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The BeliefCloset Process™

Introduction and Workbook

Read this e-book before your first BeliefCloset session

Change your beliefs as easily as you change your clothes.

Lion Goodman

Entire Contents © 2009 by Lion Goodman.

This is a proprietary work product licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution – Noncommercial -No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. You are free to share, copy, distribute and transmit the work,

but you may not sell it or use it for any commercial purposes. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. Entire contents and attribution must remain. All other rights reserved.

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The BeliefCloset™ Process

An innovative and effective method to permanently remove l imit ing beliefs and

replace them with new empowering bel iefs .

You have made a bold move. You are about to enter the most interesting territory known to human culture: your beliefs. Like all great discoverers before you, you must leave behind what is known and secure. Welcome to your new life!

You may want to change how you feel, perceive, or react. Or you may want to open new possibilities for your life. To do so, you must leave behind what doesn’t work anymore. As an explorer of your own inner landscape, you will be examining your past experiences, attitudes, sense of self, and your own awareness. You will boldly go where no one else can go: into the deepest depths of yourself – into your beliefs.

Warning: If you are under the care of a therapist, do not use this process without your therapist’s prior approval. This process involves visualization. It is not recommended for those who have had difficulty discerning reality from non-reality. Do not use

this process if you have had hallucinations or have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or any other delusionary disorder.

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Most people think of beliefs as thoughts (a mental or cognitive process) or as a way of interpreting what is so about the world. I have concluded that beliefs go much deeper than our thoughts, our interpretations, even our faith. When I use the term beliefs, I am referring to something fundamental to the human mind, to human emotions, and to human experience. I am pointing to the wiring underneath the circuit board, a building block of consciousness. Here is my definition: Beliefs are the alphabet we use to create the language of our experience. Most people believe that we come to believe certain things through our experience of the world. (“Every time I try something new, I fail. So what’s true is: I’m not good at new things.”) I’m turning this idea upside down: Every experience has at least one belief at its core, because beliefs create our experiences. There is a wide awareness of the idea that we create our own reality. But how is it created exactly? And if you don’t like the reality you’re experiencing, how can you change it? The BeliefCloset Process is a dynamic (and fun) way to do just that. If you change your beliefs, you will change your reality (that is: your experience of reality). You may not change your circumstances or the world, but you will change your perspective and your ability to respond (your response-ability). By changing your beliefs, you can move yourself into the optimum position to actually change your circumstances or the world. As infants, we are biologically programmed to acquire the beliefs of those around us – our parents, caretakers and elders. This built-in mechanism helps us survive as a helpless child in an uncertain, dangerous world. If we become like those around us, we have a better chance of survival. If we’re different than those around us, we could get pushed out of the group – and we would die.

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We begin to accumulate beliefs while still in the womb. Our brain and body development occur inside the electromagnetic and electrochemical field of our mother. We know, feel and sense her emotional state. If she is producing stress or fear hormones, we are bathed in those chemicals. We begin to get a sense of the world while still inside our mother’s belly. “I am safe,” or “I am not safe.” The first beliefs we acquire are somatic (body-based feelings and sensations). “I am wanted,” or “I am not wanted.” Once we are pushed out of our safe womb-home into the bright and dangerous world, job #1 is survival. An infant is like a little scientist, trying to figure out how to navigate in a new world where nothing is known. Babies observe their parents to determine what will please them. Our brain contains millions of “mirror neurons” that enable us to mimic and copy what we see around us. And like any good scientist, a baby comes to conclusions after making observations. “When I cry, I get my needs met. When I laugh, it pleases them.” All of these conclusions are beliefs. We think of beliefs as verbal expressions, but these first beliefs are non-verbal expressions of those early conclusions. As soon as we arrive, our parents and caretakers begin to load us up with their beliefs. “What a darling little girl.” “Her name is Sandra.” She is so cute!” In our first months of life, we are programmed with more beliefs. We are not seen as a whole and a complete human being, but rather as an empty container to be filled. Our parents teach us what they believe is right and wrong: “Don’t put that in your mouth – it’s dirty!” “Oh what a mess you’ve made!” “What a good boy!” “What’s wrong with her?” As we grow, we are shown how to perform to our parent’s expectations: “Here’s how to do that.” “No, that’s wrong.” “What a good student you are!” “Don’t ever do that again!” On top of these programs, as good little scientists we come to our own conclusions about what is happening, especially if there is trauma, repeated trauma, or subtle, long-term pain. If we feel unloved or abandoned, we usually conclude, “There is something wrong with me. I am not lovable.” Additional beliefs pour in from every direction. Siblings treat us like we’ve dropped from the sky to screw up their life. Images and messages from radio and TV (the beliefs of our culture) are fed to us along with our baby food. We are taught to name objects (names and labels are early forms of beliefs). We are taught to read (language is a structured belief set about the world: “The doggie says ‘bow-wow.’”). In school, our teachers add more layers of beliefs:

