold in half. 3. Open up and sprinkle an even layer of crayon shavings inside. Pastel pinks and reds generally look better for Valentine's, but don't be afraid to mix your colors. 4. Close the wax paper and fold a little down on the three other sides so the melted crayons don't squish out the side. 5. Lay down newspaper, the wax paper, and more newspaper on top. Iron with an electric iron on low to medium to melt the crayons. Don't make it too hot or they'll burn. 6. After melting the crayons, trace various sized hearts on the wax paper and cut out. 7. Tape a piece of string and hang up. Or, take many hearts and tie them to a coat hanger or paper towel roll to make a mobile.

Here's a simple, but fantastic looking idea using melted crayons and wax paper to make stained glass hearts that make a great sun catcher hanging in a window.

Page 3: Mainland LighthouseMainland · on low to medium to melt the crayons. Don't make it too hot or they'll burn. 6. After melting

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Mark your calendars...

March 18-20, 2015

Discipleship Series

Starting Sunday, February 1st @ 9:30 am

2.2 Timi Aboderin 2.3 Tola Oguntuase 2.4 Melinda Bucci 2.5 Ed Cartlidge Jamie Petersen 2.6 Mike Stoll Sr. Charisma Tigrado

2.8 Shawn Cross Jose Torres Jr. 2.11 Frieda Korte 2.12 Doris Michel Barbara Gonzalez 2.13 Bill Capo Sr. Paula Powers

2.15 William Schaffer 2.16 Marilyn Cartlidge 2.19 Tom Guion 2.23 Natalia Yarlykova 2.25 Barbara Reaves 2.26 Rafaela Santana-Sein 2.28 Kimberly Wingate


Dr. Charles Phelps Senior Pastor Colonial Hills Baptist Church Indianapolis, IN.

New Wednesday Night Bible Study

“Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your

heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.” - Psalm 31:24

Beginning, February 4th @ 7:00 pm

Sunday February 8, 2015

6:00pm - Creation: Impacting our Culture

Scott Gillis - CMI speaker

Chapel - Monday, February 9 at 9:00 am

In honor of President's Day we've put together some of our favorite fun facts about presidents:

George Washington was the only president unanimously elected. Meaning all of

the state representatives voted for him.

John Adams died on the same day as Thomas Jefferson, July 4th, 1826. This day

was also the 50th anniversary of the approval of the Declaration of Independence!

Thomas Jefferson was also an accomplished architect. He designed his famous

home at Monticello as well as buildings for the University of Virginia.

James Madison and George Washington are the only presidents who signed the


James Madison was the shortest president at 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed 100

pounds. Abraham Lincoln was the tallest president at 6 feet 4 inches tall (Lyndon B. Johnson was also 6' 4").

James Monroe was the 5th president, but the 3rd to die on the 4th of July.

On the day he was shot, Lincoln told his bodyguard that he had dreamt he would

be assassinated.

Abraham Lincoln often stored things like letters and documents in his tall

stove-piped hat.

Franklin D. Roosevelt met President Grover Cleveland when he was five years

old. Cleveland said "I am making a wish for you. It is that you may never become president of the United States".

President’s Day Fun Facts

Page 4: Mainland LighthouseMainland · on low to medium to melt the crayons. Don't make it too hot or they'll burn. 6. After melting

512 S. Pitney Road ~ Galloway, NJ 08205 ~ 609.652.7507 ~

HYMN STORIES Stories of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the

Meet our Members Meet our Members Meet our Members MBC MBC

Mainland Baptist Service Times Sunday Adult Bible Classes 9:30 am Teens and Children Sunday school Morning Worship Service 10:40 am Evening Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study 7:00 pm Children’s Bible Classes Youth Ministry Friday RU Addictions Program 7:00 pm

Chester, PA, native Donn Middleton trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior as a 10 year old and followed the Lord in baptism shortly thereafter. His wife of almost 52 years, Carol, who was born and raised on a farm in Ohio, received Christ as her Savior when she was nine, and three years later was baptized in a farm pond! This farm girl and city guy met at Cedarville College in Ohio, where Donn majored in Bible and Carol majored in Christian Education. After getting to know one another, they became convinced that God wanted them to serve Him together. They were married three weeks after graduation on June 15, 1963. While Donn attended seminary and did other post-graduate work, Carol worked as a secretary in a nearby high school, while serving as youth directors in Donn’s home church. Donn was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1966. They began serving as home missionaries under Fellowship of Baptists for Home Missions, which they did for 12 years. Donn pastored mission church-es in NJ, PA, and Illinois. While they were in Illinois, Carol began teaching in a nearby Christian school in order to supplement their income. One of their supporting churches asked them to help get their Christian school started, which they did. They stayed in the Christian school ministry for 14 years, with Donn serving as school administrator part of that time. In 1992, God led Donn back into the pastorate, serving in a little country church in western Pennsylvania for 12 years. In 2004, Pastor Dean Bult invited them to visit Mainland Baptist, and asked Donn to preach. In August of that year they traveled to NJ to visit; Donn preached, and Carol played the organ and piano. They also met with Don Cross and discussed the Christian school, which was ready to begin its second year. Twenty-four hours after their visit they received a call from Pastor Bult, asking Donn to come on staff and work with the Keenagers, and Carol to come teach in the Christian school. Believing God was directing them to Mainland Baptist, they moved to Absecon and began serving here in October, 2004. This godly couple has two grown daughters, Melinda and Debbie, and two grandchildren, Kristen and James. Donn’s favorite verse is Galations 2:20, and his favorite song is “Living for Jesus.” Carol’s favorite verse is Psalm 28:7, and her favorite song is “It is Well.” Mainland Baptist has been mightily blessed by these faithful servants of God, who have lifted up the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for over fifty years!

Anna Bartlett Warner (1827-1915; pen name Amy Lothrop) and her sister Susan Bogert Warner (1819-1885; pen name Elizabeth Wetherall) were both well-known American authors of Christian novels, children's books and religious songs. The sisters would occasionally co-author. While Susan was writing her novel Say and Seal, she asked Anna to write a children's song that would be sung by a character in the story, to comfort a dying child. Anna responded to this request with the lyrics of the now famous Jesus Loves Me, This I know. The book was published in 1860. In 1862 William Batchelder Bradbury (composer of Just As I Am and Sweet Hour of Prayer), read Say and Seal and was so moved to add melody to Anna's simple, yet profound song lyrics. Bradbury also added a one-line chorus to the song, to be repeated over and over; just four simple words: Yes, Jesus loves me. The song quickly became one of the most beloved children's songs of all time. It has been translated into many languages to be sung in Sunday School rooms and children's bedrooms around the world, for more than 150 years.

Jesus Loves Me, This I Know Written by Anna B. Warner 1820-1915

Composed by William B. Bradbury 1816-1868
