  • 7/24/2019 LAB REPORT cromatoghraphy (Autosaved).docx








  • 7/24/2019 LAB REPORT cromatoghraphy (Autosaved).docx


    Pl!" P#$%&!" C'()%")$(*'+


    Chlorophylls are greenish pigments that have a special structure to provide

    energized electrons to other molecules. There are several types of chlorophyll but

    the most important one is chlorophyll a. Chlorophyll a passes its energized electrons

    on to molecules that will manufacture sugars and other carbohydrates. All plants that

    photosynthesize contains chlorophyll a and only some does not has chlorophyll b.

    Accessory pigments absorb light energy and transfers energy to chlorophyll a during

    photosynthesis. Two accessory pigments are carotenes and xanthophyll. Pigmentscapture the light energy needed for photosynthesis.

    Photosynthesis is a naturally occurring process that takes place in plants algae and

    even some forms of bacteria. They utilize the sunlight energy to convert C!"into

    carbohydrates. Photosynthesis is an essential part of life on #arth. $uring

    photosynthesis C!"expelled by animals and humans is absorbed and oxygen is

    created. There are some forms of bacteria that perform an oxygenic photosynthesis

    and no oxygen is released. This makes photosynthesis the counterpart of cellular


    Carotene is the most soluble pigment because it makes no hydrogen bonds with

    cellulose a ma%or component of cell walls so this pigment will move furthest along

    with the solvent during the chromatography. &anthophyll is not carried as far as

    carotene because it is less soluble in solvent and is slowed down by the hydrogen

    bond to cellulose of the cell wall. 'n plant chromatography solvents move up paper it

    separates the pigments into its components. The colours that are seen on the paper

    are plant pigment. (sing the formula )f* distance pigment migrate +mm, - distance

    solvent front migrated +mm, one can determine the distance moved by the pigment

    to the distance moved by the solvent.

    Researchquestion: hat is the leaf pigment present in leaves/

    Hypothesis: ' predict that the yellow0greenish colour pigment +chlorophyll b, and

    dark green pigment +chlorophyll a, can be found in the leave pigment because plant

    needed chloroplast which contained chlorophyll to carry out photosynthesis.

  • 7/24/2019 LAB REPORT cromatoghraphy (Autosaved).docx



    a, 'ndependent: 1tarting line

    b, $ependent: )atio travelled +)f,c, Controlled: Propanone ethanol grass leave


    02eave samples 0344cm5beaker

    01cissors 0Pencil

    0Pestle and mortar 0Threads



    06ilter paper


    3. Cut and measured a length of filter paper that is about 3cm longer the beaker.

    ". Cut a point at the end of the paper to a sharped end.5. A horizontal line is drawn %ust under the spot to form the starting point for the

    chromatography.7. Cut a handful of leaves into small pieces and placed them in the pestle.8. The leaves are grinded with ethanol.9. The concentrated extract of the leave %uice is collected by using dropper.. The leave extract is placed onto the filter paper about " cm from the sharped

    end.;. The pigment spot is allowed to dry to prevent it from spreading.

  • 7/24/2019 LAB REPORT cromatoghraphy (Autosaved).docx


    3". After 54 minutes the paper is removed from the beaker and ' marked the

    position of the solvent front instantly by using a pencil.35.The distance travelled by the solvent the distances travelled by each pigment

    and the colours of each pigment that can be seen is marked measured and


    37.The distances from the starting point to the solvent front and from the startingpoint to each colour centre spot and the )fvalues are calculated.

    $ata collection:

    =umber of


    hy paper




    Colour of








    3 " dark green 4 4.

  • 7/24/2019 LAB REPORT cromatoghraphy (Autosaved).docx


    1 , - 40./







    Graph of Rf against colour of pigment

    D( $(&&!

    Y&ll) $(&&!


    3. 'n this experiment only one type of leave was used the colour of pigment that

    was identified are dark green and yellow green. ?oth of the dark green andyellow green pigment found are chlorophyll because green plant has chloroplast

    which contained chlorophyll as the pigment. Chlorophyll is needed in the

    photosynthesis because it will absorb the energy from the sunlight.

    ". There are more than one pigment in the leave because each of the pigment

    have their own different role which is they are absorbing different wavelength of

    light the two pigment identified are both chlorophyll +a and b, because they are

    green in colour and they have different weight and polarity that is considered as

    the factor that cause the different )fvalues of both pigments. They both play the

    same role during the photosynthesis.

    5. The )fvalue of chlorophyll b is lower than chlorophyll a because they have

    different polarity. ?y using propanone as the solvent during the chromatography

    the )fvalue for chlorophyll a in each leaves is 4.

  • 7/24/2019 LAB REPORT cromatoghraphy (Autosaved).docx


    up the plate than others.The higher level of the pigment on the chromatogram

    indicates that the chlorophyll a which is at the higher level than chlorophyll b has

    higher solubility. The molecular size of the chlorophyll a itself is smaller.

    8. Temperature maybe a key variable that must considered because the solvent

    that used is volatile which is meant that is it easy to vaporize. hen the

    temperature of the surrounding is higher the propanone will be easier to

    vaporize. 1o that it will affect the laboratory result so when comparing it with

    the published data it will not approximately accurate.

    9. 1ome factors that affect paper chromatography are :

    a, 1olvent: A certain solvent will only attract certain pigments up the

    paper. This means that only certain pigment wilt travel with movement of the

    solvent. The grass leave contained green pigments that were identified by

    me. These are reBuired by the plant to undergo photosynthesis.b, 1ize of the particle: The smaller the size of the particles the smaller the )f

    value. The level of chlorophyll a is higher than chlorophyll b this indicates

    that chlorophyll b has bigger molecular size than chlorophyll a. hen then

    the size is bigger its polarity is higher too. This affects the )fvalue and its

    efficiency to absorb energy from sunlight.c, 1olubility: !nly certain pigments of plant can be soluble in the solvent so '

    should use more than one solvent. 'n this experiment chlorophyll a and b

    were identified this indicates that chlorophyll is soluble in propanone.

    . hen using different solvent the )fwill be different. 't is because when differentsolvent is used the )fwill be different. 6or example chlorophyll b is only soluble

    in fat solution.;. 'n the reaction centre chlorophyll that presents is chlorophyll a. 't is used during

    the photosynthesis to absorb energy from sunlight chlorophyll will absorb ray of

    blue colour and red colour. The other pigments which are accessory pigment will

    absorb other light ray of different colour.

  • 7/24/2019 LAB REPORT cromatoghraphy (Autosaved).docx



    The hypothesis was correct ' able to identify the colour of pigment that were

    predicted which were yellow0greenish colour pigment +chlorophyll b, and dark green

    pigment +chlorophyll a,. The colours separations are because of the differences in

    their molecular structure specifically their solubility in solvent+propanone, and their

    rate of absorption by the paper. et the ) f values were not the same as the published

    one because of some errors which are time and the measurement.

