
Are your millennial

workers paying attention to your digital signage?

Millennials represent one in three American workers today. Understanding what motivates them is key to

getting their attention. Here are some of the things that matter most:

• Flat organizations that are open to ideas, regardless of job title

• Knowing how they fit into the company’s mission and goals

• Having a voice…in everything, including building your brand

• A sense of ownership and cause-based projects

• Work-life balance

Digital signage in the workplace is a one-to-many communication tool. By definition, it’s primarily a tops-down channel. And yet, with a little creativity you

can open it up to make it more relevant to younger workers…and a lot more interesting to everyone else.

6 tips for engaging millennials with digital signage

1. Bring KPIs out in the open

The days of keeping “the numbers” secret are over

The democratization of data is here and digital signage is the perfect platform for data visualization. Colorful and easy-to-understand

dashboards or infographics let your employees know how you are doing

Displaying metrics on sales goals, production levels, customer satisfaction scores, lost time accidents, etc. will go a long way in

helping everyone get the big picture.

You can’t have a business without customers. Yet, not everyone works directly with them.

Let everybody know who they are and what they’re saying. Show a logo wall

of new customers. Display your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram feeds.

Post photos of your products in action. Display quotes from happy


3. Show me how I fit in

For a new twist on recognition, highlight teams that are working on special projects. Challenge them to shoot a short video showing how their

project supports the company’s goals.

4. Ask my opinion

Launch a survey to find out what your employees want to see on the screens. Use your digital signage screens to announce and promote the survey. Include a QR code option on the announcement so that employees can scan it with their smart phones

and link directly to the survey.

In the survey, don’t forget to ask if they want to contribute. The most dynamic and effective digital signage deployments are those with a

diverse team of content contributors.

5. Celebrate your causes

Play up your company’s culture and values by showing how you contribute to the


Whether it’s a company-wide food drive, or a group of employees forming a team for a charity walk or bike ride, make the story come to life on your screens with video,

images and quotes. Use digital signage to promote charity events and get more people involved.

Your content needs to address the “whole person”, not just the

9-5 part of their lives. Make room for lively content that will

“edutain” them on stress reduction, home safety, healthy

eating and exercise.

Try some of these techniques and watch your millennial workers look up from their phones to see what’s happening on the big