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“If you don’t sit still, you’ll get in trouble.” “It’s better to be smart than dumb.” “Girls should be nice.” “If you want to speak, raise your hand.” “Some animals are dangerous.” “Pilgrims were good. Indians were bad.” In our church, mosque, or synagogue, we are told what to believe about God and the Universe. These beliefs are true, we are told. They are not to be questioned. We are indoctrinated by everyone who wants us to believe as they do. Indoctrinated means that doctrines (beliefs) are poured into us.

Advertising agencies program us with beliefs about every product they want us to buy. Media feeds us beliefs through every medium: magazines, billboards, television and computer screens: “Buy this and you’ll be happy!” “If you look like this people will like you.” “Conflicts are best solved with fists or a gun.” “If you do it this way, you’ll be successful.” Beliefs stack on top of each other. Like a snowdrift, the pile gets higher and higher. We figure some things out on our own, adding these conclusions to the belief pile: “If I act like those kids, I’ll be popular.” “Nobody likes me.” “I don’t belong.” “I’m all alone.” The bad news is: Beliefs are like old computer programs. Once they are programmed into us, they continue to operate in the background forever. The good news is: It is possible to delete those old useless programs through a process of conscious identification and choice. The BeliefCloset Process uses this method to press the Delete button within your own subconscious, where the beliefs are stored. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. Forever. [How do I know? I’ve experienced it. How can you find out? By experiencing it directly.]

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You wouldn’t use a computer with an operating system that’s five years old, let alone thirty or forty years old! But that’s what’s happening with your own operating system – your own belief structure. You’re still utilizing the beliefs you accumulated during your first ten years of life. As we grew and matured, the programs we needed in our youth became irrelevant. “Stay close to Mommy.” is good advice for a young child. But if that belief is still operating in your life, it will make you crazy and interfere with your ability to establish successful relationships. It’s time for an operating system upgrade! You old operating system is still running you. No wonder you feel so confused! The critical, berating voices you hear inside your head are simply a set of beliefs wrapped up in a thin layer of identity. You may hear the voice of the Critic: “You’re don’t have what it takes. That’s not the right way to do it. What’s wrong with you?” You may hear the voice of the Doubter: “Why bother making the call? You’ll probably be rejected. You’ll never complete that – so why even start?” These voices are simply old programs (beliefs) that need to be deleted. Imagine life without them! Although discreating beliefs is both easy and effective with the BeliefCloset Process, it takes time and steady processing to work through many hundreds (or thousands) of beliefs you accumulated during your lifetime. It doesn’t happen all at once, but you can feel real progress with each session:

• What has felt like a heavy burden lightens up over time. • Former blocks and barriers seem to just disappear. • Full self-expression becomes easier and more effortless. • Feelings of happiness and joy show up naturally. • Things become possible that seemed impossible before. • You look back on the past and realize it isn’t limiting you anymore. • Relationships improve naturally because you feel free to be yourself. • It’s easier to make money and have abundance in your life. • Your health and vitality increase because your self-care increases. • Your soul’s purpose emerges and begins to shine in your life. • Clients suddenly appear interested in what you have to offer.

Why haven’t we been taught how to dissolve our old beliefs, and taught how to create new, empowering beliefs? The reason is simple: no one ever taught our parents. Nor their parents. Nor their parents before them. Your life is the end product of 10,000 years of cultural indoctrination.

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But now, you have in your hands a technology for life transformation. You can use it yourself, without the need for a guru, priest, therapist, teacher or parent telling you what you should believe. (We recommend working with a BeliefCloset Practitioner, who has been trained to provide you with the optimum guidance and support.) The BeliefCloset Process is easy. It’s fun. It’s effective. It’s permanent. And best of all, it’s free.

Why am I giving away this powerful technology for free, when I could be charging a lot of money for it?

