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Live Barn Owl Nest Box Cam - San Marcos, CAThis is a live feed of a wild female barn owl named Molly. The owl box is located 15 feet off the ground. The male(McGee) hasa white chest and face. He usually shows up after dark but has spent an entire day with the female. For more Informationabout the owls and this cam. Click HereClick Here to "Like" us on Facebook.

Egg 1 2/13/10 12:15 PM Egg Broke Egg 2 Laid 02/16/10 07:23 AM Hatched 03/21/10 11:45 AM Name: MaxEgg 3 Laid 02/18/10 09:13 AM Hatched 03/23/10 6:47 PM Name: PattisonEgg 4 Laid 02/20/10 11:07 AM Hatched 03/25/10 3:11 PM Name: AustinEgg 5 Laid 02/22/10 02:00 PM Hatched 03/28/10 12:01 PM Name: WesleyEgg 6 02/25/10 09:35 AM Est. Hatch 3/28/10 Note: didn't hatch/won't hatchSound and Video Help Page

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Terri Holmes still has baby feathers on her tummy, awwwwwwwwwwww

Sherry Vann Morning! I missed last night's act ivit ies. I 'm happy to see the fort is still strong here. The internet connect ion is quite finiky here.

mlm Wonder what she is looking at... .

Terri Holmes her f amily across the yard in the palm tree, no doubt!!

Mary Good morning! As "far behind" as Wes seemed during the growing up process, Wes has really caught up and appears strong and well. The hatch order can't behelped and does dictate the maturity schedule. I imagine in a f ew days Wes will be f ree of the box, f ledge f rom home and be free as the wind and do as owlsdo. What an educational experience this has been and everyone who has contributed to the post ings here has made this event extra special!

lisa crikey, such long eyelashes

Memphis Debbie Good morning all! As I wrote last night, I was a bad hostess and kept sneaking away from our friends to check out the owls, went to bed at 1:45am and got upat 8:00 and anxiously went straight to the computer to see if our beautif ul gir l came back--Yea, there she is!

Ingrid Good morning, I did a quick check after getting up this morning to see what the day may hold. It was good to see our little Diva Wesleigh is honoring us with atleast one for day of her beauty. She hatched 3 days after Austin so there might even be one more day after today. Her litt le internal clock will tell her and uswhen she is ready to face the world head on. So many emotions were felt last night as the thought of the empty owl box. It is hard to imagine our days ahead with-out checking in over and over to see whatthese little owls are up to. We will survive though with great memories and maybe some e-books, mugs t-shirts etc. to help keep the memory alive.

Jan Griffin I am going to assume that all the kids are gone except Wesley? Is that right? Been babysitt ing grandchildren f or the last few days and haven't been able to geton and catch up. Please let me know what is going on.

Lorri Miller You're exactly r ight.

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat) Molly (the Owl)'s Wiki / Timeline - a great way to get caught up quickly.

Ruth ~ from MN

Super 8 or Holiday Inn? Nope, Comfort Inn it is - where they leave the lights on for ya'!

Lorri Miller LOL - I thought that was Motel 6!

sumaclain Looks like Weslie Anne is gazing outside a lot. ..checking things out.. .that 's what Austin seemed to do before he left... hmmm... I guess he was thinking "outside

the box"...

Connie Ok I will ahare with you what I told the night crew. I think it would be great if when this is over we all send Car los and Donna snail mail to thank them. Some ofus have signed the e-card and some have slready went them notes and other things. When they get back from their long awaited vacation their mail box will bestuffed! What do ya think? I am going to do it anyway, but I was just thinkin'.

Share1222 Is there an address for snail mail? That is something I have wanted to do, also. Thanks.

Barb Just the PO Box for Molly Owl. I think it's posted on the blog

Jude (Formerly Judith C.) The one that I wrote down a while back is: "Molly" Royal P.O. Box 2697 San Marcos, CA 92079 Can someone verify that?

Connie Yes, that is what I have. It took me a while to f ind it among my will organized papers! And I think we should do it fairly soon after he turns the cam offbecause it is a PO box that he set up for this.


Yep, that's it .

Jude (Formerly Judith C.) Hi Connie~Yes, I agree. Had already decided to do that too. The photos from the last two nights are priceless. I so hope they find a way to publish abook of them but boy! it would be sooo difficult to chose which ones to use. My husband is so tired of hearing me say each morning "Just look at these!!"

lynn I was thinking the same thing!

elaine When Wesley was on the platf orm ear lier this morning dur ing her little pounce practice, I was cracking up! I think I will miss these owlets little antics most of all. What a ride this has been and I thought for a little while this morning that it was over, but I guess Miss Diva Wesley hasn't f elt the pull strong enough from herinstinct s to leave yet . More the better for us, but I know it will come when the activity of all the owlets will be out of our view and will just have to imagine andwish them the best. They got a great head start from their parents.

ms. dood fink love all the details, stats, etc., but the thought of examining the owls with a f ine-toothed comb came to mind (in a loving manner, of course). did you know theyhave a built-in comb? i bet everyone knows this by now, but here, anyway: "The Tytonidae family is also unique among owls for having what is known as a "pectinate claw". This is a comb-like, serrated structure that runs along the innertalon edge of the third digit. It is generally thought to aid in preening and is also found on herons, egrets, bitterns and nightjars. "

p.s. oh, and their tracks really are X X . that, with their heart-shaped face, no wonder they've generated so much love. have a nice day, all.... .

cknh Interesting info....Thanks

Kristi Smith Neat!

Lorri Miller

And I'm going to miss the sounds of the Royal's backyard too.

Barb Try Africa or the Western PA cam. Very nice sounds. You can also buy CDs of birdsong (not the bird identification ones but ones done outside in a meadow or forest so you get everything). I have a coupleand they are nice to listen to in the winter.

MFarley Hurray, another day of our lit tle owlet here. I know Wes will leave us soon, I am just not ready to let him go yet.

Lorri Miller Ditto!!!

Judy Wright Wes does like to lie down and stretch her feathers when she sleeps. I think that'd be hard to do in a palm tree.

Judith Barahal Looks like Wes wanted to check out the new digs before giving her notice on the box.

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat) Photos from last night. More coming up af ter I make a PDF....

Karen in Sebring, FL

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Before Now!

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Karen in Sebring, FL Good morning James. Thank you for the great pics!!


JH - thanks so much f or the great pics as always!! So what are you going to do with all your free time once Wesley finally decides to move out???

Jan (Bayonne, NJ) Look at Wes, peering out intensely - the pull of the outside world is gett ing stronger each day. Soon he will not be able to resist it . . .

Anne Wesley's performance this morning reminded me of the scene in "Finding Nemo" where the father clownf ish teaches the young clownfish to be careful whenleaving the safety of the anemone: "You go in ... then out, then in ... then out, then IN . ..!"

Lorri Miller

That's perfect!!

Carolyn So she flew off to the palm tree this morning. Well, I'm glad and thankful that we have her f or one more day. Did anyone else hear Carlos this morning? At 2AM EDT he was chatty, even that crazy carrot got into the act. It was very much enjoyed in spite of the hour. Thanks Carlos and Donna for all you do.

Share I think she's wondering who's on the roof.

Marla Woody Dillsaver wish i could stay and see all the happy comments this morning with Wesleigh being home again!!! but it's a come and go kindof day!! hoping for that faceplanttoday!!!

Kristi Smith Have a great day, Marla!

Ruth ~ from MN so from the thoughts of a gardener ... I need a definition of "faceplant "?!!!!!


Boy, when i took this (no lamp f lashes used) picture, i really thought this was iT, but now i have a WHOLe folder of screen shots to sort through:

Kristi Smith

Yay!!! What a happy day!

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)

I feel your pain.... ..really I do!

Kristi Smith

Wow, James! How are you not overwhelmed?

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)

Who said I wasn't?!

DWD in Atlanta WOW!!! I just hope they are as organized inside those folders as they are there. LOL

Barb I thought my folder was big at 500MB but they aren't nearly so well organized--just dumped there.


buyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wes

Candace Mason Dwyer Must go feed the hungry. ..

Marla Woody Dillsaver Adorable! !!! what kind of dogs are they???

Lisa in Okla. Seriously, why would you leave a nice cozy protected box to go sit in a tree all day? I'm with ya Wes!


Enjoy your day everyone


dose she know about the camera?

Mary Skelton Gototweski

Good morning MOD's from Cape Cod. Positive thinking paid off and Wesley has returned f or at least one more day.

Joan Schultz Why, hullo lit tle Wes! Surprised, and not surpr ised, to see you at home today. I see you were checking out the new place last night but decided to "come home."Yay for us! Your fam. knows where you are and will work around your schedule.

Lorri Miller We've been watching Molly since mid-March and I don't know what we'll do with our time once the 14th comes and goes. I've found other cams but haven't beenable to get into them the same way that we were able to get into Molly and her brood. Something unique here I guess. ..anyone else have any plans to deal withour upcoming empty nest syndrome??

Marla Woody Dillsaver the f b page has already given me hope!! have you signed up yet!!!

Lorri Miller Do you mean the Molly Royal page? Yes, I 'm on that one - what there gives you hope?

Jan (Bayonne, NJ) No, Lorri - this is the one that will give you hope. James set it up just for us from this chat room: SPO-MOD Support Group & Coffee House!/group.php?gid=123336804373016 There are 200 people from this chat room there already - the core of the hard-core MODS!!

Lorri Miller

OH! No, I didn't even know about that one! Ok.,.I've joined! Thank you Jan!!!

Marla Woody Dillsaver okay....while everyone is watching one owl today can one of you please think of a way to stop this oil leak. I can't bear to even watch it ...there has to be a

way....... insanity.

Candace Mason Dwyer

All we can do f rom here is prayer for the best minds to f ind a solution and for nature to recover quickly...

