
Bturday, January 31, 1925


j^jA^real, live* newspaper is^Becessity to-the cultivated mar

T-JBoman- or ehikl.

[ Mr. Henry /Dougherty, o

B^asTiington^T). C., spent~~thweek-end in the city.

a Messrs. H. B - Rutherford an^ geverl^rRoberts are out of schorMm occount of-sickness.

J Mr. nnd Mrs Ramey and MlWord of Aiken, S. C., motored tJpolumbia last^ Thursday.f .. /


A scientist predicts that in 1years there wfll~be no "servar

j girls. He is just 10 years b<Im hind the time. -

rjf Uncle Sam, it is said, wihave his debt paid in 1952. Th«will be even earlier than ou

; friends~~will settle.

Mr. C. H. Haskew of Chera'spent the week in the city..Wft?


the Federal Court.V.! :

- Mr. Jas. H. Goode, Managev of the Mutual Relief, and Bene^oieht ^asoemtion spent-t¥Wrda?in Charleston, S. C.

^ v Miss Verofta Wakefield, w?M is teaching at Eastover, spei

the week-end at "home, visitin{ relatives^ and" friends. 'r

y' \ t" -*> .'


J Mr. Wm. King of Darlingtcrj >vas a visitor in the city Monday% Mr. King while here took t\\ Veterinary Examination.

Phone The" Palmetto Leach;! concerning all local news. G<^ yotfr name in the biggest pap<

in the South. Phone 4523.V: . _:»-v."Y?--;. ....

4 Miss Isadore Miles ia back- j

'1§ ^ain at her school work at Bool~yer T. Washington, She was oi- several weeks on account "of tl

illness and death of her father

A Private Dance will be givejj at Miss Edith Reynold's honl on Blossom Street, Friday ar ternoon from 4:30 until 10 p, r

Mr.Cuuiilij, of PuliiJti".4.spent the week-end in the citii VisittT^hlS'^^gfiSeF^tisF^^i

School here.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew SimkiaMr. and Mrs. James Thompso:

. Mrs. Lillian Cheatham and MDavid Diinkfnn oil "fcVl. .' Mil VX XJV*5^IIU.

t motored over to attend the dii* > ner party given by Mr^ Andre

Simkins, President of the Mix tual Relief and Benevolent ~5i


Mr. H. C. Culbertson of Waerlbo. S. O.. Kev. ri/jgr-Goone

. Flwence, 3. C., alfd Mr.-6f%EDavis, of Anderson, S. C., men

^ bers of the Board of Directoiof the Mutual Relief and Bene>

i olent Association were in the cty last Thursday attending th

^ Board meeting of said Company1 -

The Board of Directors cThe Mutual Relief and Benev<lent Association met at the horn 15011/2 Taylor Street, Jai22, 1925, to hold their first s<mi-annual meeting for 1925. M:

L Andrew W, Simkwrer Presidernf t.he Mutual ..Relief andBenaj

[ olent Association complimente[ the Board of Directors,^ Offic

Force ahd a f^w friends withr delicious-dinner.


Miss Thomasina Chisolm's, 70Assembly Street, and organize

u The Silver.. Leaf Chrtrr The? ,tnsae^o ma^g jgeciaLlifQ amon

them much brighter; The offcers elected were: Miss MatidA GoodWInrPres,; Miss JonniMay Pearce, V.-Pres.; Miss S<die Adama. Secy;



^X»:^X«X":«X":«X-X"HK^MKK«X«:a Robinson, Asst. Sec'y.; Miss1, Thmoasina Chisolm. Treas.: Mis;

if.. CommitLeesT TKe~next meete nig will be afc Miss Fannie Rey

nolds, January 29th, at 4 p. m

j Doings^>f Le CercleEntrc Nous.

