
How Top Nonprofits Drive Traffic to Their Websites



Andrew Littlefield Fundraising Education & Resources | WeDidIt [email protected]

How Top Nonprofits Drive Traffic to Their Websites


What We’ll Learn

Is “More Traffic” Really What You NEED?

Audiences > Traffic

Ideas From The Leaders

What We WON’T Learn

Quick Fixes


Start With ‘Why?’


1. Does it align with your mission?


2. What audience are you trying to serve?

2. What behavior are you trying to effect/change?

Traffic for Traffic’s Sake is POINTLESS


100,000 visitors 1,000 visitors

50 who care 500 who care

Are you measuring what matters?




100,000 visitors 1,000 visitors

50 who care 500 who care

100,000 visitors 1,000 visitors

50 who care 500 who care

Who is your audience?


TEMPTATION: Reach Largest Audience Possible


Flickr user Judith E. Bell, CC BY-SA 2.0

INSTEAD: Focus on Small, Well-Defined Audience


AUDIENCES: Returning Visitors


“Going Viral”


“Going Viral”


“…ah crap.”


Building an Audience


Build trust over time

Repeat donors


Secrets of the Big Players


…they give people a reason to come back.


Let’s play a game…


“The [ORG] is a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free, multilingual, educational content…”


The nonprofits with the biggest web presence offer a UTILITY on their sites.


Talk To Your Audience


Doing Your Research…

Who is your audience?

What do they read?

Why do they care about your mission?

What problems are they trying to solve?

Research Template




Public advocacy opportunities


Their audience

Wants to be an activist.

Desires to take action.

Strong digital presence.

Desire to share their passion with others.

If you’re going to build an audience…


JUNE SPECIAL Book a 15-minute chat today and get a 0% processing fee for

3-months when you sign up.

“Once again, WeDidIt made the checkout process so easy for everyone! It's so great for our events and makes things so much more efficient.”

Sidney Jackson, Jr. Director of Philanthropy |


Educational Content




Their audience

Personally connected to lung cancer

Looking for support

Desire to support others

Social media tools


Their audience

Digital native

Desire to share

Socially/globally conscious

Quick Tips


Optimize for Mobile


Make It Easy


Know Your Audience


Don’t “Set It & Forget It”


Talk To Your Audience





JUNE SPECIAL Book a 15-minute chat today and get a 0% processing fee for

3-months when you sign up.

“Once again, WeDidIt made the checkout process so easy for everyone! It's so great for our events and makes things so much more efficient.”

Sidney Jackson, Jr. Director of Philanthropy |