Jan (Bayonne, NJ) Nature won't recover quickly from this man-made disaster. We've left an ugly legacy for a long time to come. The land and waters around the ExxonValdez disaster are st ill feeling the impact . I 've read that because the oil from this spill is lighter than the Valdez crude, some of it will set tle to the Gulffloor and impact life there for a long time. We just never learn . . .

Barbara Oh I am so with you on that! What a disaster and it just seems to be gett ing worse. I 'm in Sarasota FL and fear we will loose the whole Gulf.

Candace Mason Dwyer Good Morning from stormy

guy what is mollys blog

Candace Mason Dwyer My bookmark says...Molly's Box... Hope that helps

guy no

Candace Mason Dwyer

Others will have the link.. .sorry I don't

Bill in SD www.

Candace Mason Dwyer Thank you Bill you are the best!!

ms. dood fink good morning, owl watchers. looks like we still have one to watch. i see from the blue box that wes did check out her sibling's place, but decided to come home toroost in the f amiliar for today.

Sue from Syracuse I can't believe this - I said bye an hour ago, and I keep sneaking back for another listen and look. So addictive!

niteowl (*\/*) missouri

Gotta go get my coff ee fix this morning while wes is on downtime

Lucky Ok, now that my blood pressure is back to normal, I'm off to do good things at the Goodwill store. I'll be back for the afternoon chat.

Have a wonderful day my fellow peeps! .

Kristi Smith You have a wonderful day, too, Lucky!!! See ya later!

Melody Enjoy your day!

Annie (in Illinois) Well you just have the best day ever!!! thanks for the coffee..... .......

Lynda C Good morning from Maine. We barely missed a frost here last night - Whew ! That would have been hard on the all the new plants and seedlings ! ! Just a quickpeek to see that all is well in the owl box and that Wesley is going to leave according to her own time schedule of "X' number of days. She has been a uniqueowlet from the start. I see lots of f amiliar "faces" here this morning, but will have to wait until later to catch up on chat and important news. So, will leave Wesand the owl box in San Marcos knowing that she is in your loving and gentle care for the day.

Lorri Miller I wonder if after Wesley leaves the box, will Carlos still turn the cams on at night to see of the Owls st ill use the box and landing pads to play on?

homeschoolnc Carlos said he is pulling the plug on thew 14th no matter what .

Lorri Miller

Oh. WHINE. I can't imagine what a disruption this has been to their lives and I'll be forever grateful to the Royal's for what they've shared with us.

I'll be sad on the 14th for sure. Thanks for the reply homeschoolnc. We homeschool in AZ.


does anyone have the web site for molly song? thanks

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Photo by James

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Kristi Smith

Scroll down a t iny bit. .. James has a link posted

Donna in Dallas gotta work, but i'll be peeking in every now and again. have a gr8 day y'owl!

Kristi Smith You, too! Make it f abulous!!!

Kristi Smith

Have I stated how flippin' happy I am? What a wonderful view! I am soooooo happy!!!! !

Marla Woody Dillsaver think we all are a bit giddy having the princess back !!!

Kristi Smith

I just can't quit smiling!!!


GoSH, KRiSTi! Why am i hearing all these WeE feeT just dancin' around ? i FEEL your JOY!

Kristi Smith It's just the HaPpY DaNcE, JL....Mousie and me!! !

Donna in Dallas good morning fellow MODs. BIG <sigh> of relief, we get one more day!


she is back

mark 3 cams! Nice.

Marla Woody Dillsaver I knew it... I knew it....I knew it!!!! She's back!!!! So glad! Another day!!

Lorri Miller

Breathing a sigh of relief...there's Wesleigh, and all is right with the world.

Melissa Time f or me to skedaddle. Hope to see y'owl later. Sleep well Wesley.

niteowl (*\/*) missouri Ilove Carlos and Donna for all that they have done foe us. The humor is awesome to help break the monotony and inbetween silence.

Mollie And here are the stats, such as they are. No owl or owlet names, and no t reat names--just times. June 8/9 Hunting Stats: Total treats observed: 9. Deliveries at 8:59p, 9:44p, 9:49p, 10:11p, 11:55p, 12:54a, 3:14a, 3:43a. Branching Stats: Wesley out at 8:34p. Flew to The Palms at 5:05a but decided not to get a mani-pedi today and returned to the owl box at 5:14a. Max, Pat ti,and Aust in are enjoying all the amenities of The Palms.

Elliott Wes may be confused by the f act that food was dropped of f inside the nest box overnight. I don't know if it was a parent who did so, but if it was, then I wasunderstand Wes's confusion!

Cindy McDonald Grau yep.

cj in fl

I think "Mark" did it, so he would have something to say this morning

Marla Woody Dillsaver

Elliott CJ, took me a minute, but now LMAOOO !!!

cj in fl

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat) Wes is not confused. Wes carr ied most of that food inside. A f ew times she took it in and then came right back out , to wait f or more.

She knows exactly what she' doing.

Elliott Well, James, that throws a different light on things!

Mollie Good morning from Atlanta. Before I post the stats, I want to tell James how much I like the pix from last night. I was sorry I couldn't enjoy the reunion witheverybody; it's tough being a lark watching owls! This is my favorite of the photos that he posted. It looks like the owlet is giving the owl box a hug.

Kristi Smith

Maybe, the spir it of Dudley calls out to Wesley, "Don't leeeeave"

Kristi Smith

Light-heaarted, once again!!! ! Yippy, Yay...Woo-HOO and HaPpY, HaPpY, JoY, JoY

butterfly people and animals are all exposed to unnatural things, but nature always wins out... Wes is cronologically a week younger than max, but emotionally, Wes is

the baby...S/he'll leave eventually...tonight, maybe tomorrow night, but flash or no f lash, s/he will leave....

Kay North GA mountains Goodmorning everyone! After being up andf down all night with sinus drainage and using my awake time to watch Ms WesAnn I am up for the day. I love thenew split screen. Now if I could chat and look at the same t ime I would be a happy camper. Well somethings will have to wait for M&M next clutch of eggs.

Mollie What's up with sinuses in Georgia? Everybody I know is having trouble right now, including me. I hope you're feeling better this morning, Kay.

Mary Carroll Maybe it's pollen?

Mollie Or maybe mould from the abnormally normal amounts of rain we've been having. Feel better soon!

Dallas It's time to run. Have a great day everyone. I'll be back for the late night shift.


Have a wonderful day Dallas

Kasey Have a good day.

Melissa Enjoy your day.

wind Our dear Wes..she is so dear to us Of course she wonders what is all the fuss. "I think I can I think I can and then I can't! Perhaps my lif e is to just sit here and rant ... I will fly away one day...and one thing is certain.. I just don't want this all to end..and bring down the curtain.. Max and Pattison and Austin and I.... We find it so hard to say GOODBYE.... So I stay around here for you. .so it does not have to end.. Thank you Carlos,,. ..and've been a real friend..."

Gabrielle Smurf alert . If enough people flag him, he will be gone. He's just a smurf.

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat) He's no Sumrf. I believe the actual term for him is Concern Troll - Fits his style very well.

Elliott Who are we talking about?

Gabrielle Smurf alert . If enough people flag him, he will be gone. He's just a smurf.

homeschoolnc Please let us use flagging just for inappropriate comments not just because we disagree with someone. It makes the cha troom feel host ile. We had aproblem a few weeks ago with people on smurf alert flagging people for the most ridiculous things or because they posted something they did not agreewith. It was really inappropriate use of the flagging. Flagging is f or prof anity, inappropriate comments etc...

Sue from Syracuse Thank you, homeschoolnc - that needed to be said!

Sue from Syracuse Music to soothe the savage beast.. ..

Elliott Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast, To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak. William Congreve (1670-1729): The Mourning Bride

Elliott Sue, I was not being pedant ic. I just looked the quote up for my own edification, not remembering its author. And I remembered that it was breast, notbeast. But I think 80% of English speakers would say "beast" !

Colleen Good Morning! I have a busy day today and not much time to post, but I will be checking in when I can. Have a great day and see you all tonight!

Sue from Syracuse Very cool and cloudy here in central NY - probably rain. So what else is new? This chat room keeps me feeling sunny, tho. Off for coffee and getting somework done. See you tonight - same place, same time......

Melissa I just adore the things that touch Carlos' heart, the things he thinks are special... children singing a song they wrote, a shirt designed just for him, gifts sent,pcinics, a brave bunny, sharing owls with his mom and sister...

Melissa and corny carrot s. ..

homeschoolnc I think those lessons he has conveyed through his act ions are as important as the information he has brought to us about the owls.

MaryJoKur and I like to remember that we are "guests" here - that he didn't have to share any of this with us; after all the flak he's taken about SO many things, Idon't blame him for not saying if he is doing this again or not

Mrs Whiggins Good Morning ~ thought I would share this link f or a live Loon Cam

Jan (Bayonne, NJ) Thanks!

Betts Thanks! Makes me a lit tle sea sick with the wind there today but one I wlll enjoy.

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kensma1 Thanks for the link, I LOVE loons....being in SE Minnesota we do not have any down in this area....

niteowl (*\/*) missouri Good morning all!

Mary Lee Nance Good morning from Missouri! Wes is absoluteley the best! One more day she gives us, to be blessed!

Emily from Gulfport

Love them babies, . ..uh hum. ... I mean Owls

Cinda Browne Have a good day y'owl! Off to finish getting ready for work! Hope Carlos will tell us f or sure who was on the roof after Wesleigh f lew back from the Palms!

Barb One more day to pract ice standing on one leg without falling over.

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat) Not gonna happen. I tried it again last night. Ended badly. Very badly..... That sleeping arrangement is.... Well, it 's quite simply. ....for the birds, I say.


I'm sorry to hear that James. Thought you could do anything Mr. Miracle Worker


They gave me the top bunk - I wanted the bottom, so "Bye bye "...

homeschoolnc Just hopped over to the main chat and they have had over 14 million viewers. Do I hear 15 million?????