There are many reasons why I’m releasing this process into the world at no cost:

• I want everyone to have the ability to release themselves from enslavement from past programming. I want to empower people to express their greatest gifts in the world.

• I offer trainings in the use of The BeliefCloset Process to coaches, therapists, and heart-centered service professionals. I want people to take my trainings and use the process to help others. (For information about training courses, visit

• This process was a gift from Source. It came through me, along with the instructions to set it free. Everyone in the world should have access to this gift, regardless of their economic condition.

• I trust the Universe. If we pay it forward and give our greatest gifts to the world, the Universe will take care of us. My request is that you pay it forward. Share this methodology with others. Help others free themselves.

• If you find the process valuable, please consider making an offering so we can fund the teaching of the BeliefCloset Process to students, prisoners, and patients in hospitals and institutions. (Contribute through

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A Well-Hidden Secret – Revealed! As a teenager, I was curious about myself, about other people, and about the world around me. Why did people behave the way they did? Why did I believe what I believed? What was the nature of human nature? Why are we here? I studied psychology, religions, philosophy, neurology, psychic abilities, the mind, and consciousness itself. My Bachelor’s degree was granted in 1975 in the field of Consciousness Studies – one of the first such degrees ever granted. I continued to explore the nature of human nature through business, organizational psychology, self-development, and spiritual disciplines. What I discovered is a “well-hidden secret.” By studying consciousness itself, I have seen behind the magician’s curtain. I have learned how we create our own experiences of reality, and how to change them. The BeliefCloset Process is based on the first principles and natural laws of the mind. The process itself is a new and easier way to accomplish what every healer, therapist and self-help guru is already attempting to do and teach: Heal thyself. Belief-change technology should have been taught to us in elementary school: “Children, there is a simple mechanism by which your consciousness shapes your reality. You get to choose what you experience. Would you like to experience more joy? Less pain? More fun? More love? By changing your beliefs, you can change your life. Okay, here’s how to do it...” Unfortunately, none of us got that training. Here is some good news: It’s never too late to have a happy childhood!

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As you grew up, your pile of accumulated beliefs became invisible to you. It moved into your subconscious mind. Your beliefs became the water you swim in, the way you looked at the world. “That’s just the way it is.” “People are like that.” You might be a person who has worked hard to make changes in your outer circumstances: your environment, your job, your relationships. Perhaps you resisted change, hanging on tightly to what you already knew, regardless of the pain and the suffering involved. Whatever path you chose, you now have a new choice. You can examine your life, decide what you would rather experience, and change your beliefs to create that reality. If you were one of the lucky ones, you became an inner explorer. You went into therapy, took yoga classes, or attended workshops. You knew that change was possible. You transformed yourself, step by step. You realized that you could free yourself from your old habits and create a healthier lifestyle. If you examine the progress you’ve made thus far, you will see that you’ve been changing some of your old beliefs – and that changed everything.

But some of your beliefs haven’t changed. Beliefs are sticky, and they keep haunting us, preventing us from expressing our magnificence. With the BeliefCloset Process, you can free yourself of your past programs. When you are free from the past, you are also free to create the world you want. Inside the BeliefCloset, you will permanently delete old limiting beliefs that have interfered with your life. Once an old belief is discarded, an open space is created. You then have the opportunity to replace the old belief with a new belief that empowers you. You are at choice. You can choose new beliefs that will support your success, happiness, and forward momentum toward your dreams. In the BeliefCloset, this happens easily, simply, and joyfully. Welcome to your new world.

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Beliefs Beneath the Surface If you study anything deeply enough, and look for the underlying principles, you will find beliefs beneath the surface. A good example is the study of our monetary system. The green pieces of paper we use to exchange goods and services are made of pure belief. The trust we place in U.S. dollars is based on the belief that they have value, and will continue to have value. The truth is, they have no essential value. If you remove the belief in the institutions behind them, our government and banks, they would be… green pieces of paper.

Think of any major problem in the world: war, hunger, poverty, environmental destruction, cruelty, genocide, abuse, etc. When you look deeply at what enables people to do the worst to each other and to the planet, you will find basic beliefs at the core of the problem:

• I am separate. • I must dominate others to survive. • Those other people are vermin and must be destroyed. • The Earth’s resources are here to be exploited. • Making a profit is the most important thing.