The regular meeting.ef hi

Miss Ray Saxon's residence Wed. nesdayT January 21st. A goocQ. lesson was had and it proved t.<it be the most interesting one yetThe meeting was honored witlseveral visitors. Among thenwere Mrs. Estelle Perriri-John

11 son, of Philadelphia and Mrsit Ruby'DeLorme of Connecticutr After playing cards an hour an<

the scores counted, it wa3_foun<^

that Miss Huth Butler had woiw first, prize, a lovely string oe beads. Miss Collins drew_-thiH -highest card -and- received th<

consolation! The boobie went t<Miss Ruth DeLorme. A deli

. cious salad cour^ was served7"_ Everyone expressed them&elm1®° as having enjoyed a wonderfu

aftrnoon. Mrs. W. D. Chapped*

will be the hostess at the nexin

'Tlmeeiing. * . :rit

^^ ^


¥ "JUST OUR BOYS" ENTER.""" ^ TAIN.~\"-r:

_______ : ^. The home-of MrJW. H. Thorn

as. 1316 Richland St.. was thic . .

scene of lafce-free merriment oi. Th^'niglvrof January 16th. Care== were,_forgdtten.and pleasure

. ruled supreme in the hearts o~

a happy bunch of.young foil' who were the th

"Just Our Boys" Club. Couplea. began to arrive at 7.:30 p. m.

j. j' The parlor in which the sccial was held had been cleare.t

ie of-funriture except' for chairand tables Tor Ayhlst. It wa

beautifully decollated in red ~anijn green streamers"and'red heartsie A very pleasant evening waf. spent at dancnig and cards. An; ten o'clock ham and pimento

cheese 'saiidvvlehes"afltl" punclrar were served.y, At the end there were man;

ol" lil/o* ^ovfoiTTTir onvJI Ua JJi UoulU|qi|it>vLl 1\U X Li/I Ldllllj' Oil

:h_ joyed, mykelf" from the guest?Those attending the social, in

" eluding the Club-members were

p. ma Forrest, Ella _Myers, Mattir T .. l i*. ot.^11.- C1..11- ^-- xjjroieiict oumvan, ueneviId eve Kyer, Sibyl Nance, Florn- e'nce Gantt, Lillian SmooH Me^w srs^ Albert McClain, GilroyJ- Griffin, Fred Islar, Bruce Baileys- Jfcobert RoaL>nr- Joseph Bailey

Port Royal. Scott, Gerard Anderson and Wallace Workman. "

fc- The officers- of the Club arer> Robert Hairston. Presf: Port Ro^"yal Scott, V.-Pres.; Joseph Bail~ ley, Treas.; Wallace WorkmanH'M .~ secretary; Gerard" Anderson

Asst. Secretary.1_ The music which was a fea16 dure of the~evening was rendere<^ by-Mr. "Leon StarIts; pianist am

Mr. Joe"McDowell^ violinist.

te Dr. C. E. Stephenson ~

' i

I. . ^Entertains

^ Last Wednesday night Dr. C

^7 the Stags irr -their bbmronthhmeeting at his beautiful resi

:e dence oirOak Street. Despit<a the sleet which fell all day ant. night, the Stags-wercroat in ful

force. Whist was the order antafter the cennttng of the score!it was found that 'Mr. WalteiBrawn stood highest closely fol

rt towed by Dr. J. G. Stuart. Mr9 Nelson was far from the leadeid and had no trouble in cinchinjy the "booby." v

i- enlivened by Radio Selections)- ^Irs. Stephenson, assisted bjle Mrs. Stuart and Miss Henriettai- Boozer,.served a delicious sup



graw-ivag- an out of town guest, piI [An a gonial host Dri Stfiphpnptfm m

II is hard to befatf pir~Georgetown Items.