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)

F5 - Refresh! A few thousand regularly panicked viewers can really get those numbers up there.

Connie Wish we could know how many viewers and not hits.

JT Wish I would have realize a month ago when I created my account on the other chat that it HELPS crank that viewer number up.. I got the followingcounts just last night - less that 10 hours ago 13,974,723 Total views 195 Members in the Support Group

Janeen in TN Let 's ask the teacher and kids to try out for "America's Got Talent" heehee

Elliott Let's not! LOL

Angelbear That was so sweet ! It was the first t ime I had heard it.

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat) Wanna hear it again? Live....Er, I mean recorded live?

Elliott I'll pass. Thanks anyway!

Connie There's our baby. Safe and sound.


homeschoolnc Yay split screen LOVE it Carlos is the best.

Connie Please! It is next to our national anthem. We should probably stand.

Connie This was supposed to be under Annie. Haven't had cof fee is my excuse.


Did anyone else just hear that? I think it was Donna crying in her cafe mocha

Connie How could you hear that? She's sitting in the motorhome!

Melissa Carlos has the motorhome camara'ed and mic'ed, of course.

Connie OK

Connie Love that song!

Annie (in Illinois) I should've known it was coming

Jan (Bayonne, NJ)

JT You fellow MODs are just making my day...And that song is stuck in my head. I have been mentally humming it for the past 20 hours since the SchoolBroadcast ! Those kids are GREAT

Ms B I'm gonna grab some more snooze... 5 hours is not enough. LOL WesleyAnne is in for another day in the box... have a good day y'owl!!!

cat OK now we know what Carlos is doing this morning!

Kit in Aiken Well, after reading your latest letters, it appears we are all of one mind...the kid's a con artist and the Ultimate Drama Queen! Now we're hooked and have to stay to see what antics are coming tonight and tomorrow morning. Are we EVER going to get our lives back?

Connie We surely will, but it will be a sad day for us sleep deprived crazies. I meant to say MODs.

Connie Bless her heart. She must have heard us crying and took pity on us. One more day!!!

Janeen in TN I was holding my breath... .think the only thing I heard was the Rooster.

Debbie in NC

I think she went to check out The Palms and gave instructions on how to fix it up for her. She will go when it's 'just right ' for her. Actually, she's doing welland I think she only has a few days left in the box before heading out .

Boid Lot of scratching going on in there - the parasites must be glad their hostess is back!

JT Too true, I thought maybe she would move out asap to avoid having to it ch and scratch so much LOL

Jan (Bayonne, NJ) The parasites will go with her, unfortunately. No wild bird is without parasites - but that's part of their lives, and bothers them far less than it bothers usto watch them scratching!

tigermo Ok... where's the Mockingbirds??

Pat Not there right now. Hasn't had his picture taken today, so he will be there.

Wendy Whew. more day of watching, then I've got to get productive! This is some serious dedication!!

JT I was hoping Car los would confirm, but maybe he has pictures, but it looked to me like MAX on top of the box. She appeared a few times throughout the night,and Didn't Hesitate to take a treat delivery, so NO judging Wesley Anne LOL

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat) I believe Car los did confirm that, late last night. He was taking photos and he did say that Max was up on the box, and I think he told us that Max wasthe one who got a rabbit delivery while sitting on the box and then flew off with it. But I'm just waking up, no coffee yet, so maybe I dreamt it. But, I'mpretty certain that all the owlets are still being delivered food, not just Wes. There is much going on off -screen that we are not able to see.

Joyce in OK

She is waiting on a movie deal


"I am ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille"

peg I'm going to ask a really stupid quest ion here but what blue box is everyone always referring to? The only blue box I can find is the Menu box which shows otherstreaming videos not related to the Owlets. Also, when everyone is talking to Carlos, which venue are they using, not this one since he doesn't seem torespond to these at all.

JT Right above the Main Camera Input- towards top of page

Sue from Syracuse It's very pale blue, and direct ly above the larger picture. I can't get all of the information, but it shows the food deliver ies and departures and arrivals atthe box.

olbiddie You can get more to show is you use control + a couple of times to enlarge it.

Linda Hall Sue if you right click on blue box and a menu comes up and click on zoom in, the print becomes bigger and you can move the text to read it all, then zoomout. Found this out when was frustrated and couldn't read what was behind the owl box square. Linda from bottom corner of western Vermont

Janeen in TN Do you have a blue box on top of the screen? Inside it displays the food details, times, ect . ("Menu" is below box, this is above,)

olbiddie The blue box is just above the large video box, with the statistics from the night (how many treats, when she lef t the box, etc.) And then, if you click onthe video box, it will t ake you to another chat room, which I think is actually the overflow chat room but may be the actual one (depending on how manyviewers there are) that Carlos is on. Am I right here, anyone else?

Wendy Plank Spiziri The blue box is just above the picture.... hard to see must make the picture larger. ..control see it. Control - will change thepicture back. Give it a try.

Ms B It is the one right above the large pic/cam ... just above it u will HELP PAGE... it gives the stats for the day...

Tim Fulcher right below the sound and video help page label

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Today, 05:16:35 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Dallas

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Today, 05:19:43 – Flag – Like – Reply

Dallas The blue box is firectly above the large screen. It list the total number of treats around the OwlBox, first time times Wesley flew out of box,etc. Hers's the website for the other chat room: lbox_Chat_Room


Thank you guys, but nothing like that on my screen at all Oh well....I 'll watch for you all to update me.

Connie He is not on our chat but I don't know which one he uses. Most of us stay on this chat because of the people we have gotten to know and like.

tigermo where did carlos go?

Kasey It did seem to end kind of abruptly, I thought the sound went out again. Oh well.

Jan (Bayonne, NJ) I think he just came on br iefly to comment on the exciting morning. He's probably still in his pj's! It's too early for his regular morning talk.

Anne Owl philosophy: Leave no food behind.

Kelly Warren Thats my daughters philosophy too!!

Jan (Bayonne, NJ)

Wesley has milked this thing for all it's worth! Seriously, Wesley is showing steady, incremental progress. And that is a very good thing!

JT Yep, she certainly is showing intelligence! LOVES that landing pad too!!

[email protected] Carlos is talking? Cant get a picture or sound - blocked here at work.

homeschoolnc Wesley is in back eating a treat . He thinks she is in f or the day. He missed the shot he was trying to take because he thought she was coming out but she went back in.

Kelly Warren

Pat D uk Is that Austin calling her out? PC f roze, but pick was at about 13. 10 here, 5.10 there

homeschoolnc Hard to tell but it looked like Austin

Cinda Browne I think so too - if you look at Homeshool's snap you can see the tellt ale solid white legs and butt of Austin.

mark Wes should leave 3 days after Austin.

Melissa Carlos is talking

olbiddie i saw her go in the box with a rat last night and eat a mouse so I know at least 2 of them went to her.

Caroline (Alabama) Thanks!

Paula Cutcomb Do we have one last "estimate" of Weslie's leaving based on her age?

Melissa Wes is within the age range - compared to siblings

Dallas It's time for that first cup of coffee. Now that Wesley has made the big decision.

[email protected]

Good morning again from Wisconsin! No picture here at work - must be blocked. Looking at posts - Wes is still in the box?

Dallas Yes, Wesley is home alone.

homeschoolnc I took this a little while ago

Becky Yocius I've got the whole box to myself.

Caroline (Alabama) Good morning, everyone and "the little lady? in the box". I was looking at the blue box above and wondering if Wesley actually got any of the t reats herself or if they were brought to her. Anybody know?

JT Don't THink so, but I do know Max has been coming around f or handouts.

Roxy, PA Ahhh! Breakfast time at last!

Kasey Looks like Wes is going to continue her "staycation".

Ms B I believe she has a treat in there. .. she will probably stay in for the day. LOL

JT NO doubt about staying in! I am SOOO proud of her for putting her First Treat Delivery away for later..SMART owlet!!

olbiddie Gotta line up all the left-overs first.

Eileen "ahh... .its good to be back home"

JT Yay Wes Anne, I am Cheering for your choice to stay!! Everyone else got to make up Their Own Minds as to when they left, and we shouldn't be judging You by

your siblings standards. ... But, Donna and Carlos REALLY do want to LEAVE for their vacation, so be sure to consider that when making your decisions

nancy from vermont Still finding food in the box, eating something!


Doesn't she know I'm on blood pressure medicine!!!.

Ms B she's peeking out... hmmm!

raleigh for molly It's the sweetest thing....Wes is just not ready to leave the comfort of home! Oh, those eyes.... !!!

Monica Szabo "My decision is f inal ... I 'm staying!"

Janeen in TN Did she get all 9 treats / and did she put any in the box?

Melissa I was just wondering if she left her pouncing practice mouse on the plat form...

olbiddie Maybe tomorrow! We have another day with her.

Eileen "ahh... its good to be home"

Sue from Syracuse I don't know what's more fun - watching Wes, or the chat!

Melissa I see hills. I think Wes has chosen the box for one more day.

Melissa All my post are gett ing stars. I only clicked on them once, earlier this morning. Interesting. You would think after all these months I'd have figured thischat stuff out.

Dallas It sure looks like Wesley going to be home alone again today.

Wendy This human is getting confused.. .should I stay or should I go?!

Cinda Browne Aw! She did miss Austin yesterday! And he came by to say goodnight.

Sue from Syracuse How do you know that was Aust in?

Cinda Browne Not 100% posit ive, but Austin is much smaller and whiter than the other owlets.

Cinda Browne I def er to Carlos of course!

JT Looks like Carlos was gett ing a Visual as to Who was on the box, looked Female to me...Curious to see what he says Carlos confirmed in the other Chat Last night that he has been using his flashlight to t ry to determine who is who. From where he is at , it is Pitch Dark in the owlbox neighborhood

Gemma Gatti Smart owlet. I'd stay in the box too with the lightning!

homeschoolnc ? What lightning? I think that was Carlos snapping pictures.

