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Magazine analysis threeCoverlines:The cover lines have been used to make the magazine look more attractive and appealing to the target audience. It will give the audience a taster of what will be in the magazine and intrigue themMasthead: It positioned in the middle of the page, so that it catches the readers eye. The masthead is in a bold font which implies its importance. It is also in white, the colour white connotes purity and simplicity and this may portray the magazine. By having a subtle colour as the masthead it allows the audience to focus on the main image more.

Front cover:Bar Code:The bar code, placed as standard on every front cover features on the bottom right corner of the page, similarly to Mojo, and is positioned vertically, like NME. However a small difference noted with Clash in comparison to the other magazines analysed is that the price as well as the issue number is placed outside of the white shape; consequently making the bar codesmaller and slimmer.

Main image:The image montage is most definitely the focal point of the piece, and consists of a mash-up of the two members of Sleigh Bells, taken from different shots varying from medium to close up, one even in grayscale. The attention to graphics apparent from the unconventional and interesting collaborated cover image alone connote clearly to all audiences that this magazine is not a standard magazine; it is interesting, quirky, and arty. This magazine also breaks the codes and convections and she is not using direct mode of address. It shows a young woman on the front cover as well as a man, connoting that this magazines target market is gender-neutral which is a smart move by the magazine as the genre its based in is far more specific than the other two magazines, focusing on predominantly an indie-rap/pop-electro hybrid, that is quite reflective of what my own magazine will be based on.

Main cover line:The main coverline is the second biggest text on the front cover which implies its importance. After reading the masthead the readers will straight away read this.

Contents page:

Masthead:Biggest title on the page so the audience are aware of what the page is about! The title is attractive and fits in with the colour scheme. This is effective as it makes the magazine look more sophisticated and professional. It is positioned at the top of the page, as this will be what they want the audience to see first.

Background:The background is very neutral; this is effective as it does not take away the attention from the writing and the other features on the contents page.

Images:There is not a main image on the contents page. There are two images placed on the contents page, both are of females. This will appeal to the target audience, as there is a variety of images to look at and admire. The images are of two black girls, wearing stereotypical R&B clothing which suggests the target audience like R&B

Extras:By including fashion in the magazine it is promoting the latest trends in todays society, which most people will follow and therefore are more likely to buy the magazine.

Double page spread:

Cover lines:The cover line has been used to excite the target audience and to intrigue them in to reading the article.Masthead: This is the biggest writing on the page, which implies its importance. It contracts well and fits in with the background, which makes it look more appealing to the target audience.

Interviews:The interviews excite the audience, as it lets them in to the artists life abit more. It gives them the insight gossip about them, which intrigues them in to buying the magazine.

Main image:The main image is big and takes up a whole page. This is effective as it will engage the target audience in to reading it more as there is less writing on the page. It fits in with the genre of music, which is urban/indie! The male is also using direct mode of address, which will excite the target audience as they will feel as if he is engaging and talking directly to them.

The target audience for this magazine is for people between the ages of 18-30. The reason for this is because you can tell it is more of a mature magazine which contains a lot of contents. There is more text than writing which would not appeal to a younger target audience, however will intrigue young adults and older people. The genre of this magazine is urban, so straight away we know this magazine is not aimed at 14 year olds. Its the type of music you would here in clubs which fits in with the age group for this magazine.