Itlalo and Female Iliivls Srliools, I Greenwood, Abbeville IS. C. In urging the claims of tIk* above Institutions to public patronage, the Trustees present 111« follow- illy considerations: They arc lo<-aled in a Village* well known f«»r the purity of it:; water, the s:du- brity of its climate, and moral character of its in- habitants They are dwsigned loallbrii a thorough and extensive education, conducted upon religious principles. They aro supplied witli chemical and i>liil«siiiilii<>:il :imcii;il us. a cabinet el' minerals and curiosities, uml oilier mr-ans tor illustration, in the various departments of science. They will always be furnished with teachers, for whose conqeteney in every respect, is pledged the < liaraeter the Greenwood Association and of the Soutli Carolina Presbytery. | Tho Trustees will spare no pains to render these Institutions equal to any in the Slate: and whilo it is their aim to elevate tli" standard of education, ! ample provision will be made for the youngest pu- j pil. A system of classification with regard to ca- I pacity and attainments will ho ri«ttdl\ observed, thereby rendering it important that pupil# enter at j the beginning ot the session. The scholastic year will consist often months and bo divided into two Bessious : 1st commencing first Monday in J'< bru- J ary, ijiid commencing second .Monday in July. | littles of 'Tuition arc us JoUotrs, jn'r Session: MAI.K PCUUOI.. SCHOOL. j 1st class, ijslKOO 1st elas-s, I.j.UO LM do HUM iid do JD.U'J 3d do ti.UO j ;ul do c.oo Iv\tra.MusSo, SJO.tJU French, 5.UU l'.«c ol" Piano, y.OtJ Cuiitiiigonl, 50 | [TTfioiinl nt $8.00 j»t*r nioutli, including fu<>- wood and washing. Trust**. .1AMF.5 CILLAM. I>AVID LJ'.Sf.T. JOHN I.UUAN. 1'- 11. i Al.llOfV. JOHN MCIKF.3. Nov 3 3(J tf M'j', (BAiBM'illL MMiM. I The Trustees ot All. Carmel lake |j!> asure in announcing- lo the public that they Isuve been successful in sccunng' the services ol Air. D. W. C. T1LLOTSOIS' for the ensuing year. The school to be conducted on the same plan and at the sauie rates of lust year. Mr. TiU lotson is too well known as a first rate teacher and disciplinarian to give any further com- IIJUI1 ID* V/I1LU|I UUUIU Utlll UC i111 LI 111 1111' lIUl^llborhood. The school will commence on tJio first Monday in January next* Trustees..P. LoKoy, L. Covin, 17. lira- dy, P. Rogers, J. Wells, P. (iray, S. Morruh. J. McCelvy, II. MeCelvy. Nov 10 37 St Hail Road, or 110 Kail lloatl! PEACE OR WAR! IS. STSAUSS, lit Cokcs^ury, Has received a large and splendid assortment ot' the follt»\ving*FI{KSil (iOODS which will be sold at very low prices. Brown and bleuchcd shirtings i'rotn 5 cts up, Do x do sheetings 4' 12 1-2 Fancy Prints from 6 1-4 to 25 cents, Furniture do " 8 " 25 l" Mourning and second mourning Prints 10 cents up Plaid Castillians and English Merinod, Black Alpacas from 30 cis up, " Bombazcne, Mourning mous do lain 25, 37 and 50 cts, Fancy col'd do do do 18 3-4 up, Tartan plaid Shawls, C< 4 -U 1 1 OCUICU WUU1 uo Ladies and Gents col'd kid and beaver (J loves, do do cravats and scarfs, do do silk and linen cainbrick H'd'k'fs. Linen, Lawns, Silk and Satin. ALSO, French and English Broadcloth, 1 have an article of French black broad cloth at £5 pev yard worth $7 to tfS. Cassimeres, Sattinets, Tweeds, j Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Linsey, White, led, and yellow Flannel. ALSO, Plaid r-Siiiaiinms f'nmlii-icl/a m«e. & , . w, . -J ...wc lins, cotton and worsted Hose, (white ami black) from 12 1-2 up; Mitts, caps, gloves, ribbons, tapes and braid, suspenders, A full assortment of Fancy Articles. A large variety of Fall and Whiter Cups, General Taylor Caps I Buena Vista do Palo Alto do and Churubusco do HATS at any price a man can ask, as I in- tend to sell out this article. A complete assortment of Shoes and Hoots, Bonnets, Groceries, Crockery and Drugs, Hardware, Perfumery, Segars and Tobac co of the best kind, and a full assortment at very low prices. Come and examine his splendid stock of Goods before you buy elsewhere, and you will find many articles not mentioned, and the prices cheaper than you cxpected. n_i ni* " - " VUl <,! Oi> tl I LOST, ' On Monday of Court, a fino COLD HEADED WALKING CANE, varnished black, either in this villago, or between this place and Cedar Springs. Any information respecting it will lie thankfully received, or tho finder suitablv rewarded. J. W. FItAZIER. Cedar Springs, Oct 27 35 tf NOTICE. The subscriber offers his plantation for sale, lying six miles West of Abbeville Villago on Little Iliver and Calhoun's C".rf>r»lr\ 965 acres, on which is a two story dwelling house, well finished ; gin house, gin and cot* ton screw, and all other necessary out buildings. Any further description is useless, athe purchaser will, of course, view the premises. For prompt payment, a good bargain may be had if applied for soon. Nov 24 39 4t J. J. BARNETT. ESTRAYED From the subscriber on Wednesday the 3d of November, one red bay mare MULE, a mark on each shou.der from the collar. Would be thankful for any information of said raulo directed to Winter Seat, Edgefield. Nov 24 39 3t MARY A. HUNTER i)ambuvg ^lfcucrliscmcnl&! FOW >i lliimliiirc, S. Would rcsprclfully inform their frionds and the public generally, that t hoy hav«; associa tod thctn.srlvoR tmrHher in lin^iru-ss. in ilin I town of J lumhurg, !S. win re they have on i hand and expect constantly to rcccivea cnrefully selected slock of all articles usually kept in the (Jrocery line, ciz: Jiajrgiii", Rope, Twino. Sugars, Colli es. j Ti'ns.iNlnlas.sc s.JJncoii. MacUarel,Cheese, S iI), Anils, Iron, Drawing* Chains,&.e. besides- Xe^ro Shoes, lilankets. I insays, Keipey , 1 Maids, < hsitaluirgs, II. iiH?|iun, Hats, Cap-, \\ e.>n Saddle?, I'ridits ami Whips, iVc. vVc. c. All of v.lii' ii they oiler ot the much reduced market prices, and vviil at all limes he buying ; country pr. (luce. W. KOWI.KK. K. (I. («ULL)l:Mi. Dec I 40 4t j ' Money Sitied is as siouil us Jlimcy Eiiriit'tl," An I }{<//r /s (he ihnc to save, it! To all piiivhaser.-t of DRV (iO<)J)S, wo say that if yon wish lo make money, call and he convinced ol'tlm lact, (hut by purchasing u*, you will bo making money hy saving it. \W liavo u good assortment of iiin«.i «»r tho articles found in u Dry Cuoil Sloro. and prices suit< <1 to the presout time, u will bo seen 'jy a li.-l of a )V\\* articles: Cashmeres 'l"t 'o li"2 !-"2oonis per yard, M ,i..i >>ti *ir i-1 .......... .... ....... " »- * v.rt J«'l j.lltt, (iiu<>'hams 1lo :\7 wilts, Alpaccas 33 1-3 to S1 ('ali.oes (j 1--1 lo i2.">, l.iueu J liiudkerchicls 12 ]to £>1.00, Ladies* cotton iJose 1*2 1 -2 lo f>0 ecnts. Also, ;i good ii.^rirtiiionl ofheavy Wool Shawls, fashimiabh* and rich, from to > ;(»; Muslin do l/iinc, silk and worsted Shawls, very low. In Th kin £<, hh-achcd and brown Hoinc.