Betty No lightning.

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Ms B decisions!!!!

Melissa Someone is on the roof... trying to convince Wesley to come back out? . ..Or just tucking her in and saying sleep tight?

homeschoolnc I think just checking in with her.

caw913 i'm wondering if Austin is trying to talk his baby sister out!!!! Too f unny! !! this is so nerve wracking

Tim Fulcher Thunder storm on the way...?

Ms B Wesley seems to go in and throw a tantrum with all the noise. LOL Or maybe he is celebrating being home alone.

mark Who is Wesley Anne, Wes Anne?

homeschoolnc Some people refer to Wesley as Wesley Ann because they believe she is a girl

mark Do we have a Max Anne too?

Lee Who's on top?


I think she's being called out!!

Gemma Gatti I think someone came back to get Wesley!

Cindy I think I can I think I can but not today.. . They are trying to call her out... Will see. .

Becky Yocius Where are you? I can't find you.

Tim Fulcher all the good spots in the tree are taken already...

Barbara - PA Come out and play with me, Wes!!

Barbara - PA OK be that way ~ I am leaving

JT For those who missed it, Wes Anne re entered the box at 5:11 PDT and appears to be enjoying one of t he t reats she store Way Back at the beginning of theevening!! And she does NOT want to share those treats either LOL

Janeen in TN she forgot her nail f ile.

Lizuk Oh my goodness. What is she doing to our nerves.

Ms B no. 2 is there.

Linda from Michigan It looks like we get one more day with the owls. I am so going to miss this website when it is finished. PS - I still have cam2.

George I thought our baby would return.


She's back... .......

sumaclain Oh no...I just logged on... I'm at school...with the custodians. ..I dashed here to see Wesley computer completely crashed last night with virusstuff...couldn't do anything about it she gone...did they play...was she OK?

Janeen in TN Be it ever so humble there's no place like home!

Guest One small step for Wesley, one giant leap for Owlkind!!

OldTimer What we have here is a failure to launch. LOL

olbiddie Oh yay! There she is, taking her boots off before getting into bed!

Cinda Browne And she's back!

nancy from vermont Nope I am BACKKKK! How long????????

mj Molly probably told her to go back.

suzanne Am I the only one w/out cam 2?

Lee She's baaack!

JT Speak of the devil Shes gonna stay!!!!

Janeen in TN Drama,Drama. clap, clap

Ms B somebody is back!!!!

Barb Graduation Day! How exciting for Wesley. Gee, wasn't that fun! This chat is like a yearbook of all the good and bad times over the last few months.

Barb Hahaha, maybe not today!

Barbara There she is!

olbiddie This is the first time I've been up this early. Are they usually "around" a bit before they go back in?

JT I bet that if Wesley Anne stays, it is because she's afraid moving out means she would have to give up her romps around the landing pad! LOL

tigermo I was up t ill midnight... woke up at 3:40 am ... Molly time... waiting to see. ...... .....and then my cat jumps on my keyboard and makes it all stall and shut down! I missed it !!!

sumaclain sorry...I feel your computer crashed totally last night. ..I had to come to school to use my classroom computer...just happened tobe here about the t ime WA come back to box.


So glad school ends here in North Carolina tomorrow. Least if she doesn't come back to the box. I'll have one of my babies to keep me entertained

Sue from Syracuse I keep expecting dramatic music - too many movies, I guess....

mj What a fun trip this has all been.. ..

mark One thing for sure, once they leave the box, they never go back inside.

homeschoolnc I think Austin has gone back in since he left. I have seen one of the owlets go in and eat.

Janeen in TN The rooster that was heard around the world!

JT For those just joining.. .No one is in the box as of 5:08 PDT....Wes Anne went in and right back out....Then flew of f just a couple of minutes ago..

nancy from vermont 8:00 EST Wesley in and out of box, checking food supply then flew, did you finally go to roost with your siblings??? I await with holded breath that you havefinally taken the big step!

caw913 I think i might jus cry!!!!!

Cindy Kay Rhye I am crying.. .

Sue from Syracuse

Oh, lordy - it looks so empty!

mark I think she was wait ing to see if Austin was gonig to come back. Still time left.

Janeen in TN Drama Queen til the end....keeping us all wondering.

Melissa She flew off to our left . We may have witnessed the last tr ip into the box.

Wendy Maybe Wesley went to ask permission f rom M&M to stay in the box house one more night!

Cindy Kay Rhye Am I the only one crying right now?

Cindy Kay Rhye Oh... the silence... *sniff le snif fle*

Pat D uk She flies of f just as the green starts to appear in the big picture, not long to get back before it's light.

Ms B Wesley has left the playground!!!

homeschoolnc Oh good golly. Will she be back? The season's cliff hanger.

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Angelbear She flew off. .... hmmm palm tree or box? Will she be back?

Eileen "ok Mom.. ..I'm coming"

mj 5 minutes left


Hmmm, maybe going to say Gooday to the family?

meme zalesny Now we wonder---sit ting this out


and there she goes ! !!

Kit in Aiken George, I'm ALMOST ready to go up that ladder with Donna. Gotta get my Life back.

Ms B uh oh!!!!

Sharon Kirk Walsh

Maybe she was just saying her "goodbyes" to the box! lol

Cinda Browne Palm t ree definitely must be off to Wesleigh's right !

Linda B

I need to leave for work Those who are on during the day, plesae post lot s of screenshots. I can see pictures, but not the video at work.

Lizuk What's on your mind...

Barb Someone always asks that question at mealtimes! LOL!


Good morning everyone. Looks like maybe one more day huh? That little owlet sure loves that box

Ms B has one already gone in the box?

Laura (TN) Ms. B- they have been in and out off and on this morning. You had mentioned earlier that it was rainy in your part of Tn. It evidentely has all across Tn. West of Chattanooga has gotten plenty. Enough to where it's hard to get the lawn mowed.


Here we go again...holding my breathe, what's it gonna be?.


I wouldn't be surpr ised if Donna climbed the ladder and sealed off the door next time the box is empty.

Bonnie LOL!!!!

Angelbear Ok, who ate my snack? Fess up!


I did! LOL

Mollyfan1 Is she back out? or is that someone else?

Dallas Yes, Wesley came out of the box.

Lizuk Perched in the palm tree And peeping out through the fronds Waiting f or Wesley

Kit in Aiken She's definitely not lonely. Busy all the t ime. Looks like she's got all the others conned. She's the Joan Rivers of the owl World. Watch me, watch me! Lovin' every minute.

JT Quadruple like!! I think so too! Yay!

Dallas Wesley needed to check out the pantry.

homeschoolnc I was thinking the same thing.

Melissa Smart girl, checking her resources, considering all her options.

Cinda Browne That's what I thought too. Smart girl our Wesleigh!

Cindy McDonald Grau hi all, maybe she remembered yesterday once she got in there.

Melissa In...then out again.


Morning from Cincinnati! Looks like our girl is Likin her Privacy. ..So glad to see she seems CONTENT!! Yay!!!

George It looks like she'll give us one more day in the box.

Angelbear One in the box...... ..will she stay?

mark one more day!

spizon in NH ".... .....should I stay or should I go. ....... ....... ."


It's so sad, the owlets are growing up and they are going to leave the box FOREVER! !!

Wendy These owls appear to be so smart and thoughtful. Meaning, we can practially figure out exactly what they're thinking! Sounds silly, I know!

Kit in Aiken Drama Queen! She may never leave, just keep the show going. Poor Carlos and Donna. They'll never be able to close this site

Pat D uk Is Wes contemplating whether he'll go in the box in 10 minutes or so?

Mollyfan1 Um Wesley is a girl.

homeschoolnc Actually, we don't know that for certain until after she gets her 1 year old feathers

Mollyfan1 She looks like someone or something is coming. Or she hears Molly, Mcgee, Max, Pattison, and Austin calling her to join them so she's not so lonely!

Cinda Browne The link f or the Dutch owls: http://www.beleefdelente. nl/kerkuil The site is in Dutch, but if you're on Windows 8 there's a google translate bar at the top. Justclick the translate button.

Kasey Thanks!

Bloch Academy Thank you so much!

gracie Thanks! Another family to watch, but not the same.....

Cinda Browne You're welcome! They are awfully cute!


Hi y'owl and Wesley! How are you sweety?

Kasey Hi Bonnie, can you post the link for the dutch owls? I seem to have lost the link and someone was asking for it. Thanks.

Bonnie Hi Kasey! Sorry I was in the shower (beginning to smell like the inside of an owl box). For some reason my comp. wont let me copy the address. Can

someone else please do it for Kasey? I'll keep trying

Kasey Thanks, Cinda posted it.

Karin Hi Kasey, I know you weren't asking me but... If you are thinking of Klaara and Klaus and their brood, here is the link: http://www.sportsmansparadiseonline. com/Owls_Nest.html

And they are not in Holland (that's what I iniitally thought, too).. .I believe they are in Estonia.

Kasey Hi, I have tried that sight and cannot get a picture. Can't get those tawny owls in Europe either. Must be my computer. Thanks for the info, didn'trealize it was Estonia either.

nancy from vermont I think Wesley brought back a live mouse! All this pouncing is chasing it around plat form, owlet did pick up something dark/small and droped it only to cont inuethe pouncing around the platform. ??????????

Laura (TN) Will probably sneak out sometime soon. Just wanted to say good morning and see that the babies were still happy and healthy.

Hubby is home from working 12 hour shift. He will be needing a supper drop off soon. I think I will try that no cooking needed method. What do you guys

think rabbit or rat. Man, wouldn't he be surprised.


I think rabbit might be healthier but rats seem to be in abundance so depends on what you have available

BillandStacee Tobin Do we know if all the owls came to visit during the night?

Trisha I saw at least three together. Wes swawked f or a while before they came.

