Page 1: International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) · of the IB Middle Years Programme that is responsible for all ... Ms Rachel Harrison MYP Coordinator and Mathematics

International Baccalaureate (IB)Middle Years Programme (MYP)TAS IS A CANDIDATE SCHOOL FOR THE IB MYP PROGRAMME

Page 2: International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) · of the IB Middle Years Programme that is responsible for all ... Ms Rachel Harrison MYP Coordinator and Mathematics

TAS Middle School is pleased to be a candidate school for the

introduction of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle

Years Programme (MYP). Being accepted as a candidate

school is the first stage in the full adoption of the MYP which

will take up to 2 years and is a journey that we will take with

students, staff and parents together, and is one that will be for

the overwhelming benefit of our Middle School students.

The introduction of the MYP is very exciting because it will

enable our Middle School students to develop into more

engaged, creative, globally aware senior students and this lies

at the heart of our adoption of the MYP. Its introduction will

be incremental and will not affect the NSW curriculum that

is taught at TAS. However it will change the way it is taught,

allowing for greater freedom to explore inter-disciplinary

learning through global contexts, promote critical thinking

and engender heightened creativity and expression.

Mr Mark Harrison Head of Middle School

Ms Rachel Harrison MYP Coordinator

Page 3: International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) · of the IB Middle Years Programme that is responsible for all ... Ms Rachel Harrison MYP Coordinator and Mathematics

What is the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme?The IB MYP is an approach to education that is internationally

recognised as being one that prepares students to become

creative, critical and reflective thinkers through its unique

system of academic rigour and a focus on personal growth.

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring,

knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better

and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and


An IB education is based upon some compelling objectives:

1. A student centred focus in academic programs, promoting

healthy relationships, ethical responsibility and personal


2. Developing effective approaches to teaching and learning

for both academic and personal success

3. Working within a global context increasing understanding

of languages and cultures, international ideas and issues

4. Exploring curriculum content that is broad and balanced,

conceptual and connected.

The IB Learner Profile effectively outlines the skills we want all

our Middle School students to develop and lies at the heart of

the Middle Years Programme.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2015


Page 4: International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) · of the IB Middle Years Programme that is responsible for all ... Ms Rachel Harrison MYP Coordinator and Mathematics

Why are we adopting the Middle Years Programme?The opportunity to introduce the Middle Years Programme

has come about because of changes to the IB regulations that

now allows for a three-year program to be introduced instead

of the five-year program. It fits perfectly with our whole-school

academic strategy; the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) is

now implemented in Junior School and our Senior School

begins with our very successful elective choice structure for

Years 9 and 10 before the focus and attention is turned to the

HSC program of Years 11 and 12. The natural fit of the MYP

within this framework is exciting and better prepares our

students better for Senior School.

As all our parents are aware, TAS is a member of the Round

Square group of schools and as such we believe in the Round

Square IDEALS upon which membership is based and we

actively pursue involvement in all areas. One of the early

influencers of the development of the IB was Dr Kurt Hahn who

also founded Outward Bound, the Duke of Edinburgh Award

Scheme and – interestingly – Round Square. Dr Hahn’s influence

was founded in his believe that education should include

physical fitness challenge and adventure, a sense of compassion

through service and development of self-reliance and self-


INTERNATIONALISM – students see themselves as global citizens and look beyond

gender, class, race, nationality and culture

DEMOCRACY – freedom of thought and speech is encouraged and communication channels are set in place

ENVIRONMENTALISM – students learn about the fine balance and interdependence between humans and the planet

ADVENTURE – schools offer activities that foster a spirit of adventure to discover they are capable of more than they might have imagined

LEADERSHIP – students learn true leadership is serving others and is found in those whose

convictions are rooted in personal responsibility, kindness and justice

SERVICE – students come face to face with the plight of those in most need around the world and realise they can make a positive difference through service.

These natural synergies between the IB mission and the Round

Square IDEALS affirm the TAS education philosophy - that

education should be about the holistic development of the

child also lends itself to the adoption of the Middle Years

Programme. Particularly in today’s world, appreciating the

broader global context in which we live and the diversity within

it gives our students an academic edge.


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How are we implementing it?What will change?

One of the most profound changes that we expect to see in our

Middle School students will be in their levels of engagement

with their academic work as they become more familiar with

becoming ‘inquiry-based learners’.

