  • Introduction to Nutrigenomic

  • Nutrigenomics is an integrative science combining biotechnology, molecular medicine, and pharmacogenomics, which is revolutionizing how nutrition and diet are viewed.

  • Nutritional genomics (nutrigenomics) is the study of the effects of nutrients and other bioactive dietary compounds on the expression of your genes (whether or not your genes are turned off or on and how much) and your risk for certain diseases.

  • Nutrigenomics is establishing the effects of ingested nutrients and other food components on gene expression and gene regulation, i.e., to study diet-gene interaction in order to identify the dietetic components having beneficial or detrimental health effects.

  • Nutrigenetics on the other hand identifies how the genetic makeup of a particular individual co-ordinates his or her response to various dietary nutrients. It also reveals why and how people respond differently to the same nutrient.

  • In the future, you may receive a personalized "nutrition prescription based on both an understanding of your nutrigenetics and nutrigenomic test results.

  • A working definition: it seeks to provide a genetic understanding for how dietary chemicals can affect the balance between health and disease by altering the expression of an individuals genetic makeup.

  • Genes Depend on Good NutritionFeed Your Genes Right

  • Effect Of Carbohydrate on Gene ExpressionFeeding high-energy diet to rats leads to early development of obesity and metabolic syndrome, apparently through an inability to cope with energy density of the diet.

  • Effect Of Carbohydrate on Gene ExpressionObesity is associated with decrease in mRNA levels for the oxygenic neuropeptides, NPY (neuropeptides Y), Ag RP (Agouti Related Peptide) etc.

  • Effect Of Carbohydrate on Gene ExpressionFeeding high-energy diet to rats leads to early development of obesity and metabolic syndrome, apparently through an inability to cope with energy density of the diet.

  • Glucose, the most abundant monosaccharide in nature, provides a very good example of how organisms have developed regulatory mechanisms to cope with a fluctuating level of nutrient supply.

  • In mammals the response to dietary glucose is complex because it combines effects related to glucose metabolism itself and effects secondary to glucose-dependent hormonal modifications, mainly pancreatic stimulation of insulin secretion and inhibition of glucagon secretion.

  • In the pancreatic -cells, glucose is the primary physiological stimulus for the regulation of insulin synthesis and secretion.

  • Regulation of Gene Expression by Dietary Fat

    In addition to its role as an energy source and its effects on membrane lipid composition, dietary fat has profound effects on gene expression, leading to changes in metabolism, growth, and cell differentiation.

  • Regulation of Gene Expression by Dietary Fat

    The effects of dietary fat on gene expression reflect an adaptive response to changes in the quantity and type of fat ingested.

  • Regulation of Gene Expression by Dietary Fat

    In mammals, fatty acid regulated transcription factors include peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptors (PPAR, -, and -), HNF4, NFB, and SREBP1c.

  • Effect of Protein on Gene ExpressionProtein is very essential for growth, to develop immunity, normal maintenance of body function and structure apart from reproduction and production.

  • The function of protein in body is not only at macro level but it also function at gene level. A variety or number of genes responds to dietary protein both protein quantity as well as quality influences gene expression.

  • Insulin secretion was reduced in rats, which are fed with low protein diet due to reduction in pancreatic -cell mass lower response of remaining -cells to nutrients and lowered protein kinase activity (PKA).

  • PKA is involved in potentiation of glucose induced insulin secretion by gastrointestinal hormones such as GIP and GLP-1.

  • Low protein diet feeding to rats altered the many gene expression, which are responsible for proteins related to insulin biosynthesis, secretion and cellular remodeling.

  • Normal insulin secretion is influenced by level of Protein Kinase C (PKC), K+ channel protein, calcium ion (Ca 2+) and PKA.

  • Increased ATP to ADP ratio achieved through glucose metabolism, close the K+ ATP channel, which leads to depolarization of -cells.

  • Depolarized -cells opens the voltage dependent Ca 2+ channels which results in influx of calcium leads to exocytosis of insulin granules.

  • Feeding low protein diet also increased expression of PFK in islets (teramers M, P, L, and C) results in defective glucose metabolism; it further leads to deceased glucose induced insulin secretion.

  • Feeding low protein diet decreases insulin level, it also acts through decreased movement of intracellular calcium

  • Your genes are always responding, in good or bad ways, to what you eat; to your emotions, your stresses, and your experiences; and to the nutritional microenvironment within each of your bodys cells.

  • If you maintain a particularly healthy genetic environment, your genes will function normally and you will age relatively slowly and be more resistant to chronic, degenerative diseases.

  • If you maintain a less-than healthy genetic environment, such as by smoking or eating large amounts of unhealthy foods, you will age faster and be more susceptible to disease.

  • Smoking cigarettes and drinking large amounts of alcohol accelerate gene damage, the aging process, and the risk of various diseases.

  • For genes to remain healthy and functionalto be turned on or off when they are supposed to betheir constituent DNA must be fed the proper nutrients.

  • Bodys production of DNA depends on the presence of certain vitamins. For example, you must have an adequate intake of vitamins B3 and B6 and folic acid to make DNA.

