  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Slide 3 In the 16th century, a famous Spanish explorer, Hernan Cortes, brought chocolate back from the Americas to Spain. Drinking chocolate soon became very popular in Europe. Three hundred years later, a scientist in Holland learned how to make chocolate into candy. Today chocolate is one of the most popular and best-loved foods in the world. Slide 4 MALE: How much rice do you buy each week? FEMALE: I usually buy two kilos of rice. MALE: And how many tomatoes do you eat? FEMALE: About six. MALE: How much coffee do you buy? FEMALE: I buy about 250 grammes of coffee. MALE: How many pineapples do you get? FEMALE: Oh, only one. Slide 5 Q: Is it true, Lisa, that you always have bacon and eggs for breakfast? LISA: Well, it used to be true, but it isnt true anymore. People often have toast and cereal, jam, yoghurt, things like that, but not many have time to cook bacon and eggs. Its only in hotels when you get bacon and eggs what we called a cooked breakfast or an English breakfast. Slide 6 I: Michael, youve had the opportunity to taste some of the more unusual dishes from around the world. Can you tell us something about them, and in particular what they taste like? M: Yes, well, Ive just come back from Thailand and in the winter, sackloads of grasshoppers and locust are brought into Bangkok from the countryside because the Thais love them. They make a really crisp and tasty snack. In fact, fried grasshoppers are tasty to most people, provided they dont know what theyre eating. They eat crickets in parts of North America, and they taste just the same. I: Hmm. Im not sure Id like to eat insects. Slide 7 Slide 8 The how of listening Listening for gistGeneral idea Wh answers Listening for specific information Need to understand a specific part. We ignore the rest. Listening in detailNeed to achieve a specific task that might be spread. Inferential listeningCritical. Going beyond the act of listening. Slide 9 Strategies good listeners use Prediction Word approximation Key words Clarification Note taking Selective listening Monitoring Slide 10 Roles of the teacher Slide 11 Listening activities Slide 12 Song activities
