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  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    antigen is D-galactosamine, thevery same sugar

    present in milk.

    #icotta, 1ilk,4ogurt


    The oils not allo$edcontain lectins thatare damaging to theType B digestivetract.


    Canola, Corn,Cottonseed, eanut,%afflo$er, %esame,%unflo$er


    1ost nuts and seedsare not advisable forType Bs. Theycontain lectins thatinterfere $ith Type B

    insulin production

    (ll kindse)ceptthoselisted notallo$ed

    Cashe$s, &ilberts,ine, istachio,eanuts, umpkinseeds, %esame seeds,%unflo$er seeds


    These beans interfere$ith the productionof insulin for TypeBs.

    entils, garban2os, black-eyed peas,Beans *pintos, aduke,(2uki, Black+


    5heat reduce insulinefficiency and failure

    to stimulate fat6burning6 in Type Bs

    5heat *bran, germ bulgur, durum,$hole and $hite+,%hredded $heat,Cream of $heat orany products such asflour, bread andnoodles made $iththese grain products

    #ye contain a lectinthat settles in thevascular systemcausing blooddisorders and

    potentially strokes.

    #ye and any products such asflour, bread andnoodles made $iththese grain products

    These contribute to asluggish metabolism,insulin irregulariry,fluid retention andfatigue.

    Buck$heat, Corn*cornflakes,cornmeal+ and any

    products such asflour, bread andnoodles made $iththese grain products

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    1illet, Oatmeal*Bran, flour+,uffed #ice,#ice *bran,flour+, %pelt

    (ll kindse)ceptthoselisted notallo$ed

    (maranth, Barley,0asha, %even-grain,5ild rice, Couscous


    Bread *Bro$nrice, ssence,2ekiel,5(%(+, &inCrisp, 1illet,#ice cakes

    (ll kindse)ceptthoselisted notallo$ed

    Bagels, 1uffins*Corn and Bran+,Bread *1ulti-grain#ye, 5hole $heat+,%oba 7ooldes, 5ild#ice, Couscous

    Vegeta les

    This vegetablecontain a lectins thatirritage the stomach

    lining of Type Bs.


    This vegetable hasinsulin- andmetabolism-upsettinglectins for Type Bs


    The mold in this cantrigger allergicreactions


    These vegetables

    contain magnesium,an important antiviralagent to help Type Bsfight off viruses andautoimmune diseases

    Green leafyvegetables

    (ll kindse)ceptthoselisted notallo$ed

    (rtichoke, (vocado,Corn, Olives,umpkin, #adishes,%prouts, Tempeh,Tofu, Tomato

    Fruits ineappple hasen2ymes that helpType Bs to digesttheir food moreeasily.


    (void these fruits forthey interfere $ithyour digestive system

    Coconuts,ersimmons,omegranates,rickly pear,#hubarb, %tarfruit

    Bananas, (ll kinds

  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    Cranberries,Grapes,apaya, lums

    e)ceptthoselisted notallo$ed


    %$eet herbs tend to be stomach irritantsto the Type Bs

    Barley malts$eeteners, cornsyrup, Cornstarch,Cinnamon

    Type B do best $ith$arming herbs

    Ginger,horseradish,curry, cayenne


    (ll kindse)ceptthoselisted notallo$ed

    (void these spicesalso

    (llspice, (lmonde)tract, Gelatin,epper *black and$hite+

    Condiments 0etchup


    Generally Type Bsdon/t reapover$helming

    benefits from mostherbal teas.

    Ginger,eppermint,#aspberry leaf,#ose hips,

    %age, GreenTeas

    (loe, Coltsfoot,Corn silk,&enugreek, Gentian,Goldenseal, 'ops,inden, 1ullein, #ed

    clover, #hubarb,%enna, %hepherd/s

    purse, %kullcap

    This is highlyrecommended forType Bs because itseems to have a

    positive effect on thenervous system.


    This has antiviral properties. icorice

    Distilled li8uor,%elt2er $ater, %oda

    The sturdy and alert Type Bs are usually able to resist many of the most severe diseasescommon to modern life, such as heart disease and cancer. 3n fact, a Type B $ho carefullyfollo$s the recommended diet can often bypass severe disease and live a long and

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    healthy life. Type Bs are more prone to immune-system disorders such as multiplesclerosis, lupus, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

    The Type B Diet is balance and $holesome, including a $ide variety of foods.

