Page 1: HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Agenda Item No....Post 2023 (Special Cabinet Panel, Agenda Item 7), which seeks to update the 2016 strategy. The emerging WLP will continue to be revised





Report of the Director of Environment & Infrastructure

Author: Billal Qureshi, Planning Policy Officer (Tel: 01992 556 227) Executive Member: Derrick Ashley, Growth, Infrastructure, Planning & the Economy

1. Purpose of report

1.1. To present to the Panel the Draft Waste Local Plan document (Appendix 1 to this report) and Draft Waste Facilities Design Guide SPD (Appendix 2 to this report), which are to be submitted to Cabinet and County Council for consideration prior to a period of formal consultation of at least six weeks to commence in January 2021, in accordance with regulation 18 of Part 6 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

2. Summary

2.1. As the Waste Planning Authority for Hertfordshire, the County Council has a statutory responsibility to prepare, implement and review a Waste Local Plan as part of the development plan1 and in line with national policy and regulations2.

2.2. The existing Waste Local Plan (WLP), which consists of two documents; the Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies document (adopted November 2012) and the Waste Sites Allocations document (adopted July 2014), requires a formal process of review to ensure that the waste planning policy framework in the county remains up to date, reflects the most recent policy and guidance and takes account of new information and changing circumstances.

1 The Hertfordshire development plan consists of the 10 District & Borough Local Plans, the Minerals Local Plan, the Waste Local Plan and any adopted Neighbourhood Plans. 2 The main considerations are the Revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2018 and updated 2019), the Localism Act (2011), the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004), the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) as amended; and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

Agenda Item No.


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2.3. The county council has undertaken two formal stages of consultation in the process of reviewing the Waste Local Plan; an initial consultation (February – March 2018) and a Call for Sites exercise (July – September 2018). The further proposed consultation will invite interested parties to make representations on the content of the Draft Waste Local Plan (Appendix 1 of this report). Following the consultation, the county council will take into account all representations in the preparation of subsequent documents as part of the Waste Local Plan review process.

2.4. A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has also been drafted to supplement policies within the Draft Waste Local Plan by providing more detailed advice and guidance on issues of design of waste management facilities. Part 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) sets out the procedure for the production of SPDs and Regulations 11 to 16 set out the consultation requirements. This version of the SPD constitutes the consultation version required to be carried out under Regulation 12.

3. Recommendations

3.1. Cabinet Panel is asked to consider this report and, subject to any further

minor changes as a consequence of the Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment or editorial changes, recommend to Cabinet that Cabinet recommends to County Council that County Council approves the ten week period of public consultation commencing on 11 January 2021 to 19 March 2021, in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 and in line with the County Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement (2018).

4. Background

4.1. The county council as Waste Planning Authority has a statutory responsibility to produce a Waste Local Plan for the county which identifies sufficient opportunities to meet the identified needs of Hertfordshire for the management of waste, aiming to drive waste management up the Waste Hierarchy. The Waste Local Plan should identify sites and/or areas that may be suitable for waste uses and contain strategic and land use policies, against which planning applications are judged.

4.2. Since the adoption of the documents that make up the WLP, there have been a number of changes to the planning system, regulatory framework and guidance related to waste management. The most significant of these include: 1) The introduction of the National Planning Policy for Waste 2) Amendments to the National Planning Practice Guidance and National

Planning Policy Framework 3) The publication of the Waste Management Plan for England 4) The Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan

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5) Resources and waste strategy for England (2018)

4.3. In June 2017 a paper was taken to Panel establishing the need for the review of the Waste Local Plan. The WLP review then commenced with an assessment of the evidence base needed and an initial stakeholder engagement event in August 2017. This event covered the main issues associated with waste planning, waste arisings within Hertfordshire, the plan for net self-sufficiency and the start of the sustainability appraisal process. Those invited to the event included: statutory consultees, District and Borough Councils, adjoining authorities, industry representatives and interested parties.

4.4. The first formal stage of public consultations was the Initial Consultation. This document was presented to the Environment, Planning and Transport Cabinet Panel, Cabinet and County Council in November 2017 in order to undertake a formal public consultation from February – March 2018 and a Call for Sites exercise in July – September 2018.

4.5. Responses to the initial consultation document were presented to this Panel in July 2018 and informed changes to the plan’s vision and objectives and also guided the drafting of updated and new policies to cover the issues raised.

4.6. It is a legal requirement to carry out a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) during the preparation of a local plan to appraise the social, environmental and economic effects of the plan and to ensure that the plan is as sustainable as possible. The SA will incorporate a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) which has a greater focus upon environmental considerations.