-puiis, wo are not to lie beat. It is list less to enumerate articles and prices, one call will satisfy the purchaser that we have t*|*oIc«*n the truth, and that this is the place to make money. Ki-sueell'ully, '1'. S. STIIjL.MAX, At the old stand of J. O. li. Ford. Hamburg, Nov ii I 3D 1m WATCH KS Repaired in the hesl manner, and on Teasonablo terms, at I ho establishment on Centre-street, recently occupied bv A. <i. Naglo. JOHN GUIMAR1X. Hamburg, Oct ~J7 35 3m Duxn vu & JJURXSIDK, Having removed from tho Hrick Store formerly oeciijiied by them, to the store next In Dr. J. W. Stokes, and nearly opposite their old stand, Jliiniburg, S. C., Arc now receiving, und will continue to re. ecive, heavy supplies of the following Goods, which they oiler to their friends and the pub! lie ffrnerally, at the lowest innrkct prices. SUGARS. New Orleans, Muscovado, Porto Rico, Clarified, Double Refined, Loaf, crashed and powdered. COFFEE. Prime dark green Rio, common do., Cuba St, Domingo, Prime old Gov; ernmcnt Java. P»AGG1ISG, A heavy stock of Kentucky, and other kinds of American manufacture, together with a fair stock of Dundee and Gunny ROPE. Kentucky, Jute, Manilla and Tow, from £ to inch. SALT. Lurge Charleston Sacks and Dlown. ki r\t a coTid ivr 1 » iuuLinoorjo. v>uu.i, new vjricans ana Sugar Ilousc; a superior article of Syrup. TEAS. Hyson, Gunpowder, Imperial and Black. IRON. Of all sizes, also a good assortment of Hoop and Band Iron, German and Cast Steel, Nail Roda, &c.; Nails of all sizes. > CI 1 All IS. Maple, Windsor, Cane Seat, Children's, Office. Rocking and Nurse. POWDKIt. FFF Dupont's, Blasting, Eagle, S]>orLing, and Kentucky Rifle Powder. | ALSO, A heavy slock of Saddles, Bridles, Martin| gales, Halter Chains, Drawing Chains, Wee| ding Hoes, Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, Rice, Soaps, Tohacco of various brands, Hats and Caps of different grades and Klin pes, iioots and Shoes, Sole, Upper ! and Harness ).oat her, a superior lot of Kip and Calfskins, pure While Lead, warranted; Window Glass 7 X'J, 8 XIO, 10 X12, 12 X14, host quality Negro Blankets 0 to l"<i-l Bed Blankets, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, all minis hers, bleached and brown Domestic Goods, heavy and light Kerseys, Buckets, Tubs, Sui gar Cans, Measures, Bruss bound Pails, Shot of all sizes. Lead, Blue Stone, Copperas,Saltpetre, Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Shoe Thread, Cotton and Wool Cards, Cocoa Dippers, Brooms, Wagon Boxes, Grindstones, Castings or Hollow. Ware, fMoa. I, 2 and 3 Macks erel, Bedsteads, TJioinaston Lime, &c. &.c. Sept J5 29 tf Warc-1 louse and Commission BUSINESS. HAMBURG. S. C. cj^. The subscribers having1 leased 7: '"<$> J|S)thc Ware House in Hamburg, lately occupied by Smith &. Benson,for 53 years, under the firm of Itamey &, Taggart. Tiny offer their services to their friends and Ihe public generally, in the STORAGE nnd SALE of COTTON, FLOUR, BACON.and Produce of all kinds; RECEIVING and FORWARDING MERCHANDIZE, and Purchasing Goods to Order, &-C. They hope, by strict attention, to merit a share of public patronage. Their House will be open on the first September for the transaction of business. JOHNSON RAMEY. TOHN T A fin ART. Juno 23, 1847. 17* tf 0^?-Tho Hamburg Journal will copy the above until further erders. NOTICE. Will be sold, on tho 31st of December next, at the residence of Samuel R. Morah, in this District, a balance of the Estate of Hugh Morah, consisting of eight likely Negroes, and various articles of household and kitchen Furniture, too tedious to mention. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold one likely Negro woman, stock of all kinds, the property of Jane Morah, deceased. AARON LOMAX, ) SAM'L K. MORAH, \ l,x ors Nov 24, 1817 30 +3t (jmnburg QVbucvtiscments.! _HiaiovAi~ Win. kHclmiii iV o. Have; rcnu ved their slock ol Dry Goods to the .store under the American Hotel, (lute Hubbard's whore it is their purpose to keep a full nssortmunt of Asiiot'icaii, frent h sibi?1 hiikiisu 1)11 Y GOODS. We would take this opportunity to return our j llmiUs to our numerous friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed on us for the last six years, and would solicit a continuance of llll I I I (i » VJ | C We would also invite all persons buying Dry CJoods in Hamburg, who are not already on our lit-t of customers, to give us » trial. Our stock will consist ol'a much larger and J more general assortment than we have here-* j lolore kej»t. We will al.*o continue lo keep mir usual assortment of CAlll'ETTlIMG, OIL CI,<>T11, F L o O 11 M A '1' T I N CJ, KO.XNKTS, anil Ladies' and Childrens' SHOKS. N. J»..Just received a full nssortmcnt. of all numbers ol 1> U T C II P> O L T I NG CLOTHS, which, together with a!l articles in our line, will be sold as low as they can be procured in Hamburg'or Augusta, WM. KETC1IAM & CO. Ilumburg, Aug 11 21 If To The Public. The undersigned would respectfully announce Jo Travellers and persons visiting Hamburg, that lie has token for a term of years, the IIO- IT.I long liiiown as HUmWKU'S A MUltll.'AN MOTEL, which it is his purpose to keep as such a llouac should bo kepi, and wil only promise to ail who favor him with a call tliul he will do all in his power to please ; and where as much Comfort r.nd (luiot nmy ho cxpectcd a3 can be found at any Public House. A careful and attentive Hostler will be kept constantly in the Stable, and Horses shall be attended to in a way that shall give entire satisfaction. A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. VVM. KETCHAM. Hamburg, Aug II 24tf A CARD. The undersigned returns her most grateful acknowledgments for the liberal patronage long- ocstoweu upon ncr, tutu iukcs great pica; sure ill recommending to her friends and for-. mcr patrons, Mr. WM. KETC1IAM, in whose management of the House she has the utmost confidence, and would solicit for him a continuance of their favors. SARAH HUBBARln WAUE-IIOUSIi AND COM MISSION BUSINESS.lliiniliur?, S. ('. Tlio subscriber he<rs leavo to inform lii.s friends and (lie public generally, that ho will conlintto 1 ho Wakk-IIopsk and Commission Bisinkss, at the TSEjjil E£o;id !)