    &or Type Bs, the biggest factors in $eight gain are corn, buck$heat, lentils, peanuts andsesame seeds. These foods have different lectin that affect the efficiency of the metabolic process, resulting in fatigue, fluid retention, and hypoglycemia. The gluten lectin in$heat germ and $hole $heat products also adds to the problems cause by othermetabolism-slo$ing foods.

    3t is important to leave off chicken for Type Bs. Chicken contains a Blood Type Bagglutinating lectin in its muscle tissue, $hich attack the bloodstream and potentially leadto strokes and immune disorders. Type Bs thrive on deep-ocean fish, but should avoid allshellfish. The shellfish contain lectins that are disruptive to the Type B system.

    Type B is the only blood type that can fully en oy a variety of dairy foods. 1ost nuts andseeds *especially peanuts, sesame seeds and sunflo$er seeds+ are not advised for TypeBs., they contain lectins that interfere $ith Type B insulin production.

    5heat is not tolerated $ell by most Type Bs. They contain a lectin that reuce insulinefficiency and failure to stimulate fat 6burning6. #ye contains a lectin that settles in thevascular system, causing blood disorders and potentially strokes. Corn and buck$heat arema or factors in Type B $eight gain, they contribute to a sluggish metabolism, insulinirregularity, fluid retention, and fatigue.

    liminate tomatoes completely from Type B diet. 3t has lectins that irritate the stomach

    lining. &ruits and vegetables are generally $ell tolerated and should be taken generously.

    MeatBeef Buffaloamb 9iver *Calf+1utton 9#abbit 9

    "eal"enison 9


  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    Caviar 9Cod 9&lounder 9Grouper 9'addock 9

    'ake 9'alibut 9'erring:0ippers *fresh+'erring:0ippers *pickled+1ackerel 91ahimahi 91onkfish 9erch *Ocean+ 9erch *%ilver+erch *5hite+erch *4ello$+

    ickerel 9ike 9orgy 9#ed %napper %ailfish%almon *Ocean; acfic, 7or$egian+ 9%almon *&arm #aised+%ardine 9%callop%had 9%hark %melt%napper %ole 9%8uid%turgeon 9%$ordfishTilefishTrout *#ainbo$+Trout *%ea+ 9Tuna5eakfish5hitefish

    Dairy(lmond 1ilk Brie CheeseButter Buttermilk

  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    Camembert CheeseCaseinCheddar CheeseColby CheeseCottage Cheese 9

    Cream Cheesedam Cheesemmenthal Cheese&armer Cheese 9&eta Cheese 9Ghee *Clarified Butter+Goat Cheese 9Gouda CheeseGruyere Cheese'alf < 'alf =arlsberg Cheese

    0efir 91ilk *Co$-%kim or >?+ -1ilk *Co$-5hole+ -1ilk *Goat+ -1onterey =ack Cheese1o22arella Cheese 91unster Cheese

    7eufchatel Cheeseaneer 9armesan Cheeserovolone Cheese!uark Cheese#ice 1ilk 9#icotta Cheese 9%herbet%our Cream *lo$:non-fat+%oy Cheese%oy 1ilk %$iss Cheese5hey5hey rotein %upplement4ogurt -

    Egggg *chicken+ @gg 5hite *chicken+ @gg 4olk *chicken+ @

  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    Fruit/Fruit Juice(pple(pple Cider:(pple =uice(pricot:(pricot =uice

    Banana 9Blackberry:Blackberry =uiceBlueberryBoysenberryCanang 1elonCantaloupeCasaba 1elonCherry *Bing, %$eet, 5hite, etc+Cherry:=uice *Black+Christmas 1elonCranberry 9

    Cranberry =uice 9Crensha$ 1elonCurrants *Black:#ed+Datelderberry *Dark Blue: urple+&ig *&resh:Dried+GooseberryGrape*Black:Concord:Green:#ed:=uice+ 9

    GrapefruitGrapefruit =uice

    Guava'oneyde$=am:=elly O0/d 3ngred0i$i0um8uatemon: emon =uiceime: ime =uiceoganberry1ango:1ango =uice1usk 1elon