In an MYP classroom, you’ll notice that the students are at the

centre of learning. They are drawing connections between

all subject areas and learning is explicitly linked to the world

around them. It is already a requirement in Middle School to

study a foreign language and this becomes more profound

when MYP learning experiences infuse global points of view

wherever possible in order to promote understanding of

other cultures, an awareness of the human condition and

an understanding that there is a commonality of human


What is taught?

Of course, the introduction of the MYP will not change the fact

that the NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) curriculum

is still followed, however the names of specific subjects will alter

slightly. The MYP framework comprises eight subject groups

providing a broad and balanced education for early adolescents.

Students take the core courses of: language and literature,

individuals and societies, mathematics, sciences, physical and

health education, language acquisition, arts, and design.

A common language around the Middle Years Programme will

be slowly introduced and students will become accustomed

to the new framework over time. The year has started with a

new subject in all Middle School years called ‘Approaches To

Learning’ that explicitly teaches communication, social and self-

management, research and thinking skills.

What is the Year 8 Community project?

For parents of Year 8 students, the introduction of the MYP

Community Project will also be a notable change this year. The

Community Project is one the most rewarding major works

students will engage with. Students work in small groups,

research a ‘need’ in their community and then act on that need

to develop a solution. The length of time students must work on

this project is, in itself, worthy of mention.

The significance of this Community Project is, in effect,

comparable to a ‘major work’ undertaken by senior students

and it is the reason this is such powerful component of the MYP.

It takes considerable effort to manage the need identification,

research solutions and prepare final reports and exhibition

materials but with the support of staff, it results in students who

are better prepared for the rigours of later academic demands.

It is an empowering project that will culminate in an exhibition

to parents, staff and the whole school and is something we can

all look forward to.

What physical changes will you see?

The physical spaces around Middle School will also start to

reflect the changes that the IB will bring; modern learning

spaces, discussion booths, collaborative areas for group work

just to name a few. It will take time to unfold as the program

is rolled out and students’ confidence in IB methodology is


The TAS Library is the location of the IB Hub where our IB

coordinators have an office in the heart of one of the most

active areas of the school. The number of students who come

to the library to study, join a tutorial after school or work

collaboratively with others has grown exponentially since the

introduction of the Extended Day Program at the beginning of

2018. Boarders and Day students alike are using this fantastic

space to pursue their academic goals any time from 7:30 in the

morning until 9:00pm. Having the IB hub in the heart of this

re-energised space is a logical move.

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The IB Team at TAS

As the only school in the New England/ North West to be an

authorised IB World School, we are very proud of the way our

teachers have embraced this new framework for teaching

and learning. They intrinsically understand the opportunities

and benefits the IB brings to our students and are actively

undertaking the necessary and ongoing Professional

Development. It will take time for all staff to complete this

important PD, but we are starting with the Middle School Home

Room teachers and our senior subject co-ordinators.

There is a dedicated team working on the full implementation

of the IB Middle Years Programme that is responsible for all

pedagogical and practical elements of its introduction. They

meet regularly to ensure that this transition is as smooth as

possible and students and staff alike are central in all stages.

This team includes:

Ms Rachel Harrison MYP Coordinator and Mathematics TeacherMrs Seonia Wark Director of StudiesMr Mark Harrison Head of Middle SchoolMr Luke Polson Assistant Director of Studies and Middle School Teacher

TAS MYP Co-ordinator – Ms Rachel Harrison

Rachel started at TAS in 2015 having arrived from the UK

where she worked at a co-ed Middle School before moving to

Australia. She studied a BA(Hons) Middle Years Mathematics

Education at Liverpool John Moores University and then went

on to complete a Master of Education at UNE.

Rachel is a Senior Mathematics teacher at TAS, is the MIC of

Netball and an Advisor but has always had a focus and passion

about middle years education. With her appointment as MYP

Co-ordinator she is now placed at the centre of the team

responsible for the implementation of the MYP.

“I am very excited to be a part of

the TAS IB journey and working

closely with our Middle School

students, in order to develop

an approach to learning that

empowers students to thrive”

Rachel Harrison

Page 7: International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) · of the IB Middle Years Programme that is responsible for all ... Ms Rachel Harrison MYP Coordinator and Mathematics© International Baccalaureate Organization 2013 International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®

The IB Middle Years ProgrammePreparing students to be successful in school

and to be active, lifelong learners

Page 8: International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) · of the IB Middle Years Programme that is responsible for all ... Ms Rachel Harrison MYP Coordinator and Mathematics

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