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I AM PERFECT AS I AM Discovering How To Live Without Always Having To Be Perfect

Created By Minister Angel Whisperer Dawn Creator & Founder Of Where Angels Whisper

Where Angels Whisper


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Welcome To Where Angels Whisper

My name is Dawn, my Angels like to refer me as Angel Whisperer Dawn, as I spend half my time with

my head stuck in the clouds nattering with them. My close connection with my Angels stems from

the very reason you have chosen to read this- the past that I experienced -was dominating my life.

Or should I say what life!!!!

Back in the day, I didn’t believe I had one. I was filled with so much sadness, grief, loss, self-hatred

and I could go on but I know you get what I mean. Through allowing the wonderful presence of

Archangel Michael into my life, I finally discovered the real Dawn, I cried, I healed, I cursed him, but

he stood by and got me through it. So if he could do it with me and I was a hard case, I know for sure

he can or your own Angel can, do it with you.

I am always eager to share the wisdom and love of your Angels with you. Through been able to view

your life in absolute self-love, you learn to access the Angel that lives in side of you. So many of us

struggle with the words self-love, as we have been conditioned or have conditioned ourselves to

believe we do not deserve love.

You have the ability to heal your limiting beliefs.

You know those beliefs that make you feel less then you are.

Today we are going to look at simple ways to start shifting

your negative view of yourself.

When you choose to self- heal, your creating a spiritual contract with yourself, to work towards been

in a positive emotional relationship with yourself. It may feel like, you will never get through all that

needs to be done to achieve this wonderful relationship, but you will! Once your commitment is

there and you have made that choice, no matter how long it takes, this choice alone says that you

have decided that you are worth the effort.

The most important thing to know is you’re not doing it alone,

You have tons of Angels in your life right now, rooting for you.

At times you may be feeling guilty; a guilt feeling is nothing but the rejection of the state in which we

find ourselves in the moment. This is a strong indication that we are willing to accept ourselves as

we are in the now. That is, if we feel guilty for something we have done or not done, then either we

are procrastinating doing something to rectify it, we are still processing it, or we have made the

choice to punish ourselves with guilt because our actions did not express our integrity. We may

often fear what we know deep down we must do. It becomes easier to feel guilty at times than face

our fear. Our guilt can serve us by covering our fears but eventually it will build up over time and

leads to self-rejection. And so the cycle of self- hating begins and builds and grows until we have lost

who we really are. We must remember it is us that chose this path and it’s also us that has the ability

to free ourselves.

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Self-hatred is often referred to now as Low self-esteem, this has become the most epidemic health

problem on the planet. This may sound like a massive statement to make especially to someone who

has never experienced or felt self-hatred or is perhaps sitting in denial of the fact. Inside each

individual person is a constant struggle for self-esteem, that covers the self- hatred. The really

boring news is when you’re at the bottom of this energy drain, those feelings and that battle wage

war like it will never stop. We all have a deep desire to be recognised, to feel valued, which in turn it

pushes us to do things to feel that high of been valued by others. There are those who try really hard

to prove their self-worth and then there are those that are comfortable in not even bothering.

We often base our self-worth on what we expect from ourselves. If we don’t meet that expectation,

we try harder and harder, we feel more guilty and at a loss when we don’t meet it. Almost Like we

have let ourselves down. Angels teach you to let go and have no expectations. To relax your

idealisms and just be! Now that is not an excuse for not trying. We all need goals and things to work

towards, however in your Angels eyes, when and if you get there it’s because you know you have

made the effort and it arrived or didn’t arrive because that’s the way it’s meant to be. Divine Order!

However it can take time to get into that mode and in the meantime you may find yourself still

chipping away at your self-worth. By putting impossible demands on yourself almost bordering on

total self-sabotage, you are constantly setting yourself up for that fall. You have learnt to expect

nothing less and so the cycle of self-loathing continues. We demand a never ending list of

accomplishments from ourselves. As we achieve one, the next is lined up to commence and we

ignore and devalue it.

Now how many times have you done that?

Are you beginning to see parts of yourself emerging here?

We immediately focus on the next hurdle/goal to overcome. We often don’t allow time for our

achievement to sink in or to congratulate ourselves for what we have just done or achieved.

Perfectionism seeps in and you’re now on a trip to always do more, achieve more, be more. When

will it come to a point when everything is just right? Will it ever come to that point? It’s highly

unlikely when you’re on a path way to been always right.

It’s no wonder there are people that don’t even try, they see the bigger picture of why this is

occurring, so they refuse to get involved in it. However they are also killing their own creativity, life

energy and even at times their own bodies. They become bored, fed-up and unmotivated by their

own lives.

The key is to get the balance of been able to achieve, reward yourself when

you do and never be scared to try!!

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How Your Negative View Of You Is Attracting Difficult Situations In Your Life!

You can only be negative towards yourself for so long!

It’s that simple; the Universe will not sit by and let you beat yourself up for too long. It will begin to

bring in situations that match your thoughts to assist you in learning to grow beyond those thoughts.

Some of those situations may be damn right awful. Sadly when you’re in this kind of scenario you

may not always see it this way. You may begin to feel why me!

If you find you’re at that place right now, the easiest thing you can do for yourself, is rather than

struggle against it, is to accept this is what you need to learn right now in order to move beyond this

experience. In doing so, you give up the need to struggle against your life lessons.