    7ectarine:7ectarine =uice

    Orange:Orange =uiceapaya 9apaya =uice 9eachear: ear =uiceineapple 9ineapple =uice 9lantain

  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    lum *Dark:Green:#ed+ 9rune: rune =uice#aisin#aspberry%panish 1elon

    %tra$berryTangerine:Tangerine =uice5ater < emon5atermelon

    Vegetable/Veg Juice(gar (lfalfa %prouts(rugula(sparagusBamboo %hoot

    Beet 9Beet Greens 9Beet:Beet Greens =uice 9Bok ChoyBroccoli 9Brussel %prout 9Cabbage *Chinese:#ed:5hite+ 9Cabbage =uice 9Caper Carrot 9Carrot =uice

    Cauliflo$er 9CeleryCelery =uiceChervilChicoryCollard Greens 9Cucumber Cucumber =uiceDaikon #adishDandelionggplant 9

    ndivescarole&ennel&iddlehead &ernGarlicGinger 9'orseradish=icama

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    2ekiel Bread 9Gluten &ree BreadGraham &lour 1illet 9Oat &lour 9

    Oats 9Oatmeal 9Oat bran 9!uinoa#ice *Cream of+#ice * uffed+ 9#ice Bran 9#ice *5hite:Bro$n:Basmati+#ice Bread#ice Cake 9#ice &lour 9

    %oy &lour Bread%pelt 9%pelt &lour: roducts5heat *Bleached &lour roducts+5heat *#efined nbleached+5heat *%emolina &lour roducts+5heat *5hite &lour roducts+

    Bean/LegumeBroad BeanCannellini BeanCopper Bean&ava BeanGreen Bean0idney Bean 9ima Bean 9

    7avy Bean 9 7orthern Bean#ed Bean

    %nap Bean%oy BeanTamarind Bean5hite Bean

    Nut/Seed(lmond(lmond Butter

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    Bra2il 7utChestnut&la) %eed'ickoryitchi

    1acadamiaecan: ecan Butter 5alnut * nglish+

    OilBlack Currant %eed OilCod iver Oil&la) %eed * inseed+ OilOlive Oil 95alnut Oil

    Herb/S ice(nise(rro$rootBasilBay eaf BergamotCara$ayCardamomCarobChivesClove

    Coriander Cream of Tartar CuminCurry 9DillDulseicorice1ace1ar oram1int1ustard Dry

    7utmegOreganoaprikaarsley 9epper * eppercorn:#ed &lakes+eppermint#osemary%affron

  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type




    Be!erageBeer Coffee *#egular:Decaf+Tea *Black #egular:Decaf+Tea *Green+ 95ine *#ed:5hite+

    "#ndimentChocolate1ayonnaise1iso1ustard%alad Dressing *O0/d 3ngredients+%ea %alt%oy %auce"inegar

    *Balsamic:Cider:#ed 5ine:5hite+5orcestershire %auce

    S$eetener 'oney1aple %yrup1olasses#ice %yrup%ugar *Bro$n:5hite+

    Medicinal Herb 99(lfalfa =uice:Tea(#(- *larch arabinogalactan+Black CohoshBromelainBurdockCatnipCayenneChamomile

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    Chick$eedDandelionDe-glycyrrhi2inated - icorice *DG +Dong !uai

    chinacea #ootchinacea Tea: )tractlderGinger 9Gingko bilobaGinseng 9Goldenseal Gargle'a$thorne'orehoundicorice 91ulberry

    Oregon Grape *Gargle+arsley 9eppermint 9!uercetin#aspberry eaf 9#ose 'ips 9%age 9%t. =ohn/s 5ort%arsaparilla

    %a$ almetto%lippery lm%pearmint%tinging 7ettle eaf %tra$berry eafThyme"alerian"ervain5hite Birch5hite Oak Bark4arro$4ello$ Dock

    Su lementBeta Carotene&(/s * ssential &atty (cids+&ish Oils

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    &olic (cidGlucosamine %ulfateGrape %eedacto-(lbumin roteinecithin