4.7. A Sustainability Appraisal is being carried out by independent consultants (Land Use Consultants (LUC)) and will be subject to public consultation during the proposed draft consultation.

4.8. In the time following the Initial Consultation and Call for Sites exercise further work has been undertaken for the preparation of the evidence base to support the review of the Waste Local Plan as well as the preparation of the Draft Waste Local Plan, both of which took in to consideration the representations received from the Initial Consultation.

4.9. Hertfordshire’s Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) have been consulted on the draft WLP which is in general conformity with the Local Authority Collected Waste Spatial Strategy (2016). On 6 May 2020 the WDA presented a paper entitled: Options for Hertfordshire’s Residual Local Authority Collected Waste Post 2023 (Special Cabinet Panel, Agenda Item 7), which seeks to update the 2016 strategy. The emerging WLP will continue to be revised at various stages to sit alongside any updates to the strategy.

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Capacity Gap Report

4.10. The Waste Capacity Gap Report (CGR) is a key technical evidence base document produced to support the review of the Waste Local Plan and justify the need to plan for additional waste facilities based on anticipated gaps in waste management facilities by varying waste types.

4.11. The Capacity Gap Report has been updated following the Initial Consultation with the latest waste figures from the Environment Agency, the county council’s own data, and an up-to-date list of active waste management sites as well as the chosen methodology for projection of arisings concluded on from the Initial Consultation.

4.12. Additionally, an annex to accompany the CGR has been produced as a further evidence base document which assesses the various waste sites across Hertfordshire and concludes on the estimated land take that could be anticipated to be required to meet the identified capacity gaps over the plan period.

Call for Sites

4.13. A call for sites exercise was undertaken in summer 2018 which requested that landowners, industry or other interested parties put forward any potentially suitable pieces of land for future waste management facilities. Constraints of the sites submitted during the Call for Sites exercise were assessed internally and had shown very limited potential for waste management provision on these sites.

4.14. A detailed assessment of all sites considered for inclusion within the Draft Waste Local Plan has been compiled as a Conclusions Report and will be published alongside the WLP consultation.

4.15. The Draft Waste Local Plan therefore has moved away from site specific allocations, other than the safeguarding of strategic sites, in order to offer greater flexibility for the market to deliver future waste capacity.

Waste Facilities Design Guide SPD

4.16. To supplement the policies within the WLP, a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been drafted covering expectations in the design principles of new waste facility development proposals.

4.17. The purpose of the SPD is to guide waste development towards principles of sustainable design and ensure that common design principles are adhered to. The guidance outlines the key design principles for waste management facilities and lists a number of general key planning issues and detailed assessments that may be required at the planning application stage. It also supplements policies in the emerging Waste Local Plan relating to the location and design of waste management facilities.

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4.18. It is intended that this SPD will be consulted on alongside the Draft Waste Local Plan. Although this SPD does not form part of the development plan, once adopted, it will be subject to revision as part of the Waste Local Plan review process.

4.19. The full draft document for public consultation is attached at appendix 2.

5. The Draft Waste Local Plan

5.1. Once adopted, the Waste Local Plan will cover a 15 year plan period from the

date of adoption and will include a Key Diagram with broad growth areas identified for the delivery of suitable sites for Local Authority Collected Waste (such as Household Waste Recycling Centres, depots, waste transfer stations etc.).

5.2. The revised NPPF (2019) requires development plans to include strategic policies and policies to address non-strategic matters whilst making explicit which policies are strategic policies3.

5.3. The Draft Plan has a total of 17 policies consisting of 10 strategic policies and 7 non-strategic policies, intended to guide the determination of applications. The strategic policies make sufficient provision for waste management and plan for long term requirements beyond the plan period. The non-strategic (development management) policies provide guidance on the issues that will be considered when determining planning applications for waste management development.

5.4. The full draft document for public consultation is attached at appendix 1 and a brief summary of its content and policies are set out below:

5.5. Chapter 1: Introduction sets out the content of the document, introducing the county council as the Waste Planning Authority for Hertfordshire and the need to review the existing Waste Local Plan.

5.6. Chapter 2: Commenting on the Plan sets out the full list of options for responding to the consultation and stages to follow.

5.7. Chapter 3: Policy Context provides a description of the UK planning system and explains why the Waste Local Plan is included in the development plan for Hertfordshire. The reasons for reviewing the Waste Local Plan are stated and the process that the review will follow is outlined.

5.8. Chapter 4: Key Challenges for Hertfordshire outlines the population, housing, economic growth and environmental issues projected for Hertfordshire across the Plan Period.

