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Page 1: July 2010 newsletter

A Newsletter to Inspire and Celebrate Oakland United Methodists Vol. 18, No. 7 July 2010

July Calendar of Events

Sunday, July 4 -10:30 a.m. Worship in the park w/communion Sunday, July 11 -9:00 a.m. Sunday school for all ages -10:00 a.m. Worship w/communion -11:00 a.m. Koinonia Thursday, July 15 7:00 p.m. Administrative Board meeting Sunday, July 18 -9:00 a.m. Sunday school for all ages -10:00 a.m. Worship -11:00 a.m. Koinonia Friday July 23 -5:00 p.m. Wedding rehearsal Saturday July 24 -4:00 p.m. Palmer Hamilton wedding Sunday, July 25 -9:00 a.m. Sunday school for all ages -10:00 a.m. Worship -11:00 a.m. Koinonia

"We invite all persons to be a part of our Community of Faith by participating in worship, education, fellowship and Christian service."

OAKLAND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 200 North Main PO Box 606 Oakland, IA 51560 Phone: 712-482-5530 Parsonage ph. 712-482-5539 E-mail: [email protected]

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Baptism of Maverrick Kalb, June 13, 2010 Pictured are sponsor Ronny Waggoner and Maverrick’s mother Nicholle. Rev. Textor and Maverrick. Maverrick’s parents are Jesse and Nicholle Kalb, (Jesse was to the left of Rev. Textor.)

See inside for pictures of Vacation Bible School

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Disciple Express Disciple Express

MOM'S EMPTY CHAIR A woman's daughter had asked the local

minister to come and pray with her mother. When the minister arrived, he found the

woman lying in bed with her head propped up on two pillows.

An empty chair sat beside her bed. The minister assumed that the woman

had been informed of his visit. 'I guess you were expecting me, he said.

'No, who are you?' said the mother. The minister told her his name and then remarked, 'I saw the empty chair and I

figured you knew I was going to show up..'

'Oh yeah, the chair,' said the bedridden woman.

'Would you mind closing the door?' Puzzled, the minister shut the door.

'I have never told anyone this, not even my daughter,' said the woman.

'But all of my life I have never known how to pray. At church I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but it went right

over my head.'

I abandoned any attempt at prayer,' the old woman continued, '

until one day four years ago, my best friend said to me,

' Prayer is just a simple matter of having a conversation with Jesus

Here is what I suggest. 'Sit down in a chair; place an empty chair in

front of you, and in faith see Jesus on the chair.

It's not spooky because he promised, 'I will be with you always'.

'Then just speak to him in the same way you're doing with me right now.'

'So, I tried it and I've liked it so much that I do it a couple of hours every day.

I'm careful though. If my daughter saw me talking to an empty chair, she'd either have a

nervous breakdown or send me off to the funny farm.'

The minister was deeply moved by the story and encouraged the old woman to continue on

the journey. Then he prayed with her, anointed her with oil, and returned to the

church. Two nights later the daughter called to tell the minister that her mama

had died that afternoon. Did she die in peace?' he asked.

Yes, when I left the house about two o'clock, she called me over to her bedside,

told me she loved me and kissed me on the cheek. When I got back from the store an

hour later, I found her . But there was something strange about her death Apparently, just before Mom died,

she leaned over and rested her head on the chair beside the bed. What do you make of

that?' The minister wiped a tear from his eye and said, 'I wish we could all go like that.'

I asked God for water, He gave me an ocean.* I asked God for a flower, He gave me a garden*

I asked God for a friend, He gave me all of YOU...