    1agnesiumantethine *active B- +antothenic (cid *B- +ectinycnoginol"itamin


    &!#id ' Type B (African)MeatBacon:'am: ork ChickenCornish 'ensDuck Goose'eartartridgeheasant E!uailTurkey ETurtle

    Fish(nchovyBarracudaBass *Bluegill+Bass *%ea+Bass *%triped+BelugaClam

    ConchCrabCrab *'orseshoe+Crayfish:Cra$fishel:=apanese el&rogobster o)

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    1usselsOctopusOyster %hrimp%nail *'eli) omatia: scargot+


    Dairy(merican CheeseBlue Cheese3ce Cream1ilk *Co$, 5hole+ E%tring Cheese

    Egg%almon #oe

    Fruit/Fruit Juice(vocadoCoconut:Coconut 1ilk ersimmonomegranaterickly ear %tarfruit *Carambola+

    Vegetable/Veg Juice(cacia *(rabic Gum+(loe:(loe =uice(rtichokeOlive *Black,Green,%panish,Greek+umpkin#adish:#adish %prouts#hubarbTomato:Tomato =uice

    Grain(maranth(rtichoke asta * ure+BarleyBuck$heat:0ashaCorn *5hite:4ello$:Blue+CornmealCornstarchCouscous *Cracked 5heat+Gluten &lour

  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    0amutopcorn#ice *5ild+#ye &lour #ye

    #ye Bread * ure+%oba 7oodles *F ? Buck$heat+TapiocaTeff 5heat *Berry+5heat *Bran+5heat *Bulghur+5heat *Durum &lour roducts+5heat *Germ+5heat *Gluten &lour roducts+5heat *5hole 5heat roducts+

    Bean(d2uki BeansBlack BeanBlack yed eaGarban2o Beanentil *Domestic:Green:#ed+1ung Beans *%prouts+

    into BeanTempeh *&ermented %oy+Tofu

    Nut/SeedCashe$:Cashe$ Butter &ilbert *'a2elnut+eanuteanut Butter ine 7ut * ignola+istachio

    oppy %eedumpkin %eed%esame Butter:Tahini%esame %eed%unflo$er %eed

    OilCanola Oil

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    Coconut OilCorn OilCottonseed Oileanut Oil%afflo$er Oil

    %esame Oil%unflo$er Oil

    Herb/S ice(llspiceCinnamonepper *Black:5hite+%tevia

    Be!eragei8uor *Distilled+

    %elt2er 5ater %oda *Club+%oda *1isc:Diet:Cola+

    "#ndiment(lmond )tract

    CarrageenanGelatin lainGuar Gum0etchup1%G

    S$eetener Barley 1altCorn %yrupDe)trose&ructose


    Medicinal HerbChaparralColtsfootComfreyCorn %ilk &enugreek

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  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    These are best avoided, but may be eaten on rare occasions. These are based onfoods listed as neutral, but recommended for consumption bet$een -F) per$eek.

    &!#id F##ds*

    These foods are detrimental and should be avoided, not eaten or applied to theskin. ,n-n#$n F##ds*

    3f a food is not on this list, it is considered unkno$n. 3f you consider yourself a basically healthy person, unlisted foods may be considered neutral unless youhave good reason to believe other$ise. 3f you are recovering from a disease ordesire $eight loss, avoid unkno$n foods.

    . foods are considered to be rated, but the rating is of lo$ confidence. The food isoften debated and can be sub ect to a higher fre8uency of change based on ne$and emerging information.

    Medicinal herbs and su lements

    are included on this list. They should not be taken $ithout the consultation of amedical practitioner or after your o$n research in order to determine if thisherb:supplement is appropriate for you at this time. 1any herbs:supplements canhave to)ic, deleterious effects if taken $ith drugs or in the presence of particulardisease processes. %ome supplements and herbs cause to)ic reactions if taken fora long period of time or in the $rong manner.