On the other hand, consider the greatest accomplishments of humanity: music, literature, justice, medicine, peace, environmental awareness, philosophy, wisdom, cultural traditions, science, technology, art, drama, and architecture. When you look deeply into what inspires people to do their best, and to make a contribution to the world, you will find basic beliefs at the core:

• Love is more important than anything else. • I am here to create beauty. • I want to make a contribution to others. • Peace is possible. Injustice must stop. • All people deserve to have their basic needs met. • We are meant to be free to express ourselves. • We can heal ourselves, each other, and the earth.

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Your life is a result of the beliefs you have accumulated throughout your lifetime. Your “reality” (that is: your experience of the world) is composed of your beliefs. Your beliefs act as a filter, like sunglasses in front of your eyes. You see some of the things around you, but not others, all in accordance with your beliefs. You attract specific kinds of experiences, and not others, because of the beliefs you hold. Beliefs are always self-confirming and self-reinforcing. We experience the “truth” of the world through this giant filter.

Is it possible to transform our lives so that we are creating only what we want? Is it possible to feel only how we want to feel? The simple answer is yes, but it takes some work. Like shoveling thick snow that has accumulated over many snowstorms, there’s a lot of work to do – but it can be done. You can live your dream life if you’re willing to do some shoveling. In addition to creating our view of the world, beliefs also create feelings, sensations, and emotions in the body. Each and every belief you hold creates a unique feeling or sensation. Every feeling or sensation you have can be traced to some belief. You can prove this to yourself by trying on beliefs in the same way you try on clothes to see how they fit and feel. This concept is central to the BeliefCloset Process. You can “try on” a belief by saying the belief to yourself as if you believe it, and feel what it feels like. The more you are able and willing to believe it, the stronger the feeling. With practice, you will notice that each belief creates a specific sensation somewhere in your body or in your sense of Self. For example, feel what it feels like to hold the belief, “I am worthless. I don’t deserve to be happy.” Really take it on. Say the phrase to yourself and feel that it’s true. Notice how it makes you feel. Take a moment and do this now.

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After you have felt the feelings the belief generates, take off the belief and discard it (as you would old clothes that don’t fit you anymore). Do you feel a sense of relief? Now, feel what it feels like to hold the belief, “I am part of the Divine and I deserve the joy and happiness that is radiating from within me.” Say it to yourself until you feel the feelings generated by the belief. Enjoy it! When you feel complete, take off the “belief-feeling” and set it aside. (Or keep it on if you like it. You are always free to keep or discard any belief.) The difference between the two feelings was obvious, wasn’t it? Which would you rather believe, if you had a choice?

You do have a choice. You simply need to exercise it. This is the foundation of the BeliefCloset Process: the ability to try on beliefs, see how they “feel” and if they “fit,” discarding beliefs that no longer fit who you are or who you want to be. You will begin by examining the beliefs you have, and exploring beliefs that are beneath the surface. Use the worksheet below. You will then choose three beliefs to work with inside your BeliefCloset. After an old belief has been discarded, you can replace it with a new belief that will better serve your life. Because all beliefs create an experiential reality, you might as well choose the ones that will work best for you. The BeliefCloset Process empowers you to choose what you want to experience in your life, by consciously choosing what you want to believe. This was the ability demonstrated by Neo in The Matrix.

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Anything in your life that troubles you or is painful is an

opportunity knocking, inviting you to examine your beliefs. What is causing the pain in your life? Your beliefs. What is causing your fear and doubt? Your beliefs. What causes you to act that way in that kind of situation? Your beliefs. What causes the good stuff in your life to appear? Your beliefs. When you change your beliefs, you alter your experience of the world, and you also alter your view of yourself. “I feel like a different person.” And so you are. A new belief can easily shift your attitude, your posture, your demeanor, your ability to express yourself, or the way you interact with others. When you question your long-held beliefs, the possibility for real change opens up in your life. When you take the time to look within, examine your old beliefs, and trade them in for new, improved beliefs, you open your life up – step by step – to your essential, joyful nature. Each belief layer you dis-create (un-create, dissolve, destroy or disappear) frees you up and opens new possibilities. Fewer and fewer hindrances and barriers exist between you and what you want to create or accomplish. When you look at all of the beliefs you have, both positive and negative, and imagine all of them creating reality at once, you will understand why your life feels messy. When you take full responsibility for your reality, you can change your life – belief by belief. Are you ready to pop a few beliefs?