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

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Disciple Express Disciple Express

Greetings from the Dir. Of Recovery! Flood recovery in Eastern Iowa is still going strong. I have heard reports from various sources that there is a rumor going around that flood recovery of closing down – NO WAY! We are still going strong in Oakville and with Block by Block in Cedar Rapids. At Annual Conference I reported that Oakville has brought back 177 residents with a goal of bringing back 300 – that’s inspiring. They have a vision to rehab 25 homes in 5 years. For volunteer information, contact Tanya Lantz at 319-759-7685. In Cedar Rapids Block by Block is still working hard to rehab flood affected homes. We currently have 19 blocks signed on which amounts to 253 homes and approximately 85 are currently being worked on. We don’t plan on closing down any time soon – if at all and volunteers are STILL NEEDED!! Our greatest need for Block by Block currently, is semi-skilled or skilled volunteers in the fall. Registration for volunteering can be found at or

We have 100’s of volunteers coming this summer and we will keep moving forward in the recovery process. This is going be EXPLOSIVE year for flood recovery-come and be a part of it!

Becky Wood Director of Recovery and Volunteer Coordinator Oil spill touches Louisiana churches The Rev. Kirby Verret is working all sides of the Gulf Coast oil spill disaster that threatens both his small Louisiana church and his community. He is trying to tend to his 178-member Native American United Methodist congregation at Clanton Chapel in Dulac, offering support to families and people who fish for a living. And he is negotiating with British Petroleum, which wants access to the large, centralized sewer system – built after Hurricane Juan in 1985 – on the church’s property and space to house cleanup teams on church grounds. r

Brief news summary of the 2010 annual conference session “Radical Hospitality: Offering God’s Love” was the theme of the 167th yearly gathering of the Iowa Annual Conference. Former Bishop Rueben Job, Bishop Arthur Kulah of the Nigeria area and Rev. Doug Ruffle, director of the Office of Congregational Development of the Greater New Jersey Conference were guest preachers and speakers. The Conference, which was live streamed in its entirety, was an experience of “worshipful work” from beginning to end. Meeting from June 5-8, the Conference returned to Des Moines for the first time in over 20 years, Hy-Vee Hall of the Iowa Events Center was dedicated to service by Resident Bishop Julius Calvin Trimble as he prayed, Dear friends, rejoice that God, who moves hearts and transforms lives, moves us here and will continue to transform lives as we gather here…as we begin, let us now consecrate it for service and celebrate its holy use.” The Service for the Ordering of Ministry celebrated 42 elders, deacon and course of study graduates. Six persons who completed the Course of Study, sixteen were commissioned for the work of an elder, one was ordained deacon, and fifteen were ordained as elders. Bishop Arthur Kulah challenged those waiting to be commissioned and ordained to “Invite Jesus into your church. Invite Jesus to come in to your sermon. Your head and heart will be open and you will receive new ideas.” The Iowa Annual Conference has a tradition of seeing the work of and hearing from a conference artist. Rev. Ted Lyddon Hatten said, in his remarks, “Let’s quiet the confusion, disarm the mistrust, honor our differences, and deepen our experience of the Divine.” The Memorial Service, held Sunday afternoon, remembered 20 clergy and 24 clergy spouses who died during the past year. Retired Bishop Rueben Job spoke to the Conference during a presentation of the Garrett Evangelical Seminary, which is establishing a chair in spiritual disciplines in Bishop Job’s honor. Dr. Ken Sloane shared the new “rock the church” energies of Rethink Church to

conclude the day. Members of the 2010 Iowa Annual Conference session supported a resolution calling for “continuing intercessory prayer for comprehensive immigration reform…that is fair and just.” The substitute statement recognized that “God calls for love and justice for everyone.” Four special offerings raised more than $26,000. The approved 2011 budget is nearly two percent lower than the 2010 budget. Only one health care option, a high-deductible plan, will be offered in 2011, significantly lowering the initially proposed 23 percent increase from Wellmark. Membership stands at 184,376, a 1.6 percent decrease from the previous year. Worship attendance stands at 60, 715, a 2 percent decrease. Some 413 congregations received persons on profession of faith. 561 congregations paid apportionments at 100 percent and an additional 51 paid at least 80 percent. 515 congregations conducted a total of 2,482 baptisms. (For more pictures and articles go to

Partial Shot of the Worship area at Hy-Vee Hall.