    +ec#mmended #rti#ns #) ty es #) )##ds*

    F##d #rti#n eri#d 0uantity

    #ed 1eats 1en; I- o2 5omen; >- o2 $ >-H)

    oultry 1en; I- o2 5omen; >- o2 $ F->)

    %eafood I- o2 $ H- )

    ggs F $ - ) Cheeses > o2 $ >-H) 4ogurt I- o2 $ F-H) 1ilk I- o2 $ >-H) Oils < &ats F Tbs $ -J) 7uts < %eeds -K nuts $ >-H) 7ut Butters F Tbs $ >-H) Beans F cup dry $ I- ) Cereals F cup dry $ >-I) Breads:Cracker F slice d -F) 1uffins F d -F) Grains F cup dry $ >-H) astas F cup dry $ >-H)

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    0efir 91ilk *Co$-%kim or >?+ 91ilk *Co$-5hole+1ilk *Goat+ 91onterey =ack Cheese

    1o22arella Cheese 91unster Cheese 7eufchatel Cheeseaneer 9armesan Cheeserovolone Cheese!uark Cheese#ice 1ilk 9#icotta Cheese 9%herbet%our Cream *lo$:non-fat+

    %oy Cheese%oy 1ilk %$iss Cheese5hey5hey rotein %upplement4ogurt -

    Egggg *chicken+ @gg 5hite *chicken+ @gg 4olk *chicken+ @

    Fruit/Fruit Juice(pple(pple Cider:(pple =uice(pricot:(pricot =uiceBanana 9Blackberry:Blackberry =uiceBlueberryBoysenberryCanang 1elon

    CantaloupeCasaba 1elonCherry *Bing, %$eet, 5hite, etc+Cherry:=uice *Black+Christmas 1elonCranberry 9Cranberry =uice 9Crensha$ 1elon

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  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    *Dill:0osher:%our:%$eet:#elish+imentootato *%$eet+ 9otato *5hite:#ed:Blue:4ello$+#adicchio

    #appini#utabaga%callion%ea$eed%hallots%pinach:%pinach =uice%8uash *%ummer:5inter+%tring Bean%$iss ChardTurnip5ater Chestnut

    5atercress4am 9Aucchini

    Grainssene Bread *1anna Bread+ 92ekiel Bread 9Gluten &ree BreadGraham &lour 1illet 9Oat &lour 9

    Oats 9Oatmeal 9Oat bran 9!uinoa#ice *Cream of+#ice * uffed+ 9#ice Bran 9#ice *5hite:Bro$n:Basmati+#ice Bread#ice Cake 9#ice &lour 9

    %oy &lour Bread%pelt 9%pelt &lour: roducts5heat *Bleached &lour roducts+5heat *#efined nbleached+5heat *%emolina &lour roducts+5heat *5hite &lour roducts+

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    Bean/LegumeBroad BeanCannellini BeanCopper Bean

    &ava BeanGreen Bean0idney Bean 9ima Bean 9

    7avy Bean 9 7orthern Bean#ed Bean%nap Bean%oy BeanTamarind Bean5hite Bean

    Nut/Seed(lmond(lmond Butter Bra2il 7utChestnut&la) %eed'ickoryitchi1acadamiaecan: ecan Butter

    5alnut * nglish+

    OilBlack Currant %eed OilCod iver Oil&la) %eed * inseed+ OilOlive Oil 95alnut Oil

    Herb/S ice(nise

    (rro$rootBasilBay eaf BergamotCara$ayCardamomCarobChives

  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    CloveCoriander Cream of Tartar CuminCurry 9

    DillDulseicorice1ace1ar oram1int1ustard Dry

    7utmegOreganoaprikaarsley 9

    epper * eppercorn:#ed &lakes+eppermint#osemary%affron%age%avory%pearmintTamarindTarragonThymeTurmeric"anilla5intergreen

    Be!erageBeer Coffee *#egular:Decaf+Tea *Black #egular:Decaf+Tea *Green+ 95ine *#ed:5hite+

    "#ndimentChocolate1ayonnaise1iso1ustard%alad Dressing *O0/d 3ngredients+%ea %alt%oy %auce

  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    "inegar*Balsamic:Cider:#ed 5ine:5hite+

    5orcestershire %auce


    'oney1aple %yrup1olasses#ice %yrup%ugar *Bro$n:5hite+

    Medicinal Herb 99(lfalfa =uice:Tea(#(- *larch arabinogalactan+Black CohoshBromelain