< }>«!. T lio convenience of this establish meat is too well known to requiro much connnent. Cotton or other l'rodncc once in store can be put on tlic Hail Road ' without tin* adI ditional expense of draynjre, &o. ; which is ceri tainly an itc-m wuith nuiiue, both io merchants and planters'. My charges will bo as reasonable rr other like concerns in tho place, and the usual facilities given to those who may givo me their patronage. trpt 15 i?i) 3in 13. .M. ROGERS. Warehouse and Factorage. ,w. The subscribers have purJ chnecil from Nathon L. Griflin, Esq., the Cotton Warehouse in Hamburg', recently occupied by Dr. J. 1<\ Griffin. und formerly by Messrs. II. L. J offers & Co.. situated at the foot of the Hill, and immediately at the head of the main business street. From its superior location, and being' surrounded by a stream of water, it is comparatively exempt from the casualty of fire and entirely above the reach of high freshets. They propose to carr^ on exclusively the WAREHOUSE and GENERAL FACTORAGE BUSINESS, under the firm o CJK1GER & PART LOW. Having engaged an experienced and com! potent assistant, in addition to their own per! sonnl attention, and possessing means to iuukc liberal advances on produce consigned lo their care, thoy hereby tender their servis cesto Planters, Merchants and others, in the STORAGE and SALE of COTTON, FLOUIt, 15ACON, and otlmr PRODUCE, in RECEIVING and FORWARDING MERCHANDISE, and PURCHASING GOODS to ORDER. W. VV. GEIGER. JAS. Y. L. PARTLOW. June 9 15 6m NOTICE. The subscriber offers for sale his PLANTATION, lying within half a mile of this place, containing 050 acrcs. On the premises urc a two story framed Dwelling1, framed Nc«jro Houses, a new framed Gin House, and a new and excellent Screw attached, with other outbuildings, such as arc common on plantations. Two hundred and fifty acres at least of tho land is uncleared and finely timbered ; a qnan- tity of ihat part cJenred is very productive land, and most of the uncleared is of a very good quality. The price will be moderate. Persons wishing to purchase, will npply to the subscriber on the premises. JAMES S. WILSON. Abbeville C. H., Sept 15 29 3w The State of South Carolina, A HUE VII.LK DISTRICT IX EQUITY. William P. Rcmbert, Geo. L. Holmes and wife, v. Rebecca lteinbert, widow, and _»i i- - r oi 1 n> i . uuiuis, ucirs ui uuiiiiici ivcmuuu, ucu .Bill for Partition. It appearing to the Court that Rebecca Rembert, Mary II M Rembert, Louisa Rembert, Samuel S Rembert, Jacob Moon and Har* riet AI. his wife, Lewellin C Rembert,. John P Trezvant and Louisa R his wife, James A Rembert, John W Pope, Miller and Louisa his wife, Judith Pope and Mariah Petcy Pope, Defendants,reside without the limits of ibis State: Ordered, that the said Defendant's do appear and plead, answer, or demur to the said Bill within three months from this date, or the said Bill will be taken pro confesso against them. II. A. JONES, C. E: Com'ra office, Nov 0,1847 i37 3m R. II. & W. A. Wanlliiw, Are now receiving, direct from Now York, a large J and well selected stock of j FALL AM) WAMTISIt <U)OI)S, which have heen bought on such terms as will en- :ili!e them to sell at as low prices as can lie otl'ercd ! anv where. Their stork embraces all that is new and desirable of the sc a.-na, consisting in part of the following: Common and lino fancy M. IVLanes, 44 44 44 liep I)"Ki:o^se, Super French cashmeres, 44 Fancy plaid Drap D'F.te, Klegant embroidered merino Uohes, >- i.t.. << i:.. .1.. 1VHH*.} IIII.MIll »v.l I'arolinn, Celeste and CJala l'laid.-«, Super printed 1'reach cambric.*, " niotii'iiiuic t'° Rich fancy col'd ami figM silk.*, " l.l k ligM and plain «!<> Handsome second monrnmir do fiU<lies' iiir'tl bl'k silk mantles, A largo and elegant slock shawl.-', IM'k and fancy col'd cloths and ca>simeres, Slip. Iig'd silk and satin vestings, Kerseys, linscys and l''n<;lish plains, Dnllil, twilled and Mackinaw blanket.-:, Snp. Whitney bed and crib do A large stock Xegro shoe?:, Ladies' morocco and kid slippers, i Hoys' and nibses' shoes, j ( cuts snp. call boots j " water proof do (ients and ladies' over shoes, / . .....I I -i...i. < ti i. i i- 1 V"i-ui.-i iiuu ini^r- UIIIUI, llir, feaiU'UO UUU (TUV/.I'II Fur ami wool liats, [cap.---, AIso, a complete slock of Ciroeerios, Hardware, CrocUerv, Saddlery, Jewelry ami Fancy (jbwds. '< sept :JU ":n If , l7\nds for salz I Tlio subscriber oilers for salo two tracts of land ly- j in:; in Ahbevillo District ; one tract on thn main j road leading from the Court lloa;< s of Anderson. l'ieken< ami l!roenvillfi to I Iniuhuip. one mile from Kdyclield lino, number of acres one thousand, oao half woodland, the other in a liij^lv s tate of eultiva- lion. The buildings are good and t ouvenicutly situated ; a two-story dwelling house and yard buildings, as kitchen, &.< .: also, barn, pin-house, Sir. The Homestead Tract, on main road from Abbeville Village to Cambridge, one and a half miles below (Greenwood ; acres, seven hundred and sixty; cleared land two hundred and sixty acres, balance in woods: this tract is well improved, a larjro two-story dwelling house, outbuild- ings as barn, stables, «rin house, suitably situated and in srood condition, liotli tracts in close prox- j iniity with tho ronto now being surveyed as tlio branch of tho Columbia and Crecuvillo Hail Road. Persons wishing to purchase will call and see me | as I am anxious to soil. .1. Y. L. l'AUTLOW". I Oct *20 34 lUt E.i 'rarl from the Nctc York Express. It is seldom that wo st< [> out of our way to no- ; fifo. either fur praise or censure, tin- vmious advor- tised specifics of tho day ; and could wo believe in tho truth of all tho certificates which are published in favor of some of thorn, thoro would lio no call : f«»r our j»r;»isc ccrtainly. 15ut from a personal knowledge of their virtuo, we aro willing to record our unsolicited testimony in favor of Dr. I lull's ! j Worm Lozenges: tlioy being in our opinion an in- j j f.'llible remedy for that bane of childhood.worms. | ' Salo in their operation, easily administered, and what to us is a grout recommendation in a medi- cino for children, tlioy are not uauseatiiu;, but ac- j tiiuily j»!easaut lo liio taste. We have used them iu ;i number ol eases in our family, nut) in cuch and ; every case with complete success : ;inil we take pli-asurc ill recommending them to our patrons and friends, not only as a euro l'or worms, hut as a I ho- rough and easily administered cathartic or pur«ja- tivo medicine, where such is needed, or where worms arc suspected. The above medicine is for Kale at the Drug Store and at the l'ost Ollico. [Nov 37 lm " mioKS. It. II. & XV A. Wardlaw Have added to their usual stock of School Hooks, a considerable collcction of valua- bio MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, viz: Prescott's Conquest of Peru, Napoleon and his Marshall.-*, Carlyle's French Revolution, Fremont's Oregon, Life and Campaigns of Xapolcon, 'p.,,.\r .>,1 t.ic. ri«..o...,t -S li Y 1U1 (UHI lllO b I lly I til.