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Our Deepest Belief Structures Beliefs come in many forms and categories. Some of them are so deep that they form the fundamental foundation around which we operate in the world. Your answer to the question “Who am I?” is an example of your core beliefs. Other beliefs operate in the practical and social world. Among them are what you believe about other people, what you believe about the world, what you believe about your capabilities and limitations, and what you believe about what is important. Some beliefs are almost universal – they lie at the core of each of us, at the core of our human condition:

• Something is wrong here. • I’m not good enough. • There’s something wrong with me. • I’m on my own. • I don’t belong.

Most people have hundreds of beliefs that have been accumulated over their lifetime. Some beliefs are useful and are very good for you. For example, the belief, “I can do anything I put my mind to,” is a very positive influence on your life. It provides self-esteem, removes limitations, and encourages perseverance until your goals are accomplished. This is a belief you would want to keep. Positive beliefs are often called Affirmations. But saying affirmations without discreating your old beliefs is like putting whipped cream on top of moldy food to make it more palatable. You have to clean out the old beliefs before you install new ones. Otherwise, you’ve just added to the messy pile of conflicting beliefs within you.

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Belief Self-Diagnosis Exercise This exercise will help you expose your own subconscious (invisible) beliefs to your conscious mind. At the end of the exercise, you’ll choose three beliefs to explore and change in your first BeliefCloset session. You will then be ready to work with the BeliefCloset Audio Guide or a BeliefCloset Practitioner.

Step One: Uncovering Your Beliefs You will need a journal or a pad of paper. Contemplate each question below, and write down every belief you can think of in that category. Begin by saying to yourself, “Something I believe about myself is…” Let your thoughts flow and keep your pen moving. Don’t judge your beliefs, argue with them, or censor them. Just allow whatever comes up to be written down. Write down all of them, even if they sound absurd or strange to you. When your subconscious talks, it’s a good time to listen. Give yourself a few minutes to write freely on each question. Answer as many questions as you can in one sitting, then choose three you want to work with in your BeliefCloset session. You can always come back and explore the remaining questions later.

The Belief Questions What do I believe about…

• Myself • My body • My health • My work • My financial situation • My sexuality • My abilities • My limitations • My attitudes • My soul, spirit or spiritual self • My circumstances • God/Spirit/Source

• Money • Handicaps, injuries, illnesses • My family • My relationships • My government • The world • Good and Evil • Truth • Life • The past • The future • My beliefs

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Step Two: Understanding Your Beliefs Go through each belief on your list and circle between five and ten beliefs that have the most negative charge for you – that is, the beliefs you feel really interfere with your life. Next to each circled belief, write down your answers to the following questions:

a. Has this belief been beneficial to me in my life or detrimental to me? b. Was this belief indoctrinated into me? If so, by whom? Did I ever

consciously choose to believe it? If so, when? Why did I do so?

c. What has been the advantage of having this belief? How has it served me in my life? What did I get or gain by having this belief? What did I avoid by having this belief?

d. Who would I be without this belief?

e. What would be different in my life if I held a different belief about this subject?

f. Would I be willing to try out a different belief?

g. What belief could I replace it with that would be more positive,

beneficial, and empowering in my life? Now, pick three of these beliefs that you would like to change in your first BeliefCloset session, and write them here:

1) ______________________________________________________.

2) ______________________________________________________.

3) ______________________________________________________.

Step Three: Creating New Beliefs

When you discreate an old belief, what is created is space, a sense of openness, of possibility. You now have the opportunity to install a new, more empowering belief in that space. If you don’t fill the space, the old belief can sometimes creep back in.