It’s as simple as affirming:

Universe I am ready to finally learn, I want to change what’s happening in my

life, in order to do so, I must accept where I am at and see the higher

meaning of it.

There is always a lesson to be learnt in any difficult situation, its finding that lesson and been open to

learning it that dissolves the energy around it. This in turn stops you re-attracting it in. It also

strengthens your confidence in your ability to heal your own life. Obviously I am not saying you must

do this healing alone, there are tons of support services out there, that provide a listening ear,

healing and so on. Make use of them!

However remember change occurs with your willingness to want to par-take!

The only way to break out of the vicious cycle that holds self-hatred in place is to identify the

imposter within and stop trying to live your life by pleasing others. You will need to monitor your

thoughts, your behaviours and take full responsibility in how you use old behaviours to self-

sabotage, how you manipulate, betray and reject yourself according to what you think others want

from you and how it affects you losing your connection to your true self. No doubt some of the ways

this manifests in your life is similar to some of the ways you did things as a child.

Some Questions To Get You Thinking!

How do I sell myself short?

How do I reject myself for selling myself short?

Do I tend to people please?

How can I change that?

Do I reject myself before someone else can?

Do I sabotage my own happiness?

How do I do that?

You may be able to think of other questions that relate to your circumstances, so use this as a

platform for your growth. Start by asking yourself questions that may push your boundaries,

challenge your beliefs and unmask your fears! Remember you’re not alone as you do this, your

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angels will be with you to comfort you, should things become emotional. But remember those

emotions are part of your healing, if you cry it’s your spirit letting go. Let it flow! Should you need

support in this process, seek a good friend or someone who can guide you through it professionally.

Another way to really get into the bones of what’s going on is to make a list:

On one side draw up a list of all the things you find wrong about yourself. On the other side write

how you feel towards these things.

You can also if you’re ready, draw up a column that asks

“How can you change this view of yourself and what’s needed to help that?”

You may have an answer, if you do, great!

If you don’t, no panics ok, the answer will come in, its own way! Be patient.

Through more self-examination you become more aware of your negative views of yourself. Been

aware is the biggest hurdle you need to overcome - Once your aware change can occur at its own

pace. Don’t be scared to correct yourself if you find yourself slipping back into old modes once

change has occurred. Pulling yourself up gently is a firm reminder to yourself that you have

committed to loving yourself more. But do not be sore on yourself in this process.

Setbacks happen and it’s perfectly ok to be you, as you are!

For those who of you who are aware of Chakra’s, and even those who are becoming aware, Self-

Loathing occurs in the third Chakra known as the Solar Plexus which is situated in your tummy area.

This Chakra is yellow in colour and when we are happy, content, confident people it vibrates

strongly. When you’re low in self-esteem, you may begin to feel anxious and nervous in this area. It’s

the root of panic attacks also. When you’re working in the negative of this Chakra, you may feel

overwhelmed and your guilt and fear levels are working at a strong rate. This is where healing needs

to occur in order for you to begin to build a strong healthy relationship with yourself. If it’s seriously

over whelming I would suggest seeking a really good healer, someone who is working with Chakras

and knows how to guide you in this area. Be prepared to go for a few sessions.

The Solar Plexus links in deeply with what we call the Root Chakra, which is red in colour and located

at the base of your spine. The Root Chakra is connected to events that occurred in our early

childhood and all our fears are also rooted in here. In order for your healing to be fully successful,

these in my opinion would be the two main areas to work on, to assist you in healing your core


You may not have the means to afford a professional healer or you may just wish to try doing this

work for yourself.

That’s where you’re Angels Can Help!

Uriel Is The Angel That Governs Your Solar Plexus. Uriel assists those who are in emotional conflict

with themselves and who struggle with low self-esteem. So you can if you wish call on him to assist

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you in your healing process. Be specific in what you want to achieve, perhaps try writing him a letter

and discuss the areas you want to see evolve.

You can also carry with you an appropriate Crystal to help balance those issues.

A yellow crystal such as Citrine would be ideal but I would also recommend Tigers Eye.

Finally you could also use some of these Affirmations to re-train your brain to love you more and

literally that’s what this is all about. Re-training how you think. When you look at them first you may

feel OMG total resistance, that’s why you need to do them!

Write them out and carry them with you and make them part of your daily routine until you feel you

no longer need them.

I am loved loving and lovable

I enjoy who I am

I AM an amazing person.

I accept myself as I am

I am open to new opportunities

All parts of me that are stuck in the past are healing now

All parts of me that have felt guilty or fearful is healing now

I take full responsibility for my life

I choose to enjoy my life fully

I am open to new challenges but do them at a pace that is comfortable

I have no need to be perfect

I am open to receiving assistance from my Angel and others.

I am no longer scared

I am happy to be alive and take one day at a time

I make no demands of me nor place any pressure on my shoulders

I go with the flow


So thanks for stopping by. I hope this has given you some food for thought and do look out for more

of my Freebies coming soon!

You can also take your own development further by purchasing my home courses, available to

download on site. (Coming soon)

Readings Are Available On Site and I am Also Available For House Clearings and Workshops.

May You Be Blessed and Remember When In Doubt Send Angels Out

Minister Angel Whisperer Dawn