5 ' _ '.. S

3 The Misses Maria and Mae sj

/j Chib^^1^1Monday d<. evening Jam 26th. at their home. WQuite a lew visitors were- pres- 31

I ent. Among them were: MissesB. A. Btanchi, Jennie Young, njCf Pawley, Viola Atkinson, Sad- ti

-4h7-WI)limns and Mi. Juseph Atkin$on.'

s<The evening was very pleas- c

antly gpent. A beautiful and s«" helpful program was rendreed.--After whi^h a delicious repast F\J ""v A number t>f ydung folks are1seen daily on the Basket Ball y<1 and Tennis courts. 7_ Sl

? Miss Pauline D. is-all-smilesthese days, the gulf has-been ol

' bridged and the sheik Mr./Thosr "hnforgiven..- . ei

BeenJ°aopk J^^^"nGQn ^aa nefc"

^ matter* girls? Don't let this t<3^hahdsbme ?heik slip. 7X gJr> t, f ; »

,Miss Amelia Atkinson is send- lo3 ing ten to twenty letters every |ai"Iweek tor Albermarle, N. G, JLet clus watch and see the end.~~ ~^

*J -Mi1 .-I je A.;Dunmoreia uei

c jji bw^Dg^ng UPj ^ ^a^orc* C£

^ under,, .the Barber shop's insti- Atution. Norman is a fine fellow Pi

- 4»ut Gee! his-legsarc so long. «. Mr^and Mrs. Walter H Brown ei

entertairipd in honor of Messrs. w\ W. C. Chambers and Rudolph w

1-Fench, of Indianapolis, Ind., on ly1 lors were beautifuHydighted and Ns lent splendor to the many beau- tl

ful gowns. Seven games ^Of 5wMst -were played. Prof.-^yd ^^ and Miss Young held top score clei each receiving a dainty little ns prize. Mrs. Grace Anderson rejcOivingthe Booby./ CoIation;consisted of chicken salad, punch

l|added to the evening's enjoymerit;.| Odessa Sanders being sick. Tru-ftt

^ fly hope that she will be all O. K. o]isoon. ^ --tl

Frederick are telling the Senior Uclass 6X -Howard High School: ir

^ |.Dmi' sjbut "B" natural/ a

5-.- - :C. S. B. si

kT&npeckcd Husbande Not Even Allowed S]

-To Kill Selfjgtrot tired of asking my wife's ^

v permission-every time I wanted tT- to go anywhere," said Boytf wMhrison^ a young farmer jiear

5 here, in explaining why he at- tl

- His bricle of six months cut ir1. him- down from a rafter-jn^iiis -~4ubarri, wheTe he had hanged him'self.He will recover, and now

-says he is willing to live. fci r Jji The Literary" Debating c

Society.Allen c

Unviersity. c

cThn Fnd Prnwina Hip Wnrk p. <By R. S. Hitter.) g

3 DfVmf in cr ^nniofir «**«v C. UV/vivij »i c .ysiAymi* qT ing their dutyr The spirit Of the C

- young men seems to be greater ^than ever before in t]ie-Jiistory Ci bf this great school, it is said, jv1 'Tt seermr'TEis' though the young jj1! are hager to find their high cal- e

ling in life, ft is a paramount j-jc fact that the purpose" of-this E- Society is to train young men S

to know and love humanity hir order that they may»be able to ar solve the greatest problems ISthat can come to them and be a

, selves in the highest regarcHEb 3r that which is good._v Ort^ihe seventh inst,, Prof, H. S- B. Thompson called the young !§

'" ^..r .. ..


r'. 3

2. 11.


!ans relative to this wonderful Ctovementr ProL McGill -was t-esent, and was given the priv- tTgo expressing himself in ijhalf of the situation. He said vThe bringing together of this f)lendi(J looking body of youngiem reminds me of-my-Jiitident Ilys." He made many remarks Ihich pointed out tlie success 1lat could be gained^thereby. JThis Society meets Wednsday. Iight of each-weekr It is get- z

ng lined up for real work, jWithin a few wpeks VOU will fthe, results nf \t.You are 1

ordially invited to come and jie us. £

'acuity Recital at A. U. r'

Without-a doubt Alien Hni- (^rsity is still on the ladder of r

iccess. On Tuesday evening twuiary 20th, a large audience? friends and students was ctghly entertained by "An Ev- -gling With the Faculty." It a

msical talent of some of the yeachers. Professors, Baumardnerand Valentine sang so- "

s, "I Hear You Galling Me," 2id "Somebody Loves Me." Theimax was Mrsr-Viola Hollo- jjay's solo,-;- "Longing" wliiclii-jjaroughfc the houac down"- and- =jjdied for an encore. *!;-IH-addition to thejprogram-an guto Race" which had been in Jjrogress for over Lwo :mont.hs"]jimn to n~Ahrazr nV, nmn 9. v ww w/vvwv« vug^^especially the studentbody jjas anxious to learn- who the £inner, would be. It was final- Sfound out that tJhetCollege £