  • Low intake of folic acid can set the stage for widespread genetic damage, premature aging, heart disease, Alzheimers disease, and even some types of cancer.

  • Folic acid deficiency during the early weeks of pregnancy can impair DNA synthesis in the rapidly growing fetus and cause a variety of birth defects, including spina bifida, cleft palate, and cleft lip.

  • The most common causes of damage include free radicals, replication errors in DNA, andtranscriptional errors in DNA.

  • Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR)

  • Vitamin A. Influences the growth of cells and their differentiation into specialized cells.The most important nutrients affecting DNA and genes:

  • B-Complex Vitamins. Play diverse roles in DNA synthesis, repair, and regulation.The most important nutrients affecting DNA and genes:

  • Vitamin C. Enables generic stem cells to become specialized heart cells; it is also needed in energy-generating chemical reactions and the formation of proteins.

  • Vitamin D. Performs diverse hormonelike functions affecting bone density, immunity, and cancer risk.Vitamin E. Protects DNA from free-radical damage and also helps regulate some genes.

  • Chromium. Essential for the bodys use of the hormone insulin, which influences genes involved in fat- and muscle-cell production.Selenium. Needed for the normal functioning of the p53 cancer suppressing gene.Zinc. Provides key structural components, known as zinc fingers, to many genes.

  • Zn is an essential trace element with cofactor functions in a large number of proteins of intermediary metabolism, hormone secretion pathways and immune defense mechanism.

  • Zn is involved in regulation of small intestinal, thymus and hepatocytes gene expression.MTF-I (Metal Responsive element Factor- I) is a Zn dependent transcriptional activator regulates mettalothionin I and II through MRE.

  • Zn depedent KLF4 transcription factor is involved in protein preparation of HT-29 cells.The other protein have Zn in it as constituents are ATP synathase, cytochrome c, a, NADP dehydrogenase I and II regulated by Zn.

  • Ancient Genes, Modern DietGenes are routinely exposed to genetically unfamiliar foods, and they respon abnormally, such as by triggering chronic inflammatory reactions.

  • Ancient and modern diets differ in many ways.

    Vitamins and Minerals. With the exception of sodium (in salt), ancient humans consumed two to six times higher levels of most vitamins and minerals.

  • Ancient peoples consumed about equal amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 fats, but today the ratio is about 30:1 in favor of omega-6 fats. Both families of fats influence gene activity and provide biochemical building blocks for the immune system.

  • The omega-6 fats, found in corn oil, safflower oil, and other common cooking oils, promote inflammation. In contrast, the omega-3 fats, found in fish and grass-fed livestock, are antiinflammatory.

  • To make new DNA, which is necessary for health, healing, and life itself, your cells must have the energy to drive the underlying biological construction processes.

  • When large numbers of cells lack this energy, the deficiency negatively affects the production of DNA and the function of genes in different organs.

  • Increasing intake of mitochondrial nutrients found in foods and supplements can significantly improve the efficiency of your bioenergetics.

  • The crucial nutrients are coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), alpha-lipoic acid, carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine, ribose, creatine, and some of the B vitamins.

  • The greatest concentrations of CoQ10 are found in the most energy dependent and metabolically active cells, including those that form the skeletal muscle (in your arms and legs), the heart, the brain, the liver, and the immune system.

  • Statin Drugs Reduce CoQ10 LevelsFatigue, liver disease, and heart failure are among the risks associated with statin drugs.Statin drugs also decrease the bodys production of CoQ10.

  • Statin work by reducing the activity of a key enzyme involved in the production of cholesterol. However, the same enzyme is needed for CoQ10 synthesis. So with great irony, drugs prescribed to lower the risk of a heart attack increase the risk of fatigue and heart failure.

  • Vitamin B3. Known as niacin (nicotinic acid) and niacinamide (nicotinamide), vitamin B3 plays a central role in the production of energy and ATP

  • Nutrients That Protect DNA from DamageBoth antioxidants and free radicals turn many important genes on and off.

  • 1. Eat a nutrient-dense diet to make every bite count.2. Eat a variety of fresh, whole foods.3: Eat quality protein.4: Eat a varied selection of nonstarchy vegetables.Both antioxidants and free radicals turn many important genes on and off.

  • 5: Eat a varied selection of nonstarchy fruits.6: Consume only healthy oils and fats.7: Season your foods with herbs and spices.8: Drink water and teas.9: Eat organically produced foods whenever possible.

  • 10: Restrict or avoid refined carbohydrates and sugars, and limit your intake of all processed carbohydrates.11: Minimize your consumption of highly refined cooking oils.12: Avoid all foods with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and trans fats.

  • 8: Drink water and teas.Soft drinks (liquid candy) provide an enormous amount of refined sugars, usually in the form of high-fructose corn syrup.

  • 8: Drink water and teas.Quenching your thirst with a sugary soft drink, you initiate or sustain an up-and-down blood-sugar and insulin cycle that can reduce your glucose tolerance, leave you feeling tired, and impair your concentration. Elevated insulin levels trigger a variety of changes in gene activity that increase body fat and the risk of diabetes.