3 Paragraph 21 of the NPPF (2019)

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5.9. Chapter 5: Waste in Hertfordshire gives an overview of the county council’s

role and responsibilities as the Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) and the need to plan for waste. It also gives a breakdown of the waste capacities within Hertfordshire and the capacity gaps as identified within the Capacity Gap Report.

5.10. Chapters 6: Vision and Objectives contains the draft vision and objectives that have been prepared taking into account the representations received from key partners and stakeholders.

5.11. Chapter 7: Sustainable Development explains how objectives within the plan align with the presumption set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

5.12. Chapter 8: Waste Management outlines Hertfordshire’s waste strategy and approach to facilitating the provision of waste management facilities within the county to meet the identified capacity gaps. The aspects of climate change relevant to waste planning are also detailed.

5.13. Chapter 9: Safeguarding Waste Management Facilities states the requirement of the NPPF for WPAs to include strategic policies in their Plan for the provision of waste management. The chapter describes the importance of maintaining a strategic network of waste facilities in the county and the protection given to existing waste sites in the adopted WLP.

5.14. Chapter 10: Climate Change outlines the contribution Hertfordshire makes through its emissions and the initiatives that should be taken to mitigate against the effects of climate change through waste planning.

5.15. Chapter 11: Protecting Hertfordshire states the aims of the National Green Belt Policy and its relation to the delivery of waste sites in the context of Hertfordshire’s Green Belt and the consideration of cumulative impacts.

5.16. Chapter 12: Cumulative Effects outlines the national policy requirements for proposals to make considerations for the mitigation of unacceptable adverse impacts.

5.17. Chapter 13: Beneficial Use of Residual Inert Material promotes the efficient use of resources in the context of substitute or secondary and recycled materials, specifically Construction, Demolition and Excavation waste as secondary and recycled aggregates in place of primary land-won aggregates.

5.18. Chapter 14: Highways and Transport provides an overview of the road and rail transport network in Hertfordshire and the position of waste traffic in strategic and operational transport terms. The potential impacts of waste sites on Rights of Way are also outlined.

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5.19. Chapter 15: Health and Wellbeing outlines the county’s roles as the WPA in protecting human health and the environment in securing waste management without endangering human health or harming the environment.

5.20. Chapter 16: General Amenity Protection states the role of the county in ensuring waste development takes place in a planned and orderly manner, whilst minimising adverse environmental and amenity affects through the requirement of an Environmental Impact Assessment and consideration of a Health Impact Assessment.

5.21. Chapter 17: Biodiversity explains the identification of geographical areas within Hertfordshire as sites of biodiversity importance internationally, nationally and locally and seeks to ensure a net gain to local biodiversity from waste development through ecological surveys and green infrastructure plans/strategies.

5.22. Chapter 18: Landscape and Green Infrastructure gives an overview of the variety of landscape designations in Hertfordshire and the importance of conserving and enhancing existing landscape and green infrastructure.

5.23. Chapter 19: Water Management states the requirement of the NPPF for strategic policies to be informed by a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and the challenges affecting water quality and quantity as well as the wider impacts to water resources. The chapter also outlines the county’s aims for conserving and enhancing the Historic Environment, Landscape and Green Infrastructure and the requirement for waste development proposals to be consistent with national and local biodiversity policies. Health and Wellbeing and General Amenity Protection measures are also outlined.

5.24. Chapter 20: Historic Environment outlines the historic landscape and designation of listed buildings and scheduled monuments across Hertfordshire along with the NPPF requirement for the protection of the historic environment. The chapter also sets out the baseline for proposals to seek to conserve and enhance, where appropriate, heritage assets.

5.25. Chapter 21: Sustainable Design and Resource Efficiency sets out the importance of sustainable design, construction and demolition and the position of the county as WPA in applying these principles to applications for waste facilities.

5.26. Chapter 22: Rights of Way recognises the importance of preventing the loss of public Rights of Way as a result of waste operations and seeks to ensure reasonable provision for their maintenance and enhancement.

5.27. Chapter 23: Landfill Excavation introduces the possibility for after-use of landfill sites in line with the National Planning Practice Guidance as an opportunity to restore some of the many historic landfill sites across Hertfordshire.

