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Low Back Pain: a Golfer’s

Biggest Handicap

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Florida owns a reputation for great golf. Warm temperatures throughout the year and having the most courses than any other state gives us more reasons to play.

With over 90 golf courses in Naples, and nearly 50 golf courses in Fort Myers, the sport is one of the most popular in the area. But, as with any physical activity or sport, the game carries with it the hazard (pun unintended) of injury.

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The golf swing is essentially a turning motion around a central column – that central column being your spine. That rotational force can contribute to one of the most common symptoms from injuries in golf, lower back pain. It is the most frequently occurring problem for any golfer. If professional golfers with their excellent fitness and swing mechanics can suffer from low back pain (think of Tiger Woods wincing and reaching for his back), then the recreational golfer is certainly not immune.

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Causes of low back pain among golfers:

First of all, regardless of whether they play golf or not, 80% of the population at one point in their life will suffer from back pain.

The injuries that stop one from playing golf don’t necessarily need to be due to golf!

They can be caused by everyday activities such as driving, DIY, gardening, working, and other sports. Basically, anything that will put too much strain on the joints, ligaments and muscles.

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Here are some of the general causes that may be contributing to the lower back pain that arises during a round of golf:

Poor physical fitness levelPoor support from muscles and ligamentsDegenerative diseasesOveruse InjuriesPoor swing mechanics

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3 Ways to prevent low back pain in golf:

Improve your core stability and get in shape

Don’t do exercises that involve twisting of your spine! Improve the flexibility of your hips and shoulders instead

Adopt the right posture

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How to treat low back pain from Golf

Typically, golf-related back pain injuries can be treated by the following methods:

Rest for few days to allow for faster healing. Continuing to play golf through an episode of back pain may further stress inflamed muscles.

Sleep for a minimum of eight hours every night. This is when the body repairs and rebuilds.

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Apply ice on the area of injury or strain to reduce swelling and inflammation.

Massage. This is one of the best ways to reduce soreness and inflammation and to revitalize soft tissue. Schedule an appointment with our licensed massage therapist.

Gently stretch and do low-impact aerobic exercises, such as walking, for 30 to 40 minutes every other day, for help with back pain.

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How Chiropractic can treat low back pain and back injury from Golf

The chiropractic profession is well known for its treatment of spinal conditions, of which low back pain is by far the most common. Dr. Kaster is knowledgeable of the stresses that golf places on the body. He understands the mechanics of the golf swing and how it may be a potential cause of back pain.

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Chiropractic usually involves treatment of common lower back pain conditions through manual therapy:

Spinal manipulation and manual manipulation

Soft tissue mobilization

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Spend more time on the course and less time in pain! Tee off with the confidence that low back pain will not become your handicap!

Visit us!

Make Your Appointment Today.

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Golf is a sport where flexibility is vastly more important than strength, and getting your fundamentals right is the best way to prevent low back pain.

If you suffer from low back pain, Dr. Kaster can help map out a treatment plan and get you back on the course. He’ll teach you golf-specific exercises and stretches to prevent and reduce pain and improve functionality. You’ll learn how to protect your low back utilizing golf-specific ergonomics.