    BurdockCatnipCayenneChamomileChick$eedDandelionDe-glycyrrhi2inated - icorice *DG +Dong !uaichinacea Tea: )tractchinacea

    lderGinger 9Gingko bilobaGinseng 9Goldenseal Gargle'a$thorne'orehoundicorice 91ulberryOregon Grape *Gargle+arsley 9

    eppermint 9

  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    !uercetin#aspberry eaf 9#ose 'ips 9%age 9

    %t. =ohn/s 5ort%arsaparilla%a$ almetto%lippery lm%pearmint%tinging 7ettle eaf %tra$berry eafThyme"alerian"ervain5hite Birch

    5hite Oak Bark4arro$4ello$ Dock

    Su lement 99Beta Carotene&(/s * ssential &atty (cids+&ish Oils&olic (cidGlucosamine %ulfateGrape %eed

    acto-(lbumin roteinecithin1agnesiumantethine *active B- +antothenic (cid *B- +ectinycnoginol"itamin


    MeatBacon:'am: ork ChickenCornish 'ensDuck Goose'eart

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    (nchovyBarracudaBass *Bluegill+Bass *%ea+Bass *%triped+BelugaClamConchCrabCrab *'orseshoe+Crayfish:Cra$fish

    el:=apanese el&rogobster o)1usselsOctopusOyster %hrimp%nail*'eli) omatia: scargot+4ello$tail

    Dairy(merican CheeseBlue Cheese3ce Cream%tring Cheese

    Egg%almon #oe

    Fruit/Fruit Juice(vocadoCoconut:Coconut 1ilk ersimmonomegranaterickly ear %tarfruit *Carambola+

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    Vegetable/Veg Juice(cacia *(rabic Gum+(loe:(loe =uice(rtichoke

    Olive *Black,Green,%panish,Greek+umpkin#adish:#adish %prouts#hubarbTomato:Tomato =uice

    Grain(maranth(rtichoke asta * ure+BarleyBuck$heat:0asha

    Corn *5hite:4ello$:Blue+CornmealCornstarchCouscous *Cracked 5heat+Gluten &lour 0amutopcorn#ice *5ild+#ye &lour #ye#ye Bread * ure+

    %oba 7oodles*F ? Buck$heat+

    TapiocaTeff 5heat *Berry+5heat *Bran+5heat *Bulghur+5heat *Durum &lour roducts+5heat *Germ+5heat *Gluten &lour roducts+5heat *5hole 5heat roducts+

    Bean(d2uki BeansBlack BeanBlack yed eaGarban2o Beanentil *Domestic:Green:#ed+1ung Beans *%prouts+

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    S$eetener Barley 1alt

    Corn %yrupDe)trose&ructose1altode)trin

    Medicinal HerbChaparralColtsfootComfreyCorn %ilk &enugreekGentianGoldenseal'ops0ombuchainden1ullein

    7ettles#ed Clover#hubarb%assafras%enna%hepherd/s urse%kullcap%tinging 7ettle#oot

    Su lementBlue Green (lgaeChondroitin %ulphateChromium icholinateColostrum *Bovine+phedra-GlutamineAinc

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  • 8/13/2019 iet for Blood Type


    that are high in "itamin 0, $hich helps the clotting factor $hich is $eak in Type Os. Thenightshade vegetables can cause lectin deposit in the tissue surrounding the oints.

    Because of the high acidity stomach, Type Os should eat fruits of alkaline nature such as berries and plums..

    Type Os should severely restrict the use of dairy products. Their system is not designedfor the proper metabolism. 3f you are a Type O of (frican ancestry, you should eliminatedairy foods and eggs altogether.

    Characteristics of Type O - Best on 'igh rotein Diet

    F. Thrive on intense physical e)ercise and animal proteins>. Do not do $ell $ith dairy and grain productsH. 'ardy digestive tractI. The leading factor in $eight gain for Type Os is the gluten found in $heat germ

    and $hole $heat products.. Type O have a tendency to have lo$ levels of thyroid hormone and unstable

    thyroid functions, $hich cause metabolic problems and $eight gain.

    . Type O have high stomach-acid content, can digest meat easily.