-, Mcxico and her Military Chieftains, Goldsmith's View of the World, Complete Works of Byron (Illustrated) u Joseph us, Milton ami Young, (handsome edition) Goldsmith's Natural History, A splendid copy ol'Shakspeare in 7 vols., ALSO, Maps of Mexico, " United States, Cap and Letter Paper, fine and beautiful Billet Paper, and Envellopes, Gold and Steel Pens, &c. Oct. G 32 tf NOTICE. I will bo at E. Trible's, Esq., on the 20th, 21st and 22tul of December next, and at Abbeville Court House on the 2.'Jrd, for the purpose of couuciing me deuis due me instate ot Josliua Meaclium, deceased. All those indebted to said Estate, will do well to call and see me on one of the above named days. JAMES MEAC11UM, Executor. N.13. I will sell the Lands of said Estate privately, to suit purchasers, on either of the ubove named days. J. M., Ex'or, Nov 17 38 4t The State of South Carolina. ABTJEVILI.E DISTRICT, John G. Wilson, applicant, v. Robert A Wilson and others..Partition in Ordinary. It appearing to my satisfaction that Mr Bulger and Jane his wife, Thos Lesly and Susan iiis wife, Joseph Lesly and Mary his wife,par* ties Defendants, reside without the limits of this State : Ordered that they do appear and object to the division or sale of the Real Es~ taste of Alexander Wilson, dee'd on or before the first day of February next, or their con« sent to the same will be entered of record. DAVID LESLY, Nov 10,1847 80 3m Ordinary. Waggons for Sale. A second-hand ono-horeo waggon and a two-horso waggon, both in good ordor, with harness, can bo bought cheap. Apply at this oftioe. [Oct 20 Job Printing Neatly and Expeditiously Executed at the ofTico OF Tlir. I Abbeville ISaimcr. C A N I) 1 1) A T i: s . F O K TAX <'<>], I, K l' T O K . We uro authorized (o announce JOHN M. GOLDIJN'G as a candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing election. We are authorized to announce JAMES M. CALVERT, as a candidate lor TAX COLLECTOR, at the ensuing election. The I'liendsof Cnpt. E. C. MARTIN, iiniouuco him as a candidate for TAX COLLHCTOU, at th« next cnsuiii<relection. The 1'riend^ of WILLIAM J. HAMMOI\D, take pleasure in announcing him a Candidate for TAX COLLECTOR at the ensuing flection. The Friends of JOSEPH S. D. WETHER A I.!,, announce him a.s a Candidate for TAX COLLECTOR, at the ensuing elec- tlOll. The friends of the Rev. JAS. MOORE rrspoctfully uiinounco him as a candidate for the office of Tux Collector at the ensuing election. The Friends of W S. HARRIS, announce hint as a candidate for re-rlection to the ofliee of TAX COLLECTOR, at the ensuing election. Wo arc authorised to announce JOIIi\ ( UNIS 1 i\"(.111AM, as a candidatc for TAX COLLECTOR, at the next election. The friends of EZEKLEL TRLBLE announce him as a candidate tor the ofliee of Tax Collector at the ensuing election. We are authorized to announce T. T. CUNiSlJXCillAM us a candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing election. Tito State of South Carolina. A liHliVI f.L K DISTRICT. T i 7 * y . r * t » ia inc. Kaolin, oj common l'lcas. James Cochran v James Fish..AttachHU'ltl. The PlaintifT in this ease haying filed Ins declaration in the Clerk's office this day: And the defendant having neither wife or attorney known to be in this State. Ordered that said defendant do plead to the said declaration within a year and a day from this date, other-* wise judgment by default will be awarded aguinst him T P SP1ERIN, C. C, P. Clerk's Office 29th April 1847 ly 14 11 wuvyu IA/ zxu3t iiiv;v;j)» E.r.parte..Wm. Barmorc, appl'l., vs. the Heirs, of Cieo. Barmorc, tlec'd., et nl. It appearing to tny satisfaction that the heirs of George Barmorc, deceased, the heirs of Peter Barniore, deceased,and the heirs of Asa Franklin, deceased, Defendants, (names not known) reside without the limits of the State: It is therefore ordered, that they do appear aiid utiji'ci. io liie division or sale ot the Keal listutu of James Barmore, deceased, on or before the first Monday in January, 1848, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. DAVID LESLY, O. A. D. Sept 20,1847 30 12 w Notice to Absent Heir. It appearing to my satisfaction, that William Wright, one of the heirs and children of John Wright, deceased, is absent from this State. iNotice is hereby given to tlic said William Wright, that application has been made to the Ordinary under the act of Assembly of 1812 for a part ofthe proceeds of sale of the real estate to pay the debts, as the assets of personally arc deficient to §97.7G, and that yon be and appear at Abbeville C, H. on or before the first of January, 1848, to shew cause why so much ofthe fund or proceeds of sale of land should not be so applied, or your consent will be entered of record as confessed. Given under my hand this 22d September, 1847 DAViD LESLY, O. A. D. sept 20 31 12t The Daily National Whig, Is published in the city of Washington, every clay at three o'clock, P. M., Sundays excepted, and served to subscribers in the City, at the Navy Yard, in Georgetown, in Alexandria, and in Baltimore the same evening, at G.J- cents a week, payable to the sole agent of the Whig, Li. L. Gilclirest, Esqr., or his order. It is also mailed to any part of the United States for §4 per annum, or for (i months, payable in advance. The National AVhig is what its name indicates, It speaks the sentiments of the Whig party of the Union 011 every question of public policy. It advocates the election to tho Presidency of Zachary Taylor, subject to the decision of a Whig National Convention. It makes war to the km to upon all the measures and acts of the Administration deemed to bo adverse to the interests of the country, and exposes without fear or favor the corruptions of the party in power. Its colums are open to every man in the country, for the discussion of political or any other questions. In addition to politics, a large space in the National Whig will bo devoted to publications upon Agriculture, Mechanics, and other useful arts, Science in general, Law, Medi» cine, Statistics, &c. Choice specimens of American and Foreign Literature will also be given, including llevicws, &c. A weekly liot rt r t Un T)ntiinld locm/ifl l\t? frltrt l^ntnnt not ui biiu x uiumo ioauv;u vjr mv x an. ih viiiuu will likewise be published.the wliole forming a complete family newspaper. The Weekly National Whig, one of the largest newspapers in the United States, is made up from the columns of the Daily National Whig, and is published every Saturday for the low price of $2 per annum, payable in advance. A double sheet of eight pages will be given whenever the press of matter shall justify it. The Memoirs of Genernl Taylor, written expressly for the National Whig, are in courso of publication. They commenced with tho second number, a large number of copies of which have been printed, to supply calls for back numbers. CHS. W. FENTON, Proprietor of the National Whig. Aug. 25, [Prs. bill 9JJ20] 26 6m NOTICE. I have left all my notes and accounts in the hands of Thomson & Pair. Those indebted to me will confer a favor by making payment to them immediately. JOHNSON RAMEY. Oct 20 36 tf . « ... mm . ." > FOR SALE. A neat BUGGY can bo had at a very reduced prico by applying at this oflicc [Oct 20 34