,udents won, with Mrs: Lula -Jelson acting as chauffeur and |lat they had travelled about £000 miles and ralsedover$400. J4th the amounts "the- other £ifcufTeurs (teachers of A: U.) jjiised assisted by their pupils,

/er$1,000 was reported.

BENEDICT NEWS. }»y-Gilroye Griffin. j ;j

The Douglass Debating Clubtot at its usualhour-6:4&, Satrday,January 24th. After an Jpening song and a prayer by ]le chaplain, the members an- '

A'ered to the_roll call with quo- 3itions from the Bible. Follow- jlg another> song came the con- j.deration--of the -Club emblem -1

:. * ^nd motto. An owl has been ;ijggested for the former and ;jle matter is'yet'under consul- ^-ation. In keeping with the IjDirit of the Week of Prayer, !jiscussiomof the subject "Whathristianity Means to an.Indi-iauai' was engaged in. The ^resident made a few closing re- jtarks, prayer was offered fry -j;le chaplain, and the meeting jas closed.f* c |Another student Organization, >le Ministerial Union, held its

...eekly meeting on Tuesdays-3rehing, January 27th, in the



9 I hou;]]1] >

. .

-.^or C| We are mer

| .. with a gigari i maintained

5 It Pays*

! .1.. (DePini113111234^Come And G<

jBBMBBBiaMaiBliBBBr tii '| . ..

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_ Ij£

College Library. The main busRe^nndertnlren zjyas-t.hf.._gTe(Vion of officers for the seconcemester. The "names-of those\'ho were elected with their' oficesfollow:- Rev. J. M. Baity, Presidentlev. Mr. WestbrooksrVicc- Proslev .Mr. W. M. Parker, Sec?y.lev. MrT A. B. Coleman, Treas.

lev. Mr. C. Simon, Warden.The^ourth High Class is/be«

rinning to prepare for gradual.ion time..At a meeting helciFthi^chapel^i College liall uuholiday last, committees wereippointed to secure informatiorconcerning class emblems and tcecommend clags colors.Definte^selection-ofan emblem wasleferred. Discussion of theclass flovy.dr-was cut, short, dueo the* lack of~time.Talk is beginning to grow concerningthe coming base ball sea

;on, and it is expected thai;oon after January's cold is goneaiufessiu Ducketi will e&li- -hlis men. -OWEN

I;.; /. .r. r.jr" IVIercftai

: of DomesticW@olens--Coi"before purcbe

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-=t- .- 15RVEN

I STRA\LLEAVES>r Al RESOLUTION. ~Tr~f Wltttara f>. Robinson. r

Again I stand upon the crest of time, .' And view below., behind the vanish-.ed/years; v

And see before, beyond, the glow subr|./linjgi...-..t.. .

Heralding Time's rebirth, newHhopes».rr -new fearer .^ ^' While in the fringing darkness wait ...


^ With cruef°claws and subtle deadlyblows. "

' Below, behind, the wrecks of shatter eddreams,I Of broken hopes and ideals vainly -.^ sought: . z^rr.r AIiiii»| hrvfinri, thn Ymir Vcir'a

day gleams. \And on Time's newborn crest, new .

L * visions ^aught.> Sweep thru-the soul their hupe restoringbeams,r dreartrs.5 The Past behind, the Future bright'-"»j. * ahe^d, j

i nere resoxve anew that Love]spure law,

I Alone shall govern me,.the path I-L. tread '

^ 1.'r4.Shall.yield no.selfish. joy,:.; the ..' sword I -draw.' Shall guard me only as I form a part11 Of Humanity's bleeding, Ein torn .heart!


Wm. D. R:-4'25.


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