Wendy Anybody watching?? Look, I can dance and jump and fly!!

Robin Is that Austin? How cute and how much fun to watch!! What a show, lol!!! I captured some pics but can't stay to post them.

Cindy Practice makes perfect ....Such fun to watch... Morning from Raleigh, NC, USA

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Cinda Browne

Good Morning all! So fun to watch pounce pract ice!

Trisha It was fun to see them all here earlier in the morning.

Linda B OMG! She's just tooooo darn cute!!!!

gracie Bonnie, can you please post the site of the dutch owls?

Angelbear wow - what a show!

Melissa Good morning friends. I've arrived just in t ime for pouncing practice. How delightful!!

nancy from vermont WOW a first for me, Wesley's pouncing practice!!

Linda B I see Carlos is up br ight and early! It's what? 5am there?

homeschoolnc It's like watching a kid on a jungle gym.

Dallas or a tampoline.


That looks like Wesley practicing her pouncing.

Wendy Fun...assuming he's playing with something half eaten up there! LOL!

Linda B Practicing the pounce!!! Too cute!!

George VacaDude (the Molly cartoonist) 's website: http://www.atkinsonproduct

Ms B checking in this morning from rainy TN.. . when has Molly and/or McGee been spotted?


Molly and McGee brought treats last night.

Ms B that's good... I miss the night feedings!

Pat D uk For days now they have all come back to the area around the box an hour before sunrise, but not today/tonight

Jan (Bayonne, NJ) Good afternoon, Pat!

Ms B there was 3 of them there just over an hour ago!

Sue I just popped in at 4:47 CA t ime, and someone went into the box while the one on top flew off.

mj 30 minute count down to see if Wesley will go inside.

Kasey Good morning, I peeked in on the dutch babies last night, they are adorable. I keep telling myself don't get addicted again!

Bloch Academy Can you please direct me to that site about the Dutch owls?

Kasey See above--top post.

Jan (Bayonne, NJ) I have to ask the of t-repeated questions that drive everyone crazy: Is there anyone in the box?

mj No

Jan (Bayonne, NJ) Thank you!

cj in fl

scroll down see the basement only joking !!!

Jan (Bayonne, NJ)

I did - honest! But all I saw were guesses - In? Out? In? Out?


Glad you did.

Elliott Jan, someone went inside the box about 12 minutes ago and ate something, then exited and flew off.

Jan (Bayonne, NJ)

Thanks, Elliott!

daisy there is one in there

Jaci Wollenberg Here's an option for when they are all gone: http://www.emixt. com/solar-powered-bobble-head-doll-owl-180-degree-rotation-ks-wb560-.html

Bonnie I like the descr iption of the toy. "It is a most lovely toy for people at all ages as well as a decoration to your car, desk or windowsill, which can provide you with a relaxed atmosphere andrelease your spir it. Br ing you lots of smiles and happiness."

mj That was interesting that Austin went in the box to eat . Hope Wesley got lots of t reats last night. She seems busy this morning flying around.

Dallas Good morning, MODs! Wesley's big decision needs to be made.

Bonnie I'm watching our babies and the Dutch babies at the same time. Kinda makes it hard to call ours "babies" anymore. The Dutch daddy is in the box with mommaand the 5 owlets. I think the littlest one is a quarter the size of whatever Aust in just ate!

Jan (Bayonne, NJ)

Bloch Academy Bonnie, how do you get to that site about the Dutch babies you are talking about? Thanks

Cinda Browne So odd to see Dad in the box for longer than 30 seconds! I was confused last night. The site t ranslates the name of the camera to screech owl, but Isee they are def initely barn owls this morning. Amazing what sleep can do for your eyes!

Jan (Bayonne, NJ) Good morning, everyone! I see the cliffhanger cont inues . . .

Annie (in Illinois) Morning Jan !!!

Bonnie Mornin' Jan and Annie!


If that is Wesley on the perch, she\he's been there for a couple of hours and has had to watch Austin have a very good meal. There was no sharing

Jan (Bayonne, NJ) We're not going to see much (if any) sharing from this point on, Liz. Every owl for himself!

JM Looks like Wes is by herself again. She's gotta make a decision soon. Hmmm. ... I'm sure Austin wanted to eat that rodent by himself so he went inside. So nice

to have a second home.

Laura (TN) Has Carlos ever mentioned whether or not the smell of the box comes their way when the wind blows?

homeschoolnc He said in a chat one day that when he is under the box doing yard work that he cannot smell anything from the box.

homeschoolnc It occurs to me I know way too much about this person whom I have never met in real life. Weird...

Wendy Good morning from Indiana. I stayed up to watch Wesley fly out last night. Happy to see they're hanging around the box!

Laura (TN) No grocery bill, no cooking it, no cleaning up the dishes, no sweeping...only shopping and eating it . Sounds good to me. That's the life.

Jan (Bayonne, NJ)

That's worked fine for me for the past three months, Laura, but the situation is rapid beginning to deteriorate . . .

Jan (Bayonne, NJ) Rapidly , not rapid !

Lisa Clark Andres and wes didn't even of fer any to his sibbling

nancy from vermont Now out of box it looks like the smaller, lighter Austin to me. I thought it was him that stashed it while Wesley was eating on plat form?

Cinda Browne I think so too. Just confusing because Austin's normally not very vocal. I think I see patches of color on the owlet on the camera ledge, so that onemust be Wesleigh.


I wonder if it's harder to f ly if you've just consumed and entire rodent half your size?

JM The saying, "You can't go home again, " sure doesn't apply to this family. Maybe all the perches make it a wonderful playground and they'll hang out with their

children and grandchildren. That would be sweet.

Gemma Gatti Now wouldn't that be just too perfect!! !


I dont think Donna would think so

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Today, 04:08:54 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Laura (TN) George

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Today, 04:05:56 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Annie (in Illinois)

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Today, 03:53:31 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Annie (in Illinois)

homeschoolnc It's very possible, as long as the food supply holds out, that Molly will return to have another clutch. If she does not survive for another clutch then oneof her children might.

homeschoolnc It's an heirloom owl box

Gemma Gatti Down the hatch it goes. That just amazes me.

George I hope that's Wesley in the box eating one of the treats she stashed earlier.

Bonnie Morning George! I hope so, too, but I thought the noisy one outside was Wes.

George Good morning, Bonnie.

I have lots of trouble telling them apart anymore. I did see Wesley stash 2 mice very early on, but I also slept for a few hours.


SOMEBODY just gulped that whole thing right down!

Bonnie Better go find a new snack Wes!

lynn Whooo's eating in the box?

nancy from vermont I beleive it is Austin that went back into box to get treat he left in there about 30 minutes ago, now going to eat it! !

Ziggy who's in the box???

Gemma Gatti I think Wesley.

Bonnie Good Morning!! Had to check out right after Wes flew off last night! Comp kept crashing!!! Oh Yippee! !! Just in t ime to see another baby!!!!

Laura (TN)

Good morning Baby Face Bonnie. That avatar just makes me smile. It is sooo cute

Bonnie Awwww, thanks Laura!! He makes me smile everyday, too!!

lyn After watching this owl family since the hatchings, I have an incredibly new respect for wildlife.

Barbara Good morning from Sarasota...... .just checking in to see how Wes is doing. Wonder if today will be Home Alone The Sequel.

lynn Good morning, everyone. This is a quick check-in, I'll be back in a little while.

Wendy Plank Spiziri I have no picture.. .can't get it.... but I have the chat. Can someone update me?

Annie (in Illinois) ref resh your screen

Bonnie Lakeland FL Good morning--I just poured my coff ee and ready to do the same Lisa from Delaware!

Kelly Warren GOOD MORNING FROM MONTREAL, I could not resist, I had to check in on Wesley. Did he eat?

Gemma Gatti I believe there were nine drop offs last night!

Kelly Warren wow, wes must be too full to fly!

Lisa Clark Andres Good Morning from Newark Delaware home of the Blue Hens!! I have my coffee and now I am going to sit back and relax and watch some OWL T.V.

Ziggy Go Blue Hens..we have one here!

Judy R Greetings f rom Iowa. I am here earlier than usual. That must be Wesley talking to us. I'm thinking she is going back in the box this morning. So we will have another day.. maybe.

Laura (TN)

Let the coff ee do it's job Judy. Maybe we will have another day of the box. Don't you know Carlos is ready to fly the coop though.

Annie (in Illinois) Just look at those talons... they look mean !!!

silkpjs Have they caught Carlos's gopher yet, does anyone know?

Lisa Clark Andres max,pattison and austin have a temporary housing in the palm trees

lyn They moved from a one room apartment to a condo.

Lisa Clark Andres I like that.... lol

Dee :D that's funny!

Angelbear Good Morning from East TN. Hubby said he saw an owl (Wes?) bring food into the box earlier. When I came in, I saw three owls. Wonder if Wes was bringing in the afternoon snack? giggles I love watching these birds.

Laura (TN)

Good morning East Tn. from West of Chattanooga Tn.

laura jeffery morning from woodstock canada. cool and rainy all day here. So nice to see the owlets in the playground. I got to pet a barn owl yesterday, at a falconers. sobeautif ul in reallife, apparently this owl has decided not to work f or a living and spends some time at public education. he was born in a zoo. laura

Gemma Gatti were there ever four last night? wonder is max is the one not here with the rest.

Karin Good morning from Massachuset ts! Another beautiful day. Heart-warming to tune in and see our little owlet family. Has Maxie flown off? Has anyone seen her?

Laura (TN) Karin, Can't answer your questions. I can't tell who is who these days.

Laura (TN) I wonder if they will continue to come around in the mornings or will that kind of drizzle off af ter they stop staying in the box during the day? Carlos may end up just having to turn the cameras off even though they are around.

Carol Does anyone know if the family group stays pretty much together after they all leave, or do they all go their separate ways?