    Comments Most Beneficial Foodallowed Food not allowed


    The more stressfulyour ob ordemanding youre)ercise program,the higher the gradeof protein you shouldeat

    Beef, am,1utton, "eal,"enison

    Type Os canefficiently digest andmetaboli2e meats

    (ny meate)cept forthose listednot allo$ed

    Bacon, 'am,Goose, ork

    Cold-$ater fish are

    e)cellent for TypeOs. 1any seafoodsare also e)cellentsources of iodine,$hich regulates thethyroid function.

    Cod, herring,1ackerel

    (ny fish orseafoode)cept forthose listednot allo$ed

    Barracuda,ickled herring,Catfish, %mokedsalmon, Caviar,Octopus, Conch

    Dairy Type Os need to Butter, (ll other dairy

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    severely restrict theuse of dairy productsand eggs

    &armer, &eta,1o22arella,Goat cheese,%oy 1ilk

    products andyogurts

    FatType Os respond$ell to oils

    Olive Oil,&la)seed oil

    Canola oil,%esame Oil

    Corn oil, eanutoil, Cottonseedoil, %afflo$er oil


    These foods shouldin no $ay take the

    place of high-proteinmeats, and they arehigh in fat especiallyif you areover$eight.

    umpkin seeds,5alnuts

    (ll kindse)cept thoselisted notallo$ed

    Bra2il, Cashe$,eanut,istachios, oppy%eeds


    Type Os don/t utili2e beans particularly$ell. They tend tomake muscle tissueslightly less acidicand inhibit themetabolism of othernutrients.

    (duke beans,(2uki beans,into beans,Black-eyed peas

    (ll kindse)cept thoselisted notallo$ed

    Beans - copper,kidney, navy,tamarine. entils -domestic, green,red.

    GrainsType Os do nottolerate $hole $heat

    products at all.

    ssene Bread,2ekiel Bread

    (maranth,Barley,Buck$heat,#ice, 0amut,0asha,1illet, #ye,%pelt

    Corn, Gluten,Graham, 5heat*Bulgur, Durum,%prouted, $hiteand $hole, Germand Bran+ farina,Oat, %even-grains,or any productssuch as flour,

    bread and noodlesmade $ith thesegrain products

    Vegeta lesThese vegetablesinhibit the thyroidfunction for Type Os

    Brassica family;Cabbage, Brusselssprouts,cauliflo$er,mustard greens

    These vegetableshelp blood clot, Type

    0ale, collardgreens, romaine

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    Os lack severalclotting fractors andneed vitamin 0 toassist in the process

    lettuce, broccoli,spinach

    These vegetablesirritate the digestivetract and the highmold count canaggravate Type Ohypersensitivity


    (lfalfa sprouts,shiitakemushrooms,fermented olives

    These vegetables cancause arthriticconditions in Type


    7ightshades;eggplant, potatoes

    This vegetable affectthe production ofinsulin, often lead toobesity and diabetesfor the Type Os.


    This fruit agglutinateall blood types butType Os.


    (rtichoke,Chicory,Dandelion,Garlic,'orseradish,0ale, eek,Okra, Onions,arsley,arsnips, #edeppers, %$eet


    umpkin,sea$eed, turnips

    (ll kindse)cept thoselisted notallo$ed


    Fruits Dark red, blue and purple fruits tend tocause an alkalinereaction the digestivetract, and therefore

    lums, prunes,figs

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    balance the highacidity of the TypeOs digestive tract toreduce ulcers andirritations of thestomach lining.

    These fruits containhigh mold counts$hich can aggravateType Oshypersensitivity

    problems *allergies+


    These fruits are highin acid content $hich

    may irritate theacidic stomach ofType Os

    Grapefruit,most berries

    Oranges,tangerines and

    stra$berries, blackberries,#hubarb

    &ruits are not only animportant source offiber, minerals andvitamins, but theycan be an e)cellentalternative to breadand pasta for TypeOs

    (ll kindse)cept thoselisted notallo$ed

    Type Os aree)tremely sensitiveto this fruit.

    coconut andcoconut-containing


    Spices #ich source of3odine to regulate thethyroid gland

    0elp-basedseasonings,iodi2ed salt

    %oothing to the

    digestive tracts ofType Os

    arsley, curry,cayenne pepper

    3rritants to the TypeO stomach

    5hite and black pepper, vinegar,capers, cinnamon,Cornstarch, Cornsyrup, 7utmeg,

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