A shot of the stage during setup.

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July 11: Mitch and Penny Anderson Mike and Kristy Bane

Candlelighter: Dallas Bane

July l8: ReAnn Hildebrand

Claire Palmer

Mary Waggoner Barb Schorsch Candlelighters: Conner Rankin & Anna Hildebrand

July 25: Dave and Sheila Applegate

Paul and Debbie Rollins Candlelighters: Kyra Martens & Sarah Jones

KOINONIA (No more phone call reminders)

July 11 Pam Ehmke

July 18 volunteer needed July 25 volunteer needed

Aug 1 volunteer needed Aug 8 volunteer needed If you are able to furnish Koinonia on any of the above 4 Sundays please contact Jean Blackburn.

July 4 Kristy Rieken

11 Lisa Pierson

18 Gloria Gleaves

25 Carol Wilson

JULY BIRTHDAYS 1 Chris Whitehill 2 Carol Kroft 4 Dawn Samson Scott Harris 5 Todd Bentley Dallas Bane 6 Collin Sowers 7 Eileen Haines Lisa Rollins Liz McMahon 9 Veva Larson Bo Reed 10 Kim Bane Schwarte Hannah Hummel 12 Shirley Frizzell Danene Hildebrand 14 Pam Ehmke 15 Wayne Bryant Dakota Feigenbutz 17 Roger Schnack Keagan Allensworth 19 Dana Harris Kathi Sharp Brogan Allensworth 20 Merv Larimore 21 Jared Schwarte 22 Collin Applegate Andrew Krueger 23 Walt Keast 25 Kyle Hackett 26 Erin Pierson Justus Brammer 27 Landen Pedersen 29 Joyce Shiffer Jonathon Schwarte 30 Jacob Miller 31 Joyce Henry Daryl Henningsen Sara Haines Christen Nolte


SYSTEM The projection system has been ordered but we still lack $2500. paying for it. If you would like to help, please put your donation in the offering plate with a note saying projection system or mail it to the church.

NURSING HOMES - Remember those in the nursing homes with cards and visits. Oakland Manor: Mary Applegate, Janis Dobernecker, Margaret Alff, Dorothy Forristall Oakland Heights: Eileen Haines, Lucille Bentley Griswold Nursing Home: Merle Davis Primrose: Lois Allen

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FOR PASTORAL CARE When you or a family member is hospitalized or face a crisis which pastoral care is needed, please communicate that need directly to Rev. Textor weekday mornings at the church (482-5530) or direct your call to her home phone (482-5539). If she is not available to her home phone, please leave your message on her answering machine. If you need the prayer chain started on the weekend or on Monday when the office is closed, please call Rev. Textor at 482-5539.

OFFICE HOURS Our secretary, Sheryl Sindt, is in the church office from 9:00 a.m. to noon Tuesday through Friday. Rev. Textor will be in her study from 10:00 a.m. to noon Tuesday through Friday. Rev. Textor can also be reached on her home phone (482-5539). The church building and office are closed on Mondays. Office phone 712-482-5530 Church e-mail address [email protected] Church address 200 N. Main, Oakland, IA 51560. Church web page

Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God Painful moments, trust God Every moment, thank God.

MY APOLOGY TO RYAN! In the senior picture last month I named Ryan Henderson that should have been Ryan Hildebrand. Sorry for the error.

THANK YOU!!!! “I would like to thank the committee for giving me the scholarship for $250.00. This money will be used to help pay for some of my college expenses. I appreciate the support that the Oakland United Methodist church has provided me. Again thank you.” Ashley Way

ORGANISTS NEEDED Emerson UMC is looking for an organist for one Sunday a month – permanently. If interested, please contact Sue Newsome at 712-824-7295.

