Page 1: INDEV308 Class 2 - Motivations and Drivers for Social Entrepreneurship

INDEV 308: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship

Class 2: Motivations and Drivers for Social Entrepreneurship

Monday, May 9, 2011


Instructors: Norm Tasevski ([email protected]) Karim Harji ([email protected])

Page 2: INDEV308 Class 2 - Motivations and Drivers for Social Entrepreneurship

© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji


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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

Last Week – What did we learn?


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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji


Page 5: INDEV308 Class 2 - Motivations and Drivers for Social Entrepreneurship

© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji


•  PlayPump •  Discuss Term Assignment •  What did we learn – Class 1? •  What motivates the social entrepreneur? •  What are the motivations for social enterprise? •  Planning Your Assignments •  What did we learn – Today? •  Next week


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Motivators for Social Entrepreneurs…


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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

A Question…

What motivates you??


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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

Some Definitions

•  Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal. Motivation is the energizer of behaviour and mother of all action. It results from the interactions among conscious and unconscious factors such as the (1) intensity of desire or need, (2) incentive or reward value of the goal, and (3) expectations of the individual and of his or her significant others.”

•  “Motivation is the activation or energization of goal-orientated behavior. Motivation may be rooted in the basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or a desired object, hobby, goal, state of being, ideal, or it may be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism, selfishness, morality, or avoiding morality. Conceptually, motivation should not be confused with either volition or optimism. Motivation is related to, but distinct from, emotion.”



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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji


In response to why people are not giving to the Pakistani flood in the same way as they did for Haiti, one woman said:!!“It’s a rogue state, if they can afford the nuclear bomb they can look after their own”!!

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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji


Costin Militaru, an outreach worker…has met addicts as young as 9 years old. "His family had no money for food. He was hungry and kept crying, so they fed him heroin," Militaru says. "If you're high, you don't need food.”!!

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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji


“On March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez ran aground in northern Prince William Sound, spilling 42 million liters of crude oil and contaminating 1,990 kilometers of shoreline. Some 2,000 sea otters, 302 harbor seals and about 250,000 seabirds died in the days immediately following the spill.”!

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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji


A total of 32,700 different people stayed in Toronto's emergency shelters in 2005. 4,600 were children. !!Over half a million Toronto households live below the poverty line!!1 in 10 homeless report attempted suicide in 2006!

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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji


Page 14: INDEV308 Class 2 - Motivations and Drivers for Social Entrepreneurship

© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

So What Motivates The Social/Environmental Entrepreneur?

“…it was an epiphanal experience…” Ray Anderson, Interface Carpets

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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

So What Motivates The Social/Environmental Entrepreneur?

“I heard the same story again and again. Someone had

experienced an intense kind of pain that branded

them in some way. They said, ‘I had’ to do this. There was nothing else I could do.”

Jody Jensen, Ashoka

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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

So What Motivates The Social/Environmental Entrepreneur?

“…that made a real impression on me…” Jeff Skoll, eBay, Skoll Foundation, etc.

Page 17: INDEV308 Class 2 - Motivations and Drivers for Social Entrepreneurship

© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

So What Motivates The Social/Environmental Entrepreneur?

“I was teaching in one of the universities while the country was

suffering from a severe famine. People were dying of hunger, and I felt very helpless. As an economist, I had no tool

in my toolbox to fix that kind of situation.” Mohammed Yunus, Grameen Bank

Page 18: INDEV308 Class 2 - Motivations and Drivers for Social Entrepreneurship

© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

So What Motivates The Social/Environmental Entrepreneur?

“…powerful moments of inspiration…” Jacqueline Novogratz, Acumen Fund

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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

What about…

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Motivators for Social Enterprise…


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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

Motivations: Nonprofits

à Many social enterprises are founded by nonprofits Primary motivators:

–  Financial self-sufficiency –  Income diversification –  Compliments/expands the organization's mission –  Enhancing the quality/outcomes of programs

Income-generating activities: –  Cost recovery –  Earned income


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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

Motives and Orientation


Source:  h*p://    

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Planning Your Assignments…


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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

What did we learn?


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© Norm Tasevski & Karim Harji

Next Week

•  Deliverable – Your social enterprise idea…

•  Readings