D, insays, WETHER - University of South Carolinahistoricnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn85026945/1847-12-15/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · l'.«c ol" Piano, y.OtJ ... BuenaVista do Palo Alto do and Churubusco

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Itlalo and Female Iliivls Srliools, I

Greenwood, Abbeville IS. C.In urging the claims of tIk* above Institutions to

public patronage, the Trustees present 111« follow-illy considerations: They arc lo<-aled in a Village*well known f«»r the purity of it:; water, the s:du-brity of its climate, and moral character of its in-habitants They are dwsigned loallbrii a thoroughand extensive education, conducted upon religiousprinciples. They aro supplied witli chemical andi>liil«siiiilii<>:il :imcii;il us. a cabinet el' minerals andcuriosities, uml oilier mr-ans tor illustration, in thevarious departments of science. They will alwaysbe furnished with teachers, for whose conqeteneyin every respect, is pledged the < liaraeter theGreenwood Association and of the Soutli CarolinaPresbytery. |Tho Trustees will spare no pains to render these

Institutions equal to any in the Slate: and whiloit is their aim to elevate tli" standard of education, !ample provision will be made for the youngest pu- jpil. A system of classification with regard to ca- Ipacity and attainments will ho ri«ttdl\ observed,thereby rendering it important that pupil# enter at jthe beginning ot the session. The scholastic yearwill consist often months and bo divided into twoBessious : 1st commencing first Monday in J'< bru- Jary, ijiid commencing second .Monday in July. |littles of 'Tuition arc us JoUotrs, jn'r Session:

MAI.K PCUUOI.. SCHOOL. j1st class, ijslKOO 1st elas-s, I.j.UOLM do HUM iid do JD.U'J3d do ti.UO j ;ul do c.oo

Iv\tra.MusSo, SJO.tJUFrench, 5.UUl'.«c ol" Piano, y.OtJCuiitiiigonl, 50 |

[TTfioiinl nt $8.00 j»t*r nioutli, including fu<>-wood and washing.

Trust**..1AMF.5 CILLAM. I>AVID LJ'.Sf.T.JOHN I.UUAN. 1'- 11. i Al.llOfV.

JOHN MCIKF.3.Nov 3 3(Jtf

M'j', (BAiBM'illL MMiM.IThe Trustees ot All. Carmel lake |j!> asure in

announcing- lo the public that they Isuve beensuccessful in sccunng' the services ol Air. D.W. C. T1LLOTSOIS' for the ensuing year.The school to be conducted on the same planand at the sauie rates of lust year. Mr. TiUlotson is too well known as a first rate teacherand disciplinarian to give any further com-IIJUI1 ID* V/I1LU|I UUUIU Utlll UC i111 LI 111 1111' lIUl^llborhood.The school will commence on tJiofirst Monday in January next*

Trustees..P. LoKoy, L. Covin, 17. lira-dy, P. Rogers, J. Wells, P. (iray, S. Morruh.J. McCelvy, II. MeCelvy.Nov 10 37St

Hail Road, or 110 Kail lloatl!PEACE OR WAR!

IS. STSAUSS, lit Cokcs^ury,Has received a large and splendid assortmentot' the follt»\ving*FI{KSil (iOODSwhich will be sold at very low prices.Brown and bleuchcd shirtings i'rotn 5 cts up,Do x do sheetings 4' 12 1-2

Fancy Prints from 6 1-4 to 25 cents,Furniture do " 8 " 25 l"

Mourning and second mourning Prints 10cents up

Plaid Castillians and English Merinod,Black Alpacas from 30 cis up,

" Bombazcne,Mourning mous do lain 25, 37 and 50 cts,Fancy col'd do do do 18 3-4 up,Tartan plaid Shawls,C< 4 -U 1 1OCUICU WUU1 uo

Ladies and Gents col'd kid and beaver(J loves,

do do cravats and scarfs,do do silk and linen cainbrickH'd'k'fs.

Linen, Lawns, Silk and Satin.ALSO,

French and English Broadcloth,1 have an article of French black broad

cloth at £5 pev yard worth $7 to tfS.Cassimeres, Sattinets, Tweeds, jKentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Linsey,White, led, and yellow Flannel.

ALSO,Plaid r-Siiiaiinms f'nmlii-icl/a m«e.

& , . w, . -J ...wc

lins, cotton and worsted Hose, (white amiblack) from 12 1-2 up; Mitts, caps, gloves,ribbons, tapes and braid, suspenders,

A full assortment of Fancy Articles.A large variety of Fall and Whiter Cups,General Taylor Caps IBuena Vista doPalo Alto do andChurubusco doHATS at any price a man can ask, as I in-tend to sell out this article.A complete assortment of Shoes and Hoots,Bonnets, Groceries, Crockery and Drugs,Hardware, Perfumery, Segars and Tobacco of the best kind, and a full assortment atvery low prices.Come and examine his splendid stock of

Goods before you buy elsewhere, and youwill find many articles not mentioned, andthe prices cheaper than you cxpected.n_i ni* " - "

VUl<,! Oi>tlI


On Monday of Court, a fino COLD HEADEDWALKING CANE, varnished black, either inthis villago, or between this place and CedarSprings. Any information respecting it will liethankfully received, or tho finder suitablv rewarded.J. W. FItAZIER.Cedar Springs, Oct 27 35tf

NOTICE.The subscriber offers his plantation for sale,lying six miles West of Abbeville Villago onLittle Iliver and Calhoun's C".rf>r»lr\965 acres, on which is a two story dwellinghouse, well finished ; gin house, gin and cot*ton screw, and all other necessary out buildings.Any further description is useless, athepurchaser will, of course, view the premises.For prompt payment, a good bargainmay be had if applied for soon.Nov 24 39 4t J. J. BARNETT.

ESTRAYEDFrom the subscriber on Wednesday the 3dof November, one red bay mare MULE, amark on each shou.der from the collar. Wouldbe thankful for any information of said raulodirected to Winter Seat, Edgefield.Nov 24 39 3t MARY A. HUNTER

i)ambuvg ^lfcucrliscmcnl&!FOW >i

lliimliiirc, S.Would rcsprclfully inform their frionds andthe public generally, that t hoy hav«; associatod thctn.srlvoR tmrHher in lin^iru-ss. in ilin Itown of J lumhurg, !S. win re they have on ihand and expect constantly to rcccivea cnrefullyselected slock of all articles usually keptin the (Jrocery line, ciz:Jiajrgiii", Rope, Twino. Sugars, Colli es. jTi'ns.iNlnlas.sc s.JJncoii. MacUarel,Cheese,

S iI), Anils, Iron, Drawing* Chains,&.e.besides- Xe^ro Shoes, lilankets. I insays,Keipey , 1 Maids, < hsitaluirgs,

II. iiH?|iun, Hats, Cap-, \\e.>n Saddle?, I'ridits ami

Whips, iVc. vVc. c.All of v.lii' ii they oiler ot the much reducedmarket prices, and vviil at all limes he buying ;country pr. (luce. W. KOWI.KK.

K. (I. («ULL)l:Mi.Dec I 404t j

' Money Sitied is as siouil us Jlimcy Eiiriit'tl,"An I }{<//r /s (he ihnc to save, it!

To all piiivhaser.-t of DRV (iO<)J)S, wo say thatif yon wish lo make money, call and he convincedol'tlm lact, (hut by purchasing u*, you will bomaking money hy saving it. \W liavo u good assortmentof iiin«.i «»r tho articles found in u DryCuoil Sloro. and prices suit< <1 to the presout time,u will bo seen 'jy a li.-l of a )V\\* articles:

Cashmeres 'l"t 'o li"2 !-"2oonis per yard,M,i..i >>ti *ir i-1

.......... .... ....... " »- * v.rt J«'l j.lltt,(iiu<>'hams 1lo :\7 wilts,Alpaccas 33 1-3 to S1('ali.oes (j 1--1 lo i2.">,l.iueu J liiudkerchicls 12 ]to £>1.00,Ladies* cotton iJose 1*2 1 -2 lo f>0 ecnts.