The Atlantic, First UMC is looking for an Organist/Pianist for the month of August. If you, or anyone you know, is interested, please contact Mary Ward at 712-249-1530.

CONGRATULATIONS OAKLAND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH!!!! Your contribution to the Bishop’s challenge, F I T, in the amount of $126.25 put together with the rest of the Southwest District was taken to Annual Conference last month. During the session various District Superintendents stood and proudly announced their contributions of $1,000 to $2,000. Then our DS Brian Milford stood and announced over $4,000 was taken in by our district. He was very proud and pleased.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Disciple Express

is July 22

9:00 A.M.

Decorations & Set-up Sharon Jones Pam Ehmke Kristy & Marty Rieken Dave & Shelia Applegate Mark & Mischa Martens Suzanne Johnk

Registration Leigh Bell Kristy Bane Mark Jeppesen

Suzanne Johnk Directors Kristy Rieken

Pam Ehmke Bible Story Tellers Rev. Shirley Textor

Marty Rieken Loree Hamilton

Bible Story Helpers Sarah Jones Andrew Jones

Craft Leader Rev. Earlin Shanno Craft Assistants Norma Bolton

Lisa Rollins Music Leader Robin Jefferson / Laura

Moore Music Assistant Sharon Jones

Discovery Leader Merlin Jones

Recreation Leader Sean Ehmke Dinner Coordinator Mischa Martens

Dinner Helpers Lynelle Jeppesen

Lindsey Henderson Gloria Gleaves

Leigh Bell

Frances Rollins

Debbie Kester Nursery Leader Cyndy Haines

Nursery Assistant Cory Reichart

Cadet Leaders Hayden Haines Lisa Pierson

Barb Schorsch Sheila Applegate Dick & Louise Merkle

Suzanne Johnk Kyra Martens

Holly Hinkhouse Cathey Grosvenor Marsha Beedle

GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!! Thank you to all the wonderful help during Vacation Bible School. My apologies if your name has been omitted, but there were so many helpers. The event was very successful. We had 51 attendees to the week long activities. Also thank you to all who contributed financially or by furnishing food. . And thank Pastor Earlin and the Christian Church for co-sponsoring. Without all of you we could not bring the love of God to so many.

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Administrative Board Meeting May 20, 2010

Present: Rev. Shirley Textor, Bernie Bolton, Norma Bolton, Jean Blackburn, Barb Schorsch, Dick Merkle, Dave Applegate, Skip Applegate, Marty Reiken and Peggy Bentley. In Need of Prayer: A lengthy list of prayers for health concerns was named. Rev. Textor opened the meeting with special prayers for all named. Secretary’s Report: The April meeting minutes were presented. Norma motioned to approve the minutes and Skip seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as read. Treasurer’s Report: Dick answered questions about the Treasurer’s report. There have been a few parsonage maintenance items that has put that account over budget. Apportionments are paid through March. Barb motioned to accept the report. Dave seconded the motion and the report was approved. Finance Committee: Barb reported that Marty and Skip had taken on the challenge of the Service portion of our Commitment Drive. Marty spoke about the form that will be updated listing all of the options available to members to serve the church. This form will be sent in the newsletter and available at church. Commitment Sunday will be June 13, 2010. Trustees: Dave updated the Board on the projects that the church Trustees are involved in at this time. Bids are being obtained for a new kitchen floor. The furnace/air conditioner repair was made by Schechingers. The projector cabinet is almost complete and the wiring for the projector is ready to be shipped to Dave for installation. Bernie reported that the organ is not functioning properly and needs to be repaired. Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee: No report from chair. Rev. Textor reported that the committee is working on a church-wide birthday party. Pastor’s Report: Rev. Textor asked that an old piano be removed from the storage room and disposed of. The Board decided to first ask the congregation if anyone had use of the old piano. It will be published

in the newsletter to see if someone would take it for the hauling away. Rev. Textor reported that the youth group took pictures at their end of the year meeting and at the Senior Breakfast. Some of these pictures will appear in the newsletter.