Annie (in Illinois) I believe they go of f to claim their own territories

Di Molly and McGee will make sure they can all fend for themselves first. Parent Barn owls are very dedicated to their offspring.

Betty Coffey-Davis I guess the reason they didn't figh tover the food in the owl hours is because it was plentiful I guess now the pickins are slim.

gracie Three!!! Good morning from Concord, NC!

Betty Coffey-Davis Ms. Gracie - Rock Hill SC here


Hi neighbor

George Good morning, my friends. I just came online. Did they have a fight over a t reat ?

Annie (in Illinois) Morning George


Good morning, Annie.

Laura (TN) Not sure if it was a fight or accident. Looked like one f lew off the box onto another a few minutes ago. Maybe someone else can ver ify that for us. Myeyes may not have been completely opened yet.


Thanks Laura. Good morning to you.

Laura (TN) Oh...NO, Hope they didn't hurt each other. I've never seen that happen before.

Laura (TN) COFFEE IS MADE...BE BACK IN A SECOND (or maybe two)

Pat D uk What happened? Was just replying to Barbara and didn't bother to have 2 windows open

lyn I thought that might have been mom or dad dropping of f breakfast.. .But someone else is watching wanting a bite..

Owlnightlong Laura: what happened while I was off getting a caf fine refill?

Laura (TN) Annie, those cinnamon rolls sound good. I like mine warm though. I don't think they would be warm by the time you chatted them to me.

Annie (in Illinois) They will be "virtually warm" when you get here ! !!

Laura (TN)

Never have ordered any that way. Maybe it will hit the swwet tooth the same way.

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Today, 03:30:23 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Owlnightlong Emily From Gulfport

Today, 03:32:50 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Annie (in Illinois)

Today, 03:33:26 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Annie (in Illinois) Patr icia Cummings

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Today, 03:19:50 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Lucky Lizuk Annie (in Illinois) tigermo

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Today, 03:17:30 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Annie (in Illinois)

Today, 02:55:22 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Christ ina Sigvertsen Podvin Barbara

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Laura (TN)

Looks like my fingers aren't quite awake yet either. (swwet = sweet)

Tip No calories, either! I'm off to work...

Patricia Cummings It's 5:40 here and we have had rain all week -much needed though. Looks very quiet here - I will check later! Have a good day owl watchers!

Laura (TN) Rain here in Tennessee all week also. Barely a break to mow the lawn.

Laura (TN) Woke up and before my feet hit the floor I thought "Go see if Wesley (Ann) is there". Put my coffee on and it's not even f inished yet. I wonder how long it willtake for the owlets not to be the first thing we think of.

Patricia Cummings Think we will see an owl in the box today?

Patricia Cummings Good morning from Wisconsin!

Joan Righetti Anderson I am so glad the owls fledged gradually. I think I will be ok. It's like when my daughters left home: by the time they were all gone I was getting used to it andaccepted it graciously. So I will do with these babies of ours. Joan in NJ

Owlnightlong Good morning from chilly Maine, temp in the house was down to 56 when I got up. Yikes. Good to hear Weslley (Ann) went flying but the stashing of a rodent inthe owl box does not indicate intent to sleep in the t rees today.

Annie (in Illinois) Good morning to you !!!


Good morning Annie... .cof fee's up

Annie (in Illinois) Got it ! !! thanks Lucky, I brought the cinnamon rolls... anyone?

Owlnightlong I'll make the cof fee

Barbara Coffee, cinnamon rolls? ... ... I'm on my way! lol. .... what can I bring with me? Chocolate/caramel shortbreads?

Annie (in Illinois) Sounds good Barb

tigermo Just woke up. .... 2 hmmmm/

tigermo wow.. I was watching until midnight and now its 3:42 am... not sleeping very good want ing to see them. I am on Molly time. .. so it will be a bit until weknow if Wesley is in or out today. I bet she's in! I am getting a kink... trying to sleep with one eye and watch! lol

toni - rctees Good morning from Alabama. Dread tuning in now... .af raid it's going to be quiet with no owls.. ... I've been watching since March 17th and this has become a daily "habit". Not ready to be an empty nester.. .. Off to walk the doggie... hugs to all ♥t

Barbara thanks for the hugs.... and to you too. .. hope you and doggie enjoy the walk. this will help with the withdrawal symptoms m'thinks

BARBinOHIO He's keeping his back turned. I don't think they are on speaking terms.

Barbara sulking cuz someone wouldn't share!


Good morning everyone, Is she stocking the pantry for later?. Maybe one more day?.

nancy from vermont Took meal into box, no chance someone will take it away!

nancy from vermont Wasn't in there long enough to eat, stashing it????????????

Barbara Thought Bubble..... or mumblings! Such a mess on this picnic table... can noone clear it up? Not even left me a leg, or crispy bit...kick kick.. .. well I'm not clearing it up that's for sure!

Pat D uk I worry when I can't hear Wes squawking but he gets on my nerves when he just doesn't stop. No pleasing some people I suppose.

Barbara Gppd morning Pat, Just saw that you use the Prt scr. facility. .. What do you have to do af ter pressing prt scr or what software do I need. Cant seem tobe able to grab a picture - nothing happens/comes up after pressing it.

Barbara sorry.. .what 's happened to my manners. .. no please or thank you on that posting.... sorry.

lyn Don't mean to respond for Pat, but I saw your posting. After you hit print screen to capture your picture, go to a point where you want the picture, andpress ctr l v (together). Of course, this procedure depends on the type of application you have.

Pat D uk Will t ry ctr + v lyn, thanks. Started to reply to Barbara and had a text. Am new to texting and took me ages to reply to that in middle of replying toBarbara.

Pat D uk Morning Barbara, I always use Alt + Prt Scr (the alt just captures the current screen) Open Paint (Start > All programmes > Accessories > Paint) Click Edit at top and then paste. Click FILE and then Save As (I've got a folder on my desktop for owls, so save it there but it could be my pictures or my Photos. Give it a name and save it as a JPEG. You'll now have to open it from your desktop and crop it unless you have captured it from full screen. Am not very good at explaining so shout if you don't understand. I've got Windows XP by the way.

Barbara Thanks very much... I'll have a go later..... saved the instructions to follow. Think I might not have the 'paint' facility on my machine. but will haveanother search.


I think it's even more pitiful with the sound muted and you can just see the mouth opening

Kristi Smith Good morning...just taking a peek f or a sec! When Wesley f lew off last night, my heart suddenly grew heavy! It's nice to see two of them and a rodent as I

head off back to bed!

Christina Sigvertsen Podvin Same story here...good night! Zzzzzz.... ....

Lucky Sweet dreams Kristi..


Cover ing with a wing! Sibling r ivalry!

storymom down the hatch!

Lizuk Anyone else watching this battle for the food. Can't he just give him a leg!

Lizuk I wish they'd have half each!

Dale from NC

Hey Everyone!! ! I have not been on for a while and I have missed the little ones! that are al grown up now!

Janeen in TN Just checking in for a quick peek. Wes loves that perch. Every time I check in she's there calling out for attention.

Pat D uk

That was a quick handover and the lucky recipient flew away with whatever was brought. Couldn't get my finger on Prt Scr quick enough

Lizuk Good morning. Wesley the sentry still at his/her post !

burnee Good morning all, good to see we still have 2 owlets here

Pat D uk Morning burnee, not caught you lately, hope you're OK

Connie Got up in middle of night and just had to check in. Great to see our babies are still enjoying their birthplace. Thank all you MOd picture takers. Going back tobed now. enjoy the party

Trisha Gotta run. It's 9:00 AM here in London and I need to get some things done!

Kathryn R Preserved for poster ity. Night folks!

Trisha I realize they are still in training, but I always thought that when a bird fledged--they left for good. These guys seem more social with each other. I guess whenyou need to be trained to hunt animals and not worms and seeds you need to hang around a lit tle longer??

Tyto alba (Julie Milne) Can anyone else see the "orb" bouncing up and down in the bottom left corner of the small screen??

Trisha my small screen just has related videos on it now.

Tyto alba (Julie Milne)

Alessandra Yes, I see things like that all the time, but I'm always afraid that I'm just imagining it.

Tyto alba (Julie Milne) Well it is perfectly round and translucent and moves around about a I'm not sleepy,it s 9am here.

Gemma Gatti what's an orb?

Tyto alba (Julie Milne) The round white ball you somet imes get on photos that you can't explain.They often move in a strange way when you are playing back a video.

Tyto alba (Julie Milne)

Pat D uk Can see the orb, can't imagine it is a speck of dust on camera as it's moving too much

Pat D uk

Pressed enter before I'd finished but was going to say it might be the ghost of Dudley

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Wes on left Austin onright

Today, 00:06:44 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by chickadee Sue M in MI Guest

Today, 00:11:55 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Kathryn R Cheryl Owen Guest


Austin Wes added this just cos Ilike it!

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Liked by Cheryl Owen DWD in Atlanta Tyto alba (Julie Milne) Kathryn R JLZ

Yesterday, 23:33:49 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by DWD in Atlanta

Pressed enter before I'd finished but was going to say it might be the ghost of Dudley

Renee Brandt Its a spider web. Its been there for days.

Pat D uk No, its not the spider web we're on about, that was a long thin object. This is a perfectly round orb which moves quickly somet imes and bounces aroundat others. They seem to be in a lot of digital photos. Have a look at Tyto's link

Renee Brandt Yeah, its a spider web. If you look long enough you will see it blowing and extend across the whole screen. I am a paranormal investigator, we debunkthis stuff all the time.

Pat D uk I'm not suggsting this is something paranormal and am not getting into that debate, just interested in what it might be. Still don't think it's a spiders webas it's moved way above the nest box now. Don't know how well screen capture will show it.

Tyto alba (Julie Milne)

Headcount 3 room f or 1 more

Trisha OK...looks like a party!

Trisha That was wierd. I always worry a preditor is going to come. They got really loud. Maybe it was a sibling or parent?