Also, ;i good ii.^rirtiiionl ofheavy Wool Shawls,fashimiabh* and rich, from to > ;(»; Muslindo l/iinc, silk and worsted Shawls, very low. InTh kin £<, hh-achcd and brown Hoinc.-puiis, wo arenot to lie beat.

It is list less to enumerate articles and prices, onecall will satisfy the purchaser that we have t*|*oIc«*nthe truth, and that this is the place to make money.

Ki-sueell'ully, '1'. S. STIIjL.MAX,At the old stand of J. O. li. Ford.

Hamburg, Nov ii I 3D1m

WATCH KSRepaired in the hesl manner, and on Teasonabloterms, at I ho establishment on Centre-street, recentlyoccupied bv A. <i. Naglo.

JOHN GUIMAR1X.Hamburg, Oct ~J7 353m

Duxn vu & JJURXSIDK,Having removed from tho Hrick Store formerly

oeciijiied by them, to the store next In Dr. J. W.Stokes, and nearly opposite their old stand,

Jliiniburg, S. C.,Arc now receiving, und will continue to re.ecive, heavy supplies of the following Goods,which they oiler to their friends and the pub!lie ffrnerally, at the lowest innrkct prices.SUGARS. New Orleans, Muscovado,

Porto Rico, Clarified, Double Refined, Loaf,crashed and powdered.COFFEE. Prime dark green Rio, commondo., Cuba St, Domingo, Prime old Gov;ernmcnt Java.P»AGG1ISG, A heavy stock of Kentucky,

and other kinds of American manufacture, togetherwith a fair stock of Dundee and GunnyROPE. Kentucky, Jute, Manilla and

Tow, from £ to inch.SALT. Lurge Charleston Sacks and

Dlown.ki r\t a coTid ivr 1»iuuLinoorjo. v>uu.i, new vjricans ana

Sugar Ilousc; a superior article of Syrup.TEAS. Hyson, Gunpowder, Imperial andBlack.IRON. Of all sizes, also a good assortmentof Hoop and Band Iron, German and

Cast Steel, Nail Roda, &c.; Nails of all sizes.> CI 1 All IS. Maple, Windsor, Cane Seat,Children's, Office. Rocking and Nurse.POWDKIt. FFF Dupont's, Blasting,Eagle, S]>orLing, and Kentucky Rifle Powder.

| ALSO,A heavy slock of Saddles, Bridles, Martin|gales, Halter Chains, Drawing Chains, Wee|ding Hoes, Sperm, Adamantine and TallowCandles, Rice, Soaps, Tohacco of variousbrands, Hats and Caps of different gradesand Klin pes, iioots and Shoes, Sole, Upper! and Harness ).oat her, a superior lot of Kipand Calfskins, pure While Lead, warranted;Window Glass 7 X'J, 8 XIO, 10 X12, 12 X14,host quality Negro Blankets 0 to l"<i-l BedBlankets, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, all minishers, bleached and brown Domestic Goods,heavy and light Kerseys, Buckets, Tubs, Suigar Cans, Measures, Bruss bound Pails, Shotof all sizes. Lead, Blue Stone, Copperas,Saltpetre,Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Shoe Thread,Cotton and Wool Cards, Cocoa Dippers,Brooms, Wagon Boxes, Grindstones, Castingsor Hollow. Ware, fMoa. I, 2 and 3 Mackserel, Bedsteads, TJioinaston Lime, &c. &.c.

Sept J5 29 tf

Warc-1 louse and CommissionBUSINESS.

HAMBURG. S. C.cj^. The subscribers having1 leased7: '"<$> J|S)thc Ware House in Hamburg,

lately occupied by Smith &. Benson,for53 years, under the firm ofItamey &, Taggart. Tiny offer their servicesto their friends and Ihe public generally, inthe STORAGE nnd SALE of COTTON,FLOUR, BACON.and Produce of all kinds;RECEIVING and FORWARDING MERCHANDIZE,and Purchasing Goods to Order,&-C.They hope, by strict attention, to merit a

share of public patronage.Their House will be open on the first Septemberfor the transaction of business.


Juno 23, 1847. 17* tf0^?-Tho Hamburg Journal will copy the

above until further erders.

NOTICE.Will be sold, on tho 31st of December next,at the residence of Samuel R. Morah,in this District, a balance of the Estateof Hugh Morah, consisting of eight likelyNegroes, and various articles of householdand kitchen Furniture, too tedious to mention.Also, at the same time and place, will be soldone likely Negro woman, stock of all kinds,the property of Jane Morah, deceased.


Nov 24, 1817 30 +3t

(jmnburg QVbucvtiscments.!_HiaiovAi~

Win. kHclmiii iV o.Have; rcnu ved their slock ol Dry Goods tothe .store under the American Hotel, (luteHubbard's whore it is their purpose to keep

a full nssortmunt ofAsiiot'icaii, frent h sibi?1 hiikiisu

1)11 Y GOODS.We would take this opportunity to return our jllmiUs to our numerous friends for the veryliberal patronage bestowed on us for the lastsix years, and would solicit a continuance ofllll I I I (i » VJ | C

We would also invite all persons buyingDry CJoods in Hamburg, who are not alreadyon our lit-t of customers, to give us » trial.Our stock will consist ol'a much larger and J

more general assortment than we have here-* jlolore kej»t. We will al.*o continue lo keepmir usual assortment of CAlll'ETTlIMG,OIL CI,<>T11, F L o O 11 M A '1' T I N CJ,KO.XNKTS, anil Ladies' and Childrens'SHOKS.N. J»..Just received a full nssortmcnt. of

all numbers ol 1> U T C II P> O L T I N GCLOTHS, which, together with a!l articlesin our line, will be sold as low as they can beprocured in Hamburg'or Augusta,

WM. KETC1IAM & CO.Ilumburg, Aug 11 21 If

To The Public.The undersigned would respectfully announceJo Travellers and persons visiting Hamburg,that lie has token for a term of years, the IIO-IT.I long liiiown as HUmWKU'S AMUltll.'ANMOTEL, which it is his purpose tokeep as such a llouac should bo kepi, and wilonly promise to ail who favor him with a calltliul he will do all in his power to please ; andwhere as much Comfort r.nd (luiot nmy hocxpectcd a3 can be found at any Public House.A careful and attentive Hostler will be

kept constantly in the Stable, and Horsesshall be attended to in a way that shall giveentire satisfaction.A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited.

VVM. KETCHAM.Hamburg, Aug II 24tf

A CARD.The undersigned returns her most gratefulacknowledgments for the liberal patronagelong- ocstoweu upon ncr, tutu iukcs great pica;sure ill recommending to her friends and for-.mcr patrons, Mr. WM. KETC1IAM, inwhose management of the House she has theutmost confidence, and would solicit for him a

continuance of their favors.SARAH HUBBARln


Tlio subscriber he<rs leavo to inform lii.s friends and(lie public generally, that ho will conlintto 1 hoWakk-IIopsk and Commission Bisinkss, at theTSEjjil E£o;id !)< }>«!. T lio convenience ofthis establishmeat is too well known to requiromuch connnent. Cotton or other l'rodncc once instore can be put on tlic Hail Road ' without tin* adIditional expense of draynjre, &o. ; which is ceritainly an itc-m wuith nuiiue, both io merchants andplanters'.My charges will bo as reasonable rr other like

concerns in tho place, and the usual facilities givento those who may givo me their patronage.

trpt 15 i?i) 3in 13. .M. ROGERS.