Calendar: 5/23 Sunday School Recognition

5/30 Offering for Bishop’s Fit Offering 6/5-8 Annual conference in Des Moines 6/6 Summer Sunday School begins at 9:00

6/7-11 Vacation Bible School 6/17 June Administrative Board Meeting Missions Committee: $177 was collected for Women at the Well. Education Committee: Marty reported for Kristy that Summer Sunday School will begin on June 6th and it will be held at 9:00 before church. Bible School will be on June 7-11 and the committee is looking for volunteers to help with both projects. Memorial Committee: It was reported that the UMW has sent money for a bench to be placed in our Memory Garden in memory of Mildred Dobbs.

Old Business: Scholarship Committee: Peggy Bentley reported that she had met with Barb and the scholarships that were awarded went to Chelsey Grobe, Wesley Henry, Chad Obrecht and Ashley Way. The Don Knudsen Scholarship was awarded to 2 seniors who later changed their college destination, so at this time no award will be made. Summer Koinonia was discussed. Jesse has asked to take the summer off from finding volunteers to serve koinonia each Sunday. Jean volunteered to do the calling for the summer months. After discussion, it was decided to keep it after church as always. The care of the Memorial Garden was discussed. Several people would be willing to volunteer to help with a work day. Norma will contact Tami Skank to see if we can coordinate something with her.(cont’d)

(Ad Board minutes cont’d)

New Business: District Conference: Rev. Textor attended District Conference and enjoyed the reports of the other churches. A camp witness spoke about her positive experiences at church summer camp. The District Committees were decided and the District Volunteer asking will be $4.00 per member being divided by $2.50 for Carter Lake United Methodist Church, $1.00 for Hispanic Ministry and .50¢ for Emerging Ministries. David Weesner from Salem Methodist Church is becoming a District Superintendent and Rev Textor requested prayers for Salem as they welcome a new Pastor and make the adjustments that come with new leadership. Annual Conference: Annual Conference will be held in Des Moines on June 5th-8th. The Bishops FIT Offering will be collected on the last Sunday in May and sent to conference with Rev. Textor. Pension & Health Care costs will be a topic of discussion at convention. With no other business to be discussed, Barb motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Bernie closed the meeting with prayer.

Respectfully Submitted, Peggy Bentley

Recording Secretary

AIR CONDITIONER REPLACED The air conditioner in the adult lounge area has quit working and is beyond repair. Bids were taken and the new unit will hopefully be installed soon. If you would like to contribute to the expense of the new unit please make your check out with notation to new air conditioner .

4TH OF JULY WORSHIP IN THE PARK The Riverside Church Association is sponsoring a 4th of July worship in the park. Service will be at 10:30 a.m. in the gazebo. There is limited seating at picnic tables so some may want to bring lawn chairs. Communion will be offered and color coded envelops will be provided for the different church collections.

4TH OF JULY PARADE FLOAT The Sunday school is sponsoring the Methodist Church float for the 4th of July parade. Anyone wanting to help please contact Pam Ehmke. The parade begins at 5:00 p.m. Come join the fun.

Calling all Iowa State Fair Fans! Non-Stop Fun! August 12-22, 2010 The Iowa State Fair will be here before we know it and once again the Iowa United Methodist Church will have a presence in the air-conditioned Varied Industries Building. We need volunteers to staff the booth from 9am to 9pm on a daily basis, and have divided those 12 hours into three 4-hour shifts, with a need for 4 people to work in the booth for each shift. Groups – we love you! Can you send 12 people for the day and take turns volunteering?

Shift times are: 9 am – 1 pm 1 pm - 5 pm

5 pm – 9 pm In return for your time volunteering, we will provide free admission into the Iowa State Fair for the day you work. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Darci Hartman at [email protected] and provide the information requested.