Page 1: Integrated Nutrients Pollution Control Project

Integrated Nutrients Pollution Control Project LN 4873 – RO

WBTF 050327-RO


Naiana Milea - PMU Director

Government of Romania Global Environment Facility The World Bank

Page 2: Integrated Nutrients Pollution Control Project

Methodology for evaluating the reduction of nutrients discharge in the Project area

a) use of analysis data provided by a ground and surface water monitoring program performed by ANAR, in the Project area, using 124 piezometers and 84 surface water sampling points; b) use of proxies to estimate the reduced N & P discharge into the water bodies.

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Stress reduction measurements: Pollution reduction practices

Type on intervention

Achievements Stress reduction

Manure Management investments

Completed in 34 communes, (50% of the localities included in the Project): 39 communal level manure storage, 1236 individual household storage facilities, 29 sets of equipment for manure management

51,120 kg N/year, 29,820 kg P/year.

Municipal waste water

New/extension of domestic wastewater sewerage systems and treatment plants in 16 villages receiving also investments for livestock manure proper management at community level.

6,400 kg N/year, 1,025 kg P/year, 62,735 kg BOD/year.

Promotion of the Code of Good Agricultural Practices

reduced or conservative tillage, nutrient management plans with soil testing, use of leguminous plants in crop rotation, use of organic fertilizers, plantation of buffer strips and vegetative barriers, public awareness and better information, etc

10,320kg N/year-2012;24,000kg N/year-2015 in Project area

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Stress reduction measurements: Agricultural pollution reduction practices

Target for end of Project: 300,000 kg N/year

Year Manure properly stored and used (t) Nutrient reduction (kg)

N P2O5 K2O

2011 2,400 8,640 5,040 11,520

2012 7,200 25,920 15,120 34,560

2013 14,200 51,120 29,820 68,160

Forecast 2014 39,000 140,400 81,900 187,200

Forecast 2015 112,500 405,000 236,250 540,000