Gemma Gatti who might this one be?

Trisha Someone listened. Yay, Wes has some company!

Cheryl Owen Well I suppose i'd better go to work then - I'll see you all later - I still reckon Wes will be back in the box today - she certainly doesn't look like shes ready to

leave just yet!!! Have a good day/evening everyone

Trisha You too!

Trisha Higher pitch tone.. .who does she see?

Trisha Has Wesley ever flown of f with Molly to learn how to hunt as Carlos said the others did?

Cheryl Owen we don't know for sure - shes been flying round but I reckon she hasn't been hunting - I think Molly and McGee are concentrating on the older ones firstbefore teaching her!

Alessandra At least she is staying outside instead of hiding in the box.

Kathryn R Here is Merrit's last post and "like" at around 11 pm on June 1st:

Kathryn R

That being said, I guess t ime does fly! I didn't think she'd already been gone that long. So she *might* be back in t ime...

Sue M in MI

Funny, Wesley is being ref erred to as "she/he" by dif ferent people.

Cheryl Owen I know we don't really really know f or sure - but when (she) was in the box with Austin there were some very obvious differences between them - so I'mas sure as you can be without really knowing that she is a she and Aust in is a he!!!

chickadee It may be easier to see the differences in these photos. It is said they don't get true adult coloring until they reach one year of age, and even thensometimes the experts are fooled. when what they think is a male lays an egg. But, Austin is so very WHITE breasted the general concensus in he'smale. And Max and Wesley are very tawney, so female. Pattison is the big question mark. S/he is paler tham the two females, but certainly not aswhite breasted as Austin or McGee.

Cheryl Owen They are quite diff erent - well I think so!!! and I just love the photo of three of them together - not that thats going to help identify them!


Good lord. Little wesley is so fat! Compared to Austin.

Kathryn R

She gets all the food delivered and doesn't fly around as much. Spoiled princess, LOL!

JLZ I like to think of "her" as a little princess!

Alessandra Maybe Wesley has decided that its her house.

Cheryl Owen ROFL - straight back by the door to guard 'her ' house as soon as another owlet turns up!!

lori Didn't Carlos say (or I maybe I read on here) the owlets usually leave the nest by the time they're 80 days old? By my count Wes is now 72 days so she could be hanging around the box for another week or so....

Kathryn R Carlos was on tonight and said Austin left at 75 days. Wesley is 73 days so he's thinking another day or few.. .

Cheryl Owen I reckon Donna might sneak out there and nail up the door at some point if Wes doesn't leave soon!!

Connie Noooooo Owl abuse!

DWD in Atlanta Good night everyone. It's close to 3am here. I have a feeling Wesley will be in the box in the morning!! !

Jere Berkley Merritt went on a vacation

Kathryn R The latest chatst ream PDF is out on the wiki now from 7 pm to 10:45 pm tonight . Thank you JH for creat ing the original! I love that you caught Carlos talking on

the main video! I got the linky out there OK but I don't know how the PDF icon gets on there... http://mollyowl.

Sue M in MI Hi y'owl, haven't been on f or a while. Anyone heard from Merritt lately?

Kathryn R

Merrit t lef t on vacation f or 10 days a few days ago. ...

Sue M in MI

Okay cool, hope she has/had a good t ime.

Cheryl Owen I know she's been away - I've got a feeling she is due back today some time!

Maggie She said that she would be gone for 7 days on a trip.

Cheryl Owen LOL!! Well I guess we're still none the wiser then as we've all come up with different days!!!

DWD in Atlanta Merrit t is on vacation. Not sure when she'll be back. She hasn't popped in to say hello. She may have checked in to see what the owls have been doing.

Janan Who is that now?

lori More than likely it's Wes... .....

Tyto alba (Julie Milne) If you are on facebook join the group to keep in touch. .!/group.php?gid=123336804373016&v=info

Janan okay..I joined, but what does that give us?

Kathryn R

A place to go after Carlos shuts down the cameras...?

Tyto alba (Julie Milne)

If this communication goes we can all keep in touch

DWD in Atlanta Just a place to stay in touch. Recipes, gardening, different things to chat about.

Betty Coffey-Davis Did she go in?

DWD in Atlanta Must have flew off. I don't hear her and don't know who this is that's on top. May be her.

Betty Coffey-Davis What happened????

DWD in Atlanta An owlet landed on top the box and she didn't like it. She flew in the house and had a hissy. The owlet jumped down to the landing pad and she flew outthe box and chased him of f.

lori Well.....that certainly was some hissy fit Princess Wes! !!

Kathryn R JH, that took forever and a day to download and compress. I haven't rebooted my laptop in two days, I think I need to. The shrinkage has occurred and it's out

there for you to linky.

Kathryn R Never mind, I scrolled down and see you went night night. I'll go out and make the linky myself. (cross fiingers! )

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Yesterday, 22:59:25 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Janan Kathryn R George JT Chris in Olympia, WA Susan Blum Terri Holmes JoAnn dave the buzzard man

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Happy Juice

Yesterday, 22:59:16 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Kathryn R George dave the buzzard man Sue M in MI

Yesterday, 23:00:31 – Flag – Like – Reply

Kathryn R

LOL, she's saying GET OFF MY BOX. That's MY dinner I stashed in there.

Cheryl Owen she definately wasn't happy LOL!

Kathryn R Pic:

Cheryl Owen

I got the same shot! I thought it was a delivery to start with - but it looks like she far from 'starving' reading through the chat !

chickadee I thought she was wanting a handout. Wonder who it was on the box? Guess we will never know :P

Cheryl Owen Morning Everyone!! I see Wesley is in her usual position - I see she came out of the box at 8.34 - was that as soon as it got dark or did she wait around for abit?

DWD in Atlanta Right at dark. She stuck her head out , looked around ad flew right out!!! Sat on the fledge ledge for a minute and f lew away.

Cheryl Owen I wondered how lonely she was during the day - I reckon she might go back in tonight though - judging by that performance a minute ago!! !

DWD in Atlanta The few times I checked in on her, she was standing peacefully, sleeping on one leg.

chickadee SHe looked great when I checked in-- lot s of preening. Lots of sleeping.

JT Night all, see ya before sunrise in CA. Need just a little sleep before then!

Darlene Salisbury Well my owl fr iends. I'm gonna hit the hay. I'm tired.. It's been a wonderful night. Will be back tomorrow for sure. Good night. Sweet owl dreams to all..

chickadee Tyto Alba- if you are st ill here I was wondering how many crit ters an owlet can eat before they can't fit any more in? And do they have to hork a pellet bef orethey can eat again, or can more f ood keep comming?

Tyto alba (Julie Milne) An owlet like Wes would eat up to 10 vole sized critters a night....not 10 of the huge beasts that molly and Max have been bringing. .lol They pellet a couple of times with up to six small skulls and bones in one .

chickadee I guess I was really curious about how much they could eat in one meal. Do owlets hiss all night , whether they are hungry or not?

Tyto alba (Julie Milne) They are quiet when asleep ,the hissing and clicking/snapping of the beak is mainly begging or warning.

chickadee So after you fed your owlets all their voles/mice, they would quiet down? Or did they keep up the begging all night?

Tyto alba (Julie Milne)

They would rock back on their heels and sleep like fat little Buddahs

chickadee So cute! Makes me want to start volunteering at the wildlife rehab center instead of the animal shelter. Except snuggling would probably be frownedupon. I think they feed their owlets with tongs while wearing hoods sothey can be released.


Maybe owlets are just always hungry!

Betty Coffey-Davis Wesann has been feed - right? Has her siblings been to visit?


She's been fed more than once, lit tle piggy Max was by to visit her earlier.

Betty Coffey-Davis This is just breaking my heart. I don't want her to be scared or lonely.

Kathryn R

Maybe she looks more scared on that BIG SCREEN TV you have, lol.

Fiveoskid Smith She's got to keep up her strength so she can call for more food. LOL

DWD in Atlanta She has gotten a couple that I have seen on screen. There have been a f ew around tonight but haven't stayed long, except Max. That was a surprise.

dave the buzzard man and to all a goodnight...

JoAnn Please can anyone tell me where I can order the hard back Molly book that Carlos mentioned.. . or was I misunderstanding and there is only the E book that canbe ordered? Also... what about the song and CD that Carlos was talking about? I looked on the merchandise page but did not see the song there or any hard back bookabout Molly and the owlettes.

Kathryn R The hardcover can be ordered at The e-book can be ordered at

Kathryn R Oh the song can be ordered on Eric's site too. I see you already saw the other site, woops.

DWD in Atlanta www. They care both and check out the bookmarks too.


Thank you! I am ordering the book and book mark. Can hardly wait to get my copy!

DWD in Atlanta Just remember they won't be shipped until Oct.


I know about it not being shipped until October so I went ahead and ordered the ebook too!

Mary Carroll Book and songs at

Janan Does Wes ever take off flying?

Kathryn R Yes, she does!

lynn I didn't realize it was so late! Guess I'll go to bed f or awhile. .goodnight!

George My pillow is calling me. It was a good night. G'night all you good folks.

Kathryn R Night George, Kind of the Jungle!

wallyrussell I GO BED NOW. kathleen ..... ....... ......Sweet Dreams Are Made of These

Kathryn R

Night Kathleen! I can't wait to see the finished poster! I will cherish it!

Janan How do we get or buy a poster?

DWD in Atlanta Save it on your computer and have costco, shutterf ly, etc make one for you.


kathleen, your collage is quite impressive! Som uch work!

Terri Holmes Beaut iful Kathleen

DWD in Atlanta Both of these have turned out so nice. Will one be sent to Carlos & Donna so they can see what they missed over here???

bonnie-from Idaho Hi I just peeked in for a min. I have seen the posters and would love one also. are you going to sell them? If you are could you let me know. I am on facebook.