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Waste Local Plan Policies

5.28. Following internal and external engagement, the resulting proposed policies have been developed for inclusion within the Draft Waste Local Plan and will be subject to revision following the proposed public consultation: Strategic Policies Strategic Policy 1: Waste Management Facilities in Hertfordshire Strategic Policy 2: Safeguarding Waste Management Facilities Strategic Policy 3: Climate Change Strategic Policy 4: Green Belt Strategic Policy 5: Cumulative Effects Strategic Policy 6: Beneficial Use of Residual Inert Material Strategic Policy 7: Strategic Transport Strategic Policy 9: Health and Wellbeing Strategic Policy 15: Sustainable Design and Resource Efficiency Strategic Policy 16: Rights of Way Non-Strategic Policies Non-Strategic Policy 8: Operational Transport Non-Strategic Policy 10: Protection and Enhancement of Amenity Non-Strategic Policy 11: Biodiversity Non-Strategic Policy 12: Landscape and Green Infrastructure Non-Strategic Policy 13: Water Management Non-Strategic Policy 14: Historic Environment Non-Strategic Policy 17: Landfill Excavation

5.29. The plan also includes targets and indicators to monitor the implementation of the policies, which will be reported on an annual basis through the Authority Monitoring Report.

5.30. A Key Diagram with Anticipated Growth Areas (AGAs) identified for the delivery of suitable sites for Local Authority Collected Waste is included in the plan to allow greater flexibility for the delivery of future waste management facilities. AGAs are areas within the county around large settlements that are facing pressure for growth as identified within District and Borough Local Plans.

5.31. The policies map is a geographical illustration of the application of the Waste Local Plan policies and is in line with the relevant regulations.

6. Evidence Base – Capacity Gap Report

6.1. The Capacity Gap Report (CGR) sets out the waste arisings within Hertfordshire and identifies the capacity of its waste management sector and any gaps that exist. The CGR forms part of the evidence base for the development of the WLP as it quantifies the need for additional waste

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management capacity in the county and will help to justify the allocation or exclusion of potential waste sites and shape policies in the WLP.

6.2. The Report splits the waste arisings in Hertfordshire into the following: Non-Hazardous waste; consisting of Local Authority Collected Waste (LACW) and Commercial and Industrial Waste (C&I); Construction, Demolition and Excavation Waste (C, D & E) and Hazardous waste.

6.3. The Report concludes that there are significant capacity gaps for the management of the two largest waste streams: Non-Hazardous and Construction, Demolition and Excavation waste. There will be a significant shortfall in capacity for the recycling and composting of non-hazardous waste from the start of the Plan period and this is set to increase as arisings increase. There is also a significant shortfall in capacity to treat or dispose of the residual element of the non-hazardous waste stream. This gap should decrease over the Plan period as recycling rates increase but will only do so if sufficient facilities to recycle and compost the non-residual portion of the waste are developed.

6.4. The most significant capacity gap identified is for the recycling and recovery of C, D & E waste. Historically, this waste would have been disposed of to landfill and used to restore mineral workings. Hertfordshire has a number of mineral extraction sites which will require inert material for restoration purposes and other sites which are identified in the Proposed Minerals Local Plan which, if worked, would need inert material for restoration. In addition to this, the continued use of Site Waste Management Plans (and more recently; Circular Economy Statements) seeks the on-site reuse of such materials as recycled aggregate.

6.5. Further facilities will be needed in the county to manage this waste stream and a specific policy has been drafted to encourage the recycling and recovery of C, D & E waste at appropriate locations (Strategic Policy 6).

7. Supporting documents and consultation

7.1. Sustainability Appraisal

A Sustainability Appraisal (SA), incorporating the requirements of the European Union (EU) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive, has been carried out to inform the ongoing preparation of the Plan and to ensure sustainable development concerns are fully integrated and alternative options are considered. A SA report will be published alongside the Draft Plan and a final SA Report will be published alongside the Proposed Submission Draft version of the Plan.

The policies and broad areas in the WLP have been subject to a detailed appraisal against the SA objectives which were developed at the scoping stage of the SA process. Generally, the vision, objectives and policies have been assessed as having an overall positive effect.

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7.2. Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

As required by the NPPF, the Waste Local Plan is supported by a desktop based Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA). The SFRA was prepared in line with guidance published by the Environment Agency at the outset of the review of the Waste Local Plan. An addendum to this document was produced to include site specific assessments in preparation for the publication of this document.

7.3. Habitats Regulation Assessment

Article 6 of the Habitats Directive requires local plans to be assessed for their impacts on European designated sites to avoid adverse impacts on these and must be undertaken when a plan is being developed. The Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Scoping Report was prepared by consultants LUC for the initial consultation of the Waste Local Plan review. An updated HRA has been produced alongside the Draft Waste Local Plan and concluded that none of the policies in the Waste Local Plan are considered likely to have adverse effects on the European sites within 10km of Hertfordshire. The HRA identified some uncertain effects within European sites arising from air pollution (vehicle emissions) which will require further air quality assessments.