Warehouse and Factorage.,w. The subscribers have purJchnecil from Nathon L. Griflin,

Esq., the Cotton Warehouse inHamburg', recently occupied by

Dr. J. 1<\ Griffin. und formerly by Messrs.II. L. J offers & Co.. situated at the foot ofthe Hill, and immediately at the head of themain business street. From its superior location,and being' surrounded by a stream ofwater, it is comparatively exempt from thecasualty of fire and entirely above the reachof high freshets.They propose to carr^ on exclusively the


CJK1GER & PARTLOW.Having engaged an experienced and com!potent assistant, in addition to their own per!sonnl attention, and possessing means to

iuukc liberal advances on produce consignedlo their care, thoy hereby tender their serviscesto Planters, Merchants and others, in theSTORAGE and SALE of COTTON,FLOUIt, 15ACON, and otlmr PRODUCE,in RECEIVING and FORWARDINGMERCHANDISE, and PURCHASINGGOODS to ORDER.


June 9 156m

NOTICE.The subscriber offers for sale his PLANTATION,lying within half a mile of this place,containing 050 acrcs. On the premises urca two story framed Dwelling1, framed Nc«jroHouses, a new framed Gin House, and a newand excellent Screw attached, with other outbuildings,such as arc common on plantations.Two hundred and fifty acres at least of tholand is uncleared and finely timbered ; a qnan-tity of ihat part cJenred is very productiveland, and most of the uncleared is of a verygood quality. The price will be moderate.Persons wishing to purchase, will npply to thesubscriber on the premises.

JAMES S. WILSON.Abbeville C. H., Sept 15 29 3w

The State of South Carolina,AHUEVII.LK DISTRICT IX EQUITY.

William P. Rcmbert, Geo. L. Holmes andwife, v. Rebecca lteinbert, widow, and_»i i- - r oi 1 n> i .

uuiuis, ucirs ui uuiiiiici ivcmuuu, ucu u«

.Bill for Partition.It appearing to the Court that Rebecca Rembert,Mary II M Rembert, Louisa Rembert,Samuel S Rembert, Jacob Moon and Har*riet AI. his wife, Lewellin C Rembert,.John PTrezvant and Louisa R his wife, James ARembert, John W Pope, Miller andLouisa his wife, Judith Pope and Mariah PetcyPope, Defendants,reside without the limitsof ibis State: Ordered, that the said Defendant'sdo appear and plead, answer, or demurto the said Bill within three months from thisdate, or the said Bill will be taken pro confessoagainst them. II. A. JONES, C. E:Com'ra office, Nov 0,1847 i37 3m

R. II. & W. A. Wanlliiw,Are now receiving, direct from Now York, a large J

and well selected stock of jFALL AM) WAMTISIt <U)OI)S,

which have heen bought on such terms as will en-:ili!e them to sell at as low prices as can lie otl'ercd !anv where. Their stork embraces all that is newand desirable of the sc a.-na, consisting in part ofthe following:Common and lino fancy M. IVLanes,

4444 44 liep I)"Ki:o^se,Super French cashmeres,

44 Fancy plaid Drap D'F.te,Klegant embroidered merino Uohes,>- i.t.. << i:.. .1..

1VHH*.} IIII.MIll »v.l

I'arolinn, Celeste and CJala l'laid.-«,Super printed 1'reach cambric.*,

" niotii'iiiuic t'°Rich fancy col'd ami figM silk.*," l.l k ligM and plain «!<>

Handsome second monrnmir dofiU<lies' iiir'tl bl'k silk mantles,A largo and elegant slock shawl.-',IM'k and fancy col'd cloths and ca>simeres,Slip. Iig'd silk and satin vestings,Kerseys, linscys and l''n<;lish plains,Dnllil, twilled and Mackinaw blanket.-:,Snp. Whitney bed and crib doA large stock Xegro shoe?:,Ladies' morocco and kid slippers, iHoys' and nibses' shoes, j( cuts snp. call boots j" water proof do

(ients and ladies' over shoes,/ . .....I I -i...i. < ti i. i i- 1V"i-ui.-i iiuu ini^r- UIIIUI, llir, feaiU'UO UUU (TUV/.I'IIFur ami wool liats, [cap.---,

AIso, a complete slock of Ciroeerios, Hardware,CrocUerv, Saddlery, Jewelry ami Fancy (jbwds. '<

sept :JU ":nIf,

l7\nds for salz ITlio subscriber oilers for salo two tracts of land ly- jin:; in Ahbevillo District ; one tract on thn main jroad leading from the Court lloa;< s of Anderson.l'ieken< ami l!roenvillfi to I Iniuhuip. one mile fromKdyclield lino, number of acres one thousand, oaohalf woodland, the other in a liij^lv s tate of eultiva-lion. The buildings are good and t ouvenicutlysituated ; a two-story dwelling house and yardbuildings, as kitchen, &.< .: also, barn, pin-house,Sir. The Homestead Tract, on main road fromAbbeville Village to Cambridge, one and a halfmiles below (Greenwood ; acres, seven hundredand sixty; cleared land two hundred and sixtyacres, balance in woods: this tract is well improved,a larjro two-story dwelling house, outbuild-ings as barn, stables, «rin house, suitably situatedand in srood condition, liotli tracts in close prox-j iniity with tho ronto now being surveyed as tliobranch of tho Columbia and Crecuvillo Hail Road.Persons wishing to purchase will call and see me

| as I am anxious to soil. .1. Y. L. l'AUTLOW".I Oct*20 34 lUt

E.i 'rarl from the Nctc York Express.It is seldom that wo st< [> out of our way to no- ;fifo. either fur praise or censure, tin- vmious advor-tised specifics of tho day ; and could wo believe intho truth of all tho certificates which are publishedin favor of some of thorn, thoro would lio no call :f«»r our j»r;»isc ccrtainly. 15ut from a personalknowledge of their virtuo, we aro willing to recordour unsolicited testimony in favor of Dr. I lull's !

j Worm Lozenges: tlioy being in our opinion an in- jj f.'llible remedy for that bane of childhood.worms. |' Salo in their operation, easily administered, andwhat to us is a grout recommendation in a medi-cino for children, tlioy are not uauseatiiu;, but ac-

j tiiuily j»!easaut lo liio taste. We have used themiu ;i number ol eases in our family, nut) in cuch and

; every case with complete success : ;inil we takepli-asurc ill recommending them to our patrons andfriends, not only as a euro l'or worms, hut as a I ho-rough and easily administered cathartic or pur«ja-tivo medicine, where such is needed, or whereworms arc suspected.The above medicine is for Kale at the Drug Store

and at the l'ost Ollico. [Nov 37 lm"

mioKS.It. II. & XV A. Wardlaw

Have added to their usual stock of SchoolHooks, a considerable collcction of valua-bio MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, viz:Prescott's Conquest of Peru,Napoleon and his Marshall.-*,Carlyle's French Revolution,Fremont's Oregon,Life and Campaigns of Xapolcon,'p.,,.\r .>,1 t.ic. ri«..o...,t-S li Y 1U1 (UHI lllO b I lly I til.-,

Mcxico and her Military Chieftains,Goldsmith's View of the World,Complete Works of Byron (Illustrated)

u Joseph us,Milton ami Young, (handsome edition)Goldsmith's Natural History,A splendid copy ol'Shakspeare in 7 vols.,

ALSO,Maps of Mexico,

" United States,Cap and Letter Paper, fine and beautifulBillet Paper, and Envellopes, Gold andSteel Pens, &c.