Mary Carroll Here is another recipe for "Happy Juice." (See Photo)

DWD in Atlanta That sounds like a pucker upper. LOL

Mary Carroll Lemon juice and vodka should not be red. I think something got left out.

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Yesterday, 23:04:58 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by DWD in Atlanta

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Yesterday, 22:21:27 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by dave the buzzard man Kathryn R Melody


Yesterday, 22:20:40 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Kathryn R Lynda C AZGuest

Darlene Salisbury That was a pleasant surprise seeing/hearing Carlos.

JT I take it Wesley Anne stashed that treat too????

Janan Yes...think so

George I think she stashed one, gulped one and then stashed another one.

JT Thanks, I do believe she does NOT intend to move to the trees in the morning. "Fingers crossed"

JT Yep, I will be humming the song often. ..Caught myself doing it just awhile ago LOL

Janan I am laughing out loud!

Kathryn R I love the way Carlos says "inneresting."

DWD in Atlanta My grandmother said it the same way and veggietables for vegetables. LOL

Darlene Salisbury I must say, I don't really care for this carrot thing.

Tyto alba (Julie Milne)

nor me ,but it's just a bit of Car los fun

TinksMom Ditto!

Susan Blum I love the carrot thing, because it reminds me of the yorkie love of my life, Thor. "Mr. Carrot" as we called it was an identical stuf fed dog toy w/squeaker as to what Carlos has. Mr. Carrot was Thor 's very favorite toy of all time. He would pacif y himself by sucking on one of its leaf y ears, or justsqueak it in our f ace until we would throw it for him to fetch. He spent his life either sucking on that carrot or squeaking it until we would throw it.

Tyto alba (Julie Milne)

Mary if you are still about re owls is an old photo of one of my rescued barnies having a puddle bath

Mary Carroll Thank you very much. Did your owls also drink water?

Tyto alba (Julie Milne) Yes they did Mary ,but not as of ten as other birds I have had.

Carolyn gn carlos, thanks for all u do.

Darlene Salisbury Wesley is a spoiled little stinker

Chris in Olympia, WA

Good night from me too!!

Kathryn R I've got you covered Chris!

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat) it's almost there. 76%...... ....... ......77%....... ...... .....78%. ....... ....... ..79%.... ....... ......

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat) ..............UPLOAD FAILED!! (just kidding) Complete - Adios, Amigos.

Janan Wow.....Carlos and a feed!! Very special! Thanks Carlos... ....Wow... and more!

George Wesley got that one for sure.

Melody Good night everyone.

Dr. Web M.D (Adam Curry) Is that Weslette?

Linda Hendrickson


Dr. Web M.D (Adam Curry) Huzzah!

tigermo catch about every 30 words... .. grrrrrr

Chris in Olympia, WA

Sent you an email.

Kathryn R He's such a good salesman, LOL!

Lynda C Good night all. Haven't been on much this evening - just lurked a few times. Have been working on a report that I HAVE to have ready by 10:00 a.m EDT(Yikes, if I get up in t ime - 1:30 a. m. here now). Did get a chance to see the fly out and back just in time for the first treat. Some great screenshots, as usual,today and some very heartfelt and poignant poems and expressions of what this wonderful experience has meant to so many of you. Will check in for a bit laterin the morning and hope to see Wesley snug in his house.

CAR (Cheryl) MAX????? IT WAS MAX?!?! Wow - never would have guessed it! Okay, now I'm gone... Sweet dreams!

JT I cheat , my computer monitor is actually our 49" Widescreen Tv. Hubbies PC has a 2.4 Ghz processor with 3.2 GB of ram Talk about spoiled.

Christina Sigvertsen Podvin Oh boy.. .feel like my eyeballs are going to pop out and hit my screen. I would then not be able to find them in this mess I now call my desk. I'll leave and see if

I can recover. I haven't even been sure of my driving abilities and my speech has been impaired! I think it unlikely I'll be back so good night to you all. May you see many sibling picnics and loving kisses. See you tomorrow!

Fiveoskid Smith Remember this one.. .Max out on May 16.

Kathryn R Chris I am working f rom home tomorrow so I can stay up a bit later to shrink the PDF, if you need to hit the hay earlier. We can play it by ear to see who has the

most stamina tonight , LOL!

Chris in Olympia, WA

Ok. I'll let you do it. I am pret ty tired. I work at home too, but have to get up at 5:30 to get my daughter up for school. Hope to see you on in themorning. I'll post the info about Western Wa tomorrow a bunch of times and see how much interest I get.

Chris in Olympia, WA

Sticking around now since Carlos is on...

Kathryn R Emmalyn doesn't have to be to school until 9 am, so I'm good!

Chris in Olympia, WA Sarah's school start s at 7:40 and she wants to get there by 7:20 and because she goes out of district I have to take her. It takes her an hour and a halfto get ready too.

Kathryn R Ugh. Next year she starts middle school and school starts at 7:45, so that will be a shock to her! But we are only 1/2 mile f rom school so she rides herbike or walks in good weather.

JT I won't pretend to be an expert, but when I do full screen view on OB2, I think I am seeing a darker belly(Wesley) and some fuzz(Wesley)

Just what I think I see

CAR (Cheryl) MUST. SLEEP. Goodnight, my lovelies! I adore you all! I think we amy have another day with our littles!

Terri Holmes what is carlos' screen name on the other chat room?

CAR (Cheryl) don't know. ..sorry.

Chris in Olympia, WA Carlosroyal

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat) carlosroyal (in red text)


Good night, MODs! Hope to be back before dawn again.

Fiveoskid Smith For anyone who didn't see it, here is Wesley Anne when she f irst left the box tonight.

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Yesterday, 22:04:08 – Flag – Like – ReplyLiked by Melody Dallas Chris in Olympia, WA

Lynda C Love the shadow. Reminds me of the hand shadows we used to make as kids !!

tigermo oh cool... I got to see nothing again!!! Grrrrr. .. frozen


Gosh darn 'puter It's just not fair

Janan If that ain't Wes, who is sitting outside now?

CAR (Cheryl) Both Wes and Austin have been rasping for f ood tonight. IMHO - that's Austin...

George Who made off with the rat ?

Darlene Salisbury That was a huge delivery.. so much for owl kisses... LOL

CAR (Cheryl) Holy Buckets! This is quite a night!

Chris in Olympia, WA Max just f lew off with a rat accroding to Carlos.

Terri Holmes what is Carlos' screen name on the other chat room? I never see him post anything. How do you know what he is writing?


He doesn't post much. When he does, it's usually in red (or orange). You'll know him by that 00 and by name.

JoAnn Well... see how she is? I come visit her and as soon as she has food she ups and flies away with it. Now what's that all about???

Alessandra Wow, who just flew off with the f ood? So much for love!

Janan Poor Wes got left out!

CAR (Cheryl) I think that was Wes who took off with the rat.

britt in southern cal Oh good lord, I came back to see what the noise was....ugh, rat...tail and all no doubt. ..

chickadee That is one big rat!

Darlene Salisbury theif..

Terri Holmes delivery!

TinksMom Heavy make out session!

Alessandra They are beaking each other, that's so sweet. It must be Aust in.

CAR (Cheryl) You got new lipstick? Let me see!

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat) That's all folks! I 'm off to bed right after capturing a PDF. See you morning folks for sunr ise in San Marcos.

Chris in Olympia, WA

Good! Make it fast (the PDF that is).

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)

Don't count on it, as much as I've seen fly by (the text that is).

CAR (Cheryl) Goodnight! Happy technicolor dreams!

Latrippi Night, James! Thanks fo rthe fantastic photos.

Janan Lots of kissie face going on!

JoAnn I missed you brother. It 's so good to see you again. Kissy, Kissy.

Terri Holmes kisses for her brother!!

Janan Just got on.. ..did both owls sleep in the box last night and is that Austin now visit ing?

Chris in Olympia, WA Only Wesley slept there today. He flew out, came back, got a teeat, and now has company.

JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat) Photos - One more batch after this one.

CAR (Cheryl) i'm getting Wes a smartphone so he can text in his order.. .

Melody LOL!

britt in southern cal OMG. I just came back after a few hours and I'm so glad to see 2 of them together. I'm in pain from the root canal this morning so I'm going to hit the painbott le and hit the hay. I really enjoyed spending the day with so many of you and chit-chatting, sharing, laughs, etc. MODs truly are a special group of peopleand you couldn't ask for a better bunch. I 've learned more in the last few months about compassion and humanity and most important ly, owls and

nature. Here's to each of you a good evening, good health, and happiness always. P.S. If anyone got a screen shot of Wesley exiting the owl box tonight, could you post if for me?

Dallas Good night, Brit t. Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Kathryn R Here you go!

Chris in Olympia, WA Are these OK?

Kathryn R

Excellent Chris! I see you downloaded that extension JH recommended. I LOVE it!

CAR (Cheryl) Oh, Oh! Hit the pain bottle and stay! People say really f unny things when they're on those meds! I always call people and tell them I love them... even if I don't.

dave the buzzard man Did you see that Mary Carol's (I think it was her) husband is soaking his gums with bourbon.

Mary Carroll I posted it. It worked well. He has been asleep. Britt, I hope you sleep peacefully and feel well in the morning.

wallyrussell britt in southern cal...... your comment on compassion and humanity... .it's contagious dontcha know. Let it spread., kathleen

Colleen Golesh

Hi Kathleen, I'd still like to be included in AVATARIA if you can do that! Do I need to do something special to have you add mine? Thanks!

Kay North GA mountains Goodnight everyone!

Kathryn R

Good night! It's slow enough now I can actually "say" that to someone!

Darlene Salisbury Goodnight Kay....

Kathryn R Gosh they launch f ast:


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JT Guess Austin spotted the Roach Coach

CAR (Cheryl) They've been away from each other all day - they have a lot to talk about !

JLZ Now its like a screaming match!


6/9/2010 Live Owl Nest Box Cam… 15/15