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Look at belief #1 above. What would you like to believe instead? A good place to start is its opposite, but don’t stop there. You can enhance the new belief so that it feels very supportive and positive in your body as well as your mind. For example: if the old belief is “There’s something wrong with me,” you could replace it with, “There’s something right about me.” That belief is better, but it’s not really empowering. If you push it all the way up the scale of good feelings, you might come to: “I am the light of my soul. I shine with my unique and perfect light.” Can you feel the difference? We’re going for that “WOW” feeling. Here’s another example. If you hold the old belief, “I am not loved,” you could replace it with “I am loved,” which is a good belief to have. But feel what it would feel like to believe, “I deserve and receive love from every person in my life who is right for me.” Since you get to choose the beliefs you have, you might as well find the most empowering beliefs that you can express, own, and enjoy. Here’s another way to think about it: Since every belief produces a specific feeling & experience, ask yourself what experience you would LIKE to have about this topic. Imagine having that feeling right now. Now ask yourself what belief would create that feeling. You’ll have an opportunity to try on your new beliefs inside your BeliefCloset, and you can make adjustments as necessary when you’re there. When you work with a BeliefCloset Practitioner, he or she will work with you to shape the beliefs that will best serve you. And don’t worry – you can always improve your beliefs later. You’ve been living with those old beliefs for decades. Creating new beliefs is a skill that improves with practice. Take time now and write down the beliefs you would like to have in place of the three old limiting beliefs above. My three new beliefs:

1) ______________________________________________________.

2) ______________________________________________________.

3) ______________________________________________________.

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You are now ready for your BeliefCloset session! Prepare to change your reality and rock your world. You are about to enter a magic zone in which you can take control of your own beliefs, your own experiences, and your own life. Are you ready? If you’re using the audio recording, create a safe space where you won’t be interrupted. Get yourself into a comfortable position where you can close your eyes. Have easy access to the pause and play buttons on your computer or audio player. Begin the audio program now. If you are working with a BeliefCloset Process Facilitator, call them and make an appointment for your first session. If you would like to be guided in the BeliefCloset Process by a trained facilitator, click here for a list of Certified Practitioners. Write down descriptions of your new Belief-Outfits here:

1) ______________________________________________________.

2) ______________________________________________________.

3) ______________________________________________________.

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After your first BeliefCloset Session

Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step toward your new destination – a new, better, happier you!

After each BeliefCloset Session, please let us know what you experienced by email to [email protected]. (Let us know if we can share your results and use your name [or not] on our website.) If you’re ready for more deep transformation, go back over your Belief Self-Diagnosis, and choose three more beliefs you would like to discreate, and three new beliefs you’d like to replace them with. When you are ready to go deeper, run the audio session again. If you received value from the process, please pay it forward. Share it with your friends and family members, business colleagues or members of your community or church. If you would like to support our work, please make a contribution toward our work with non-profit organizations. is not a non-profit organization, and contributions are not deductible. We do promise to use your contribution to promote the free distribution of the BeliefCloset Process through schools, prisons, hospitals, and other institutions. If you experienced anything surprising, or something that you couldn’t handle easily, contact one of our BeliefCloset Practitioners. Practitioners are trained to easily solve any problem that comes up during the process. Because the BeliefCloset Process operates in the Imaginal Realm, the most surprising and interesting things can come up. Enjoy the surprises! The Imaginal Realm is the same place in which your night dreams are painted by your subconscious thoughts and memories. Ask a trained Practitioner to help you through any difficulty that may have come up. That’s what we’re here for. Sign up for a BeliefCloset Training. The Introduction to the BeliefCloset Process is a 2-session teleclass. You’ll receive an instruction manual and personalized training, attention, and feedback. Paired with another participant, you will both receive and give personally guided sessions. If you want to facilitate others in the BeliefCloset Process, this training is highly recommended. The cost is only $79. Click here to learn more or to register. If you are a coach, therapist, healer, or consultant, sign up for the BeliefCloset Practitioner’s Training. Over a period of 5 weeks, you’ll learn all of the subtleties involved in guiding BeliefCloset sessions. You will receive the

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complete 40-page instruction manual, and have the opportunity to both guide and receive four BeliefCloset sessions. Although designed for service professionals, everyone interested in helping others can take this training. The cost is $349, or only $325 with the early-bird discount. Click here for more information. You now have the power to create your own life from the inside out, and you have our support and best wishes during your journey. Contact us if we can be of service, and let us know of your successes.

For personal BeliefCloset sessions, information about The BeliefCloset Process, or BeliefCloset Trainings, contact:

Lion Goodman

The BeliefCloset Process San Rafael, California


[email protected]

To learn more about the BeliefCloset process, and hear a live demo, sign up for a free Introductory BeliefCloset Teleseminar.

Listen to an audio recording of a previous Introductory BeliefCloset Teleseminar.

This document, and the audio recording of the Guided Session, are part of the

BeliefCloset Jump-Start Kit, which can be downloaded by signing up on the website:

Travel well on your journey through the landscape of your beliefs!