Oct. G 32tf

NOTICE.I will bo at E. Trible's, Esq., on the 20th, 21stand 22tul of December next, and at AbbevilleCourt House on the 2.'Jrd, for the purpose ofcouuciing me deuis due me instate ot JosliuaMeaclium, deceased. All those indebted tosaid Estate, will do well to call and see me onone of the above named days.

JAMES MEAC11UM, Executor.N.13. I will sell the Lands of said Estate

privately, to suit purchasers, on either of theubove named days. J. M., Ex'or,Nov 17 384t

The State of South Carolina.ABTJEVILI.E DISTRICT,

John G. Wilson, applicant, v. Robert AWilson and others..Partition in Ordinary.It appearing to my satisfaction that Mr Bulgerand Jane his wife, Thos Lesly and Susan

iiis wife, Joseph Lesly and Mary his wife,par*ties Defendants, reside without the limits ofthis State : Ordered that they do appear andobject to the division or sale of the Real Es~taste of Alexander Wilson, dee'd on or beforethe first day of February next, or their con«sent to the same will be entered of record.

DAVID LESLY,Nov 10,1847 80 3m Ordinary.

Waggons for Sale.A second-hand ono-horeo waggon and a two-horsowaggon, both in good ordor, with harness, can bobought cheap. Apply at this oftioe. [Oct 20

Job PrintingNeatly and Expeditiously Executed at the ofTico

OF Tlir. I

Abbeville ISaimcr.

C A N I) 1 1) A T i: s .

F O K TAX <'<>], I, K l' T O K .

We uro authorized (o announce JOHN M.GOLDIJN'G as a candidate for Tax Collectorat the ensuing election.We are authorized to announce JAMES

M. CALVERT, as a candidate lor TAXCOLLECTOR, at the ensuing election.The I'liendsof Cnpt. E. C. MARTIN,

iiniouuco him as a candidate for TAX COLLHCTOU,at th« next cnsuiii<relection.The 1'riend^ of WILLIAM J. HAMMOI\D,take pleasure in announcing him a

Candidate for TAX COLLECTOR at theensuing flection.The Friends of JOSEPH S. D. WETHERA I.!,, announce him a.s a Candidate for

TAX COLLECTOR, at the ensuing elec-tlOll.The friends of the Rev. JAS. MOORE

rrspoctfully uiinounco him as a candidate forthe office of Tux Collector at the ensuingelection.The Friends of W S. HARRIS, announce

hint as a candidate for re-rlection to the oflieeof TAX COLLECTOR, at the ensuingelection.Wo arc authorised to announce JOIIi\

( UNIS 1 i\"(.111AM, as a candidatc for TAXCOLLECTOR, at the next election.The friends of EZEKLEL TRLBLE

announce him as a candidate tor the ofliee ofTax Collector at the ensuing election.We are authorized to announce T. T.

CUNiSlJXCillAM us a candidate for TaxCollector at the ensuing election.

Tito State of South Carolina.A liHliVI f.LK DISTRICT.

T i 7 * y . r * t »ia inc. Kaolin, oj common l'lcas.

James Cochran v James Fish..AttachHU'ltl.The PlaintifT in this ease haying filed Ins

declaration in the Clerk's office this day: Andthe defendant having neither wife or attorneyknown to be in this State. Ordered that saiddefendant do plead to the said declarationwithin a year and a day from this date, other-*wise judgment by default will be awardedaguinst him T P SP1ERIN, C. C, P.

Clerk's Office 29th April 1847 ly 14

11 wuvyu IA/ zxu3t iiiv;v;j)»

E.r.parte..Wm. Barmorc, appl'l., vs. theHeirs, of Cieo. Barmorc, tlec'd., et nl.

It appearing to tny satisfaction that the heirsof George Barmorc, deceased, the heirs ofPeter Barniore, deceased,and the heirs of AsaFranklin, deceased, Defendants, (names notknown) reside without the limits of the State:It is therefore ordered, that they do appearaiid utiji'ci. io liie division or sale ot the Keallistutu of James Barmore, deceased, on orbefore the first Monday in January, 1848, ortheir consent to the same will be entered ofrecord. DAVID LESLY, O. A. D.

Sept 20,1847 30 12w

Notice to Absent Heir.It appearing to my satisfaction, that WilliamWright, one of the heirs and children of JohnWright, deceased, is absent from this State.iNotice is hereby given to tlic said WilliamWright, that application has been made tothe Ordinary under the act of Assembly of1812 for a part ofthe proceeds of sale of thereal estate to pay the debts, as the assets ofpersonally arc deficient to §97.7G, and thatyon be and appear at Abbeville C, H. on orbefore the first of January, 1848, to shewcause why so much ofthe fund or proceeds ofsale of land should not be so applied, or yourconsent will be entered of record as confessed.Given under my hand this 22d September,1847 DAViD LESLY, O. A. D.

sept 20 3112t

The Daily National Whig,Is published in the city of Washington, everyclay at three o'clock, P. M., Sundays excepted,and served to subscribers in the City, atthe Navy Yard, in Georgetown, in Alexandria,and in Baltimore the same evening, atG.J- cents a week, payable to the sole agent ofthe Whig, Li. L. Gilclirest, Esqr., or his order.It is also mailed to any part of the UnitedStates for §4 per annum, or for (imonths, payable in advance.The National AVhig is what its name indicates,It speaks the sentiments of the Whig

party of the Union 011 every question of publicpolicy. It advocates the election to thoPresidency of Zachary Taylor, subject to thedecision of a Whig National Convention. Itmakes war to the km to upon all the measuresand acts of the Administration deemed to boadverse to the interests of the country, andexposes without fear or favor the corruptionsof the party in power. Its colums are opento every man in the country, for the discussionof political or any other questions.

In addition to politics, a large space in theNational Whig will bo devoted to publicationsupon Agriculture, Mechanics, and otheruseful arts, Science in general, Law, Medi»cine, Statistics, &c. Choice specimens ofAmerican and Foreign Literature will alsobe given, including llevicws, &c. A weeklyliot rt r t Un T)ntiinld locm/ifl l\t? frltrt l^ntnntnot ui biiu x uiumo ioauv;u vjr mv x an. ih viiiuu

will likewise be published.the wliole forminga complete family newspaper.The Weekly National Whig, one of the

largest newspapers in the United States, ismade up from the columns of the Daily NationalWhig, and is published every Saturdayfor the low price of $2 per annum, payable inadvance. A double sheet of eight pages willbe given whenever the press of matter shalljustify it.The Memoirs of Genernl Taylor, written

expressly for the National Whig, are in coursoof publication. They commenced with thosecond number, a large number of copies ofwhich have been printed, to supply calls forback numbers.

CHS. W. FENTON,Proprietor of the National Whig.

Aug. 25, [Prs. bill 9JJ20] 26 6m

NOTICE.I have left all my notes and accounts in thehands of Thomson & Pair. Those indebtedto me will confer a favor by making paymentto them immediately.


. « ... mm . ." >

FOR SALE.A neat BUGGY can bo had at a very reducedprico by applying at this oflicc [Oct 20 34