7.4. Health Impact Assessment A high level assessment was completed with colleagues from Public Health which concluded that the Waste Local Plan is a policy framework that will not have direct impact on health and wellbeing. Any individual site proposals that come forward in line with this framework may have a potential impact on health. The waste local plan states that a site specific HIA may be required at planning application stage.

7.5. Informal Consultation and Engagement The draft policies have been subject to internal and external informal consultation with Environment Agency, Historic England, Natural England, the District and Borough Councils and other Duty to Cooperate bodies.

8. Next Steps

8.1. Subject to Cabinet approval (21 September) and County Council (20 October), the public consultation on the Draft Waste Local Plan document (including sites and policies) will be in accordance with regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 and the County Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement. The consultation on the documents will be for 10 weeks commencing on 11 January 2021.

8.2. The outcomes of the consultation of the Draft Waste Local Plan will be presented to Members in mid-2021.

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9. Financial Implications

9.1. Plan production is the normal business of the Minerals and Waste Policy Team and the cost of plan production can be covered by existing budgets. The cost of producing the Draft Waste Local Plan Consultation document (printing, distribution, adverts etc) is included in existing budgets.

9.2. The estimated costs for the Waste Local Plan review are set out in the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (MWDS) (adopted November 2018). The budget for the next three years has been based on previous plan production costs.

9.3. The MWDS has been updated and is to be considered by Cabinet on 21 September 2020 and planned for adoption at County Council on 20 October 2020. The updated MWDS amends timetables and carries over the estimated costs related to the Waste Local Plan review.

10. Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA)

10.1. When considering proposals placed before Members it is important that they are fully aware of, and have themselves rigorously considered, the equality implications of the decision that they are making.

10.2. Rigorous consideration will ensure proper appreciation of any potential impact of that decision on the County Council’s statutory obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty. As a minimum this requires decision makers to read and carefully consider the content of the Hertfordshire Waste Local Plan Review Equality Impact Assessment produced by officers.

10.3. The Equality Act 2010 requires the County Council when exercising its functions to have due regard to the need to (a) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct prohibited under the Act; (b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it and (c) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. The protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 are age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation.

10.4. An Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) has been undertaken for the review of the Waste Local Plan and an addendum undertaken for each stage of the plan production. The Waste Local Plan review EqIA concludes that potential equality impacts may arise during stakeholder events and consultations and proposes a range of reasonable mitigations to minimise the potential impacts.

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11. Further Considerations

11.1. A statutory instrument4 was laid before Parliament by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) on 15 July 2020 in order to amend the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (S.I. 2012/767) (“the 2012 Regulations”) in order to remove, on a temporary basis, the requirements on local planning authorities to make certain documents available for inspection at premises and to provide hard copies on request.

11.2. The primary reason for this instrument is MHCLG’s recognition that the physical inspection of documents has been made more difficult due to the effects of coronavirus, including restrictions on movement and increased home-working.

11.3. The amended rules remain in place from 16 July to 31 December 2020 and state that, "a document will be taken to be made available when published on the local planning authority’s website" and there "will be no requirement to make a document available for inspection at premises".

11.4. These amended rules have been considered in relation to the proposed Draft Waste Local Plan consultation, however as the consultation is proposed to commence in January 2021, it has been deemed that these amendments will not be applicable.

12. Appendices

Appendix 1 – Draft Waste Local Plan Consultation document

Appendix 2 – Draft Waste Facilities Design Guide SPD

Background Information:

Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - Waste Core Strategy &

Development Management Policies Development Plan Document 2011 -

2026 (adopted Nov 2012)

Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - Waste Sites Allocations

Development Plan Document 2011-2026 (adopted 2014)

Waste Local Plan Initial Consultation Feb- Mar 2018

Growth, Infrastructure, Planning & the Economy Cabinet Panel - 1 July

2019 - Item 8 - Waste Local Plan - Call for Sites Exercise

Growth, Infrastructure, Planning & the Economy – 30 June 2017 - Item 12 -

Need for Review of Waste Local Plan


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Growth, Infrastructure, Planning & the Economy Cabinet Panel - 1 Nov

2017- Item 8 - Waste Local Plan Consultation

Growth, Planning & the Economy Cabinet Panel- 5 July 2018 - Item 6 -

Waste Local Plan Review, Summary of Representations made to Initial


Special Cabinet Panel - 6 May 2020 - Item 7 - Options for Hertfordshire's

Residual Local Authority Collected Waste post 2023

Hertfordshire Local Plan Review - Draft Capacity Gap Report for Initial

Consultation - Nov 2017

Statement of Community Involvement - Jan 2019

County Council - 27 Nov 2018 - Item 6A - Adoption of Revised Minerals &

Waste Development Scheme
